American Renaissance There is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world. — Thomas Jefferson Vol. 18 No. 7 July 2007 The Knoxville Horror The crime and the media what sometimes amounted to a news and took them in the 4-Runner to a run- blackout—is based on documents filed down rental house at 2316 Chipman blackout. in federal and state courts, and on some- Street in black East Knoxville, where Mr. times vague and contradictory press re- Cobbins and Mr. Davidson lived. Mr. by Nicholas Stix ports. Cobbins’s 18-year-old girlfriend, Vanes- Sometime after midnight, Miss Chris- sa Coleman, met them there. n Saturday, January 6, 2007 tian and Mr. Newsom were in the park- All four, including Miss Coleman, Channon Christian, 21, and ing lot of Knoxville’s Washington Ridge then engaged in an orgy of rape and vio- O Christopher Newsom, 23, of apartment complex, where they were lence. They anally gang-raped Mr. Knoxville, Tennessee, went on a date visiting friends. Letalvis Cobbins, 24, Newsom, and orally, anally, and vagi- from which they would never return. along with his brother Lemaricus nally gang-raped Channon Christian. Outside the home of They brutally beat another couple they both victims and were visiting, they poured cleaning were carjacked and fluid down Miss kidnapped. Over the Christian’s throat. next 24 hours they They killed Mr. were beaten, gang- Newsom, leaving raped, tortured and him with “multiple murdered. gunshot wounds,” There can be and set his corpse little doubt that if on fire. Knoxville Channon Christian police refuse to and Christopher say how Miss Newsom had been Christian was mur- These three—George Thomas, Letalvis Cobbins, and Lemaricus dered, but an assistant U.S. at- black and their killers white, every- Davidson—are finally getting a little national attention. one in America would know their torney suggests she may have names. Because they were white and Davidson, 25, and George Thomas, 24, been “choked.” their killers are black, their fate has been kidnapped them at gunpoint, and car- On January 8, the day after the shrouded in a thick silence that has given jacked Miss Christian’s 2005 Toyota 4- carjacking-gang-rape-murder, Le- rise to a host of lurid rumors. Their story Runner. Mr. Davidson had already been maricus Davidson robbed an employee highlights the strange and twisted nature convicted of carjacking and aggravated of a Knoxville Pizza Hut at gunpoint, of race relations in America, which robbery in Tennessee in 2001, but de- and tried to rob a customer. Likewise on makes it nearly impossible for the au- spite conviction for a death penalty-eli- January 8, Miss Christian’s father, Gary, thorities or the media to deal honestly found her Toyota 4-Runner abandoned with events that violate official assump- near railroad tracks, not far from where tions about race. It also represents both Their story highlights the a railroad employee found Mr. New- a strength and weakness of the Internet: strange and twisted na- som’s desecrated corpse that same day. Mischief-makers of various political ture of race relations in There was a fingerprint from Lemaricus persuasions spread falsehoods rather America. Davidson inside the vehicle, which led than correct them, but they built up a to a search of his apartment on January demand for facts that became so great 10. There police found Miss Christian’s the authorities eventually had to come gible offense and a bad record as an in- corpse in a garbage can in the kitchen. clean. mate, had served no more than five years A fourth man, Eric Boyd, has been The men who kidnapped and killed in West Tennessee State Penitentiary. Re- charged as an accessory in the carjacking Channon Christian and Christopher cently released, he had been a member case for having helped Mr. Davidson try Newsom have not yet gone to trial, so of the Black Gangster Disciples at least to escape justice, but not in the rapes and they are theoretically innocent. This ac- since prison. murders. count—as accurate as possible under The three men tied up their captives Continued on page 3 American Renaissance - 1 - July 2007 suffer from the white man’s disease as severely as Canadians or Americans. It makes no difference that up to a quarter of Frenchmen have said they agree with his positions—anyone who wants to keep France French is a pariah. Pierre Chabron, Quebec, Canada Sir — The review of IQ and Global Inequality in the June issue was sober- ing, given that our country becomes more Mexican every day. By the end of the century, the single largest ethnic group in this country will be from a re- gion with an average IQ of 85. We know what that means, but does Congress? grants out. Eric Miller, Ames, Iowa. Letters from Readers The front’s approach to the June leg- Sir — No matter how your correspon- islative elections—and how well it dent spins the story, it is a disaster for does—will show how well party lead- Sir — Richard Lynn has written a the National Front that Jean Marie Le ers have diagnosed what can only be conceptual blockbuster (IQ and Global Pen won 1,000,000 fewer votes in 2007 described as a spectacular failure. Inequality) that consigns everything else than in 2002. It is especially humiliat- Alan Flynn, New York City ever written on Third-World aid and de- ing because the “Ramadan Riots” of velopment to the rubbish bin. I deliber- 2005 and the Gard du Nord riots just ately wrote “conceptual” blockbuster. before the election highlighted in the Sir — It is disappointing that Jean- Sales and influence will be minimal. most dramatic way the truth of what Mr. Marie Le Pen performed so poorly in This is what is so tragic about our rush Le Pen has been saying for 20 years. If the French presidential election, but is to destruction. Professor Lynn, Tatu France had a single-round system like it really a surprise? A campaign featur- Vanhanen, Phil Rushton, Charles Mur- Britain or the United States, you could ing a black immigrant in pink under- ray, Michael Levin, Sam Francis, and a argue voters did not want to waste their wear—what was the National Front host of others have clearly described the votes on the National Front, thereby thinking? French nationalists want these consequences of refusing to take race se- throwing the election to Miss Royal, the people gone. They don’t want to use riously. Even Patrick Buchanan, in his Socialist. However, the very point of the them as props to show how tolerant they best and latest book, State of Emergency, French system is to let people vote for are. Pandering to racial minorities is best has faced the Gorgon. None so blind as candidates who represent their real views left to the mainstream parties—they’re will not see. in the first round and then, if need be, much better at it. Paula Henderson, Jefferson City, Mo. choose the lesser of two evils in the sec- The French were clearly not in a mood ond. to elect a soft leader. Nicholas Sarkozy Mr. Legrand suggests that the Na- came across as tough, decisive and un- Sir — My favorite page in your June tional Front candidate was riding so high compromising, and he did not pander to issue was page 14—the photographs of there was a chance he would beat Mr. the media elite or to non-white immi- the 41 National Football League play- Sarkozy in the first round and thus face grants who clearly despise him. Indeed, ers who have been arrested since 2006, certain defeat against Miss Royal in the he was more like Le Pen than was Le along with your quip of a caption: “Find second round. According to this theory, Pen. If the decision to soften “The Boul- the two whites.” It makes it pretty clear many voters who really would have pre- der” was made by Marine Le Pen, I hope who the troublemakers are! ferred Mr. Le Pen voted for Mr. Sarkozy the party sends her on a long vacation. Karl Frederick, Baton Rouge, La. only because he had a better chance of Milo Carter, Thibodaux, La. beating Miss Royal in the second round. Nonsense. Mr. Le Pen never had a real- Sir — So now it’s Burundians com- istic chance of outpolling Mr. Sarkozy. Sir — Thank you for your excellent ing to America for a better life. Here’s Conservative Frenchmen voted for Mr. coverage of the French presidential elec- an idea. Let’s send the Burundians, and Sarkozy over Mr. Le Pen because they tions. Your correspondent made the the Somalis, and the Hmong, and the Ira- preferred him. That is the hard truth the reader feel as if he were at “The qis and whatever other human flotsam National Front must digest. It is up to Boulder’s” side. I was struck, however, the government wants to bring in and front leaders to decide why: whether it by the frosty way official France still resettle them in Hyannisport or was because voters think Mr. Le Pen is treats a man who has so much national Kennebunkport or Potomac or McLean too old, because they think his squishy appeal. Elected officials refuse to shake or wherever else our leaders live far daughter Marine hijacked the party, or his hand, voters dare not admit they sup- away from the rest of us—and the con- whether they just have more faith in a port him, he keeps out of sight for fear sequences of their actions.
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