OCTOBER 2013 SINCE AUGUST 2007 PAGE 1 www.theagiot.net Tel: (0030) 26610 58177 The

72nd Edition Agiot

This Month My Nightmare Ad- venture. My Nightmare Adventure Page 1

Agiotfest: The After- maths. By Then there was a little version of me-not Page 2 Andy McGovern seen her before. They kept giving me grub. Lovely. I bolted it down. Mum said my ribs 100+ Club - Septem- ber Draw. My Dad (human Dad) told me it was were sticking through. I eat and eat and Page 2 Sheryl, the nice lady from CARE, who spot- eat. ted me in Velonades. She was on the way Next day I was in the garden with my A Plea from Artemis. Page 3 to the airport when she saw me on the cor- mates and somehow I felt happy. Then I ner, and stopped for me on the way back to recognized my trees and the pond and the An Agiotfest Per- . I‟m glad she stopped cos I was cat and Peter and Kostas and my mates and spective. Page 3 knackered. I jumped straight into her car. I started to do cart-wheels round the garden. They all thought I‟d gone mad. BUT I Sponsorships and Here I am! WAS HOME!! AND KNEW IT!! Charities. Page 4 If only they knew… I had followed this man on a bike, who was friendly with me Andy is Home. on the night of our Panygeri in June. He Page 4 gave me to another man who was rough and Village News. threw me in a truck and drove me for miles Page 5 and miles. I was sad and then they put me

Aunty Lula’s Love- in a dark shed, which was to be my home Bites. for weeks. There they sometimes brought Page 5 lady dogs for me to be friendly with. But

Fleshpots of the they barely fed me and I was not allowed North. out. I had to mess where I slept. I was sad Page 6 and missed my village and all my friends. I

The World of Simon. Another nice lady called Pam was with wanted someone to come and get me. Then Page 7 her. Sheryl phoned Sue-I know Sue- and she one day I pulled and pulled and the thin

rang my Dad. He drove up and we all went rope broke and I scrambled out through a Weather Sta- gap in the wood. For a few days I walked tistics. to Jenny‟s café in Sidari, where lots of nice Page 7 about the fields and lanes and it was a mis- humans made a fuss of me and gave me bits to eat. I was STARVING. I didn‟t really erable time. Then this lovely lady appeared Nick the Clock’s like an angel and called „ANDY!‟ and I just World. recognize Dad, well sort of, but mostly I was Page 8 starving and confused. Carol and Tim jumped.

Summer 1976. walked in, friends of Dad, and they were Page 9-10 amazed to see me. Dad took me home. It Happy days are here again. WOOF WOOF!! felt strange. Everyone was jumping up and down. Bono was crying when he met me.


Agiotfest: The Aftermaths

By event get better and better. So, as be a small event of one kind or an- The Minstrel everyone seems to be tuned in to other, linked to Agiotfest at least at the New Cactus Hilton then why monthly intervals. In this way we It has been one month since the move? will keep the flame alive until we th 5 Agiotfest, and time for some The crowd is still too small for turn it on with a vengeance towards thoughts and reflections. The over- us to expand this event-yet. What the end of next August. whelming feedback has been one of we have learnt to date is that we are And this Agiotfest in Agios Ioan- enthusiasm and positivity. Thank doing some things really well, and nis, there was a gradual build-up of you all. other areas we need to improve. As people in the village from the 26th So, the main questions are being our team strengthens and we push until the day [31st]. Then some peo- asked. ahead, we expect the numbers to ple tarried, not leaving the island 1] Will there be an Agiotfest 14? grow. Believe me, it has not been until the 6th September. Thus, a Probably, yes. an easy journey since 2009, which is real festival spirit is growing and 2] Who will perform? I await probably why there are no similar entwining itself within the centre of your suggestions. Please mail in and events over such a long period in the village. tell us who you would like to ap- Corfu. It is very much a niche mar- Your input is encouraged and pear here. ket and that is how we see it contin- awaited. 3] Where will the venue be? Paul uing. and Sally Grove, sponsors and The major difference I‟ve mulled friends, have given permission for upon this year, although Agiotfest the use of their front garden as part itself is for the one night only, its of the festival ground again for influence is slowly expanding 2014. What can we say but thanks? throughout the twelve months. In Their hearts are in the village, like association with our various spon- so many others who are making this sors and the 100+ Club, there will

100+ Club - The September Draw

Presented by: Ken & Jan Harrop shop Perithia, Sally‟s Bar Ipsos, UK friendly and efficient service, and IMPORTS, Corfu Barber, Sofias very fair prices. Thank you tom Lisa The 6th draw was carried out at 41, 49100 Corfu for supporting the Harris, staff and customers for put- Club. Chippy Chippy, Sidari. ting up with us!! Nikki, a customer at Chippy Chip- py, drew out the number. Evening represented by Ken & Jan The winners were Margareet & Harrop (Project leaders). Hendrik Koopman, winning 70€. Supported by Paul McGovern, Ag- Number of people present 12. iotfest co-ordinator. Members present 4. If you are interested in supporting A big thank you to the 46 members The 100+Club please contact us on who have supported The 100+ Tel: 6946949545. Club, also a big thank you to Paul & Jan Scotter (central area coordi- Agiotfest Music Festival: Chippy nators), Hovoli , Mediter- Chippy gets the Agiotfest vote BIG ranean Corner Mkt Roda, Chippy TIME. Excellent fish and chips, Chippy Sidari, Darryl Bill Butchers bright and clean surroundings,


A Plea from Artemis

Anybody who saw this spirited I was born on the 25thof Septem- love. My father was against me play- young lady, mount the stage at Ag- ber 1995 in Corfu. In my house ing the violin but I continued any- iotfest before the show, shaking there was a piano and since I was 4 way until I was 10. After two more slightly with nerves, and then giving years old I started to play a few mel- years of having private lessons with a lovely rendition on her violin, odies. One day as I was watching Spiros Gikontis I had to stop owing would have been moved and im- television at my grandmother‟s I to financial difficulty. Since then pressed. Here is here story. I hope saw a big orchestra and I was espe- even though I have been told be- somebody reading this will be able cially attracted to the string instru- cause of my abilities to take lessons to contact us here and help this ments. From that day on I was tell- with a few teachers such as Nikos lovely young girl fulfill her dreams. ing my mother how I would like to Mandilas, I haven‟t because of fi- She is seeking a musical sponsor, an participate in a similar orchestra. nancial difficulties. I have never instructor, to help her on her road. Later on my father was listening to had a teacher since and my big Agiotfest will make a contribution Vanessa Mae on his PC and I loved dream is to participate in an orches- towards instruction fees should her. I have been listening to her tra as a violinist. some kind soul step forward. music since I‟ve been six years old. Sometimes my mother used to visit Artemis Kokkinou a friend who was a flute teacher and I used to sit and play at her key- board. Watching me Mrs Tatiana told my mum that she has to send me to music lessons. Obviously I started lessons and after a while with the piano I started to play the violin. They asked me what I prefer “Artemis at Agiotfest” and I chose the violin as it is my big

An Agiotfest Perspective

By to the gig venue,' they laughed, 'but class. When we arrived on Wednes- Hilary Paipeti we didn't realise it was actually AT day evening there was nothing the venue. We were able to watch there. Then the technical crew ar- AgiotFest headliners the Troggs the stage go up over the garden rived, with top notch equipment. found Agios Ioannis 'very relaxing', wall!' Everyone knew what they were do- and by the end of their late-August What did they think of the at- ing and got on with it.' stay at Villa Theodora felt they had mosphere at the gig? And the million dollar question: 'become part of the village.' They 'There's nothing really similar. How do they rate our chances of praised Anna and everyone at Perhaps the closest is in forests in booking Pink Floyd for next year's Kostas Taverna as 'lovely people.' Germany where we tour, but it's AgiotFest? The original 1960s rock band is not exactly the same. Here, it's al- 'From about zero percent to mi- now represented by only one of its most intimate - you feel you know nus ten percent,' came the amused founding members, guitarist Chris everyone in the audience.' reply. Britton. Pete Lucas on bass guitar And the supporting artists? 'And then only if you've got at and Dave Maggs on drums were 'The standard was very high. least 250,000 pounds to spare.' joined by guest singer Chris Allen Heather Skinner in particular has a Sod it. So it's back to the draw- for the Corfu gig. It was their first lovely voice, and the programme ing board, then... time on Corfu, though they have offered a lot of contrasts. holidayed in other parts of . 'Technically, the gig was first 'We were told the villa was close

OCTOBER 2013 SINCE AUGUST 2007 PAGE 4 Thank you to our sponsors, Sponsorships and Charities without whom Agiotfest would not exist. Here they are. A great thank Agiotfest is committed to sup- as we really didn't think she would you to each and all. porting our local charities and local make it. Even though her vet bills deserving causes. It is growing as a exceeds 300 euros we thought it was vehicle to put money back into Cor- worth every penny!‟ fu where it is most deserved. We have supported a growing number of organisations since in- Andy is Home ception, both through our raffles and auctions and ticket sales. Our mate is back, after a 3 Sunrise Cars This month we have added month absence. We never gave up Boatman’s World CARE to the list. hope but had had many a false The British Corner Shop Vrionis What a fantastic job they are do- lead and the chances were looking Famous Grouse ing on Corfu to help animals in remote. Then thanks to these won- NSK distress. Go to www.carecorfu.com derful women at Care, and all the Sally’s Bar and see for yourself. positive thoughts and emotions Dionysus Camping Nikos Pouliasis and support from many Islanders, Sofia Kasfiki he was miraculously spotted by Sergio Grammatikos Sheryl of CARE and reunited with Green Island us here in Agios Ioannis. IT IS SO Eco-Point Paul & Jan Scotter GOOD TO HAVE HIM BACK. Ken & Jan Harrop Steve Dell Our eternal thanks go to Sheryl Steve Young and Pam and Jenny and Sue for Jo & Mel Sperling making this happen. Dreams do Lionel Mann come true. The only negative just Sue Done Michael Spiggos „This poor dog was one of the now is Andy is sometimes tied up Tavola Calda worst cases we have ever had at the in our garden when we are busy, as Bill & June Williams Spyros Hytiris shelter and although we would have we don‟t want lightning to strike twice. Funnily enough, he does Brenda Pangrakiotis liked to prosecute her owner, sadly Nikolas's Taverna, Agni we were unable to find anyone who not object, which he always would Vassilis Pandis took responsibility. However, after have done before the dog- In Action gym knapping. Star Bowl several months of loving care by Greg Zoxios Cheryl at the shelter, see how she THANK YOU CORFU X Forthnet looks now which is just wonderful La Tabernita Mexicana Gina & Pat Brett OCTOBER THE 18TH AT VILLA THEODORA David Dickinson As our holiday season winds down it seems appropriate to have our post- Agiotfest function at Villa Theodora, as above. The evening will start at 8.00.pm until…… Entrance 5 Euros, proceeds to Agiotfest Fund and Charities This time will be featured; Live music Vegetable curry, chicken curry with complimentary drink In the November issue of the 100+ Club monthly draw Newsletter you will be able to Maybe a mini-auction view a historic list of the charities Drinks bar at good prices for the thirstier friends. we have thus far donated to plus Invitations will be sent out shortly, but if you wish to come the recipients of monies from Ag- iotfest 13. mail in here and secure your spot. Will be fun!!

OCTOBER 2013 SINCE AUGUST 2007 PAGE 5 Chas and Brenda have returned fires, came to an end in a torrential from their 50th anniversary bash in thunderstorm. Rumour has it that Village News Surrey; Xponia polla! early in the morning Kostas and Now that Andy has returned the By Nitsa, who have spent very many Dr Lionel Mann cats‟ plates are receiving an extra polish before Bono carries them off. hours in regularly watering their There has been a steady stream Little Stella is already into Olym- crops, were seen performing an an- of visitors arriving to enjoy the good pic training, trying to run. cient Delphic Rain Dance in the weather. Amongst them have been On September 30th our long hot middle of the plateia.This was just Ruari, Bernarde, Daniel, Aofe and spell, five months with no signifi- before the little men in white coats her friend David, Ron and Lesley, cant rainfall, leaving us tinder-dry came to cart‟Lionel‟ away. Pat and Gina, Mike and Julia, Les but fortunately clear of any major and Chris, Paul and Sally, Dimitri, Walter, Danny and Marie, Udo and Regina, Sallie Beriff & friends, So- fie and many Dutch cyclists. AND TONY TRACEY FROM THE DAYS OF DEGENERATE LEG- Horses - END. Tony was that excited when he got off the bus he strode off to- Different aspects wards by mistake, instead of of Corfu Kostas Taverna. A passing motorist felt sorry for him and drove him to the plateia. TONY TRACEY IS BACK!!

remove from the heat, allow to cool Aunty Lula’s Love-bites slightly and then pour the egg- lemon sauce Due to popular demand we have re- GO: over them and stir briefly. peated this recipe for :

1. In a big bowl mix the mincemeat, 7. Reheat gently if needed. YIOUVERLAKIA onion, rice, herbs, olive oil, salt and (Meatballs and Rice in a Egg- pepper. Knead these together for a Bon appetit! Lemon Sauce) few minutes and shape into meat- balls. Ingredients: 2. Flour the meatballs and leave for ½ kilo Mincemeat a few minutes. One Grated Onion ¼ cup Rice 3. In a big pan boil the stock or wa- 3 tbsp. Chopped Parsley ter with the butter. Gently drop the 2 tbsp. Chopped Dill meatballs into the liquid, cover and 2 tbsp. Olive Oil simmer for about thirty minutes. Salt and Pepper to taste Convenient amount of Flour 4. Meanwhile lightly beat the eggs 5 cups Beef Stock or Water in a bowl, and add the lemon juice. 50g Butter 2 Eggs 5. With a ladle remove some of the ¼ cup Lemon Juice stock, allow to cool slightly and beat “1st station completed for into the egg-lemon mixture. C.L.R.” 6. When the meatballs are cooked,


Fleshpots Of The North

By 10. Nobody told us it would be so While we‟re on the subject of ill- Mark Thompson hot. informed speculation I could never 11. Nobody warned us about the understand how many English resi- As the sun pulls away from the mosquitoes or wasps. dents here seemed to compare ferry shore and their boat sinks slowly in 12. Nobody warned us about the prices for journeys to and from Cor- the west we bid a fond farewell, at noisy chickens, and they start at fu as between Italy and South least temporarily, to that strange dawn. Wales. It finally dawned on me that group upon whom our lives de- 13. The sea‟s too warm. when they said „Barry‟ they meant pend. I refer of course to „the tour- 14. The pool‟s too cold. Bari in Italy, pronounced Baree, ist‟ in his/her myriad manifesta- 15. Can‟t you stop those little birds and not the small Welsh sea-port in tions. It‟s not that I dislike the tour- from swooping down onto the pool the Vale of Glamorgan! ist per se; rather I see them as a nec- to drink? essary evil. This is why every year, in 16. Mutha; what‟s that yer drink- The answers to a previous quiz: late April, you will hear my oft- ing? Pyotr Alexeyevich, Peter 1 or Peter repeated mantra „Roll on the 1st of Fatha; Fraps, innit! the Great. The purpose of the visit November‟! Below are a number of Biffa; How Dad I‟ve gotta knack to Manchester was to enable the questions, queries, comments and someone! tsar to learn more about the art of complaints made by tourists during 17. Those „effing‟ birds are driving shipbuilding. the season now ending: me nuts-cicadas! 18. I brought no cash on holiday, 1. Me; Good morning, because of the riots in Athens, do This month‟s quiz; 1.What do Guest; καλαμάρι-Kalamaree- you take credit/debit/cash cards in the following have in common squid! here Corfu. George Clemenceau „The Tiger‟ 2. (At breakfast) what eggs again, Petrol-pump attendant, waiter, statesman, politician and prime can‟t you get the chickens to lay check-out girl, shop assistant etc; minister of France between 1917- anything else? No. 3. At home we cook with lard, L-A- 19. At the bureau de change or 1920 and Cameron Diaz American R-D, you know the healthy option? bank etc., Can I change these actress and former model? 2. What 4. At home I have a small bottle in Greek euros for, say, German ones- is taken to Wembley for the F. A. the bathroom to deal with ear wax; they must be better value? Cup Final and never used? The usu- here you seem to cook everything 20. Is Kerkyra anywhere near Corfu al competition rules apply. in olive oil! town, I hear there‟s a MacDonald‟s 5. Why is all your food apparently there? cooked with garlic and floating in 21. (At theζαχαροπλαστείο- Yours in the fleshpots, olive oil? zakharoplasteeo-cake shop) Ah, yes 6. Guest; Where are we? love I‟ll have 4 of them balaclavas Mark Thompson Me; Acharavi, is to the (μπακλαβά-baklava). left, Roda to the right. 22. Hey the „Greek Nite‟ were great; Guest; No son, what island is the dancing were accompanied by this? bazooka (μπουζούκι-bouzouki) mu- 7. Why is there no paper in the big sic. toilet? - It was the shower cubicle, Last and by no means least, same guest as 6. 23. What d‟ye mean, mother, 8. When will someone empty the there‟s no John Smith‟s Extra bin next to my toilet? Smooth? 9. Tomorrow when I get the hire As they say „tourists-you can‟t live car we intend to drive over to those with „em, you can‟t shoot „em‟! mountains-!


paths are loungers and umbrellas The World of Simon where you can relax by the pool or the sea, ordering drinks and snacks. By the all-inclusive holiday – and through There‟s a playground easy to watch and Simon Baddeley the busy hotel, by its tidy blue pool and a reliable perimeter hedge and fence Thursday 26th September: long bar serving free drinks for guests around the whole. No need to think of most of the day. All notices, including prices, negotiating foreign menus or Last Sunday, our last day before surren- the safety guidelines, were in English questioning bills and nothing in dering the car for a fortnight, we drove and German. Greek. If all you want is to pay your to the north coast to have a late after- “You buy this holiday in UK or Ger- cash and relax amid sea and sun and noon picnic finding the sea at Agnos many" I said "A friendly guide meets pleasant shade with reliable food and Beach, a shore of reeds, hard smooth your flight, shows you a short walk to drink, it‟s perfect, with every Friday sand mixed with earth fringing a mud- an air-conditioned coach bearing the some local culture, 'a Greek night - all dy sea in which floated semi- name of the hotel. No need for maps hotel residents welcome‟” composted weed, between the new har- or directions. It brings you here in an bour at Astrakeri and a pair of well- hour. You're shown comfy rooms with Getting to the hotel, we‟d wandered maintained hotel buildings that have lovely views over a blue sea to the great through two crumbling abandoned taken over, almost turning their backs Albanian peaks... tavernas – one with a fading for sale on, the narrowing beach at the eastern sign attached - and peered through the end of Agnos, a wasted cluster of un- dusty windows of several empty build- ings with large windows intended as completed villas... shops whose owners had given up on them before they could be opened for trade.

Meals are served at convenient times from a menu in English and German. There‟s a pool and a bar with 'free drinks 10.00am to 24.00‟ – well, in- ...a couple of small boats and little used cluded in what you‟ve pre-paid – and fishing gear – parched nets and marker wide screen TV with the relaxing mur- floats. We wandered through this part mur of soccer commentary. Outside in ghosted hamlet, blighted product of a grassed area laced with tidy slabbed

Max Avg Min Sum Corfu Weather Temperature Max Temperature 33 °C 29 °C 26 °C Statistics Mean Temperature 26 °C 23 °C 21 °C Min Temperature 22 °C 18 °C 14 °C Degree Days Heating Degree Days (base 65) 0 0 0 0 Read more at: Cooling Degree Days (base 65) 14 9 4 284 Growing Degree Days (base 50) 29 24 19 728 http://www.wunderground.com/history/ Dew Point airport/LGKR/2013/9/1/ Dew Point 24 °C 17 °C 7 °C MonthlyHistory.html? Precipitation req_city=NA&req_state=NA&req_state Precipitation 112.0 mm 4.1 mm 0.0 mm 122.68 mm name=NA#PFq1VRYHlbugcTGf.99 Snowdepth - - - - Wind Wind 39 km/h 4 km/h 0 km/h Gust Wind 50 km/h 35 km/h 29 km/h Sea Level Pressure Sea Level Pressure 1020 hPa 1014 hPa 1002 hPa

OCTOBER 2013 SINCE AUGUST 2007 PAGE 8 Nick the Clock’s World

46 Reasons Why You Should 12. Getting married, having children, and ting an end to social inequity in the world. Give Up Trying to Be “Normal” staying together long after all love has died, 32. Eating three times a day even if you‟re saying that it‟s for the good of the children not hungry. (who are, apparently, deaf to the constant 33. Believing that other people are always rows). better than you–better-looking, more capa- 13. Criticizing anyone who tries to be dif- ble, richer, more intelligent–and that it‟s ferent. very dangerous to step outside your own 14. Waking up each morning to a hysteri- limits, so it‟s best to do nothing. cal alarm clock on the bedside table. 34. Using your car as a weapon and impen- 15. Believing absolutely everything that etrable armor. appears in print. 35. Swearing when in heavy traffic. 16. Wearing a scrap of coloured cloth 36. Believing everything your child does around your neck, even though it serves no wrong is entirely down to the company he useful purpose, but which answers to the or she keeps. name of “tie.” 37. Marrying the first person who offers 17. Never asking a direct question, even you a decent position in society. Love can I was writing on my book today and at though the other person can guess what it wait. one point I had to look for a quote on is you want to know. 38. Always saying, “I tried” when you did- being “normal” and here is what I 18. Keeping a smile on your lips even n‟t really try at all. found. when you‟re on the verge of tears. Feeling 39. Postponing doing the really interesting sorry for those who show their feelings. things in life for later, when you don‟t have I call this the 46 Reasons Why You 19. Believing that art is either worth a for- the energy. tune or worth nothing at all. 40. Avoiding depression with large daily Should Give up Trying to Be Normal. 20. Despising anything that was easy to doses of television. Enjoy! achieve because if no sacrifice was in- 41. Believing that you can be sure of every- volved, it obviously isn‟t worth having. thing you‟ve achieved. “Normal is: 21. Following fashion trends, however 42. Assuming that women don‟t like foot- 1. Anything that makes us forget who we ridiculous or uncomfortable. ball and that men aren‟t interested in are and what we want; that way we can 22. Believing that all famous people have home decorating and cooking. work in order to produce, reproduce, and tons of money saved up. 43. Blaming the government for all the bad earn money. 23. Investing a lot of time and money in things that happen. 2. Setting out rules for waging war (the external beauty and caring little about in- 44. Thinking that being a good, decent, Geneva Convention). ternal beauty. respectable person will mean that others 3. Spending years studying at university 24. Using every means possible to show will see you as weak, vulnerable, and easy only to find out at the end of it all that that, although you‟re just an ordinary hu- to manipulate. you‟re unemployable. man being, you‟re far above other mortals. 45. Being equally convinced that aggres- 4. Working from nine till five every day at 25. Never looking anyone in the eye when sion and rudeness are synonymous with something that gives you no pleasure just you‟re traveling on public transport, in having a “powerful personality.” so that, after thirty years, you can retire. case it‟s interpreted as a sign that you‟re 46. Being afraid of having an endoscopy (if 5. Retiring and discovering that you no trying to get off with them. you‟re a man) and giving birth (if you‟re a longer have enough energy to enjoy life 26. Standing facing the door in an elevator woman).” ~ Paulo Coelho and dying a few years out of sheer bore- and pretending you‟re the only person dom. there, no matter how crowded it is. Do people often call you “weird”, 6. Using Botox. 27. Never laughing too loudly in a restau- “strange” or “crazy” just because you 7. Believing that power is much more im- rant no matter how good the joke. are being true to yourself and don‟t portant than money and that money is 28. In the northern hemisphere, always follow the crowd? dressing according to the season: bare arms much more important than happiness. 8. Making fun of anyone who seeks happi- in spring (however cold it is) and woolen ness rather than money and accusing them jacket in winter (however hot it is). P.S. Who can figure out what is hap- of “lacking ambition.” 29. In the southern hemisphere, covering pening in that photo? 9. Comparing objects like cars, houses, the Christmas tree with fake snow even clothes, and defining life according to though winter has nothing to do with the With all my love, those comparisons, instead of trying to birth of Christ. discover the real reason for being alive. 30. Assuming, as you grow older, that Nick The Clock 10. Never talking to strangers. Saying nasty you‟re the guardian of the world‟s wisdom, things about the neighbours. even if you haven‟t necessarily lived 11. Believing that your parents are always enough to know what‟s right and wrong. right. 31. Going to a charity tea party and think- ing that you‟ve done your bit toward put-


park. As usual I was sitting on a Summer 1976 bench reading; often when I the addition of paperback nov- tried to strike up a conversation I By els! was rejected as Britons like to Dr. Lionel Mann keep themselves to themselves. On my first morning in my About thirty yards away two Part Four: retreat I was greatly intrigued little boys were kicking a football when three Arab women fol- Back in Britain after my four lowed by a gaggle of about a doz- between them, obviously taking month travels around parts of en little children, all in long care not to disturb any persons mainland Europe in the baking white national dress passed along lying on the grass near them. A summer of 1976 following my the loop of the path in front of gang of half-dozen coloured return from New Zealand, I rent- me. The rear of the company youths marched up the hill, went ed a little apartment in a convert- was taken up by a rather older up to the pair and seized their ed mansion overlooking a big boy of about ten or eleven. That ball. When the larger boy pro- London square as a base from individual stopped to eye me for tested and tried to recover the which I might conveniently trav- a moment, to look quickly ball he was knocked to the el to job interviews. There had around, to turn his back to me, ground and repeatedly kicked been more than twenty replies to bend over and raise his burnous viciously. The smaller bravely my advertisements and others to his waist, revealing that, very went twice to his brother‟s aid were still coming, so I was play- sensibly in the heat, it was his only to be contemptuously ing hard to get, shunning „happy- only clothing apart from sandals. picked up and thrown away. clappy‟ „with-it‟ churches and I believe that such exposure is There were many nearer than comprehensive or „play-way‟ a dire insult in Arab lands, but I I, but nobody tried to intervene; schools. merely laughed. The little ur- to have interfered with the savag- The centre of the square was chin immediately straightened es‟ amusement would have been an extensive thickly-hedged gar- and turned to glare angrily at „racist‟, would it not? To hell den with a number of tall trees me, but the glare changed quick- with „racism‟! Furious at the in- shading small grassy glades sepa- ly into an impish grin; he giggled action of the onlookers I rated by a profusion of thick and scuttled away to catch up dropped my book and strode shrubs and colourful flowerbeds; with his fellows. quickly down to the fracas while a wide path meandered erratical- On each of the other morn- the park-keeper came running ly the length of the garden con- ings that I was subsequently in and waving a thick stick. The necting the four gates, one in the garden the same company bullying louts ran off laughing each side. On the few days that I passed, but those times when the and taking the ball. was not job-hunting I sought ref- little brat saw me he adopted a The older boy, aged ten, was uge from the hot weather in one fierce scowl and broke into an in a bad way, bleeding from nose of the glades, seated on a bench exaggerated goosestep. I found and mouth with one eye closed. and reading. The four trunks the little horror‟s antics very The little one, two years younger, containing my household effects, amusing. In the many years that was tearful and gabbling hysteri- most of my clothes, my library of I had lived and worked around cally in French. Speaking in his books and music, sent by sea, London I had always been inter- own language I managed to calm had arrived, but I left them in a ested in the variety of nationali- him and to find out where he warehouse until I was perma- ties represented in the populace; lived. nently settled. The clothing, now the variety seemed even wid- essential documents and organ er. Continued on Page 10 music in my suitcase and holdall One hot evening I joined was being rapidly increased by many others relaxing in a nearby

OCTOBER 2013 SINCE AUGUST 2007 PAGE 10 Summer 1976 - Part Four happy. To what had I returned? out the thick cloud of black Continued from Page 9 It was nearly six weeks, many smoke and then we looked at

interviews and offers rejected, each other and burst out laugh- Summoned by the keeper an am- before I found work to my liking ing in which the cook rather hes- bulance arrived with commenda- as organist and choirmaster of a itantly joined. Never a dull mo- ble promptitude and two very big seaside church with a large ment! Our second course was solicitous attendants adminis- organ, all-male choir, prayerbook somewhat delayed. tered first aid before carrying the services, and part-time teaching At the church I was horrified lad off to hospital. He seemed at a nearby preparatory school. to find that I needed to teach unable to speak. Until I could find suitable ac- even twelve-year-old choirboys to The police response was not commodation I stayed at a read the words of hymns and so prompt, but after something boarding house on the front psalms. Literacy had taken a like fifteen minutes four arrived with the sound of the sea a con- tumble in Britain. Since 1940, and while two women P.C.s took stant murmur. The kitchen and when I had first become an or- the little one home and told the dining-room-lounge were in the ganist-choirmaster of a choir of parents where their older boy basement and the ground-floor twenty-four boys just five weeks could be found two constables two bedrooms were the only short of my thirteenth birthday, I ones occupied as the council in had always been able to trust my took statements. All persons over-regulated Britain had recent- choristers‟ reading ability until who had been near the incident ly ordered the closure of the two now. I was later to discover that had vanished, clearly not want- tops floors because there was no numeracy had similarly suffered. ing to be mixed up in a „racist‟ fire-escape. On my travels I had Accordingly when a few weeks affair. often slept in fourth- or fifth- after my arrival I was approached Wearing my reading specta- floor rooms of pensions and by the parent-governors who cles at a distance I had not seen hotels without fire-escapes, but were taking over control of a pri- Britain was paternalistic hide- vate primary school and were clearly the faces of the savages, bound. To Customs Officers at seeking a headmaster I at once but anyway many coloured peo- the port this place was known as accepted their offer; here was an ple look alike to me. Predictably „The Hilton‟ on account of the opportunity to save at least a few I heard no more of the matter, comfortable rooms and the children from the general de- but I was furious to see that peo- sumptuous meals prepared by cline. ple had been so cowed with the elderly lady proprietress. A The long hot summer was at young officer recently posted to last reluctantly giving way to au- „political correction‟ by mealy- the port and like me seeking a tumn with an occasional shower mouthed politicians that they permanent home was my fellow of much-needed rain and slowly- would cravenly permit such fla- lodger and excellent cheerful lowering temperatures. Waves grant brutality. Since then I company. were starting to beat on the have had a number of highly- One evening when we were shore. Belatedly well- intelligent coloured individuals enjoying the first course of din- remembered scorching summer as pupils and friends, but I still ner we heard an anguished 1976 drew to its end. squeal from the kitchen. We have nothing but contempt for dashed in to find the lady anx- those who weakly ignore savagery iously regarding a fiercely-blazing with the feeble excuse of „racial frying-pan. At once I threw open tolerance‟. the back door while my compan- Also predictably somebody ion seizes the pan by its handle had taken my book! I was not and hurled it into the yard out- side. I opened the window to let