SIGNAL 1998 Features 24 The Last Word By Mandi Albright


Michael, who works here at the university, e-mailed me this past week, informing me of an apparent grievous error I'd made in the "Betty's Not A Pregnant Tooth­ brush" column from Feb. 17. If I re­ member correctly, I went off for about 700 words on some tangent about my Linguistics class and sentence anomalies — sense­ goyS j tain? yecJi- eKcepf if toaS less sentences, that is — and a local band, Betty's Not A Vita­ X toho rf'cJ dJl -ffe min, with what I figured was not only a cool name but a pos­ sible example of a sentence anomaly. of evil u kfepf sJjoof informed Rushing-To-Beat-Deadline Hack. tae. Me. Hey did 01'yelkr I'm just beating myself up, really; Michael and the other two eagle-eyed regular readers noting my mistake—Dori (an­ lOMW CrJCr other university employee) and Heather — were kind when X ytss I wotU 3^4 4k? correcting me. Nobody sent me flaming email saying anything like, "Hey, you chowderhead! Betty wasn't a Flintstones vita­ r,h9 •JK.5 make ytjo -preI min! You're a terrible journalist! And 1 enjoy punctuating all my ,4JvS a tid+le beffer: X ^nk sentences with exclamation points, so there!" But the scant frffte cufe. \t\ few e-mails trickling into the cyberoffices of The Last Word 3*°% SdH- <>£ these days are predominantly good-natured and even when I'm running lateI know I can count on seeing some message 'o from a thoughtful reader in my e-mail telling me that I'm a pretty decent hobnobbingobstoppingooglymooglybricabracksnack- andpackinfuddemuddemoodlenoggin—even if I occasionally fudge a fact or six. » And that's exactly what happened a couple of weeks ago whenI rather hurriedly pounded out "Betty's Not A Preg­ nant Toothbrush."I honestly thoughtI remembered Betty be­ ing part of what I've now come to understand was a right clique- . J •ish group of vitamins but maybe I'm simply suffering from Flinstone flashbacks, sinceI popped the things like they were candy instead of the sugary sources of vitamin C they suppos­ edly were. Michael says Betty wasn't considered a favorite with the kiddies back in the day and therefore wasn't included as R I C C I N one of the Fab Flintstones. But Fred's car was a prominent, viable member of the ' Is F*' + fi-f T(,/ a U

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