TUESDAY,-NOVEMBER 4,1952 Averacs Daily Net Praia Ran Wfidh 'ftia ia FJlGE FOXJBTEEN: . Nnv, 1, IgS* - . : FMr tMdgMk M ta ln a » M . ’^ 1 0 , 7 2 1 nnsdny, partly eloadyiwlBty, twa* Andover M ^ . MenibM «t tkn Aadt* Inf onMen ■ ■' ........ Eiacrccncy Doctors Ctrwilntlnns I T i l i [ t T o w n , Music Tells HanchetUr— A City of ViUago Ci Physicians of the Manchcs- Dies iii Crash T in next meeting of the Great Ur Medical Asaoclatiph who Poem’s Bo6ka Diacusaion group will be will respond to emergency calls VOL. LXXIL NO. 31 (CtaaPUM AdvnrtUM »> MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOV^iMkER (TWENTY-rOUR PAGES^N TWO 81 PRICE nVB CENII W««nMday evening. Nov. H.,wh*n tomorrow afternoon and eve­ Woman Passengei* Hurt St. Auguiitine'a ■•Oonfeaaions will | ning are Dr. G. ft. Miller, tel. ^ Metiibers of Chaminade ................... ^ . t h i reading assignment. Thei 5«2», and Dr. Nicholas Mar- When Auto H*t» Fence group m leU regularly on the zialo, tel. 2-5694 or 2-8534. Portray' ‘Courtship of ieeond and fourth Wednesdays of On Columbia Highway each mabUi. at 7:30 at the Mary Miles Standish^ Mood OhoBoy Ubrmiy. --.ColupUila^ iin v . 4r-A . 31-year-: y The Dorcas grgpp of the South' Music and the Allied Arts, the old Andover resident was instantr | Mfs. Mylea 8. Staple^ of 11 Main Methodist Church will ineet to­ theme of the Chamlnade Club’s ly killed late last night when his ' jiUsMt li.CQiiiflnwl tp her honie with morrow morning st 9:30 for rug program for the year./ was pre­ automobile lift Uj S. Route \6-A j y m Mvtrt cold. ' making. It U Koped , that those sented last night In the Federation here and crashed' into a highway members whn^ will not be able to Room of Center Congregational fence. Kenneth Adams, Jr., accord- attend tt>e-tV3Ca meeting onjNov.- llMa««r"GnB(rge wlir hold its state police.— was -thrown ! ► will bHng their white gifts to­ othy Keeney and Mary Stewart. usual business mehttog tomorrow 17 from the car down a steep bank ------ •vaaiBg'tB-Oraage-Hall.-lt >H1 be morrow. From "The Courtship of Miles and auktained a. skull fracture. Slandlah" by LdngfendW* Mrs: vMUnj officers' night and a good Passenger la Injured The Alpina Society will hold Its Keeney as narrator, read aeleC' tamout of the focal members is A passenger in the vehicle. Miss regular meeting tomorrow night tlona which described the princi­ Margaret O'Connell, 37, of Wllll'^ hoped. They are also reminded al 7:30 kt the Italian-Am erica pal events and typical scenes In that officers will be elected at the mantle, suffered a. dislocated hip. AUTOMATIC DELIVERY ^CTVICE Club on Eld ridge street. the famous poem. > At the close She was taken to Memorial Hos- jBseUiig, Wednesday evening, Nov. each aelectlon various members 1 >iUl In WllHmanttc where her con­ J i W t ELL US TO KEEP YOUR TA^(K FILLED ... 1»--. ' ____ _ \ The sixth grade at the Lincoln df the club performed imislcsl dition is not regarded sis serious. School, of which Mra. Daisy Bill is compositions in keeplng^^lth the Colchester police barracks im­ Mrs. Aides Gutzmer of 43 Math­ the teacher, recently conducted a poetic moods. / ported today that Adams’ car left- er street announces that the runK plant, goprd and cupcake aale. The varying Ciiintion* Of John Uie highway about a h a lf. mile L: T. WQOD ........mage-sale of the.YFW! Auxiliary, With each child having some, re­ and Priscilla w jrn expressed mur east of the Intersection-wlth-Btatc 51 HISSELL STREET erhi^ was to have been held sponsibility in making the sale a aically In a iniiezo-soprano sold, Route 87. caromed - off the bank ■nuiraday, haa been postponed. sUcre"" 'Th« proceeds of *30 are Simth’a " T p it Quest” by Mary and rolled .across the road to crash Meaeliera and friends who have ar^ to be used by the Junior Red Croaa. Stewart Accompanied by, Maudr against a fence. The car was tltiaa they with called for and Kloppenburg; two cello ablpa. traveling In the direction of Wil- stored, should contact Mrs. Giitz- St. Cbrlstopher's'Mothera Circle ''SaWU d’A m our' by Elgar and limantic at the time, which was mer. will meet tomorrow night at 8 'Xiolden---------------- Wedding"---------- by Gabriel- placed at 11 p. m. o'clock at the home of Mra. Glori^ Marie, played by Betty Brown ac- Medical Examiner Dr. John J, 13ia.DorCaa Society o f Emanuel Petrone, 193 Spring street. ' / rompanied. by Martha Martin; a Adam’ death,, .wajj Untheran Chnrch will meet in the vocal duet, "The SWeeteSt Story caused by a fractured skull. Act­ .veetry tomorrow at 8 p. m. The C. Alan, Anderson of tl Ever Told ” by Stiitg, sung by Vlr- ing on the Investigation team are business session will he followed is enrolled ’as a fr e s ^ In the. I ginia Clark and Marion Jesanis ac- Sgt. Joseph McAullffe and troop- .hsr a social hour with refreshment* day dlvlslbn of the Imlverslty of companled by Daisy Canade tlAmhflrrl nnri Rm#Jit ■ ~ / aafe«d bg the following hostessci.: Connecticut SchojVbf Law. Enroll­ ■"Mngal'B Cave" by Mendels­ Mrs. E l^ra Daniels.' Mias Lillian ed In the,evenins division of the sohn. iu piano duet played by Dor^ laraon, Mrs. Alice Hoaglund. Mrs. Sciujbl of LaW"^are Russell.Gustaf­ othy Keeney and Grace Fraser, ^ M a Oocka and Mrs. EUen Carl- son. Jr.^^idolph V. Plerro and described the tumult o f emotions ilarpli^^. Port«r,„(Ir^, , in John Alden ss he wslked alone SMRYfmNW Udhg thV'njgged 'PLymbulHi' aliOiaf ■ The Emanuel Lutheran Ladies ,,..'ussell F. Miner of 53 Mather "O God Beneath Thy Guiding Edward L Diwit. Jr. Aid Society is planning to hold a Street has been promoted to fore- Hand". by Hatton, sung by Vir­ rummagt aale at the church Ftf- ,man, assembly, second shift, st the ginia Clark and Marion Jesanis. dar morning at f o'clock, ^rs. Windsor Locks plant of Hamilton fittingly described the Pilgrim Lini# MUIer and Mrs. Gepd* Orr Standard Division. United Aircraft women at their dally taaks: "Rit­ co-chairmen. Anyope'^ having Corporation. ual Fire Dance" by De Falla and may,, con' "Spinning Song" by Mendeisaohn, dl^UUlO of Ballots aftlclea t6 be picked Washington, N w .\5— (flP)—^Repiublicang appeared ..alnu^ two piano solos, played by Doro­ tact Mrs. Lillian sfsoii. Richard C Woodhouae, aon of MRS. CLYDE 0 . HOFFMAN certfun t^ ay to win Iwrline control of both branches of the- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodhouae of thy Keeney, describe respective­ Ry THE ASSOCIATip RRESS ly the Indian attack and Pris­ new Congress on the basiiiof late returns from the dection^'. Members oL^ockvllle Emblem 19 Benton street, la enrolled as a Mias Dorothy Lorain Demeusy, *at the lUUlan-American Club. Mrs. Goa. Dwiglit D. Ehawliawar smosliMi o l vofiog raearR» today m ba mnm Hm cilla in "her home. With only five Senate and^S House seats, still undecided, the. Club No. 8 pre Invited to the insti- freshman at Dartmouth College. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hoffman waa atUred In , Oxford "1 Love Thee” by Beethoven, Republicans were well ahead in tl^ f ■PDsIdeBey h t m sprowRiig loiidslida tliot hit coatrol of Coat raM taataHag la HM ■ tuUoB and'installation of Meriden Hanover. N. H. Demeuey of Hartford road, and grey crepe, wquip trim, Pink ac- Bnblem Club No. 224 tomorrow sung by Mary Stew|rt, brought House and topped the Democrata Clyde O. Hoffman, eon o f Mrs. cesBories and corsage of pink baldacM batwoaw Rapabntepn ood PMWOcrati . AmorkaoM wiia Hbod Hia m m n tbd 'a t 8 O’clock at the Meriden ’ The following children are asked the story to a happy conclusion. roses. Mrs. Demeusy, mother of by one in the Senate. Trends In ____Club. 120 East Main street. ,In patriotic mo<^ on the eve Beatrice Hoffman of Drive D. Sil­ the unsettled races pointed toward 42-yMor old Mror bora Hm fraotatf Yota ovor poorad oat lor a prasMaotM caadt to call at the East Side Rec office ver Lane Homes, were united In the bride, chose royal blue crepe es .(iiiidan. A buffet luncheon will be on School street to pick up their of the national election, the mem with black velvet trim and red OOP matgins in' both House and i d b ti Ol b< ftiiaf bm d a 50»yadi^ Daa»98(Mtte MopQgdga ow tb t W M ta H o m o o m I aarved after the Installation, bera of the club sang, in closing marriage Saturday at 11 a. m. The Senate when filial retuma are. American Red Cross cards for be­ double-ring service was performed rose corsage. \ ioat Gov. AdM E. Stove«*a* of NHiiah down to erotbiog dofoot. ginners life, saving: Burton John­ two atansaa of "America. When .leaving for' an unan­ posted. ' i •'-»-*r ‘ » .. laum ediate Girl Scout Troop Decorations for the'fefreshment by the pastor. Rev. Carl E. Olson, Here’s how the fight for control son, Roy Duckett, Ralph Diikett. ■in the sanctuary of Emanuel Luth­ nounced wedding trip, the bride kers to Vntb about XliOOO pridbets y tt to bo tobahrtad, Bhoabowar altoody bod rd P IS will meet tomorrow night at Joan Florence. Patty Young. Kath­ table were In the Halloween mo­ wore a navy suit, red accessories shaped up this afternoon: «:IKI at the Zion Lutheran Church. tif. Hostesses were Ethel Lange, eran Church.
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