Vol. XLII No. 3 www.gsccompass.com NOVEMBER 28, 2008 THE COMPASS The Student Voice of Gainesville State College In this issue: Mixed responses to election By Lauren Blais He supports tax breaks for more wealthy citizens,
[email protected] like the ones given during the Bush administration. Staff Writer “If my employer is taxed heavily, I don’t get that raise,” he said. Party Gainesville State College students have diverse rea- Brandsma initially supported Mike Huckabee’s fair sons for voting for – or against – a presidential can- tax. When Huckabee ceased to be an option Brands- didate. While using their family’s values as a starting ma became a Sen. John McCain supporter. He didn’t like it’s point, students show a willingness to jump from the agree with everything on McCain’s platform, how- familiar platform and adopt their own views. ever. Lillian Otieno’s family has been following Presi- “Both candidates were horrible,” he said. “You had 1999! dent-elect Barack Obama’s progress since 2004. His to pick the better (one) of two evils.” Page 10 election as Illinois senator created quite a stir in the A mock election jointly sponsored by the GSC family when they discovered that his father was from Oconee Young Democrats and College Republicans the same Kenyan tribe as Otieno’s father. But when appeared on the main page of the college’s website in Obama announced his candidacy for the presidency, the form of an online poll. While state-wide the vote there was just one problem. Otieno’s family is Re- was close with McCain carrying 52 percent of votes publican.