TUESDAY,-NOVEMBER 4,1952 Averacs Daily Net Praia Ran Wfidh 'ftia ia FJlGE FOXJBTEEN: . Nnv, 1, IgS* - . : FMr tMdgMk M ta ln a » M . ’^ 1 0 , 7 2 1 nnsdny, partly eloadyiwlBty, twa* Andover M ^ . MenibM «t tkn Aadt* Inf onMen ■ ■' ...... Eiacrccncy Doctors Ctrwilntlnns I T i l i [ t T o w n , Music Tells HanchetUr— A City of ViUago Ci Physicians of the Manchcs- Dies iii Crash T in next meeting of the Great Ur Medical Asaoclatiph who Poem’s Bo6ka Diacusaion group will be will respond to emergency calls VOL. LXXIL NO. 31 (CtaaPUM AdvnrtUM »> MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOV^iMkER (TWENTY-rOUR PAGES^N TWO 81 PRICE nVB CENII W««nMday evening. Nov. H.,wh*n tomorrow afternoon and eve­ Woman Passengei* Hurt St. Auguiitine'a ■•Oonfeaaions will | ning are Dr. G. ft. Miller, tel. ^ Metiibers of Chaminade ...... ^ . t h i reading assignment. Thei 5«2», and Dr. Nicholas Mar- When Auto H*t» Fence group m leU regularly on the zialo, tel. 2-5694 or 2-8534. Portray' ‘Courtship of ieeond and fourth Wednesdays of On Columbia Highway each mabUi. at 7:30 at the Mary Miles Standish^ Mood OhoBoy Ubrmiy. --.ColupUila^ iin v . 4r-A . 31-year-: y The Dorcas grgpp of the South' Music and the Allied Arts, the old Andover resident was instantr | Mfs. Mylea 8. Staple^ of 11 Main Methodist Church will ineet to­ theme of the Chamlnade Club’s ly killed late last night when his ' jiUsMt li.CQiiiflnwl tp her honie with morrow morning st 9:30 for rug program for the year./ was pre­ automobile lift Uj S. Route \6-A j y m Mvtrt cold. ' making. It U Koped , that those sented last night In the Federation here and crashed' into a highway members whn^ will not be able to Room of Center Congregational fence. Kenneth Adams, Jr., accord- attend tt>e-tV3Ca meeting onjNov.- llMa««r"GnB(rge wlir hold its state police.— was -thrown ! ► will bHng their white gifts to­ othy Keeney and Mary Stewart. usual business mehttog tomorrow 17 from the car down a steep bank ------•vaaiBg'tB-Oraage-Hall.-lt >H1 be morrow. From "The Courtship of Miles and auktained a. skull fracture. Slandlah" by LdngfendW* Mrs: vMUnj officers' night and a good Passenger la Injured The Alpina Society will hold Its Keeney as narrator, read aeleC' tamout of the focal members is A passenger in the vehicle. Miss regular meeting tomorrow night tlona which described the princi­ Margaret O'Connell, 37, of Wllll'^ hoped. They are also reminded al 7:30 kt the Italian-Am erica pal events and typical scenes In that officers will be elected at the mantle, suffered a. dislocated hip. AUTOMATIC DELIVERY ^CTVICE Club on Eld ridge street. the famous poem. > At the close She was taken to Memorial Hos- jBseUiig, Wednesday evening, Nov. each aelectlon various members 1 >iUl In WllHmanttc where her con­ J i W t ELL US TO KEEP YOUR TA^(K FILLED ... 1»--. ' ____ _ \ The sixth grade at the Lincoln df the club performed imislcsl dition is not regarded sis serious. School, of which Mra. Daisy Bill is compositions in keeplng^^lth the Colchester police barracks im­ Mrs. Aides Gutzmer of 43 Math­ the teacher, recently conducted a poetic moods. / ported today that Adams’ car left- er street announces that the runK plant, goprd and cupcake aale. The varying Ciiintion* Of John Uie highway about a h a lf. mile L: T. WQOD ...... mage-sale of the.YFW! Auxiliary, With each child having some, re­ and Priscilla w jrn expressed mur east of the Intersection-wlth-Btatc 51 HISSELL STREET erhi^ was to have been held sponsibility in making the sale a aically In a iniiezo-soprano sold, Route 87. caromed - off the bank ■nuiraday, haa been postponed. sUcre"" 'Th« proceeds of *30 are Simth’a " T p it Quest” by Mary and rolled .across the road to crash Meaeliera and friends who have ar^ to be used by the Junior Red Croaa. Stewart Accompanied by, Maudr against a fence. The car was tltiaa they with called for and Kloppenburg; two cello ablpa. traveling In the direction of Wil- stored, should contact Mrs. Giitz- St. Cbrlstopher's'Mothera Circle ''SaWU d’A m our' by Elgar and limantic at the time, which was mer. will meet tomorrow night at 8 'Xiolden------Wedding"------by Gabriel- placed at 11 p. m. o'clock at the home of Mra. Glori^ Marie, played by Betty Brown ac- Medical Examiner Dr. John J, 13ia.DorCaa Society o f Emanuel Petrone, 193 Spring street. ' / rompanied. by Martha Martin; a Adam’ death,, .wajj Untheran Chnrch will meet in the vocal duet, "The SWeeteSt Story caused by a fractured skull. Act­ .veetry tomorrow at 8 p. m. The C. Alan, Anderson of tl Ever Told ” by Stiitg, sung by Vlr- ing on the Investigation team are business session will he followed is enrolled ’as a fr e s ^ In the . I ginia Clark and Marion Jesanis ac- Sgt. Joseph McAullffe and troop- .hsr a social hour with refreshment* day dlvlslbn of the Imlverslty of companled by Daisy Canade tlAmhflrrl nnri Rm#Jit ■ ~ / aafe«d bg the following hostessci.: Connecticut SchojVbf Law. Enroll­ ■"Mngal'B Cave" by Mendels­ Mrs. E l^ra Daniels.' Mias Lillian ed In the,evenins division of the sohn. iu piano duet played by Dor^ laraon, Mrs. Alice Hoaglund. Mrs. Sciujbl of LaW"^are Russell.Gustaf­ othy Keeney and Grace Fraser, ^ M a Oocka and Mrs. EUen Carl- son. Jr.^^idolph V. Plerro and described the tumult o f emotions ilarpli^^. Port«r,„(Ir^, , in John Alden ss he wslked alone SMRYfmNW Udhg thV'njgged 'PLymbulHi' aliOiaf ■ The Emanuel Lutheran Ladies ,,..'ussell F. Miner of 53 Mather "O God Beneath Thy Guiding Edward L Diwit. Jr. Aid Society is planning to hold a Street has been promoted to fore- Hand". by Hatton, sung by Vir­ rummagt aale at the church Ftf- ,man, assembly, second shift, st the ginia Clark and Marion Jesanis. dar morning at f o'clock, ^rs. Windsor Locks plant of Hamilton fittingly described the Pilgrim Lini# MUIer and Mrs. Gepd* Orr Standard Division. United Aircraft women at their dally taaks: "Rit­ co-chairmen. Anyope'^ having Corporation. ual Fire Dance" by De Falla and may,, con' "Spinning Song" by Mendeisaohn, dl^UUlO of Ballots aftlclea t6 be picked Washington, N w .\5— (flP)—^Repiublicang appeared ..alnu^ two piano solos, played by Doro­ tact Mrs. Lillian sfsoii. Richard C Woodhouae, aon of MRS. CLYDE 0 . HOFFMAN certfun t^ ay to win Iwrline control of both branches of the- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodhouae of thy Keeney, describe respective­ Ry THE ASSOCIATip RRESS ly the Indian attack and Pris­ new Congress on the basiiiof late returns from the dection^'. Members oL^ockvllle Emblem 19 Benton street, la enrolled as a Mias Dorothy Lorain Demeusy, *at the lUUlan-American Club. Mrs. Goa. Dwiglit D. Ehawliawar smosliMi o l vofiog raearR» today m ba mnm Hm cilla in "her home. With only five Senate and^S House seats, still undecided, the. Club No. 8 pre Invited to the insti- freshman at Dartmouth College. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hoffman waa atUred In , Oxford "1 Love Thee” by Beethoven, Republicans were well ahead in tl^ f ■PDsIdeBey h t m sprowRiig loiidslida tliot hit coatrol of Coat raM taataHag la HM ■ tuUoB and'installation of Meriden Hanover. N. H. Demeuey of Hartford road, and grey crepe, wquip trim, Pink ac- Bnblem Club No. 224 tomorrow sung by Mary Stew|rt, brought House and topped the Democrata Clyde O. Hoffman, eon o f Mrs. cesBories and corsage of pink baldacM batwoaw Rapabntepn ood PMWOcrati . AmorkaoM wiia Hbod Hia m m n tbd 'a t 8 O’clock at the Meriden ’ The following children are asked the story to a happy conclusion. roses. Mrs. Demeusy, mother of by one in the Senate. Trends In ____Club. 120 East Main street. ,In patriotic mo<^ on the eve Beatrice Hoffman of Drive D. Sil­ the unsettled races pointed toward 42-yMor old Mror bora Hm fraotatf Yota ovor poorad oat lor a prasMaotM caadt to call at the East Side Rec office ver Lane Homes, were united In the bride, chose royal blue crepe es .(iiiidan. A buffet luncheon will be on School street to pick up their of the national election, the mem with black velvet trim and red OOP matgins in' both House and i d b ti Ol b< ftiiaf bm d a 50»yadi^ Daa»98(Mtte Mopqgdga ow tb t W M ta H o m o o m I aarved after the Installation, bera of the club sang, in closing marriage Saturday at 11 a. m. The Senate when filial retuma are. American Red Cross cards for be­ double-ring service was performed rose corsage. \ ioat Gov. AdM E. Stove«*a* of NHiiah down to erotbiog dofoot. ginners life, saving: Burton John­ two atansaa of "America. When .leaving for' an unan­ posted. ' i •'-»-*r ‘ » .. laum ediate Girl Scout Troop Decorations for the'fefreshment by the pastor. Rev. Carl E. Olson, Here’s how the fight for control son, Roy Duckett, Ralph Diikett. ■in the sanctuary of Emanuel Luth­ nounced wedding trip, the bride kers to Vntb about XliOOO pridbets y tt to bo tobahrtad, Bhoabowar altoody bod rd P IS will meet tomorrow night at Joan Florence. Patty Young. Kath­ table were In the Halloween mo­ wore a navy suit, red accessories shaped up this afternoon: «:IKI at the Zion Lutheran Church. tif. Hostesses were Ethel Lange, eran Church. Organist Clarence Senate (needed for control 49) od op 27,974,104 Yof i i wmR OYor tbdpraYiaat rociMd of 27,781,197 leen Young. Richard Robb. Bill W. Helsing played the bridal mu­ and white orchid corsage.. After j Peterson. Althea Holleman. Corky chairman, and Irene Foster, Hen­ —Democrats■ elected 10, holdovers; Fraaldbi D. Roasavatt bi 1934 ood f«r oat-dhtoeebig .Woodol L. WHIila't Ri ■ t Margaret Mary Mothers q r - sic and accompanied Roger Jan. 1 they expect. to make their Chmeleckl. Dennis Keith and Paul rietta Case, Anna.McMullen, Mil­ home in California. The bfide SB; Republicans elected 30, hold-{ ela will meet tomorrow night at dred Waaley and’ Florence Wood. Lourks. tenor, who sang two num­ 000 bltbwotMf-aiMrb of 22,308,194 la 1940. ^ - Oadarowskl. bers. White pompon* and palms was graduated from Manchester evert 26 including Wajme Morse ’ the home of Mra. ^ilphonse Reale They served cider and doughnuts of Oregon, who bolted the party' \ wmW mWRmtn TM CIMflllOWVr SWWp fWOVyil fiW 9Mi|ni fMV OfMMfll Vf THV -A t J 4 Jffooifland street. decorated the altar. I High, School and until recently during the aoclal hour. A brief ,”1 was employed by the Aetna' Fire to support Governor Stevenson. .Springfield, HI., —inclucling a de«p ballotf ' ' ' . Given ill marriage by her father, mSSBSBBBSaBBSBBBBSSSSmm * ai______i.'-______Grab Local Driver business meetingi conducted by Insurance Company of Hartford. • In the remianing flve Senate (>P)— ^This was the w«dm into the no-longer solid Eunice Bllnn, president,' preceded the bride'was attended, by Mr*. Florence Jones.' sl.ster of the She was honored with three pre­ ffLbiUer-moauMLAfl the,_program. . .The next roefttlng bridegroom. Bridesmaids- wrre-hi» nuptial -gift showers by - relative# m-^I6l(tlmr^lnd New Tle- legions who followed BALGH is Your On Rcrckle«8 Goufit will feature music In keening with publicans were in front in Ken­ fought down to the final sister, Miss June Hoffman, and and friends. Her gift to the Adlai'E. Stevenson— and the sessdn. and the club’s annual Miss Shirley D’AlOsio. Paul Jones, bridegroom was luggage, and to tucky, Arizona' and Michigan.' State by State oount -from yesterday’s elec- A reckless driving count was Christmas social will be held at brother-in-law of thb^ bridegroom, her attendants she gave compacts. (needed, for contrpl 318). The defeat^ , DemdcraU^ tiPDifor what could only be lodged against Charles R. Mag- that time. was best mart, and usherx were Ed­ The bridegroom's gift to the —Repubucani elected 310, Demo* presidential "eandidate him* hairline control of the House nell, 51, Of 26 Canterbury street ward Hoffman, his brother, and bride, was a pearl necklace, and O'ate 196,' Independent 1. self admitted, he felt as Abra­ and Senate; ' by ^Hartford police in that city Larry Ferris of Springfield, Mass, to his best • man and ushers he . Waahlnftoei, Nov. 8—(fl(—The 28 Sente Undeeided ham Lincoln once did after « PIvo MIMan Vote l#nd early Sunday morning. ' Shower ami Tea ■iTie bride wore a gown of White gave billfolds. ^ ■ The 38 House eeats undecided losing election : election reaults, etate by state: Few W eeks The arresting officer ws* Pa- satin and nylon tulle, the neckline are held now by seven Republi­ RepubHoeiia had -a slight edge Li|ke i^itUe boy who had stub­ ALABAMA (11 VOTB8) In the struggle to organise the tmlman Norman Lee who chaaed For Miss Buiizel outlined with lace applique and cans and IS Democrats, with six Appeared safe for Stevenson. ______encru.sted with seed pearl*. Her bed bia^M in the dark— but who two hoiiaea and thua control their Magnell and arrested him after new dlatricta still out and lean­ Democrats kept all nine House ’ MmiiirtteM. N e w York, NoY.- 5— MP) — the latter allegedly went the veil of illusion was draped from a waa too old to cry and “It hurt too But there waa ing towards the Republicans. much to faugh." ' Mata. No election for Governor or i of certainty In the- out- Prcfiident-cicct Dwight D> BETTER DEAL wrong way on two strecta and Mias Nancy M. Bunsel, daughter sweetheart cap, caught with The Republicans picked up a passed nine Intersections without of Mr. and M'rs. Charles H. Bunzel orange blossoms. She carried a Senate seat when late returns fitill'the rumpled-looking alen^eV^ Senator this yeM. ^ ,,, , I come despite the general’s more Eisenhower today advised man who was the Democratie POHTifiC DEALER slowing down. According to the of Lewis street, whose marriage to colonial bouquet of pompons and showed Frank A. Barrett was the ARIZONA (4) than 8,0()0,000 popular vote ad- President Truman that he officer, he flashed his light at Lt. Dudley V. Bickford, son of Mr. ro.Ses., winner in Wyoming, over Demo­ standand-bearcl* 'could muster h BiMnhov/er leading, with half, vantage over Stevenson, I M -.H »!• smile and a quip even In the defeat win use a military plane to Magnell, who kept going. and Mrs, Hamilton J. Bickford of The bridesmaids gowns were cratic Sen. Joseph C. O'Mshoney. the vote' In. Democratic. Sen. Stevenson, who conceded defeat fly to Korea, and wiU notify Greenhill atre#t, will take place similar in style to that of the maid In the present Senate there are that muet have beep, even more Ernest W. McFarland trailing Re In the ' early morning hours, lost Saturday, ■ Dee. - A.--ln ftmnnuel of.honor, but .nf.cDtimoD.hl«e.nylpn 49 Democrats, 46 RepnbHcmrs and dlrheartenlng to -bim. than, .to .his pubUoan-Barry ColdwaUr-. Repub­ Ms own- etate -of- lUinois; -trailed St^relppy qf Mp Lutheran Church, was honored net and rose velveteen. They wore 1 Indenpendent (Morse). followers. lican Gov. Howard Pyle re-elected. in President Truman's home state departure aa early aa possible. ,i»irhing hits'nnd carried colonial lAst Mope Fades V with a mUcillaneouB ahpwer and In the present Housr there are Race for-both Houm Mate, now o f Missouri and seemefl likely to Eisenhower made the state* tea Saturday afternoon by Mia- bouquets of pink pompons. ’The capitulation came shortly held by Democrats,'^n doubt. have to content himMlf with the At a reception for 100 guests 333 Democrata, 202 Republicans meht in a telegram thaiiking Florence L. Johnson of Clinton and one Independent. after rnumight. A t that hour the ARKANAAS (S) atomized remnants of once-im- pregnable Dixie. the President lor his offer of street. Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy of vote returns showed Gen. Dwight Stevenson ahead, on the basis of the use of his plane, ’*Hie In­ The party was held st the home Wisconsin, center of a nationwide D. Eisenhower rushing to a tre- half the vote. Democrats elected He won or waa leading In only of of Miss Johnson’s sister. -Mrs. controversy stirred iip'by hla tac­ Wendoua vtc tofy r The' la st: desper­ Francis Cherry-Govemorr won five nine Muthern states with a mea­ dependence” for the flight to ^ Employod man and women«^ lv s«$ 4AIH you «ET Ivar Scott of 156 Maple street, and tics in pressing his CTommunistS'^ ate hope had been snuffed out in of six HpuM seats, with the other ger 89 electorial votes. ElMn­ Korea. ' marrtfd or tincla-^M^ their loan ISMat. 10 Mm . attended by 25 friend* from Hart­ HALE'S In-govemment charges, rolled to the Stevenson camp. undecided. Arkansas, which had hower had cinched or was leading f*»r at h u tm a t- Friendly, con- At the executive-mansion short­ In-89 atatea, with 442 votes---tT9 $345.80 $3)247 ford., Glaatonbury. and this town. victory. seven Corigi-Meioriai districts, loot Washington, Nov. . ^ tidtrafi peopU make the'loan $ao ly before midnight there was a con­ more than the 266 needed for elec­ 349.22 451.45 Saturday morning Mis* Johnson one In redlstrlctlng ba.«ed on the tion. —^The m'ilitary today awaiteil in your bint interm i. Phone for $ 2 8 sent the bride-clect s corsage of Headquariers (OonUnned on Page Flvay ference. 'The lights blazed bright­ Abevfl poyFiOkH <*vti flvtrirHiiiiQl 1980 population census. In previ­ the first expected order from a one-viiit loan, write, or come bronze pompon.r, inviting her to ly, Newsmen and tow’iiaj^ople Newa of Eisenhower’s victory In todey.’ lt'e“ Yee*' to 4 mit of 5. A loas a< tlOO c««H 120.44 w*»*4i ous/Unsup. aU Mven were Demo­ rfo«i4. is 12 (•S(«€vtiv« the tea. and Um flwaJ decorations -gathered on the mansion lawn and crats. No Senate election. was hailed in the free worKTs cap- its newly named commander* Uwn *3S > 8500 fRonthlr isitottnwets of $14.49 tack. itals-aaJndlcating a enntjnuaHnp ■uaed by the boateeiies were of the \ pe«i^4ntawindowa-for=a^Umpea ■... jn.*chief— wheiT and.how t e - •n iltmalvra Alena Cfss. of American polic'y resisting same flowers. Miss JBunzel unwrap- ’ of the men in the drama, Went .for ElMnhower. Republl- tS t' Wants to make his mission to ped her choice gifts while seated In'hlx- baaem'ent office, Steven* f rant u a n »• aar » s r B u U ^ i i r = ^ egri Ben. W illiam 'F. 'HowHnd 're^ Went'u p. " Korea. under a cluster of white wedding son met with these men: Wilson elected. No race for Governor. Re­ Democrata started hunting for The expectation w m that form er FINANCE C a bellf. from tl)e AP Wires Wyatt, hla campaign .manager; publicans won 10 House seats. five-star Gen. Dwight D. Eiaen- Mra. Conrad Caaperion poured George W, Ball, executive director Jobs. President Truman arrived In Democrats six, with 14 undecided. Washington from MlMouii. He may hower (who m President will re­ at the tea table. of the Volunteers for Stevenaoil; turn to command although he MS MAIN STREExTover^Woolwortli’i) MANCHESTER Old alignment, before redlstrlctlng Invite the President-elect to ait In Carl McGowan and William M. weara no uniform) would make Dial tW • Philip E. Junkins, YES MANagsr , HIEL f i g h t s FLARE gave California Mvan more: ‘ Ra- on pollcv shaping "conferences. Beodl. Korea, Nov. (I—(flV - Blair, Jr., hla'adm intitmtive aa- publlcana 13, Democrats 10. his pbomiacd Korean Journey be­ OftN THUtSOAY EVfNINGS UNTIl I S.W. slatants, and William L Flanagan, . Ike Maps Holiday fore his inauguration Jan. 30. IM.1 meS. If T#*i4#.ii if ill «wr,e.4i,| Iwi______Bloddy lighting for Triangle COLORADO ( 6 ) hHl and Hniper ridge flared to- his prem Mcretary. PRESIDENT-ELECT DWIGHT EIS^ O W ER ElMnhower holds commanding Elaenhower; tired, and happy EiMnhower's campaign a id as after a strenuous SO.OOO-mile cam­ ^ y Into the heaviest action of ’The word already came that New lead. Republican Gov. Dan Thorn­ had discounted reports he would paign, planned a 10-day vacation the 23-day struggle for • the York State was gone. Eisenhower ton re-elected. No Senate race. Re­ hMten to the Far EMt within 10 in Augusta. Ga., hla first with the days of his election to SlHUl hia Korean central frdnt heights. had cracked the solid South. Penn­ publicans won one Hours eest, with secret tervlce dogging hia heels. pledge to make a personal apprais­ Booth Korean troops In a pre­ sylvania and nilhola and other key three others In doubt. Old lineup dawn sneak attack stabbed states were shifting to the general. Eisenhower Sweeps State; For Ike, the avalanche, o f votes al of means to end honorably the WM 3-2. Rongos, Rafrigaratert within 10 yards of the crest of A n d , BO the declston was made which put him in line as the 33rd long stalemated war. But tba OONNBCnOUT (S) man to become President waa rinore Triangle hill, then were pinned that the Democratic cause was chances were strong that he wwmIA^ Woshtrs and AH down by Chineee Red hand gre­ CMried by IhMnhower. Republi­ hopeleaaly buried under a land- cans won both Senate races and (Oeatinu^ on Pagn Two) nades luid machinegun Are. Five aUdc'of votes. Wyatt had held out (Oeatiaiied m Page Twa)' Other AppHdnett Well over Million at J^olls five of the six for the H o u m , vriiich prevtoua AUied attempts to re­ to the last against'any concession take the, height, loot on Friday, had been aligned: Democrats 3, of victory' to the Republicans. ___ * • have stalled la the same place. rx. ■■ Br THE ASSOCIATED PRESS w t • Republicans 4. In the hot Senate n.JW.IIAU b»8cbilinl!an(i7i;hrrf; atbdilov.ej’ lhe!next:t*» 'ifiiy «t j£e White feY lili 'Rli'ibiiiii! 'BiN'de'h ah(l‘'jrib1l(h.P6tl; Ahif now and ui«'e . . . I>iirlng.|hIC,stovk reduetton sale we offer'.Wltl Throw Tham Away sent two ReptlMfcgTfs" W t bg* which l^rtall had fliflrig___ e h ice By-JAXtEs m -ARWIW""” rand 'the“ * r '“ 'Xc!c( KoraaE: w iE ::^ J e c le A .frIb H 'KiWw. . , ; Ineihbdn •oTlHe dMKlirnHrilly.' "HF United. States Sengte. elected:. ,j» ’j«hinfton, nov, s - y x v - o r - “ Washington, No(^, »*;^g5-*Gen- rihey stimulated fiither dmibt every fI6.06. (nr werV pun-tune"* atm dSArty •fwe*e4of* «i .drove three.' blocks' to the .Leland Los Angeie#. Nov. 5— JTcIiahori'r death; last July.^ No ^oes repalrra here.' five l^jepuHIican Tepreaerflfa- ganized Labor’s long era of especial governor'^s election. eral... Elsenhower won . the presi­ abdut the Admirilin*atibii ' with Hartford CHAMiBERS IN HOSPITAL Hotel where 'Wyatt had set up ard Milhoiis Nixon, at 39 the sec­ dency for various reasons which New York, Nov. 8—tp)— etectioB eve headquarters. tives ’an(i gave the GOP com­ Influence in govemment. such as it DELAW ARE (S) the r endless chargee o f Oommu*. Open Thursday Evenings ond youngest Vice President ever enjoyed under the Democratic can be reduced to two. one per­ nista in government. r Whittaker Chambers, eonreeied ~ Some Hope to End plete control of the state EiMnhower holding ilight edge SAM YULYES elected ‘In' the United States, -rest­ ."New Deal" and "Fair Deal,." ap­ .Former Rep. J. Celeb. Boggs un- sonal, the other political: He was For Franklin D.^ Roosevelt, wlip (le»tl« dtposit Mly) Winter Tread PHONESHt^FACrTRYTrAINEDl CommnalBt epy and leading wit- A crowd of admirers was whiting ed today on the next to the top legislature. ., Eisenhower; and the voters were skoe Repairing of the Bet­ pears over. The union bosses Jtook Mated Democratic Gov: Elbert N. had shepherded them out o f a de, FREE aesB agniaet Alger Hiss, Is la 'a In the ballroom on the second floor. rung In hi* speedy race up the Only the election of -one Repre- fed up with the. Truman adminis­ ter Kind Done While You a terrifllc licking in Tuesday's elec­ Carvel, GOP Sen. John J. Williams prereion and successfully through I DeMONT TELEVISION.TECHWCIANS ■ Baltimore hospital after suffer­ Wont spread through the crowd tration. Walt. . , ' political ladder. eentstive to Congress saved the tions. WM re-elected and the lone H oum most of World War II, the people ing a serious heart attack, it The Junior Oallfornia Senator, Democrats from a complete rout The proof of hla personal draw­ 15 MAFUE STREET SPECIAL (Coutiuiied eu Pago Thirteen) All the union leaders, with one seat stayed OOP. developed en emMing confidence wa# revealed today. ing power waa.the fact that he ran • Opp. First National Store I PER I co-vlctor with Gen. Dwight D. in yeaterday'a election. or two exceptions, supported the FLORIDA (10) Which they exhibited by electiOR Parking Lot New * Low Eisenhower, urged all A'merlcan* Among the Democrata to fall Democratic cauM and urged .the Went for EtsenhoWer. But local far ahead of hia party. His im .50 to "Join, together behind the lead­ irienae popularity and the public was 'U. S.'Senator William Benton. nation's workers to do likeariM. Democrata won. Sen. Speasard I. ddnridered him a wiM father who fJI0xU$8.95 (.70x15 SAA5 I CALL ership of Elsenhower to advance Hia campaign for election to a six'* Holland re-elected, Dan McCarty confidence in him already eatab I But it seems apparent from the llshed, gave him an overwhelming i could lead them through darknee* Price the cauM of freedom and to bring record vote and what happened in Major Eisenhou^er Throws advantage from the start. 1 and. danger. 3 about peace throughout ''the (Coatlhuefl on Page Thirteen) the big industrial arelks that the (Oouttaned oa Page Feurteea) 7.10x15 S1M5 I The SS.S0 charge for labor only If paid whea call lb world.” They had Is m faith in the Demo- SsMxIS $9.95 I workers largely Ignored the urg- StevenMn, unknown (kitelde j ^ completed. No cluirge If yonr act Is la service gnaraatee. Nixon, flrat elected to the House crets under President Trumoli, m li g of their leaders. Illinois, uritil hia nomination, had Victory Party at War Front In 1946 arid the Senate in . 1980, they showed when they had thalr STORE SPACE The victory o f Gen. Xlwight D. to begin hia campaign from 1.59x18 $9.95 7M x15tlli5 became the youngest Vice Presi­ McCarthy Wins Buying FIocmIs scratch. . first chance to, which w m in tha dent since John Breckinridge, 35, Ki^nhower demonstrated that la­ congreMional election* o t 1946. Somewhere in Korea, Nov. 8—^knocked. Good Lord, it's a land- bor unions lack the power, to a Even so, ElMnhower’a great Exchange w u elected to serve under Preai- On Reds Issue SlQck Market preatige might have been offMt by Going Into that election the D*m»: AVAILABLE (^Ft_“WeU I’m damned! . . . Every allde, Isn’t It T" b* exclaimed. dm t James Buchanan in 18.56. far greater degree than was often creta controlled both Housm o f "■!x ' Then he stood up In front of hla claimed, to deliver worker votes the unknown - Stevenson, merely now and then something clicks-^' Theodore RooMvelt was 42 when ------'"X-r ^ because he Waa the Democratic Oongreaa- But the RepubUciM IN desk whMe he had been working in key elections. Tronipor«nt Plastic y and evidently this one did.” he was elected with McKinley in Appleton. Wle., Nov. ’ 8—( A — New York, Nov. 8—(#)—Buying candidate, if there had been -no Mid: “ Had enough?" The voterfl That was MaJ. John Elsen­ on division operation plana. . 1900. Sen. JoMph R. McCarthy won .en-- ifost of the unidn leaders de­ epperentiy- thought they dkL They clined any comment when, the order* flooded the floor of the New reel iMiles end the voter* were Mt- SAW TOOTH SPECIAL hower's flrat reaction to a-radio A Big Day Nlxpn and h.ia Wife. Patricia, dorMment of hia Communlat-lh- York Stock Exchange todey in the Isfled with the Democrat*. elected Republican maJorlUaa tax Storm WiNOOw JARVIS bulletin saying his father had been "That’s really a clqUbering. I’m proportion .of ElMnhower’s victory BRUNNER’S plinJMd to apeiM Lhe day loafing govemment charges from the peo­ aftermath of ElMnhower’a elec Bundle, e f iMuea Houm and Senate. ready to go up to the tent and see became known. elected President^ of the United In- their. Amboaaaifdr Hotel suite ple of Wisconsin Tuesday when tlon. Worked in Reverae CENTER ST. BIDS. 6Mx1S55J5 I (.71x15 5(45 T.Y States. those reporters. I’ll have a drink after the victorious outcome of they returned him to the ^nnte But one. Jack Kroll, director of But Eisenhower inherited a K p j When it came time for the preai- Caaw la Wedneeday, we are open all day . . .'aad grt • rartnn "A M P ■" *1*1____ DEPARTMENT with them.'I might have taco. Demand w m ao heavy that the bundle of iMties which the Re­ oF 12 free cokes (bottle deptmit only) wltk back puichaae of Piftsm iBiir « f>8ii MaviDFaa * N*tii A reporter brought the word to 40,000 miles of hard campaigning. for a second term; the CIO's Political Action CommlL dentiel race in 1948 the RapubU- . Approximately 330 sq. ft. "This Is a big day." tee. Mid; “ Gen. ElMnhpwer high 'speed ticker tape fell as publicans had been harping on for |lt.M ar orer. ____ LiAtJ__Lf__»««»' •• the oidy son of Gen. Dwight D. The smooth-voiced lawyer from The state’s controversial Junior cane tried the “ had enotighT" of floor space, anitable for Fw t Service—Cold Rubber— Fully Guaranteed Young E^lMnhower arrived In the been selected as the President of much aa two minutes behind In re­ months or years and which put ElMnhoyver In a Third Division van the little town o f 'TVhittler i» : Republican Senator won 64 of the slogan again. It worked in drab field tent,,his Korean home, ,a]l the American people. He la porting actual transactions from Stevenson in an even worM apbt:. 8hoe Repairing, etc. In­ 356 EAST CENTER STREET—TELEPHONE 5191 where he had been working In ocived 4 thundering ovation from 71 counties from Democrat'Thoip- verM. Alter' watching the- RepuW just In time to hear Gov. Adlai aa E. Fsirchild, but trailed Presi­ eptttled to their, support In car the trying floor. he WM in a defensive position quire aacluslon all day. Republican workers and support­ licana in OongreM for two yMirti^ Complete Told that the DemocraU had Stevenson on. short wave radio ers as he followed ElMnhower In a dent-elect ElMnhower and Repub­ rying out the duties and obligS' Oaina went to between (3 and *3 from the start. Just Reduced 79c 7 OPEN'THURS. and FRl. UNTIL 9:30 P. M. The Republicans made the moat the voters thought they eonceded lUlaoU, the SO-year-old concede Ui6 election. nationally broadcast and. tele- lican Gov. Walter Kohler, Jr., In tlona o f that high office.” at the outside among leading H E R S H lrS c h o c o l a t e s y r u p C4MPBELL AUTO SUPPLY. INC. OTHER NIGHTS TIL 6—SATURDAY TIL 5 P. M. major’a haadaome features broke He sat on an Army cot and televised vtctory sp e^ . winning, ’ThsM are a few of the things lasuaa, and huge blocks df atock of'h ^ h tiucM, high pricM, expoaure enough o f theae. They i < elaflC i Into the wide Elaenhower grin. o f crookedneM and fiaxlble athlea RAKER'S RAKING CHOCOLATE . 3fe M m W 'S JARVIS REALTY CO. 29 BISSELL STREET TEL. 5167 “That aewB It up! That'a got It (OssttmaM w PSga Twaa«ar-au«a) (OeUM iefl eei Phgh XhTM) (Ooat o aafl Oa #hga Twaiva) (CeaWanefl oil P »ge T w iptyrO uw ) HOrSEWAKES DEPT. . 034 Center Street r • -vr-. ■H

5 * MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1962 F A C E T H R $ k ^AM/n«BwiTgn.j&VENlNqL ftERAU y MANCaSSTER, C6NW^WEDNESDAY>-J^VEMBEB (he is due tkefe at 1 p.m.'fe.s.t.V; much attention'to the apcechea or Truman Silent and.toa difflculUes o f . adjusting fo Boy Is Reported T IdMil Tfft Casts Tats,’ . MeUtti Killed iasfiu 'or dsiaiu of tlf* eainpaigft ^Andtlier Ike this changed pdlltical world. ry Massiveave Korea :Tiip but had made up their-min«hi be­ Hia first Step i win " be to offer In Good Gonditiem Ike Scores Visws Ressits « i TV fore it started that 1932 was time Before Sialeiiient General Elaenhower, the ohe-tlm* .V for a change. It was a handy and friend Sgslnst whom he cam­ '■!' -'“ Thers- -waa - seother-deetloe- In Auto Crash simple way of expressing plied«up- Expeetedixi Aboard ' Truman TTaln ‘ E m ^ te paigned BO vigorously, full coopera­ Conditioii-of-JUshfim- laat night bealdea the national emotions, resentments and reac­ tion in the American, tradition. of 18 Newman street, in Manet In Election election. On teisvisioh. Howdy tions. to Washington, Nov. 5—.((PlTT-Prestr Truman Is planning to make a Doody wak in a contest , with Local Youth, 19, Strikes And Eisenhower, who had al­ den^ Truman kept hi? thougji.ta to formal statement at toe • White isr Memorial Hospital suffsri^ nadians Honolulu, Nov. mas­ JOB RATED TRUCK Mister X. I . F e w W e e k s Utility Pole Last Night ready proved his ability to lead I hlqtaelf today a^ he rolled toward House tyro hours after his arrival. from head injuries sustained when Howdy boody won by one sive convulsion of the earth's masses of people through great he was struck by a car at U;f0 T id a l W a v e Ont, Nov. —^Tbe enut deep under the Pacific ocean Washington on the campaign train vote ' and Judy, 9-year-«td In Stratford Accident dangers, even though his leader­ V. that started out over the''Labor / r a i n s FLOOD JAPAN yesterday afternoon, was rsportfid CHASSIS AND daughter o f Mr. and Mra, U. victory brought hops off Siberia hurtled aeiamic sea News Tidbits (« ' ship was strictly in the mllithry | as good today and hs is reoUflff OM) waves a quarter of the way around Day week end carrying high Demo­ « Walter Snow o f 71 Wetht»-eU opposition in Canada today William Sandy Melatti, 19, of 12 Arid, offered himself a solver of cratic hopes. * Tokyo, Viov. 5—IP—Torrenllsil comfortably. » CAI the world yesterday at Jet plane Culled from AP W ira make tke trip witkla tha aaxt faw , The youngster was on his wmy sti^t, believes she cast the de­ ipe that it can sad the 17-ysar^ Lodge drive, was killed In a one problems and a man with a key | Men with long faces and steno­ ralha on -the fringe of an ap­ MODEL F S of « per«on«l; than a party trl> ciding vote. , qwed. wfeka...... to the future.”/' ! •rmi-'....- HU proaching typhoon today flooded to ths Lincoln School when atrttft 1 2 of the Uheral party. Mighty walls of water lashed graphers fighting back tears moved umph. ' LittlS Judy accompanied her car autom^oblts accident in Strat- Since the entire country al- >- , ... ^ almoat S.ono homes in aoutherfi by a car operated by Gsongs A The Liberals, in the last decUon, the'Aleutians, Midway ahd HawalL. Pwtaetloa PtskleiB slowly through the cars this' post- Even , if hia party couldn't keap father to tbs polls yesterda; Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon, htrd last Mght. . ready had trusted his leadership i election day making small Jokes Japan, the newspaper Yominri Sturtevaht of 3 Kerry street near in 1949, won a landallde victory Lesser waves washed against tbs ^ who reeigned from / Republican The prospecUvs trip of the the tnteraectlon of Center rad piM with hbn;ih the far comera of' She wanted to vote too,'not Stratford Poll(5e this morning in other fields for years, hia cam- f at which nobody smiled very much. i^lmbun reported. The Weather over the Progressive Conservative Pacific shorea of Canada and ths.pnrty iiwppo' to >rt Gov. Stevsason, President-elect poaea problsau of biirraii aald the storm was mov­ Church streets. Sgt. Edward If. tha land, the 6i-year-oId warrior-, Dee or Adlai, hot for party. Now the Conesrvatlvea will said there were no witnesses to paign assurances .made It easier ' Trum an was in bed before .9/30 Doody. £h>, Mr. Snow United states. Isays “"Bssaliowsr and NIxaa protscypn. it the pracedeata of the accident and investigation in­ for them to give him the chance. p.m. (e.s.t.) and apparently slept ing at 24 mUea an hohr northeaat Winzler and PatrbTman J< >e able to cits tha United Stataa in The seismic shocks burst out of faeled the and"" won ths atataaman had a peraonal mandate daughter over to xht/iMuem- people dicate toe car weri out of control to shepherd them, as Roosevelt ha^j while his staff sweated out toe rc-' toward Kyushu. Japoh's "Mulh-. .Sardella investigated and th eir argument that "It's tlms. for the.-sea--of—Okhotsk, Jmtween.Bl?- election” . .—-Rsp..- Adolph--J.-- Sa< World War II wCro foUowad, hia arrest -woulcL-be. jn ad eJn ffr o n r t he Totera nrntchfhg~nt'-’voi- atrator voDiig iiu «ii^ andioM JourSsjrweuld be clofdtsff'BTie-” ’ ■" 6fi' HuhlihgTon j o t f at a high rate" done, through the mlhe-fleld!’w e ' turns |n ap'aTmosphcVe of steadily^ ernmoirt hdandi - and - waa expect­ a change;''''/. beria and Japan. They generated bath, 8X wins 24th term in Con­ ed to paaa aouUi of Tokyo tomor­ suffered a cut on the left fo ume that given Herbert Hoover, her to pull down tM lever. |Mie The next Caaadlan elecliaa is crecy until be had laft tha .'-war of speed. The car hit a utility pole cell toe world. increasing gloom. waves which streaked across the gress ia Chicago. and Melatti was thrown out of toe He moved toward Washlngtup row morning. but his condition is not sariouX hia ladi Republican predaOMaor in -did and Ihra wentnfcMne to ass expected to 'be held next year Pacific at more than 400 miles aa aone, to guanl agalaaC too chaafe 1928, and rivalling some o f thoaa the result on tewae. No changes expeetto aawng that the Cbrnmunlat A ir Fores or top o f the 1938 soft-top Ford hs n i ^ aaod be hdd only-every five hour. federal goronunent. employees la for Franklin D. Rooaevait. ' yeers, -tot the paiiy in power gen­ Red agents might try assassina­ was driving. The informal Republican- Warning meseagee crackled Hartford aa the result of the He was born in New Haven May Oclolier Increase Delivered In erally calls an election will'ahead through the air. Low-Iylng islands tion. Bouthem Democrat coalition which election except U. S. Attorney’s The Jounieys of the late Presi­ 4,1933, toe son of Sandy ahd Ruth to Korea tpr'get information, with of-tha liihdtln* - and costal clUss across 9,000 miles NnadMster has dictated congreaalonal action The Libsr^, headed by Prime office and U. S. Marshal.. Battle dent Franklin D. Roosevelt to M. Purdy Melatti, and had lIvM in Noted in Arrests •t-;:' on. legislation was strengthened no attempt to "boas'' operations of ocean were alerted against pos­ caswUties in Korea increase 1,174 this town since Jan. t^Of this year. there, tot with the idea of trylnff Minister L oi^ S t. Laurent, have the European and Pacific anas by the Eisenhower victory an‘eat but Uttie paalc. Sight- U. S. Secret Service agenta take It came six weeks to the day Noon-3 p. m...... tiisg a b u ^ s t to Cowgrssa and for May Pick Dewey Jorities in both Hounes. gonquin Gas Transportation Co...... Mrs. Harold Lord, Olive Chartier. the DeipOcrats that party could officials said today they saw no seara Maaipeded toward the beach bver protectioa of General Eisea- after the make-or-break televiaion 3 p. m.-fi p. m: .. oiitlintag tto nation's probtemB In Even before the ballots were But toe Democratic victory in today asked the Power (kjmmisslon ...,, ..A n n Matson, Ruth Hickox. $945 organigO the-.8enate with the tie- to eiqiect serious tariff hi St sad o f away from i t ser shortly after Ms election 8 p. m.-8 p. m. . . . a state of the union massage only counted speculation had begun 1948 waa not art overpowering dis­ for a rehearing on ita application talk in which Nixon cleared him­ 8 p. m.-lO p. m...... O leats King, Columbl De Carlt. brei^ng vote of Vice-President cheagss by Cknada's best cue- H m only near casualty on Oahu, as ^rmident was assured.. Presi a couple of weeks before Ms suc­ about hia choice of si defense chief play of voter confidence in ths for a temporary emergency permit self in the case of the privately- 10 p. m.-MidnIght ...... Mr. and Mrs. York Strangfeld. B l i l e y , tOBMT. Hawaii's roost populous Island, dent ^Truman’s hsms preclaet to succeed Secretary Lovett AOWvPMI m - / n e n the Republicans would cessor takes' otfles. Prims minister St. Laurent Uke- party. Truman barely squeaked to supply natural gas to customers raised 818.124 expense fund. UK • VOOM was Don Webater, a Navy photo­ gives Bi^nhower plunllty over Among toe early names mentioned back Into the White House and toe In Ctonnectlcut, Rhode Island and ^ v e to wait, until Sen. Richard .. Date" Is tim aged ly win visit WartUngtoa soon after Stevenson and home congression­ With his smHing wife at his side. •McCAU'S grapher from-Swampecott, Maas. were thoec of Gov. Thomas B. Democrats had a congressional Massachusetts. peace will do my best to cooperate with M. Nixon of C^ifomia, swept into The ooastltutloaal amendment the Inauguration ia January, and Hs-uraa knocked flat by one of the al district Bends Republlcsn to Dewey of New York and Sen. Nixon thanked “the thousands of dom and to bring about invite Etseahower to Ottaafai majority by a hairline. The EMston company’s applica­ throughout the world." General Eisenhower and his, ad­ office by the Eisenhower landslide, putting the new Presfateat la of. ihock waver but grabbed on to a Congress. Henry Cabot Lodge of Maaaacbu- becomes Vies President 17 days The problems'and complications tion was denied Oct. 31. volunteer workers who Joined in ministration to fulfill toe reapon- flea Jaa. 90 was adopted flMl'a barbed wire feaerJOOxards i n the UConn President Jorgensen says settA The (Tommission is scheduled, to i later to reverse the result.... ' admiBliUratMw; that developed over the next four toe crusade" and declared: aiblUtics facing Lbs country,?’ beach. > there la a growing need for ex­ A choice of Dewey presumably open a hearing Nov. 24 to deter­ HunUViiis; Ala., Nov. 5—lAI— Stevenson was abis to hold to- PraaideBt went into office March 4. , years sapped voter faith in the "The result of the election is Sparkman said ha saw no dif­ O ctober Tax Total "I didn’t have a chaBce." he panded adult education. would involve, among other things, mine whether Algonquin or North­ Sen. John J. Sparkman of Ala­ gethsr only the tattered remnants Moat politicians thought Prsai . Democrats. "Time for a change," a great expression of the con' ficulty” aa far aa ths Democratic aald later, *it Mt me before. I his experience as an administrator eastern Gas Transmission (k>., bama, Dsmocratlc candidate for Of this oncs-BOild South, -plus pow dent Truman, aeould prove a good the Republicans said in 1952. It fldence and faith that the Ameri­ party ia concerned. He said it will knew It." of the biggest stats governmsat in was almost as if they had wrapped Springfield, Mssi., shall be allow­ Vice President, said early sibly Kentucky and Miaaouii in loaeri. despIts tbs harsh campaign Com es tQ $8,195 the country. He has no miUtary can people have in hia (Elsen' today, "Ths American psdple have be a party of "loyal opposition, but the border states, by his campaign, statements he made about Pisan- Ob tiny Midway lalanX three up in one easy sentence the ac­ ed to serve certain markets in the bower’s) leadership. can locked to to cooperate fully KEITH VALUE! feet of wator waahed over the rea- About T o ^ background. cumulated dissatisfactions of many three New England states and New spoken, and I concur fully of "talking sense to the American hower, and invite the Preeident- The ImmedUte poet-slsctlon in any constructive program that Propsrty tax col lections In Man­ plaae ramp. The U. S. Navy ata- people, Jersey. "In the natural gratification that in their choice'." people." His running mate, . Sen. elect to take a hand ia aattUng The Women's Missionary 8oC^ty speculation about Ixidga. seemed we all feel, at this moment, we is proposed." HERE’S YOUR STtJDlO ROOM! AND, it, adds ■« J—Republican shelves. ' A pracUcal addition 1.95 widespread as that registered by Among these are Gov. Thomas family on Oct. 9 ahd aacaped with U.X Rep. ChHstlan A. Herter to­ CIRCLE to add efficiency to your Hoover. Sines ghsenhower couldn’t 87,000 tai JowMry aad 868 in cash day took toe MmseachuSStta gover- E. Dewey of New York, Gov. Sher­ \ kitchen! break into West Virginia, Kan- man Adams of .New Hampshire^ la under arraat In Naw York City, noraMp away from Gov, Paul A. FRIDAY thru SUN. turky and North Carolina as the GOP National chairman Arthur LIsut Louia Marchess' of the Devsr in a fiercely close battle that EASTWOOD former President Aid in 1938. Summerfield, John Foster DuUaa, Westport Barracks iaald that mem. waaa’t decided until virtually toe Personal Triumph foreign affairs adviser; Sena. hers of ths William Lewis family last ballot waa counted. ALL TECHNICOLOR SHOW LINDA In some rsspseta, Siaenliowsr's Frank Carlson of Kansas,' Henry had tdsattfisd Harhert Brown, 31 With oUly four preclncta missing, a.b«r( MllrkSm 4J. ’ ••BTV'S was more of a personal than a Csbot Lodge. Jr., of Msssackuaetts of Osons Park. Qusena, as "the toe 'vote was Dsvsr l,lfi2A8fi; Hsr- Am Btjrtli “ PaH i> A R H E L L party victory. Although be helped Frod Seaton o f Nebraska' aad aaan who waaa't masked" during ter, l,179,fi8X — elect Republican admtniatrationa in “ One H oosc’* h "ISLAND OF D B H ir OPEN THURSDAY James Duff of FennsytvaaU.------tha hoMupL With Aa AU many states, there was tough sled­ Marcheaa aald hs haa _ aakad -Minnte ding for the GOP in Senate aiid era Are Ukety to be Son. R ob u t A. State Attorney Loria W. WlUls to T o Z e f g *^ |;45-S;IS PLUS^. : FORD In House battles and gubernatorial begin proceedings to extradite NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P. M. I'aft of Ohio and Rep. Joseph Mar­ SUN.i “SON OFlCU RABA**' “THE GREEN GLOVE" I ', races. ' ‘ tin In Maowachuaetts. Brown. LaFOND BROS. The general's friend and one of Whatever role Taft cltooosa to Maroheae credited “ good le| his earliest presidential rooterA assume in the Senate, his cam- work" 'by Troopers Jack Crocs an STEiUC HOUSE • J W Of MiMANCHESTER Sen; Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., con­ James Esrguson with bringing paigta activities in behalf - of ^ MONSON, MASS. ceded defeat by his Democratic Elaenhower make it as certain aa about Brown's arrest, telling this 3 -.DAYS. 9 N L Y — 3 opponent. Rep. John F. Kennedy in anything in. politics that he will sterys . Home of the "Sona of Fun" ♦ the Massachusetts senatorial’race. be the real lender of the Republi­ A man, walking his dog about STARTS TOMORROW Republican Sen. James P. Kem of five miles south of_ Wilton noticed People of Manchester — it’s Show ^-M at. 2 F. M., Ev a ItlB tin's can wing in that body. STATE 2 Missouri went down to defeat and The Ohio Senator has been serv­ three men swapping the (Connecti­ party tbne. We have special 1115 MAIN ST OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL li^ n itu h t Sen. Hafry Cain o f Washington ing as chairman of the OOP policy cut Ucenss plates on their car for rates feir partlcA We alae have AH^hty JUhfM iHirol waa trailing. committee, w h i I'e Sen. Styles New York plateA Hs Jotted down, bus eervloe. 'For lafenaattoa the New York number and report­ iiffiraaoBB I Elsenhower carried Washington Bridges of New HampeMre, who but Missouri still was In doubt. took part in the campaign, has ed it to town police! But (Croce and Ferguson had bcr, CALL MON80N 8227 In Ohio, Democratic Qov. Frank been the floor leader. Hm vRtamoH NorHiwofltl Lausche won going away from tween 30 and 40 pofsible licenM The Funaiest Show la the East Although Lodge—who may not numbers to check, finally narrow­ \ Charles Taft, brother of the Sena­ return—and some others have tor. despite Elsenhower's hefty ing their search to toe one Issued tried to depose Taft in the past, to Brown. They obtained a photc^ majority over Stevenson in the they now may And themaclves in state. graph of Brown ^ Ich was shown a position where they will be membera of the Williams family. On the other hand. Elsenhoiver'a forced to work with thS Qhio surge helped Sens. Joseph P. Mc­ Brown, '* aald Marchess is m DANCE AND Deposits^ in the 529 Mutual Sa.'vtngs Senator because of the boost 'Taft parole violator in New York where Carthy of Wisconsin and William gave Eisenhower in the campaign. E. Jenner of Indiana get re-elect- he has been at liberty for toe past ENTERTAINMENT Banks in the United States increased __...... To.BepUce Nixon ...... ■thros yaan following. contrlcUon on cU. Both w «^ inrims tafifeto for As tne Vice. Presidcnt-slKi,' charges o f aaaault and r o b h ^ . - MXNCHE8TBE FITE BAND l^mocr^tic. lattack. Ifi. ths canu Nixon • will- -he -replaced ■ in- the- $1,270^000;^ first 9 montbarof Senate'by yn appointee of Republi­ . -Jf^***:****®*/ P u l' r:tr can Gov. Earl W*r#i»fi~br CMi- RAlNiOmJMIUlCHDM. --^Or-ChoQse Tlus4Hker Speeiall 1962 to-reach a new all lime bi|^ .of. Allah 8hivsnr/of 1Vxaa stood fomia.’ In hU new role, NixOn is Fiit^c R ^ oi^ out aa the only Democratic gov­ likely to be counted in the inner ^ ieltOR. N«m. IS, 19S2 ernor wtose state followed him In T h e New Populor HALF SOFAS in circle of Eisenhower's advissra QuItcMIm Deed. if you'ro a haff-sixe supporting Eisenhower. The re-election of McCarthy is Ticket. SUM Per Penoa The Eisenhower victory—prom­ Robert A , Knofla and Mildred (Tax laelnded) This Mutual Savings Bank with over you'll want our versatile likely to bring a new surge In the IxmlSe Knofla to Albert Knol|a, M ODERN TW EED. Choice of 4 colors ising a criUcal new look into do- hunt for the Communlata and Red PIECES mSsUc affairs but little actual t'wo properties on Uttie street. For Reaervattona'Call $18,000^000 in deposits has also seen R*j sympathizers Uuit Eisenhower HoUdlag Perndt \ 2-0*87 or «172 ’ change in,foreign policies—appar­ promised to clean out of govsm- PLUS - ESTQjTA <«d ROIt . HUnON enUy was manufactured out of To Allan L.' (Cone for alterations large increase,. more and more people these ingredients: Ths general's ment. However, Eisenhower made and additions to dwelling at 118 Ir *TR0mAL HEAT WAVE” personal popularity ^ua the it clear In the campaign he doesn't Bretton road, 8*00. v V » ■ . are keeping their savings in Mntnal crumbling of the Democratic subscribe to all of McCarthy's coalition of organised labor and methods.' A Complete FIVE PIECE . . . of nationally famous li/t| A l V a i | I Savings Banks. In Manchester It Ktf hers's a dress that clipks into your wardrobs .the the minority groups with the tra- For the Democrata, defeat ap­ INDS Kroehler quality . . . at a thrillinff low Keith price W lfH il IM U W w l* moment you buy it! in beautifully detailed crepe diUonal party rtrength in the parently means a . realignment of MIRACLE OF FATIMA been this bank for over 46 years. with contrasting coio^ braid. It has a scoeped- South. the party, with new faces and new TONIOHT that makes it a “Best Buy” for Manchester! A nsek and remo\'abIe little bolero, buy it in black This coalition, which gave leaders. Prieee For This at Only—A d ^ SSe Pfam Tax luxunous Three Piece Sectional Sofa in fine Modem • KiMiifor 3“Fc« Smirt- with aqua or black with blue, sixes 14 >$ to 24 S . Roosevelt four elections and 'Tru­ The party will have two titular ChUdiep 85« Tax At fi:45 aad tiM Twe^ . . . complete with. Blond Limed Oak Comer stl SmMmmI Sfifs man one, fell apart. leaders in President Truman, who Table and lovely Modem Table Lapap! The Sofa en­ dress salon To the. extant Truman made hia stepprtl aside voluntarily. and administration's record an lame in Steyenaon, whose otiglnal rsluct- ables you to make innumerable room arrangements, • M M t tlM M l Cm - the campaign, the vote waa one of ancie to nm against Bissnhowsr re- baa cushionixed coil spring construction throughout! "no confid^e" in that record. solysd Into a fighting fervor for M r T o M t , R could also be interpreted .as a ths DemocraUc party aa the cam­ Gronp rnasisfi mt Krscfeler right and left repudiation of the DemocraUc paign wore on. Liberal Budget Terms mmm w h k hand sofaa .'. . tws-shelf eorasr tahls . . . claim that Americana "never had Whether Stevenson will ‘ try meiteni loan .with sheds THC it so goo

/ " ■

-1 NOVEMBER 5^ AR53' iMnawsaessi."* T f e A 0 E ' J g | ,

> A G B f D U B ioana liDn a' Daihoier*tle'M*t Hamiclasp o f Victory in JOuflatld- is spending a few days aa guest Hall home. Mias Bernice VLtH- iOt new North Carolina Rdpip- M d family ar* viaitlar Mra. Dl- the'East Haven High School fac- meck'a alater and family, Mr. and of former neighbors and friends Charles R. Jonas,' iSr* son Gets Philco Award ulty.i spent the week end at her -Mra. B.-AJ W. Younf and daufh- here. “ . Charles A. Jonas who was aUgt- Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Brown of home here. ed to tha House from that stats la ter in Maine. i Plaiiim^ MuBicale • Attend Ooafereaee^ ' ; Paitor Mr. and Mnr. Raymond Peltier West Hartford, Mra. Rtiby Loverln Ihisan, Korea, Nov. 5 — OP) — 1938. He beat Kamllton C. Jooaa, of Taicottville and Mr. and Mrs. Several persons from this com­ South Koreain President Syngroan Charlotte Democrat. and Bon have returned from a trip For Local Pupils munity attended the .' conference to Vermont. William Wuerdig of Manchester, By THE ASSOCIATED Rhee said today "The American Virginia sent Republicans Rich­ “ In Sunday were Sunday guests at the Stbele- held Sunday at UiA-North Ooven- people have chosen the- best man ard H. P off and William C. Wam­ Many European officials expres­ Maarhester fcx-ening Herald El­ as their President” pler to the House. Poff unseated Tolland, Nov. 8 (Special) —t sed happiness today that an old BniagUni. Nov. 5 ■— (Special) — ton correspondent, Mrs. .O. F. Mrs. Arlene Skinner bf this com­ The South Korean leader made -Democrat Clarence-G, Burton of ;.!kUv. Kenneth Johnaon waa In- telephone Rt>rkvtlle S-OSIS. munity plana to hold a -muMcsIe Steady nerves are friend had won the U .8. elections. the statement to a reporter after (Oonttnoed from Pago Oaa) T Lynchburg. Wampler defeated M. W YNSHAW ’S— 52 CHURCH STREET,- HARTFORD spending the day huddled over , his Senate seat ' with the defeat of M. Long of St..Paul. x.- . i aa the new paator of the Sunday at Union 'Church Chqpct mighty important Areas where Stevenson feelings Sen." William Benton of (fonnectl- to success m hap- radio listening to election returns So did .Sen. William E. Jenner Republicans also picked uh fiya OoafresaUonal Church here7Sun- I in Rockville at 3 p. m. for her pu­ had run high were at least hope­ \ ■* ' cut by William A. Purtell, a manu­ iNneaa in life. Ifou from the United States, -i i of Indiana, another member.of the! Democratic ' seata in New T o n , *"4ay in impraaeive Mremohlea. The W api pils. A similar Av#at-waa held ful that the Republican Victory facturer. 'They gained a second last Sunday for pupils from Tol­ fust naturally feel two in Pennsylvania and one aqdh rteuatanUon took ! place in the better and do better would mean no U. 8. withdrawal Senate "Cla^a of 1946',’ swept intoi with the victory of Rep. J. Glenn in (fonnectleut, Indiana, Utah agd land and Willington. Beall of Maryland oyer George P. ,*'aftamooai and Ute aervlce of in* Pelegat^s^ltend when you feel re­ into , isolationism—a scare word office six years ago on a wave of (paUfornia. ~-7^1bdlitton « t # p. m...... Sentsaa Topic T»M lax^ instead of jit­ even'In Canada. FDkm yote Back resentment against a meat short- - Mahoney in a race for the aeat being vacated by Democratic Sena­ Three' .Upeets . .Oforfn Vernon Rev. W. C.' H. Moe. pas^r of Ltery, and Ulfet, And ______In the Middle East, thqre was age and postwar, economic ..con-; ‘ r v i |v f atinnal Caurch -jaye the Church ^fe^sions the Federated ChtimH here. s e ^ t- .c h e w in g on a / ' nope the Republicans would pro- trols. tor Herbert C’Conor. , The- beat- ther 1__In GOP Raiiks d o -in- -upaeta-wedMloa "ed ''Awak#ning-~ America's' Con-' iihbbliraeirciffai piece of "Wrlgl«5 Y - "v id e a betterrdeal thairrheTJemo- ■—Benten^tntroduced'arresolutton ‘ call to aroriliip. the invocation and ' j i ' Other members “of thls"“*‘cTa«i‘’ , each in Pennaylvanla, York . ««e e d the acrlpture leaaon. The in* science” for his sermon theme Spearmint Cum" can really help— crats. who were returned to office yes- more than a year ago aimed at Wapplng. Noy. 5T-(SpeciM.J— Sunday. ^ Mias Grets Nelson of because chewinfli a natural, adiolenme Officials in western Europe, Washington, Nov. 6—OP)— The rxpelHng McCarthy from the and Missouri. .__ ' '»’-itillaUdneat aoothes pile torture in mitiA Premier Edgar Faure saw the ;^tes. 40c box or 70c tube appli­ Manchester Evening . H e r n I d given -also to Mr. Mortenson'a fine E S T IM A T E S ference. four months ago In Chicago when the Connecticut delegates helped nominate the generaL The Republicana picked up one and two from Virginia. Republl' chose. f I cator. Peterson's Ointment gives Wapplng correepondent, Mrs. An­ reputation among Philco product X ______X . fa st Joyful relief from itchli^. Be nie ColUna, telephone Mandmiter owners who have had occasion to CoE RoekviU* 5-7924 \dall(hted or money back. / 44I».- use Benson's T V service. OPEN A GRANTS LIMITED Another Famous Grant PERM A N EN T I 'H iarm ac’si q u a n t i t i e s ^ 0 I CREDIT ACCOUNT i \ ON s r e o A L S NO DO¥fN PAYMOIT RSGUIMG^ fsa'vt SMsiftr M TV M vp* V91D1 Ssptr J Cfresil DOLLAR DAYS conoH n M W B - » 5 - « '■'.J i V SAVE 25% to 50% CURTAIN A Y a n k 4 A , LACEY SLIPS YOU SAVE 4Sc ON ...... 1^ llm MiBllTi . SPECIALS Oalacot BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS - SHOP-EARLY a DOLL SPECIAL - ^MOUS ALLENDALE 'Drssssd like a dnuo inajorstto with blends wig, tlssplng dpta. 5 “ WOMBI'S or MISSES’ SPORT NECKTIES IX I ~ rsGfct iT iiir hi K A s n e DVITIRS SHIRTS $ 2.00 p o w u ...... ^ J o o p t f w t a k OHtIR « 3 for • Rayonii, ,cottons, etc. 1C gUSHIONS • Checks, ioUds. and $ 3 . Q Q LIONEL Lttitrout rayon -pigmant fancies. 'crape, and multifilomant 54hih frtiglit SUPER CIRCUS satin frothed with lace. • All first quality. R E G , s i .00 to $2. 98c Pink, white. Sizes 32 to 44. ijii-11 ear jtdPA kt ■» All sizes. w M i W U s tlt Almost lifsUkol St ' piseos in aU — aU metal big top, side S C .8 9 JET ZOiOM GUN to shew, thrso rtags of Like tbs fans the *TCsn from ^ a t t W s tow pwto- performers, wild Hers” aie. flhoots out spiral aC beasts, etc. pspsr. All plssiiA ~CORDUROY C 3 p a i r s Martin and Lawlf CHEMUE BOYS' ^PUGHT CLUB $ L 0 0 HAND BEKPREMS X-l ARDYLE SPORT HOSE REG. SSe to 75e • Puffs Smoku Just LIku tha Big Train* PUPPETS _ to aB papator S ave! Soft spun combed, cotton, vat dyc4 TWs to eqaaBy to • Cot* Con fe* UnceupM at tha colors. Bright color combinationa, the ta rag. 5J * apea«- GLOVES Touch of a Ramota Contfed Button $ 2 9 8 kind boyii like. Sixes 7>/j to 4% ' LARGE SELECTION AT LOW PRICES Flsaty of railroad thrills la this fast Uenal freight! le t inclndsa pewarfnl leceoetivs with hsadUght, tender, gondola, bogear. Hsw—dlffsrsatl Klddiss can pat on thslr own pnppot shew. Oom< caboose, la ssettens of track and transf eimor. $ 2 .4 9 plote with pair of rnbbor latex band pnppsta, admlaston tlekats, UNLINED PIDTEX rseotding of Martin and Ltwls' volcos. Laweat Pitoa la Corns. OraatW Ossa “WeaiMe” LIN ED PIGTEX £ L 9 8 Tsaaf RaMiaiMn lav* FITTED FUR-LINED PIG TEX $ 3 . ^ ftlfceaipMsad 4 Gfff Tfcdt'f Svra f* SHEETS DRIVING GLOVES $ 3 .5 0 WmNsrIMrl /I PftdM Utth Reg. TONI DOLL ‘ 2.39 9 2 DOLL aRRIAGE PMI M Mae. Type Yea 144Mb Boa dmek ear eeaspedlttoe. they arfth ■ ■ timrge 9* or nsoro far 7 *4 PAJAMAS Osegoons doU w ith w a lk , sbls aylM kalr. Oata-^ a Bssy-BoUtng fidneh-Whoolg with a Coat and in|ddy f: .Piste kn of Toni pUy a Popular oafterhs pcopacanni far |t*iag --■ubber -TbeA-— - ■ a S a n fo r iz M 4iRs«iiatbl4::^oo4^to-#atofll' Domsa.' ^—_™1> SAVE 4fe MIN’S

Toko bor by tbo bond and sbo'E Dm Druon *f Evdry Lhtl* Dirll f l m h e l wok with you! "SAUCY WALKER" FURNISHED PRIMMS TODDLED DOLL D O U HOUSE ,1, ,.95 F E L T H A T S Xxtn burn Oolooial VALUE ■tVla dollloll nonnonsa w ith Grants* Softcaf All plastic with moving eyes, lifelike hair, beautiful ■ix roomsms And attMhad garagt costume. and 1 0 1 1 daek._____ —XOGptibOSl Bxeaptidnal v»mwwPMa datim. PriatM CattoaFta Xrary room coaqiletalj fnrniilwd, SEE OUR CLIPPER CRAFT SU ITS r r E QOATS NEW LOW PRICES $ 45.00 u B I

I WE GIVE CONSUMERS GREEN STAMPS | [ MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ON A U MDSE. \ and ^^Distinctive Men IFear »» Your Firesiotre Dealer In Manchester 854 MAIN ST. ISL 7080 944 MAIN STREET TEL. 2*4183 NEXT TO ARTHUR DRUG 815 M A IN STREET, MANCHESTER r « ■ - W.T. GRANT CO.

' '' .1 7 \ - -TT •-\ 4^uou-auj '\ • -::';;‘^ ^ f : - - ...... - f;>-.;ry--v-- -.-.^- . T ^ S ± i v N \ ■'\ .. > t-wsexaejsffcTWiMwiN •• Tr»ru3!*r ’‘“-.'-^i.'jws'flB*.: ■ ••ysewya HERALDi MANCHESTER^ GONN^ WEDNESDAY^ NOVEMBER M ^C H E S tE R E V E W N G ^H ffiU U lirM ^ \VEDNESDAY, NOVEMBfeU k,19^ " - ■ . %,"■'■"■.■— : n- ^ •■ r j m t t x sssm stm l i ^ 8. Oieeh o f Ndrth Coventry.- tn-'a state of offteers for the^en- ieJUIS TO $900 Over 1,500 TotB-*'"--' LaBelleio-^peak Oreen’B wife died a few years ago. Em kguisr suing year which consists of Mlaa Paleniily Charge ' Opening Shoe Store Coventry Wbltamrsh-Sawyer Nm»tlals Hattie R. ,M. Berr, chairman, Mrs. , *Tfee*_p>ea»pay to 4 eat ef 6 em­ Jtmlor’i on bit In B u y lAtasW Mias Ulltan Sawyer of Montville Grandma at Polls Ruby Eggleston'and Mrs. Letand Against Stranahan ployed sasi^ women — married or Visit Toy Show At K. of C. Affair |WI^ Be A Stavei and .Walter Whltmarsh of Norwich Sloan. ' ' stagta Vooa/tfOtr'wtif. ' . . and /esT. P h M for loan, wiHs, eome in. Fro* WotcK ImpocHon were married Saturday afternoon Personal Mention ^ ^ o r a than 1,500 children ac- Tha annual corporate commun­ In. Tyler, Keller Slewed; at St. Marys Church In Sotfth To Cast Her Vote Toledo, 0 „ Nov. 6——A 24- Mrs. Effle Kibbee of Hartfcml "IveeT " ' c n n Y s u a r r comp«nie6 by their parents, visit­ ion for deceased members of xkt the flret sign of erratks Coventry by Rev. John C. CUrtln, la visiting her sister fo r a few year-old Toledo beauty has filed Campbell Council. Knights of Col­ srruit tlmekeeptag bring your wetch T o -T o u r F lo o r e HMec. tORtaa assistant pastor. She la p nurse- Ellington, Nov. 5— (Special)— days. Mrs. Klbbe was a former El­ a paternity chane against Frank ed tbe F and D Auto store at 856 umbus, will be held Sunday at 8 to us for a free Inspection on \Op Scores lit A ll Contests supervisor and he Is an X-ray Iiu U ll sgniU ry Unedeum cove btac. D o sw sy w itk Mrs. Jennie L. Neff of Crystal lington resident Stranahan, a m aw r golf star and MO $245.10 $312.37 1 . , Main atreet Sunday, afternoon to a.m. at St. Bridget’a Church, the Watchmaater. technician. Both arA employed at 349.22 451.45 Grand Knight Charles McCarthy I n a rre d and scuffed baacboards. N o craviaao fo r d a st to \ the Mansfield Slate/ T r a i n i n g Lake, 92 years of age, rode to the Mias Shirley Abom la a pa­ heir to an auto-palta busineas for­ $ 2 t participate In thei; Fifth Annual OAUDET’S guarantees watch Wot. 6—(8p«cl»l)—4»jn. tomotMw at CaprUanda Town Hall voting place yesterday tient at the Avery Convalescent. tune. s W ARovo poyitim covor ovtnilitiiBl ii’ ■ Toy Show pUtnn by the proprie­ announced today. Rev. Robert Car- collect in . Ju a t w a x base w ith flo o r. A lso b e a n tifia o y tm t ^Horb Farm. Part o f th« pro»r«n School and Hospital at Mansfield A 14m oI |1W Mill tM.48 wlwo repairs for 1 year. tM SUBoaatle break*through morning and cast her ballot. Home In Hartford. The SO-year-old 81 post- priMpHy fopoM ta 11 eMooewthw roll of St. Brldgwt’a Church, coun­ [ kitc h e n , an d .b a th ...... _ will be devoted to "loeaa for D epot. . Oouhty tors. Santa’ Claus appeared for cil chaplain, willcelebrate the Sally Ftaaer Elected “Grandma Neff," as she is affec­ Edwin Kaiche, ~aoo o f Mr. and edT 8800 caah baU at ipootMr ImMIImmIi oI $10.05 the party and preaented gUta to • }m n to tiM banoting for state and Chrtatmas Olvlnr” Thla will be tionately called,, has always voted Mra^ Edward Kasche of Main JaU .yesterday on the c! filed AlOOO Com. masft.~...... Iftesl offloas la IWO waa erased the flret of a aeriea of makinc Sally Fraser has been elected tast all youngsters' tha^ attended. WE SPECIALIZE IN QUAUTY MSRCHANDISI president of the Merry Maids 4-H in the same manner every year street is a victim of m severe case la domestic relations A communldn breakfast will be thinri from the herb garden at the WednuMday by Mias Ii le. Although the -public were not iMt Blgbt by a Republican win In Club of which Mrs. Ethel Cargo since becoming a voter with one of mumps. A number of cases are \CSS5 allowed to purchase any mer­ held afterward at'th e American „ „ ANOL WORKMANSHIP aeaaiona. The other part of the pro­ exception when she waa in. In various parts of the town. She accused Stranahan of Legion Home on Leonard atrMt. an emteets. . ^ » gram will be used to make pepper­ is leader. Other officers follow; K n i a u d i chandise St this show it gave -ifar- 4ba » A.. G. -Cdckmore on . High Ben- Shankman...of 8-- Cooper quest^ to call WhiU in adVance street. The girls are working on Street will be In charge of the Hw a^iesp and maintenance of the or telephone Myrton E. Wrlghr. Edward L Ddids, Jr. J f bi g y » « f for community service skirts, dresses, night clothes. new Leonard'e’ Shoe Store to open During the meeting members will Teacher Resigns Doctors Tell Signs Regtatered Land Surveyor mtiiscti vote on a revision of the by-laws. shortly at 881 Main street. This Frederick Mahoney has resigned Man ehas ter Hrs.~June Jays DaUey will be Benefit Dance is in the new building now being 181 8b*e*ov of the show to be pre- from the Coventry school system Of Scarlet. Fever A total of 8275 was realized faculty. He will be replaced by NO MORE WAITING! HERE completed which replaces one TlL 7818 awiM each evening at 8 p. m. in from the benefit dance for Roland fhe Canter auditorium. Hiss Ann Edward Kivlin, a senior at the damaged by 6re early this year E. Colburn sponsored by Mrs. Nor Willimantic State Teachers' Col­ One of the first signs, of scarlet JMAtfiftivltt bs bert St. Martin, a friend of the ARE THlslOW ECONOMY and occupied at the time by the lb s and men win include Ibeo- lege who is doing practice teach' fever la a - tired, restless feeling family, over the weekend. The sum Ing at the Robertson School, grade Tea Room and Silbroa. dMa Selta br.. Oscar Miller, Hans IncludM skle of tlckeU, cash and accompanied by red points on the | Mr. Shankman has had 20 years ExcUshs ’gaaarawtal n aaaa, Itabert L. Helms,. W. merchandiM donations Colburn la four. experience in. the shoe bualnesa Today's Bveat Calendar PRICES YdU^E WAITED tongue, Hartford County doctors MAORI OIL CO. io o % A r o o i iSyee Howywell and Anton M. a paUent at Rocky HiU Veterans aaid today. and believes he is especially qual­ Xmsaan. Bolotrts will include Bonnie Home and Hospital, civUlan wing. Wednesday gatherings will in ified to asaure every customer of elude Ladies Association of First Dr. William H. Upson, president Ina T a n ~ Mrs. Norman Ouelet- He has been hospitalised more proper, fitting... Rang* and Fim I O R y ^ X. K Itobarta Kalber, Herbert Crlck- than 14 months as a result of an Congregational Church doughnut of the Hartford County Medical sale 11 a. m. to 8 p; m. in vestry; Assoctatlon, pointed out that the The new. store, has 700 square amae, BStania ihlrahae, Dorothy automobile accident. feet of selling space and in addi­ 2 4 HOUICSERVICe ' 2 a % N Y L O K . 5 0 tmttiasr, SCra. WIta Drfarers< Lao **cT, • ' . ,-T~-w.,i7 Bronmlts, Troop 60, .S-4*80..Pf bt, . entire tongue becomes red. and in Robertson School; set hack party a day or two the fiat red points tion tb shoes for ttse eiitire fatally .4 Landry, Rita Dlatte, Richard Rls- Walter Green o f North Coventry will also carry a complete line of MRER TRUCKS Baraboo Bay Surcoat $ 0 % R A Y O N lagr. Miss Adaline Hoff. Also Includ­ has two sons entering the armed 8 p. m. St. M aiys Oiurch hall shift to the neck and over the rest School Street; Coventry Junior of the body. popular priced hosiery and hand­ ed la the program ‘’will be the service today. Donald, 20, and bags. lURNER SERVICE^ Oaren THo, dueu by caarence Syl- Walter, Jr., 18, will report to Fort Homemakers 4-H Sewing Club He said, “Scarlet fever and wastar and Dleh Adams, Rodney Devens, K ^ . Green diaa anoUiei; after~ school at Mrs. Ralph ~C. streptocoeeaT^r'septic’ sore th roat IXir"MANQHiMtEi Watch the eeergy ef your “youag A nises'* Hoffman’s; Frisky Needle 4-H not get on their feet u»fil lbs and Lora Jeans Elsemore, and a son. James, about 22, who Is pres­ . are of the same family—One pn>- ■park. See how LAKELAND hat witchad youttna duet by Queenlo Squires ently serving In Japan. He has Club 7-8 ;S0 p. m. at Miss Naomi \ duces a bright red rash and the doctor 'f l ^ ’a normal activity, and Mrs. xudley. served nearly two ySM . His eldest Griffith’s. lather'an irrltattag sore throat." etherwiae Vomplications may arise 4 5 M bit urge to get goiag with priceittt S urcoat a M faincent! V a ta r- Thera erlll be an election of afB- son. Harold, served In the Navy Dr. Upson added that peeling artrmtb, tall prottedon. Izcletlte Bifahoe <■ fepelleo t a ylo n blaedad rajroa ears at Coventry Orange meeting during World War II, and resides Manchester Evening Herald O o 'v e n t r y correspondent Mrs, usually follows the rash two weeks Chtchf^lOOE^ wool—for waraiih, for gabardiot. T iia ^ cellar, fa ^ 4i p tombnow at 8 pjn. at the hall in In North Coventry. He also has later and may last for three weeks. Hmth Coventry. two daughters. The boys are Chartes L. ttttl^ telepliOBe Cov< CAT ANYTNIIMI WITN wear, for color. Dynel far cellar koept kt - sbdirfdars. C herM u gdltad U M o |, grandsons of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- entry 7-6281. . . In. some mild cases the rash may texory feek. Ckevroe qullwd Uaiag ef Tbs Barb Club will meet at 11 be gone in four to eight hours. FALSE YCETMl EMANUEL LUTHERAN O f S k i o D e r *8 rayon tadn. W orstad CHURCH LADIES AID Skieaer't rayoa tade. SitM 4 so 12, Scarlet fever la spread thiouffh V rv« hn* imUt vhh siSM w in d -rto p S rriM lett. -piece.b aIt discharges from the mouth 'be AMiUe*a4.Mk*M 9 ■aei in aSeiii Hwe Haw, iedaii _ 8 A. M. I CEH 01ISESSW 4 should be called in at once! eereSwa. ptiweeMagaekiA 3 1 at kMk tf aai aaOelaMk aMkiaA sal Sulfa and penicillin help shorten AT THE CHURCH W E GIVE GREEN STAMPS the life of the disease. Children fi R I W X n 1 * ^ must have adequate bed rest, and NYLON HOSE green, wine, malse, pink, Ught ^ fltw erti pdsl etel 40 GAUGE ^^-U K E f \ f \ nMklaa «he esOer. MANY OTHER STYLES, I OUTLINE P E L SHEERS l | i l < / ■ Irr. of 1.68 q ^ t y . SIsea 8

OVERALLS to shop at Blair^s during thU big prf-holiday cloaranco String G lw es DUNGAREES Slaet 2 4 event— you'll find something fo please each of the X fominino nemos on your Christmas gift list— plus smart Blttrdy, precOital, $ / ^ . 3 9 bright glea ptald- % n s i . 9 8 , apparel .to highlight your own holiday activities— all at m edh ^ and targe. Ita ^ pleasing, stretch-your-budgat prices. .-4- - LINCOLNS

SAVfe ON SNOW SUITS ' ...... — ...... 1 -II..-.» GIRLS' 100% WOOL 1007© Wool New Fall Suits -X One Large Croup of 1 Pe.EtlnmTwill,Sin14 . " $1M O U R SEM I­ SALE O F 2 1N% Wtol, sin iMix $10H SKI SU C K S SAVINGS all at one low price $29.98 Smart Fall Dresses Reduced ^ Thi$ group Includes $uit 7 1 Ft. Nylo TwRI, Sin S4 HH to one low price $6.88 /■ , . V- , .. values up.tojBS high as $59.98 . , , I, ' . Nevy, brovni, green end wine. SIzee 7-14 .99 Most all sizes and colors in ' "xf Including ell sizes, junior. with zipper ' side \ S*WE ON STORM COATS ptacket. X . junior, misses and half sizes X X X misses end half sizes . Ladies' 1 ^ ------. ' C - x Z - - NYLON BRAS 2 0 % LESS BOYS’RE0.17i»,Sizo 6-11 61U6 , b Special At BOYS’REe. 22i50, Sizt 12-16 617JI $|;oo ROYS' 100% WOOL Oilskin Raincoats Storm Coats ^ Velveteen Berets --- -Sizes 32 to 40. M' B,.C cups, Here It la! The eole you’ve been waiting for tad ta tla w , QIRLS’ REB. llUli Sin S-10 H U6 for your CbrtstmM shopping. Stock up, too, with tbsoe V (WITH SKI SUCKS} Jtsgularly $24.90 ,,^^, $ 1 9 .9 8 . $1.50 > 40 Denier NYXJ3N . besuiUful. long-wearing etocktage for your own pereesnl iivRfi^iitarly $ 6 .9 8 Regularly $ 1.98 use. .SALE'KNDS NQVHMBKK 8. , 'Tinimai Tuff Uhtn.gl: PANTY BRiJEFi .30 Debiar, 4rGMga'Reg. .35-N O V ^I^] Only a few iliti ^ ;S |»i|- t o ^Black, gold, rad, green ROYS' REG. 4.9R Special 9 8 c 15 Denier Dark Seam Reg. $1.35 NOW $1 J)l H U V Y DUTY SIzee 12 to 18 only. Loblea' Multi Rayon - 15 Denier^. 51 G auge Reg. $1.65 N O W $1.32 Oreen, wtee and .99 v-.y-' ■ ■ g-eiHllGe------SLIPS - .(All above prica$ 20% offVegular price) . • W: ' . ; Trimmed with wide'lace All In newest Fall colors. Peter Pan, Clnn^ork, Freeek - Fall 1 Skirts $4.88 S m a ll’ Group of Sweaters Slacks and Vests $4.88 and NYLON. Beg. $3.50 Taupe. SALE ENDS NOV. 8, r All Wool 3-Plece ' House Merrichild } Ail excellent values ' ' $ 2 - 8 8 Fiirmerly $5.98 end $10.98 % j • Formerly to $7.98 , MELTON PRESHRUNK Toyland Special! ! Sizes 32 to 40. " r _ Wool end gabardines Up to \ price Wool, rayon and eerduroy S N O W SUITS SLEEPERS 5 GIRLS’, For'Boys and Girts .... SPECIAL GROUP Sizes 10to I8“x .. Cardigans and pullovers Sizes 10 to 18 I-Pc. $2.00 Sizes 3-10 SiiGi ip 8* B- - , DRESSES o - -- -j ji ^ T ■ . - X Reg. $14.95 and $16.96 8 lM B eeebaeaeeeee GRIiATLY REDUCED Reg. 12.98 to $5.98 SPECIAL 2*PCe e el • e e • b ^ I eO^ iTOYS-GiUlIES 81m 0*4 $ 2 - 4 9 $ 1 2 - 9 5 3-Pc...... $ 2 .8 i Stae 0-4 REG. SIZES 4-14 Nylon Hosiery Blouses Reduced . Rayon .Gowns Sizes 1-3—4 to fix—7 to 14, :U, Robes Reduc^x HUSKY SIZES 1-12 7 j , " ^ $1.50 to $3.50 $1.98 t o $ 4 .9 8 Cotton seersucker S3.98' Mila celere, tweedy pet- 186’e ef dUtereet d \ 3 1 , 0 0 aB regntar 648 qoal* S t ' ’' — < (or T o r m e r ly $2.98 to $7.98. Fonnfirly $2.98 to $7.98 ^ Nylon or cotton Save! . ' New fell shades. , Cottons, rayons and nylons. u Most all sizes and colors. quoted robes ...... $7.88 • S '


X* V f ■'./ ; .... -f' .: " v* ''-V.

MANCHESTE& EVENING. HERALD. AlANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. UANCHESTE2B EVENING HERALD. MANCHESiiijB. CONN., WkDNESDAY, NOVEMBER S, •!« of London, ■worked -on radar design B e n G b ^ S m lowed the llyup waa greatly .art- Girl Scout Drive M64^erat6i^ (^ecks'FiiiiaFTalTy from-HHCMS and developed several daatnnf' tha past, but also- had tham ost promising ball player of circuits that found general use’ in joyed by the Girl Scouta and their radars.. Transistor physics is con­ gomi posiUve capacity for leading this generation, the first rejection G i r t fiien ^ 'and parents. Climbs to $5^3 , U Cpiiii Speaker ihuuliin^ by his draft board long ago would cerned with the ilnterplay of Im­ the future. Pgya’SST'™/’ ' “iey - portant impMfections such qa eler- *^And all these things were ob­ have .ended the matter." S c o u t Joseph R) Monahan, chairman of Storra, Nov. 5—Dr. William trons, holes, donors and acceptors. 9^ y i As it was, D pl^ observed, “pet­ O pen Forum Sho9klcy, Bell Telephone rtaearch S ?nciK vious In the pattern of yesterday’s the Manchester Girl Scout finance The lecture, which will be open voting. _ ■/, ty-minded and envious people N o t e s "Choose a rimble Kiddie Bath ♦ ♦ ♦ drive, announced at the meeting of acientlat, will be the speaker at a to the public, will be held at 8 It was Eisenhower who' led his bravely ingiated that Mantle be of­ Thaaks! lecture tomorrow night at the p. m. in Room 202, Student Union,, To the Editor, tha Manchester Girl Scout CoimcU University of Connecticut. under sponsorship of the univer­ ticket, everywhere. He was the fered for combat whether fit or Monday at the home of Mra. Her­ Dr. Shockley, former staff mem­ not. 'if he can be a ball player, he Intermediatie, troop 7, which I with to express the thanks of sity chapter of Sigma XI, honorary architect of this Republican vic­ the American Legion to all. who bert McKinney, that a total of ber at Massachiisett. Institute of research society. can. be a soldier,’ they bleated, meets at the Center Church, held or buy^enewal parts for old ones tory. What the voters saw In him, a Halloween parly last Tuesday, cooperated to make the Halloween 'I'. . 55,243 haa been received to date Technology, will ,'' speak on never underrtaftding tbat .Jibi* 1* parties A aucceaa. partlculariy to transistor physics In which field The last eruption of Mt. Fuji, what they saw him bringing into with everyone present Ih costume,'' in the annual dri-ve for funds con­ the Republican party as its new a total non-sequltut. The bo'y was the chairmen at each party, the ducted in October. The drive is he holds acveuU. patents. .^ Japan's sacred volcano, was in The girls enjoyed playing gamei members of-the PTA. tbe Legion still short of its goal -of 57,500, . The visiting scientist, a native 1707-8. • leader, was what determined thp hounded and persecuted. Pressures Sturdily'built Kiddie Baths %y Trimble goascRipnoN^TEi grew every time he was rejected and singing, and also the refresh­ Auxiliary, the VFW. The Hilliard the sum needed to continue the ex­ IB Adtrsoc* „ election. , ments of cider.'N doughnuts and Association; tqxl^orice Chief with white enameled wooden frames.,Jpe;_ panding local Girl Scout program. as If he. a helpless pawn, was a SchendeU hiis..frien and^to. the auxil- MntlM ...... I*g Au other Republicans trailed candy. 'The ScoUtS wiah to tbaAk controlled table top is safe un­ Contributions are still being re- him. And those who trailed him draft dodger.” , , • thsir leaders, MrA'Thomas Miller, iaiT poUpmen; to" the . school celvedi and it is hoped-that towna- itoBte "• e^VrYTlITr Daley—hopes that-Mantle.^ wrilt AUthontrts; also to-the many La-: der A wifffflinir baby. Durable a *w a w - people who-wera-not-home- when ihe~^worst were the Kepublicahs ~3t„ Mrs. Francis Haler and Mrar gioi^'members and those who T iHyT plastic tlib.■ tTsuallr .06 most, Identified .with the wring of now be left alone, and we hope so, Harry S. Maldmeiit, for Belpil^ the Girl Scouta called will send c m them with Um party, —: as JudgCi. -- their -contributions- to Mra. VerS the party which had been defeated too. ■ There is quite obviously a Wilber UtUe. s I ' Eundquist, 98 Princeton street, j heart... at the Chicago conVpntlon-^Mc- policy concept, with regard to the Commander, > I rsi e . At one «f the first meeting^ 6f American Legion I Mrs; Herbert McKinney, chair­ Miitlid to tho uM of ropubllcotloD of Carthy, Kem, Jenner, Cain, draft, which Holds that authority man of the training committee, an­ S“2i2s"dlS!tiS« OTdItel to tt or Brownie Troop 40 the followb^ of­ Renewal Parts A**3LSiaygSdlt«d In thli poptr 'The man responsible for all this must do even more than lean over ficers were elected; Francei Nylin, "Untiring Eflorta" nounced a new tranlng course be­ S d Um local aev t publlabcc; ben. comes into a ^ m and frightening backwards to avoid favoritism to president; Judy Larson, "vice Irtres- To the Ediltor; ginning next Tuesday, Nov.' 11, in *An*?S:bU of ropablicatlon of iiycial Went; Roberta Jobni, secretalT; Complete Renewal Kit for Wooden Baths 7.50 which training will be given to "all horolB OTu » I » woorrod- task. But if-he docs not frighten, athletes who are Very much in the Through your columiui I wish to Top Cover and Strap only ...... 1.75 Carol Sibrlnsz, aaaiatant secreta­ eoeprasa my thanks and the grati­ new leaders and assistant lesidera. it will Im less frightening. all public eye. In the effort to avoid ry; Elizabeth.-Rcdvley, treasurer; Plastic Tub and Drain Hose only ...... 8.95 Anyone Interested In joining the* HEADQUARTERS yWI lOfTloo clltnt of N. E. A. Berr- favoritism, it is sometimes the tude of the Republican ToWn com­ Back Guard only ...... 85c Americana Join with him, in the and Dolores York, assistant treas­ mittee to all of the people who Girl Scout organization Is. invited exact. opposite persecution Front Pocket only ...... tfr-these- meetings ■ which will - be Bplrit wrhtch-he himself seems like­ urer...... - ' . ■ .. __ ...... -...... worked s^^dtHgently to make the ' Tui) Reatl with tiowela only ...... - • • • which seems to materialize. On Oct. 16 the troop went on a campaign in Manchester such a held at the Girl Scout office. 983 ____ -Is^sis^irroE ly to exhibit, it will be less grim. cookbut at which all helped cook ^arts for Aluminum Baths also available. . ' Main street, at 7:30 p. m. A re­ FOR A U ? CntCPLATlOlW.______And there are no difficulties which huge success. their own supper, and on Oct. 24 ■The resounding victory for Gen­ fresher training course will be the right kind of America cannot the girls began a project of mak­ eral Eisenhower and the Republi- t given later for present leaders. overcome Bolton ing their own , aprbna from un­ ran Team was brought about by Members of the Girl Scout Herald rhoto bleached muslin. At that meeting organization are reminded that the Attorney flaymond A. Johnson, chief moderator for the'electton; S S S n U r ‘‘" The autumn air, the untiring efforts of many,.many WATKINS scans the final tally aheet sifter the reports of all four voting districts , la jlio Xoncbeiter Eronltt Horolu. 917 in H eavy also the following girls received people who plunged wholehearted­ S T O R K C L U B office is now open from 10 a!m. to of Nov, 5, is clear their Brownie pins; Gall- John^n. 2 p. m. five days a.w.eek and from in town were in last night.- Tax Collector Paul Cervinl helps John­ tfWkttr rtWtWn* ,dofh«f feoWd: ly and enthualaatlrally. ■ into the son pick Out the victorious candidates from the score eaM containing trig, it there is, later Denise Glamann, Lucy 'Felice and spirit of the crusade. 7 to 8 o’clock Thursday evenings. ' p r g»»4»y~*. ► ■?: S ^ Jo T X~ be a cloud of anxiety reappearing Surge to Ike; Joan Small. ' Sincerely. the Ta»est lodal vots In history. tSiJs3a5ii!i s^l?'tew .\ • Troop 40 and Troop 36 held a ■ R r %iMni4a7-*l p* w. w^naodayo on the horizon, we as a people William S. Davis. have new resolve and new confi­ I S e ^ P e a k H i t joint Halloween party at Camp wSjwS^njo “• ’^SSST* Merri-Wood.„qn_Oct.: 27,, with the Enf^agement dence and new ■hope"'lirTjnr' own troop committee, of which Mirii. flaV et publication oseept Sotordny— capacity to meet the storms of our Bolton, Nov, 4—(Special)—'With Herbert Rowely, Jr„ la'chairman. « • A - ' ______proyWing t»-8nsoortBtlon. Ksrpihan-,Freedman day. We are free. We are big. We 981 persona eligible to vote in this Announcement is made of the WedBWdW^. yovembor » town,"917 cast-their ballots at the- Intermediate .Troop.. 60,, .which you MUST are. strong. We .can play. a.part in meets at the VerplanCk School,- ■engagement of "M i as- 'Dolores' determining pur owrn destiny, Wa Community- Hall’ yesterday! The Kurpman of Manchester street, presidential vote waa 656 for has elected the following officers: A New Day have'a leader who believes^these Penny Golden. Sue Elliott. Judy Hartford, to C?pl. Lee R. Freedman, Elsenhower and 256 for Stevenson. son of M.r. and Mrs. Jack Freed­ There U a freih and cleaner things, who has alrea4y imparted Danahy and Karen Lewis, patrol BUILU SAFELY! Heaviest voting of the day occur­ leaders; Judy Clifford, president; man of Chicago, former residents faelinr In **>*• land today. There Is them to US','and who has now re­ red between 9 and 10 a. m. when of Manchester. 107 people balloted. By S p. m. 799 Therese Becker, treasurer; and a aenae of having a hew slate upon ceived that belief back from ua. Janice Abair, scribe. Ahead Green lumber shrinkage, In Let us go forward, heads up, people had voted. which we may insert^ new moods, Named to Legislature 'Hie troop held its Halloween new policies, new philosophies, hearts togettiar, eyes lifted. party at Cvnp Merri-Wood on Oct. the heme, causes sagging Eugene GagUardone waa elected 25, with the following prizes new acts. to the legislature with a vote of awarded; Joyce Miller, prettiest floors . . . waiped leindows There la a feeling, within the While We Electioneered 618. Hia opponent on the Demo­ costume; Donna Wrubel, funniest American people, that they have cratic ticket, Ra>'mond P. Jewell, costume; and Sue Elliott, most . .crocked ploster. Pre< ■4^ The election seems to have been, received 293 votes. Ralph Broil, in­ recaptured their,own destinies, a* cumbent Representative running original costume. room a result of their own power to in one instance of our foreign on the Republican ticket aa candi shrunk, seotenedlumter Is es^ gives ydu smokeless broiling ’midce a d^slon .which was a policy, put to some auxiliary use, date for State Senator from this Intermediate Girl .Scout Troop district, received 645 votes in hia 53. Bowers School, had a court of sentiol for sound consfruci- break with their own poliUcal'tra­ as a cover-up for a t>lece of busi­ awards at its last meeting, with ness many Americans won’t like. home town. The vote for his op­ m m & u f ditions of two decades. ponent. Mary C. Brennan of Som­ the following badges awarded: sec­ reflect your R ett AT ONCE to Relitv* tien. The litHe extra 4t costs iV e a p p o in t e d MONSV TALKS, H B R 0. ^ What Is being discovered. In the The news from Spain, to the ef­ ers. was 264. ond class, Jo-Ann Donohue and MVfiBLP TO COLLECT HBRG'6 TEN BUCKS- A plus flame-kissed flavor bright, clear autumn air of this fect that we have reached a full Norma Glalber; colorcraft. Claudia win save you costly repairs. Election Results Brown. Betty Regan and Esther ANV UTTLK BIT NEVEP LET IT BE SAID morning — that same autumn agreement with Dictator Franco Other election results were. Bush ’THAT DA6M 000 BUMSTIAD (R) 591, Riblcoir (D) 320. Purtcll Cotton; tree badge, Barbara Bur­ m e O B O K f VOU MIOHT W6NT which the political contenders of for the establishment of American gess; outdoor cook, Jo-Ann Dono­ Take a look at your guest room furnishings. Do they CAUSED BY COLDS > You'll Find Evetything DOESNT REALIZE THAT , bases in Spain, appeared AlacUoiv (R) 610. Benton (D) 264, McLevy yesterday so often referred to as (Soc.) 6, Kellems (Ind.) 33, Sad- hue, Claudia Brown, Esther Cot­ say ‘‘We’re glad you’ve cbriie'fdr the Holidays” ? Or do THE B O / SOOUTE OP our "anxious autumn"—is that eve and election day. Presumably, ton, Betty Regan, Gail Noren and lak (R) 648, Pribyaon (D) 265, Barbara Burgess; my community they look like the cast-offs of an attic? Unless your You Need for Building T D D A /A R E ^ change Is a good thing, that it can not many Americana would be Seeley-Brown (R) 649, Citron (D) badge, Carol Knight; design, Bar­ room reflects the hospitality you want so much to ex­ /■ reading much ^yond election 262. THE 6 0 0 D bring fresh vigor and new confi­ bara Burgess. Gail Noren waa al­ press, hurry right down to Watkins and select one of at The W.. G, Glenney Co. CITIZENS OP dence to our national thinking, news at this time, or reacting to The voting for peace justices was so awarded swimmer, camperaft Swanson, 636; Toomev. 647; Mc­ and pioneer. These badges were these bedrooms . . . or chiwse from dozens and dozens TOMORROW / th a t It Is healthy to prove to our-' it if they read it. Kinney. 642; Elliott, 645; Shinn, o f C 0 l i > » * To realize what la troublesome all earned at camp'^his past sum­ of others! Our lumber it fully seasoned, ‘ selves our capacity to shift our 642; and Van Zander. 634. all Re­ mer. The troop has been working own purposes and pur own direc- about the issue, we need only re­ publican: and Democrats Car­ on the tree badge and some of tfls MAKE SURE and accurately graded for penter. 270; Kreyeig. 266; McDer­ yOUR HAIR IS DRy _ Uons. _ member that, duHng World War homemaking badges this fall. A RIGHT DOWN And some of this must be ap- II, we pledged ourselves to the mott, 269; Jones. Jr., 263; Giglio, great many of the Scouts of full quality. The building mo* 268; Patnbde, 277. ______TO THE 'parent, we would think, even to overthrow of Franco, classifying Troop 53 helped-out recently at ROOTS E. Pierce Herrick of the Board the Bowers jamboree, sponsored tetlais Y^e stock ore reputo> those who lost yesterday; as can­ him as one with Hitler and Musso­ of' Assessors is attending the by the Bowers PTA. •» didates or as voters. Even they lini. And a^ter the war, the monthly meeting of assessors in bie brands, nationally adver­ must feel some sense of relief over diplomacy of the United Nations this area today. The Glastonbury Brownie Troop 33 of the Center the fact that a brand new deck Is constituted ostracism of Franco, board la host to the group which Congregational Church, with Mrs. tised. W ell help you select includes about 12 towns in the Ralph Greene, leader, aaaiated by being inserted Into the absorbing aa one ideologically unfit to as­ Hartford County area. Mrs. Robert Coe, held a Brownie those materiols best suited game of national survival. sociate with luch free nations of flyup ceremony on Tuesday, -Oct. the world aa the United States and Manchester Evening Herald Bol­ fo r any job . . . and explain What happened yesterday was, 7. Ten girls were presented with • 2 SwHcltot: of course, the natural and long Russia. ton correspondent. Mrs. Joseph their Brownie wings. Mrs. Thomas D’ltalla, telephone 5545. Miller, Jr., leader of Troop Y, In- construction methodsa oyer-due working of a normal po­ Two things have helped to, crack te'rtnedlate ' Girl'" Scouts!' Center litical cycle. We haid been veering the post-war attitude toward Bridge Aids French Forres Congregational Church, accepted yeu’R frt a let one way for. 20 years. The party Franco. For one thing, such Unit­ the following girls aa members cf Pennsylvania •i plaamfs Irem Which had b ^ In charge of our ed Nations tactics seemed to Hanoi, Indo-China—lAb—One of troop 7: Linda Sopher, Pamela ••iaf yvut Ckic the longest bridges in the Far Conant, Maryellen Jeffries, Val­ Hair Dtyar. Ha. affairs during this period, had strengthen Franco with the East—the 50-year-Okl Pont Dou- erie Ford. Diatie Karpuska and 95 rtaady Raw si' grown old and grooved and a little Spaniards rather than weaken mer over the swirling Red River— Susan Greene. Mrs. Edwin Meyer, House fsada aW driat callous In its possession and him. For another thing, the idea dally la supporting a heavy burden chairman of the organization com­ yaur hair asd of supplies for the French Union mittee, in the absence of Mrs, Kalp quicUy asd BUILDING MATERIALS exercise of power. that ideological standards have a tlsraufMy. It liaa Until yesterday, the American forces lighting against the Com­ James Irvine, leader of Troop 64, right to govern diplomacy and munist-led Vletmlnh. Intermediate.Girl Scouts, m<;cf|ug many boBtSfceid LUMBER FUEL people had not felt it pesatble for wortd'"t>oTttlca has received'a nrde u; l AmoVEO Over the l ’i-"irille-To'ng'frpv j perlalism. Perhaps there is also in- and greater shortcomings. voved a tardy realization that we But the major element in th'eir are not going to change any '*edern • automatic capacity to make a new decision ideology by the. attempt to destroy —Was the fact that they could.feel it, or maintain artificial _.walls GAS RANGE that the Republican party had.^at against it. If an ideology Is um Use W atkins Creations last, made itself worthy of their sound, it carries within itself the ALL THEJSE FEATURISt aupport. j .seeds of Us own disappearance. I . L a y - A t ^ y For this fact, the identity of the But artificial _ opposition to 'I t - - - Handy, high-laval Broilar with "Sarw Republican nominee-for President, merely gives it a hot bouae pro-; ■ i CLOSE OUT ! -Model 11-7804 Hot" ©rilC Pore#lain.^ajnal#d Pea. Dwight D_ £Ucnhowcr. was .pn- lection-which prolongs its life un- P l d n ^ and Polijhad Sarva fray. - ■jarily responsible;'/''; ■ ■ r- .i.-~ . nsturally. lODD SIZESLUL -i. Tt was Ih- chobslrig him!' at" the A-lthbugh it Is possible' td see all It's Hid'Hama that cookt bast, it's tha flame •Permanant Oven Cooking Charts. Oiliago coiivertUon, th at. the Re-, this rationally, .and thus justify, ART CROMRIE BEN DRUCKMAN GEORGE GIRARD R.\Y DWYER GRANT WII.SON * I ■ ■ ’ ' . publican party turned its back on Eaty-to-uta Staggered’Cooking Top,' in one sweeping conclusion, a of Hartford of West Hartford of Wethersfield of Manchester of Glastonbury that laali in tha juicat— anej really browns _1U own worst weakhesscs. tolerance of Tito’s Communism, Rhythm Step' Centar-Simmar and'Giant Cantarv It was in choosing hirii, at Chi­ of Franco’s dictatorahip,^and, like­ to a turn! Lika a charcoal grill, a gas range Simmer Top Burners. cago, that the Republican part.v wise. a tolerance of Russian Com­ flnaUy mustered the life and vigor munism once it abandons im­ broils foods most deliciously—^and better Easier to Clean. and Ote-'kind of appeal which perialist expansion. such ra­ Convenient Toasting Compartment PUMPS 'ihcBr men are alwaya happy and 'enger to kelp .you. In your aelection of a aparkllng new "Rocket Kngine" Oldamoblle or a guaraatoed "aafety-teated” uaed raii enabled the people to think of the tionalizing does ndt quite quell our broiling is only one of m^ny reasons why with Rack and Crumb Tray. Our reputation aCanda behind every new or naed car wo aiill and all of our cara are backed by our “Mfety-teated" uaed car departmrnt. For a dependable uaed car, aoc a depend­ Republican party aa a vehicle for erhotlons. Taking Franco to our RED. kUE.|lROW N,^REEN.Qiid ILACK able dealer. Why not contact one of tbeae men at once or rome down and look over our exceptional atork. — so many housewives prefer gas for cooking! timer. Alarm Tim# Clock and Daluzi thair own future purposes bosom is gtill not a pleasant ex‘ Ruorascant Lamp., ' i; It waa in choosing him that the ' perience. and few of lu have Rapublican party finally turned its ' actually come to'the point where , NOT AU SIZES ^ , "7/ie Home Of 'Safety-Tested' Used Cars" Porcalafti Enimalad S i I a n t-Glid# •back convincingly on the impoa-i we can look at our world ■ aa a -S' I 1951 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN 1950 OLDSMOBH^E 4-DOOR “98" 1946 DODGE 4-DOOR CUSTOM Only $11.84 Per Month Drawer. alble phUosophy of isolationism. world of inevitable ideologicad dif­ Radio, heater, powergUde. The Car'with a future. Economical transportation. Super Oven end Broiler Insulation ta ■ Afitr Small Down Payment It waa in choosing him. with his ferences, and accept that reality Fatherly $12,95 old time effect 1950 OLDSMOBILE 4-DOOR “88” . 1949 iHERCURy 2-DOOR SEDAN 1947 STUDEBAKER 2-DOOR~ Keep' Your Kitcheq Cool es a Cu- clear advocacy of the. "middle happily, So the smoke of the cam; A “rocket engine” dream. ' Radio,, heater, overdrive . * ‘ Clean and cheap. . cumbar. . ,> way,’*. that the Republican party paign provided a good setting for 1950 MERCURY CLUB COUPE ; 1951 SUPER “88” OLDSMOBILE 1946 BUICK 4.d 60R “SUPER” This root* taa he inilalleJ flash to hack '"Non.Sag" Locking Ovan Racks. waa finally able, to convince the* the revaiation that we are reduc Cuidiman Colonial Creations'have the quality of making any Baautiful Porcelain Enamal Rnish Priced for quick aale. Holidays Coupe. A real cleAn piece. Immaculate new paint. oaU assd flash to cahissHs at both tsttlt, American people that it was not ing one more Ideological barrier, bedroom look cozy and comfortable. The exclusive Cushman Gaokfrt^ Top and Bumar Trays. ■ aeeking power in any destructive, and including another dictatorahip “aging” . . . smoothly rounded comers; richly highlighted 1950 BUICK 2-DOOR SEDAN . 1949 BUICK 4-DOOR “SUPER” , 1946 OLDSMOBILE 4-DOOR "> N waatoR effort to turn the qlotk in the ‘‘free world" structure: Sale finish . i . helps create this effect. The “Catamount" Open * Radio, heater, dynaflow. Looking for a proud owner. ^ A real beauty. back on the social and political Stock Bedroom shown is one of three from which to choose. gains artileh were, for so long, the ."I (G) Chest $117.50;

•\ r\ - . : i- ; ■■ t

•I V ' ^ ? ■ - .' ...... -'-V' .■ ' . \ P A G E T E N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 1952 M ANCH^TEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 6. 1952 RAsm tsiM im i waVWvqsMMt.'KR'.KXm^Vr . SV ■ ..III, .'iw...... I.'... ___I ~~.~wMiwpafaa.‘3turfto Odist Church of, Crystal Lake, the at the office o f the Rockville Pub-' Beets wilt speak on 'the theme. ricit's Cemetery, Offleera of. the anoa ha win walk pcoudlF to tha RockWUe llsUtbdiat ChurCh and. lie Health Nursing .asspgiatlon, "Chriatian yjiittUw JXMtbJtod vote With pclda; RockviDe Lodge of lUks, '/ ■ ^Vernon Plays Major Role Congreirational Church of Vernon immuniutions will be. offered; as Well as members of the com­ Chib Plaas Dlaner A t t ^ t l p n votes with .patience, according to meets at 8 p. m. In the parsonage. whooping cough, tetanus . and munity are invited. The Married Coupies Club of the < Minister Says Mr. Simpson. Ha realisas that T E U tlftl The Women's Council of the diptheria shots to supplement pre^- Rev. Edwjin Brooks, pastor of Union CongregaUonal Church will Utopia win not eceur avan if M b *36-83* church meets at 8 p. m. in' the m In Republican Win Totals vious' immunizations on 'authori­ the church extends a personal in­ meet Nov. 12 at the church social 5 particular caadidata ia Mactad hut Ma im b t. k A t r ^ H n m If: HOME S r i^ S *Tha Otlkian w a ^ proudly to church to work for the fair prep­ zation by the parents, also Schick vitation to all ih.the community to rooms. alth a turkey dinner being ha, the voter, w ill work with pa­ arations. tests and ‘ vaccination against attend. The Women’b Society will fha polls, patiently dedkatea hts tience throughou t th* year for the Conference Plana served at 6:30 p. m. ■'A grocery Rockville. Nov. 5r-(SpocUD— The meeting of the official board smallpox. Children to be treated hold Its monthly meeting at 7:30 REMNANT The hrel quarterly conference social w ill follow the business Ufa anew, and prayerfully facea Ideals aad atandarda of God’s laws. Tho town of * Vernon played a of the Rockville Methodist Church should be registered in advance at p.m. preceding the othei;^Rrogram. "Tha ChrUtian will vote with o f Methodlat Churches for this fall meeting. Mr. and Mrs.* H arry tomorrow-.knowtog that God is to will be held at '7;30 p. m. in the the office of the association, tele­ W'laaers Annonac^ I \ prominent part in the Republican will be held as a irroup quarterly Mead of Grove street are chair­ heaven aBd^at work for the com- prayer," cmcluded the minister. men's comer room. phone 5-4961. There will be a nomi­ SAVE UP TO 5 0 ^ He heliewaa in two grant social sweep of Connecticut yesterday by conference at the First Methodist .The Veterans of Foreign Wars men of the ticket committee i with moitwaaltli,'’ stated Clifford There will be a meeting of the nal fee .for the clinic service 111 ; ON ALL WOOL, RAYON and WOOL X \ tnatltutioas foundid hy God—^tha eiectinp aith a substantial plural-, church,In SlaiTbrd Springs. Rep- announced the prize winners at its Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harrison, O . Btnspaoa la Ida aennoii. *171* \ Every-Member visitors of the 1 charged. RAYON FABRICS _.__X famQy and. the gavaiunant Ha tty, all o f its caBdidatea With th e Irom all churches in i First Lutheran. Church at 8 p. m. Halloween masquerade as follows: chairmen o f the. program emnmit- Cbciatiaa aiBd Hla Vota,** at tba J Red Cross Meeting Beat looking, first, BerthiyVaselef- tee. knows the state la naetaaary hot e „ aa ihU Will Attend Nov. 12. I at the church. SuBday moridag aervlcea of Cast- exception of Preecott Bush wtio I The November meeting of the sky and Josephine MaiSM. Rock­ Investigate B r ^ • Pltcea from 1 J'd. to 8*/i ydSj,^ tha authority and power given to for tar Coogragatlonal Church. 1 ^ the town of Vernon to Abra-, Th^e will be a supper Legion Meeting ; Rockville Chapter, American Red ville; sec.ond, Robert Coleman, Rockville authorities today are AU fabrics 80 inches w l^ it ia a truatoetiilp from God. Thua ,X and friends of the s The aanior choir under dlrectloti ham A. Rldlcoff. ^ 'The I postponed meeting o f . Cross will be held tomorrowat "4 Bast Hartford; third, Katherine Investigating .a break at the Roy­ aC Andrew R. Wataon sang "God tha vocation of CSiriaUaalty traidi- chiirchfs at 6 p; m. This supper Largest Vote Bver Doboss-Ertel-Laboc-Hansen p. m .. at Rockville High School. TinkerV'Manchester: funniest, Ro- al Rtora on Park street. A aaaall ¥ W i« k Tlwrtdciyr y Um W o r y feia the p ^ t k io a Into.' * public Tho isrgM t vote ever recorded ^ ° ^ w f the ATnoHosn i.ep-inn win ___ Wedding Annoiua LvUla; sec- ainount of money and- toira were 1 y jy " aervMit-op-A itatawnato Wa wjll in Vernon cast more than 6^50 * " ? f h f ^ »t’S P- "i- The marriage o f Miss Cllsre ond, WOllam Rauset,'Glastonbury; taken according to a report made ■e^caa. Frank. Maloney sang the vota with prayer hsowlng that bajlota outof a total wgistr^lon-to notify ^ Home on West street. This Girardini, daughter Of Mr. and third, Anthony-WasUefaky, Rock­ to police yesterday. TT WI m t * : . \ • 1 ^tanor-aslo; mere than B w d* la needaiV. of 8 .M8. in the IWO state “ejecHon various churchM. cMferen^ postponement due to the regular Mrs. John Girardini of 33 Bliziai- ville; moat original, flrat. Arthur Harry Flamm, proprietor o f the Using the story of Naboth Md 4.026 ballots were counted. The be presided over by Rev. night falling oh election night. beth street to Edwin E. Schuler, Buckler. Manchester; second, Mr. store, told, officials that it was his Xhab in the "Book of Kings" as UJ electilsn of two representatives «o Charles X. Hutchinson, Jr., dis- ■ Chairman. John Dailey of the Jr., son o f Mr. and Mrs. Edwin and Mrs. Ted Hlrth, Rockville; belief that entrance to the estab­ the aerlptiire lesaon, the minister trlct superintendent. Those in F R R R F R i r ^ the General Assembly was a high -"--•"r.ort*"* nm,,. building committee is expected to Schuler, of Stonehouse road, third, Pauline Jonas,. South Wind­ lishment; was made through an iiiv i/ ijik iv pointed, out the fact that God charge state that the program will > r 0 ► light o f the Republican victory., in Longhitl, will take place Thank.S'^ sor. express chute. The chute, Ibdat- csdla authority to account when be inspirational and informative bring to the meeting proposals 983 MA}S S T. — SECOND FLOOR GO 8 MET 1 0 S V ■ , this contest Luther A.- White. Re- for enlargement of the post quar­ giving Day, Nov. 27 a f 10 a, m. ' Robert Stoddard ed on the north side o f the build­ < < government takes over the right ' 'publican received 3.382'votes while In character, and guest leaders fV t WE OARRT AU. ters. with recommendations to be St St. Bernard’s Church in Rock­ .The funeral of- Robert Stoddard ing, is used to send material Into of private ownership, and through LEADING BBANDS A bis Democratic opponent Raymond will present the work of the ad­ ville. ■ . character aaaxaaination, power by ministrative church program as it acted upon by the membership. of Thompsonville, a former resi­ the receiving department. ' V B.\ iSpicIman was receiving 2.7R0. Speaker Named dent of Rockville will be held to­ t ^ ^ S A V E whim and dealiW and the use of was revised by the general con­ Immunization Clinics SAVE — SAVE — SAVE H o m e N e e d s n ^k lin G. Welles. Republlcs'i, The Rockville Baptist Church blasphemy destroya^the rights of A series of clinics for disease morrow at 8:15 a.m. from the The Rockville hwreaW of the received 3.2I 8 to 2.788 cast for his ference of the Methodist Church. will hear Rev. Ralph Beets of the common man. X Among churches to be repre­ immunization for pre-school chil­ Leete Funeral Home. ^ a.ih. at St. ManrJMOter Evening Hefnld fa lo­ --rDemdcratic opponent Nicholas Broad Brook Congregational Patrick's Church, Thompsonville. “ God has a conceni. with -thla sented are the Community Meth- dren will start Nov. 11 at 3 p. m. cated at One Market street; Tele­ • pawluk. ’ Church tonight at 8 o'clock. Mr. Burial will be in the new St. Pat- phene Rorkville 5-SIS6. Advertise in The Herald— It Pays election,’’ coatlnuad MrXsimpooiiu The detailed vote was; Elsen- *17iis election Is important the . hower and Nixon, 3,268; Stevenson ■ 7 man elected Is importanWv tha \ / ■ and Sparkman, 2,733: U. 8. Sena­ Issues are treinesidous but G BANTLY a t W a r d s tor. unexpired term, Prescott Bush, a way of intmrferlng In tha affi ' ' \ - R, 2.812; Abraham A, RIbicoff. D. of men that can better be pereU 3,110: U. 8. Senator, fuU term. Wll- ^ . • X ‘ X ' - ■ S24-828 T E U 5161 - irona-the- vantaga point of history.' m c o . ilam A . Ptirtell. R, 3.100: Wllttam Needa Beaae af Pride b u y o n f h a t e r m s - t a x e M A IN ST. MANCHESTER odliORED POWDER^RI^tt Benton. D. 2,771: RepresentaUve- 824-8*8 TKI,. 5181 In-spite of Use biUemeaa, cheap­ 2*4Sf»-^24BH "^ DELUXE 06*'CABINET 81NK““ D P TO 3 YEARS TO PAY at-Large, Antoni N. Sadlak, R. M A IN ST. .MANCHESTER ness and vulgarity Jtbat has marked 3,352; Stanley J. Prlbyson, ^D. political hiatory and campaigns, \ 3.655; Representative In Congress. a - 10% down, hw a t 10*00 the Chriatian needs to recapture a FimI Enjoy your honw iMprovMwnta io--tasbto atolito oddi—hi;- AM .to J Wiwdg, dtoWS drahibodrd And haski. MW \tor, Ralph.Q. Broil. R, 3.333; Mary Christian American, the rntniater Oil Diti^lNitdrB btoa, gfoaiy baiga. Lavatory wHh Attkigt hot ta- Garpentef Brennan, D,. 2.789;. Jus- continaed, will go to the pcdla not mon*y down and at IHtl* o i $5 merdhiy. - tolain-onamalad top ratidt houmhold adds. 2 case • ‘ w e s o f the ■ Peace, R. SiOgO;--®; . ....jtar^^ bosto _Opiaf h ,<|ylay myatao Ir^^typa. '-in «-a t)irti '-ad'oondenaatkm' w «c - 3 3 3 - •“L-oweCNrec.e-ii.'ivrt "4: ^ poritoanto; 3 cbowow-plaidyaf storogo *paca.Aa* 2.787. VoU s cast for the other par- sentm i^ and under God’s’ guld- Coniplato wkh Auoraacont-lightod madicina cabiiMt. : ties were Socialist, Hoopes and A ceased dean 0IOW knee end toe space. Wkh AWngi. Friedman. 9; WlllUm H. Taft, 12; SAVE MONEY, TIME, AND TROLTBLE^BATTERIES AND TIRES MOUNTED FREE Jasper McLevy. 34; Annie R. X . . X , r > . v - ' Waterman. 15; Peoples Party of • ~ > a ;; 2 ^ '7 7 ’T7;r.’'iTars"-i.T 1 ...... Connecticut, 3; Socialist Labor, 3: Independent Republican, Vivien \ KcUems, 140. AR TImmo Ifoffls Cut-I^ricod 3 Polling Places F L A S n e An interesting feature of yes- — H a rry Ih N o w •*- Sol* - - terday’s voting is fumished-by the " l i I ; , W A X 4 < T n £ _ j.town having two polling locations En^ Sotardoy Instead of one. for the first time - in. the town history. The R epubll- 834-628 TE L- 81*1 C O L O R E D Lowaa 7 * 0 0 MsnlUy* can vote in the Vernon Fire Dis­ M A IN ST. •MANCHESTER trict, which compriJies that jiart BATH OUTFIT 6.96 P A IR *72M toimA iattoBoA o f the town o f Vernon outside of TIRE CHAINS 5.97 the city of Rockville, elected the *■/ WINTER KING ludroui, durobia— will entire Republican ticket by mar­ 14*00 monthly Avoid accidant*—lava tima. gins well over 300 with the excep­ A d if i * net dent, cMp. Plain or tion of the contest for the office WARDS FLANNELETTE GOWNS treubla and cotHy totvlng chorg- Your choin of thtOe ■MrbWMd coien go on of U. 8. Senator, short term. **. Tough twist-Rnk type. This is the first time’ that a Graon or lalga for the break down of these votes from . sfyfaa - - 2 . - 9 8 'S ffe y 34 to 40 ..... samp pcica you would ■ without the city could be counted "A usuaRy pay .for white aeparately from the votes cast in Heavier waihfatt cotton Flannelette Gowni in StM . the city of Rockville. The total abawhara. Tha high ttyl- or yoke itylei. Worm, coxy—they take the chill out REGULAR 16.98 , . _ _ registration o f voters In the fire , Ing and quality of Ward* district showed 1510 voters and AUTO HEATER 14.88 of the coldest qights. Seoutifully styled at, this low P L A S T I C \ of these more than 1300 cast their 'colarwara will make Word price. Attractive prints or solid shades. Not water type—At* most cor*. ballots yesterday. your homo tha anvy of CLOSET SEAT Yesterday's vote Included 262 Attachment for defrotter. Easy _ tha walghberhood. Out- absentee ballots with three addi­ lo InttaH-mount* undar eewL tional absentee ballots being dis­ At biduda* steal tub, \ carded, out of a total registration 10.95 . of voters in the fire district ^ WINTER KING china closet, china lava­ ~ ■ showed 1510 voters and of these tory and all Attingt. • UgW, adlid platHc PAs' ' more than 100 cast their ballots 68eCARrR06T. . ■yesterday. . SHIELD KIT 5 7 c any regular >tyia d o ^ . ,_v Yesterday's vote included 282 Color*! white, black, attMntee ballots with three addi- Keep* cor window* fro*t-fr*a. graan, blue or baiga;'' 'tireken sIx m and broken colors. 21e BULK QT- ‘ VITALIZED OIL 17^ I WARDS RIVERSIDE TIRES—DELUXE TUKS Tern taro 36.50 rtLTarZacL OUR REGULAR 19.98 SUITS'm royon fabrics. Fully lined with Premium Grad*, low bulk pika I ' crepe. Rrocticol ond snmrt for yeor 'round wear. Not Slia lira Prica* Tuba trie#** vwwwB DfQ vwvwv^s ypr TOfmOTBg @ M liia , dual centrol Two l aparato catorol bexas ASPHALT MONTGOMERY WARD •very *wt in every color, so come eoHy for best selection. inidnKs, cor owners. Tax M . ■ you con salad wtoadb datirad. Half o f blonkat con FLUORESCENT 828 MAIN STREET 15.00 «.46-15<....12.4S...... 2.25 'I' 8 u > m o An exceltent opportunity to save on the season's newest styles. ba an uAHa oNiar half b off. AR odiar footoras, kided- ■.•"I:: CIRCUNE MANCHESTER 6.S0r15 . . . . . 1,5.35...... 2.55 1. ■ \ REO. 96e AUTO . ___ h g UadarwritorA* lo b . appr o v a l «aato m 0 gbova. .1 *.70-15!------12.55.....255 5*10 1 0 0 iq .lt . I om Interested ki the Mlowlno home imprevesoenhi.; ' “ r® " fobrkt. AH UTILITY MAT 88^ 89e STRAP-ON 6*89 ‘ * 7 * ^ « y o " crepe, tollored with horaf-mode button- I, • • 7.10-15...... 15.25.....2.65 ■‘■a □ Plumbing A Haating ^ □ Building Moterlob. Ail lubbar. Protacte car hoaf T I R E C H A I N SPECIAL - Ouil^i^hEED ONE TEAR Long-waaring Wavy- Lights instantly— just flip □ PaWA Vambh , ^ □ Badrie Ughting Asmrted colors and sixes, but oil in iHb smort styles 13.00 7.*0-15.-..n*.95.....2.l5 , S.M . you w ^ . Hurry in now, spve|on reyen suits-priced very InidMd-ki snow oad mud. UsaM ’ edge Siding. Ceramic tha switch and gloralau 1.00-15.....1f>5...... 3.55 ktheusa, tee. 21 VS x 13M la. granule surface on Noma 1 i 79c„ Cdmlair 1 7 *8 8 /ad: foxII m L light Aoed* the room. *.00-1*.... . 10:95^ . . . .2.30 waothar-dafyihg «s - ^ R E G U l ^ 12.95 SUITS in fovorit. royon gabordinm. 32W lamp,, bokadrcn • FO R D '*9. *81 Per emargancy use. Ccni^> Raeg*"* towforl dm way you Mm b—dt a priea pheb. iC roy-whlto. •1, ^ ^ fully imad'with royon. Comfortable, eosy-lo-weor *.50t1*...... 15.t5.....2.«0 whito onomal hdidar. .J- MUFFLER 5.49 be pul on wKla cor is ffiofs anusuoRy low. AutomaWc Ihamtodatb haet control Com* eoHy, be sure to get your shore of tbeU remark- *.70-16... .'bl3.25.. . . .2.50 ■ V tl;00 stuck, to pun you out isf, for tonstont warmth. 25% wool, 5 0 % royon, 25% •Wa votuas. Anortad alx#. ond color*. Ivy your* now ond Kiva. •ag. *,49. MufNars for. olhar ‘'1 ■Oi- . tough spots, luy now. ' ooNcml * ' ocatato'fOtin binding. PuR sizd, t in ^ cenkaL N4. Tex end ym eU Sn. $o4. Tea. medal ears obe reduced. Equal .1 I- • i'* . qrwparinrlinnrigiHnlaguIpBiaal, ■ ( BUY NOW AT WARP 5 LOW PRICES— USE CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMINT-PLAN .r ■ .i ' ' . .-.S' - ; .''■L-f T ,'v' , ' • ' , ' ' • i" J y ■I '! ■'C : ( - - - i ' '• - - ' h • I . : ■ \ T.: ■y: ' ■ ■ ■ ’,.=idi-C_____ K

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, J98* PAGE TWELVE WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 5. 1952 HottcIreateT lEttFnkis raid wpNESPAY, NOVEMBER 8,._195?„v ivinz.yaxsKiecdNk'' P a g e s J S i o 2 4 ^ ^ Mra. Robert E. MubiAsh. 28 Har- Mi;*! Herold Erickson^nd Mr*. mlttea mada-up of George Dough- isation. which votad .at Ita last er, and most probably a Republi- 75 cents a t $21.25. C ities Service meeting not to aflUlate, at ttie ... 1,500 up »2.S7 St $0»A3i Socony- P^ent^ Teaches vard-road; for vice praai4m^ ACr< P aul Ryan. ;er^T:Gllbert Hunt Mrs. William f!hainnm i N am c^ cU Soiate and Honee; more than A vote will be taken on the M imikk, itriiC- jftAymaiid Bchallei preswit r ttffle; ^ $tata. (ri iM tlfles mv faith in the InlelU- VacSiiim '* 6.600 up 87 c4nt»— St and- Mrs. C.-‘>L eR oy-N oirtt;^ Ade* ,^alde road; for secretary, Mr. and laws by which the group will be and William Ferguson. The official national Parent-Tegchera ■ Aaaocla- gence of thfe American people. This $35.37, Chrysler 8,500 up $1.25 s t O rganize at MHS^ name 'wUl be cboaen foi' the organ- tlon. r. ( > F or T rinity D rive is a new dav for America,' The real $86. Standard Oil (NJ) 4.000 up i ^ r a . Sanol J. Solomon, 124 C enter governed, as presented by a com- task of the Republican party now $2 a t $77.75, and'Studebaker 2,000 street: for Ircaaurer, Mr. and Mr^. ______— — ^ o v e i ^ The -flection of ofilcerf for the William J. MInnIck. 850 Wetherell H artford, Nov. 4—Tha appolnt- begins. up $1.25 a t $37. . "We must go forward cautious­ newly formed organisation,of par- s tre e t 'The nominating comm ittee aseat of Oeorge ICaicolm-Smlth of jSrokera and officials of the consists of Mrs. John Rottner, SC ly, but firmly, to rebuild America Stock exchange began arranging lents and teachers of high school 3 2 3 3 3 3 WMt Hartford aa chainnan of the to that position of mental, mbral IM l Trinity CoUcfa Alumni Fund for the market opening well before students will take place at Man­ and political leadership which we the start when it was apparent to raiac IW.OOO for coUege operat* once held, and again command the chester High School on Monday. Ike Sweeps «iig aapanacB waa announ^d today that buying orders had surged in Nov. 17, Originally scheduled for ECZEMA ITCH respect of the world. ' from all points. '' BIG TWIN SIZE Warren, Bo by Hannon T. Barber of windaor, "We must build a prosperity up; Nov. 10, the meeting has been e * r F « v d » w n t Try ■■Hfinai alumni president. on peace—not upon war. We must After the fast start at higher postponed because some of the ■nu Mgfeat alumni annual fund be careful to maintain whatever prices, trading continued at high nominees were to be out of town St^te; Bush "driva In coUege history will be speed wlOt prices holding »t their RCSENOL so<^ai advances -.have - been made tftat day. 0 4 N T M IN T op«Md Friday night at a dinner of in the last 20 years—keeping .in best point. ^ 'The nominating committee will President j U. S. Rep.-at- ‘ clMS agents and secretaries in mind that there have been many place before the group the follow­ F*r lena-lastina relief Purtell Win Hamlin pining Hall in connection good Democrats and some good It is said that-"Ach du lifber ing recommendations, each offlee with the Alumni Homecoming and Democratic ideas. A ugustih.” composed Ih 1770, was being held by a husband-wife Read Herald Adva. Here is the Hartford County ji Here ia the Hartford County By A U ^ .O I lE I X I Xihraxy Dedication week end. "As we supplant the Truman the first walta “team": for president, Mr. and ... (OoBUnned-From-Page-One) town -by town -vote fo r President: ‘ ^ R**-' — Otter-oSleers-appolnted-to-head- adm ihlstrat ion.-lt-- mus t —he. done MancHester cast an overwh^ lublican vote yeater- aa. organization of 104 Class agents without bitterness and rancor. We year term had attracted naUon- - :Dr^^ isenHower a p]u|aiiiy of (R) (D) (R) (D) la tha drive are: Sidney H. Whip* can—mu4t and will, recreate a wide attention becaiiae of pis bit­ Avon . . . T.... 1,256 , 716 [3,475 votes over hia D om t^tic o ^ n e n t pie, West Hartford, vice government of, by and for all the ter feud with Senator Joseph Mc­ Berlin ...... 1.664 Avon . . 1,247 '72W 2,599 Berlin ... 2.568 1,694 son, sending Republican jihndidates Sherwood G. Bowera find chairman; L. Barton Wilson III, people.” Carthy (R-Wia.). Bloomfield ,.. 2,227 1,509 Ray S. W arren to the s ta ts Iegisla-<^ ~ Elsejixhower piled up a plurality BloOmfield ,2,190 1„550 ■ST, OC 'West Hartford, promotion; Bristol ...... 9.658 9.77$ 9.504 9,907 ture as representativesx'And giving John B. Orifflth, Jr^ ’17 of West Regular $69.95 of nearly UO.OOO, the second big­ 391 Bristol .... pluralities ranging .from 3,020 to atrator, Herinan Behrend; iqa- B uying Floods Burlington ... 544 ; Burlington 538 394 Hartford, special gifts; Melvin W. gest in Connecticut's history.-'It Canton ...... 1,390 606 %124 to GOp aap l^ta to state and chine tenders, Thomas J. Ford, waa to p p e d only by Calvin I Canton 1.375 618. fe^ral posts. George Apel, Frank Muller, H. Title, 'It, of West Hartford. Hart­ East Granby :. 400 ^kst^ a t Granly 392 260 I ford special gifts; Robert O. Mul­ Stock M arket Rest oh air Cbolldge's 13$,000 in 1924. East Hartford 8.462 ’Thq^ (only^ Dem ocrat to carryHrrv the.nr ”?*" Williapi R. Mitchell, 8.068 8.605 ler, ’SI, Of New York City, special !>st Windsor 1.457 r nai ' H artford J tmvn Nraa"wa Abraham A. Rlbkoff' f •"Four years ago, the state gave i Fast Windaor 1.435 1.104 director, R o ^ McCor- g lfta l with Republican Thomas E. Dewey a Enfield ...... 3.397 4,620 defeated^. candidate for the un-' (Continued frem Fage One) 1,324 Enfield...... 3.428 4.614- expired tr.B : Senate term . RTbicoff ■ . r , _ ^ ^ - CSiailet P. Stewart of West 14,000-vote plurality, over Presi­ Farmington 2.5ST Farmington . . 2.524 1.451 j Glastonbury .. .> Xi,290 2,043 received 10.4lQ votes, a 580 ballot I , - Hartford will head a committee of were traded at the advancing J p o f i j g o dent Truman, but elected a Demo­ Glastonbury .... 3,211 -2,1141 parents who will campaign with cratic governor. No state offices, Granby 1.266 338 edge over h la t)^ opponent Pres- riiart rr"" prices. Granby ...... 1,2.53 352) cott Bush. \ ; ^*rtier: checkers, Paul DilwQrth, th e alumni to raise the $60,000 aside from the legislature, were at H artford ...... 33.262 53,120 H artfofd ...... 31,624 54,603 I General, Motors opened on a .H artland ...... 274 58 r* T ilk T^ Jane Fitzgerald; demonatra- aoimbt to keep Trinity out of the block of 5,000 shares Up $2.12 a t •take this year. H a r tla n d ...... 266 67 John D. LaBell tors Mrs. Jennie SchueU: machln* red this >*ear. / The total vole of approximately Manchester ... 11.892 8,217 candidate for state $63, and among other blocks were Mancheater .... 11,639 8,619 ite Senator, who tenders:,... Mra. Carri*------Rich, Mr*; R im E 1.100.000 was far and away a re­ Narlboroiigh .. 376 201 Marlborough ... 368 210 w ent down to- defeat, lost Man­ Sinclair.....Oil 3,000 up $1.50 at Lillian Metier, Mrs. Stella Far- iraaisi cord, 210,000 above the 1948 total, New BriUiin ... 17.266 22.809 16.874 23.108 chester by 1,124 votes to Republi­ $43.S(i, National' Distillers 4,000 up 3.594 2,056 New Britain .... rick, Mra. Gladys Schuetz, Al­ the previous record. Newington .... Newington 3.513 can Elmer S.. Wat8on, LaBelfit was M cCarthy W ins - Piainville 3 ,0 6 1 2,540 fred Woodward, John Utta2» Elected to replace Benton was Pfalnvllle ...... 2,995 21603 expected by moat locsl observers Scheldt, Frank Oaughsey. W illiam A, Purtell, Wist H art­ Rocky H il! ___ 1,514 1,126 Rocky Hill ___ 1,471 1,167 to muster a strong vote here. \ REST Simsbury ...... 1,847 986 DiBtrIct 8, Republican O n R eds Issue 24 Hour ford manufacturer. The second Simsbury ...... 1.823 1.007 Record Vote M att in iwe aiMs ' Senate scat went to Prescott Bush Southington ... 3,666 3.390 ^Deputy moderator, W. Dqvid 879 Southington .... 3,600 3.451 all time high of 94.1 per cent of Greenwich, investment banker. South Wlnd.sor . 1.250 S o u th Windsor . . 1,220 899. Flags I a) Ambulance 1,632 1,050 of th* electorate turned out to R. Tpggart; checker*, llaiilal L. (C Both of them. Bush especially, SuffieM ...... Buffleld. .. -l.,624 1,052 vote. Unofficial tabulations ahow 18" I Weat Hartford 20,691 •it? * ' Hair Arthur Lashlnskl; demon- ; ran far behind Eisenhower. Purtell West Hartford .. 20;290 9,741 j 20.298 persons voted opt of 21,113 atrator, ^ ary Reale; machine B ai^ today the Senator at bls Service won by 90,000' votes, and Bush Wethersfield .. 6.883 2.478 Westherfleld ... , 5,747 2,.582 hema bets thanked his'constitu- 4.238 3.423 eligible to vote. tenders. W ^ter Strant. James B. defeated U. S. Rep. Abraham A. W indsor ...... Windsor ______4.098 3,555 ,■ 'iW -previous high voto'occurred .'SBta.'Jor-their ‘-‘vote-of, confidence:; •jeaucgi k-unwynrvuvn..'.W W indsor -• Iioeks. ;-a424.,. '...1.875. Johnston,- - ••AM - -H. '* MOor*.' ' " ■ M" "T" Rtbicoff (D i by only 30;000. WthiSsor libcki ‘.i 1,362 1.928 ^ in the 1940 Wlllkie-Roosevelt con­ and asserted that "the real task Here'*' a aenaatlonal value that aave* yen S* m** n, Halllday. .Bush, elected to serve the final test when 89.5 per cent of the elec- Nellie TornburtK traffic director, of the Republican party now be- four years of the term of Biicn 150,371 146,240 146,256 150,110 gfifit." tadir mStr ngt ttUimm M . OfMit, Dim more than $tl! Three piece Hollywood I**!* 'torste went to the polls. Thomas Bailey. \ * His margin over Fairchild, for- McMahon, Democratl who died of The usual last' minute rush waa Hletrlet Defiiperatio...... complete! Colorful, washable plastic head*- cancer Iri July, becoroea a Senator H ere is the county vote for a. ■s. mer Stater Attorney General and Here is the county vote for the absent from all four of the town's Assistant registrar. V ohn Tier­ U. S. District Attorney, was 660.- ThouModa of' air bubble* cap*' board; comfortable, quality Innenpring Immediately. He aucCeeds Purtell, President: Congreasman-at-Lsrge;' polling plaices with only a few per­ ney; checkers, Mary Dafinaher, Jo- CompItfG who Governor John Lodge appoint­ enhower Stevenson Sadlak Prlbvson sons dribiHtng In to each from • I t to 506.361 w ith 2.620 of 3;225 tuned by new eonstruetioB pria- mattrees; and box epring mounted on "P** Morlarty; deiiH^gtrator, precincts reporting. These includ­ FOR YOUR PROriCtlON eiple in Ripple-Rest cukhion every ed to serve in McMahon's stead (R) (D) (R) (D) about 6:30 p. m. until the closing Anna Kearns; machine tender*. • rvNy I m Im m 146,240 150,liq H-rsia rhofn ed 847 of Milwaukee County's 604, step and presrare . . gesnlt ia ■tnrdy lege, smartly styled outfit . . • and until the election. Hartford ... . 150,371 H artford . . . 146.256 Manchester's new state representative, Ray S. Warren (R), got a good look at the part of a vot­ of the polls at 7 o'clock. Daniel Haggerty, Frank Bllaon, wbata Fairchlld'a greatest strength • Caaipialily Ma3 ,'■■"65 3 They clung to the bitter end to ... 371 •207 The complete unofficial returns Watson’s biggest plurality by Newington ...... 3,529 ll2 1 trict 4 where Republicans cap­ M^l^eratora Report Big ALL SIZES! O In the m qjor races W’ere: Manchester ... , 8,482 184 the hope that somehow, aome- far, was in' his home town of Rocky H!ll ... tured from about 1,000 to about / Marlborough .. 3<6 ■208 4 where the tida would turn and give .. . 1,471 1,172 Percentage of People ah-footsieby SAVAGE-WAYNE , ______For /Prealdent: Elsenhower. Wethersfield where the Democrat South Windsor . . . 1.220 910 400 more votes for eack offlee. DIs New BrltaliTTT risrt3 2 “ 22:894---- 297 Stevenson the electoral votes he 610.9^; Stevenson, 481,171. trailed 3.299 votes behind. Wethersfield .. . . . 5.768 2,559 trict 4 was the only voting place At Polls Before Noon A U COLORS! ^nate (regiilar) Purtell (R) Newington .... . i,346 2.051 54 needed. Locally, LaBelle lost in all four where victorious Bush oversha­ Plainville ...... ' 3,796 2,571 51 corduroy moccasiii 5^5.44.1. Banton (D) 485.159. Jas­ At this point, many of them Just districts. Watson’s plurality in TOTAL ...34,294 27,817 dowed Ribicoff. He received 3,007 per McLevv (Roc.) 11,846, 'Vivien Rocky Hill .... . 1,137 20 couldn't accept the fact that defeat votes there tc 2,849 tor the Demo­ Reports from the four Manchesr Simsbury ...... 1,766 990 tgr polling places inakate jnoat: Kellems (Ind.-Rep.) 21.3.57. w u reality. The real shock was to the campaign. 'These qualltie.* wltl' crat. ■' —— — ------' .Senate (short'term ! Bi'Sb TR1 Southington ... . 8,412 8.■•.37 41-■ come.' For election' to the full term in voters got out early a* well aa in South Windsor . 1.191 > 20 now be'dedicated to leading us all 559.586, Rfbicoff (D) .529,213. But .Stevenson knew he waa Abmntee Balloln Cast the United States Senate, local large numbers In .answer Suffield ...... •Vi • . 1.5,’)6 1.073 2 beaten. He had sensed it, an aide through the next four years. voter* gave Republican William A. EXCiraO N Al^^ Hoiise-at-Large. Antoni N. Sad- "It la traditionally American to ' ^ Reach Al!-T(me High PAJAMA ShTS § lak (R) 600 809. Stanley J. Prlbv- West Hartford . 30,1.33 9.219 179 later said; from the time he was }x, Purtell a plurality of 2.551 ■votes of elecUon official*. ----- son (D) -189.174: First District. Wethersfield .. . 5,555 2..500 62 handed a hews report that, Paul right hard before an election. It Amoifg the, records broken over Incumbent Democrat Wll- Some offtcUls reported per- ^ (SKETCHED FROM STOCK) Dodd (D) 160.113, Ashmead (R) Windaor ------. 3,921 3.589 55 Fitzpatrick, New York State Ik. equally traditionally to close In yesterday's election wss the llam Benton. Rurtell beat Benton centages as high as SO had yoted LOW PRICES! 136,470; Second. Horace Seelv- Windsor I.,ocks . - 1.335 1.883 23 Democratic chairman, had con- ranks 8s soon as the people have locsl record for sbsentee bal­ by 90 286 votfe* before the noon machine check. - Brown (Rl 90,883. William M. ,ceded the state to Elaenhowei, spoken. From the depths of my Antoni N.' Sadlack topped Stan- „ I" •« voting waa very , Two and three-piece sets. 141.685 146.854 2,141 6,439 lots. An all time high or 602 Citron (D) 73.066; Third, Cretella with its big chunk of 45 electoral heart ! thank all of i^'parly, ami absentee ballots was received, ley J. Prlbvion by 3.020 votes for from 5:30 p. m* or 6 on. (Rv 111.120. McGttire tD l 69.411; ■ VOtM-.- ' ■ J ------a ll -cif - those .JndcpeQtmnta -.and. Re-- -according tonmofftet$T"fritUri!s. etection-msrepreeentattve-.mt-lerge, -•N xO m .^trict^^ sriaUnt Itod- - Fourth, Albert P. Morsno (R) Here ia the county vote for the, six-year U. 8. Senate: And then Col. Jacob Arvey of publlcsns who ^'iiupported Sen. and John Ashmead topped Thomas L^Ialre reported Now For Xmas and Save! Purtell Benton McLevy Kellems Sparkman and Inc. Of these 6Q were void because 164.698. Joseph P. Lyford (D) 108 - Chicago—UlinolB Democratic na­ they were not made out J. Dodd by 1,161. Sadlak was vie- “ V ? *' ^ le n u m ^ r who k $fi.95 ^ 012; Fifth. James T. Patterson (Rl (D) (Soc:i (IrR l tional committeeman—^ who" had Pledges Support X Bartford (Jounty .... .,,.141,685 146.854 2.1U 6.439 properly. torioue but Ashmead met defeat. !!"?. **’.v*’* And More (R) 83:747; John A. SpeziMe (Di iqxmsored Stevenson's entry Into '■ '"That'-Whlch unite* us a* ATiierl- m two ‘districts the ballots •The GOP vote was unususily; y®** *®f **“ t*f«t 1® the-racertt New Haven County . ___1.56,930 138,048 2,579 5.271 olitlcB. conceded Illinois to the can cltlzena la far greater than 64A30. New- London- County- .,..8.5,728 -31,872 332 -^,618 were Rcpub'llcan In a ration of high even for predominately Re- i. Of the six eTecTe'J, ' all' exceol irsenhower forces.' : ' t^at" which divides us as political publican M anchiater. In 1948. the j :--Po0 and 129 "'•""•r- The voting waa heavy In SHOE DEPARTMENT for the Democrat* who had a two- them a big grin. He looked re­ Then Stevenson disclosed he had for the photographers and chatting Soter reaoi??h’elv the moriilng. By 6% m. mone than vo^e'majority, 19 to 17. in the 1951 575,445 483,159 11,846 \ 21,357 (*«f*rt ia Ev*ry $l*p laxed and a t ea.«e. sent a message to Gen. Eisen­ w ith those neSVby. fiomeone asked in the Republican KL.t'Sdnots*’* " session. Accepts Verdict hower at his Commodore Hotel him. "What about 1956?” plurality Is proportionately great-, - ™ Dsvirt K.ith 4he assistance irf'^* No. 5025 ' GlastonbuTyt-v'.. OlaatohbUry - . 2;76f *‘-^,-551 . The Pepple.’a Party of Ownectl- ' Clarence P. Baldwin said: . - „S93 4S4 said—of-Bltenhower —-— the man future. This, I believe, they will hours. -ber of voters when they failed tc i Granby ...... 1.211 •Granby-'''.'''.''.'-;';*; ; ; ; i.ii7 oqt. running. H allinlt n agfi .t o ss for, M'omen'a "Connecticut U in g AMAZINGLY LOW from the Democratic to the Re­ 100 vote m argin. Benton,. D ...... 3.064 2,150 3,024 3.235 At the Republican state conven­ H artford .... 123,861 172,7^6 8.482 John; traffic director, Jam Ss C. "I wish I could personally thank ,j_ You'll love one of these flattering fb re- publican' column. McLevy, S • e et$ • • 28 50 4 7 59 164 Robinaon. PRICE OF ...... tion last June, he waged a vigoro'i* New Haven .. 1.56.154 145,820 Kellems, IR ■•f every person who voted for me and u back duatera They, look ao nice and jare In New Haven, the 1948 Demo­ 120 • 183 '1 5 9 ■ 187 599 D U trict 1, Dem orratio the Democratic ticket. I am par­ campaign for the nomination to New London . 36.151 33.305 Representative-at-Large SO comfortable: cratic plurality of 12.000 w as cut Fairfield. ..,. Assistant registrar, Mrs. Irene ticularly, grateful to. the counUeaa Call Now For An Appoinlnent ,7 In half, and In Hartford It dropped run againiit Benton again, but waa 1.59.927 110,865 Sadlak, R ...... 2,490 2.9 4 4 Windham ... 3,621 3,584 11,639 OrtowskI; checkers, Mrs. Lillian vplunteers who worked to long and from 23,000 to 20,000. . defeated by Purtell. After Mc­ IT. 151 16.381 Pribyiron', D :..... e 3 ,0 8 0 1 2 ,163 Manchester 2-.3991 Litchfield .... 33.781 22.6.56 2,071 3,294 8,619 Johnson. Mt^. Edna Keating; dem- hard in my behalf. ' Besidea Torrington. Bridgeport Mahon's death. Republicans at a Waterman, S ..... ,» 9 s 9 6 7 special convention nominated Middlesex 20.569 17.280 31 onstrator, kin. Catherine Glebson; , “I congratulate Mr. Bush and J and Waterbury, the bigger, towna Representative la (kmgress machine tenders. Mra. Stephanie w)ah him all good fortune In dia- .98 ■witching from Democratic to Re­ Bush to be his successor. Tolland ...... > 11.992 10.770 •[‘Ashmead, R ...... \ *1* ^ ! e 3.308 3.687 3 ,4 1 0 - 3,368 10,673 Obuchowaki, Stanley Krmjewaki, charging the heavy responatbUity Lr ' And-M br« publican Included Ansonla, Dan- Two minor party candidates had ■ Dodd. D » 2.274 2 ,4 3 5 3,286 3,617 9.612 Albert Cote, Mrs. Betty Filler. ‘ A / beep expected to affect the Ben- 559,586 529,213 of the lUgh office to whidi the pdo- ■ bury. East Hartford, Meriden. State Senator Daniel Sokolowski, Mrs.- Alice ple have chosen I im.” Naugatuck, New L o n d o n and ton-Purtell race to some extent, ; WaVsop, R ■ 2.394 o is s s 3,442' 3,272 10.691 Hooney, Mrs. Geraldine FR spat- M k M k - X--- but they polled comparatively few Windham (Wlllimantlc.) an unofficial total of 21,357 vote*. LaBelle, D •’ 2.283 3,431 3,2 5 4 '1 3.999 9.567 rick; traffic director, Jerry LeBei. Buddy Parker, head coach of tho The GOP victory wiui eapeclafly votes. Jasper McLevy, Bridgeport’s litate Repres4|itatlvea District 2. KepubUoea Miss Vivien Kellema, who ran Detroit Done la the National Foot­ BEAU ; Y S A L O N , p^tjsfying to Buah. It represented 'veteran Socialist mayor, got 11.- Bowers. R ..... 2 ,4 2 9 2 4 5 0 2 .5 2 6 j 3.433 11,238 Deputy moderator, Leonard ball League, waa a' member of gucceaa after two failure*. . aa an Independent Republican 846. I t w as Hts firat bid for a na­ W arren, l b ...... e' 3 ,41* 3 4 1 T 3 .5 7 5 3,493 11,301 Taylor; aaoistant regiatrar, Wal- For ThelBest Profegaionally’* after tailing to get the Republi- Detroit’s only World ChamploB- M A^L^'SFO t EVERYTHING-e-.-.'MARLQW'E FOR EVERYTHING- — ------MARLOW'S FOR EVaYTHING- — —MARLOW'S FOR EVERYTHING j ^ Ja 1650, he ran against Beaton tional office after running - -13 Bourn, D • 2 ,146 3.3fi3 3 ,1 7 0 " 2.444 8,042 ter Holland; checkera, iQeanor shtp team ia 198&. Buddy wifi A Ibr the final two year* of the can no^AinaUoa for Senator, poUod timea for governor. Bryk^ D ...... see**** o,s e e e e e e *•* ■*4ee***ia. 2^128 2 ,298 2 !.Q » .8,910'Howard, Paul U Young; demon- halfback. -w \ *- '1 > r ; 1. ' >' ■■ : '1 ,'J- - f ■'> ■ r •' Ji i. ■t:'- i ■ V — /--*■- i.^

i ■:V /■ «»■ ...:;■ ■■ T' - ' . ' 7 ■ ■"■ ' ,■ ■ ■; ■ •\ ' ,'V. ' • ' ' ‘ 1 • " ' ‘ I — - ^ ‘ . • ' ■ - V . ^ > A.’ r J^AK C H jaT^, EVENING NOVEMBER 8, 198* S^iion:rTw O „ . WEDNES^DAY, NOVEMBER 5, .1 WEDNESDAY,.'V NOVEMBER .. 5, U ••J952 • PageB 13 mittee made up of George Dough- ization, which voted at Its last ;7S..jcentd.. At. 821^8.. Otiea S c ^ i^ Jdrs..R<^ri^i;. Meinfbah. 28 Hsr Mrs. Harold.' Erickson and^Mrs. ier, and moat probably a IlapubU'. 'PiBlTlyait'*^r^r*^'-'- ■ '— ertyr Otlbert f Hunti .Mrw WiUiam meeting no$ to aSHiata# . at .IIm can* Senate. and' Houae. more than- t,600 up- $2,87 At 4MA2, -Eocony^ P^t^iits, Teachejre vsid rtAdr'fbf' rtce j>reSl(fentT Mr. present time, with the' atata or CSiaimiaii Naiiic^ ~ S lid Mrs. C. Leitty Nortili,o2 Ade-' A vote win be taken on tlie by- Mtamlck, Mrs. Raymond Schaller Juatifiea my faith in the (intelli­ Vacuum 6,000 up 87 cenfa at .and WIlUam Feigdaon. The ofBclal national Parent-Teachers Associa­ $36.37, Chryaler 3,500 up $1.25 at Iside rpsd; for-secretary,'Mr. and liKvs by which the group will be gence of the American people. Thla Organize at MHS goyemed, «a presented by a com­ name will be chosen, for, the organ­ tion. >, 4* For Trinity Drive la a new day for America. The real $86. SUndard Oil '(N J ),4,000 up Mra. Sanot J. Sotombn, 124 Center Btreet; for treuurer, 'Mx. snd Mr#. Landshde of Republica^^^tes Rumbles over taak of the Republican party imw $2 at $77.75, and Studebaker 2,000 - TTje election of pffleera for the Wllllsm J. Mlnnlck. 85a Wetherell lUrtford/Nov. '4—Th« »ppolnt^ begina. ; - ■ T up $1.25 at $37. ^ "We muat go forward cautloua- nevt'ly. formed orgahlaatioh of par- street. The nominating committee BMat of Ooorfo Molcolm-Smlth Of Broken and officiala o.f the Consiats of Mrs. John Rb^ner, PRICES TAKE A TUMBLE! Wool Hartford aa diairman of the ly, but firmly, to rebuild America Stock Chcchange began arranging enta and teachera o f high achooi to that poaitlon ■ of mental, moral for the market opening well before \ IMS Trinity OoUega Alumni Fund and political leaderahip which we students will take place at Man- to ralat SSO.OOO for doUege operat­ the etart when it waa apparent cheater High School on Monday, Ike SweepsSwiBCpS ■. - ■_ ‘ ^ ■■ Well, Nay, lioky Hertl '^X'^ '■ ' ]\W once held, and again command the that buying brden had aurged in ECZEMA ITCE ing aapcnaea waa announced today reapect of the world. Nov. 17. Originally scheduled fot- BIG TWIN Size Warren, Bowers i*y Hannon T. Barber of Wlndaor, "We, muat build a proaperity up­ from all pointa. Nov. 10. the meeting has been 0«« 4f*wn? Try ’ T a b le d aJ^mnl preaident. ^ on peace—not upon war. We muat After the faat atart at higher postponed because 'some of the State; Bush ____— -____V -'-'I n a Mfgeat alumni annual fund be careful to maintain whatever prices, trading continued at high nominees were to-be out of ’town R l t l N O L \4riva in college hiatory will be aocial advancea have been made speed with prices holding at their that day; ’ . PJNTMINT Go to Legislature d Friday night at a dinner of in the laat 20 yeara—keeping in beat point. The nominating committee will - President * U. S. Rep.-at- fm t leiifl-lastina rslisf agenta and aeeretaries in mind that there have been many place before the group the follow­ PuTtell W in — -I k ,____ ptnlng Hall-in connection good DSmocrata and aome good It la said that "Ach du lieber ing ■ recommendatlona, each offlee artUi the Alumni Homecoming and Democratic ideaa. Augustin,” composed in 1770, was being held by a husband-wife Read Herald Advs. Here is the Hartford County ; Tiefe la the Hartforj/County ' By ALEX_OIRELLr l ib m y 1>tdfcaOoh weiek etid. ' ■ ”Aa we auppliuil the Truman the flrst waits;— ' '"teaii»"! - for president, Mr.. snfl (Continued From .rage One) — town by- town- vote for Preaideptr r town ,voU fpr^U. S, ,Re- ..... iri—nh/... .. ' prezentative-at-Lari Manchester cast an overwheiminsr RepubUdut-votS- ytsteFi - Otlm dftleera appoinUd-tc^kead adminlBtratton. -4t—muat—be done Ktsennower stewitaon^^' ...... —^ adlak Pribyson | | d a r Riviny-victorious-Dwight D: Eisenhower A"platall^ "eT" ■n.orgaMniUon of 104 clam agenta without bltternesA and rancor. We year .term had attracted nation­ IR) (D) can—must and will - recreate 'A wide attention because o f hla hit­ 716 tRi (D) 13,475 votes over his Democratic opponent AdlaJ EJ.Steveiu IB tfea'drtaa are: Sidney H- Whip­ Avon . .. ' Xf1,259 Avon .. / 1,547 72$«i government of, by and for all the ter feud with Senator Joseph Mc­ Perlln 599 1.664 son, sending Republican candidates Sherwood G. Bowera and ple, 'SO, of Woat Hartford, vice Carthy (R-Wls.). 1 i - - ...... -2. Berlin . 2.5fl8 1,694 chairman; L. Barton Wilaon^IlI, people." Bloomfielnfield 2.227 1.509 Ray S. Warren to the state leglsla-'t-...... ' . Eisenhower piled up a plurality Bloomfis 2.190 1JS50 17, of Wait Hartford, promotion; Bristolil . ■I*.______B.i9.658 9.772 9.504 9.907 Regular $69,95 of nearly 130,000, the second big­ 391 B r is t^ ...... John E. Oriffith, Jr, ’17 of Weat Burlington ...... 544 Buriington...... 638 394 1124 to OOP Mmfania til tenders. Thomas J. Ford, Hartford, apecial gifta; Melvin W. Buying Floods gest in Connecticut's history. It Canton ...... L3W 60$ was topped only by Calvin i canton - -1t375 f;^er.r^?u >P«»- Muller,^ 1 ’ Title, ’18, of Weat Hartford. Hart- Rest on air East Granby ..... 400 250>iai8t Granly . 392 260: Coolldge's 136,000 in 1924. Ea..t Hartford . 8.462 8,341 The o^rDemocrat to carry the wuriaSf:Sin«f ^ ford apecial gifta; Robert O. Mul­ Stock Market 1 EastEhut Hartford 8.068 8.605 i town waa Abraham A. Rlhlcoff, Wattwall; ler, 'SI, of New York City, apecial \ j ^ Four years ago, the state gave Ea.rt Windsor .. 1.457 1,084 w it h n o w j ’aSa' .Fast Windsor 1.435 1.104 I defeated candidate for the un- I traffic director, Roger McCor- giftM. i _ i Republican Thomas , E. Dewey a Enfield ______3,397 mick. (C ea ttii^ from Fagd One) Enfield_____ .. 3,428 4,614 ' expired U. S. Senate term. Ribicoff Charlea P. Stewart of W'est 14.000-vote • plurality ovir Presi­ Farmington .... 2,352 ' 1,324 2,824 1.451 3,290 2,043 Farmington . recriyed 10,410 votes, a 580 ballot Dtatrict t. IBeiiMernfs Hartford will head a committee of dent Truman, but elected a;Demo- Glastonbury . - 2,118; were traded' Bt~ the advancing 336 Glaatonbury . 8.211 edge over his GOP opponent Prbs Aaaiatant registrar, Mrs. OHvd paranta who will campaign with Sponge Rubber cratlc governor. No state offices, Granby ...... Granby ...... — 1,2.53 352 I prices. 53.129 cott Bush. . Chartier; checkers, Paul Dilworth, the alumni to raiae the $60,000 aside from the legislature, were at Hartford ...... 33.262 Hartford .... 31,624 54,6031 Mrs. Jane Fitzgerald; demonstra­ General Motors opened on a ■take this year. .Hartland ...... 274 58 John D. LaBelte, Democratic ■ought to keep Trinity out of t)te. 'block of 5,000 shares up $2.12 at Hartland .... 266 67 tors, Mrs. Jennie Schuetz; machine The total vole of Approximately Manchester .... 11.892 8,217 Manchester ,., 11,639 8,619 candidate for state senator,. who fed thla year. $63, and among other blocks were 201 tenders: Mrs. Carrla Rich, Mrs. RIPPLE 1.100.000 Was far anil a\va|' a'"re- Marlbormigh - •.. 876 Marlhbroiigh . 368 210 went down to defeat, lost Man­ Utlian Metier, Mra. Stella Far- Sinclalf Oil 3,000 up $1.50 at cord, 210,000 above the 1948 total, New BrttAin .... 17,266 22.809 chester by 1,124 votes to Republl $43.50, NaUonai' DisUllera 4,000 up 2,056 New'Britain ... 16.874 23,108 rlck, Mrs. Gladys Schuetz, Al- the previous record. y ___ NewInrtOn ...... 3.594 Newington . 3,513 2,127 can Elmer S. WatZon. LaBelle ,waa ^ —— ..... —TT-. 3,061 2.340 fred ./. Woodward, John Utter- McCarthy Wins Elected to replace Bymon was Plainville ...... Plainville .. 2,993 2,603 expected by ipost local observerii Scheldt. Frank Cleughaey. -—7 William A. Purlell, ^V^st Hart­ Rocky H ill...... 1.514 1.126 to muster a strong vote here. RISTi 986 Rocky Hill .. 1,471 1,167 District 8, Republican ford manufacturer/'Tne second Stm-ibury- ...... 1.847 Simsbury .... 1.823 1.007 Record A’ote On Reds Issue 24 Hour 3.666 3.390 Deputy moderator, W. Dqvid Matt In tw# tiatt j Senate .scat went tb Wescott Bush Southington .... Southington .. 3.600 3.451 An all time high of 96.1 per cent Keith; assistant registrar, Newton of Greenwich, inves^ent banker. South Windsor .. 1,250 879 1.229 899 1.050 South Windsor of the electorate turned out to Taggart? ehecken, Daniel L. (( fraat Fagu Om ) Ambulance Both of them, ^ s h especially, Suffield ...... 1.632 Suffield...... 1.624 1.052 vote. Unofllcial tabulations show 20.691 9.372 Hair, Arthur Lnahlnakl: demon- fan far behind E^hhower. Purtcil -West Hartford . West Hartford , 20.290 9,741 y 20.298 persona voted,opt of 21,113 atrator. Mary Reals; machine Karly today ths Senator at. his won by 90,000 A'otes, and Bush Wethersfield .. . 5.883_ 2.478 Westherfleld 5.747 2,.582 eligible to vote. Service .■»,23$.„ 3.423 tenders, Walter Strant, James B. bomii. htn, Utaaked Jj!a, conatltu- I- ft difeated U, S. Rep. Abraham- A. Wlndao.r Windsor- - ;-4.0P8“ - 8.555 ■ The prevtsna-high vote occurred Johnston, • willfam H. TTodr* ^ Windsor Locks.. 1,424 1.875 oata for their “vote of cennaehce" sr^ 1 * Biblcblf (D) by only 30,000. Windsor Locks 1:362 1,928 In the 1940 Wlllkl^Rooaevelt con­ Halllday, and aaserted that "the real task ere'a* a aenaational value that aavea yon Bush, elected to serve the final test when 89.5 per/cent ot the elec­ Nellie Tornburg; traffic director, at IUm Rapublicsn psrty now be- 150,371 146.240 torate 'went to the polls. Thomas Bailey. ItthrtDf*' more than 821! Three p tm Hollywood bed four years of the term of Brlcn 146,2.56 150.110 fias.’’ a»e, OfWK, ihM McMahon, Demoi-rat who died of The usual last -minute rush was District 8, DemocnUle His inargia over Fairchild, for- complete! Colorful, weshable plaetic hmd- cancer in July.-becomes a Senator Here is ‘ the county vote for Here is the couqty vote for the absent from all four of the town's Assistant registrar. John Tier- mer State Attorney General and' Thonaaads o f air bubbles cap^ boerd; comforteble, quality Innerspring immediately. He aucceeds Ihirtell, President; Congressman-at-LSrge,- polling places unth only a few per­ ney; checkers, Mary Dannaher, Jo­ U. 8. District Attorney, was 660.- C e m p k t o Elsenhower Stevenson Sadlak Prlbvson sons drlbKIing.* In to each from seph' Moriarty; demonatnter, t i t to 506.861 with 2.620 of 3.225 tured by aew coaztructioB p ' who Governor John Lodge api>olnt- mattreoa; and box spring mounted on ed to serve in McMahon's atead (R) (D)-, (R) (D). about 6:30 p./m. until the closing Anna : Kearns; mMhino tenders, procineta reporting. These includ- eiple in fUppIe-Reat enthioa ev fSO.lKi \ IlcrsM PIkjIo of the polls i)t 7 o'clock. Dwiel Haggerty. Frank BilMn, ad 847 of Milwaukee County's 604, sturdy legs, smartly styled outfit • • . and until the election. Hartford .. . 1.50.371 146,240 Hartford .,... 146.256 Manchestei^'s new state representative, R*y S. Warren (R). got a good look at the part of a vot­ * Caaitletily Madam ^ step and pressure . . . ren ^ Not alnce 1932 has Conhectlcut New Haven .. 165,817 136,476 New Haven ... 163.788 138,426 Eisenhower, with 11.892 votes, Victor Abraitia, John Newman, where Fairchild's greatest strength a great value;______\ ,______$1 DOWN DELIVERS ing machine "that counts" last night at .the \^mmunity Y after the polls closed at 7 p. m.. and ap­ l$d the GOP ticket. Antoni N, Sad­ was axhibited. * lasaiidla t ^ AyaHaMa anasiaf new comfort fo r . 101! had two Rapiiblican SSnatorS.- New London .. 38.148 31,372 New. London'.. 37.726 31.776 parently* he liked what he saw. . Warren had Yea son to be -happy, since he was the top local candl-- Peter Urhanettl, Anna PUkaltla. houtehold nsea. A real ELOOR' The Republicans also reelected Fairfield .. . .. 167,217 106.364 Fairfield ...... 164,877 107.S42 lak, candidate for rtpreaentative- Angelo Pontillo. la a m pared statement McCar­ 17,540 date with a total of 11,301 votes, even edging sinv JAe formidahle Sherwood G. Bowers, who waa also at-large, dame next in order with thy saM; SAVER, too! All tponge^bber—^ four Incumbent U. S. Representa­ Windham .. .. 17.979 -1.5.535 Windham ,... 15.726 elected with. 11,2.38 votes. Pointing to the goodN(iews is Attorney John J. O’Connor, deputy modera­ DIatrtet 4, RepubUcan Litchfield .. .. 35,735 20.037 Litchfield 35.462 20,272 11.639. Deputy moderator, John J. "1 am' deeply grateful to the Wm. P.Quish reauts wear. Can M ^ ^ e n e d for tives, and in the third 'district tor St District 4. - • \ X pottle of Wisconsin for their vote ousted Democrat John A. Mc­ Middlesex .. 22.1.57 1.5.722 Middlesex .... 21.814 16.048 Stevepaon, on the contrary, was O'Ctonnor; aaaiatant registrar, Ida doable wear. Non-tkid; Order now I Tolland ...... 13,466 9,425 Tolland ...... 13.346 9,374 lowest vote getter with 6.417. High Woodhouae; checkers, James H. o f confidence. kSMlIlll Guire, a two-termer who won by 'The election of Gen. Eismhow- (PHONt RANCHESTEK 43 4 0 ] 7,087 two years ago; Albert W. vote-getter afinong the Democrats' Arthur, Dorothy Belcher; demon- Cretella, state' representative 610.890 481,171 600,809 489,174 LaBelle}Ld8e8^to__ Watson was Ribicoff with 10,410, a differ­ trator, John H. Robinson; machine from North Haven, defeated him es ence of 2,193. tenders, Jonathan H. Law, Tbetoas Warren and Bowers' received J. Wray, Alfred Bamolm Enrica' A R E S DEPT. by 11,000 votes...... y ----- ,------*Six-Year Senate HOUSI The lone Democratic victory 11,301 and 11,238 votes reapective- Gaggianeai, Tom Kerr, Charles. H, r In Bid )br Seal in^§eHale Miller, James E. Burdick. FLOOR came in the first (Hartford Coun­ Backers to ly, to 0,042 votes for Mrs, Kather­ ty) district where Thomas J. .Here is the Hartford County town by town vote for the six-year ine D. Bourn and 8.810 for An­ District 4, Democratie Dodd was elected to succeed Rlbi- » thony. J. Gryk. the Democratic, aa- Aasiitant registrar, Mae Ved- SUPPERS! U. S. S*".-'.' • ‘ MancheaUr’s .Tohn D. LaBelle,* District 1 waa 11 votes: District nard; checkers. Margaret WUadnT I / coff.. He defeated John Ash- Purtell Benton Mcl^evy Kellemii , pir'anta for election as state repre- / / Democratic candidate for electit^ 2, 252 votes; Dlitrict 3, 188 votes; Jenhie Gue; demonstrator, Roao FOR EVERYTHING 8 6 7 MAIN ST. furniture department mead. , retired insurance man, by , (R) )D) (Soe.) (IB) Support Ike as state senator from the 4th dls-.\ District 4, 673 votes aentatives. 24.000 votes. .. 1,180 733 16 SO Warren, defeated for the post Grueaaner m achine tenders, Avon ...... trict met defeat yesterday. His \ In 1948, when LaBelle was first Charles O’Connor, Stanlay Brasau- The GOP victory, its margin Berlin . ; ...... 2,479 1.642 23 118 Republican opponent, Elmer ,S. elected, he received 7,570 votes two years ago, received 72 more SUPPERS! -(Continued from Page One) vote! than Bowers, who was re- skaa, Charlea Packard, Paul Jonei exceeding even the most optimis­ Bloomfield ...... 2,087 1..337 31 90 Watson, got a plurality of 6.977 locally, leading the part.v by 406 9,753 • 110 470 cerftly elected to the Board of Di­ A1 Klrka, Bessie Newman, John tic Republican estimates, wns Bristol ...... 9.505 votes, according to Associated volSa over 7,164 for 'President Wilaon.' A N D M O R E foretold early as some normally Burlington ...... 502 389 8 34 that Stevenson was on his way to Press figures. Total vote was 34,- Truman. rectors despit^ the fact he ran MASLOW'S FOB EVESYTHINO^___ -M AUOW 'S FOB tyMYTHINA.------MABIOW'S FOB BVEBYTHING- — -MABLOW'S FOB BVtBYTHINO Democratic cltlea returned Re­ Canton ...... 1,330 .390 ’ 10 70 the hotel.! They knew this was de­ 294 for Watson, 27,317 for LaBqllc. without the endoriement of the In 1950 he finished ahead of Ray Republican Town committee. publican majorities and others East Granbv ...... 371 252 7 22 feat. They knew the end of 20 LaBelle, now town counsel and S. Warrg^n by a 189 plurality, run­ showed Democratic margins East Hartford ...... 7,83? 8.479' 138 531 years of Democratic hjle was there state representative, failed to Warren was third highest vote- ning 539 votes ahead of CTheater getter in the party. ahsrply reduced frorh 1948. East Windsor ...... 1..366 1.104 12 61 in the *chalk marks on the big carry hta home town. He lost here Bowles. ' Early Voters Three-quarters of ai\ hour after E nfield.—.... ------...... 3,225 4,644 _ ____ 20 .123 board at the er.d.of the room show­ by 1,124 votes. The only town- in Mrs. Bourn r^elved 232 more S U P P E t t S ! TOWN — 7 WATSON LaBELLB votes than her running mate, Gryk. the polls closed, the Hartford Farmington ...... '...... 2.414 1,423 14 128 ing the votes by states. the eight-toym district which La- East Hartford $.055 • 2,060 27 148 And yet, tbrt’e were those among 8,642 r Coiirant announced that the state Glastonbury ...... ------.. 3.084 dwile took/ waa Blast Hartford Glastonbury .. .. 3,189 2,139 DIalrIrt 4 for Bush Answer Plea •• Granby ^...... I.IOS 343 6 55 them win) at^said: The Democrats were strongest ALL STYLES! 9 9 had given tta electoral votes to iMiere ha beat Ilia victorious GOP Maiichaater ... ..10,691 9,567 Elsenhower. Hartford ...... 31.214 52.015 726 1,519 "Do we aUll have a chance?" candidate by, 587'. , Marlborough .. 37l in District 1 and weakest in Dis­ The complete unofflci.ll returns Hartland ...... 2.13 65 ■1 n They clijng to the bitter end to Watson's biggest plurality by Newington ...... $.5» trict 4 where Republicans cap­ Moderators, Report Big .. 11.0.3,1 8,482 184 509 the hope YAst somehow, some­ 2.121/1 ALL SIZES! O a h - f o o i s i e In the major races were: Manchester ...... far was in ' his home town of Rooky Hill ... .. 1/471 1,172 tured from" about 1,000 to about Marlborough ...... 318 208 4 18 where the t^ a would turn and give Wetherafield where the Democrat 600 more votes for eacl^ office. Dis Percentage of People by SAVAGE.WA)^ For , President: Eisenhower. South Windsor .. .1220 910 610,989; Stevenson, 481,171; — New Britan ...... 18.122 22.f94 297 703 Stevenson (he electoral votes he trailed 3.268 votes behind. Wetherafield .. triiot 4 was the dhly voting place .. 3..348 2.031 54 191 needed. .. 5,768 2,859 At Polls Before Noon AU COLORS! .Senate (regular.) Purtell (R) Newington ...... Locally, LaBelle lost In all four where victorious Bush bvershsr Plainville ...... 2.706 2.574 51 186 ddwed Ribicoff. He received 3,007 corduroy ttoceasin ; x ; 575.445. Banton (D) 485,159 Jas­ At this point, many of them just districts. Watson's plurality in TOTAL ...... 34,294 87.31^' Reports from the four Manchea- per McLevv (Soc.) 11.846. Vivien Rocky Hill ...... 1.'.39 1,137 20 47 couldn't accept the fact that defeat votes there tc 2,869 for the Demo­ Simsbury . .. 1.T88 — . tar poUlng placea indicate nsoat - AT Keliema flnd.-Rep.) 21,857. Was reality. The real shock was to' the'x:Bmpaign. 'These qualltie.s will crat. ' ...... Southington ...;___.:...... 3.412 3.<37 41 164 come. For election to the full term in voters got out early aa well as in Senate (short term) Bush (R.V 20 43 now be dedicated to loading us all Absentee Ballots Cast s 859.586, Rlblcoff (D) 529.213. South WInd.sor ...... 1.191 But .Stevenson knew he was the United States Senate, local large numbers in answer-to the S lS r Suffield ...... 1.073 2 45 beaten. He had sensed It, an aide through the next four years. Reach All-Time Hitfh voters gave Republican William A. House-at-Large. Antoni N. Sad-^ .20.132 9.249 179 '467 "It is traditionally American to pleas of election officials. PAJAMA SETS lak (R) 600.809. Stanley J. Prib.c- West Hartford ...... later said, fronfthe time he was Purtell a plurality of 2,551 votes Wethersfield ...... 5,5,35 2,500 62 220 handed a news report that Paul fight hard before an-election. It Amoitg the records broken over Incumbent Democrat Wil­ Some officials reported ptr- son (D) 489,174: First District. .. 3.921 3,569 55 103 is equally traditionally to close centages aa high aa SO had voted (SKETCHED FROM §TOCK) Dpdd (D) J60.113, Ashmead IB ) Windsor ...... Fitzpatrick, New York State In .vesterday’s election was tjie liam Benton. Purtell beat Bentop Windsor Ixx'ks ...... 1.335 1.883 23 43 Democratic chairman, had con­ ranks $s soon as the people have local record for absentee bal­ by 90,286 vo:tes. before the noon machine check. LO^ PRICES! 136.470; Second. Horace Sdelv- - - •—— — spoken. From the depths of my In all districts, voting was very «A Brown (R) 90.883. WilUami M. 1 4“*' • ceded the state to Elsenhower, lots. An all time high of 602 Antoni N. Sadlack topped Stan­ Two and three-piece sets. 141.685 146.854 2,141 6,439 with its big chunk of 45 electoral heart I thank all of my party, and ab.sentee ballots was received, ley J. Pr.lbyaon by 3,020 votes for light from 5:30 p. m. or 6 on. Citron (D) 73,066; Third. Cretella all pf, (hOSf .lndepei)denU and Re­ From District 1, Assistant Mod­ - (R) lH;120i- MeGuire (D) -99All’r ------votes; ...... " —■ according to unofficial figures. elacUou aa.tepres?nlaMy#-at-.large,. Here irth V county vote for the’ six-vVar U. 8. Senate: And then Col. Jacob Arvey of publicans who supported Sen. Of these 69 were, void because and John Aahmead topped Thomas erator Arthur UsChOre-reported I Fourth. Albert P. Moramj.—ttH . _____ Purtell Benton McLevy Kellema that by 8 a. m. the number who Buy Now For Xmas and Save! . . 164,898, Joseph P. Lyford fDl 108.- Chicago—Illlnola, Democratic na­ Sparkman and me. they were ■. not msde out J. Dodd by 1,161. Sadlak waa vic­ 1 (RI (D) (Sot.) (IB) tional Cbmmitteeman — who had Pledges Hupport torious but Aahmead met defeat. hed voted was. equal to the total 012; Fifth. James T. PatLerson ..141.685 146.854 2.141 6.439 properly. And More (R) 83.747; John A. Spgrtale (Dl -Hartford County . . . . ------sponsored’ Stevenson's entry into ’ "’That which unites ua as Ameri­ The GOF voU was unusually vote for the district In the recent New Haven County ....,...... 1.36.930 138,048 \ 2.579 .- 5,271 In two 'districts the ballots town election. * I * -.-64.130.^.------— politics, conceded Illinois to the can citizens Is far greater than were Republican in a ration of high even for predominately Re­ v /v i NewCondofi 'County ...; ,'rr:.. ,.35.728 31.872 - 332---- 1.618 Elsenhower fofeesT” ' that which divides ua aa political Voting was heavy until shortly Of the six elected, ail- except 106,417 6,151 5.294 more than two to one. No publican Manchester. In 1948, the Dodd and Cretella are Incumbents. i Fairfield County ...... 1,1.36,373 Steven.son came into a-back en­ partiaansi I urge you all ta give to town' gave the GOP --presldentiai •fter. npim, /jwJadlcd^ .-/'J With elastic waist . . . so Mmfy I Windham County ...... 17,223 15,779 68 374 figures arc available for the after that,, giicked up from S Bo Assembly Goes OOP trance and walked upstairs to the Gen. E.isenhower the support he other two. .______candidate 629 more voles than for lounging or sleeping. ’ Litchfield Countv ...... 33.938 20.456 300 1.232 ballroom.-The crowd broke into 5;30 and then peter^ out. “ The RepUbllcsns took s tight .. 21.002 18.030 164 644 will need to carry out the great President Truman. Roosevelt, how­ COMfinElY Middlesex (bounty ...... '...... cheers. They began chanting, "We tasks that lie before him. I pledge In District 2 the report .waa grip on the state leglalature by Tolland County ...... : 12.564 9,651 111 485 ever, took the town in 1940 and electing 22 State Senators to 14 .want Stevenson.’-t and he gave him mine." again in 1944, by 300 and 129 similar. The voting was heavy in HANDWASHAILE the morning. By 6 p.-, m. more than SHOE DEPARTMENT for the Democrats who had a two- ' 573,445'' 485.159 11,846 21,337 them a big grin. He looked f"®" Then Stevenson disclosed he had for the photographers and chatting votes resi>ectlvely,...... , o GnhitaM IMifchil /^ote majority, 19 to 17,-in the 1931 93 per cent of the qualified voterc laxed and at ease. sent a message to Gen. Eisen­ with those neaVby. Someone asked The Increase In the Republican had cast ballots. - (taderi Is Eviry Step ■essioh. Accepts Verdict hower at his Commodore Hotel him, "What about 1956?" plurality la proportionately great­ The GOP also increased Its al­ Four-Year Senate Then • the crowd beejame quiet. W. David' Keith, In iDiatrtet S, otschFiirMitdis y - First District headquarters In New York City ' He quipped; er than the Increase in the size of said balloting wa- veiiy heavy up IsHnabli rieiHc lt| ready overwhelming majority in Stevenson's smile faded, and he saying: _ the electorate alnce those years, the House, -electing 221 Represen- "Have that man's head exam­ to noon, steady by lighter, from Here is the looltod out at the people who had "The people have made their ined.” Kellema Gets 599 1 then until 6, and veryjUidt until BY • NONSKISUmSOlES tativea to 58 for the Dcmocra’J. Here la the town b.v town vote Hartford County pinned their hopes ot victory on choice and I congratulate you. Vivien Kellema. the only candi­ The 1951, House was Republiciui by for the First District Congress­ town by town for the fouf-year In answer to another question, the closing of the polis. o FIHnONffdAMK Strike It Uch U. S. Senate term: him. And in a clear, and unhurried That you may be the servant and date on the Independent Republi­ Heavy TraiRo'- r e q u e s t a margin of 190 to 87. Two seats men in Conne;;tlcut: voice he told them: guardian of peace and make .the he said he intended to devote htm- can ticket running against Pi.irtell have been added since the laat Ashmead Dodd ! Bush Ribicoff ■elf to hla duties aa Governor of In District 4 thb voting waa aUc ee with thla sparkling silvery "My fellow citizens, have made day of victory a door of hope is and Benton for the full term in light after 6. session. (R) (D) (R) (D) my earnest prayer. Beat wishes.” Illlnola and that perhaps he would the United States Senate, received print duster and pajama Set, 1.171 _806 Avon . 1 ...... 1.061 913 thclr.„ choice and have selected Police reported the volume of By winning a majority in/ the Avon Gen. Eisenhower and the Repub­ Gen. Elsenhower replied in a take a rest. But he didn't aay 599 votes. 4, f in lustrous rayon snd cotton Senate, the Republicans gained Berlin 2.441 1.822 Berlin...... 2.164 2,089 where hia vacation place m i^ t be. traffic heavy around the polla at lican .party as the instruments of telegram to Stevenson: The Socihllst party received^ a times, but said it waa kept moving qulits. All hand washable. complete control of the state gov- Bloomfield .. . 2.039 1,678 Bloomfield ...... 1.862 1,870 total of 285 votes, 24 for Hoopes S 8,995 10.842 Bristol ...... 8.281 their will‘ for the next four years. “I thank you for your courteous Stevenson wai In the ballroom smoothly. - emraent for the. first time since Bristol ...... —11,112 and generous' message. Recogniz­ for about seven mlnutea. Then he and BYiedman, presidential candi­ Sizes 12 to 20. Rose. aqua, Burlington ., . .516 419 Burlington ..It... 476 ,457 The people have rendered their About IS policemen were as­ Mr. Frank, owntr of r * 1947. The 1950 election gave them verdict and I'gladly accept It." ing the intenaity of the dlfriciilties left and drove back to the man­ dates. 46 for William H. Taft, navy., plain colors. Silvery 5. the governorahip and all other (Tanton - 1,349 ' 644 Canton...... 1,330 740 signed to polling places to keep «A S7YLID IN CALIFORNIA That was it. That was the con­ that lie ahead, it is clqarly neces­ sion. With Wyatt, he went inside, contesting for the unexplred term order. There ^ere no distuihancea prints, green, red and navy. ' state oiBces..^The terms of these East .Granby . 384 2691 East'Granbv .... .34 8 301 in thertJ. S. Senate. 184 for Jasper MaHow'f iM uty Sa­ Lw lAVAAl.WAVkli 5 7,662 cession of defeat The reporters sary that men and women of good saying he wanted a long^talk with of any kind reported. ■ officials run. two more years. East Hartford 9.061 East Hartford 6,801 9,872 the man who had managed his McLevy, candidate for the lull Yesterday’s results brought only ,s. 1,398 1,144 East Wrndsor .... 1,330 broke out of the room in a run for Will of both parties forget the No mechanical difficulty in the CHILDREN'S SIZES NO. 62$ ...... $ 1 .4 9 East Windsor 1.207 campaign. Senate term, and 31 for Annie B. lon, is happy to an- ' brief commertts from the rival Enfijeld ...... ,X3.234 4.777 Enfield ...... 3.032 4.962 telephones to signal the concesa political strife-t-ltrough which we machines wae noted. LeClaire sai8. i Sion.______.(______have passed and deyot.e tljemaelyes The ligbu still blaaad Jn ..the Waterman, candidate for the poat however, that he waa oblige to party leaders. Farmington . .— 2.385 1.589 Farmington 2,100- . 1,805 Ot topresanUtIve-$t-large. nounea o rtpoot on .7 . Republiuin State C Ira Ir m a n GlaSlohbury T.;.; -*3,072 cigrtonbitry .. 2.Y68 '2.551 ■ Steven,son went on talking. He U# the single purppad of-a-better mansion in the 'eariy momtnr come to the iusiatance of ar-imm- I . No. 5025 said'of Elsenhower '^:::'"the' man future. This, I believe, they will hourc. .... T - The ■ People's Party-uf Connecti­ I Clarence F. Baldwin said: Granby ’ 1.211 Granby , . » 1,117 . 484 her of vbte’ra 'when they'faUed' Yc whom he' hid attacked so bitterly do.” ■ ■ -f ’ ' ' ■::: cut running Hallinaf« and . Bass for close the curtains-property; or dh' t h I i Thonksglvlnq Women's ' '^."Cbhneclicut is in g ^ h » h d r - H ir f ^ :*• 29.942 T57.250 Hartford ...... ', 25,857 60,239 president, received 262 in rec+nt weeks: Whai About 19567 •nit' w a term elon ^ grow t to V,2 votes, while p^jj party lever handle artlahd 71 Karttand - -J 249 82 the |kKlaUat;L$ls>c. Pacty. juRAlng -,*s..'iat24:Wff««>hert*rt^ -rW ;4W ' r;;?'Gen.; J|^5«flhnwer ' ::-1Fot-:». /few- moments .Bteventon MufiaCrt>ug~garieU«s':lDBdLw)ien'iifa>: ------S p a c id . n sM and Jimery garnered 4; Some perabna' parted the cur­ Johii M. Bailey said: Marthbrohgk^>i 3M 223 MaflbOrough T-r >,» 320,7—:::#:-245 great leader in war. He has .been a stood on the brilliantly lighted ture may weigh aa UUle aa 8 oc $ "The result is final, and we wish New'Britain ... 15,446 24.608 New BriUln ..... 13.867 vigorous and valiant opponent ih I platform of the ballroom, posing more than 80 pounds,. ' tains to leave after thay had voted 1.98 26,076 instead of opening the curteins, he oui* Republican opponents well.” Newineton .... 3,309 - 2.336 Newington . 2.896' 2.736 ------i— :------^ The Democrats knew they, had Plainville . 2,876 2.730 Plainville...... 2.650 aaid, thus falling to record their V 2.935 Workers at Polls vote. When offiriala opened the V2 P f i c e Yz lost at least the presidential race Rocky Hill .. - - 1.392 1.251 Rockv Hill...... 1.283 1..356 within three hours after the polls 1.745 , 1,087 curtains, the votes recoided. s' Simsbury ..... Simsbury ...... 1..582 ,1.240 a Here I* Loral Vote by DistricU o closed at 7 p. m, ^'ith all Connecti­ Stouthinrton ... 3.’'03 .3,579 Southington ....- 3,249 3.793 Raymond A. Johnson was chief cut's ballots being cast on voting South Windsor . 1.179 950 M R . FRA N K i So. Windsor ..... 1,095 1.031 iTesIdent District 1 District 2 Diztrict 3 moderator for Manchester's elec­ machines for the first time, the Suffield ...... 1.576 1.103 Snffield . . ; ...... ' 1,502 1.J70 District 4 Total tion yesterday. Following la a list RibicoH Thanks ' returtia In the Rlsenhowep-Steven- 18.611 11:422 1 . Elsenhower, R ...... 2,525 2.078 2,715 3,674 11,802 Weat Hartford West Hartford . . . 17,138 13,456 ...... 2,06$ of election workers: A NATIQRAUY FRANCHISED $20.00 ■on cbnteat were known -from all Westherfleld . 5.403 2,973 llteVenson, . D ...... 2.144 1,003 2,212 8,417 Wetherafte'd...... 4.876 3.44'’ ■ ' Koopes, S ...... 9 6 3 ' Dlatrlrt I. Republican His Sup^rters 169 towns by 10 p. m. Windsor ..... 3.923 ■ 3,620 Windsor . ^ . 3,588 4,05r 6 24 Deputy moderator,. Arthur Le- Torrington, the first town tb re- Windsor Locks 1.299 . 1.998 Hallipan, PP ...... 2 2 1 7 12 Clairc; assistant registrar,' Leon­ CREME OIL COLD WAVE Windsor l4^ks . . . 1,184 ' 2.102 . Haas, SL .....'...... 1 0 jrt, set the pattern. It went for . 0 3 4 ard Weiman; checkers, Marion Hartford, Nov. 4—(fl—U. 8. Rep. U. K Kenatnr (short) 1 INCLUDING SH.\MP()(). HAIRSHAPING eisenhower by nearly 700 votes, .135,470 160.113 123,jB61 172,736 Straughan, Irene Brennan; demon­ whereas In 1948 it gave Preaident . Bush, R ...... 2.152 2,472 2.100 3,007 0,830 A. A. Ribicoff,,defeated by Rapub- AND HAIR STYLE No.,925 strators, Phyllis Moreleg: machine • l.i-; 1 Truman a plurality of 1.074. Rlplcoff, D ...... 2^421 2,628 2,402 2.860 ' 10.410 tenders. William E. Keith. William lican -Preacott' Bush In tha short DUSTERS tenn of Ravmond E. Baldwin. Re­ . Here Is the county vote for the Taft. 8 ...... 11 14 a. Women’s Nearly a dozen other large short Senate term:- 13 46 McCormick, William J; Dowd, A** term U. 8. Senatorial r$C4, today ALL FOR THE cltlea and towns. Including Bridge­ publican Senator who resigned, U. ik Kfnator (long) Sizes (SKETCHED FROM STOCK) and waa defeated by a narrow 1,- Buah Ribicoff fred Berggreh, Sylvester Mazzucci, issued this statement from hla port. ^ . Walerbury. swltchi^ Purtell#. R ...... ! ...... 2.37# " 2,774 2/474 3.406 'j 11,033 William Martina. Harry Meikel- headquartera; m | > , AMAZINGLY LOW 100 votis margin. IRli 1 Benton, D ...... 2,064 2,150 2,024 2,235 - from the Democratic to the Re­ Hartford . . . 123,861 ' 8,482 john; traffic director, James C. "I wish I coUld pafaonally thank You'll love one of these flattering flare- publican' column. '. At the Republican state conven­ '172,786 McLevy# S ...... ssasesssssssasssesssssssae , 50 47 50 . U . 184 tion last June, he waged a vigorous New Haven . 156,154 145.820 Robinson. ' every person who voted for ma and P RIC E P F ...... back dusters. Thay loqk so nics and are In New Haven, the )948 Demo­ Kellema, IR ...... vC. ,120 ISO 187 500 District 1, Democratic the Democratic ticket. 1 am par­ '■) t ^ '1 campaign 'for. the nomination to New London 36.151 33.305 so comfortable. „ ,, / cratic plurality of 12,000 was cut Urprraentatlvc-Bt-Large Assistant registrar, Mrs,. Irene ticularly grateful, to the counUeas * ■ ' Call Now For An Appointment In half, and In Hartford It dropped run against Benton again, but waa Fairfield .. . 159.927 110,865 Sadlak, R ...... 2,490 $.944 2.621H Windham .. 17.151 11.639 Ortowaki^ checkers, Mrs. Lillian volunteers who worked ao long and Irom 23.000 to 20.000. .defeated bv PurtdI. After Mc­ 16.381 Pribyson. D 2,089 2,1M 2,071 2,294 8.619 A .Manchester 2-3991 Utchflel’d . . . 33.781 22.056 Johnson, Mra. Edna Keating; dem­ hard in my behalf. ^ i • I Besides Torrington, Bridgeport Mahon’S death. Republicans at a Waterman, 8 0 0 ' ------7 „ 31 onstrator, Mrs. Catherine Oleeson; "I congratulate Mr. Bush and 4 -4> ■nd Waterbury. the bigger, towns special convention nominated hfiddleaex ... 20.569 17,280 Bepresentatlve In fkingrraa * 1 .98 Tolland .... • 11.992 machine tenders. Mrs, Stephanie wish him all good (ortuna in dla* M ■witchjng from Democratic to Re­ Bush to be his successor. l.'V' 10,770 Aahntead, R ...... 2.308 2.687 2,410 ' 3,368 10,073 Obuchowaki, Stanley Krajewski, charging the heavy responalbillfy And More,' publican included -Ansonia, Dan-' Two minor'party candidates had : Dodd. D .....J-...... 2.274 2,435 2,288 2.61T 9.612 Albert Cote, Mrs. Betty Filler, of the high officn to which tha pao- bury, BUst Hartford. Meriden, been expected to' affect the Ben- |UW.586 529,213 State Senator . Daniel- Sokolowaki, Mrs. Alica pie have chosen him." Naugatuck, New London and ton-Purtell race to some extent, WaCaon, R ...... 2,204 2.683 V 2,442 3,272^ 10.691 Mooney,. Mrs. Gerpidine Fitzpat­ * - 2.431 2,254 3.509 9.567 rick; traffic director, Jerry DeBoi. Buddy Parker, head coach of tha The GOP victory waa es))eclally votes. * . Jasper McLevy, Bridgeport’s State Repreaeptatire* ) INstrlet 8, RepubUcan Detroit Lioas in the National Foot­ satisfying to Bush. It represented Mias Vivien Kellema, .who ran veteran Socialist mayor, got 11,- Bowers. R .....'... 2.429 2JS0 2,526 b 3,433 11,238 :Deputy moderator, Leotiard ball League, waa a mambar ot ri BE A U T Y S A L ON ■Ucceas arter two failures. aa ah Independent RepubUcan 846. It was hia first bid for. a na­ Warren, lb ...... 2.416 3A17 2,875 '' 3,403 11,301 Taylor; aaaiatent regtstrpr. Wal­ Dairoit'a only World Chnaapton- “Forlthe Beat Profca^nally’* b . he ran against Bsntpni ^aftqr TalHng to get the Repabli- tional officeiafter running 38 i i . ‘ U 1950 Bourn,' P ...... 2,248 2.382 2,170 2.444 9,042 ter Holland; C hechen, Eleanor ■hip team la 3985. Buddy t n a jll MAKLOW3 FOR EV|RYTHING-— w.'lii|AR|LOW*S^FOI| EV ER YTH IN G -^-.— MARLOW'S FOR IV IR Y TH IN G -a— MARLOW'S FOR MYTHING tor. tb« final tyro yean of tM 'can nominattoa for Senator, poUod UmM for governor. 2,123 2,258 2,080 2440 ). MIO Howard, Paul f* Young; damon- halfback. .'y-TW, "SV / v : : ■ r " ' j h A - \; /■I ; V..\ - v.; ....jV - 4 .,— - ,h 'ii„ ■ I , 3 3 S B 1- .

: / i - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN« WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1952 PAGE FIPTEEH MANCHESTER EVENING HERAI4 ). MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOYEMBER 8 , 19CT FAiSE urcb, oSicUting. BurlU will be mTttd eervlce at~ the' gTav'e,ln "81. -\ ' traits, 'They get sick with such ail­ Ucan Gov. Arthur .B^’XewgUe tie- eight Hotiee eeaU,' DemocraU one, rwUstrictlng^^^eoet oiie« waa ssvan four Democrats and thrse Bepuh-i seat, making It now: Damoefats Former ,Rep.; Albert Oorf elected JicaR iva^ra Gcmetcry. Jamee’ Cemetery, --..-.s-. Swiss Studen^t ments as-Kidney trouble, heart dis­ 11, Republicans li to eucceied tbe veteran Sen. Ken­ ing pressed by"former Democratic with one undecided. Old lineup: ^ Calling hours at the funeral ease^ cancer and even common ElectioM Results ■DeanwwratSf- tw o JU pubItca na., licans were elected, with four in' Rep, Hugh B. Mitchell. Two Re- One Democrat, eight Reptiblicane,- "GLASS : ■' The > LOUISIANA (8) ' doubt. Before rediatricUng cost NORTH DAKOTA (4) neth McKellar, whom he defeated iWlhe are tomorrow from 7 to 9 p. KenMth Adams, Jr. ■ " "Enters Vanderbilt colds. Ward has devised his own Nip and tuck« With Stevenson two, it was Democrats nine, Rb- EiSenhower running ahead. Re­ in the Democratic primary. Dem­ puMeans elected to' the -House, ohe’ vacancy. t FOR EVERY PlIRPOSi m. (Columbia, NoV. 5—Funeral serv­ flsh food composed of everything « ^ Slate by State ahssd 'Damocrsts kept all, eight publlcans four. publican Ben. William LSngsr and ocraU put Frank G. ClemenU into with five racee in doubt. Before WYOBONO (i) ices wil) be held tonight from the Doctor from baby cereal to Epsom salts. Hbuae seats. No'senate or governor MONTANA (4) ' Gov. Norman BrunSdale re-elected. the governor’s chdir and won sev­ redletricting gained one, the line­ Eisenhower carried. Republican AUTO. MIBEOE8. WINDOW Deaths Daniel Oreenw^ood PottSr Funeral Home in WUUman- Nashville, Tenn.—iff)— Two "Fish get as nCrvous as htimar..< Went Elaenhowev. Democratic Their parly kept both House aesta. en of nifie House seaU. 'The old up was Republicans 4 to 2. Frank A. Barrett ahead of Demo­ Rockville, Nov. 5—iff)—Diniel tic for Kenenth Adams, Jr., Navy years ago Claire .Schlatter of sometimes,’''h e says, recalling the W»K»Omt) race. WHO j(85) Uneup. before redistricting cost WEST VtROCNlA (9) cratic Sen.* Joseph ‘C.' O’Mahoney. FLAIB. OB8CUEB ■'■r™*'.... ' ■ MAINE (S) Gov. John W. Bonner was trailing ~ . Otto J, Johneea Greenwood, 93, of ” 148 Vernon veteran and' resident of this com­ Eat or DHnk Nothing at AU If Switzerland waa a high school TV^debut of hia flsh. One variety, For Elsenhower. Gov. Frederick Republican J. Hugo Aronson in his Carried by Eisenhower, Demo­ Tennessee one seat; 9 Democrats, Stevenson carried. Democrat Republicans kept one Hoiise seat. avenue, died last night at his some. munity, , who lost his life yesterday Ap^ndlcltis la Indicated the'"bdala badia.1^ got stage jitters Governor end DemocraU cratic Gov. Prank J. Lauache beat 2 Republicans. William C. Marland leading for NO;«lection for governor. PhOM 3322 Otto j. Johnimn, 98, of 51 Rue- girl here, oiib of 22 Carefully se­ •even of the e i^ t House G. Payne elected Senator, Burton bid for re-elaction. GOP Sen. Zalea Mil itreet, jUed eatly thii morning An 80-year resident of this area, in an auto crasii. when doing a balancing act on N. Ek;ton waa behind Democratic Republican Charles P. Taft to win , .TEXAS (24) ^ Governor over former Democratic 'he waa employed for many years Adams was catapulted from his By BDH;IN j . JORDAN, M. D. lected Ehiropean youths who came Ward’s hand. . held k eltm lead in the other. M. Cross electedi Governor and all unpracedented fourth term. GOP Sen. .Rush Holt, now a Republican. at the Manmefter Memorial Hoa- to Nashville as .fpiests of 'Youth Ictlnf hooetc4 Fiorida'a dele- Representatives fe-elected on Sept. Rep. Mike Mansfield in the Senate Eisenhower but close. Demo­ OLD RIB GETS BUYEB pital. in .the local textile mills Ss a Oar when It struck a road bank on . Written for NEA Servloe race. One Republican elected to Sen^ John W. Bricker re-elected, cratic Gov. Allan Shivers re-elect­ Dem^cnitic Sen. Harley M. iOlgore WHITE dreaaer. It is wise to issue a wanting Incorporated trf help further In­ front the preeent^alx, ' 8. All Republicans. Angola, Ind.—tJV-Ckfiton Bom in Sweden on Nov. 27,1883, U. S. Route 6-A in Columbia. Dr. ternational understanding. House, btbei; uiidecided. Old count: defMting former Price Stabiliser ed and former SUte Atty.-Oen. also ahead. In House, DemocraU ler said ha didn’t know,what to do He was bom in Midgely, Eng- John Flaherty, medical examiner, about appendicitis ,every once in •t*.' MARYLAND. (9) ! - . Michael V. DiSaUe. Mpuhileana kept two of their six seaU, with G LA SS C O . he had been a resident of Man­ Now 19; Claire flew back here Plan New Ships Went for Eisenhower. Republi­ 1 1 Price Daniel, a Democrat, named with a 6-foot mastodon rib he in­ lanii, the son of George and Mary said the Columbia man died of a a while. This la a tricky and fairly OCOROIA (It) NEBRASKA (t) won 15, I>emocrata five House to sueeced retiring Sen. Tom Con- fdur in doubt. 24 Bireh SL BIsneheSter chester for' the paet 50 years and A. Scott Greenwood. Survivors In­ comnfion condition, andd laia probably from 'Switzerland recently to en­ Stevenson ahead> Democrats re- cans elected J. Glenn Bealel as Its, with three in doubt. Former herited until he carried It down a retired as ai loom fixer at Cheney fractured skull. ter Vanderbilt University as a Smator, won four oL^ven House Elsenhower’a A Republican nally. Shivers and Daniel en­ WUM)6n SIN (12) street in Detroit. clude one son, Robert U, of Rock­ A passepget in the car, Mrs, still responaible for several thou- For Coci^Fishing oe4 the 10 l^eusa seats- No Sen- sweep, also eIccUng former LL lineup: Republicans 19, Democrats dorsed Eisenhower end Republi­ For EiseiSiower.. Republican A stranger stopped him and paid Brothers lait year after 45 years ville; three daughters, Mrs; Henry sald deaths every year, most of freshman. ' ' She was met at the iiktor or Governor race, seats (o break a 3-3 Madlock be­ 6, Indapendent 1. bf aervice there. Margarft O'Connell of Willimsn- plane by many of the friends she fore rcMlUtricting added one. No Gov. Robert B. Croeby as Gover­ csns endorsed them. Unopposed Gov. Walter J. Kohler, Jr., and $10 for the bone. He explained he Degenkolbe a n d - Miss Lillian tic. was hospitalized with a dlslo-' which could be prevented.'' t IDAHO (4) nor, re-electing Sen, Hugh BiiUer OKLAHOMA (9) DemocraU won all 22 ^ouse seaU, Republican Sen. JoMpn R. Mc­ already owned one mastodon skele­ A meTnber of the . Emanuel Greenwood of Rockville, and Mrs. For this reason it ia safer not made two years ago. "Coming' Quebec, Canada — iff) — Fic- ^ ESaenhower carried. Republicana Governor election, Lutheran C3iurch, he was also a cated hip. to -Vanderbilt has been my great­ turesque but not-too-safe Ashing to a third term and elecUng For Elasnhosvsr. No Oovsmor or Including one added by redistrict- Carthy both re-elected. GGP won ton. ' ' . i. Henry Friedrch of Hollis, Long Is­ Adams, who waa 31 years of; to take chances about any tyihp- ikept one House seat, other in MASSAdSUSETTS (16) Dwight Grlawpld . to the term of Seoata race, but DemocraU won Ulf.-':. . . member of the Brotherhood of land. N. T.; four grandchildren and toms syhlch might possibly mean est ardbltion,” she beamed. smacks .that do Gaspe Peninsula t'^ n h L Republicans held both :in F.li^nhnwT. in « elnse one. Fo'r- - the Tate Ben.- Kenneth S. -Wherryr live of six House eeaU. Old align­ tltit cbMPcb. i nd of VibIr ScandiR ■appendleHio-than-lt -it—to^-gnmWe- ■ yeaJL Yanderbill_offered waters , will soon—he_rcplaced by- Congress. rT A H (4 ) seven greal-grandchlldreh;' Dec. 1, 1020, the son of Mr. and scholarships to all 22 of the Eu­ mer GOP Rep. Chrlirtian A. fierier whiim ends Jan. 8, 1955. OOP re­ ment, before loss, of- two by cs- Etsenhovrer’s. RepubUcane re­ Lodge No. 23 and Enighet Lodge, Funwal sevlces Will be Held Frl- that they mean aomfething else. 40-ton high-powered, vessels cosU .....nxiNou (SI) was leading Gov. Paul A. Dever tained all four House seats. diatrictlng. waa DemocraU 5. rRo- elected Gov. J. Bracken Lee and lOGT. ______...... day'at 3 p. lie from liir late Test- ,J)l£a.„.Kenneth Adams.. Sr. He was The appendix usually lies iit the ropeans. Claire was. the flrst . to Jng $22,500 each. Went 'Blsenhovser. Elate Treas- for Governor. Democrat John F. NKVADA (8) publicana 1, vacancies 2. Sen. Arthur V. Watkins «id. in’ He leaves hit wife, Mrs. Hanna dvnee under the supervision of the employed at the Empire Tool tower right part of the abdomen. take up the offer. The vessels,, designed for Idng- er WllUam G. Stratton, a Re- Kennedy, former Representative, Elsenhower iti' Republican OREGON (9) Johnson;' two .eons, Lennart O. Manufacturing Company in Man­ But it can be on the left side fSt It line cod'Ashing, are S5tg feet long blican, was leading Lt. Gov. beat Republican Sen. Henry Cabot took upeeU, wrested both House seats L, A. White Fimeral Home. Rev. Sen. George W. Malone re-elected Eisenhower two to one, with from IMmocrais. Johnaon and Erlahd R. Johnson, Foriyst Musser, pastor of t^b chester. There are no other sur­ can be twisted so that it lies to­ and are pow*rcd by six-cylinder, berwood Dixon, a Democrat, in Lodge, Jr., for the Senate. In the over Democrat Thomas B.' Me- half the votes in. Repuldieans kept VERMONT (9) YOU CM DEPEND ON both of Manchester; one daughter, Union Oongmgational Church, will vivors. ward the back. . The symptoms Keeps 300 Tanks 105-horsepower diarel engines. i the fovemor'a race. RepubUcani House, it was six Democrats, six four House seaU. No Governor or Rev. Henry G. Wyman, pastor often reflect its position. They’ll, be offered to fishermen on !.won 14 House seaU. Democrats chititg, Tba one House seat, now Republican all the way. Und- Mrs. Pearl Hultman. also of Man­ officiate. Burial will be in Grove Republicsns, with tw/> undedd^. Democratic, in doubt. Senate election. ... sliding for Elsenhower, and .re­ chester; eight grandchildren; two Hill Cemetery.' Calling hours at of the Columbia ' Congregational Acute appendicitis docs not al­ the'instalment plan without in­ d ^ h t, with three undecided. Old Old lineup; Republlcsns 8 to A Church, Avlll officiate at the funer­ Of Friendly Fish «n~-up. before redUtrictlng' drop- NEW HAMPSHIRB (4) PENNSYLVAIOA (98) electing sen. Ralph E. B ^ ^ r s . brothers. Carl Johnson of Crom­ the home are tomorrow afternoon ways cause severe pain. In older terest. BHOHIOAN (29) An Elsenhoyirer landslide. .Re­ well and Enr)il Johansson in Swe­ al aervlces. Cremation will take people particularly the pain may i.The federal government, will NO OTHER WHISKEY GIVES YOU one, waa Republicana 18 to 8. Eisenhower leading. Democratic ' Biaenhower carried. Republican Clov. Lm E. Emerson and the lone BENSON'S and evening. publican Hugh Gregg elected Clov- Sen. Edward Martin re-elecUd. No RepresenUtive. den: five sisters. Miss Linnea Jo- place at Springfleld, Mass. be Blight and may not be located Jackaonvllle, Fla.—(ffl'—"I never pay $6,il00 on each vessel. The INDIANA (IS) Gov. G. Hennen Wllliama seeking epnor. Republlcaiis kept both hanson of IllinoU, Mri. Anna K. where It Is expected to be. In fact., fisherman wiU .make a down pay- tP 'Qufled by Eisenhower. GOP thirf term, trailing Fred it. Alger; .raca for Gavemot,. Rapubllcana' VIRGINIA CU) mait a flsh I didn't like." says IH I 4 1 0 , ^ 3 House a e a ts ^ S e n a te elecObh. won 19, DemocraU 11 House seats. jPirst to crack th e. solid South ^Johnson and Mlsa Alma Johnson, Mia, Jessie Quinley- . the pain. Is. llkfly to he pretty Frank-Ward-who has 300 tanks of jnenL of ,$3,500. And. give the. pro:) 3Ben, William K Jenner re-elected Jr„ Republican. Sen; Blair Moody, of Pasadena,. Calif.-, and Mrs. The funeral of Mrs. Jessie Quin- much over the entire abdomen, at George N. Craig. Republican Democrat, behind Charles E. Pot­ NEW JERSEY (19) “ Before redistricting cost threefold for* Eisenhower. Democratic Sen. F u n era ls flsh on his flsh farm. vinclal government 13 per cent of Elsenhower's. Sen. H. Alexander lineup: DemocraU 13, Republicana Harry F. Byrd re-elecUd. Demo / • lETTER SERVICE Hanson and Mrs. Anne' ley. widow of Robert L. Quinley, least at first. _ Ward’s hobby is tropical flsh, his yearly catch until the remain­ rand former national commander of ter, Republican. Nine Republicans, on, both in Sweden; and aev- was held this afternoon at 2 Vomiting with appendicitis ia CIMNCI Q V M lir •the American Legion, elected Gov- four Democrats jclected in House, Smith re-elected. No Oovernbr’ji 20. craU won seven House seats. Re­ Arthur W. Norton which he says have a lot Of human ing $12,400 is paid. race. Republicans won nine. Demo­ RHODE ISLAND (4) publicans three. Old lineup, before • RETTER INSTALLATION lieces and nephews. o’clock at the Holmes Funeral common, but diarrhea is rare. temor. Rmublicans captured 10, of With five in doubt. Old alignment, Funeral services for Arthur W. Home with ReV. Clifford O. Simp- •the 11 House seats. Olil lineup: crats five of the 14 House seats, Eisenhokrer by 206,351 to 200,- one new dUtrict created in re- The Puneral will be held Friday Norton of 11 Lllley street, who Fever Is the rule, though this is before M lchi^^ gained ohe seat reUUning the old division. / • C H O IC E OF REST MAKES afternoonxat 2 o’clock at the Em- spn. minister of the Center Con­ often not very high. Appendicitis jBepublicana 9 to 2. ' by rediatricUng: Democrats 5, Rs- 209. Sen. John O.' Pastore, Gov. districting, was nine DemocraU, died Monday morning after a short NEW MEXICO (4) . Daiuila J. s|toberU and both Repre- no RapuMicana. 7 ■ \ . PHILOO — RCA — EMERTON. amiei Lutheran Church, with thf illness, were held this afternoon gregational Church, officiating. is almost always accompanied by ♦' IOWA (!•) pubHcana IX ’ pastor, Rev.'Carl 01.son. officiat­ Interment' was In the Stafford an increase in .the number of white ” Eisenhower apparent winner. MINNESOTA (II) .ptured by Eisenhower. Re­ aenUtives, All Democrats, re-elect­ WASHINaTON (9) at 3:17 at the Holmes Funeral publicanubilc Gov. EMwln L. Mechen ed. ’ For Elsenhower, but Republican ing. Interment Will be In the East Home. Rev. Jamea Bell of the Springs Cemetery. \ cells In the blood. • Republlcaiis re-elected Gov, Wll- Won by Elseahower. Republicana Cemetery. \ Bearers were James Toner, Paul Cathartics or laxatives- are dan­ 1 »Vb !lism B. Beardsley and retained all re-elected Gov. C. Elmer Anderson re-elected. Democratic Seii.j' Den­ SOUTH GAEOUNA (8) Sen. Harry P. Cain trailing Demo­ Church of the Nazarene ofllciateJ. nis Chaves ahead of Republican For Stevenson. AU .six Demo­ crat Henry M. Jaduott and Repub- TfRMS ANP TRADES Friends msy calf *t the Watkins Bearers . wera. UaiOld vNottonj. Fitzpatrick, Carl Matson and John gerous^ If there la the slightest •sight House seats. No Senate race. and Sen. Edward J, lliye and won Quinley— - quealiotTof appehdicltla. the beat . KANSAS (8) two House seats to the Democrats Patrick J. Hurley. Two House cratic RepreaenUtlveS . returned. Funeral Home. 142 ' East Center Richard Norton and Edward Nor­ '4 . 0 3 •2 , 5 3 « . Usenhower won. Republican one, with six iii doubt. Old setup; seata, now.DemocraUc, in doubU _ .No election for Senator or Oover' street, tomorrow, evening between ton, aona of the* deceased,-Ralph thing_ t,0-.do_whlle waiting, for. a vv/f/i the NEW YORK (45) nor. the hours of 7 and 9:30. Norton, nephew of the deceased. diagnosis is to eat and drink noth­ Governor Edward F. Afn re- Republicana 5 to 4. ing at all. atected. Republicans dropp^ one MISSISSIPPI (8) Elsenhower’s by about a million. SOUTH DAKOTA (4) John Johnston, son-in-law, and 7»Ycar’01cl Boy RepuMiean Irving M. lves won an-' - Eisenhower-, about -two to one, BENSOM'SCfooe . ■ Henry E. DfcWnson T;;- ' Henry Glesccke. ------EuaXATIVERBANOKROUfl.- .Hoose seat to Democrats, kept the '■'CarMtd by stevehson. 8iii:i i;uiti:i> in race for balance of late Sen. raca for Governor. A aee-saw battle for presidenL thlir afternoon out of respect to the inflamed and germ-laden con­ Eisenhower, even with most pre­ Inr department■g.upplove. safe robber on its hands recently. tents into the abdominal cavity. !■ , VtrgU Chapman’s term ending Jan cincts counted. Demoorat Phil M. NORTH CAROLINA (14) Born In Tolland on July 2.7. 1880. him. ' ^ |W M M (IYs«OP«OOV*«S% WAIN HUUnUtt 8WOT1 S, 1955. Four Democrats, two Re­ Went to Stevenson. Democrat Police Chief Blaine Maddox Moat of the deaths from ap­ Donnelly elected Governor, Demo­ ha was a resident In this elt«' for Mr*. George Chetelat pendicitis could be avoided If v m PUMOIMAItN MSmUffO COWORATWH, > iiin u ,ti.Y W publicans won for the House, with crat Stuart Symington unseated William B. Umstead elected gover­ .7.7 years. He was the sen of Fran­ gave this account; A amall boy nor. Democrats dropped one House Funeral ^rvices for Mrs. Mar­ more people realized the risks of two in doubt, old lineup, before GOP Sen. James P. Ke'm. In House, cis and Lucy Noyee Dickinson. garet .C het^t, wife of George took a seat in , a shoe store. Clerks using laxatives or of waiting too Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Chetelat of .SJUpslq road. Rock­ figured he waa waiting for hia long before removing the appen­ mother and ignored Him. He went 'Tberza Watson Dickinson; four ville, were held'^ls morning at dix. In addition to surgery the ISO son.'. Everett. T..eon and Eugrene of 8:30 from the T. P. Hollornn to the store's opened safe, took use of antibioUca has -helpekl Rockville and Crawford of Frank­ pSinerRl Home and ^^9 o’clock at 8317 and walked but unch^lenged. greatly. lin. N. H.; one daughter, Mrs. St. James’ Church, ^cv. Edgar ” 1 a wrist watch and a he. H4, Tea Everett Gyngell ^f Tolland: four Farrell was the celebrkpt at the wallet, tried to give money away Cemcllmen AWOL Septic Tanks Cleaned COUPON sisters. Mrs. Fred Baker and Mrs. solemn requiem high Mft^s, Rev, on Park Avenue and went to a CoR MoneliMNr's SnwtraQ* SpneiaHtta tone Smith of Springfleld. Mass.. George Hughes the deaedn and movie where he flashed some $30s. Du Quoin. 111.—(ffi—The city Mrs. Grace Stebbins of Wales. Rev. John Hannon the sub deacon. Police, acting on a tip, made a council made local history thi Mass., and Mrs. Maude Howe of Mrs. Jane Maccarone presided, at hectic search of the movie house, other night by - doing nothing. Torrlhgton: four grandchildren the organ. 's. finally finding the boy under a Clerk Sam Clark said for the first iSBsMaxih.. SAVE TWO WAYS: seat. PR89CRIFTION PHARMACY and two great-grandchildren. Bearers were Armand Chetelat, time in his 30 years In office and 901 MAIN STREf T* MANCHtSTLK (1) LOW PRICE . . . the moat modem equlpnwt m d mmr DRUG STORE Servlcea will be held Friday at Oscar Chetelat, John Tlernry, \ The shoe store did not note Its perhaps for the first time In the chinrry In Connecticut makes poaalble a BETTER JOR at • 1:30 p. m. from the White Funer­ Michael Fceley, John Elward and loss until the day'.s end. The chief city’s 99-year history a council LOWER PRICE. — jm«»LSTlBLATiL_JMfli-SBm reeVered $308 and called juvenile was unable to hold a regular meet­ (2) YOUR JOR IS ENGINEERED . . . all septic tanks. Draln- I PIASTK ■ ' al Home with Rev. Edwin Brooks, Gustave Schaller. authorities to take over. pastor Of the Rockville .Baptist Father Hughes read the com- ing for a lack of quorum. agn and aewer lines are Installed under the watchful sRper- OH SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY ■niMBLERSa m m SHOP . vtalon of a Drainage Engineer. RESULT: You are proteetefi I _ WMh Oeapea against coatly ..blunders . . . A BIG SAVING. An'-engtaeered Jok gires you LASTING AND SATISFACTORY RESULTS. ‘W ciC ^ x^ eKC lgeH C ^ d rug store ■ 2 H, 21e ■ (Limit 4) Be Safe! • * .[Be Sure! SIGHT ------IC A L L ^ — SAVERS MINERAL OIL ■ . / 4 ... c in n e y b r o s 27* PINT. U.S.P. QUALITY (Umii i>.... . 10‘ THE M K : 777 Main St. Manchester, Conn. 2-3448 On FaH and Winter Wearing Apparel for Men and Boy$ SEWERA8E DISPOSAL COMPANY DRAINAGE and SEWERAGE ENGINEERS LUX SOAP 1^ 132 Ptori.SffTOt, MottchMfM^Td. i3R r^ RtOULAII SIZE CAKES (UaUtS) A T- -r; BALLERINA J)iaiQ9jid^^ Army Navy Store ' 7 MIPPOSITORIES 4 1 FESTIVAL QLYCENIN-INFANT. ADULT (Limit2).. Make These Tim^y Offerings For Thurs., Ffi. and Sat. LewMt Rric* in Town SWEAT MORE ALL WOOL TOILET PAPER 3 BLANKETS . \ .$6.95 $1.9&4 h 2 r.,$3 ;^ Worth 110.00. Green, navy and gray. - Stibo.tfy gby/ Trfph Or^lMfr , ■ ' 7 M* n a n VHutlm gt«w8l> 7 AH erfors and lwRYy:iriiW»t. / . ... / 70% rtoV 80% iiyon. |5.OTjB»ch. tUfiMi IMUili "PHnELl" fITM lIN in • 7 StyW -to choose. 34Anh AQ i DMMte tlM I9mn. ..4 « T Im4.»qbM • New faU and winter mod­ tolof choice. IstsMMMQ. i F els in sizes 4-9. SWEATERS UNION SUITS Handkerchiefs FOR THAT WARM FEEUNO Turtle Neck, HEAVY RIBBED Fresh RUBBER Goods! SALE-WOMEN’S DRESS SHOES 12 For $1.00 V-Nedi, Amy. \ $1.98 FuU size. LOW. CUBAN HIGH HEELS $2.98 u. FLEECED LINED ....$2.98 REG. 3.98^.91 VALUES

We Have The Largeist Assortment In ur H isto ry Variety of colora and a ty l^ SIzea tVi-S. r NAVY k M 3 Not all alies In all atylea but all aizee la group. Moatly black and B-15 BOMBER blue apme red, brow£ ■_ fER COATS FIELD JACKETS JACKETS jM J W - «,;;C$12.95 PRAWStRIXO NATIONALLY S9Ri <-^11435 ' $ 9 . 9 5 ; E : r C^OLDREN’S $ 9 . v 5 Warm aad llervlceablo ADVERTISED SNAPPY HORSEHIDE INFANTS’,-CH lU atN 'S, eaOW IN « I R U ’ CAMPUS 6 TANKER GABARDINE ..LEATHER f Take advantage now of Low fta. M r—„ L—1 -I...... I...... COATS E ast T z a k s for a supar.^ JACKETS AU Wool value Philco Model 182^1^ JACKET Picture is both bigger and Warmly Lined CHILDREN CAL O K Warm .lined. Self Ckdiar JACKETS H " I n " m b ' ' Each .... G “9 » 4 fG Lons ones, short ones at better than many other so- FINS I biff savinffs, called 17-inch sets- Qama in ^ CoidblSO ■ MEN $6 o95 Each $ 6 .9 5 $8.95 -Shop Here and Save ' fo^ a free demonstration. 2 i15‘i •Phil

' ’’ •■I : ) I ■'ll H'f' ■ h r i ’ ^r ■ ' •!■.- ■li- ■ 4 . VX-' - r-V^rv:^f-“ i' •I, >/

It^CHESTEK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN« WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1952 - • PAfiS SIXTEEN -----..■>-n,-» ■■l■l.;■l ...... ’ [ i ■■ i m Ti i nn ■■ m ■ ii li »■■ > Ti— — — — IIASC8tE$TEK EVtJNmft HEIULD/MANfcHESTER, tO N N , WIEDNESDAY' KOVEWBER FAGB8BVBNTBW* . ^publicans Dexter H. Bum- HaroicT'Johnaon and Fred Doocy. . L0na - Elmore, Mrs. Hazel New- ham; Lath er W ; -Burnhamv Harrid- 1‘tnn berryi^M ra HeieirHP(nrne)U|m, Mre. k l i l ^ p aW fiWtii w ll MaHeii tJprLahdsUde Mrs. Ruth Alien, grancf Mary . Anilrosa and Mrs. ' Helen CtoughX Jamel*** CUfty. W « h ir a Shultx; gold aiid x llw r iurrowa; 8^. ko'-for ^ vifia n Defense - MnW -the charge or -the -a^par. l t w a » votad- r-i— • A. DeUert, Dorothy Hull. CyrUs and her aifaoclate staff of .grand Parham. SCOUT Cushing, X R obert Dennen, John len 'Newton, gold and silver ar< Legion Auxiliary 8 ^ laat meeting were reported. to Invite Mrs./Vary Taylorlor qndand Landslide Victory Morse, Jonn Sele, Hazel Van Slck- officers is scheduled for ^ 'officia l New Mod&ls Dewhurst, nqbert Edelson, David Mrs.' Wllbqr Little, gold star MIsa Emily Smith from thee edina- rows; Anthony Zeloiils, gold,, ar­ Gardiner, Rai)>^ Howard, Royal chairman, announced that Invita­ rial" sta ff o f .The Herald;1; M f ^ lin. Edward V ery and Richard visitation tonight at thp-Evergreen Mancheeter-; Evening 8 e r a I d row; Walter HclenakI, bear ba^ej Sale Tomorrow Victory in For Eisenhower White; Democrats. Roland Aubin, Wood (!3iapter. Order of Eastern NOTES Isham, Glenn Jorgenson, David tions had been sent to the gold Adelina - Perry o f: Thompaonville, P H O N E S 6 0 0 W apping earree|MHHtent, Mrs. An­ Raymond Stewart, gold arrow; star mothers to be guests of the district membership chairman; John Madden, John Cutler, Wiliam f '* -. Masonic Temple.'A Kittle, Gregory King, John Lang. Dennis Keith, silver arrow; Fred Thresher, Howard Bennett, Bene­ dinner will h «,$ erv ed at 6:3Q p. m. nie CoUlnsi Telephane Mnnrhester X' Paul Martin, John McKiem an, John { A food and novelty sale ^iVfll. be American Legion' at the Armistice and Mrs,. Genevieve Barrett o f KockvIUt, No*. » —(Special)— i I Wapping. Nov. 5— (Special)—A and Vengzia. silver arrow; Ray Doten- Day dinner at the Legion Home on Norwich, department membership dict Kupchunos, Barbara Murray, v^ommlttee-^members are Mrs. 4419. McLoughlln, W illiam M 1 n n e y, in, gold arrow; James McIn- held at the J; W. Hale Department lia community, aeat of Tolland, landslide Republican victory here Nov. 11. Plans were made for the chairman. FMI VMK OHSOf ar FMf NOSES Richard Neville, Stanley Orlander, em ey, lion and allver arrow s; Store all day. Thursday, Nov. 20, mty. today recorded a amaah- NEWS annual membership potluck to be last night saw a record total of Robert Putrlck, Richard Sloan, Marshall Potter, William Engle-' bjr the American Legion Auxiliary, Approximately 40 Ranch Style Homes R^bllcim victory in almost -% held.iat the next meeting, Nov. 17. Great Britain is Uw seventh ' 1.250 ballots cast In GeA. Dwight David Smith, Edward Teabo. James son, Bruce Hippie, Everet Tuttle Mrs. Ruth H i c k o X, community eenteato and in figuring thej A t a meeting held in the Keeney largest Island in the world, having Available 'niironghoot Manchester ' D. Elsenhower’s favor. There are j X Venlzia, James Antonio, Robert and James Flanagan, silver ar­ service chairman, reported at the Mrs. Theodore Fairbanks, mem­ _ ]y for the 18 towna comprising bership chairman, wlH be in an area of 88,603 square miles. 2,337 registered voters in the com- WITH '^.Rtraet School on Tuesday, Oct. 21, Danahy, Byron Lovell, Richard rows; Gary Durast, bear badge; meeting of the auxiliary Monday he SSth SUte Senate District. ap< : munity and a tabulation Showed' Oldham, Raymond Girard, Thomas night at the American Legion ^ sUy impressive landslide was ‘\* organization for the coming Phil Robenhymer, gold and silver mRREN HOWUND iREALTf I that 91.7 took part in the national ; yeap,waa formulated. Pack 144 is Thcrrien, David Therrlen, PhlUp arrows; Russell ScrutoA, silver ar­ Home. Members having articles to oted for Ralph Q. Broil. - / {election. > Hence and Allan Rudd. donate to the novelty sale are. re­ \ n 543 WOODBRIDGE S’TREET Broil, a Bolton resident, defeat- ■imnsoM by the PTA of the row; William Middlebrook, Doug­ las MacDonald and Kenneth Gib­ quested tb'contact her. 1 Mary C. Brennan in the Senate I The vote for Stevenson wa.s 879. [ a^b o). iTKMe in attendance showed Additional awards went to the bons, bear badges. During the business meeting iU OUR NEW LOCATION .^tast with a cheerful margin. j Lorally. aj-nton Buckland ran] CDnala«rxbI^, interest.' and the following: Brian , Wagner, bear slightly ahead o f his party by p o ll-! badge and two silver arrows; contributions to; the Oirh Scout, Towns making Vlf' the 35th Dis- X. m eeting yiras'fenccessful. - Irig 1,13(T volfa ■ to defeat his] The mebting *aX under the dl- Richard Bennett, gold am} silver The average American drinks Boy Scout and Red Cross "C^rlst- ilet also happeh tq be the entire mas on the high seas'T-proJecLw ere 143 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST m ui^^i of Tutuid County. ^ '-Demeoratte-rfvaV^tt y, Edwa rd R^l re c t^ -o f- Rcbert^^ a g enow -nnd -arrows; -Rene row and five silver arrows; Robert day. voted. Ten hours of volunteer aerv- ON THE RIGHT, OVER THE TRACKS FROM MAIN STREET AT Talliee Figures I Kiiehn. for state representative. . Victor Herring and the following _____^^’nficReS up a total o f | - Eighteen i>eace justices elected4 officers were elected: Xhalrman,' 1,0^ according to the Associated Paul Young; secretary, Ji-v Hugo a while hU. rival only polled Benson, treasurer, Oscar Kurtz; RM((X and FUEL OE actiyltie's director, J. -Pierce; ( votes. Here’s how the d^allot- • s.lN M I N d l Of went town by town. In\ all vancement planner, Russell NetUeH Manefiester Broil's vote is listed first ton; Institutional representative, Phone 3979 24 HoJIr Delivery Service hile Mrs. Brennan s is the seX- So lovel.v" they’ll make epecial occa­ Victor Herring, cub master, Am­ HELENA RUBINSTEIN I figure. sions more special! brose Delhi, kssls^ant cubmaster, A good selection of modem and Venetian mirrors. How Andover, 400—264; Bolton, 645 R. Hagenow. Den mothers selected about It mirror for that frame in^he attic. Estimates -3M : Columbia, 538—231; Coven- were Mrs. Gutrod, Mrs. Herring i4 ii—9S2; ETington, 1011— TW or^nr^wtii ' arid Mrs.'Tourig. Additibrial women 3-WAY PERMANENT gladly given - on fireplace And d0(i;r"ihirmrB, glass fnrnL H0R1ART7 BROTHEBS KENNETT • 17 Jew tb Hebrtm,-446—21»tT Mansfield, See .O ur Glanriofous voluntqered to serve as assistants .lure topa._...... \..v... :...... NaturM Gold-filled Case Natural Gold-filled Caae to the den mothers. The charter SIS CENTER STREET T E U KISS' 1710—031; Somers. 804 -685; -9 OPEN THURSDAY EVE. ALL DAY SATURDAYS was nviewed and application for N First Home Peftnanent with Ptafftird, 1626— 1020; Tolland. 609 J .. Fsilut Studio. 18K Gold Numerals and 18K Gold Roman Numerals same is being made .and should be I __ 828; Union, 121— 56; Vernon, Sen.-Elect BroU FORA\ALS Dots on Silver Dial snd Squares on Silver Dial 'J288—2790, and Willinglon, 454— received In the near'future. — Take-It or Leave-It Neutralizer 820. On Tuesday, Oct. 28. the first With Leather With Leather pack, meeting was held in the Kee­ / ___ Ot-erwhelmiag Response / and Mrs. Francis Cfhartler, 59 Strap $ 6 4 0 0 ^ Strap ..., ney Street SCh(x>1. After Hallo­ - Ihroughout the county voting W inter-street: a son to Mr. -and Priced From ween games Including )>pbbing for Mrs. Edward Bartholomew. StorVa. a ' --"i'- officials reported an almost over­ apples, the pack was split into With With whelming turnout in many cases. DISCHARGED .YESTERDAY: dens for uniform, inspection. A : tSjpo/fs ^Historic Spots Bracelet . $71.50 But few were the citizens left- at Melvin Longfellow, 3 Robin road; Bracelet $71.50 general review o f the cub scout the polls w’hen the closing hour ar­ Mrs. Mary Whelan,- 702 Middle oMussvms oGharches requirements w u held and two to T E L . 8181 rived. Prompt voting early in the turnpike west; Mrs. Lena Hill, famous Restaurants new members were sdmitted, Paul 834-828 day aad~the intense interest in the Rockville; Mrs. Dorothy Petrie, 30 Young and Wayne Nettletbn. M A IN S T r M A N C H B g m g national election brought obt the Hyde street; Mrs. Pauline Shee­ • The den mothers and the at­ han. 91 y>eImont street: Mrs. Jes­ 1VI^N-JH»S.“V-K heayiaat balloting, long before cur- LOW COST tending parents met together a ^ 5 I- sie SWIfel ; 40 N orth 'B chobfxtreet; •'the ■eub' acoat'achtvement- plan w a * The'county vote; Katkryn Glg11o.'’ 10 Olcott street; TWIE- explained. Den mothers agreed to For Prertdent-Eisenhower, 13,* Mrs. Diane Haller, Cromwell; Ha­ . get together and plan the projects rold Gill, 125 Walker street. \- 466, Stevenson, 0,425. U. S. Senate -FROM MANCHESTER a t ne t ^ fo r the coming den, meetings and short term-Bush 11,992, Ribicoff DISCHARGED T O D A Y : Mrs. Jo also to arrange schedules for the * 1 10,770. U. S. Senate, long term- Anne Zaccaro and son, Rockville; Tax JEWELERS assistants. Mrs. Hagenow offered «k ... ’"r Purtell 17.664. Benton 9.651. N fl- John Barrett, 35 Deepwood drive; Incl. to arri|nge a. list of baby sitters BUY POWER TOOLS ON LAY-AWAY 1 Stephen Platz. 215 Hollister street; “"'’'$3.45 5.3.3 MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER ,for Use by the assistant den moth­ lems and M cLeyy polled a negligi­ A** fy' J. Lawrence- Preston, Jr., 68 Bow­ ers when necessary. R/" ble vote. Oongressman-at-Iiarge- Children Under 12— Half Fara 6 n LY lOSB d o w n h o l d s y o u r CHRISTMAS GIFT SgLECTION UNTO. DEC 18: Sadlak 13,846. Prlbyson 9,562. Con­ ers street: Peter Minor. 431 Ly- TTie theme fo r (Tub Scouts In , Children Under 6—Free November is "Faith of Our Fath­ gressman, Second District-Seely- dall street; Margaret VViKson. 154 ,\ ers'' which deals with the heritage > BrOwn 18,292, Citron 9.594. School street; Mary Louise Kowell, Sunday train leaves Manches­ L. 107 Helaine road; Carol Edwards, ter at 9:39 A . M. that Is ours hsiving been piused -a* 428 Porter street. through the generations from the fer Neneel Heb Nr PreMes^ M—And er Pysd Heir Per a leficr Wave es esy Heir Rctiira train leaves South Sta­ BRIDAL SHOP time of the pilgrims. tion, Boston, at 6:45 P. M, J • • On Wednesday evening the (Tuba iTown Court Nolles Popcorn pops because it has a 753 M A IN ST.-r-TBa* 2-^474" of Pack 151 enjoyed a pack meet­ . .4.-^ - ; hard casing -which holds back Three Waves In One, for Every Type of Hair N STATE THEATER BLDO. ing program conducted entirely by V iRoad Rules Charge steam pressure which is built up Next To Tert's' BMuty Salon the Cubs. Mrs. W illiam Macppnald. when the corn is heated until an NEW HAVEN Revere Ware Ona-Mep Mlf-noutralii|iiQ permanent styles hair all at the same time. den mother, built the program S H O P 8 M X 7 H exploaion takes place. R p ' L R O A D around the achievements accom­ I The case of Robert F. Ledoux, for normal hair and ehildira’a hair. No A neutra,liier permanent for dyed, {16. of 104 Middle turnpike west. Jewds to Look At— Goms to Cook With plished by each (Tub who ehjoys 5 TOOLS IN 1 - the rank of bear scout. Each check curls! No neutralizing! Just set bleached or problem hair. Oivea a iWiM was involved In an automobile and apply ‘‘Miracle Lotionr ____ . ! accident yesterday and charged achievement was enacted by. tighter, longer-lasting proCsstional-^rpe den. The resulting program and !with violation of rules of the road. An easy pinweve permanent for. any permanent. 2 2 4 . 0 0 “ • was nelled in Town Court this the success with which It was I executed by the (Tubs should give hair that wants a softer curL Waves, sets. S-WAYPERMANENT, 1 .5 0 ploslax {morning by Judge John S. Including 'A -H P mdlerr iRottner on the recommendation of the adult leaders of Pack 151 a I Assistant Prosecutor W. Dav \. ■ definite sense o f ^accomplishment. Buy Shepsmllh--5 big An Induction ceremony con­ .Keith. capacity moier power I ' The accident occurred at "-the sisting of a visit from Akula was ' intersection of Congress and Incorporated In the program. The ARTHUR DRUG STORE tools In 1 rugged unit. Chambers streets. following (Tubs received their bob­ 942 MAIN STREET, AT ST. JAMES STREET See it at. W ords today X Keith said there was no evi- \ cat pins; Robert Buckland, M(ch|(el Jdence of criminal violation. He Bottl. Robert (Talnen, Richard OS) B* Qrculor Sow, -X. ... iindicated that there was nothing Voitical Dd|1 P r^ 12* . to show that Uedo.ix was going lo o fast and said, in fAct. that the Disc Sander, Wood {-accused had the technical right of Lotho oqd Horizontal way. Ledoux, according to police, was Drill Press. Only 1 0 % I traveling - west on . Irving street down, balance monthly. • when his car struck an automobile '|I| IITWWBi ‘driven by Oscar J. Forand, 21, cf BD4CH DIDS. ,Pr.9J5 ’ RFD 2, Bolton, which was going 824-838 TE L. 8161 ..north on Congress street. M A IN 8T. MANCHESTER • Forand Is reported to have told police he stopped his car as he was " ' gibing through the Intersection V— ■- ...... ------when he saw Ledoux’s car ap­ w >ii proaching the intersection at what at^RN - '.-'.k' '' V.. "Forand said w;as. a fast rata of ' e p ^ . ■ • .. About 8200 damage was done to ,tha left front and left rear of Ledoux's car. arid about $100 to I the right front and right rear of Forand's.

. / Court Cases T . /

1. ioeepS Domenigp,__3L._pf ,368 ------X- Oakland street, sought by police, nince Monday when he failed to appear.in Town- Court on a charge o f assault, wga apprehended hy police last night and sentenced' to f c . ' ■lx mbnths in jail in Town Court - ■\ . f: - this morning. In sentencing him, 1 ' j however,' Judge John S. O. Rottner r-> 'W y recommended that Domenico, who wax arreijted on Friday for irttack- ■y. I Ing his wife, be given a mental TTKifg siieu'oU tiret, firo-fofui folor romhination tVuainfiei optional - ' i ^ examination with a view to hav­ extra co$t> E^*» ing him committed to a mental tnstitution. Domenico pleaded guilty to the REO. 32.^ PO)KfR.KRAFT SAW. assault charge when he wa.s pres­ REGULAR 16.98 IlO SAW ented In court He had been ■ * -■ ' • X FOR MEALS THAT"MAKB YOU FAMOUS picked up hy Patrolman John Tur ^ THERE’S NOTHING LIKE REVERE WARE! T9rm§;10% Down 2 9 . 9 5 Balaneo Monlhty h er after Domenico',, wife notified 12-in, M odel 1 4 . 8 8 W fthB lod b pbllcc her husband had returned car makers thought you couldn t Hand knob raises, lowers 7 ' combination blodo— Domenico, whose caae was to have Y ou SAVfe when you cook the REVERE way . , . Light duty Powr-Kraft Sow. Smooth ground cast-irea cuts to 2 ' vert., 1 ot 45*. Wp fence adjusts easily come up Monday, is reported to 8 x 8 ' table tilts up to 45*. 5 ' blade cuts to center of have ))een in N ew 5’ork. a You SAVE fuel . . . because REVERE WARE re­ V-. on T-pc. guide bar. Miter gauge, blade guard. Cast- quires so little heat and water! 2 4 ' cirdo, 1 V i * deop. Sawdust blewor, odjustaMo Judge Rottner .said that, on the .Iron table tilts to 45*, is 20x14* with extensions. baais o f Domenico’s pa.«t retMjrd V-type blodo guide. Sturdy cast-iron frame, base. he )>elieved Domenico should be a You SAVE food . . . becau.se REVERE WARE means : ■ ■■ coBunitted to a mental Institution; equal the finest cai^s'in^uahty m r- .-n^ “ hotspot^” ii0..iscQrched.fooda, no foodahrinkage! ■ .1-:, and told Auistant Prosecuting ...-^. -Altompy W- David Keith-tp s.et o You SAVE Fll,AVOR, VITAMINS and MINERALS the machinery ip motion for'-hav., Y> 111 iMy* U'jfc.'' r?rr “ * ^ * ------— — “ i * . — J FT. V — mm — 8wl:y*ktr — . rf-. < .*■. y s u ^ , vzi.-r.-x ir<^Ty.-vi’^^*«e>wuiEUWAnt.e'lr*xucr .'.T' men- inrprieei COPPER'CLADJor quick, even heat . . . *'T "i’ I tally ill by examining phYsicians. REO. 39.93 34.93 HEAVY.' cither cases disposed of this STAINLESS STEEL for jewel-like beauty that lasts. %' rnomlng were'^those of' Karl Max ELEC. SAW DUTY DRILL Wenzel,, 21. of 9.5 ^laple street. Huy REVERE WARE for lifetime cooking perfection t ‘ traffic ^ight viblatfon. $9; Donald R. Aspinall. 17. of 44 Cedar street, you can have a car that compares with the d e fv tlv e equipment; 822:. and Hrn- ( 3 3 . 8 8 • 3 1 . 4 4 > : - ! • { ry H. Rlatau of 25 Durkin street, Ws ^lll Haw A Bood I © I U-tum on Main street. $5. 6 '1 4 ' crOsscUt-rip blade Large-copocity drill with T" iChoics 01 Bsibt For Spris(-Flo]Nn arts to 2Vb' vert., 1 ?« ' Vk-ln. geared chucks ... at a price that with the lowest. SI at 45°. Hot bevel guide Mikal-cut steel gM ii^ Hospital Notes r ^ OET'm iM PLANTSp NOW and blade guard. 34-HP. ohaninum-oHoy housing. . ' i _ For n0-120V,AC-DC 4 5 0 RPAA. A C o r t > Q P A ’n E N T S TO D A Y : Rjchaiid TOYIAND NOW OPEN' - Marsh, 18 Newman street;,’ Mrs. LAWN RAKES AND SWEEPERS - i - Emma* Veen. 82 Wa.sbinglon ; r ■ ■ , 4 .. ■' * ■ / ' ■treet; Joseph Oohen. Ellington; N o w o n d er F o rd is iS most wanted SI DOWN ON LAY-AWAY HOLDS ANY TOY PURCHASE UP TO $20 TILL DEC. 18 LawTence Kearns, 20 Drive B: Da­ SALT HAY smI STRAW FOiMULOHlNR vid Ruddell, 44 Bissell street; Fred ' Splelman. Jr., RocKVille; Mrs. n: I ' ' L ■ ' ' ■ ^ ■ ' Beatrice Breen, 64 Drive B: Philip i g) siitewaHc Biko, b o lo ^ rs, agw to 10...14.95 Q Sktglo Gun, ‘*Wostom"i«a1horholstor... .9$ ST -i- E l e c t r i c REO. 20.30 Burgesa. 30 North Elm' street; j (i) Rod ttool W o g ^ body 3 5 x 1 6 x 4 % '.;. 4.95, ® Grow ShM l— skill gemw^With “pop" gun I.9D' Hdward Phillips. 290. Hackmatack car. N o wonder so are SAW, t-IN. ® bLBC. DRILL ■treet; Mrs. M argaret Wataon,. ]@Folding Corriogo, artificial kerfhor.. . . 4.69 Q AAefol BJtw Willow,Too Sift, 21 ptocas. . * .91 V " ! Rockville; Mrs. Laura Sullivan, 15 • / Welcome place: Mrs. Joaephine DI- ,@R«dPadalDik«fortotsto3yadri...... 4.15 | @ Bulldozmshc>phharmlos6spodp.....>... 3.47 Minico. 368 Oakland street - 4 9 . 5 0 1 9 . 9 5 ,, I, ..i' a d m i t t e d YESTERDAY; @ Muiicdl Topr— goy IHhogropImd stool toy .91' ^ (i) R u d o lf Ploy Iron, wWi cord and “plug" .91 Bonny Mae Roberta, < 120 Sura- Cresseut-rip blade outs Piitol-grip model hm'' ' on Ford even in cases it means waiting. 0 16' PlmhJoar cind Pandas o' 0 o O'* o a o o o o lo 19 @ Fronch Dial Tokphono-'-boll rings./. .94 mer street: ‘ George Gould. 73 to 2 H ' at vortical, 2* ■ Chestnut street. it,, ‘ 14* georod dwdb Stool .1; , ) @ 16' DrosMd Baby— aH vinyl. Sardn hair 4.93 (i) Wind-up 4-unit Diosol Frt. train Sot< . ?.4 9 BIRTH S y e s t e r i I^a : '; a son to at 45*. Bovol guidee^ oSoy gears, olbadmaa Mr. and Mrs. Everett B|rev, Rock- @ Motoi Cash Rogistor wHh “play" monoy.. 2.93 ' 0 Tractor and Troilor, cjockspring motor.'. L59 blodo'guard. 5000* i K v m vine: a daughter to ^ .imd- Mrs. DILLON SALES and SERVICE Marto AoaaML RFD-«N< RPM. ao lead. AODC ACOCUl opprsv ' . t .. BIRTHS TODATl la ton \o Mr. '3 I » MAIN STREET - , r .-' MANCHESTER ■!■'. » " " W '■•yM-'.Ti , . /-Ti"- .1- IIill I II il lij swm p i : - ' -. ■■ ' ' : ■/> • ' *r / # J\ i) i. t-.. X I /■- . . .. A- r 'wAwnTTOSTBR EVEWmc HERALD^ MANCHESTER. C!QNN^ WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1952. PAGE NINETEBN WMne^lSIGRTKBN «IANCHS81SR £VgN m 6 HERALD. HANCHESX&S* CONN. WEDNESDAY^ NOVEMBER 5. .1952

...u. j-.. X I ■ ' — . ••• I .. 7 . i V . . -■ .- , ... . , • BY POtITAlNB TOE | FUJffll: BU81N)Ka- ,.^ ^ B Y HBHSHBBBQgR QARN^AL B Y D ie SB ..a;.vi:c^7' .V ■•-•.•. •«••■; -.iTi -i-sy- •■•,.• tt.T’OK':*.—usr .their^frow-rta-Urgcst .quanUty on aui»-t/uti»ra_lhe_iBanneted8* Keys. eoak .dryf^'fiFrfc-plaee, ■tht" Florida “ - w t y h i y ^ fM ic T t o r T Big Prises For Yomsg People and Nonsense Special Silver Valae ^ Novor bo W itke# aauw 'fcin a Bagu IZ The BOYS’ AND GIKLS’ CON­ An unusual value in nationally 9 * 6 v /ft U -1 : Bargains TEST, now under wav at the PINE known and approved atlver plate Fathor John't M odidfwf^ PoUcyhoIdcr—I m « j(H( a n driv- The clerk in the department PHARMACY, 684 Center Street, flat ware -ia available at the '. w » r ? p A t In many hoaseafhtlMr Jahn*aiis* ina a n«w car. atore, although receiving k very offers many very valuable prises DEWEY - RICHMAN COMPANY, t H S IEInaqranca ' SalMman-I—^ ’i email a a l^ , waa leading a gay Listed by for tho young people who are euf- 767 Main' street. A fifty-two piece Idas la always as hssd— bosssgp triad to aril an Inaurancaa policy to. life and gave evidence of having flciently alert to register and in­ set of GORHAM SILVER IN A lU see haa beeosas s haMt O a a SS8 an automobile aaleaman. much money. The peraonnel u ire r form family friends. Every pur­ TWO-QRAWER CHEST, a regu­ geaeratlOB to as- lanager finally called him in and chase recorded at the atore gives a lar 392.80 value, (4 , selling At 389.- anothar< Today William Pann, the gnat Pannayl- ■ ;ed:---- -r-— ^——r.— vote per penny to the contestant, 50. A wonderful gift to put away mothers ara gtv^ vanla ijuakar, waa once advialng a 1 llanagor — How ia with double votiea for any Rexall for (Thristmaa would be either the la g It to thalr drtmkard to leave off hia habit of it, yotuig man, that you, .who a n pri^uct. Grand prise for the win­ graceful “Invitation” pattern or ehildrss boeaaasj recelvini^ aalary of only 30 dol- Geraagea n e t Are “ SpecUl” SIsspy-Tims Doll cake an d with a soft cus- ning boy and j^rl on (Christmas the delicately ornate “Elegance" their siothars 1 drinking intoxicating liquora. vegetables «nd top with crisp BIousbs For You Or Gifts. Drunkard—Can you tell me bow lan a waoc. can apend what muat ^ OORSAOBS FOB THE HIGH bacon for luncheon or aupper. tard aaU( a garnish of whip- eve is a Columbia bicycle that has pattern. gave It to thM i| SCHOOL PROM—or for any oth­ to do itr certainly a ^ u n t to over 1100. ped creai “everything." Successive prizes are, wham they it * Penn—Tea, it la Juat aa eaay aa Have you be«Kleft a fortune, or er featlve occaaion —have a very Bags Save Lswadrv Saan for boys: . a wieatern jacket, BcanUful FeatMte Glass. special touch at the JOYCE an Eastman camera, an aeromite '^Thla snnsaal to open thy hand, friend. what? "WASHEE BAGS-^f sOF^n Haadaome 1958 Wallpapers “Century"’ and “Bouquet” are Drunkard—^Convince me of that, Clerk—It'a v e ^ ^ aimple, air.. FLOWER SHOP, 84 Church net have jumped into popular de­ plane, a table tenhis aet, a remote two handsomepatterns in FOS- fastilyoeaddassa There’s lots of exciting color in *»s%ei9 w\1 vm/»^s» m Klxaieel^ Vwrveex amel- an J I 'ifflll promlae upon my~honor T%en-are-m or» than^ emfdoy— Street- Starting--scith-.-choice mand because ~tmyTe~Bo useful veesiwi -.-t I Ma ^I t v viavajsv aett^av -TORLA-GLA8SWARE"diaplayed is the raaalt flowers of any desired color, their the TB58 W AIXPAPEll8r"l»dw proves merit. Try eea upataln hen, and pay. to Insure against damage during stocked in quantity at the MC- die, and a walkie-talkie that In the Houseware Department of 0 ^ , I raffle my oner trained artlstio talent Adda.excit­ laundertfqf to nyloiii, flm hand­ works;. for girls, a movable-parts the J, W. HALE UOMP^TV. I t . for. .yonraalL.. It hM ing appeal with deslgh and col­ GiLL-coNvten: c o m p a n y . thou flndeat any veaael of Intox- ’ dollar ‘ a ticket. kerchiefs, lacy lingerie or dollies 645 Main street. In many of the doll, a doll with dyable wig, a doll C>ntury'‘ is cleXr, with a d e r a ­ by millions for over If Icating liquor in thy hand, open ored ribbons., Phone 2-0701— and other fra^te things Yhe net papers, particular attention haa wardrobe trunk, a Bro-wnie camera, il ve edge: “Bouquet” is. etched the hand that containa it before Juat becauae a girl haa an houty. and depend on their excellent, allowa full cleaning and rinsing been given to the apeclal require­ a drinking doll, a doH's tea serv­ with graceful flowera.' Single taste if it's not convenient to visit ice in metal, and a , tea set in dishes or whole sets are as nice it reachM thy mouth and thou wilt glaaa ilgun doean~t m nn ahe’e aet while it protects from snaga. At ments of particular styles of / never be drunk again. for a good time. the attractive shop. the Notions Department of the homes, from ranch type to Colon­ cameoware. for gifts as to use. Each pattern And the drunkard kept hia J. W. HALE COMPANY, a 14"x ial. Whether it’a a dii^fled living includes cups and aaucera, plates promiae. Egg Peddler, (to wife)— Buf­ Ties Meet' Specifloatioas 17” bag ia S.89; a smsUer one is room, a masculine den, a fprmAI To prepare green peppers for and stemware in all sises, fancy EirSSIfiNCO. ferin’ anakea, Flonbel, you aold CHENEY NE(3KTIE8 meet the S.89. dining room or informal breakfast stuffing cut oft the stem end of cake ' pistes, candlesticks, ~vases, and special relish or bonbon dishes. o Conunerelal Lettaring r:i c O Woman,^Have you been maixled the wrong egga to that "laat \demanda of- the most exacting nook, a chserful play room for chil­ each pepper, remove seeds and long? woman. mm : they ‘‘tie right” and stay Nice Robes for Yonngatera dren or a sophiaticated game room white membranes. Slid cook about o Silk Scfoen Prieaaa PiMIlig Friend—Only ten cooka. they offer all the color com­ B^hlon. comfort and low-price for adults., thera are iaaclnating. five flainutea in boilong salted Now Iq a good time to wadh Wife—How 80? — feather pAlowe. Choose a dry, wi'n- ^ tt-r T.M.«i»ai.i.>«a Peddler—You sold her aofna of binations in handsome deslgn-s to combine in the CHILDREN’S posslbllltiee. — ' / water. « Naos Sarslea please widely'varying tastes; they ROBES now stocked In great va­ dy day when the sun li hot. For lU fc t ifc Before a man marriea he looka. that lot we dated “September 10“ best reeulte, empty feathers into a “After waitin|r fow yMra to MpiMt opinion. H juot After he marriea he llatena. when it ie only September 1 now. keep their good looks. Many Man- riety at the MONTGOMERY Slippers Per All IGrls ’*T1m Aaswer” In Vacuum Cleaaers Ed Toaom k, downed him ho morkod hio bfUot wrong whon ho chesterites k f* choosing pow for WARD COMPANY. The up-to- The extremely large and varied Many manufacturers of vacuum large mualln b ^ three or four Christmas from the complete date gold touch 1s very attractive stock of FEMININE SLIPPERS, gleaners have claim ^ to have the t'lmee as big as the pillow to ^ be Or Hartford Z-MM voted DAILli CROSSWORD PUZZLE stock, priced very modestly, at the answer to easy housekeeping, but washed. This la a done by opening OUR BOARDING HOUSE “ with MAJOR HbOPLK in quilted robes and dusters in an now fully stocked- at the MONT- W" joirrouRW AY BY J. R . WTT.T.IAMS CHENEY BROTHERS REM­ all-over design, in aisaa 8 to. 18. GDSfERY WARD COMPANY, are we've never seen a better solu­ one end of the pillow ticking, and NANT s a u b s r o Gm . St 35.98. Chenille robes in those at such good-newa prices! There tion than the SINGER VACUUM sewing the opening to the mdutb COME ty a n d 3TAND Antwir to Proviouo Puzzio' are felts for easy comfort, lamb's CLEANERS, demonstrated at the of the muslin beg, which then is a r ou n d AWHIUB « ?A C 8 AWPP - SPOTT- TT/.«'— r,ABi»u.g,rM.ea. sixes, at 32.98 to 33.98, may. have d C L F fp A A ll-T ---- Eye speciallats have iFound Oor- wool for cosy warmth, leather for shop or in your own home by the sewn together at the top. Wash *rH«r “nap WAS A HAK-l*''ie River Routes a pretty appllque'*ln contrasUng muslin bag of feathers eithee by LONCi 6nr.< giG F LA 6H f HAVING, IKI OTME tlsons, the new wonder « )jg , ef­ color. Wee robes of chenille in smart durability, and satin or gold- SINGER SEWING CENTER, 832 GREYHOUND “Not now. limp! TMs it tho monu. not tho elwAi fective in treatment of various in­ trimmed velveteen for elegance. Main Street. The Singer idea is hand or in'waahing machine, using MOU W M S WORDS, TMAT IS sixes 3 to 6x are 32.98 in white, preferably a detergent, which HOBIEONTAL I Products flammatory eye conditions. blue or rose. For boys in the/ An imitation Persian Iamb with that attachmenta - for getting at WJICTBD/ uKe W»«006H/.r, chairs, mouldings, edges,^and other leases no soap scum. A f t e r .‘-'tATBlteTtHWSjl A WET. 3 to 6x sixes there’s a nice ma^ soft laather sola, should combine BKAaJDV./ - ■ IKimtorivir gJSSSJffi all quaUtles! Prices go from a mere “special apota’’ belong on the easy- thorough rtnaing drain" and ahake POT <»t30 no — i^VMATCH# X Becord Players of All Sorts culine touch, aa well as warn^ out aa much water as possibla, but 81DE<;i4|jCE8 ByGALBRAira 4 Egyptian . Yjpr ..mi^^sges., . purpwsey apd ip the Beacon robes at 33.4%f-,ln to a most modest 83.08 in to-transporl hand “ vac". There- noar V: ^•Ovnaao thnr .A.QmdUCtor. b11m4 4 'to t,“ If yoiTra thinking'of ■foire the 'Wug Cleaner ia ftea' to do not put through wringer. Hang TSea eagle mi^Cis there are GOOD-lGOk ING red o f blue piaid dr In bdy-meas- IZConaumad >> slippers for Christmas, be warned ■erva that one purpose supremely bag to dry, shaking and fluffing SHircUngt r e c o r d p l a y e r s in the un­ Ing patterns of Wild West )ype. 8789 aeveral times during the prbeesa. U P ^ ih river usually large stock at KEBfP*S -.^and shop early! l^43 well—flattening out to get under 14 Burn ODregs the lowest furniture, adjusting to The ticking ie washed sepArately,: to Foundation INC, 783 Main Street. Players Fine Rttgev Preo Fxcls and when both are drir. - feathsra ------1 15 Shade of for children start in price at $9.95 Foods You Leva To Eat the ihdlviduel pile of ruge, hanjg- 11 Formerly ' Dressing up a new old home Ing flat for easy storage—and con- are replaced in original'cover anb brown iTBoces for a table model. Single-speed for the holidays? Yojf should see One need not be h glutton to If you And you need a new ISSmoothnen This sleepy-time doll is the per­ trolled by upright finger-flipping the open end fa reattached. lO B t t i^ 23 Sea bird 43 Proficient in portables in colorful cases for chil­ the very lovely WALL-TO-WALL fect companion for your daughter agree that eating ia a pleasure— blouse or two wear with your OMf Or. IS Bombarded , and it'a a particularly aatlafying of switchea..See for yourself! instnteents 29 — Major or languages dren or afhSts range from 112.95 CARPETING shou^ in the love­ at hap-time or bedtime.. winter suit, here’a the perfect ao- aiie«tr«eta 20 Pteced again to 319.99. 'Three-Speed players, liest of colors anu the nicest of pleasure when the food comes Painting WitbMt Drawing mSeted •____ ZS Yawns Minor (suffix) Pattern No. 5312 containa tissue lutlon. Threie charming blouses “ Specials’’ By Special Faberge ' You don't h.etd to draw or know fenat Teem tee 21 Cereal gram to take any make of records, are textures at th e/ MANCHESTER pattern for doll and nightgown, from the PINE PA8TEY SHOP all In one pattern—each one a 24 “------31 Russian 44 l7nderground 824.95 to 334.95. Automatic rec­ CABPET CEMTrat, 308 Main at . 880 Canter street, where the It’a news when one can an­ perspective tb do your own oil ZZShidd Msjesty” storehouses plant part stitch Illustrations and full dtrec- delight to sew. Wonderful gift paintings with CRAFT MASTER ZAFalsifler ord changers are 389.95 to 389.95. street (where/Xpert installation ia beet of Ingredicnta are baked with nounce SPECIAL PRICES FOR ZSEgyptisn 33 Book of maps 40 Goddess of Uons. idea, too! PABBRGR PRODUCTS. And It’a OIL p a in t in g SETS. Each aet O iie'w i 28 Spoken Three-speed "Triomatlc" ’ record an added attraction). And they Send 25c in Coins, your name, the moat taaU-conscloue akin. goMess 38 Unpaid discord changers to be. played through have bandsdme BDG8 OF ALL Featured this week are delectable Pattern No. 8789 is a aew-rite particularly good news that contains a picture outlined and Boston ...... 92.65 27 Boy’a address and the Pattern Number perforated pattern in sixes 12, 14, divided into numbered sections 28 Nebraska city balance 47 Press one's radio are 339.95, while fully 8IZEH. If/yoii are uncertain, ask to ANNE CABOT, MANCHESTER GINGER SQUARES and FRUIT Faberge's intriguing acenta of New York ... $2.70 $ 4 ^ nickname on the 40 French river 48 Brother of CAKE—the kind of fruit cake that 16, 18, 20; 40, 42. Size 14, bow 'Aphrodlala” and “Aet IV” come corresponding to paint numbera. SOReepect automatic models are 359.50. A for thelf FREE BOOKLET on EVENING HERALD. 1150 AVE. Portland, Me. 95.10 99J0 Missouri river 41 French city Jacob (Bib.) three-epeed portable with a radio, selecting a rug for color scheme, you’ll love at home and love to blouse, tH yards of 89-inch; col­ in soap cakes at 31.90, in “double A generous quanti^ Of paints ia 32 Inferior race AMERICAS, NEW YORK 88, lared style, 2)4 yards;, laca-trim- Included, with the needed brushes Miami ____ i . $27.30 949.15 27 Helmsman 42 Peak SO Article is 349.95.' Why not plan a happy room Hize, end quality, which in­ N. y . have aent as a taata of home to deckers" of a cake, of shap and a horse cludesvaluable advice on the care any serviceman or distant friend. med, 2 yards. half-ounce perfume at 32.60, and and palette. Designs vary—from Philadelphia . 9450 98.95 34 Afternoon nap Christmas gift now? Presenting the New Anne Cabot , For this pattern, a4nd 30c In marine life to the Matterhorn, 1 i i J k I II of rugs, however damaged. Needlework Album. Directions for in concentrated perfume at 32.50 Ptaa U. B. Tax 35 Natural fata For Color Service coins, your name, address, size de­ at the WELDON DUO COMPANY. from birds to bull fighters. All are 36 Worm To make a zeaty cheese sauce puppet mittens, basic embroidery sired, and the pattern number to colorful—and so aaay to do. A aet Center d r1 r Hi When you slice smoked tongue When it comes to decorating stitches and grand designs are 37 Exclamations add a half-pound of soft yellow SUE BURNETT. THE MAN­ Is priced at 32.60 at the JOHNSON ’ Tmvel Agency . cheese Shaved thin (about two start at the small end and held the printed in this issue. 25 cents. your home, wouldn’t you like to be For a quick homemade version of 30 River in Asia 8 CHESTER EVENING HERALD. Italian pizza, split English muf­ PAINT OOBIPANT, «99 Main 488 M ala S L .^-TH6 SCOTCH HI<&HLANPgR- 1 cups) to a medium white sauce knife diagonally so as to get good- sura of what cWor goes with what Phene 3-8988 1 gTATE5A1Ari-/>-g»».wi,wi>iL^r«^ ..«.«. 40 Mast when and where to use light 1150 AVE. AMERICAS, NEW fins, spread with butter, grated street. made with two cups o f milk. Serve sized i>ieee8. When you get toward Start slicing crosswise. Along with YORK 38, N. V. 41 Household god 1 W" B over a combination of cooked diced the middle of the tongue you can colors and deep tones . . how to cheese and tomato or chili sauce 42Coneent avegetable salad and crusty rolls, play up less desirable ones? Ready for you now—Basic Slid toast under broiler. ALI.EY OOPS D^rga b Groanded BY V. T. HAMLIN the cold smoked tongue slices will 4SPut forth h s well, you’ll And the answer to Fashion for *52. Fail and Winter. The Inquirer ( ; H \ V H O I % H again i make a delicious hot weather meal. these and many other questions This new issue is filled with Ideas Glowing Velvets, Velveteens eOMTUTTUIKITTBN IdMNChKUOOKAUEy. II h s ft for sn^rt, practical sewing for a 40 Cra vents easily and quickly at the free Glowing colors In bright or light VDUMf HIKO eOME fMNIASr^OKAy, DOC,^ 'AaMtE XaoTCAUBHTvrmE new season; gift pattern printed rncEXPBaeNCEd.KiT / ipscrackins ’^AOQOUNTCO \ IQ8IN6 SI Written form P KEMP'S RECORD DEPARTMENT SUGGESTS x Smart Unolenm Design 8HEBWIN WIUUAM8 COLOR shades are enhanced by the lights H> fr inside the book, 29. and ahadowa of the fabrics in liaONaAROUNDWimAf DNfUGKT...WE ro^ M & n ss^ ] SUN.BHf fOOR , of Mistress Have you seen the new and SERVICE CENTER, at 719 Main WnCHON ABROOM... t CAN FpRiGEr wii6i,Ex. / Dca]Mi..HOweH6 I 53 Heavenly body P tt i clever JACKSTRAW' PATTERN Street. Tes, this -color service is CHENEY’S VELVETS AND VEL­ TBKf IWTO TOO MUCHllV hO. ABOUT . PV VETEENS. Fail and winter wed­ CEPTDEEfiAl MU0TRBMAINON SSSahite LINOLEUM now on display at the made to order for you homemakers IT NOV.' PCOGA. BARTH P0RTH8 NEW RECORD RELEASES horse-radish and serve on ahredded ding parties will be lovely In either 54 Turkish s < MANCHESTER FLOOR COVER­ who like to do your own decor­ lettuce or romaine leaves. Use .... H » B ING COMPANY, 721 Main street ? fabric, aa will aofUy_ drai m "FUNNY FEUOW" ...... U ^ Psrry FoWi ating, but who long for~axpert ad­ canned beets,’ if you likCi tO: save lb It’a cleverly desired to give smart vice. The Sherwln-WlUlama Paint Unta and energy on hot daye. dreasea of the transparent velvet 8S Diminutive i and bouffant frocks and suits of "VOTERS ON PARADE"...... Voh«Im Morfds color accents to a background of and Color Style. Guide ... with iU suffix the velveteen. Slight irregularitlee * n - c Vi III' "I DONT KNOW WHY" .. lilly WiRiiHm Quorftt rad, green, or gray. Of course, this giMt-sixe, full color pictures of SO Gaelic ? r r is only one of many floor cover­ To get a good buy in limea for makea prices low at the CHENEY # 2 4 ^ ' TEL. 8181 87----- latz, p actual rooms . . which you may drinka, see thet the limes ar^ BROTHBIU REMNANT SALES­ T. M. U. S Pbi. ON.' " irs WORTH ANY PRICE YOU PAY" ings, carefully chosen to beautify MANCHESTER 1 Yugoslav dty K” » h borrow and use at home . , shows heavy in size. This means they’ll MAIN at. 0i»». leee >y >m tete. i all types of homes In any style of you how beautiful wlor oomblna- ROOM. on the Danube Eddy Howard decoration, ir. a wide price range. have plenty of juice. L«rge gnien ti n tlonf will look in your home. So, “ He won an oloction bet. but I’d think he would onjov Long and successful experience is times are called “Tahiti" or “Per­ Marmelade, made out of peaches v n in c A L for all the help you need to make or ripe tomatoes now, will come taking tho rido in eomothing more modern than a w he^ at your service there, not only in sian’’ ; smaller yellow limes are la u b e making the choice of the type of your home .a masterpiece in color, often called “Key’’ limes because In handy during winter months. Be barrow !” 2 Western state Jg~ f covering which will best suit your visit THE 8HERWIN-W1LUAMS needs but in the important matter COLOR SERVICE CENTER at 719 CHRIS WELKIN. Pianetecf Squirm, Mister! BY RUSS WINTERBOTH AM of installation. A Budget Payment Main. Street. ------BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Meow! BY EDGAR MARTIN INCORPORATED Plan is available for your conven­ r 0H.60 OM,AiMAlZA/6tVE CHRIS ience. Next time you serve fried or yy6ni

iZTV. TIRES PRISCILLA'S POP Playing It Safp,.'' BY AL VERMEER MICKEY FINN Going, Going — BY LANK LEONARD CtON^ IS OVER! W § i ^HERE m M u u CAN BE PALS^ IT IS, M lm m e a g a i n .' TNBINinPfrT r NSLOOMEN TOmHOmY, NASJUSrBMN POP MMCM8MS I! \\ M k U E K w m m secew -AN B r m m o f v m n i^VwB WBBAtemaai AtAB Bern OUT AfiABd NC NOW LEAPS BV rrv o rH i

V- ■> ter. ieU erMAtete.te km y. s USi IT 2 WAYS CA’ *^**V e a s y TherO Go The Rubies BY LESLIE TLTRNER FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS A Memory M, C. B^jSSER •X- '"-”’ {■'5*' .IWOWTWAHTNO GSrOOIM! m»ESi,lTRQUSC6. MROtSSKi KOOeWNDAV 1 :O»i.40Uiaieiist- BUT'VOURfe TPO CAH.UUlwrU. TIE HUA^WtWlW- AAy? W% GrilWOm! ______.ANO-A- lor oMor chlMran.. •BTOIITAMRB IS? WOUIO RaU.R3liy HALF/ e ' M TR’ PICK-tiP AwoFTHis ycau. n z e f s TRUCKt JUNORSnjPF. H iKf POYA? ;.v .‘ \- \ 2-AtiaSTROUII wRh hnndla m od ~ fon h est. 9 | g . 9 5 1HE JUNOKSri BUT. Ju st j/YOU e 4 WHAT CANT.' ? NEW TIES WHEN BABY OUTGROWS STROUIR — At Cheney Brothers Salesroorn SLIf OFF HANDLI AND FOOTRESTS, ■ 1 AN D USE IT AS A REDAL DRIVB ie iJ -Ik : I r TNf IN M WIIM IMt MAOIC s o u NEW FASHION-TOPS Neckwesr in stripes, solids and small pattenis. Full Yom u tip Maedr Ift reol Wild West from peny!t nose ie cowboy VIC FLINT Tip From A Friend BY BlpCHAEL OlilALLET BUGS BUNNY length and bow ties. Rayon and silk with wool linings. bucliel sent, goy with western designs. AH steel - Resilient construction. Assorted shades. It’s fashion^ in triplicate—diis, Air Step siip-00 that £ts so wilhl rubber fires. Adjustable seat for kiddies, . ' Sima 34 lo4p V C T iS ff P WSHl^uTFTUteCVOUR ^ Bo o n s OF ivBR'ncucMB Oll^alaat^Magbuft^ CAFBTHnA coxacnoNft. naturally into your wardrobe. It deOam the femmine Rend lOMaHT; wBa,i NICK ourr FOR MB WMLS WB wu. Afks n» UMT aas- ^OOPPMOCMNS, W H^QNB NONB/ I T "1 I Iet7 years. Pony stands 22 inches high, seot Is ’ iRTsxa sas„ WBRB BOTH ONTHB F O te , V)0 ULAR COlLSCnONBIDP CAMK IN ' REMN^l^ and IMPERFECTS^ j. . • has buih-in fit. You'D bn as cod^ortnbln as you are pretty (I) Soft, worm Sfipons in 1(X>% virgin wool nr < 1 . zvwouim/rBsmiJNBWA . Air Tt« BTAOS CAFSTIBM ivst fi Vi inches off the ground. Durable bolted anemol thib: * n «n B o n lvon bcah - yomBht.^now i d m u YOU rW iK t A once your foot meltt into this soft, mppla M ade. . . and you

REMNANT SALESROOM. 1.98 HARTFORD ROAD — MANCHESTER i lml I0QII R-VlO^lr-- - HIQHiy OOSOOlHg wWYOOEw I *^0^0 . KIDDIE FAIR from at Words. Hoalhors, tiripat, novalfiaa ( OPEN 9 to 5:30 — SATURDAY 9 to 4:45 TKLEPHONE BBSS drommokor or ckuiic styles. Snwl, madhini or " > ; ^ CLOSED WEDNESDAYS . f 705 MAIN STREET 10B9 M AW SYw ORP. HIGH SCHOOL I . . . ' ■ i ■ ■■ ■; *■ r N L : ' -‘ i'.>. '4- -i Tf e i r i -—i''i'.'z 4y~ ^ W- .' V , ■ ;. •'■ , 1 - ' • ^ ’ ' ' ■■ ------H-" • ...... — i*— ------«■■:■ .ii.. ^ t---- ' >«■"■.■.■------—■ -, I ■ f- I ' ■ (■ X -- t i l . •• . . ■ ■ ■ \ ■.■ • • - . , '\ .. , MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WED^lESDAY, NOVEMBEft S, 1952 p a g e TWENTY*<»IB r I i-ivn«— nrniii " iff t r - ICHEyrEB KVENUNG h e r a l d , MANCffliJSTEB, COtW,, W ED N^D AY, NpVEMBE^ 5, 1958 TWENTt* zlli2.‘5»<«v>»5iZy«.». •'V Mi.

r e Radio jand TV WNHC—Ch. • Lineman of the Week N,w york, Nov. ^S—W —A WOKS—Bill Jcnklna Show. i ; * WDRO-Tawn Patrol; . guard switcher to tackl^Bob, 1316 S pO K C S m ail First Meeting of Irish, Sooners Veeck OainiB twqucat WTIO—Weather: Prank Atwood. 5F8 Lenzinl of Dlinoi*—won the line-1 a Shop. wCCO-Nawarae!. _ _ . THE fhe^Ail-Am eriea W ay .. man of yie week award today. Day; WHAT—Cup of CoBae Otth. Don Heinrich BappcB* Mmn WTHT—Mnatc. NawA Lenzinl;' .a 198-pounder from Answers Charges Team Provides Aduns. •:a»—WTHT—Homlna DaaoUonA Waukegan, t*ok top honors in the fen ces Critics, of TV Schedule w n c —To ,Be Annooccad.. ^ Stiffer Loss weekly Associated Press poll for ‘ ■J‘¥SSt.hcp. WKNB—Pdlonla. . Of Washingtoii Herald ^ngle lull* Dsllw. his Sterling defensive work last New Haven, Ndv. .5—(Aih—A Chlc**o»n». n1 ;|*—WOKS—Uarlv Bditlon. ^ spokesman haa apelled'out th* con New York— (N E A l—For the Half the Cast _ ni^rd Shop. \WnC—Newa. 'Wethersfield Captures g E U O M S T O THM Saturday as the Illinl upset Micht- "Posesman nas spelled ouv in* con- Gugllelml,’ prevented his other Arrotd Ttm*. 1<**—WTHT—Braakfaat with Ban. . Tops the List rrit^BOO/A SCHOOL gan 22-13 dltloni under which atndents, in­ first, time this season.v^a football starting offensive backs from rH i ai'H I.KAIil'K ’ (tUbf'rtfMm ' ...... *H1 SI 84 11.1 Wlddfr Brown. WTTC—Bob Steele; Weather. EARL W. YOST cluding athletes, are admitted to game was to be given the full tide- ■ Nartk NelkadIM K*. I (*l DcMftrlln ...... 78 7fi S7 239 New York. Nov. 5— —TTid Mr WD^C-NewaUrae. Sport* BdHor <. Toiiniey. M^ch Due o P m H o m l Om X E N Z IN I CHARGES low and showing to f^U advantage. They n. Brown ...... 57 W 7S 21S Rftllplfpfr ...... 76 !>7 79 27)2 0 ^ Tlw Woman la Yale...... ■...... D. BmwTT’ M' M" M 351 Htltnrkl .. -.-137- 102 . Saigh and BiU Veeck,. rival owner* WHAT—Allan Brown Show. New York,'‘;dov. 5— It taken - a u N H iH e hard. He bulled his way through vision Irealme'hl. 'ThBt 'assurcd the' are the power runner. Johnny. of the Bt. Louis Garde $nd Browae. Old Rteord Shop fr' WCCCVO^ Momint. Oood Hoalc. T o Corner Kicks Latfner; the finest all-round, back MorJrv ...... 99 Idl M 215 Quatn. ■ WKffB-s^tonla...... g pass to Join the elite amorig the y - the Mlchlgaa line to amiar Mlchi-, flrst meeting between Notre Dame rmwrn ...... tt 105 tlN Totfttn *436 reapecttvely, -haven’t seen ey# to WONS— Weather: New*: Bill Jan- gan fullback Dick Balzhiaer with-. . and Oklaho'ina an/audience of 20 in the group: Joe Heap,, the B. Chripp**ll ...... t0« 97 ia*> 101 -"-^Horariw ______top. ground-talnerB ln^.major POOR HPPMCB8 lEOMPLAIN .. OP6-8S*n iak«^^ -Pitchers ------'■----- — -eye on many things -dnrlaat- tlM - . Glrhcd Snow. Tahir lege fpotball circlea these daya - V.' throw at Jackla ibinion?" Not MBncbeitar Htgh'inKbon’-tesmi out gain on the llllnl nine. Coming ****^''^ *"** football coach. million, because of the many more ra.o 90 90 270 ^^»Sn^ac.och. W'ONS—Bill Jenkina Show. than 1,000 yards this season are coH at the recent baaeball party _B dbli»n. However, we *11 ■uperior defensive player all day. ing o( the New York Football O. Chappf’il .... . m U7 .113 the road. WKNB—Newa: Phil Hale Show. Wethersfield High to a 1 to 1 tie 'MB's NO Aug, 12. Penza, Tom Murphy, i Tom Sea­ I»w Sror^ ..... 107 107 107 131 primarily forward paasers, ataUs- of Pratt and Whitney. The sixwho follow our National Two ends—Owen Coogan of Writera Association, did not Iden­ TnUIft ...... IS.*;' 4.11 *S99 1315 • ” My Browns provide half the WTIC—Bob SteelA after overtimes, but lost the ver­ • SONT. For Mhr first time thla Fall, man, Jim .SchrSder, Jack Alessan- rinnftflf! <8) 1 :«*-WHAT—Newa. \ tics released J>y the N. C. A. A. foot, three inch Danielson native i».|TMtini*, that pitchers keep the Holy Cross and Clarence Johnson tify Yale, he did identify the plav­ Totali ...... i %2 5U " S i IMS caat In a ball game that is t*M- dict to their oppqnenta when I r o u c u . ) i there »vaa not a single re*jupat liy drtnl or Menu Mavraldes. Joe MftnnpUft ...... 72 77 69 219 WTlCV^otei and QuoUa. 7: » —WTHT—Weather. \ Service' Bureau ahowed today, and a gifted orator and his measage j batter’s loose with an occasional of Northwestern—each received er aa Phil Tarasovic, 'Currently LorrntXFii ...... 7.3 7fi 81 232 vised in any American League eity WDRC—Newa. \ the ninth has had to do a good was well delivered and w a j , i n - 1 Inside pitch. It’* the pitcher’s Wethersfield secured more corner high praise in the voting. Coogan a local market for the right l » Bush and Art Hunter. Captain Ml. Mtry't L.1W ...... so n s 72 237 they visit." Veeck contends. Prlieh. Ball- WONSrrWeaiher. \ starring with the Ell fi;osh. .Frank. Leahy.__ BUhl Wilkinson deal of .ttysaing himself. lerest to the baseball player* and | bread and buUer/to get the batter kicks during the game than did played a hangup game against -televise any other cngagi'Jncnl. Alessandrlnl allernateji as a;'4lne- XlauatA a.* ...... 10 i04 X07 2»1 . BejuacheitP ...... 72- 75 225 "Tlierefore, the SL Louis club I ;t*-WDRC—World Newa Roun^p. the locals. A tournament rule de- BIO RANGY Tarasovic was aiV Until the big one, brjnglng out nifford ...... M 94 117 299 , McCormick ...... if. S4 99 250 DON HEINRICH, of Washing­ guest* present. N . . i out Marquette and Johnson was all backer. MaVra.ldes, a Junior,' w r* Smith .... should receive its share of the, fee HGMS—Oaell Broarn. NawA WTHT—Newa. clatea. the wlniiffir to. bi-U i* .team all-Cbnnacticut lineman last year .IJh.a „ i!l]!‘h„_nnd_ Sopn«n^ Miree or ...... 78 A! 96 2.V» ...... - -K iia iiir ...... -...... w n c —Newr. ton. Is the total offense- laadef. The Newr York Y a n k ir ^ a r ^ - TJaicSlI'ISTd, rTheira vrillJ ii' i t ,ovcr _ the -field-'-making., tackles while playing - vdl-h - the -Warren- Athletic. AMoclatlon’s--one-time^ .9yLitched.-fcom end- to guard 'th4» Thom** ’• ’.’ 7777-:- m .. 97 39T Tm*i8~ "7I7»* -39T 896 i m that-1* pal d-th» homo club f og-tha— WCCf^KIt-'dle Comer. with the moat corner kicks When a four games otfier than the ohe- N^lDpn ... l-WV-WDRO-NawA With 1343 yards In seven games. World Champions .because. JDascoll ” Ohio SUte. Harding High School eleven In oqiy cliuise. season and is a reaegve defensive ...... in 90 103 .104 ■show.’ " WHAT—Cup of Coffee Club.----- He also lends the passers In Iprac- latuit' IS 'tn ore-N egro playeri in ■tie results after two overtime pe­ of-the-day bad been tele<';iat in as tackle. Right Tackle J**rar« (ii Clasby, with 1,017 yard* o f which Johnny KlippiTein bUlHe CUbi anff " IF A BOY Is accepted at Yale, "The. Oklahoma game flgurte4-to4-n””(ix;;r;.T?l** ro.ip» ...... 9* 94 11* » * outfielder GH Goan aa-t^ty WTHT—Breakfaat Oub. Srst ianliig, the 6rst two pitches lone goal which Captain Doug Ed Barker, Washington State. But the initial pairing of Notre nnt’oh o f the ahortage up front develop into a contest that wlU - .■*lrtn ...... 99 — 76 16.1 .w n c—Tbeatar HaJpdy... , 615 .hgve.,l»«eri, .mii^* *>y ,h.e dPf«n;t j-tsve iQ.prpjnisei t.Q.Come; addition Of Byrne givaa tbopriiiU jnMHn-Hdttton.'- WONS—Nawe. ■wer* 'wMe-'and'-esPh' time 'catcher ' Rayimrd-scored'. wheR'^ho'-'chestied •ClarenM-'.JohRsoni'’Northwestern'. 'D'fliifte' Itiia 'OKWhtirfm- and' thelT’ •nnd the -young- rignnbraHers; ’ 19'- lorig ' be ^ertT«fflbefea ‘■by-both' Ift^ •nirra Sox ’ six" 'sbuWfiaws ’ ' ■Teat V He's third amony the runners, the only oiietisive Dwight Shoe. East Carolina. here. If he comes, ffne. If not, we •:1*—WDBC—Thii la Hartford. Andy Seminick walkied out In front a high pass into the local nets. great coaches. Frank Leahy and year-old Tom Carey and .Ralph stitutlona.” \J*eln ...... «7 im *2 OS* Holni^n ...... 86 99 ' 79 264 NaL* finished the 1953 M d m arlth __ jr Dirla. • > WONS-i*Brk Doffney’i Waxworka. behind Rod Williams, of Harding Guards -Tom Barton, Clemson. have no way of really knowing 41 H. llimirn'Mi ...... '.119 W 114 .1.12 DIr'tx ...... 95 99 91 264 'ach SmlthNShow: / of the plat*, took plenty of time, The last half and the overtime Bud Wilkinson, silenced Critlra of nary a one. Of Wart4ngHUI*5 78 WKNB—Ed Swett Show. SimmonA and Gene Fillpskl, of man, who can uoe Steve Eisenhauer, N a v y .'' Jim until Just before college opens, and C: I ’ -mptni) ...... _ »,-i _ *7 ftl wa pf oia WorlC •,|*_WCCC—Newa; IJ HuntVa dand then threw. the' ball back, t«t the periods saw each team with many then we accept the next quallEed the video schedule—for a week, at Tot ft 111 ...... ”416 "siu 1354 wine, only four weretraglstaiod by Haafer. , Vlllanova, but has been in only six pitcher on the mound. Hornsby hie hande Qulnby, Cornell. Carson Leach, Totals *0 HUa / scoring opportunities which juat applicant from the top of the wait­ len.st. Mil in 4X8 1519 rrlarrRN (4> a lefthander last ^ a r , Lou. Mladt- ' WHAT—SfrmphooT Hall. HltA ■ . ' games to their seven. stormed out of the dugout and missed a s' the ball was carried Duke. Marvin lAeath, Texis. Bob Phtnips ...... 92 97 111 290 WONS-Oabrlel Heatter. WIUL1AM8 DISPLACED Pilip- ing Hat.” There should be little romplaint Casper Lane Gets Paid er, and he haa/oeen shipped to ! WKNB—lUllan Hour. said to Seminick, ‘I f you don't from one end of the field to, the Kennedy, Wisconsin. , r-Rt*a N*. I <4) « IClotrr ...... 4. 97 100 96 293 WDBC—Club Fifteen. WHAT—Italian Pro*ram. skl, atop the rushing standings At Bridgeport, a friend said that the rest of the way. with Gcoriri'i Mnr.aoll ...... 107 10.1 114 124 Prrrtto ...... 134 99 91 323 Chattanooga. t>4» —WIWC—Um Marrow.■arrow. ■ \ w n c —Newa: Tour Oardaw know the pitcher. I ’ll introduce you other in a fine display of team Tackles — D ic k Modrelewski, Tech and Alabama, Nov; l.'i; flark ...... lOX 55 SS 2»< ...... 91 112 117 320 Bachraeh'a Men *\Cor- all season long, by accumulating Tarasovic, whose brother, George, Mrliitofth 103 103 109 ,314 *:«(—WDRC—Blnx Croaby. to. him. A fter a pitch, throw that play by both teams. Several spec­ Maryland. Bob Sherman, Georgia starred 'at L.S.U., vyent to Baton Southern California and UCL.\, f’ ranrtall ...... lofl 124 102 .1J(5 T.fiKR EASTEEt ha* opened a WHAT—Famoui Triala. 301 pards in his last two games ball back to the pitcher.’ ” For Watching the Clock fm'lh ...... 119 99 109 .925 WTIC—One Man‘'a PamUy. tacular aaves by Co-faptaln Jack Tech. Bob Lenzlni, Illinois. Nov. 22; and Army and Navy, Tottlii ...... "507 "mo "m 3 1540 sausageyplant in Cleveland with FBI In Peata WTIC—Hal Kolb. for a season total of 738. Fllip- Rouge before school opened snd Illlinakl ...... 122 122 99 545 WDBC WKNB-Oula Call,...... Hornsby ia a manager from the Hentachel Jn. the Manchester fqal . Centers—U°Rh Moomaw, UCLA. worked out with the football squad. Nov. 29. an ey^ o w a rd a futur* whaa his. l*:a*—WDRC-Boxing. akl has 70S and Clasby, InHhird preserved the Indians’ hopes uiitll i ball In’ thi5lii* 1 parlor and pub, which : ha* the kind o f job gold- Trmplr B-4li Shnlsm (*) ' Cleveland Indians' first bagambn WHAT—SUte Guard Show. to pitchers after every two dozen other aeniora put on a sterling ex­ ★ All Slar ★ ''’-'a* ! ...... 91 92 Iflri 299 TrOford . 9.3 79 248 WONS—Comedy Theater of the Hour w n c —Welcome Travelera. 137 attempts. * o i i t F ^ ' go to Y ale'all along, and added 1.* what Tom Gallrry of thr Nn- j bricks dream of he gets paid for I. Kiiyrlor ...... »7 (W lOS 29* Lnomift .. 90 99 278 de it clear that “BNen if the S:|»—WDBC—Dr. Chrlatlan. WHAT—Italian Ufa. • pitchers and when he .is going lO hibition in their final game for Newark, N. J.—Doug Carter, that he had found hia pre-medical tiohal Brpadca.sting Co. .strived to \i!atching a clock, N. Sryilar...... 95 99 Tourlrllot 95 100 271 lausage makes me a million 4iol- w eer—Muilc. Price, the workhorse among the CrftmUtI . 102 98 93 29: WnC—The Great Ollderaleere. |*:ia—WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. change tossera to waves in the the Red and White. 136, Newark, stopped Bobby Fcn- laboratory 'work would interfere do from the outset, sorely handi- t K.ro ...... 99 9.1 lars, I won't quit baseball. Ih U I* S:I*t-WHAT—Bob Croaby Show.. quarterbacks, has been in 224 of­ MANCHESTER, thus, ends iU Lrvoitj...,I-rvoltj...,...... 79 _ It;!*—WTHT—Whlapeiin* StreetA pitcher as he atarta from the dug- ty, 1.T4; New York, 4. with hi* football. capped by the National CoUogiate 1 ^ Toliilii . 0 my sideline.” Easter aaid he WTHT—Valentino. lt;Sa—WDRC—Arthur GoLYrey. fensive plays in six games to most successful season in maiiy ' * ^ i timekeeper at Madison Square 9’fnHell ...... _ m ...... 4.37 452 470 t:* * -w n c —Tou Bet Tour Life. out. Moat managers delay the OAlrlnFKy ...... 99 n. R. KoaSps (3l turned down a. $6,000 offer to WTIC—Double or Nothing. Heinrich’s 223 in seven, but years with a record of seven wins, ------_■------I Garden for a quarter of a century, Byrholftkl ...... 77 100 297. WDBC—The Lineup. WHAT—Italian Program. game for as ihuch as 8ve minutes "Wethersfield: Jennings, Lehman, Army jumpers won the team harnatorm because ” I want to reet WONS-Newa; Family Theater. doesn’t have an extra ..game to when changing pitchers to help three losses, two ties, and a tie a push-button run which Includes , TotiiU 487 500 507 1494 lefttft ...... 92 89 190 WTOT—Weatem Roundup. WKNB—Voice Of Mancheater. make ' up because Washington Hayes. Giordano. Desmarais. event at the International Horse B^r/.onfkl ...... 78 101 179 the knee that was operated en last WHAT—Newa; Nlfht W’atrh. WCCC—Newa; Mualc. add to the long, drawn out and for the CCIL Utla with West Show, at Madison Square Garden. ^ basketball, hockey, the rodeo, six- Lncft.^ ...... 95 9* 295 winter. This winter I’ll do nothing lt:U - WTHT—When a Girl MarrlCA plays ten. Referees: Rollick and Brown. day bike races, .soccer, roller skal- MRfRiidl CRiiKRft n> OrlArl ... StW-WDRC—What'a My Lice. ia:»-W ONS—Newa. uninteresting games of recent Hartford...... 94 a04 94 292 but make sausage, taking no W6NS-Dr. Kildare. The only aerial department The lineups; Period scores: Ten Years Ago —Unbeaten Su­ I Ing race.s, marathons, log rollin.g— J R8»!ry ...... 109 9.1 103 .306 Wilhelm 12.1 99 221 11:1*—WKNB—Newa; t«0 Dub. year*. gar Ray Robinson scorpd his 38th V.ltfnAr ...... 102 iai chances. My knee will b* iM dy WTHT—Croaaftre. WONS—Udiea Fair, Heinrich doesn’t hold flrst place in Mancheater. (1) WetheredeUi (1) Manchester 1 0 0 0 0 0—1 and, once, even a ski-jumping con-1 90 297 w n c —Bid Story. A .sh o rt film, made in Holly­ straight victory, outpointing Vic t MRttMon ...... 96 97 99 271 Totftlii 416 ,616 602 1464 when the season atarta.” w n c —Strike It Rich. la completion’ at’erage. John Ry- wood last spring, features Mana­ Hentschel Goal Beal Wethersfield 0 1 0 0 0 0—1 test. ' I Ouilltrh ...... 91 104 I*;**—To be announced. WTHT—Lone Journey. Dellicurti in a lO-round bout. , McCurry 299 WOWB—Frank EdwardA dalch, of Utah, has connected with ger Led Durocher of the Giants, Sullivan Fullback D. Maturo ...... 94 ns 100 ,307 considered one. of the ranking foot? WTHT—John Daly. \ WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. 65 out of 105 for 61.9. Behind the p-RANK DASCOU ' The 59-year-old clocker, who ■ WHAT—Italian Program. Laraine Day and Dascoll, ia now Lautenbach Fullback Roane Twenty Years Ago —Army wprks somberly and cffielently be­ ; Totnl* ball whistle tootera In New WnC^aaon ard The OoldeT: Fleece 11:IS—WTHT—We. the Women. V.’ashlngton senior in completions trampled Harvard, 96-0, to give •y’*V...... 1470 WHAT—Newa; NIaht Watch. Murry Dickson of Pittsburgh has in the posseasion of the ump; If Peresluha R. Halfoack , Brass hind an imposing array of electric At Jftmrft >'r. 1 35 ,V,4 4S3 15*2 here Thanksglidng giioriilng. Job 11:**—WDRC—Tou and the World. WKNB—Mualc from out of the Weal. of the list in career totals. Hein­ CHARME ROBRIN8 placed UiU— WTHT — Late Bob E. Lloyd Dascoli’s umpiring team, "i* the Michigan State scored against Rogli 1. Left Wilson Five Years Ago —Mbxlcan rested until next spring. j five in the afternoon and a college has won the race on four occa­ Show* 11:4]—WDRC—Mufic from out of the rich now has 304 completions for Syracuse this season when; the Duff O. Left Anthony A ll Sizes In Stock third in the National A A U 30-ki1o- Weat. • best man in baseball. Every um­ ' double-header at night. . . **■ JaaiM >i«. t (4) sions, Joe is now a broker M . Wall WONS—Jack’a Waxworka. third place behind Don Kloster- Goala scored by: Cronin (Ma.i- Irtltlriire ;...... lav 101 melr'r riih a t Philadelphia last WTIC—Dave Wrroway. pire agrees,- including the Amen- game was only three seconds old I Hockey is one of the king of | 29* Street In New York. WHAT—NIchl Watch. WHAT-P.ohgDtt'program. ---- mait, toyoia -lli.A:>v who -ffnlBhed The Spartan* tickled Syracuse’s che*terir Raynard (Wetherafleldi. 30S. WTIC-Newa. I'the. tlcTi-toc'k’s occupational haz- 1 Amo ...... ii.s Riihday, Browning Rosa and John­ WONS—Jkrk’a Waxworka. Afteraaaa with 368 and Kentucky’s Babe can Ufeague.” .. v Substitutes: Manchester: Gen­ .1. AcMn ...... 312 11:0*—wet.'C—iAincneon Muaicale. Every major league baaeball Bob Leberman in the end zone on a-.’ds. The timer’s station In the ! .345 ny Laffcrty ran one-two. * JfiMMY ROACH hasn't doelded till*—WDRC—Public Service Pro- Parilli, who.had 331. Maloy is ninth the opening kick-off. tile, Morris, Mitchell, Newman. Twarpnlta ...... 3.12 cram. w n c —Newa; Weather. In the all-time standings with 257. game ia . started with 60 balls, the ; Garden adjoins the New York i yet’ whethbr he «riU attend CoUbge WDRC—Wendy Warren. UtaA Cars WaBtod-^UiaA Cart WaatH Totali ..... U:i*-W TIC—See Tou at The Polli; WHAT—Italian Vole*. IN TOUCHDOWN responsibil­ 225-pound arbiter said. Each ball ' Rangers’" penalty box. Two combat- | . .3 526 524 15*2 BIY.L MACHERRK, local foot­ or plawiirganiBed baseball. "Aa an- StUI of the NIcht WONS—Curt Maaaey Time. must be rubbed up to remove the 2-1 Recaps ' snts, sent to the cooler, started *t. tahm'j/' <*) ball official, will serve as linesman nounc^ent oh his future t l ex­ ity, though. Heinrich must share S. Orayb . . WDRC—Symphony Hall. WTHT—Jack BercS Show. gloss before the balls are put Into WE REUEVE WE HAVE Danny Biuiivage 112 93 99 295 In B.vturday’a Coa.st Guard ami pected shortly. Lb*t Fbll Ib ent- 11 :!• - WONS-Newa. WKNB—Newa: Movie Time. honors with Yale’s Ed Molloy, brawling one night. .Slicks flying, II. Orzyh .. *4 134 104 .122 U :W -w n c —Newa and UualA the ball bag for each game. Plate Zawlatovrki *9 R.P.I. game and in the same lege* showed more t)ian a poabing II: I A-WONS— Jl. R. Baukhage each being credited with 14. Hein­ ; one o f the antagonist’s clubs miaa- PlocharcayS 91 190 WDRCr-NaWA w n c —Down Honiara. umpire averages 110 to 120 calls All .Star Na'tlonal Little I.,eague Its 14 — 200 capacity the following Saturday interest in the finest nfftbalt naradar Mamlac rich has scored twice and pitched , ed its aim. gaught Lane on the Itubarha *.., 105 KM WDRC—Aunt Jennie’a Storlea. in a two-hour game and 150 to top of the head. aeco id " ba.seman during the past Low Srore KM .117 for the Connectieut— Rhode Island player ever to perform at Man- Sm*—wn c —Frank Atwood. W'KNB—Perry Como Show, for twelve tallies, Molloy has made coMMEcncinrs — 95 9,3 "190 WDRO*-Farm Profram. WTHT—Luncheon Mualt four and thrown ten. Right behind 160 ball and strike decisions in I It was the duly time Gappy has season was Danny Banivage of game a t. King.itnn. Sachcrek iS Chester High. :l*—WDRC—Hymn Time. VC Cleat Totali ...... •313 516 499 1547 II:I»—Local Newa. Moriarty Brothers. Through an iH-Wlfc-iNewa. are Maloy and Mississippi State’s games that require longer than . hc-n asleep ofi the job and didn’t S U:ia—WDRO— .Romance of Halen Jack Parker with thirteen, the two hours. Practically all gamea I kno'v wiiat tl:nc jt u-as. error, Walt Sharpe’s pholo appear­ Trent today take more than 120 minute*. ed In last night's- edition 'Over dinnye.l. .. ,...... Al-. brlCMl’t. ]<» li) . WTIG-MarJorle MIIIa form ir with nine passing and the ANESTCARSI 'I^rabie? I..i.ne hah one" atreaTi 112 .121 WCCC—Newa. latter with ten scored. Major league teams take care to more than 3000 before missing Danny’s name. ^Chaprll...... 11 ,',i 103 .107 HI WHAT—laRoaa Program. Still in contention in the close of all expenses of players on the ; sa assignment, lasted 1049 suc- i^elll.v , 121 110 112 ,.14.1 WO.V8—The Women a Paga. lYE 'EM-TRY 'EM-BUYJEM C, Ahralt!i ...... so o, 120 » 30.1 Television WTHT—Newa. battle among the runners are Lebh road the players must pay t ] eesaive games. He haa gone 37 stop .the clock, some don’t You V. Abraltla 107 97 *7 291 WKNBJ-Man on the Street. Hardeman, Georgia Tech. Johnny their Sown way when the team la , days without a day off. have to known when.” 1I;4»—WDRC—Our Gal Sunday. Olszewski. California. Don Beas­ ...... 634 496 646 1566 WCCC—Mt alc for Milady. home', Dascoll said. "Each umpire I What are the requisites? Tile rodeo, however, demands T- Me ley, Arizona, and Billy Vessels and Is allowed *18 a day by the league TMESHMOlinSTOnV I "Good reflexes, goed eyes, know S*a4k Mp4baait4 Na. 2 (|) 4:00->Ktte Smith. WTHT—We. She Women. even more precise clockwatching. Johnenn 94 lOI 93 299 6:0D->6hort Short Drama.. WKNB—The Fatteca. Buck McPhall, Oklahoma, all over to cover living expenses,” Frank ; your game, be a referee and not "The prize money depends on Itaurli __ I:**-WDRC-NewA ToW’le ...... *7 76 92 237 5:15—>Me«t Th«i Stan. WTHT—Paul Harvey. , 600. added in his informative talk. ; a rooter,” he e::plains^ "Every speed, hence the clock.” Cappy ..... 99 , 9.3 68 272 6:35—Bowdy .Doody, Three passers Wave made, over Save! Savef j body tell!! m e. .they’d . do. my job Low Score ....-Ids JOS MM - 816 f lOft—Rallflouar Proirrim. WCCC—Mancheater Httlnee. - WHO’S THE OBEATKST ball point* mit. ” A thbusSh'd ddlla'r'i Looihil ... WTIC—Newa. ; 1,000 yards in their specialty but Use I for nothing just so they could ...... "16 109 96 261 €;15—Mualcal Momenta. plaver in the National League? may change hrndi on the differ­ €; •>—SporUicojK. WONS—Newa. I have been jtnocked back into three I ate the garae«. I tell ’em thev TotjU .. , WHAT—Betty Kimball. Without any hesltntlbiv Dkacoll ence of a fifth of a second. One 490 807 473 1470 • ;#5—weather Forecaata. ■ figures in total offense by ground j coil’d never be timers, if they -«x- . |;i6—World Newa Touay, . l:It—WDRC—Ma Pdrklnt. answered, "Stan Muaial.' He’s the m MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN year two cowboys were tied to WTHT—Show Tunaa. mlosses: O'Connell, John Borton Of ipect tothe gamer. They'd . .. Laiaaapl Lathrraii 4»» 7;05^ri^tUi Valley Dave. best at'whatever he's doing. He’* a fifth of’ a aec-nd nftisr' each had A. Anderron ...... j(M jo2 T20 T:K)—Connerttcat SpotUirht. WONS—Tankeee Food Show, Ohio State and Ztik*, Bratkowaki Radio, heater, merc-o>inatic. Color: Mdroon. Low mile* ; surely forget shout the cloc’;.” 326 w n c —Juke Box Jlnglei. the greaUst.” , n r r “ roped seven calves.” K. Amlereon ...... 99 - 99 T:60—Consreeaman A. A. Rlbincoff. of Georgia, " pigt. Stock No. NT-258. ____ ^ B.ASKRTBALL is the hardest tO' Johnann 111 106 96 11.3 t:45—Carney Newa Caravan. . _ l:»a—WDRC—Tpung Dr. Malone. . tim e.------Lane la always ready to lend a ______...... —122.~..96.—433- 343 ■ftOtW^Arihuf T56drr«y. WCCC—Newa; Mancheater Matlree. -F t I M E PAYMENTS CirTaon • :05—Strike It Rich. WKNB—Caravan of Mualc.. i "hand- a" 'aecond'Tianar lh a t' is-- to' 131 96 109 326 **You’ve got- to be the rcfcrcoi coiiterta. Sbme assignments are Korea — 106 i n t : 15—PI alnel otbeaman. 1:U—WDRC—Guiding Light ' Police Shooters 1948 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE 4^DR. ttOAN tijo.” he "Some whistles lOrOO—Boalnf. WONS—Juat Jenkina. quite unique. Like that time dur­ Oreea. Radio and heater. „ C O O ^ Totals ...... 8.37 610 579 1646 10:i5—Sport Spot l:t*.-WDKC-Second Mra. Burton ing World Wa.r II when he an­ I 11 ;05—Com*k.V Hour. WCCC—Mualc. Ready tqr Season! Stock No. U-904...... -V...... swered a beauty parlor proprie­ aulMvan TV Modds 13:05—Newa WONS—CannectlcuS Ballroom. .Teaerrew WTHT—Newa; Top Hit Time: m 91 CENTER STREET MANCHfSTER tor’s SOS and time a beaiitiriana’ ...... ** •'* M A. M. Scorea ...... 104 90 _ 7:05—Today. WKNB—Newa, Caravan of/MualA The Manchester! Police Depart­ Arthur Dnis Storw J 1948 CHRYSLER "WINDSOR" 4-DOOR SEDAN % contest In manicuring, permanent 11 *1 19-3 102 wave and hSndwave facial. 1:05—Teat Pattern and Mulle. WTIC—The Doctor a Wife. ment will hold lU first match in f HOURS 8 A. M. to 11 P. M. J Bine. Radio and henter. ' C I I A C « OPEN FOR YpUR CONVENIENCE ^ TICKETS % ...... _ 101 ,J07 1:45—Mornlnr Newa. WHAT—Open Houae. the Police Revolver League on Stock No, U-906...... THR W ATYTI PEOPLE who 10:05—Tour Window Shopper. J:l»—WDRC—Perry Maaon. W ILL BE SOLD IN Totals 11:05—Ur.Ued Nation! Senlona. WTIC—Cinderella Week-end. Nov. 11 at the State Armory on i MANCHESTER timed the Olympic Games are 495 6.10 609 1534 ll:35-^trike It Rich 2:25—WONS—Newa. Main street. The opponent haa not 4 EVENINGS UNTIL 9 F. M. ' honoring Lane, Nov. 18, and ap­ P. M. 2:30—WCCC—Newa: Mualc; 1952 STUDEIAKER COMMANDER STARLK^HT rtMiNTnr n.rii w o n k n 12:05—The World We Live In. WTHT —It Iltppena Every Day: yet been announced. propriately enough have Invited , i fireea Rar t*l> 6-Pnsaenger cEHipe. Gmy, ndio, heater, automatic MONDAY. TUESDAY. THURSDAY. FRIDAY 13:15—Love of Lif<. Scorea. .f Five teams presently comprise BflLCH Is Your $2245 MARLOW'S such speed stars as Glenn Cunning­ Jonn#nin.a,....,.... 71 71 70* 13:10—Search For Tomorrow WONS—Pauli Stone Show, the league, and a sixth is conlem-, drive, low mileage.’ Stock No. U-899 ...... ham, GlI Dodds, Andy Stanheld, jlamllton ...... 7, ** 13:45—Nancy'a Kitchen. 2:45—WDBC-Brighter Day. FRIDAY’. NOV. 7- Rltvwnrth ...... 7r ra 74 1:35—Carry Moore Show. WDRC—Nura Drake. plated. Present members Includt. 0 A. M. to Mai Whitfield. Hariiaon Dillard, Horace Asbenfelter, " John Mar­ ...... 61 98 75 T:05—Evervmhere I Go. WONS—Patter by Paltcraon. the police departments of Bristol, 8 P. M. "'"d a ...... 90 93 91 y:»>—me Guidiry Licht WTIC—Mid-Afternoon .Newa; In- 1949. lUICK SUPER SEDANETTE shall snd Allen Stack to join in. 3:45—mdoAfternAFtn Newa. West Hartford, New B’ritaln, Man­ -7 “ alde Newa frotv Hollywood. chester and the Pratt and Whit­ Black. Radio and heater. A real nice car! Totila .. 369 396 405 1160 3:05—The Blf Payoff. 3:00—WDRC—Hilltop Houae. Basketball roaches squawk D ali 44>I 6 IVEJ 0 U 3:l^welcon1e Travelers : WKNB—Newa; Rrqueat Matinee. ney guards in East Hartford. Der­ Stock ' No. NT-280., ...... , ^ ...... $1495 moat. s.iys Cappy, citing the night Dummy 66 66 . 66 196 4:05-Kate Smith Show. WCCC—Mualc. by is the sixth entry expected. St. Bbnaventure lost a thriller to Dummy , .70 70 70 210 WONS—Jack Downey'a Mualc Shop. Patrolman Joseph Sardella M ftr.hmldt 69 *8 *3 277 WTHT—Newa: Top Hit Time, 19S1 FORD TUDOR ___ J Brooklyn St. llohn’s, 60-58, in the Ay^rf .. . *6 fl 106 272 ^FintWood w n c —Life Can Be Beaullful.' secretary of the league. Co-cap­ - 4 lb National Invitation - Tournament. B«nton a 107 19 *7 293 WHAT—Newa; Open Houae. tains of the Manchester team are Gray. Henter, 1,6,000 mile car. .- G O B Y B U S S:J5—WDRC—Houae Party. rSODUCTIONS "This is the worst robbing ToUlft .1 Sgt. Edward Winzler and Patrol­ Stock No. NT-226, i , $1595 I've ever experienced,” roared 917 400 * 430 1247 WTIC—Road of Life. NOTICE ON K ^ Cabin8ts S;SOt-WCCC—Newa: Muaie.- man Frederick Tedford BETTER DEftL WNt. » leiwii Coach F.d Mllkovich, pounding the ? WTHT—Seqrea; Top HU Time. I'"'- ' MaxSI <41 L I N C O L N ■ w n c —Tepber Tounga FifmUy. ■BI6AP00N timer’s table bummy 69 69 69 177 •_‘riTi.RrR*a-. Bobby Adams stole i the - most PONTIAC DEALER 19S1 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN "Milkovich was griping about nsitsewera *1 76 a WHAT—WHAT Jamboree.” iKelaoh ...... 97 344 ^ Supurior “ "WKNB^-Reijufanutthee...... baxes Ypr the Cincinnati Reds in Green,.Radio-and.lieaier,. - I:' .\^; t^e ofFlclali,” recall* Cappy Lane, 76 79 89 349 \s Little A s $2.45 A Week. DOWNS I-.45—:WCCC—Junior .DItc,-Jock«.y.„ . I ■*■• < I Ml* r PhieUn -----..... 68 101 -96 396 1052. H*. leered; IL sacliA----- >-'8te«k*K«,'lL?v;.6*a35S'.V-w.«»L-.4*«yr-'’-r 4:0O-WDRC-;.^Jl^appeha Everyday. -T0tSli“ 77iT Tdb'iSi" A t SOS A. M, - ' to; me and tell m e what he 'tholight 'a. Raral'<*> WTHT-Cal Tlnuey. . 1980 PACKARD 4-D0Olt SE5AN . - of. .’em; He wouldn’t talk to any­ T A Z-80«k WCCC—Mualc. Green. lUdlo and heater. Dummy;...... 7i 79 73 319 WHAT—Newa. PAYMENTS one else juat then. Dummy ... 10 30 *0 240 r " ’ WTIC—Backatage Wife. St4ick No. U-774...... ^ I e9 " T O "It made me feel that I'm ap­ J nhnaon , ; ...... 93 66 76 344 WKNB—Newa. iTLOKfAUST rinnesan ...... 67 17 < 264 90 "■e ^nGSt^D IRtNSPOBTUION CO preciated.” SHOW ION K ll liarrinston ...... 90 \ 91 TO 231 FHONE $191 FOR FACTORY-TRAINED a 1951 MERCURY CLUE COUPE; Total! .... I Los Angeles—Jesua " Fiientes. 403 lip’ 366 1196 I .'Black. ■ . ■ CROSLEV TV-TECHNICIANS J A A A ^ O 1S8 1-2, Los Angeles, outpointed Stock No. UB—17. TV. Tap-Natek (!) Willie Vaughn. 158 1-2, Lo* Dummy ...... 76 76' 76 326 Somebody May Say it Angeles, 10. Dummy ...... 77 77 77 231 rierk ...... *3 76 69 349 $ 1949 MERCURY 4.DOOR 2 WEEKS REMAIN Miller ...... 77 74 94 335 New Low 0.50 New Low Mae. Radio aad' heater. ExceUeat Condition. 7 . i While Plains, N. Y.—Miguel Lakln* , ...... 7* *0 76 331 Prices Berrios, 127 3-4, Puerto Rico, out­ htock No. U-881...... DURINO WHICH PAYMENTS MAY IE MADE TO Total! ,, 394 393 404 1190 CALL BUT BALCH CARTER’S WORK CLOTHES pointed EUirl Hilton, 129, Philadel­ Tllllet (4) ■ * ■ W '• ' phia, 8. Rteyen* ... 71 10 83 234 I H ie $3.50 charge tor labor only if paid when cadi la" ^or iPaintera, Carpenters, Plumbers 1949>ilbKARD SEDAN / COMPLETE YOUR 1952 CHRISTMAS CLUR ^ completed. No chbrge If your set is ia oervt4se gnanuitaaL' \ Black. Radio and heater, .ti ■ MEANS BUSINESS -Stock So. U-S12. Priced to tell at ...... $1245 Koelsch to Bring Hartford 'I..' PAYMiNTS ON OHRISTMAS CLUB ACCOUNTS MAY BE O f I S R 1947 OLDSMOMLE "98" 4-DbOR SEDAN Get Todays’ Hi’ Appraisal Black. Badki and heater. Hydramatle Drive. Eleven to Mt. Neho Sunday OJofltss Near aew Urea, poactare proof tabe*. # 0 4 K ^ MADE ONOR BEFORE FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14 , ‘ . ) ' ' ; ^ 1'' Stock No. U-S66. A roal^h^ at ...... ^ Get Today’s Top Allowance Colorful Jeff Koelsch will bring • but because he wants a lot of peo^ A fk Your Pointeirl 6M-26 LEISURE COAT— Jaatzea's Improved cM y-g«lBf Isafgr. : ' ; 4 1 -'4vl 4 :■ , '1 h^a Hartford‘Aragpna to Manche*- pie to see hia Aragons tack the arlth mascullae’ good lootts built la . , . geaeixnis foil-tailored A U AIOVE CARS HAVE THE FAMOUS "ED" ter Sunday afternoon In an effort first game loka on the Silk Town- BRUNNER’S shoulder*, roomy Inside patch pocket^ hsiMUofoe leather but* to check the. Sl)k City "football era. . i T.V to4M. Neek aad skoulder seaun* are retaformed for wear . . . SULLIVAN SAFf h se d CAR WARRANTY ^ Savif^ Banlc^Maiidiester team's win streak at Mtr.Nebo. Playing-wUh the Aragons is DEPARTMENT TOWARD A NEW PONTIAC H E P R E H R 5 added border length prevents hiklag up. Note the rich *4>ft feel, The Aces have ■ rackedd U|>up finirfl : Pete Bojase. wO-pound tackle, who the hixnrioos look o f the 'fabrlo-*I00% imported virglB woid with jt a s s k A* MUTUAL SAVinOS BATIK > ■ucceanea on home aotl to <£ste. played here the past two year*. • snede-tlke flalsh. 86-46, $1235. Other c«4U sweaters $845 np. SILK CITY, despite playing PASSING ha* been the Ace*’ good football, have found the moat poUnt qffehslv* weapon this 358 EAST CENTER STREET—T E L E ^O N E 5181 i m i guaranteed ALL OE 4 TS IN.-rUU, BY THR SAVINGS RANKS’ turnouts .of paying clients very seaiaon “wlth^-Pat Bolduc, th'etzel BALCH-PONTIAC, INC. V u t c ^ V o f f PAINTS - ENAMELS - VARNISHES MORIARTY DEPOSIT GUARANTY FUND OF OONNEOTlCUTi small. Sunday the Ace* hop* to Jacobs and Yosh Vincek all capa- OPEN THURS. and FRI. UNTIL *:30 P. M. display their ware* before the big- bl* o f flipplhg the leatL*!’- Bolduc OTHER NIGHTS T IL 6-SATUROAY T IL 5 P. M. 155 CINTEir S^fET ) MANCHESTtt geatgathelerihgof .the campaign. . i does the'bulk of ^ e hurling and Koelsch wants a big qrowd. not | hia paKshtagaa of hits la very ALWAYS A HTTER PEAL AT lALCH'S McGILL-CONVERSE, Inc. 789 MAIN STREET bbcause of any peixentage deals, I high. '1 M5 MAIN STREET—1XLEPQONE «887 V- r- (■A'ry I ‘ 3 ^ '- V' "T fi r-l -tM- f J- rtiX " 1: f

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALP. MANCTESl'ER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, N O V E M ^ 6, 1952 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1952 PAGE TWlNTY-THRPEf PAGE TWENTY-TWO -r«wr. •• Household Goods 61 Rooms wlthoM Board" 59 tio e a tlo M -fw-’SEiirV" w ITm Sate it WiuMZ*>lb^^ asREMa Aatonobiles for Salt' 4 Antomobiles for Sale 4^ Business devices Offered Ilf Businm Opportanlties S3 Poultry find Supplies .43 Mfij. EiBenliower IIIII NINGLB ;,and ono.> double tJnion Bosses moikmKikrKt tafc- a n HONE3T PEftSOl ICAMKMBBTIiai ^ OREEW ~ ;,":'::.rI1tD:BE:,j90Lp irORX)U«aCvfUB801.TSi» esiMlV ~ t»NVERllBtE- Toomr -for- refit, inquire -«0 -O 9 o- TO RENT- -Btore wr 1 1 rooms;'''two imluitdied’ With dog* I yonr ' pwpeity-' Best ValiM litTtiw 'n . 1947 international K-6.' 14 shades madb to measur«.| All at 867 Main street, WUIlrafinlin tic. kevs, fresh ..killed, fresh frozen, W H 6’8 GOING HOUSlpKE' ^'TCiws/V’^ S P E a A L S per Hill atreet Phone 2-0595. atreet. Near Main street oppoalfe mers. Fully insulated, aluminum ReaRy Ob., Realtors, 5<1 Mala ' foot van' type body. Call 2-0252. metal Venetian blinds at a new Further details call Mgiieheaiter ready anytime, 8 fo 25 pounds. THATS WHAt I WANT If you are seeking real value JSb^ Bifluence THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY ONLY! low price. Keys made whU« you 2-5149. Schaub'0 Turkey Farm, IBS Hllla- TO TAKE b'VER First NsUoiial. Bhone 5117. Ed- .combination doors and sath, hdt atreet Call 8215. }uy out of season and save! ONE DOUBLE and one single '!^ ter heat, fireplace, ameslte I'or your tQonejr we recuim* {OsaUnned Page One) 1949 STUDEBAKER Land Cruis­ w ait Ma.low s tow« Road. u n p a i d b a l a n c e room for married couple .or girla. ward -J. Holl, 1009 '^atn streeL Mvlrtisenenb MONTHLY PAYMENTS drive, large comer lot. Owner mencl highly this well built USTINOS WanUd. Slnsie, two^ Lad/r Solitaire Diamsud Kins er. radio and heater. Phone Two minutes from Main streoL |ta Ike Victory IMT PLYMOUTH 821.63 • OFFICE FOR rent Office and Uv- tranafarred. Howard R. Hastings, family, three-falnUy, buainaas Wrote a Short radiogram to his .2-1829. ^ v , MATTRESSEB MADE to order, Help Wantpd— Femalt S5 Call 2-1614 or 47 CotUge atreet. seven room home with four CLASSmED ADVT. 1»4S STUDEBAKER .re-made and aterillzed like new. Articles for Sale 45 NEW FURNITURE AND ing quarters siUtable for doctor, 2-1107. ledrooms on lagge, well land* property. Have many cash buy- parents in New 'York:' ' ' SEWIIjO MACHINE operator '' dentist, *tc. Seven roomk Ebccel- ars. Mortgages arranged. Please (Oaottnoad trom Page Ooe) APFROX. Va CARAT D e p t , h o u r s IM CMEVROLET 1950 DODGE pickup. Very reason­ We call for and deliver anirwhere. APPLIANCES MANCHESTER—Furnished room Dear Folks; wanted. Apply Ka-Klar Cloth Toy lent, central' location. Phone U AN CinES!3^*-01d coloniid, 8H scaped lot. O ffS i^ for imme* cell George L- Ordkladlo, Real­ :.10 P . M. able. Keeney's Garage, Buckland. Frank Falk. 17 Main atreet. Col­ ROYAL AND Sboith-Oorona port­ which is now in atoragi for refined ^lady or couple. \ Con­ My heartfelt congratulations. AMIRICAN CUT ^ All Coiivcrtlbleii Co- 60 Hilliard street. able . and standard typewritera. originally sold tp a young couple 74-14. room*. Hot witter heat flraplaee, diats aale at ^ tor. 2-5878. 109 Henry Street the election reiulta wlU probably chester. Conn. Phone CVlchester tinuous hot water and hot water mean for union labor.- My thoughts ware with you all tha AU Priced to Sen. . i051 NASH Rambler, Station 460. AU makes of adding machines but unfortunately are not getting Dutch Ovan,. la rft maple ahade way.” FULL TIME experienced sales heat. Inquire 381 Summ it atreet. STORE FOR rent ; at 27 Starkr trees on H-tcre Ipt Garage, , 113,000 BUYERS YVACTINa—Single and 1. The unions very likely won't FLAWLESS COPY CLOSING TIME Wagon type, 6,00* miles. Asking sold or rented Repairs on aU married two-femUy homes. For afficleat "'M e signed It "Johnny.” BALCH-PONTIAC Inc. $1,585. 60 Lockwood street. clerk. Apply in person. Marlow’s, makes. Marlow’a. BEDROOM SUITE RCX)M FOR gentleman. On bus wtother etrcetl aultable for' achool bus at door. PurchSM have' the aame degree of tynmth^ Then he broke out refreshments >R CLASSinED ADVT. 155 Center Street Before you buy any prop* and confidential strvlca call, , HNE WHITE CdLOR BofldinK—Contraetiiii' 14 ' 867 Main street. LIVINd ROOM SUITE line. CJontlnuoua hot water. Phone ' * grocery or amall'bualaess. Large pries $11,000. Located 4lt9 Oak* at the White HoUie under'Eiaen- for 15 guests, officers and war cor­ MON. THRU FRI. 1957 PONTIAC 4-door-sedap. $80. BOLTON —^ Building atone and' 8-PC. DINETTE SET -> bkeemtoL Apply 23 Starkweath­ Itnd street Howard R. Hiatinga; arty tee this unusual value. Rtale, Broker. 3-1919. hower that they tod'^'inder Presi­ Your Better Deal WANTED—Woman to do house­ 6803. 1, respondents. j 10:30 A. M. Good running condition. Call 8671 SPECIALIZING In repairs, altaTv •'flagatons. Bolton Notch Quarry •PHUIX)” ELECTRIC REF. er etrfieti^ 'j" - - ageht 3-11^. dents Hobaeyalt'land Truman. Ei- 'M work one or two mornings per CASH BUYERS watting tor 6r 5, During fhe campaign the 30- SATURDAY 9 A. M. Pontiac Dealer or 344 Lydsll street. tiona, fiiilshing attic rooms and Phone 2^17 Stanley Patnode. ■BENGAL" COMB. RANGE NEWLY DECORATED! furnished a a n h m ^ Was pledged to be faiV Tax Extra .week. North end. References re­ 6 and seven room alines and year-old major was a silent spec­ baaemeni play roonu. Redaonable “■W m O E " WABHER room with cooking prlfiHegea «nd BAYEERRY ESTATES ROBERT J. SMITH, Inct t9.4aSor and every other element; tator front afar. 1»50 STUDEBAkER eonveirtlble. quired. Tel, 2-8705 after 6 p. m. LOAM, Darlfs$iah cultivated Grade Wanted toHant ! •8 two-famtly ho'iaea In Manchaater^ of tjhb^ population. But this sounds IKATIUN w n x Overdrive, radio, hcAter. $1695. ratea. Free estlmatez. Phone HOOVER ’ v a c u u m furnace heat. Phone 2-4428. I sweat a little bit,", he re­ We guarantee these , diamond Hugs to bo TOOK o o b r c R A T n 1940 CHEVROLET club coupe, No. 1, 88 cu.svtrd. Grade No. 2, •■EMERSON " T tX E V IS ION BOLTON X Main Street Bolton, ObvenUy and yemOa. lilto a far different epproeoh than t A m u s o u^TEO' SoUmene. Inc.. 634 Center, etreet. 2-0650, PART_ TIM E. .bookkeeper.__wltlL called, "but there never was any geeiotogtst haa four yeara of actentlflc trainlag ____ BE $150. 4 -Depot streeL Buckland,— -82 - etfc -JOUR ADULTS desire 1-Ot- Howard R. HaMtega, 2-1107. „ ;thw frank partlaanahip In-behalf Phone 5101 or 5102. knowledge' o* typing and short­ Phone 8450 partieuKr’ angulih’.'Obv. Stevenson vaiueedues nnd dtomoadaT tdwiedbtore wo are aito to make the" CARPENTER \Vork of all> forms. load Iota. Screeffad sand and aU Mohawk rugs, inlaid, lantps, tables, line, near Center. 'Single or dou­ - zoom rent Refereneea. Phone 8 room R an ^ homes, with at* of labor w^ich the unions enjoyed 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE hand. for amaU office. Manches­ WANTED-r-One' or two acres of is a fine man. atatement. Work guaranteed. No fob too sizea "Stone deliveito. Order now. dishes, pots and pans. ble. Phone 2-5379. 3-9230- tachad garaga. \ Lots UQxUO. under Rooeevelt end-Trumen.- DIAL5121 1949, 19.50, 1951 Auiomobilei',~ u Aero sedan, tutone blue-gray. After 6 P. M. Call high, elevated land within 30 WlU See Oeineral tVtik the purckaae of any make wntob In Mir atodi, isB IM f •- t ter 2-2206. Nusadoit Constructito Co. Phone PHONE ME IMMEDIATELY , Soma avallabla tor .Immediata little u $9.90 vyeekly. Lowest Nice car throughout. Trade now, imail. Phone Rockville 5-5759. PTJRNISHED or unfurnished Mr. Heck 3959 mile radlua of Hartford. Bbbne 2- 2. A ere won’t be any repeal of models, a Spetdel Band or a Roaaon Ughter free. High trade- te 8408 HARTFORD 8-0358 decttpancy. Priced at $18,900. the "Teft-Hartley Labor Law. Ei- Aaked whether he would eee his Snance ratea. Possible your car trade right. Trade with Dougla.e SALESLADY'Wanted. Steady full apartment adults. Reasonable. 9994. V______allewaaoe on old watch toward tho puivhaae of n new o m . SPECIALIZING IN Custom built AFTER 7 P. M. 48-4890 FURNISHED Room for rent, sin­ This Inciudea. ameaita drive, 'senhower has promised to make father if Oeh. Biaenhower'bOmea te down. Dougflis Motors, 333 Main. Motors, 333 Main. time poaition, opto for experlenc- WUling' to do own repairs C?all storm Windows, and’ acreena, TALOOTTVILUB—Four miles out I«st and Fonnd garage- concrete floors. Also al- MAKE MOWING A PL^SU R E SEE IT DAT OR NIGHT gle or double. Phone 2-8061. needed chengea in the law, without Korea aa he promiaed during the .e~83 wSskly Buy Uis-nsw Tf vou have no means of transpor­ Five ialShed Hot water heat, 5 apd 8 room hqniea. Call 2-1187 being specific. I/>ST—Black and white English erection/ Call Frank Contois, aphere. Good working,conditions, Wordssier Power Mower. \Fa- ROOM TO RENT, one block from wer said: "Damn, that adds some­ J. M. B. JEWELERS Good and clean, $135. Inquire 37 1941 FORD Club coupe. Good run­ tation n i send my suto for- you. URGENTLY Needed, unfun atorm, wlndowa and doora, aet anytime. E. A^E. Agency. "*•' ' OEMOLOOISTS Setter named Freckles:' Female- ManchRstor 5322, Hartford 8-7735. Salary and vacation with pay. moua Priggs-StHitton motpr. Main street. Continuous hot C^bCKirrT. thing. Sure r u see him.’’ Marble street. Phone 2-0059 or ning condition. Call 2-8775.', Apply Genton Clothes, 655 Main No; obligation! apartment by three adultE Phone tubs, steel hatchway. Youngstown 828 MAIN ST. (Over Loft ■Candy Store) M A N C H E tnek Tag No, 111386 also two' 8 ^eek^ ■Phonaiti84;...... E ^ R —T—■—S water. Gentlemen. Phone 4724. The major aald he thought it eld pu|>piea, black and white, pre 2-S727. atreet. East Hartford. . 3-4990 after 5:30, JROKER sink and cabinet, tils bath, ga­ waa sensible "to look st some of WANTED—G'>od clean, used cars. ALU K ixbs of carpenter work ^ 43 Allyn St.. Hartford .Lcfkl Notice ■' aumably -w ith- mother, - vleiivlty- ma:.iiniahed. upstairs. ..Easy, FimNlSHED.RQOM for rent. G^^^ raga with aniaatte dri'veway, lot the ground directly. When you look NfiED TRANSPORTATION? See’ Boh Oliver; ' Ceiiief...Meter fiO.66i .OFF ott. famoua niaks R at FOUR OR FIVE - rooms wahted .AUln Stroet . LocalStocks ....\-... Vemon street, Manchester. Call terms. Call 8862. teriea. Wrltlgn guarantees. $1.00 OHErt u n iv e r s a l tank type de- tieman preferred, ttesr Main hone*—omee 8418, 158' * 210’. Priced riitht at $12,- a t a (X)U»T or PROaA’T* held at a map -- ifa two different Sales, 401 Main street. by middle-age couple, no.chUdren. 1^305. ^ean Pre-War Cars ' “ WOMAN FOR housework, morn­ down, 81.00 Weekly.' Cslso torv- luss^mbdel cleaner with complete street. Phone 2-2170. '9 Hazel /o r Roaidonce 8781 800. Fhona - Barbara Woods, at jtenehaetar, within en4 far y»* things. Of conrae, you must remlse ings. Phone 5358. Best references. C^l '3*9833. District of Kanehastor. on th* 3rd Ek icenter. Tel. 4184, 4188, or 2-OOSO attahhmenia. l Thaver baby car­ street. , y. A g en t 8702. day of NoTombtr. A.D., 1U2. a trip to Korea won't work mir- WILL PERSON who lost or drop­ l^s(tten Guarantees riage.'Reasonable. Call Coventry HARTFORD — 9 room, netviy A MUMlsbnek. tae. acles." • ‘FTwIsls— Nurseries 15 REGISTERED Nurse or licensed WANTED To Rent—Three bed­ l»rasant. JOHN J. WALLBTT. ped black Shepherd dog. about Auto AccessoriM— ^Tirg^ 4 CINlCO ALL Aluminum combins- 7-6109. LARGE Attractive room with dedorated, hot water heat, fire­ PRINCETON STREET — Fouf^ Market qaesfl Sotoiflays Eisenhower bent his head close ten months old. on Hebron Road U42 CHEVRpLET CLUB COUPE CHRYSANTHEMUMS, cut flow- trained attendant for 3 to 11 ahlft. tion windows No vpalnting, no private housekeeping facilltiee. room houM In good location.' (Tall place in living room, about 10 rooms plus two unfinished. Flre- '^'Kiuita of Coltssro iparla also spalltd 1 p. B. ptiecs to the loudspMker when the voice 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN Rockville 5-4291. 4545. Galosera Paria/laU of .lUnchesur-in In Bolton please call 4358. We TIRE SALE / era. Many choice varieties. Phone changing, no storing. Free eatl KITCHEN Dining room and living fully attached. Private entrance. y . minutes from center. Exception­ place,^ hot water oU heat, hatch sold dtstrlef. deesastd. ' of his father.dame on, announcing 1040 BUICK CtyB COUPE 8185, room furniture. A few miscellane- al buy $19,800. Wentworth-Me- way, root donaqrs, copper plumb­ Upon appIleatlOB ,bt Santo Parla. ad- Bid Asked victory.:' ' have enough animals of bur own. mate given, no obligation, call Inquire 101 Chestnut ''street. • $26 REW a B d for four or more 1939 PLYMOUTH ^T^;DOR Goodyear, Firestone, U. 8. 600x16, ______/ ______NEED MONEY to bolster the bud­ oua items. Reasonable. CsU 2*3641 mlnTstnttot, prayli# for autboritr to first Natiooal Bank Willikm Tunaky. 2-B095. rooms rentritenement, apartment Anecny, Inaum noe-Reel Estata,- ing,, la^ga. lo t T to d a ^ ’ oecupan- acII ceHaln real osSte partleuUrIr dt- Statle made Gen. Blaenhower'e LOST—Xoung, small dog, sandy 1939 PONTIAC TUDOR . $10.95. 670x15, $13:95. 710x15, get? 4 or 5 houra'a day, will bring or Rockville 5-9^341. ROOM FOR rent. Near Center. cy. $2,400 caah of Manchaster 88 85 voice hard to understand, but tha $15.95. 650x18. $15.95. Elxchange , you a good income. Write Box E, or house' Middle-aged couple with 201 Farmlnfton Avt., Hartford. ■ciibed In anld npriKstion on flit, It la colOTbd, black nose. Child's pet. 1938 PLYMOITTH Roofing'^-Sidinff 16 Heat and hot water, Gentleman mortgage may he assumed. ORDERED; 'mat tho forasolns ap- HaMord National son ssid, "It's recogntrable.” plus tax. All other sizes propor' one school age chUd. Excellent Call 5-2591 anytime. Reward. Phone 2-4167. Herald. SMALlr BULL Dozer, 8 foot, snow preferred. 37 Foster atreet. Phone Charles Lsaperynce. 84^0.______Rllcatlon be hoard liand datsnntaad at Bank and Trust ... Shellfire echoed ..through the COLE MOTORR, tionally low. MANCHESTER — Roofing and ANTIQUE. Mahoga^v chest of ' references. Phone 2-4913, ask for M Probata office- in Manebeattr in CALSO SERVICE CENTER FOR PART time work. One day a plow. 1938 Bulck. Phone 2-4394. 5331. MANCHESTER—Seven room -djo* anld* Dlttrict, on tha 14th dar of No- Hartford Ooim. Trust valley. EFFECTIVE OCTOIER 30;^ ¥fE WILL RE lO S T —PASS BOOK No. SS. 1334. Siding Co. Also all types o ' paint drawers. 4 Harvard Road. Mrs. Stewart loniel, excellent location, hara- VERNON CENTER — Two Acrea ▼ombtr, A. D.. IKS, at ten o'clock in Maachsster Trust ... week. Good salary. Empire Build­ Aa Gen. Eisenhower dedicated Notice is herebv given that Pass 91 and 436 Centqg Street ing and carpentry work. Guaran­ 1 ... ZIP-GRIP Clothesline, guarantee- NKJELY Furnished room for cou­ wood floors, tile bath, extra lava­ Clear, -^(aln road to RoekvlU*. tho forenoon, and tbet notice be stven Fkosnix Btate Bank > himaelf to the enormous burden of Book No. SS. 1334, issued by The BATTERIES ers. Phone 2-3101. FRANK'S Antiques and; second to nil pernona intereeted In anld estate LOCATED AT A NEW PERMANENT Phone 4164—2-0980— 4168 \ teed work. Phone 2-8933 for free no clothcaoins needed. Tone ple or gentleman. Near bath. tory, fireplace, oil hot water heat aaveux room single, artesian of the pqadency of laid application, and and Trust ...... 58 83 the presidency, his son's eyes mist­ Bavinga Bank of Manchester has hand store. 56 Cooper streef. Buys Houses for Sale 72 Famous brands. 50 per cent off. eatliiiatesr W AN’TED—Girls for bench work. Karen, RiF.D. No. 1, Rockville. Kitchen nrlvileges. Phone 2-3506. Phone 2-1187. E. A E. Agency. waM, ,pU hsat. Aaklng fll.OC^. the tlraeand place of htarlns thereon. ed. been tost and application has 1949 OLD.SUOBILE atih sed^ and («lls good I’sed furniture and bx> pubileUns-a copy of thie order in Aetna Fire LOCATION AT * on our^bud^et plan. , .Apply. Tober .Baseball. $ffg..,.Cou, Tel. 5-7292, 1!^ 58to 58 ^ ...And.when tb* father ..had fin.-, ^'beeii ttSWft-tb'iNild'bahIt tor ptyi- (sednat te) i-RadjOi heater," hydra'^ FOR OUARANTHEU-ROOPS that Airtlqueai PhonF 3966; "Operr'9’ to EAST' SlDE^TIitola D«4lf6dm' (»-' ■ooSH'-’iiewspapep bavins*a- clreulatkni immuMnt plaase pkone Howarff la tald dietrict, at leaat (Itc days be­ lahed apeaking and a correepond- stay on in any kliid of slonh; and Hilliard atreet. CLEAN, b r ig h t Room. Very* THREE BEDftbOM liANClH ment of the amount o f deposit. matic, marojin Anlrh. A real good SHAPER TABLE—used only few lonial plus den on 1st floor, lAva^ R. Hastings, 3-1107. fore the day of told hearing, to appear NaUdnal Fire -71H ent aaked another question, the CALSO gutters, conductors and root re- \ buy. Far below ceiling price. W AN TED—One wrapper and’ one hours. Ideal for work shop, $35. central. 2-8757. ' Brand new home with full tory, bath. Larga.lot Nice loca­ If they aea causa st sold time and placa Phoenix , 102 eon's VMce choked with emotion aa 244 MAIN STREET Douglas Motors, 333 Main. SERVICENTER pairs. CAH^ughlir 7707. Callj Coventry 7-6956. WE BUY and ael) good used furnt tion. Shown by appolatiBent pi0y. PARKER STREET—Six rooms and. be heard relative thereto, ] and l i t e u garment presaer for laiindry. Ap­ ture, Combination ranges, gas 'FRONT BEDROOM. AH conven- dollar. L ar^ kitchen, dinette, 'make, return to this court. he tried to answer. Ho swallowed P e n m u l i 436 Ce^i^r St. Elva Tyler. 2-4469. flntsked Cape Cod with, shed JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. Aetna Casualty 1950 CHEVROLET 2-door sedan. WE SPECfAU ZE in roofing and ply in person. Maple -Dry Clean­ WINDOWS—SeUlng out, 3-0 x 4-2, ranges'find heaters Jones Furnl minces. Centrally located. •Phohe hard and said: ^good size living room, close to dormer pn(overstMd lot Alum­ Aetna Life ...... "I guess I’ve ssid enough ” THE PROSPECT Hill School for Clean car. $1395. Solimener Inc., Wsnted Autos— siding. Highest Quality . ma­ ers and Launderers, 72 Maple 8 over 8 aseembled. Clear stock ture Sto're, 36 Oak. Phone 2-1041. 66t2. FULTON Street. Two 6 room Cape AT A C»URT OP PROBATE hold young children. Transportation atreet. school and bus. Ill gopd neigh­ inum coihbinsUOh windows. A at Hanehoster. within and for tho Conn. General ..... One of the major's guests at the 634 Center street. Phone 5101 or M ^ o r c y c le s 12 terials. Workmanship guaran­ $14.75 each. Some small sizes Coda. 2 unflntshed. Both homes in Rimlshed. Mrs.’ Lela Tybur, direc­ borhood. Reasonably priced. really .worthwhile three year old District of . Manchester, on the 4th Hartford Steam Boll. victory celebration waa hU divi­ 5102. teed. A. A: Dion. Inc., 299 Autumn Can fill any size needed. Call Cov­ BBINGAL combination stove. Ex v a c a n c y in an apartment for excellent condition. Asking $12,- day of November. A.P., 1U2. Travelers ...... OIL HEAT and tor. Phone 2-5767. ARVIN CARvheater, fits 1941 cellent condition. $50. ALso five- home, < feirly priced. Ex<;luaive sion commander, MaJ. Gen. (Teorge atreet. Phone 4860. entry 7-6956. ■ dngle'gentleman. Private room, 000 and 813,700. Phone 8600 any-, ^ a e n t. JOHN J. WALLETT, DtOHtee PICK UPS: 1951 Ford. 1950 Ford. Chrysler proa\icts. Used very lit­ Help Wanted— Male 36 piece kitchen set, $10. Phone 2- share kH,chen facilities. Phone with Fldeltty Reelty Cb.. j Wm. Judge. W. Smythe. Othera included hla - BALLARD'S Driving SchooL Man­ ARTHUR A. KNOFLA time. ^ Batate of Wllllsni David Oray. late of Conn. Light Power . . 16H 16^4 1948 Dodge 3-4 ton. 1949 Chev­ tle $15. Cell 4426, GREAT EASTFUIN Roofing and REFRIGERATOR. 8 ft. wide, 28 4291. 5416. \ McBride Manchester 4818.1 tent mates—Maj. John T. tlelko, ENGINEERING/ Inc. chester's oldest. Thousands of MACHINIST Realtor Brooklyn, New Tork. leaving property Conn. Power - 37^ 39 Ridgeview Manor, Marysville, Pa., rolet, 1947 Dodge, 1948 and '4i Construction Co Applicators of In. deep, perfect for st.orel or $9,500—CHOICE location. Four In Manchester In said district, deceas­ Hartford EUec. Lt. ,. accident free Instruction hours. FRONT RckjOM, 78 Jefferson AMERICAN Colonial Seven ed. 47’i 49H and (topt James E Emery, Elisa­ GMC 1-ton, 1949 Studebaker. 1946 Bird and Flintkote. Guaranteed Ability to set up all types of pro­ . restaurant, complete with com­ 875 Main St.— Est. 1921 room unit of brick duplex. Game Hartford Gaa (to. . . . 38 TIMKEN OIL HEATIN6 I . Hundreds of satisAed students. Trailers for Sale ^ 6-A ELECTROLUX Vacuum cleaner, street, Hartfob^, directly across room s,'four bedrooms. TUe hath. Upon application of Anne McAdams; . 35 beth aty. N. C. Chevrolet, 1944 Ford IH Ion long roofa and siding. Life-time alum­ duction machines from blue printa, pressor. Double duty meat case 8 , Phone Office 5440 room in besement Expendable Larga living room, dining room. praying that letteri of administration So. New England For appointntent tel. 2-2245. wheelbase, 1948 GMC, 1942 Inter­ inum clapboard and combination in good condition. Phone 2-0783, from Hartford Hospital. Apply be granted on said estate, na per ap- and produce first piece parts and ft. with compressor, 10 sets Evenings 2-5938 or 2-4278 attic. Aluminum screens. OU Cabinet kitchen. Reasonably Tel...... 33 35 Removal of both adrenal flanda PHONE 2-1144 national, 1939 International storm windows and screens. For Mrs. Kenney, first floor. plication on file. It IS TRADE TOUR old electric razor model parts. Position located in booths, electric soda''cooIer. Rea- 1951 E A SY Spin Dryer. Cost new. fired furnace. Oall Madeline priced. 818.500. H. B. Grady, ORDERED: That Iht foresoing ap­ Mnnniacturmg Ftewnenl from animals results in death In SMALL CAMP Trailer at |l Hart our Research and Development Di­ for a Remington "60" or Schick dump, 1949 Ford panel, 1947 free estimates call 8271. Evenings sonable. Call 2-9184 mtween 6-9 $220, now only $110. (Oil 2-2877 Smith, Realtor 2-1643 or 4679. Agent. 8009. plication be beard and detonnined at Am. Hardware...... 17 19 about 48 hours. land Road. Phone 2-4436. 8303. Albert V Lindsay. Owner. vision, In Manchester. A good job LARGE ROOM at 2 ll Wethers­ ONE YEAR young very attractive the Probate office In Manebester In *•20.” Rursell's Barber Shop, Cor­ Chevrolet sedan delivery. Low p. m. after 8 p. m. Arrow, Hart, Heg. .. . 37 40 prices! Champ’s, Route 30, Rock­ worthwhile investigating. Please field Avenue. Hartford,- aultable three bedre^m ranch. Spacious FOUR FAMILY of five rooms said District, on tha 10th day of No­ ner Oak and Spruce streets. for light housekeeplnjt. Apply m JaNCHEBTER—Excellent values vember. A. D.. 1K2. at eleven o'claek AMoc. Spriihf...... 37 30 ville 5-9574. CONNECTICUT Valley Construc­ apply in the Personnel Dept, CARPET REMNANTS. 98c and ROPER GAS range. Excellent con­ living room, dining ell, modern each, an older home that needs la clean Cape Cod's. Immediate Ip the forenoon, and that notice be Bristol B ra s s...... IS 15 ^ : - 7 Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 Mrs. Welton. drat floor. \ ^ WANTED—Ride from Birch street tion. Guaranteed roofs and siding. up. Manchester Carpet Center dition. Reasonable. Private party kitchen, colored tile bath, attach­ some work done on it. Good, cen­ occupancy. H. B. Grady, A gent given to all persona Interestad la said CoIUna ...... 130 150 USED TRUCKS with or without Alumlni:m storm windows and 308 Main attreet. Phone 2-4343. ed garag*> screened porch. Con­ estata of the pendency of said appli­ to Aircraft, third shift. Phone 2- (Jail 2-3317. FURNISHED Room with cokflnu- tral location. Income at present 8009. cation and the time and place of h u r- Em-Hart ...... 89 93 bodies, 4 to 10 ton cacaptty. If BOY’S 26” English type three- gutters a71, men protected by in­ venient location. $3,000 required. IWTS. GRAY ous hot water, private entra'ncc. is $120 monthly. Prlcsd at $10,- Inr thereon, by publiahins a copy of Fafnlr Bearing ...... 3 3 36 We Are Rounding Up Old Rai^^es ! Interested call Stuart Carlson. 44 speed bicycle. Good condition surances. Thr>e years to pay. Free MFG. CO. BENSON’S Appliance Values of 4% mortgage. Phone 8600 any- 000. T. J. Crockttt, 244 Main MANCHESTER — Five room this order In aqrae newspaper having a Hart Cooley ...... 38 .39 WANTED-RKJers to Hartford Stock Place, Manchester, 2-4555. Reasonable. Phone 2-2215. f.<>timate*. • ca ll 7180. Alfred CAMP TRAILER. Inquire 10 Wad Respectable gentleman. Inquire circulation In aald district, at least la Arbor Street the week. Florence 40" electric 101 CTiestnut atreet. ' time. street Phone 5416 or residence house, la excellent condition. Oil five days bafore the day of aaM hear­ Landera, Fraty, O k. ,.22 34 from vicinity of Bolton Notch. ■Charest. Owner. dell Road, or telephone 2*0294. r a fi» , $149.95. originally $249. 3751. hot water heat, screens, storm ing to appear If they see cause at aald New Brit Mach. Co. . 34 36 1950 BUICK Sedanette. Radio and Hartford. Conn. Hours 8 a. in. to 4:30 p. m. Call "A GOOD PLACE TO WORK" MANCHESTER—Five room (Tape windows and doors, ameslte drive time and place and be heard relative North and Judd ...... 38U 2 9 ^ heater, $1545 SoUmene. Inc., 634 e l e c t r i c Radidtor;. electric B sfl^ electric dryer, $189, was FURNISHED RCXIM with private thereto, and make return to this court, $40-00 Trade-In Allow ance Tow ards 2-1300. Business Services Offered 111 Cod. Shed dormer, two years old, IMMACULATE BRICK Cape C< and two car garage, near bus line. Ruaaell M fg...... 13 15 Center street. Phone 5101 or table broiler, new;, goblets with $239.95; Speed Queen deluxe bath, continuous hot . water. New and by malUns In a registered letter H oofin ff 16-A double eliding closet doors in bed­ full shed dormer, basement Priced right at $13,500. Frances on or before November B, 1M2. a copy Stanley Work com. . . 48 51 WANTED—RIDERS to P.W.A. 5102. ANTIQUES Reflnished. Repairing matching sherbet gla.sses, metal Ironer. $169, was $208.30; Philco home. Phone 2-8369. CARPENTER WANTED. Call rooms, tile bath, fireplace, oil hot rage, tile bath, oil heat. Now K. Wagner, Realtor. 2-0028. of tbia erdsr to WUlUa McOonltal. 1 Terry S t e a m ...... 90 100 done or any furniture. Tieman, see-saw. Phone 2-8690. 9' refrigerator, $219, was $259.95. Oak Place. Mancheater. Conn., as m - from .vicinity of Oak and Birch ROOFIN'I— Specializing In repair­ 7270 after 6 p. m. CLEAN, Pleasant room. Central. water heat Neat bus - sChooL Im- vacant Sensibly priced. Excellent T orrtn g ton ...... 29 31 MAYTAG The Finest Gas Range Built Benson’s Inc., 1085 Main (treet. mlnlatrator of tha astata of Rachel streets or West Side. Hours 8 to 1949 PLYMOUTH Special deluxe 189 South Main atreet. Phone ing roofs of all kinds. Also ngw medlatt occupancy. $13,000. Cart- terms. T. J. (Jn^ett 244 Mala U. 8. Envelope com. . . 97 77 ■edan, radio, heater, blue flnish. CHILD'S Record player In case Call 5535. Light housekeeping privileges. COLONIAL—(Quality home of six McOoBlgal. 5:30. Call 6777. 5643. roofs. Guttsr wor'a. Chimneys, MAN TO Work part time to audit ton W. Hutchins. 2-5132 or 6231. street Phone 5416 or raridpnea spacious rooms. First floor lava- JOHN J. WALLETT. Judfe. U. 8. Envelope pfd. . . 63 68 In beautiful condition. See it. Practically new. Reasonable, Married business couple prefer­ cleaned, repaired. 26 years' ex­ '.^freight bills. Must be familiar BLACKSTONE Wa«-hing machine. 3751. ,tory, abundant closets, attariied 'Vaeder-Root ...... 29 32 Easy terms. Douglas Motors, 333 CARPENTER will frame unfinish­ ‘ Phone 88OT. red.'Phone 3337. ■■ BOLTON — Five-room custom perience Free eitimatea. Call With motor carrier tariffa. See Four years old. Very good condi­ gsrsf*. laj^c lot with plenty of The above quotations are not to AotoBiobnes for Sale Main. ed upstairs rooms___Reasonable. *T buBt • home. Heavy, moldeo beam Howley. Manchester ■8861. Mr. Carlson at Cariaon Jk Co.; 44 tion. Price $35/CaIl 3787. TWfl ATTRACmVE, clean, WeU THREE-FAMILY House i-SS. tresis,"move right in. Price jiS ,- bo construed av actuEl mxrkrti. Call 2-4291. ceiltog. Fireplace, large rooms, Immediate' occupancy of one 2941 OLDSMOBILE sedan. Heat 1947 OLDSMOBILE 76 sedan. Hy­ Stock Place. Building Materials 4V furnished rooms for couple. Share 500. - Madeline Smith, Realtor. Decision oiZoneris cabinet kitchen, oil heat ahade apartment Rental of two apart­ er, radio, hydramatic. A good dramatic. In excellent condition FLOOR PROBLEMS solved with Heatinif— Plumbinff 17 large kitchen. Central. C!aH 4337. 2-1642 or 4679. DUMP TRUCK driver wanted. Ap- SERVEL GAS Refrigerator. Rea­ trees, four acres land. $12,500. ments will carry first mortgage. prewar car. Easy terms. $295. throughout. Priced well below linoleum, asphalt' tile counter. ply Colla dbiistruction, 249 Broad Will Be Appealed Oalso Service Center, 436 Center PLUMBING And heating. Special­ sonable. Phone 2-9054. CTarlton W. Hutchins. 2-3133 or Will take («cond mortgage if de­ About Town celling. See Bob Oliver today. Bhepert workmanship, free esti­ f-treet." SPECIAL PRICES Have you seen the street. 2-0980. Center Motors, 461 Main street. mates. Open evenings. Jones Fur­ izing in repairs. Copper water Boarders Wanted 59-A 6231, ______sired leaving small amount of Loto for Sate 7.3 USED CRAWFORD combination caah needed. Ideal location, large A decision by the Zoning Board Capt. Noiman S. Marshall of the niture. Oak atreet. Phone 2-1041. piping, rcmbJeling electric equip­ BOY WANTED for three hours on On CEDAR PRODUCTS! SOUTH WIKDSOR, Strong street. 1848 PONTIAC streamliner sedan- 1940 DODGE coupe. Priced to aell ment for plugged drains. Edward oil and electric' range. Beautiful yard. N #v roof, furnace and aid­ of Appeals to deny the Kenyon local Salvation AVmy (Jorpa is in Sundays to wash pahs. Apply in I HAVE. A vacancy In mV Mcenaed Close to the Foxm art 7 room OAKLAND Street lOO’ x 300'. lo t Bearing Oimpany extension of •tte. Hydfamatic, lustrous green. quickly. Written guarantee, $195. STONE AND Brick mason, slab John.RPO- owner-car. In excellent condition. 5102. yard. A nhalt tile, wall covering Co. Rubbish, asnes removed. ikltnations jlotaloea. Bryan Bros. 179 ToUand a 6,-room • apartment and bam Bowers aehooL-Price $15,500. RA'nOK propooea to flte applica­ Bob OJlVer aiWays has Chevrolets. Done by reliSLle, well-trained Dump truck available for loam, turnpike.. Phone 3037. Wearing Apparel*-*-Fur8 57 discriminating owner. Immediate Female 38 with going used furniture and an- sot ROOM CAPE COd. OO heat occupancy. Reasonable price tion with the Banking Oammlaalon *49 CHRYSLER Center Motor Sales, _461 Main 1937 DESOTO convertible with men. All Jobs guarantesd. .Hall gravel, etc. Phone 2r259L New Yorker 4-Dr. Sedan. ' $229 95 AndUis GIRLS' THREE-pieec'winter out' tiqup ■ business' E xeeflent' part ..■automatlc-hot wateff haaisr, oonm o f (tonnecttcut' for m tteense to •treeL 1941 mdlbr, Gdbd tires; Good r w - Linoleum Cb:,. 56 Cottage afreet. ~AjiL TYPES uf Curtains lanindere^ Suburban'Realty GO. RssttoEs, Iniaiaculate, fully equip-, Household Goods 51 flu, sixes 2 and 4. Excellent con­ time . business opportunity. Call MANCHESTER — Colonial,. Ftre- blnatlon' wlmdomr and .doora, conduct a small toan huatamaa In nlflg. epndition. First reasonable Phone 2-4022, evening! '6166’ or MANCHESTER — Package Deliv­ and ironing done in my home. 541 Mala atreet Phone 8215. 1940 CHEVROLET ^j^on panel dition. Phone 2-8690. Mace, tlla haO>- 2.te % n o r t g m . amesite driVa, nice lot,, fo o d loea- Rgtffr. OoMWctlcuL.rThc -ofi , P ^ ...... offer tjakea it. Phone 2-0911. . 8109. ery. Local light-truckii^— and Call 2-4838. The. Woodshed, 2-31fi4. aparlali. Rij^y,-wiselyy..>;<><^U,--g*t. .lCW_P«^aaiaBcy, JPri ' tlon. Phoihe 2;;;1S73. WETHElMrrnEUp -XG14 , Roo* flbars-and d ir e fcto n j^ tb a -corpch more. Buy: a aebi^t-l^ it ■w o m a n W in care for dhlld in Her Fiiepiice;’ 'ratlte are:--'/"T" *S1 OU^MOMLE EXpPffONAtXVOlAN FOR O il Brrmer'service'Mid~ In­ ■washers' and atove' ’■ moving'*-’a MUSKRAT FUF. coat. CAPte OCIP^ExpniMl ^ t o stEl coals left, Soltmehe, "Inc;, 634 home. 8 a., tn. to S p. m. Vicinity Pumiture, Cribs, Mattresses, size 16. tile Bdtkraasa, fiiU Hxe cellar, •E8" 4-Dr. Sedan: Radto, stallation by 15 y-eara .exper­ specisUv. Phohe| 2-0752. , Worn o'nly once. Phone 2-1801. rooms. Near WaddeD nehooL City •Wilbur A. Bean kentor, hydramatic, beau- Center street! Phone 5101 or 5102. I . USED CARS of Waddell ischool. Tel. 3883. iMANCMEBTER-^-Six room home, haeebeard radtotton, baautlful •Ctolvert 1. Bean ienced oil burner service man. Play Pens, High Chairs, Car­ sewer and utiWtiaa. Lean than ttlpl ear, 80-day COdAC NEW BROWN wool, fur trimmed Igarage, acreena, *torm windows, view. Priced at $14,700. W ent •Patrick J. Ford % Call Manchester 2rl731 or 2-8003. OP.ENINO IN a reliable licensed riages;: Walkers, etc. Complete two yeara ' Tesmadteto occu­ gnaraatee 84193 GUARANTEED Painting—Papering 21 coat, sixe 14. (3illd's blue velvet •awnings, amssite drivea^ayv- out- worth-Mc Anaeay, Inauraaca-Raal •Fred V. Outs home for child care by hour, day furnishings for the entire WANTED pancy. Phone 8882. .^1 Cars p Heated Garage Po W e r BURNERS and Range coat set, size 2-31. excellent condj* {door fireidiMe. CBder shade trees. Estata,, 201 fkrm iagtoa Ave., •Earl H. Nowbery PAlNTiNG and Decoratit^. Inter­ or week to suit parents. Call home. Appliances and TV. Price 8131100. *49 lUICK USED CARS Bumer'a expert.y cleaned and tton. Football outfit, d ze 14-16. (Good location. MANCHESTER—7 room Dutch HarUord. Call 5-3Sdl aaytiaw. •George L, Chitoon ior and exteri.'P. Floors refln- • Super Sedanette. Benutl- aerviced. la t ui service and re­ 2-8801. I. colonial, steam oQ heat, tile bath. •Willton L. Leven Lshed. Reas(.nable rates. Call Reasonable. Phone 8893: CorpMttn, CorpiMttn' I FOR SALE--Four room cottage ftal coadlUoi), fully equip­ TFfe Best In Town 51 PONTIAC CONVER'nBLE pair your washing machine or re­ I Sanitary base board molding. •Albert H. Farrell Gerry lyhitman. Manchester RELIABLE Baby-aitter available CHAMBERS FURNITURE nicely situated a f (toventry Lake. ped. Including dyueSeev COUPE frigerator. Metro Service. 2-0883. •BOLTON—New home. F our rooms -Two-Car fangc. Near baa and •Wllltom W. Rich 1951 Chrysler Newport 9. Beau - . at all tlmea Phone 6388 after 6 At The Green Htlpon and Labortn Equipped for year around occu­ jud^rigna. H jg j 51 CHEVROLET 4.DOOR SEDAN, 2 8866 i. ' Wanted—>To Buy 58 IflnMied, two imfbiialied. Full Hied Fred J..Huebner Uful clean one owner car. Low •50 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE LOTS CLEARED, rtumps pulled.' o'clock. idormer, flreptece, hot water oU achoola. Neat and tleaa, 815,0Q9- pancy. FuU price $5,000i. WlUtom mileage. Ruggeri Torterici COUPE Full estimates by hour or con-' Open 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. WANTED— 5c candy machine {heat. Roufh heat and plumbing to Carlton W. Hutchlai 2-S182 or Rubinow, 843 Main street. Phone ,^(R)epairing 2 3 » . * Apply 6231. . Jane Yngcr 1951 DeSoto Deluxe 4-Dr. Radio ■49 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN tract. Call 3il49. routes, small or large. 'Top price. •second floor. Amesite driveway. 5556, 815A Helen Simon / *50 PACKARD '49 BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 Evenings' 7 :30 to 8 :30 ■ and Heater. Low mileage. Extra MATTRESS Your old mattresses Stpr vending, 1253 Main street, •Qtiallty constructhMi. 960 foot tront- MANCHESTER — East Sida — (•) Directors 4>Deor Sedan. E A H, hy- clean. 48 B u iq c 4-d o o r s e d a n {age. Rural r^denee. Price $13,100. GRANBY—Short distance from sterillzeu and remade like new Hartford, Hartford 7-0582, Duplex four aad four. Large The rate.ef interest to be draaaattc, terri- M O lS B ■47 DODAe 4-DOOR s e d a n BULLDOZER For hire, Keaeon- Bradley Ftald and Hamilton 1950 Chrysler 4.Dr. Radio and Call Jones Furniture and Floor BEAGLE DOGS. A.K.C. regUter- GREEN RTUDtO couch, good con' JARVIS REALTY 00. rooms with extra large attle. lot charged to throe per cent per lie eavtag at 81489 '42 OLDS 4-DOOR able rate. Call 2-0650. ed. Phone 7729. dltion. $25. 65 Spruce street. Tel. Standard. Jlvo rooms, torgs lot. Heater. Seat covers. Extra nice.' ■4l PONTIAC 4-DOOR Covering. 36 Osk. Tel. 24l041. lOO* X ISC)'. One side available oa Rwidenttol neighborhood. Con­ month on that part of the,unpaid 2-2161. WANTED—Baby's crib; ' Oall 5 Dovnr Rood •kANCHESTER — Expanilable IM NUYTM Mmwmc TM MAYTAS CONVDiTIOIIAL I M N U T T M M M i 1949 Plymouth Deluxe Qub Coupe ■40 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN STORM WINDOW,q and doors by 2-1481. aale, Asking 814.000. For appoiht- venient to ! center. H. B .. Grady, principal balance of any loian net AH One-Owner Cera "Rosetta." Free estimates cheer­ ^Cape Cod. fireplace, acreena, atorm ment please call Howard R. Hast- in excess of one hundred dollars, Turned In For The Complstcly automatic..." C^rrafoiam at^on, extraJarge Irona svsrjfthiHg and in haK I Heater. New seat covers. One f M o r t g a g e s ' Live Stock—Vehicles 42 GLENWOOD Combination atove, wlndowa. hatelnray, hot water oil A gant 8009. ' owner. ■49 INTERNA'nONAL t4-TON fully given. Tel. Mr. Robinson 31 inga, 2-1187. and two per cent per month on Fnbuloas New Hndaen Waalmq, rinsts and spin-drias' tub. exclusive Roller Water the time . . . aUrte. blousee> 4-4 white. Also A.B.C, washer. eat ImmadlaU occupeney. Price that, pert st the unpaid principal PICK-UP 7691. .FIRST\ AND Second morigagea Both In good condition.. Phone W HAJMANnO- Madermatto 8 your dottw for ypu. Gyre- Remover. Tliree fine Maytag AOdren’s dreaaee, rufles, Ih t 1849 Nash 600 2-t)r. Radio, Heat ■49 CHEVROLET 1-TON PANEL I2 IW . MANCHESTERr-Eacepttonal i balance in excesa of one hundredl or. Good tires. Full price !M9S bought for our own account. Fast, DUCKS, GEESE and famUy cow 2-0096. t room home. 2 unfinished. In ex- Tesms To Suit Your Needs feoBi tqadhins action. . models to dieooe from. pieope^SitdewewfaikMetafr '46 CHEVROLET 2-'ION WINTER S c o m i n g : Storni win­ for sale. Call 3591. t ' room (tope Cod, 4 bedrooma, Srwv cqUent condUton. Good location. dollars but not In excess of coqfldential service. Manchester place, fuU atoe cellar, combination 1848 Ford Ton Pickup. Heater VAN BODY dows cleaned and put on, reason Only 89,000. About |1,009 caa>>- hundred doltora and one-half s t $299.95 . $W .95 _ $199.95 Investment Corp., 35 Oak‘ street. MALE HELP WANTED 'CHESTER — 4-Room Home, storm windowa, Venetian bUnda, Good condition. ably. Tel. 2-1274. Phone 5416. PIG, ABOUT 300 pounds er more, Phone 8800 aaytime. one per cant month on any: re­ 873. Rred' Bemtaen, Lydall atreet, lent condltloB, electric hot aamelte driveway. Approximate­ mainder of aiich unpaid principal Com# la today for a compltta domaastrafloa of thoM 1842 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sedan, Heat M’e Mcd Raw* Hoa DYEIN^ AND NNISHINQ PLANT ir heater, atove, refrigerator, ly 856.94 per month. Wentworth- McCLURE cr. New acat covers. OPEN EVENINGS Manchester. CeloBlala aad Oapa Coda balance. ' Hoasehold Scrriecs Ocreens, storm windows, garsge, McAneeny. Inauraaee-Real Ee- | . * UR|Iu LTRADE4N — EASYHRMS Business Opportunities 32 at fair prioea for oar caah Wonted—^Rcfl] Eotete 77 - Permanent,! capital.of at itoat 1888 Plymouth! Coupe. One owner, 3rd SHIFT AFTER IRONING PERIOD pmeslte dtiWway. ■ Price flfijn . TEL. ROCKVILLE 5-3394 Offered 13-A Pimitrjr and Supplies iS coat owe re. 4)olcl( aenrlM tke, 201 Farmington Ave., Hart­ 125,000 will ha available tor iia- ra Extya clean. , GROCERY Store and eleven room ford. CUl 5-2SGi anytima. OONKIDERINO SBLUN0 veatment la'- the buaineas. te* Rito Co,, I w e a v i n g —oo rod tape. YOtm PBOPEETTT of bums, moth holed' • house for dale. Excellent proposi­ YOUNG ROASTING chiekeaa, APPLY TO MR. KELLEY ether ktataeae will be maintained lludiun M es nnd Servtoa to Your Chrysler-Plymouth and tom clothing, hodery runs, tion for large famUy. House is in alive or dressed, ready for the (HENBY ESCOtT AGENCY FASCnfAllNG 5 room Gape Ood Wtthout ohHgatlwB to .puu. in the eaaie efflea. Dtoect Factory Denier Dealer C L\[ D E handbags repa'red, sipper re­ good condition. Store doing a nice, oven. P.earohably priced. Week * HeaiF A Theban ietftlsa bnott with attached garage, acseeaed erill aMralio or make y m s « Dated: Oetojtor 89, 185A placement. umbrellas repaired steady buaineas. Only (tore with­ end orders rnust be given - not MRVIS REALTY porch, nieety toadSaapifl tot Good oOhr tor property. See na befii 878 Main St, Mnacbeeter B. D. PEARL eREAL ESTATE—mSURANCB CHEVROLET - ftUICK men's shirt collara reversed and in'«a mile. T. J. Crockett, 244 Main, ,-Jater than 6 p. ra. Friday. Wil] ANERIGAN DYEING GORPORATION lecattoa, immanitote condRloa, you aeU. . TcL SA688 MAYTAG SALES AND SERVICE BROWN-] lEAUPRE Inc. replaced. Marlow's Little Mending atreeU Phoqs 5416 or residence deUver Arnold Nalaon, 787 L^daU PHONi 4112 ROCKVILLEICihfILLE. CONN. High S t West (Cbr. McKae) ■fruly a home to he proud e t ERAE-BUBN REALTY 449 MAIN STREET 80 Biaaall M- Phooa.7m 9 Middle Road Rockville Shop. 3751. street Phone 8908. ; T*L I’heae IdOO aayttoM. ReadH m U AdEE. ■} If 'I'.V- 1 ' ■ . is V * t.,u >i • , /

• i, .r-'i-.' \ ', - ) ‘ t , 7. V /• . 1 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 195R •/ fAGE TWENTY-FOUR Average Daily Net Press Ran - f - ..... T h » WcRther.^., ■ ■ iat iOattrl^c^fr Srrailb liSjjrvrirr •tw'tae’'Weil'" isiiii" Feroeaot of U. 8. Weather ■atoEB Nov. 1, 19S38 ■V r a _ - r . - 7 . 4-le*«e4-wia-4ie-' L-a . — As-^BypOfMait- meeting--of—4he Partly cloudy, windy, colder to- Manchester Community. ^ Blood tics tests by L t Frank phamerpy W;721^ -** ' ■ i ' A lw irtT W Mantheater- iM SiBotlteVtubl^iiif^,f , of the State Identification Bureau. night and Friday. Mlblnmm g t. * A program will be held' at 8 o'clock Member of tho AeMt Friday night in the American Red Judge Nichotas F. Rago con­ BarMia of qrcataHops J-1— ' .1 ChMitiM Court. Qrdor of A im - Cross office, 853 Main street. Mem­ Date Book Is Arrested^en Gun Charge tinued the case under a 81.000 bond ManctifUer— ^A .CUy of Village Charm , "r nBih, wUl meet 111 the MM(«itc bers are urged to attend this im* which waa posted by a professional Temple fYidey mreninK at 8 portent meeting. . ’Tiiursda.v, Nov. 8 bondsman, and Mrs. Boyde was re­ o’clock to obeerve past matrons Annual fair of South Methodist A 33-year-oId woman who told. woman was flashing a gun there. leased. VOL. LXXII, NO. 32 (CUaolfM AfNertMog oe Pago IS) MANCHESTER, CONN.,-THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1952 (EIGHTE^ PAGES) P R IC E n v E ‘ and past patrons night. Fast Royal , A daughter was born at the St. She waa taken Into cuatc^y by Sgt. Matron Ruth Furay and Past Church, starting at 1 'p. m, police she is the local bottle club Francis Hospital Monday to Mr. waitress face* a charge of carry­ Robert Pilon arid Det. Stephen F. HARVEST DANCE GIRLS' Royal Patron Ralph Harbron and and Mrs. John Caglanello, 85 Crest- Saturday, Nov. 8 ' their asBOciaU past officers will Annual Harvest Dance, Gibbons ing 'a guh without a permit In Burgen, and the charge was placed Gibbons Assembly, Catholic wood drive, and a son Was bom the Hartford Police Court. She is Mrs. .against her at Police Headquarters. Ladles of Columbus, is planning to occupy the chairs during inltiaUon. same day at the Mt. Sinai Hos­ Assembly, C. . L. of C., Country Past head officers u'ill be guests i qub. Irene B. Boyde'of 42 Oak street.' MrS. Boyde told police she is a hold a harvest dance at the Coun­ Ike’s K orea I - t pital to Mr. ai^ Mrs. Edward The case was continued in the waitress at the Sunrise Club on try Club Saturday from 9 p. m. to at a potluck at 6:30 preceding the Kubasek of 139 Birch street. . I Sunday. Nov. 8 T e s s meeting. Officers are requested to Door-to-door caiivaas for funds Hartford court yesterday until Oak street, Manchester. ’The' club 1 a. m. Because of cancellations a wear their white gowns. j for Boy ScOuts. I Thursday, Nov. 13; f could not be contacted today for feW tickets are available and may The Tanksgiving Day Race com­ According to report*. Mrs. Boyde verlflcatlon. Police said she re be secured from Mrs. ' Arthur mittee of the Tall Cedars of Lea- Wednesday, Nov, 13 - r - Mr*; WiUlam Brennan and ~Mra., Holiday: Bazaar, Ceilter Churen. was arrested In en Albany avenue fused 4o -eoepereti^ while being iSmachettt or^Mrs. Edward Stel- non will meet tonight at the Ma­ ^11 Monday after police learned a questioned. 'The gUn, wHlcI) was j mark. Irrlng Wickham are co-chairmen sonic Temple at 7:M. all day. Of the chicken supper which St. B y M ilitary ■ ■ Igary’* ■CutW will serve with its The monthly meeting ' o f the annual fair, the date of which is Britlsh-American Club is sched-i n niraday, Wov. 20. Tickets for the uled’ for tonight at 8:30 "'in the" Washington, '1'fov. 6— (fl*) supper may be obtained from any clubrooma on Maple street. Washington, Nov. 6 — (JP) — President-Elect Dwight ,D of w e Guild members, or by tele­ — Th? Pentagon today worked Eisenhower probably could count today on a friendly Con­ on planaTbr one of Dwight D. phoning Mrs. Earje Rohan, who is Stockholders of the B. A. Spoft* in charge of ticket distribution. It Activities. Inc... will , hold 8 meet­ gress to underwrite the domestic and foreign policy changes Eisenhower's first tasks as will be necessary' to close reserva­ ing in the club tonight , at 8 mandated b.v the volcanic eruption o f vote« that gi^ve him the President-elect — a'personal tions bh Nov. 17. Tea will be served o'clock. I presidency. It was not so muchw " ■ inspection of the stalemated in the afternoon from 3 o’clock on \ that the Repubileana had gained i — _ - . by Mrs. Viola Trotter and her SMFD Company 1 Was called to practical control of both houses | Korean wiar. <. Police Crack Down on Jalopies eommjttee. ’The supper hours are out a fire at .107 01cott_ drive j .81 ..a.result of the aen*rtl»a land-i 1 1 1 1 Eleenhower tu m ^ to the mili­ - t W T...... at 3:i.'i yesterday afternoon. aide victory. tary yesterday to provide trans­ Leaves had caught fire and spread: ^ - The friendliness of Gongresa— ' -g y ...... : 'W— i " '— ^ portation for hi* , trip,-, still un­ T to illa u i SUverstein of Stephen to a nearby w o ^ pile. At 7:45 this . Republican by only one vote In the -< ■ g ^ l ' l 'XTT scheduled, after, declining Presi­ street and Mr*. Sidney Brown of morning. Company 3 went to 443 i Senate and thus "far by only tw o . S jr V dent IVuman’i o ffe r'o f a White Coburn road, will represent'’' the East Center street for,.* brush fir e ) votes in the House-lay in the House plane. Sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom. that waa quickly put out. warmth of regard for the general 1 The gesture marked the first 6 Pick A id(^ 'a t the biennial convention of the shared by southern Democrats in move toward >vhat waa expeoted to become the closest liaison in National Womer’S League of the the coalition with Rej)«bllc*ns H oop Stars modem times between a President Ifnited synagogue* of America. which ha* controlled legislation) and the sprawling Pentagon where Auguflta, Ga., Novv 6— (fl*)— Cr«n. Dwight Eifienhower has N ot. 8-18 at Benjaniin Franklin “ for the part four year*. ^ T ” ' * MAN H|$TER y New York, Nov, 6— k M'«w KIv;. not engage in any amateur o ri ^ ,,1 ..i; ypp rtin desire to go toi, conferences leading up.,, 2^ Governor uvu*«UMtrsc:n“-*»rii»7«ee:v.l today but hia top lieu A company of Chinese Reds— how Governor Lodge (may handle Sheers ... $ 1.35 Pr. legal the establishment by the about 178 men—charged up the literature to. French Novelist changes. If any, in American poli­ tenant* already- were talking of Francois .Mauriac,,a leading ron- a ,very tirkliah situation. in the cy toward Korea wpuid result another draft-Stevehson movement ClroiCe Of *a new chief iv atice to All with telhforced h eel' (Continuod on Page Seventeen) (Oaatlaa^ oa Page Seveateen) temporary Catholic authok from .the election of Gen. Dwight for 19S6. to** for extra' wear. succeed Allyn L. Brown Of Norwich Out of the wreckage of the Mauriac, 67, and internationally N^ws Tidbits D. Eisenhower ae President!. Bulletins - who reaches retirement age in Oct. Sen. Alexander Wilev'(R-Wis.), Democratic defeat ha»" grown a known for such. hovels as "The from the AP Wire* 1952. ’.r called from AP Wires a member of the U. S. delegation Strong feeling here that Steven­ Desert of Love",, and "Vipers’ While it la customary to advance son—aa titular head of . the Dem­ Tangle," also is a p d ^ playwright, to the assembly, suggested that the senior' Juatice .-in the point ""Sf ...... repreamtatlvea. o f both President ocratic party—will be the " top- A dolph J.‘ Sahath, Dies» essayist, biographe'r isnd eontri- service,' two iwemliers ■of" the HTgH challenger against" ('tl|e''Re1?llbll- butOT/to newspapers; Hs’ will re* ______, ______„ ___ , . A. "23-year-«Ud ."Prortdeoce, girl; Triunin "and" ■pfealdenf-elect Eiseh/ T «’0 W-TN NOBEL PEmd" ”' Court ars said to be eyeing the ; who tells police'she blamrti her fa­ hower confer linmediately. on cans In another four years. Stockholm, Nev. iS-74(P)r-Tww .catva SK*dlsh.cxawni. (8S3»^! Job; rther for I ict'own laek '«M H *m ty;"ir 'A-merlcan'. 'pbitetes 'concerhlBg'"Ko» T h e '.IHinbl* governor • remained • -■-■V,. -H.'-aetiatta4e •were’'' aiawtaaW- ' pj.virom .,.Jdnf- -Gustav. gt,!,-the ilSHrtrmi .'hfa cftitni* .plana-ao.-far .8*ta fa^'.lar’pIviM?'' Doan of roWr iirtae! presrtifaildn'cere^ oLdecidtng an- unusual question- ofjJiam m M !.:,^ ^Economist. , ■StuArllLiig the. UN asaemMy^ W lley ikthe a* the party-leadership- -was oon-~ today-for-«b«i|a.develepmei|t ii t 8g to be held here Dec. |0...... — ranking. Republican on the Benate cerned. But- those aro'und him new refined method to meaaai*8 ’The official citation said Mauri­ seniority between Justice Ray- I Chase says the worW'can achieve *^100% W OOL Washington. Nov. 6 — (F) — : mond E. Baldwin and Justice (Treater harmony by borrowing Foreign" Relations committee. did not consider his defeat Tues­ magnetic fields In atomic nnelek Adolph J. Sabath, one-time poor ac Was given the prize "for the Palar'* approach to the Com- day by Gen. Dwight D. Elsenhow­ The winners are Dr. Felix Bleck," penetrating psychology snd artis-. Ernest A. Inglls. ' ' I principles used for rentnrie* by Peed Freezer end immigrant boy who rose to'serve muniata was on an Indonesia com- er a* the finish of hi* political 47, Stanford University, CaUL« tic intensity with which he, in the Judge Baldwin holds seniority 1 In their business meet- 45 unbroken years in Congress— In rank in the 'High Court while i '" * * promise between American and i career.. and a Hatrard University phye- Refrigerater cen^bined I form of the novel, has Inteipreted alclst. Dr. Edward Mllla Paroen^; BLANKETS more than any'Other man in his-: Judgs Inglls has seniority in. th* Two men are ba4ly burned by Russtaq^ resolutions on Korea. ' Stevenson ■ w'as expected to tory—died early totlay. the drama of human life." Hve steam in U. S. Rubber Co. 40,' tvho helped develop *~iflav ’The 1862 priitas for physics snd point of service with the state’s Suu: "'The 86-year-old D e m o c rji 11 c plant in Prov(dance. .TWo es­ (Oenttaued on Page Poor) ^ (Oontinoed on Pago Fob*) during World War II. chemistry were scheduled ^to be an­ Judicial aystem,., -. ^ * Cycla-mntic Defrosting I Nerc are just two from our fabulous collection of Cinderella's "Hans Christian NEW JEWELRY Dean o f the Houae, known "ajir” tho ' capees from Hillsboro, N .' H., . . . the finest blanketa you coiild buy, and now is Full assortment of pins, eaYrings, bracelet and necklaces. Tai­ Congressman with a Golden nounced - later todaV, completing O unty Jail, are' rer4pturrd In COn Hi 'TIDN s tlix SERIOUS V this years list of honors bestowed (Oosttaued oa Page Pear) - * Kull-tOi-You Shslvos I Andersen fashions. Left, ‘‘Sbepherdess." A delightful young dress'with an lored mataf Jewelry, also stone art pieces and sparkling rhine­ . Hqart," had- Just !been elected Woreester by state police. , Baltimore, Nov. t — ^ ' the time to buy them! ITieir light but warm top quality under the will of _ AMred Nobel Hliittaker Cfiambe** remolaef' • Now Cycla-moHc lovolcold I stones, many in seta. Tuesday to 1)1* 24th straight term Porty-four penona suffer minor diigsndy top and a plaid skirt. Plus a peri separate vestee of velveteen. Right, wool will keep you extra comfortable on the coldeat fgpm a district in the heart of Chi- j Swadiab,.inventor ’ of dynamite, injuries after, brake trouble on Acheson^ Top Aides Brace In aeriena condltleo at St. Ag^ which satabliahed the 89,000.000 ne« Hospital tndayi aaffeitoR nighta. ^ Their fluffy texture and breathtaking new polora i- Yugoslavs ‘Pimish’ Brooklyn. stMkyay train leads to See a 7-m|nute Snow Queen.’’ This party frock of sparkling cotton touched with gold features 45 years was the longest un- j foundation which pays the prizes. uncoupliitg^oPlaat three cars. . . from a heart attack that came' ,,will dp wonders f o f your bedroom. We have fambus j to 4*®® each 6ken service but "Uncle Joe ’ i ’Tha award for medicine, an- Death, of 0^31-year-old truck driv- For Ihevitable GOP Broom on last Monday. Dectei* aal4 dem enstretien I an unusually graceful collar and'sleeves, a gold kid belt and a big gathered akirt. Plus Tax ‘ "noumtad Oc(. 23, will go to U. 8. 11^30 as Pro;Reds Chatham lOOc-o Wool Blanketa, beautifully gift-boxed, , Cannon, an Illlnola Reimblipan; er unfolds tale sf hi* two wive*, his eondltton is -expected to ahajs loom o8 about Ihrss m w . com- w ho. waa House speaker 'jbi/ the Dr. Belman A. Waksman, of Rut­ four children by each wife, and 'andooa for some tlaaa.i f Hizes 3 to 6<,, $4.88 . . . SUaes ,7 to 14, $5.88. gers University, co-dlacoverer of plotoly .diffsrsnt Cyclo-motic Frigid- in chartreuse, blue, yellow, hunter gHen, rose, early years of this century, (had 46 Zagreb, Yugoslavia; NoV, 6—OP) two homes 60 miles apart. Washington, Nov. 6—((P)—The ■ Eisenhower or Gov. Adlai Steven­ year* In Congress with twoibrsaks streptomycin. A committee of the State depSHment, target of Re­ son succeeded Trumag. The top SEEK s e t t l e m e n t okM Aho MS Nt* new DsUix., Matter green, aqua, geranium red—in just the style ' """"" —Interior Minister Alexander Ran- Garrett Bprlritt, Anaonia Demo­ in service. , i Norwegian Parilament announced publican attack for six years, got echelon under Aeheaon embraces W ashlagtea, Nov. - t . mud Standard AAodeit-priced from kovic, boas of Yugoalavia’s. securi­ crat ejected a atate'repreaentative ' Mid price that suits you beat. NEW FALL FLOWERS Sabath had served under rtght tarller that no peace prize' would Tuesday, announces hia caadMacy ready today to face the Inevitable upwardp .of 20 persona,. Including Tbe United Statea has advtaed Frock. for coat, ^ t or blbuae wear. Velvet tfim in rosea, violet, cariia- Prudent*, starting with 'Theodore be given thisgr.ear, the. second time ty police, disclosed today that for mlaertty leaderahip of House — a Republican , ahakeup. an undersecretary, deputies, and Moscow that new arepeaals ta Uon or garden bcmquet. All with pins. Roosevelt In 1907, since World .War IT that no candi­ 11,130 persons, have been "pun- of Representatives; . . . Edward V- Probably lio , other '.agency in aaslatant secretaries. settle Eusala’a lend-he^ debt , V 81.98, 82.98. 83.98 For many yoars he had >ba«n date has been picked to receive iahed’’ for - 'protq>mlnform sym- Jefferson, retired ^professor -Qf his­ Washington outside the White In addition there are men who will be made wbeaever the Baa»( $189.75 I thia honor. have been closely identified with slans arrunge to retara IM|t 7 2 " x 9 0 ' '! chairman of the powetfol Houae pathiea since this country's break tory at Hotchkiss -School In Lake­ House' was so stunned by Gen. a * . S I 5 . 9 5 59'' and 1-°° each , rules committee, which deptdaf 8th Freewh Winner With Russia and the Soviet Satel- ville,' dies. Dwight Blsenhower'a election vic­ Acheaon'a policies, such as Philip American veeiieta they aim MUhk t ■ what bills, will come up for floor ADOLPH J. SABATTH Muriac Is the eigth F ren ^ iitea in 1948. • Lt. Gei). AVladysIsw Anders, tory 'Tuesday night. Unquestion­ Jessup, Ambassador at large, and JOHNSON action. rtriter to win the literature prizo' He furnished his - report, to the wartime commander of Free Polish ably it" meant that head* will roil. policy planning chief Paul NItze, UN OKAYS JAPAN ‘Z Green Stamps Given YV^ith Cosh Soles He waa a prime figure In "Naw Hospital as a result of complica^ dtnea the creation of the Nobel Sixth congress of the Communist Forces under Elaenhowgr, says Estimate* o f the number of high Cornier' Wall street investment , United NatloBa, N. Y., Nov, A. DesT* and "Fair DoaF’ leglalation tiona from a major operation last foundation in 1801. He is consider­ -NOty of Yugoslavia and told the general’s election, raise* hopes officials and diplomats who will bamker. ~ (P )—Tlie United NatioM Oml; BROTHERS — author of a workman’s compon- June. He entered the hospital sev­ ed an outstanding interpreter of M o o delegates-riiat 4,089 persons among Polish exiles "that tbs day get the ax range from around 40 Abroad b total of 72 Ambaaaa- oral Aaaeaably today voted Electrical Contractors satlon act, sponsor of the first old eral daya ago—and was seriously human phychplogy. of that totM atUl jue aerving their o f liberation of their Country Is up to 100 or more. dora and Ministers head up U. 8. peraait Japoa to Jota the faM w* 1063 M AIN STREET age pctiaion plan', champtun of so­ ill whtn be won a two-to-«no vic­ Bordeaux-bom author writes terms, "doing- socially - useful near" . . . Will of Dixie Lee Creaby That Secretary Dean Acheson la diplomatic tnisaiona. Of those, de­ natibaal CIvU AviaHaa e rg o h ^ thsJWHALCeo. cial security benefits' and the tory at thii polls ’Tuesday. principally of French provincial out. no one disputes. He ha* plan­ partment offleiaU said today, ap- Izattea. The vote was 8S ta MANCHESTER ] , OO. la l»r.” is filed, bequeathing her half share alght-hour work day. of Bing’a fortune to her immediate ned for months to return to'hia with ofa abateat Ooath cam* at Bethosda Naval (OeaUnaed oa Pago Sevoatoea) (C •a^PafoEwo) <6*utfaned mm tmgm IW o) IJunlly, Waahington law practice whether (Oaatbmed oa Tw o) j bijee phis the !: . ; ' '.fa * ■:. I* -if K • T, 7 - ^ ' . r " ■'/ , ''Vh . ' i i - " . ■7 i , J i . ■ .* -■ ' .V (■ V -. ^ *-'T-