16.10.2019 A9-0017/63 Amendment 63 João Ferreira, Sandra
16.10.2019 A9-0017/63 Amendment 63 João Ferreira, Sandra Pereira, Clare Daly, Marisa Matias, Younous Omarjee, Mick Wallace, Manuel Bompard, José Gusmão, Georgios Georgiou on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group Report A9-0017/2019 Monika Hohlmeier, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2020 - all sections (11734/2019 – C9-0119/2019 – 2019/2028(BUD)) Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 b (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 27b. Calls for the continued eligibility of regional disasters for European Union Solidarity Fund assistance to Member States in the event of natural calamities, acknowledging the specific nature of those occurring in the Mediterranean, such as drought and fires, and ensuring that the funds are disbursed as rapidly as possible; Or. pt AM\1190896EN.docx PE637.857v01-00 EN United in diversityEN 16.10.2019 A9-0017/64 Amendment 64 João Ferreira, Sandra Pereira, Clare Daly, Marisa Matias, Younous Omarjee, Marc Botenga, Mick Wallace, Manuel Bompard, José Gusmão, Georgios Georgiou on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group Report A9-0017/2019 Monika Hohlmeier, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2020 - all sections (11734/2019 – C9-0119/2019 – 2019/2028(BUD)) Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 c (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 27c. Calls for the enhancement of the existing European Drought Observatory in terms of its institutional, human, material and financial capacity, ensuring the effective networking of universities, R & D units, companies in the productive sector and civil society, to investigate upstream–downstream drought impacts, providing data and methodologies for managing productive resources and adapting them to the specific realities and needs of each region and each type of agricultural production and providing technical assistance to drought-stricken Member States and regions; Or.
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