BOB WOOLF, Nle Border Rufbap
Copyr ight 1878-1884, by Beadle & Adams. En tered at Post omce, New York. N. Y .. as oecond class matter. Mar. 15, 18911. THE ARTHUR WESTBROOK CO. No.9 Cleveland, Ohio Vol. I BOB WOOLF, nle Border RufBap. OJ\ 'l!llE GIRL DEAD-SHOT. BY EDWARD L. WHEELER ~ -:s:~\'l THE GIRL DEAD-SHOT. \ I .:> pyrigh t 1878-1884, by Beadle '& Ada m s. E ntered at Post Omce, New York, N. Y. 1 as !:.econ d c lass m a t ter. 1\fa r. 15, 1£ryl TH:C ARTHUR WESTBROOK CO. · ~Tb.9 Clcv cl3:-id, Ohio Vol. I BOB WOOLF The Border Ruffian. ..... - ;;: -·' 01>• • ~·BE G IRL DEAD-S HOT. THE GIRL lJEAD·SHO'l', Rob Woolf, the Border Ruftlan. he has just r:illen But you cannot come in heN nor see him either." Bob Woolf. "Blast :vou, I'll see if I won't, ye little she-tiger!" cried tht" " Dismount, bo:yees, an' stave in thet 'ar door l D'ye hear? stare it ml" THE BORDER RUFFl,A.N; "Hold I Bob Woolf?" cried the girl, her' eyes tla,•h• lng fire, '' hold! Come in here if you will; b n~ OR, first. lilt me tell you 10 so doing you w'll ~ yourself and men to the king of all scourges- "'l.ll· TB E GI&L DEAD-SHOT ~ 1JO,r ."', Had a C11.nnon-ball struck the border cbier be BY EDWARD L. WHEELER, could nnr. have been more startled. A.UTHOR OF "DEADWOOD DICK, ' ' "THE DOUBLE DAO· Jn an instant his companions were spurring away 11 0vPr the plain at a safe dista nce.
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