
Advaae~ ia Organic Gtodmnimy 19B7 Org. Geochem. Vol. 13, Nos I-3, pp. 89-96, 1988 0146-6380/88 $3.00 + 0.00 Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright © 1988 Pergamon Press plc

Organic geochemistry of black shales from the Galicia Margin, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 103

PHILIP A. MEYERS*, KEITH W. DUNHAM and EIL~N S. HO Marine Geology Program, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1063, U.S.A.

Abstract-----Organic-carbon-rich"black shales" from three different Cretaceous episodes sampled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 103 have been studied by organic geochemical methods. Rock-Eval analysis, carbon isotope data, and lipid biomarkers show organic matter to contain varying proportions of marine and continental materials. In - organic-carbon-rich turbiditic marlstones, major amounts of land-derived organic matter are found. - black-colored shales are interspersed within green claystones, from which they differ by containing more marine organic matter. An abbreviated layer of black shale from the Cenomanian- boundary is dominated by well-preserved marine organic matter. Downslope transport and rapid reburial within a predominantly oxygenated dcepwater setting created most of these examples of black shales, except for the Cenomanian-Turonian deposits in which decpwater anoxia may have been involved.

Key words: black shales, Galicia Margin, n-alkanes, n-alkanoic acids, n-alkanols, Rock-Eval, 6~3C, Cretaceous sediments, ODP Leg 103

INTRODUCTION Barremiam times (152-119 Mya). This was followed by accumulation of debris flows and turbidites and The presence of organic-carbon-rich layers of then by bioturbated claystones in which black Cretaceous rocks has been documented at many shales were interspersed. This unit, corresponding to of the locations in the North Atlantic Ocean which the Hatteras Formation, extends from Aptian to have been studied by the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Cenomanian (119-91 Mya) strata. Drilling during Although their lithologies often vary, these "black Leg 103 was concentrated on older objectives, and shales" share the traits of being darker in color and hence full sections of units younger than middle • richer in organic matter than typical deep-ocean Cretaceous were not recovered. sediments and sedimentary rocks. Because the amounts and types of organic matter buried in sedi- ments is influenced both by the oceanographic and METHODS depositional conditions existing at the time of sedi- Samples selected for analysis of their organic mentation and by subsequent postdepositional matter contents, which are relatively labile to micro- processes, study of the organic constituents of black bial attack and alteration, were frozen upon col- shales can provide information about the many lection and kept frozen until analyses began. The factors involved in their formation. samples were freeze-dried as the first step in their study. Calcium carbonate contents were determined LITHOLOGIC SETTING by the carbonate bomb technique (Mfiller and Gastner, 1971). Residual carbon was measured with Drilling during Leg 103 was done at five sites on a Hewlett-Packard 185B CHN Analyzer after HCI the Galicia Margin (Fig. 1) to obtain samples of dissolution of carbonates and was considered to sedimentary rocks which record the history of the represent the total organic carbon content. Organic eastern North Atlantic from the early stages of matter atomic C/N ratios were determined from subsidence and rifting, through spreading of this residual carbon values. Organic carbon concen- ocean, to near-modern conditions. The results from trations of the samples were calculated on a dry- the five sites have been combined to form a composite weight basis for the original, carbonate-containing lithostratigraphic column (Boillot et al., 1985) which rock. Determination of the stable carbon isotope illustrates that the lithologic units common to most ratios of the organic carbon content of these samples of the North Atlantic seafloor (Jansa et al., 1978) was done using a VG Micromass 602 mass spectro- exist also on the margin of the Iberian Peninsula. A meter calibrated with NBS-20 (carbonate) and thick limestone, marlstone, and sandstone sequence NBS-21 (graphite) standards. Data are corrected for corresponding to the Blake-Bahama Formation was 170 and are presented relative to the PDB standard deposited on the Galicia Margin from Tithonian to (Craig, 1953). Rock-Eval analyses were done on- board the JOIDES Resolution using a Delsi Nermag *Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Rock-Eval II instrument. 89 90 PHILIP A. MEYEgSet al.

detailed by Leenheer et aL (1984) provided four fractions: hydrocarbons (saturated plus aromatic), fatty acid methyl esters, a sterol-alcohol fraction, and a column wash. The sterol/alcohol fractions were derivadzed with BSTFA and an internal standard of 5~,-cholestane was added for quantification by gas chromatography. Hydrocarbon, fatty acid methyl ester, and fatty alcohol silyl ether fractions were analyzed using a Hewlett-Packard 5830A FID gas chromatograph equipped with a 20 m SE-54 capillary column and fitted with a splitless injection system. Hydrogen was used as the carrier gas and nitrogen as the makeup gas. Quantitative results were obtained using the internal standard amounts after corrections were made with response factors calculated from standard mixes. The reported results have been I i 13" 12" I1" 9" 8" further corrected for small amounts of laboratory Fig. 1. Locations of Leg 103 sites and of DSDP Site 398. contamination as determined from blank analyses. Bathymetric details are from Sibuet et al. (1987). Depth contours are in kilometers. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Organic carbon and organic matter C/N ratios As part of the analysis scheme, an extraction Neocomian (144-119 Mya) claystones and marl- procedure was used which provided solvent- stones have organic carbon percentages ranging extractable lipids. These fractions are called free in from 0.16 to 3.0 (Table 1); this sequence is equivalent this report, but no implications about the presence or in lithology and overall organic matter characteristics absence of chemical bonds are intended. Free lipids to the Blake-Bahama Formation of the western were obtained from samples of freeze-dried sediment North Atlantic Basin. Aptian-Albian (119-97 Mya) by Soxhlet extraction with toluene/methanol for 24 h. claystones are somewhat higher in organic carbon After being concentrated, lipid extracts were saponi- content than the older carbonate sequence, having fled and then methylated with methanolic boron values as great as 4.90%. An abbreviated sequence trifluoride as described by Leenheer et ai. (1984). of green and black claystones was obtained in Internal standards of C-36 n-alkane and of methyl Hole 641A at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary heptadecanoate were added to each subsample. (91Mya). Organic carbon concentrations reach Column chromatography of each sample on a col- 10.34% in one sample from this short sequence. umn packed with aluminum oxide over silica gel as The combination of Aptian to Cenomanian predomi-

Table 1. General characteristics of Cretaceous "black shales" and adjacent rocks from Leg 103 drill holes Sample Lithology %Con C/N* 6t3C+ Blake-Bahama Formation Hauterivian samples 638B-35-4, 86-91 cm Dark gray claystone 3.00 76 -25.8 63811-26-1, 14-19 cm Dark gray marlstone 1.46 30 -26.5 Barremian samples 63813-23-3, 20-26 ~n Dark gray turbiditic marlstone 2.39 46 -26.8 63811-23-2, 139-145 cm Light gray marlstone 0.16 47 -26.7 638B-23-2, 19-25 cm Dark gray turbiditic marlstone 2.03 49 -26.7

Hatteras Formation Albian samples 641C-2-5, 57-60 cm Green claystone 0.15 7 -25.1 641 C-2-4, 3-6cm Black shale 4.38 20 - 28. I 641C-!-2, 68-72 era Black shale 4.90 20 -27.4 64112-1-2, 49-52 cm Black shale 3.63 19 -27.6 641C-1-1, 20--24 cm Black shale 1.18 9 --27.1 Cenomanian samples 641 A-6¢¢, 31-34 cm Green Claystone 0.25 9 - 25.2 + 0.1 641A-~c, 3-6cm Black shale 10.34 ND -23.9 641A-6-7, 21-24 cm Green claystone 0.1 ! ND - 24.4 + 0.2 ND - not determined. "C/N ratios are given as atomic ratios. blsotope ratios of orsanie carbon are given in per mille relative to the PDB standard, with mean + standard deviation for replicates. Galicia Margin black shales 91 nantly green and black claystones is equivalent to have been useful in helping to characterize organic the Hatteras Formation. Atomic C/N ratios of matter in DSDP and ODP samples. Comparison of organic matter show several important distinctions the hydrogen and oxygen indices of Hauterivian- among the various lithologic types. Carbonate-rich Berremian, Aptian-Albian, and Cenomanian samples Neocomian rocks have relatively high C/N values, from Leg 103 shows two trends (Fig. 2). First, black between 30 and 76, regardless of organic carbon shales generally have higher hydrogen indices and contents. In contrast, Albian and Cenomanian day- lower oxygen indices than do interbedded organic- stones have C/N ratios related to their organic car- carbon-lean strata. Second, black shales become bon concentrations. Organic-carbon-rich black shales progressively more hydrogen-rich from Neocomian average 18 in C/N, whereas organic-carbon-poor to Cenomanian deposits. As described in the Site green claystones have values averaging 8 (Dunham Summary chapters (Boillot et aL, 1987), Tm~ values et al., 1988). These differences parallel those found are in the range of 40(O20°C, which is typical of in equivalent iithoiogies at Site 603 on the outer immature organic matter (Espitalie et aL, 1977). Hatteras Rise (Dunham et al., 1987). Extractable alkanes, alkanoic acids and alkanols Carbon isotope and Rock-Eval analyses Concentrations of extractable geolipids are listed in Carbon isotope ratios of these Cretaceous samples, Table 2 in terms of micrograms per gram dry sample expressed in the conventional t~3C notation in and per gram organic carbon in that sample. In Table 1, range between -23.9 and -28.1%o, which comparison to samples of similar ages and lithologies is not a broad variation considering the considerable from Site 603 in the western North Atlantic (Dunham contrasts in sample ages and iithologic types. The et al., 1987), the absolute concentrations of n-alkanes excursion in carbon isotope ratios, in which and n-alkanols in these eastern North Atlantic rocks Cretaceous rocks richer in marine organic matter are similar to those found on the Hatteras Rise. have lighter 6 ~3C values than found in modern marine Concentrations of n-alkanoic acids, however, are organic carbon (Dean et al., 1986), is not strongly generally lower in these eastern margin samples developed in these eastern North Atlantic samples. In than in the Site 603 rocks, perhaps reflecting more this regard, these ~3C data resemble those of rocks diagcnctic reworking of the organic matter in the from DSDP Sites 398 and 402, also in the eastern part eastern location, inasmuch as fatty acids are more of this ocean (Erdman and Schorno, 1979a, b). Little sensitive to such losses than are the other classes of difference in isotopic content is present between rocks geolipids. The Ccnomanian samples from Hole 641A rich or poor in organic matter. Because most of these have notable higher absolute concentrations of n- isotopic values fall midway between the 6 ~3C ratios of alkanes than other Leg 103 rocks and contain more -21 + 1 and -29 _ 1%o reported by Peterson et al. of these hydrocarbons than do Ccnomanian samples (1985) for modern marine plankton and modern C-3 from Site 603. As seen in the Rock-Eval data (Fig. 2), land plants, respectively, they are not particularly the Cenomanian samples at Hole 641C contain the diagnostic as source indicators, suggesting only a greatest proportion of marine-type organic matter of mixture of marine and continental material in this any of the rocks surveyed in this study, and their ocean margin setting. geolipid contents evidently reflect this factor. Rock-Evai pyrolysis is intended for rocks having The concentrations of geolipids expressed relative organic matter that is more thermally mature and at to the organic carbon contents of the rocks are somewhat higher concentrations than is commonly generally low and are similar to the relative concen- found at ODP sites. Nonetheless, Rock-Eval data trations found in Cretaceous samples from Site 603

Hauterlvian- Barrer~an Aot)ar~-AVolan CenomaniaN I L)

LJ -r E =//' x I) 40G 400 400

g ZOC @ 20O 2OO t. # fr

IO0 2O0 too 26o Oxygen Index (rag CO2 /g Co,.g) Fig. 2. Comparison of Rock Eval analyses of rocks from the three episodes of black shale deposition on the Galician Margin. Solid symbols represent data from "black shales"; open symbols are from organic-carbon-poor rocks. i,o

Table 2. Extractablegeolipids from CretaceousLeg 103 samples Alkanes Alkanoicacids Alkanols Sample ~g/g rock #g/gCon Pr/Ph Long/short Fg/8 rock /~g/gCoq Long/short /~g/gC rock /Jg/gCoq Long/short

Blake-Bahama Formation Hauteriviansamples 638B-35-.4, 86-91 c'm 1.77 59 0.89 0.48 9.26 309 1.08 13.53 451 51.63 638B-26-1, 14--19cm 1.61 110 1.22 0.59 4.87 334 0.49 9.34 640 33.64 Bart~nian samples 638B-23-3,20-26 cm 1.69 71 1.32 1.70 6.53 273 0.65 9.20 385 22.62 638B-23-2, 139-145cm 0.54 337 1.14 1.64 1.61 1006 0.29 10.11 6319 49.57 638B-23-2, 19-25 cm 2.03 100 1.46 0.50 8.52 420 0.62 9.31 459 17.05 t- ~e

Hatteras Formation .> Albian samples 641C-2-5, 57--60cm 0.98 653 0.76 0.49 2.66 1773 0.39 11.43 7620 32.58 641C-2-4, 3-6cm 2.03 46 0.80 0.61 3.96 90 0.54 8.94 204 25.59 641C-I-2, 68--72cm 2.35 48 1.41 0.64 4.21 86 0.62 9.86 201 23.65 641C-I-2, 49-52 cm I. 16 32 0.92 1.37 3.54 98 1.36 3.12 86 6.74 641C-I-I, 20-24 cm 0.90 76 0.66 0.77 1.99 169 0.73 I 1.70 992 23.05 Cenomaniansamples 641A-6ec, 31-34 cm 8.57 3428 0.55 0.08 2.96 I 184 0.34 14.64 5856 50.50 641A-6cc, 3-6 c-m 22.33 216 0.37 0.24 7.39 71 0.40 21.60 209 17.10 641A-6-7, 21-24 cm 9.30 8455 0.46 0.05 2.29 2082 0.13 4.81 4373 51.57

Pr/Ph = Ratio of concentrationsof pristane and phytane. Long/short= Ratio of concentrationsof selected straight-carbon-chaincomponents representativeof continental and marine origins, respectively. For n-alkanes, the ratio is C27 + C29 + C31/C15 + CI 7 + C 19; for n-alkanoicacids and n -alkanols,it is C24 + C26 + C28/C14 + C 16 + C 18. Galicia Margin black shales 93

(Dunham et al., 1987). Black shales, in particular, are 100N s3n.as.~ I lean in relative proportions of extractable geolipids. 14-~9¢m This low amount of available hydrocarbons is consis- tent with the low thermal maturity of the samples as given by the Rock-Eval data (Site Summeries, Boillot °fhlh,,hl,,hl,, 0 ,, ...... 0 17 21 25 29 17 21 25 29 et ai., 1987). 100 Iss~.z.3.~, 2o-zse,, I 100 i~ee. 2~,.Z' lie.)45¢mi Included in Table 2 are ratios of geolipid com- ponents which summarize some aspects of the molecular distributions present in these extractable o III ,t,l,lllLI materials. The isoprenoid hydrocarbons pristane and 2f,!!! 17ll!l[lllth!,l 21 25 29 phytane are at concentrations nearly the same as 100 (--I ;~,e.2~.2 those of the closely eluting C17 and C18 n-alkanes. ,oo i I Ratios of pristane to phytane vary between 0.37 and 1.46, showing no relationship to sample lithology, organic carbon content, ~1~C value, or Rock-Eval o !!! !! indices. The lowest pristane/phytane ratios are found > 17 21 25 29 17 21 ;'5 29 in Cenomanian samples, perhaps recording greater I001 I e4,c.z.,~ amounts of methanogenic bacterial activity during n- 5o the deposition of these younger sediments (Risatti et al., 1984; Dunham et al., 1987). Ratios of long-chain- o ..... !!!!!!,h.. II 0 !! ...... !~::;:::.: length components of the n-alkane, n-alkanoic acid, 17 21 25 29 17 21 25 29 and n-alkanol fractions to the short-chain-length lOO I I 6,~,.ecc components of these sample extracts are given as 50 1 Zl-24em rough indicators of land-plant wax contributions relative to lipid inputs from aquatic sources (cf. o ...... !hh!~! O I...... ::::.~.1.. Simoneit, 1978). Most of the long/short ratios of the 17 21 25 29 17 21 25 29 n-alkane and n-alkanoic fractions are low, suggesting n-Alkane Chainlength a predominance of aquatic lipids, but the n-alkanol long/short ratios are consistently much larger, giving Fig. 3. Distributions of n-aikanes extracted from selected Leg 103 rocks. See Table l for descriptions of these samples. a contractory, terrigenous source indication for these geolipid components. The conflict in geolipid source signals suggests that more than one origin exists for higher for these samples (Table 2), the diminished the extractable matter present in these samples or that proportions probably result from dilution by large diagenesis has altered their original source character. amounts of the shorter chain-length components. Comparisons of the distributions of individual Distributions of extractable n-alkanoic acids are n-alkanes, n-alkanoic acids, and n-alkanols imply consistently dominated by n-hexadecanoic acid that several sources have indeed been involved in (Fig. 4), which is a ubiquitous component of all constituting the geolipid compositions of these biota. A strong biotic character to the alkanoic acid Cretaceous rocks. Distributions of n-alkanes are distributions of these samples is reinforced by generally dominated by components in the Clf-Czl strong even-over-odd chain-length predominances. range (Fig. 3), These hydrocarbons do not display The well-preserved indication of the biological origin the strong odd-over-even chain-length predominance of these acids contrasts with the altered nature of typically found in organisms. In fact, even-carbon- the n-alkanes, a class of organic compounds which is numbered n-alkanes are the most abundant com- considered significantly less susceptible to diagenetic pound in six of the ten distributions. Such absence alteration than are alkanoic acids. Long-chain acids of odd-over-even predominance suggests that these indicative of land plant waxes (C24, C,~, C28, C3o) are hydrocarbons arise from diagenetically altered present in all the distributions, but at lower pro- material (Simoneit, 1986), and they may represent portions than found in black shales from the Blake- recycled detrital organic matter eroded from con- Bahama and Hatteras Formations at sites in the tinental sources. The presence of continental material western Atlantic (Cardoso et al., 1978; Dunham et is further implied in the Hauterivian and Barremian al., 1987). The difference in degree of preserved examples shown in Fig. 3 by significant proportions biological character between the n-alkanoic acid frac- of longer chain-length n-alkanes having stronger tions and the less degradable n-alkane fractions odd-over-even preferences. These hydrocarbons, in suggests that the bulk of the fatty acid contents of the Cz.mC3~ range, are indicative of the waxy coat- these rocks is secondary, being derived from micro- ings of land plants (Eglinton and Hamilton, 1963; bial populations that participated in the degradation Simoneit, 1978, 1986). In contrast, the Cenomanian of organic substances which were photosynthetically n-alkane distributions contain very small proportions produced by aquatic and continental flora. This of these longer chain-length materials. Because the degradation most likely took place during and early concentrations of hydrocarbons are significantly after sediment deposition, and it appears to break

O.G. 13/I-3H 94 PHILIP A. MEYERSet al.

1001 I e~ll.:lS.4 I 14-19¢m 638B.35.4 ,ooj ~.~.~.~I 100 [86-91 cm I oflL ]liil [ 14-1gcm I I II,I . o ',~:!,!!!: o " ,J I, I,II 0 . ~::.~,~!:!I .... I }4 18 22 26 30 14 ,e 22 26 30 14 18 22 26 30 H IO 22 26 30 100 I ,~ee.z~.z 100[ 638B.23"3 [ '°°I ~'~,'~ I ofl, I ...... ~or~°~°m I .o_~5°I I1'°°to !'-'.'!'.!-!!'.:-I I I'"'~''"I o !,.,.~!,.,!.!!!:! 0 . .:-:-~:-~!.'Ill .... (~ )4 22 28 ~L~ )4 18 22 26 30 14 18 22 26 30 L 18 30 14 le 22 26 30 I°°l I ,,c.~.s lg-2Scm 1°°1~.2.5 I oE[ i ....o- 0 50 [ B-25cm [ 57-60cm I u o !,.~..-!:.!.!!,.~...... o ,..,!:!..,!.,:!,l °f0 ..... ' ~!:!~ I1 °°'IN '8 22i' 26 30 14 18 22 26 30 >(D 14 18 22 26 30 18 22 26 30 ,DOt .,c= 31-34¢m "~ [ 3-8 cm 50 rY 50 ] '°° t

of ,, ,!,,,I,!,,,I,! 0 ..~::,!: !!~!!-., 14 18 22 26 30 14 18 22 26 30 )4, 18 22 26 30 14 18 22 26 30 ,oo ,,,;;L = [ 100 1 641A.6CC ,oo 2)-24¢m / ~,,,-8-7 I 3-6cm 12,-2.oml 50

o !,. I.,, .!:,,!., o ,: !,:!:: ...... :, 0 , .... I.II 14 18 22 26 30 "fl14 18 22 26 30 14 18 22 26 30 n-Alkanoic Acid Chainlength n-Alkanol Chainlength Fig. 4. Distributions of n-alkanoic acids extracted from Fig. 5. Distributions of n-alkanols extracted from svicctvd sclectvd Leg 103 rocks. S¢¢ Table 1 for descriptions of thes¢ Leg 103 rocks. See Table 1 for descriptions of thes¢ samples. samples.

down shorter-chain-length geolipid components Paleoceanographic implications preferentially over the longer molecules (Matsuda The amount and the geochemical character of and Koyama, 1977; Giger et al., 1980). organic matter contained within black shales and The n-alkanol distributions (Fig. 5) are dominated adjacent organic-carbon-poor rocks provide infor- by three components. The C28 and C30 n-alkanols, mation about the paleoceanographic conditions lead- which have been interpreted to be indicators of ing to these contrasting types of deposits. Findings terrigenous geolipids in marine sediments and rocks of black shales at a number of DSDP sites in the (Brassell et al., 1982), are especially dominant in North Atlantic show that these atypical sediments the samples of black shale 638B-26-1, 14-19cm accumulated in episodes generally restricted to (Hauterivian), 641C-2-4, 3--6crn (Albian), and Neocomian, Aptian-Albian, Cenomanian--Turonian 641A-6CC, 3-6 cm (Cenomanian). The most abun- and ages (e.g. Arthur and Schlanger, dant n-alkanol in eight of the ten samples in Fig. 5 1979; Tucholke and Vogt, 1979; Thierstein, 1979; de is C=, which has been postulated to arise from Graciansky et ai., 1981, 1982; Weissert, 1981; Waples, microbial processing of sediment organic matter 1983; Stein et al., 1986). The black shales encountered (Cranwell, 1981; Keswani et ai., 1984), a possibility by drilling on the Galicia Margin during ODP Leg which is consistent with the n-alkanoic acid data. 103 are less dramatically enriched in organic matter Like the n-acids, the even-over-odd carbon-chain- than those from many other parts of the Atlantic length predominance of these n-alkanols is high, Ocean, yet they are important in providing the indicating retention of the biological character of this longest record of depositional history from a single geolipid fraction. These straight-chain alcohols are area of the eastern part of the North Atlantic. considered less likely to be preserved than are n- The organic matter present in the Neocomian alkanes (e.g. Cranwell, 1981). Because the n-alkane black shales obtained from Hole 638B and from fractions of these Leg I03 samples display evidence near-by Site 398 (Deroo et al., 1978) is a mixture of for their microbial alteration, it is likely the n-alkanol terrigenous material and of poorly-preserved marine distributions reflect a combination of degradation material. These characteristics imply that during this (loss of shorter components, production of C=) syn-rift of development of the Galician margin and retention of originally deposited components land-derived organic matter abundantly accom- (enhanced importance of C2s and C30). panied the turbidities commonly found interspersed Galicia Margin black shales 95

in the predominantly pelagic carbonate mode of (4) Deepwater anoxia appears to have contributed sedimentation. Furthermore, the waters of this to the deposition of organic-carbon-rich sediments in young basin were oxygenated, in agreement with the short Cenomanian section in Hole 641A. bioturbation found commonly in the carbonates (5) The organic matter in these Galician Margin (de Graciansky and Chenet, 1979; Boillot et al., black shales is relatively lean in extractable geolipids 1985) and resulting in poor preservation of the and is geothermally immature, reflecting a history of marine components of the organic matter. Marine low heat flow on this margin. productivity was probably not high. Aptian-Albian black shales from the Galicia Acknowledgements--We thank the Ocean Drilling Program, Margin are generally richer in their organic carbon funded by the National Science Foundation and IPOD countries, for providing the opportunity for K.W.D. to content than their Neocomian counterparts, at least participate in Leg 103 and for making samples available to partly because they contain less carbonate material us. Carbon isotope analyses were performed under the which can dilute the carbon concentrations. The type direction of K. C. Lohman. Financial support was provided of organic matter present in these middle Cretaceous by a grant from JOI-USSAC. strata is similar to that in the Neocomian rocks, although slightly richer in its marine proportion. REFERENCES Conditions leading to accumulations of black shale Arthur M. A. and Schlanger S. O. 0979) Cretaceous were probably also similar--an oxygenated, tur- "oceanic anoxic events" as causal factors in development biditic environment receiving land-derived materials of reef-reservoired giant oil fields. Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. from erosion of coastal areas. Bull. 63, 870--885. The well-developed black shale occurrence in Arthur M. A., Schlanger S. O. and Jenkyns H. C. 0986) The Cenomanian-Turonian Oceanic , II. the abbreviated Cenomanian-Turonian section of Paieoccanographic controls on organic matter production Hole 641A requires exceptional paleoceanographic and preservation. In Marine Petroleum Source Rocks conditions for its explanation. A period of high (Edited by Brooks J. and Fleet A.). Blackwen, Oxford. productivity, a greatly intensified and expanded BoiIlot G., Winterer E. L. et al. 0985) Evolution of a oxygen minimum zone, or deepwater anoxia have passive margin. Nature 317, 115-116. Boillot G., Winterer E. L., Meyer A. W. et al. (1987) been discussed as possibilities (e.g. de Graciansky Proc. Init. Rep. (Part A), ODP, 103. U.S. Govt Printing et al., 1984; Arthur et al., 1986; Herbin et al., Office, Washington, D.C. 1986; Stein, 1986). Enhanced proportions of marine Brassell S. C., Eglinton G. and Maxwell J. R. 0982) organic matter and diminished sediment mass Preliminary lipid analyses of two Quaternary sediments from the Middle America Trench, southern Mexico tran- accumulation rates are two features common to sect, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 66. In lnit. Rep. Cenomanian-Turonian deposits in the Atlantic (Stein DSDP, 66 (Edited by Watkius J. S., Moore J. C. et al.), et al., 1986); both are consistent with the section pp. 557-580. U.S. Govt Printing Office, Washington, from Hole 641A. The Leg 103 results appear to fit D.C. into the ocean-wide Cenomanian-Turonian puzzle. Cardoso J. N., Wardroper A. M. K., Watts C. D., Barnes P. J., Maxwell J. R., Eglinton O., Mound D. G. and Micropaleontological data show that the oxygen Speers G. C. (1978) Preliminary organic geochemistry minimum zone was well-developed at this time analyses; Site 391, Leg 44 of the Deep Sea Drilling and reached higher onto the margin of the eastern Project. In lnit. Rep. DSDP, 44 (Edited by Benson E. W., North Atlantic Ocean (Hart and Ball, 1986), yet the Sheridan R. E. et al.), pp. 617-623. U.S. Govt Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event remains Craig H. (1953) The geochemistry of the stable carbon the best documented candidate for a basin-wide, isotopes. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 3, 53-92. bottom-water anoxic period in the geological record Cranwell P. A. (1981) Diagenesis of free and bound lipids contained in the seafloor. in terrestrial detritus deposited in a lacustrine sediment. Org. Geochem. 3, 79--89. Dean W. E., Arthur M. A. and Claypool G. E. 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