,/l '/ MAHARASHTRA POLLUTION COI\TROL BOARI) Phone : 2365161 ':,,::,:;ii:i . Udyog Bhavan, First Floor Trimbak Road, .:::=:=: Near lTl, Satpur Fax : 0253 2365161 HAIiAR.ASHIRA Email :
[email protected] Nashik - 4220A7 Visit At : httn://mncb.gov.in Red. /S.S.I 2 Date: oS t a7 noto consent No MPGB/16tlf glE733 Consent to Operate under Section 26 of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, L974 & under Section ZI of the Air (prevention & control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and Authorization / Renewal of Authorization under Rule 5 of the Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling & Transboundry Movement) Rules 2008 .,,,:,,_. , , ,.!,, ,i [To be referred as Water Act, Air Act and HW (M&H) RulegreSpettively]. ':'. ,. .i, ' CONSENTisherebygrantedto , ''j' M/s. Beacon Organic Chernicals.,,r. tot.,. or. Gut No 135, P.No 20t21, A/p Prakasha ,",''; Shahada Dist-Nandurbar.., Maharashtra, India j .1 located in the area declared under the provisiohs ofi tlie Water Act, Air act and Authorization under the provisions of HW(N,{&H) Rules and amendments thereto subject to the provisions of the Act and the Rules and the Orders that mav be made further and subject to the followind tei'i ib-and cond.itions: 1. The consent to operate is granted"fori period up to :3o/og /2019 2. CONDITIONS UNDER.WATER ACT, \ (i) The daily quantity of trade effluent from the factory shali not exceed 0.a MB. (ii) The daily quantity,pf Sewage effluent from the factory shall not exceed.0.b M3. (iii) Trade Effluent:: Treatment','The applicant '.'.."... shall provide comprehensive treatment system conSisting of primary / secondary and/or tertiary treatr,nent as is warranted with .re{erence"to.19&reiic,9 to influent quality and operate and maintain the same continuouslycontinuouslv so ,:.