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P7 Transition To P7 Transition to AHS As we go through this session, if you have any questions (no matter how small they are) please just put your hand up and we will answer them as we go along! P7 Transition to Arbroath High School By Holly Bennett & Logan Gordon Who are we? My name is Holly Bennett My name is Logan and I am the Head Girl of Gordon and I am the Arbroath High School. Head Boy of Arbroath High School. *We both went to Muirfield Primary School* What do our roles actually mean? Having the role of Head Girl or Head Boy does not mean we are better than everyone else in the school! We have extra responsibilities and make some decisions within the school. We are a friendly face who you can approach at any time. We are here to help you and give you reassurance as a senior pupil. Our High School journey started the same as yours! Our Depute Head Team Jade Reid Lewis Mann Rebecca Hay Emily Biesok If the Head Girl or Head Boy are not available the deputes go in their place Leadership Team Leadership teams are senior pupils who are ALWAYS approachable, providing help and encouragement to everyone. Stages of Education Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Primary School High School University/College Job *this is where you are* What is High School? High School (secondary school) is the next step after primary school (it is not a scary step). Going into first year at High School is all about meeting new people and making lots of friends. Remember everyone else in your year feels the same as you do, a little nervous but mainly excited! First to third year is learning lots of new subjects and finding out what subjects you enjoy most/are good at. Fourth to sixth year is the stage in your life when you start preparing for SQA qualifications, in order to gain exam results to help you find the right job for you. These years of your life are very important but also very fun. What are the differences between Primary School and High School? In primary school you have 7 years, however in High School you only have 6 years. The school day is longer: Starting at 8.55am and finishing at 3.50pm Friday is a short day: 8.55am – 1.20pm High School is a bigger building with more people. In Primary School you stay in one classroom all day, however in High School you move classroom at the end of each lesson. We call these lessons periods. To move around our school we have a system called a “one way system” In Primary School you spend the day with the same people, but in High School your classes are made up of children from different Primary Schools. In High School you can go out for your lunch You can join a HUGE variety of clubs/sports teams One way System When moving from classroom to classroom the corridors get very busy so to solve this problem we now have a one way system around the school building. The rule is: STICK TO THE LEFT HAND SIDE OF THE CORRIDORS AND MOVE WITH THE FLOW OF PEOPLE When you visit Arbroath High School you will be shown the one way system rule around the school. Where will your Peers come from? Ladyloan Friockheim Warddykes Inverbrothock Colliston Muirfield Hayshead Arbirlot St Thomas Timmergreens Carmyllie What does a High School day look like? 1 2 3 Interval 4 5 Lunch 6 7 8.55-9.45 9.45-10.35 10.35-11.25 11.25-11.40 11.40-12.30 12.30-13.20 13.20-14.10 14.10-15.00 15.00-15.50 Monday Science Mathematics English - Geography Art - History Physical Education Tuesday Art Home Religious - Technical Mathematics - English Science Economics Education Studies Wednesday Physical Science Mathematics - Music French - Computing English Education Science Thursday Mathematics Science Music - Art History - Geography Technical Friday History English Geography - Mathematics Science - - - *This is an example* You change classroom every 50 minutes so this means you have to carry your school bag, school books, school stationary, water bottle and jacket with you all day! HINT Only bring your P.E kit on the days you have P.E and pack your bag the night before so you only bring the classroom work and homework you need for the next day. Would you like to have a look round Arbroath High School? The entrance to Arbroath High School… This is the office/reception and in here the staff are always there to help! Medical Room This is where you go if you don’t feel well, need to take medication or if you have hurt yourself. This is the corridor leading into the canteen/ social area Canteen/ Social area This is the door leading to the office/reception In the Canteen/ Social area we have three stations to choose from… Cold queue Hot queue Tuck Shop e.g. sandwiches e.g. cooked meals e.g. bagels What is the choice of food for interval/break time? Cakes, fruit and Waffles, cereal bars croissants, bagels, pies, Milkshakes, fruit panini’s, juices and water toasties and sausages on a roll etc *or you can bring your own snack from home* How do you pay for food/drinks at break time and lunch time? In High School we use a machine called a finger scanner (the school will set this up for you). All you have to do is scan your finger here and put money into the machine so you have money in your account for break time and lunch time This is the main area for pupils arriving/leaving school These are the doors to enter the canteen/social area This is the way to the Support for Learning Department Support for learning department These are the doors to enter the support for learning department Inside the Support for learning department This is the refreshing room where pupils can read stories and relax This is the outdoor garden and play area with fun activities Through these doors lead to the sixth year locker area Sixth year locker area Lockers are only available to pupils in fifth or sixth year of High School Mathematics Corridor A Mathematics classroom In High School most classrooms seat people in rows like this. You very rarely get seated in tables of more than 2 people. This area can also take you upstairs At the top of the stairs… This is the lift, however you can’t use the lift unless you have been given permission e.g. if you have a broken leg The Home Economics Corridor (H.E) This is the PCS base which means Personal Care and Support. This is where you will find your guidance teacher. A guidance teacher is someone who will help you and support you through your whole High School journey. If you have a problem, no matter how big or small, you go and speak to your guidance teacher. Home Economics Classroom This is where you will learn how to cook different things but also learn things like sewing. Social Subjects Corridor This Corridor includes subjects such as: Geography History Religious Education (RE) This is a History classroom However, there are a couple of English classrooms in this corridor too. Modern Languages Corridor In this corridor there is a variety of classrooms: Computing classrooms Language classroom (French, German and Spanish) One geography classroom Library German classroom Computing classroom French classroom Library Library The Library is a very fun place to go! In the Library there are hundreds of books so picking your favourite might be a little tricky! It is open during most break times and lunch times so pop along to make some friends, because in here you can chat to people, play board games or read books This is also the place to go if you are looking for somewhere quiet to complete homework, revision or extra classwork There are computers in the Library for everyone to use for homework, research and documents. English Corridor Water Fountain Entrance to the lift from downstairs Behind this wall is the Assembly hall This is the entrance to the Assembly Hall Assembly Hall This is where we have assemblies (when important information is delivered to you) take place and school concerts (e.g. Christmas concert or young musician of the year) Fifth year locker area Janitors’ Office This is where you will find lost property The janitors ensure the smooth running of the school (e.g. emptying the bins and make sure everything is working such as lights and gates) This corridor leads to Technical, Art, Music and Science This is the entrance to the Technical department Technical Department Technical drawing classroom Technical Workshop – where you will make things like a shovel or stationary organiser (metal and woodwork) This entrance leads to the Art department Art Department The art department is mainly open space, however there are a few classrooms… Art Classrooms In the art department you can also do photography as a subject when you enter senior years in High School This corridor also leads to more of the fifth year lockers This is the mental health Awareness office Fifth year locker area Music Department Music classroom Practice Room Musical Instrument storage room In the music department we have different tutors who come in to give private lessons A brass teacher A percussion teacher A guitar teacher A strings teacher Science department This is a very big department In the Science department there are 4 subjects… Biology Chemistry Environmental Physics Science Classrooms You will get a taster of all the sciences in S1 and S2 Arbroath High School looks very big and confusing, however if you are not sure where you are going when trying to get to classes, all you need to do is ask someone or look for signs Example: on this toilet door is Toilets says S3/4 boys.
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