New Testament Contradictions Invalidated

Introduction For centuries the evangelical church and other orthodox Christian denominations positions regarding the inerrancy of the have been challenged. has chosen to call us fundamentalist idiots because we hold to the fact that the Bible is the word of God. Henry Burr in 1859 published this or a variation of the document that is using to insult Christians and the Christian faith. To see the document and their comments click this link

I have taken their document and pasted it into this document and then carefully evaluated every single one of the 194 proposed contradictions. I have to admit I was shocked at the level of Biblical ignorance put forward and mortified that would publish this document without even bothering to critically analyze these supposed contradictions. If it appears was not seriously looking for real objections.

When I saw this list for the first time, it shook me. I said to myself, are there 194 contradictions in the . My desire for the truth drove me into this document. If there were legitimate contradictions in the Bible I had to know.

I have evaluated all 194 proposed contradictions and of the 194 there is perhaps 1 contradiction that I could not invalidate

I used a blue highlighted title to illustrate that the contradiction has been invalidated. Green means I could not satisfy the contradiction to my standard of proof. Orange means I accept the argument but cannot prove it 100%.

Below you will find the contradiction by number as published in document and below that, you will find my comments. Some comments are short and some are long, the answer depends on the complexity of the explanation.

I have to thank, they forced me to dig in and look at the scriptures like never before. Thank you, you have caused my faith in the scriptures to grow exponentially.

1. Lineage ' lineage was traced through 's son Solomon. Mt.1:6.

Jesus' lineage was traced through David's son Nathan. Lk.3:31.

Comments: This is an apparent contradiction that the skeptic put forward, that I could not solve 100%, For me, the most important factor regarding Jesus’s lineage is found In Jer 22:24-30 where we see that pronounces judgment against the line of Solomon when he said no descendant of Jehoiakim (Jer 36:30) would sit on the throne of David. So many argue that Jesus could not be the based on this curse. However this curse was reversed in Haggai 2:20-23 … O Zerubbabel my servant, the son of Shealtiel, declares the LORD, and make you like signet ring for I have chosen you, declares the Lord of Host.” This proves the Messiah Jesus can indeed come from the direct lineage of Solomon to be the Messiah...

1. One theory regarding the differences in genealogies is that Luke genealogies are Mary’s lineage and Matthew genealogy is Joseph’s, I think contextually this could be possible based on Jewish law which is validated In 1 Chron 2:34-35 “ where it says 34Now Sheshan had no sons, only daughters, but Sheshan had an Egyptian slave whose name was Jarha.35So Sheshan gave his daughter in marriage to Jarha his slave, and she bore him Attai. 36Attai fathered Nathan, and Nathan fathered Zabad.”. Here we see the Hebrew lineage being carried forward from the daughter but the father is named in the lineage. 2. Another theory is the Matthew genealogy is the royal lineage of Jesus. This theory is put forward because we do see a list of Kings. It should also be pointed out that Matthew is using a Davidic formula when he gives three sets of 14. He uses 14 because the name David is 14 numerically in Hebrew. He even uses the same name twice to make this work. Matthew is simply trying to prove Jesus is a royal son of David.

Both these theories lack credible evidence to say they are correct.

Then how do we explain Joseph’s two fathers, in Matthew, his father is called Jacob and in Luke, he is called . There are several proposed explanations like:

1. Mary did not have any brothers to carry on the father’s name so Heli adopted Joseph as his son, so he would have two genealogies. 2. In Dt 25:5 it says a brother must marry the widow of his brother and then carry on the brother's name and produce an heir for him. The first son would continue as the heir of the son who died. So if this is the case then Joseph and Heli were either full brothers or half-brothers. This would leave Joseph with two fathers a natural one and a legal one. From the text we have no idea which one was his natural and which one was his legal father. This does solve the problem with Matthew tracing one father and Luke tracing the other. In Num 27 & 36 we saw the law of inheritance showing when the daughter gets the inheritance.

Both of these theories also lack credible evidence to say they are correct.

There are also many other genealogical issues in Luke’s coming from the 77 names that cannot be resolved. There is an extra Cainan, Arnic and Admin are untraceable, Joseph, Judah, , and Levi don’t fit as these names were not used during this period and no one knows who Neri and Rhesa are. A lot of questions and no answers. This was an issue for me, but not any longer.

It appears to me we may be looking at this all wrong. Some scholars now believe the genealogies are theological and were never intended to be taken literally. In Matthew we see the repeat the history of Israel with Jesus as the new Israel. For example:

 Only Matthew says out of Egypt I call my son, showing Jesus as the new Israel.  Jesus’s father is called Joseph who receives dreams. Joseph in the old covenant was the prophet associated with dreams.  We also see the infancy of as a retelling of the origin of Israel.  Only in Matthew are we told the story of the massacre of infants by which is a retelling of the story associated with Moses.  We see Jesus being baptized passing through the waters which are a retelling of Israel passing through the Red Sea.  We see the Jews spent 40 years in the wilderness and in Matthew we Jesus spending 40 days and nights in the wilderness being tempted.  The last comparison in Matthew is Jesus climbing the mountain and giving the , giving the laws of the Kingdom and in the Old Covenant we see Moses coming from the mountain with the law of God.

The parallels are too similar to be coincidental.

I believe no one can resolve the genealogies because they are theological lessons and not actual genealogies. Luke likewise tries to make every 7th person in his list of 77 significant. Here is the list of every 7th person. Enoch, Selah, Abraham, Admin, David, Joseph, Jesus, Shealtiel, Mattathias, Joseph, Jesus.

Much research is required, but I believe scholars are on to something. I no longer look at the genealogies like I did before. I believe we are on the verge of uncovering exciting things we never expected from the genealogies. I now look at the genealogies as a mystery and not as an unsolvable contradiction. 2. Conception The announcement of the special birth came before conception. Lk.1:26-31. 31You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. The announcement of the special birth came after conception. Mt.1:18-21. 21She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, f because he will save his people from their sins.”

Comments: This is not a valid contradiction, in Lk the announcement is made to Mary, and in Mt the announcement is to Joseph in a dream that validated his decision to take Mary as his wife. T 3. Potential Jesus' parents were told of their son's future greatness. Mt.1:18-21; Lk.1:28-35.

Jesus' parents knew nothing of their son's potential. Lk.2:48-50.

Comments: This is not a valid contradiction, Mt says he will save his people, Lk 1 says and Lk 2 discusses the parent’s astonishment at the way he treated them not at the teachings. This is eisegesis reading into the text to try to validate a point. 4. Declarations of Birth The angel told Joseph. Mt.1:20.

The angel told Mary. Lk.1:28.

Comments: This is not a valid contradiction. It assumes that only one announcement was made and an angel could not talk to Mary and Joseph separately. 5. Generation Tally There were 28 generations from David to Jesus. Mt.1:17.

There were 43 generations from David to Jesus. Lk.3:23-31.

Comments: There are 42 generations listed in Mt 1:17, not 28 and in Lk 3 does have 43, not 42 but it is a different lineage, so this cannot be counted twice as a contradiction. Their statement 0f 28 is factually incorrect. Some think that Biblical lineage is an exact science but they are interpreting record-keeping through modern and western eyes. This was simply not how the ancient record keepers thought. Actually biblical scholarship has provided evidence that genealogies are selective and contain gaps. The son can be grandfathers and even great grandfathers. For example Genesis 5 doesn’t list all the ancestor it only mentions the key ones. The ancients intended to preserve the antiquity of the race not give explicit and detailed family lines. Based on this evidence we need to think of genealogy in this way not on western and modern concepts. 6. Joseph’s Father Jacob was Joseph's father. Mt.1:16.

Heli was Joseph's father. Lk.3:23. Comments: See comments in # 1 above also read (Num 27:1-11, Num 36:1-12) where women would receive the inheritance when no man was available. 7. Christ to be Called He was to be called Emmanuel. Mt.1:23.

He was called Jesus. Mt.1:25.

Comments: This is just a ridiculous assertion. Jesus has 99 titles in the New Covenant, notice it says he was to be called which means he will be known as. 8. Egypt Or Joseph, Mary, and Jesus flee to Egypt while Herod slaughters all males under 2 years old. Mt.2:13-16. (Note: Jesus' cousin, John, was also under 2 and survived without having to flee.)

Joseph, Mary, and Jesus did not flee to Egypt but remained for temple rituals. No slaughter of infants is mentioned! Lk.2:21-39.

Comments: Notice the Wiseman came to Mary’s house and they lived in so there is no contradiction Mary and Joseph followed the law as they should after the birth of Jesus. Joseph and Mary left for Egypt when Jesus was two and returned after Herod died. No contradiction at all. 9. Jesus Temptation Jesus was tempted during the 40 days in the wilderness. Mk.1:13.

Jesus was tempted after the 40 days in the wilderness. Mt.4:2,3.

Comments: Again no contradiction, in Mk it says Jesus was tempted during the 40 days, this could have been fiery darts and even in person, Mt says the 40th day is when Satan starts making offers. There is no contradiction. 10. Pinnacle or Mountain The devil first took Jesus to the pinnacle, then to the mountain top. Mt.4:5-8.

The devil first took Jesus to the mountain top, then to the pinnacle. Lk.4:5-9.

Comments: This is a little bit of deception here by throwing in the word first. The discrepancy assumes the writer’s placing high priority on the sequence of events verse the events themselves. The context of both Mt & Lk is not emphasizing sequence. 11. Satan Tempted Jesus or Not Satan tempted Jesus. Mt.4:1-10; Mk.1:13; Lk.4:1,2.

Satan had no interest in Jesus. Jn.14:30.

Comments: Jn 14:30 is possibly up to 3 years later. There is no correlation here. 12. Jesus Baptism of the Spirit The was with the "Holy Ghost". Mk.1:8; Jn.1:33.

The fire was also added to the baptism. Mt.3:11; Lu.3:16.

Comments: This challenge is clearly from the biblically illiterate. There is no concern adding the reference Fire it is symbolism for the Holy Spirit. See Ex 13:21. The Jews were led by a cloud during the day and fire by night, this leading was the Holy Spirit. 13. John New or Did Not Know Jesus John knew of Jesus before he baptized him. Mt.3:11-13; Jn.1:28,29.

John knew nothing of Jesus at all. Mt.11:1-3.

Comments: No contradiction, they were cousins and John Baptised Jesus, John was having doubts perhaps expecting the king messiah, not the suffering servant. Doubt is the issue here evidence “Are you the one to come”. It is clear John is seeking clarification of what Jesus will accomplish. 14. Jesus’s Ministry before Or after John’s Arrest Jesus begins his ministry after John's arrest. Mk.1:13,14.

Jesus begins his ministry before John's arrest. Jn.3:22-24.

Comments: Mk 1:13 says he came to and began to preach. Jesus and John are both preaching in Jn. At no time does this discuss the start of his ministry. 15. Spirit Descending- who saw It is recorded that Jesus saw the Spirit descending. Mt.3:16; Mk.1:10.

It is recorded that John saw the Spirit descending. Jn.1:32.

Comments: Mt 3:16 & Mk 1:10 does not say who heard, In :32 its says he saw it, this does not preclude others from seeing it. Ridiculous assertion

16. God & Jesus Sonship The heavenly voice addressed the gathering. Mt.3:17.

The heavenly voice addressed Jesus. Mk.1:11; Lk.3:22.

Comments: The challenge is based on the word this or you. This is stupid, If I was there, and was asked to give account I can see myself saying he said: “This is my son”. On the other hand I could repeat verbatim and say the voice from heaven said “you are my son” The important thing is the declaration of sonship not specifically how someone chooses to express it. 17. Wilderness or Immediately after the baptism, Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness. Mt.4:1,2; Mk.1:12,13.

Three days after the baptism, Jesus was at the wedding in Cana. Jn.2:1.

Comments: Mt uses then, Mk uses immediately and John says Jesus goes to the wedding. This is not a contradiction. Obviously the wedding was planned in advance and Jesus was required to attend, Jesus also felt the call to the wilderness. It is clear he goes to the wedding then immediately leaves for the wilderness. That would still fit the criteria immediately. We all talk like this. 18. Jesus Travel Jesus went to Bethphage and the Mt. of Olives, then left for . Mt.21:1,17.

Jesus went to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mt. of Olives. Mk.11:1; Lk.19:29.

Comments: Mk and LK are talking geography they use the word draw near, it is 5.5 km from Jerusalem to Bethphage and 2.2 km Bethpage to Bethany. There was a roadway connecting the 3 points. In Mt 21 it says drew near and named Jerusalem, Bethpage, and the Mount of Olives. In Mt 21:17 it says when leaving them he went to Bethany. This is after the tasks they completed. Mk 11:1 says draw near and adds Bethany in the list of places that they drew near to. Lk 19:29 also says drew near. Where is the contradiction, there is not one? 19. Who Taught at Jesus and his disciples taught in Capernaum. Mk.1:20,21.

Only Jesus taught in Capernaum. Lk.4:30,31.

Comments: Both referenced scriptures only say Jesus taught. 20. Peter Called Where & When Peter was chosen, with Andrew, by the . Mt.4:18-20; Mk.1:16-18.

Peter was chosen, with James and John, by the lake of Gennesaret. Lk.5:2-11.

Andrew chose Jesus and then got Peter to join. Jn.1:35-42.

Comments: Mt & Mk both say Galilee, and Lk says Gennesaret. Very little effort went into this discrepancy, the lake was known by both names as well as Lake , and others. There is no contradiction, just more details are presented. Peter already called Jesus Master and notice in :23 it says Jesus was teaching in different towns, no disciples with him, so it is clear Peter had not entered fulltime travel with Jesus. Notice in Lk 2:10 it says so also James and John. They were added. No contradiction at all. 21. Peter Preaching Assignment Peter was to preach to the Jews. Mt.10:2,5,6; Gal.2:7.

Peter was to preach to the Gentiles. Acts 15:7.

Comments: In Mt 10 Peter is told to preach to the Jews only. In Gal Peter is called to preach to the Jews. In Acts 15:7 Peter was the first to preach to the Gentiles so where is the contradiction. Just because you are called to the Jews does not mean you cannot preach to Gentiles at all. God used Peter to let the world know the Gentiles where included in the promise. This is bad reasoning. 22. Peter Mother Cured When Jesus cured Simon Peter's mother-in-law after he cleansed the leper. Mt.8:1-15.

Jesus cured Simon Peter's mother-in-law before he cleansed the leper. Mk.1:30-42; Lk.4:38 to 5:13.

Comments: Mt is giving a sequence of events placing the leper cleansing before the healing of the mother in law, in Mk it says and a leper came to him, it gives no inference to timing, it only says it happened. In Lk it says while in one of the cities a Leper came and Jesus healed him. If Jesus only ever healed one leper there is an argument, but this is not the case. No discrepancy here. 23. Peter Mother In Law Healed Peter's mother-in-law was healed before Peter was called to be a . Lu.4:38,39; 5:10.

Peter's mother-in-law was healed after Peter was called to be a disciple. Mt.4:18,19; 8:14,15; Mk.1:16,17,30,31.

Comments: Peter was called before the event and is known by Jesus or why is he going to his house. In Lk 5 Peter calls him master and as we already discussed James and John are called in Chapter 5 not Peter. The gospel writer is simply telling us things that happened, he is not giving us an incident report from the scene of a crime. 24. James & John With or Not James and John were with Jesus when he healed Simon Peter's mother-in-law. Mk.1:29-31.

James and John were not with Jesus when he healed Simon Peter's mother-in-law. Lu.4:38,39; 5:10,11.

Comments: James and John are named in Mk, not naming in Lk 4 does not mean they were not there, Lk 4 gives no names at all. 25. Apostle Confusion Lebbaeus (Thaddaeus) was the name of an apostle - but no Judas, brother of James. Mt. 10:3.

Judas, the brother of James, was an apostle, but no Thaddaeus. Lk.6:16; :13.

Comments: Judas was known as Judas Thaddaeus, and Labbaeus so there is no discrepancy. This implies that the people who are critiquing the Bible were not interested in intellectual honesty, they just want to discredit.

INTERMISSION- So far 24 of the 25 discrepancies are not discrepancies, just objections from lazy people who did not want to do the work to prove what was true. 26. Centurion Healing The centurion's servant was healed in between the cleansing of the leper and the healing of Peter's mother-in-law. Mt.8:2-15.

The centurion's servant was healed after the cleansing of the leper and the healing of Peter's mother-in-law. Lu.4:38,39; 5:12,13; 7:1-10.

Comments: Mt 8:2-5 Jesus comes down from the mountain and in Lk 5:12-13 it says the healing took place in one of the cities. This is not even the same event. 27. Feeding the Multitude The people were not impressed with the feeding of the multitude. Mk.6:52.

The people were very impressed with the feeding of the multitude. Jn.6:14.

Comments: Mark says they were astonished, did not understand because their hearts were hardened. Jn says this is indeed a prophet. So where is the contradiction, I don’t see one. All of these reactions can occur simultaneously. 28. Travel After Feeding the Multitude After the feeding of the multitude, Jesus went to Gennesaret. Mk.6:53.

After the feeding of the multitude, Jesus went to Capernaum. Jn.6:14-17.

Comments: My research shows that Capernaum and the Gennesaret are both on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee. The authors are not recording these events like you would trace your trip on the map. They are providing relevant details and events at their discretion. We simply cannot put a standard of reporting on the writers that we would expect in the modern world. Very little research would confirm to the Biblical critic that modern biography did not start until the 18th century and did not reach the standards they are implying until the 20th century. 29. Demon Confession A demon cries out that Jesus is the Holy One of God. Mk.1:23,24.

Everyone who confesses that Jesus came in the flesh is of God. 1 Jn.4:2.

Comments: This is an argument from total ignorance. Jesus came to save humans not demons. Of-course they knew he was the Holy One of God, by his behavior, healing powers, and his victory over Satan. 30. Fig Tree Jesus cursed the fig tree so that it would not bear fruit. Mt.21:19; Mk.11:14.

It wasn't time for the fig tree to bear fruit. Mk.11:13.

Comments: Mt 21:19 says no fruit only leaves, MK 11:14 says leaves only, it was not figs season. Wow complete agricultural ignorance, season refers to picking the fruit. These trees had leaves because fig trees grow fruit before the leaves fully open. This is sheer ignorance, not even bothering to check the growth cycle of fig trees, which I found in 2 minutes. There is no discrepancy. 31. Fig Tree Withers The fig tree withers immediately, and the disciples are amazed. Mt.21:19,20.

The disciples first notice the withered tree the next day. Mk.11:20,21.

Comments: Mt 21 says they saw it wither at once. The next day in Mk 11 says it withered to the roots. No contradictions, the withering continued to advance. 32. Jesus Position Confusion Jesus is the mediator of the "Father". 1 Tim.2:5; 1 Jn.2:1.

Jesus sits on "his" right hand. Mk. 16:19.

Jesus and the "Father" are one and the same. Jn.10:30.

Comments: No bible student would take this criticism seriously. All of these are true based on the supernatural and human natures of the Messiah.

33. One God or Three There is one "God". 1 Tim.2:5; Jms.2:19.

There are three. 1 Jn.5:7.

Comments: Theological ignorance, if a person does not understand the clear teaching of the Trinity in the scriptures they certainly cannot understand these statements. 34. Honor Parents or Against Them Jesus said to honor your father and mother. Mt.15:4; Mt.19:19; Mk.7:10; Mk.10:19; Lk.18:20.

Jesus said that he came to set people against their parents. Mt.10:35-37; Lk.12:51-53; Lk.14:26.

Jesus said to call no man father. Mt.23:9.

Comments: Never at any time in the Bible are we to put our parents above our relationship with God. Jesus was calling people back to God where God was to be first in their life. Putting God first did then, and still does today set parents and children against each other. Reading each scripture in context makes this very clear. Jn also says call no one rabbi, father, and instructor, this is a statement of superiority unless a person believes they should not attend a school or ever be taught by anyone. 35. Fool Statements Jesus/God said, "You fool…". Lk.12:20; Mt.23:17.

Paul calls people fools. 1 Cor.15:36.

Call someone a fool and you go to hell. Mt.5:22.

Comments: God calls the person a fool because they gave up their life for things. Most certainly he would know if someone is a fool. Paul does not call them a fool, he says they are a foolish person because they have misunderstood specific teaching. In Mt 5 the context is a direct insult against the person attacking them which is forbidden In Mt 23 the person does not understand the teaching. 36. Anger Anger by itself is a sin. Mt.5:22.

But not necessarily. Eph.4:26.

Comments: Mt 5:22 in context is regarding an offense, if you keep reading reconciliation is required. Do even bring your gift to the altar if you don’t reconcile first. It is clear anger can lead to unforgiveness and bitterness and this is forbidden. Eph 4:26 is saying the same thing don’t let anger bring you to the point of sin which is unforgiveness in context. 37. Ask Seek Knock Ask and it shall be given. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened to you. Mt.7:7,8; Lk.11:9,10.

Ask and you shall be refused. Seek and you won't find. Knock and you will be refused entrance. Lk.13:24-27. Comments: The context is clear once the master’s door is closed the offer to enter through the door is over. There is no contradiction. 38. Don’t Judge Do not judge. Mt.7:1,2.

Unless it is necessary, of course. 1 Jn.4:1-3.

Comments: Mt 7:2 says the judgment you pronounce will be given to you. This is a final judgment against someone who behaved the same as you, that is why it later says get the log out of your eye before you worry about the speck in your brother. The context is hypocritical judgment. In 1 Jn 4 is about judging the validity of the spirit behind what was said. There is no contradiction. 39. Hidden or Made Known Jesus is thankful that some things are hidden. Mt.11:25; Mk.4:11,12.

Jesus said that all things should be made known. Mk.4:22.

Comments: Mt 11 makes it clear the arrogant never respond to the truth it stays hidden in their arrogance. Verse 9 is essential to understand Mk 4:11-12, it says he who has ears to hear let him hear, so because they can hear they understand the parables. Mk 4:22 is the same nothing will be hidden from those who have ears to hear as stated in Mk4:23. No contradiction. 40. Signs Not Given but Given Jesus said that no sign would be given. Mk.8:12.

Jesus said that no sign would be given except for that of Jonas. Mt.12:39; Lk.11:29.

Jesus showed many signs. Jn.20:30; Acts 2:22.

Comments: The wanted a sign in Mk 8:12. In Mt 12:39 and Lk 11:29 but only the sign of Jonah would be given. Jn 20:30 says Jesus did many signs that you may believe. In Act 2:22 Jesus did many mighty works, wonders, and signs. There is no contradiction with a basic understanding of the scriptures. The Pharisees accused Jesus of being of the devil when he healed. They did no perceive the signs he was doing from God. They were seeking a sign of their choosing that would prove Jesus was from God. The signs for the masses and the signs for the Pharisees are not the same. No contradiction. 41. Law Eternal or Until the Time of John Jesus stated that the law was until heaven and earth ended. Mt. 5:17-19.

Jesus stated that the law was only until the time of John. Lk.16:16.

Comments: In context it says Jesus fulfilled the law because he is the new human, the promised prophet, Messiah, and our High Priest. The book of Hebrews teaches us when there is a change in the priesthood there is a change in the law. The law of Moses was fulfilled by Jesus and was preached up until , at this time the preaching of the Kingdom of God began which would replace Mosaic Law. Jesus says in Mt 5 whoever relaxes the least of these commandments will be least in the Kingdom, commandment are the moral law of God they do not change because they are based on God’s character. 9 of the 10 commandments of Moses are repeated in the New Covenant. The Moral Law is eternal. The Law of Moses had 613 laws which included precepts, ceremonial law, and Jewish specific laws tied to the land like tithing. There is no contradiction once a person understands the scripture, all mankind is held to the moral law of God and Jesus is our only hope of fulfilling it. 42. Sermon on the Mount Location The "Sermon on the Mount" took place on the mountain. Mt.5:1.

The "Sermon on the Mount" took place on a plain. LK.6:17.

Comments: Mt 5:1 says Jesus went up on a mountain, which means he went to the high place. Does anyone think the climbed a 5 or 10-foot mountain and made everyone follow him? Lk 6:17 Jesus delivers the . They are two separate events. Mt discourse is 3 chapters, in Lk right after the beatitudes he pronounces wows. Most certainly Jesus would have preached similar themes multiple times throughout the land. No contradiction. 43. Lord Prayer’s Location The "Lord's Prayer" was taught to many during the "Sermon on the Mount". Mt.6:9.

The "Lord's Prayer" was taught only to the disciples at another time. Lu.11:1.

Comments: This contradiction assumes Jesus never taught anything twice. Perhaps Jesus taught this same prayer many times in many locations. 44. Jesus House Jesus had his own house. Mk.2:15.

Jesus did not have his own house. Lk.9:58.

Comments: Mk says they are in Jesus's house, whether it was his or his parents we do not know. In Lk it does not talk about a house, they are travelling and the context is he has no place to lay his head. This is a reference to the hardship of being an itinerate preacher with limited resources. (Most certainly sleeping under the stars most nights.) No contradiction. 45. Good Works Good works should be seen. Mt.5:16.

Good works should not be seen. Mt.6:1-4. Comments: The issue between Mt 5 and Mt 6 is who gets the glory, let your light shine glorifies God in Mt 5, and your acts of righteousness before men means you are doing them in hope of human approval. Massive difference in these two approaches, there is no contradiction. 46. Salvation Jews or Gentiles Jesus said that Salvation was only for the Jews. Mt.15:24; Mt.10:5,6; Jn.4:22; Rom.11:26,27.

Paul said that salvation was also for the Gentiles. Acts 13:47,48.

Comments: Anyone without Biblical training would make this mistake. Jesus' mission in prophecy was always to bring the whole world to salvation, but it had to happen through the Jews. His mission was to bring the remnant of Israel to repentance and then they would take the message to the world. No contradiction. The Jews would then fulfill their mission of evangelizing the world. 47. Repentance Yes or No Repentance is necessary. Acts 3:19; Lu.3:3.

Repentance is not necessary. Rom.11:29.

Comments: Here the subject matter is different, the pathway to salvation has always been and will be repentance. Gifts and calling are irrevocable or as some translations say are without repentance. This means God was making the offer regardless of the response. Notice vs 32 says God has bound everyone over to disobedience so he may have mercy on them all. This is the gift and call of God. 48. Mercy is For Who Non-believers obtain mercy. Rom.11:32.

Only believers obtain mercy. Jn.3:36; Rom.14:23.

Only baptized believers obtain mercy. Mk.16:16.

Mercy cannot be predetermined. Rom.9:18.

Comments: Again the Biblical illiterate have no business interpreting the scripture. God offers mercy to everyone who wants it. Mercy does come with a few strings like actually listening and doing what God asks so he can give it to you. All the above passages articulate this. In Rom 9:18- we see mercy given to the repentant and hardness given to the unrepentant. If God offers the opportunity to repent and it is refused again and again what is happening. Is it not the continued rejection of mercy hardening the heart all the more. This is exactly what to Pharaoh and countless people I know do, the more I speak to them the harder they get. 49. How Saved All who call on the "Lord" will be saved. Rom.10:13; Acts 2:21.

Only those predestined will be saved. Acts 13:48; Eph.1:4,5; 2 Thes.2:13; Acts 2:47.

Comments: Certainly everyone who calls on the Lord is saved as stated in Rom 10:13. It is important to understand that calls do not mean an onetime call. It is a reference to a relationship, in other words the person continues calling on the Lord. Acts 2:21 say the same. Acts 13:48 says .. and as many as were appointed to eternal life believed. It is important as allows us to understand the context in the previous verses, the context is prophecy discussing how many of the Jews would reject salvation and the offer would be made to the Gentiles and many of them would receive. The context is clear the prophecy said the gentiles would receive salvation. This does not remove the requirement to call on the Lord. Eph 1:4-5 says ….chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. Predestination is the person’s acceptance of the foreordained plan of God to be holy, blameless, adopted, to be redeemed, receive forgiveness, and so on. 2 Thess 2;13 says … “to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth. To this, he called you through the gospel.. .”. Calling on the Lord and sanctification are terms that both describe a reconciled relationship with God. Sanctification means to be set apart for a purpose and calling on the Lord is someone who has a relationship and who is set apart to the Lord or why would they call on him. Acts 2:47 says …And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. This is a statement confirming God’s plan of salvation, man would preach and the Holy Spirit would draw. It is ridiculous to imply the removal of human will, it is not even in the picture. The gospel is given in the world through human to human contact and God himself confirms the truth of the message to the hearer if they have ears to hear. There is no contradiction in any of these passages. 50. Cast Aside or Not Jesus said he would not cast aside any that come to him. Jn.6:37.

Jesus said that many that come to him will be cast aside. Mt.7:21-23.

Comments: Jn 6:37 Says come to him he will not cast out that he should lose nothing that was given him. This does not exclude those who say Lord Lord and then ignores the will of God. Either way, a false confession of Lord or a true confession that is turned away from is the context of 7:21-23. No contradiction. 51. Salvation by Faith or Works Salvation comes by faith and not works. Eph.2:8,9; Rom.11:6; Gal.2:16; Rom.3:28.

Salvation comes through faith and works. Jms.2:14,17,20.

Comments: This is another argument from ignorance Paul who specializes in Justification by faith says the same thing in Rom 1;5… “to bring obedience of faith for the sake of his name”. Faith obeys, it can be seen and this is all James is saying. James is speaking primarily to a Jewish audience and James wanted to make it clear that a confession in Jesus Christ would result in obedient faith and not just mental assent. No contradiction Paul and James are in 100% agreement. 52. The Righteous The righteous have eternal life. Mt.25:46.

The righteous are barely saved. 1 Pet.4:18.

There are no righteous. Rom.3:10.

Comments: The righteous are those who believe in God. The righteous shall live by faith. The point is, you have to keep the faith, notice vs 19 of Peter: so then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good. Romans 3:10 is talking about personal righteousness apart from faith. True righteousness is a gift and is given by faith and retained by faith. The just will continue living by faith. The challenge is to not revert to self-righteousness but continue to trust Christ. 53. How to Receive Salvation Believe and be baptized to be saved. Mk.16:16.

Be baptized by water and the spirit to be saved. Jn.3:5.

Endure to the end to be saved. Mt.24:13.

Call on the name of the "Lord" to be saved. Acts 2:21; Rom.10:13.

Believe in Jesus to be saved. Acts 16:31.

Believe, then all your household will be saved. Acts 16:31.

Hope and you will be saved. Rom.8:24.

Believe in the resurrection to be saved. Rom.10:9.

By grace, you are saved. Eph.2:5

By grace and faith you are saved. Eph.2:8.

Have the love of truth to be saved. 2 Thes.2:10.

Mercy saves. Titus 3:5.

Comments: Responding to complete theological ignorance is the challenge set before me in responding to this.

Mk 16:16 says belief and baptism, believe/faith is always required, it means you believe what God says to the point of acting upon it. Baptism is the outward ritual of an inward reality. Baptism as taught in the scripture is a direct tie to the atonement and work of Christ. When we are baptized, going down in the water symbolizes our dying with Jesus and our coming out of the water symbolizes our coming back to life being resurrected from the dead. So let’s see how these passages tie into the others.

Jn 3:5 is a simply explaining the theology behind what happens at salvation, born of Spirit means the draw by God to salvation by his Spirit and in so doing you receive the promise of his Spirit as later described in chapters 14 to 16 in John. This does not change the human process of believing and being baptized, it is a picture of God working in the believer through this process.

Mt 24:13 says those that endure to the end will be saved. The possible contradictions come here from not understanding belief, belief is not a one time and forget it action, belief is ontologically reflected in attitude and action. This is the same concept expounded in MK 16:16

Acts 2:21 & Rom 10:13 says everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Calls on is a present progressive verb which means it is continuous and ongoing. Only someone who has a relationship based on faith and trust would do that?

Acts 16:31 says “believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved- you and your household. Again active ontological belief saves. You and your household mean if they have faith they will be saved as well unless the writer as is implied is an idiot. 31a says believe and be saved so people in your household can't be saved without belief. The statement is implicitly saying believe and be saved.

Rom 8:24 says in this hope you were saved. Hope is the expectation of what believing produces which is eternal life the adoption to sonship and the redemption of our body. Everyone is still saved by faith, hope gives fuel for faith, a person continuing to believe that they will be redeemed and resurrected is essential. Hope is an expression of faith in the one who made the promise.

Rom 10:9 says “If you declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. This is a statement of faith. God has asked us to believe him. He has established the Lordship of Jesus over the earth and has promised to give eternal life to all those who believe the testimony about Him. Jesus rose from the dead, he has the power to forgive sins and will forgive all those who continuously call on his name as Lord and Savior.

Eph 2:5 says it is by grace you have been saved. Faith is how we are saved, and grace is the means of receiving it. God chose to save us, it is an act of his will, he decided to save us by paying the penalty for human sin himself. Man can’t save himself, grace is an act of God that creates the pathway for faith.

Eph 2:8 says saved by grace through faith. So grace is God reaching out to us through Jesus and Faith is our responding. 2 Thes 2:10 says refuse to love the truth to be saved. God declares Jesus as Lord and Savior. This is the truth of God, the message and the means are contained in God’s truth revealed in the person of Jesus Christ.

Tit 3:5 says he saved us by mercy. Of course, he did, Mercy is not giving someone what they deserve...

It is certainly clear why an unlearned unbeliever would perceive all of these statements as contradictions. It is because they are completely blind.

God’s mercy, love, grace, and truth come to us through Jesus Christ and when we accept his grace and love by trusting and believing in his character and declaration we are saved. There is no contradiction in any statement above. 54. Backsliders Backsliders are condemned. 2 Pet.2:20.

Backsliders are saved regardless. Jn.10:27-29.

Comments: 2 Peter 2:20 talks about being overtaken by corruption which will result in being worse off than if they ever knew the gospel. While Jn 10 27-29 talks about sheep never being snatched from Jesus' hand. The key phrase that is critical to understanding is in verse 27, My sheep listen to my voice, I know them and they follow me. This is talking in the present progressive. Nowhere in this passage does it say they can’t depart themselves, it just says no-one else can take them from him. It is clear humans have free will and can walk away from God, there is no contradiction. 55. Forgiveness Forgive seventy times seven. Mt.18:22.

Forgiveness is not possible for renewed sin. Heb.6:4-6.

Comments: Unlimited forgiveness is expressed by 70 x 7 times in Mt 18:22. In Heb 6:4- 6 the issue is not about forgiveness, it is talking about repentance. The falling away is a blatant as Messiah and in context is talking to Jews who because of persecution where turning back to Judaism. The rejection of the truth when you know it means there is no way back. Also Mt 18 is human to human relationships and Heb 6 is talking about the rejection of God’s truth. 56. Divorce Divorce, except for unfaithfulness, is wrong. Mt.5:32.

Divorce for any reason is wrong. Mk.10:11,12.

Comments: Mt 5:32 says only sexual immorality is permissible. Mk 10: 11-12 says anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. Notice it does not say that anyone committed adultery in Mk 10. So with no adultery the man had no probable cause for divorce, so as soon as he has sex with his new wife he becomes an adulterer. There is no contradiction actually I cannot understand how they even put the two together. 57. Enemies Jesus approved of destroying enemies. Lk.19:27.

Jesus said to love your enemies. Mt.5:44.

Comments: There is a major contrast here, humans loving each other is mandatory. If a human however declares themselves to be an enemy of God, what do you suppose will happen in the end. Exactly, they will be killed, no doubt. 58. Heaven God resides in heaven. Mt.5:45; Mt.6:9; Mt.7:21.

Angels reside in heaven. Mk.13:32.

Jesus is with God in heaven. Acts 7:55,56

Believers go to heaven. 1 Pet.1:3,4.

Heaven will pass away. Mt.24:35; Mk.13:31; Lk.21:33.

Comments: This objection makes no sense why can’t God, , and Jesus all be in heaven. I believe their objection is that heaven will pass away. Yes the bible teaches there will be a new heaven and new earth that God will create after final judgment. Heaven and earth will meet and become one, Heaven is where God resides and the earth is where man resides. God's plan is to bring these two together and forever live with the redeemed. When a person does not understand the Bible and in this case the eschaton how can they possibly understand these scriptures? 59. Temptation Pray that you don't enter temptation. Mt.26:41.

Temptation is a joy. Jms.1:2.

Comments: Another argument from ignorance a recurring theme. There is a major difference because entering into temptation and being tried by it. One statement is about not crossing the line and the other is the joy you receive when you have victory over temptation. Their statement from Jms 1:2 above is another wording distortion. Here is what the ESV says “count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds … The context is about facing the challenge. MT 26:41 is similar; it is telling you to pray so that you don’t fall. 60. God Leads You into Temptation God leads you into temptation. Mt.6:13. God tempts no one. Jms.1:13.

Comments: Mt 6:13 says and lead us not into temptation, this is an expression which means to lead us away from it. Read this and remove the not then you get their version, keep the not in the phase and it is clear it means the opposite. Jms 1:13 talks about God not tempting anyone, of-course he does not tempt us. 61. Provision Take no thought for tomorrow. God will take care of you. Mt.6:25-34; Lk.12:22-31.

A man who does not provide for his family is worse than an infidel. 1 Tim.5:8.

Comments: Mt & Lk above is talking about a direct relationship between you and God and 1 Tim is talking about a relationship between you and your family. 62. Call on Lord Saved or Not Saved Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Acts 2:21; Rom.10:13.

Not everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Mt.7:21.

Only those whom the Lord chooses will be saved. Acts 2:39.

Comments: Acts 2:21 and Rom 10:13 are as stated above. Act 2:39 is clear that the context is about those who respond to the call of God. When you keep reading line 40b says ”Save yourselves from this crooked generation. There tactic here is called scripture lifting, when you do that you can make things mean what you want them to mean. Vs 41 says those who received his word…, in other words answered the call. Mt 7:21 says “says to me Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. The emphasis here is a false confession of lordship. When you keep reading, Jesus says I never knew in vs 23. The context is clear a real confess produces results and false confession produces results. 63. Justified by Faith or Works We are justified by works and not by faith. Mt.7:21; Rom.2:6,13; Jms.2:24.

We are justified by faith and not by works. Jn.3:16; Rom.3:27; Eph.2:8,9.; Gal.2:16.

Comments: Mt 7:21 says “…does the will of my Father. This is faith, you hear the truth of God and you respond. Rom 2:6,13 is most challenging so I grant the deceivers some slack on this one. The new Covenant promise in Jer 31:31 says …”I will put my law within them, and will write it on their hearts.” This is an ontological statement that contradicts nothing. Paul is a deep theologian and his writing can be confusing without careful investigation. Works are evidence of faith they prove that you have faith. In vs 7, it says to those who by patience in well-doing seek glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. In Rom 1:6 Paul says..” to the obedience of faith for the sake of his name… I do not know any real Christian that is not seeking to do good and wanting glory, honor, and immortality. Vs 13 addresses the matter clearly, he says it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who are justified.” Stop and think, every true Christian has the law written on his heart Jer 31:31, so the most natural thing in the world is to obey the law. God can declare the Christian righteous because their character matches their confession. Rom 2:27-29 says “27Then he who is physicallyc uncircumcised but keeps the law will condemn you who have the written coded and circumcision but break the law. 28For no one is a Jew who is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical. 29But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God.

This argument is picked up again in Romans 8 12So then, brothers,e we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. 13For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

So the contradiction is apparent without theological understanding. With understanding, we know the gospel changes a person, gives them a new nature, writes the law of God on their heart, true Christian seek to do good, seek, glory, honor, and immortality and obey the law. God declares them righteous because there is an ontological change in the person resulting in faith that obeys the moral law written on their heart. Most certainly people can choose to disobey the Spirit and end up lost, because they reject the Spirits leading.

Paul says in Gal 6:7-8 7Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. 8For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

Jn 3:16 is a declaration of how we are saved. Jesus redeems us when we believe him period. Faith is a belief proven by actions, not just a declaration.

Rom 3:27 says trying to gain God’s approval by obeying the law of Moses is not the way, the law of faith is the way, believing God, receiving his Spirit, and the law of God written on your heart. Human justification is a work of God, we believe his message and he changes our nature and ultimately our destiny.

Eph 2:8-9 says saved by grace through faith and it is a gift. Simply put to be saved you believe God’s declaration, that he wants to save you, a person hears the call and responds to it by believing and acting upon it. Faith hears the message, that says repent from your rebellion which will result in your death. After a person realizes their guilt they trust Christ to forgive their sin. There is no salvation without repentance which is a mind that says I will stop rebelling against God. Once a person realizes they are guilty of sin and deserve death because of rebellion the proper response is to ask that your sins be blotted out. Gal 2:16 says “yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ…” Yes correct we trust, believe, and obey what Jesus says which is the law of faith.

In conclusion works are evidence of being led by the Spirit of God the promise to all those who hear the call of God and obey. 64. Sandals Do not take sandals (shoes) or staves. Mt.10:10.

Take only sandals (shoes) and staves. Mk.6:8,9.

Comments: The context in both scriptures is to not take anything extra just what they are wearing. Seriously does anyone think Jesus is asking his disciples to walk from town to town barefoot? 65. Peace or No Peace Jesus said that in him there was peace. Jn.16:33.

Jesus said that he did not come to bring peace. Mt.10:34; Lk.12:51.

Comments: These two statements deal with two different things, in Jn 16 he is talking about the peace that is received with God through him. In Mt 10 and Lk 12 he is talking about the result of his efforts that will divide the world and even within the family, those who come to God on one side and those who reject God on the other side. These two cannot coexist, they are natural enemies. 66. John Prophet or Not Jesus said that John the Baptist was a prophet and Elijah. Mt.11:9; Mt.17:12,13.

John said that he was not a prophet nor was he Elijah. Jn.1:21.

Comments: Are you the Prophet, is much different than saying you are a prophet. Again Biblical ignorance is on display. The Prophet is the prophet Moses said would come in Dt 18:15. Acts 3:22, Acts 7:27. Jesus is that prophet not John the Baptist. John answered correctly. John not knowing he was taking the role of Elijah in no way discredits his response of not saying he was Elijah. Jesus gave the full revelation to his disciples and with a qualifying statement he said in vs 11:14 “and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come. It is clear that Jesus does not even expect to disciples to understand even after Jesus said it, so how can anyone blame John if he does not understand his full impact. Again deception or ignorance as they changed the phrase the prophet to a prophet. 67. Jesus Meek or Violent Jesus said that he was meek and lowly. Mt.11:29. Jesus makes whips and drives the moneychangers out of the temple. Mt. 21:12; Mk.11:15,16; Jn.2:15.

Comments: In Mt 11:29 Jesus is talking about the yoke placed on people to receive rest for their souls. Indeed trying to save yourself is a yoke no one can bear. His yoke gives you rest from this tireless labor. In Mt 21:12, Mk 11:15-16 & Jn2;15 Jesus is scolding the corrupt of heart those who worship money not God, these people were using God to make money. Is there an issue with someone being humble and gentle with one group of good people and angry with a group of evil people. I see no contradiction. 68. Leaven Jesus said, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees". Lk.12:1.

Jesus said, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and ". Mt.16:6,11.

Jesus said, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod". Mk.8:15.

Comments: Leaven in all three instances is a reference to hypocrisy/falsehood. There is no issue with Jesus accusing multiple people of this. 69. Peter Founds Church or Satan Jesus founds his church on Peter. Mt.16:18.

Jesus calls Peter "Satan" and a hindrance. Mt.16:23.

Comments: My research into Caesarea Philippi revealed there is a cave there called the Gates of Hell. This was an evil place with much pagan sacrifice. Knowing this gives us the proper interpretation. In context Peter just told Jesus that he was the Christ and Jesus told him that the father revealed this to him. So how in context could anyone think that the church is built on Peter and not the declaration that Peter made when he said Jesus is the Christ. Christians are Christians because they profess Jesus as the Christ the anointed one of God. Now addressing the gates of hell, Jesus and Peter are standing and looking at the cave and Jesus tells Peter that the evil pagan worship will not prevail. The are the message that has the power to bind or loosen. If a person accepts the message they have been loosened, if they reject it they are bound. Jesus called Peter Satan because he spoke an adversarial message to the purpose and mission of Jesus. The word Satan means the accuser. It is very important to understand there is no one called Satan he is called The Satan which is a title for the chief accuser. Jesus is not calling Peter the devil.

70. & 71 Favor Not His to Give The mother of James and John asks Jesus to favor her sons. Mt.20:20,21.

They ask for themselves. Mk.10:35-37. Jesus responds that this favor is not his to give. Mt.20:23; Mk.10:40.

Jesus said that all authority is given to him. Mt.28:18; Jn.3:35.

Comments: Mt 20:21-22 the question is asked about sitting on the right and the left in the Kingdom, then the conversation switches from the mother to the sons. The reason for the switch is Jesus knew full well it was the sons that put the mother up to it. So the question is who asked the question. Mk 10:35-37 says the Son’s asked which is true, just because Mark omits the mother’s request does not change anything. Everyone knows the sons are asking the question. Mt 20:23 says this spot is not his to grant, it is for whom the Father has prepared it. Mk 10:40 says it for whom it has been prepared for. Mt 28:18 says all authority on heaven and earth has been given to me. Where is the contradiction? For example, if you manage a company you have all authority, does this mean that you don’t give authority to others to make decisions without you. God the father is going to pick who sits beside his son this does not remove Jesus' authority, this is simply respect for the father. Jn 3:35 says “The Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hands. This is grasping at straws to find a contradiction. 72. Blind Man or Men Jesus heals two unnamed blind men. Mt.20:29,30.

Jesus heals one named blind man. Mk.10:46-52.

Comments: The tells the story of Bartimaeus. The writer emphasized this story because he had specific details about him. This does not mean there was not a second blind person. Why is a personal choice a contradiction? The gospel writer of Mt does not give names and states there were two people healed. Why can’t both stories be right? The author is telling the story they want to tell. 73. Heals all Sick or Some Sick Jesus healed all that were sick. Mt.8:16; Lk.4:40.

Jesus healed many that were sick - but not all. Mk.1:34.

Comments: It is clear Mt and Lk say all and Mk does say many. The details were given to the writer, so the writer is recording what they perceived happening. Perhaps all were healed or many, the point is Jesus had the power to heal proving that he was the Christ. In my opinion this adds credibility not a discrepancy. If five people all saw a car accident would all 5 reports be the same? Of course the answer is no. It is the same here, the point is Jesus healed. The authors are attempting to tell us about the of Jesus, they are not Philadelphia lawyers. 74. Who Asks The council asks Jesus if he is the Son of God. Lk.22:70. The high priest asks Jesus if he is the Christ, the Son of God. Mt.26:63.

The high priest asks Jesus if he is the Christ the Son of the Blessed. Mk.14:61. The high priest asks Jesus about his disciples and his doctrine. Jn.18:19.

Comments: There is no discrepancy, this is an issue of who is writing the gospel. Mt is a Jew and is writing to a Jewish audience. The entire them of the book is Jesus as the Jewish Messiah. It is not strange that he would emphasize the High Priest who is the head of the council. Mark on the other hand is portraying Jesus as the suffering servant, so it is no surprise that he chooses to focus on the council questioning rather than the High Priest. Jn 18 is part of the questioning, but it is not the same questions and positive we do not have all the questions and answers given at this event. 75. Jesus Answers Jesus answers to the effect of “You said it, not me”. Mt.26:64; Lk.22:70.

Jesus answers definitely, “I am”. Mk.14:62.

Comments: In Lk 22 and Mt 26 Jesus says “you say that I am”. In Mk 14 it records Jesus as saying I am. It is clear to me that Jesus is saying I am when Jesus says “You say that I am”. Notice Jesus does not deny the claim only accuses the questioner that they have already made their decision. There is no contradiction, the real point is that Jesus is the Son of God. If I was witness to this event I could easily write that Jesus made it clear he was the Messiah. It is important to understand that how things were written two thousand years ago are not how we write today. 76. Cock Crowing & How Many Times At the Mount of Olives, Jesus told Peter he would deny him three times. Mt.26:30-34.

At the Passover meal, Jesus told Peter he would deny him three times. Lu.22:13,14,34.

Comments: In Mt 26 they eat the Passover and Jesus tells him he will deny him 3 times in the Garden then in Lk it says he tells him at the Passover dinner. I have done this countless times, tell somebody something twice, especially if it is of great significance. There is no issue if the gospel writers record it this way. The scriptures prove the statement was made, was it made twice in two locations probably. This adds credulity to the evidence, it proves the writers were not copying one account to create another. 77. & 78.Peter’s Denial Peter was to deny Jesus before the cock crowed. Mt.26:34; Lk.22:34; Jn.13:38.

Peter was to deny Jesus before the cock crowed twice. Mk.14:30.

Comments: Mt 26, Lk 22, and Jn 13 all say before the rooster crows you will deny me 3x as stated, but in Mk 14 it says the rooster crows twice. There is no discrepancy here; it is a matter of understanding. A rooster will crow once at midnight and then again at 3 a.m. So it is clear Mark made of point of the twice based on the second crow of that day and this is the exact time Peter remembers the words of Jesus. Mt & Lk emphasize the last crow which is when the event occurs. As a historical record, who can say either account is wrong, one simply has more detail. The importance of the story is the cock crowing and Peter’s denial. 78. Number of Cock Crows The cock crowed once. Mt.26:74.

The cock crowed twice. Mk.14:72.

Comments: Answered above. 79. Peter’s First Denial Peter makes his first denial to a maid and some others. Mt.26:69,70.

It was only to the maid. Mk.14:66-68; Lk.22:56,57; Jn.18:17.

Comments: Mt 26 says the servant girl saw him, then another servant girl then a bystander. Mk says the servant girl, same servant girl, then bystander, Lk says servant girl someone else, still, another insisted, and Jn 18:17 says so they said (crowd), then a servant of the high priest,

So regarding the first denial, most certainly many people were around, I highly doubt a servant girl would approach Peter alone in the middle of the night. Certainly she was part of a crowd. Choosing to identify the crowd or not has no bearing on the story. 80. Peter’s Second Denial Peter’s second denial was to another maid. Mt.26:71,72.

It was to the same maid. Mk.14:69,70.

It was to a man and not a maid. Lk.22:58.

It was to more than one person. Jn.18:25.

Comments: Mt says servant girl, Mk says servant girl in ESV and KJ says, maid. Is not a maid a servant? Lk 22 says someone else saw him and he responded, it does not tell us if someone was male or female, we get the answer “Man I am not”. Jn 18:25 says so they the crowd and he said “I am not” the writer decides to record individual responses or crowd reactions. Now let’s consider the surroundings, here is a woman screaming accusations, surrounded by many men and officials from the high priest. Perhaps you might say Man instead of the woman. John also gives us much more details like the relationship of the servant girl to the man whose ear was cut off, and that the servant worked for the High Priest. How a person chooses to tell a story and the amount of detail they give is up to them. On the surface this appears to be a discrepancies, when you take all the factors into consideration I don’t see one. 81. Peter’s Third Denial Peter’s third denial was to several bystanders. Mt.26:73,74; Mk.14:69,70. It was to one person. Lk.22:59,60.

It was to a servant. Jn.18:26,27.

Comments: Mt & Mk both say, bystander, Lk says still another and Jn 18 says the servant of the High Priest. There is no issue here, if I investigated the story I would get these responses based on who I asked. For example, did everyone in the crowd know the person asking was the servant of the High Priest, was she wearing a name tag. All this proves is that those doing the research questioned different people and the people gave the answer they had. Does this not add credibility that the authors investigated the events. 82. Who Bought Field The chief priests bought the field. Mt.27:6,7.

Judas bought the field. Acts 1:16-19.

Comments: Mt 26 says the chief priest bought the land. The priest was from the tribe of Levites, they were not allowed to buy land so it makes perfect sense that they bought the field in Judas’s name. Acts 1 says he acquired a field. Acquiring a field could me you went and bought it or someone else bought it for you. The point is acquiring means it is in your possession. There is no issue in this story. The priests also gained control of the land without violating the law of Moses which said they could not own land. 83. Judas Field or Threw Money Down Judas threw down the money and left. Mt.27:5.

Judas used the coins to buy the field. Acts 1:18.

Comments: Mt 27 says he threw down the money, and Act 1 does not say Judas went and bought the field it says he acquired it as a reward for his wickedness. 84. Judas Hanged Or Fell Judas hanged himself. Mt.27:5.

Judas fell headlong and burst his head open. Acts 1:18.

Comments: Mt 27 says he hung himself and Acts 1 says and falling headlong he burst open in the middle and all his bowels gushed out. Again no issue, Judas is hung and starting to decay, so either the rope breaks so or someone cuts the rope. With his body already decaying a fall could most certainly cause his guts to spill out. Putting the two events together makes perfect sense. Acts simply added more details of why the field was called the field of blood. Recording his death by hanging and not recording his guts spilled, does not invalidate either account unless of course you want it to. 85. Jesus Response Jesus did not answer any of the charges. Mt.27:12-14; Lk.23:9. Jesus answered some of the charges. Mk.14:61,62.

Jesus answered all of the charges. Jn.18:33-37.

Comments: Mt 27 and Lk 23 says Jesus did not respond to charges. Mk 14 says he answered the question about being the Messiah; this is different than the specific charges or violation he was accused of. In Jn 18 the question is asked are you King of the Jews. There is no contradiction here Jesus answers the questions about him being the Messiah and King and refuses to answer their charges. 86. Eternal Life Jesus said that eternal life would be given to all that were given to him. Jn.11:27-29; Jn.17:12.

Jesus released Judas in order to keep this promise. Jn.18:5-9.

Comments: Jn 11, I see as a misfit scripture, Jn 17 says Judas departed to fulfill the scripture and Jn 18 says this is to fulfill “of those whom you gave me I have lost not one”. This proves God allowed Judas into the fold to fulfill his mission just as the others fulfilled their mission. Judas was given to Jesus for this very purpose, those who were truly given to be disciples were protected. This misunderstanding comes from having no concept of the sovereignty of God, or the prophetic promises that would be fulfilled. 87. Persuading the People The chief priests and elders persuade the people. Mt.27:20.

Only the chief priests persuade the people. Mk.15:11.

The chief priests and the people persuade themselves. Lk.23:13-23.

Comments: Mt 27 says the chief priest and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and to destroy Jesus, Mk 15 says chief priests stirred up the crowd to have them release Barabbas instead of Jesus, and Lk 23 says “they all cried out together “Away with this man, and release to us Barabbas. Chief priests and elders or just chief priest are of little consequence here, many would perceive them both as the same and for Lk 23, does it not make sense that after leadership stirs up the crowd that everyone would be in unison asking for the release of Barabbas and the death of Jesus.

88. Jesus Robe Jesus is given a scarlet robe. Mt.27:28.

Jesus is given a purple robe. Mk.15:17; Jn.19:2.

Jesus is given a gorgeous robe. Lk.23:11. Comments: My research into color has shown me that there is no discrepancy. Color in the modern west is highly defined, in the ancient world the differential of color is very blurred, purple and scarlet were far less refined 2 thousand years ago. Based on this research it is clear they could both be referring to the same color. 89. Sign Above Jesus The sign says, “This is Jesus the King of the Jews”. Mt.27:37.

The sign says, “The King of the Jews”. Mk.15:26.

In three languages, the sign says, “This is the King of the Jews”. Lk.23:38.

In the same three languages, the sign says, “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews”. Jn.19:19,20.

Comments: Careful examination reveals there was an inscription and a superscription and this is where the confusion comes from. Mt 27 is the Inscription and it read “This is Jesus The King of the Jews” written in 4 languages. Mk 15:26 was s superscription of his accusation and it read “The King of the Jews”. Lk 23:38 is a reference to the superscription written in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew, “This is the King of the Jews. Jn 19:19-20 “And Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross. “Jesus of Nazareth The King of the Jews” Problem solved multiple languages and multiple signs. 90. Why Forsake Jesus asks God, The Father, why he has forsaken him. Mt.27:46.

Jesus said that he and The Father were one in the same. Jn.10:30; Jn.17:11,21,22.

Comments: Understanding Mt 27:46 cannot happen without a deep understanding of sin and how a Christian feels when they sin. Sin creates a barrier between God and man, I know when I sin, I feel away from God, it is not until I repent that I feel close again. Jesus did not sin, but he took on the sins of the world. It is obvious to me that Jesus said exactly how he was feeling. Only stop an imagine that you have never felt apart from someone and then you take potentially every sin ever committed on earth into your body. This is the separation Jesus felt, I cannot relate fully to Jesus but have experienced the pain of separation. When I sin It feels like God has separated from me, but it is I who have separated from him. This is what Jesus felt. This action is stated in the Bible in 2 Cor 5:21- “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. Jesus became sin for us. Try to picture how you would feel. Of-course Jesus and God are one from Jn 10 and Jn 17, one has to study the Trinity to understand this. 91. Centurion Declaration The centurion says, “Truly this was the son of God”. Mt.27:54.

The centurion says, “Truly this man was the son of God”. Mk.15:39. The centurion says, “Certainly, this was a righteous man”. Lk.23:47.

There was no centurion. Jn.19:31-37.

Comments: Mt 27 says there was an earthquake and the centurion says “Truly this was the son of God”. The curtain of the temple was torn from top to bottom and the centurion said “Truly this man was the Son of God”. Lk 23 in ESV saw what was done and then made his statement innocent in ESV and KJV says righteous. I see no contradiction here, the error assumes the centurion only every made one statement. Is it not plausible if you just saw an earthquake at that moment you might think it was a supernatural event, so for him to say Jesus was the Son of God would make sense. After the centurion saw all that was done he said Jesus was innocent or righteous where is the problem? Again we have two authors who chose what they wanted to record. They don’t contradict they complement each other. In Jn 19 it is clear the focus of the author is to explain the prophecy of Num 9:12, Ps 34:20 and Ex 12:46 regarding no broken bones and Zech 12:10 regarding the Messiah being pierced. This is a person's choice of emphasis. In no way does this discredits the other accounts. 92. Jesus Hour of Crucifixion Jesus was crucified at the third hour. Mk.15:25.

Jesus was still before Pilate at the sixth hour. Jn.19:13,14.

Comments: Mk 15 says it was the 3rd hour that Jesus was crucified, and Jn 19 says it was preparation day the six-hour. There are no contradictions the times work perfectly John followed Roman time and Mark used Jewish time. Roman time runs from midnight to midnight just like us. Jewish time runs from 6 pm to 6 p.m., so the morning of the day started at 6 am so the third hour of the day would be 9 a.m., and the trial of Jesus would have been 6 a.m. the 6th hour of the day. No contradiction when you understand the difference between Jewish and Roman time. 93. Women after Resurrection The women looked on from “afar”. Mt.27:55; Mk.15:40; Lk.23:49.

The women were very close. Jn.19:25.

Comments: Mt 27, MK 15, and Lk 23 say “there were many women there, looking on from a distance”. Jn 19 says Jesus’s mother, his mother’s sister and Mary wife of Clopas and were by the cross. The close inner circle was close and the rest that followed from Galilee were not so close. Does this not make perfect sense that a limited number of close relatives would be allowed to attend the crucifixion and the others would be kept away? 94. Jesus Last Words The last recorded words of Jesus were:

Version 1: “Eli, Eli …My God, My God why have you forsaken me” Mt.27:46. Version 2: “Eloi, Eloi…My God, My God why have you forsaken me” Mk.15:34.

Version 3: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”. Lk.23:46.

Version 4: “It is finished”. Jn.19:30.

Comments: First Mt 27 and Mk 15 it does not say these are his last words, he is offered a sponge filled with sour wine. Lk 23 says “Father into your hands I commit my spirit”. Jn 19 says “It is finished,” Scholars tell us that supplementation is not equivalent to a contradiction. Each writer wrote what they wanted so not saying one thing does not mean it was not said. 95. The Guard A guard was placed at the tomb the day after the burial. Mt.27:65,66.

No guard is mentioned. Mk.15:44-47; Lk.23:52-56; Jn.19:38-42.

Comments: Mt says they were to secure the site, sealing the tomb with a stone and setting a guard. Mk. Lk and Jn say nothing about the centurion at the tomb because the emphasis of the story is the granting of the corpse to Joseph. 96. Never See Death Only those keeping the words of Jesus will never see death. Jn.8:51.

Jesus’ disciples will be killed. Mt.24:3-9.

All men die once. Heb.9:27.

Comments: What we have here is a failure to understand the term death. Death is not just physical in the Bible, there is also spiritual death. Can the context possibly be any clearer that we are talking about spiritual death in Jn 8 and physical death in Mt 24 and Heb 9? Jesus did not come to save anyone from physical death, he died a physical death, he came to save us from eternal death. 97. Stone Removed or Not Upon their arrival, the stone was still in place. Mt.28:1 2.

Upon their arrival, the stone had been removed. Mk.16:4; Lk.24:2; Jn.20:1.

Comments: Only the gospel of Mt records the stone being rolled away by an angel and this report appears to be validated by the guards. Silence in the other does not invalidate what is said in Matthew. 98. Earthquake There was an earthquake. Mt.28:2.

There was no earthquake. Mk.16:5; Lk.24:2-4; Jn.20:12. Comments: The bible does not say in Mk, Lk, and Jn that there was not an earthquake, they just don’t mention one. If one author mentions something and another author does not mention something has is that a contradiction. 99. Visitor Tell Who The visitors ran to tell the disciples. Mt.28:8.

The visitors told the eleven and all the rest. Lk.24:9.

The visitors said nothing to anyone. Mk.16:8.

Comments: Mt 28 says the angel told them to go tell the disciples. Lk 24 says the disciples and the rest in other words the other disciples as used in Mt 28. Mk 16:7 the angel tells them to tell the disciples and vs 8 says “and they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone for they were afraid. The context is clear there is no contradiction of any kind. The followers of Jesus were made aware the news was initially kept silent from everyone else. 100. Appearance After the Resurrection Jesus' first resurrection appearance was right at the tomb. Jn.20:12-14.

Jesus' first resurrection appearance was fairly near the tomb. Mt.28:8,9.

Jesus' first resurrection appearance was on the road to . Lk.24:13-16.

Comments: Below is a complete harmonization of the resurrection appearances in the spreadsheet format. The spreadsheet proves when properly reviewed there is no contradiction. This document will also be used to invalidate multiple other supposed contradictions and will be a reference.

Scripture Reference # Description Matthew Mark Luke John Other 1 Stoned rolled away 28:2-4 Mary Magdeline and the other Mary comb to the tomb. The angel says to them he has risen and she and to tells the other apostles and that Jesus will meet then in Galilee. It is unclear if Mary M saw the stone rolled away it appears to me that only the guards saw the angel and the stone rolled away and they trembled. Then the angel appeared to them. 2 Women visit the tomb 28:1 16:1-4 24:1-3 20:1 Mt 28 says it is the Sabbath and Mary Magdeline and the other Mary go to the tomb. Mk 16 Mary Magdeline Mary the mother of James and brought spices to anoint Jesus. They ask who will roll the stone away but it had already been rolled away. The angel is in the tomb and tells them he is raised, and he will meet them in Galilee. Lk 24 says They went carrying spices, when they arrived Jesus was not there and two men (angels) say "why do you seek the living among the dead) they tell them Jesus will meet them in Galilee and then recite the resurrection story. Jt says Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw the stone had been taken away from the tomb.

3 Mary Magdalen to Peter & :1-2 John records Mary running to get Peter and John as a result of the encounter with the angel. 4 Other women remain at tomb 28:5-7 16:5-7 24:4-8 The woman remain as Mary M runs for Peter the Angels tells them to tell his disciples, so they would be heading to Bethany where most the disciples were and Mary M would be going to Jerusalem. On the way Jesus greets the women and repeats the angel’s message for the disciples to meet them him in Galilee.

5 Peter & John run to the tomb then 24:12 20:3-10 leave Lk 24 says Peter got to the tomb looked in and marveled at what happened. Jn record John being with Peter and going into the tomb and finding the clothes of Jesus. 6 Christ 1st appearance Mary 16:9-11 20:8-10 Magdalen retunes tomb Great detail is not given in Mark it just says Mary M was first to see the risen Christ so this happened before the other women seeing Jesus on the road to Bethany. Jn 20 tells us Mary makes it back to the tomb and after Peter and John leave she encounters Jesus, she talks with him, he calls her Mary and she recognized them 7 Christ 2nd appearance, Jesus appears 28:8-10 to other women The woman that left the tomb on the road to Bethany to tell the disciples is greeted by Jesus and they hold his feet and worship him. 8 Guards report events 28:11-15 Now the guard have left the tomb and have reported the events to the officials. They are then bribed and told to say the disciples stole the body. 9 Christ 3rd appearance to Peter 1 Cor 15:5 Jesus appears to Peter by himself. 10 Christ 4th appearance 16:12-13 24:13-32 Jesus appears to two disciples in the country, they report the appearance but the disciples reject their report. # Description Matthew Mark Luke John Other

11 Christ 5th appearance 10 apostles Lk24:36- missing Thomas- upper room 43 Jesus appears to the ten in the upper room. He shows them his wounds and tells them to touch him. 12 Christ 6th appearance 8 days 20:26- including Thomas 28 The next appearance is 8 days later only this time to Thomas and the ten. 13 Christ 7th appearance 7 disciples at 21:1-14 Sea of Galilee, and the of fish Jesus meets them at the Sea of Galilee tells them to cast their nets, they catch fish and then eat together. 14 Christ 8th appearance- over 500 28:16-20 16:15-18 1 Cor 15:6 Mt 28 and Mk 16 give the and 1 Cor 15:6 says there were over 500 disciples present. 15 Christ 9th appearance in Jerusalem is 1 Cor to James and then all the apostles 15:7 James was an unbeliever, this changed that day. James becomes the leader of the Jerusalem church after seeing his 1/2 brother raised from the dead. 16 Christ 10th appearance Jerusalem Acts 1:3- Apostles 8 Jesus meets with the apostles over 40 days speaking about the kingdom of God. 17 Christ 11th appearance Ascend to Mk 16:19- 24:50-53 Act 1:9- heaven 20 12 Mk 16 and Lk 24 tell us about his ascension and Acts 1 provides more detail about the cloud and the two men in robes telling of his return will be the same way.

101. Doubt One doubted. Jn.20:24.

Some doubted. Mt.28:17.

All doubted. Mk.16:11; Lk.24:11,14.

Comments: Thomas does not believe in Jn 20, Mt 28 says they worshipped him, but some doubted. Mk 16 says that initially they did not believe Mary. Lk 24 says some apostles did not believe. I have no understanding why this posed as an objection.

102. Blood Shed for Who Jesus said that his blood was shed for many. Mk.14:24. Jesus said his blood was shed for his disciples. Lu.22:20.

Comments: Mk 14 says blood poured out for many, and Lk 22 says This cup is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood. So in other words because Jesus personalized the message it is a contradiction to Mk 14. This is a stupid inference; think about these words “new covenant in my blood”, so then the new covenant only saves the disciples. I guess there is no reason for Jesus telling the disciples to preach the gospel they were the only ones that could be saved. 103. Who Carried Jesus Cross was forced to bear the cross of Jesus. Mt.27:32; Mk.15:21; Lu.23:26.

Jesus bore his own cross. Jn.19:16,17.

Comments: Jn 19 says he went out bearing his cross, this does not mean he had to carry it all the way himself, it says he went out, so in no way does this invalid the statements in Mt, Mk and Lk that Simon of Cyrene carried it part of the way as well. 104. Jesus Drink Offer Jesus was offered vinegar and gall to drink. Mt.27:34.

Jesus was offered vinegar to drink. Jn.19:29,30.

Jesus was offered wine and myrrh to drink. Mk.15:23.

Comments: The ESV says in Mt 27 Jesus was offered wine with gall, he tasted it but would not drink it. In Jn 19 says sour wine in the ESV and Mk 15 it says wine mixed with myrrh, but he did not take it. Gal simply means bitterness, a substance likely of a greenish hue. Myrrh was often added to wine to keep it from going sour, it also had a narcotic to help deaden the pain. Roman soldiers drank this to help them endure the discomforts of military life. Put it together, a wine with myrrh would be common and the guards would have this in their possession and to add a plant to embitter it for the condemned makes perfect sense. 105. Drink or Didn’t Drink Jesus refused the drink offered him. Mk.15:23.

Jesus tasted the drink offered and then refused. Mt.27:34.

Jesus accepted the drink offered him. Jn.19:30.

Comments: Mk 15 says he did not take it, Mt 27 says he tasted it and refused it. Jn 19 says when he received the sour wine he said, it is finished. In none of these instances does it say he drank anything, if I offer you a drink put and put it to your mouth but don’t drink it, would I tell everyone you drank it, no I could say you received the drink and refused to drink.

106. Thieves Mock Both “thieves” mocked Jesus on the cross. Mt. 27:44; Mk.15:32.

One “thief” sided with Jesus on the cross. Lu.23:39-41.

Comments: Mt 27 says the robbers who were crucified with him also reviled him in the same way. Mk 15 says the chief priests and the scribes mocked him. Lk 23 says one of the criminals railed at him, saying, “Are you no the Christ” Save yourself and us!” Another argument from ignorance, I guess the story is told so often about the repentant thief and the unrepentant thief that people lose sight of the fact that many people were being crucified. Notice it says in Lk 23:39 “One of the criminals who were hanged” It is clear many were being crucified and one got especially lippy and talked specifically about him being the Christ. The conversations of the other revilers are not recorded, just that they were shooting insults. 107. Asks for Body Joseph of Arimathaea boldly asked for the body of Jesus. Mk.15:43.

Joseph of Arimathaea secretly asked for the body of Jesus. Jn.19:38.

Comments: There is no contradiction Joseph goes to Pilate in secret and took courage to ask for the body of Jesus. (ESV) 108. Tomb New or Near Jesus was laid in a nearby tomb. Mk.15:46; Lu.23:53; Jn.19:41.

Jesus was laid in Joseph’s new tomb. Mt.27:59,60.

Comments: Mk 15 says laid him in a tomb that had been cut out. Lk 23 says he lay in a tomb cut in stone where no one had ever yet been laid. Jn 19 says a new tomb in which no one had yet been laid. Mt 27 says and lay in his new tomb. None of these verses say nearby tomb we know this because it was a garden tomb in the place where he was crucified. I guess the issue is it can’t be near and new. Don’t even understand the objection. 109. Stone or No Stone A great stone was rolled in front of the tomb. Mt.27:60; Mk.15:46.

There was nothing in front of the tomb. Lu.23:55; Jn.19:41.

Comments: I fail to understand the significance if two writers mention the stone and two don’t. What possible bearing does that have on anything? The writer recorded what they wanted to record. 110. Who Spiced Jesus prepared the body with spices. Jn.19:39,40. Failing to notice this, the women bought spices to prepare the body later. Mk. 16:1; Lu.23:55,56.

Comments: Nicodemus brought specific spices of myrrh and aloes, then the women brought spices to anoint his body, and then Lk says they prepared the spices and ointments. Again where is the contradiction? I guess the argument is only one person can bring spices. It is highly likely the women saw what was brought and completed the process by bringing what Nicodemus did not bring. Also the context said they used the species they bought to anoint him. They prepared the ingredients with specific purposes in mind. There is no contradiction here. 111. Body Anointed or Not The body was anointed. Jn.19:39,40.

The body was not anointed. Mk.15:46 to 16:1; Lk.23:55 to 24:1.

Comments: Jn 19 says nothing about anointing just that Joseph brought the species. Mk 15 says he wrapped him in the linen shroud and laid him in a tomb. Mk 16 says the women brought species as well for anointing the body. Lk 23 says they prepared spices and ointments and Lk 24 says they went to the tomb with the spices they prepared. The content is clear the body was wrapped and spices, the women made the special arrangement and prepared spices at home and came an anointed the body. So he was fully prepared for death spiced and anointed. 112. Materials Before or After The women bought materials before the Sabbath. Lu.23:56.

The women bought materials after the Sabbath. Mk.16:1.

Comments: Lk says nothing about buying spices perhaps because they had some of what they needed. In Lk 16 they bought the spices that were not already available to them from their possession or from what Nicodemus provide. I had to read this multiple times thinking I had missed something. 113. Jesus First Seen Jesus was first seen by Cephas, then the twelve. 1 Cor.15:5.

Jesus was first seen by the two Mary’s. Mt.28:1,8,9.

Jesus was first seen by Mary Magdalene. Mk.16:9; Jn.20:1,14,15.

Jesus was first seen by Cleopas and others. Lu.24:17,18.

Jesus was first seen by the disciples. Acts 10:40,41.

Comments: See the link in my answer to number 100. There is no contradiction here. 114. Two Mary’s, or? The two Mary’s went to the tomb. Mt.28:1.

The two Mary’s and Salome went to the tomb. Mk.16:1.

Several women went to the tomb. Lu.24:10.

Only Mary Magdalene went to the tomb. Jn.20:1.

Comments: See the link in my answer to number 100 115. Dawn or Dark It was dawn when Mary went to the tomb. Mt.28:1; Mk.16:2.

It was dark when Mary went to the tomb. Jn.20:1.

Comments: Mt 28:1 says toward the dawn, it does not say it was dawn so how they worded it above is not correct. Jn 20:1 says it was still dark. When compared they both say the same thing Jn says it was dark and Mt says toward dawn which would also confirm it was not dawn yet and dark. 116. Angel was Where An angel sat on the stone at the door of the tomb. Mt.28:2.

A man was sitting inside the tomb. Mk.16:5.

Comments: See 100 above these are two separate occurrences and there is no contradiction. 117. Angels Standing or Sitting Two men were standing inside the tomb. Lk.24:3,4.

Two angels were sitting inside the tomb. Jn.20:12.

Comments: Angels always appear as men, when you evaluate the context especially the words dazzling apparel and the fear exhibited, I believe there is strong evidence the word men were angels. 118. Peter in or not in the Tomb Peter did not go into the tomb but stooped and looked inside. Lk.24:12.

Peter did go into the tomb, and another disciple stooped and looked inside. Jn.20:3-6.

Comments: Both scriptures say Peter looked in the tomb, how far he went in is unknowable, but we know he went far enough where he saw the clothes. 119. After the Resurrection After the resurrection, the disciples held Jesus by the feet. Mt.28:9. After the resurrection, Jesus told Thomas to touch his side. John 20:27.

After the resurrection, Jesus said that he was not to be touched. Jn.20:17.

Comments: Mt 28 they took Jesus by the feet, Jn 20 Thomas touched him, and Jn 20:17 he was not to be touched and with the reason he had yet ascended to the father. He had to go into the heavenly tabernacle and make atonement for those who would be redeemed. There is no issue here just theological ignorance. 120. Where did Mary See Jesus Mary first saw Jesus at the tomb. Jn.20:11-15.

Mary first saw Jesus on her way home. Mt.28:8-10.

Comments: The statements above are not accurate. Mary sees Jesus at the tomb, not on her way home, the other women saw Jesus on their way to the disciples in Bethany. 121. Woman in Tomb or Not in Tomb The women entered the tomb. Mk.16:5; Lk.24:3.

The women stayed outside the tomb. Jn.20:11.

Comments: Mk 16 & Lk 24 say she entered the tomb, and Jn 20 says Mary stoop to look inside the tomb. This is nothing more than a perception issue. She had a conversation with the angels are we to presume they were not looking at each other. She was in far enough to see what she could not see from without. A friend stops by and just steps into the house but does not stay, and later he tells his friend he did not go in, is he lying, of course not. 122. Disciples Afraid or Glad The disciples were frightened when they saw Jesus. Lk.24:36,37.

The disciples were glad when they first saw Jesus. Jn.20:20.

Comments: Lk 24 says they were startled and frightened. Put yourself in their shoes, someone enters your room and does not use a door or window and stands before you, I am guessing you may be afraid. Now the opposite response you discover it is your Rabbi raised from the dead as in John, perhaps you may be overjoyed with joy or be glad. It is ridiculous to imply that both emotions would not be present. One author focuses on one emotion, does this eliminate the other emotion. Basic common sense is all that is required to understand this unless of course you are bent on unbelief and making a case for it.

123. 12 or 11 Saw Jesus

Twelve disciples saw Jesus. 1 Cor.15:5. Eleven disciples saw Jesus. Thomas was not there. Mt.28:16,17; Jn.20:19-25.

Comments: 1 Cor says he appeared to the 12. Mt 28 says now the 11 disciples went to Galilee and Jn 20 talks of the disciples with Thomas who see the Lord 8 days later. There is no contradiction he, Jesus did see the twelve and in Galilee, it does not state emphatically in 1 Cor 15 that it was at an exact moment. The twelve happened within an 8 day period and this is exactly what the summary statement is saying, he saw the 12. 124. Doubt or Belief in Resurrection The disciples doubted that Jesus had risen from the dead. Mt.28:17.

The Pharisees and chief priests believed it possible. Mt.27:62-66.

Comments: Mt 28 does say some doubted. This is not an unreasonable statement, no amount of evidence can make someone believe what they don’t want to believe. I have seen this many times in my life, people refusing to believe something is true because it will affect their current way of life. Mt 27 does not say they believed, they called Jesus an imposter in vs 63 and are worried the body will be stolen and the fraud will be worse than his death because people will believe he rose from the dead and is the Messiah. 125. Jesus Ascended When Jesus ascended on the third day after the resurrection. Lk.24:21,50,51.

Jesus ascended the same day as the crucifixion. Lk.23:42 43.

Jesus ascended forty days after the resurrection. Acts 1:3,9.

Comments: Lk 24:21 says it is now the third day, Lk 24:50-51 says he went as far a Bethany then he was carried up to heaven. Lk 23 says Jesus enters paradise the same day as the thief on the cross. Act 1:3 says he presented himself alive and stayed with them 40 days speaking about the Kingdom of God. Acts 1:9 says Jesus is lifted in a cloud after he gives them they will receive power from the Holy Spirit when he comes upon you. The argument is stupid, Jesus can go to heaven any time he wants and come back any time he wants. Lk 23 is talking about the spirit, proof of this is the thief next to him was going to be in paradise well his body was on a cross. In Lk 24 Jesus has risen from the dead and in bodily form, so he must go into heaven as a High Priest and present his blood on the altar as a once for all sacrifice ushering in the new covenant. Act 1 is talking about his ascension after his mission with the Apostles is complete, he has made sure they understand the scriptures, the kingdom and once that was complete he went and sat down at the right hand of the Father. 126. At Ascension How Many At the time of the ascension, there were about 120 brethren. Acts 1:15.

At the time of the ascension, there were about 500 brethren. 1 Cor.15:6. Comments: Act 1 the context is the replacement of Judas and there was 120 present. 1 Cor 15:6 it says he appeared to more than 500 brethren. There is no contradiction unless you believe Jesus unless you believe that Jesus did not have 500 followers. The argument here assumes every single believer was at every single event. The context says only 120 were there for the Apostle selection. This is a ridiculous argument. 127. Moneychanger Timing The moneychanger’s incident occurred at the end of Jesus’ career. Mt.21:11,12.

The moneychanger’s incident occurred at the beginning of Jesus’ career. Jn.2:11-15.

Comments: It is clear there were two events not one, in there is much detail about the Passover including the selling of sheep, oxen, and pigeon used for sacrifices and the moneychangers. In Mt 21 it is after his triumphant entry which is the week before Passover. I am sure Jesus probably wanted to do this every time he went to the temple so to say it did not occur twice in 3 to 3 ½ years of ministry is unwarranted. 128. Zacharias Son of Who Zacharias was the son of Jehoida, the priest. 2 Chr.24:20.

Jesus said that Zacharias was the son of Barachias. Mt.23:35. (Note: The name Barachias or Barachiah does not appear in the OT.)

Comments: 2 Chron says son Jehoiada, and Mt 23 says the son of Barachiah. First the statement above is simply wrong Zech says 1In the eighth month of the second year of Darius, the word of the LORD came to Zechariah the prophet, the son of Berechiah”.. Guess they did not bother to check. Second Jesus is not even refereeing to 2 Chron 24:20 he was speaking of Zechariah son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo in Zech 1:1-2. Third Zachariah the son of Jehoiada lived 3 centuries earlier than Zachariah the son of Berechiah. 129. Coming of the Kingdom The coming of the kingdom will be accompanied by signs and miracles. Mt.24:29-33; Mk.13:24-29.

It will not be accompanied by signs and miracles since it occurs from within. Lk.17:20,21.

Comments: Mt 24 and Mk 13 are talking about the return of the son of man, the culmination of the age, and the end of the human rule when the son of man rules the world. Lk 17 is talking about the creation of the church when the Holy Spirit will reside inside of believers. 130. Kingdom Prepared or Being Prepared The kingdom was prepared from the beginning. Mt.25:34.

Jesus said that he was going to go and prepare the kingdom. Jn.14:2,3. Comments: The context in Mt 25 is talking about the kingdom prepared before the foundation of the world and Jn 14 is a personal statement where Jesus tells them he is preparing a place for them. This is a clear deception of the word it does not say Jesus is going to prepare a Kingdom but a place. Theologically the message is clear for us. God’s plan to deliver mankind was always part of his plan and the disciple's favorable response to the promises and loyalty to Jesus insured their place with Jesus at the end of the age. 131. Are all Sins Forgivable Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is an unforgivable sin. Mk.3:29.

All sins are forgivable. Acts 13:39; Col.2:13; 1 Jn.1:9.

Comments: Mk 3 says blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is an eternal sin. Act 13 says believe and you are freed of every sin of the law of Moses. Col 2 says trespasses forgiven and the records of sin are canceled. 1 Jn 1 says if we confess our sins Jesus will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. What has created our problem for our skeptic friends is complete ignorance of the Christian message. The Bible teaches it is the Holy Spirit that draws people to God by convicting them of sin, calls them to repent and to have faith in Jesus Christ. If a person rejects the call of the Holy Spirit, they do not convert to and can’t be saved. Rejecting the truth of the Holy Spirit is blasphemy and it is an eternal unforgivable sin. 132. Where Did Ascension Take Place The ascension took place while the disciples were seated together at a table. Mk.16:14- 19.

The ascension took place outdoors at Bethany. Lk.24:50,51.

The ascension took place outdoors at Mt. Olivet. Acts 1:9-12.

Comments: Mk 16 says is the great commission and then Jesus ascends to the right hand of God. In Lk 24 he leaves Bethany and ascends. Acts 1 is after he gives the commission. Like I said earlier Jesus can come and go from heaven whenever he wants.

133. The Holy Spirit Came When The holy spirit was with John from before he was born. Lk.1:15,41.

The holy spirit was with Elizabeth before John’s birth. Lk.1:41.

The holy spirit was with Zechariah. Lk.1:67.

The holy spirit was with Simeon. Lk.2:25.

The holy spirit is obtained by asking. Lk.11:13. The holy spirit did not come into the world until after Jesus had departed. Jn.7:39; Jn.16:7; Acts 1:3-8.

Comments: There is a big difference between something being with you and something being given to you. The Holy Spirit has always been at work in the world. We see him moving across the face of the deep in Genesis, we see him come upon Samson and David and others. The new covenant changed this dynamic, the Holy Spirit is no longer just with you or just comes upon a person in their time of need. Jn 14:17 says… for he dwells with you and will be in you. This is the difference between with and given. 134. Cause of Unbelief Sometimes God is responsible for unbelief. 2 Thes.2:11,12.

Sometimes Jesus is responsible for unbelief. Mk.4:11,12.

The devil causes unbelief. Lk.8:12.

Comments: 2 Thess does not say God causes unbelief it says that “those who are perishing because they refused to love the truth and be saved, they get the delusion. Mk 4 the condition of the heart was discussed with a summary statement in 4:9 “He who has ears to hear, let him hear” The context is clear if you have ears to hear you will understand the parables. If you don’t have ears to hear you won’t. The people in 4:12 have already received their judgment, God has no intention of saving them, they have judicial hardness, they have rejected the message to the point where God has said the offer is no longer available. This is a good warning for all those who know the truth but refuse to come to it, saying I will do it later, I don’t want to give up my life. This statement is telling us, a person can get to the point when God pulls back his offer. Lk 8 is the parable of the sower, Satan in this parable uses his wiles to get people to walk away from God using cares and riches, and the pleasures of life. The contrast here is that God constantly giving the truth to the point he stops and Satan always is alluring people away from God. There is no contradiction but a stern warning for the impenitent thinking they can push God off forever. 135. Hatred Whoever hates his brother is a murderer. 1 Jn.3:15.

If anyone claims to love God but hates his brother, he is a liar. 1 Jn.4:20.

No one can be a disciple of Jesus unless he hates his brother. Lk.14:26.

Comments: I addressed this concept earlier. The story is clear we are required to love God more than our family and the reason is simple. If your father and mother are pagan idolaters and you value them more than God you are removing all hope of salvation honoring them above the call of God on your life to be saved. Hatred in Lk 14 is hatred by comparison not latent hatred for your family. All of the scriptures testify to this including the 2 great commandments about loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself.

136. Who is Judged Believers do not come into judgment. Jn.5:24.

All people come into judgment. Mt.12:36; 2 Cor.5:10; Heb.9:27; 1 Pet.1:17; Jude 14,15; Rev.20:12,13.

Comments: Jn 5:24 says hears and believes will be saved. Mt 12 says we will give an account for every word. 2 Cor says Christian will stand before the judgment seat of Christ. Heb 9:27 says we all die and are then judged. 1 Pet says God judges impartially. Jude 14-15 says God will convict the guilty. Rev 20 talks about your name being found in the book of life or not, if not the lake of fire is their destiny. Without studying the scriptures you cannot possibly understand these passages so I will cut mu skeptic friends some slack here. There are two judgments the judgment seat of Christ where believers are judged for their good and bad deeds, yet they are still saved. The second judgment is a conviction of the guilty whose name is not written in the book of life. So yes everyone will give an account of their life but the standard of judgment is based on their relationship to Christ, ultimately rewards or the lake of fire. 137. Testimony True or Not True Jesus says that, if he bears witness to himself, his testimony is true. Jn.8:14.

Jesus says that, if he bears witness to himself, his testimony is not true. Jn.5:31.

Comments: Jn 8:14 says the testimony is true, I know where I came from and where I am going. Jn 5 says if I bear witness about myself my testimony is not true in context it is talking about his own will but the will of him who sent me. Jn 8 is saying my testimony is true because he came from heaven and is returning to heaven based on his mission form God. Both statements confirm the truth one states he came from heaven which is a testimony and the father validating his message is also a testimony. 138. Man Or God Chooses If you Believe Men can choose whether or not to believe. Jn.5:38-47.

Only God chooses who will believe. Jn.6:44.

Comments: Jn 5:38-47 does talk about believing the father and the scriptures that bring eternal life for those who believe. And Jn 6:44 says no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. There is no conflict in Christian theology. The Spirit of God draws people to God. The gospel is preached and the Holy Spirit who was sent by the Father and Jesus convicts the person of the truth. Humans are morally free agents so they can hear the word and the call of the Spirit and still reject it. Salvation is received by personal belief through the truth of God’s word and the draw of the Spirit. 139. Some Lost or Not Lost None of Jesus’ followers would be lost. Jn.10:27-29. Some of Jesus’ followers would be lost. 1 Tim.4:1.

Comments: Jn 10 talks about sheep hearing Jesus' voice and following him, and when they follow him they receive eternal life. 1 Tim 4 talks about the later days when believers will walk away from the faith devoting themselves to deceitful spirits… It is important to see the requirements are continuous they hear, and follow Jesus. The question is are these actions once and never again or are they ongoing. If they are ongoing there is no contradiction. Today were are currently seeing 1 Tim 4 and Jn 10 proving that both statements are correct and do not contradict. 140. Jesus Or Satan is the Prince Jesus is the ruling prince of this world. Rev.1:5.

The prince of this world will be cast out. Jn.12:31.

Comments: There is no contradiction Jesus is the prince or ruler of believers who belong to the kingdom of God and Satan is the prince or ruler of those who belongs to the kingdom of darkness. This is a consistent testimony throughout scripture and seen in the world today. 141. Who Will Be Saved Jesus says all men will be saved. Jn.3:17.

Only 144,000 virgin men will be saved. Rev. 14:1-4.

Comments: Rev 14 is great teaching, it does not say that they are the only people ever saved, it gives specifics about them. Jn 3:17 says God saves the world through Jesus. 142. God’s View of Who Saved God wants all men to be saved. 1 Tim.2:3,4; 2 Pet.3:9.

God does not want all men to be saved. Jn.12:40.

Comments: 1 Tim 2 says “… who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 2 Pet 3:9 says .. is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish. Jn 12:40 is blindness because the Holy Spirit is no longer sent to illuminate the gospel, they have rejected to the point God is no longer making the offer. The result is a hardened heart and no way back. 143. Where Jesus Going Peter asks Jesus where he is going. Jn.13:36.

Thomas asks Jesus where he is going. Jn.14:5.

Jesus said that no one asked where he was going. Jn.16:5.

Comments: I realize there is much repetition in the skeptics' arguments, but I have committed to addressing all 194. In Jn 13 Peter asks where Jesus is going, then Thomas in Jn 14 and then in Jn 16 it says “But now I am going to him who sent me, and none of you asks me, Where are you going” But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. It is clear in context that they were already aware of his departure and did not want to talk about it. Jesus is saying you have gone silent regarding my departure, why are you not asking me questions. In context they have shut down because of sorrow. It is too bad these skeptics would not take the time to understand what they are objecting to. 144. Disciples Lost Jesus lost only one disciple. Jn.17:12.

Jesus lost no disciples. Jn.18:9.

Comments: Here we go again, calling yourself a disciple, and being one are two different things. Judas was never a real disciple and the Bible makes that clear. Jesus protected his real disciples and he did not lose any of them. 145. Bear Witness to the Truth Jesus came into the world to bear witness to the truth. Jn.18:37.

The truth has always been evident. Rom.1:18-20.

Comments: Both statements above are true and don’t contradict each other. If the truth was not present how could you bear witness to it? Guess they didn’t think that through. 146. When Holy Spirit Given During his first resurrection appearance, Jesus gave his disciples the holy spirit. Jn.20:22.

The holy spirit was given to the disciples after his ascension. Acts 1:3-8.

Comments: Jn 20 Jesus says Receive the Holy Spirit and in Act 1 it says “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you”. (Again theological ignorance.) All Christian receive the Holy Spirit upon conversion and the Holy Spirit can also give people power to carry out specific tasks, as Acts says “so you can be my witnesses”. The birth of the Church is about to begin and God through the Holy Spirit is going to provide the power to do so. Read 1 Cor 12-14 to read about the administration of the Holy Spirit within the Church. 147. Written The world could not contain all that could be written of Jesus. Jn.21:25.

All was written. Acts.1:1.

Comments: Acts 1 says “I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach…” and Jn 21 says … “I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books. First this is hyperbole which is a common practice in ancient writing, in this case it is emphasizing the incredible work of Jesus. Acts 1 says dealt with all, with is a general statement referring to an effort to make known to the reader the broad spectrum of things Jesus did and most certainly Luke does this. If Luke was written according to the skeptics we should see a diary of every single event every day that it happened. In no way is Lk implying this. 148. Obey or Not Obey Obey the laws of men for it is the will of God. 1 Pet.2:13-15.

The disciples disobey the council. Acts 5:40-42.

Comments: 1 Pet 2 says to be subject to a human institution and in Act 5 it says in vs 39… You might even be found opposing God! And then in vs 40… charged them not to speak in the name of Jesus. Of-course Christian is to be law-abiding citizens and are to submit to the ruling authorities, unless we are asked to violate God’s word. Surely our skeptic friends understand the creator of the universe out rules elected or appointed officials. 149. Obey God or Men Obey God, not men. Acts 5:29.

Obey men. It is God’s will. Rom.13:1-4; 1 Pet.2:13-15.

Comments: Act 5:29 says we must obey God rather than men, this statement proves my point from 148 above. Rom 13 says to be subject to ruling authorities. 1 Pet 2 says to be subject to human institutions. Again the same argument as 148. 150. God Partial or Not God hated Esau and loved Jacob even before they were born. Rom.9:10-13.

God shows no partiality and treats all alike. Acts 10:34; Rom.2:11.

Comments: Act 10 says “God shows no partiality, but in every nation, anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him” Rom 2: 11 says “For God shows no partiality” Now Rom 9:10-13 is perhaps one of the most challenging passages in scripture so I glad the skeptics brought it up. This is not talking about the election to salvation it is talking about the election to service. In context it is clear from chapters 9 through 11 Paul is talking about how God elected the Jews to carry out his plan of salvation, even though most Jews were not saved, but rejected. The older will serve the younger in vs 12 is a reference to God’s sovereign election for service, notice Esau is to serve Jacob. The tough passage is vs 13 “Jacob I loved but Esau I hated”. Remember who is speaking, the Bible says God is love in 1 John. God’s hatred is the withholding of affection to one person and this is what he did to Esau. As the story of Esau unfolds we see he becomes the father of the Edomite’s who becomes arch-enemies of Israel. God saw into Esau's heart and knew he was the wrong man for the job. Esau did not fear God and did not do what was right and was rejected for this reason.

151. Law & Transgression All who have sinned without the law will perish without the law. Rom.2:12.

Where there is no law there is no sin or transgression. Rom.4:15.

Comments: Rom 2:12 is an argument for judgment. Every person is a sinner with or without the law. The law just makes the person with the law guiltier. They still both die for doing evil whether there is a law or not. The argument Paul is making is Christian don’t have the law of Moses yet they obey the law even without having it. He goes on later at the end of the chapter to explain that is because the Holy Spirit has written the law on their hearts as stated in Rom 2:29. Paul is teaching the church that knowing Moses law does not make a person righteous, doing the law makes them righteous. This is true for the Christian because God has empowered us with the Holy Spirit to live Godly and follow the moral law. Rom 4:15 says “For the law brings wrath, but where there is no law there is no trespass. That is why it depends on faith. As the story goes Abraham was declared righteous 400 years before the law was given and in chapter 4 it says “Abraham believed God and that he was credit with righteousness. There is no contradiction the law of faith saves a person and a person with faith hears and obeys God with or without the law. In the new covenant the law of God is written on the heart by the Holy Spirit. 152. Doers Justified or Not Justified Doers of the law will be justified. Rom.2:13.

Doers of the law will not be justified. Rom.3:20; Gal.3:11.

Comments: Rom 2:13 is an ontological expression that proves salvation by faith. Evidence of faith is obedience as seen in Rom 1:6. There is no contradiction. Rom 3:20 says ”For by the works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight since through the law comes the knowledge of sin. Gal 3:11 says “Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for “The righteous shall live by faith” There is an incredible difference that must be understood, those relying on the law to save them will end up dying, no one can keep the law, humans have an inclination toward sin and everyone does it. The issue is with sin not the Law, as Paul says the law reveals our sin and leads us to the law of faith. The law of faith shows us that we will die from our sin and so we appeal to God’s grace by believing that Christ paid for our sins on the cross and that God will transform our character by giving us the Holy Spirit so we can live a godly life. This is the gospel there is no contraction in these statements we are justified by God through the cross and when we are there will be ontological proof of our salvation by our desire to obey the moral precepts of our God. Paul’s argument to the Jews in Chapter 2 is proving to the Jews that Christians are true followers of God they obey God in the power of the Spirit, which he is telling the Jews to take as evidence that they do not need to obey the law of Moses.

153. Law & Dominion The law has dominion. Rom.7:1.

The law does not have dominion. Rom.6:14.

Comments: Oh to know so little yet profess to know so much. I pity our skeptic friends at the arrogance they display without knowledge. Rom 7:1 says “Or do you not know, brothers-for I am speaking to those who know the law- that the law is binding on a person only as long as he lives? Rom 6:14 says “For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under the law but under grace” Rom 6:3 say Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death… Every true Christian died with Christ in baptism and was raised a new resurrected person. This is why the early Christians changed their names after conversion. Christian are not under the law of Moses, we are under Messianic rule and the Kingdom of God. 154. Sin The law was the result of sin. Gal.3:19.

Sin is the result of breaking the law. 1 Jn.3:4.

Comments: Gal 3:19 says 19Why then the law? It was added because of transgressions, until the offspring should come to whom the promise had been made, and it was put in place through angels by an intermediary. 1 Jn 3:4 says 4Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness.

(Another ridiculous uneducated statement). The law has many purposes but in this context the law was to mitigate transgression until the promise to Abraham of the Messiah. Sin not a result of the law, sin is a result of a rebellious heart, notice in 1 Jn it says to make a practice of sinning. In other words, sinning with no regard for what is right. The law just reveals what is right. It is the human heart that chooses to disobey and sin. 155. Believers Sin or Not sin Those of “God” cannot sin. 1 Jn.3:9.

Those of “God” can sin. 1 Jn.1:7 8.

Comments: 1 Jn 3:9 says 9No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed, abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. 1 Jn 1:7-8 says 7But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. 8If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us There is no contradiction key phrase makes a practice of sinning that is someone who sins without regard, no Christian can live like this. When I sin and I still do, God convicts me of my sin, and just before I am about to sin he convicts before as well. The reason is God’s seed abides in a Christian. The bible in no way says a Christian can walk in sinless perfection and every Christian is very thankful for 1 Jn 1:7-8 because we all at times need to confess our sins to God. 156. Anointing or Law Teaches The teaches right from wrong. 1 Jn.2:27.

The law written on the heart and conscience teaches right from wrong. Rom.2:15.

Comments: 1 Jn 2:27 says 27But the anointing that you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him.

Rom 2:15 says 15They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them.

Comment: Again the skeptic is saying one thing is true so the other cannot be true. Every Christian does indeed have an anointing that allows them to understand the truth and it is also true that the law of God is written on our heart that is expressed through the conscience. The anointing is an inward prompting of the spirit and the law written on our heart was something that occurred at salvation that transformed our nature. God uses both making our obedience a joint effort, our new conscience, and the Holy Spirits anointing that we received and abides in us. 157. Abraham’s Justified How Abraham was justified by faith. Heb.11:8.

Abraham was justified by works. Jms.2:21.

Abraham was not justified by works. Rom.4:2.

Comments: Heb 11:8 says by faith Abraham obeyed when he was called… Jms 2:21 says “Was not Abraham our father justified by works…. Rom 4:2 says” if Abraham was justified by works he had something to boast about. There is no contradiction when you analyze the activities. The bible is clear the Just shall live by Faith. Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. The key to understanding Biblical faith is to think of faith as a two-sided coin, those who act righteously are considered to be faithful, and those who are faithful act righteously. So how do you want to express it? Either way they say the same thing. Your actions prove your faith and faith is proven in action. Here is a simple example, you are asked to fall backward and let two people catch you. What is required for you to follow through with this action? First, you must believe they will catch you and then you must fall back. If you don’t fall back would anyone say you had faith that you would be caught? There is no contradiction; belief and action prove biblical faith. 158. Eat or Not to Eat It is not good to eat or drink anything that might cause your brother to stumble or be offended. Rom.14:21.

Let no one pass judgment on you in matters of food or drink. Col.2:16.

Comments: It is clear the skeptic has no concept of Christian charity. Rom 14:21 is not about judgment it is about putting your concern for your brother ahead of your own needs. And Col 2:16 is about judgment saying we should not let the self-righteous pass judgment on us. 159. Marry or Not Marry It is better that widows should not remarry. 1 Cor.7:8.

It is better that young widows should remarry. 1 Tim.5:11-14.

Comments: There is no contradiction, if you don’t need to marry don’t, if passion or lack of self-control is going to be an issue then marry, that being said he says it probably better if young women marry. There are many concerns regarding widows in 1 Tim 5 but the big issue is enrollment for church support. 160. God of this World, One God The god of this world blinds people to the gospel. 2 Cor.4:4.

There is only one god. 1 Cor.8:4.

Comments: The Satan is the god of his subjects (2 Cor 4:4) who follow him, the vast majority of mankind. The evidence is clear that he is their god. They are in rebellion to the true God, which does not mean there are two Gods, 1 Cor 8:4 says “ there is no God but one” Very true his name is YHVH and he is a Trinity. 161. Powers Wicked or Ordained The powers of this world are wicked, so fight against them. Eph.6:11-13.

All powers are ordained of God and, if you resist, you are damned. Rom.13:1,2

Comments: Again no concern for context. Eph 6:11-13 says. 11Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 12For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.

Rom 13:1-2 1Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.

Clearly they did not even read the scriptures, just passed on what someone gave them. Eph 6 is talking about the Sons of God from Genesis 6 and fallen Angels. While Rom 13 is talking about human governing authorities. Certainly there is cross over but the context is clear Christian believe the Satan and his cohorts are our enemies and the human government is to be respected and followed, unless they ask us to violate the word of God. 162. Bear Own or Other’s Burdens Bear one another’s burdens. Gal.6:2.

Bear your own burdens. Gal.6:5.

Comments: The context is responsibility. Every believer when they help to bear the burdens of another fulfills the law of Christ, and every person is personally responsible to carry their own burdens without putting them on someone else. In context Paul is talking about helping others who are struggling with sin and being accountable for your issues. 163. Not Greet or Answer Anyone who even greets a non-believer shares his wicked work. 2 Jn.10,11.

Always be ready to answer any man concerning your faith. 1 Pet.3:15.

Comments: 2 Jn is talking about people openly saying Jesus did not come in the flesh such a person is an antichrist. If anyone comes to you bringing this false teaching do not receive him into your house. There is a major difference between this person and the person”…who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you”. Again it is clear the skeptic did not even read this, if they had and had any level of intellectual honesty would they not remove this objection. 164. Grass Burned Not Harmed All of the grass on the earth is burned up. Rev.8:7.

The army of locusts are instructed not to harm the grass. Rev.9:4.

Comments: It appears our skeptic friends have no regard for research. Ok all the grass is burned in Rev 8:7 so the assumption is the order to not harm the grass is invalid in Rev 9:4 because all the grass would be gone. Really bad assumption, I investigated the growth of grass after it has been burned. The University of Nebraska reports that the roots of perennial grass are mostly unaffected by the fire and actually after a fire the grass grows back faster. So I am sorry my skeptic friend there is no contradiction. The grass would immediately grow back. By the way it took less than ten minutes to research these facts.

165. Father Knows & One With Jesus Only “The Father” knows. Mk.13:32.

“Jesus” and “The Father” are one. Jn.10:30; 17:11,21,22.

Comments: Jesus and the Father are one indeed. I did a study on the Trinity and it is one of the most provable doctrines in the Bible. My research is published in my book The Go-Forth Study and Reference guide available on Amazon or from my website. Giving someone a divine prerogative does not invalidate their unity. Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit are one in essence and three persons. So how is it a contradiction if a prerogative is given to one of the three to set the date and time for an event? 166. Who Judges Jesus said that he would judge. Jn.5:22,27-30; Jn.9:39.

Jesus said that he would not judge. Jn.8:15; Jn.12:47.

Jesus said that The Father judges. Jn.12:48,49.

Jesus said that his disciples would judge. Lk.22:30.

Comments: Jn 5:22-24 22For the Father judges no one but has given all judgment to the Son, 23that all may honor the Son, just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him. 24Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment but has passed from death to life.

Jn 5:27-30 27And he has given him authority to execute judgment because he is the Son of Man. 28Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice 29and come out, those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment. 30“I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.

Jn 8:15-16 15You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one. 16Yet even if I do judge, my judgment is true, for it is not I alone who judge, but I and the Fathera who sent me.

Jn 12:44-47 44And Jesus cried out and said, “Whoever believes in me, believes not in me but in him who sent me. 45And whoever sees me sees him who sent me. 46I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness. 47If anyone hears my words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. 48The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day. 49For I have not spoken on my own authority, but the Father who sent me has himself given me a commandment—what to say and what to speak. 50And I know that his commandment is eternal life. What I say, therefore, I say as the Father has told me.”

Lk 22:30 28“You are those who have stayed with me in my trials, 29and I assign to you, as my Father assigned to me, a kingdom, 30that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

Comments: 5:22-24 talks about Jesus being given the authority to judge but it is clear he has no interest in judgment, the emphasis is for people to believe his words and escape judgment passing from death to life now. :27-30 is about final judgment when people come out of the graves at the resurrection. At that time he will judge. 8:15- 16 again says he judges no one but even if he did the Father and he would judge. So when judgment is necessary it will be Jesus and the Father who are involved. Jn 12:44- 47 is a statement about not being judged now and being saved by Jesus' words or being judged by these words on the last day. The emphasis is eternal life not judgment. Lk 22:30 is about judging the twelve tribes of Israel which is unrelated to the other passage. The real message in all of this is, not who judges but what a person does with the word of Jesus determines their judgment. 167. Belief Damned or Not He that does not believe is damned. Mk.16:16.

Thomas did not believe and was not damned. Jn.20:27-29.

Comments: Thomas did believe just not initially, this shows there is hope for the skeptics that identify with the 194 points. 168. Branch Tender “When his branch is yet tender”. Mt.24:32.

“When her branch is yet tender”. Mk.13:28.

Comments: Mt 24:32 says puts out its leaves and Mk 13:28 says puts out its leaves. The Old King James uses his and her. It appears the ESV is better here is the Greek and the translation. 169. Jesus Is God Or Image or Same Jesus is God. Jn.10:30.

Jesus is the “image” of God. 2 Cor.4:4.

Jesus was a man approved by God. Acts 2:22.

Comments: Jn 10:30 say “I and the Father are one.” 2Cor 4:4 says … gospel of Christ, who is the image of God… Act 2:22 says … a man approved by God … which God did by him. So the objection is who is Jesus, is he God, the image of God or approved of by God? The answer is yes. This is not explainable outside the doctrine of the Trinity and the Incarnation of Christ. If you are interested in these doctrines please get my Go Forth Study & Reference Guide at Amazon or the website. 170. Jesus & God are One Jesus and God are one in the same. Jn.1:1.

Jesus is beside himself. Mk.16:19; Acts 2:32,33; 7:55; Rom.8:34; etc.

Comments: Jn 1:1 says “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. First Jesus was not the eternal Son as some think, Jesus was the eternal Word, who always was part of the Godhead. He took the role of the son by actually being Israel. The Bible calls Israel, God’s firstborn Son Ex 4:22-23 says “ 22Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the LORD, Israel is my firstborn son, 23and I say to you, “Let my son go that he may serve me.” Jesus took on this role when he came to the earth, his obedience allowed him to fulfill the mission of Israel so he became the Son of God. He also became a Son through the Incarnation, being abnormally born the God-Man. Jesus also became the Son of Man by being the last Adam. The first Adam brought death and the last Adam brought life, making him the Son of Man, in other words the human who was born to reverse the effects of Adam who was a Son of God. This is why Jesus could be our representative atonement on the cross dying in our place. This is a book of itself, I just wanted to give some background because many people think Jesus was the Son of God in heaven. Mk 16:19 says … received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God” Acts 2:32-33 says… being exalted at the right hand of God… Act 7:55 says…gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God” Rom 8:34 says …-who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. So based on these scriptures the skeptics are saying God is beside himself and God at the same time. I get their argument and certainly without revelation this cannot be understood. Before I was a believer I doubt I would believe this either. As humans we must understand that it is impossible to fully understand God unless God reveals himself to us. God expects us to understand his existence through general revelation, Rom 1: 18 says 19For what can be known about God is plain to them because God has shown it to them. 20For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world,g in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. Knowing God beyond that is not possible unless he chooses to reveal himself to us. God did choose to reveal himself to us and this is called special revelation. God revealed himself as a Trinity as Omniscience, Omnipresent and so forth through the personal acts of revelation that was recorded in the scriptures, we know what and who he is because he chose to do so. The skeptic's only argument is to reject the supernatural. I have no argument for someone who rejects general revelation, if a person cannot see God in this way, there is no way for them to accept the special revelation. God is who he says he is, Christian accept these scriptures based on general and specific revelation, skeptics reject these scriptures because they have rejected general and specific revelation.

171. Son of God Or Son of Man Jesus is the Son of God. Jn.6:69; Jn.20:31.

Jesus is the Son of Man. Mt.18:11; Lk.21:27.

Comments: I answered this above in 170. 172. Paul Lies or Not Paul states that he does not lie. Rom.9:1; 2 Cor.11:31; Gal.1:20; 1 Tim.2:7.

Paul states that he does lie. Rom.3:7.

Comments: When I read things like this I have to admit I am indignant. I simply cannot believe intelligent men could be so stupid and incapable of understanding basic argumentation. Rom 3:7 says “But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still condemned as a sinner. In context Paul is responding to a Jewish objection that the more we sin the better we make God look so we should all sin more. Lying is used as an example within the argument, he is not even saying he lied he is putting the argument in the first person for illustration purposes. This is a common way of writing for him. All the other scriptures referenced above make a statement where Paul says he is not lying; emphasizing the validity of his claim.

173. Trickery Paul said that he does not use trickery. 1 Thes.2:3.

Paul admits to using trickery. 2 Cor.12:16.

Comments: I am using ESV and the skeptics are using KJV so usually we have a different word from the translator. In 1 Thes 2:3 … any attempt to deceive…, and 2 Cor 12;16 says “ But granting that I myself, did not burden you, I was crafty you say, and got the better of you. Another argument from ignorance perhaps laziness who knows. Paul did not admit to trickery or craftiness, notice the words you say, and then goes on to prove he wasn’t crafty and did not use trickery. 174. Circumcision Paul says that circumcision is nothing. 1 Cor.7:19.

Paul says that circumcision is profitable. Rom.2:25; Rom.3:1,2.

Comments: Context means nothing when you don’t want it to. 1 Cor 7 the argument is should Christians remove the marks of their circumcision or if not circumcised don’t be. In context, Paul is saying to Christians obedience is more important than circumcision. Circumcision was and is distinctly part of the Jewish covenant given in the law. It does not apply to Christians, so Paul correctly said to them it is nothing for them. In Rom 2:25 Paul is arguing with Jews and the Jewish understanding of the covenant of Circumcision where circumcision was a sign to remain obedient to the covenant. In both cases Paul argues correctly. Our skeptic friends consistently prove their ignorance of Bible doctrine. 175. Covet or Not Covet Do not covet. Rom.7:7; Rom.13:9.

Paul says covet. 1 Cor.12:31; 1 Cor.14:39.

Comments: Rom 7:7 & Rom 13:9 references the use of the law and quotes “You shall not covet” (Ex 20:17) Paul did not quote the whole scripture he detail, he used a common practice to quote the basis of a verse knowing people would be referencing the full scripture and in the law, it goes on to give full details of what you should not covet like someone’s wife, servant, or possession. The Bible does not teach coveting is wrong it tells us what we should not covet. I Cor 12:31 (higher gifts) and 1 Cor 14:39 (prophecy). 176. Stealing Paul teaches not to steal. Eph.4:28.

Paul admits to stealing. 2 Cor.11:8.

Comments: Eph 4:28.”Let the thief no longer steal…” and 2 Cor 11:8 says “ I robbed other churches by accepting support from them to serve you” Seriously in context on skeptic friends are saying Paul endorses stealing based on this passage. All Paul is saying is the other churches needed the funds but they gave it as his request to help them. 177. Paul Not Hurt Paul was assured that he would not be hurt. Acts 18:9,10.

Paul was often physically abused. 2 Cor.11:23-27.

Comments: Acts 18:9-10 … for I am with you, and no one will attack you and that is exactly what happened when Paul stayed for 18 months teaching the word of God and he was not hurt during this time. This was a conditional promise based on a specific mission. 2 Cor 11:23-27 recounts all the suffering Paul went through including beating, imprisonment, the forty lashes, beaten with rods, stoned, shipwreck, and so on. This was also a promise in :16 when Jesus tells him “For I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name”. To add merit to this Paul and the other Apostles suffering for Christ is one of the most compelling arguments to the validity of the Christian Gospel and this is the reason it was necessary. Their suffering validates their belief in the resurrection Would anyone you know go through 2 Cor 11:23-27 for something they did not think was true.

178. Law Necessary or Not Paul states that the law is necessary. Rom.3:31.

Paul states that the law is not necessary. Rom.6:14.

Comments: Rom 3:31 says “Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law”. Rom 6:14 says “For sin will have no dominion over you since you are not under law but under grace. Again and again the same challenge over and over the argument from complete ignorance. It is ridiculous to imply that a person converts to Christianity and then cares nothing about the moral law of God. Is this not the argument in Rom 3:31. Yes, of-course Christian are not under the Law of Moses but all the moral precepts are still applicable to every Christian, for example Christian are under the new covenant and 9 of the 10 commandments of Moses were repeated. Paul is stating in Roman 6:14 that we are under grace not the law of Moses. We don’t rely on law-keeping to save us we rely on the grace of God to save us through faith. Of-course we are to be moral people and obey God. I like to frame it this way the moral law leads us to Christ so that we will seek his saving grace and once saved Jesus send us back to the moral law to walk a holy life. 179. Jesus Said Baptize Paul Said Not Baptize Jesus said to go and baptize. Mt.28:19.

Paul said he was not sent to baptize. 1 Cor.1:17.

Comments: Baptism is an outward act of an inward confession. Paul's purpose as stated in Rom 1:14-16 was that he was under obligation to Greeks and barbarians, wise and foolish to preach the gospel. 1 Cor 1:17 “For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel” Paul is saying there are plenty of people available to baptize. In Rom 6 Paul teaches us what baptism symbolizes and its significance so under no pretension does Paul minimize baptism. His job is to preach Christ crucified and rose from the dead. 180. Paul Not Baptize Paul said he was not sent to baptize but to preach. 1 Cor.1:17.

Paul baptized. 1 Cor.1:16.

Comments: Paul’s primary mission is clear; he is to preach the gospel, as directed by Christ. Does that mean under no circumstances he could never baptize? This is what is being implied by our skeptics. Yes Paul in 1 Cor 1:16 says he did baptize but it is a very small list. 181. Not Abolish the Law Jesus said that he did not come to abolish the law. Mt.5:17-19.

Paul said otherwise. Eph.2:15. Comments: In Mt 5:17-19 yes it says he did not come to abolish the law, but it also says he came to fulfill it. Notice Jesus does not go around telling everyone not to obey the law while he was on earth. He upheld the law of Moses because he was under that law. That law is still in effect for Jews who have not converted to Christianity. It is evident in the world and taught in the synagogues. For Christians the law of Moses is abolished in this respect, we are not required to obey it. We are under Messianic rule. There is no contradiction. 182. Condemn World or Not Jesus said that God did not condemn the world. Jn. 3:17.

Paul said that God did condemn the world. Rom.5:18.

Comments: Jn 3:17 says “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him”. Rom 5:18 says “Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men”, Rom 5:18 is talking about Adam and the curse brought upon man because of his disobedient and Jn 3:17 is talking about the remedy that Jesus came to deliver us from the transgression. How this was put together as a contradiction is beyond my understanding? 183. Stood or Fell at Paul’s Conversion Those present at Paul’s conversion stood. Acts 9:7.

They fell to the ground. Acts 26:14.

Comments: Acts 9:7 says they stood speechless, hearing the voice but seeing no one” and Act 26:14 says “And when we had all fallen to the ground, I hear a voice saying to me in the Hebrew language… Ok the initial conversation starts and they hear the voice, then they get knocked to the ground, and then the voice spoke in Hebrew a specific message to Paul about persecution. The writer was a medical doctor and the apostle was a scholar, what do you think they were so stupid that they would deliberately contradict themselves, of-course not. 184. Paul’s Conversion Those present at Paul’s conversion heard a voice but saw nothing. Acts 9:7.

Those present at Paul’s conversion saw a light but heard nothing. Acts 22:9.

Comments: Acts 9:7 says …hearing the voice but seeing no one”. Acts 22:9 says they saw the light but did not understand the voice. First we can confirm they heard the voice in Act 9:7 notice it does say they understood. In Acts 22:9 it gives us more information that they heard but did not understand. Act 9:7 says nothing about the light but Paul comes up blind, and then in Acts 22:9 he mentions the light. There is no contradiction simply more information about what happened at the scene is being given. 185. Paul to When Shortly after his conversion, Paul went to Damascus where he spent some time with the apostles. Acts 9:19.

Paul went to Damascus three years later and saw only Peter and James. Gal.1:18,19.

Comments: Acts 9:19…”For some days he was with the disciples at Damascus: Gal 1:18-19 says “Three years later I went up to Jerusalem…” There is no controversy unless one believes there were no Christian disciples in Damascus. 186. Conversion Travel Story 2 Shortly after his conversion, Paul went to Damascus and then to Jerusalem. Acts 9:18- 26.

Shortly after his conversion, Paul went to Arabia, then to Damascus, and then, 3 years later, to Jerusalem. Gal.1:17, 18.

Comments: Damascus technically is in Arabia but we know specifically that when Paul says Arabia he means Mt. Sinai as evidenced by Gal 4:25 when he says “Now Hagar is Mt. Sinai in Arabia”. There is no contradiction, he spends some days which is a short time with the disciples in Damascus, then goes to Arabia and then back to Damascus and three years later goes to Jerusalem. 187. Paul Attempted Seizure by Who In Damascus, the governor attempts to seize Paul. 2 Cor.11:32.

In Damascus, the Jews attempt to seize Paul. Acts 9:22,23.

Comments: 2 Cor 11:32 says… “King Aretas was guarding the city of Damascus in order to seize me”. In Act 9:22-23 it says” the Jews plotted to kill him but their plot became known to Saul. They were watching the gates day and night in order to kill him”. So the argument is because the governor wanted to catch Paul that the Jews could not have wanted to kill him. Don’t get the objection at all. 188. Holy Spirit & Paul’s Preaching The holy spirit forbids preaching in Asia. Acts 16:6.

Paul preaches in Asia anyway. Acts 19:8-10.

Comments: Acts 16:6 the Holy Spirit forbids Paul from speaking in Asia. In Act 19:8-10 he is in Asia preaching. Read the context and it is clear the Holy Spirit was forbidding the one direction because he had plans for Paul in Macedonia as stated in verse 9. Later the Holy Spirit moved Paul into Asia at the right time.

189. Paul Please Men or Not Paul said he would not be a servant of Christ if he tried to please men. Gal.1:10.

Paul said that he tried to please men. 1 Cor.10:33.

Comments: Gal 1:10 says “For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God,” 1 Cor 10:33 says “I try to please everyone in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, that they may be saved. Again ignorance dominates their thinking. Acts 10:33 is pleasing God because he is doing everything within his power among the people to lead them to salvation the very mission that he is on as directed by God himself. Gal 1:10 is talking about serving the praise of God over men. There is no contradiction in both cases Paul is doing exactly what God wants. 190. Paul & Sin Paul says that he was the chief of all sinners. 1 Tim.1:15.

He who commits sin is of the devil. Children of God cannot sin. 1 Jn.3:8-10.

Comments: Paul sees himself as the chief of all sinners because he persecuted Christians, and helped put to death the saint of God. These actions were before conversion where he receives God's grace and forgiveness and the call on his life that lead him to become the greatest Christian who ever lived. I Jn 3:8-10 says whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, it does not say commits occasion sins. Their argument is nonsensical. 191. Who Judges Paul said that Jesus is the judge. 2 Tim.4:1.

Paul said that God is the judge. Heb.12:23.

Paul said that the saints would judge. 1 Cor.6:2.

Comments: This is a repeat answer from 166 see the answer I gave there. 192. Jesus Son of Man or Son Of God Paul said that Jesus was the Son of God. Rom.1:3,4.

Paul said that Jesus was just a man. Heb.7:24.

Comments: Rom 1:3-4 calls Jesus a descendant of David which would make him human, and he was declared the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead. Heb 7:24 says he in the ESV and KJV says this man. The various are clear Jesus is the Son of Man and the Son of God. As the son of man he mediates between us and God and as the Son of God he mediates between God and man. 193. Boast or Not Boast Do not boast. Lk.18:14.

Do not be proud. Rom.11:20; 1 Pet. 5:5.

Paul proudly boasts. 2 Cor.11:16-18; Gal.2:9-11.

Comments: Lk 18:14 talk about if you exalt yourself you will be humbles and the humble will be exalted. Rom 11: 20 says ... so do not become proud…. 1 Pet 5:5 … clothe yourself with humility… 2 Cor 11:16-18 Paul says he is a fool for saying what he is saying but he is trying to drive home the point of his incredible service to them. He performed in humility and they have forced him to remind them of it. Gal 2:9-11 says Paul calling Peter out for his actions, this is not pride it is fighting for the truth so all can see the importance of taking a stand for the truth. 194. Lying Apostles Jesus commends the church at Ephesus for discerning the lying apostles. Rev. 2:1,2.

Paul was the apostle to Ephesus. Eph.1:1.

Comments: The book of Ephesian was written in 62 CE, a prison epistle because Paul was in prison when he wrote it. Paul's love for them is so evident he is still teaching them and helping be who God wants them to be, working tirelessly from jail. Based on this I don’t think Paul a likely candidate. Also in Acts 8 Paul is personally called by Jesus to be the Apostle to the entire Gentile world. This is who the skeptic wants to put forward as a candidate. Also the book of John was written around 90 CE, Paul is believed to have been executed around 68 CE. Conclusion

All people have biases and most certainly established beliefs can blind all of us and keep us from coming to the truth. Social indoctrination is a big factor in all our lives, it is well established that most people adopt the beliefs of those people they value, which could be family, peers, professors, religious community, and so forth. has found such a document that supports their beliefs and then pushes it to support their cause the hatred of Christianity. It is most fortunate for them that Henry Burr put this non-sense together for them.

Below are some of the very distinct patterns that I saw in this document:

1. There was a complete disregard for the validation of the facts and evidence. 2. The context was never really considered. 3. There were multiple cases of complete misrepresentation in their short statements to try to give credibility to their statements. 4. There were many repetitions of the same argument, to increase the total number of proposed contradictions. 5. One has to seriously question the integrity of the leadership of this organization. 6. They insult and call the fundamentalist idiots. After I reviewed what they promote I would have to say this is the pot calling the kettle black. 7. It appears William Burr of 1859 is their hero because his biblical ignorance and lack of Biblical understanding allowed him to produce this document. 8. is led by people who hate Christianity and feel it necessary to insult people with a Christian world view. 9. There are tens of thousands of Biblical scholars from all parts of the world and in multiple sects of Christianity that believe in Christianity because they have spent their life studying the Bible. Where any of them consulted? No Mr. Burr from 1859 is their champion because he aligns with their views. 10. Many contradictions were petty and outright stupid which brings motives into question. Perhaps this is why Mr. Burr published anonymously.