ISSUE: 14 26th July 2020

Welcome to our weekly activity newsletter with ideas and activities to support your well-being at this time. Recent updates from Council have stated that we are to continue to provide a limited building-based service. We will continue to keep you updated and if you require any further information please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Cooking and Baking

This Rocky Road recipe is quick to make and is a fantastic afternoon treat with a cuppa.

Sport and Leisure

Please also find below links for free fitness and wellbeing activities:

Wigan Warriors Players Past and Present

Can you name the player?

Answers can be found on page 6

Photography Texture Everything has a surface, so everything has a texture. Some are rough, smooth or even prickly. Feel different objects around the house and garden, then try and photograph the texture. Focus on getting a good close up shot of a section of the object.


There are roughly 15000 types of wild fungi in the UK.

Look carefully on your next walk and see if you can spot any of these fungi specimens.

Health and wellbeing

Any type of exercise is useful, as long as it suits you and you do

enough of it. Aerobic exercises like jogging can boost your mood whilst yoga and pilates can ease anxiety. Exercising outdoors can

also have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing. Choose

something that you enjoy and make it part of your routine.

Quote of the week

Wigan Warriors players past and present answers;

1. 2. Kris Radlinski 3. Frano Botica 4. Tony Clubb 5. Chris Hankinson

6. Sam Powell 7. Andrew Farrell 8. 9. 10.Pat Richards

11. Henderson Gill 12. Sean O’Loughlin

Here’s a few photo’s sharing some of the things that we have been doing.