Local Plan: Zoom Session Summary

DATE & TIME: Tuesday 2nd March, 17.30 - 19.00

TOPIC: North Area (first session)

PANELISTS: Lily Day, Filigree Sam Holgate, Filigree Emma Talbot, Director of Planning Julia Robins, Development Contributions Managers (s106/CIL) Erik Nilsen, Principal Planning Officer Michael Forrester, Major and Strategic Projects Manager

ATTENDEES: 33 attendees


Note: The 2nd column in the table indicates whether a question was answered during the seminar. ‘Y’ indicates YES - the answer was provided at the seminar. ‘N’ indicates NO - the answer could not be provided at the seminar, and the answer is set out in the table. Presentation slides and a recording of the session will be made available to access at our Commonplace webpage here.

Questions Answered Follow up required (Y/N)

Can you define ‘regeneration’ and Y ‘growth’ in terms of your outlook?

A lot of recent developments (such as Y the high-rise buildings near station, and the properties along the A200 to ) had large retail spaces on the ground floor which remained unlet for lengthy periods - if several thousand m2 of retail space is one of the commitments, do we know that much space is actually in demand?

Given that the local plan has been in Y development for so many years, how will it respond to more recent changes that could come about due to Covid - demand for housing, green space and local work space for example?

There will be quite a few people here N The character areas included the draft from Telegraph Hill who technically live Local Plan were informed by work on the outside the "North Area" but are much latest Characterisation Study, which the more affected by the strategic for New Council prepared working with community Cross Gate than they are with the groups and was subject to public "West Area" in which they have been consultation. The character areas broadly pushed. share similarities, for example, in terms of urban form and morphology, landscape features and historical development. It is intended that the area boundaries are not interpreted too definitively; rather they provide a useful starting point for considering growth and development at a more granular, neighbourhood level.

Some of that engagement - North Y for example was over a decade ago and a lot has changed since then

How will you balance sustainability and Y climate commitments with these plans for development?

Hi! Could you explain how new Y Plan provision will shape the quantum of development on proposed site allocations re aspects such as outdoor space of 10 sqm per child and urban greening factor? Many thanks.

How are developers made to keep their Y promises. The development of yard was originally going to provide artists workshops. They became retail/food outlets.

How does the timescale for the Y development of the "Former Hatcham Works" site tie in with the recent announcement that this site has been secured by TfL for the BLE which would not start until 2024 at the earliest (assuming funding).

Is there any recognition of Deptford’s Y historical past

The most housing need is for families Y and tall buildings are not suitable. Child Friendly SPD needed to ensure that homes that are child-friendly are built.

Hello, in consideration of the fact that Y the neighbouring LPAs (Southwark & Greenwich) have also intensified and developed densely in the immediate vicinity (Canada Water, Cannon Wharf, Marine Wharf, Deptford Creek Area) of this area have you engaged with them and GLA to set a cumulative and comprehensive plan for the infrastructure needs of the area (transport, social, green, comms, etc)?

A lot of the existing tall buildings in the Y area are of questionable quality (eg Pepys Estate) how can you ensure more tall buildings will not have the same terrible impact visually and be considered eyesores in 10-15 years considering architectural aesthetics can change dramatically?

How will the recent move toward Y permitted development for change of use from retail to residential within conservation areas be addressed by LBL

The data presented on transport for this N Public Transport Accessibility Levels area indicated not a high proportion of (PTAL) vary across the North Area. private car travel in comparison with Localities within and around southern areas of the borough, this are in general better served by public area has also a of lot very poor PTAL transport than those in Deptford and North accessibility site allocated for dense Deptford. There are several key strategic development (riverfront). This is site allocations in areas where PTALs are happening whilst some wards in this currently lower, such as Convoys Wharf area are among the most deprived in and Surrey Canal Triangle. These sites England, with the highest have planning consent for comprehensive unemployment in the borough do you redevelopment, and new development will think this is related to very poor access deliver significant improvements to the to transport and jobs? How will the poor transport network, both through direct PTAL and densification be addressed? delivery of infrastructure and public realm enhancements, along with funding the Council has secured through s106 agreements and CIL. This includes a new Overground station near Surrey Canal Road, river-based passenger facilities at Convoys Road, as well as new and improved bus services to accommodate new developments committed within the area. The delivery of the Bakerloo line extension will also improve transport across throughout the area. Public realm enhancements will continue to be delivered within the area to support its growing population, building on the Lewisham Links project, and significantly improve access to key public transport nodes, services and community facilities and open spaces, including the riverfront. People within the area will also benefit from planned improvements to the transport network delivered in neighbouring boroughs, such as at Canada Water and Old Kent Road in Southwark.

A few key questions related to my Y support of DNA on their draft Neighbourhood Plan. Will you change your Validation List to comply with the new London Plan polices (3 types of Health Impact Assessments, Whole Life-Cycle Carbon Statement, Healthy Streets assessment/Approach etc.) Could you consider making the Lewisham’s Residents’ Charter a policy to secure many important policy outcomes. And indeed could you require Design Briefs with meaningful engagement in their development for all site allocations?

Play spaces aren’t necessarily nature N We agree. The draft Local Plan section on spaces though so not just for children - community infrastructure, Policy CI3 (Play so I am wondering if play space is too and informal recreation) addresses this narrowly defined i.e. we need a point directly, and seeks to ensure high combination of play and nature spaces quality provision of playable space not only for all to enjoy in parks and nature sites, but in other parts of the public realm. This includes formal play space and opportunities for informal play and recreation.

How will you be securing the Bakerloo Y line extension in order to support the increased population and work opportunities in the area? How will you support other transport options like increased buses, car transport and cycling lanes?

To ensure a design quality for new Y major developments would you consider setting up a Design Review Panel including local stakeholders and third party professionals (architects, NLA, etc)?

There is a development (not tall) of Y 100+ flats still empty and scaffolded undergoing remedial work ever since being built about 4 years ago on the junction of New Cross Rd/Watsons Street. How is this allowed to happen.

Given that a 1/3 of the children endure N Creating an inclusive borough, tackling poverty at home would you consider deprivation, ensuring equality of writing policy that specifically support a opportunity and giving children the best more child-friendly borough and start in life are at the heart of the new Deptford? Here is a link to Hackney’s Local Plan and reflected in the plan’s SPD on Child-friendly Places, 2020 as strategic objectives. It is our expectation a fantastic start and indicating the that taken together, the local plan policies benefits for all to be enjoyed when you will deliver on these strategic objectives. get it right for children? For child-friendly places, we are proposing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OEoPrE to refresh our policies on inclusive and N7JHwVGbemIaO-SzFw7qFJtpui/view safe design and public realm; we consider provide clearer expectations around how development should meet the needs of Lewisham’s diverse communities, including children and young people. We are also proposing new policies on play and informal recreation, as set out in the Community Infrastructure section of the plan. Officers are aware of the Hackney SPD and agree it is good practice. We will continue to seek opportunities to prepare guidance documents to support the implementation of the Local Plan, taking into account resources available.

The site allocations from Lewisham’s Y local plan from 2013 recommended 200 houses for Hatcham Works, but the latest plan says over 900 units is appropriate. Why the huge increase? If it hinges on the Bakerloo line coming to New Cross Gate, have there been studies undertaken by Lewisham Councils that homes very close to transport hubs make liveable and long term communities? There are currently 400 flats to rent by Lewisham station in the new towers, unknown how many still up for sale.

How will the recent move toward Y permitted development for change of use from retail to residential within conservation areas be addressed by LBL?

We have not seen any mention in the Y local plan (either in this section or in the 'heritage' section) about the fact that the Deptford High Street conservation area is on the 'at risk' register. How does the council intend to address this?

A listed building at creek road end of N the high street was virtually demolished behind screening. Hope this will not happen again

Can you please review and include the Y We will review the assessment as we Deptford Heritage and Character continue work on the plan. However, at Assessment , 2018 prepared by this time we cannot commit to including the AECOM on behalf of DNA Here the link: assessment within the Local Plan itself. https://deptfordaction.org.uk/wp- content/uploads/2018/11/AECOM_DEP TFORD_HERITAGE_REPORT_FINAL _JULY_2018.pdf

How realistic is it to make the A2 a Y healthy street given that it is the main access (and has been since Roman times) for traffic into/from London from Kent? Hae studies been done to see how much of the traffic on the A2 is from outside the borough/London? What policies are there to ensure that traffic is just not displaced around Deptford and Telegraph Hill?

Does the Lewisham local plan take into N Yes. We have prepared an new Strategic account the threat of flooding with the Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 1 ongoing climate crisis? and Level 2 to inform the preparation of the draft Local Plan, which takes into account risks from all sources of flooding. The SFRA makes an allowance for the increased risk of flooding as a result of climate change, in line with the Government’s latest planning guidance. In addition, through the Local Plan process we will be undertaking Sequential Tests (and where necessary, Exception Tests) for site allocations, in line with the NPPF. Further information is available on our evidence base page:

https://lewisham.gov.uk/myservices/planni ng/policy/adopted-local-plan/evidence- base/ldf-evidence-base--environment

The draft Local Plan includes detailed policies on water and flood risk management – see Part 2, Section 11 (Sustainable design and infrastructure).

In relation to Sayes Court park and Y Convoys Wharf, do the Local Plan and Site Allocations reference the Lennox historic ship-building project as creative employment and heritage development in terms of 'intensification' ?

Waldron Health is already struggling Y with capacity and with lack of access. How will access to medical care be ensured for increased populations?

The southernmost areas of the North Y Area, i.e. St. John's, Brookmill Park, Tanners Hill haven't been shown on either of the Deptford or New Cross 'key principles' pages, nor have they been mentioned. Important that these areas are represented in the plan and the consultation.

You've talked a lot about large sites - Y how does the local plan deal with more fine-grained development of individual smaller buildings? It's a strong character of Deptford High St and around. What protections will be in place for the N The draft Local Plan proposes to include a market which takes place around the site allocation for the Albany Theatre. The Albany Theatre, when (if) it is policy proposals are clear that, should any redeveloped? And what provision will future planning application be submitted be put in place for continued arts and for development on the site, it must secure culture for local residence whilst (if) the the retention and enhancement of the redevelopment goes aheaD? theatre at this location.

In the case that a planning consent is granted in line with the adopted Local Plan policies, any temporary arrangements that may be required to ensure the continuation of arts and cultural programming will be considered and agreed through the planning approval process.

How will the local plan recognise the Y fact that the High Street Conservation Area is considered a CA as risk?

Why is the plan looking at PTAL levels N The London Plan provides a clear direction which takes no account of capacity? for the Council to prepare its Local Plan Areas may have a high PTAL but taking into account accessibility to public absolutely no capacity for more people transport. The Council continues to work to get on that transport. proactively with its key stakeholders and delivery partners to identify and address issues around capacity on different modes of public transport. This includes Network Rail and the Greater London Authority / Transport for London.

Policy TR1 of the draft Local Plan includes policies dealing with this matter. It provides that where there are identified capacity issues with respect to the additional travel demand expected to be generated by new development proposals, planning permission will be contingent on the provision of the necessary public transport and/ or walking/cycling infrastructure to cater for this demand, in line with the London Plan.

As well as plans for future N The primary function of the Local Plan is to developments, what strategies are in provide a framework for future place to make good problems in development proposals and investment existing spaces? For example, Baildon decision, having regard to the key issues Street has no parking restrictions such affecting local neighbourhoods and the that on market days (but also borough. This consultation provides an generally), non-residents can park at opportunity for the public to make the will across doorways and driveways. Council aware of matters they wish to be There is also poor drainage in the area, addressed in the local area. which has been communicated on several occasions to the council. The relevant service areas within the Priority should be given to solving Council should be contacted on matters existing problems as well as building for affecting local residents and the future. neighbourhoods, which are often outside the scope of the local plan (e.g. highways department for parking and road drainage, waste management department for fly tipping and refuse/recycling collection, etc.)

In my view Deptford’s high streets and Y parades all need an Article 4 protection. It is known from other shopping streets and parades what happens if you do not take this up; and the pandemic will not have helped the balance sheets of local ‘not essential’ businesses and community facilities. The importance of those centres for local employment, connective social infrastructure and services is profound.

Re A21: This is what TfL told DNA re N Noted. The London Plan sets a target for policy development 80 per cent of all journeys in London to be “Lewisham is an inner-London made by walking, cycling or public Borough. As such, Deptford aims for 90 transport by 2041; with a higher 90 per per cent of all trips in the cent target for inner-London boroughs. The neighbourhood to be made by foot, draft Local Plan includes a suite of policies cycle or public transport by 2041” which seek to promote modal shift away from private car use to contribute to achieving this objectives.

There seems to have been a very N For the proposed site allocations, granular approach re number of houses indicative delivery outcomes for housing, on sites but a less granular approach employment and main town centre uses regarding green and public space have been established in order to provided (for example: in terms of m2). demonstrate how the Council will meet its Is there any available analysis identified needs for these uses, in line with indicating the size of any green/public national planning policy. spaces proposed for each local plan development in consideration of the It is acknowledged that the same level of size of the development? I detail has not been provided for green space. However, the draft Local Plan is quite clear about the need to strengthen and enhance Lewisham’s network of green infrastructure, and there are a number of ‘development management’ policies addressing this in part 2 of the plan. The expectation is that there will be no net loss of open/green space for development requiring planning permission. For major development proposals, the local plan takes forward the London Plan requirements around the Urban Greening Factor, where benchmarks are set for the level of greening for development of different types/scale. The Local Plan will also apply the London Plan requirements on children’s place space.

For major housing development, provision of new play space will be required in line with the London Plan standards. Public open space will also normally be required, with the amount and type of space considered on a case-by-case basis.

Is there a Healthy Street Masterplan for Y Deptford and/or committed funds for Healthy Streets for Deptford that underpins the Local Plan?

Are there any plans for temporary N The council works closely together accommodation, homeless hostels, between departments such as Housing, housing first options and/or rooms for Children and Young people and Adult single people available at LHA rates? Social Care to deliver the homes that our residents need, including specialist homes where we can and house and support vulnerable residents of the borough. We are currently working on a number of developments and asset conversions that are providing more supported living homes for various needs throughout the borough.

How many people are on the call? Y Thank you.

In consideration of the fact that N Noted. The draft Local Plan seeks to Deptford (very poor PTAL) will be provide a clear strategy for investment intensely densified and LN is not across the North Area, which will support extending as far as Convoys Wharf and the delivery of high quality public realm, Timberyard having a comprehensive along with a linked network of walking and Healthy Streets Master Plan rather than cycling routes joining up with key transport a piecemeal of S106 contribution and nodes. In line with the new London Plan, ad hoc enhancements seems a good we are seeking that all new development idea, would be good to see something proposals, and requiring major being considered even if labelled applications, to engage with the Healthy differently 'active travel strategy' or Streets principles and provide a planning similar statement to set out how these have been addressed by the scheme.

Will you be able to go more into N We will be happy to discuss the draft Local hatcham works in the second session? Plan proposals around this site at the following session.