City Keeps Jail Alive
SATURDAY • JULY 10, 2004 Including Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill Paper, Downtown News, DUMBO Paper and Fort Greene-Clinton Hill Paper Brooklyn’s REAL newspapers Published every Saturday — online all the time — by Brooklyn Paper Publications Inc, 55 Washington St, Suite 624, Brooklyn NY 11201. Phone 718-834-9350 • • © 2004 Brooklyn Paper Publications • 18 pages • Vol. 27, No. 27 BWN • Saturday, July 10, 2004 • FREE CITY KEEPSJAIL ALIVE $18 million for shuttered Atlantic Avenue big house By Deborah Kolben The Brooklyn Papers The city will sink another $18 million into the closed Brooklyn House of Deten- EXCLUSIVE tion over the next year and community 4TH FLARES groups and elected officials are outraged. ‘We anticipate a The 10-story prison, once home to 800 in- Independence Day fireworks explode mates, has been empty since last summer, when need to occupy the the mayor ordered the Department of Correction along the East River in this view looking out as a cost-cutting measure. building again’ north from Red Hook, where thousands Apparently dashing community hopes that the building would soon be put to an alternate use, — Correction Department spokesman gathered to see one of the biggest dis- Correction Department spokesman Thomas An- plays in years. tenen told The Brooklyn Papers this week, “We nity expected the work to stop. anticipate we will have a need to occupy the “They already put in $30 million so far and building again.” now they’re going to put $18 million more? It’s a To that end, the city budget for Fiscal Year blight on Atlantic Avenue and a blight on our 2005, which began this month, includes $18.4 neighborhood,” said Sandy Balboza, president of million in renovations for the House of D, as the the Atlantic Avenue Betterment Association.
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