MARCH 2011

2011 Monthly Meetings 12th April For the Rest of Your Natural Life Pip Wright 10th May One for the Pot Tom Tyler 14th June Ghana Schools‟ Project Theresa MacLeod

We meet on the second Tuesday of the month in the Marine Suite of the Cliff Hotel at 2pm.

Newsletter Editor: Sheena Parsons – Copy for June 2011 Newsletter to me by Friday 27th May please.

Harwich Peninsula U3A Website Manager: Francis Flanagan:

Website: www.u3asites.org.uk/harwichpen the website is updated regularly by Francis his telephone number. Please send regular information to Francis.

Please contact Shirley Hogg, our Press Officer, if you have any items which you would like publicized in the press:

For Information: Contact Membership Secretary Ros Fenton

Interest Groups: Groups Co-Ordinator Mike Riches

CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE On 26th April we shall be celebrating five years since our inauguration and last month Jo Williams became our 200th member. A photograph of Jo with Mike Riches, our vice chairman, appeared in the Harwich and Standard.

According to our constitution Mike has to stand down as vice chairman at our AGM in May because he will have completed three years in that post and regrettably he has decided to have a complete break from our committee. Our treasurer, Beryl Reader, also wishes to hand over the reins to somebody else and at least one committee place will also become vacant. In fact it will be time for all ten places on the committee to come up for election so now is the time to be thinking of who might fill those positions. With so many new members there must be several likely candidates so please all think about it. We are a lively and dynamic group and volunteering can be very rewarding if you can spare the time and effort. Ideally it would be helpful to know by the April monthly meeting who has been nominated or who wishes to put themselves forward.

It is one year since we obtained our projector, laptop and screen with the Awards for All Lottery Grant and after submitting our end of grant report we have heard that we have satisfied the requirements of The Big Lottery fund. The equipment is available to be used at monthly and group meetings by all members and is insured for that purpose. If any interest groups need help with presentations please do ask.

I have been asked by The Third Age Trust to encourage members to attend the national U3A conference and AGM which will take place in Nottingham at the East Midlands Conference Centre from 16th to 19th September this year. Details are not yet available but should be in the next issue of U3A News, due out in April. It might be an idea for a group of us to go. The theme is to be Celebration and the idea is to have a display of very short stories with photographs of members from all over UK for whom joining U3A has significantly changed their lives. Please contact me if you think this applies to you.

Earlier this year we heard from The Third Age Trust that our insurance covers carers who may be needed to accompany a disabled member at meetings or on outings and that that carer need not be a member. We do not have the facilities to arrange carers but a member may bring along a carer if one is needed. Next month it will be time to renew your annual membership which will remain at £13.50.

Here's to an end to this dismal weather! Roll on Spring and bluebell time! Jo Harrison



Monkey Business. Whilst in Malaysia many years ago, I was invited to stay at a rubber plantation. I was shown how the tree‟s milky sap (latex) was tapped and processed into raw rubber (caoutchouc). Tapping begins when trees are seven years old and continues every two days for about 25 years. This means that there are always plenty of replacement trees and saplings on the plantation. These young trees, however, are sometimes maimed or killed by troops of monkeys coming in from the surrounding jungle. They strip the succulent leaves from the trees and eat them.

Formerly, when this happened, the plantation was closed down for several days and the entire workforce sent out to kill, trap or chase away as many monkeys as possible. This method was inefficient, inhumane and very expensive. A better method was eventually found. A few small teams would patrol the plantation‟s perimeter and, when a monkey troop was seen approaching, would net a dozen or so monkeys.

These were clad in multicoloured garments adorned with sequins and small bells. A few were then released in the path of the oncoming troop which they tried to rejoin. The troop, seeing these strange apparitions coming at them through the trees, would turn tail and flee. The team then followed on foot, gradually releasing other monkeys, until the troop was well away from the plantation. Job done!

During WWII, unsuccessful attempts were made in Europe to process quantities of rubber from the latex contained in lettuces and dandelions. I wonder how they chased the leaf-eating slugs away? A Member Travelling with a Sketchbook One of the first things I did on retirement was to invest in some hard- backed sketchbooks and drawing pens. From that day on Jill and I have always packed our sketching things when traveling. We now have a shelf full of happy memories of our visits near and far. Each drawing is usually accompanied by handwritten comments. Details which would be laborious or impossible to depict in a drawing add greatly to the record. It is often these hurried notes, more than the sketch itself, that bring the memories flooding back when I take one of a score or so of books off the shelf. If there‟s time I sometimes add a little watercolour wash there and then. Some times I dispense with colour, other times I wait until we‟ve returned to base to finish if off.

Understandably beginners to outdoor sketching often feel somewhat intimidated if there are people around to look over their shoulder. Personally, striking up a conversation with a complete stranger in a foreign country actually adds to the enjoyment. I‟m often surprised how much I can recall from these chance encounters.

Some artists use their sketches in a totally different way. The drawings act as filed notes to that at a later date they can be used as reference material for a future painting. Sometimes the artist will add notes relating to colours and textures.

One misconception that I meet time and time again is the notion that you are either born with a talent or not, I don‟t buy into this argument. Of course we inherit potential in all sorts of areas and some people seem to have a greater aptitude than others. However getting back to drawing whatever degree of talent you appear to have inherited, learning and then practicing the basics is how one makes progress.

Over the years lots of people have told me that they wish they had taken up sketching, particularly as a way of recording their travels. My reply is always, it‟s never too late. This summer if there‟s any of you out there who would like to join an introduction to an outdoor sketching group, I am offering a „one-off‟ for the months of June to August. We would probably need to meet fortnightly, perhaps on Thursday mornings (second & fourth weeks). A list will be put out at our April meeting. Help will be available for those requesting it. Mike Riches

Interest Groups - Group Co-Ordinator (Contact Mike Riches

Group Co-Ordinator‟s Report Our four new groups have hit the ground running with some interesting programmes.

The Architecture and Photography groups are taking advantage of the coach visit to in April. The quiz team(s) are up and running and recently notched up a creditable fourth place in the Cliff Hotel regular event. Well done folks. Kathy James is keen to enroll additional members for the recently formed Singing for Pleasure group. As mentioned at the last monthly meeting we are hoping to start up a second poetry reading group soon, I understand that if enough people are interested Mary Lake would probably agree to lead it.

As usual, if any of the leaders have any problems they wish to share with me then please contact me by phone or e-mail. Incidentally the latter has recently been changed to

Actually one issue has come to light recently and the solution is in all our hands. One or two leaders have confided that on occasions meetings can be spoilt by members chatting to a neighbour while someone is making a contribution to the main discussion. I think it is appropriate that each group has a few ground rules to ensure that everyone has a chance to get the maximum enjoyment out of a session. By the same token I would point out that chatting within the audience during our monthly meetings is equally unacceptable. Apart from the fact that it is discourteous to our visiting speaker, the acoustics in the Marine Suite are far from great. Some of us find that our hearing is not as good as it once was and any audible distractions can seriously spoil one‟s enjoyment. So don‟t suffer in silence.

Last week Jill and I spent a few enjoyable days in London visiting our favourite haunts including the galleries and museums. It occurred to me that members might appreciate the opportunity to travel by coach to the South Kensington museums, namely the Victoria & Albert, Science and Natural History. These are all within a stone‟s throw of one another so members would be able to plan their own programme. Admission is free except for special short term events and there are some marvellous things to see. October seems quite a suitable time, so there will be no need to put out lists yet. I will probably ask for those interested at the April monthly meeting when I can have details and costs etc. Mike Riches

Art Appreciation We finished our 2010 programme with a visual quiz, to see if our members have been doing their homework. They have! Must make it harder next time! Francis Flanagan started off the New Year with a presentation on Modern British Sculpture, reminding many of their trip to Henry Moore‟s home and garden last autumn. It whetted our appetite for more sculpture visits. In February, Linda Warner enlightened the group with a presentation on the East Anglian School of Painting and Drawing. Cedric Morris was the leading light in this organization which was set up originally in the centre of Dedham. After a major fire, the group relocated in Hadleigh where it remained active during the 1950‟s and 60‟s. ~Among artists who worked there were Lucien Freud and Maggi Hambling. In April, we go to Saffron Walden to visit the Fry Gallery which will be showing a special exhibition of paintings of by Eric Ravilious. Members of the art group will have a preview of Eric Ravilious and Eric Bawden‟s work at the library.

As this is a coach trip, other U3A members can go to Saffron Walden where there will be plenty to appeal to everyone but especially to the Architecture, History, Photography and Church visiting groups.

Contacts: Jill Riches Francis Flanagan

Thursday March 17 - Library Meeting starting at 2.10pm. Jill Packer will give a presentation on Edward Bawden and Eric Ravilious.

Tuesday March 22 - Visit to Tate Britain to see the Watercolour Exhibition. Tickets £11.00.

Thursday April 21 - Library Meeting starting at 2.10 pm. Portraits. Please bring your own examples for discussion. Feel free to include portraits you may like.

Tuesday April 26 - Visit to Saffron Walden to see the Fry Gallery. (Bawden and Ravilious) Coach tickets £11.00.

Thursday May 19 - Library TBA.

Tuesday May 24 - Visit to the Art School Gallery to see an exhibition entitled "The class of...... - Maggi Hambling, Colin Moss and other influential teachers and students". We also hope to visit the John Russell Gallery.

Thursday June 16 – Library TBA.

Thursday June 30 - Visit to the Mall Gallery to see the an exhibition by the Society of Women Artists : 150th Annual Exhibition Jill Riches and Francis Flanagan

Current Affairs Group 2 At our last meeting we discussed the social and economic implications of changing the clocks from BST to GMT. At our next meeting we will be discussing the role that China plays in the modern world. Francis Flanagan

Quilting Group The group continues to meet regularly, normally on the last Friday in the month.

Music Group 1 We began 2011 by listening to a selection of personal choices holding personal memories. In February the group began a series of English composers when Richard introduced us to Henry Purcell and his music. For the March meeting Eleanor will host an afternoon of Noel Coward. English composers will continue to feature until July when the groups hope to attend a number of Harwich Festival concerts. Alice Whelan

Music Group 2 We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 2 p.m.

Forthcoming meetings:- March 16th American Music Apr 20th Chamber Music May 18th Jazz

Phone Ros Fenton for more details

Poetry Group 1 We meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 2 p.m. We have a theme for each session and bring along a poem to share with the group.

March 23rd Poems inspired by a Picture April 27th Love Poems May 25th Poems by Wendy Cope June 22nd Scottish Poetry July 27th Comic Verse

Phone Ros Fenton for more details

Church Visiting Group I was unable to acquire the mini bus for the second or third Friday in the month, so I have had to change the dates - new dates are as follows:

25th March (no mini bus) 23rd May, 18th July, 19th September and 7th November.

On the 25th March we will be going to the Garrison Church in . Ann Bownes

Poetry Group 2 As mentioned in Mike‟s Group Co-Ordinator‟s report Mary Lake is hoping to set up a second Poetry group. Anyone interested please phone Mary on 01255 886685.

Gardening Group At our February meeting 15 members of the group met at Maureen‟s house 91 Dockfield Avenue to discuss the future programme which is as follows:

17th March Poplar Nurseries Colchester 21st April Springmead 18th May Wyevale Nurseries Colchester

Contact: Maureen Townsend

Mahjong This group meets at the CLIFF HOTEL at 6.45pm until 10pm every Wednesday. We are a self taught group and we love to teach new members – YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW HOW TO PLAY- therefore you are very welcome to come and join use.

Nature and Wildlife Winter is a good time for bird watching and we have had some interesting visits recently. On a frosty day in December at Manningtree, with the sun in the ideal position behind us, we were treated to splendid viewings of teal, wigeon and godwits as well as rafts of goldeneye and red breasted mergansers in the River Stour.

The visit to Welney Wetland Centre was a little disappointing due to widespread flooding in the area. No walking was possible and only one hide was accessible but this was the heated and carpeted one which gave us good views of the whooper swans being fed by a warden with a wheel barrow wading through the floodwater! The bewick swans had moved away out of sight but we did see hundreds of male pochards. Apparently the female pochards sensibly go further south to the Mediterranean for the winter. Most members enjoyed the day out and the coach ride through the watery fens and back via Thetford Forest was picturesque. Jo Harrison

Photo taken at Welney Wetland Centre

Tuesday 5th April No minibus available but meet at Wick Nature Reserve at 10.30 am (free to members or a donation of around £2 each) for a spot of birdwatching. It will be a little early for the nightingales but there should be plenty to see from the various hides and a short walk round the reserve. Possibility of lunch afterwards at The Whalebone, Fingringhoe. Monday, Mayday, 2nd May (changed from Tuesday for the minibus) Sign up for the minibus which leaves Harwich Park Pavilion at 9 am or meet and park at Weeley Church off the B1441 at 10.15 am for a stroll around Weeleyhall Wood where we should find bluebells and nightingales. Lunch afterwards at The Crown, Thorpe-le-Soken. Tuesday 7th June Lavinia will lead a food-for-free stroll at . Meet at 10 am at the West End Car Park near the recycling depot for a stroll towards Irlams. The tide will be out but have on suitable footwear or carry a small towel for feet as the intention is to cross the first creek. You may also wish to bring a receptacle for whatever you collect. Contact Lavinia

Walking Join us for leisurely walks in the countryside, usually about 4 miles. Have on sturdy footwear with thick soles, suitable clothing (not denims) and carry a drink. Two plastic carrier bags are useful to cover muddy boots when entering a pub. Monday 28th March Sign up for the minibus which leaves Harwich Park Pavilion Car Park at 9 am or meet at Copford Church at 10.15 am for a walk in the area, to include a visit to the church to view medieval wall paintings. Lunch at a nearby pub after the walk. Monday 25th April (Easter Monday) Sign up for the minibus which leaves Harwich Park Pavilion at 9 am or meet at The Cricketers, Fordham Heath at 10.15 am for a walk to Hillhouse Woods, where the bluebells should be in bloom. Lunch at The Cricketers after the walk. Monday 23rd May Joyce will lead a walk in the Colne Valley. No minibus available so meet and park at 10.15 am at The Old Queen‟s Head on the A1124 at Ford Street for a walk to include part of the and the new Fordham Hall Estate Woodland Trust reserve. Lunch at The Old Queen‟s Head after the walk. Contact Joyce

History Group At the January meeting the Anglo Saxon group gave a very interesting presentation on their subject – which they had been researching over the past few months. In February we were fortunate to have Di Naylor with us Di gave an informal and fascinating talk on the Georgian period. Hopefully she will be visiting the group again in the future to talk on another subject. Contact: Sheena Parsons

Painting for Pleasure Continues first Monday morning of the month – can accommodate more members.

Creative Writing Groups The two Creative Writing groups have just celebrated their first anniversary! The first meetings were in February of last year: since then the members have got to know one another, have become used to sharing their work and had lots of fun.

In the space of the year we have dipped into poetry writing, description, character studies, short stories; investigated our memories and imagined the future. We have even attempted a horror story. Just recently we have tackled dialogue using the idea of a meeting between two fairy-tale characters and one group took this further expanding into a conversation between two historical characters – soldiers in a WW1 trench and a discussion relating to the building of the Redoubt Fort were two examples. Descriptions of family members also produced some interesting results. So there is a lot going on. Ideas for future projects are being generated by the writers themselves - we all have language in us but sometimes need a little encouragement to find our voice or put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard)! If you are interested in finding out more do contact Gillian Greenslade, group convener.

Quiz Group

The Quiz group meets on the first Wednesday evening of the month at 7.30pm. Contact Shirley Hogg

Craft Group

The craft group enjoys knitting, crochet, silk painting, beading, or any other craft. Contact: Marcia.

Photography Group

Our subject for photographing at the moment is “in the street”; results to be viewed and discussed at the next meeting on 15 March. Instead of meeting in April, we are joining the outing to Saffron Walden on 26 April and will compare our resulting photos in May.

Bridge for Beginners – if you are interested contact Beryl Reader

Ken and Hazel Pauley‟s report on the walk which took place on Tuesday 1st February - the weather was a bit iffy, yet 17 turned up for the U3A Nature walk at the West End. There was mist over the cranes at and ice over the many puddles for the walk past the ponds and along the way before we descended to the beach. A pochard on the ponds gave us a good start and some of the group had seen some shoveller ducks on the boating lake. It was high tide though not too high to deny us plenty of sand for a beach walk. As predicted there were many brent geese, also grey plover, dunlins, sanderlings and in the marsh area a little egret and meadow pipits. Everybody seemed to enjoy the outing for an hour and a half and the light rain only started after we had dispersed.

Bardsey Island Visit 2011

So far five people have arranged to visit Bardsey Bird and Field Observatory 21 – 28 May.

Free Legal Advice Free 24 hour legal assistance is available to U3A members. Contact a committee member for details of this service if needed.


Is due in April and the fee for 2011/2012 will remain at £13.50.

You can pay by cash or cheque made payable to Harwich Peninsula U3A at the meeting on April 12th or send a cheque to the membership secretary:-

Ros Fenton 25, Aldon Close, Harwich CO12 5HF


Harwich Connexions need volunteers to drive their minibuses.

If you are under 70 and would like to help in the community as a driver on a regular or occasional basis please contact:

Harwich Connexions on 01255 552010. You may wish to drive for U3A only.

GROUP CONTACT TELEPHONE DAY TIME NUMBER ARCHITECTURE Melita Frost 1st Friday 10am GROUP ART APPRECIATION Jill Riches 3rd Thurs Library 2.30pm 1 4th Tues Visits ART APPRECIATION Francis 3rd Thurs Library 2.30pm II Flanagan 4th Tues Visits BOOK GROUP Barbara Wilding 2nd Wednesday 2.30pm BEGINNER BRIDGE Beryl Reader TBA TBA BRIDGE CLUB Eileen Ranson Every Friday 2pm CRAFT GROUP Marcia Semon 2nd Thursday 2pm

CHURCH VISITING Anne Bownes To be advised See dates in newsletter CREATIVE WRITING Gillian 3rd Monday 10am Greenslade 4th Tuesday 10am CURRENT AFFAIRS I Clive Booth 3rd Monday 2pm CURRENT AFFAIRS Francis 1st Wednesday 2pm II Flanagan FRENCH Elizabeth 3rd Tuesday 10am CONVERSATION Walters GERMAN Peter Chandler 1st & 3rd Monday 2pm CONVERSATION BASIC 3rd Tuesday 2pm GAMES/ Marcia Semon 3rd Monday 6.45pm SCRABBLE GARDENING Maureen 3rd Thursday 10am Townsend HISTORY Sheena Parsons 1st Thursday 2pm ITALIAN Jenni Meredith 3rd Wednesday TBA LUNCH BUNCH Jane Kite 3rd Wednesday 12 noon MAHJONG Doreen Meek Every Wednesday 6.45pm MEMORIAL Eileen Ranson To be advised TBA MUSIC APPREC I Alice Whelan 2nd Monday 2pm MUSIC APPREC II Ros Fenton 3rd Wednesday 2pm NATURE & WILDLIFE Jo Harrison 1st Tuesday 10.30am PAINTING Shirley Hogg 1st Monday 9.30am PHOTOGRAPHY Daphne tyne 3rd Tuesday 7pm GROUP POETRY Roz Fenton 4th Wednesday 2pm QUILTING Barbara 4th Friday 10am Scotchbrook QUIZ GROUP Shirley Hogg TBA TBA SINGING FOR Kathy James 1st Tuesday 7pm PLEASURE GROUP evening WALKING Jo Harrison 4th Monday 10.30am

NB - Please contact Group Leaders for information and venue. Group Leaders please let me know if there is any change in either Leader, time or venue.