Rapa Nui Journal: Journal of the Easter Island Foundation Volume 16 Article 4 Issue 1 May 2002 Productive Strategies in an Uncertain Environment: Prehistoric Agriculture on Easter Island Christopher M. Stevenson Virginia Department of Historic Resources Thegn Ladefoged University of Washington, Dept. of Anthropology Sonia Haoa Isla de Pascua, Chile Follow this and additional works at: https://kahualike.manoa.hawaii.edu/rnj Part of the History of the Pacific slI ands Commons, and the Pacific slI ands Languages and Societies Commons Recommended Citation Stevenson, Christopher M.; Ladefoged, Thegn; and Haoa, Sonia (2002) "Productive Strategies in an Uncertain Environment: Prehistoric Agriculture on Easter Island," Rapa Nui Journal: Journal of the Easter Island Foundation: Vol. 16 : Iss. 1 , Article 4. Available at: https://kahualike.manoa.hawaii.edu/rnj/vol16/iss1/4 This Research Paper is brought to you for free and open access by the University of Hawai`i Press at Kahualike. It has been accepted for inclusion in Rapa Nui Journal: Journal of the Easter Island Foundation by an authorized editor of Kahualike. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. - Stevenson et al.: Productive Strategies in an Uncertain Environment PftODU rI C fRATCCICS IN AN UN ftT IN E:.NVlftONMLNI: PRTHI TOftle Cftl ULTUftC N EA TCft L LA 0 Christopher M. Stevenson!, Thegn Ladejoged2 and Sonia Haoa3 'Virginia Department ofHistoric Resources, Petersburg, VA 23805; 2Department ofAnthropology, University ofWashington, Seattle, WA; 3Sonia Haoa, Isla de Pascua, Chile I TRODUCTIO will look at how the prehi toric Rapanui utilized and changed the i land landscape. These land cape modification on Rapa he unpredictable nature of a key environmental re ource Nui and el ewhere were developed in re pon e to fundamental T (e.g., moi ture) is often viewed a a major variable that environmental constraints within which agriculture wa prac guide economic deci ion-making and the form of the ocial ticed.