River Corridors Improvement Plan

Supplementary Planning Document

London Borough of DRAFTDecember 2014 Borough of Lewisham July 2014 How togiveyourviews public inspection this draftSPDwillbemadeavailablefor Any representationsmadeinrelationto planning_policy lewisham-consult.objective.co.uk/portal/ ONLINE: Plan SPDinthesubjectbox with draftRiverCorridorImprovement [email protected] EMAIL: 4RU SE6 1 CatfordRoad, 3rd Floor, Laurence House London BoroughofLewisham Planning Service Planning Policy POST: Please sendcommentsto: xx 2014 consultation until: Document ispublishedforpublic This draftSupplementaryPlanning for andonbehalf ofthe Prepared by London Borough ofLewisham Pro Vision Planning&Design

i River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Contents 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Action Plan...... Action Delivery Mechanisms...... Design &DevelopmentGuidelines...... Access...... River Quaggy+Kyd Brook...... +Pool River...... +DeptfordCreek...... River CorridorCharacterAssessments...... Policy &StrategicContext...... Vision...... Introduction...... Executive Summary 52 48 26 25 21 14 9 7 5 1

ii River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Executive Summary • • • • • • the followingaims: Plan has The RiverCorridorImprovement growth. housing supplyandeconomic flood risk, and enhancement, protection corridors, whilstbalancingenvironmental high qualitydevelopmentalongtheriver Planning Documentseekstosecure of Lewisham. TheSupplementary and rivercorridorsintheLondon Borough provides guidancerelatingtotherivers Supplementary PlanningDocument Plan The RiverCorridorImprovement To engagelocalcommunitiesin To ensurethatdevelopmentis To provideguidanceonflood To ensuredevelopmentenhancesthe To ensurehighqualitydevelopment To provideguidancefordevelopers appropriate action. flood proneareasandencourage understood; of developmentareeffectively appropriate andthattheimpacts improvements; alleviation andecological river setting; along therivercorridors; and landowners; and development guidelineshavebeen Design conservation, and recreation. Lewisham maketofloodrisk,habitat and that theriversinLondon Boroughof demonstrate thecurrentcontribution Park, LinearPark andCornmillGardens Broadway Fields,Place Beckenham Case studiesincludingLadywell Fields, Rights ofWay andtherivers. between thePublicimproved connections crime, environmentalenhancementsand measures toreducecrimeandfearof of Way acrosslandinprivateownership, through thedesignationofPublic Rights character areascouldbeimproved public accessnetworkstraversingthese the RiverQuaggyandKyd The Brook. River Ravensbourne andPool River, and River ThamesandDeptfordCreek,the Borough ofLewisham, comprisingthe river characterareasintheLondon The planhasidentifiedthreeoverarching regional andlocallevels. national, policies attheEuropean, Framework Directiveandotherrelevant been informedbytheEuropeanWater to healthycommunities.Theplanhas vibrant communities,andtocontribute risk, tosupportstrong, prosperousand enhance theenvironment,toreduceflood Plan istoprotectand Improvement The visionoftheRiverCorridor prepared forBroadwayFields, Beckenham the strategy. necessary, willalso supportthedeliveryof communities, andsecuringfundingwhere working withdevelopers,landownersand London Boroughof Lewisham. Partnership and otherinitiativesby the management, through planningpolicy, development Planning Documentwillbedelivered Plan Supplementary Improvement officers. TheRiverCorridor management planning permissionanddevelopment be consideredbyapplicantsfor and floodriskshould maintenance, and the publicrealm,management treatments, publicart,accessand boundary andsurface enhancement, ecological channel enhancement, guidelines relatingtoregeneration, General designanddevelopment . Borough ofBexleyandRoyal Boroughof demonstrates bestpracticeintheadjacent Place Park andLinearPark. SutcliffePark

iii River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 1

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Introduction increasing floodrisk. returned toamorenaturalstatewithout where canalisedsecitonsofrivercanbe The RCIPseekstoprovideguidance canalised forflooddefencereasons. have been that flowthroughtheBorough In thepast,somesectionsofrivers 1.2 growth. and economic flood risk,housingsupply enhancement, and of environmentalprotection balance issoughtbetweentheinterests of localamenity.and enhancement A quality andguidedbytheprotection along therivercorridorsareofahigh Plan (RCIP)istoensurethatallworks of theRiverCorridorImprovement Borough ofLewisham. Thepurpose rivers andrivercorridorsintheLondon (SPD) providesdetailedguidanceonthe This SupplementaryPlanningDocument 1.1 BACKGROUND

environment. to affecttheriver have thepotential closely relatedtotheriverandtherefore may nothaveariverfrontagebutwillbe River QuaggyandKyd Sites Brook. the RiverRavensbourne, Pool River, the of theRiverThames,DeptfordCreek, within thecorridors that arelocated The RCIPappliestoallsitesinLewisham 1.5 within thewatercourse. components access andotherhumaninterventions) public impact oflanduse,settlement, and cultural(thehistoricalcurrent geology,flora andfauna) soils,climate, natural (theinfluencesofhydrology, the interactionsbetweenarangeof A rivercorridorischaracterisedby 1.4 and townscape. influence onthesurroundinglandscape extensive flows, aswellariver’s the widthofchannelinwhichwater The RCIPdefinesarivercorridoras 1.3 DEFINITION Dulwich Bermondsey Peckham N Penge Stepney

P ool River D ep tf Docklands C ord reek River



Beckenham v

Catford e

R n

Place i

Park v s

e bo

r u

rne R

a Lewisham





b Greenwich o u r n e Park Blackheath




v R

e i

v r


Q r


a T g g y h


m Sundridge e

s Park Eltham


K Woolwich Common






o k 1000m

1 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 1

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 The aimsoftheRCIPareto: 1.6 AND OBJECTIVES AIMS • • • • • • • • river health. Improve theoverall waterqualityand the scheme; earliest stageasaninherent part of mitigation isdesignedinfrom the setting, ensuringthatanynecessary positively respondstoriversand their Encourage developmentwhich appropriate action; flood proneareasandencourage local communitiesin Engage understood; of developmentareeffectively appropriate andthattheimpacts Ensure thatdevelopmentis improvements; and ecological Provide guidanceonfloodalleviation river setting; Ensure developmentenhancesthe along therivercorridors; Ensure highqualitydevelopment landowners; Provide guidancefordevelopersand 1.7 below: The objectivesoftheRCIParesetout • • • • • employment; leisure, education,investment and opportunities forsport, to promote and space networkintheBorough, realm, contributingtotheopen of therivercorridorsinpublic To safeguardandincreasetherole flooding; Toopportunities tomanage promote the RiverThames; and Pool Rivers,DeptfordCreekand nature oftheRavensbourne, Quaggy and enhancingthemultifunctional efficient useofspacebyprotecting Tothe sustainableand promote river environment; most ofopportunitiestoenhancethe design isresponsivetoandmakesthe regeneration andensuring promoting London BoroughofLewisham’s rivers, for developmentadjacenttothe Toguidance providecoordinated the riversinLewisham; biodiversity andlandscapevalueof Toand enhancethe protect Sutcliffe Park Fields

2 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 1

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 flooding. Borough subject tosignificantriskof of anurban is developedin thecontext recreation needs anddemands.TheRCIP and otherdevelopmentpressures, and risk, housingsupply,growth economic flood and enhancement, protection interests ofenvironmental the complex approach to SPD providesacoordinated design requirementsareprovided.The river corridors.Generalandspecific range ofactivitiesthatoccuralongthe and requirementsforthe expectations with thekeystakeholders,setsout been developedthroughconsultation the rivercorridors.Thevision,whichhas The RCIPprovidesaclearframeworkfor 1.8 BENEFITS • • • and increasedpublicawareness Toimproved accesstorivers promote the publicrightsofwaynetwork. opportunities toovercomebarriers and bypromoting possible enhanced, Routeare maintainedandwhere 21, routes, suchastheWaterlink Way and and cyclingbyensuringexisting Toopportunities forwalking promote blueribbon network; accessible toeveryoneaspartofthe ensuring thattherivercorridoris tackle deprivationanddiscrimination, Tosocial inclusionand promote STATUS considerations inplanningdecisions. and arethereforeadditionalmaterial with Lewisham’s Local Plandocuments The policieswithinthisSPDareconsistent 1.10 Town CentreLocal Plan. LocalSite Allocations PlanandLewisham Development ManagementLocal Plan, Lewisham), andpoliciesinLewisham’s (High qualitydesignfor network) and15 (River andwaterways of flooding),11 (Managing andreducingtherisk 10 Core Strategy, inparticularpolicies of Lewisham’sthe implementation This SPDhasbeenpreparedtosupport 1.9 Dulwich Bermondsey Peckham N Penge Stepney Deptford

P oo l Riv er De pt Docklands C ford reek River



Beckenham v

Catford e

R n

Place i

Park v s

e bo

r u

rn R e

a Lewisham





b Greenwich o u r n e Park Blackheath




v R

e i

v r

Q e

u r


T g g y h


m Sundridge


s Park Eltham


K Woolwich Common






o k 1000m

3 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 1

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 river corridor are described in Section 4. river corridor aredescribed inSection characteristics andthecharacterofeach and thefeatures, particular completed assessment of the rivercorridorshasbeen An integratedcharacter in Section3. reviewed andtheresultsare summarised local policiesandstrategies have been The relevantEU,regional and national, 1.13 Plan. Improvement Plan andtheRavensbourne Catchment with theThamesRiverBasinManagement The SPDhasbeendevelopedinparallel 2. river corridorsispresentedinSection of Lewisham’sfor thefutureenhancement the SPDfromoutset.Asharedvision have participatedinthepreparationof local communityandinterestedgroups addition totheRiverRavensbourne. The Quaggy, Pool RiverandKydin Brook, River Thames,DeptfordCreek,the reviewed andexpandedtocoverthe The Ravensbournehas been RCIP(2010) 1.12 of theSPD. in parallelwiththeformulation completed equalities analysisassessment)hasbeen strategic environmentalassessmentand A sustainabilityappraisal(incorporating requirements andbestpracticeguidance. in addition tootherrelevant 2012, (Local Planning)(England)Regulations within theTown andCountryPlanning with theprocesssetout in accordance Lewisham RCIPSPDhasbeenprepared 1.11 METHODOLOGY The GreenGrid,Waterlink Way, Green 1.14 Action Plan in Section 9. Plan inSection Action linked tokeyactionsandpresentedinan long-termpriorities forthedraftSPDare 8. Short,mediumand supplied inSection outline ofthesedeliverymechanismsis and otherfundingopportunities.An developer contributions management, mechanisms, forums,development improvements, includingpolicy key meansofdeliveringrivercorridor Researchinto the hasbeencompleted 1.16 7. out inSection design anddevelopmentguidelinesset of therivercorridorshasinformed character assessments.Thesensitivity identified, basedontheintegrated to developmentpressurehasbeen The sensitivityofeachrivercorridor 1.15 each oftherivercorridors. relevant casestudiesforkeysiteswithin 6 comprisesdetailsof 5. Section Section enhancements havebeenidentifiedin have beenmappedandpotential Networks traversingtherivercorridors Chain andotherPublic RightsofWay Lewisham Station Surface waterfloodingfollowingintensesummerstorm

4 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 2

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Vision impacts ofclimatechange. communities andwildlife,promotinghealthylivingwhilstreducingfloodriskthe of Lewisham,local asdistinctiveandattractivefocalpointsthatbringtogether Ravensbourne, theRiverQuaggy, Pool RiverandKydback totheheart Brook approach tobringtheRiverThames,DeptfordCreek, A coordinated REDUCE FLOOD RISK CORRIDORS ALONGENVIRONMENT THERIVER PROTECTTHE ANDENHANCE • • • measures. appropriate adaptationand mitigation weather conditionsandencourage increased riskoffloodingandextreme Raise awarenessoftheexpected including downstreamfloodrisk; help reduceandmanagefloodrisk, layout anddesignofriversidesitesto regeneration toreviewthelocation, Maximise opportunitiesfrom climate change. for habitatstoflourishandadapt wildlife, providingbetterconditions to enhancetheriverenvironmentfor Use environmentallysensitivedesigns LEWISHAM’S RIVERS LEWISHAM’S ALONGCOMMUNITIES AND VIBRANT SUPPORT STRONGPROSPEROUS • • • • management. such asappropriateriverbankside habitats directlyadjacenttothe river, of wildlife the activemanagement Encourage publicparticipationin enhancements aspartofschemes. to andaddresstheriverdeliver Encourage developmenttorespond enhancements; jobs inadditiontorivercorridor community facilities,homesand to therivercorridors,whichdelivers Encourage developmentresponsive the locality; townscape andhistoriccharacterof which reflectsthelandscape, corridors bystimulatingdevelopment image andidentityoftheriver and maintaintheunique Enhance Sutcliffe Park Brookmill Park Sutcliffe Park

5 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 2

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 ALONG THERIVERCORRIDORS RECREATIONPROVISIONAND LEISURE COMMUNITIES, THROUGH TOCONTRIBUTE HEALTHY • • • • the rivercorridors. education andsportsfacilitiesalong Improve accesstoleisure,cultural, and desirable; related activitieswhereappropriate Make continuedprovisionforwater network; barriers tothepublicrightsofway across therivercorridors,overcoming and pedestrianroutesalong Encourage safeandlegiblecycling accessible toeveryone; along therivercorridors,whichare Provide highqualitypublicspaces Sutcliffe Park Cornmill Gardens Cornmill Gardens Bell Lane

6 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 3

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Policy andStrategicContext London Plan LONDON National PlanningPolicy Framework NATIONAL Water Framework Directive EUROPEAN furthers theaimsofrelevantpoliciesandstrategieswhereappropriate. The RCIPSPDisingeneralconformitywiththeseobjectives.supplementsand the objectivesofkeyEuropean,national,regionalandlocalpoliciesstrategies. the formulationofLondon BoroughofLewisham RCIP SPD. Thetablebelowsummarises A detailedassessmentofthepolicyandstrategiccontexthasbeencompletedtoinform 3.1 POLICY •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  development; and floodriskmanagementplans. flood risk,throughriskassessments river basinmanagementplans. of water, throughriverbasindistrictsand cost effective way. and minimise risks inasustainableand ribbon network; flood risk. risk andwherepossibleshould reduce flood riskassessment; away adaptation, consideringfloodrisk; for climatechangemitigationand To addresscurrent andfuturefloodissues Increased useandrestoration oftheblue Development shouldnotincreaseflood A needfordecisionstobeinformedbya A sequentialtesttodirectdevelopment A requirementforproactivestrategies A presumptioninfavourofsustainable The assessmentandmanagementof To provideaframeworkfor the protection from theareasofhighestfloodrisk; OBJECTIVE Estuary Edges Thames Estuary2100 Strategy London AbstractionManagement Management Plan Thames CatchmentFlood Plan Thames RiverBasinManagement London RiversActionPlan POLICY •  •  •  •  • •  encourage wildlifeon theThames. design forsoft naturalriverbankedgesto the centuryandbeyond. risk intheThamesestuaryto theendof availability forfurtherextraction. to provideinformationaboutwater managed intheLondon areaand catchment. policies formanagingfloodriskwithinthe flooding nowandinthefuture,set improvements needed. ensures acollaborativeapproachtothe environment. Riverbasinmanagement and sustainableuseofthewater buried rivers. modifying flooddefences,orbyreclaiming life, byimprovinghabitats,removingor of riverthatcanbebroughtbackto To provideguidance onecological The strategicdirectionformanaging flood To setouthowwaterresourcesare To understandthescaleandextentof To promotetheprotection,improvement To provideaforumforidentifying stretches OBJECTIVE

7 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 3

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Lewisham Town Centre Local Plan Management Local Plan Lewisham Development Lewisham SiteAllocationsLocal Plan Lewisham CoreStrategy LEWISHAM LONDON BOROUGHOF POLICY •  •  •  •  •  •  the riverenvironment. opportunities to enhancethequalityof accompanying openspace, supporting Ravensbourne and theRiverQuaggy,and document considersthepaths oftheRiver specific policyforthetowncentre. The identifying towncentreareas andsite Deptford Creekside. policy fortheRiverThamesareaand sustainable developmentandspecific with apresumptioninfavourof determination ofplanningapplications, waterways network. the borough,includingriverand and enhancingthekeyfeaturesof the allocationofsites,protecting quality. flooding andtomanageimprovedwater defences whereappropriate; to theforeshore,andnaturalisingflood the vitalityofriverfrontagesandaccess and waterwaystofunction,enhances quality andthenaturalabilityofrivers special character, improvingurbandesign rivers andwaterwayscontributestotheir routes; health benefitsandpotentialfortransport and historicalvalue,widerrecreation quality, landscape,biodiversity, amenity waterways network,includingthewater A spatialstrategyforthetowncentre, To guideandinformtheassessment To facilitatedevelopmentthrough To protecttheboroughfrom theriskof To ensuredevelopmentadjacent to To preserveandenhancethe riverand OBJECTIVE Assessment Lewisham StrategicFloodRisk Improvement Plan Ravensbourne RiverCorridor POLICY •  •  areas. distinctive natureofthedifferentcharacter Ravensbourne rivercorridorbasedonthe development. and outlinefloodriskconstraintsto associated withidentifiedareas an assessmentofthelevelflooding To providedesignguidance forthe To identifyfloodingsources, provide OBJECTIVE

8 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 4

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 River CorridorCharacterAssessments such events buildings androads.Thismeans that streams, of landwherewaterrunsinto riversand The 4.3 Thames. until through Lewisham andGreenwich for start Ravensbourne Lewisham’s riverssitwithinthe 4.3 and and and hencethereisaneedforpartnership beyond catchment the As shownonthemapopposite, 4.2 River • River • River • been identifiedandassessedare: The threecharacterareaswhichhave provided onthefollowingpages. the characteroftheserivercorridorsis differing characters.Anassessmentof subject ofthisdocumentallhave The threerivercorridorsthatarethe 4.1 Introduction toCharacterAssessmentAreas approximately Catchment the collaboration in they as occurring Bromley the heavy adjacent and Quaggy Ravensbourne Thames meet of boundaries includes the rainfall Catchment. in is and in Ravensbourne Boroughs. Deptford & made 25 & between Bromley Deptford Kyd Croydon km or parks, of & up Brook pollution, northwards, the Pool at the of The or gardens, Creek; the and Borough the Croydon, Council River; rivers extends River area run can and shared approach tomanagingtheriversinour boundaries, toensureajoinedup to and Greenwich.Thereforeitisimportant water impact onwaterlevels,floodingand work quality Ravensbourne together, down across stream Catchment. borough in Lewisham

9 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 4

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 River CorridorCharacterAssessments residential buildings withlargefootprints the from Creekside, has astrongmeanderingcharacter. At exposed piling. by are deepandbroadtidalrivers,bounded The 4.4 CHARACTERISTICS KEY limited andtherearefewrivercrossings. public and Centre the the Greenwich. of border defined The the River frontage or Thames. Thereislimitedaccess extending the Deptford 4.3 THE River ThamesandDeptfordCreek Lewisham activity walls pavement River few River London River eastern a LANDSCAPE RIVER public Ravensbourne range access between provides Wide remaining by of at to Thames. Thames is Thames along to Deptford timber CORRIDOR the low the the Borough view boundary Deptford the of and expanses to edge. river northernmost River Dulwich activities tide. the access the this banks by Royal at AND fendering and navigable Bermondsey Creekside brick is London Deptford creek flows Creek, stretch Thames. of Commercial Deptford largely Creek of Deptford of of Borough TOWNSCAPE to Lewisham, near Deptford walls mud the north is Deptford of forming Borough and otherwise creeks is area Peckham hidden River N Discovery Creek. by, the The Creek are along one to Creek steel of however and enter within is of Creek off the Penge also screentheriverfrompublicview, Creekside Conservatoire Estate, community, Station. Mill Docklands corridor. townscape characteralongtheriver bridges andviaductscreateadistinctive Creek, The 4.5 openness andlight. river whilst colourful and embankment private Lewisham historic Stepney Thames The Key Discovery Light fostered area inner houseboats features of wharves, Railway, Water Music College, has provide courtyards by Centre. include a the and Pumping strong individual Mumford on Trinity a Crossfields Dance sense Deptford Deptford along the sense Laban of and the of Creekside Campuses College Lewisham P oo l Ri Discovery ver * D

* e ptf Docklands ord Centre * Cr e* ek River *

Ra Beckenham

Beckenham v

Catford e

R n

Place i Park v s e b

o Laban

r u

rn R e

Centre a Lewisham


e Borough Pumping Thames n Dulwich


s Peckham


b Penge Greenwich o u r n e Stepney Deptford Water Boundary Station Park P oo l Riv er De pt Docklands C ford reek River

Ra Beckenham

Beckenham v

Catford e

R n

Place i

Park v s

e bo

r u

rn R e

a Lewisham

v Blackheath




b Greenwich o u r n e Park Blackheath




v R

e i

v r

Q e

u r


g T g y h


m Sundridge


s Park Eltham


K Woolwich Common






o k 1000m Bromley

10 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document



v R

e i

v r

Q e

u r


g T g y h


m Sundridge


s Park Eltham


K Woolwich Common




r o

o k 1000m 4

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 to the including also tidal them high tidesandstormsurgespreventing country. standard the The 4.7 FLOOD regularly. as habitat forbirds.Fish eatingbirdssuch The intertidalmudisavaluablefeeding population fry. known populations, however, supportwideandvariedfish at highwater. Thesetidalreachesdo, the angelica. Thereisnosaltmarsh,asall hemlock a The 4.6 RIVER River ThamesandDeptfordCreek diversity Brookmill grey lower risk intertidal There River Thames constructed flood from ECOLOGY to of herons The RISK water-dropwort than Thames be end at flooding is of walls reaching of Deptford also Park. and Thames an mud wetland and Chinese of anywhere and important and River along Deptford a Deptford is Tidal large to cormorants deeply Deptford. embankments Barrier plants, London Creek Ravensbourne Mitten the Defences else and and nursery Creek River Creek inundated and holds including in increasing garden Crab. at Secondary also the Thames a along include alleviate is for higher back are visit up fish The Laban Centre Houseboats Deptford Creek on Deptford Creek Deptford Creek

11 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 4

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 confining therivertocurrentposition. of From by founded works. gasworks, further industrialdevelopmentincluded Creek. employment by proximity its From 4.9 and shipbuilding. watermills, gravelpits,fishingwharves, industry to century, Between a thrivingfishingvillage. had become era. name The 4.8 HERITAGE River ThamesandDeptfordCreek the Deptford closure the Henry deep By the the river, was Ravensbourne The Towards the along Deptford in the nineteenth sixteenth VIII of ford in breweries formed the with Tudor Deptford Creek the eleventh for the at which the early Deptford Royal shipbuilders early nineteenth the was period, waterfront, during century were end century, eighteenth and gave Water Waterworks and development Dockyard strongly fully of provided chemical the Deptford eighteenth onwards Deptford this century, Company. revetted, both at Roman including related Deptford period century created was sides and until its the 1833 1894

12 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 4

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 1746 -JOHNROQUE MAP along Creekside The 4.10 CONSERVATION River ThamesandDeptfordCreek recently Deptford Conservation designated Creek AREA Deptford Area is located Dulwich Bermondsey Peckham N Penge Stepney Brookmill Road Deptford

Po ol R iver Docklands Rive r Ra


Beckenham n

R Catford s Beckenham

i b

v o e e urn

Place r

Park R

a Conservation Deptford


e Lewisham





u Greenwich r n e Park Creekside Area Bromley






r R

Q i


u e


g r

g y T h


Sundridge m

e Park

s 0m Eltham


Common K






o k 1000m

13 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document Stepney


hames River T


d r Blackheath 4 o f k t e Woolwich Deptford p e e r Common D River Corridor Character Assessments C Greenwich Linear Park Catford Railway StationPark River Ravensbourne and Pool River Peckham THE RIVER CORRIDOR Riverview Walk and Pool River Linear Park are located within the southern area 4.8 of the London Borough of Lewisham. Lewisham Lewisham lies almost entirely within the Approximately 300 metres to the south catchment of the River Ravensbourne, of Catford Hill, the River Ravensbourne e n r R which rises at Keston Ponds on the emerges from beneath the railway to u iver o Q Eltham b u North Downs. The dry valley of the the east, and the Pool River passes over s a n g River Ravensbourne can be traced in a small weir and beneath a footbridge ve g a y the topography and geology continuing where the rivers coalesce. The River R r further south. The Pool River is a major Ravensbourne flows north through a e v i

tributary of the River Ravensbourne, wooded area into formal open parkland R

which rises further west. The River to the south of Catford Road. South of Catford Ravensbourne and the Pool River the confluence of both rivers, between the *

flow broadly south to north through Pool River and the railway, there is a cycle r

the centre of the borough and enter and pedestrian route which forms part of e v i Dulwich R the River Thames at Deptford Creek. Waterlink Way. l Crystal Palace Ridge forms a distinct o R Beckenham o i P v e topographical feature to the west. The 4.10 Place Park r R a land to the east of the ridge drains into The River Ravensbourne flows north to v e n the River Ravensbourne system. Catford Railway Stations, where there is s b limited access to the concrete channel. o u


KEY LANDSCAPE AND TOWNSCAPE The river is culverted to the south of the n

* e CHARACTERISTICS South Circular Road, whilst to the north Sundridge of the road the river is lined with mature Stepney Park

4.9 trees. The Waterlink Way route gives Docklands

hames The River Ravensbourne enters the way to private spaces, including large Penge River T Bermondsey Kyd borough from the London Borough commercial buildings and a concrete Br


d r o o Blackheath f k t k p e Woolwich Deptford e e r of Bromley near Beckenham Place surfaced car park. D C Common Greenwich Park Park, whilst the Pool River enters the Supplementary Planning Document Peckham Bromley borough at Lower Sydenham to join the 4.11 Beckenham Lewisham


n r R u iver o Q Eltham July 2014 b u s a n g River Ravensbourne south of Catford. Ladywell Fields is a public park situated Lower Sydenham e g v a y R r e

v i


Catford r


Dulwich v i N R l R o iv o e P r R a

v e n s 0m 1000m b




n Beckenham e Sundridge Place Park Park

Penge K yd Bro ok

Bromley Beckenham

N 0m 1000m River Corridor Improvement Plan

London Borough of Lewisham Borough of Lewisham London 14 4

River Ravensbourne and Pool River along the railway line, between Catford development along the river corridor and Ladywell Railway Stations. The does not relate well to the river. To the linear park has a flat to gently undulating south-west of Cornmill Gardens, there landform. The canalised channel has is a semi naturalised, partially restored been restored in places. The park river channel, associated with an area of comprises a northern, middle and public open space. southern field. The northern field Cornmill Gardens includes expansive open areas, mature 4.13 trees, wetland and ornamental shrubs. Brookmill Park and Broadway Fields There are areas of flat grassland in the provide linear public open spaces along middle field which are used for informal the river corridor. Brookmill Park includes football games. There are more secluded naturalised embankments which create facilities in the southern field, including a a positive relationship between the park bowling green and a tennis court. and the River Ravensbourne. The river meanders through the park in a two 4.12 staged channel. The river is diverted The river environment in Lewisham through a concrete channel at Broadway Town Centre is characterised by Fields, which is a more urban open space concrete channeling and culverting. with sports and play facilities. The environmental quality of the River Ravensbourne is poor at this location, with litter along the riverbanks, and public Lewisham Station access is limited. Most of the historic Supplementary Planning Document July 2014 River Corridor Improvement Plan Adjacent to Wickes Ladywell Fields

London Borough of Lewisham Borough of Lewisham London 15 4

River Ravensbourne and Pool River


4.14 4.15 Significant parts of The River Extensive modification was undertaken in Ravensbourne and Pool River are the 1960s to reduce the risk of flooding culverted underground or in deep, from the River Ravensbourne and its vertical sided concrete channels. These tributaries. Even with these works in sections of the river are of little nature place, there are approximately 1,500 conservation value, as flora and fauna homes and businesses within the borough regularly get washed away by floodwater. located within the floodplain of the River Adjacent to Wickes, Catford The Pool River between Bell Green Ravensbourne. These are mainly located Ladywell Fields and Catford, and the Ravensbourne through Catford and Lewisham. Of at Beckenham Place Park, have more these, approximately 400 homes and natural channels, although the higher 280 businesses are at risk of floodwater land along the river corridors has entering and damaging the inside of their prevented the formation of wetlands. properties. Marginal vegetation includes watercress and Indian balsam. Aquatic plants such as Canadian waterweed and curled pondweed gain a roothold in the natural gravel bed. Birds include wagtails and kingfishers, and skittlebacks are a Ladywell Fields Cornmill Gardens commonly seen fish. Supplementary Planning Document July 2014

Broadway Fields Brookmill Park River Corridor Improvement Plan Ladywell Fields

London Borough of Lewisham Borough of Lewisham London 16 4

River Ravensbourne and Pool River 1917 HERITAGE

4.16 Thirty acres of meadow and eleven mills were recorded in Lewisham in the Doomsday Book. The meadow is now part of Ladywell Fields. Five of the mills were located between Lewisham and Deptford, one of which was at Brookmill Park. Ford Mill at Catford Hill was also mentioned in the Doomsday Book. The principal historic settlements along the River Ravensbourne comprise Lewisham and Catford. A historic route, from Lewisham to Orpington, follows the River Ravensbourne. 1877 4.17 CATFORD Up to the mid nineteenth century, the River Ravensbourne and the Pool River were part of the countryside and used largely for agricultural purposes. Railway lines were constructed along substantial sections of the Ravensbourne and Pool valleys during the nineteenth century, resulting in significant Victorian suburban expansion in Lewisham and Catford. Major new housing estates were developed in Lewisham and Catford Supplementary Planning Document during the early twentieth century,

July 2014 associated with significant works to realign the River Ravensbourne. Urban development continued to encroach on the river valleys throughout the interwar period, with stretches of the River Ravensbourne and the Pool River completely obscured, canalised and

culverted by modern settlement. River Corridor Improvement Plan 1940

London Borough of Lewisham Borough of Lewisham London 17 4

River Ravensbourne and Pool River



1875 Supplementary Planning Document July 2014 River Corridor Improvement Plan 1833 1930

London Borough of Lewisham Borough of Lewisham London 18 4

River Ravensbourne and Pool River



1914 Supplementary Planning Document July 2014 River Corridor Improvement Plan 1743 1930

London Borough of Lewisham Borough of Lewisham London 19 4

Stepney River Ravensbourne and Pool River

CONSERVATION AREAS Docklands 4.18 es Tham Conservation Areas associated with River

the River Ravensbourne and the Pool Bermondsey River include Brookmill Road, St Mary’s, Ladywell, Culverley Green and Beckenham Place Park.


e e r

C Woolwich Deptford d r Common o Greenwich f t Park p e D

Peckham Brookill Road Blackheath



e Rive

n r Q r St Mary’s u

u a g Eltham o g b s y n e v a R






Catford Culverley Green

Dulwich r e v i R R l iv o e o r P R a v e n

s b o u r n

e Supplementary Planning Document

Beckenham Sundridge Place Park July 2014 Park Penge Kyd Bro ok

Bromley Beckenham


(images taken from St Mary’s Conservation Area Character Appraisal) 0m 1000m River Corridor Improvement Plan

London Borough of Lewisham Borough of Lewisham London 20 4

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 River CorridorCharacterAssessments has beenculverted. channels, or Bromley iswithinconcrete boundary withtheLondonof Borough the subsequentlengthofriverto between visitorsandtheriver. Muchof and bridgesenhancetherelationship to encouragewildlife.Boardwalks naturalised, withriverbanksreintroduced Lewisham, theriverchannelhasbeen reaches theLondonBrook Borough of At ChinbrookMeadows,whereKyd 4.19 CHARACTERISTICS AND TOWNSCAPELANDSCAPE KEY Lewisham Town Centre. Quaggy joinstheRiverRavensbourne in Lewisham atLee Green.TheRiver Borough ofGreenwichbeforere-entering and subsequentlyflowsintotheRoyal Borough ofBromleynearMottingham Park. TheriverpassesintotheLondon at ChinbrookMeadowsinGrove reaches theLondon BoroughofLewisham and BromleyCommontotheeast at LocksFarnborough Bottom, Hospital are knownasKyd Theriver rises Brook. The upperreachesoftheRiverQuaggy 4.18 THE RIVERCORRIDOR River QuaggyandKyd Brook 4.20 gulls, greyherons andkingfisher. blackcaps, black headedgulls,herring of wildlife,includingbirdssuch as a diversity Meadows hasattracted naturalised channelatChinbrook habitat alongside.Conversely, the wildlife, andthereislittleorno terrestrial been culvertedhavelimitedvalue for channels orhave are withinconcrete The sectionsoftheRiverQuaggywhich 4.22 RIVER ECOLOGY have nowbeendeculverted. previously culvertedunderground,but through Lewisham towncentrewere of sectionstheRiverQuaggyflowing and theRiverRavensbourne. Anumber at theconfluenceofRiverQuaggy Lewisham towncentrehasdeveloped 4.21 and isretainedbywoodenrevetments. The riverflowsoveranaturalgravelbed back gardensoftheadjacenthouses. park, fromwhichitisfencedoff, andthe at ManorPark, theriverrunsbetween a cleangravellyriverbed.Further west, along agentlymeanderingcourseover through thesouthofformalpark, fairly naturalsectionoftheriverflows river reachesManorHouseGardens.A Greenwich isurbanincharacter, untilthe borough fromtheRoyal Boroughof of theriverflowinginto The extent Dulwich Bermondsey Peckham N Penge Stepney Deptford

Po ol River ptford

C Docklands e re D e k River

Ra Beckenham

Beckenham v

Catford e

R n

Place i Park v s

e b

o Manor Park

r u

rn R e

a Lewisham





b Greenwich o u r n e Park Blackheath




v R

e Manor HouseGardens i

v r

Q e

u r


g T g y h


m Sundridge


s Park Eltham Dulwich Bermondsey 0m

Peckham N K Woolwich Common

Penge y

d Stepney


Deptford r

o Meadows


Po ol River k ptford

C Docklands e re D e k River

Ra Beckenham

Beckenham v

Catford e

R n

Place i

Park v s

e bo

r u

rn R e

a Lewisham





1000m b Greenwich o u r n e Park Blackheath




v R

e i

v r

Q e

u r


g T g y h


m Sundridge


s Park Eltham


K Woolwich Common






o k 1000m

21 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 4

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Extensive work was completed in 2004 Extensive workwascompleted 4.24 FLOOD RISK liverworts grow. figwort andavarietyofmosses tongue,water pendulous sedge,hart’s runs betweenoldbrickwalls,onwhich north ofManorHouseGardens,theriver willow warblersandblackcap.To the understory ofnettles.Theareaattracts House Gardenscontainswillows,withan A fencedareatothesouthofManor and thereislittleaquaticvegetation. within adjacentgardensshadetheriver Manor HouseGardens,maturetrees trees, whichattractflocksofsiskins.At the riverisfringedwithAlder location is littleornoaquaticvegetation.Atthis the riveratManorHouseGardens,there Despite thefairlynaturalappearanceof 4.23 River QuaggyandKyd Brook River Quaggy to reducetheriskoffloodingthrough century. SectionsofKydand the Brook were developedfromtheearlytwentieth it flowed.Majornewhousingestates name fromthequagmiresthroughwhich Quaggy issaidtohaveacquiredits lines wereconstructed.TheRiver century,mid nineteenth whentherailway land andboggyquagmiresuptothe rural riverssurroundedbyagricultural Kydand theRiverQuaggy were Brook 4.25 HERITAGE flood incidents. more extreme homes andbusinessesremainatriskin the frequencyofflooding, however, some These workshavesignificantlyreduced raising floodwallsalongpartsoftheriver. Royal BoroughofGreenwich,aswell Weigall Road sportsgroundwithinthe storage upstreamatSutcliffePark and works includedprovidingfloodwater Lewisham fromtheRiverQuaggy. These River Quaggy Manor Park Manor Park River Quaggy

22 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 4

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 1877 further ninehectares. by a Housing Estate.Themeadowswerelaterextended children’s playgroundontheedgeofGrovePark in theearlytwentiethcenturyasathreehectare opened of theurbanexpansion.ChinbrookMeadowswere River Quaggywerecanalisedandculvertedaspart River QuaggyandKyd Brook 1904 1930

23 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 4

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 (Images takenfrom Lee ManorConservationAreaCharacter Appraisal) LEE MANORCONSERVATION AREA along theRiverQuaggy. Stephen’s ConservationAreaarelocated Lee ManorConservationAreaandSt 4.26 CONSERVATION AREAS River QuaggyandKyd Brook Dulwich Bermondsey Peckham N Penge Stepney Deptford

Po ol R iver ord Cre tf ek Docklands ep Rive D r Ra


Beckenham n Beckenham

R Catford s

i b

v o e

e urn

Place Park r


a St. Stephen’s


e Lewisham





u Greenwich r n e Park Lee Manor Bromley






r R

Q i


u e


g r

g y T h


Sundridge m

e Park

s 0m Eltham


Common K






o k 1000m

24 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 5

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Access Existing PublicRightsofWay Network • • • • • • • • as follows: The aimsoftheAllLondon GreenGridare 5.3 green urbanfringe. parks andopenspaces,riversthe employment andresidentialareaswith centres, publictransporthubs,andmajor town quality openspaces,connecting interlinked, multifunctionalandhigh Green Gridistocreateanetworkof London.The objectiveoftheAllLondon delivery ofgreeninfrastructureacross the designand framework topromote The AllLondon GreenGridprovidesa 5.2 • • • • Lewisham’s riversareasfollows: The keypublicrightsofwaywhichrelateto 5.1 Tosustainable design, promote Toand enhancethe visitoreconomy; Tosustainable foodgrowing; promote To encouragehealthyliving; Tosustainable transport, promote To adaptthecitytoimpactsof To conservelandscapesandthenatural To increaseaccesstoopenspaceand Other localwalkingandcyclingroutes. The ThamesPath; Waterlink Way; The GreenChain; management and maintenance. management walking andcycling; climate change; environment; nature; The GreenChaincomprisesanetwork 5.4 Promenade. FootpathRoute 2and Lewisham Heritage Trails,Deptford andBlackheath Londonof Lewisham,Borough includingthe cycle linkswhichrelatetothe riversinthe There areanumberofother footpathand 5.7 the riveratDeptfordStrand. with residential streets,beforereconnecting through Deptford,alongmainroadsand banks oftheRiverThames.Thepathpasses miles alongthe footpath runningfor180 The ThamesPath isaNationalTrail 5.6 designed toencompassrailwaystations. and Ravensbourne Rivers. The routewas Park,and Brookmill following thePool east London,including Ladywell Fields number ofparksandgreenspacesinsouth a connecting the NationalCycleNetwork, Waterlink Way isanestablishedpartof to theCuttySarkinGreenwich. Beckenham Way extendsfromCatorPark inNew to theGreenChain.Waterlinkconnecting and walkingrouteinsoutheastLondon, Waterlink Way isalongdistancecyclepath 5.5 long termpreservationofgreenspaces. environment, promotingwellbeingandthe aims toprovideahavenforthenatural and allotments.TheGreenChain parks andgardens,sportsgrounds monuments, localnaturereserves, of interest,includinghistoricsitesand green spacesandplaces of connected Dulwich Bermondsey Peckham N Lewisham Promenade Green ChainWalk Waterlink Way Thames Path Penge Stepney Deptford

Po ol tford Cre Ri p e Docklands ver De k Rive r Ra


Beckenham n

R Catford s Beckenham

i b

v o e e urn

r One Tree Hill-Catford Nunhead -Greenwich Brockley -Lee Green Brockley Footpath


Park R



e Lewisham





u Greenwich r n e Park Bromley




v e



Q i


u e

a r g

g y T h


Sundridge m

Park e

s nature conservationwalks Additional routesusedon Walk Links Blackheath HeritageTrail Deptford HeritageTrail 0m Eltham


Common K






o k 1000m

25 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 5

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Access compulsorily byorder. the localauthorityandlandowner, or between either throughanagreement New routesmaybe created Borough. Public Rights ofWay networkwithinthe use itspowerstomakechangesthe in privateownership,theCouncilcan the rivercorridorsareinterruptedbyland Where thekeypublicaccesslinksalong 5.9 may provideopportunitiesforthis. Waterlink Way, andnewdevelopments aspires forextensionstobemadethe The Lewisham Town CentreLocal Plan the southofSouthCircularRoad. Ravensbourne, whichisculvertedto channel oftheRiver to theconcrete parking areas.Thereislimitedaccess buildings andcar by largecommercial Stations, Waterlink Way isfragmented to thesouthofCatfordRailway Chain andWaterlink Way. For example, of Lewisham, includingtheGreen river corridorsintheLondon Borough of thepublicaccesslinksalong Private spacesinterrupttheconnectivity 5.8 OWNERSHIP OF WAY ACROSS LANDINPRIVATE DESIGNATIONOF PUBLIC RIGHTS of Way Network Proposed EnhancementstothePublicRights • • • • • • • • • the followingcriteria: to meet Public RightsofWay shouldbedesigned 5.11 new linksalongtherivercorridors. Public RightsofWay andthecreationof of existing be appliedtotheenhancement principles ofdesigningoutcrimeshould of lifeorcommunitycohesion.The where crimedoesnotunderminequality Lewisham shouldbesafeenvironments, corridors intheLondon Boroughof The Public RightsofWay alongtheriver 5.10 REDUCED CRIMEANDFEAROF Any pedestrainsubwaysshould beas Well maintained; Overlooked bysurroundingbuildings Devoid ofpotentialhidingplaces; Adequately lit; Wide, to allowpeopletopasswithout Well used; Direct andasstraightpossible; Visually open; with aclearlineofsighttothe exit. wide andshortaspossible,well lit, and activities; passing wheelchairs; accommodate infringing onpersonalspaceandto Land betweenLadywell Fields and Wickes Ladywell Fields

26 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 5

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Access overgrown vegetaion. embankments litteredwithrubbishand channels, with maintained concrete The riversareconfinedtopoorly centre. River QuaggyispoorinLewisham town quality oftheRiverRavensbourne andthe The environmental enhancements. of environmental the implementation Lewisham couldbeimprovedthrough river corridorsintheLondonof Borough of thePublic RightsofWay alongthe The appearanceandpublicperception 5.13 RIVER CORRIDORS PUBLIC RIGHTSOFWAY ALONG THE ENVIRONMENTALTOENHANCEMENTS interpretative signage. to theentrancefromCatfordHilland encouraged throughimprovements Increased useofLinearPark couldbe particularly withintheunderpass. Lighting couldalsobeenhanced, more openviewsalongtherivercorridor. Linear Park. Thereispotentialtocreate the longdistanceroutepassessthrough reduced alongWaterlink Way, where Crime andfearofcrimecouldbe 5.12 5.14 and Lewisham’s rivers. visual linksbetweenPublic RightsofWay public realm,improvingphysicaland can integratetherivercorridorsinto boardworks, signageandstreetfurniture houses. Footbridges, viewingplatforms, and thebackgardensofadjacent an areafencedofffromManorPark instance, theRiverQuaggyrunsthrough culverts, walls,fencesandbuildings.For channels and corridors includeconcrete Public RightsofWay andtheriver Physical andvisualbarriersbetween 5.15 RIVER CORRIDORS PUBLIC RIGHTSOFWAY ANDTHE IMPROVEDBETWEEN CONNECTIONS and theRiverRavensbourne. of Way networkalongtheRiverQuaggy environmental qualityofthePublic Rights soft landscapingcouldimprovethe Maintenance ofexistinghardand or repairstoexistingflooddefences. restoration oftherivercorridorsand/ include theremovalofunsightlyrubbish, Environmental enhancementscould Linear Park Molesworth Street Ladywell Fields

27 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines policy below. explained inthejustificationforeach in theadopteddevelopmentplan,as and buildon,policiescontainedwith The policiesbelowareconsistentwith, 6.3 take accountofandcomplywith. proposals fornewdevelopmentshould and corridorspecificguidelineswhich This sectionsetsouttheborough-wide 6.2 take accountofandcomplywith. proposals fornewdevelopmentshould and corridorspecificguidelineswhich This sectionsetsouttheborough-wide 6.1 Dulwich Bermondsey Peckham N Penge Stepney Deptford

Po ol tford Cr Riv p ee Docklands er De k Rive r Ra


Beckenham n

R Catford s


i b

v o e

e urn

Place r

Park R



e Lewisham





u Greenwich r n e Park Bromley



i v

Norman ParkNorman e



Q i


u e


g r

g y T h

a Sundridge m Park e

s 0m Eltham


Common K






o k 1000m

28 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines • • • • • • • • Justification: 1. POLICY 1:INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT Borough-wide Policies Increase landvalues growth Facilitate housingandeconomic Reduce floodrisk Improve waterquality Enhance biodiversity Improve thepublicrealm that: together, canresultindevelopments Considering thelandandriveruses enjoyment andsettingoftheriver. benefits andenhancestheuse, the developmentdeliversmultiple An integratedapproachiswhere spaces. Lewisham’s developmentsandopen to puttheriverbackatheartof inparticulartheaspiration network’, Policy 11‘Riversandwaterways This policysupportsCoreStrategy together. and riverusesareconsidered integrated approachwhereland the Councilwillrequirean For allnewdevelopment,

29 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines • • • Justification: 1. POLICY 2:RIVERIMPROVEMENTS Borough-wide Policies river networks. and protecting theopenspaceof channels, increasinghabitat values open culvertsandnaturalise river through takingopportunities to previous unsustainablealterations network andseekstoreverse enhancement oftheblueribbon 7.28 supportstherestorationand wildlife andalsoamenity. Policy which hasreducedtheirvalueto altered fromtheirnaturalstate London’s rivershavebeenhugely The London Planexplainsthat opportunities for: consideration ofthe the Councilwillrequire For allnewdevelopment, c.  b.  a. fullriverrestoration in channel not possible. river restorationare that fullandpartial can bedemonstrated measures, whereit other appropriate enhancements or partial restoration, not possible full riverrestorationis demonstrated that where itcanbe • • • • • • • • • Core StrategyPolicy 11‘Rivers riverside walkwaysand cyclepaths. establishing orconnecting up increasing public accessand planting andcreating wildlifehabitat enhancements in-channel riverchannels re-meandering riverbank re-grading channels deculverting andremovingconcrete measures including: river channelsthrougharangeof involve openingupandimproving realm improvements.Theworksmay alongside placemakingandpublic improvements shouldbeconsidered channel improvements.Ecological the riverchannel,includingin- natural processesandmodifying more involve re-establishing are typicallyatalargescaleand Opportunities forfullriverrestoration stage, aspartofthedesignprocess. to befullyexploredfromanearly opportunities forfullrestoration restoration. TheCouncilwillrequire development isfullriver The startingpointforall and naturalisingflooddefences. improving accesstotheforeshore of theriverstofunction,including the urbandesignandnaturalability character oftheriverbyimproving should contributetothespecial in theborough.Development preserve andenhancetherivers seeksto and waterwaysnetwork’

30 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines • • • Borough-wide Policies habitat. established, providing additional and appropriate plantingis terrace orterracesareconstructed given tointertidalterracingwhere a banks. Considerationshould be to riverwallsandsurrounding river nesting places,andimprovements creation, planting, birdboxes and deflectors, gravels(riffles),habitat enhancements mightinclude or partialrestoration.Inchannel there arenoopportunitiesforfull there isverylimitedspaceand be consideredforsiteswhere In channelenhancementsshould more naturalfeatures. channels orconcreteriverbankswith measures suchasreplacingculverts, development site,andmayinvolve where spaceisavailablewithinthe possible atasmallerscale,generally Partial riverrestorationisusually overcoming them. and theconsiderationgivento provide detailsofthesiteconstraints is notpossibleapplicantsshould constraints. Wherefullrestoration or engineeringinfrastructure sites andlimitedlandavailability, viability considerations,constrained such asfloodriskconsiderations, part ofadevelopment,forreasons restoration maynotbepossibleas will besituationswherefullriver The Councilacknowledgesthere • include abufferareaalongthe Proposals atanyscaleshould both upanddownstream. significant floodriskimplications, seemingly minorchanges,canhave river channelandbanks,even implications asanychangestothe contamination andfloodrisk edgeandshouldconsider river’s

31 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines 2. 1. POLICY 3:ACCESS Borough-wide Policies developments that: The Councilwillsupport along theriver. physical publicaccesstoand seek toimprovevisualand All newdevelopmentshould d.  c.  b.  a.  Promote usesand spaces provide safepublic side routestohelp activities alongriver- Balance ecological Provide ajoinedup Provide direct,safe river channel. as wellacrossthe and downstream, access andusesup access, considering approach toriver the river. cycles toandalong for pedestriansand and clearaccess ecological gains. be restrictedfor where accessmay consider carefully public accessand protection and Justification: • • the Blue RibbonNetwork (including existing access pointstooralongside Network byprotecting andimproving enhance theuse oftheBlueRibbon development proposalsshould and Recreational Use’statesthat Network: SupportingInfrastructure Network .Policy 7.27‘BlueRibbon features suchastheBlueRibbon public spacesandexistinglocal reinforcing theconnectionsbetween policy thatsupportsdevelopment Realm’ providesfurtherregional The London Planpolicy7.5‘Public 001). development (NPPGparagraph component inachievingsustainable development, andareanimportant contributing tothesettingofbuilt values, canbeanimportantpartof positive contributionstolandscape working nearby. Theycanmake benefits tothepeoplelivingand as providinghealthandrecreation positive ecologicalvaluesaswell the spacearoundthemcanhave amenity. Inthiscontext,riversand recreation andcanactasavisual offers opportunitiesforsportand areas ofwatersuchasrivers,italso forms, includinglinearcorridorsand Open spacecantakemanydifferent 73-74 andNPPGparagraph001). development (NPPFparagraphs account inplanningforallnew Open spaceshouldbetakeninto

32 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines • • Borough-wide Policies destinations wherepossible. Discovery Centre andcreatenew access points, such astheCreekside existing specialdestinations and access shouldprotectandenhance consideration andprovision of any set asideforhumanaccess. The outset andbalancedwithany areas be carefullyconsideredfrom the areas forfaunaandflorashould habitats. For this reason,undisturbed disrupt naturalprocessesand acknowledged thatthiscanoften element innewdevelopmentitis While publicaccessisanimportant corridor. of anydevelopmentnearariver physical, isanimportantelement river environments,bothvisualand recreation. Thereforeaccessto and relaxorenjoysportactive together, providingplacestomeet make inbringingcommunities to thecontributionopenspaces This isparticularlytrueinrelation healthy lifestylesandwell-being. impact thesespacescanhaveon waterway networks,andthepositive open spacessuchasriversand of ourenvironment,thevalue out thelinksbetweenbiodiversity Space andEnvironmentalAssets’sets Core StrategyPolicy 12‘Open Blue RibbonNetworkwillbesought. infrastructure intoandalongsidethe paths) andthatnewaccess • For developmentwithinLewisham Lewisham Town CentreLocal Plan. town centre‘Policy Areas’inthe aspirations issetoutineachofthe the implementationofthese Further detailandpoliciesregarding Sustainable linkagesandmovement). to Waterlink Way (Figure 4.6 and aspirationaladditions (Figure 4.5EnvironmentalContext) proposed riversideimprovements Centre Local Plandetailsareas for town centre,theLewisham Town

33 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines • • Justification: 2. 1. POLICY 4:PUBLICREALM Borough-wide Policies and physical connections totheriver. context ofthe river andprovidevisual so thattheypositively respondtothe Public spaces shouldbedesigned integral partofthedevelopment. public spacescanbecreated asan designed efficientlysothatsuccessful New developmentsshouldbe and localcharacter’. Management Policy 30‘Urbandesign for Lewisham’ and Development Policy 15‘Highqualitydesign This policysupportsCoreStrategy development that: The Councilwillsupport high qualitypublicrealm. developing asenseofplaceand treat theriverasakeyelementin All newdevelopmentshould c.  b.  a.  Provide publicart, interpretation wildlife/ecological artistic featuresand Provide highquality Create publicspaces embankment. attractive androbust creating an along theriver, boundary treatment and appropriate that overlooktheriver. • • • appropriate. an earlystageintheprocess,as engagement andconsultationat process thatinvolvescommunity be developedthroughatransparent early conceptstage.Public artshould be discussedwiththeCouncilatan latest culturalstrategyandshould be inaccordancewiththeCouncil’s The provisionofpublicartshould interpretation shouldbeconsidered. ecological boardsorothermeansof on thephysicalenvironment.Wildlife/ art wouldmakeasignificantimpact prominent locationsorwhereworksof part ofdevelopments,particularlyin features shouldformanintegral The provisionofpublicartandartistic urbanised tonaturalised. environment, rangingfromhighly tailored toreflecttherivercorridor part ofspecificschemesshouldbe Boundary treatmentsproposedas

34 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines b. 1. POLICY 5:BIODIVESITY Borough-wide Policies measures suchas: biodiversity byincluding preserve orenhancelocal All newdevelopmentshould h.  g.  f. e.  d.  c.  a.  nacn green Enhancing networks thatlinksites Establishing less riverside areas maintenance, disturbed, low Ensuring appropriate impact onspecies avoid anegative lighting isusedto Employ bio-security Employ bio-security measures and and Gianthogweed Himalayan balsam knotweed and such asJapanese invasive species seeking toeradicate Managing Providing habitatfor Providing appropriate Undertaking river that isappropriateto a rangeofspecies vegetation ofvalue respects existing landscaping that Improvements. with Policy 2:River improvements, inline appropriate shade andshelter, as the area,including and • • • • and enhancing biodiversity. conserving nature andprotecting Assets’ setsout theimportanceof ‘Open Space and Environmental In addition,CoreStrategyPolicy 12 connectivity inthewiderarea. and contributetowildlife habitat may providetoenhancebiodiversity individual developmentproposals consider theopportunitiesthat planning authoritiesshouldalso priorities andevidence.Local environment, basedonlocal and improvingthenatural strategic approachtoprotecting should developanddelivera that localplanningauthorities The NPPG(paragraph008)states in biodiversitywherepossible. biodiversity andprovidingnetgains services andminimisingimpactson the widerbenefitsofecosystem among otherthings,recognising natural andlocalenvironmentby, contribute toandenhancethe that theplanningsystemshould The NPPF(paragraph109)states Justification: procedures toreduce diseases) inthewild organisms suchas (and otherharmful non-native species or spreadinginvasive the riskofintroducing

35 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines • • • Borough-wide Policies that theylinksitesasfarpossible. green networkscanbeimproved so improve habitatshouldconsider how management. Anyproposals to and contributingtosurfacewater as wellcreatingnewhabitat compensate foranylossofhabitat and structuresmaybeappropriateto Living wallsandroofsonbuildings crevices andboxes,asappropriate. for invertebrates,andotherledges, nesting androostingsites,niches include provisionofbirdandbat Habitat forarangeofspeciesmay considerations. be balancedwithotherdevelopment schemes fromtheoutsetandmust must becarefullydesignedinto wildlife toflourish.Thisrequirement as theyprovideasaferefugefor are lessdisturbednecessary storage considerations.Areasthat access, amenityandfloodrisk/ should becarefullybalancedwith disturbed andarelowmaintenance The provisionofareasthatareless 2: RiverImprovements). improvements proposed(seePolicy depending onthescaleofriver appropriate forthispolicywillvary The natureofproposalsconsidered • Any outdoorlightingshouldnot information onthistopic). Policy 27‘Lighting’providesfurther bats. (DevelopmentManagement also bedesignedtoavoidimpacton areas, suchasbalconies,should lighting columns;private than 70degrees;limittheheightof lights, preferablyatanangleofless lighting; useoffittedhoodstoangle avoid lightspillage;upward lighting towhereitisneeded of lightsasfarpossible;direct lighting; reducethebrightness instead usewarmwhiteoramber include: avoidingUVlightemissions, now orinthefuture.Considerations areas likelytosupportbatactivity, limit night-time spillageandglarein should clearlyaddresstheneedto Lighting proposalsfordevelopments bat commutingandforagingroutes. negatively impactspecies,including

36 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines • • • Justification: 1. POLICY 6:FLOOD RISK Borough-wide Policies risk mitigation. coordinated approachtaken toflood should beconsideredanda works elsewhereinthecatchment risk. Inordertoachievethis goal defences, whilealsoreducing flood behind wallsandhardflood corridors, revealingthemfrom improvements istoopenupriver The goalofrivercorridor spaces. of newdevelopmentsandouropen bringing theriverbacktoheart flood risktotheboroughwhilealso to deliverapositivereductionin reducing theriskofflooding’seeks Strategy Policy 10‘Managingand and developmentprocessCore Through theplanningapplication process. plan-making andtheapplication risks associatedwithfloodinginthe planning cantakeaccountofthe the associatedNPPGsetsouthow The NPPF(paragraphs99-104)and layout anddesign. measures intotheoverallsite integrate floodriskmitigation All newdevelopmentshould • The floodriskimplicationsshould Flood RiskAssessment. Management StrategyandStrategic the Council’sLocal FloodRisk Catchment ImprovementPlan, the contentofRavensbourne contained inthisSPDaswell and alongsideallotherpolicies be consideredfromtheoutset Lewisham Town CentreFlood,1968 Adjacent toArmoury Road

37 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines • • Justification: 3. and Enhancements 2. 1. POLICY 7: Borough-wide Policies in theongoing management, perpetuity. Community involvement landscaping will bemaintainedin banks andany associated environment, includingchannel, plan, outlininghowtheriver maintenance andmonitoring the Councilamanagement, Applicants shouldsubmitto Space andEnvironmentalAssets’ and 12‘Openwaterways network’ the riskofflooding’,11‘Riversand Policy 10‘Managingandreducing This policysupportsCoreStrategy the wild organisms suchasdiseases)in species (andotherharmful spreading invasivenon-native reduce theriskofintroducingor measures andproceduresto appropriate bio-security Management shouldconsider maintenance aspossible. designed tobeaslow improvements shouldbe any development. should beconsideredaspartof maintenance arrangements On goingmanagementand MANAGMENT AND MAINTENANCE • maintenance andmonitoringshould application process. adequately addressedthroughthe maintenance andmanagementis conditions toensurethatongoing The Councilwillconsidertheuseof maintenance plan. the submittedmanagementand be consideredandaddressedin

38 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines • 4. 3. 2. 1. Deptford Creekarea: new developmentintheRiverThamesand 7 above,thefollowingpoliciesapplytoall In additiontoborough-widepolicies1 POLICY 8: Corridor SpecificPolicies be carefully considered aswell access to andalongthe rivershould river restoration, allopportunitiesfor offers littleopportunity forfull-scale and heavilymodifiedwhile this area isgenerallytightlyconstrained focused. Therivercorridorin this retail andemploymentuses will be majority oftheborough’s newhousing, and GrowthArea’ whichiswhere the within theborough’s ‘Regeneration This stretchoftheriverislocated along DeptfordCreek. earthy materialityofthebuildings Maintain andprotecttherobust the CreeksideDiscoveryCentre. consideration giventotheroleof with Policy 3abovewithparticular Maintain andimproveaccessinline provision ofnewfenders/terracing. fenders/terracing andconsiderthe Maintain existingecological moorings. into accountlocationofexisting provision ofnewmoorings,taking moorings andconsiderthe Maintain existingslipwaysand RIVER THAMESANDDEPTFORD CREEK • • • smaller scale in-channel improvements, smaller scalein-channel Appraisal. Deptford CreeksideConservation Area character ofthe areaissetoutinthe nature. Further detail regardingthe connections androbust,industrial of thearea,particularlyhistoric respect andenhancethecharacter New developmentneartheriver should North Lewisham Links 2012). Greenwich shouldbeconsidered(see river, aswellfromNewCrossto to DeptfordCreekfromsouthofthe where appropriate.Improvedlegibility provision ofnewcrossingsandlighting, linear experienceandthroughthe be considered,particularlyasanon- pedestrian andcyclistaccessshould should bemaintained.Enhanced from mainvehicularaccessroutes enhanced, anditscurrentdetachment which shouldbeprotectedand by short,suddenanddramaticviews Creek environmentischaracterised and identityofthearea.TheDeptford thought giventotheuniqueimage with Policy 3above,butalsowith Creek shouldbeconsidered,inline Improved accesstoandalongDeptford habitat. be providedtoenhancethenatural fendering andintertidalterracesshould embankments timbercladding, the characterofDeptfordCreek’s In ordertomaintainandenhance including totheriverwalls.

39 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines • • • • • • KENT ANDSUNWHARF Development SiteExamples part ofanynewdevelopment. Arts Centreuseisretainedas It isimportantthattheCockpit the Creek. created toCreeksideRoad and active builtfrontagesshouldbe and employment,positive the siteformixed-useresidential As partofanyredevelopment views oftheCreek existing buildingsscreenany follows CreeksideRoad butthe The Waterlink Way currently waterside accessforthepublic site butatpresentthereisno be obtainedfromwithinthe Attractive viewsofthecreekcan Cockpit ArtsCentre light industrialusesandthe It accommodatesvariousexisting point toGreenwich provides astrategiccrossing Halfpenny Bridgewhichalso Railway Viaductandthehistoric Centre andtothesouthby north sidebytheLaban Dance Deptford Creekboundedonthe This isalargesiteadjacentto • • • • • • of shallowcourtyardblocksto Built formshouldusealanguage site was formerlyassociatedwith the recreate ahistoricdockwhich There ispotentialhereto of thesite provided inthenortheastcorner public artshouldalsobe A newpublicspaceincluding end isahighpriority Dance Centreatthenorthern footpath andtotheLabanBridge site toconnecttheHalfpenny arches atthesouthernendof linkages throughtherailway The creationofnewpedestrian for wildlife some areasmoreundisturbed within thedevelopmenttoleave along thecreekedgeandpartly provided throughthesite,partly Waterlink wayshouldbe An alternativerouteforthe existing newpublicspaces. there isanyopportunitytocreate and fromthesiteisvital Improving pedestrianroutesto character ofthearea. reflect theexistingdockside • • be providedonthenorthern A greencorridorlinkageshould necessary of thetidalwallsthatmaybe associated withanyrenewal should beprovidedespecially terraced Creeksideplanting brownfield habitatandinter-tidal provision ofanextendedarea Along thecreekedge Creekside Road. small existingparktothewestof the newpublicspacewith boundary ofthesitewhichlinks

40 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines • • • • • • LEWISHAM COLLEGE Development SiteExamples more legible streets needto beclearerand campus tothe surrounding Pedestrian linkagesfromthe should beconsidered; typology ofwarehousebuildings reflect thehistoriccreekside Shallow buildingblockswhich and thesurroundingstreets be providedtoboththecreek positive builtfrontagesshould site tocreateanewcampus, redevelopment ofthecollege As partofanyfuture enhancements tothesite distinctive qualitiescouldinform and ecologicalsettingwhose historic, landscape/townscape Mill buildingprovidesastrong adjacent historicMumford’s of thecreekitselfand Nonetheless thepresence a highlevelconcreteviaduct the DocklandsLightRailway on buildings, securityfencingand disparate collectionofmodern The siteisdominatedbya peninsula branches dividedbyanarrow Creek whereitsplitsintotwo the southernendofDeptford This isaveryprominentsiteat • • • • • to connectthroughthesite, Potential fortheWaterlink Way habitat isahighpriority terraced plantingorbrownfield area ofcreeksideinter-tidal The provisionofagenerous tidal wallsshouldbeaccessible. wildlife notalltheedgesof However toavoiddisturbance over thecreekwillbeessential. waterfront spacewithviews The provisionofhighquality area willbeimportant; the houseboatsmooredinthis The maintenanceofaccessfor would beapossiblesolution. from theDLRelevatedrailway) on araiseddecksuspended veloduct (awalkway/cycleway development thecreationofa between thecreekandexisting Where spaceisveryrestricted creek site onthewestbankof north eastwardsfromthecollege Waterlink Way couldalsoextend Greenwich bank a newbridgelinktotheeastern including overthepeninsulawith

41 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines • • 2. 1. Ravensbourne andRiverPool area: to allnewdevelopmentintheRiver to 7above,thefollowingpoliciesapply In additiontoborough-widepolicies1 POLICY 9: Corridor SpecificPolicies Lewisham Town CentreLocal Plan. town centre‘Policy Areas’inthe aspirations issetoutineach ofthe the implementationofthese Further detailandpolicies regarding Sustainable linkagesandmovement). to Waterlink Way (Figure 4.6 and aspirationaladditions (Figure 4.5EnvironmentalContext) proposed riversideimprovements Centre Local Plandetailsareasfor town centre,theLewisham Town For developmentwithinLewisham of walkingandcyclingroutes. provision ofnewriver-side sections Waterlink Way, includingthroughthe should considerwaystoimprove the borough.Allnewdevelopment Ravensbourne andPool through cycling routefollowingtherivers Waterlink Way isawalkingand banks. incorporate kingfishernest Consider allopportunitiesto Way. Maintain andimproveWaterlink RIVER RAVENSBOURNE AND RIVER POOL • During winterkingfishersareactive distinct needforartificialnestbanks. the breedingseasonandthereisa unable tofindsuitablenestsitesin Deptford Creek.Kingfishersare between Lewisham towncentreand on this stretch of the river, particularly

42 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines • • • • • • BROADWAY FIELDS Site SpecificDesignandDevelopmentGuidelines teenagers. educational value ofthesitefor be providedtoimprovethe Interpretation boardsshould Road. Deptford BridgeandBrookmill points toBroadwayFields at river corridorfromtheaccess Create openviewsalongthe of theriver. of BroadwayFields atbothsides Improve theboundarytreatment destination. of BroadwayFields asariverside river tostrengthentheperception informal seatingareasalongthe Provide moreformaland flooding. could reducetheriskof College, ascombinedworks with theWeir atLewisham should beconsideredtogether Terracing atBroadwayFields embankments atBrookmillPark. connecting tothenaturalised of theriverembankment, fauna, throughnaturalisation the river, andenhanceflora between BroadwayFields and Create greaterinteraction • • • • Safeguard landthatisrequired with drinkingwater. spaces andprovidefountains Introduce seatingareasinshady and shelter. temperatures andprovideshade storage, moderatewarm the site)tohelpwithflood surveillance ofroutesthrough not compromisingnatural at BroadwayFields (whilst Use moretreesandplanting along BroadwayFields. afunctionalfloodplain re-create and considertheopportunityto Make morespaceforwater management. for currentandfuturefloodrisk

43 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines • • • • TESCO Site SpecificDesignandDevelopmentGuidelines at ElversonRoad DLRStation over theexistingrailwaycrossing to thenorthwithBrookmillPark Waterlink Way thatcanconnect an easyanddirectroutefor the Connington Road wouldcreate Linking SilkMillsPath with river andtothestation clear anddirectroutesalongthe entrance areapriorityas Views totheriverorstation enhanced inthefuture or buildingsarerespected routes andviewstokeyspace river corridoritiscrucialthat in thisareaandalongthe visitors toorientatethemselves To makeiteasyforresidents and river Waterlink Way accessalongthe itself, aswellachieving corridor andoftheriverchannel for improvementoftheriver provide amajoropportunity car parkonthewestbankwill the associatedsurfacelevel at ConningtonRoad andof east bankoftheRavensbourne existing Tesco storesiteonthe Any redevelopmentofthe • • • • • • • footbridge linkfromTesco’s car However thefeasibilityofa should also beahigh priority including apossible meander of morenaturalised channel The provision of asection this area any developmentproposalfor banks mustbeattheheartof and theimprovementof river High qualitywaterfrontspace promoted Lewisham Road shouldalsobe redeveloped Tesco’s storeon A prominentfrontagefora as Lewisham Road Road andSilkMillsPath aswell on thelinks between Connington Live frontagesmustbeprovided the surroundingresidentialarea tranquil andlocalgatewayto environment aspartofamore safe andattractivestation It isaprioritytocreatenew Station the backentrancetoLewisham floor shouldbeconcentratedat with amixofusesontheground addressing theriverfrontage Residential development more ofariversideroute also beconsideredtoprovided park toArmouryRoad should

44 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines • • • • • WICKES/HALFORD Site SpecificDesignandDevelopmentGuidelines and employment uses residential, community, retail for highdensitymixed-use potential toberedeveloped has beenidentifiedashaving and CatfordTown Centreand Catford BridgeRailway Station prominent locationcloseto This siteisalsoinavery the riveriscompromised ability toreducefloodriskalong it isveryheavilyconstrainedthe is oflimitedwildlifevalueandas access totheriveforpeople,it This meansthatthereisno warehouses associated withtheexistingretail levels andsurfacelevelcarparks 2-3m belowexistingground concrete culvertapproximately over throughthissectionina The riveriscompletelycovered industrial uses retail outletsandsomelight It accommodatesseverallarge centre the westernedgeoftown South Circular(A205)andforms railway linestothesouthof Catford andBridge The siteislocatedbetweenthe • • • • • • associated withthistoopen There issignificantpotential considered sports fieldsshould alsobe buildings that overlook the The opportunity tointroduce impression ofCatford be designedtoenhancethe first side ofthemainaccessshould Key gatewaybuildingseither channel Way andopenedupriver level andalsofacetheWaterlink road withactivityatgroundfloor positively facetheSouthCircular New builtdevelopmentmust river shouldalsobeconsidered interpretative signageaboutthe the suiteandpotentialfor must beprovidedthrough Way footpathandcycleroute A clearerwellsignedWaterlink and undertheSouthCircular pedestrian andcyclelinksacross the site,includingenhanced permeability bothtoandwithin through improvedaccessand and immediatesurrounds site withCatfordtowncentre should betterintegratethe Any newdevelopment more naturalisedriverchannel. quality waterfrontspaceanda up theriverandprovidehigh

45 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Design andDevelopmentGuidlines • • • • • BECKENHAM PLACE PARK Site SpecificDesignandDevelopmentGuidelines within thewiderpark. cycle tracklinkingtothefacilities facilities, oraskatepark,and provide neworenhancedplay Consider thepotentialto Ravensbourne. in thevicinityofRiver Beckenham PlacePark Improve theentrancesto Ravensbourne. along thebanksofRiver Restore thereedbeds mounded bund. measures, includinganewearth Implement floodalleviation river asitsfocalpoint. new communityspacewiththe alleviation proposalstocreatea the EnvironmentAgencyflood Use theopportunitiescreatedby

46 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 7

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Delivery Mechanisms Deptford CreeksideSupplementary PlanningDocument The emergingPlanningObligations SupplementaryPlanningDocument Lewisham Town Centre Local Plan The emergingDevelopmentManagementLocal Plan LewishamPlan SiteAllocations Lewisham CoreStrategy these policies. with thedeliveryof of theRCIPSPDshouldbeconsideredtogether Implementation The policiesoftheRCIPSPDaresupportedbyfollowingLocal Planpolicies. 7.1 Planning Policy

LTC25:Adapting toClimateChange LTC8: Lewisham CentralPolicy Area LTC6: Lee HighRoad Policy Area LTC5: ConningtonRoad Policy Area Gateway LTC3: S2KingsHallMews,Lewisham PoolSINC2: RiverLinearPark Location Manor LaneSA46: Local Employment FormerSA43: Tigers HeadPublic House PrendergastSA16: Vale College Allocation Creekside LocalSA14: Employment RoadSeager Buildings,Brookmill SA2: PolicyRiver andWaterways 11: Network Adjacent toArmoury Road Land BetweenWickes andLadyfield Park

48 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 7

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 design panel, withseveral meetings. site mayneed an individualspecialist Insomecases,acomplex development. Panel atappropriate stagesofdesign should presentemergingschemes tothe major proposalsalongtheriver corridors and character. Prospective developersof a positivecontributiontolocal context design qualityandfullyreflect andmake development proposalsareofthehighest is toprovidedesignadviceensurethat professionals. Thepurposeofthepanel of independentbuiltenvironment The Counciloperatesadesignpanel 7.3 DESIGN PANELLEWISHAM Environment Agency. from externalorganisationsincludingthe policy anddesignadvice,advice The planningcaseofficercoordinates emerging DesignandAccessStatements. Discussions are basedonsiteanalysisand provide applicantswithgreatercertainty. should beconsideredfromtheoutsetto requirements relatingtorivercorridors at theearlieststagepossible.The to engageinmoreinformaldiscussions particularly inrelationtomajorschemes, the Councilencouragesallapplicants, opportunities. Prior tothisformalprocess, with prospectiveapplicantsatall discussions place toholdpre-application The Councilhasaformalprocedurein 7.2 PRE-APPLICATIONADVICE Development Management • • following: the river corridorsshoulddemonstrate applications fordevelopmentalongthe All documentssupportingplanning (FRA) isalsolikelytoberequired. a FloodRiskAssessment this document, the natureofsitesthataresubject in supportofplanningapplications.Given out additionaldocumentstobeprovided Information Requirements for Lewisham set national requirementandtheLocal Design andAccessStatementsarea 7.4 DOCUMENTS APPLICATIONPLANNING SUPPORTING How developmentwouldenable How theproposalwouldmakea and visionoftheRCIPSPD. to contributetheaims,objectives development alongtherivercorridors (and innowayprejudice)future vision oftheRCIPSPD; realisation oftheaims,objectivesand positive contributiontowardsthe Brookmill Park Public SportsFacility inBroadwayFields

49 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 7

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 also supportthedeliveryof RCIPSPD. the strategy. TheEnvironmentAgencywill spaces willbeengagedinthe deliveryof teams, publicaccessandopen rivers, environmentandwildlife,sports Community groupswithaninterestin interest inLewisham’s rivercorridors. and membersofthepublicwithaspecific The Councilwillworkwithstakeholders 7.8 of theRCIPSPD. delivering theaims,objectivesandvision and communitysectororganisations)in from Lewisham’s public,private,voluntary Partnership (whichincludesrepresentatives will workaspartoftheLocal Strategic The Londonof Lewisham Borough 7.7 Landowners andCommunities Partnership Working withDevelopers, of theRCIPSPD. delivery oftheaims,objectivesandvision along therivercorridors,tosupport including thepropertyCouncilowns of Lewisham willmanageitsassets, policy requirements,theLondon Borough Subject tosatisfyinglegalandstrategic 7.5 The LondonBoroughofLewisham sites subjectofthisdocument. formulating developmentproposalsfor developers toworkwithlocalgroupswhen SPD. TheCouncilwillalsoencourage the aims,objectivesandvisionofRCIP of development possiblewithinthecontext the rivercorridorstomakedeliveryof and developers,withaninterestin engage withlandandpropertyowners, The Londonof Lewisham Borough will 7.9 SPD. aims, objectivesandvisionoftheRCIP along therivercorridors,inlinewith the deliveryofahighqualitypublicrealm powers wherethiswouldhelptosecure consider usingcompulsorypurchase The Londonof Lewisham Borough will 7.6 River Quaggy, nearLee HighRoad River Quaggy, nearLee HighRoad

50 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 7

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 vision oftheRCIPSPDifappropriate. the aims,objectives and implement Authority. Thefundcouldbe usedto be publishedbytheGreater London Regional DevelopmentFund areyetto European to 2020 Details ofthe2014 benefits. environmental andecological to delivertheprojectswithsignificant funding couldbeused projects. LIFE environmental andnatureconservation Union’s financialinstrumentsupporting programme istheEuropean The LIFE of theinitiativessetoutwithinSPD. could besoughtfortheimplementation European RCIPProject. Further funding the RCIPSPDwassecuredthrough required. Funding fortheproductionof sources offundingwillalsobe Additional 7.11 agreement. 106 Section specific workswillbesecuredthrougha strategic riverworkswhilstfundingforsite envisaged thatCILfundingwillbeusedfor delivery offloodalleviationschemes.Itis Environment Agencywillcontributetothe support thedeliveryofRCIPSPD. The Infrastructure Levy ChargingSchedulewill Planning DocumentandtheCommunity Planning ObligationsSupplementary London BoroughofLewisham’s The requirementssetoutwithinthe 7.10 Funding The Londonof Lewisham Borough has London BoroughofLewisham’s heritage. the rivercorridorswhichcontributeto bids couldbemadeforprojectsalong Place Park.Beckenham Similarfunding Fund fortheproposedimprovementsto sought agrantfromtheHeritageLottery Chinbrook Meadows ArtInstallation Sutcliffe Park

51 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 8

London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 Action Plan above. out inSections1and2, 8.1 Thefollowingactionswillsupportthedelivery of theaims,objectivesandvision set Facilitate aRiversForum discussiongroup Secure enhancementstoLinearPark Park Implement improvementstoBeckenhamPlace the RiverRavensbourne atBroadwayFields Prepare astrategyfortherenaturalisationof the rivercorridors Facilitate improvementstopublicaccessalong enhancement identifiedontheproposalsplan Secure improvementstotheareasfor ACTION TIMESCALE (YEARS) 0-5 5-15 0-10 5-15 0-10 5-15 Community groups the EnvironmentAgency Landowners, developersand Environment Agency Community groupsandthe the EnvironmentAgency Landowners, developersand landowners anddevelopers Community groups, Landowners anddevelopers PARTNERS initiatives alongLewisham’s rivercorridors Increased awarenessoffloodrisk,waterqualityandcommunity flood riskmanagement,habitatsandconservationrecreation A publicopenspacewhichmakesasignificantcontribution to relationship betweenthepublicopenspaceandriver Increased useofthepublicopenspaceandanenhanced conservation value A publicopenspacewithenhancedrecreationandnature and publicopenspacesalongtherivercorridors A wellconnected,highquality, safenetworkofpublicrightsway realm whichcontributestothesettingofLewisham’s rivers High qualitydevelopmentalongtherivercorridorsandapublic OUTCOME

52 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document Stepney Docklands

ames er Th Bermondsey Riv

Deptford Woolwich Common





f Broadway o

Fields r


Peckham C r e Blackheath e k Greenwich Lewisham Park

R i

v Rive Eltham

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a London Borough of Lewisham July 2014 g

v y e n s

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Deptford Woolwich



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P o b

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b v y

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R e i r

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N u r n

e Sundridge Beckenham Park K Place Park yd Br

Penge o K o yd B k 0m ro ok 0m Bromley Beckenham Bromley Beckenham 1000m N

53 River Corridor Improvement Plan Supplementary Planning Document 1000m N