In the Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick Trial
Court File No.: IN THE COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH OF NEW BRUNSWICK TRIAL DIVISION JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF FREDERICTON IN THE MATTER OF AN ACT RESPECTING PUBLIC SERVICE PENSIONS BETWEEN: PENSION COALITION NB, CLIFFORD KENNEDY JR., VIOLA SAVAGE, DEBORAH MCCORMACK, and RITA DUNNETT Applicants, -an HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW BRUNSWICK as represented by the ATTORNEY GENERAL OF NEW BRUNSWICK and THE MINISTER OF FINANCE and the BOARD OF MANAGEMENT, the SUPERINTENDENT OF PENSIONS, and the TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE SHARED RISK PLAN Respondents. AFFIDAVIT I, CLIFFORD KENNEDY JR., of Beaver Dam, in the County of York and Province of New Brunswick, MAKE OATH AND SAY AS FOLLOWS: 2 A. Introduction 1. I am an applicant in this proceeding. I am a resident of New Brunswick and am a Pensioner receiving pension benefits under the pension plan formerly provided by the Public Service Superannuation Act, which has been converted in An Act Respecting Public Service Pensions. 2. I am a founding member of the Pension Coalition NB (the "Coalition", or "PCNB"), which is also an applicant in this proceeding, and I am the official spokesperson of the association and sit on the Steering Committee. The PCNB is a voluntary association of Pensioners who have retired from employment with the Province. The PCNB was established in Fredericton New Brunswick in January 2013. The PCNB is run by a steering committee of unpaid volunteers who reside in the Greater Fredericton Area. The PCNB has books and records and an operating bank account in Fredericton, has internal rules of organization, conducts business on a day-to-day basis, and is accountable and responsible to its constituency.
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