Arj-Oano. 836-2019
MAHARASHTRA ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL MUMBAI BENCH AT AURANGABAD ORIGINAL APPLICATION NO. 836 OF 2019 DIST. : DHULE Sajidbanu Gulamnabi Shahpure, ) Age. 47 years, Occu. Service, ) as Executive Engineer, Dhule Irrigation ) Division, Dhule, ) R/o P.W.D. Class I Quarter 1/6, ) Room No. 3, Oppo. Zilla Parishad, ) Dhule, Dist. Dhule. )-- APPLICANT V E R S U S 1. The State of Maharashtra, ) Through its Principal Secretary, ) Water Resources Department, ) M.S., Mantralaya, Mumbai - 32. ) 2. The Chief Engineer, ) Tapi Irrigation Development ) Corporation, Jalgaon, ) Sinchan Bhavan, ) Akashwani Chowk, Jalgaon – 01. ) 3. The Superintending Engineer, ) Command Area Development ) Authority, Jalgaon, ) Girana Bhavan, Opp. Akashwani, ) Jalgaon – 425 001. ) -- RESPONDENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ APPEARANCE :- Shri A.S. Deshmukh, learned Advocate for the applicant. : Shri M.S. Mahajan, learned Chief Presenting Officer for the respondent no. 1. : Smt. Suchita A. Dhongde, learned Advocate holding for Shri S.D. Dhongde, learned Advocate for respondent nos. 2 & 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CORAM : Hon’ble Shri B.P. Patil, Vice Chairman RESERVED ON : 23.6.2020 PRONOUNCED ON : 30.6.2020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 O.A. NO. 836/19 O R D E R 1. The applicant has challenged the order dated 17.9.2019 passed by the respondent no. 1 the Principal Secretary, Water Resources Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai thereby transferring her from the post of Executive Engineer, Dhule Irrigation Division, Dhule to the post of Executive Engineer, Canal Design Division No. 2, Nashik, by filing the present O.A. 2. The applicant has passed B.E. (Civil) in the year 1994. On 18.1.1999 she entered in the Government service as a Junior Engineer. On 24.1.2001 she was appointed as a Assistant Engineer, Grade-II in the Public Works Department.
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