Yearl'm NINE UGH! FEET TALL, 11\Ljui\J! After the Game, Refresh with the Real Beer Taste of JAX Cooloff Withmellow JAX
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T~1s YEARl'M NINE UGH! FEET TALL, 11\lJUI\J! After the game, refresh with the Real Beer Taste of JAX Cooloff withmellow JAX. It's PremiumBrewed from 100% Natural Ingredients to give you that famous Real Beer Taste.Old Grad or BMOC,once you try JAXyou'll just neveragain be completely satisfied with any other beer. SAY,HOW DO I KNOW YOU DON'T!HOW YOU'RENOT A MAN IN A DO I KNOWYOU'RE KANGAROOSUIT? NOTA KANGAROOIN • • A FOOTBALLSUIT? • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • • • •• • • • •• • Jackson Brewing Co., New Orleans, La. _,\ . .. , \.: , ..... t f, .!{, 1fldeoHte 7o ' llllllll\lllllllllll\l\l\l\ll\ll\l\l\ll\llll\llllllllllll\l\ll\ll\ll\l\ll\l\ll\ll\lllllll\l\l\ll\l\l\l\ll\l\ll\l\l\l\l\l\l\ll\l\l\l\lllllll\\ll\ll\l\l\l\l\ll\\1111111\I TABLE OF CONTENTS lll\ll\l\ll\ll\l\ll\ll\l\ll\\ll\l\l\ll\l\l\ll\ll\l\l\l\ll\ll\ll\ll\ll\ll\ll\l\ll\ll\l\l\ll\ll\\ll\lllll\l\l\ll\l\ll\l\ll\\ll\l\ll\\ll\l\l\ll\ll\lll\lll\l\l\l\l\11\11\\l Table of Contents ____________________________________________________________________Page 1 The 1962 Greenie Schedule __________________------------------------------ Page 2 Tulane Campus ________________________________________________________________________Page 4 Editor's Notes On Today's Game __________________________________________Page 5 Today's Humor Story ____________________________________________________________Pages 6-7 A Special Feature Story __________________________________________________________Page 8 Tulane Athletic Staff ________________________________________________________________Page 9 Tulane Player Pictures ________________________________________________Page 10-11-12 Tulane Roster __________________________________________________________________________Page 14 Greenier Memoir ______________________________________________________________________Page 16 Tulane Football Records __________________________________________________________Page 19 Cam-Pix ____________________________________________________________Pages 21-24 & 29-32 Today's Starting Lineups __________________________________________________Pages 26-27 Penalties and Signals______ ________________________________________________________Page 34 Tulane-Sugar Bowl Stadium __________________________________________________Page 35 Visiting Team Roster___________________________ ___________________________________Page 37 Visiting Team Player Pictures ________________________________________Pages 38-39 Visiting Athletic Staff ______________________________________________________________Page 40 Tulane's All-Conference, All-Americans ________________________________Page 41 Freshman Squad Picture and Roster____________________________________ Page 43 Today's Game Officials ____________________________________________________________Page 45 Visiting Team Campus ____________________________________________________________Page 46 Alumni Page ____________________________________________________________________________Page 47 Special National Feature Story ______________________________________________Page 48 Gridiron Glossary ___________________________________________________________________Page 49 Tulane Varsity Squad Picture ________________________________________________Page 50 Future Tulane Schedules ________________________________________________________Page 51 THE GREENIE GRIDIRON NEWS Charles ]. Thornton, Editor Printed by Molenaar Printing Company Pictures by Armand Bertin, Tulane University; Jim Laughead Photo graphy; Leon Trice Photography . Covers by John Chase. -1- +-••-■•-■•-■•-■•-■•-••-■•-■•-■•-••-■•-•-■-■-■-■■-➔ t-••-11•-••-1••-••-••-••-••-••-••-•11-11•-•n-■•-••- ■ •-••-»t i i ! 1962 TULANE Famous for SCHEDULE: FINE FOOD and *Sep. 21 - STANFORD at New Orleans 8:00 P. M. CST *Sep. 28 - ALABAMA at New Orleans 8:00 P. M. CST Oct. 6 - TEXAS at Austin DRINK 7:30 P. M. CST *Oct. 12 - MISS. STATE at New Orleans 8:00 P. M. CST Oct. 20 - OLE MISS at Jackson 8:00 P. M. CST Oct. 27 - GEORGIA TECH at Atlanta 2:00 P. M. EST Nov. 3 - VIRGINIA TECH at New Orleans 2:00 P. M. CST - (Homecoming Day) Nov. 10 - TENNESSEE at Knoxville 2:00 P. M. EST Nov. 17 - VANDERBILT at Nashville 2:00 P. M. CST 'i Nov. 24 - L. S. U. at New Orleans 2:00 P. M. CST i •Friday Night Games ~-··-··-··-·•-•11-••-··-··-··-··-··-·•-•11-••-··-··-·•-+ i T-•·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-•·-••-•11-••-u•-•·-··-••-»+ i I i i ISO-KIT I TRADE MARK Enjoy the Specialties of These ! ISOMETRIC CONTRACTION Noted Restaurants: i • Weighs less than two pounds • Fits easily into a suitcase (less space than a pair of trousers) ANTOINE'S • Lasts a lifetime I • High quality aluminum (.065 wall thickness) ... Since 1840 i • 580# tensile strength webbing • • Can't mar floors ! • Aluminum chemically treated for corrosion 713 St. Louis St. 529-5696 • Beautifully machine finished • Machine knurled hand grips 12 Noon to 9 P. M. Closed Sundays • Assembles instantly (5 seconds) • Everybody in the family can use ISO-KIT • Exercising instructions for entire family • You can adapt to your personal needs • • Versatility includes exercises for waistlines, legs, arms, wrists, neck, hands, hips, forearms, shoulders and back • Instantly adapts to any height, strength or build ARNAUD'S ~ . Carnival Room For Information - Write or Call 813 Bienville St. 523-5433 PHIL NUGENT 11 A. M. to 12:30 A. M. Daily 866-5540 7819 ST. CHARLES AVENUE +--··-··-·•-11•-··-··-··-··-··-··-·-·•-1111-11•-··-··-"·-+ -2- +--•·-··-·-··-··-··-··-··-·-··--·-··--·-··-··-~ T-··-·•-n•-··-··-··-··-••-·•-··-·-··-·-··-··-·-·•-•-·-··-··-··-··-··-·-··-·-·•-•1•-••-1111-,111-1111-11•-11•-11"-··-~ ! All-America favorite ••• ice-cold Co FJ ~ I I i ------- l ' I BOTTLED l!NDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY i i I +--··-··-·•-11•-11•-··-··-··-·•-•11-1111-1111-111-1111- ■ 11-1111-111-111-11-1111-••-··-··-•-11•-··-··-·•-•11-••-··-··-··-··-••11-1111-1111-•+ 1-•-··-·-··-··-··-·-·•-1111-1111-1111-111-1111- ■ 11-1111-111- ■ 11-111-••-·•-•11-11 ■ -1111-1111-1111-••-·•-•11-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-••-•11-1111-1111-•t ! ! I I j H,I ~ 'Deat" i I DEPENDS ON THE DEALER f i Largest Used Foreign-Sports Car Dealer South i We Buy - Trade - Finance SERVICEMOTOR CO. 2645 TULANE AVE. ! Earle P. Abadie "A. J." Johnson I 524-7071 I i j Open 8 A. M. - 9 P M. i +·-·•-••-•11-1111-1111-1111-11-111-••-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·•-··-··-··-··-··-·-··-··-··-·-··-··-··-··-·-··-··-•11-••-·•-•+ -3- Tulane University is an independent, non- and Sciences for men and Newcomb College for denominational university providing a wide of- women. fering of undergraduate and graduate courses in Tulane's student body numbers about 5,000 its colleges and schools. full-time and 2,000 part-time students, drawn The original school, the Medical College of from all parts of the United States and many Louisiana, was founded in 1834 when seven New foreign countries. Its faculty has 800 full-time Orleans doctors organized the first medical school members. There are also 700 part-time faculty in the Deep South and Southwest to fight the members, mostly practicing physicians who teach tropical diseases that ravaged the area. Fourteen in the School of Medicine. years later this College became the Medical De- With the exception of the School of Medicine, partment of the newly-chartered University of all of Tulane's divisions are located on its 130- Louisiana. In 1882, Paul Tulane, wealthy New acre uptown campus in one of New Orleans' Orleans merchant, set up the Tulane Educational finest residential sections. The campus also pro- Fund for higher education, to be administered vides living quarters for students in four residence by a 17-man self-perpetuating board. Louisiana halls for women, five for men, and an apartment house for married students. harassed by the problems of reconstruction, turned the University over to the Board completely in In addition to the academic and professional courses offered, Tulane has assumed leadership 1884 and it became a private institution, renamed in a number of fields where its geographic loca- in honor of its benefactor. tion and tradition give it natural priority. The Mrs. Josephine Louise Newcomb founded School of Medicine has established prestige in the Newcomb College in 1886 as a memorial to her field of tropical medicine; the School of Law is daughter, Harriott Sophie, who died at 15. It internationally known for its curricula in both was the first college for women to be coordinated civil and common law; and the Graduate School as part of a university, thus offering the advan- has become a center for advanced study. tages of a woman's college within the expanded Strong ties with Latin American countries have facilities of a university. given Tulane an eminent position in Latin Ameri- In addition to the School of Medicine and can studies as evidenced by the work of its Middle Newcomb College, Tulane is comprised of the American Research Institute and the various study College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Archi- and research projects which the University spon- tecture, the School of Business Administration, the sors in Central America and South America. School of Engineering, the School of Law, the During the past year, Tulane established an Graduate School, the Graduate School of Social Inter-American Institute for Musical Research, a Work, the University College, the adult education Language and Area Center for Latin American and evening division of the University. All divis- Studies, and a Biomedical Computer System for ions are co-educational except the College of Arts biomedical and medical research. -4- Stanford Rated Darkhorse On Coast, Greenies