Depression and Anxiety: an Information Booklet BL/0647 08/11

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Depression and Anxiety: an Information Booklet BL/0647 08/11 Depression and anxiety: an information booklet BL/0647 08/11 Visit Call 1300 22 4636 Email [email protected] There is a way back, but it takes time, patience and a lot of hard, dedicated work. Talking to people helps a great deal too. Remember you are not alone. A person standing next to you in the supermarket may have had or may be on their own journey through the fog, or may have emerged from it. GINA, 38 I am much more positive about my life and want to stay managed with my depression. If you are happy, healthy and have friends and family around supporting and caring about you, life is so much worth living. MELISSA, 37 Seeking help was the best thing I have ever done. It is not something to be scared about. It does not make you weak and it is not something to be ashamed about. JESS, 18 I have had to change my view on mental health and mental illness and accept that it is something that I will have to deal with and keep on top of. Mental wellbeing is not something that happens automatically for me, but something that requires effort and that I have to work at. JACI, 33 beyondblue would like to thank members of its national reference group, blueVoices, for sharing their personal experiences for this booklet. Their comments are quoted throughout and their feedback has been invaluable. CONTENTS INTRODUCTIOn 3 DEPRessiOn 5 What is depression? 5 How do you know if someone is depressed? 5 Depression checklist 7 What causes depression? 8 Different types of depression 10 Treatment for depression 13 ANXieTY DisORDERs 17 What is an anxiety disorder? 17 How do you know if someone has an anxiety disorder? 17 Different types of anxiety disorders 18 What causes anxiety disorders? 19 Treatment for anxiety disorders 21 DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY 24 Women 24 Men 25 Older people 26 Young people 27 GETTing HelP 29 Types of treatment available 30 Where to go for help 33 How to get the right treatment 39 Urgent assistance 41 RecOVERY anD STAYing Well 43 How to stay well 48 CARing FOR SOmeOne WITH DEPRessiON OR anXieTY 51 Things you can do to help someone with depression and/or anxiety 51 How carers can help themselves 52 MORE inFORmaTIOn 55 1 URGENT ASSISTANCE People who are depressed or who have an anxiety disorder may be at risk of suicide, and if so, they need urgent help. If you, or someone you care about, is in crisis and you think immediate action is needed, call emergency services (Triple zero – 000), contact the services listed below for assistance or go to your local hospital emergency department. FOR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE Lifeline 13 11 14 or Counselling, information and referral Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 or Telephone support and online resources for those at risk of suicide, their carers and those bereaved by suicide Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 or Counselling for children and young people aged between five and 25 MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78 or Support for men and their families For an emergency appointment with your local doctor – check the White Pages for the phone number. You can find a GP in your area who has had extra training in mental health by visiting (click on Find a Doctor or other Mental Health Practitioner or phone 1300 22 4636. 2 INTRODUCTION INTRODU CTION Depression and anxiety are common in Australia. In any one year, around one million Australian adults have depression, and over two million have an anxiety disorder.1 While depression and anxiety are different conditions, they share many causes and some symptoms. This can sometimes lead people to think they have, for example, depression, when they’re actually experiencing an anxiety disorder. It is not uncommon for depression and anxiety to occur together – over half of those who experience depression also experience symptoms of an anxiety disorder1 – and in some cases, one can lead to the onset of the other. The good news is that, just like physical illnesses, depression and anxiety can be treated. Both conditions share many of the same treatments, and with the right treatment, most people recover. The sooner a person with depression and/or anxiety seeks help, the sooner he or she can recover. This booklet aims to provide clear and comprehensive information about depression and anxiety, including: • what the conditions are • common symptoms and how to recognise them • how to get help for yourself or for someone you know • how to stay well. Please hold on to this booklet – it’s been designed so you can read and refer back to the parts that are relevant to you; you don’t necessarily have to read the whole booklet in one go. For more detailed information on depression and anxiety, or to find the fact sheets and other resources mentioned in this booklet, visit or call 1300 22 4636. 1 Australian Bureau of Statistics (2008) 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Summary of Results (4326.0). Canberra: ABS. 3 One million Australian adults experience depression every year. 4 DEPRESSION D EPRESSION What is depression? While we all feel sad, moody or low from time to time, some people experience these feelings intensely, for long periods of time (weeks, months or even years) and sometimes without any apparent reason. Depression is more than just a low mood – it’s a serious illness that has an impact on both physical and mental health. On average, one in six people – one in five women and one in eight men – will experience depression at some stage of their lives.1 I couldn’t eat, sleep or think straight. As time went on, I was waking up earlier and earlier, sometimes not sleeping at all. Half of my dinner would end up in the bin. Everything became so disorganised at home. I thought everyone was against me, so I couldn’t talk to anyone about what was happening or how I was feeling. NERIDA, 51 How do you know if someone is depressed? Depression affects how people feel about themselves. They may lose interest in work, hobbies and doing things they normally enjoy. They may lack energy, have difficulty sleeping or sleep more than usual. Some people feel irritable, and some find it hard to concentrate. Depression makes it more difficult to manage from day to day. A person may be depressed if, for more than two weeks, he or she has felt sad, down or miserable most of the time or has lost interest or pleasure in most of his or her usual activities, and has also experienced several of the signs and symptoms across at least three of the categories in the table overleaf. It’s important to note, everyone experiences some of these symptoms from time to time – it may not necessarily mean a person is depressed. Equally, not every person who is experiencing depression will have all of these symptoms. I felt empty … like the life was just being drained from me. I felt isolated, inadequate and generally upset all the time – like nobody understood me and I was trapped on the other side of an invisible wall. BRADLEY, 18 I experienced weight loss, extreme tiredness and loss of concentration. I developed neck, shoulder, back and head aches, sleep loss, stomach/nausea and menstrual problems. I felt lost, alone, helpless and sad all the time. It was like being in a void and nobody cared that you were gone or wanted you back. GINA, 38 5 Depression – Common signs and symptoms Behaviour Thoughts • stopped going out • “I’m a failure.” • not getting things done at work/school • “It’s my fault.” • withdrawing from close family and friends • “Nothing good ever happens to me.” • relying on alcohol and sedatives • “I’m worthless.” • stopped doing usual enjoyable activities • “Life’s not worth living.” • unable to concentrate • “People would be better off without me.” Feelings Physical • overwhelmed • tired all the time • guilty • sick and run down • irritable • headaches and muscle pains • frustrated • churning gut • no confidence • sleep problems • unhappy • loss or change of appetite • indecisive • significant weight loss or gain • disappointed • miserable • sad If you think that you, or someone you know may have depression, there is a checklist you can complete to find out if you’re likely to have a depressive illness – please see opposite. I felt sad, very lonely and reluctant to leave my house or even my bedroom. I enjoyed my job, but lost interest in social pursuits and in church. I’d rather stay home. I felt like I was battling through a fog or mud. It was as if life was against the tide and I was really tired. DAMIEN, 39 No energy, no joy in anything … I was feeling that no one would notice if I wasn’t around. I was working longer hours, not caring about food or cooking, even for my children. I was declining social events and feeling like people wouldn’t have wanted me there anyway. KYLIE, 47 6 DEPRESSION Depression checklist For more than TWO WEEKS have you: ✓ if Yes 1. Felt sad, down or miserable most of the time? l 2. Lost interest or pleasure in most of your usual activities? l If you answered “YES” to either of these questions, complete the symptom checklist below. If you did not answer “YES” to either of these questions, it is unlikely that you have a depressive illness.
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