American Renaissance There is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world. — Thomas Jefferson Vol. 18 No. 7 July 2007 The Knoxville Horror

The crime and the media what sometimes amounted to a news and took them in the 4-Runner to a run- blackout—is based on documents filed down rental house at 2316 Chipman blackout. in federal and state courts, and on some- Street in black East Knoxville, where Mr. times vague and contradictory press re- Cobbins and Mr. Davidson lived. Mr. by Nicholas Stix ports. Cobbins’s 18-year-old girlfriend, Vanes- Sometime after midnight, Miss Chris- sa Coleman, met them there. n Saturday, January 6, 2007 tian and Mr. Newsom were in the park- All four, including Miss Coleman, Channon Christian, 21, and ing lot of Knoxville’s Washington Ridge then engaged in an orgy of rape and vio- O Christopher Newsom, 23, of apartment complex, where they were lence. They anally gang-raped Mr. Knoxville, Tennessee, went on a date visiting friends. Letalvis Cobbins, 24, Newsom, and orally, anally, and vagi- from which they would never return. along with his brother Lemaricus nally gang-raped Channon Christian. Outside the home of They brutally beat another couple they both victims and were visiting, they poured cleaning were carjacked and fluid down Miss kidnapped. Over the Christian’s throat. next 24 hours they They killed Mr. were beaten, gang- Newsom, leaving raped, tortured and him with “multiple murdered. gunshot wounds,” There can be and set his corpse little doubt that if on fire. Knoxville Channon Christian police refuse to and Christopher say how Miss Newsom had been Christian was mur- These three—George Thomas, Letalvis Cobbins, and Lemaricus dered, but an assistant U.S. at- black and their killers white, every- Davidson—are finally getting a little national attention. one in America would know their torney suggests she may have names. Because they were white and Davidson, 25, and George Thomas, 24, been “choked.” their killers are black, their fate has been kidnapped them at gunpoint, and car- On January 8, the day after the shrouded in a thick silence that has given jacked Miss Christian’s 2005 Toyota 4- carjacking-gang-rape-murder, Le- rise to a host of lurid rumors. Their story Runner. Mr. Davidson had already been maricus Davidson robbed an employee highlights the strange and twisted nature convicted of carjacking and aggravated of a Knoxville Pizza Hut at gunpoint, of race relations in America, which robbery in Tennessee in 2001, but de- and tried to rob a customer. Likewise on makes it nearly impossible for the au- spite conviction for a death penalty-eli- January 8, Miss Christian’s father, Gary, thorities or the media to deal honestly found her Toyota 4-Runner abandoned with events that violate official assump- near railroad tracks, not far from where tions about race. It also represents both Their story highlights the a railroad employee found Mr. New- a strength and weakness of the : strange and twisted na- som’s desecrated corpse that same day. Mischief-makers of various political ture of race relations in There was a fingerprint from Lemaricus persuasions spread falsehoods rather America. Davidson inside the vehicle, which led than correct them, but they built up a to a search of his apartment on January demand for facts that became so great 10. There police found Miss Christian’s the authorities eventually had to come gible offense and a bad record as an in- corpse in a garbage can in the kitchen. clean. mate, had served no more than five years A fourth man, Eric Boyd, has been The men who kidnapped and killed in West Tennessee State Penitentiary. Re- charged as an accessory in the carjacking Channon Christian and Christopher cently released, he had been a member case for having helped Mr. Davidson try Newsom have not yet gone to trial, so of the Black Gangster Disciples at least to escape justice, but not in the rapes and they are theoretically innocent. This ac- since prison. murders. count—as accurate as possible under The three men tied up their captives Continued on page 3

American Renaissance - 1 - July 2007 suffer from the white man’s disease as severely as Canadians or Americans. It makes no difference that up to a quarter of Frenchmen have said they agree with his positions—anyone who wants to keep France French is a pariah. Pierre Chabron, Quebec, Canada

Sir — The review of IQ and Global Inequality in the June issue was sober- ing, given that our country becomes more Mexican every day. By the end of the century, the single largest ethnic group in this country will be from a re- gion with an average IQ of 85. We know what that means, but does Congress? grants out. Eric Miller, Ames, Iowa. Letters from Readers The front’s approach to the June leg- Sir — No matter how your correspon- islative elections—and how well it dent spins the story, it is a disaster for does—will show how well party lead- Sir — Richard Lynn has written a the National Front that Jean Marie Le ers have diagnosed what can only be conceptual blockbuster (IQ and Global Pen won 1,000,000 fewer votes in 2007 described as a spectacular failure. Inequality) that consigns everything else than in 2002. It is especially humiliat- Alan Flynn, New York City ever written on Third-World aid and de- ing because the “Ramadan Riots” of velopment to the rubbish bin. I deliber- 2005 and the Gard du Nord riots just ately wrote “conceptual” blockbuster. before the election highlighted in the Sir — It is disappointing that Jean- Sales and influence will be minimal. most dramatic way the truth of what Mr. Marie Le Pen performed so poorly in This is what is so tragic about our rush Le Pen has been saying for 20 years. If the French presidential election, but is to destruction. Professor Lynn, Tatu France had a single-round system like it really a surprise? A campaign featur- Vanhanen, Phil Rushton, Charles Mur- Britain or the United States, you could ing a black immigrant in pink under- ray, Michael Levin, Sam Francis, and a argue voters did not want to waste their wear—what was the National Front host of others have clearly described the votes on the National Front, thereby thinking? French nationalists want these consequences of refusing to take race se- throwing the election to Miss Royal, the people gone. They don’t want to use riously. Even Patrick Buchanan, in his Socialist. However, the very point of the them as props to show how tolerant they best and latest book, State of Emergency, French system is to let people vote for are. Pandering to racial minorities is best has faced the Gorgon. None so blind as candidates who represent their real views left to the mainstream parties—they’re will not see. in the first round and then, if need be, much better at it. Paula Henderson, Jefferson City, Mo. choose the lesser of two evils in the sec- The French were clearly not in a mood ond. to elect a soft leader. Nicholas Sarkozy Mr. Legrand suggests that the Na- came across as tough, decisive and un- Sir — My favorite page in your June tional Front candidate was riding so high compromising, and he did not pander to issue was page 14—the photographs of there was a chance he would beat Mr. the media elite or to non-white immi- the 41 National Football League play- Sarkozy in the first round and thus face grants who clearly despise him. Indeed, ers who have been arrested since 2006, certain defeat against Miss Royal in the he was more like Le Pen than was Le along with your quip of a caption: “Find second round. According to this theory, Pen. If the decision to soften “The Boul- the two whites.” It makes it pretty clear many voters who really would have pre- der” was made by Marine Le Pen, I hope who the troublemakers are! ferred Mr. Le Pen voted for Mr. Sarkozy the party sends her on a long vacation. Karl Frederick, Baton Rouge, La. only because he had a better chance of Milo Carter, Thibodaux, La. beating Miss Royal in the second round. Nonsense. Mr. Le Pen never had a real- Sir — So now it’s Burundians com- istic chance of outpolling Mr. Sarkozy. Sir — Thank you for your excellent ing to America for a better life. Here’s Conservative Frenchmen voted for Mr. coverage of the French presidential elec- an idea. Let’s send the Burundians, and Sarkozy over Mr. Le Pen because they tions. Your correspondent made the the Somalis, and the Hmong, and the Ira- preferred him. That is the hard truth the reader feel as if he were at “The qis and whatever other human flotsam National Front must digest. It is up to Boulder’s” side. I was struck, however, the government wants to bring in and front leaders to decide why: whether it by the frosty way official France still resettle them in Hyannisport or was because voters think Mr. Le Pen is treats a man who has so much national Kennebunkport or Potomac or McLean too old, because they think his squishy appeal. Elected officials refuse to shake or wherever else our leaders live far daughter Marine hijacked the party, or his hand, voters dare not admit they sup- away from the rest of us—and the con- whether they just have more faith in a port him, he keeps out of sight for fear sequences of their actions. “mainstream” politician to keep immi- of jeers and catcalls. Clearly, the French John Brunner, Dayton, Ohio

American Renaissance - 2 - July 2007 “The animals pictured below raped American Renaissance Christopher Newsom, cut off his penis, then set him on fire and fatally shot him , Editor several times while they forced his girl- Stephen Webster, Assistant Editor friend, Channon Christian, to watch. An Ronald N. Neff, Web Site Editor even more cruel fate awaited her! “Channon Christian, was beaten and American Renaissance is published monthly by the gang-raped in many ways for four days . NCF is governed by section by all of them, while they took turns uri- 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code; contributions nating on her. Then they cut off her to it are tax deductible. breast and put chemicals in her mouth . Subscriptions to American Renaissance are $28.00 per year. First-class postage is . . and then murdered her.” an additional $8.00. Subscriptions to Canada (first class) are $40.00. Subscriptions outside Canada and the U.S. (air mail) are $40.00. Back issues are $3.00 each. Foreign The earliest version of this story subscribers should send U.S. dollars or equivalent in convertible bank notes. seems to have appeared around Febru- Please make checks payable to: American Renaissance, P.O. Box 527, Oakton, VA ary 21 on the web page of 22124. ISSN No. 1086-9905, Telephone: (703) 716-0900, Facsimile: (703) 716-0932, radio host Hal Turner. Many of the de- Web Page Address: tails, including the amputations and uri- nation, have not been in other reports, Continued from page 1 animus. Do the authorities expect us to nor are they mentioned in court docu- Knoxville authorities have promoted believe that these black killers raped, ments. the view that the rapists poured clean- tortured, and murdered white victims, I asked the Knoxville police to con- ing fluid down Miss Christian’s throat without ever using racially insulting lan- firm or deny Mr. Turner’s claims. Pub- to destroy DNA evidence. They and the guage? This reporter believes the lic Information Officer Darrell Debusk media have also insisted that the torture/ carjacking was just a way to kidnap, was unfailingly polite, but would tell me murders were “a crime of opportunity,” gang-rape, torture and murder whites, nothing. Were the victims mutilated? a carjacking that somehow got out of and that the killers used the cleaning Were they alive or dead when this hap- hand, and that the criminals had no ra- fluid for the sole purpose of further tor- pened? “That is something that we have cial motivation. This picture appears to be wrong on all counts, and is an insult to the public’s intelligence. The defendants are charged with premeditated murder and, accord- ing to court documents, had already de- cided to kill Miss Christian before they made her swallow cleaning fluid. They also did not bother to “clean” her va- gina and anus, which were stuffed with DNA evidence. The carjacking-gone-wrong theory is not plausible either. Carjacking is armed robbery of a vehicle, in order to possess or sell it, but these assailants had no in- terest in the 4-Runner. They dumped it after only a few hours. Nor was there any reason for things to “go wrong;” the victims cooperated, and Lemaricus Davidson was an expe- rienced carjacker. While carjackers turing Miss Christian. not discussed in public, and is informa- sometimes rape their victims, anal gang- Until mid-May, this story was strictly tion that will come to light during the rape is very rare, especially of male vic- local news, but it assumed a certain no- trial . . . . Right now, we’re not discuss- tims. On the other hand, black jail and toriety on the Internet where, not long ing the details of the investigation.” Of- prison inmates often target white pris- after the first newspaper reports, a story ficer Debusk would not even give a oners for anal gang-rape as a method of with the following headline began cir- cause of death: “Again, that’s evidence racial terrorism (see “Hard Time,” AR, culating: in a trial that will be presented during April 2002). And while carjackers some- “White Couple Abducted; Both Man the trial.” (Only later did I learn from times murder their victims, it is hard to and Woman Were Raped, Beaten, Cut court documents that federal authorities imagine black carjackers treating black Apart and Killed. Five Blacks Arrested had already reported that Mr. Newsom victims in such a loathsome manner. In Case. No Media Frenzy Over ‘Rac- had been shot.) Finally, a “” is one com- ist’ Attack.” The claim that “the investigation is mitted “wholly or in part” for reasons of The report, with photographs of the ongoing,” was plainly untrue. The sus- racial animus, and use of racial epithets victims and the suspects, continued as pects had been arrested, indicted, and is considered strong evidence of racial follows: bound over for trial. Prosecutors bind

American Renaissance - 3 - July 2007 over defendants only after the police Emory Anthony, Jr. argued that the vic- have finished their investigation. When Mischief Within Mischief tim, a white Birmingham lawyer, had I asked for a copy of the Knoxville po- “staged” the carjacking and was a will- lice preliminary report, which had been Meanwhile, in this deliberate void of ing participant in her own rape and sod- released to local reporters, Officer information, a different kind of rumor omy. The black defendant claimed that Debusk was happy to oblige—so long has grown up, notably at the black, anti- the white victim had gotten in touch with as I dropped by in person at department white web site, “Svengalimedia.” This him through a completely imaginary headquarters in Knoxville. If that wasn’t site celebrates black-on-white murders, prostitute named “Puddin” or “Pump- convenient for someone living in New and sponsors an annual “Sexiest & Hard- kin,” who offered him money to fulfill York State, I could have a local person est Ghetto, Black, Male, Felon pick one up for me, or a Tennessee resi- Bragging Rights Competition” dent could pay for a copy and ask that it for the most gruesome black-on- be sent to an in-state address. Clearly, white murder. Lemaricus Officer Debusk just didn’t want me to Davidson is this year’s front- see the report. runner. Other Knoxville officials—at the Svengalimedia’s contributors county medical examiner’s office, have praised Miss Newsom’s sheriff’s department, and criminal rape: “Privileged whites deserve court—all referred me back to the Knox- to feel and know our experiences ville Police Department. Chief Sterling and values firsthand and not just Owen, IV himself established this stone- from word of mouth or by books walling policy, and the information has and movies. Their families need been so tightly sealed we cannot even and deserve to have terrible assume the trial transcript will be avail- memories & experiences with able to the public. blacks.” The refusal by police to release the Other contributors have pro- autopsy reports has left even the main- posed novel theories about the stream media dueling over how Miss crime. One is that Channon Christian died and what was done to her Christian had driven into a black corpse. The Knoxville News Sentinel neighborhood “to buy drugs.” Another, Murder victim Channon Christian. claimed Lemaricus Davidson strangled which has piggybacked on the sexual the white woman’s feverish fantasies. her but left her corpse intact. ABC’s and mutilation rumors, claims that Miss The jury didn’t buy this story, and con- CBS’s Knoxville affiliates reported she Christian staged the carjacking and cut victed Mr. Griham, who had 13 previ- was dismembered, though off her own breasts. Ac- ous felony convictions, on all counts. neither was clear whether cording to this fantasy, The judge sentenced him to life plus 84 this was how she was Miss Christian wanted to months. killed or whether her die from black sexual tor- Likewise, it is not uncommon for corpse was cut apart after ture, and arranged every- blacks to be indifferent to, and even she was murdered. CNN thing herself. Svengali- show “Svengalian” satisfaction in the claimed Miss Christian media contributor Wal- face of cruelties done to whites. In 1973 “asphyxiated” after she dorf Carathers even and 1974, the Nation of Islam carried was forced into an airtight hinted at the existence of out a series of black-on-white killings garbage can. a “death by sexual torture in San Francisco known as the Zebra When it suits them, the sex video directed by Murders. Self-styled “death angels” Knoxville police can be Channon Christian,” not- killed at least 16 “blue-eyed devils” and very forthcoming with in- ing that cell phones had injured another eight or ten in what was, formation. On May 22, been found at the again, a spectacular crime wave that was just-released black ca- Murder victim Christopher Newsom. Chipman Street little reported outside its local area. Clark reer criminal Dwayne Hill, 39, cel- house, and might have been used to Howard recounts in his classic 1979 ebrated his third day of freedom with an record the killing. Many Knoxville work, Zebra: The True Account of the attempted carjacking in East Knoxville. blacks take the view—promoted by 179 Days of Terror in San Francisco, When police stepped in, he fought them, Svengalimedia—that the two whites that in 1974, at the height of the white was tasered, and died. Within 24 hours, were hijacked when they cruised into a panic, two teams of San Francisco Ex- the department produced a report show- black neighborhood to buy drugs. aminer reporters and photographers ing that Hill “had an illegal substance in Some have claimed that the Sven- could not find a single black resident his system,” and had died of a condition galimedia site is a ; in any case, it who expressed any sympathy for the unrelated to the tasering. When a back appears to have shut down recently. white victims. man dies at the hands of officers, and However, fantasies as obscene as those Similarly, during the 2002 Washing- there is a chance “the community” might it promotes are found in the “respect- ton, DC-area serial murder spree by the be unhappy, the police are quick with able” black mainstream. Last November, Black Muslim John Muhammad and his the facts. Whites do not merit the same in the federal carjacking and weapons teenaged protégé, Lee Malvo, before the treatment. trial of Dedrick Griham, defense lawyer pair killed a black man, a black woman

American Renaissance - 4 - July 2007 psychologist on a Fox News program others committed every year. He sug- demonstration never learned the nature remarked, with great satisfaction, that gested that angry whites are guilty of of the “genocide.”) whites now knew what blacks put up , while the killers clearly are not. Local authorities responded with 300 with all the time. Kelly McBride, “ethics group leader” at law enforcement officers in full riot gear: the Poynter Institute for Journalism, ex- 200 from the Knoxville Police Depart- The Media Go to Plan B plained that there could have been no ment, plus another 100 Knox County racial motive because sheriff’s deputies, Tennes- In mid-May, the weight of Internet “you have to have specific see Highway Patrolmen, speculation about the crimes (in addi- evidence, such as some and federal agents. A radi- tion to a comprehensive report on the sort of racial epithet.” Ted cal leftwing organization AR web site that appeared on May 14) Gest, who is president of called Mountain Justice seems to have forced the Knoxville po- a national organization of Summer organized a lice and the national media to change journalists who cover counter-demonstration that course. On May 18, the Knox County crime, said that although looked like a transvestites’ DA’s office finally broke silence to an- crime that crosses racial ball (see photo, next page). nounce that the rumors of sexual muti- lines tends to get more at- There was plenty of con- lation were “absolutely not true.” There tention, “I can’t say that trast in how the media cov- was also a smattering of national cover- this one would have had ered the two demonstra- any more coverage if five tions. The press repeatedly whites had been accused asked Mr. Linder’s sup- of doing these things to two Eric Boyd: charged in the porters where they were from blacks, absent a blatant racial carjacking but not in the so they could say that the motive.” Newsday reporter rapes and murders. counter-demonstrators had Ellis Henican suggested on Fox News “laughed off groups as ig- that anyone who thinks there is any kind norant out-of-towners.” Reporters re- of anti-white newsroom racial bias is de- ferred vaguely to the flamboyantly ec- lusional. “Why do you want to force the centric leftists as “environmentalists,” in racial angle?” he wanted to know. contrast to the “white supremacists” at Only a few commentators saw the “hate rally.” through this foolishness. As retired con- Many of the counter-demonstrators servative columnist John Leo pointed were from so far out of town they were out: “[T]he newsroom culture tends to not sure what they were protesting. view black-on-white crimes as responses Spokesman Amanda Cagle reflected the to black oppression, and therefore not prevailing sentiment when she said, “We worth reporting. Whereas similar white- want to shame the Klan, so they won’t on-black crime is oppression itself, and ever want to come back here.” Nor did thus crucially important to put before the counter-demonstrators seem to un- A little-known classic about a little-known readers and viewers.” derstand the origins of the controversy. horror. Perhaps the lowest blow was AP re- While the “rally against genocide” con- age when it was reported that the defen- porter Duncan Mansfield’s stantly evoked Miss Christian dants would each be tried separately, be- suggestion that Miss and Mr. Newsom, the “anti- ginning in the spring of 2008. Christian’s father was not tak- racists” did not so much as One thing that did not change was the ing bereavement in the proper feign sympathy for the vic- cheerful insistence that the crime had no spirit: “Christian’s father, tims or their families. Chris racial motive, that it had not been Gary Christian, wore a Con- Irwin, a lawyer who spoke for downplayed by the media, and that even federate flag T-shirt—a sym- the group, sounded almost as if the races were reversed the media bol of the Old South where if the killers were white and would not have paid attention. Some- slavery was rifre [sic]—to the first Vanessa Coleman: their victims black: “It’s not the thing else that did not change was the hearing for one of the defendants indicted for rape 1950s anymore! They [the pro- shortage of facts; many important details and then pointed at the man as if and murder. testers] are not just a knife at the are still obscure (although Fox News firing a gun.” throat of the African American and im- explained that the fuzzy reporting was Another event that drew attention to migrant communities, they’re a threat to deliberate because what happened was the crime was a “rally against genocide” us all.” “too gruesome” to report). The clear pur- held in Knoxville on May 26 by Van- Police arrested Mr. Linder even be- pose has been to dismiss any outraged guard News Network founder Alex fore the rally began. They had designated whites as “white supremacists” and “rac- Linder. (The “genocide” Mr. Linder was areas for demonstrators and counter- ists.” protesting was not murders of whites by demonstrators, with a neutral zone in The national media found plenty of blacks but “genocide” of whites by Jews, between that was to be left empty. Mr. “experts” to support the party line. The as he explained to me in an April 6 in- Linder walked into the neutral zone, and “reader representative” of the Cleveland terview. He insisted on this, even though quickly found himself facing a host of Plain Dealer, Ted Diadiun, said the I had told him I am a Jew. Surprisingly, imaginative charges: disorderly conduct, crime was no worse than thousands of the hostile reporters who covered his resisting arrest, vandalism, and

American Renaissance - 5 - July 2007 on a police officer. were prepared to believe revolting ru- that ends up in places like Sven- Journalists used the demonstrations as mors, but only because they knew de- galimedia—and federal courtrooms. a pretext to go after the parents again, tails of the underreported horrors of past This is also a case in which the pressuring them to denounce the Linder black-on-white crimes: The Wichita Internet, which reflects the interests of rally or be tarred as racists. The media Massacre was replete with sexual torture real Americans far better than does the browbeat Miss Christian’s father into (see AR, “The Wichita Massacre,” Au- mainstream press, finally forced the saying the murders were “not media to take up a story they racist” but Mr. Newsom refused would have preferred to ignore. to give them that satisfaction. Some of the blogging was irre- A different white group sponsible, but the cumulative called “Against Black Crimes” effect was to build up such a has tentatively scheduled a rally demand for information that of- for June 16, despite opposition ficial silence could no longer from the Knox County Com- be seen as anything but delib- mission. Ken Gregg, who has erate withholding of informa- been associated with a group tion. Now it will be impossible called the White Patriot Party, to do what the authorities filed the application for a per- would no doubt have preferred, mit to demonstrate. The Knox- and report the forthcoming tri- ville murders are finally getting als as if they were minor, local some attention. news. What do these crimes—hor- There are still many journal- rible enough without the ru- ists and government officials mored sexual mutilations—tell who promote the pious and pa- us about race and crime in America? Police arrest Mr. Linder. In the background, please note the thetic myth that only whites can First, despite what the tame “experts” decorous attire of the counter-demonstrators, who called commit “racist” crimes, and who have said, if the races were reversed, themselves the ‘Coup Kluts Clowns.’ will continue to suppress inconve- there would be a media extravaganza on gust 2002); blacks cut off a living man’s nient facts. As more and more whites the scale of Rodney King or James Byrd. penis during the Zebra murders; and the wake up to racial reality, however, it will Second, the police would have laid all 1980s’ Yahweh ben Yahweh cult killers become much more difficult to trample their cards on the table, and the press in Miami were ordered to bring back a on the public’s right to know. Ω would have reported every lurid detail. head, finger, or ear to prove they had dis- But because this was a particularly patched a white person. Nicholas Stix was Project Director for repulsive black-on-white crime, the au- At the same time, the media stir up the National Policy Institute’s report, thorities and national press conspired to anti-white hatred and promote the fan- The State of White America—2007, keep things quiet. In the absence of de- tasy that white women lust for black ful- which will be reviewed in a forthcom- tails, some racially conscious whites fillment. This only feeds the degeneracy ing issue. Who Was the ‘Father of Racism’?

Arthur de Gobineau on ra- ent races is one of the oldest and most French history. widely held opinions in the world.”— Although anti-racists today try to pi- cial differences. but he was the first to study race seri- geonhole Gobineau as a “racist” and ously as an important force in world his- nothing more, he was a man of consid- by Thomas Jackson tory. erable parts. He was, for example, a Gobineau was a French diplomat, friend of Alexis de Tocqueville, who in- oseph Arthur Comte de Gobineau journalist, novelist, Orientalist, and poet vited him to collaborate on a history of (1816 – 1882), to use his full name moral attitudes. They never completed Jand title, has been called the “father Gobineau is widely re- the project, but some 80 letters remain of racism,” usually by people who think from their correspondence. In fact, he was the intellectual precursor to the garded as an intellectual Tocqueville had a large role in Gobi- and the Nazis. For a host precursor to the Ku Klux neau’s career. In 1849, Tocqueville be- of reasons, this is a silly way to think of Klan and the Nazis. came foreign minister of France, and him, but he does deserve study—both invited Gobineau to become his private because of his influence as a thinker and secretary. Tocqueville did not last long for the inherent interest of what he wrote. as well as a race theorist. He was a con- at the ministry, but his friend spent the As Gobineau recognized, many people firmed elitist, and was deeply annoyed next 30 years as a diplomat, deepening had written about race before he did— that his birthday was Bastille Day, the his understanding of the role of race. He “The idea of an original, clear-cut and commemoration of what he thought was had two postings in Iran, and held near- permanent inequality among the differ- one of the most shameful movements in ambassador ranks in Athens, Rio de

American Renaissance - 6 - July 2007 Janeiro and Stockholm. He was reported ted and have strong, crude feelings. They beauty and action.” to be a man of great charm and an effec- do not care what they eat, since they It is whites who build civilizations tive diplomat. consider all food good. The “progna- because of their “love of liberty” and Gobineau published his major work, thous Negro” (a phrase Gobineau their restless will to create and govern. Essay on the Inequality of the Human liked—“prognathous” means having a They have an “extraordinary attachment Races, in four volumes, from 1853 to jaw that juts forward) is at the same time to life. They know how to use it and so, 1855. It did not attract much notice, and it would seem, set a greater price on it . only began to influence European think- . . .” Gobineau believed whites are more ing 20 years later, after Gobineau be- sparing of the lives of others. “When came friends with Richard Wagner. The they are cruel, they are conscious of two men died within a few months of their cruelty; it is very doubtful whether each other, and the Wagner/Bayreuth such a consciousness exists in the Ne- movement promoted Gobineau along gro.” with Wagner. The Nazis later adopted Gobineau believed that whites are Gobineau as one of their own— uniquely preoccupied with honor, and thereby considerably damaging his are the only race that shows true reputation—but as we will see, it physical beauty. They are also the was only with considerable distor- source of all civilization: “[E]very- tion that Gobineau could be claimed thing great, noble and fruitful in the as an early National Socialist. works of man on this earth . . . be- Gobineau begins his famous essay longs to one family alone, the differ- by explaining how he discovered the ent branches of which have reigned importance of race. He wanted to in all the civilized countries of the uni- know why civilizations die, and found verse.” Gobineau claimed that even all previous explanations inadequate. Chinese civilization arose when whites Bad governments, he decided, do not migrated east from India. For him, the kill off civilizations because bad gov- category that cannot rise above the ernment is everywhere: “Thank heaven primitive stage “includes the vast ma- they [the people] have the power of jority of the pure-blooded yellow and soon becoming accustomed to their suf- Arthur de Gobineau. black races.” ferings.” Decadence and effeminacy are As was common in his time, Gobi- not the cause because some nations capricious in his feelings, and “kills neau saw sharp differences even among “have lived and grown fat on it.” Nor willingly, for the sake of killing.” Blacks national groups of the same race; he be- does loss of faith in a society’s gods ex- are incapable of civilization: “Ages have lieved that the Napoleonic wars showed plain collapse because some civilizations passed without their doing anything to that the French are physically tougher have died during times of religious fa- improve their conditions.” than Germans and other Europeans. Sev- naticism. Gobineau describes the yellow race enty years later, however, the Nazis were These studies led to what is Gobi- as “the exact opposite” of the black: pleased to find that Gobineau often re- neau’s most quoted insight: “[H]e commits none of the strange ferred to the civilizing people as “Ger- “I was gradually penetrated by the excesses common among Negroes. His manic” or “Aryan.” conviction that the racial question over- desires are feeble, his will-power rather Although he wrote in terms that to- shadows all other problems of history, obstinate than violent; his longing for day sound harsh, Gobineau was not dis- that it holds the key to them all . . . . missive of any race, noting that some in- Everyone must have had some inkling Gobineau described the dividual blacks are more intelligent than of this colossal truth, for everyone must European peasants or even average have seen how certain agglomerations yellow race as “the exact townspeople. He even criticized anthro- of men have descended on some coun- opposite” of the black. pologists for criticizing blacks unfairly. try, and utterly transformed its way of However, in the essay, he cared only life . . . .” The rest of the essay is an material pleasures, though constant, is about a race’s ability to build a civiliza- extensive elaboration on this insight. kept within bounds. A rare glutton by tion. Individuals could be exceptions to nature, he shows far more discrimina- the general rules that applied to races, How Races Differ tion in his choice of food.” but it was races, not individuals, who The Asian has a respect for order but built and destroyed civilizations. Gobineau divided all men into three “he does not dream or theorize; he in- Gobineau could be sarcastic about races: black, white, and yellow. Although vents little, but can appreciate and take anyone who doubted race differences: he put whites at the top, his orderings over what is useful to him.” Gobineau “So the brain of the Huron Indian have a strange resemblance to Philippe says the yellow races are the perfect contains in an undeveloped form an in- Rushton’s well-known findings that middle class; one could not have better, tellect which is absolutely the same as blacks and Asians are at the extremes more useful masses. However, he writes, that of the Englishman or the French- on many traits, with whites somewhere “no civilized society could be created man! Why then, in the course of the ages, in between. by them; they could not supply its nerve has he not invented printing or steam Blacks, wrote Gobineau, are dull-wit- force, or set in motion the springs of power? . . . [How can one explain] why

American Renaissance - 7 - July 2007 his bards and sorcerers have, in some had been beneficial, he looked with hor- lization, when the governing principle inexplicable way, neglected to become ror on further mixture, which, he was is usually rigid and absolute, owing to Homers and Galens.” convinced, would destroy whites and de- the exclusive predominance of some At least in his writing, Gobineau seems to have been an orthodox church- man. He wrote about “the hand of God” that directs human affairs, and argued that all races have the capacity to accept Christianity. This changes nothing, how- ever, because when Eskimos, for ex- ample, convert to Christianity they are still left “eating whale-blubber.” Gobineau wrote before Darwin, and he found it hard to reconcile racial dif- ferences with the Biblical creation. If men had been on earth for only a few thousand years and all were descended from Adam, how did they separate into “Ages have passed without their doing anything to improve their conditions.” such clearly distinct races? He consid- nature other races. He feared that mis- single race. Later, the tinkering will be- ered the possibility that Adam was the cegenation would eventually go so far come incessant . . . .” ancestor only of whites, but finally con- that all people would resemble each Gobineau thought civilization cannot cluded that unless we are to doubt the other, and that “their general level will be transmitted to people who cannot cre- Biblical account, the origins of races be revoltingly low.” ate it. This, he explains, is why Euro- must remain a mystery. Sometimes he seemed to despair of pean culture could come to the New Somewhat paradoxically, he believed human beings, wondering whether so- World only in the form of massive mi- that the races existing today were the cial insects like ants or bees are not hap- grations of Europeans that left the na- result of ancient mixtures, some of which pier. They live entirely by instinct, but tives untouched. Gobineau believed that had actually been improvements. He all their instincts are good and useful to the Indians of Spanish America were thought, for example, that today’s them. better off than those of North America whites, whether European or Middle because the Spaniards left them to live Conquest and Decline as they always had. He sharply criticized Americans for meddling with both Gobineau applied his theory of racial blacks and Indians. Enslavement and differences to the problem with which displacement were cruel, and any at- he began the book: Why do civilizations tempt to civilize non-whites would only rise and fall? Racial differences have confuse and distress them. ordained forever that only a few groups Gobineau thought that some portion have the capacity to lift themselves from of civilization could be transmitted be- the primitive tribal stage. These dynamic tween closely-related groups but that Aryan groups then conquer and domi- “the civilizations that proceed from two nate their neighbors. This, however, is completely foreign races can only touch their downfall, because empire-building on the surface. They never coalesce . . . brings the conquering races into contact .” with people who do not have the same Gobineau is perhaps at his most elo- abilities, and mixture leads to degen- quent when he describes how civiliza- eracy: “From the very day when the con- tions decay: quest is accomplished and the fusion “[W]hile the blood of the civilizing begins, there appears a noticeable race is gradually drained away by being change of quality in the blood of the parceled out among the peoples that are masters.” Gobineau even had a theory conquered or annexed, the impulse origi- of immigration: Civilizing races build nally given to these peoples still persists. cities that attract inferiors from distant The institutions which the dead master realms who then drag down that civili- had invented, the laws he had prescribed, zation. the customs he had initiated—all these Conversion to Christianity still leaves them As he often did, however, Gobineau live after him. No doubt the customs, “eating whale-blubber.” made room for inconsistencies; some laws and institutions have quite forgot- Eastern, were considerably different mixing can be good. He wrote that when ten the spirit that informed their youth; from the original white race of “Aryans” races are pure, they stick to their origi- they survived in dishonoured old age, or “Germanics.” He even wrote: nal, governing principles until expansion every day more sapless and rotten. But “Viewed abstractly, the white race has leads to mixing. “Such change,” how- so long as even their shadows remain, disappeared from the face of the earth.” ever, “will sometimes mean real the building stands, the body seems to Although some past racial mixtures progress, especially in the dawn of a civi- have a soul, the pale ghost walks.”

American Renaissance - 8 - July 2007 “Societies perish because they are pessimism. He offered no political pro- strata of the French people” were con- degenerate,” he wrote: “[T]he people gram, believing that degeneracy was in- sistent with his uncompromising elitism. has no longer the same intrinsic value evitable. Well before Spengler, he saw He believed that no society could be as it had before, because it has no longer civilizations almost as organic creatures, stable or harmonious without hierarchy. the same blood in its veins, continual with fixed life and death cycles. No in- Socialism was, for him, the most revolt- dividual, not even an entire nation, could ing denial of human differences. change the destiny of its race. He pre- dicted that all people would sink to the The “Father of Racism”? lowest level and be “like the buffalo grazing,” with no idea of their own de- It is not difficult to see how unconge- generacy: “Perhaps they will think them- nial Gobineau would have been to Na- selves the wisest and cleverest beings tional Socialism. To the extent that it was that ever existed.” In what could be con- socialist, he would have despised it. He sidered his epitaph for the species, he would also have been baffled by its op- wrote: “What is truly sad is not death timism, its assumption that a political itself but the certainty of our meeting it movement could save a nation or race. as degraded beings.” He would have warned against any form Besides its great, central theme of of conquest or expansion as leading in- civilizational decay, the essay offers evitably to mixture and decline. many other related observations. For Finally, he would have disagreed on example, because individuals differ as the subject of Jews. He cited them as the much in their abilities as races, Gobineau best refutation of the view that geogra- believed European civilization was a phy or climate influence achievement, veneer. “The lower strata of the French pointing out that Jews have succeeded people . . . . form an abyss over which everywhere they have gone. He saw their civilization is suspended,” he wrote. No dispersal from the land of Israel as a trag- other European country was any better, edy for them but a gain for others: “I because so many whites were complete repeat, it was a people capable in all that strangers to their own culture. it undertook, a free people, a strong Gobineau thought Asians were differ- people, an intelligent people. When, with ent. They might not be an inventive race, their arms still in their hands, they lost but even the lower orders were immersed bravely the position of an independent in and understood their civilization: nation, they furnished the world almost “If in everyone or nearly ev- as many learned men as merchants.” Only whites could achieve true beauty. eryone, has reached a certain level of Popular Nazi portrayals of Gobineau adulterations having gradually affected the quality of the blood.” By this time, “the degenerate man, properly so called, is a different being, from the racial point of view, from the heroes of the great ages. . . . He is only a very distant kins- man of those he still calls his ancestors.” In this context, Gobineau touched on the inevitable decline of the United States. He approved of the original Brit- ish stock of the founders, but disliked what came later. Like the American Nordicists, he believed that “Irish, cross- bred Germans and French, and Italians of even more doubtful stock . . . . will inevitably give birth to further ethnic Japanese: Gobineau thought Asians made the perfect middle class. chaos.” When this mix was combined with blacks, Indians, and whatever other knowledge, the same is the case among were necessarily selective. flotsam might drift into America, “it is the Hindus. Each man, according to his What drew Nazis to the essay was no quite unimaginable that anything could caste, shares in a spirit that has lasted doubt the same things that make the anti- result from such a horrible confusion but for ages, and knows exactly what he racists so afraid of him. It was not that an incoherent juxtaposition of the most ought to learn, think and believe. . . . he laughed at egalitarianism and ranked decadent kinds of people . . . .” Civiliza- Everyone has similar convictions on the the races in strict hierarchy. As Gobineau tion was therefore doomed in the United important matters of life.” himself noted, people have always done States even before the Civil War! Gobineau’s admiration for the caste that. As if in confirmation, a professor Gobineau is remarkable in his utter system and contempt for “the lower at the University of Tel Aviv named Ben-

American Renaissance - 9 - July 2007 jamin Isaac even published a 560-page Hinton Rowan Helper wrote detailed wrong—some comically so by today’s book in 2004 called The Invention of accounts of black/white racial differ- standards—but his clear understanding Racism in Classical Antiquity. Hume and ences. of inherent racial differences and their Kant wrote scathingly about blacks well Gobineau differed from these men in importance in all human outcomes before Gobineau. Practically all the his careful attempt to trace how race makes him not the father of racism but American founders were white suprema- unfolds in history. He got many things the founder of race realism. Ω cists, and men like Josiah Nott and Why Men Fight 300, directed by Zack Snyder, starring Gerard Butler and Lena Headey, Warner Brothers, 2007. Men of the West who stood and fought.

reviewed by John Harrison Sims

n 480 BC, King Xerxes of Persia, absolute ruler of the greatest empire Iin the world, led an army of hundreds of thousands of infantry, tens of thou- sands of cavalry, and over 1,000 war- ships, against the independent city-states of southern Greece. In the East, his empire stretched from the Arabian Sea to the Aral Sea, and from eastern India to the Persian heartland. In the west, it looked like an enormous claw clutching the eastern Mediterra- nean: Egypt and Libya to the South and Thrace to the North were Persian satrapies. The Greeks of the eastern and northern Aegean had already fallen to Persia. After Xerxes’ army crossed into Europe, the other Greeks began to wa- ver. Thessaly sent tokens of submission; Thebes and Argos followed. Only Sparta and Athens, and their allied cities, re- mained defiant. The narrow pass of Thermopylae, bordered by mountains and the sea, guarded the entrance into southern Greece. It was known as “the Gates,” and it was here that the Greek high command chose to make a stand. King Leonidas of Sparta marched to the pass with 300 of his best warriors, along with 2,800 Peloponnesian and 1,100 Boeotian al- lies. Xerxes could not believe that this small force dared oppose him. He actu- ally waited four days, expecting them to flee. When they did not, he became en- raged, and ordered his Median troops to arrest them and make them answer for their insolence. The Greeks, fighting in close-order phalanx, slaughtered the strength, killed thousands. On the third That night a traitor, Ephialtes the Medes. The next day, he sent in his elite day, it was the same. An army of 300,000 Malian, showed the Persians a goat path Persian infantry, “the Immortals.” The had been stopped in its tracks by less through the mountains to the rear of the Greeks, fighting in shifts to keep up their than 5,000 men. Greek position, and by morning, the

American Renaissance - 10 - July 2007 Hellenes were surrounded. Leonidas dis- tans. Many film critics have ridiculed the rather than distract him with tears. missed his allies, but he and his men, language, but this tells us more about along with 700 Thespians from Boeotia them than about the excellent screenplay, Ignorance of History who refused to abandon their Spartan which is adapted from Frank Miller’s allies, chose to stay and fight to the death. novel, 300. The establishment media have treated Leonidas held his ground in obedience The film is one of the most beautiful the film with contempt and derision that to Spartan law, which forbade retreat, but ever made. Every frame is like a paint- are neither surprising nor hard to explain. also out of piety toward the Pythian ing. The fierce Spartan warriors stand The reviewers are ignorant of history and oracle at Delphi, who had foretold that in sartorial splendor. They wear dark red hostile to Western culture, especially either Lacedaemon (the area around Sparta) would be sacked, or a Spartan king would fall. He thought it far better to die in battle than let the Persians rav- age his homeland. There have been only two films made of this battle: Rudolph Mate’s The 300 Spartans in 1961, and now Zack Snyder’s 300. Mr. Snyder’s is not only better, it could be the best film ever made about ancient Greece. Some might doubt this judgment. Mate filmed on location in Greece, and he added very little to the historical facts Spartans in the movie prepare to meet the Median charge. as we know them. Mr. Snyder filmed everything in a warehouse in Montreal, cloaks across their shoulders, bronze when it is portrayed heroically. designing his landscapes on a computer, Corinthian helmets, bronze-tipped black ’ A.O. Scott de- and he altered and embellished history spears, and bronze shields emblazoned scribed the film as “violent as [Mel in unnecessary ways. He portrays the with the Greek L (Λ) for Lacedaemon, Gibson’s] Acocalypto and twice as stu- ephors, an elected Spartan magistracy, their homeland. Mr. Snyder’s computer- pid.” He complained that Xerxes is cari- as a lecherous and leprous cabal. The generated mystic landscapes are bathed catured as a “self-proclaimed deity who Spartan Senate is under the influence of in brown and gold. The effect is wants, as all good movie villains do, to a conniving politician, which would have otherworldly, and what is lost in realism rule the world.” Mr. Scott is so ill-edu- been inconceivable in Sparta. Mr. is gained by conveying a sense of antiq- cated that he does not know that is ex- Snyder also adds battle elephants, a rhi- uity; this truly seems to be the ancient actly what Xerxes wanted. According to world. Herodotus, he had his eye on Italy and The battle scenes are hoped eventually to conquer the whole spectacular, and not at all Mediterranean. His Carthaginian allies repulsive or gory. The di- had launched a simultaneous operation rector used computer against the Greek cities in eastern Sic- graphics to portray the ily. brutal reality of ancient ’s Stephen combat—essentially hand- Hunter called the film an “overblown to-hand dismember- visual document with an IQ in the lower ment—without sickening 20s.” He complained that Mr. Snyder the audience with carnage. “doesn’t even bother to mention the stra- We also see why the Spar- tegic context” of the battle or “to follow tans were considered in- the story to its end at Salamis.” That’s vincible. Their training, because the movie is about the Spartans, athleticism, and tactical not the Athenians; and Mr. Synder does prowess, combined with follow the story to its end, at Plataea, Greek armor, made them where a combined Hellenic force, led by the best warriors in the the Spartans, crushed the Persian army world for centuries. and ended the war. Mr. Hunter appears A contemporary depiction of Greek soldiers. There are many memo- to know nothing about Hoplite warfare noceros and a raging giant to Xerxes’ rable scenes. In one, as the Spartans either. He complained that one scene, army. march off in their red cloaks, Leonidas when the Spartans break the initial Me- Yet experts say the dialogue is authen- lingers to say goodbye to his wife, Queen dian charge, shows “war as Ohio State tic and powerful. Barry Strauss, a clas- Gorgo (Lena Headey). She does not football.” This is actually one of the most sical scholar, whose recent book Salamis weep like a Hollywood heroine; instead, realistic battle scenes in the film. is about the Athenian naval victory that she tells her husband to return either with Some reviewers have denounced the followed soon after Thermopylae, says his shield or on it—that is, either victo- film as racially incorrect. The St. Louis the Spartans in the film speak like Spar- rious or dead. She bolsters his courage Post Dispatch’s Joe Williams sneered

American Renaissance - 11 - July 2007 it was worth dying for such chimeras as world peace or democracy. Nor were they so foolish as to extend citizenship to non-Greeks, to resettle Persian pris- oners in their cities (as the Americans did Iraqis after the first Gulf War), or to extol diversity. If the Greeks had been as multi-cul- tural as 21st century America, they would have succumbed to the Persians without a fight, for they would have seen no reason to resist such a benevolent and diverse imperium. The Athenian drama- tist Aeschylus, who himself fought in the Monument at Thermopylai to King Leonidas. Persian wars, writes that his countrymen that “it is surely no accident that the film.” Alas, some Americans may see it ‘Asian hordes’ are depicted as dark- that way, but the insightful will see in skinned degenerates.” Mr. Scott of the the multi-cultural Persian empire the New York Times complained that “un- prototype of their own, and in the Greeks like their mostly black and brown foes, a symbol of the unity and vigor we have the Spartans . . . are white.” The most left behind. bizarre reaction came from two Iranian- American leaders, interviewed on Na- 1836 tional Public Radio, who called the movie “all lies” and insisted that it was In 1836, at a former Spanish mission the Persians who were blonde and blue- converted into a makeshift fort, 188 eyed and the Greeks who were dusky. Americans held off a Mexican army of Xerxes did have some white troops— 3,000 for ten days before being slaugh- Thracians and eastern Greeks—but he tered. There is no doubt that their com- did not trust them and none took part in mander Col. William B. Travis, South the battle. Most of his troops were Carolina born and classically educated, brown-skinned Asians, although there knew of the example set over 2,300 years were some blacks from Ethiopia. Friezes earlier by King Leonidas. Like the from the Persian palace at Persepolis Greeks, Americans were determined to clearly show Xerxes with Near Eastern fight the invader. Xerxes. features, while ancient Greek statues Only a hundred years later, Americans leave no doubt that the Greek aristoc- had changed. They built a memorial to sailed into the epic sea battle off Salamis racy was largely Nordic. Casting a tall those who fought in the First World War with the cry: “O Greek sons, advance! Scotsman (Gerard Butler) as Leonidas and wrote on it of a messianic ambition: Free your father’s land! Now the is exactly right. “they strove that war might cease; for contest’s drawn: All is at stake!” Those Some see the film as military propa- liberty and world peace, they were will- are the sentiments with which real na- ganda. David Denby of the New Yorker ing to die.” tions march into battle. Ω called it a “porno-military curiosity, a The Greeks were never so foolish as muscle-magazine fantasy crossed with to believe that war might cease, or that John Sims is an historian and a native a video game and an Army recruiting of Kentucky. O Tempora, O Mores!

Finally Out of the Closet The language of the apology is about plished, if on the eve of the commemo- as purple as anything ever to emerge ration of the 400th anniversary of the On May 24, the Alabama legislature from an American state house. Here we first permanent English settlement in the followed the lead of Virginia, Maryland learn why Alabama must apologize: New World, the state acknowledged and and North Carolina and apologized for “[T]he perpetual pain, distrust, and atoned for its pivotal role in the slavery slavery. The House took an unrecorded bitterness of many African-Americans of Africans.” voice vote, but the Senate split perfectly could be assuaged and the principles Needless to say, blacks continue to along party lines, with 20 Democrats espoused by the Founding Fathers would suffer horribly: voting to grovel and eight Republicans be affirmed, and great strides toward “[T]he vestiges of slavery are ever voting not to. Republican governor Bob unifying all Alabamians and inspiring the before African-American citizens, from Riley signed the bill on May 31. nation to acquiesce might be accom- the overt racism of hate groups to the

American Renaissance - 12 - July 2007 and Immigration Reform Act of 2007,” otherwise known as comprehensive im- migration reform. Crafted in secret by a cabal of White House officials and a dozen senators, including Edward Kennedy, John McCain, Lindsey Gra- ham, and John Kyl, the bill would grant immediate “provisional legal status”— in effect, amnesty—to at least 12 mil- lion illegal aliens, mainly Mexicans. Because no one really knows how many illegals there are, the number could be much higher. When Congress granted amnesty in 1986, it expected one mil- lion applicants. At last count the num- ber of people “regularized” was more than three times that number. The current bill is supposed to be a compromise between amnesty and tough immigration enforcement. Amnesty for all illegals in the United States since be- fore January 1, 2007 and a “guest worker” program for up to 400,000 for- eigners a year is supposed to be balanced by tighter border security and an end to “family reunification.” Since 1965, le- gal immigration has been easiest for rela- tives of citizen and permanent residents. The new rules would adopt a Canadian- A New Orleans slave market: the sin than which there is none worse. style points system that favors people subtle racism encountered when request- Selma who sponsored the Senate reso- with qualifications—but only after a ing health care, transacting business, lution, is happy, too. “An apology goes delay of eight years that would let in buying a home, seeking quality public a long way,” he says. “Some of us can’t untold numbers of unskilled “family” education and college admission, and begin to heal until we have an apology. members. enduring pretextual traffic stops and Some of us can’t move into reconcilia- There are so many things wrong with other indignities . . . .” tion until we have an apology.” this bill it is hard to know where to be- The psychological wounds go deep: Some people fear that instead of rapid gin, and AR will offer a detailed analy- “[E]ven in the decades after the Civil healing and joyous reconciliation, there sis in an upcoming issue. Besides the ob- Rights Movement, African-Americans will be demands for reparations. “What viously offensive moral capitulation of have found the struggle to overcome the I am is somebody who hates to see law- amnesty, the bill will be expensive— bitter legacy of slavery long and ardu- yers take advantage of the General Fund Robert Rector of the Heritage Founda- ous, and for many African-Americans of the state of Alabama and suck it like tion puts the lifetime costs of amnesty at the scars left behind are unbearable, a leech,” says Sen. Charles Bishop, who more than $2 trillion, a figure based on haunting their psyches and clouding their voted against the resolution. the estimate that each low-skilled immi- vision of the future . . . .” Just to be on the safe side, at the end grant household costs taxpayers $19,588 But there is something all of us can of what must be one of the most abjectly per year. do: self-abasing resolutions ever passed by Illegals do have to go through a bu- “[W]e encourage the remembrance a state house, there is a line of fine print: reaucratic shuffle to get their so-called and teaching about the history of slavery, “That it is the intent of the Legislature “Z visa,” and there is supposed to be a Jim Crow laws, and modern day slavery, that this resolution shall not be used in, background check to weed out criminals, to ensure that these tragedies will nei- or be the basis of, any type of litigation.” but these procedures will be full of loop- ther be forgotten nor repeated.” [Phillip Rawls, Alabama Governor Signs holes. The bill does not eliminate birth- This is gratifying for blacks who seem Resolution Apologizing for Slavery, AP, right citizenship, which means that any to think everyone had forgotten all about May 31, 2007. Phillip Rawls, Alabama tourist or illegal who gives birth on US slavery until the resolution came along. House, Senate, OK Slavery Apologies, soil becomes the mother of a citizen. The Mary Moore, who sponsored the bill in AP, April 25, 2007.] bill does nothing to encourage assimila- the House, said, “The issue of slavery tion, and offers no reason to think there and its impact on the country had been The Bush Amnesty Bill will not be another illegal immigrant cri- kept in the closet until a few Southern sis 20 years from now. states said, ‘We want to take it out of the As we go to press, the United States The additional enforcement measures closet.’ ” Senate is mulling over S. 1348, the “Se- are toothless, and the bill mandates Hank Sanders, a black senator from cure Borders, Economic Opportunity completion of only about half of the 700-

American Renaissance - 13 - July 2007 mile border fence Congress already ap- non-whites—20.7 million—live in Cali- trends continue, in 2011—just four years proved. In any case, debate about new fornia, and another 12 percent—12.2 from now—more than half of the chil- “laws” is pure fantasy. The United States million—live in Texas. Hispanics are the dren born in the US will be non-white, cannot enforce the laws it already has; single largest minority group, at 44.3 and by 2021, 60 percent will be non- there is nothing to suggest that a single million or 14.8 percent of the total. His- white. [Edwin S. Rubenstein, The Next provision of the Senate bill will be en- panics made up nearly half of the total Big Headline: Most Births Minority in forced. To the extent that illegals under- population growth of 2.9 million be- 2011,, May 24, 2007.] stand the bill, the general reaction seems tween July 1, 2005, and July 1, 2006. to be “Why bother?” Many will ignore Hispanics are young, with a median age Losing Power the amnesty procedure, and stay right of 27.4 compared to 36.4 for the popu- where they are, with less fear than ever lation as a whole. About a third of His- Blacks have been a majority in At- of being deported. panics are under 18, compared with one lanta since the 1970s but that may be S. 1348 is a huge step towards the quarter of the total. about to change. As more blacks move destruction of America. Whites are al- Blacks have passed the 40 million to the suburbs, lured by cheaper hous- ready expected to be a minority before mark for the first time, and Asians are ing and better schools, their share of the mid-century, and we will see that day closing in on 15 million. There are now population has fallen to less than 60 per- arrive much sooner if this bill becomes a reported 198.7 million non-Hispanic cent, and may soon drop below half. law. Fortunately, the House of Represen- whites in the United States, but this fig- Mayor Shirley Franklin worries blacks tatives, which has slightly more sense, ure includes many—Arabs, Persians, will lose political power. “It’s not spo- will not pass this wretched law in its etc.—whom only the Census Bureau ken about much, but there are concerns current state. [John Fonte, Comprehen- thinks are white (see “Who Is White,” that we will lose, as African-Americans, sively Bad, National Review, May 23, AR, Jan. 2002). our political base . . . . We are more di- 2007. Robert Rector and Christine Kim, Non-whites are already majorities in verse, but less black and white than we The Fiscal Cost of Low-Skill Immigrants four states—Hawaii at 75 percent; New were 30 years ago.” Mayor Franklin to the U.S. Taxpayer, Heritage Founda- Mexico and California, 57 percent each; doesn’t seem happy about the more “di- tion, May 22, 2007.] Texas, 52 percent—and the District of verse” Atlanta. “African-Americans of Columbia, 68 percent. [Minority Popu- the city of Atlanta have been among the Already a Third lation Tops 100 Million,, most progressive on issues of inclusion May 20, 2007.] of anyone,” she says. “[W]e are con- According to the Census Bureau, the cerned that the loss of political power US population officially topped the 300 Soon to be Half might undermine the progression of million mark on Oct. 17, 2006. Of these these social policies.” 300 million, 100.7 million—slightly In 1965, before the disastrous Immi- Mayor Adrian Fenty of Washington more than a third—are non-white. “To gration and Nationality Act of that year is also worried his city may lose its black put this into perspective,” says Census (see “Fade to Brown,” AR, April 2003) majority. He wants more cheap govern- whites were 88 percent of ment housing, and worries that without the US population, and it, only the rich will be able to live in those whites were proper Washington. [David Ho, Black Atlantans Europeans. By 1990, the May Lose Power, Atlanta Journal-Con- white population had stitution, June 2, 2007.] fallen to 76 percent, and it now stands at just 66.4 In the UK, Too percent. From 2005 to 2006, whites increased by Britain, like America, has illegal im- just 0.26 percent, while migrants, though only an estimated non-whites grew by 2.42 500,000 compared to our 12 to 20 mil- percent. At these rates, lion. As in America, some people are non-whites will become a pushing amnesty. They say that once majority in 2038. Britain introduces national ID cards, it Whites are being will be easy to spot illegals, but at a cost squeezed by both immi- of £11,000 each, deportation is too ex- gration and differential pensive. Candidates for the post of Mexican mother, American baby. birth rates. The white fertility rate of deputy to incoming PM Gordon Brown Bureau Director Louis Kincannon, 1.847 is 12 percent below the replace- all favor amnesty, despite the fact that “there are more minorities in this coun- ment level of 2.1 births per woman. the Home Office rejected it last year. try today than there were people in the Blacks have a fertility rate of 2.02 while Their arguments are familiar: illegals are United States in 1910 [when the popu- the figure for Hispanics is 2.82. Births hard-working, and amnesty is the “right” lation was 92.2 million]. In fact, the mi- to white women have already started to thing to do. But unlike in the United nority population in the US is larger than decline in absolute terms: There were States, some senior officials oppose the total population of all but 11 coun- 28,000 fewer white babies in 2006 than amnesty. Labour Party chairman Hazel tries.” 2005. In 2006, only 54.1 percent of all Blears and International Development Twenty-one percent of the nation’s births were to white women. If current Secretary Hilary Benn point out that it

American Renaissance - 14 - July 2007 would only encourage more illegal im- of all black applicants have recent ties Immigration, Official Says, Bloomberg migration. to Africa. Many American blacks resent News, May 23, 2007.] Amnesty-peddlers are looking over this. Dr. Albert Morris, Jr., president of their shoulders at the increasingly-popu- the mostly-black National Medical As- Biracial Advantage lar (BNP). Jon sociation says, “[W]e want to make sure Cruddas, a Labour MP who hopes to that those of us who have helped open According to a new study, parents of become Mr. Brown’s number two, says the doors [of medical school to blacks] mixed-race children put more time and the BNP will win some support with its get to share in the bounty.” effort into child-rearing than do parents argument that it is pointless to have a Non-white doctors have a political who are of the same race. The study finds national ID card if people who don’t axe to grind. According to a 2004 study, that biracial children are more likely to have one can stay anyway. He believes, they are more likely than however, that this would be only a tem- whites to think American porary advantage, because amnestied doctors often “treat people illegals will swell the ranks of those who unfairly based on race, will never vote for a nationalist party. ethnicity, insurance status, [Brendan Carlin, Candidates Pressure income or ability to speak Brown Over Immigrants, Telegraph English.” [David Brown, At (London), June 2, 2007.] Med Schools, a New Degree of Diversity, Washington Doctors and Diversity Post, June 1, 2007.] Thirty years ago, America’s 125 Japan Surrenders? medical schools started preferences for women, and now only half of new doc- “Japan has no official im- tors are men. Medical schools have also migration policy like those of been recruiting non-whites, and the per- the US or Australia,” explains Hidenori have a home computer, go to private centage of white medical school gradu- Sakanaka, head of the Japan Immigra- school, participate in activities outside ates has dropped from 85 percent in tion Policy Institute. “The policy has school, and go to zoos and libraries. This 1980 to 64 percent in 2004. Asians have been to keep people out if they intend to difference is reportedly most pro- gone from three percent to 20 percent in stay permanently.” That policy has been nounced when one parent is white and the same period, with Indians and Chi- effective. Only 1.6 percent of Japan’s the other is Asian—the children get more nese the two biggest Asian ethnic groups. 128 million people are foreigners, and attention than when parents are both Many of the current crop of students are half of them were born in Japan. white or both Asian. first- and second-generation immigrants. Unfortunately, Japan may be about to Study co-author Brian Powell of In- abandon its sensible diana University thinks this is because policy. The Japanese interracial couples are trying to help their population started declin- children overcome . “They face ing in 2005, and the gov- challenges in being a couple,” he says. ernment fears a decline of “They’re aware of the challenges their as much as 25 percent by children will be facing. In turn, they try 2050. In May, the govern- to compensate for this.” ment of Prime Minister The study found that the rule of Shinzo Abe announced it greater child-rearing effort does not hold would double the number true for black men who have children of foreign students. with white women. These couples put Deputy foreign minister even less effort into child-rearing than Mitoji Yabunaka sounded black parents do. The authors speculate The new face of medical school. almost like Ben Wattenberg when he an- that black father/white mother couples “We are seeing more and more kids of nounced that Japan will let in more work- get less support from extended families foreign-born parents, especially in the ers, too. “We’re ready to make Japan as (though, by the theory that is supposed last eight to 10 years,” says Dr. Milford open as possible,” he says. “Clearly to explain the behavior of white/Asian M. Foxwell, dean of admissions at the there’s the need for more immigration. couples, it would be reason to devote University of Maryland School of Medi- We’re faced with all sorts of demo- even greater efforts to rearing mulattos). cine, where one fifth of the students are graphic questions.” Overall, the study found that non-white Asian. However, even Mr. Yabunaka under- man/white women couples face the Many black medical students are Af- stands the need for caution. “I don’t greatest “social challenges.” The re- rican. Lauree Thomas, who is associate know if it’s what you’d call cultural re- search does not appear to have looked dean for admissions at the University of sistance, but since this is new, there are into whether white women who have Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, a lot of things that have to be pondered children with black men show unusual says 20 to 30 percent of her school’s and discussed,” he explained. “Naturally sociological characteristics. [Robin applicants are first- or second-genera- people are concerned about safety.” [Ja- Lloyd, Interracial Couples Invest More tion Nigerians, and estimates that half son Clenfield, Japan Will Allow More in Kids,, April 23,

American Renaissance - 15 - July 2007 2007.] Aussies Have Had Enough For years, the official view in Austra- lian schools has been that the founding of their country and the European influ- ence on Aborigines were one long record of horror. Common sense has been mak- ing a comeback, however, and in 1993, historian Geoffrey Blainey started call- ing the official line the “black armband view of history.” John Howard even picked up the phrase in his successful 1996 campaign for prime minister. Mr. Howard’s government is now writing a new curriculum for Australian history. It can’t come soon enough for whites who refuse to feel guilty. Louise Zarmati of the New South Wales History Teach- ers Association told an Australian Sen- ate panel in May that her students are “not prepared to wear the guilt.” As she explained further: “I think it sparks a lot of racism; it certainly did in my class- room. It makes it an unpleasant learning experience. They don’t really enjoy it and feel forced to do it; they don’t like the politics all that much.” [Justine Ferrari, Students Resent ‘Guilt’ of His- tory,, May 18, 2007.]

No Surprise Riots in Los Angeles: Is your city next? After defendants in race discrimina- the number of non-whites and women— from the same place as the fires and the tion lawsuits won big settlements from and then demand results. This is how destruction and the police decked out in major companies like Coca-Cola and GE, for example, raised the percentage riot gear and the deaths,” he said to a Texaco, most US corporations spent of its senior executives who are non- standing ovation. “Despair takes hold millions on diversity training programs. white, women, or foreigners from 29 and young people all across this coun- They hoped this would boost the num- percent in 2000 to 40 percent by 2005. try look at the way the world is and be- ber of women and non-white managers, [Lisa Takeuchi Cullen, Employee Diver- lieve that things are never going to get and also protect them from lawsuits, but sity Training Doesn’t Work, Time, April any better,” he added. [Bob Lewis, according to a new study, the money was 26, 2007.] Obama Warns of ‘Quiet Riot’ Among wasted. Not only does diversity training Blacks, AP, June 5, 2007.] not increase the number of non-whites, Playing the Race Card it does not stop lawsuits. “I don’t know Teaching for Tomorrow of a single case where courts gave credit Black Illinois senator and Democratic for diversity training,” says study co- presidential candidate British students used to have to study author Frank Dobbin of Harvard. “Are apparently thinks New Orleans blacks a European language like French or Ger- these efforts worth it? In the case of di- may be justified in rioting, just as Los man between the ages of 11 and 14, but versity training, the answer is no.” The Angeles blacks did in 1992 over the they can now study Urdu, Arabic or authors have several theories why diver- Rodney King verdict (see “Los Angeles Mandarin Chinese instead. Sir Cyril Tay- sity training doesn’t work: it may create Erupts,” AR, June 1992). Speaking be- lor, head of the Specialist Schools and a backlash, it may actually provoke bias, fore an audience of nearly 8,000 at his- Academies Trust, thinks Chinese is “the or may be so deep they can- torically black Hampton University in language of tomorrow” and should re- not be extirpated in a few training ses- Virginia on June 5, Sen. Obama com- place European languages. Mandarin is sions. pared the riots that left 55 dead to the already compulsory at Brighton College, Does this mean the end of the diver- black anger over how President Bush which takes children from ages three to sity fetish? No. The study says the best handled Hurricane Katrina. 18. [Richard Garner, Schools Import way for a company to “increase diver- He said the fury of Los Angeles is China’s Teachers for Lessons in ‘Lan- sity” is to appoint a person or a commit- boiling away all the time. “Those ‘quiet guage of Tomorrow,’ Independent (Lon- tee whose sole responsibility is to boost riots’ that take place every day are born don), May 24, 2007.] Ω

American Renaissance - 16 - July 2007