Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 2019 No. 57 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was midst of low commodity prices, unfair immigrant communities across New called to order by the Speaker pro tem- trade prices, labor shortages, and con- Jersey and across this country. pore (Mr. BUTTERFIELD). secutive years of storms now had relief Earlier this month, the New Jersey Policy Perspective issued a report con- f in sight. Then entered Hurricane Mi- chael, and it was all gone in a matter firming something we have known for a DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO of hours. Not just the commodity crops long time in my district and in New TEMPORE like cotton, but the orchards, too. Jersey: immigrants continue to serve The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Since day one post-Hurricane Mi- as the backbone of Main Street. fore the House the following commu- chael, I have worked side by side with Immigrants make up 22 percent of nication from the Speaker: my friend and my colleague, Congress- the total State population, and immi- man SANFORD BISHOP. Hurricane Mi- grants own 47 percent of Main Street WASHINGTON, DC, chael didn’t discriminate between our businesses. Immigrant communities April 2, 2019. I hereby appoint the Honorable G.K. district lines. I want to thank him for own 81 percent of household mainte- BUTTERFIELD to act as Speaker pro tempore his help and his support of our State nance services, 79 percent of laundry on this day. and our agricultural producers in Geor- businesses, and nearly 50 percent of NANCY PELOSI, gia. child care centers and clothing stores. Speaker of the House of Representatives. Soon after the storm, the President, According to the study, immigrants f Vice President PENCE, and Secretary contribute $4.4 billion a year to just Perdue met with the two of us, our the New Jersey economy, employing MORNING-HOUR DEBATE farmers, and our community leaders thousands and driving economic The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and promised to help them rebuild. growth. ant to the order of the House of Janu- Members of both parties, in both This study is just another reminder ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- Chambers of Congress, echoed the same that toxic rhetoric against immigra- nize Members from lists submitted by support. Six months later, and those tion is a misguided attack against our the majority and minority leaders for promises of support have been broken. neighbors, our teachers, our fire- morning-hour debate. Never before have we seen commu- fighters, and local shop owners. As a The Chair will alternate recognition nities that were wrecked with catas- first generation American, I can attest between the parties. All time shall be trophes neglected like this. firsthand to the grit and determination equally allocated between the parties, Those votes in the Senate yesterday needed to succeed in this country. and in no event shall debate continue showed a lack of honor and dignity and These brave families sacrifice every- beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other how truly ugly and partisan politics thing to work hard in America and pro- than the majority and minority leaders have become. The truth is, if Hurricane vide opportunities for their loved ones. and the minority whip, shall be limited Michael had hit Americans who Supporting immigrant communities to 5 minutes. weren’t farmers or farmers who aren’t is the right thing to do to advance Americans, the stories of yesterday’s American values and boost job growth f cowardice would be the front page of across the country. BROKEN PROMISES FOR every paper. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to say HURRICANE MICHAEL RELIEF Whether the press likes it or not and thank you to the immigrants working whether the Senators from New York hard across the State of New Jersey The SPEAKER pro tempore. The or Vermont like it or not, we are and across this country. Chair recognizes the gentleman from Americans, too. And what happened f Georgia (Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT) for 5 min- yesterday was cowardly, partisan poli- utes. tics and truly un-American. FULL PROTECTION FOR BABIES Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. BORN ALIVE f Speaker, on October 10, 2018, a Cat- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The egory 3 storm, Hurricane Michael, en- IMMIGRANT CONTRIBUTIONS TO Chair recognizes the gentleman from tered my State of Georgia with a dev- NEW JERSEY Louisiana (Mr. SCALISE) for 5 minutes. astating force. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. SCALISE. Mr. Speaker, I rise It was harvest time for the 2018 crop, Chair recognizes the gentleman from today to address the House on an im- and it was the best yield, especially for New Jersey (Mr. SIRES) for 5 minutes. portant issue, and maybe the most im- cotton, that we had seen in years. Mr. SIRES. Mr. Speaker, I rise to portant issue, Mr. Speaker, and that is Farmers who had been suffering in the honor the hard work and dedication of the issue of life. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2941 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:14 Apr 03, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02AP7.000 H02APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H2942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 2, 2019 We brought a bill forward, H.R. 962, tion. It happens all across this country. streams and wetlands, which play a the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Pro- And when that baby is born alive, that very important role in feeding our tection Act. This is a bill, Mr. Speaker, baby ought to have the full protection drinking water resources. They also that many wonder why is it even nec- under the law. We will start the proc- help store water during storms and al- essary that we need a law to say that ess today to ensure that that full de- leviate flooding, which, in turn, pro- if a baby is born alive, outside of the bate happens and, ultimately, that the tects communities. These small womb, we need to give it the full pro- vote happens to pass the Born Alive streams and wetlands help recharge tections under law. Act. our groundwater supplies. They also Many people ask, Mr. Speaker, why Mr. Speaker, I urge all of my col- filter pollution and provide habitat for isn’t that already protected? If a baby leagues to sign on to this discharge pe- fish and wildlife. is born alive, it should have the full tition. Clean and safe water is a very basic protections of anybody else. And yet, f human need. Unfortunately, this ad- as we see in States like New York and ministration has made it a priority to AMERICANS DEPEND ON CLEAN other States around the country, they dismantle the Clean Water Act, regard- WATER allow, in those States, the baby, even less of what the science or the law pro- after it is born alive, to be killed. To The SPEAKER pro tempore. The vides. The President’s me, Mr. Speaker, that is murder, and Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from #DirtyWaterRule puts our water and yet, in many States, they don’t have California (Mrs. NAPOLITANO) for 5 min- health at risk and must be stopped. the full protection that all of us enjoy. utes. Our drought cycle in southern Cali- How could that be, in the United Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Speaker, as fornia continues, even though we have States of America, that a baby born the chair of the Transportation and In- had repeated rain in March. We must alive can still be killed after it is born frastructure Subcommittee on Water continue to conserve. This must be the outside of the womb? Resources and Environment, I rise to new norm for us in the West. celebrate Clean Water Week. I would This issue transcends the abortion f debate. In fact, people across every like to take this opportunity to high- spectrum—Republicans, Democrats, light the importance of water for our b 1015 communities, not only in my home and Independents, even people who CELEBRATING THE 100TH State of California, but across the align themselves as pro-choice—believe ANNIVERSARY OF EASTERSEALS it is wrong to murder the baby after it country. Americans depend on clean is born alive, and yet it is still allowed. water for their health, the health of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The There should be no reason that this is their communities, and the health of Chair recognizes the gentleman from a gray issue. the economy. Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 Today, Mr. Speaker, I will be joining Our water resources are precious, and minutes. my colleague, ANN WAGNER, the lead every drop matters, which is why we Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. author of this bill, to start a discharge need significant Federal investment in Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize petition: an opportunity for every our Nation’s infrastructure and strong Easterseals on its 100th anniversary. Member of Congress to make their Federal protections for our Nation’s Easterseals is a network of more voices heard loud and clear that this water resources. than 70 leading nonprofit organizations bill ought to come to this floor for a We need to protect our waterways, that provide local services and support full debate and, ultimately, for a vote.
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