Depression and anxiety: an information booklet BL/0647 08/11 Visit Call 1300 22 4636 Email
[email protected] There is a way back, but it takes time, patience and a lot of hard, dedicated work. Talking to people helps a great deal too. Remember you are not alone. A person standing next to you in the supermarket may have had or may be on their own journey through the fog, or may have emerged from it. GINA, 38 I am much more positive about my life and want to stay managed with my depression. If you are happy, healthy and have friends and family around supporting and caring about you, life is so much worth living. MELISSA, 37 Seeking help was the best thing I have ever done. It is not something to be scared about. It does not make you weak and it is not something to be ashamed about. JESS, 18 I have had to change my view on mental health and mental illness and accept that it is something that I will have to deal with and keep on top of. Mental wellbeing is not something that happens automatically for me, but something that requires effort and that I have to work at. JACI, 33 beyondblue would like to thank members of its national reference group, blueVoices, for sharing their personal experiences for this booklet. Their comments are quoted throughout and their feedback has been invaluable. CONTENTS INTRODUCTIOn 3 DEPRessiOn 5 What is depression? 5 How do you know if someone is depressed? 5 Depression checklist 7 What causes depression? 8 Different types of depression 10 Treatment for depression 13 ANXieTY DisORDERs