Efficient Multi-Codec Support for OTT Services: HEVC/H.265 And/Or AV1?
Efficient Multi-Codec Support for OTT Services: HEVC/H.265 and/or AV1? Christian Timmerer†,‡, Martin Smole‡, and Christopher Mueller‡ ‡Bitmovin Inc., †Alpen-Adria-Universität San Francisco, CA, USA and Klagenfurt, Austria, EU ‡{firstname.lastname}@bitmovin.com, †{firstname.lastname}@itec.aau.at Abstract – The success of HTTP adaptive streaming is un- multiple versions (e.g., different resolutions and bitrates) and disputed and technical standards begin to converge to com- each version is divided into predefined pieces of a few sec- mon formats reducing market fragmentation. However, other onds (typically 2-10s). A client first receives a manifest de- obstacles appear in form of multiple video codecs to be sup- scribing the available content on a server, and then, the client ported in the future, which calls for an efficient multi-codec requests pieces based on its context (e.g., observed available support for over-the-top services. In this paper, we review the bandwidth, buffer status, decoding capabilities). Thus, it is state of the art of HTTP adaptive streaming formats with re- able to adapt the media presentation in a dynamic, adaptive spect to new services and video codecs from a deployment way. perspective. Our findings reveal that multi-codec support is The existing different formats use slightly different ter- inevitable for a successful deployment of today's and future minology. Adopting DASH terminology, the versions are re- services and applications. ferred to as representations and pieces are called segments, which we will use henceforth. The major differences between INTRODUCTION these formats are shown in Table 1. We note a strong differ- entiation in the manifest format and it is expected that both Today's over-the-top (OTT) services account for more than MPEG's media presentation description (MPD) and HLS's 70 percent of the internet traffic and this number is expected playlist (m3u8) will coexist at least for some time.
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