The Palmetto Patriot Organized April 18, 1889 South Carolina Society Sons of the American Revolution Fall 2016
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The Palmetto Patriot Organized April 18, 1889 South Carolina Society Sons of the American Revolution Fall 2016 2017 Annual Meeting in Beaufort 2 Fall 2016 The Palmetto Patriot Wayne From the President’s Desk Cousar Welcome to Beaufort As you probably know, the Board spend a week and still not see it all. Chapter in Beaufort. of Governors voted to have the An- We will headquarter at the Hil- Much more will be sent out about nual Meeting in Beaufort April 21- ton Garden Inn. This is where we this event, but start making your 22, 2017. will have our Friday business meet- plans to attend!! Why, you might ask, would we ing and our Saturday Youth Awards Hope to see you in Beautiful drive that far to attend a boring meet- Luncheon. Rooms there are $134 for Beaufort by the Bay!! ing? The answer is this. None of us a king or $144 for two queens. Break- should go through meetings that fast is not included, but available for are boring. It doesn’t have to be that $9.95. There are places to have break- The PalmeTTo way!! We changed locations to have a fast close the hotel if you wish. PaTrioT better time and still get the SCSSAR The hotel is just outside of the His- work done. We are hoping for a bet- toric district and a three minute drive The Palmetto Patriot is published four ter turnout than we have ever had! to Bay Street and the water front park. times a year by the South Carolina Society Beaufort offers a plethora of Other places to stay near the Hilton Sons of the American Revolution © 2016. things to do and to see and experi- Garden are the Hampton Inn, Qual- Website ence. The history is second to none ity Inn, Comfort Inn and Holiday Inn in the USA, and it is a beautiful small and others, but I think you will find Subscriptions are sent automatically to town (quickly becoming too big). It is the price at the Hilton Garden com- members of the SCSSAR. written up in many magazines as one petitive. April is the high season, and President: Wayne Cousar of the most desirable places to retire. hotels and tours fill up quickly. Senior Vice President: Bill Vartorella You can take buggy rides, go on In lieu of our formal dinner on Low Country Vice President: Ken Stock historic walking or riding tours, wan- Friday night we will go to a private Midlands Vice President: Howard Knapp der on your own, go on a boat ride on island and have a Low Country Boil Piedmont Vice President: Ted Morton the Beaufort River, eat at many great (Frogmore Stew) with shrimp, sau- Pee Dee Vice President: Greg Ohanesian little restaurants and eat lots of sea- sage and corn. The dress will be ca- Upstate Vice President: Robert H. Krause food or just go swing in the beautiful sual, and liquid refreshments will be Vice President for Chapter Formation waterfront park and soak up the view! complimentary provided by individ- and Development: Redding I. Corbett Of course the ladies will want to ual members of the Gov. Paul Ham- Vice President for Chapter Renewal explore Bay Street with its many lit- ilton Chapter, not the chapter itself . and Revitalization: Douglas B. Doster Secretary: Daniel K. Woodruff tle shops. We also have several mu- We hope that this will start a Treasurer: Greg Ohanesian seums: The Beaufort Museum, The trend of moving the Annual Meet- Registrar: William E. “Edd” Richburg Marine Corps Museum on Paris Is- ing around the State just as the Genealogist: John Ingle land, which covers local history as NSSAR moves to different states to Historian: Donny C. Carson well. The latest discovery is a settle- have the National Congress, and have Chancellor: Sanford Graves ment on Paris Island that predates that State Society host the Congress. Chaplain: Lawrence Peebles Jamestown. It is managed by the We will encourage different Chapters National Trustee: Daniel K. Woodruff Santa Elena Foundation, and they or groups of Chapters to vie for the Alternate National Trustee: Redding I. have a museum on Bay Street that is privilege of hosting our annual meet- Corbett open to the public. ing in different locations in our Beau- When you come, why not arrive tiful and Historic State. a day early or stay a day after, or as Our host chapter for the 2017 Palmetto Patriot Editor long as you desire. You could easily meeting is the Gov. Paul Hamilton Thomas C. Hanson Sr. Website Webmaster Eric Lilling Send articles and photos for The Pal- metto Patriot to tom.hanson@Hanson, or mail to Hanson Com- munications, 2004 Old Parker Rd., Greenville, SC 29609-1237, phone 864-704-3453. Post- The deadline for the Winter Edition master: please send Form 3579 to P.O. Box of The Palmetto Patriot is Nov. 18 399, Williamston, SC 29607. The Palmetto Patriot Fall 2016 3 128th SCSSAR Annual Meeting set for April 21-22 in Beaufort By Carroll Crowther Past President In 2013 Beaufort, South Carolina, ranked No. 1 in America’s Happiest Seaside Towns by readers of Coastal Living Magazine. Beaufort is a coastal city blessed with wonderful Bed and Breakfasts and excellent restaurants. The city and the surrounding sea islands also have a rich African-American heri- tage. Our rich cultural heritage is part of our daily life, and we strive to pro- tect and preserve our city’s history in the 304-acre National Historic Land- mark District. Beaufort, chartered in 1711, is ture Town” by National Geographic draw everyone from artists, retirees the second-oldest city in South Car- Adventure. and young families to live-aboard- olina, behind Charleston. It is the The curving, tidal Beaufort River sailboat types, fishermen, literati and county seat of Beaufort County, and wraps around the 303-year-old down- moviemakers. And Beaufort’s popu- had a population of 12,361 in the town and offers terrific scenery in lation skews toward the youthful 2010 census. It is located in the Hil- most directions. And then there’s the side—the median age is 34. ton Head Island-Beaufort Micropoli- leafy historic district itself, filled with Take a walk or carriage tour east tan Area. 18th-, 19th- and 20th-century archi- of Carteret Street in the tree-shaded Beaufort is located on Port Royal tecture, from tiny cottages and fish Old Point and catch a glimpse of Island, in the heart of the Sea Islands shacks to indigo-planters’ mansions the porches of Tidalholm, aka The and Lowcountry. The city is known with wide piazzas. It’s a Lowcountry Big Chill house, on the waterfront for its scenic location and for main- town where characters abound. And at Laurens Street. For lunch, or- taining a historic character through the river’s pristine waters surren- der the Ooey Gooey, a pressed and its impressive Antebellum architec- der such high-quality seafood that it toasted bacon-and-pimiento cheese ture. seems folks are always gathering for sandwich at Lowcountry Produce The city is also known for its mili- a shrimp or crab boil or an oyster Market & Café (lowcountryproduce. tary establishments, being in close roast. com). proximity to Parris Island and a U.S. This isn’t Savannah or Charles- Stop in the Elena Madden studio Naval Hospital, in addition to being ton, but it’s close in flavor and geog- ( on West Street home of the Marine Corps Air Station raphy—within 90 minutes of each. to see her contemporary paintings Beaufort. The smaller size and slower pace inspired by Beaufort-area waterways. The city has Before sunset, been featured The 128th SCSSAR Annual Meeting is Friday noon, April 21, through Satur- hop on an evening in the New York day afternoon, April 22, in Beaufort boat tour from the Times, named Downtown Marina “Best Small Come early (Thursday) or stay late (Sunday) and take advantage of the his- of Beaufort (down- Southern Town” tory and sites in and around Beaufort. townmarinabeau- by Southern Liv-, and cap ing, named a Available for you to arrange on your own: the day with wild- “Top 25 Small l Horse drawn carriage tours caught shrimp atop City Arts Desti- ricotta gnocchi at nation” by Amer- l The U.S. Marine Corps at Parris Island Museum is a great museum of the the understated ican Style, and a history of the entire area Old Bull Tavern “Top 50 Adven- (843-379-2855). l Historic and sightseeing boat tours of the waters around Beaufort Join us on Facebook 4 Fall 2016 The Palmetto Patriot Historic Parish Church of St. Helena in downtown Beaufort Visitors to historic Beaufort typi- ficers killed in a skirmish near Port founded by Henry VIII in the 1500s. cally can’t help but notice the dis- Royal during the American Revolu- Construction of the chapel com- tinguished St. Helena’s Anglican tion, and two Confederate Generals, menced in 1724, with this first struc- Church, a beautiful site with a sky- Lt. Gen. Richard H. Anderson and ture undergoing a re-build in 1769, high steeple that towers over the lush, Brig. Gen. Stephen Elliott. and again in 1817. evergreen scene. Despite this at- In addition to tention to repairs its exterior beauty, and remodels, the the church has its church was demol- own distinction as ished in 1842 (with being one of the the exception of oldest churches in the western ex- North America.