Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements Iccrea Banca

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Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements Iccrea Banca 2o16 Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements Iccrea Banca Relazioni e Bilancio consolidato Istituto Centrale del Credito Cooperativo Capogruppo del Gruppo bancario Iccrea 2o16 2016 Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements Iccrea Banca S.p.A. Iccrea Banca S.p.A. Central Credit Institution of the Mutual Banking Industry Parent Company of the Iccrea Banking Group Registered office and Headquarters: Via Lucrezia Romana 41/47 - 00178 Rome Share capital: €1,151,045,403.55 fully paid up Company Register and Tax ID no. 04774801007 - R.E.A. of Rome no. 801787 Entered in the register of banking groups at no. 20016 Entered in the register of banks at no. 5251 ABI ID no. (8000) CONTENTS Consolidated Report on operations 5 Consolidated Financial Statements at December 31, 2016 37 Balance sheet 38 Income statement 39 Statement of comprehensive income 40 Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity 2016 41 Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity 2015 42 Statement of cash flows 43 Notes to the financial statements 45 Part A - Accounting policies 47 Part B - Information on the balance sheet 87 Part C - Information on the income statement 153 Part D - Comprehensive income 179 Part E - Risks and risk management policies 183 Part F - Information on capital 269 Part G - Business combinations 283 Part H - Transactions with related parties 287 Part I - Share-based payments 289 Part L - Operating segments 291 Report of the audit firm 297 Consolidated Report on operations for the financial year January 1 - December 31, 2016 CONTENTS Consolidated report on operations INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 8 1. THE ICCREA GROUP’S STRATEGIC LINES OF BUSINESS .............................................................. 10 2. CREATING VALUE FOR THE MUTUAL BANKS AND OVERVIEW OF OPERATIONS ................... 15 3. DEVELOPMENTS IN GROUP OPERATIONS ...................................................................................... 16 4. MAIN RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES TO WHICH THE ICCREA BANKING GROUP IS EXPOSED20 5. INTERNAL CAPITAL AND LIQUIDITY ASSESSMENT PROCESS ...................................................... 23 6. INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM............................................................................................................. 26 7. OTHER SIGNIFICANT INFORMATION ................................................................................................. 28 8. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS AND OUTLOOK ........................................................................................... 35 ATTACHMENT: RECONCILIATION OF NET PROFIT AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY OF THE PARENT COMPANY AND GROUP PROFIT AND EQUITY ...................................................................... 36 CORPORATE BOARDS for 2016-2018 Elected by the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of July 12, 2016 Officers designated by the Board of Directors at the meetings of October 4, 2016 and October 27, 2016 Board of Directors Executive Committee MAGAGNI Giulio Chairman CARRI Francesco Chairman MAINO Giuseppe Senior Vice Chairman COLOMBO Annibale LIBERATI Francesco Vice Chairman FERUGLIO Carlo Antonio ALFIERI Lucio PORRO Angelo AZZI Alessandro RICCI Secondo CARRI Francesco COLOMBO Annibale Board of Auditors FERRARINI Franco GASPARI Luigi Chairman FERUGLIO Carlo Antonio RONDINA Romualdo Standing Auditor MORETTI Mara SBARBATI Fernando Standing Auditor PORRO Angelo RICCI Secondo ANDRIOLO Riccardo Alternate Auditor STRA Pierpaolo FELLEGARA Annamaria Alternate Auditor TOSON Leonardo SAPORITO Salvatore Senior management RUBATTU Leonardo General Manager BOCCUZZI Giovanni Vice General Manager ICCREA BANCA S.P.A. –2016 ANNUAL REPORT AND CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS entry of non-bank entities into areas of activity INTRODUCTION heretofore the exclusive preserve of banks; • a macroeconomic and financial environment that is still characterized by a weak economic recovery, Dear Shareholders, which hinders the provision of any strong support for the manufacturing and services sectors, and by very low, if not negative, interest rates that are The year 2016 was one characterized by events that squeezing margins in the lending market; engendered even more uncertainty in the market. • supervisory action calling for banks, especially The consolidation of a number of operations Italian banks, to improve the quality of their assets initiated in 2015 for the resolution and reorganization through effective measures to reduce the stock of of significant parts of the Italian banking sector, the bad loans and to revise the models and policies for shock of Brexit, which undermined an already weak managing those assets. Europe, heightened tensions in the Middle East and additional uncertainties in an evolving geopolitical situation all had an impact on the strategies and the It is increasingly clear that the traditional business consequent volume of bank operations. For the model of banks must be scrutinized and that, in order European banking industry, this environment was to continue to play the role of local banks supporting associated with a reference market characterized by their communities, a structural revision of the approach interest rates at zero, increasingly tight regulation and to the supply of products and services, and the increasingly demanding customers. associated cost structure, is needed. The Italian mutual banking industry is in the midst Discipline, efficiency and profitability are the key of these changes and cannot stand still. It must words that best summarize the substance of this break continue to evolve to seize all value-creating with the past. For the mutual banking industry, priority opportunities and maintain its leading role in the will be given to maintaining and strengthening a sound European banking landscape. capital base and adopting a more risk-sensitive With Law 49/2016 and the update of Bank of Italy approach to enhance its ability to generate value for Circular 285 of November 2, 2016, the creation of the the benefit of the communities and territories in which Mutual Banking Group got under way. The new group the mutual banks operate. is called upon to give an effective and concrete The action of the ECB's supervision of our Group, response to strengthening the role of the mutual banks consistent with the environment described above, is in their territories. The main challenge is the need to conducted along several lines: build, using a sound and structured process, the new group organization that the reform set out, with a view • assessing the sustainability and robustness of the to strengthening the foundations of the mutual business model, both through the analysis of the banking system and giving the mutual banks final data and the content of the three-year strategic increasingly evolved support. The mutual banking plan; industry and the mutual banks themselves will • examining strategies for managing non-performing continue to be an active part of the Italian economic positions and initiatives to reduce them; system, and Iccrea fully understands the responsibility of being a Parent Company, as its vocation and • conducting ordinary inspections in various areas, intentions are to be a partner of the mutual banks. such as governance, the lending process and IT security. As we have seen, the formation of the Banking Group is being undertaken in a competitive environment, one whose complexity is being increased Following intense supervisory activity, the European as a result of the combined impact of a variety of Central Bank's assessment of the Banking Group, as factors: expressed in the SREP decision at the end of 2016, • the continuous evolution of customer behavior, confirms that the Group has effective and induced and supported by the development of comprehensive strategies and processes to measure, digital technologies, which has made banks’ maintain and allocate capital, and that the amount, traditional customer relationship model less type and allocation of capital are generally appropriate comprehensive and increasingly less effective; to cover the nature and level of risks to which the Group is or could be exposed. • regulatory developments increasingly directed at increasing competition in the sector, favoring the In this scenario, last year the Iccrea Banking Group carried out the merger of Iccrea Banca and Iccrea 8 ICCREA BANCA S.P.A. – DIRECTORS’ REPORT ON OPERATIONS Holding, thereby installing an entity with a banking Dear Shareholders, only together can we tackle face license at the head of the group and allowing the rapid all the challenges that await us. That is why the start of the process of reforming the mutual banking contribution of commitment, skills and responsibility, industry. At the same time, beginning with an in-depth together with the trust of our customers and analysis conducted by the ECB in 2015, a thorough shareholders, is and will be, now more than ever, a key revision of the Group's governance arrangements was resource for overcoming a turning point in the history conducted in order to give the Group with an efficient, of mutual banking. functional system aligned with the expectations of the market and the supervisory authorities. In 2016, the Iccrea Banking Group forged ahead with the process of improving asset quality and strengthening capital, despite the high extraordinary costs recorded during the year, notably those related to the National Resolution Fund,
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