*.* i/j»te t ft ^ ^ . ’T E l

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OCT 7 , 1 9 1 B . •} THBEE HALFPENCE

■1 .-lb. who SKEO AUSE m ' m - i:? C L A S S O F Postcard vnll ^biinii c s . Vaa to your dcl e e r .

K oticea. lEd uffiational. i

L a d i e s ' E stablishm ents . G r i ^t i S t . , f o H N ; * E M u s i c a l S o c i e t y ‘W o r k i n g i ^ U I L D k

l lE U E . t 'l S A I S for tlifr AiU rn't Oratnno, M^ndt^acOhii’a EXHO h j t h ROCSE SCHOOt. I8 E ,” ar»>, 1»«W1 la Uw F O R G llU 4 i A N D KniptiROABTEN. S IK^.CHE'RCH. ‘t u A i S A L i k t.'-V'' 'V' MOftS'DAYii, at 8.0 p.m. /EtMiOU't'H PLAcS!*' HASTlXct tiekdiBAetAtk VALID AND OTHRU NTXT:SBIT( US RoQDd ih ijicral K ^ N aticvi at niodttnit«> t«?F. i OoiirfcA oj Slad of Nev Membcra.. wi: held in ,ltt6i4rtitiicit Fr-oclt .cORters cmii.sT cml I P A IU B H BOOM. m U ubhU. nuhnc4A Dcti:,C>ki Ai».*iitA Dtaffinn?. PffitniiD^ft T t i:.'iU A Y VEDNESOAY. OOTOBER Me- ffir ON^*nl api}*•»'* C«{hlrr;ofwCffiDjbnofw Loca!*, t > i B ^ F A _ nd lllh . GD&at» o tlip !. 'tiite 2*.!iid o r ilI £lrd Viis- ▼Wila; ProfMitb Bpeol fX-M lSS| |PARK.E^ BROWN, toria, dUapti'r .J, intituleid “ A e t to jCoarVuest. raC^«rastUaled B«* b s; lurthrii aineml ti)ic Law of rufjerty and pVepAiAfif' AIN iakedea, with Preiaratloei for Pe^lio :8PEm LitTfM N^ iriU be ^aod to e V ifia vtU bo to TclioVie T ru ift'CSft CRubnoca CoUcce Of Ptw c9t«i4 aaxit t4 the jiruui:|d«d eoUU ria In otti Wca^ biazpttal*. a, Aaweutf OTICE IS I SilEBX' GIV N j t h a t . a l l OR -Aapltc itkm. * >,Tt Ci-pilHbr, am other iKirsonj r>tAft/vn A nA ioA SM VFV^ftTOft* • UftL SlSn.RS . w K j/ ro M E . h a v in g onJiTf' J T b iD f^ r. ISeptaiaber tWL robiUa.of Tb* Risbt Woialuam! tba Di bts, Cliim s, r Demambi:Uemamuii *M gainstl in s t thtbe e fir Ltt;;o B Retcuroeo Ouiuiuitt21 C Q L L B B O N C E R T H a l l 29tli d4y of J d r , 191G. a n d IV hose W i l l irsunic 6 'HANKsdiyikc S e r v i c e p lectric«| ffindl E O B D O L iR OIBL-S And . KIKDER- tv : , jjp o r e d 'i bj- T|( innnd lirnry IlArdcaatle, g i n e e r s , D«, W i| b . l v \ A on 8 CK i !i .\Y. OCTOBEU Mb. ^ T K K . 5 4, XTBLLIXOTOK SQtrjUIi:. |b ATPIU iAY>, OCTOB3ER ItoL Bi 3 pA. ♦it' Executor. tlie:r sib n a m e d , in - P r ln e l- Slatlnn, " ^ in .; ; K j . J . W.. E- Cbill.b. b'ttll K 841# rilO IIIIA H BCLB^’ BATBGATE. K E V . M. I R eg i- Probate Div aibu of Ria OMAI Barrtua . i t ' 3 JB p;:m.: Karewlkl Sonm a AaSSjBMUfY L. BATBOATbi. vbo red eiwl B w o m d , 3a. Sd.^ I ■. V. S A K H E R a ijestj-' .. Cji|aft of Joytlec, o n t ile 30(11 m.. (sclQdre of EotcfUiBiaeut Tex. ^ S m W t f a U y (ABS S a le . reh ^ tw a -|m BeekUot Puptla. Tbe A:i BatotjA (Ibinr irtll . Oder fbo M Reg. E . d:ir of AiijjU t, Is arc hereby rrbuired to iliuMi Buolced at M ow a K ie s Broa.. Urtrea. A.ILC.O., I|)iahit Room for. Day Cotxden. - >tc A‘ aud' St. Levaaida; ot of Mr. Diat«r. the orsi-, e vd iKirtielllars, (n nriting, of h yr Debt*, Mjatr-fu U lfU Of Fnutft. VetneUw. lo , |b«* preaentod I Pw|mAac.i

  • e bn/ugut aims, nr ileiuiniii to 'US. the miqessigned, ' at 8.M. ^ Caniast* at 4.45. to too Caurrli on Satuio-iy tr preeetil^ at the a^K-o; Solicitors to tl said K.xccutor. on of be- VieikiBy Boott:— ' p B re the EijjUteen 111 Day* of Nov i W r , 1916, SneS-StAffeB^creat McM id Noticiti Li 'll feby^: Given Itqt at the _Ue'Nekruutt. ^ il.ii.8. ar J L C e rt., A rt p ir iit io ii <'f .th : time the sn d I Executor PLEASANT CONG r e c a t i o n a l c h u r c h . tu ls r i:oi^53-aadM . raA«8 SINfilftM O -* ; l i t a -Alim 11 prnceoij to Id tribute the A ssifts of the L' rtM .: A,B.C. L-B A.3I. P i e r L i E o n a r d s . HASTINGS. ^ id Te'stat ■IS iuj ug the purtic'j entitled W L O t>]I4 n x «4 u aM PIAXOPOKTB Usk Walxkn XWlil'a-.Ac , Mb, and dmibe tb* week at ..K . evetn , hill iird -only, to th e D eb t# , M O N D A Y , rO B E K HANKSGIVING R L C e _ - [OK - M*.^ ix rc tb r' Btc':#;RaAoa,| X«.]S;’iL l L Mati&ooe VV>, ]’boi*lar. SatunUt »i 3. a « « H a r v e s t a im . , iViiil neipiHnds-vif: ahich he ih alt then BEVLE. mtUlwl- J -JOnJlid kadAUsU. LEOI JS lC A Ji ly n h a d ^ that die will not bb iRT] P.MVift.-j'M- B B V T. H I M O.” S e r i t c e s 11 ■ •* T H! V lido I'l.r I U. or lany part orcof, IKS [Jimeiiel itkfo; i,r E k tm iiiv Cbzirne Speciabtiea. Popolax S Artiat«r. 8CNKAV. Sth OCTOBER . U . .t.w.. -p.m. s tr ib u lc d lo a b y pri'eon or peril n * o f W'hnHO prs] fraftoB, for 6tir.' CcmfoereiAl,. •nfU:niH!>G TO ri'K«. 3A to a^. 'r-toa war tax: CIIIIJ> IIKN ’S .SLRVICK. offer a n y liirhi 'd u l d 'e«m to ride ftiiU ’ A»««rUi. . Ooiceie. 1YI4 ; 114 ICAa^MlafteSft K Y A l lin^.i,,^. -PUi ...n Opra E r e r f Day. ^ . n i:v . 11, CtXH'EU, M.A. ebt, Cliiiil luand hoi .shiill nut then WE 5.' Mbooirto) I 191»; H i VPH4 (tar»te. 100 uL HH ROLLEIL SKATING RINK. Open Daily irktiOM Tbe Fopula; lYe hud i| O t i s and jum p an . c e p d ' irtunity to [sbootA^'ln tb- foClowiaa Z x aiHA.llioaA: Ceat* M -titoal. . i.. - . . . A t Iho I JdC'iS^rnfr. S il-trained for iVfM!ee< jrfc. P iia e l«l«t t'e y & frorttofM M-ADkl djji.im4T:ou; Ah 7. N e iv iiu o re 1 jinvoln’s Im ii la in d o n , hcHTses and a, staff :d reliable i |;'H E N T !J IMIlWkWt. H.tST.Ifl(;:>. E x c u u tu r. »» .T M ri lH>fsjii Septembi'f 7^t. ASONIC H A LL b u lie i .or* 10 th d o ai^ ^ d i n g Irw M a s t e r s ; . w h e r e , r- • HANKSGIVINC; ¥ i n p r i n a iicy. the tefii juires con- .iiu r o B n n 0 VHTSD)t;-^HlGlS i i c R i o i ; f i d e n c e . a n d s k i i l . u CboT*:. V>‘.ainT, 3 l-.lii. '^ilaon, dec^seA. :cm » for a ' XI. iLATOSr ROApn R A S ^ ! ■ t.'t.'lLMItU tuid' 8 ii H e n r i l Q t t a 'P « 6 t '1 ;w d ;<£s d a y , soi loth, Tbrce R E V . i: , m o r t l o l ' k . c o u r t e o L l e m n s . Dclpil ‘ • j MBS. F. a COO--- '1‘E R i JBER, !-* Ito ..Schools If par oJ St. B;i nat'Aa, B rx b il. ' • I’ursuaiilj aiiitc Hlid 'J3 I'ictbria. 4UOU RDCPATlbX on At A flM Tliudioulwr Diama, *t! i U t, *nt t- 'V n p . 30. a m klA few PifRkratieo for IfoMe Ktamu.L V io Liti StPiANO FO RTE'R e c i t a l CcC|ect:' f'»r t V Of^ a»Ar KiuuU. AaiXred. Cotaiortf Xof, SpaidAiAt Tb^* TdttDWj viLif ri:: l*a rt-iiUnu^l «'« S U N D A Y -CTuTIClii IS 1 EliLHY GIVEN' thkl all I n TH E> N A»ffi.i'F hfHE X iA W MB. ALPHi;,T 8.VMHON8 .E k Iw IV ^'loUl>•t.. . . to a w ie , Mr lem eg i s f y ' - UR. WILLIAM UUUUOCU. 4-1' ] < 'rcdit.orti ukd other perM i* having F o r j u r . Atteat'ce “ A I M ta “ Sb. ft «U Pfl»^ Z'i'?*”.., j AO: ;X«/* partial Jars apply-- pbntMl ev^ui xiie im'b 'i _ .j_..—■- H«« ft»l Th«F»i" " Tin try i.luirasil o r 1 ouands against the Estate aad 3*. 3d.; 'T»Rr*ebrTed, la. 3ed W-Hiew mUmi Ebiraritutfat fm t'hi Rni . Tba = H.\ r H lU lA R M O N t C .. RECITAX o f tba Oivmt Haatintfa raunuin#— S O C IE T Y . oii'k * on SATLRDAV, OCTOBER who dicdlpn ' loth dii.v of Auguot, 1916, CUK^SBl-iHlD O A R B X N B . 14U)u ut Thir O’C^'ic. in d ivlioto: yVill Iwa,..iiii... provedp ro v e d in tlt l pej fFrincipiil P r in c ip iil UgPEB ST. LEdHABlDBOHAEX A l f A u b y n W a n t I e d f o r A r m y S e r v i c e Probate IWgi.lir. ■ im the lotlu f ay of Sep- 18, W e s S t snS.f U l 1CotarUitioent>^ lembor. 19|16, br jthc umleriigi c^, George A C U H C K R T i:$ i >r e s c h E s . .tEDSESDAV. OCTOBER Utb. C o r p s Ghoesniiin land tlie I’ublie Taistee, the AT E x e c u to r s Itlieh- in n a m e d ). le r e b y pXTAIff MISS JOKKBTOS^ YavuDEJAi, F r i d a y . e \Y i t r d a y .- laaidotFu ^MfaytlieCENTRAL TROPP of lOCTSb Mxlea C0PPJUL : _•• A pAHE FOR LIKE " PariU of BadUfift *' H U to ediid fi' rtiyulars in writiiut of their KOYAL M EW S. CAM B IIDGE RQ^D, h a s : M e 4 h a n i c a l T r a n s p o i | t . G'luioi.s and E a iiid^to m e, the undersigned, C LABS BOAshlNO AND DAT BC ^ » « T 8 i ^ & f E TH a ’N N E V k R ^ '. T iiw H Rtrrt*:n«^ H I S T a In O H r IDGE D p i V E Axid F U L L P R O G R A M M E . A T V T E l i U be ne*d. the 'Solicitor ;,i lli'c (Olid Executors, on or 7 ^ 6 . I O IR L S . liclorc the Mil ijiiy of Nqvemherj 1806, after 1J0 to MJO. hotted, ao fee. T h i'W H IS I at BELL*k VISTA, by kind xxt on u*]Tea Frm Mr. .od Mn.. OoodlHloir. at 7 M .barpi whitdi time aid Executors if)li proceed Tlw BRlOqE Zl. ^BZnVALUS -UAEDbNS ft* i7 UVKK-MECH.VN ICS. ORpUtlR EDUipA-nON os koton L k m . ^ p ja. abatp. D&XVLTIS t D n r . to distribnle tl|( assets of tho said deceased io, having iM . fit jElaalaetioae. «hao ' di d^od. Xfum fic U ta : ^ Gd., iueltidiiM; R«f9x*>dmirata,. co A g e s 14 t o '13. amongst the per lOiis entitled their dc«a». K to f Brofft' Librarira. regard only to :t lie I Claim ., and .m a u d s o f f 'Voal^ed iBeeideat Aad -Tittl If staff of T h e a t r e , whicli they htil then have hud lOtice, and ' ij • Ttathda.* K a t e (ff Piiy - <1“>‘ and usual Sepitralion 1 t h e E.XC..-U uro not be liiil e f o r th e 'PhoB^ 387. J / : -Ulow'kineo iGsets of tlii'ia iid iletehsed or any rt thereof M*ali'tribul|ed to a n y person of w: >se Claim s IITOH 0B8B 8CH0(»^ Free lialiotis auil FrcE Loldj-iiig-v. mid Denial d i t lJe y shall not the) h u v o h a d 66, Moimt ^oad, LAT02T ADn B A 0 T IX Q .TlOftVS n o tice . H. .. r o B 00370 TJLDiea, f ksfato to iiM ' e : k t a h y S O B U O U D a tc (l th li.v i|f S e p te m of the. Bz__ r.,I opsih ’ be gfran at tSe 8_____RAS 6B Y R n f(^ U(* m n e tad d ; X, aO HO O L Cfive I Vale. 0 INS T lT t:t nI i la iha IXI ^ A R Y R O O M . aOH< M cjcliu licol Transiiiu't OCieer w ill iiHeitd E t . C H E ESM.AJ aad IhifmfMeA. OK a r t . »otv o*ck>clt on T U B 8PAY 8 updt.jd 1, 'hip-street,, Urighton, •a Siodera Xfriodytaa 'A e t o H i TUU l t B m i H . . ftoptember and OctoSet* m L ■ a t — 8 a if Leoti B UMl abottt asiminttM. o r th e said lixccutors. tor PabUe Bfeaatfi aMae*^_ t l ^ d a y I OGTO] io Ul —**Xocni; OaokYr,** 3Er. W . HD St, U iBMPhUATB 'A s 'n a B R f i K l i C R C l I'lN li om CEV b c It b - s i i S a t M r . i Fafffli, a km fobOQlrenai l e c e a s i d . R d,St tbo o fito EdnpeUoiH«( BiAjmam Ftoftieteia ' V .P K-¥i*- l 1 ' Mafot ifrtl .Stalu V e fin d a n Urd V ic - T B C K S P i _ jttli.-''* lift BHHtb E m jtt* ." SUAX. tins ioiii txiTO BL'h. laio, I'ursuaJit 11) the 2 T h e P i J B U c O l ^ t l A l / M t . W . E,A., F.a,ii.. iltb lasttfft. to M ,!. c lia p t r ; lin lit u le d .Vn .tct to ManitfCia |41 ___ - Jaftion vfll bo larkomod a l nni f r o m 11 u.jlli. to o l» ,U l. f u r lh c iI ' am cp)d the Law of I' 'i)pcrty and xoa. f B K O E I U . ; ' [ Leoti or DatooceUstioo l i j v o T UStjCCn.icer,." r. ■ i- aiOHAm 'S PRETIBATOXT w . y . c r j : i r . u < H M ttom Mumiim AntocuUoo, HOHOO&.'If" f - r - ' IS l i i l C E B V G l V E I s ' 1 O r s d it o r . a n d o tli er liertins'having •ft, €|h a u .t j w r o a d . m any debtaJ clai ns ;or demands gainst the ,Ui> Fini i 6T. ILXONARDS i, ON* E s t ate of L\lJ'’l RD MO'Fr, lat o f " A a h - G i t i t s ‘W a r - t i m e C i -D b Prii^toli Miss AHT TAXliiOA Vie BOBODG OF HASTINGS ilO iiriT . I brook,” No. lo St. Slatjtliew's-j jlr d e n s , 8|t. i|MfTEEMB|ANB RBST ROOMB. To Hotel and I o t ( ftad {G IRLS iraotlilr Cioindal I all Brtoeto* I Leona rdi-(ln-S(iA, Silsi-ex, lEnquirr (w h o d ie d 4 61 ot n p io d - und praoftMd tox btber “ ecbook. ■T\rt)Tl|CEJlS H EK EU r g IVEN, t h a t th e o n tiio 6th] d a y qj S e p te m b e r , 1916|, a n d w h o se J . 1 next General Quarter Sesiioiite of the w ill With three (xtifciU th c re to l w 8 proved"in B A P u e |l i c M e e t i n g > of thbjfMaid UorJugh w ill bd held at the tU o P r i n c i b iIII, i l 1.K(e|gistry of| the ,Fr ibato Divio; o e a E r r 1 of J Ustice »itt b dd iB tb » .lOitSHCOUET In the TOWN H.VLL ion of H ii Maj. i'H ioli Cdur B , B A T T L E . C 0 » i UALU 8T. t^KARDS. FRID A Y tjhe L*0th day of OCTO- oil the 43rd dhy 4f Meptoiiahcr, 191 5. by -V lf^ I t 16. at the etui il# h 0 u r o f■ T e n ^ in jttiQ“ fore- - ■ Fen.wick ilottb d IjUl>^nald i^ n a 4ti G kirge Blaik- fifiBs. fujtsojr. I 'oo t.: ' nuu: ■wiiCn bnd where all Grand and Petty lo c k , th e Exi-ciito! ■ji therein i lamed)j are BEOKESJBY KEX‘ W m iByE fib ftt 3 b'cZoct. TtDR&OAir,: o c t o b Ii Ju r d m , ■..... boiinkl be rceognizaneoi — ' ' hereby naluirijil to send jiartieul Ilfs in jwrit- IJOAI so BCUldOL FOR T B t DALll B T E R S O P rapiKiar. iiig of their deb s, ■il o r d e lands to. ns, TSE' BRASSEY Dill sraide. X'Ute, and give ovideneei, and all WITH SA MB g H im - K H E H L ir h o lia v c bi the tindereigiiec its Sso lfcito rs O the| haid' FORM USE “’IfE RiN d I G a m e ,* •lucsi to trunsnc.t. ore AND Bp«ab?t*^ . hei , to d to Kxecutorsi oh] q liofork tho Mth day of OF '•!»* Usto. IIILY KINNAIBO, give Uicir uttcndaiieu CAN BI O D T ^ B D PROBFE' OSr AF^UCA/ihON. U . I B ' tM to iiiU : u i « * N B C O X. accor< .V oveiiib et], 1916, fl dter w jiic li d.^|te the said Execulorsj will proceed . ' to dii] ributo the »»;S[ Wimllpd^, FEABI. D a te d this 3rd day of Octsber, 1916. « f l U « A :n A 'iu>. M M 11 « iU by tcot 4ftl3| and a ttoort /issets o f t h e ea't 1■ leceased , amoi j s t th o pcr-i' iW ILLIAil CARLESSi sons entil]le■ to F. J. t l 14. i i 3di ; Clerk of tiic Pence, tho debts. claiUi! I nd demands ol which they ST. LaONAROBa SEA. S a x o i -chambers. 23rd. 1»SA idiall tibcii hayc had :notice.'that they will 1 / 3 p e r PriaWsal .- ^ VZAXi • ii. vi<-ftr. Lie I f J7JO. St. LeobanliMin-Ska. P r i c e s J o k s 2 / 6 l a n A 1 /- lU'crttmnt. 4 t T u ■Mittoa. not be liable for tl |. assets or any part thore- Offk a it Ell OF BECHABITES. I l / i 1 0 0 f t t}etn»*-<*. Hi. !/■ milEIWO^MT In strnctions for Indictm ents m ust be :efl of so distributeo t) any iterson-Ol- parsons of o r loose:lojrflQ |*, 6 d f t ] j ^ A l n l | « a < ^ p ^ D A T 11* FOR OIRLS. DwtAcl.) nint*CV>>me. will the Clerk of th e whose del)t.. la i In or demand they shall not t e m p ‘e i ...i« MtSBIOH. Peace on or before I^ f k ttfaelfaA. front 3 tc [4 ftaw •£ jm 1 uf Mr*. M o n day. Ole ICth da^ of Octslier. 1918. th e n h a ve ofcee.. ■ ; I £ 1 THAT;— h u d "TI REGXiiiA::; ;?N £X U m p I L U N G LR. Dated t)iis in: ijliy o f O c to h c D 1916. HotiH, Inn. Bo^ihg Z iuMta i'C k m ^ "ti T b a n d if. -AfUraojoam iatagnop Leedti Bpadal . , hieapar so a 1 f v et tr ofo f ' , h o n e s, BuoW<, ^ T h e JNEIU (Of tbft 'li it tbe duty ot t a e o f t t ' utf- rt'O «d C " «' ^ ‘ to Soldiatok, Jlo'rtrAN D ^. .partmants, to of aU aUeos oter t*^ ______,,wtoctoe TO.DAV, B01|0UGH (fF HASTOGS. I'dltird-roii;, Loi L o d p^ u : g -[■bouse. I‘ « even/person staylig. b is b m U e Mtf'. l*»i;hM4 « o « ] ^ a BT. ZaSDKAB; 1 ____ jt bouta. aiudj *“ latjuhl^r til io n . cooUnotog to T H u R B O A Y t I y e a r * stii t a g ^ n In the eaao of an t U f t s h o tfin g 1 S(}Ucitj>j]i for Gio ifaidl .■ n tTehowing bla Nct^intrvfii TO GROCBRS. BtT^HEKS. BAKERS ANI a______B ig n‘e *d " f ^ t a ta h m ( m i retb. iflii. 8 A T D B D S^liDoIxooai. Bbirpbcid xequired for |« t 1 a k : DAI a lt o the hartl' {O BO O L F< DA ^R.*r. T. t TO«AY a n .T U R D Ohaimianr Jdr. O. K vik A ^ to r gl Britiah suhji o staye in. BTAS.' • Lautarn Leotor*. M r. H. ± . lUHT^RO; Ut«; Mr ac^ n Andittothednl U a a t e . ^ to rth d rt.]K|tth«‘ritu, R . 8g H E [oc o Ib Read ■ji’kPSS'.] BU N O A T W cM crut Chnrcb, >'omaBi B U, T j H o t ® eb L B ta t lO o R . re- If iA l T__ , _,iiv« T h e f ' u p r o s e the house h * I " :0 B U U O U L T Db'D R! )£ A T I ,a. : I Rtod. ah, s Tltia RefoimeT.** A t b iiB« p p e s r r 'o' r | t ttO KO A' ■T. ¥ Bitnare Beptiet Church. WtaponV t h a d :^ . . . . W ^ ; ;d4iu>irr' 3Sad, 3, t o I UtBRD UIFaUMATioN :»1L < FftBftdl, rar by Mm. Tnppenner. 'And' at ONLY (and not fromliLiaiitofl Liability Com frd B C B S X X ( i p i x R .1 K a litr Ml iiallM iLMtowrhd Cbaiieii, MontOoPltaMUit 6 MONTE S ’ t tPRISON- gs |Wh<^ reg istci^ Offices are not ait C/n»aft«Atr -■ oarraiN a . m . a , 3J>. cbUM T h e A * ^ ’ RoaL_^ ra to an Cvl) under the Bon. * M O N O A 'r, VeUingtOD Bqo»F«. Open A ir . . . >d *n® .BoiwurIi) for tli« supply aui; tis|M:'DXi|tB.: iMaiisigi liliB iy,i; r»ii, bt'^^ I ol Mnmift FMfttM ; and Lab^. ' Bev. delivery alTtho Boratigh Sunatorium o f' M mt. C u • M Ur«H'X ] and (hi fijom IxKal Tradesmen, Firm s or PiMi Pw^eet HliK BBDBir. M b n e j . < ll>J .IM,'.IM.l ttt’. lt>L.: tba’ Congregational XfOethre C o n ]paaiosL and Faraera,lers, DaiiyiueiiDairyiueii am, •t M o n e y . -FOR dnu<3 A N D orbUtMiii, Babia^! '*Tcmpem*ceft an AM ( x |A n w a l i -i s q a iu d e otbelta. icaiffyinK ou jbuaiiiosa in the iuimc H oA.1 l U t to CI^I . Tiipprnnvjr wul preeida. A t ili.; at ^ fB O B S D A ' r s n u T , d ia ti! nei||I^bourhj Xftift tto M l Mb a;t«}dj Jii yrnkts Drtol B a r. C. AMcwfth. ^ ; November nbxt. lfl[ BA BRJLBl) t il Txmakm. For Tanoftl O f 'ilU E EE c B t ad Me^ingi. «od Ko Ootlae^ 0»»fttltmH««, I Bx *aise t& ilAHUaipI ^ A D M tSB li of. Tender edataioing full particn IW. • B a k fe U n Bunday Bt^icee. jd opnditions of' tho Contraida may O f STBBBT, J H T ( 3 N . >(ii« Taashtl’l iM iJ at t h • ft a,rtm.'' X esjle a.B w ^ *!**'' ladaatnali Jned on applieaGon at m.v Office, alLi HoetingAi w'hero Tenders, nndcr [uiied ths ^eem '< <-bT]i Mr. „ . endoned,, 'Ttender for arbeeries.’ » la t o h [r. .•|ld> ||lfnr4iau* L r c t r e W i t o L a n t e r n S u e r s BE Bread end i Flour," "Confection iVA N (S$ ntade _on D i a a t o M R O A D " a d v a n o a ;'i3t4w4w f t u na y eryt" of "M ilk," os the case may be, musf o i h w JJovraUerj, e e VFatcl-----:hea a m i 1 i r X H C B S S I n«Mi, M . i(L L i f e SB HOUSE SCHOOL. Ui »• ' IF be ielivercd before in o’clock noon on Mon), d "W o r k o n a daj, thu 83rd day of October instant fjoUoiriiig ra t^ l u o r t /kO H LA H m .' ttdrtrl. t H I, Hoods; Chttiob. etc.. 'iiS XJ^iibD8^ABA|' •».*. *-i- M il. tlth . Ib e 'Y>r{>oratian do not bind themselves par nntuth, A ll cdnuttu; itions treatpd - oOd L'I I H>4lUC>-. f ^ H . ' i r A Y ^TATI^N IN PRA N ijx, to jaccept the lowest lor any tenders. £3 itnt tor one iBirO tfAlST AONKB •a* B U S S T H E M A Y O B . Ol>pQHt . SlAlioj erift. and ; ' (rom. deikce, o r f e . y « a t I ' :< >& M. I ; ' bft idvia br 0 lent foi; five per mohUi. !' F ^ C V 1DL%. UBaWxnmttd a l« ir . *1^ - :in ft; ftv £10 n o te d the Soir:li g la x d r a ‘{ d«ar Trdditf,, iEdvani' IBEB jilik. m o n th . M i t K E A B O W S E R , Town Clerkl .ittiuntcM to aU : Bntkiai., .eiOO lent tor, X I ittorwRld < tb«' B ojtaI •lopl.ipta, I If* ft* Pffilac^ - W i rt FarHa. lit itm i C ^ i ^ th t TB^O F im B« Oft tbft. t t t h BpftciM HOn^ KMtmas, Town Hall, Hosting. moat. tBt., J B I and ] ,. • s s y Piftr '6osdM jOraMlateftM THB 4 0 Nmadgtr. aod 6t^ October,'lgl 6. Ctuirio; Croa*.. ptrete: and ' OkoiM. ase e 8 t a b l i s h b :> u t i y n o d ^ b a t h b ^ t . Ulb, u u rs i > pjqi jK o ar 'Ih u tkk: nandtei n ftim ]'. h *>i ( HviEBT ARTICLE FpiTRIISTED T oj 1 1.1 asyt r ■•T, of^Rftl^Craft M<>tier 3r4 P r i z e ^ a n d T f o p h i e s T ^ a l u e T JiU HtHoJ .A w ^-fw and iOFxp iTa (Bedrooma I " A l B B I S INSUREDJ a GAINST A I B R i S Dp A t . H « a t L c e o A P i a IIOBOUGH QF MASTISGS. O fic to !- * * MdT^Mitnt B o w H AO TtiiriStft ol" Tbft U«i*jn Irota Si . 4n.i. ' RroiWooat. M iU w ad a n IbisiirA nce Hi 1*53 t f ftt pir from tho Pfopj j Panu ‘In. ___ tab aod tba A si) BOJraARDMBNT. BOYJ r.ii ititfattBatiia hi iwtallM oaTtte pmnivM, ■£|' 5 0 . TO| CO BM kERCHANTS AND O IITORS. Vacttom Oo.*« r o a d ftadUUHBISRLi ulksDKisi szi ISil j -iiM.... A D H x a 101 r t e L L E C n O N Ift •Id hj- wWth al* jTORdffed t^ ; FUNDS. QlratiorM; Tcfiagraa*: T ajBrto ,^ T for the'supply add delivery of FQ RA G E tltf. TatiB EJsiabiiihail 189DU s lta 4 > t h e v a i h B IS H O P o f Zb: t« ir. ’ F m b m . IiQpd^Hi. • ]■ (' j Cbarfmaa of Otoabell. Teleph H f%ii'i li> fbfvr. w ^ppUtolSDtf: duHng tbei-i>enof m :4 SOCIETY. BdbOQ; bt M atarat m i m Qafcint AAEialaai- M ite £ pecil IcatikMi and Form of TendOr b i tf Okjmim^ra^ (. « id M i*.: '^ r * ' I. ’iCbi? \m i w ttk *y7 HOTKL3 : us d e R ..t h e n o s O F A m o a h t tiriAb IfimdoB A.T... iriU Si bftki to oblainel att tbo Offio Offiop oof f tho.tho Boron;BorougA 'K n g ii T o a n y i i s ^ NCB 06kl|A Rt Xmetum UalilAraity of o r t i nhr 2 ?»raiai»d ;Hb Y L U S S TUephq i a n t a i nefr. I. H. Palmer, M . I C j E . T S i r H i :: I vr.wwtwSTbA $|nlAr T i> A Staff 1 namAi; Pt...... Zin jvp - («i W fttj *In BIESTAU DC FRAGE t/LUB ll^r, Hastings,itJi duridg offide bourd.-’ ' m b .,-h . h o l m a f 9: D in tlo iii an STRICT PRIVACY on LIMITED. ERA K T KsuHM U i Y.jocroBai lEh. »t sju ftwi o r BLOCK ROADl. Tendrra under covir endorsed " ’I’eniaor _ _ tS. H s p ^ I BAND, only W ^H O U T Sw r «j.iFftCI. U it flWl'sftZoqft 'O t^ Ti loaar O C T O B E R , irto. when Forage" to bo deUveired a t my Offioel Towi. u p w f — r w i k t ' : l?*irt;r. U Fill litjUi-a; kjod ti* piMMd* slwa to tbft 3 E I A L D l CXXIXB. of KbU.WKK.. *U Hdll. llasGngs, not later than 10 al.m. oi Ih ft :lU i o r r ^ l* ■ I f ". ilw l S*| U 4 ) CD Oils ifpO T.JI ^ . V E BRBFIKio B PLACE, Monday, the 16th day of October linitant. U n i F n a t e iiiiiito ia Britain. _ (owr)-;- - i.« 7 .lW * ^ f t ' . t, P I ESfcN iilm cALlposmoN wlTH : r 4 itW a ,: ^llift. A. Wkk«i>., rOMEN SUFFRAGE'* The Cdrimration do not bind themselvei 1ft opid vftfti*« i al^Uetad' '«to|h ftftd Xftftk -r i i i k 4 Paultoii. M !« B E IIA lt D ____ , COM PANY traiU eU ir-au AI m U ,L. to| accept tne losrestjor any tender, and re­ to-!l ■ - • i l .Birwkf. M i« Farnr. at^ Mi4 lV>rabi>A.R.C.M. In warm, wtetm 'ir I*ad gotobstly 1 o f {Ininram ^ | 'nr d- . X*. WN . B A R L O W ftt t.U serve too right of acoepting -the toAder of * f s ' ' I lu , Kai^ Cluifttnuio C b iir w II b I liAea 8 if* :: - m . 19V • M M . . i •^'.<^aof«niat. •n>’i- person M l for anyf parGcular artiqlo ten- Full intomjttton ma.v 'iloliteid’ aad Ipeeiat KATE RANGE, nim. flHl. Bftintell slftriliiirjliw - OnteKl . onickir. LEWIS deri■ c o llor. Bm iililai Xtooidft ftbaanailir applidatio^ to{tbe Branch OPE 3 1 , G o w r oUldfta FERCA' i d Le I Enpnb CUmftte, Kcoar, aad His k. BiST STREET. ' SI' . , bacta Ok, S d s SCC SOLI Towjn Clerk; 7 7 'Dtm fg n|»/ r P a i r i ^ \i M IER$’ ClCARETir C / J I B U l I^^W^&TENSION. A L B A S t HOTEL- from 9aj par day. Bcakiia»^3JS>9 CIAAV Towii Hall, Hastings, eaa- diaa > a modaraief' iW # ; {/?. "■ J|J ' />aracj :i A N D m id ft CMitre.l H 0 TKL. fro^ ih. per dayi ' O R f s F u n d . a m I I . A. C E O i n r E t i ! NOTICE OP REMOVAL P f « W « lt - B l YoniW. K.OAL. 0 th October, IW A |"CfewadtaBdjiz i 1 '^ M f j f i i r ! ' '^Bi». |W»r Gijftrltiftft Act, in t.j f (Adifliatot a t h o l l p ^ ;E„ j -,r>TEL. PITL9I JR T . (to FIfttei - J 0 m Tootal. 'U R E o n n ^ i BiiMft. (toa. ffi. - RE AT HOME Ab'D Hotel H iep i(r dari sm a 0 ^ ^ (G ix V l BMOEW.' ioCKli. nod «DPHed w-yj’dilr o o r a i p to Ite sn rlJU a 8at|!nlii4'.a stoxa ito* TheBcaufort F: .lo :ee^ i|t|iji^ iwinstim will ba siren bj I Conm i* Yii} t fo r fb * tpoeiv* 'W ' lu^ial S qmi^ S ’ Y N jq naniral Rojra: EuflD«er», g iJ itb BoHorok P** HASTING} . or Abort prtiOi or RMrderpL ' sa rjrs M au acniti;' in fl^her Doginaente. A L L A S W.V BRiD ^tE-l F-ALLAN. Has temoved ita OBee to lOlBDTGHBKS, FfAlCKMASTfeltii ANI' l»«oitiah Bl^ii ■ I Fioca . tor A a . o««wr to tie >. tb tir S e b ^ . H * S * CRANifqE ' C«»Btli»pat. • V O T H E R S . 6, TRIN ITY STRKET. HASTINI d. '9C tti«aki«' e a i b« obtji OD IsM AtO liflM . AND OoUwe, CftmbrlilFii;. .^M '' UOIXU Illlt. D.. K il t h r s a s d h K ^ R O U A T , O pperteAity u£xur o. >Y- On! 6A r u i ^ . 'OON, O C T O B ER Tib. ■t|3 Mk p«r a Aid it under eatinily New N*i^ 6lje » m t. ) i g ^ r e t t e s . | . liT m o B iI f R A T E i t n m ___.w. In lb «„^ . „ J, Hi: CORPORATION invito TENDERS ton KSe-Tte R]t4 HbE^nm. L E C T t RE iNDOH ROAO (iwnei ol Pot UMr lor the right to griixo sheep and Iambs M O D { H N P R O d £ z a 'p B M T .' BrnOEONARDS. “ F A L A C e H O T to , S 01 Waste L.^np. I*. M ly, lor the period tommeifcing Ou i|io IS fi Oprn tor Vi «el>| MlUtenr ClM talateftate. Prom pt*Attention W ill he paid to al , k |M n j . / o r n i C l,s i..|1 ... a is i. ciUw# C ltU fbp tbft SbJftflX 'rMnooD. tA PerdiMT Bowl, St. lo a n s . whbtMr I SKAi il o r n •: • » ftftd Baucni liilftt rtitotaU r ivtaircd W - Uon. M ctobir. 1916, andl endiito on tie 2St i cations for COljrNTT EokotJGljl loV O ^ S P S i IITA* IKTUV BO( I M i n i FTBUm ; .\n.lAl . lloa. « , . ~ xJeoUf rdoi [M l a r ie U a t, CWsle*. Bnuk<*iiic ’eb r u iir y , 1917, in [th r e e n » ld s e o it a in in g PAI aA C B -a S i OEANU HOT. CL j DEB ALPES LARGE- H lSTIItG S u t hmI f 8 8 g|. LeosftnW. MD*BBKS.] , I'lIAliMI iAj>'bo:|z, K t t ' M isa II-Vr ! ^ , Jfcn. Tr«K. EDCCAflOM f|C0mbl'-T^^ | « 1 \ c i t i ' bout twelvo acres tet O ro,Villa Fa.-m, Ivy Sin e:- TT IS, K ^EBBPIELO ^LA(|^ 8T. LEO.YABiM. me. Ore, adjoining the'-Borough Cihietery. K«!l partteal^ gtea tto MSnicftnef ttoli Hi___ Applv is eonhdi to Uasafar. B 0Hra.. tH ADOmOJC. Ton tom under* cover endorsed ‘ Tender lUurtraUd B«e> to jrrv»_et _ ^ t e . Botete t m - T b 1 SEWEBuV islmb I Fpi QULE ' C h e A s s o c i a t e d B o a r d ; for Oraziiw, Ore V illa Farm ," to be dflivorcjd g ftcitu iT . L Erd ftiftilli. Oftrdftna , lo n d n . K .W . 6. TiftlN ITT ST T.HASTIKClIS. ' - I «*WST,. - lTtPt-«*«t*U*-3.| ; IIS. at mv Office, TownI HalJ, Ha.sting.s. wlfero R.A.M . AND R.C.M . Snv farther i>arUcijilam may Ijc olrtaine)!, H. KATKiBeK U«ul Midrib: c i-A lK . B..A. ^ E L L l K a T O E F d i ' ta_M i»lc. hoi later than 10 a .m . o n M o n d a y , h o 16t]h lO U N O Q . S N 6 R A L lot Gitift fioiB BQ 1 b a b k E o e T H B K IN G . s h i p m A h t s k i Y , BotTto OetobiT instant. I . 18 ream .of OlFi o f t ^ i boo^o ______lor HsftHiis,; HENRY fty. aM P A M iu r a e : l U U E B C I i X . Rooon tt u h M Tile Ckirporaition no not bind thyrasolv. E Y ^ in, mmer Di 1 H lA A . IL V C o rp o i BAY it MUM Aub Q i l l N I H B mo of a o r w i ll luiiol htaMiily eOFPBX ioOMB. BOOMS, L O C A l. CEK* ^ to acoj'pt the highest,ori, o any tender, F R O M t l # I t t I M O . 'fiitaitiKV oa a!ry ekea-iocaa#. tiric« * )to DeoteBliar sad Manti-A^l. they, lic'oejit coept rosponsiW r . lity for dam agf c.ansi)d t«D k m Kb Labotator)'. .. h l l m a A A I^ BMOXXHO MOOjHB, ■ (or, .wtth txUft le*. M ill H A I R L O T I DM. DRIDCE AN b SON. E n in u OiOM to or by aniiOaU■ ’ plimed in the said ' ‘ . Tooa cowte, buebry, r x c n x E i r c ~~ AND aABAOX, I ■!*^»»» r*r«Wet. *w*h*«wr -to*ee. e*. IH |» reuirgiAeNtts. b a e z c a r t batl. 3Cb a t a A«naa E A E B lA o is iu t D |0: C— Srtiftliiift B . Octote- iPERCY IDLE, TTaiaarna ,Bi M ita i hr «t fto isto ftl latetatt|ate* BUe at Etls * L M tA M lN . tto* It.te ftto •( tkft 1 V mOMlUAiBB, BAB. HOT a Staff irtites Dtplctua^: Nonasrwi* iKiftt>ef, fw m•nb-Ai . . _ Jimmanlr- E a te in OteM A ip ir SyvijMAtio Pi ___.OUlAflO», .UoiT?Sf' TOAIXE .'(IfMB I ftxtrs ate, (M o to r Nth). T o w n t’T v ' s r . H • m a t M r . o c ro B B i \ Ilth jo t. wlj M#BN * MIIBI), It. PRFRlM PnT PLACE .. Looat ai __ ittdtq> Etdminth^ivu. HTlIalr M A isiil it for 'i , or for IM7, wlU to ftrnt m o r s z i I E H >T ROOlOftt Town ^all. Hasting*- 8 r.M lie A r pom, 4.. a t iieAkD* Swews. post f'«« 'On. Otofil'- Uift Bo a . LcoftI .Bftii., .ftft ROAD; Pifoeppetaa. Ate-, C M o r' tbp Clerk i . f ■OaH^ <* to , U. Btdford Sqilua M liae tr«k eeitleiut la the GorarihOH. F B O n Mb KDHOKSOlr. r j ) 11th O c to b e r, llU A •M ir HAN. Mb |m«M MAmifMi f, Hletim- r- - •- :

    •■!■■■ • . ■ - I i . i i . I r • f ’:

    i # '' A LARGE RAMf o r

    “ S W A N ” f E N S from 10/6 toi : 2 »...

    The Pen wlfich has not c h a s e d in i o i t h e 0 1 p r i c e . \

    ■'■ F . J. I’AK.SONS. LT tELCPHOl] ‘QMS »0B8KRTKn - omCK. HASTIXOS; N o . at thfp (pettiGemo al Foa ,U: Cti . 3 0 , 7 7 . OQce .Nca»i>. TURD A T, O CTO BER 7, 1016. Port TH liEE HALFP ( b E ti^ U > B« ... M tM .Ifld

    w h o S F ^ S E C IA LfSE in will require your Woollen Garments C O F W l i A R i ^ p j ' c P S m : Postaitd will bring it carefully washed, therefore send to t h e LAUN lASTINCS V a n j o y o u r d o o r. lit LJl- -Ji Wt - ll'* . b ■' *«4 CL

    N o l i e N o t i c e s . Public Notices. P u b i c I N o t i c e s > HOT WATJBR HE.ATrf;0iU SIbliSM SYSTEMS. H.i ' L A l l G E O R S M A L L I NSTALLATIONB I " - ...... BATIUMAL ISTItrUTE FOR THE BLIND. RIT I HEN RANGE OS ■r L a i d i b s ’ ' E s TABLIEHMKI TS G ^ n t i . '• A I E T y ' UN's jVlusicA L S o c i e t y \Y o r k i n g LjADlES G u i l d - ■4^ ’HEAtTRE,, H ASTINGS. Jo IN D EI’KNDKNT TOIL EE R oy a l C o n c e r t H a l l . FOE HOT WATEB Mt II •I w. HUWI.AND IlS ff>r tli:* A>lTr»it Or,i«i:K«,. M'ri'I'i.Si P; e x m Df T h h o i .' ; i) r. LEOSAnDS. n u l l I SUPPLY. IIIG t . i ; , 1. •-Kjti'-.L! M r.C . n. 8CUTT. N o r «!!• UK‘ 'Oti-p laS t\^D KIvM DiUUi.VKTLN O F T H E \ Y 9 r k I r u j ’p i:r TRY oK Tur. rm ru n. < A 8 a l ^ ^ IHF. W'M*. Wr M(J.ND.VVA,“ .ii ^80 : S \ r l It;HAY , O C TO BUn 7th. . . At ? 30 «nnTdUS 1 LADIES i ral lieLiim nn - ili 1(1- 1-1 ' - '.all ,d »in K t!HI UUSMXL’S 3tEERi^ j U G H s t r e e t AF*r!ERNOo;.i C o n c e r t Coc»l wiU I ' tfhul of New lt<*'l w»- llirfirii' u I tOllU-Xk-iah, l,'U .•sut'i'-v. I r r tho' Br;UiAm ROOM. HOT . ry^j. m ^Drill. C -’.ru*. -Diiit ( Jin i- T CH 7j’l£ PARLSH ‘ 'AVelli^ai' ippetl 1 f.I.OVMtU O CON NOR T l 1..-DA7 OUTUDER l^r««. Alcd^B loi ^ ul i f ib> Funtlo of in 6 — iM iSS . l.V V lll . i*rR» MaSnriv ] ;:i , - Allei • •- ! ■ r:i,' - ■ J . ll-\ i of as Fani ic a ir n '»... *itfsiJxi.N ;}!*# . i : AS. M .till‘ d ST. D I’X.s illOSTHI. KOR riAll.ORd, au-l tk«t r.vNLs :>v !?-m On Cola* Coin ^ V. jaM :< t ' I oh.i ULIM^KD. IN THi: W.Mt. MOL’N I-LK.VSANT SlhTKlIUOOU. V T iL ^ Jevi W Vb tdiicedey.i Y^.ti ■ 1 ULLIEHS Cl-i- eu H.4.1 ;tivu. intrn mud A ' A N T f a . V i}4: r IIWOiN 1|T t':.r CRi;A’r ■ .-■ - ■- . . I -r . I n iji PK V. I AlUA't »lO T;Ul; ANVl.'AL t E 0 B E S C U L»eu:y l-ITiio i. rWtr«Hi tv tj^ofeOil .t4 Mi'seiv Kir.M nn**.’ D O 01 '’h ijihToni 77", D ’lKituia RoJiL' L I-i-o* H a r v e s t T hanksgiving,TNC :»/. LONDON' rgOAD. sjiUik: aui:ri 9,!h. , li 'A\m of joilj: Ls^o Tbtjlro tvr w«t are concent ating oufi e [Iti m on E fll6M;!iOlO 8‘tT f f KnrjUkK zt.l ' «;m: C K l t l 'H’ f r- P i r ^ ’Kint. :t^) ,Mn-^ ite a ila l ><•’■ ASdi■ ; " l ‘rt'r^lnao 1 [ii: B R iT IS H S ,TY rOR THE REUf F Of SDf3,kcr-Mlu., I a UKI R BROWN. xl 1- sdeu I • tcifi.i., cliaptor iutitulecl * An I Act to -o'ev raj»sl. er-t^tjUaVNl n>loM a J B £ u : i WOUNW.D bOUJlLRS. tu r f iv - r ,'Mn“ i|ir| • L a w ol ami n- ■ji atul r.sTf'to. r o p c ri AIN il.Ml ?d*!a. V74ooaucji)''4* wjth r a p r c i L I lY AIN,- w (. l. *u- nn«l ‘.hrt (•: I t'j r«‘li(»\v Tni LikuUrtd40 -e«Lt tki'thu Wyttidvi w-’idifi** lA *>ui '.,K' -*.- ittlAtloB. AAs.e.kt«rf r-onxfl, «te. •41 7lji5. i;45 iT.r. to (*U (I x R a N d C o n c e r t .-^ O T ii’i; IS il :nY Giv iX tlluit all WorlJ epoetsa-- a. . , App'iOAiril.B. . i. j L w . I jT 'hli‘r'4 :iA ilu T p c i snn liHVing any hi“ .'.rmncKi by llUJIANAJI .\HTI8TKK* C O M M IT IU : «'1-TI K AKJ'. W lli.l OM'.:, Bc-cpealii: " 2ti|L .^IHi ‘llt'trf I Usfi (vf ITiP Ritfhi Wi»rahjpful iLi r’nt-, F'Ih'.iu-,: riemaiuls igCkinst the cu*# 6 M jyi'f i.f . th -fu;:oi'S Ci.siiUi2ttvu'. f|l I..S nil*^ L K .M L .X T J NK MlUiS, Iki Club,-lb tbu lie III 2«rJ. lio h if] FISHCRMENS CHURCH ii,7>ud, M, Le llAW KI.R. I ’ l-v 1; Electrical and. a n i c a l ingineers, ; n >OL FO U P:i-! » Hi 3i*l.J . S I SD.NN . 0( TO Br.ir H»t • QAHTF.s'. 'i'.T.r.iL4. \VKLLI.TXOTpN' SA-Tl R 0 A V pcrOBEIl lUt. .t 3 r.ai. id\hi-H|d)r .tlivi M il n u n o d . i|i 'th o P r i i i v i - ■ mo;ii; tAjtots '.Mr. .1 >V : 1. < I'uU I <*MI MOR M IS S H LI.t L t : x iU j T rjf . KK7r-ri 'Tlt .5. ■ J ■0 p.ni ; I .ire-«vil .’rorii.tu ly Jtfclt. U. :il TL'r.i'trv nf t l - 1*rol*l ito [) o f li l H 3 3 , I A N R l l A D , ' B T J L E O N A R D ^ . V a i» . N\ii >wi K .« w M , 3,s M „ Si. >1.; L i- CCDO - in - s .)5iULY-du f- H JiilV r ,n lif.v? I N- . v; ?*.\M'a:Rs. ! -;. u / H i s i i ' i n Ot J ' K t l l c , h o nut 11 ■;Te» J f*nr -. .tii! ,-iiil r W rviiil. U:, : lilMTe Kntertuuuui'ut Tax,. Sei {Weakly List h ^(|TOC c a r Is f o r S a le . 3r.-|p;Te» J hnr Iteasalpb: i'., i;» EBB ‘TtjE ARIST| CRATS.” at .Meoei« K ick Brr»*.' tViU N-Lsiiir ;h.> Miiric* .;P '•- L . >fiv III 19 fin '' h o n 'l ii-i ri*|(( a ro d to ? - 4 ' . 0 riati of i t ! A U.C O. t;.* • o:paji. ' -i ,s:zj Rocro li for- !'«» L Cttuna u t' juiil 3i. Lr'n»««ie’. or of M j. D.rtor, •hiu! I'artii^u'lar? '. r i t i 'I I I p i X H o b ts , 'AAto t, VVr t ,1'. i'•rmaacBft if tfl of FnJlr Quaiil id ” “ ■'■•7‘ioNDAV, (HTOBKn S t Ln’juaxrv.-.-« - U (i I '. M f l «;ir, n 1 d r bc- my Mart , i >W.^| 1 I.-‘.*-’<5. msi :a n : i.AJ^n w r s t »i po^ulak I 'jv e fl h ) ., v -Ion; 4 V 0 31 . }. V A M, abed tc ilir P a La c e S t . L e o n a r d s . HAaTi'MGS. i ‘ r i h i , , ri;i. ' 1 ...t 1 11- [I oM tii.hk(l LO 1* urd .1 l.VXOfcOhTR n WJ S, 'r H E ' M u n i c i p i l B a n d . '.o f Kn u r* Acrutey. ittrND AY. ii^jICTORFH^Th atiii ihlTvj^. tie ut 7 -A. i;. 11--i)-;; *F- n l o i i l v II t in n - i . o . M1.-*S MAlDi'fONE LAMl’BntX. 'F u a n k s g i v i n g IrOCtT^I M; tiir 8teie4Ji'‘'a, lo m l' iScu )t»to % A .T‘xi.li5r.. Ti*uli'F'J.v. rKji'iriUy a*. a>. *> N»-A 'jiiinx- < ;ttid l|‘ i 1. <■‘1 \\ l i i r l %>- k l a l l tliH U GAN \0i L E IO N il •:vt ' R I D t f ? s e I o'o^ N :.«icAJ. u i.iv.i l.airiV.iiu -1 t l i M 1 { w i l l n o t I h.» innnrn.tNi -.vtfto, iCj v.‘toT-p. y V- .’^1T , BO V*U:ilr.. I Y THIN C. ‘ S e r v i c e s *• T » c :i V E i l ’ V 1 M’C o f, so l-ixeTiUia* otwl 5x»-'. Popular K- •i;t f li P A B A T lo y iumI H^irtihruci ito i»t Por»J-ar Pru>8». *S A r t > w FiUl ; C7w?rue SUN )\N\;'V; « > « ^ • I< . u ^ ’ , * j« v aV - ; u i ■-■t'A o r JU -■i-m- ioa, wAl al •pT<t tb e h WE i»3 poi‘.'*s.. Dr5->u*t- . -119 I t;. .*• — cm l*aip(' jep'ilnk rhr. IV p o l I k u > v ATINO HlSfck OiH'D huff uolu-! and jump a i (XCi pti >nal opportunity to U'j.'lon**. iti 'Ihtoi Jlrnri';Lba- :«!: Ceat- £-{«i-ros -' .fm | i ' ‘ usua:- -r>- . .■■.•'-•i* .J. -1" ■' H l!.-iU--6I.A -.^ :.{' 'IJ H a RVESI' ''F h ANKSGIN INC, in prijvacy, the beginner < j.f!l t (N>f to ilyf OAiA'13Il< T H E ■ .-4 ^iG'.ino ; a t‘l qi ickly quires cdn- O ' \ IK n H( HNTSIDE-.HIGH }0L Boj'pl FtCart A T U R D A V , o ( T o u D i; :b.t J-IAM s . . v ix y j » . i rRAFALt;.\l H e n rie tta \Vi ilson, (leccasod hdeneb and skill. 'W e ttiffe' S'tp e a a fo r a 31. lUTON ROAD, n-ASTINOl f.> p-tu. M O N D A Y, t v E.-t£)AY. aii4 A'il I«.N*1> D A Y , $ ti loth. Mi.liTVLm courie oil lessons , . . M R S F . C. r o n f j mKn. . . pei ial T c m ii ch o o ls nsii OcT' ^ I’m ■ ifiiii. ii' I ic to rfA . THOROrtm I KDUPATION; &r VI l-iabUf A rUse |jTl«ti|l‘'>iw*t'r Drama. ;«'i f3, ,5.30. ao4 * ' '■ ■ R irtih; mo^r^W fiHwL 7’,»:*©3:atfnn • frr VlOuM&i|PlANOFORTF. RECnAL . : i ..'ll ■ if OkealtbA. - Husua GQufDr'ta--fc. Dooriio-.a. ■|I- 1 ., J . .-M. N D '. 'i . 1 LUV i,l th a t ] al| Liikl*rcBT an '‘I n Tiir:i^AME-icj»VTHEXiAw M R. Atm-: -.{^.SlnN-ii r.o.U-1 M' m I j i 1 <,4thc(-’ lia v iiiy ACKiat irtftttJGa t<» tnifAj’'. ir-qAet i UErnOfan. !>• Pr.»rt " iVitayiapJi M te w n . .1.\M -Ml irD'.M.H. rh r 'ia r L - c ;' /7s.*'tac jlaAa apply- fccd '-ChKYl^'rdt' > Uml la. ’* Sh# W a \-iw irids l^Dtinf. a»d cbraio*!;' cn!t9i7.*,;| ^IA..«Z- . «•» aiM '* Tii© ‘ i.uiiiiL- o r ‘ K'stato Lliawcn: otam&cx i& iu% owe arr-ui ExAm'rtat “ aim^ber lTWari«»Sti faeaiacd. JouriSsil laiwi lirt^it*rfcT RtV'fTrxi r< I L > ‘ > V f ‘.*[ iiila^v.- L r a * 7 - M ’ T :. Tdara* \U-D.’ N o . - l i y !bl<*n-rcaij to i’ui^.uly '• TIM UltLAT VACt UM' IlOBBDRY.” Kougl br. ;Ph. fFECRLTilNC. ■f'-i ^ .-'i, 1 \'*’.vej- I W c M S t . Leo- « q H KiR V I L L E HOI AJAmmi TOWlEgt re-M^-r^k, at »u iM, J9U>, s m ERS CCMBEdLaXO OJJtOENS. Of-tiM 1 S(«;iETA' : r.LwWn.‘. s.Vi’Lni'.w , IH JTO m .K lUu. lil-Tiit-. '.'l.l , :ill(K V- ilOce \\ ill p ro ved ^nh^iprf.1 i tTPEU ST. USa^tABb:>$-0X-8£A. ' A-LF A.UBYN ANTED FOR AR-'’'‘V S e R V 1 C l | I’roK.iii* I'N'xuir'l o It lie lo ol Sep- Wes i ■ 1a hia Ehlkrl»iif>-ufi— j • . llJb f. i !)^ uruU‘ U e o r;;e A qoj ctar i n .^ j u d \vV IHTOBFH lit):. <’luj‘>.!aan aiul I ’u b lii i n i ee. th e 4 U.St.’^DAV C o R P i i IL-tei-Klui^ tiii-rk liUimMl*. lire h re b y rc- hKINpIPAI.t hUSS yoU.YSTOKE; Si T B t’RhDAl^',. FltlDAV. *a>I .SATCrvD.\Y.~ In eiil «if I'i 2NTRAL TROOP ! o! SCOCT.'. ROYAL M EW S, CA 3S1S3 C C P P E B . ' I r y f x *‘A DA»Q rOU IJFK , • P o iiV ’. J Rbuiir.n " . lU iicu to .'omi |k uia^-’* 111 itviritin o l t h e ir • U LTfLa £:.Tt:Tir.VN NKV hTf '♦ , y*A* ■li’. CH|AN!CAL 'F r ANSRORT. < ’laiiVik am i D im ^i ndi^ to iitiCi 1C U lK n n jtn e d . U IO H C (iA 8S BOAQUIN'O AX0 DAT SC OO L F o il Y^ptU to A T W ^ H i s t a n D B r i d g e D r i v e ; v i E UtiM.: O Viul lLT il4 I ’ltt U R A M M K , * «* }.,iid I pn o r e n t ' u r r.iU U n ' Sv>ii« iu>r k kCi u K r. '-ciaui, ' i oaL And \ :U.A . I^T.^, be kiud p:.;Hru*ioa'. ■ , M i . ]»..uml 1.V .til-i 7.JU [«.ttari>. w h ic h tilul* fht; [ ’L k Ci ’u I Kx w ill proceed fnl w r I rsOI! j O B R IU fJK ut ‘.y, COHNW.M aLIS GAKDKNS at 7 UAR. D i i i v i . n \S\) Ui;iVI*K MI.- li to.dWivibnlo il ■‘Ilt'i o f t i' s a u l dcceoiSA’d rP H O B C tC G H E n r P A T I O X lea H odsn lass, P r * .paraiiien 'fta,i * 0 hole at aiij'in,,’.; th«" ju- ' c iiiI k U k ' tln’nfi, huViiiiT K ia « Bri«. LibrUru«|. : ‘;;hS(i only to t ’la iiu s 1 d UeinaxaU of ind bifh y Qualkfiod Seudeni and YialUad 8taS of C e n t r a Jl P i c t u r e T h e a t r e , rfT C K ^ in c h i.hi-v ftl.uil cn Ka>V md noucc, ami . V 1* t per amri ii.-ual Sr,] »»:*.iU'.'n ■' iTesthsia'' ■ ''' ' ' HASTIMj.S’ 01.m »t AND BBliT; K a li o f r I ho ]N\:h;Ul oif- not b l­ liablo ion the I M St r e e t , nAS1|lN«S AND ST. LEONA3U03 ..M luwauit’o ui the -,i'ir e a r 'd o r iiy pa pt thereof' L, W N U A V NU-TT. »t!i f x I o l i L n . »or TJini- U.iv. Oiilj, HAS1 f T te l.IU;lATEf>T I'lL Jl— I i i i't r i lm l i x l u >• p e rv iii I ■ W iio o 1 d ltiin e LAT05 HOUSE SCHOC M u $ E U M A.SSOqiATlON. 11- BninnTi tv, J rt?t K i l Kutioii-s uiul t.K'u 1 . iU g iiig a m i O a'Ii m i u L t - U a ll. uo then h a v e ' h u d €6, Mount Koad, 1.AT0X HOAD, HABTIXQ^ iF .x m '. UUlit'ih Hfadosaiise: t ‘. a s a b i o B'. » 'I B W lii atMi c in* llD fdlldwisls J j R C f l 'J l-S i M IJl.:SHl.>'t,TU.\TU'.VS OR IjOUXO XAOI. (C»Btaid ISth B a l ailnti B o , li ' T to ti^ NT.YBV U.YY; BCHnOlui tU :.J :>*i (iay.of Sej) inlH* 191G. «»f B autkh »«iU ■ ba iriri.li M the 1IKA8dEV P B Z K C t: w ssrs xxinc tad Dtlr. Bidiwt and 9 Clive Vale. ' *ad' ‘Beferwilw. IN s r m ’T c iTTtiitt ELEaE.VT.MlY P.fKlV. DVanuJ. A .M cbiifiicajl Tciui-poit; i Mi;-' Kt ). CHHIOSIMAN rr.* -iTiits; O F l A R T . otT T|:r«w 7fr’\'Uxk va ’rtl^^DAYd h ijK - tiv r llr ik h t p n . ■Bah* lor BtesaUija ' «n. J.tiMoni Aotinf; &< ‘ T h e B a t t l e o f t h e S o m m e ,’ THtfitbPAYSL:-du:i&^ S^pti-mber 'oiul' flctobct, 1514. *'!; ' •■ a t- LUA} - Tl- "1 lu rivK ACT:?. ue-wiU .laU about miuntca. »r th e ii;i uli KsL*culors. F i plte Fnpnrod for PmbHo Bamlnuj br opm luvi UOWINU rbbUFriciVi* T1MF.S 3d.* DAU.\. !i l i o l ’l K L. TpOBOO^ ’ I ' iRiw«n.)u«ati • (■ Tax,.• . .. J. F.O h. fer BOTfl-4v«4i«h Drill. buppiutedDiKisa t b.r Open T.lmscx Iv 12 D 4 lofT ^ a *'GREED.’* i Two pmi. .Etc. T«VRdO>Y, I OCrOBEl; Half an Hour a Vlas .s» twiki • Muon, eud Siin,’’ A lfrei Ifott, decBasoqf. l^raal IV-pnolr Friciw* 3d.*. !i « E H l«h--r” . Th« Bnlirti rospUc,” Ui> 5 ?D riY . ih n li^i li V;>: iO JlU F lyi*:, T h e P u b l ic ' 4 l ALL C in e m a , Mr. t ...... i ler, B ,.V.,A., I'.O.S:,F.o.s:, wit^aittt Untiriul tof ia. r.Kup r X">. iiit.it111 -U A c t to V a;u iK*: XiL. Membeta .,, AAfOciai|iqn will lio^ w *4 an} Ir b iu 11 a .a ii l*> , tuf lher Hin ml tjio l.aw- l>crty iiU'J XxtiTt \ u z u o t a k L , lUAirrNGa. S. MICfAET'S P|BEFiB4{' U K A li |IK -M E] .'‘rraio or 0«anoD»tratloii . . r-ti' k-e-." fn*n Attiocution; (II Uefbri'iices uiiil Ui'N ii'o . l.iv!' tiud-; all CHi itifiti ada UT’IC U I’S H u:k i)v a t : • » . ( lui eUlPi­ ; hiiviiii? ija. c k A B L K ^ liO A D . ktu«iaBia TMe^battas flM E U d k U L ■-1 '. j. ;■ I any ; \ LI- ir. ) MUTT. lu te o f “ JVsh- Ficajiwtiis. elat};,s r. ! G t R i i s T ^ ^ r - t i m e C l u b P rie c itj); - i t e s -Aiinr T A i ' I 0B.| B O B o | L '6 ;k OF HASTINGS TO W IT, liniok,’* No, I. Muttliv' 'gardcnsiiilcnV, St. Con* ■ VO.NDAY, dlCIOBCR »tl^ HD HEIT ROOMS. lo Hotel and isnd n i tlX3 lliorotish^' ercundtid ii A H T C lh s A ! - on a ril. « n -S ijf i -Ur'CN." Ei- m r c ;,who died k cood (KlucAbcti* Uid ‘iit«p.u«d; for «?n th e t’lli f tMi w ill with tlirci icilN thc*iv tjo.^vaai jiro re d in t^ih A hnoy^r. si|{ CO I7KTT P U B L I C M e e t i n g i V i e o o i tlxoiisaicl Jin r u iis li w ill hi.*M a t tan; t.he Frineipii) lie .-tfv of th Pn>l ate Divis- ifd « c a n A TBRlLUA’a______D ODO A U |b IN rOUtt PARTS. c W ). Bill bo iK'ld in the S K ^ S I U I^ lii« TOWN BALL ion of Hi-> )ir jostyV lliali Court o f .I ii k U cc THE TOiflEBS, BATrLE. <»n| t iM* (lajv Scj»teuilx‘r 1916 b y A l f r e d L P d / in t,, . L t d . f f u M ' c a tlw t i n It HE. (BY ARTUt'a JONES u o v AL CONCERT HALL, 8T. LEONAR^, lliwe, oil FfJlD A Y. tho LMUli (lay of OC'FO- SCpO O LI B £ l v , 1616, a t lU v lio ilr o f 'Fen in llie lorc- I on wick M oil lU'^inaid > L iiitN ^rjj(‘ B la ik - torlBei,*I-l£B». i JUTgliJis. ij(j H . 1J7*. ... ■' :i , ■ t’U — - I jjuJn, tv.'ien'ntul u Kern all. Cratul anil I ’eU, loil'k. th e L.\lwj“Utbr-. tber-;!' I ; iijiiiK'd) arc icKOOX.;^ ilD N ES UfY^ I.LXt. O C TO BER U lh . at 3 o clcck. hrindn- n' iu ivrit- Paa^misUr i n U R S O A y , O C 'rO BEU Uljfa- J uro ra . bouiiii bv rofOijni/.auee, to OXhiVViG bCBOiOli >Y»R T H E D AU H t £ R S o r JiiS Wi T H l c o t ' < T ia j BRASSBY .Ji vmiJc, apiK-Ar. [in i^ u le . uii4l|<;i\c oviilenee. aiul all inj; of their d y lu im . d e tm nds to us, [E ^ QE.VTLEMEN. ! , -i- ip! A N D F < “T h e R i n g ’s O a m e ,” Sdeai‘-ra licfTW ir lL\»vutoi*?i, oi4 liiofop h e ' ;u tb d a v «»f pn^B xr ..‘t X»«;i|; siiid D a te d tliii, nrU.day (if Ik l ihor^ irilt;. L-y*vulut> >\ ij r jbroccfMl tf^ ^distribute! the asadautte) fti CojaulA ... - . PEAKE {W r i t e . .Qtfl n k IdecUnk 'tiil be io\\oiml b, KUi'Clu, .ud . bikjlt •*>f thi* |i deceai<’d •it U ie | |>cr- [j M :U ' in t ! . CiDieteote. IVU.LIAM, r.\l!Li:S 6. [Dies hOii!’* cm title d : VtM,clo^ liHviu I rd 'e’l-*,*o h iv ' to F I BHAlaNp IHOtLT? A H i. rroapeobia^ 4 a l rOLE PSOGBAHME. ADMISilO? FREE. Coflcctiou. t.| F PARSffe W I Clerk of tlie I’cace. dehUH. »dai iiiul, dtiTuuiiilsi or w hich thev 9NAB1)^ u ftout. v » Sitxoii elialmbor.i,. . Tlie MKuI then h-ivi lad; notice th a t th e y w if i F o r E . t too. >rl&eipi|l ,lli5S n b , Prictti: VL, fA , a M la.: J^ lf- » d o e ' after •: p.ni. St. Cconards.cn-Sua. I liirioM TtBopks. 2/6 not l>.‘ liab le i [)t| t)io a-suts o a n y part there- ' n e t * OflceAi tCi-^ Tha OorcftUDcnti Tiekat Tax ba chained ui a ^ U « C jd . 50^ 1 .- ,r;«Kha« l.V O El EhDIiiT on DEB OK RECUAOITtS. liibtrtctioii.,. for IndieliiK.nts uiu.-'l be :eft of di-stribii! > n- n v .pen . tjon nr! .l>erM>nsiidf------, r l o o s e 2^0A:im sal A.vt DAY SOHOOTi « I. I L ,3i»«x UuUiU-i with IHe Clerk of. the J'eaee e.n .ir before wluHC debt, c o r demand thev fchall not T t p P K--- R A4CS MISSION. MpiU SA^elvod .(rout S to 24 | Aft'- t iiiif II-lrilMi M d tu la y', tijij? llil! i du yi o f I k-t'iln'r: liMn, th e n i|a\rf* h.a|l STAtES THAT:—, a m THfe REGU >*-rtr;nt«Pt n M S p iL L iN G J D.iltHl this day of October 1916. B o a r }in g house, ClAfio Ifor T^nns CAxldren ! Ttuiiwittuce l•ea»l»e, Lcedri S ^ ia l bf any H' .lliitiu... !(t T h e E i n e 4 ^ - P a l a c e , (Of the AND .1' I t i» the duty of P klilB ibe sga of U A.f !C'i L xLUiar- for tha Y.M.C wL. Ut bokhoiw. •IT i^ON. •R« p e t e r o f V iR Sp-i»ki at tl»e to:ie>wui«..poaim« aciMS BUBpUOH OF HASTINGS. l h ‘E|t Ttlu anii K-viiUaoiDg. to THLiUJD.Lx, year* staying in ienj. showing th e sa G tE n TIEW F 15th iiicluRlvCi:-r XOiGUUCLES, HUTCHKI!.'!, BA KERS A.ND S o lic it fo r d K.tipuptor.-. H aimed sUtement ihowing hi« ILkTURUAY. ai cblx>ln) tu. «haph*:d e(]UA AM ) . Xlxq}}BI^ABTl 'o a s c;j Hi 8 0 1 BA1RY.MEN. ill* n the particulars p a i r e d f°* ICBO >L I5 * r rO-OAV laATURDAT). i“ PRE FALLEN STAR tttroii lur CtoJ^ca; i Clummutt, Mr. G., JCurm A^ k 0 stsyg in akoc»rr eoadJ u0«« M: { rd Maa i Fittturtfif ALBERT CUEVALILR. at 8.0} 10 the eome L iu iera Leotonr. •Mr. U. jJU d it is th* du^ df P*' .or Ji' idnts. to ititnis : 1 to th< ; M I S S •, ..^tV-'OUd R. S< oH Y u l yreack^ HE C U l iPO iLVTlU N aru prepared to re- oYad t4em S ^ n a d Iteikd 4o| tnrt m anV Hotel, Inn, B s ta te m e n t om m iing the iifon^ation i;* , .Hnv-.xi UND A'l a t j 1 in-, the tVadry.;h ^urvli, Nuruuia i}i| iig a< 11 rp H O l 1*1iinOULT {^pc.vb bDVdATII fftth {. (lo'-rway- t: ’• H^eldah. a True'HtU»xiE^.” At T ive I TiPuders^ (a» troiu iX><*.\L ■ ' T hi£ e \o s z G eAg u z , lj;ee|per or manager KK»t Road. iuw- ibriU^ IdOentiai.Ot e t Vrwap- MONDAY, TUESDAY, lad! WCONESOAY- V:j|iti,;ton Square Bahtlat Church, Wwitteit’e 1K\D1:.SMBN. or O N L Y 1 am i liot from i-imited iaubilityCom - TfraaiUI, ^ aSvasoASS .»rA n c s s r. 7 eftAPTKR. Rh ilO O F l S OR^MONTO^? npRISOW K a ^ irerk, fthd AnsbeUttd lliHird Ks* rfr, ll.M’Iri bJO. in infi rcft.Moaa-'fisd CUuicn, Mi/uut P ii .vitot panjiif;» ivho^ rogistiwed ’Otfifes aro not r«na»*«4vr -r < A A i ^ , A., n . [A., C dL'.flD D , s r. QI^VmQ ^ L S B % T p 3 iM iT ^ ; , bppli^t:< “T h e j ^ n s w e r /* it; *• I ’ll* re m eu E vil under tbi? b u a .' Il/jad. eufi }i iiat i in tli|* IJorouj^nj for the .kuppiv auM KI'MCLLinBl^ biiW' ,ONDA r. al ..10. ttb WeliinirtDO Square, Open A ir M*«. 6f^uuetJti4 X 8 butd< L*t and ;jtl>i frxHn' l^ e al, TradchinriiJ Pirius or D u m ; 8- EBDRN. '9«'M«w VUm. lO n e y . Y'Kh I II I ' PttUio'vUaKtiai \ J. P i ai _ M o n e y . FOKjl>t&D3 A!CIJ K2ND£R0i N ._ ; »; UAi^ 9 rE D N E ?D A lilt 3,0. in tb* Cbiiyrepotionul Lecture Cpiapa.aici:$,| and I ai-mer>, iLnlr^ iiBeii .ami ChairouA «f ir mm|: T. O. FRAIZIU &0. L :»llU.U)|. l(Ul CO unwjIllisI 0Arai£N's. i: n i.N ^ A - i ,; b -'i ' ' • • ■’ ., ■ , " ’ Hall. €pm B fi^ v 8uKje»*t: *• Tt.-tnp««iic^, im jA ’d, oUi ifsi, car^viII^ on bri;£iiu'. : Mias, iIa T BS.-t. I;A. tJ t, iol O ie lw ’edrynh Beboorruam. for Cm klien; ahd •Ho u. .iht.-SL AjidJkudicVA W->niPta'a. Uichcr Caiabujprio«l o f T h r iK ’! < a lo u t la r .\lo n tli5 n*! '-i <*iy*. f i t StdiT of a CyiuYi'e Btjt abovl Womon*i Honoj r. : lOROtOH- MDnF.T.x! KDCbAX, and GSTe- iliUiF{Chairii»n; Rev. C. Aekwlfb. ^ , th e U t i l N jo v e m lie r iu ‘.\r. .Tciw ti)9 nnbimt tk as4 iMkfl tw ilHdBtai4 tiallglwB. O*. •A fiji Tnlf|iiofr~ tioMdMu K o o vir^ ' For Tenoe Cca»6itnncu. ■%i Vtt^ .to IHABB 6 0 op^tiOB for a Id M IS ^ O N r ® E E to a^ Mretlnsa. and No CpnecUcn I'ornis ofi Tom lcr con.iainin^ full jxarUou Awnbr rubtio .MtionA Btrutccfl Oi4A*rtr ITl, A S ■ f ‘Ta* except at the bunday 8vrtj(-*>. tbu'l ** ftabbliofl'Wafer.? Tvo-i I Drama; “ Dreamy Dod larji ahdf cpuiUtioU'< of’ tluv Coiitroctis ma: O f 71. r a K ir r . G H X O N , Dnarlnp TsfufHii bjr Hkt Vj T. 8iUof refc ) C ^ t of 4-'-i t'i* M m a rf E m dwlm/7 Swim.” : EaenayCaenay f'UoaMdY;! “ On a Coflee Plaotatio^*' llsdaxif* OSMferti. ' ami the Patbu Goarr A be ofa^tned on application nt my Otficc ! tiienin* ImlmUiMi!;Ctned/ 2Sait Telia eona I da Tasedny ’ll larti-a* Tov II lia llj HiLstiiijM, e lierc Tcmlerd. uude A V I a cq t iire d th e lonl t-estsbijelibtial SIth;. “1 -1 -I'V^i f 1. :. .>1 .r>d Mra. ooimr. oridbriu'd "Tendm' for Qf’of n s ts f1.M( M; iuii, .mi ttth. The Coniorfition do not bind |liicms(^lvels -1-' t - 1- R 1' if '.lixciN "H okE% lent for one flbi Ung per 11...... commllimcBtiens hi , .. trealec iii,, ...i t r_ i c t ica -U IWrC** J^ii:jW i|u| S t a t i o n i n P r a n c e . to Jiccept the lou*est or any Umders. p liS: SntS AON'KS BlOOl to la d 'A 4f-V ChBlntionj Bight W oi^pM THE T^AYOR. O^j) V j ! ' ■ . -V - jkiu r-li? uiinutCi from n o a t h . < e nce, no fcnrctieal or fees Tetnifed.td. W'W »e lent for ftre shilUngs per .- '-ubiAX-' 's x b a t i o |n-. t t ' 'M will bw jdrtn br I ri^ltCV IDLK. L'tt»l‘ r ;r<‘uiwl V.U Uail'"Df,l iltrini.... ara***! ^ in i,vf*w noted throiighouti the Sonthj ofi E n g la ' n d ' Co o e s e $ r iluT rdr Tvdd c; ______: EXllBiES CLOSE O^’TOBEB lUh. --..i.—i. ... «»*■ .1 . rf ' ‘ • . - m o n th . Kilw^ra L 8 8| |[T|T H E KXK L ti O W 8 E R ; To.'v n C U ‘1 aliliUt-:w I'Y'.all 1 r- iikl . •itbiir^««, BiW‘lrn.4- i ; l X) le n t f o r oulr straightforwnrd liU Hvjiai lKi^i.;<.':i4, VV-«-* : um Alvf 'C-ithWl H out w t)1 Parfiif .£1 det ,ling. (• T ■*• ••»-». • O A TS I A|ND! T W O P IB U & - On the J7tb Spec! .. 1 4 Ii B< srditi lor Oenflemw’* lUd i-uw 107 Ui* AiBAN"F HOTCU u a b x i n o s . Towi rUaU. Hastings, .jurr-*. -lame#; r- Ul ii.vl liyrhl Fisrk.:•rk,: 'icriwli'*7y, a oJ QaaAt«% ... Cc-inp‘.'LUoti .ft Pieil ifori ^Vuand> y 13 nunul<«: I'jf EK-*trio RailYsay. oui dear avat LET a r t i c l e e n t r u s t e d t o j q i f t t e i M e t Red Cnwe AVork oUrr -"’-ndL 19IA kfed P r i c e s I a n d T r o p h i e s V a l i i i ; ftbiattfl ri'hi'i’i oeU r.fXi'Om jre ;Bi?^roeiO(^ BE IS liJSCREDIAG.UNST A I R R i :asiiii|f« and Si L m a r i a Cficesri— -' ‘‘{I- **->lntif ajd lud. The Lesdoq OROUt; H OF 11 ASTINliS. Mill;. .Tic,. tyi«l or*'. 4 d o n n bV M R.1 C B1 C A U S ’TEN ;late ul c »r»iiu '<-!• • i In i s iu r t N *> tj c e s . '~f . I dear ^ ■ Bcottiah.n from th'* Pr.'(>« ; ,.F a k u jiri iF-fi-rtiOiif#, nod th*j a n d BOMBABDMBI^T. lleB' Collega, R O tA it '*■ iiwt.': « o1 LMia £ 1 CC)EN MEKCHANTiJ AND OTUF.KS. Vacuum Cti.’A ^ ‘Irrt *13 the i»'r('TJi*rt, PAN'i: BciAU tsd CCMBFmi-A.N-l) llABbKN'S. 6T. i.DMISillONgi ifel..E K . f liL V E U C O LLEC T IO N in nid h}' Yrbl''b «1. i»r. -fnhi Uj*-* Joofifc*. T 1 t-eOXABUSON-SliA. 1 I BBbanrfsttiooa lariied 'mm Ui« Towoapeople. of th< BP. J 8H RED CROSS AND ST, JOHN IF, CORPOIiATfON invite .'I'KNDKitS TtjVl-hinif W l 'j i I 'Kti Pen* ion. TfCtun for Jons : H*nd; A m b u l a n c e f u n d s lor tbei.onniily and tlTlivory i Uiei-iifripd dotiimruciiis on tbp 13tii u Chaiiman nf Owdefh [. trwC. Ji. JS.kLIu . HOn. SiYretarr. s i& 3 r. M ^ c A c w o s T a t o d .n u . l i t . U .A ., J . P . arer.l0Vl89 j NoVcnibi-r np.kt, and oiidiiiK on tli« GilSH ADVAIIGii r Aa •It: ' ~ • I 'f. r i . ■ R A a riN G S , L E O N A R D S . 0Od EAST StS^fc^X v a r d : Ck K. BATTirb tA'unal UcmduT 12tli day of M ay nc.xt: Bchoei of Matotai ikid^d, Oxfuid; ^fi Aiwiataai- liia> jrsinsf’tj f M U Li^ue.itba I lUFFHAGE bOCTErV. , 4 Sp^inenlion ami. F«i.. M.I.r.i-,.^ 'j'oeifa 81R HE 'iTir'i LU.NS fC f Jtln Klsnlai Siaf imtadoi: a i s s . * S “ ix § _^.A., i.iiiiduo^ :.Ui T.t.N-> auujtiac Difeetoit. , l i m i t e 'd . 5 IttodOB A bemow I’-i Bennetd ' i will tft.i, «li •!„ (SBAN 0 KESTAURANT ■ T H i S u f f r a g e C l u b i H allJ HrwtinRs. ditfrinp oifipo IioiiM. | UJ*. W. HOLU^ in ISTRICT! PFI i VAGY o n |< () ETTi H ip ; t. .- p"l a A. Teacbem* D1 lU o i 1 a. TH U ^ D A V . ‘OBER iJih. wUf» Forag?” to| be dcliveted at luy lOlfice.; Tov|n L 'n * a id up Qapitai j . £ 1 ,000,1 4 Viifi II VHr<-ial]ani, O ril- - - .tlj- U Il.' l i t u, A li ttnui-iiV to. AUSB'-iT^lS. H i t LeasaaCs Tnpc>*|j *O lro B CoUeca, 1 "7 H r. U-- ■•-irl?- h e ;iusb UERALOINE COpKE• ot' K.U.W.S.S., Hastings, not Jiitor tban it) n.m. <;iii I'lJ ••biiJr»Tj tua i CIJOis.B L i. l ’o r . u , U V litliil'lL L O P L .\ C E M niidny., the 16tb dn.v of Optotielr instuntJ| M art T .t i ...St Brit^a.'' ''! ' i or iFees. iUSSlA. Ji. WE-VTHSBUl*. JDiha^ C rtifi< *U, K.F.U. ;n t PtSuTicAL ro.siTioN vriTH Total A),^wti-.(Oiler)... ■ *7,207,1 ; I Vi 1 T E ^ P R l.]i$EN', . ______MAD HS(nS£IX£rti£TBT. | ------S-.SUFFRAGE.'^ Tile (lort'oratiou do not bin.l thcm.4plves b told «»«'3« Ifrc Kortlt Bad East, 4olVtm»; Mr*. A , M u . i ’auUi.n. M W REGiK ttD TO W O WEN 1 T h e C O :M P A N Y t r a n t a c ls ly alt Cla MAD klfa ti. A^XAKDER^ 4 ^ 1 .U., L.£.A^M.; to actppt ^tlie lowest or any tender, and ift- o]^ih to i W< : Masbh IDkrm4diF*-uad BiogiikcJ - XYiiikeX i I BrLv'>'*,i P*mj-, oz M i«. Th-rues A.R.C.M . la vatm wMlMf. «r!r atxl SoQtluil, >f Inanrapice . rsa M.’Wa ;en b«.Mm. P . S. B A R L O W at 8.15 p-ia. Hprve tlip^ight of aetwptiiig llie fonder Of MISS KE^x HAoaBBaba—viobs. v •• < .'DM, V . M m M.tud Choait : ^ i w 1!:i be -fe A c’juipaaiat. any :prson for any. particular article teu- Raiatatl tlB s i nifr iow. .y>- ad drifM qtUeklr. LEW IS PH ILLII P u l l o rm a tio n m a y h h ined ' np 11( Th.: a an VitlUse Xw ^ou lot-l-aass i lad Ipacia A. KATE RANCK. lion. S-ic. dered] tor. . i Sauhtt > 1 ittonU abao Sir high. ipplicatiol 1 to t h 6 Branch OBi fiapjttu» r - j |-i'. ' I' 31, Gew sr I Street, Lonilon, Tbaie ia| • tiwpdmtory Dep«itn»«t f^r Ltilo chiBrta w So'rtib -Ciinuitt,, wofl ajMciailoas: ii to «1" tell ~ ] *doya xaMeir * ap «siBHad c M an*n ri . mdtwiwsia^mi »^>it h I’Eii'.y im .r. 82, A S T 5 T R E E T , b Ie I i HTON- 19U. D u d a c t'C lM ia a l open to oetifiW . bocifi eh. i^ u s s E ic S o l d ie r s ’ C ic A R E ri 1916. ' T o w n C 'le rk . I A L B I S Y i: l ( T E t . f r o n J 9s. p e r d a y . V n d a ). (A^tobor i l B ;. JuMciia. Sex k)cm A!S- L30. I I. , LECTURF^^. , „ . , Torf|n Hall., Hastinp', ; ; ' . 81. Leqfl^<5* CBOMMELL HOTKIis fro^ €nl P^t dhj- REMOVAI ■ AND ( ’OMFORTS pUND. ^ W. Mackwortb \ixrn*. K.C.S.I...yM.A.. ^ T I C E 0 1 •tefvi !' Glh October. 1910. Firijaiint g ^ Lg ^ . 1 Conjaeira Foardiof B obmp-D a iu reodjp fadjeaaiud pinr,.. :n«;. Wur tlSufrit,**'a ? , W K j AlStllg 1 ATHOLL VAIA' 7]h '^ TEL, PlTtpCEUr. ib* rtnm i tha . madir ttia «ap«rr4sop Ihaa Tooml. PR ORY ! ii L E C T U R E ea ... H^ du .I .1 -. Sc'tl -...aw.KiJi Tj-.aaHalo*, from 9L.,str— cUj-4 o r •to H i M l,_____-r««K for . . 24 yaaira c f the.D r. Hk&uo^ (Girh^i SlkoKFuii. SOCKS.„ . tetforU «irpH«! w*f “ coraios>SCHiTECTVRE AT HOME AXD utm It*-,P«f TheBeanfort finance 6oi, 6eAdo; aijOcAsreUy to th J itariij tpJ Hw* filoyiM-Suya K;;gtue^ft., itH lAittern will bo fi'on br B O n O T T G H (I f i u s t i n g .s . tion.. for ahott ^ fittoK <)f X*il2?lt< ,!J y or BoardtotihU ntrf- ALLAN ItITKL. BRTE E.q F-ALLJLN* tti Has temOT(|d itu Ofiee to , va in ;olh«r Utsitueotr. Fioea Is. pot lOTiiD •inupt.in tiuab^ !• omu.r, t*? the Wax, tOvTeturjii their Si, ranage TO teTCHEHS. FLOCKMASTUUS AND. 'on t f ^ UnTflnrat , ’[ fttv. D- H -S - C : JOTHEIiS. 6, TRINITY ST lEET, HAS All D p O M A f l . 0 F E R A M i l l i o n a n d parbenHira <:Aa So oSUiniia I t n F S A.. Klnit'* 0'»tt« '. CuMibiiils*., ; ' T i i r 6A SD R i|: :.i k U H O T E L TOLQUAT. frOo 0 y jp 4 H a a i^ IF- laveiti K^'UZ DAILT. On K .V jru Iw X lY A F T E R N O O N . O C rO B E K 7ta. et 3 w. ; p«x Ca: And is Under entiiely 1 New Managi o . H a l f C ig a r e t t e s - SL- BaT«Co4 ()' !ATT3 n p.iu.. in the « ; i (F E COnPORATroN invite TKNDEI S ts* ir « t .T 1 SiAtBdfBs' T lt O E ll ux-n RE HAbr.. LONJ^S fo r t h o T ig h t t« g riiz c .shet-p a n il la m b s pAlyACK HO*^ t1 MnNTA>?A-8rR-SrRBRE. Xor la •s SaUSBsc- •f'- il O U E K . N FHOC ALREADY 8EMT. Hwld,. ST. .L E O N A R D S . AlitiU ty Coarkl- t " Siiiiflo E'otur-. 0 . jOdj, ■ o n ly . for tbe period comnioncing on IJie IStli Op«a for L PrompU Attention sill he paid to allt , . lassa iBfi^i 1st' I I amiti-- Cmiil enft. Civ3r»tt«w. ur’<[ iD*ou. M. P-y-n—o Bomt, St. O e to l fer, jl-Olli. a n d e n d in g o n th e 2s ll( cations for loans, whether SMAIlU - T l' S G ^ i ■ ^.,v di«ra la-rd ;»•. M|wt v wt-'firtly- . - rvecirvd by gbakd bote at[ C01S[^Y BO R o iru u o p HiSTIKGS D rrc£ L _ . (t t t f O i'n ET(R« Uc.iot.ln; M k . O i*!jw S*rt»ne. Ctmifloo. BnnilnKUio Jar’y.: 1917, in tJtreo fi*lds tonlninihR rALAC« AN^) [ IBS ALPES l a r g e . 4, - - to: » I'^IAV e'Arru BLOQjma WIH^ CLRtHtlii; AO a M s . D du. Rond: St. L-onnio*. ______. Felir UCRREN K D lfJ lI ION CO SJil DTE !JA»NodX. M1S.S ll.M llh Y , l*m. Tfcr.oi., alwu tirelvo acres at Ore Villa Farm. Ivy •U S s “ . t i II*. L V L R S P IE L U aM-ACE. aT. LEO .V A B O J L a n e Orel adjoining the Borougli Cempte y. >u:i 'portIcdU from tbo. ..H a s. h - o r.o ie li ^HiM. Appl'v in confidencs to Manager. Bc:B O B n r A l IIROB. Stsa T o itprd umter cover endorsed "Tondet liu m fo u a Uc*lVY i>‘r*^>‘r*^ ofo r o:a Ji21 Um RcjtoA tnm -% i BKtoMDARjr SSiddL F^Dt ^ 5 ^ iicb Gofiteiui Loadoik. N .W , ^ 6. TRINITY ST MIET. HAETXNQfe [*HE A.SSOCIATED B oARD, fo r 0 raziiitt. pro V illa Farm ," to l)c dpUvnrod :r ST. xrr.Ltb 3j r a t nj V Town Ha!}, Hastings, wlnlre & S O I M S , R.A.M. AND R.C.M.’ llaoil Muifrr;. iMJlS:4- c!l A IK . x \ . C a s t l C H o t e l , a n y fiwflter . particulars may la- olrlainM, IT.' i CA'YBIOeil^i 14t J>. -HAI^« I. ri- iN i,:i p R T A K F ^ I Koi I-)c«l ExsilitMtIojn* in MuOc. Sot Irter itliBii It) u.m. on Momlny, the Kftli A silUND CSKERALL eOUCATkoK ioi L L 1 Xato.N- .[ B q Id A R K.,. H A S m |()B . •ourax onAMBBaa •OBITB; C ir^ fi&m J^f:ESlHkJU|SS. CMieii - HIS MAjpTY Ki^^;i..KDV Octo ler itbtant. W) t. 18 yeiua .cl ofF, wiTh provhrto: of text .....v .btjokr. Ubnonir I.«,l Hcpt««tiUtite lof H»dtn«; HENRY FtataLu^tr„*nA Tri ni- to U ui; *■> a toWrin lu«it • iftfs wal*t p i i i n . r a x ; lOURBBClAU !■ Corporutinn d® Rot h>»d tliemselyes U f l O NEY. r.i BAILV. Eiq.j 53, lUroievi, R HA i R t O T i O N LDRIDGE At SON. lanrr lidcle t •« ik 1* a,»'.r lesSsFS Lstal SreUuatiH PreparMfiho forU K ^ I N S . POKTEB. Town CICrB. tCT WNbk kolr. ArtSkr- f itat i.-idu lOii. I'lii OCrobER nth to*, wttt « » » »*. O.Soh,t l^ ,. iMa UHKNi * a«HIN 1*. Hi^MPaeiT PLACE n:tr. lAcaj nod Etttmiico.tie lUp 1 iXeimua' SyllaSi**, A »IW|.H lor H I*, or IM b wU. b» *^nt ToSn Hall. Hasting*. B a st n a a t t a t iln i Irtlisiiwsli (PAST! V ia O T B L i{ IIM0T BOOMS. 1{>L‘ * !«- ifcr sm x aoau, azuiLt 1*?r HfUfr^rU, Otc. from tb*,;'Tei« M W _ . V t ; : Cicrk M to TlW S*wrt*rr> H , Brdlotd Stnuiie. ITwIa saaeleeLif ubt ft eth ectober, l5l«. • K iv y A N , mI i u i a v PSASTtMMh. io t i t Gsrsm oct, U; Writfo^toB Squai t, e»i»* *r- i i M iADUl D h o t b LT.IV «A EUHCBZ01l|. Lowion, W.O

    d.'ti a'‘-T'

    - n \ ■ J ’2L li if". .':1 f SATXmt)AY!si OCTOBE ■ 'I - : ■'

    CONTI 5Y .1 .is h 'fHE NJI Olf M i LECTCfeE BY AhT&S.! 'HAS T l^ winter »e»sji rbe P rp ts :aa : Ro- forniatibii S o c i ^ J'K'i 4 rm«d ou M< ud a] iui^ i&; St. Andre rriiuld up,«ct raitt fidanc.? lu r iiig inri. ControversT.i 1 er ifore rjghtlT upder- .0 . .] \lu* con^ll; ce of the AV fo&' .the G qvern- ift.'od. means a Witl for thej faith, which. ■ m e n f h!ad MR BIENE. guaranteed’ :h b f P' riod ! A as stated: in .Jude |1 E listle, ‘fwak, qr ce for dividenlfl cquiii to thcf ardf-ngUr for ini all delivered lint, he ealhtal" I In other They • wef© wo rdi| although t! nil irch of Cpridt "is a ,e ;AVar wage-i IV i ness and keefti f lioljr ’Tfit.'l it oannot U|>| r.ijt iiu- vic u »i t if ad 1 one iota to t’ Ctviatiail re;ela( ion as p-siibhv I o . priiiR ^'*ivp , again i'C.:jcr, who w.* . al'O ur» old r»ud Sained rJaiiwaymenT great V ie py V- Mr. lixi+ii thein when set forth .in God’. ’orii. Tlfis w la t the the Wfir IS m»?n,bfr oi' the t' lub,- 'ph*^ Tluh r>la,vfNt t h r ^ I Tan Hiene h-aft bur.st rto poetry , in o v.r; \Vha i moral CO' Ardice iVi ostle meant lie aai. fit tlie bn th e ! p of tliPrf 'ill !wny Maud. inyj I good fight of fan (IJ Tim .J VI. and if; n iat'h e i 0 n h , the. ubvinco oi i 8 ilwa|\ 'tucili- column. Blit in , hi • indiscrirnind||ih^ They xvM ••)peratmg at^.itne'i ’j. tlie hour < A'l\ ipr hom<> with BetliiJ a^I j^ocio a;:aHnbt tho the v>»rtjmunity' The fnilwftv'rjien hi tn the Bishopric f| P«tcrbo 'OU! n fact the day. let the fu* lire ;tiihe car )i 1. |ias, been es. lu6Ur- i. geiimne gnevaneje. ana needed the tb 'cla: al,l[ through th e ai rbitrove sy self I ■ l.e* Edward V iin B ifne ti . rtir. .seitt.iiil to the 'welll |e Ti l«>>t Varions Club : Three tors to a d u e «f n |el o f ..th o ‘i ^ 't liQroii ivl at ; does it hv It neati what our nurnitnenU Avrr^ the brave of,ou'r U ilw ay: I .irranKcd lor cv«^ninjt plavidj;. hu L not enough I tlieir employees. I* i i to think I,Wrd jircd’(ited ''Tl: enhniy .siw taiva with Ho U i conduct I enuies could he urraiigf'd I6;r ruhni;n^. an this bhouid be so, h u t e ntrftsted af the w!ie,'it-” .and ;i It .i is a Clii[istia|h dut.v by iu> m railwfartui With th at of. onr biavi to bej ivatchfn) a [see that onl, good seed— “* j ufterrn^on louniey. ,Tho roAoit of tht tour- The rai!waymen> con mieij Tii n trast is iiJ-el«yam anl ! Jidiuenr , for ...... the cUaibpioniihip. ^ . _ Club on * par With th at the t^butli AV is I soprn; ,»nd deWiI aga nst [enemyi. Waft th at £ . A. l,^w£*ark ci mo obt.firrjt with wej e jjemg paid fuL :th ccfid|uct of Tamqjy A tk iis jin T lis 'ljs ivliat is m ci vhen we Are rgod to Miners. Tlio latter thU-AV i^firi ftboT© anj praise or ci il iciim , ftc-ore of 9 out of 10 ganfts p|M we.U-fed d wbli­ a'lostplic witnfs® be testimong'.of .tnartvr- :'.Bci.ikD' Tif Mr. ?tephenfton yy n^, the strikes if and Ihey are p«i Fa few fthilhngj^ n OgN*! ftltO'W.H !p[Air. l l y t i i s Iwai I cartied '.Arbitrator. Xot a few ;week r esi‘jiideft i'Tlm&e WKo '|AV© de>fi»dbnt '.I by tbov ' gl tty 11ijiideytfood lidv what for the 5 oar, the ««?ctionial winners heing South M'alivi Coalfield had a.s thel 12 pqd •louaht to very trivial causes. colliers tiu 111 t*|iceiv>' a modest ' ‘ iof drntuvii introverftv “ < gan Ion[ Thbcaas and the Hon; Secretary. There allo d ar iduld Ihey n il'in bn'.; * till ippreM tonde 1 f. :■ (hie tru th e ;cV Club for ■ headed m t .<\ perv^uve. 'u ifir conduct were six enirfe* from the Kii«t: country FliHsHanitI . er. P i p n Bp me need ; dxduse. In th< nbt loo.v,e , iieir depemerts n tht^ Saeaex Cham pionship and a Ekii num ber j a eVisia raa w ithout a . , sturx|-t*. loaimeu or biol;; ©k*o»*y ivitne ives against her he Uv»j.tings’ South Wulea daily pap'is I told them. d; fliey bo ! lor the Rfesident’^ Cup, jljut in tjie he a;ime pil StefiiT count ry ivilU ftltlflitlohft [tft ^h©’! .rrt! c f (*iOd. same men- ncre not succe^t ul. '('he CK-4rupion>hip . vigorous English .aa ! opijhl command, tE R R Y ^hey are -i •il aiiji c'o’ hed and nufirl^ ;R' (til sUl oil h i different wat wen hv >fr. Field iclifio':, nnuftAvc H<^ve. the Ipajier of the F nmii^wi orcT, ilisrKarge.hjf tlieir m tro v ^ r^ y it ve ern losfjihlo but Sotinlistr. Tl.ey ha ^Iv'hly merited ycMir in Uu iilN[ ■ p R f v l A j cotaforUble :^t all tildes because it'is unco at the .Uhih-during the v. nu^nths, tluLfts. Altftn: iof I'hom )'*li|,aie no iicnijons’ hati i\o TT' u^? iOn tfifj wa-« much flia ''einehw ijr 'ree h»'iruf•'ing from (.utbur.^t of Oollic iron Und *urca.ok I forwisyd I|lome is her tiojx in thia , But in the opinion t.f:-many fuirim tJo. Before jj (he,• j:icrea.'e| of tlir , 'light, ajid seif-venltila ing 15 to m an r a s / 25, ^-^lde^:ng ’ th » nh- War] lx>Ti Uousands qf llicm "etc esnotrv;' .X r|rwi \| i-bnpipo bft*| boon >s- eence of pnbhc nghtihfd. the Coriimitto© men the majority of rdu'waymen "hav a*haf nui r 'g.vl'desi as .|st;rv.t. j.tpblished W>l©j N otw itlistanding tho* '•*,uv^ been xind^^rpaid. Engiue-d rivers fairly be Whalhenresisting coats, proof'sdvnth thought it verv sAtiafactdr . fion xx-ag(«. Ilecaut^ i be raklt t of .iVav and itji fih al Iviftl ohligalmni*!. monoy The financial stoterueut then balance firemen alone have bernijpaid a reafeo t-hby dt.rf d tbi ut*k for a living wftgjft :thv> : nbrm^ . t-n h© roHinl 17 to th© '^bo rulber cjr iiiterlined ed-silk, in hand of H*.. v«ugc; l ^ t nope too for 4uich ro^poij are dolled inipn.l ir tfvdiy*# wo vx'ork. Ctlerk-*, popreM, yrgirehon^c men. ipannbr of li.'wUgierahle potn.lfft! IqApftl T^iO report tthd financiar fet^tement Thlfir xhdiict under h 1 tho ciKumjsfftric. r. y '.IX d Bi«lJop I.A ig(,' in A t o tbo Inyere, hnve been pai is wage, no' b ut in adopted. or ca qughr to be iatolHgibl® > oraan C a thh . b lii |iu|f r bi4; jurisdiction f r Th.he re-a!e^tw>n of Mr. AVilioiij Credtrson as above the line of bare iftCistcnee. For_ For several dioeeBO of S<[ut| wjftik, otfttok th h t b© bus Mcuing them grave riski on| ah upxTard reu I. to per< on of average iix’olllgonce. ' Th^y are incurred Pieeidonr w(a.s unanimously carried, and the prices hare been knew the • n. li were anii t " c ii, presented a ihurolj for Nbiringt^n. \Vhen ,th e AVor Vrqk yiit th a t loni ssingsliugo A'i ^c-lTet'ident-i were reelected nja; in 1 ]|ie si ipfh ng indii.slrf’ 'iThAy kne^v tfiai. I'nnrl* have ale p^ftcro a b i h di«pokftl of perm anently impai -cd healtli bw^ng 1 Rkilwaymen The Hon. Seevetary and H'*''** nce,elfn»!ei men wors ijeli’g paid wagrs ill |the for the er^tio) >1acoh: ol wcp«hip i at R D s ou the re* tho firet to fed The pinch. inerley,. >,■ 1 SI; E O R Q E ;he enert'^iing heat eii :red| by were bath heartily congratulut mun ti«*n fatthries. 'fh rcroat di^gracfjful k ti*u Inirch at TT )rslia,n With tlK ain of a fuV- a Wnir iK.nus of s. m ^W^ok and the Truths th a t the Committee wa» cot ac verli*iinif tho 5 and icrvin tl:oir-count iry by ftxipplyin^;: Ith legacy ■)r. iffo annojunI'os f ia t he xA I, u n d e r Ifi o n e n f 2.s, fid It bMievo a pi] ‘t^i =«* K|a ^ for i nay clnivch as Comibrt’s Club much during the W ar. buf thought that. Pi iieot^ of .Arm.v at a profit 4)f 4 1 to p u re ha4e PORTANT wa« extracted' frx'*u t veieh!» thr.t ihev TOO ** . k id in ! other If iroctidns ' 4 2 LON DON fiOADJ ^T. LEpNARDS. if W8ft the jfre.1 t piin>o«» to ki^p the Club cent Oiji th ol her b-sij I Ih© railwayt I,t IVo-ei Po];e« i irylight ' going during the pros'ent tim e nnd to la unch not Hsk for, more tb ibj?J? the crtniiiCO h ein r ' n b S Uioce |ntipinat«j» ■ urtnpr fori Bakt.A juid T ■ - ft ■ n-.Bv, pri^ jCp xvrtrkrd ivitli lie Mrt«! strfl- vili te Kbir *; rh Tl^v tr Iout after the War. Ma^the* had bee a ar- of the M’ar. Re th-af men xx'er i! . qrking ioin hfUirs. Tjior oncierirn. T ilapkan r'.'vtfiioli oa the dio- of , JOT rproof ^ t nued to go up by Ich[jl^ and h^urdi x^ri H :J 23.000 t< F|X||nd being •rt Ufoa;'.;;; in vang»*d the j.»e aj. la*t yoar*; vith ;»n o'ddi- over-■-|worl niliiliwil underiih'! pfl u. and with . ‘cee I'.ave sil . , -iWll! ty ATUUMj t Ld rfperr : {KRtf.* th<* eorninKs of tlxom ikrjds ui>on th o i still •lived for Unuit action u p o a . BATTL lih'fjfiruUy pravi moxm’ g cost,of ‘ivipg. th»» PAI 0 * e If •Ilf] .‘Ifu relics n iTx‘!jt|it'fi lions areft.’b ASH -----CAl li- tional match bn the laeoasiOn,o?Mhe ahnunl , , ,, • ... ijhfmsTvcA and :n TO n r r’ , V 'b.iro fub.>il^ti|n ,ii'.’>.g o territ rliieh thia | ff S i XV u x K t'li'n, i rieeT n g o f the Su.*x-cx,Che-s Aa.oe-*Hop next^ raiU-avnicn wit.: for a n d tli tftmHicft. KTH>*D K . L. KI.VF) =*Ln , ^ MV,1% j-fmdorrd at tha 'i om itreleeifutir ( coveria under tlTAPLE' l*;. tt'ESTFlK l> A-d ! ^turday. Cv-toher TtlJ vhon.tbe H-ii. .Wre- i hare ftuhai-Tnce for : iperea’^e. rind e t-eti.lirf would be th> c:au p ra is’d the exprnso , lie iuri'uiiu I .. or , khf Pope. a matfter eTtam fhl 1*. •it}-!', V •-i tary of the Su-«rx t yess; AsRO-iaticti rould tlireatened ff'-nerftl f rike wlien a de if fhieh concern* > onco, in ^*'^**^ l!-i H, ^au'-arr HFiat QND r^-st o f 5 u*aex tp trt con ylu«!(0ns I bring n mixe^-l team ter nlarers f^m the t»4{‘.iu brot(jer nskM for •iS nn r ’l.i.liv. Ih o ra:*iw*i ivas turret! t>^ tlirij* Jpetitioti? A ri> mvewhei fffti on to “ ?ton.-ClAtholic>»’' . ut Hastings Club. ' It ijwa hop hc*M? hr'A KltM iF. at.)'. V t;"’ with tho ht lift |F>nniardft, thua [ directly w o u ld be a gOi»d a tie d d a n c /> •itxjnus for in< ! held Il'lfcy'rait;: dc* . r t OHt PA .thor© J lj it does th e g fnjni heroic >n.r Ayc-i, r». So oiji tllcl occasion T ! O RFRy ^ R B E r .wo.u!d etnrt ot four b.m, was doubh'd. rjuit, lo” k iiallcnging o il xvith t h is ftdtr .Hrai;fht n tj»« !be ,\i|g[lvf u a g e to the! khrine of ’‘.jj FhAail eUC ‘ v;rii tar.x* nl.«s> an n o x in ced ^ h a t epAsr tn :: h n .nJftorn<.in'tour- . « TwM- g ronn dff , Dn thntloc- nftiu«*nt would b« runj if er Txay IcSss it. .M ail.in y t e n y e a rs ag|r«? r»hr.tvr p.ml' th© r .clcarlv sl)c[wpdj f h s t rereivUl j he had «Ire|ady r ^reii-ed thy.’fiames__ _ .■ tlinn If wasspvoi :Ot t ivifh . o.buil! idem Pat! ifemmittee f,Klolily< • g-tiid s lllio pcrvcffffioj fofVs be of four meml^efK. and hoped The B oarl of T^n 1 enc-y, lie inniii' oliiCe ■’ *S*'» *^ pluMon in rri-TOs h t^ just pu into; |.’d it.. . c'mi [rn^ o f . E n f f 1(uuf to R cn ie. COUNTRY Nore^. the. toxxn Txyuild m nKT ft fx-'te I’f fhi'i.if’* they r DDISLtd.-ROBER l:.i jt thev s'Mv.. . thai meal and the TUpj.l'oHlir Off ions a n d pojieF of the T S O H S 1 did nor cure to be out on t hf dark riThts rcijent rcvela- the winter, I . iu tiv ie s of dailv c'>ms.UiXusiition hate ad' Vr.‘. ('an ‘Un mp'o. The ' / Vhere iinmis ■ aa to tl^o ro-German LEW IS 1 IHYLA p a CO. DEVONS H I R E w ithin Iho p».ncluU8 atteii oame to my inoTitav-iilirl a> ;i.' et- wrar. rin*! o-hcr ihfrn% • c.f xu, ejt.c v .-S ‘ ci \a i c n lM ir r TS lio.i'.vn;! tioi[|nrjly m il y m rnt on daiiue • *11 4 6 . L O N D O N k b D. AVTC.M.V SK rSKiV nb* . 'yi/-,iu L i ; O N A R D 5 - [ECKS, ( ypeml tiiro. ^ In f;x|f; of hcM.* fuel lik.w U01!.'J.iLiC i;Ji.i;u.\v that m a f f e r , a ll the tru t T h e ’?(->!* tali' .r‘-.n\u|dch:' t t"l“ Xew tounjamenty liirvf* heeij arranced hr mi'd.-'sf and. ihadrq Ktel |:s xJ»i> Hehii Pt.'iltirni t‘‘»'ifdth'riliioh under (arb of rtv coachini itfl; the. ifi |ai*8 fo r Women's • jr .b e r i t} he directors of plajp t rcbelliorV lyiih Bishop A$ejit^ r^3rn thb* rcn'd i^id flcionr'd b his. Sirin I"( in prnceb /o reeeiyc-1. Entlvics..... >|KJu!d ♦fiat niiich was ,the*r nianifest duty? 'riicyi; thv o: nitikin h«u‘(|.''yrhivulifl fjye o[?ener to m any cr*- V«vCT. >a V Biln*iwn7 M -li(sry seeds ih addiiian , to : tl4 rate-, ,|■ ilhe. icsM- jilace of thje«© o^ iselude mil th rei Departm en. we.havi an ajrgressiTB c a i a n d t a f f ( ^ d fob'-r 7lh. to Mr. A. E. C inu^r, T1 «*nJ Serre-* t*r.,t of living. Till y .hiid not ])rBXc‘:idl to ing ( In ih oUx? wherere sboul.iahoul.i ah uh1 [[to to m t W i , .. ..hie of the Cliurolt of If ig em ry ■ d.v t.ary Hnffriiig.s ;'nd Lednanis Lhusi Clul*. fl^y th at t'!;e wngej f : many ’of Vhq h<-•’ 5la.vbi; (.Alderniat 'I.lilliilchin ■••itl : a. bead' u|M>i; hij-.eh6*iildT(ft; ru tl. Jjio c'apaificai tli.ilmri'sent tilde a lum biir of 37, Kobertion*hirect, liiu»l 'n«3l.'. ■■ i • ploycw was adequu? th; theao niter idct ip.ii tbero ijere also.jt Lii'H.ind, U t o •read th< 8fi. in sjiu cto rh t.'.ft righ t lifat] ncil r-i a !v,o l icnl'A iiayH :1>j>on rcudjy to| lay asidje IJJ priced tyri5, cclrtainly ci ft dm ty- o h ; Al- roversy on I purixise 'to ipreclmi a n r ‘iKifoi/ii.ritv .[lift gi > ; . i < . 1 abch i>< 7e*d yanlk .of W . (. h©it^rfi<'rd, J,P[. an1 W . R . T»ruraoto Xinjto'd ayjioii 1 tbc mil (stbiie montiotio[i[, i(iru .ite.jlint at tht MiK-livll, idiiJ ll^U bow havie they bedn , V f / . ! t ■ . not afford l a w - quality OHO. ce fa ilu r;. tUe|n ithe Sa|j^ o f w lu. eadk tci Uiiei r H T ie 'd tlie X. (-'ollips, 0 , Sh Milidii'on iff liot t* •m iith. p m itix ramora-t of. I oni l/iCe m ust he lunaparinitly R a t t le . At -l, lyitU iQ 'i’oxvii jaacrameht. not lor tyre—which ed inacnpl lou on; the’ ling|ei;po-|f, HoV 1 C'lr rk 'other fficiall sorvatiou 10 sieW only, hiif For t h r a . t the' milestono givur AUieg ia CLE ;ACENtS DHE$ 'A | .?A MBimiGE r.N j’ BRSITY LOCAL oot verv eyieodifisrtrjgifftri ; for if* to copy M L E i. T HLfa. eSpmpTe. Oblehtivi wor.imp ij;, ftooniefl or I. • ■ SlJfNNJ SOUTH fo|er, lioiin i to llc.'id to idraatry atid. whieu FROM I asliiigh and ist. I.. nnrdi .are; Ifiception !i i-eaetion eta ii oilherj Free] Though', or I ■ - 1. . B U N io P E R C J ^ L T D . firtiinatc this ye r m tiavirig auoli «■ Trlfidclity. TO \$UNNY SHOP. merit Ivctuger as tlir Rev. M. ft] S. Cr :,‘\n d lio’v dH wo tn^n bv ** Controe itflU;, I'.S.A., fom Kiiig',4 Cone veirsy-—tV bit' tot -'* ! Tf 'rliAt'T Tnve a, coil.-scI ebntroi ©r«y is not ¥i hat w ill there's a w ay. t ’ .If. iivelv ' ■ dv > stfeted is tfiie; W h e r e urtis ^n I "Gothic rchiteetii re at lloiu! so nian'v *i|ru’' or niiliOiouvly affirm— ..brOnd" in conp. rfibn ivitli th e C an; ’ biitrcd. piali . iftfid rill xl nohnritublo'noM.“ Ig; . Vkiiyersify E s : n.-ijOp. L e e ; _____ p n iiHux* ibl© ‘or th.i 1. .ctugef. ij^l'ortv. ‘h^ on our opi In’ ,, hfty k i^w] 1 hat what be Hr. CrijDHga aaid h« ’r i plea.^ed; to he p stated Wft^i tr[)| ftjnd; being; r'dU y of sent ind prticee.ded to ()11 his J’M rch! tl j:rre«;ciofi, d'fre ^isiauonH r wn Mttered obicc ofjthe lectures: and w hat■ li he pr end lOII rjur tbleir villa of tx y ;| iVouId attend , tl c M-ifbout mda i si| Tr'itlh i« noUD.l to riasaei. wihicli were heldd I after the Icoliir ■* n it fl|aphiM w ith u rw a r even f tTjey did not d r ti;»| the papers, but I vokr onp^ijtioi whi hejped tltey would do th ( at . a* iweir.: F rftnt«b1' iflfixm): in 'Ur own sphere mitrht ani Miorf n: f e xvordff of the Ap^ifttle [intod dut that the claases werif not hecoer your enem?'’ He* ed young people; but ■ :evpr; t Ato ,t, tb<'T could attend 1 X tho t)nirdr$iti^ rtftu.<«* T| t' 11, Vft itfik tru t »?'V ] 'Tob Coptm- D U C E D T O Bgtei sion aas a .Sjist *m o f a c iu lt rfHlucii yrr'jv >* n oil bijf #irif pwff to r ay irdividual IS whf helie'o in a tion. .’Vfier tlie.se infrecducto^ r^markti tl Arf*. not'ft fnbn th'1 lefctuier icomriienced b; ¥v»1 of Bfitc vre ffre.in arcord »;• '.saying that thoi© Set tera i t '! - wfre different wa.vtj, r>f, approfiching tl whftt ftpp;i*Arod(|in The liim''^ r ID . PER « KlITICndj of ancient bli_ brr ijfitb. jdi|itiH| s Tfith til e N ati m al Mi? p - I diJiRs. , Cf all leople were so’du. 1 AA to br*j uoftffoctfd Thr writer'«hi Tfc i^ bt diificnU to dis re ho fig tni^(Ic to derive IBAT 1 - l b . T A B LET. 3 12 12-oz. TABLET, p h j \tn[v rohiantic heaiity of Huch jui corn tbn^ fffo^ ■4 m m . Mouounjt St, Miehnol...... _,fraulx Hie Ahbry apd tL' vfthtrCes» €Veti rom...... thi* ro- onntrorrrjainL Y e s t I n g interior of King’*-K i n gV ColCo logo Chajjof. Tivi( n. rivftl, and ;to r*tfeado lOb]pic ■ hat the them w.aj. .secondly,' t:po hi^torifi'al uilll f^il nd religi uvxtv, wiVwill roni)Tmerontlnrie to To eksiire the best niaiterials for] Soapmaking, Plantations mi|st be tion Vhigh in many I Idings ‘x|rao A mokt fail uulw.^oe alia prA ctic^ A/ibpteL couhtie$ where generous Nature radiates impottaof factor. The Cftthodrali of Bhoii xa uuIam oi'rt ;oi(bodi» oeaiing xrilh 'the. rc cultivated in tropicad was fegarded by tlie F rench a sort if nrntjxnt i he^ ru e. I ^nd furUxev ife-g vine rays of Sunlight. ' Tp ensure national |khrine whicl cormpfiiDdod \x i h A5"itb Intrlffi th 'TO iff ftlway^ tlio, fhi ujjM ! with la nsh - heind the Wes,fminSt«r Abbey, n lid thelie hiyoricalnt-tuT n« of n Mrui’^lo I wel p ^ p t * - » t l y . ‘ I ST L E O ^ A I X the besi; materials fbrj Sunligtit Sn i«tian duty ihet, piftr x o'Jr if SiihaeJn; H o ip . jitaa avmfjpli.sm. SyrJboIlcai mOanirig had prdinnirT| .,r u?|he?*j». w ith th<> aHnioet nuigi* t h e 1 whole ted endeai^ Intteid been attached l i plans and eojistni- rut doyoNf Ui pjdinanrw* Wliirh ift thx gofil flp 's m t , iurgieal A f d fiotu tion nml to details of iagving..kt|ainefl glass, bf mit^V o«| effont;dfty CburehmaTiHiip.** n t u n e s of peace merchant r e s s e k b^w een port and port vritliout h i n d r a n c e . and ittirga Lastly. I hey came to wh S ^ t a r j 'fa n plied Tf tbf«e ■ H :.ff are true—»ind whai ran- :the most iPipprtant ol all, nod ;hiit n did p^rffOn y them ?-|-^bv fth<'u1(< they Soldteti'S’ and iSar/i'< Vi ii \ ] F a t p m ^ *■ a n d s o a p materials were smp| (rsmi th^ Tropics to Port Sunlight witith regularity reason in areliitecture for tho c iief develip- hf» Mipp|ro(«ifd|lon.. . the ground thel iher era ar sailings have been tincert.iain-t-Treights mepi s wliidh rook place y«i niet jrersl, nrclii- [inA likely to give offetme? No. A s S ioeiatiodi '£e. a t n o r m a ( j f i ^ h t a g e . ' B ill thei A* teett re tbofe Was neat ly always h styiiqtii rai rortyov^VASel. The' iwrjtaf.j la for i tertl PpiriiuftV oon- h a v e b d o . ! _ the dilEci tides and costs o( transport have been m ultiplied. reaa< n. pif. Cranage laiif that . uio course of loetifres ■p’ould be mail ly conoerded with that flict,’ ffff to f o rie.** n« tie ex- presftoA it . r in t i e »piTit of saiTifico d i r e c t last point of view, a* it was vefy neces*; n d R o w t n e i f the difRialties of tratwporting raw materials th a t thej' should linvi a clear ipprohens on can tlxi •. and wj a t reallv inntterA was xrcjl #i*hd hv BiffUop T ayior-sm ith, itations P o r i Sunlight have been overcomee a n d of <: institnction if tht.v were tt j understsnd stlngs.'l 8iBekliiH, from 1 med «eva arcUitoctnrt’. Gothic Jejceliitect i’re in hi)ff I Inn the AtenA uf^St. jMary Brvu'h^a care giving the Britishitish hoiiii s e w i f e in, 1 ;s hSglie«t .form was foiin.i m ainly in , .'brUVi’-eh, dj»n: -‘tt t!h< po«ffejiff|on of ajstbourn^i (IL<; Cotl4 redttcedt I chinches and mo»t of he illii*tritions wo ild r h r is t i nd 'if the prof<^ir>n irhieh w« want. ■ 't-it Tijp JrealiAD'ion ol' thja on the \the R M a n d ediqie benefit by reducing the p r i c e o f be taken from Franci and England. T h e to-day.’ term "Gotliic" had; 'peeptt“l? use rf|hbishop of f'ftn- : I the Rorasn Empire to the Renaik«once, 1'h e terburi' fo}.] lir openid the Nat'onalt Mis- rot the Blood the! L / f c . » L E V E a LIMITED. TORT SUNUGHT. priiiripleJ of "G ethic”__ nrcWite''ture»eew; i:as cion, Tn^ hi sernxon he - aid ** Tt w«.« not om xMrmort or Jio krcli l^ntbor tleri to- h e o , ^ to spefiL. of s«od popple L> h n tfl or tho‘ ;’lxnnV. kjpowlodgo of t 4ho Jx’^ not lO'od ortAt|!t io Jielp ng the iin^ri •dl Btfttlie - tb '' pfttion itself on©,to xilndorMarvd fhp arebitoerturO »nd the wn.ff to .in f t Might ajrnkc.** ILL imriprtanco of t;ho m biofic© of [,rnftt('nal« Then v Kilof '‘Me^'^hgerN are koiug WHK MSIaMMlSuw*. mgaurm Mowl , iloikgn jvopM b’BVftit forth, laH*' ’^fe«««» 10 w-iM they ilo- k Beeema'r Sb»wA ihi 1, ••urvy; , Crkrtag* ciontinur.ts. :h cannojtoi g«e ■ ail’d H n ifxfluerir/d af ibo ur|il« are What vouwam •^i i at Bradfond on-Vvop w as beoK'jhly ^ turtace ev]L<(ie infiue* e- ivn* tbf Vpbstolif:'riielbrnt. jficme that wH/thorr b hly’trec.tcsblo«fl ilt |70.5 . T h - looturor bbncludod by a n d ;, t|!ii s meih d 4f iiH til-uff re- 'haa.t prteee j >taofioU» mak|i/er wh alone \% th e x n u i kfi'|g' |of Miirltin'[.lit. Tobrej. 4 *^ 'hrly to in C. rp BO of. the great .. aU your t^ftenn [ Clarke s tdj»irrnt V century cfn rcb whorf) therb wjis a vivffl.s; • e| ft just such « ffnedii It iS'iiumboacsl ovet hs 'well a< an mbulAtor*!’. Frnfig^1i lier-’|. fre.1 t ffp ritnael ara. ralephena 197 in tp armne, ed oa to fflTecc a Uffting cure«f' n R- London-rr» Ad. |?t. Ty»'f e.rd«j, nvokfTilng 1tr ol rilBc'e. null «ii rd this •oiintrv &ae.—Chapa! 3KIQHTOH. cimhe ohi, thoj Ih' t r ‘ of tlxe F reich Be.v ilution; < ^ sunmuMimit. ;the- 'iO'_ irtiBnr TbroyiiTenr* o f G o d F '.a i ' , s i - JORG VN RECITAL.—th.______last! of tire series brln.gl JibKiit SItsM nnothir rfi vivrtl b. m».sns retrt* lol organ recitals wto given on s< turday j fter- o** find rnise !-itp Mpsffonpera ind n 06d-given ':) i V ''V ^ Tiocn njt Holy T ritti'•inily■y Church iv Sir. Chas. TTjeesiiico'? iBett laiu idry in ticj Dis t n c t . I Bmarltfy.i in aid of; tille Churchl Maihteifance Or jTimsdi y lev 'rin g Mav.s ope ned tho And Assiisiiln n t Cle^g r F u n a . hCAts rc< itals St. Tileorf'^^d Tjr o rb wi*b m'dre* in the r O R D ! ke's h ave oyed very {^’uilar and [large hUBibors PjirjfJh f|lni ■ch TFivll on ho Swor. of the Bi:tt W ork at m o lerate n c e t . Upen in attendance. Saturdny wia by medne; an exception and a fifio progrvmnuo n ' w lA gikojn by 51r.; H roirley. ['[‘he itenis in- & S c h o o l W 'ork I Spt^aiuy oil ded* a! ae F inale (pVorakl. . . *' A dado “ :j: lm: M jbur p R i r , i r e . oral Sonata [ill efiyle o f irnndoi" fWoL iitdhor D rying jaciag the Sea. ' .iliolimeltm |"PliBntiey Prelude" (Maephe^ i> A n c ^ v F t p u t : [FRONT ebon VI T a n »:qlnet in and "Caprioe i i B." alwe**"r i ^ iron ■Aijn a pa^l Fla-ri n» C ard *. m i A p ; .. The trhWes of th* :hoir aang very df light* 1 An1 fmnieiii___ i m ' « • of eaoh I A i llUU collect an..Boai H|a«t BM. iRllbtM»M--8kA T-'f-hpoa Re. 321s 8KIH ft ftrilOD Dl^ 'V'X,

    itib-: ^ STv- j I i -W ' * , , I Kj

    7 . HASTTTCGS! S L E O i i r A B D S O J 5 5 ^ E R Y ER. ; f ! D A T . ST b B E R 5 - m i (to ij(K« furtheaf oome :'wss' <1 . \V. N'lj|eftt,her| *2o. cArlyt his fath er on r« of the tiud l i ito all tho Vtounteers,• ' - aal ~ ^ i Uitit ho ix i H o r ‘a‘in a n • Farm.^Six monthes ■ipiieklD opnv^ ( > Lord Freaob the i i onxk&tiou H . I 'r a i:.1 ^ -, .Avmiuq Cottages, slaujrfiter. .el 'if O: THE •fai^GS YOUi; MAT K ANT I’ROlil that'ho had o»en u MS&ihcoot ^ h t . mnii to Al r. J . A. \Vinci^c*ster. — Three diars every oho of you ofandiug " _ re i^ to meet m onths. daro to .\,-^Newl>»ry, 40. director and forem an of « th e enomy in th e ga^oo phouUl J INE PHA'ilMACY,” l ^ d ill ithisew m try. sSpldiers rra ^ end wiL ii' = ■» Nfe^-rs. .VfwberyAt* Bros., Ltd, -i- C onditional THl SH liiifj tp| iiiulenfu. diffiutiltieo and jingers of exemption. I Proprie' ;o: .AROLD ;4 ; SKTRM 3.) a jvdmiMigu it need soldiers rtormtUK. t T B L B . ii'-' 12, W q l i r i g t o Place, H astings Ko; 2 3 x t^d on with th em -90 lonff aa they ay l«* IX- Ima a|ippnl was \%ithdniwu. M'piriHl.f,’^ At 111* irtcluM ou of s |^ c U |\ mtH»t i; 2 of the Battle ibibunal was held', Fi?At. your. prej*b,rj.pti^ ms _ di'peit" and Oxyg*n iat all hburs.. ' o Duke of Norfolk called for t tee elieers depi ,cted. t:n a toilil fifting at Iba t h ndi Hall v'sterday t Friday) alter- r Sir Fi*am is wfiitli^ were hci, iftly i?iveu non. Mr.' All the “ SlinrxiUo Piieparntip a n itl^ The tihuriituk Tooth Brusjfe W ocl Golfer, is c ne the t.'. . S h f p p a id p re s id in tr. ntu i a ls o Auto Strop Safxty JIlax>*rs, eat h. o eh.»|l^ Safety n«|xorlfi U)/|l eaijh. ul M(.'kno\vioiito'»*d bv 5>ir F ran r. who Wsi.s •prc's^ut W‘ a (‘aptiiin Brandveth Uibbs t.Mil'- iiionjly trytiendously. iuipreodf 1| by what tary (irientiil litilin, |Sw(*4 t Hi*li*iar I ytita|iAv). iho _Dean (lte\, I; All of Mc-t^r>. B I 'r.i Iftvcv's Vjei turn is and T o il tr<‘pai uti •ms. hje ha(l| SOCK ! a ikI then fook bi:* d mrturo to Cj>iT5^). j MViffUt, B anister. JVxn.iM. . Datine 1 jisrati ais and iClra k aiN ail ■Poll! t ike rt in ather inspections > licU were Coats to. be chosen, pi afi»urv I.rtkp. viis applieci for ! AM o i ^Ie^"r^. 3 >a. n o w . .a n d — ain to tiluna«<*; h i' affairs. ol 'vho took Hie lute. OUT, Hand tnkinto' 'I'ho < liii 11 inatiMissoiitofI f'om ^fv. Onlttori- A ti'i. Oui jiliittH)ttalinn then Ui'» rebed to m I l o r BOTTLE dfrny ripHon of himMor, Vnit a inemtHT Ia Y e r noth^rjioth^r part 4>f ,tUhe park whore it was ad- elu i'tftl ihn fijcl C'»'bhc waw, ti9 yfsiis tif a^«*. .iiantecil (|,u-lllty.! . . Irex'sSf’JF und Jorigr_ u 1 nlated by ' c t’olonel ’I'hro** months ajUowrd, ami appliiiint i.s to tid* • then li, C*»m . 4'^ for M ' ■ I.* .-sfioH W _ space tlie ri fn fell out try tif> fill th»* plhco by that time. Laclagol. .tiiax anil 'cow and Gate All tv Food. jlo erjjpy a F w ni >meuls fresr>,. H u rs to w a n d Pvshan Foint^ iand Typlio fl lp5. Modic ated m ani inp fme to Hie station here the.v )• M Cleqieuts. 2>*. of jNcla.'ol Fa n n , iuarrierill Hall tha^ hi- pnrtiwr had v«jlunttH»red for active Ht HathrrMy-r »ad, fnptain Klph k thanked 1 fakes lie caps of gopd Tea service, id he h .id to M a i^ jy o n th e bu>ine|). He su : the other ffom the first iniution le*re and «t Itexhill, .«ntl Pldy eninloy»» officers worei eulitled a little 1 (; of cre*Ut 1 ? E T T . for tlWJdny’K .'Ucces' and the mefc had'tried iVe cupe la d '. t>ofh u:id*’r 1 7 . He was also J cal agent SUSSEX VOL for one pennj'. !<»r t he Ur icititpent ‘rnem pVym ciu Ih'gietra- to do their lK*st and he liopcrt tb^'’ would bo careful not to forptt .all they h learfit. ti* II.—CT'i ‘ditionhl cx«*epti*>n n 1 cxp'Shetjcv and bar Iship'. ,.U>Y ril.U K l i!s. — Un H.VTtALlON. ; Coloiipl Fiife, to whom preat p livMi is due the Makee ISO 5Up« Of.'itffi/? Appl.i a i>»n wjis ?nad*' hv .M*>'sis. N’ew-1>cry uT^MTtl.y V ainnntnion' h for ali i\G | aj is and trouble ha for'vordc*! :iE [ b i g i .\ •EjjTK.'iNj Tea from the first icfuBioD Bios. Ft 1.. forW ui. f'ork. Harohl Harris, >'0; I’nri'hl tMiii: i|h Hi fi uVl»>« Lo(d Iho arcoinp uh'iiip parude etato WliicU will. >bo)> ?oriu.idjV'.< j-mL'M'd with UJlUl'*' .tie madl wit. wujt i|itcri.’}t, I or fita ovps for one pennj. an d # '- H ill.; ‘ oik- is m i c»)^nirMU*. keep- r diiiv'' in tl» »u^* rl’f*.v i)U .Uid biits'ingi t:w'(*hc. Uitlics t|> {kSLn>li ••pR vT niC|U \N li', in repair; llarri'., 2 6 , m a r . n u t'rt. ■'•Ksl. a ni' t«.i 1 >Hrv ilrUei*: .ind Hart. n»ar. their I’flgiiu ijic. Oi I’r.iVci ii?liout reihh't jftT < " A •* t 'o IliAti a c.* 'rb#-y wet **'all gr;ii!te;| rr.ndir ' • )un* • y. ’.sn V cl t llV Kuri*l Muh.* •>nrnn^' hii'v tai "B ” <\ , Bexl Mmkes 140 eupi of b e iU r Tea tiM .-y. ’i; i’C U ’ have lx« n li% idfd into M'ir !<•« u nvh makC' an ••U ” (.0 HUi! 1: o” jil i ‘\ •iilitwii". ht reconinn'nd»nt ie*. being in certified oyp^ ard' lliet pilpriiui(>;t‘ . ten«l tinrri'Vh iiiel’are >h tlirou ti e • olb.ovi ng, a| ,hTi*:-:»cth.*i- ) rish** K>o d h in r <‘1, hy \\ i.ij •let 19 r»o:. .vjt nearly 5} sups for one pennf. \V irtc-hol- Sufida V l.i - I T H E G R Y” j \lfrod 21, s in c le ; 9 ®. M ^ u u l ^♦^eet . ! ' MTlgh, IbiUilcij |VuHi,iar-c !• cri;aitj)lj — b B*‘< k !« > .-a? ,1xiNonijiiam . j I »>p iwj for , by TVjlli.un Ktm:. biker ; ‘ 1.) I ’e tt, 1 In* 'M he iiw,'' all S u f ijIj Fa rade w o rk Of. thc| lndiA4|[i> »di '■' ■ iln^‘'t*o^t U SE S Makes IfiO eujps cf Tea i fK.tfHl W tis lengbced ♦v,. boM»« in the l>il.e. | * - - . . .K’’' i." <■* o:i If’on lool .v r ic .TO E li'NT : (be Nntionali Mutsion by ib<' ling of Itojjiu'.? foi thf* slji.'. xi ite t'li'-'f* V. ii first infusion or .*11 h»s tim e If; Y**'C»ipKd ; aVious rO\VN>;HFAD 4t, r Io b e S t s o n S T - y S from the ^ U' •‘■dt-n db ivU i-Vjsti-.irers da’lv. He coring- ciid y^^ita^lnn Ip h|>r n. ."ouM.jVn -j-oi ifilt of t, neatly 5} CUM foronppennj. TlWhCs 11^,. let ar<‘ ' * le h it. *■ >om wn*h'r.d. of N/> Flnteep. A S i l I N G ; $ . I in.de.rlMie Oyrbv v ’lKme.A>ui hac.»rn ICtoM aj*i< Tinted )ivitli C'M 1 pL,j..^«4,| *>,r gpnor.al n e p ir e T.erg*'* ‘ ' T iH E H lsnS'G ^ 'BLitf.'Si s ,Af g»*'ain had to v,o. delncre.? r*^ ' *. , \\'at and o ■ National j ' . *X\i h*>r -this \r|'V oJ»i|w>rtt!mt.y rooveni Ha*tmps SHiV^ inception plaUtP?'* io'-.'f Pt tho tka lurch J thti havinp u p with Hia re liar forcrA - A ’J L U . N . m y (5 'A'EC'.' U'E ‘•i. U as b|i(*ad| jn^'Flviu? t ’ the rnbunaU Mr. ’ ^ ifcre.i nt..Ali th n r \ 7r,r do bins: fo h’OUSE. cijwbiv^ ahfl T)' ■r.-dnv'- nnd ajr ou AUirw itj rh f ... on Moi)day ev mitifr prefAjnted wi A parting THE ! HIGHER THE PRICE PEft a lb d on ’ drtv. hut w.ere orr the ro»in/l- •I (.’afti*! reniem ,)rann’e i V'oUrte.*h «• extension ■ "«i> granNsl', not ■flu(».'dav> a n d . r .d* ‘rjn human iir. Ye h a t d a v ehicn had l>oen sj; ■icriiH'd for POUXD |THB LE4S T H E .COST amongit t th e . , liom-rmii ml Uii'n rtgMu Iwithoht leH-ie. '•u^day lafkt. It « rrie l»o<‘ause it io appls the fir: t oeoon 1 platioons and con ted partly P E R C i n \M is t*taied‘ flint a notification bed b^n, !}oi!ir d tlioush lo.Ug ejiK M«.i it ifl. ^and le a v e tli\‘ \ u th o ritje .s . to eiVfd thut l*ny ite \V ilhuni tJli nly son ant. al 'cith li.Urninir 1We and daVol-ior' "McKino n. Seto,ndH imit. Cbartei'l and Qnar> (leal wit { joining ’h«» ('olaurs - i 'Mr. aiul Mr? , 0 1 ;ver, ot ottago.s, j th fir country, and tlu'i hulldoi? p^rfl torpia'iticr Otf'iJerton, with the V i >. platoons; <’it|y f bfbeitsbridge. 1 IS b(fon killw ilti i«n. Pros '■ n i' to bo - not-icMd. l*v the ijioiior' said ni tntiOn to . tVrjeant Townshend. v lo from the BURWASH, be v as.cmp; C'vort; t Fruit.i th at al last our t lup .vam e.. 8tart hfWl hW n am^ng the m<»»t ejrular an^l L'ariii. lie jdiu (f tho SuBolki K brim Iont. but i devoV< men- bers iSf tl»o < •*«irie Tho Hmi' , lNTERNATIO> At STORES result • H It,if I had n 'onn k'he’ll 'I'owiiGiend k»‘ so malriy NATI >NAb] On I'riday even- ;n<}t Ills death in hetiou whjile a ttiic h c d i*> V Of i It • i',' I THE BIGG!.ST GROCE; IS IN THE WQBLD. .jik' i'' ttn g w'iia held in, the p.Trm in |ni‘;< Lon with *he N ational Mis-j K . W . I)u< k U Kytji uion son of ( in it 'up. mo.st' «jffp tivol.' TEA. . C;^OFF ee! c r o c i.r ie s . pr o v isio n s. 'tbe b^■^. S. T>. .luckson-g^ivo an. DiJjCk, fif Ko ilon H ouw , I ooht !id mJiijnificont! 1,04.,i .it Va> riu o f t hi riv^uiretl in con etion with >ion, w l en Mr. and Nlr ‘ c Uohi'rtsr'ri.dg h;ti Ureii %oi iiulod for h I^ . i SI ror* and men 'Ju . thsv [ the PownslieT .H Ta^M wns ex‘-‘lleji iwMrcs" r»ii " Tho Home I/ifo.” , a n i l l I go<*d nnniVv‘r of women present, ^^:^)omI time, aii||l lit^.^ in a ba^^e jioep tal. He { si vun riino hattal lonsi" hf> took ty M;»]ior-(^n *e Jwr*okly me«*ting' are tntendcfl an;klo: Ib evi.»i to boinjj onllofl up i-s a Tor- 4 Si iris l,i*wd. nt fil rtto r«r[k, M p u t 1 y|dnd** lie.x an,d aoui lo w hat ije 'Pnc''. Tho HrifU^ow, “ Ct o ?it'or of the Hoi IS li^ woulU ih^v .Ml^5iou is for th« lynofit Mlw'rt. GoofLo . ‘ Kjont .F o r r. iigicotTR. IK «U plra-U I «4lUfl *••• GU'’ III he hfldifbH'U SF^KCFfS .a tte n d find would be mTst U‘.»M'ul f im in the .♦f ull. cidor 8cn ct M i a n ti Mr*-. »Tn me Go')d*elU o.f partu ulftrly prjvud' ' iih \ ' .krmy tind le thui ked Towiishc d for what Nftrthbri(i,;<-st ’rt. I has her tvou ided iji ^‘I'torr'l the ‘oif*rqnd tarp FD, he hud don» in 'the ( o rp '. He d ay a tretnenqoiis pb-wei: foil ia\' ■H’S soi.r^iIKjRS’, 'l O nA C rO AND CIG U?- Itcith lo.T’^.aml n arjaj, and on* in a base ' fte.M, No rnnsrript !t '■nre th»!^ SIX milw. V ijpn thr onlv adriHon to tbe _i hir^ corfespondent paid - ...... --- TiXii. »re^ure biill hrje, he was \ioii iug th ' thoughts, i DISTRICT. ETTF hospital in FrtirempDt i-*jahout hah a milo- ' ^.‘dninuttee Room of the Soldier ^onie juxlt b all '.hei^ I o expr^«sed' the h o[ th at be.- British T[ ^ ^ vifrit to omplo.t of Ml. vEruyn Tiiei < I By rh Barn (‘‘wti swy^t '^nlL iiicu of Su«»isrx|. imej 'rolviCCC . JTU.1 at the Rear Hotel on n recent Imp? .j^e«»r4 A'o' hend nvijrht gain eat ilwtine- Conpany’s works atj Rugby iti th For tlie benefit of lho‘ who iiie in ignor- and t-ound about ten ladies and eeu- Farm . ;t*'kiu©^of tivem. H'ho.se ! .inci|»Mnjr Hioh he( W ar find cHiim hi. -safe and IMPORTANT N p n cE . evoniiig anrupT bar-"' belpttl l,o the lait hock ip ll|i l>S.i unci', a.s w^s lx*fore m aking enquincs. 1 tiemen btjMl'* rng;iged in packing tobac^cq HAH VEST 1 it;.';i'’irvAi..s.-Th,. !* i>oun 1 and ye, was sure Hint nc, ody of men i.housands or jlV^ajida 'DTaiVn will tell were st*t up. voeit tbankstfiv i^orvifo ii tj|i»o ( ongroga- I pone by , whe)^ aniland:lanc‘ the Io^mI l>Qys at W’oulrl w im back Wif a '.heart iei :tmc Lamps.! | These lamp ■ OtbaoB.'vko w»ll t« ilM i> t' .«• '.DlormStipa ff>r in tUo loi g gonie ;»gcs of the pai«t. when the) FrJni.i In all T9 parrels of the '‘ sooth- Monal <'hapri itoti plaev oh mb y ’ whon | Vs of the lutll lop Hifcd who vvelo^mo 111 in Uis jold eomrade- 'Ssi ■■WiKIICD -oC^BOtiaai o t ionlKv o)i: IDM>nBV», Hr . Mtu\ only roA(l to IlitsMug*. WHH via t.>re, anr bard fi?htiii 1 i.ir «ind *|qti id leiittr applunso Col. life h an .lH . sav;ng money for: dsersi the momeAt M_ »1U tie t>CB|iSu^ t^ S iiU j Ml _rt lu p to pennCa fihniAM. one may. judge by acf-onn'tw in old guide<^ol1crt-ion onlv roali«cd the email La^we,**. who, ;rn ccllont addresses; in the the p ije e n 'tAtioh ito »S»',rRennt TownAhend.* jiSB.'^'ilCTW UH*” O tS^E lloi*”CRnWHCi(^T WHikK. hftaro sue'h'rt thing a** ----- ' ‘ ‘ ^ ^ * ’ "* ' ' ^ mormijR fr ’(vtM'.V.b am! t!i>*o Id iw*: fin m«i»lk tbiie-i w ith he sterling T-he I total saving fot},? CSlXISi^y " K w ireil STj -MOl NxnKLP. M itcinnsi la A1 diiiVipaliti..s h.id ...... - ...... -...... ) liad l>oen ta>st( ailb docHu-ated occA- oW felt til »t they jcoiilh \ nn c o f a > soldier in everv w rd he epoke; KVraiBflEI.'D,Vk V^VTIB' ’ D ‘ 8 CK*I>>RLiLESrOMHe.| C&r'/^Ut4C* jrii. 'Miss ■on fi' doinp n- of .Mazda xrHATMS‘<»TON; ttiMUjiiji t > the ifoiiitort or the tniveller. M itU ' t<., nho it JT5: 1 ®'.. it is hof)«l th at the I sihn by ' „. Bii+chrr. .Mi' t)ii|iijp yhilij, tho till f th a n k e d L’olonel. the *'np in, officers, rATUCBoss, WESTFlELlL i p. Butclioii, \[orj?an o !f‘ away. Su* 1 itwtion. He S___u aoiBSBnslc^ioo* •nrowntr^ioi aht-t^' ‘ ■ «ent to “ Oh*riPin. Spcoilal 1'iarvrkt liym n s ,snnt»*, pvorv miejof whi^lV is i^honld ulvtov.s look back wit.u pri*le and per Cf“rT«*potod^nt ir*r! No (lobbt thi^ ab'enc(i of m any fam ilies stal Mazda, the Ottr m dan khonM -He % ting.s nas shortened by a t Ica^t two mile-*, a hop-picKing wa» one of tho causes of the I wipre rturiff, |f Bufti'hor hiiinp a t the oriran. p II, need be t. tliM very Tleatli u re *op thejinaiiy houn of work ho SUBBSTBBEIDQB acd SAL,B3rRSiT toi Mt W I Thoro woroero sijfjd" |c( uprcRaGon^ a t jj>oth with tl^e rom panv H e thpnk*^d E ectric l-^ps i rOTTKR. BobMUbrdni; «i4iL_for ETCHTN O H A M fact wh fh imi? proiane bund ba-w ins<’ri1>eil f has MUi'. 'n th i\ h e r bounds of No. 2 foif t!ie way n w h te li th e had always StehlnAais. to wSko ftimilar lO^e^ for iLtM old Slone have rlpr.iyiHl and gijiiduall.v. gone m?..vyKRY ON T im : h a t t l e f i k i ..d I boon s*'nt to tb^ Bti ehanau Hcspitajl and tho 'l-e y * r y pr**ii nd thoMM !M*ll d out .i> order's with rend ess. XothinS ol belter light as v ■ M d U i^-t the VirtT of irll ibing« they have not been ri*- P.vrticulurb are to lumd ms to whiit Private i co11o«')jion' will, l>o lividofi be'weer that in- lijijirh all tlioro UTuU}. he h:id 'e' iir hrike ! th»*m tfi o had tl«.y placed, f >r teuiwon«v which miis Ixe ohviousj F.; ,1 . Br'»wn accom^li^hed to merit the stitution and o.y liome ^issians. The le ft undone N o . 1 would fotgii him for egr >liintanv Medit! in conjunction w ith Ccrr>oral I their hrtlrvcsr festival ‘Jio friepdlr In tluur tead »re the. fingei \x>sts, whi< h j salvation Arm lt|t;j!.Iion hud Hniphtl's no! pre>sd.v fef"»rrihg lojNo. COUNTRY n D t e s . S lNokNe«.. L6 rpive ndj rf|]inbJe index of the locality. of a Stbkes gun. which was operating on the had Ht’en iiirM'lv ;de(.*prntr, t.e Work ui a(U the bcln»pai|t n a M is a curious doi rtB of milcstpucs >t> anti the from p*aoe tr place. T his the pin^ of s'oiiditior goo* for if. w;a? rivalry .iin«! I Tbero wore pood leongregatitlis all tho ,Fa rade "a*> clalli d; c o n i >»*t if 101(1 'vliieh helped to I irodueo ?*oinw the neighbourhood; in desp. in the mnny road n.nj. for ilu firsi an-l yei'^j the- tirefitf Exllibition of ISM ' «rt r*-"*that n.„the i H>“f ihroptarep HiroctniriM’l .ims liit- worewere oblamedouiaincu uii in» ; *»orviros and cations weijpr ta von. On of \ m l*e.s' rC'Ults If Jio wa; fo rtu n ate to miles I Jna»<6 covered r«rei|tl.T only one ha* !Ir ii, . empiacl-meiit; and flic gun was blown out ol i Monday the f 'Ifetables wofo !tohi tlie IFto'tinps L'oin,i)‘nny aA H jf■ oldu in disHnetion iri the ■nar lieNhonhl aj 10*707 Aiaiit ,one has » statew *le .wiir' ivdr frns ?fooii tlie liicJi .spot oome notice, and »*dl II ' Iiruiition. Coriix5r.il XoaKes and Private Browr and rpallsod the menifii'ii at!iitj • wf..y itiiti mte bii ability to t i^rufo i t ’witW ment on it not exactly ini accordance Avith r»aw>inxr Very well, tor it pujii^-tiiully. I 'ale. witij I rct™.hl.r« iii i «"* f* '"I*' position again and re^menec 1 I P"i his ( aiuiug tlCTived in c Linci’tio.u ^ . the tro th . T he soli.taryt repiihder of the old good -“tato' bf Ipi-^serviitiou.' 15 Fip'ip k and Liru en.iii w e re he di'tfjitL*t|lhe eurfacie of the ! ®ve. Tlie.v roiitm ucd to fliw th e jgoii until i »t M« Kiuher the . , T.'O* . coachinx days is |Ust Hito the Black fourth direct hit eouipletelv dflatroyed the p he pround iiV po<« time, detenmjni th Ai^iid peiirty applajiiAO SeVgoa t Town^Uc Horse Inn, on the road to B attle, . and read." ittle to l>e‘; d^irod, different to the timeii SEP I.].ESCOM BE rxjsitioi. i Being unable to 6 re any mori: should, b lUokinp on thei a tiK'UlXl f.Tjmili.xr tp hiu all rei red from tlv " Haetings 6 miles, J^ondoti 53 miles.’ In Avhen ei:: horeje^ wore reom rfd to drag i f h a ll th o ii<»u-tl’o m '. b;usieon -whjcjh ho bus bet i a tpwep ot place of .these milestones,} however, a yer.v: be old guide to dig out the gun. , In this they showiui 's in fseeinjr that evefythinp wns strwigth oom plete and accurate lyswrai of fingerpo-'ilsl lxK)ks re SPECIAL I M r K C Tv I j o o i k ^ Tha Voltmt great ileteyniination and devotion to duty and ' are ' rluMurer .AValtw bi»f1 burnii H i Ller<.— . t and 2 la eeoi7 irnere about, aid to anybody with; turhc;d out in i ll jforc<* '■ Viii Sr nda.r and eientiiall.v sueceedod in saving the gui and'made t lem shine like toon rherley 1 flieua Drill Hall. B p.m a head upon his sbouldnrsJ and the capacitVi There uro; two ^easqhs'of tKe year in p.iri- convqvod t o I Bn to ;Raillifav Statijonj^ I wljcrv ; inen, u itl from ■'nrthet damage, and renioving it t(j> Hio.v pntraiiiri«|l jl) a^speeirial fii Thrf*e Bri lues ' the^r hav|?r-«acl No. bbn, Roud Frill Hall, fi.ti to read, these instiiuctdrs In the right path; ticu lar A hieh Iftppciii io me, t le aprihg end . k Plutcvon, Miiddlf* S^^rwt F n preclude any possihilit.v bf[gettinx lost. Uno the HUtvmn. and nlthnugli plumn for fe w u o r^ b from the C’olonl ii spring, for thei reason'that it aeems to give woro* foinowh sappoihted at t le nmj-ar- Hnll m. Enrolnient a t >rill H alL tMh pest is within a fit•w jfiundr^ yards bf I'jed "cro lh-» ;.)tes 'i|>on i»s 1>*| ts. TupMldy—Nn, 3 'latoon, GioV.j onoi. tnat» just at th« Us such promijFes of gladness land auntihine. riw*l of this gfii nt soldier, cwiuir to illr e?is. Drill N: tGe m ilestone mentio; 9 BRIGHTLING. ehtcrtiiin*^ | .u orniriip as eould e He«ired as th rill Hall f^^ooHnei. B p.m.; No..)|t spot where the A.A. eodilit f b d x st&ods a t the the auti tiip has a glory nil it 4 own. Now but had a thoiou^hy enjoyabl 5 and Rnncsvple e l another ilxlication of tl^e dlstiwceiropi Hast introdncpd into the landscnpi. and it wiM } Britain," in| its issue <»f la^t week, w allinj London Bi str. et ‘*'1. Dri tborley Road Drill H JL 8 p.m. yVolmtecis as U) 'V s;\Minp ulonp Hqiki njt 1 and 2 Plf»tr>ona. 1 rnfherley Rt'ii tines. Throe miles " Albert Momona] more tlmn ti^p^ly.the^toiLnacaaiarj WEitx'hd events oi’ a dontury ciiicj A t reet T)rill Hall* 8 p n . then, that the milestoiio ivea th e diatahea jaboiit Haatinge is one of its greatest Worceste^^sUire, to Miss Biwrevy Hayle; EveiVfield Hotel M iddle St charm s, tor thejt iNaturo Ktill reigns su­ daughter of; the late Rev. IVtlliam Burrell tile L'oVps mil k cnf. jum ped n^> <»ii| tlm pila*.te preme, and iS|ihe nrehiioet who never cbm- Ilajuev, Rector Of Brightling.” Is there cr Bibghanr ha^ nuts an| *rrqr. i Making investij^ation recentlr old infiahitant of Brighlliiig who has any r AN A PPO f: d A T E N T .-E lsie Bj l>-|M>sl, stundinp up oil lier hind Iwen appointet 1 k pupil leach rr a : Snlel nrtit pro<'frs:Siina \yent dcti'rmincdl about S4 tnei fuchsia cuttings of n eottager, I collection of thehappy pair? THE H i A T FAIIiLlGHT. Church of Ef I ;lknd School tor ia rperiod of Iver-f Ifi th o t ovef; 11 WO.S infoirmied Ithat very soon mv infifmant tn np WHS as J|t would h|eI pitting some in, a* she wanted to two years l>e, Hiid pivinp a pur *itip approX'dl grow a: edge to keep the xvind off, now th a t GALLiNfGTON. "OW’.; ' ** bu-'sex hy tho Sea tl till ital ninrehinp tuiiic, ijind soon we]vte| IGUR BOYS CHAl flED PERSISTEl 6qme tiees vrhich had hithei’to served the^ imrpose *Usid '» -tiiW n /cu .t down. . i Being . li tow-n WiaATLINGtOH ii|s|inpsi pickfnp 4ir nil the other a mouse, RV Mm -IGB SAI.E. — A s'Jra of JBl.^ wn Middl?-stret. . *r iere[ _. ‘ too, it in 1 Wne somewhat ustoiished at this Uastinsai County ajj^nch yestetdair proportit ioni: fnehstos in pots 1 kn«%v and rtd-l raixetfi atl the recent rummage sale heUr at s'of t:l»6 fine spirit of tho men ofl^n 01dca(stle; I Of this 1 tn'O guineas has hem l ESTn'AL.-A: tp Wc; oyan foutici lone H)Hn wh ut|'•** hei^ *...... they„ _____ grow,... them hedges!' ilABll'EST uaifilMr. (in tlie oliuirj. .Mr. t. Farkiui. giyen ;to Dallingtoii Soldiers’ 'Tobacco aid 8 wjill ho held rs previously: bed'll di.cs'hnrped frAnh And 1 S4W them growing, too. on one side of Church'h u rc h ! ’Than!i isgiWng seryirij a . Lewis, Cigarette Jl'iind and the remainder to >ti|ie haiug e serv i-|o froni the r»th Sus.scx. jcii'e W. ^ .I'ta Yo|uug, p r . i- lid tlie hot ee. and have no dou )t that hffore on>n FrittayFriday an :1 1 Sunday, the services Snow, j Rectcr- r und. Miss. Edwards, Margal e. h tho for ury service ai many jnohtW------have , pasi»edr ------|oyer aver mvmy head conducted hj} iii.'Xman. 17, andO: ncer Moftpi the uddjition will be made to the other. p Uh iM:aj3 l4i»- ?Ue 'vai rorkiug iii a PUM’* BBPATRS.—E*st Sussex EHiirja- TuofOlay i that correspondence with referei I t dop^n’t p|i ' to (Jefv N at rye's I«ws. M'e J. J . , I field 'at lairllgtit. :She left o articles I t EB of an kini Ings, SlUrabBL Creanlume^‘ tioB CommittiM were informiid on Tuesdiy to til! windows and* ventilation of the mi in htdoor exer- :>n nriiyul at 'FhH« Bndge.9 >ie ^lefjr tneq tiiolside jl* the held under tl hedge. Tl)i y all ne«^ P*'apP| mind.' ardon 'tim ber iitnntioii _ thnf th» Codntr Surre.Tor. bsinr unable to room at Etcliingham , Church of Engla cisf. and <»iglii hours sleep t^ keep well We e oM jhaod.s- witbodt hiteli, ufadi ||werel t_6Ufe. at dinner time, but ater, at afafiit obtain snyone locall.r to execute the 'nee»s- ihihool had taken phicc between the Boh nubh, unfass it murched off intoi a ijide track by the nii 1. sd| o'cienk, tue &aocs« toba< box; and u t tbardhi toots' pwn •ary re m ust I'ot ovotj ■at, nor drink pain to the windmill pump at Aeh of Eilurotion. the Secretary to the Comm h e milk or wl tpf. These ai ho|th gcKK , and tliat therfl was no cr>nfu|sion o r mmldl ng uii pyrU t^lntkim ng a sliiUmg id a farthin ;. b n m h a n Council ■School, had arranged with tee, ind the Correepondent to the Mapage should ;l>e l.y : iispil. I w ith otlieirs* and liiterj on were ^ it re^; tver i mi ising. &lio did a o t any of tijlc Mewirs. Robeft Warner and Co., who ori- Tlvo jSeerjetary had been inetructed to requ Ajiythiiig Ij ■'leads toitroiiH B.id 10 hits formed A oimareh on, to the ground w»h ;r» tUej njatiu 1’ to ginall.r euppliet—t b ‘V belli, load H was iM" ta r fm II Vl(o Station. <'l owds tiiat on 26t!i .August Mrs all was w their En«ineey down to fis th ‘m. tim hl11 abound iiid entire It l i e GREEN. bU>od and 1 ting-on t|>e he isohg, bu th^> al>-enco of aii.vj fanfit ddle; I o cix*S; T here w ai a bund of clotfiV. Ui 6 j^ver.vthlliig, seemeil io (lock itplendidlv ado of the field, wT toh tfiey ' liHrfi- BATTLEJ -;:o:— ;--- ar? bojiinfl weaken ji" '!" ao.v lo* "Vbn •to: tiiiuod 1st rai anfl iince llhev falter,' * * vdti 'feel la>( ill really■ efeiii:J ni# tliongh orkAni.sii. I inUr: ering w ith. W hen th ; came ou| B.p. [rH rH^OCTS,—ThetOC'rS,—The „ troop of Badeni ■ lulL tfred I i^ervous} Vc u r tiack [laches tion U b(»lieveir in. Before the lu ' cume I tihe fioid H ickm an ohow'ed hi a toliaoco' PU PIL iTEfk.CHER.-yKobor: Ethelbort ha.s you hiive "|tber HattiilionK. splendid matcrijii e 'cltothe*. ixecn tecognised a.s .a pupil teacher for a Powell Setmts, ' under Sergeant-Major II tutl- you lo^ Wp: heatlaches,: ^izz< h ich jw h c!i jio i^id he got from kew, orb on trek, and .si^nt a very happy sIK-Ils. iau'l ji riaiy ilisiinlei! r tlie Hjn.stings Hitfalto)) to K tart tin ri' w;'tt5 ai»» ahl he took a purse wi| farthiiik period of two years a t Batiile and laington irlto do (v t et bark t,q Kinr inple i5jj»portnnity b___ tu d.. y ; theS a t tSchool time af Battle on . M'edmvsday. Viiri ma Tho fir'»t rutiles of it; Aftrrw ardd witne&» b^ld rs: Ilall *(li places of iiiterest were visited, itulwling thf plo. son.-ihl haliits. Eat '■AS sleep more J tiy ofti ^ejrn might l»e proud to coni nan h id seen. VORGA.V RiECIT.VL.-On liunda.v evening .Abbev. |M««*srs N ew lieo ’s jn'n taetdry, ii and can ? ha t .vmi Tuniicrj-.' Tiiniicrj-. Great interest was taken must i|lso h| the weakene: kidneys. Yoi l-nkar loueh hiitn looking vipry wrelj, j m sdv loquiries and aaw the jondaut. Hi cJiutU % Mr. \Vm Ada us Baker, both thc.se conmiereiaj un'dertnkiiigs. ran idly o 0 i,an’s lli.:knc|l ic Kidnoy ViH i iind Jii«|.. of the.... ii^en , wearing t l^eir 1 | m< n handeil ,hliu. the baeco bp.xji.acl * 1 talentid .brgnnist. taati|ng| was enj'oyeil in the first na for thjs hrl hey a ^ .1 ineilirini o f effirtii^cy pipnixj■* on jto theifi" rij^ht bltpast!,, I thil shves.'^ Ho said tha|. >rton Ibad ' “’■* [■ b r.i«t iin i( e a B e t t I p ■' fo : f oqivi PARISH CHURCH.—At the service on Thaftksl to the kindneeS of Mr. Pike, tlio fads for thP kid et S hud. bladdei’ orly. That ij* good idea.j the H:istinps!|Bntta- pulrssihut there was no sh i|ing in it.'l iiii; Sundae the nnthem. •' Ye shall dwell in the put [up; ot Blackfriars Farm, and the pext why j.1,1 manl a Hn**mif3 rec bm _ ^end Doan* ion enfered'red the grat he did ‘ lot. took t lie bass soles, and Master George Mep- London. M' ^Hiare.| heideut through, th e Voltinlieers were on parade on Sunday, rr*ein d s 111 t h e on aed from to-morrow tSuiidayl. the clear­ .Frtdeilic Lloyd of the Suse-x Brigades, M ESLEVlA q 'AIETIH iDI [itS.-Tlmnkegi f|rom Hght to left' Tlie' Brighton hand, nt Hickndn** #ibter said ^itlltbe boys U y * * M a $ c o t ROAD ance rom the* posting box al the Battle Post onlr did they lopk smart, hut carried th ing servicej. Vjiljl ho hfeld in t|io churjeb oa !lio Kiu of .,the sliuarp. enlivened .'ll' wdih| tie articles, not knowing ^ ®ii'eji* werewere"|stea.li istea Office will on Sundays be made a t 7.30 p.m. selves: in a soldierly maimer, which Sunday nn(l hdav ilext »nrti}4l mu.sic; ubllo ifficers o f h ig l degree! H ickiiau was fined lOi. aq dj| Morton tyn fur ti e night mail despatch. universally admired. LE( S . ; p R jA in 1\ |;| METHOD SlfS.—Thej U'V thiljlier puttifig He Instjolf 'vltli a warning. THE DE.S'TAL ftCRGERV.--Mr. Hollklay FARM SALE. W. Ycomajis yomiuculd a liaivesit F^rivi t|tme.brii to make i erfrr«Hon t>erfect. | Fortn-I The Chairm an told Hi< lonan that atten is a t 53, -HIU'II .STREET, every Aloii- scrvi.fe on iu r^'y, and the ofiiiriu^s of fru ratelv for Hastinj^^. Hittnlinn fjolbml Cafe was* his fccoad offence, and f he did notltlhm day and 'Thursday aftcm.Kms. also every Air. Aloningiic Blalicr, nuetibneer. of Bnil- and Vegeta s Were sbld If'ter in the[weel; )>w< iHen' oble ,to iitiiil lim seff of the s»rvb‘es j ^ new’ leaf, he W0m evening at 8.0, or any lime by aiiiiuintmcnt. re.-ili.sing a i^ahtialjsum Un Wedhesf' d/ an excellent Adlj iitnpt in Hie nernc g r>f Mir. ■ QpUitoiw f d— slirm, eoiiductwl an auction sale of a snail gen a ••ElinBEtl.A’’ aitd^ the o ld t h i ^ d i ^ F.ARM SALE.—There apiieurs to. be no flock of Southdown .sheep, horses, dairy c< evening thj Ifa H’lnia ll'rierlds held u ^rviite dfccveii who,.' und^r 11le (■'oloneFn cMtn niiiml,* S'TOLEN !PI ,fe- -- aUgb tly curved rend* fag { t b » E r n s t Suaitax H ospital, of song, wiiicp wub w fll at^en^ed. aur, the KAutifi: Ro^al Sutgii A m S o c i e t y , prpS|.i O ie !d»v ull iirk t sr I‘2, werto charged itU 8j' - j j ; j 4 | l l > t o duettd by Messrs.’ Biiratovr and Clements, for M r.'F. AV.' Pierce, who is quitting SOCIAL riTU 'TE . At i mootiijic; Ne a lies fluancity of peas s.; at Faith ght t k O R P ^ l ’ S MASH S a ^ a r i t a h was tery.} wjtfll attended. Priifes were ntoTuyc|rs fo r jiill th e lots., ijfr'.Trdlalfii seeuCeti a rod and white low M rui ip ttreajiuroiL Knejsahtly. at tlid *•o^.mand"^^fei l.T. ’ ih e I I'ailrliglit. owning u field a peas, whicl 111 MI 3SU>N ARY .m e e t i n g .- At the Con- i«tovu|idTin calf, for £16: Air. Farrar Alessi-. W on. J. E ldiidg , Katom Fix bikf of Nmttolk. K G.. Ford Lii enmit, | teen rivently cut. valued he goods Stolen g«Ut,| W liit 'Tile eveni T r ic k gregu tiunul Hall, on ,Wednesday, the Rev,. 11, light fed cote, ill e.Alf. for .£)!) 10».; iiiR:) d('ride|t upon -:1 1 ml. ip ihe unifor n of his rfink acconi. 1, ijlijlling. Ho had neve 'wero Aloni iVediio iduy an I Friduk* ;'nni*dj w'ith his At “ ---- seen the d«( >nd- m t o F. A f. Lc.stfcf’ gave a m o -1 interesting ai .Carey two wcuiiver heifers at A'O 10s. a-p I...... I.. ... iff was se*»n f * »ots :b? ore. His'imep hadId esmplainedtor the k< e p th e whjllit!-, A n d a t , , f couni'of niisssion work ii liellury. South SOU'rUDOWN SHEET’. , llAltVE FESTIVAL. Tlmnkj-giviiig he ranks mill nude an insiiect iort lif each I }|..dges being broken down Indit.. ivlieyii he was stationed to t si.v years; , , ewe» of fhis flock were pujeliasetl f rom services w|ei'< I. hi oil Fl r three n'ctofl'•k Alaior Inn the afternoon of 9th ^Mitembcr she IE lin tin g i B.-A.," was carried hv aeelama- H ul Flock fast) year, and include 8pv|erhl Wallen ope iliag on tQ; ^fiist-naincU day, 3er.i"jral Sir Krarici" I lo.vd arriT ld xy -(i motor I ijjjn defendants in t'ao field L--eking ■ peas if iia d . East|)o rnel Ac. vithj a numerous Stair to lurry ionCItlie tii- aEMA IN tion. k?P'l bn tooth and udder, ami many fit and the (the liev. K. 1. Morjiiafu hii p.O. 7ar(iss':stated that u 9th Septelt^Eer tlih Hutcher. 'The funi usci is the one Sunday, detHdycor.itlious .perficiii on helinjif of loud Fi-enkh, wjio ^ R S E T S P I ri" M'ILST I nRiVE. — Tho whist driv o f tho chuixli !ih(i Host unfortiinatel.Y, o iild n o t be .priMent on :io-sav defendants com; g Chrough the iiakl ill Uie eatiilogne. bred h.v Air been viifricarried oJit most e lectivoly, ajnd tjic 'ledge tHim the field.| He ipped them and postiraned from the -Abbey Fete in aid of the mean. Tlie l:linl» or.' u particulafly large cot^ fpiatioiisye) proncum’id thetn parti- ircoiiljt of illiiciik. The M utofivf 'f the eskctl them what they hail in their.podiehs. j p x k >h d 6 n Htai’ und Garter Fund was held at, tlie health.v lot. ' , " ‘ 1 . i w Tho offer - FieM-Miir.shnl was « lijrent diSapiKii if iientM Samples Jreaf r e e i iS asicfjitff; lust tnte'ojn Wedne.silay e' cning. 7(1 players ealarly p'ljeU oriiis amuuhtcd Tto SB MUiis, Iml w«J kjiew hC IvbH lie-m verv i)he of- them said they had got peas from the Bonifuee juifvliaeod ten Soutlitlown i:u Is. lield., ■ . taking port. Very effieieri ly dhl Mr. J . Me-, at'51s.. ten a t IGs., ten owe Iam bi at rniieih jhvi rworkeil of ilatc and So. wl ile"«'c atppgaibq^' tvitb s « .w p J mC^ !■ tha LHa,” Ifgi-btte,l his ubseice.! we were gUf ■:» n-err Defer dnnts pleaded , gi ijlty. They ' (millan peirform the, duties of M.C., and a gp; going t ) eat the’iieas:. , il ;jifG FO R SCfcbE tboruighly: pleasant'time was siient.. The jf,. R«lford. ten Sbnthdow n'ewej at honh-.uied b.v the tireabnce of Sir ''ra ac is J7s., \[ l.O.N; i)0 N DKUFTi “'M Dnr.i tsal>i 'Tile riiairm an, sitiil th a t .defendants wjp prixo winners were:—Ladies: 1 st, Mis- Mathis a slit toi)th ram af £3 2s. • ‘hreoj keen iiitere|it in tlie v o lu iit'er moVr bcltie, ... l>oeu w ii ninf golden opin ,e bout id over for t welve iijhnihs, in tu; ram i , F A t ; U ARE (Miss Nonkce’.prize, silvei tray); 2nd, Miss ...... Hilton, eight Southdown ewe« nt'Sjjs. mei|t [ is well-kpowii. Tpon ari iial (Jio.| of ,lie s. -llyrroU, ion^ tut i^t coucpi'ts for lUe 11 udbyt kmifi. S r E'rnn- if L5 e-ocli. I f they c a iie up again tofy F G S IR A L .—The funetL, B a r is (ME .1. Bunn's i rixe, eloeki;i 3r»i, Lemmon, twenty wether lambs at 52s. l.eagne ntj t ci' Panudiuiii nil I eUew vouJd probably, be bircilpd. 'They «li'__ vifo .of tho late MrJ. Wi am Tyrrell, ot Mrs Miiggeridge (Mrs. Soitl’s prize ciisc of Sargent, thirteen mixed lambs at lere,! iff witlij a I gliftiinK ul'd L ito., to liiakc lij'r ij'at nppoaraii.ce at Uie ( hnpp;>n lavf: to go to tihe PrObatiton Officer amo a ‘ U ejn t itlge.-' West |HiUj tool c place n n scissors': 1 lucky prire, - Miss 1 M ilto at 32s. Baltoii Cc| ice r|t;ut yDeen’i Hall this (Sat’iir- J , . , . . *1*' ‘fofi 'f me a uoiiih. ■ ! '' ~ Hoamy --74is-first -{fart o tha faersite was : o 5 f i E Thonnis , (Mrs. Scott’i tirize, .faisei, H0RSF.S, arnlK escniie.r him 1 ant siirpri a-I to see dayk nftoino<»a» MIS's ,bbet;io w; 11 'sing tliel eiiinll iiiimW of men who ani not in iduct) id bv the .B«fv- C[ E. Wheeler at Gen liemenj.—1st. Air. Sprue (.Mr. M artin's Mr. Burleiishutv paid A3 guineas for Spqh**’?* 'iR o « ! softly b t mdng at!id Gfi* On he snpel Church, •riate m uaii 'being ,___,eo re e* f wag "jMoyer.” a chestnut cart mare, stanlding iinMofn On ho flaw, *lfakin« Ii u ds wjtli rtooHimiwowottewn prize.>riz?. silver sil**er matcliboit: m atclib o i': 2 2n:t.. n A Air; ir. WhiteW bite (Mr, (M r, m ab’s Ijovb! is m eant tgako UAj Olaid. each;h I eommandinonmmandin f officer a s fip v in t and >n the pHtanifiy il s. u. piinr- B oadmoafV Sco t ’s prize, silver .flush): 3rd. Mp; (I: about IG.2 bauds. two of which Hare already well- having Coiuploted HASTINGS IVISITOl TO CCXlOEN The Rfal. C. E, iWheefer at officiataSiat tfte • f ( l*t Air. Ijade |ioid.37 guineas for a hlack''rear-, hiS inspection 1i I sent for Y.MiC.A.— number ofV& '^aiiviaisitors fromII Fletclicr (Mrs. Scott’s prize, safad spiaiji and kubwti to Hn!tHnK<^ ahfli iCrsj. ■•^egiguing; us nil'*' tU'e officer’* .of till) Rcgll i^itnent; .\|tolo:tiajinK !7emeteiy.^emafeiy. The mmournerul:nchded ourner' Mr. *wa It forV). Lncky prize. Mr. Luck (Mr. Sicdtl,'. ling ieiift filly, 26 guineas for a hay jcarling upil bf Or. .Alert* Brearley \ind a for -lie absence i(>f tings (>nd St. peonarml,U. ifcludingC thf ;L' .3^r^U *■ aiKllMr. irflMr. Aj. F. ;^freU faofif). Aliss tbk ti c j r t ' colt. ' ! A. Clarence Chamhefst Si aV Ln. CChat; L.-M ; R tiwI}; (daughter • ’ ■ Mtv.. J; ’fyrrfal i k i A S T I H i i M U f prize.'Imateh stand). prite winlierl « the mgs ^tusi* 1 ^Fest i- i)lc' '^ited hy doc orde Afr. Botten paid 23 guineas for a chentput valj »he f 3in?ni the >fap F* alWmt Sir the; Rov. and Mr*: A)i ,J.. jHarI»r, lre«i»cd him ei lonpouiilr,, th^ n ooper. an^ lexerlil friends. A ----- —.—■‘ublU m im ber of Air. Lee paid 2 1 } guineas for a hay haikuey Farak'ir. went to Coodei. on fTsdnesCi beaUflf*' flora 1 tribute.s witjie seat; W wilM uilil. MiiiO VloiR'n^ e| .Mvlwinrd. wan .struck by pnfn*^e, the grow In^^l Army comin flll.v. three .veurs off. hv “ Royal Star.” : ' •r'th^ prpimaei j>f her ivoir took ...... her to Mr;.. .for the dpfonce of ipect the 'Y.M.C..\. Htt : there at.thb 6 1 R Y E . M l / At a mclfting of the Tribunal, over which country ip tation of Mr:, and Mrs. < » r " p 4atii«ik' Mr. C. Sheppard prei.ided, coddftiunul Afr- Harwood ;p'aid 17 guineas for a half- ll>fctu1on ^oH i tM. tit th e ^uilHlmllni' SAiool; of need. Tlie jwirai'to, , he Maid, was : wrgs Hol^fi bred .Yearling colt, and H guineas for a fhjost- ^u»ic for ahyieft. w'ftU Jhe^result Giat «he tion.___ He knew__ tpe tlie ijuties wnirh Muyof of Hastings was ijOavoidabiy l a I *L " exe iiptiuu was granted to all lapplicants. A toncert to tho viritou V s« Kiwon 1 III * Ciptain B..Gibbs (Milit;iry Rcpreseulative) liUt hackney filly, two years Ly loyal, wak onteiifil SyhOol at once nn H pupil todrs j were carrHiid out nnd |... pfid the CO itoibutor* included was also n altcudaneo. . J tftnr.’' of'M ine, iiix i Taohmainh. Sinice,; then she ho4 •a'tor performed ini an adfiiirabl Air. tj.irgeht paid 21 guineas for a fi ly. more thalflan ft lfilW tjio Iwpoi S '4 '“»

    H ASTIN0S AND S T . L E O N A o m RVER S . V T l DAY. ot ToBE

    M U sit AE .Ap p o i n t : 3NT. ’Dr. Hor- I c c j l l l C W G . ! uiiih K. R.C.I.' fioerlr of 11 h»- I k w m o n S a l e s A u c t i o n S a l e s A u c t i o n A u c t i o n S n I c a - I h N « l1 ! kinn*. Ijh** b ‘ U»fo ut Mjiwic. MANY ET^MPTION- WbUTOT" TIMP. Comipbmi^ce /»r m atter nt0pd«<5: D . t T r s o x & HARDEN MILITA n* iJiXJKS of in d««cj IpUoaa llA tltj, ,eu -n j •i WA1.TER^ PARKS, JAM j B S WOOUHAMJ s & S O N , B E E T E Sl F I N N < T i IS’E. insertion m iooiital ihoiildl be I K. i.^PanousJ u a .. OlMcn< Y d u MR. BY fkli or.’:’ and ladTe^tlse-; i,!J' CAN’T nl{8lCT AVOODnAMS. F.A.l HIGH STREET. RYE. 5ESSEX, tad T'lm IOU|«tt Ttoin rtMkAor to tb f Ha P.jrjLl.) FJLI^ |0 f t h f laU» iirm (it MuodliUnix. ^ n . V i TIONEEUb, IlOVSE .|IM) ESTATE I 0t<5„ frji# ONLY AO RLljl \ l . r and UTDD. KF.NT. l m ___ Bom, O ark.t. I AGJiNpS. VAl.l ERS. i SERVE) OHS.; ensifUUr UEII MF.N’S (J CRC R -+H,ai-vtot 'Lt» ' of ^OODBAia UlOH W.^riEn }ntI «J V ff^k mrocnvin^ ^ f! 1 h i i r ] ok: :ih*. 1- E.tabUaNcd |8W 48, m ;u : i n A 1 ESTABLISHED 1812. LHUAH. "V PO-. will I > [icl.l xt Itia I iflipr- e Hastnngs J ■i >b‘il»ail 't •)<(.), ■tjaddTm Tt*T rr'^LoHt feftOinl.iA \ o \ c vli (Lmorn.w liHiinclu, f atA Pile'p.B.eii N|ilf SAVINGi ■ a ll on Tnesday uionvu.B a .nId VAEUHRK SOCTREH." iNt IlHMt M 4 \\n d c T. I0 XEKR 8 ____ SI . Ef;i).\ A ta)i.o!N- SEA. UcnONBERS..I,AM) HODSE. AN ' Sa!»tr inj. 1C Irr .'kt. |\V >d*0$ ill wt|ien the Ib y . H 'amlen* lided, Mipijortaii-tn lijii. I.A> T. ' '.'OIBk AND 'nMBEHjVALUERS. jtT*rfKKk ; ftMd n. U(« tf>t X *71 :At*odfB. T. C I ttir - I i l* m da 1141 p vO ill pi'ime Id^tfavencll xfuimoiv ; Oba iijlum. cd/ti - 1 j ■ Jt .P lY ., (\.uu<-ilI',«vss4/«sV a*f' lj.u E;|lahli«h''d o 'er Si> y Eetates and .Pfoperly Managed and Renb T ssrrrr. * Av bak kiiidJy 1’ ii'jM ^ HAfEIi(|Cl ROAD, HARtnlGB Collected. r|i\(wt f» 'I ind 0 berk rim Oi j;ai ijt «!ind C hoiir TsLsrqdMB No. 37 Bx •< »rd^r ilio llNroato,!*) id J till" l.dr 1. J t illH of i JiuJduee Authoritie-. 59snAMiKG,. , . ^ ■mi*, r . i -XlntMi ISfj. Valnationa for bH inirpocee carefiiily made. -Ac 4 V’to U r ta, 1 r»-n*!er the jiiunj.ieiil pari. n x e tn y s . TCI.BG U A ux^ Wuonit XMX. 'I B xi 1 GB|.I -■ ‘ I Regiater of Eaiafeii, Varme. ilmi-mx iVUuldr- EAST US 8^ , H 5 , smtiible Ul w.||untlM * liT A,tji i r n o v . M v 'rru K U s, I niahed and Fnrnieh nl) kepi. nA^^^N :■ ■: jnrs’U r ^ 4.1 , lU-e.-pUvt e Appltcatii.il vv;. h'.i'i.,: t eh., H A ITI E l ATTI.E n t.'TIi((N jij v K E l.i . i;,. , ’l J.K n \ 'E.V. • llptise llo ,. ’S J u r ' ^^!4i:^A l*jV w "lifoK ^ ^ E l1)08 r | 1 HI xj;.\T I OR' •MC,H I'l.V KE1 HIKETMINAHV 1.1,'T 1 O R T U n i.M- U!tIM\ 1 • ; U ill ,#3e i;tv u til t!ic Old HiriM‘t‘U** rj*. Prune Uiup';;.: i- Kief sfejAXISEpJN. , X ;AVill be held On MOM) BER .M E S S II hi U A D M iN r X : H A H m :N ■JP INfa SALES to l>e Cinducted by:-r- piUd. H igl twell. \\ III - r p PleTA V WIT IH ijtK w O r ArtI»U« ricAd [C<4«firfn’iri. R v er, itaiimi.'i'. ItiUi,: 1( Iti, and u til ia.iiiiiit. the ushal el rit>Ni' f'U OVAp nv V. xRftti:i: r \ F.ASr H ! In*” ifi«fif* h [finf! Irfnf Wh )»Kcys, ,•.J J, [tl-'-T l BPR^YM BRIDG1|1 FARSi. W E S iT [E L D . jlliv. loi ih\ r AM) .•iToin: u iIa st s '. n< ri < m g :r 7,lij.,: 1 .3d'..Vl HEtFI®S, uo<| tM'fbItii liCfU-i'. liiHMi.: Ti*)» iimj pirn* ' .OCTOBGl' Kill. — ASH OKU I, A TI I ’ih r If.44.d. IT eie Ipi-ie Id'J ifilux'r'. Mr.» l ,1 1 . .KTNE STt-1.!': C-ALVi.i?^. T lO ll' S. IH ieETR >1 RKET, E'egixtc.'i'd Knit: Teg- frn l i e o n a r d s jr IMTl j’lt !;(wt 1 >1| n- l.tf- w tlU'Vt • wap the t'luJj niiiin :»t **•> n*t> 1 4*^*d Il o n g e s t ! PRolllI iv i .s ; . I'MI'IE fi l-l:T i . W ' I X . l«;4»ujl ••Ufif \Vc)idrf)Lf% ' lUuihfswf* The Hastings and S < »jemsU’i' Ph:^-- '< i- . A iMadlaheoiit. 1. ICft?. tabjv.v, \1 r. IT IjtPeve’ Ml.* d lhri.st.>}i! I'-r W ' ■--r is; ■ X \(t’ >N'^. ^ 'Jj-slamli*. (•li<”ets ot i ilijiwji'r-. i: ,i!id M 'W >. liiiir ex are toIitU trl. i.ijuvt.rA’ itlifl 1)111 p. \MI;-l-.w i ti'rtum. ;iri.ii-irui:ir ii|,r aid ;. OCTOBEK ISth.—RYE M.«lRKET. Open SMe men itt ti rU'iit- . 'i'hvjp^vre; BROWN ASH. ilain Cnixher. i T u^ip t r>* i-ii-'v. iitaii.s. k Hianv iH/re a, Hori* Ai(cl utill , J'^A, .Rlupr etorx:- ;;,i^iiMt ihiali iiloriyHurt.- I,i> .EiImi Hrtn-lmead » ii-I for Store Sb^ep and Jiambs O lip E B ^ E R t nAi-e w ] » li.ut I igjv^ri jiriitOsi. buC r V Ijuld.rFif llanji''”***' aV)?!-:. llhU Ml > <’<'.a| c k 1’a are tu.eib • hiHd anytliiiiiTJ howo>t-r r ■ ■ ii' • b jjit). ttu »v;t .UU -iautit.y of u ^ fu l J A ^ E 8 koVEMUER 1st.—RYE MARKET. m naitolAltl oiixeiH, mi he .nai)hani on T|iiuri;^ I w d 1 ] >e , 'j; i aCjivltv 1 reyeudnll lat Cl. Xoi ' i ■ M ' innftioil to Up cturA r :!iT inpl.mmt* «picb I Sale for - Store - ■ Slieep- - a ad Lamba. tenl e<*f«y ^jivk'-pi.ihy .Sii'l. S ’ 43. KriJa’s Road, and i V O O D H A n s & SGM 5l!. Hiljiii! wahviit fAfx'd itkvo Miitf ivri'UhOi! #;i' a h iiaVKi k hiilnmig rofifl. -hh '« i M El| H'Al. H i' MB. WALTER PARItS eiU[V tuifl TO o V e p ’'! V ill H IH - •+«!— it»#; ['Pile m-tif.ewinn'l’r lu Vfh«‘.t, t-A TTEE .MARKr.T, ASirVORD, m oil I he •! iglit Tmild *uhle I Tram i Jupirti on, hil.itrbtll. 'Ph 171. ;■ •Ifrcrf. Edtv aal I 'rtrtwOoa.* froip ..klr 27, HIGH STUEE I'. BA'i'TtxE. * hrtirv. (itt Aiiik si4lo))«ciMfd, jo.ik t t r cl Vflijiiig ^{t( :n Dvv. riteerf wei^B I ]i". I.iduis-f i w »|ie II’* rollew •> : - Luihe pglv.-*. Cvji o t *li.l 'n.v'ij-) Hm ifecajT^l tlinii<>; ^ t..1 t . tviiiiny tutjlf. avaUiiU suhI i .i' MjT-I Hud-on.! IT b'fipIK'tnl ticl- MKSSKS. BEEVE & FINN tUe st;i ,. .N I fur- [ M1 M iM r. ll ll'.llll al; r.iriti and. SATURDAY, OCTOBEE, 7th I ktKTlvAfit .4’ J)M,* "W*, aijllM* ---w wr" 4\'i' I."^ Ti , l|3y000 havi? :omt! I ban, I1..1 1 ^1 ’ Iinl;v Jpibiher -Miis.s. ptebii iiy ;i*'!v lAUCTtdN on im iit', vv.ii I’r.-coUinr drnwiiig., ...ihi hiiU thlil.-'! J - £ A.' k witli. inidructiuin-t [■ )•■ itiJin’d, I’ft' eu i-fdat len, | '.Mr*. Herlly, Fho si;<- V.'].; ST-U.KIMil! 1 ) URl from -Mr. Ar^Uuir I itiii to .SEEL JfV i eattott 111 11 ■ - llA.sl.TNUS. iiUfi flfifii barli im-i. MIA it: .kM> •' M in i;.' • ,\i the I UcKliriiii-i : tj( -Mr*, liu^tui, H I: lavpii r-M ij-'. f ^ Vlnikl-t. on 'TVl S-i Haml (I ;t, Mi-vUlutffon IT >f» At ,th » Iplaeo Tt-n minutes' 'u.iik; noUi UCC* i : M : r n : o REATKIt 1 mlery.,■ ch,m:. gl-ir-x. | ,Y V ‘TirTuB 1 P lloiie on ; iiu-. ( !.ii] 1 B h ? I ^ E S ) R e f o r m . -« 111- jlMptl C«t*Wffuo« ■ kil- h..ii htRistl.-., garden jiiiii-i. Ih-. a liniviing ' V- A’V RDd 'j' OOP W E E KLY. i li III >mt\ i>vo. I I k - U ii ve III .“til- [ niiiiilH-r. IvingdoHi. h^»t) tinsttla llion, |i «' Miln tor at AlU tion* r a Offi SftVlCB. . >b Ilf. : i \ \ r *f*. *•' fill tin* ill i4*Gt Ih*. 1 \t , . . M il) l;hh iamly pla.Mi g af gpijtlv- I ■ ll : a ^ V e d 1.) b. .■ l I jl: PA.tloc|k-roBd llaitinK'.i ill- w iio l.i: 6 \ t h t ^ u y i ; rn ■ y ■ 1 ■ i » D lare its. I . t »n Vif» J)»^ I’lior In iind ^Morning .nf T!i!tif:.STh3|’Kl) R \M i EOS '.ji! i lioj',lj risk i jicir m an. Mr H»l . IT I, \ v 'u l l jlj I AND I’tlM PtfC S LAN'I.EAGB " 1ii»: I .VUMINU Uiv-i;:- T!:r.F,RIHt.N 14411*' )4 riItliT*.sv V«)! T . f ut.uoXHf'i at •4:' .M'lrino.; S t, f.c-'m.inl^- “ki tJieir ini *su;\ H I p-ilf 1 T t F.SJV\ y . c 1 ottihu m i. K.AIVV 1 ».\V GLi: ffro m the VVe-dbThhc I liR-k) M ir.ii 4 U &|TO I !A(iii>( 'I’l i m p e r i a i .ikmI. i « r: Pepl; ^ af'v-iis'’ i)|l.\ ihl-m jipJi U.^ nj5*. .1 u."! I ilpof oli'ttva t.tM'f Ur; Si BROOK L■|.01M.!l:'. 'l AG pA i U if \>> p fill 11! .11 !! IcH, \\i oht tU.d .| Sale Ivi coninici'iie at Hi III o ’clock. 181] ijldveHiscment only. Trn ed u!‘4!ue«jjr T0fU>|fHl ,11 iM*|t j] r-f ■ - i ■ i FUlPJ' 'ES^I'.X. Ui HoU-. ; liarrt ij \ V in i He A iK-’inn I tllico-': ,H:o jini.i Evdd ,| Ot lull' to u t,{{iveller-. plea* p fa.;, or iw.ri|to to ’bT,' ’ I By Onloi of tin- lixi’T', of the late M i'. ^ U n W f[Vi 0 « f iunli K- 'I!' tt Ii4*, \ 1 U. m n|eivewf fUrj* lu r,- v.^ll ,lj HEftfl Tailor, iti Dpv.insblie-joati, |i Mi.s-I| fiiias Pinvo ,-1 littln eptii'.-f m irhirh i V’ -Mrtkl Vain VNlHij’i/n- E. 1’. .’'lead. T ■ 132, Exlo istons to sll (cpartRientSo t f'l. '.liMlaloe j - lie l\ eti«r., i' HhvisH', IJ .1 [ii4» «lid RYE M.-\RKF,T. tU a f i'0 |s -|''-J:‘'E I Ul^lTlIgS 11< aiHttgil !l iv|o t r ti.it-e uoiMl.s! l i; jMt, G. I- * * 1] a»l ): * * ulaI;U^ . WHS fld-juur: •*«i i 1 jl * . f .MftinTt ‘ •* -» llnke, Ut*- 5E H U 'E E H’.VE’li i;< i.AD. A X- ° I ! ' I . .',,H.\V # Fa I ue*tii\r |the ftl. Loo- ! blit.'-ini htlal i.-plv. I ■ 3 - . Ei-^N Ufbs-wN-'RA. IstU OCTOBER. 1918. Ml.N .V. I K < \\ g I'-iv; tuv r»* itai VnU’^'.-'FlW^t. t!:. Ciia.iit 11 uj lU'-T.J ilrn -s Mm jK.uy was i „ „ r,u B. j., i; i.<*0tur«* hliiih tl e .llltu niial 1 , lit. n^v i>xplaii;v*jon fli- Lt when 1 1 D nviti T i t u i u oi', t » . ‘ akij A.ri MESSRS. lil-l • S’i *-l!rlK . 'be U e;wreUit|o Uc t Vln;^ r- 1 oRA:':r> \; r. i i '.'UKT: iMKSSK4 1»A^«0N A; HkRDEN HAISTIXQ3 A.M) ST. Lfecj.N.\KUJ> .1'"^ ■ “i i MI--C.X { « luon {sait'l ijflifm n »- h—a 4lp|K»mIriJ*i on out*! r'inK^rvr. V'iiiitt Tut <'r-, ,)fjt a-.-'jiM REEVE & FIN.Ni 4.1, mirnlf* -jiVilH-r ■? .iiol I'ln mi?it t :jU/ ECjJSj, Iiwlti, >v.|u II ■sf ij ral uttu-ers aibl-dtdetfates iram ^ de spui'f'iH .t iw imiitrrmis v»,riB, Ik'pti 111* KEJ.T VVi.r XMI 1.1 itv»- \ ..U t'ap .!., P)iiiJ Aro iiictr-.' Ic.j Tt)>-I.EE BV At y rioN, on: • ■ iT. *: n .. 1 ■l.t.T Wiis! llu.v tits*' iithli tl • i'.inciie-. met i^e uttcr|iHK>ii MrtTft Y^'^lDn luvouw l wiUv ini^lructirn« ! aio; u’j *‘t the Hi'iij.-h Iriupiio* _ig; louid n*v--Jjjp'4 ayffjjr ;! s a f liiuti O N l A.ns.i Mali,-. n[ntl I \< tv i.v m i I; 'L’tiil, till) .filii.lc 1,1 ■ fill’ vory ; # i T 0 e v v » ^ I ilf , i*:i eK'lei F ».a> iJi tl'.c kha;i. I'd w ith Et'ide mi in*M SKiaL .Mi(: 1 in |tlin uIhj\ o .'Inrltifl »fri»>wl.’ul ol the l|]iiii '“!» JuJtitu! It th e In nil pUjUM*- u»it Vu»v< nil* , 1' • il l»v \i4-f L.i; •4. IV). Ill I tin'll luU >U Gt|l A ex>nl( rem y. elevtiyu of '.I per-on wiitiiiiit thniK t)i line .ipuri: 11 ru-m ih%[ I Rni’ltii: M liVlTl'HE. i AtA f'O 1.1! m I-Ml A) flock he, Mr. : mi I^.Himr 'toil go laga 11V . .\ll 't'.1|\ im '.'NbisjrocH l -U i li’.. 'UeVik-’r v U, r . l . 1 »6i ■V -1 i lit*- w a- i*ie-J oil !• n . of till-- . 1 u-Ufti. »9HEJ D.of B El l S J Tin- 'Mill.-.dm .: l,Rt’ ;<.4,tvnI’.U T J T)E- S.\ TTRII MV. <)» P1' i inivT j;f, 1 ,( ■ ^ ■ 1 1 1 t 'ibturd of fH*s - I' II-‘ )?i*l »u.*» Kirtfcl”,. . VhI : r ' r i ' 2 0 n i' .-ul*‘*l OV1 Jr \h-s \ liiii. l,van;;r Itnt 1C ,1 Mtiuhnsliej) Mu* .ii-cDf pilnf-’M of . ' a T W U B : HEsiliESCE;; with iKj-.'esynjii, *■ -- bju tl; Hi lU-iV. Inui i>*pninv’'* ward 'that t.lm, 4*1 :>Ts ■ , , l o i';44t.'iCEiNh' ‘;i IND , MESSrS. JAMES lup CM-.'Up.t loll, 'H E lii’ A.M) h \M»h :4- >'ll*ClMl1 l H»l’. ^I.ov fl-lfUlh v ], Mts t u|»-,4t IluinitueiiA lT|i.'-:l(he h:fr- *Tii.?jitH’liU(I < ' |- 1- ., HisiirNi.iRti i '-i • 'C '. ' ^ |>rijii**v i\ u- •eb’uti*«l lb]e* df-iit \ lh*-i .Y, Hie I i.v; lueiilut .if’.Kri’rnl |eU«ei. Khv oificiB -S .{! IM rti-X ! \U)Oi>rvAMb & SOl'i I tftii' it--. Nliinna k l'IV M,. - 1 lit M ing ti. jTvItei iiiv'i! jt'jiiT* H 'l ill "113.1 Bid«tly in I'i. -ill at , il.'- : .It.dj urncpitlda, ALLC!(^BD l'AV(i>^ftlTIS51 M|\t VNV Id. M l i • 1 I'lMlU' 1S*-I ii UmUHi tM i|l ^ iijurn e u rp inj; i w < i’.. 1 i ] eai|h . . the h' iiiMhui’- w*-;a| r t M - ,4NI) IT' M 11 GS. br.»1iePS-I*)ll!>- :ll [i \*lu’e A Ollffl I Va* uHt] I :1 tur 1 ; - ..rai-u.f if: fw ittheiaj . e\-M-d»‘«t ou I Vrkii h ,p. Pt-,-^1 •atplanxllci_ 0 6 ;' "M;?: I fuIjpm(r;K ! '.vti.l ■:»4 frook o il.! u jt-( »«.' t*| nT.iHS i-r.HiiiT rsAMs I> HAM TEitS MIASTiNCiS TRIBI[.!NAI.. I’Uf .4 ree v it h rt)it Kill tv. [Miss R . , Ot j >h** ■,'pt I I pi ' *<|:i -I h»*r -vv. II l!:»i ■mj H a . I n t. »«. td ’[ : (y‘l'. 1 h- it.-i- ii [f I* .m*>rniiig ifv. ;; ve an mtvife- nml>s}n f .1 i-p|'; W il- tl ll ;»w ;,ri\ l].{*f the <1 ih w ittiEv j»ky (t-'j... ..fiijiip.iripd Mr. U r fiN,'*)n ilif* 1 uovB premU^i SINS & DEDEN^ lA M I-ICIIU thiSk V\ONtbsiuko \ It ok ot .Mr A rill III MH: Sikld I’Yjli'iUr. .VkiAb Ific ll*.i|.'^il Ulfvii •t f> tr«riQ 1 i t.ij .1' I re ID’V - t ...... 1 .uisiie rn •* juidi H *. National|3-At n the I Mi^K»r I Iipiui'Ui**!' I fie .» t u* n h-ul y ’ e«l ll ri BE I I BV " AiCt.- I ION 1 .'iV V ’ I I inn) : It nn,|*u--llji*.|; Mil him* i» iliwl 0 % A \, I).- i GCTIC NEERS. VALUERS' noUSR ' • r .uiucl. anil III ..‘lin e (1 \ i( lU. the ’I ’ ;i*it*, ji ill i ‘ aied hei’ies^pc! o*fi e- in I, u-sia \ e.xoiuplt*fiii| I'i'-'l m-it^'*r ul jiretpiii l.'-'-’.J' And d tt« i'll M ‘ ' 1 f. f;i INfira uoiiiiili *1.1 HisVirv-wi. nK;. "iiirir 'I. at lal t llO •iit't.J AND E.ST.4TE , AOEN^. AND ■ ''"I ■3.1 |. ' ■-,[ 1 SlM.lfti.: Neu urn Af'.i n men- vv^'t’ > u hu’fr^t GUlit he luid I \ isiUm tWU’l nml ) it tniu-ll Ih' il r-*’Prit 1; tlM.t'P :» '1 lain accountants . " 4 »'v >*r.\ f *1 TlGuIf’1's • 'll ll 1 ’..i’jUdy .Jmvje, ’ Hlim I: ith tiijt j tiiii. ll.so nitid rlio ave St'ci, HUill STREET. 4 ' i; I; r. I T E R F, n la \ M s al\ d r .v m ’I I.tj; >p: iiUe to '. vu ■ »^\trein* J V {vow thji 1 u» w .ilf t till iiu}>or> I li [ .Iv. 1:0 line Ixvy, V, a - h»>Uj jin’ t U'l lei Y4>4»t W -lU 'i wal’d bv Aui’crt lituw • iluii^hl <'!■ of r I’uhuiiies ( ni I luu Lmiitt'o . i; nil* ••- ln'PTl iiMi iiM-u: fr' 1 ariit Ifn- I'. ; - 'I’M ■ UoteE , T - * UOBEH TSUU lpU E. liihUraacex of eVety De iription: ■' : : ■' '14' ! .■■''-■'T -■’H v 'f c ’" , ./.tU'Tttjvr'ie OlticiM l«*mmt<| for tiicin ] tr t lu* .H i n V mi M uiii l;.M» ' u’f 1 iiliVIwUUt'. |>P*‘ plUrt’1 ii. iih yvi I .the toni.iu ft 1 ;«i lisb*'i iwik Uik* im|H)>OfiMnee;! iviun’iuiiGml't laliku II |»nne i*lr ifml . flfh* tiiTuwin muiiiov.'t »>>e I .V‘ 8»{leiCbui>>f, -.V f t tjjn Irr of the I viit-i, of tlte 1 ite John li’E t.l'l LI.’l D IMMw \|M) RAM lEi],’ fill .III (jefCined iijl'‘ap'iii k!,f I.IrtM-' I:.;- .r^,i j-Ukietiiu*i, ll.|»uritc. IVtrl'Vff. ' Si ' V\ m. 0 iif < iiba 4*' ir) -’wt bvii, ? durinj# hi* da • I t;-?ii|M t'ii lie iwlti’k amdii^. > i K ii'lv, • ahitl tin* I i n <’; ■'uClIiI 111 ll*ff, tfioi t I ml lea -h Expert Valuer* end AocDoheere to i\lor| Ciiiitiun J. Bodvi, i Ii, fl' 'h Sll ubi luiktn;^ tpt'ni on 1 tiuohtfc- ^Ui< lil irirfr g r » h u«t *• inti 'n ‘.ifi r!i«* Im it[**Tu*rnI s'^Uin, li’cla r»’»i. 1 h.’i'; ' \ HKK T:tt\() .i:\A N S 'i'hp )‘a r k U v r . ■■>1 lillG. r 111 V.4El!Ar.El I K EEHni.: i KS )--ii the Yrinting. Newapaper. Statlouery. ! and )>(•* ivrj^mhie- t \\ Ollll niK). i| mni V I IXlIU’V jW in u r e . u^ |i ain» umHs ;tnd! trii f]u ipuI>Li«: *«vr T i E V - O " '. OCl’i il-i'i- TEN i.S: I. ;i. .1,7. 'i iiE EJ.S, " . ' -2 0 , . - . ■■ i (horr 1 lU-t h inj: u p .’* tiiui 1* ’ W fw.l'V’illlr* their Hark e>'t 'rh an k — pOB^blr: >Uu.*fj I }l*)n«'ri- -1 Vh'PTfv WAV.'. I ' j l ’l- ,, .. IfookaelliDK Trade* | t.K *• 4 •'’*ui»A»ri,h oi Hiyp slt*r iltU.I a nut . he I ll iini uuui.sl.j . 11 blhVJ'ioN TiOAU. J MEERliRinJIi ELI) KlVMs ,t$ D , RAM TEGS |i li»nr«' I U*ll llrf)[ vuTdfil m* V ■ 14', lid .111 <1U" -l*Vl PH-S I m|la\. ' 1 he idiUffdi wa- W llHtj ll.itch#il,i II* THiif'frsuii : ff, II i C l.'isl Ul'.l''!;* 'ir'MON. TH V • • - ...... ll'cv -Mil. \\ . };.l sSniuli), i*a It 111: U \ dct'ul!at« e e. ‘ i [ aovU nDni- VI. t i l Ifev. A-i'N. >Vall4»n, -r-|Coiidith)tiaI exeiijptrait.jwiitiioul tl iileslimif, rTiNtj :4 '4 ^ ' *■ I I'Oher eiiitiee reriM-nLiillr aolteUedi to e 'Ulil 'j jle-id li «• -UfllniU kl e in ilual ipicie-li .iin<|l )i| iti:»nv i:n«wln-n Ut'h.tm; M-p1'- ST EUXU l.t 2 irinllv limpr '1 hat 1 |ii| t li’.ii itn e\e, lictir ’iemi III. In the- lillej- iReuben Kn'ighi.i39. mnti.f and: aij vVor .-;vele , », BA VEIXJGte ROiD.j H ISTINOS." ■tlift Aiiclioiieeri-t Is.ve nii.l I.ynd. '►’**1*1 f»n I.rx : | 4 m2 tlr(| b r a n he-, ami m-e mu tl val|ti|(*i4 US-1 ns |l ..lfr—('|)!l I4-....-Y 1 .liiM iI’K^eiiiui euler*’»I ut». t h.--c- I « il...... “!a (!f fi'itiFi! li' iJ H Iinil tile E.VENMUV the irh u iriMiiihired the: iiaidata, v^F'liantCi. and anu Ifhiarlesiuiitti Knefer, S.'; aero iip- ilH.'UK. ■ l.MMER. .iiiii -EA ('•boiilil 1 ;ii V Um’ «a|r ’n-ulejaiion h. \ritii n ueh' trues..-, and gave pli'ii- • •PP<;»'rl|!ii\ltte4 for iiut**re|iiivi jr«. eoUmj 1 iiiK t(U(| teiii 1HK |>ruT)U^'Mli.pw.ij ie.*il , Iiihl.v Ihe prinviple ol iiimI' i,:i'k4 : aple lot it.'. O .h' ! ii' : ' . ’.n il JaaUajJ. Ui:ii.ix JlAGl- I i: lui) I I'liittS: t}»e tf|ii| e.vmiiptions. l il" .Mt‘i I l MU- iFifl . -Mr. Mro« n •or-^ THii: ialMl ITioto l,^<^i*^c»rd leWiiig puicels. cjtc.,7iiniler contra, it vritli, f he H:y'Tlki!si. CHENNELLS DYER !& GALLAWRY 6 niru iiive«l nr** >-ui' YfALfEB PARKS: f Till wiioU* iiro'liii’ ug Hi: iigj it; uini’} t<* [i bo oiii ".jtii: iib' applieji-tioijiw t the k- M.1rnlflCptr - ‘I.I ♦'h' uhl lil.’P ■eu'l -i ’* 7-i • Post liRicf, F.ffeifer WM'd branoi | trul ii^cle M ft MESSRS. )W oil cl liurtuh'tt. i 'T tueed tii.-iiv ijuipjihi (lulultiM . of i»Pr nnnuui.^ -S. BlTi'TRAM DYER. F A.l. iHlul 1 llP ltd lVll|l^f )»f It uiU hi* at til 1 l\ue|^ei I i^ulrv \n#>»♦!• icndeictl i*acb, no r-ate at '^}tl. t wheel mater and moter:,drfvvk ftr-the Rost Iwnnj -in.triiclfdi '.ly .Mta , WUliam-: let Normal i >rOA(i. uuad 6. |lilversi\(|hbplaftik^ ? -huiihl liiiif ;irt wevv industiie-i ‘I«i‘ ic lU »«.»:nrcnieiit lala to I cSl.NS A; HEHESH.4M A. W.' OM.EAM Jw 1 ,A.l. ! IM •! HMm| t ll|ltt bSjp \\ D) ;|* •p .>‘Ui «l Mis: Oakiev 'lis-es* Hhi<’km an ai.tl OIG.:.', I ;!;|n(iili'it||al exemption 'Ml ].a<-h.4:as*v‘ kr.telr. «lini h-nVibii! ir’pbm and i I ui I |h iiiwMiu nil* eikson. t Vn Motifiny l..eoiiar<[sh : AIr..J,1 . O. Kor terI to Cj-upoti nIreaihj l*h iv I’l pivl «n ; h*' nidi I MESSRS. JAMES U til M v .1, l;V . M l ’lIiiN , H i:R.rD .\ V, tA-gents to the liihei:i|i Receiver tn :Ui;U tbo V, 'irH- tif?t V- t)U*ii^, h. irilthivut u lio^rtn I'lnitt., to SEEi. Ijt ICCTION. fe-tlN.iv na tilled aitU putjJ'c ; iO‘*d* ,b otottnks; oy ot .1 . ‘luu k rr^'l reee^ivi'il 1 rum .Vu'4’;Vi*I aim iVVillmtn A rth u r Mio*S'iiiitli-!'’-t if-ej istatsoo. .nvcn:eaoe; M..\T 111 T) HtEl! I'.liif ,il •2 0 In:.:!-.. Hiiiikriipi) vi el-ewIiGif f]iliii I Ihim • 4 »i« v!’'oi» .1.:.:., J .H n\il t j u r W 00DI1AA\S u. SCN t:*' Uf! it i IM v; cl I 'uSt l-> wet? le t he r tiiK in the e|i**!vluiij*'.Vid'unmii M reilv.uk Ltd.', Ou-^etTver ‘r Haatiing* •hepueid-. 1 rei-Uj m aster jllilullgir apd wfirV- f. IfUjh»ri«»r -' I loM f I!' 1.1 I 1PM 1 I. tiLNCR U ( lun .tm.'-l.!. M'lu'v wj'iv M*th .rcliBst^' i - , , •jiio**lifl)nLb <>i Ii«t\v ntunv tu^mi Ihl !•*’ :w|M ' *’d lot j ’ dbnii. .Vihir se-L Av raii'iven hv the Hove, EL. 11 U til 'L 'If Mi'll I AM la M lfhlO N J finbr patliiior w ith the firmuil Dyei rind Khoe- m ncncc III Ope ,1 rick., . i , . A .It-ilU'in'jl !*.p iiii>-)Cnco of A VM M I..’', 1 M \ II Mil \ Iwi tr> ‘lo «l|vH tin uf -lit Hiuy nil ;alt Tl UI. n 3t;’f '. nil I lu* .\ il'mv .i,' iln • I tu'V «.J -llie reeti^uiffGd j tMt:ui;;e H.ult I i H d-i anil \ J \V aliiin. ■ Ml .Rei habrlp 1 pill]M*raiKili*| V >f)s4 im ith.; -iJl" had tour bilo,fVr» 11 tiic AHliy be confi'iiietit,':' its ;;.'d' from Ut^H «>0 rv u e 11 klui ly sLIJV IV t'R-’ "4 III Ki \M ) sll MU. tliiit ♦.hofp tniw« a fine f;itu 1‘jr.ll . -mg r - M a i .N I T' HEi.l- 1: h’Mir .icml’ liii.Ti diGM)*, at -HaeU ffOrvii’c..' M IJ •0*1 nml ill isDfitinuo !)*i Navf an.I bad been.lWif.cars n tine Uiih- 1:1011 few m iu- T r • ' tM.ndiict iUte tlio n . BRiIKKKB. .! tlfo p m b u 'in ’(.’ll tin* ufiplu iM rjri ifl’Mlie avail-1 spe t vr ifiiit*-, lit!*] *lu‘\ wr: 'M tot If * i'Old. Ri loM r n ’E. lira ticd-’end!; niv'i 'j’lf't’ia! :,bar?i»*sl|j t» min*; ivere t V»l- , *binn^ eek.i detail! lit vviU 'u Hpittear ui u 'liiur. If’ iMf til.tig*. I’su- .ug;s iFire Brigade, w i d wax.:ciij jfiiili the Ssim. . 1 , _ I|ni[e rTci*Hi*ii iutI i u tt umY to dLL HV abr» »o ibo i\'jiJ t|r j • ) ' 4e III »?wt : t>* jr imlu-ti:,il emr V* :;»GT - : I HOT* 1. iM-ddillg. i«-ddlflg. nlld ^■ollte|lls of otl. n-' in’ilT)i*ini' ■ •Its acre (dketii i 1 itlie i.'ijuhii Fumls, our ad IllMt;] e.oIUil It *^ I lie Mh -kioii ui glncer in . ha:ge HwWaa also a .p icial fitnik c:ii t>.' i.i.tainedi nl Mr. W. -a c H i o .\ nr Tlii*: (i . ;AI ( I lUN S Mii.S ,.| fiery tl.til ‘t*criptin.irtj- j h it> ilttei tmn ipn! tiu * »ut-rarv’, 1 ! NUraVl- M SOMI I' K.NT WALM 'I’ y; IDtiliiiAUI'. u-ot» 1 I piir[|K)if-4. I I ' 1 it i(w!|prcldeuj ’ivijif ’ll re.iliM*d 1 1 > p r . Pf. A'jo. J fK’in> R *** ^ I iditiiiig.--flnii»t« - riKHii 'Utto,- nii.i itin tig tno|i-.' u’hicb ’Uiil tjui' . iy|n't”v’tji‘,m ' csMcmi emurl lem *(|rane * advorJru-** <*t M i l t IVI.1 S li*' oti. die most ki.Hieful n ejubersi. tlrii it f in .Viir'.ii neer's t ’!;(a'X:'- B E R ith^ IfUiJ, i)t y ;1*J oV'iock. ES’TVTKS .MAX.VitFD iHx.. f'o'!p.te.P ‘ Is v-m a.e iajt the en tire >*ein, one A)i ' ite tiU*i u?!>e?--i t!un- ! n■i^lc•^t. HA M isi’Mi; DK.vvri.vt; it. <»bln lin c,fm,p- to pliilu.iit It me lit lit. IN.Sl'RANf l;S A I; RANG ED. i tla-tib) to fill tiihnp* fl' Vl’liit uuw er* < : If' E. ll.jLade. d'.,-19, King’s-toa. l.Abntclier; I .VDKII W ool) (s'U.I ■n.- Ueyel Sollcitorj*. f!‘oubrid;?c AiTc W. jo*' 11:« -of-. V 1 „ ' ivImcIi] Mi |lllV c»i-i'y. m| c ' l;iV ‘■■lit-; olf ball- oile-third, and it iui't|l|prfu­ t f ile Ul ..... ‘4 f if c«ui I)ny Privr Hiid ?iloitiiiig oi,Ssle., ;;>i;;etiiie I -'ilr *n‘vrif.' ■lanagcit aiul bkiyer, wa^i cleim t d ! by Ltoi- the ilctiOtK'O'.'i’ I"*" , , I til \:ii ■; 3.8, HAVELOCK l«t.\D HASTlNaS. • »vcr -jiifi'iJ !;t)lis.' ’4 ll|l rt"»|(Uireru';’Jits iif' •i <1111111* r e»n'„'ii[nil |tnre raute. Admi'*'*! ll to « y nu’et'i i fli ’2t. lEiv el.iii'l; - 1 roivTl Ioi-h) Itrm ninj in‘..i:u'[il iU'ilv : Toi}.:'*i the- I'Jlj.H. •<:d?N.:t|i;i T )«0 M.J t lemeilC eiituhc laV ibatuikJ Hijid iipxi| I n.'s- had jotned ithe A m r riiid!]jd MiEl. 1!V ■ tup ■ . : 88. MOLlN'T ROAD t EIV E VAIil;,! !' # hui‘|’ii lloiest* wUs i hHc,) onl Wmin*.sdiiy p afai'’tA-i»iii n|f re • ivaI‘ I vetiv fioa ijuury ,\ ttu;-iifiwnioi: i of .Sjnli lla-tinu- 'Ti*lt'nh‘itii- b7t'.r iiij*»*tlf o; itlic .\rnn^i nil) l ib* !*.? uiii^.i. |ii dav am' (M iiejiilav. II ivide i!Ungt» of djifcd l,ipii|the-fi rtg.-4Cv|indis f i io w ix o f*\c3iiiMM rue JI <|oiiej[ i»v the 5>l. .(.b*!m’iil s rn llul lu )irtih> u; Ij.ritf Ihi niiurr*: hut; A 1)NI?A|E V.tl.l. l actones I . j\\ driuv I s|it ( tt.tentl n }|u sub/ehl « luj; ivilh trl^< ll, StiPiril.'lMs|- w’fien iiluu • .Htno. ih’Wii lu. ut i.ui).. the ihui'hli?. tionxl ..kiliuption withourntim* .1 Itj A ^ ENDERWool: : fU f IW- NiNuur:h. Hm iii Ixcausf* ft<4 t, anM>‘aivy of theit iijnc (.ads’ BiiyatM. umiei-: UtilUK’. •iun-ntihe aisipis'l oi llip Tj’Uii'..'i!- ihi'vsf* ivovY iMinortaivt .11 !>• >1.1)11; pric:4#*»i Hiul the >,11- • {pin thcUpei-iaik*pstald(w’i.,*■ . ‘ HEIMT m U K fl>i' .‘.•utennlit. Mhi llio anun rjuml) ,:i t'ii|i| U ll;:vrmi!u, ‘h*l- .perto uuuMV 'va-. ainte 4ivi|c-t to; 1 .Toiin Bj-oiAkv iW; 2S> Aboa-vitla , MESBltS. W . |T. , SM ITJl & ISONii 1’'H.4NK SHOFS^TTII ;C0 ■ !ia * c 1i>ecui .niinmt.c ; Vl'ci =1 In* h eon^uierahjle’ Mjfvmi m aid Mtltjif tl . He >\ il^ l< (iitdin t t ivo servTcps Union >1. I*. R, ll’aiiiMnii ; a iia v :Iy \ il.V A ill.ii f VE'i KE (j|lf MARk Rt nd tor tile b>rmaUi)M on Mil! ti.iyj nnd al- d tlib MplSinKtoni'i ' thid i ii-'a th ‘ .-eUi-^gor rmna' pcgetabkd and j saleoinani, was ) ofieale CCTIONRER. IlOrSK a n d b s t a t e !ob 'iji ii’li '1 }ic j < ons (ff i|\c 8,1 Ikjii.I. ninl i tlie btiv 8 ami 1 n >.-■* SOTEI-, c’RovK h i i:s A GARDEN I.A.ND. nt n ly 8 at! (W . T. s m i t h . i'..A M . A -luaru istdhS.A.,^ ipii the title! v> b is ' *<■nninuits .nv** rallnv] tu t]t*' siai ‘Vi ih% fev the Jpgiployar.. Alt. Dg^nis. ! If1 the lman TIE! , UNDmwoiiI' litHt:: illu. SICMI’- i .auE.'^TS. 1 ifi l*m’ai 1 ‘I 11# nib‘1 llii’wHn i(| 1, jjvoM U»tr i d*'« «1 aitHwitn i[ fhr * m-eert d:< tbrii* lH*»t‘ Vitfi ■itljPinittiall.v.fiuiU U-Nooiuc-I cotlitgc a n d . ber Silane* Vnliiert’ .4 isocintidn. to I Jike ffinff- addles he A ll lb Diana.'’l Mr,. M>’"> ImihI ;ii a tna-iimii' iwiiieh Were taggn he poold ..baTej;to clJ|s*^ th ia lp art rEAD l!STA]rE. KV III H'T. f,ir Ml-x.' otitH ^tldjiig-.. in the oceuiju'iott M rj^ n o c . I,-' HAVELOCK UOAif HASTING;^) tlj lluf l‘f numi)er ot wo'n.th d J Ufttfiei willll i»»esvp.esnl Satin rtluyi ; r'm jjlyi ma. juillu I tli. 'Iw uiti.’UU mn^.ive- hiivj* Of his hijsiiir*s He had ||(nne<|j >.e' .'epenial I-.J - ilsMi.p lb. r.’.agb>v pn- . . - P‘ ruekijrell, at |hc CH' ic INX .'rA r u E - wbir'i r I O N E E R S . I EURVEYOKS, . i r.iid ■ ■ i, 'i in <*nb*r I li.ri ’. ni|A*n n M' allow,-*] l4F ' |M»pu|;ipubir lill|it]pfii lopt uip,^ ■' J'pf- tn’*i#rTl thf]n)i -luyuh.y V t t]i*» J* 'it; .a inl ■j- tli- 'iietobW.-wCvnWitioglal i^kempffloiit 'VithOut! jto\i i }»“msell le, p.-ofiummo, ..jHUied , 1 fU (|i MESSRS. JAMES ALUEKS. HO c M AND LAND: n.i'tioMd cd-mns w Idr-li metI't -Utl.l.ami ■ III pji l, PS 1 li.iVp vi-itpd,J' liiU re>.|t. iLh jv’i Vie e ht*as i IjuVj'’ Irt*Ilit ?4 * it.e,limit. ! i ' .j! ' ! ■ .H ' AGENTS BOLTON CH.i.M BKR.'f. EASTEOUE? .1 pi.Dio;*)! le H v II. 'ii'-hoi-L'/Tbo ; ir* ’ihe i.iH ar» Bxlit will bn anno::: rril later a::d Cata- on lurtli nvcsltijniu >. iiv( to ,l)(‘ \vriik ' v* I' a ’ !s NtaUdi Il at Tlie M •leva 1 St-hot Irooin, lir g UIU* : h »UMl h w l!)[ ’]? ,t Stagrjj Cartcrl employrd by Ffiist ahdiCo., WOUDHA jY S & ON 5T.Vi’10N GA’I'EWA R.ve; ant) -AgcnctNa. . ii wiis wi‘u .neeuvd./ .St ll t.rei! ivi e!up .. ■ heir iiHU iltliiUl tltw r lanxjtef. applied, for a I fiirtbei , < kempnon, ue.i will be Ihsucil in d'le poui Se.U. ! and linre- nnrol tVe . are ijx.iT bn ;)vi unab'i,'’ pot. .Sl, 1. sjiiiird ; -Mr. ir. li. ’jHavtf nH ojjed iii«tri;i;tit>h« froii ;T rii ! Safes n p T Valuiition!.j ,uf all kindy iioder- I.U f Ibhcunipiui:. ; bp cImirmAp (In .Moiidu;- I'veii- fiiUmii »(ml th rtr im\iuL4a| eiim giu>^ini #liic 1i w is granted canditiobi ly, -wMhont |. . i : f r a n k SH0)E«MITH AND Co , ^ i n l! il.rjl If.) boih'T . t'hi.j »-1 ’.*; pronil I*’ .h q ivn> ti> , t ilj. 1 I 'heyhey fuerhvr Fp J h. .a itnev the 1 at.- 1 1 . Hiltei-.t. leT. SEl, taken. * ffur.j;,,, Wiij< tug, III (1‘ the jtrr.-id I l f O I Ihe.liev. R. tltae .. inijt; 'aiijdl W toma'jti 'jai VUj'inlieeri ;;Ap. I sjp^cial facilities fjor disposing of ail kini|ii|lof I l-t tlll.UlPKt] f llie mig^ht < i the (fi’iFjir.lv Xga v TO I, ST BY UvuoTiuN lit xrik m T )N ilU tI lE tl i n « \ W _ 'I ill w. eftif al i< h**4'ihcr. .i.ilKii'MI .A. riaiik fin j ■ TrtilWit. ifH*ii-:iir im[ t^ns 'H u be liebi In lelln T t sfud-^ Im .was ''aIa>' jg:oing tbiloMujbiie SBIILDE lED VIU.A. H tP H il). H O I :;I,J MEXHIT.l,. at I^u pnriy late •' |^ropet;ly. , '" j ' ■ ■ ! • i ;i ' ' circle; lull there « is. « ^tr•nlls;. txin h*N pifiee Wplliii (.111- qiinid, wlip ho .fill deni with u'”*! :i(»«ci«l ton'stablea'.'4 ■ '[ 1 ■''. y H J .p - ''•' ividi niiuli vlTiV’ti nuli.-liL , (t*eL j4i-pitlym »ly andaihl >Hvp»u« aiivioua ^ a a 001^ ni^BU. Pit enlc when' B E D ro m i AUCTION VIA ITT. If YE. uii-icr u4i’Tij]i! “ f in II ij* A ’ in One/' ■prp's i ; iii'iig. Iiiligl I ’['**;iPliii-i.| < rill )'V tlH 1 !Y' ■ in i?hi* l.hi^ War iju; tiitenliMV j;*r v ieiVp I n.. 8a. M ., the Sitcbl. MESSRS. W. T s m i t h ft SO N •«.,s A-«*r\ on ” Slpps (b Nulti Hal 'Soljciptv. f nlifi'. foij lwhom* BjjMcrAwiML®*IcrAiofM' as.ihtPei). - ! ' dro>ina,.«na 4itiDK-ro|iip. k it iiith tcilO.SKliK. VXI.CtJU. HOLbE i-, j nMtfH an y»n asilu; tendeii rub:; Ipvii..n I ivrt. fun,lpr, ijT- *' ” to :ti*o t : [\\ e le.;!.’] 'll. f. . - . li'ior eftulTe.“ B allt Viili SEEE at 1.30 I'-m.. iah-mt A SUlt-l'IMi A'it-.ST. i^rcjaiit :rf«-p. ,.tqj Kp'-t|:ou Uf | , *2 lluifi ih' etlns w ill ll? !jii T I iirsday, vv lip.i d w ^ . wag a m'emb« ^ the f I jlohfiifim- tiucailbjiba H'lXli. !,]j on Ihe I Ml. nV'U eoi’j e?*jK)m!**iiTS 1 vvilb ” 1 Ur N liiojial D rink t-pim-n llipifp iM.id ..1 'Ub ittl lit i', yttiiy Ir'igajde. r-*. Dr: (j. I joo! c‘ anpW rtod «. r I’l>tll:|'S. .\ :|,ixii.i;! laliil M)if-fii’ ;-p*t. \V i:'-1. . iu 1... tl..vii-oT WV ,14]i . * > i ’h^ k LOT.S flF I’lR M T ijiR I. for Exe !'«1| Jl](l.Cll n*b to: Imt I In tr-r the !avonI “ 1 haitH pv. O. .\«kv i hi mesidiifg. Uouii- i-Bto ela and uid th inante! fi er^: froni rtoYFY P l•ut•^r^i, a m l'trn in pto,viU-n,, Win 8T. 1, ;.0N Xr D8.0N-8E.<] iiif.’' ki- ,(VirtMiriil III 1 ;tlb nolj inSiT ilupp it ili' iPtriruiiiig .jl-ruipiit. l b uifi by. the 'J' ibnii. Hri n, and es el In It Ilmhu -I.I*., ■rvU iresiflvf til tlie ery la rariijgto'veina .id w'6e!d |to'n'|!*lc*f- <& t>Oi T lbtE ll 4i CO uhel^e.ij and Met mnid-ktrert, iif l i AllK.'tT lOU TilF'XIJ-a.v. J JiA JhlAat. J A . Wt C -a AI* i I It iw It i4|i*>|i :|i! in its :. f..vt:iyfc. no! AJe, WH3TEj il|n» filliins me dA’forc’^ hi in . emwl n! <:oi..pit b.-iif of: (be .."Vr' •niiiK iiieelii in. vi-li ;u llic, mbjpcl AftvW ti p;»f,'r|.i. Tl.-i* ..vtlU ..-liiimi i'to;'’tlia irmy. idi' .|i|l'eui I pljion! jrpVb'' THIAM, SUSSEX. Welch D ie-'er. :3 ’J.'ajinMi.v +he»^tp, iriJbiiljl UyJivtlS Ha U,>«ilD.N*.i. t.Mti.v*„.***!»--i V w nc.:...-... A - ; e. , . . !i.. ' •' ij I U,l«?H ^41 i I re will jm ■ j> limitt. JiDrrioNFlERS. MAll. arRXSl I’XCF.ET CO .i|to011IKB Sjttll-pjj.Vt »E rfyeived |h_v :r imme. 'ifheri »i- t f ihr . Eiiip r^ AViVii Tl. k. ».''Jaari«ji|, fog RYEl sjssSEX. X .V . V» i> «* *8 lO Adbi.*» ttaali. A.lt M J.AI*'to b.i.V' lie p .r ii>iHiirk(- I jEssfoi liH krK SO Eb 'in RYE MAR SET OB'flM don C ie?, E,\eellent Bedi lOth. Ajlfpoint uo . V CLAN CtlBll'UUIIUIN, AM* A'Uir 7 rci»i*eM‘niii|y iiil>*’rs of th e ;il» iveUv~~Th Tlond.ny bymi . a : M ilit-li iip,v ui-p biib'ill T ».s ’I" I ener al ijerti. hlttch r|i^a|SiJ-to[.9ScL4 V liaital,Market Day*. , ' llfK lIC suill) iii Rye ilurkcl * ny M irk::at mrnfv, l.iiicn, cfe., ftt;. bCtiVV a yifBEftiN . AiiOXtad KSiPBKSb.l Cl el is|r*rv !id be'is, the : Im' i v j 'slipwed flip sitl,- tnriiin'.f ii|i~. AVIiYt^ ,th Secretary the Keiit! Il’ouiity iloilbt .T o tl> "ill 1.P h.u'u jaafi " .Cos fe ti-.a iie j' fo^: fur* yiCAI'XB UAli.il.’8 ii.MiKlt THK i*AW Ur Veiaatfoiif.i Satca, lunl Letiiags^ of any dai". f'nUil utiie.c iihtuiiinhle HI .On View TKLKf*MUSK >’©. Jit nii’MijUni I tfing tliv 1 uiji' Xioy. whi|Nf Hi I" ■ D'iiis al '(iit:!-. .'iitl. wibipli I «.ifi reiuth* Federaljoi tiiir parllbkil.-ira of ill relil on.*; ITut tlii- I'rv f.k. iv. if, C , Vr l.;-’^ ' her lektenaiiatil eni^hi'l gone;.info S' A lterntoii pretious id iknd Mo uiig t.f Sale; iJWbb KOK U.K.ST. ieh wil, otli'. pill ileUiii!u! fiiuti.‘ n .,-til!, ' * rccaiya cpreiul attention. Ajll'-Kiiids of Siilia CndeHf A-C (f.MU 15 -e M »th tbt^ p »< win* -Idok, with ; n bv Hue-1,• *ei». Ila>!mg4 Vii>i'iVti'l V" . uppetir ; i(| tlio udvcriiifemeiit I u'i-t,-ly- w e hltor,.win ad ;;b!n I filled b i r ». The cofunu jiiiitl tup glit--t p.tPtvi.r- or - ■,i;itt.-iiuiit-!f pt £ 1^ .!' MLod ll wii- a in 'r y moiih tiueatioii-;, jwf !?(a.'od th< > il flereAfw. t.fir, m*x(i i’isiiey ■ . ; •! 1 , '.[■ bte.to fipto’.aneuief i f i-D,;t ers and «-n‘iitrd l..b»vt| yifjlj ft. tip Piil.v iu ts-tb tj;;l *bP- .iV t'r iig . . ; ' '[ito en wtern i-wiBrse :m o • Ipjii to ,Tiv'4»cai**e e.\! ranlalimuy U)N|JWOpU.| EWllVRST, NORTHIAM. RYEv c.vrrr.E M A R K irr ptilirN ’S AUCTION OFFICES. ifhfer, ; t'l ifnds.' li e Bi ign« v* *:Ii#ui-aJiye Tiirifi IRpI im.r .pt— nliy *. I Ibt f.,; ivoa-'r*!, ' h a p j when!! till . pre-viofeJliappeill 'ila' M u s i c . liat nr»* e.N istiii;^ ftiudit u|np ;|Mid tluit tid-e a li-j-h t;:'u] med, liti'-siuit 1. i~ *u-.:iiri-ftl tlu v 1 ilitl ' intractsc_w*te rut i iiifi ■forjhojj MONDIM. 3th QCIOBEI , IMB. 11, RAVELOCK HOAD. IjlASTlNQS. A f’a-e ft r Kvb*f1 file duty «»f the ‘V ifnrv reptes^n- Tl e ehnrhft fH *r| b^ken ]'v the lb*v. V. THI: ;i»UBLICi i C H F M E lull r<-t'T| hi* t-bullpiig.. 0,1 .1 Ir»j ritxtvi.p-iri lih ' i iastitujtion*. ■; < ..i I BEUi! BY .VVCTION in, the; ^ aljAre • (EstebI ailed 18771: , ' Ibuini.h'F a Va-mn Mi-v Hnimtrelh ,thill Ij’iwt tioiv b tu i:Ttiwi--etl; v. agtjs . ip. -Ikclmpij it time'ilimit 'j)ul H i W S K & c a \V m r , b e g i S a l d ^ E. G R O T?S t'i-a'lvy.ln !U lis AAl\tfsoiy dibtt tee fo I jk e ; \ I: rp on the m erktit idii ;XVKDNESUAjV, Islb Jc'TOBEJi. ! XWcm.lARC.O . tb.R.A.M indjice |<»1 ;ill fomiuUlJte;’.liit^< ri mat ('Adis iOurni f d. and NVifile a?" ’ t-rtiastfl ll <■;f of !jjfi-.ig ill I iermili’.,'-. " x» ' foWh t? F.:W ["'^rgaa 4fP! -jjJ t.Iil. ■ xhit a t IrW, ill»t)Ut ! MR. J. H. lU m tN F .A I - Mi'r\* (n ^er\ j nt IJ |fi «eeiie V its the icoii- tbiv iiepi« lU-v > 1 ; 'stii> ; b.yn |-;>!e*;i Pi into Tot I Jnuic > Uoiui wua 1 HOAMST aid I 4eiiin«.!«l of Ail ^a.BU of |nct' oii!lx»r?!i of' till m ry Commit lH> . 4|| iuiij PKOGRr.s)f. w lT if iTBE. ,| ■ ■ i . , /-XRHX.a tun Hftfitios* line .room jj.ni, . T be iKrogjra^iine agiiiti iig;i|ii b.v il lyl .ritiib p HUri-piiu.itlx , CrBmtt4:^^i apd H#tiir. O I.|»,niie.! (■|.l..|.| .-l n lU‘1'^,Ill’s ajij»|ly- I WJ (;b s i ’I!Ii >|i’^Cj|.n jl-is’i.i 500 S PlBrAKEO tn undertece SAt.$S BY 10 1 4 . HpiniAa jlrisii nt tlitfiti have de;\b il I nil . , - 4 . *; rt*';-eiv!'’’f! ijji' wdt b e |»tnl f|uc|eeMs. : is-iuod be. -.IhI'«ti. a! ilpiliilitimjiir t.l I'h* n Stonlj , biWad,l)ik»r. . tkoCl) DAIRY COW AOCriON -of Fiteehold abd .lattoehdld I . * ' i-nt)id>H.i«' oil moil 4 b; and |KMca ali.i tiHuigli ill! i:\H C n ;i l(i|urtl T-a-lP I lb.it . VI l.r.vbt" .difp t,t I'rti. ly M r, tf;--aill,'bak«iaipd' .iUCj S, e w e LAMBS I iftnoioim rUri: G.--Th.e iinderinien- ijlil! £71(HI A AVE ‘1 rare loll T Y'J e n u c'A 'n'LE 1 ProperftJM, Stock,'oldirea, UurnflurfVtireV end 't ']•*'?*l*tra* I’’*'l-aueiem 'ii-i I’ lit 9 eOllK*' clu ha.s in'cii if : I ml tin* iiif.>P- tiofief] hnive diia *lGs. PfiLT.ruv lb of : (‘•.■.tit,HI.... ynd urn mul .MktotPftl elo«e till it" e-tinbiish r ^ [ Stoict-icK-i i-Trede. ■ at a “fixed ■ aei I ...... — nDivjiw.iai. TAecr>vaDnj nts nt H p.ii il {farther nr iee;Me--r^. " »■’ lowe - iintl the • i-i-t rf Hvii’gib gber in n ' tJio rties . d a i r y AIT'I.hVNCtS. 'EGS : iion. Kenta .CoHeeted. Kiiiatee .iU neg^ j T..wk:.• •' it; • -*tin pleasure; il|| publishing [i h* fol- 1 •'••’’uian.v 1tliaii ill llii-v i*Miotry. Avliy sbi.Uld KUaedlfer 'geli HEVr: im iii VND n.VM n t'lr. Mosieft; £iaisiek fc‘,Y Ciis r«»iii|*ted by ))f'ianim osityL- M Id Bi-eeds-|»i«ee nml .1 ,. : hoyj luid ether E Tecta, indmlini; ( « « « ? in all ! ACdrwa-KOSEBANK' 1-..U.1I V AVK^'i’C. 1 .* Wl K*r l«n li --At re d. il last-Jiig'J Me isrs. T*tmreh i ouunli »g t| is .-eheiue,d(o.st-bpiue, ijo aiieilib iuliabltunta of -lainy . ' iie'-Wbrliedi'na ^.ard as Fborfj- eJsterne. j wheel chnh hUerj har::«.s*s, Checked. Hbuae and Eatate ..^gency in all p r^)ved ' repl u-f'i-itaiiec ini lit ary iiu- a,, I| Siu5UMUl«^ Tl. e3. George-}*tre<»r , Hasllig.s g uh St: 1 (t iittenipt to meo! ny 'nrgiimeniT tnd oftofi put p n .20 -tel , ”■ EiSrit. '* his mgti puaRry boUtis. e:uu: t i uhlMtr.t.vrecl dotfcoxt, iU bfanchea. J : thbritiir J'luMclori*, \4 1 U; ?e aimifi not jUlj;H i Kir,- -1 II oniifctioil itli/tlic abril I re­ bit-ied j uji 311 fiipia ill t-.ur cvini nrerduT rp.’n. [om tW leboji fM, id if an.vi a t o r ' til' irn, ii::d d; lixetyi taut.. llO rvS|Ui-.:f tlfi. turns ivit Russia. .Mr. Sboesuiitb give. iii.>-. porej dent be would hi to illl thdi head KENT r.A.RS TEfjS PartUatar* of Freehold iind Leaaebdld : m s s n CHISFVO&F, fitjoumi indisfrituina: asion of i!ii; H.VSTfXOS n r i\< bn-tl grask IhiB 'ram Mr: All redi lieevs’a Ground Behta, Hoaed and SHop Property, ■ •ieudiin^ urrbu coaMuunica- id ' out u iiuij lier lipr of alliiiipM: pr^fUce riipltal ill pUH-Uiufiig -petr-iii ■- an d !' ock. B n tin M and Boardihg Houaes foi) S ale,! i PROFESSOR OK itOICK : pnonretJO-V' i refer to tiee [UU Hl 'or U.l vSAm'Oii. 1 i> If'i C'v'r]i'L"*’'* '■ loj iHiiicii. Ma^yi JiiVe i|^a|ioncle i^--iit ‘ p jsowwart ’rjiu t it j uift whal OCT- tihbing, n a b i, RGWSE & t'D- MortiaKii* Effected. JeiO.WMi ayail^ble. j TraECEtTE* t Mis.it Hutb Iv* iivoii « eiiiu.jllor« (,. fi^ Ruig- greatly a|)4 iet' t]be (|'f|>^^unittee K U \r C.\)4s Ia .NU n d RAM fl-EOS I mi ftt th eir a#Idle es adiWl. >t preparefi to- y. II.',V; Ti desl iii«ii inuirtiliu-hirt-rs'th.T aiiju iu»i!i. i g a ^ i P t i f i the" ®o«i>t . ILILL L ottero ler at One o'dlhtko'dlbek on ili* tv>bi'i^ frth'frotti Mr> fiicbun. Cartil ied B ^itt to Lery butraiaiu in slHl'e timt 1 Tie pruftie ^bl be liiriUsjied f[. ''if' Hnlrir ’’t ' “F’"' tbe iirrAiJitom^ito iiltiland, if g»tbi of it tivp.’ Here' ’ . tv.Wir'coaiti to the, ■gas lUitPiei ■ tne an' ‘' yrere'ihH- T" Pn mlsoa for Mr. DnuieiiTcaney wbt E nslanil and Wailea. i . . . BOBEnTSON SranKT. UABTIN’GS. rmuin-; Messh B, n.iiitpr. J. ( olifuiun. , 1,0,,. „.i,J h«ye not i # l j « l voiiW leb ao! a t evtn ijf ere iaisi iiish it out/* i .1 . crux IP wticjp u ia't..r [lie it agevt's tuir* ipr^ntwd: ■ jgr ir..'F. 'i'Th! ' to'tuirirtjs, .i ! AnnI to tfaa leadina Fire,jLife. A^idaat. ’ iMfMMtt. ftnd'SckM itlii). V t'. Ilutfieit, H m iiintae y rs and m ereliatits 'T h e y btck. pant hr jcj enipHon hi [nted-.! \v3int ; wi.sh t-» inip 1" *s> ;U| on the peiiple; m< ns, ,r,|Hftn 5 OIAliB OAIRV ( .Vt T l E, ■ !■'> Pliiu GlaM. and Burfflary luaranda Com* .BiMthiat for M in t* ciudua • t *idr-t].‘^*\ * <«4 : osseiitiAl tkiit th? «chen|f j«hotild founigp, re.-sviir^-e. i ritiapttibili’y, Iktilitaiio iA|Utlbritiea ^ u * ____ nrther>ek- oil Hal* is that'it tiieii duty to eali ' EXOUUl.ENT YOl NO CATTLE, PLT7E-BKEO K EN T ROfiB, poniea. i with n«i>|i*edil3 pip^^iblerBO »iid t^en v-Ubit It tjipt-Jip iunta-eocf.iunta-eiice of'uo l'a ifiiildpiiilf! l»ey(lev Mn-simL-inld "dk rn)plbytoj -s T i S ecn ^ry flALF-BREl) .m a k e . lock: , BBOKJ iK under Merchant SyppiB g Acta by : I y|ica p. tOXETEB FHf or l)*e s jo!n|tbe'An____ _ jy -i—Bayf ! regi r I to , a p p u n c e s [zeffanj imijE, ..for ( b p f j l * ',ttiur'lbr’lS j Sw . bo iibtain. imm»- labjoii with jiiactif"'*-* gortj n ice (d toe) instil f - A . ' er'.h "r early cp ,l■ic4j'8oUcitel, diowib^ til it. cxeinptioi tieen ivroiigly I was tjirdef fbslikui with niacliinnry that, ivtu iiiottiBpdj'Uie Tkc whole! tj include III tanVsjnnd heifera I Cticiii Olhcci.: Rye. ! SU4S<|S 1 Co..’' " kelaon." uiland."!’* WhitJ Star/' r 6iNfii.v». v<|i. >; |•R.f).^cTIO^•.‘ HAnjujlj.M. 1: affonls. uio|inucb pIoasja| to ap- 'ubl«ili|it'e pljsolete. The Genuaii* ’ vt-pr*) ! mrvi ;e 1,’ ot ndliioiial exjeniptifiDi i " Ajmetican." " White Star > Donfinion," I i c'OD-vrciiPin.NT, tic. g riitiu ^ lie Trlhinuu IP'..A dv i ■#ory.:Coiu I- 1 .0.1111 of ihej ■ffort to da efficient supIi matter*. ’I’be .Vims * ,-lltnit ira js J g rJ n t^ ' Oif'-gtofi! ti., la eeb,'')!! iyoanji catt;«-l>,v Mr. It. Keniv.ard’* at|it jU.Il 10,1. .ppri - tmiiiHl - ..... WAS , i '’' " " aul., niiiefjt ar-Kild nmre |7U Kent owes. 3 ' ilia*," “Canadloni P 8cifi'd.’'x " ,C n n a rd ." ; . i .— H ; initice| iml he.dtiitl k ii M rf ■ ' Yotirs faitblf Uv. ! '• si-rilp|j|W| ■’ thoir miiehinctT^ tbe .;nipm*lM| By (jlrdcr of the Tn tyU-e|t, fjrijiH Mr: CC j Merr>- P W . to bead of podlir}-.'^ henlljiii rou', |i:a Boynl. ,and,other lines, -j ,I| prcetTatiftb. fSr .1 Riaaiinatioiie, IJ all vhit'h d?mb '.. tlU' Uon.i-; ‘atliertn»te Ms.j.»r, Masjb H ii.piiKcukhoiiked rt lolie lhl»nrdtsonrci forfur i •|.._u rxi-it GEO. ■ it., lIU PfC H ltfO S iCHayor). i»- fell I .bind th e best a ttaiiiab le., .i.iii t.i.{ -Ch ir^lei 'RlnbUk. i'fff.jlrfoirei ji tro'iRbs. sheiip froiigh' iit^n cijslhi'Hf, afacS E A ST I ,0 V LD BPO,l: U. ! S t bSEX. htlc4 Aiij Hpplicani^ <>' lii;v Im-b tlipro I, Ip tpr of r.ym 'atby if itiic ilputb of <7m-|K.|-;R i ^ 'n,,.'2*.: Ilritiali I etused to " risk t heir eapital '■■ in ' Phter maii.ufgiHutei;; t e ^ y e d 1 cloib, bairn r-epii, c’i.nff ieiittprs, ,pulper, .Near Uie Mr«‘k,oljTottn o M y,. I Ai'.ilrm any T*fi for it*}{iiinli|n; im* |!ribuniir»:• dev H Iscv. ’‘villPd ill! l ptibn.-.Mr. Jiifiipr pro-f 0t( t)?tob.-T, 1 Older,! to Ife up-fo-diile. ; They] pre.ff.rfp.1 lo hn.' aaptod fom uttherlei^aioD toilkck eliaiii«. iilr n-i, Alfii l.uvaTChant- !■ 1U.IIIN." ST ititi.KN 4 irtitK till . n.Astnivia go on); ij ^ h e biwl, old vf-iiy, *|vbile. n .fiery : V A El ABLE i’UEtRURTiyE : ci'«i<»n ! !i«t ci^irdiieousy i jjl ill inforniatiou iMfsed a'ivfui itien in'reiwing llie liithiries of -ir leii y I.nnn, J i t badj Teen gsliablUhcw ^ F*e p:o : churn. Vutt.er uori.vr lialn cnrf;-Tlu|ag sisthnl! nur efl fium .iJiG rbiiu: to Miict 1’luiim e ■ Roddis; l.ijr ited.LE5Li loA Prophet (>n Eninire poewd Hirtmgb the b-ind ■ten hl*d left' fESTABLISBED J86t). 111 mufft 1h‘ re- :ru on^hoia- uacgoii. ' Bittltfotil' tnowerj REEUOEi) T ' UM j un the h'Wdciia inu*t lip ba- p*l arsi to. i_ . ____ rowe rakle. dredse, idoUgh. -Intit, roll. the TiuinitiV'lic iuney Mnijafi mil km I . m ss ALICE SOIIJ03I, L.nA.i. liable is wDcse th i 1H» ip.s*. to re|H*a^ wirnudUix uoiifts iftenrirds, t mineillor till Bros. -|ia) eneb. “ genbT 4r'."^oing” liet-puse vvy, refii-cd tehi]ritivin w ittm ui tinie njinit, *!-,, B to-aw-'lept hua nostrum of T arfll RefoMn.) A'"* I fcaiPowa,jeUndr.T lu rnitnie. attU other itcina. Mi mIJa ST |ei(,tDEFD OfiriONEER xml VALUER of Pro- ' A B ria " * mere lileAr y. ^ -| «o}i1|ei bne got into R idgYinyi'MH*oideuld i opposed jOfi tuo )j^rAUnd tlm l i C epiiiieetiou- (,’. ;k. liarle. .V, acomC, Hed||?>- W il- iPAjiiiii veto MOOT340B. REPOR'K: And TAX and tawopoaTs. niworao. toioe prodb liums. P. J . Parsons. 1)1 ltd.,- and tb i Miaaea South, TV ale*. .Instead, «f I'lainbnring for a F oakes, .Wgl U,!-saiBltiMjwj'*' ^-.JRTHI.VM.M.tllKET. — pa id u ru x jo f Vai; in.o<|lUtftivi3' in-ojlUi ti: pustlurt- hiM e Ifeeii ex«mptle|i ' lt«.4! «■ ^h the mett<*»r |tl o Bnartl Mit uld, i-oii-iider ahelltred RA’^b k P P E 'A L S . "also F INITDBIE. P ' . . ftAltMOR.ir'. >t* ^ ; tl e lidvjjsabilltv bf I HVing )»robatiojaer*5 on Ibfekli ini XIO 10*.,«aeli. tariff I to ^ve. a tlecliniug induktry, the Adfr,. .e,lc.U_ '■ Ktoi ilj yW • % fcbd!«' SDNPDAY. Ufli OCTOSe K, 1918. hnuble tiiiid. tu [ether with] v ell .1 SE UKIS I. been jet l>eearwe be »A' a ' , . I tl e stAfI;. OiunoUnor Grooine ulso ij^piKwed- r . rlri, tlnnd aiid' Skiiap JllO. owneiH V e it to America Tp Triarn ihoer-thay. ri pttal,. wiis, gpplie 11 or! by J wajr-- kj.) |Mi!hxta«tiall,v h lift t .AlfMH 313 were [te lien by the .Vnu-ticans.’ Tli.i.y ' '! I I O W S R 'C D . 4;■:■■■■ j E(2jf(.1E. coit^iiiintt liu h----- u ll,I;llj- |dln ind itoMisi j . ” 4 •*!* Tnbnjanl. ■\Ve hcapd (llijl; W F*eK oi n ipeal I o I n di\jisio»v tlielrh^ Jutien mAi lui^-iied by 9 E. 1 . 1 tgera, JS7 Ilf Alt'.’Mattliaws. 'kntti thcjeiaiei.j Mill 3 0 H N .uiihi-tftT df religion p|v!i)lyl Kl ting thaf bpj vf te«.til» |.V'-’^Precei{)tis - »n theipvei'.soenji in 'fps- ■ E. •'-"'-N It ley. i:7 1( brattapt w k the Inteat hml ’(tot ijivenljoiw. was|ui|pt>6rted bk GaVtoila Bri ni lirith GiiMis. jj.; p i or at -12 .iKioul ahorp ’ 1 iiig-rdoliia. kit ttUen, xuiitiArr. lotry t*. uauuaLAn tekrac instaljei the niocbiiiory! ip their ivor'.x, go4 U kitchen hath it n Jautlm rily l?»ai th<’ HHstiiii?-.; !*• et ♦<> dbe .bext; |i« If venr w'?i*e ^gm*d.— V , Bateman. (!, . Hal] anfii^n and —Aljr.!Mbitli^'a;toid:.th|^ IfS at-y, D io u i.i. e .v rn J L , „.p t)£l la;d«a>t^s. and LANlD. ESTATE, ind BOUSE AGENT. T. LEOXAmoJ|.l 1 10 s, each / scrapiini the oXl, and Uioreuy saved ♦’**(» guiiln:l uad' hri-harcl,, aj'!fo-harnia»'{foon icd iff guilty )f cluU r«< onriti-m .’ ''<•• BlOckraAio i!p >0 ; M <»> aitondAiicP nt B'orlil oree. Ltd..' t t e Ibbsljl afl{ai»d. 60 otw »t tio «inatojin«ii;'Hi Xni'ludlng ‘ow*. It-'ifcs''^allsl aitd caltree «, SOyTH COLONNADE. L/iral M^ribuiburn! i Mr. Ri: Ji; M. Key I LtJd.. H . Cl _ , , industrjr ahd caused itrieo to,rflourielv ilu^ r’lCvIndiniinaUetlfmptKin} with. nt| lime ]ii|jlt, jii Alo' i I . ' ] ctiedli.hoiixi- near. and soine of the aiiohyiiioiif c*ji 8T. LBONAr D8.0.Y*SEA. UimjunieutioiN expressed sntisjraitioii tiiftt- Kenyon ('. U n a Metenlf anf Kir kpatrid:, -LewH thev vHUd BDiip their ftngerrj ut Air<-ru-an iihd tci jlrine tphiVtMnntetrB. p e r : 3.BBEI) KENT HAMS, , ^•^halFAHM Ulinl.niN OS, WJlKt!h Are alfijalo contain a. similar cliurve pobin^lijan. > To 'utlibr niaiiutalvt-vrore ,1 (' cotupr »e fiyeihi irae ■ I 8 S FLOBEffCB BA!)!II8 TB|B[ uv<>ti«a wifll Hii: Iipcn AVM»« Uiftnk«A fiA; gift of to s-raad, etotrti-aV ongjifeerl In !' ‘ ■ rariw. I ' I ’ ' T ribkiial do n,<»t slnrli: fjoiin tiiig Hicir j VtiTatui’o.-.Tlip Ain-pr, Molnupyi rp- M rs T libbx. G. H . W jlsoiji yind 8 « m ^ lieeil pbl: dwell on, the jaiil-iqualPtf businee* -terj. etc., as'l BMX OK VliniE iRVr STOCK j*f i iider, and J« n.to implcihcfnt loilge, :ow each. ineiboWs of too miitiy of tlie meii .rUo wnuld alls for i-i.'cteeji;ti-eli f-owa cornjalurf, ninf i)ull 0wn hlRtiohjl to. esea .J.iVjt..... ,1 ritv .iiu-K ‘ I”»T*'vl fkut 111*. Ea-t *«ii«r>lihu- linil ! dciii, £5 elaiin wWi shibparted npll i untmeni.-c a t One o ’clock. mmtiiif.v ei- atinkju^ Inyentoriaa made and cheokpd.. terest*| a« ?e they c •rate rilimp'iJHY Gy fit Tfci ?i. i lid Th ,iim vsE &f|C 0 L ' x of iiilStior.* reprCM.n- ' -*• , 4* T.^cf’W'rt E. lil rer, XiacKnitier;.and';.V;-.|). Snow, iipoii tk.. bigbe»t efficivney ; athtiifable [in Telephone BMGnffa No. 313; ^ .. ■ ------(fatinfactici n. in<| giyc ll. every j.lijrjctioii. AVhen w ill‘the biprinj-sa :»i*ifi.l39oli. lLi. uiter at the nbiUeve lor Me^rV|edkra. C H f i s n s VIDLE tive iumt hi* . Advisory C4taii)ittbp .U groat XtrSBV-M ASS0|rT>TTON HiE - r e s .-|-® 2 .s^ - Kprescdled W DuaL______and Sun,. cuim.uimnicucing at M i (Telei|raii^ "Bray. St. LsonardB-6n-Sea.")i , a.wl Som hfrs. ;3.'3I»I in. Gaby i-ominunjty of B.rilnin uvake to tbe fatA deni ’Of 11 ni^'es-«ary t *» illOa O r till" otlipf Itbn-Smitbl-t.ind-idge ' i nd Son, th er exgn : ip. n. ah',1 rtii ' ' ! i W ill SEEL the. ::I ove Property P U B U c And a t ,; i ■ , , that fcn y by simiUir liiothdife: can our naan basil ,, jlOBMlVSTER'S jSDCK , , A r o t VON. at die. tfhXVRf F. Wt)TF.L blind;, we bbuiid to ]>mn,t out Hint UiourH I >fuscuipI A *vociahhm ,for children : j *- ” v” land Sto'i'art and foreign n-bde be pijesergod - and* devreloiied F ng Ieid anil Co., J. «ailed.HMi- OlorxC.. h«j::ei"-p*, carriages, motors), and Vt’^f jr sr,s.«E.x. WEDXiSDiAy. 6th S., BEVONSBIUE, PL.ACE. BEXBILL. | j t here iv to eonii^ib nhybjodv (o giTo iii-: p, 4bc plpuieiitury; 4cbi«>l« df tli ffwirpugb wn- rl*' -\ftn- H i ' AVar there will be a* keen a com. BE ONE OF THOSE iceff. i !2 2s. t aeh. end opplH'aijt ihelped _ JIOlfsEUOLDFv” t>iiTlT{E; T '■TfllBElt, jaiO. Tfirtfo o'clock, in r?orinu|ioii to the militar tjr td (lie-Vilvi-orvi jrivpri j u t i tlip | | Bi a-i"p,v '] ivstiliUle by I L'’’’’'' petition t(p eecure comnfc.rcinl snpremaev. ns nuaiiMjis 'wliich was T at wholetoui|itisii:g.digat i ititt and I'kavy i Speclil List* of BOtJSES M d FLATS with i T9 I F I V |,„-,,;rricM. ({liP -iilJ ’J: ‘ «"<• YViplisted,'J 2 each, ■there )s now, oh landj. and era am i in the *h , .ot who make tlielwiit of . life. After all rt» he CormnilteK iievertheh i<4 II iduty i and ionSjIM r». -Abra. •Ketopitan, tnjn time linijij:, anfi t. Birsea. ttrol ttiiilor cars, shotut vhti. aihcle.fcs - PrtiUculars aRd C’oiidi tifina o1 .Sain ' ui i» detail 1 in aecordanoe with reqnirementak p,-t being t'tSviiip ; iaglif.il 'Vuirt 'rnlii-.’j'-], "*’*'5^! air. to! i in the war. It iVM- g! V'h fteii. I', two Julila-I ’ ' ' ' ~ from I well-kept OMik Regiatera. Best Map tODK run the hVmey of life is for th<-a ' rho L.vervhodv one^ to tliB to follbir; this: R. Jbittto. T B. Bur- ■t.'ii'd t.'imlati'i, „plihiilRetl , df 'M 5t ilein »ti anti rUe Ipctureri begi)®.j* itb -oinej introRuptofy ij’!'''**'* . I i 14. i'hj r' most, favoured - ,,,-jr iefc*lh|felden:'''li 'p.Vt, T ibber-tykiil . 1 Victoria. ;cii of the: Boroom. «ieek it. amt the advantages for tliow' t hat I j,j rci ;a rd t o ci i? c i i|n- V hi( b iniilstiee PiiiHi lt-; oboiiit tale<( x«(l avorfstpljiiig. atui ) " ’’f','’, , ■,J, .A. O , Foofi 1, Barker; ivbiph is inserted. in all ular 1 fron^j ! .Sf Jii|ior«. i Ifi. uildoii-'flTee'l ■. Bio< iDim af rive for them; Do m fbe mimbered ■ N . UaiTOPili. Ferrari! d d ^ ; 'nbroad; iiBS'.'.AVjWchebiri Ibpoughdrti stsOnB Iiglit «tugi(|iitteux: 4.w hr Uiiidpn . Mcssri. Yiiut- [and; INSD|HANCE.-Flrei. - - E A N C E .-F lrei Li*Li(fo. . |Aocfdoiit. Qlaaa. All tliat is a'5\ in t lint before te n -, ui-iitutlldd the vumua- form- H-b|elf (be oi,l B®J-W*Si®*---Bev.i »te.stiei; ii 'uuytliing bat a ^>RcaTt^_V(tht_ to rt. V‘nt. % h t a'ni those gloomy .KHiple . , vho have iiotlii olk-talto a.siim pj [ .'I irif i>wp|p fui|agitiPi be Bros, H. Bowe. Colv iK A.' T. Field; (jendoil, 1 1 1 place, .iirid i t doe iepffkj .biiduit .maker. Wid 'dm C l., A**ef• ’lerl et-roal . ;Rye,j Sulked*. Clei ’ka, Aaaistanta. i Utorkmen. Wilr' and timile about. Raniehiber always that deriiig tli'» iiifornm tiou infomant should .t. U tier, and Co.i Smmi; dss, Vftiii .ployed.-Iby jMrrr.H., .Q.Ji'iloInianL , H e -»VT " r,hnrneawa. . - •. »rtdd!i T i«nE br.dle. rttii Bombardment, and Uoraiaitio SAnranta. VOr iils-tttliCP.'it laid, tbiit in i( ■ ediintry are devoid of an evpia ity witli th e -liatiolnl J hlp».j luOtlH,, ch.ifV ■ cdt r-r.. garden to ll:, neks, depends largely apon healtliiiies buik^ *mrp A^ff bU grauiltjl. ’uiTy-liile-. rind rinil JliptMt is iiecB'-nry to bor- Bros. A lam* and - !t,lJt.. 8 ! lay. W. a ith to tjuarticular coun* •Kemptioh. oh ‘dbinestie I tatui nd p.[: J.GENT FOR tHEiL.U. AND S.C. one can be quite as (ie« rty be .would 1 » a i viitat> o t tune. ai^< lUPtiiiii g w or#P. to B H *a^, ||F. Jame-s a t o - i? . ■ ■ J^ \ U a ployer also lappealed,“-{Mr. ';F!.'| iC:.:'ii(ijnitan::|; |a ite o n ie biwn.niowei-, -M tdtrj, tahivs. chair OPliOBErt lot I .-font: C A xrp: MAREE’T. RAILWAY row tbam‘ — m jl'*7 uv,''- ori Oifnjuaiiy, or trade nil • cC->.■ menu, .rhihi,1'hthi'-. crib,crib cIc iiM’...... iilav.ppt: Tat Stbek. at Two o’clopfc. to be if be is not as liealthy us lie oil talk about Lhe Tribuiiid joftilgi-g ill plus,- ()eiiniarTv. ■ [If fe" vlji- h u ite tnlp thj»t -fewrpf each. larger eis^n t thnn it aytijit Mpreeeated tpe partiris'^-^-M:. dbimaih : sab l, pErambulatof. imrs. fy B:ei-i ;,:d. «nd‘ fe r r be. Good health U eswtniial tu bright! favvuiitiim. or sheltel^i i; ffieiuls jf fplutions: fairy tnles liail -u'ljv-ir >d, in tuitj eouhtjry ibau H. P. H sllier.ltl . E . 'Bol iio* prjd nfd to iinderstani.1 hie bukinga* ;hhd been; lektabiisl id hearly 100 V Plaluabje .ABW 4kiin .:ug»J olCTbBKR 18th r.TB CA’ETIE m a ; ^ IT. and n bright outlook, and niiy m 'IftBTreM in otlipf European <;( untries, hiit rly potnmoit en nigli in F^ngtefi,!. oiid j *•,,*'^"1? I* to« i tuch to believis ta j they conld id o thkt iOail^;. woSiid be M incluil'iint :hi annual eoiiaif, of work^i, n lie jff specific ayp i)iotp*l tin.l: bmpttllnL B . .8 Dbrokhn; ^ i f e fillv r;U tg foliv cars, hrje proved are worthy of careful coiisid of 4i.«l >evernl coibqitioni bSl W n publi-1 wl. Some I „ ' • Movlerilii ™ f would stoop t< and th h t .wilhiid, td reiralti'iiiire!TOlt.;'ih baj-dk||ii^>ba td koirked to d u y jjfS aie Kent* J.tiuna .fromI U»«* lOlIVDie wMl+noWn eeyrpa-pfciivw aa ghjicka ■'is a ; t CTIONEER. HO tfSE A,NI) BU61- Thoao dehiiite iijifo ‘hnition VP f in su i|x>rt of Ibp ^ T rejatell aiJl [tlip Ipp- i Brea tb, , i. Tottoiibam, H- number .of jpelonle.-r-Th«[ nmi i he ..... ikful |R. R e t^ i AlfrH-IRf|eve. Jefft rr^, G[ !B. Poole, (o eviidii t]ie plain meaniiij t|f Slt-ajtre. / ...... A. NESS AGENT, Y ----- "Etc. c h ftt^ . th e same tiiiw, pKveri *:Ody, oweri I Iniorlui-T .enncliided.i.cionp|iii!p(I cionp|li(lP(l 1 j bvlbwi tellimrtgHmg []lhp Itlie th e ]lM*MiiHfuI[lipaiiUfuI iK.antifuI !!!?; I?i' ^■,2’P'S n . ; keep his pMfeni,*. andiliik Wot. er'hfid'tol'.giO [ier* Bfq.. Ke jP l^ r. ,£i P j ^Baird; .-Adali^ th e ‘f til wtri favoured not i >j E«S-. «■ Pi c i :e a p s i d e . k i n q 'i it to the fiilite to iUj*eI 3|se rinIiitioii wlipii ■ English:Kngiisjt, faity fa ii^ tale ■ • 'll! .ShepIteriH of Snlie- ? • 1^”” I n IToltob. . (tot to work, hi ■ the! aWel- oi, 1 s ediw.; ■o.‘iition ibf. of the m an o r lave fl vervl inteiesti ng) Ipctnji|e to the F.b-s '5 . islli plioesm ith rem ihtsl tne jthati 'it was ..i^ b h ia s Blit,dj, ,40;-'-fjijrimer! ah. I 1 '^Y-E. jI FurpifuteF and EBeota; for Ij oiw. ho betVr in«dimno hay been vompouaceel tor nipntar.r Scbi.pl ciib ren hi (lie'Brnsspy In­ Re .-, ’tf W . Cook, ll. Bodes. Hi>T. Bum* ^rh ed , for it clpiir tliat anylKHly T a r if f !-I p f o r m e rs :w 1m> fir~ : .;1phditj<)'na! Memptwp witlipiil time itnit* " iflitiitland itTh^olherx.i i'’ur(^lier e n (ri» pan 'ALUATIONS!S FOip p r o b a t e . jthe relief of the ^opinion ailm ente >f! the wen C')H stitute bn ‘‘'rhe : Eaitern Balknbil,'” jllns^ Sim ixor Rev. E rloir. STisgl 3J*B, AYUHaml ,Jjem'psoh,..4(ll. ' pos.*e 1 if(>irt!,tebi.rhj.'. I miDATj J 20th AigestiTe Gr^teiin. H is, well ktio#ii_ 1 hat IV ho k aokinffly helps nmii to.pbirk ser- •Mllet. ai i H. Batbj ■e, t(». eatb fXTPi)WL-SAEE b>’ riittsl witb a largtt nomlier rn U ws they Lave lieeri] eiy in a out .'ti TOREE CATIT.ECA'fh.E. PEltE-BUlEPE ItE-BUE T ! Auction !Offi CB--Siafket-ro:i:l Rye, 5us|«*•0*.! b o a B d i .n g a n d tlENT HOUSES ilia H.Ufl much depression of iipiikB. ie!jcrv(*s lio treiite t; sHi'ii. -\n.v aticb llaviTiilKirt, j saiil tb a : tbe^iBinKniift w.-re of •ttensioif hfnime. Tpere »«n - . ' ribort-, Beecham’e PiUe* by .thfeir'wmic and cjlenaiing Mias fillen and W.,--.^ —Noakes.f3k: 8d. eaiob. stated igltjervals. CasMindra+llke.'that a l> ;,r.i a Bf'’**' liOCK. and hU the luurlv itpi, I ' 1 . ■ FOB AL. iiiforii] atjiou ia?nt to iiiilitarv repfeKeii- grpar ipterest nb tb.' preseii* a* a lot of • f i. o t pliimbers.-v-CpIndittoiiaLi exe) mpUrin PLEl ♦ effects u;pon th#-btomnclu liver andr-mii I'. O a '^ d and thcj.pnssoi Radge, 2s, each. tu] dooi was imiiepiljng' c t-e o » '<51' I I -W ^ n :■ Clo*;*‘U<*jU Ibe .•td.'Uory f ’pm- Iieople thought tbatl tbe wnri -vvt»u|!d be in- w itliout brotev'llve tariffs. without tirah limit. ; i , , - PELSHAM FARM.! pU.VifMAR.SH. promote the efficiency j nml healthy tiitive otj RuPneed br wljat: bapiiemjd tberp. ;'Mr. !vl>roml3 HEM Y B A i l R Huvel«'k-rii> >!u?ti igs, will be niuiio >lii tim e to tira,e—I 4 Alfred Btij«S()ll|, 40,j f^rtiidil rliily thote itpportnnl tirgins. Hence tpe w ittee .-\mo6re!spoke nt w ire length on the bi»!ory SpI'P.LEMEN’rART JMsteT; builder ahd.deooiwton ha.T 'hot r.behll mdeSE.' tAM». did estate lA'i m s t : i.iTt i ;r c - HKSSR 8 - B E AGLETS iraprofement iiri .gendrnl health fully in' Psligatoi. uuU; if' It fc ttn.l porrect of Rumania iiiid eaii) tllrif T rade, iiciprocity. Tariff U|efonf JtX LAM U‘l,*ITE.l ar. lEOXABtf!G s-oN -ni. ■ ‘ tlirit Jliif first that, waawas I Hjistip® and Sf. a a rd s 43ak C ^ p a n v do ro t t bangle the remcjjv. hwbn ih to get hnianibWy to (ak< K * plate.—Coji- . ESTABLISHED expenenced by; thone be i cn we w hirh it reter ^ \ \ i 11 >c promptly j heard of (be cou ivas . in il* „ _— ilings •itkinal exerapti) M tk ltLljSHEU j - ' from .Spain. Italy |.nil Fraijce pitised. (bp St. ] tconiards -ThtiatT* ■Aftgir' !lie war we siiaf CTIONEER8, VALUBRS. i BOUSE n rili <.*t>j, Ltil.C JliK) each <-haiigi*i In many vlirectjo I FredtricklC .:..jihri>ld-'rhai(lj! 1 lunguagb to be o r Trillin origm . J fter some TOvito .Kook tbs. £12. ■ jnr»erjfh«vni. krXfiTr.n MANAOEri tIS fts^ T S COUxECTE and ESTATE AOENTS, SUhVEIOES. time the loniple jivvbO bad bebii di-iven into is no.!'. 1 nvt half. SO' dear ■T'.,; hlid ';ited!?!-T M vaan«4 N . and irko. 410 V iBAn.__ said sal hd wa i.ver pfllslvoar. Sewstdi CMM TiWpt, etttkM Mto SALES BY AUCTION o t Erery D^eoripGon A ST . l.EON.\RDf:; WEDIHxN C,.—At tlio the mountniiis dnvrn to eaUfv-ate tlio ttle isjaiid.’’ I de - - thY on Moderate Term*. I TTierniin Bros... j6 •a ■ «-pnimerc,inl wc find ha. I mapy jwlleli Hi if. oiDH^.ix 4 . , T*lfUiljosft-'fCr Burisb CbttrcU. St. Lleopjartle, .m Mdiiiluy, land. 'I’he lectwrer atartod at i: jplace in Cl ifto|n|ajid Dari' -YalnpHona and Siirreja fbr all -Pnrpoaa*. (.:on)itance. duugb- Rnmania pallet!jiRiwtclmk on thie! Danube nd 1 10; Heiimiy Man- in the hand* Would be most prolWHe: 4 .tlioj N if ^ tr to Mceartf Breeto and Bob. ttie'w M Sink took plut-e of ...... sions. l£o 1(N. each: i Wonldiliavejtu >e rltoed- Inyentorie* Made and Checked. tiir ofiJar. and Mr.-. E.!|Timl>er1nke. t. Soutb- and slm«-ed monpr all lea of triwus and rities. qunckA he remevly vrouTd fl'SV. ]Cnx. Ltd., aiut Meat bvs; lihArpe and th# •pn d<)ty [nljet ad.-U;’(^nilil hitni'I'liOu iHahed aeeijly e! Cenhiry). RBNlrs COLLECTED 1 AND ESTATES ajatcrfijoadiprfroaa .St; L4' jihs . erteil. \*alna|t|ion»'fpr aCte,l]ii« be-t tiiau. T|i lioiiei til oOii ivi boiug (be pi'incipnl edjie.s of Serbia were ri.ired and ri ^ i/ -,.^*'*B’' '^*’1- ani-alf »ci-ijt (EolJdiivVri!; yHj! ■fri' S tATi.iln. I »G: Xr To jTnn l o n d o n Rent* Col^ .Illuslratetl Rejisterf with jSfap, latued Free. (be intpi-e*t Of . Jb h ii Booty, B. a pu it. K. Skyiime, J3] la. Boroijgbj Aasociatioii -shouljl hiivp l.e..ir :ei Orjiior ,r--.'fbs.;A'ret.r: . ij.s'viia ll^SCRANair r iB B AND 1 'Cobjlte. E tc . ■ ; ..I . THOM .VS in D-HtfM, St. Helena l.ai)c. al^ntl tl Jilrigliton. Il ' I eae.li) axplaiiled. •l-'iBnlgariA corded Ia I ,£5 5*. each, and not iW 2' ’l *!^ 27. GRAND PARAl^E. was h1- o vi-itp,l II lid, (be leetmiert«iec Jpeke nie*t for' rrt ion! dilty aEw * d j Coifdi sfiot *1, I oiftr>*.f ;•* III ught '« ld . and > ■ Sold. ervehere j!.';. O.'/ Ti*. .p.-. : R. Tt.il noiUou, 10*1 M. A Ibkny Jot*!, Messrs. R.vpri riu'l BaC.;j. anr[ Sodtee in warriii •t d rorrEr.i tu. tv&C. inleitotingly uu tbiii oOjuntra. ■ '■.. I \ ' j WttgutLiimr ilalA'!;'! ' i'. ,■ , Itt. .H ft4 # |r4 d . BtotfMlB. KxqhauB9d. - 6T. LEONABMS-DN-SEA. (Tel. &V9). th bpxes, labelled 19. and Ifi. Oj rflotalU JI788 Sa- 'H Meaeta Plummer Roddie, Lid. 1 'A 1 7 E N s n n •' r k B ARISTOCRATS ATtlTHK M HASTINGS TIER ' " UNISL AUhoijgh> iifaringi the end ift|{iie acaeoii I'gpiMlaj’ mornmgl thie highly popular company o! ^ntertamera Mayor IA U lonutn <1*. | H nil exponent companr prenent^ it cootana^ to draw their uiual Idm houses, ]E of the nxnyi! arlNiKlKl. «m>in>cted hy, AMrifni lulay; ouf can eaxilr underatand tha, land although {the w eather waa w r b»id on m g .1 11.. i« H iic ilI< \r l ) n l l .l Ci t,‘jrini;o(ni.jrti;o(n( o( !■’ Mr. W u.*’ ! ^ i I Holiday therd was u fine a'laii^mrr. who Ninon Blouses, linea]l^ljfid B»i kinan, .1.1’.. amf'Mr. Tj H Vile ItmniOi part waa iak|en to perfactioi V igreeted the wtiatcrt, who : mfiB||nin then I-* " "i. I ildlirltl re^>rid.< tbNMge| I >kiUaiij^ ttiK^thw ver? diffloui ’ riginal| vivai|it N l'th!l loud ' A];pardciU^l| ]a |W ^ ^ . ;at*j Aiilliontiie ua«i letuiiniilfeilj for trial av S4J.44i',\ r.Biniiv IMiillip.', Bray!ir>^ke>ilnAdr Mrs. Gregoi* taken btHUmve.‘ lUae. I. . I • . , I |j . - . ' , < \ A i u ; V i A->l • Mail ua.- reliiM-al. iiu chII bv Mws Mary Dotwl•las. £' 'cry I A filrstt-clat9 program m e was ^vein on Mon- garm ent’in all colouiis, Appll^atlmn » ii, lIllHl fotlowina W'llliaiii ncxhill- ° i| !i jj VI) h o y s ! nu^-adl. lannA,r-*£i; Z a,\ kllowetl ncrer drts capably t !Ken. ili'hen aet dng afternooDL when the conce -i'ted items III- ciiisiunies were on the usual high at|mle. wimet ('X ■ r.Tja - -ij.olM la. liotii'4r:ii\| c itiieil'4 1 —SiitteliorL roiul, luitijl I ibortori at t* Il4»u*l Ri|L. t ^ , Atex- titftalman t1a» mul l iank .Inline iUi a wes'k to puv, hided rW heii ( he clock -«tn le^.l^thirteen,''*:le.,, Ui J-. jl’mno. Iliiiiiplirdy inrliy, .Miiieri, hill, (lumliejil fiprllior axelMptioii * )j|i dnnief-ln; . vu't«t olpirRod i^n#r4Utiand u ith hreaking into { W ilham sparl| MaKe*.hBll.-rj-jk2 Potted! Aiphkbet.” *' The Alabkipii Jubilee.'* S p e o i a t ■■$*i:r\.f'l), A\Ht4>rIioiiM*^ Gritl tf iuii. Maasei-|, KH)uiuIs. I lie had hcniat,ioiMl stoH*».,n fAUulun-rUe‘ Hotel X2 2s. ITKE.VTIMi TO-DAY. BabbljM.** I Mr. James Caisoni wam v err wn,^ lli'l:K*r. Mallhlav^ aidl tin-.' 1 ! lONK Mit^N r n n qiJanUiA of c iMixa Dinn-N. 1 ngh‘4<'a-ti&nrRcei.-t-24. lo-hvuntr at T.iS; lascinatlinir French song.s and r©(^il(at4on«. ainMlaifvtlK* I ttu'l Ikmmi tviIII- li>h. rt|i|Hi:i ei! on flonh'-tu' artMii «. He had I {'ImH t»rf]il , thal tin* !*'*On AVi'w eiil^rctl i»etiYt^u I d and."Null. la*i'U pas><’< Idr n‘e i hmad- Hel N'^Mrd* night and, »h»neirt| W illm iui I asikoil lo r I fdrilrtlier ihrlinglit. me inonlh;t hatl ilxH'u li inovnl from tin I a re onj>Tm of bis most IT atf rflcti+ee Wing#. "T lie ■ iMtuMlSiSt; '( T ll t K . I to tie hiinl ) th u d IlkMir Tundiii Dr. John W »l ter.jthe cjhurehi Ha 1; Keinl- i rr n; iri Ivondtfn. 1 t IS lull of clever k:i->l’»l»!ivr W illiam >fk)k IS. piiiMl Hnt»- ►I t li.road.— t2, -. mil ion-, an interest ng duiloguo land U p d of! ‘ the narharlequinsde," a ullnie was aKrt Wiliiniij l*a 101*4011. lill. 7t>. nit •lane, llnl-* Hijodjii.ia ijrJ .1 rliffe wit** furth'T chitrilpA! (xcelirnit in ' Tlie Corner t T lo|vl^." ill"* - iiiiAmmar Mhtxil, \m »i n|H»aKMi 1: wiv- a l>u|pi tfi i'xt.*4tptKinAl pa^^ed inn :p'Ulflal I•stTVOM'. Ilj* v»i a w uh»\vfr r I - |H A\> ‘*i»ern*roal!tait>e«i a b o u t 10-*.— (u H a ln ia n *i.iid 1 •Vliee Marv H ►w|> <1, 191 >f«nua.-l-i:2 2s. lupa bio one ot all r ai iih .ocki < f applbuse. Chve AA%>kdri iFJitur very o| j;it>iiml. (h fif ').)4 MiiU ,sw.. i„ ,1,.. Im>x.— AU lip. 1 ( harle* .\d.«n lf)|. (.^neei)Vsfoad’ ~y~.£'2 2** til -it; •ii'V4'r iiclres.s M « Nofiny 1 ViKlSH-r.Vl, H ISTllitA Hu hrn^ilt 5 .anti hi thi'i'-in*} J.iiipH Aithn verv vbur iiiiuf m terpreti .tion !uecessf|ullT bi« dittr, " Tick wind up n# W7 ; i laduar.il lUaifi '27 I a Hi lor ij»'»ncral h.ad joiuimI up, iftu! iicMY hi' s plecAled gm ltv —(iooilniiiti * father ! iitt. W avexl H otel.— iho cW‘iock. k.’* uith its clnr cl OTlijj and hi htiivw(i[|. -i *A d[ Iifi h.'«l ii«?vi»r l-nd aiiv fe iinh M;h4s lA»earel in iinmorntis•aus soi " Orandfathe VlTiI filales." snd i! W liham loi.i|. Fill'S l <»v a?'n; 10. oW svenor. irilc -hoil \i.\ lilarkdii ■|A. /nl lUltll\t‘l‘ A r. Mrav I ot>ki''‘ret|)d. m illlV I iSfHHlSrsHl Hnna* but I the p art of Ileggy. The Ideal Tome" cieatNl tntc^! * Isuphter Il u;.!.-; a>kisl for.— ill;i;me ‘* being |ui tf^ i|a r 1v fine, i r o K M i\ lit** ^e^ing*J||sef int. - vl Isj[ I.nKfiily .Mar • 4 ' lAvitli Inm.i Mi.'i )hi^|Uent>y 1 i >I rojkfs In If 1' tl|e hirrli, iiinl lo» he IvMitid diver * tfr. Lenlam Stanley in h tumarous effu- Jtlli t SKI). for kuoi vearn. ^ !iif- luird. oic»l ne’r ( arolvn I'-plaj'V.—No Mi--j Tki|mii and Mr.i Pere.v H utchuonV I n«i‘ I to )u^ «'\aiimni?d M i n , and niH}u [ i Icjlittrt ''’•tltUiiU. If*, c lemi'.l-ft i(ijh I ,([nd ‘I*. I lions wn.s irr sistible. am! the clei|er war in : lit l?r iiufl l>vl^n kHmini'tij U*h»rli‘, i ui injaliiiv will ap\K?nr ati tho Ltaiety T heatre rhieb he^ im >e!raonated an ol. ilnan singing " tdalmett h\ Mr. A. ). lhil».l I h >rmiw ( liMpi 1 Irr.. itval 111 tho Aiihriii^ti e, the nuijion-‘ Ai'ho Htatfd W I bN^lr'AV.’-Jh.fore AUh-rnia ^lajor W* . INirr* Mnilkt. York- lii^ ifrdat national • und pqitriotic N O MeimorrJ" calls for mu< h 1 admiration “ T H E G R E t hajt tUr* Inti Uii" lialt v «iv tnrou.rh | tt n ahd Mr. \V. \ . ( raks' II r« OKv. a snlendid t«e na!nsane fleeU Mlatr ntAied i Pilw the opl.v per*>. n [i iiifdoyetK.Mr. I wv jaMM ( »il(ler*!ej (•itWr*Wvc V ) t)hii thf size of the jlroilurtiun, (ho I um- BLOUSE T\ r|uit{? miionui tl I isn tiiiN iiM tler. . .Kl>hri i?*liiii h. IJ. ft ii»s fItai god with *h(fping I'fupier. ^fabV tfstng rith much successI'^iThp T*ini»e o ijd w hidl . !^lorga.n. ho iiepre-euied the pu ti^-. ♦alllofl PUh hiu'd .1:1 \y a-*t. and the 1 topical c.l»aract< r of t-iiij AA ijlh o at . \;i>ihle r>*ean* oj viihw|'»t*'Tjte.' •• f'1 " ori:r.iith ■•lutl he h o im i o n M O P T a t Ynu come Home : |- i ^ iliibuim l ptVi* idi rtpphfjMii tiipe lo hniisli N'JIlP l*vlf. A iir T. n i o, phfv s ppMiiOiiiivl Uvith stim n tr I' iji'etef r'eiiiar^int; itlmi llio u»iih i mt(|ni;iht m a gla-s s.ltePci* lie sauh h f**-. siml I'. J. \\iatilo. pron Pcrfolrmam of ar<* piven iw e driilv in the - - . H A S T I jii** attprei tu e-h ip .' amd ihip ivllou- him irci ph i i . IMn Tift-.r. iftN'en I o*p1 .’--N'I» tjU'dpJ- piraiiist np I h im! dc*pcr.ile icnture-, iTM.-!uiliMg a whrB f('i| to bo trvni]; tu I ulu* A tbc«d UiiaIii ]"■ ; rnim -l.'tiil. ;m anU in •niovnl V tnn»> nu»v T)© xper Spclsia/iaf: lit: :Ai!iiunutrAti|bn U|(on the riiab. Ma\««rr .M MoiMh^ vv , waol it bittor b'*ing sheHofl bv| big liiftenirijt to ■I liiMt iihl |W , I Ihifouei 'H.i.'if iwi i|W"*tP'tiH «it |tl e *r-’>rjer Mind* A\i ir»t '*upp|w'»l. h I’Tsh i \ 'tli,p bittor b'*injf shellerj byj bfg 'The -Tnstoi m i l L i n e p y . inpi Wen oxaiJiniHl lOnicP tho «iffn'i r |»t JiON«‘ibIe It let man * nr»n’'piitp’e*ihii' W illrm i I.\ i b iln w r : Nlcliolr'K t'p 4 japtl \N;rc4 ked **vcd tho w a. .Soarcli-; .'■'lo; rc :*!>nl of the hht, hVdI ( -•nstjihh* ,1 hilt lu’ hiVih ii tathei: JU'd tVeCKVFfijfi/?. i«t have hadi Mij'peildHf u hihi ih wn- »»(*i vnt;; fie iiii$i|ht j im»|lpM-, )>n(. d ‘d poH t‘d t,;I ueni t hat h*. aa ** h'-r. Alhanv if No <'r>Jcr,ia;;aiin t h : ! Kiiktst '/Av )prlin^.i au> veaiwitii Mj*|. ( sliipH pin: over 21 u hen In' (nine Isu k . • i gu<' tim'd: bJ 2 H**'« arc all bmu^ntbruugnt inu>.pk|vinu».i>hiy inih 'u i i : Ml N irilM L a^ain; All^ t h a t . u the 14>m*)dera m hi ■ luannril. lu a n n n i. lil.'lj -I 11(0 Ifle d ’.wrijm^jon endued o i thi^ fH»i it. 1 -»a| |»n«l h'‘en r''p.'rted iir4H.'ur. nihl itl n ' 1.1 Jadd. tif PI N yiit Harold-road. i.-a^ U I'p. hir inetUcal i ...... t Iu-- lainl Mr IS lullnil All01 inl|pirt*tinl|pi04i and tlwib’ih’^ib with eilli j Mn,tgBli •»nii(l that ti e '•Ufrgt'H e ( hliinnan s.ud «he hov )*• si-pt hoip'- ( ia*M t-O, Mari t*2 t (k' : ■u of a (tcnlnitn -|» !*• oqtuin io<»r eveimigl itertonnaiices heen dii»- ia4i commiiniijat^^«»hn a*, •ihjecte*! i* ineiit Ikef^eeu^Af! ihfi parties. Mr MoUhUv Sv\ I'f.i I ctl h<'!| piis.ip^.tOIl »i tIn> *oal»Ni o rd e r-o l .{III T.nfrb'*U Mintnlinded. tart, thanks to tl^e th now shelters, urkHi that the ihjornuitma tts to the »nd he niighi ttlitrik hiniM-lt Itp kv togi-tlofT ...t4vcv4) uds*ihle turtifnmg.'a and iimllAtion Ha.*^ v|»l|unN’|ereil p|jon Ue- ' h'fore i a p t. ( \< > lU th f V h.itrl and Mi. I till' pMi tclps h'Mv thov urh re- 1 1-11 i f ril' » 1 liAano'jipat brr^ iri'ng. I here i were bUir tloro avouM Im' h o dtfiieult\. i pujitcrs.i ai I iitermiKUistermiuis inlqnite incleineninclement wrajlher: tIrHI. i l l ua< rulw|i||m*jiiilv wiap-d that I ho im e o p a t ( ri ffv roug.1 01*111 <»f a (N ?nn: !' ''‘4 I" loetor-1 in ilio town. - I he ivi>- r>hl ll 'Ihis ihas \ IjItM'n.v m well cviii 'Ciil jldiinMg (he ■'ntii hUtle u a - 4fitiKiie, 1»v the Nv:iv I is not set NNf|iilhpv |«j)t the nn'-enl ekl, Ni hon ox- f-'r. li.ll-l' • ■ r ( ■* A \^ .'!■ / . f i y tMlliom' Mr. I ntl«M|luill,: Direchir - of W*al!,ife I fuplofi-k . .M hit !|k)'>I I»asi4fiit ft «ertaiii Mr J. L'cUent audiejM-e^leni have brave l Ihle element*. t I MeJlua^ < oal Co., -luiH^'rled the rlaitu, Mi(s* B*iVler n a* ehargofl xsilr Wine ^Inpid; M :tr^‘h»k-ir Ut th*' |Dras Il.i mn I, ilko niftli V other* «jii I Air. riio B iiL t'lll generai i vue.n repk!>\sent*'d 1 Mr. K. JW.i ii-t itUTe. it no II Miunn.i Vldpljiinitn and •*©. "■ ind iiitci tullr maintriinH it-a eXA'cl- Y O U I I ” A''-! *kttd H iair ua&;t.he V**ai lOHiiager to the and jloordfrjv. l^iK-eial (ioii'.tnhb* I’.illvMki: htid another muin 1 loii 4»f 11 rdiii thill ith " )»re\ Kvijv dm' sit il p.iii. lie pri^n lijro •j-tiiUn d ,1 h}'. )fvi in <»alUpoli, vlierc' ho NNa*! NitMin-i I i*v i'l’ali. ot-thij cliisMc-. Thr- . • (Ulcfn-iitr' ., tio the u i!ie n I tuier fhi* ligihliMi orfi*-!. 'MIN 1 . Nvaf nonoortble irh ' ^riiild U«» H m ir* u iru. ’dpmditiioual ex* <»Tjf|n d'-iink fii (.arl»*l.fdMredf. >lie wn** Mt. I iU‘. •1. <• ' 'V: Ml -tuch '.'in rtoKp^^rteiicw. he! * ughti i n IiiBxtV 2 i lit alt) pp).n-A|M('n reui-oil. ’ou n < !f rk . jrplni ft! tffj 1 dpf!(ft iJhn't ” IhiiiRarnin lb‘a)>^fM|N iiiul iupM(»n without time il tint; and to jnin iipiihist 1 tic t*K‘< .pa**eiigej4 alidifun'«* >ipi to 1 to Vi4 - rt hl 1 to prar Uu ]>jirt: wit III puore *“Nea|iMdiia?i| f'veiM'n « Mil 5**-ent»ti, fthioh oiuntecr.?.' • ■ i i ■ A» t tj r .'--. pat Ikcr itrm> on: hi*~'di«!nl«!t --. r|«id fhf t.liief « • -aul t -ol f.t hoi 'i-alril lit an ov©r. lreN»- hearty: i, W illiai l‘’nnglf.s:ll. tlttirv am, SiHllefi. Hid a s i'f l oiu!- k apprcciatioun irrii;) (iio uu- IROD^MONGERY, I i NO TI.MK K lV K r -J , c.oml»o-roail 1 wafvmI to k h* hint. )>'i1! hf'W asii I /takpl.-g HIP por-‘«n Mi»- on H * nro. '(‘ill' 1* ;i n.— ihi^HfS. ;r»' 1 . in'::-ijt lj.i\-' tnm.'jlj 4«iu Ilf* liifUl i l i Thii lolUwing ‘ emplov]e>...... t»i \fi >*f*. t . Ilufo I ti*hujii-.i"ir ren'i'-ojit Will.I • l.iughM 'i.r '^lio ithillfi^l a l»*»ttie hut Vt|"i f!.M >»N Mr. Ja.k'-m M ili'ox »is i*.ton for tiiro oj’ the past feNN Iw il I lie I npplieant. : ot 1; h,i-ki't. and -jisd': * | .tm gsoiig t-.i hJive i iirin'T the »hij' u itlu -n t' tl|“ I'Jirftiikf-r.’* null ftjiul All-.- MvT.'ipwv .Tame* ; .s ’ararvti Ktap| J . Miit- exemplidii:, w il^)Hnhiitl I M>| *’li iiiipagne. ■ Site tmU’Ai 1 in < «irk ?ul ,r|ow1 eda:'.-.TK ( Ivi'k ih** A ( *r iriiv rare t- ^antij'd c uiditipnu at home. V(|jo^irm*(’ until rai I U|f. iVrrMak**’' ill I I «y I v.uuUl »? A R .i:. iiluk>rtd uctori. will be le- m> ill imt.! niid t»> do ijnjblifiblie aerviee u IIl »re W jlliani Ilirnry if ■' l)>Utle .and .drank •iriiie. Th I»ot lU irtliii.'trv meiulK W*d solo tlar.iticf iliirfi g lH^l'. f.iiiii- e t i f L E l i Y m e l e p t r o - h a t e . rfiiiin’, if) •ft. 'r!ioma>*' OU' v>iind the huV pvprv ni t. l>nt on ih»* fii potsMbilq;—>itai;e. .Ihnef. 'I'hlijrfv-, loolcmtii.; lc u rOHil. iHUiiilr.r proiiiiH or. ii.ki.! for coiiin : pj» had •it M •‘j liiid Slijimlo •! IN T ill NAMK Ul T IK LAW Y i X llh iiM.tr. rt «! iiKi the W inter Ailiendleu,; SI n n notjVti, a* (h* **»l NVii* <-1» •t*il Id Ci-NKMA UK id XL. ^ MdeJ 1, Ib nthh *hn. Uuuu-' iiomil pi( inpt lon on the • grdm’id that he had M'li Siinda. 7 ftft<'rno*.»rtV concert iicvi JtniiJ. and tAirntoi^.' h:i Som«uhiug to ilrink ihd. V* 41 AA ohhl • *'* liaii IMI lor (<» "rt ' stand drew IrtrjjV audien G hl)% ne-maii. busiiius-^. l|«' had lfe>’ .1} uiisneeKs- 1 iti jyit ! ICarl.v t.llX) .1 , from 3 Ihiiniit'KI. )j 1>pf fa Iga r-vol t aj :es, di'.*i'‘t. w;j,tnesji I . mt . Vfjlo ly­ K^r-.-thf r r?n;iM Om' I iu' ci*t ali"* 4ii‘. tho IVriU of >li|line pnyinij fAir so iis- ! rTh.cre .v\ ill I j ; ; jm g f.;« his huMtie •«- . He (uidi. SI pi(;»p .Sf. In d*| ■} liMir in bu( tl»" ; noth.-r C..II 1 U-.nt Week v fif i t nyj: aft erii< oii at llirte] T e a S p o o n s f r o m 1 16 Ji-cjloiz.; kor’4 I tat i veil ing. one -*ier )»eing- « 1 ,jj nfsifh Ttopf.,1 til in f.utn duN^- ir »»o j pryi- Knives f(rom ,-d o z . IITI • Vl l-ll* ^or k irtiewWl b;'rt4«*n—til'll pr * »nvr refti'.ed i RO k- ilitl ,\ lioubjo ■ iia.-sUopl' o'clotll I Ho n l fu rther, [and- A\iin**>?i hml to get holhhv.v-H, *)»*' i »nkf*r. -l oM ffO vr*r th** TOi- tn r !a«-t ( iuim to-day N t* luid Im'Cii cftiUed ^1 *. aliul uii** -tTVing NN; - alj Wr 111 r (jitfiiO&l: oxpniptioii witUout tim e UijnM irned for a ;m - iaput ib'|>o«ci«^l to a^^sisting nl'.oti* buildit "4. Miucc.-ffid th at g .. ” I >tty ” vaii*^^ I anotner hii i-lidur i S ^ e W i n d o w s . ^ - ^ 0 % ►he k^y Khssuh' i |' kF i.fi ,,i„ Wher** ■ • U'NDA v fi>.NC:|:RT(>N K..sT .\(fS PIEIi 1A'iikin ’ I f, Rof^iWn jjvnight. lujoE^jr iiind m otot e I Avi e*i« « hen the. priMUUT I'esiH.tHl.f^ H,( a it •bii ghtvr. n lil'J'M ig, nictVaod Oikrlesjlinelpr. 37», were S rOrrobirateil as to i»ri*b^iiiir-r^s c<*nditi('iK iti ua* AN 1! hoiit jthj ' hnoAv 'slge 4if, Ui .Mdi lay DC-Xt iho star dnima ill bo Ilf or by Mr. A; \ViU;ml,l)Kas)-o*ceut. ' l ! '- r r ink Dennis ofi t Im M ;»cist.isfrat*—’ .. ( Icilk'* i|f* e:»iii’'tak mm *rkp irrc ri Ifip .tho In he amo ol t ’o- 1 aw,” by Tan lil^iK*er. ;An<|it;1ipr larRej aiidii'lice pill •onfseii SeJjool of A rt It IMild al*fj o‘ h' oni|cn 111 the I’lcr ■lIV;|iioii on Suii-' liiniiiljiu'i.i'a r tW I* Knight wai< re^fHm^ible for E L L E R Y o h ! e. proved that -priMinfr ua*.c<»inniitfd. for I’!' T s>l •h-r (» *5’viir«4 ilie omiviidicm (.‘hrwofirtiou iHi-' •It --- ^^,’(*1 rown- Clerk ii'vj m an and were welV i*a for. a<. m a^l liik» - lecii w Ih ete.i iimk*r chn'traet with ,’HMh Jtnie'at ihi^ nex^ t^uarter Sf*. im»o!!-,ji,ncrs, ^ iii( ciC) H'l all i t I *i«' o n ..81 rlwirg* ,.f ’*e.i t‘M’upe4l .4 uiiviyt. ; Tlic i i‘)\ lira itl iidiUt ioili to jthe IweH-varicd nuf Her* by the' T o i c«. Kpefer wa» a brxxicr and v ro.A T .'lunii-i mj 1 tho Ciiloi i llO V rtf IfrtM ti!TK"4 c*iiivii|!v *11 iiMt vrr him. and takinji him I or) what and under ftie dirifi tion, o f Mr. vh« lukker and nwitot drip*r for the (0 Ije tivat him Nv;th mi c)i kuid- Hiriim H’eiit hn). .Mise i'jbil U« nlchild paid, II liO> ■ji (,hriv n Offi i?xeb ptw n in each A sK s rr s r.S T B.\|CK to « i in fMi'lvo inont.h* mifl >va4 an !( r. ( ‘. (,o;x or rtl fill hii hitiiul (Irunkjif'l. Siiln'h com inittitl -Iip iukI 1 prvttA *;iil. who is fhv lafa lighter a iwelei me ] ■ ' Wii! t tibie limit and 'A irntt Volunteers. 1 RO.Nr. THRLK Un M-VKE Ail AD ST VRT. \ ier*s*taJion:. y ro|pHyif*(J a great Sue-, iii/til'll till’ fulfills. in»|l UiiH iliil nol Vlif'liv*' hoier Imnu' h' fi.rr • •T?4it>fTt‘ .lolih M'hlmohi'y hi-?).: Ij’hf'rtdofe ! r rv]i lu Ul. 'ai-'d he hal* to tiglit •» llij; ijoun-- ? .at cn elf iili^eariim'e, a id ’ f 'tiiall.y surtg •kei fcoro^tiei't makter ! plubiber and work,^ 'Ol«l *r » in IroulilA nt fh^* FlM^tings. ¥ f 1... '!ir WALLEY md hnd m-thing td drink dri: l»*t\jre ihu). ^Valinir':>l''.\ ill I ! iid Sidn<>v ^ iVijlir(linn A'hiinR N Uc V>U*4HU*o ot tho jgiil on two yv •icyc'n !; '.iR", , iR the evenjinx lowing to the in f iFtner w ith the firm oil Uyier and .nlioiif* , I'fMirt II M *iuh«y wflirii tho ^ tj cliccrc: Tlic.-p wi , Tlifv ill »U .. Jfe had lour. bcothier» in the* .Vriuf PF fjiai'lir'*’ wit Ilf .bn»n ;-.llj: njilil enter* i iMiri ^■s lu* his- fight hi.s idNiilit,N ii* dir re liod's Blum-,! •m i A Uh- 'V. .1 jaml , .r.nci nd tilings, hijtk black for the ^py IjcrliiiK A l^ n i lit; Ic < il u^:‘r, »«ir llJi'ir •nd ary: ami had been 19'jearftjn the Ha*r I tljp cbkir), M;V. r. fosjMer, Mr. l«» n •►hop aiifl liought ? oine', tbiiiK*. SUf hml iUg tl»c Coljta^'. 'iJ.nton-ro^, (rirtlinR iicxt-iiooii' ;M!' ti'il|| giilnf ,n'.i ini<’. Tilt'll i.horcfrom ’|»x ^rkinl Johifi Kt'nin fjfho Uil< ■appeiraiicp of t he .>hci itV' * XlK II iicijrlilitlur. I might coiii • to .vou.’ tint Bownjjh**'■— Fiy* — BTigacfc,'**■—Mrtifii, andah/1 wawwrt«l cn.nri* i-' • t Hlk M r.If. I ation aiild Jlr. t ‘busi A. no Ll ing t(. filrink tluri nu thfii tin I'ljc1 i-irit • ip juijr Tharip hIi.s \rii!k'*rl to tiie Urnjinj!id Uowt.Aiiniininf. Akhcro Wilifl, he I’i'llt**' • p >pr«i|jicrf|’ . but d ij. !Mi( es t ic --ituiitioii,. Tho big mount lim fr. ■' KwpJtSn " T h e ong! long trail.' f ia r iitXiarjtP,. j U* wn* also a special con^ hii shot mid I iW* rlWt dn.v.'' wide! Ijliry infiip •Ul ?.—Tile"Ma.ror said Im knew the a^ipH. Fredl[.r{^i.k M«(kPr_lf’ainpbeII,_ 4 Soldier. rtrrivewl jif -2.IS. ^h \v;i*i \'i pain from slppptl»*ro ’ 1 a mark cjafil*' ler. irp brt. . lH'tniye 1 te r then Ak»'!it ♦«* tin* lilath< jiinl -Mit down and lo ( • witlj.iut time limit. . : H I of “ j** ing to an*oul Iml.v. m|I'o c»vf hor Imttl markeil PvH*'* J the l-li. l.>*cau-* he ImmI ! 1 s?^ i© t ’anijiHcll T H E J dicie 1 hv the iironhi ji ■ k;i ;.t 1 iiJ|' iKM.'-pM.■ inA lutnnviviM*. nllcr pr|i 4(onpr hail Uild her of mip'-ed nu>nj*% >ihoT* oc.':iisi ntifi. li. *• »)Iae'^l if'ft? 1) n t rt go f tl e opiKJrtunit to give If wet, (he rtfte(nbdii riini \ ill ftl>rt |)ik( r. j H. Tuide, 33, 19, B in*ri-tood, b u teje r'e l*»r , •tOlTl: 'iiM-f ry ' I Itf th Ct7 'tronhl»'f44 S he'put itit* b'dtlo ill lifr Fm»k. a ppm-,!! in.jrk n oaeli voih d*>r (he iotlihr hatu’i* to tlu iiM'u .who uiii’ riehtU (dace in tliiifjic r l ’.nvilki.ji [[(©'ail of tU< . A I NED iiiey teucu wnc ■iniaiKer and buyier, i»ii» Maimed by Easfc- -'■ftlna miKiiciaii. idetitified the !'*' rihit‘ve«^•vi"^ of thetlie girl he lovvs. Th* lead lidw Bif.nddtaud A rTfi'tiDE IP;x B i. nccinl interceaej ... iifM ixliut uus maiiU, Lbl. I t wai^ im n o » sib |^ o get un.vbody------jewelJer; (iirmliu-edi as her propertv. h r 1 did drink Her «H»iiditif>n wa* b‘*i»t fia. and was lindof oiii the fr4»nt IJmv hml b''cp b'Sken and «»u y fdiu* “ The Viicuum Hoi 'bery thojy. had be*n, ejoted Iby tn* firm .—C>ndi- rings ladyfs gold irfn'irrtwo lr>Id brb!>php7 I c n v.Mj BI,R1'S ut|ial nettfiOOg hulk Tfp bijimly took Du lookin" in dh til -«w that th li-i wer * for ntoiiev I* one NNcil-knbft r 1 KEATIlKH i -XT S T .‘ Bcnitci tinnei ezcmplion Witfil^t lira* limit ai d to two diamond Und gold rings, oio gold chaint luHiical rtUenditfire. L^>>NAUDS 1 :ln coii'h (u the \ 4 \^ h l 9 It: Hvi-’fv' And itielinH^ not theri*. h i I not inij-- lijnyHi ir. He clean I.1R lip Uule bits Ml* cash, IT u t t<)i g tviUi I III S“cw Yea .'»G77, on (ll© ' join the special bofittal^t. i '■ o H'"K> f k”*'! tic-p n. one ladf's II away, nn fv I'cailly cOmnieacir T H E P R I C r i i u ijiViipr : ■ I jfp- ilrnnk in a foa hn*‘iv K<»l.»"rt m inr'*h‘v. at). , ffnlh’d ui»-towtlate hieUiotl oi cU*a i^'g on •eptf ifils'T,( ant tt'iininai injR' Nvitti (lie .ItihiV Brooks. 40J i>8, Alma-yilla*, grower of, nietai.witeli, |One dote caso Sl id fonrjsli talk. She did not biipk. iimiiicmi us to the vaouuul lonn^ ■ The Batli Player* opcitefl a u| fek’a engage- 23th (NKimlft.N). lin^ in mlver. Shi valued thf articles '1 Ides, whe had too, V'd i», brain. It wn'i with bremli Jijl ■t| lol tac*K afifl p^j«»i;ciit'»r IJiiy :oi AAlonyuii'llt injib' jiti I . teghfablet and wdeaniop, 4r|ui' appealed for. lOi rat h »ii ironcelved >y th»* iiiun anjl womu 1 mciit at tic St, Leonard* Pier On -Monday iifeat u ’j*iH.-Bv thei:** ilje J (is Jii 'UiiUiit diau icl. Jwitli PRO TEST A (^g |; s ^ : iP i»r t br Ifpio employer, Sir. ‘PedaU. If tho man 1 ill “ T he (Ireiit Vacuum Kol berv. Inin thed preyented "A Fool :)lic-ation at ^-Pri^koncr wa« <•'001 M ayor: Hif |f»d| h d t sujiM>[ pioiie (h r re; ! ^' J rti’l: Pnrudise. (cjsitor:,'•I,' mrf in iiraycr and; illiipr , irllii'll ia taken he aoald ItbTeibn ctoae thit part Thttrsilar, September ilst. ahoit 1 1 p.Jii. in and talk with hei raNv ’* mit f inds with ft ru h lik r _ play biy Sydney Grundy, wliio affords fill . “ >tfiilh- ■ .! 3 0 ' )..fiiiiitivf. linva <> bnSiie^t. H e b i^ jcMned the •tooial her bedrram in a box in her m. nk. TKIc lex ttoott; liil tlii ( twen(v t'diiat They uii ke a thrilling sco|>e for the ability, of any cie ,rrior-'l|Vl.ire. whVrc tcmiKiiiiry hi.iK mill Hi'fif.. alilos.—Condilioi^ exemption wiiliont (p ^ u « i) I wus lockfsl. but m t the (fiiiik. .fclOO each, and pribf' nnilicat dctecMvoH plunder a b u it lir weir I I In Uiis instajnoeJeverybHiv ho *nw till -:iydc,;’[ received | l i r I liii.y' liflii's* liJi* ke:' of ithe box .was ii her puiH- •4—, Thirutes f imU at morn,in rihe siiNv V o }> o T t ; , l■.fm^'gogud was fixed ! iipc : -I limit. ]' I ’ it Waltnewl M Ipol nt Nfrii ojp-road, anti i)i yjj'ii-e’ rtibl the whj^le ciuii»mp|iny ijis tliei r presentatidn wfis c h am ed with the delight H. J . .'(a.ouuinl-. Of Itaiwigaif’* ThuK-alarcr-. h ii ivlii.'li Itioy nr* try Carter. e^ployM 1>y‘ Teaiet and Co., ^)OX w-ttR ; - F)roken op<*n. I'l n«o.%v.-~-Ht‘fore tlu iMayor * Vlddrinau G s»t VO.' in :i doKcn wriys. \*ir‘irtiie IS jrewftfde l fully, n itiital winy! id whicli'Mii Joan, Hovel : The at^' iSin.s-\Vo havs j wjwning |of S ^ tu rd ar. Sof te n iW siii-wcr t '1 u-‘-{blij- nl>out II p elm ’ *10 «Miid he . ofi iikiufi.v nd laiigf ter X played the part of the t erouj Kate Del­ h ho promnnenti advci-ri-e :tl;| 1m' riVnt to i'iipacitv {t,s.i'dijct.il the sefvi On the ;i|al 'l■lll■l|;ll'|. 11a 111 waa panfeil opndntioually without atj 9.30 the, hoiift^k^per made i loomiaiiniba- J. Gray, (’apfaiii A. II. A. Koivilc, Akin knew not! I f iilyilit it. TTc i.Mfv U th ir went, ijnd: looked hharmini r. 51 '>r;*j4| gi'H ph i ; he ^rcedtejitl fiip) devourer is .Ann AVcl mcft-age of 30th uU .-ft- i:ib- t 'a-lip«i' Jllii'ik limit,'aiid td remain]a jVolnntMr. Ap. *'^r' jRh©| weivt.lo a Vf*drooiD oc u an 11. fl. 'V, Tret*, Mr. C. 0>.\4.'tpi', Cour h ’* ^►raMdf itl •j 1*r’o ‘.vpivenne Vriat ire*. fire'“ «Sho V'on tfie Prirri (V iti- lift wa! rn^ .^ftof **chl. I dt jhb dhl not. t'> (tM' (■’ot.te (he Rubhi preui-hcu triotic sCf- Viiii.ll IV i V nt taid li« das *Ik » |^ng to tain the ^ HW had come l< > flic ,ho use oti ilor H. t*ahJ*o!i, ( ouncilWr T. Dightui ’.a} h ‘ ;|i-)iMedN) “ . .A {Deal in .ln«lm^ ' (C ib ©fib iri M to poliirtri, tn d diiapeni ing affeotioii llie Great "thd- Hustii'-,* >'•! r'. ■•.«■ il. .... the TiltrftdaT; ^x isiio r. After Jo .Xjldcriimii I K. A. Ild^‘ king, and Mr. K. H H*' iils4» -iiW 1 'LA‘«'». I liiid i;»nij*nev. T did'o’f mandeil Itliec'r Be i strong| in d ot good clamed for himMif. and was'iUao appliM for NU Khl> eUSHT. Ktifon rriued by the ©ucb©«8fi atterjd(ng the r©t©r- ...... liUiildq. th© 4U^ production . ______. birt in rad i lx- thou di - raistd tq fid *t 4 C>i In Mdllien tin tiMi jewcllcrr Hic hox om- wnioncd for not ha>- know then w Its i mil iiovIkm! nf hiime until 3 ■U {wall perfect ly aaUfas, Mr. Gat- eburnge. ;Be not afraid , nedli'I’r 8 by|Jlunee AVilliaga Barker, who wae aiit im tninod • w ar loftn hpok» w ith six rccclote For .Allicrt Dutlon 'va> hM ►t'fchUrl*. Polvoitt litfh* broth'r e igrtip'Uient of previous artisrte*. th^ idftiiaf ©* iiuili L with thee Can you Id, and for whom pntler: iaoted as atten* a liglit ill tiie Irpiii of- a paiitcchnicoii after "o ly h IS ©<*cui^l Moiidny nett and dom hfid, fit character wW eh. *i ted him,ad .ihoycu, for the Lonl tli.v las. M. ^n» » ca*e. a hix>>ch and bf/1 »cr t ST—1'. SA- .S..4 iaII.', vxafI jNveiii into the dior huu 1 . 9l. I - , Association, rriiiltil II I n:;.! v 111 a rear fed light rlnfd 10*. and aUoAveJ lul«iH'« Nvhile uriiinj;. ' he eiifire, wcjrk, «t 2 .4-Y an; |l>. . 11 “■ii-e .'Brigade, i— P r . tJ-'' pooke. tu i^ r te d - -alurtigy to p»>. I rtsHiige fav<>ur:te, I .Mf Aiibyn, who nv 11 much meiininit a« did thi: text of the nlBjBla arrogant notice, b u t I iWitns|M was after ta rd s hanilrtl hut he 1>rjonri-jtl 1 rick fid.{ ' id- Nv*^ hnd 2'1. id:-s-'’Tjte disturbaiiee imi agitation ;3s«B , -,lii llip' t:nrt*ft,l laim, and akid tM ipaln suffered] froni ;>p^n'>pria in bi^ jKipiiJIar lentettainniepts ”! A Betwein lord {Nonuantower (51 . H . E . H ul- tion as nei-tliher he tiiqr ti|e Ahsikiation ap i^ n ijittg . laqiiiil the box bjf|tbb houspkeeperg but the jewelF *rv B.AD HOVS^ *st,^!(;DAY’^ SPuU T. e-'ch. *VVe|srieii^ oil * chinj^ Mt TerrariV. ho tlo th l ant Biat. wae a. pretty BUsed b'-Tthe luwiirss nsgries koii nnd in- {bad raricose veint and ~ \VilHam Werjioiifttioiis, jvarh uft lUtIfi love plo^ dihieh i he mi :t waa m adfi atiable bitibn...... 4>,f , esjiotic Monarch IV ila . wiil aini^f Army.—rCondil went-^t> imaoiier*^ bedroom iho found a .^UfUHl DelioiiUftte w»i'8 ch'argiMl witli h'tjiin l**m. w irire Mkui he r*'ij»1l^- * T won hi lave iiiihfippiiy enguln'e a ddlijghtfnlly oritipal tii n. nod children!' coat a n I a k irt on hriM>her*a b ig . which i:ns fijui hH MJirvamc homi'j^and saitl th at tieJirtLl to re t into Irpitliile T il'd I’pi; bre»'il: th'e d o rr r.(-.Viil>vn has iiiniiv friends in H astints, Mililliey Doyle ^ juvenile lovei , Upon (he liilig tra in of pliysl ils- , . famine. • , ! ,al service, butol, r, to Hiclc- under tp«|bed. :/nje cloth was hera.and I an >tn rts.saulted by tlu* deiendant#. who firei fiistenrtl [ buiy had to . A ' I ■ .. A -j. u .L1.4 . • J a .. -a A.. 'A kte ..A . iTiie cnhanced .prtge fix ♦?» ilMilM m iii'sij Bros., 14, ^ u t]( |ol5eH; it i»*d';.d intercAtind to. not© th at h© m tde Thi Both; Player* are to-d|.v (&{^irda^» diseate. difsolatibii—os the itievifiildi' ntten itrUetLl asked for furr been MiimTed froth h^r brdriimn where j t ’atapult^Hi theilw] ill Kcc«'?*l>>ariii‘ (ticn :on‘*ii it stmI iljh ni**nevi kv|i<. in (he fill. ntirii: a meW corned;■ bv A. ‘ J “ . Thtscl lants.^on__ {war, .dr if we rl.'gii|rd war as the twu is, .vou w-ill notr - rk. if* ' i-,»ii 4miy Whose., pia. - had: been filM by worth jla.lfid, SheiaHerward.s law the jei el-* Tjnfy atIV aa‘.sttUtteitt imii aghii^. imtio'r uot (he of .50 i>er cent, tn th nil I *h pw i^'iw lator. *• SVd, m|y Uastinjis fifrtt in 1890, in om* of J. J 'Dallss* vifrdelicHtfiilly aid so ]emF«Il.r iictpl. li©tli©r ©*© conHiil^r tli© hojd uiiJ lunivutablo or explanutipn. I t liad been im| liblp: to find afiotlWr lery >n hands of the police. -{fWiKHt had- lirten p rn io u sly Bummoiird,-- inoliPV. lie Vritjii he h"d re t. i ^ for Aft* Ijiirlivtq irts. Several itimes fflni-e he/lios b< eii The sllorv of tfiC coptrasf if HI in Stratford- Dsitibii ,»if our bretliren j in I le provinces h'l wiw^lio A V i-rngf Present ci). ' • Were worse Annie IMitli I Thiatlethwaita, lioneekof| #*r, \V(Mxl adm itted a'?’*;iul cjing the boy. l*atb*n- 1 il,4VMl«i le. jii'd : 51y dairyman, who se! 1: Hiililwin. IAi|i|inii|* anil 1 wr ! i^hiUrtlhind th>_ ifioHi^lifi! in;, Hastinsns...... 1 - hav: - • pjj S.K.. Bnd'tbay^ pf Milm iy ti lunre. Ny.: low Oie itcene of wui-, \vc liiin lOi b u t confes-t r f in-It [hi 1^1-ra. wlien the ptevh Jpeal was madU. nt.34, .igHoft, said that on fitiptember llfft Jdleji jtaid ...... Blii'St ho diilnT hit but »i>iue l»o^ s id r - T K e M AV\lme«'Tev*' very ehtirtnjning. Th, chjiractor*r*( |, ^hijtim hut ke hai;?. ample rchson lof nioua methtu- liy his own cows |*4‘i| . tlm» I u^,6|' ftbillty. th at’'’owing to the pi wne* to the house and engage« la | wlU were irith hini ph*a*h*iciil effort will 1x^ awai|ted w)th jnhobnhab t i t trnWonl are pi aye,) to )>erfwtinn ion and .for earnest prirfer Nor is there r.ivm roM i. ;;8 he p r ^ — ** *«--i — • ^ • and public itia tbms.—Conditional a need ^ the registrat ce nu'ch iiitvycst. bv Al ss; Joatiloan Boyce ae pailKaiiyc and M:t,{ y !. ess occiteinn for fervent J player thiiJ—Go* stuffs and shortage of ii a Itt I'll -Pil.. uaifcn A fOal dption without ti I limit and tb join form oil whirl! pWaoner stgne<[ his name M 111 did not Hre tu h j;.t3 te boy.—Pattcndeii iljolr. T he ot1ir.r E. as Miprs. ' extra e r s t o t prodgelii If jU*i many. «i4»uree *»f'' tri:H»hh to .h**** I Ifi ttroth B ill rlieir langtia^ n,iv ;in |[is mercy, mitigate tlie honors of AVaa linteers.—Mr. F. Mojtean reprteenf "Fredeiick Fiaher, R.F.Q., tVooiwicii’.’ He anld Delonnelte were ' earing armlets.—Tl ^^teol H**» Vh-ilV a n d manner* simply ;*h<»k| .Poison.' S'r comiicUcd to increase ■' ' M.iyi rotail Ixiy Imtl iriveil lriv t**«mble. lat ‘ He in whohe haml nre the lleurts |lpp] leant, said he had been nx at if.; {Marina mil Miyor said;the: Bench oosidered the assaii t Wave. Adri*n< an T’BK BATTf-E Oil- 1THE .SOMJ! E ” IVT fimiitVeW . Ifiilli’jdny’* butle r, m [• Sir .Atidrer. ... _.,..gsJ and who hus the is wer to (» "• nenliy lv^^. quart." am uti Slip liindpaMMita' > >*a»d' thq *1 nnel Jam es Crai would etch hi« Witneei !»eiit tfie f er. a very cownrdly one, nd defendants lyoiild exeeTh.''!* r1l jj-ftc fr. Imt J «aid I th •(■ Robe*'^ TjltK I'ESTUAEs PH TL KE THF ATUJ admiraViw'WA.* . fptaycil #wtiAw«Ws____ byVw*r , a tor; Giirdonits iw#le*ei s them wit tlierteiev.'r! he . plef Hjlli,' muy iiis Uis tongue 'in his clieej ili>ll(iiiim-nl baker. John Sf Tineo, bread Ibaker. vent - tor iti butit p * retitrh«Kt without it. Iw fined lOfi. 6tl. each i id 2s. each cost-s. A|- r Jher f 'xv^M r. 'danis •nhl takes t n:i oj matlter of tee id endenvonf* .r.A fcwi cnqiunos ;fl i f »■ line ™ . .. AVrtlmp'ah'v ft L'Uneiithem to listen fo tlie ta i c of justK i Olairaed' by ;Hr, ^ J^ Hill, bakir and P riso iitr then ireiit outr sa.T|pK he woiild fo s'cd tilt Saturday to la.vj jjiv*'M J4 little f roublr once or Ejicollent biisihe,s.s]continuee at s no rt I to! them b]ftter mar ncn']| blit Is lianl reoadli, utid hiituuniiy, so as .(|> restore to thu clicitcil the (otlowing nOii o f i agok uitioner, St; lieoi rds.J-Mr. F. AV; Stor­ Ijet it. On the Saturday wri lie«* w'ent to )»i< son hftd risc(:—(It Extra cs»t A I.ADY’S SfuCAGE. hut- t|iAiiri »t i«e .'»ot Id eet '>yer ft lmt ar i t bi iitre, the grand new Balcfi^y:; be ng n sncrensfuU jiExcent’onal iy cj. were M ils gitaW 'world That ---- , - 'f vins ■ U rlier in ireaented tho ies. Both I were priabner'e roorii, after a alai>jnlrnt by he ntliiislasticall/ laitronised. Th: gene 111 Doilr JarpiM)! a- tv*ro boviiahi brai ks. He hj*|a jRin»l»r, Jis* Jladvs S*naijt.| ever striten to uphqld. In ihe lucuuwtitle. Wates: (4) tondon pi ill la >pd e Iiy thl made to adeert: Mr. WU said slent upon. Bhe looked for [trisotierfa liai; sc Sou language, , and w him .to Ikp ffj i)irU”r,,.: ;^b'er Walu') dry waft senji i.rahiiin nrtl ut> il in ve if*i of ©(?©! For to-day (Satunloyj gT’nt :M-'Ie:- Diy'iff.i*: Poison.. land,' lef! us lo.vally; ilischarie our duty to of the milch prws ( 1 1 Be«i my n I .often put in 30 rs.! |£ig4it of his mpn told Al US Farr.v. [A further searrli riVca'ed did h o t use wornf Tuiigu|iic^ than an.v\)iMlT el Siiig : three -aot mastcrpiece;l ” Tlic There will! be two .Txjrfoi 'y farmers, who _ Has in her kitchenJwrth :.m» window .opfn mill the o th er br>: s wVre '*r.m; g le*. surely u strsuhgl 'S i HV oaring'at her daughter, who wan about ill enclf with fhy liprch.—Thq efioti. no sacrifice. .hut cmbia:o, every pos- *r. .. -..iiSi ant" went .he would ' e to idose thb head of awi rdto^. , ■ oonsuniidi|ve. and on hei Initd a long list of abtraefiof sibla; m eans to. b rin g about i siH'edy and I of m ilk: (2) Per] 1 AVmM -Mk. ^ery. Bjs did 25 a week.—Cramp one Flbrehoe Cfruttehden, servant, said she fair years of Me«—Deferidai(ii wa*! fiuod last Juiii< youmrer boy pictures will be le 16 of "Thi . th at fails to iojr a sim'm ila ilar offonce.-fiFined• 19n fid.^ and at* rir)idira( ion |l; 4i-n< let ef^ w ith ti eanfion triutpphiiitt ccHsution of (tloohlied,. that wo pi Xll iP nth to.lte final, ai istM cOndHiopal ex- priHoher at jtho tiouse on Fii day, afternoon n1*A »UNN4|4»d tr **rt. botl from t hp Sky.” in j wo acta I “ Tl THE PM iA C fl p i e r N ia l' what fobd stu! ! i r i |. i w l l don without tii about : onf'o’clock when he came out of. his lo^ed UU Saturday to ipay. and .AdnmS| jNv|rt - WEEI:. mayr'ohce'agaui be aide to dir ‘cl our thoughts . . , lim it. ■ 'I '■ ^8 of advlo* b.v the Mayotr. of: T r ie Iaivc" (Trnns-At!antic into iithei' channels mote^nn lb Sng and more irict are pul ^ is i la*. » derioF Dunning^ 54, j garrison ibrodd. room and wfnt into that of Al isk Parry. She NO MOTuR lsIGHTS. lacing given >vto|N( The AVoninn; Pays ’’ (British cost. .A recent peramf . i iiiMij waftp [ill i.'.'.f' saw hi n cote* out axain thre> or foun iilin- For |irehk th e niaDa iftrit of tfif eleviittlngi tbaii war, i.e., the ‘t iiholdiiig and T a t the [E ast: SiMaex Hdapital, !^e H enry Itus'iCM 'vini summoned fiiir The Double Double Cross ’ maihtiiining benvenly peace ni eortli," lyiifg bctwecik i..ewes, IU ra:^8. cooici to th * tolaiim 1 by the a ithoritie!ii who were re- utes after and ao[to his own ■oom. She lUd dfiviuj^ rt motor car Without a .froiit Uj{lit'AY>-Befpi^« Mr. re ru e '’The Veis Continuing bis remarks, thi- Itabhi said da it anqctB * ■An il iprehended Som.i 'lumanit.v; for repugnant nlilis to nature a'nd{ says the daitw farmer: tnj raanr «f 0 1‘f jjt. Dibh. . n » abseri^*©. Pri'soner this atmcHoll at all the les ling provlbcil ited that the other U r lia(l been bniered H e had no Umtis attd twas not provided wilii iiiany wore tlhp enquiries ma , t o ' {tlhe religion is a war ehgenderell by craft and; of icattlej; cate, dout: ... in I in (Aa.T happ}!. Ifi join thd Army, ivil» regBril to {the ini- as to leceivine pr{i—>ner into custody at TeJ'oT- tlieme Tle had ai^kfd ior them but had bean lie result lif !> telegn r(i|r fron; .hi.s , Kcgi, i nianagcnient a* to when it wool t J shdwn Imuse* ter home ooneidetal ile line, and wbl 11 .w'liat .does th a t m at maeliiafyy lltiilt tenhaii Court-rosid. fondon. meut Prielinjiir plriidcd tfiat-hfi had heefi tfsl flint tuot clalinihgt •* hu uuinv of the revues lU oggl'Cssiite, undertaken fron inotivee of de-. rtanhoe of the in< ib|tM>D Xud Uie man’s refused.—J?iabiu >»ai the E ast C ite vrbere deep)^ ef(ec{lcd by the spoliation of tlie defenceless, rbarle, Klphiick. 5?E -Iforetean ininerXl to Nortiiiam to fetch a. load of turniluri*, dener residing] in Shifiia . IShroWiire. was _ eiireteihh Which e*iesiits in-Alu w-liom. against th eir conscience and their itiiei alleged higher wt ri-k filHr eapit|il |ter inairofactUrer, ei pjpyed by Mir. Mar- he wai detUined on remand. Prisoner WBS hut they could aot ffct liack before dark U** smiimoneil foW iSisisiiig a dliild suBering froi ij favouiitc theatre. 1 ' ! dib^eiit enquiry has it*. Tlfi, ,• pref«(rrM wearirR prrisoh clothes. Tile irarder hroiiRlit No vords nro needed to descril]* tlm have b|eonl pfiaying to fnl 1 a|td npi will, he nmkes tlie ipstrutt'(t t of hat huso sskisd for fu rtb ir xthnaibu. The busi- cau^e they; had ?K?veral puncture*! and ehffirie. scarlet fever jji ider tlici Ibddic Hfeltli Act.--) limises. [nsioail specialitiea clean ebmei y, purpose.; Deplorahje indeed ii the sad raii- casi-, b u t perhaps so r lyj iH-liiHe...... ■ “fieri ij. iU..n v L::'.. Vh-i nrison >r’s clothesl which weri done ub lii a trouble, 'ftie lamprf Imd been converted, bibti Mr. Percy -ili|Hh iTown ('hfky a ipeare l iV r One niMst -ee to believe, and it must'eiikely paid labourers w3m ..III lougli tjhit.liil n W f i r and prisoner produied two rlnas. burst forth lis n incsitage of , li i nil tInft the di- make 'ipl un or-s> if real fun aid cruel goifernment. *We|l dp oai; sages assert : risii of. say 40 o r .50, hin)[ ivail d ifi'^vISi^rl .1 * *' hidilen hi the pad'i a the shonjder . J tne he nv»» stopiieear a t the B<*xhill iVdice Courts with her hitlfcFmid other ihildiwn. A bnf.,j']in khaki, and (secondl.yl the gloijous;|jind Pdpujiarjpiflce* will lie 4be yule-at the eqey; ;oiiprous icmploycTH, |'][ 1)1 I ojf Fa • ( Ri.fnrm. wdl-c iriicsl triuniid of the :Britisia nathon than bo.the subject of. a liyincritical king.’ ? ibkll mentioned the need of lanips^ to .Mr. fell ill. and !l.)ir! Cnlhano foulml lit was sufle ■bich U a t tl 0 boru enid. a id| CW1 p (4) IBecause Iwii tiii.piiile inilnsirv ■pP®4f®d lie liH« imt them there while I c w as detained :^ibin more than onces^Tlie dharge agaiiiKt The film fill five aci s) will bo sriedned four Pavilidn *’■ *'*- Tjie Jewllof Englond liuuws crliat he is. fight­ ‘JLJ V iu -lL. j . I ■ lut To tenhim Cdurt-road. { i: ing from adair let lever, aM imwle arrang* indepe id' t |,bf w eather coi ditiona) : and a ing for. |He hosain instiiicti' e hgtred for all quart is (that a rail' lead e ' i.iaUkihriii|K niuasell was dismissetl. h© “wan not ck fihK*. ench day. at 3 3, T...tjul » u.in.{ [and eeiii ilia initu r^eric* Noakes, m hpt w)at«r; uMitaiy i Pt^s mer f>aid he,was nol sei rehed proncrlv ments for Hi* tidmission ur the rannforiuni i’gtbiimimr ] faihusiness stou d be theTe*i It. that Prussianisoi, militari* :ii ,• and juuker- prite should prevail 1 fr ilercil ret^'ponsible. T here wftft evidence, w ill bp *ii;)[s>rtvd bt Epi«o>0: jilan it not: , pen.; and se its dom imply. He ha* a 8 i»::iil 'interoiit iii IKS neglect against Sabin, who would the Imiv ahoklt the streets f'«V soirW six hoiiri may to rad w ithout e^fitra fee a t s|{ny avmage been carried .Am irirannriranoi 'n i ll‘ i 4> f acts “ Max baa « R rtlidayly ’’ (Batheit.'onledyi prosecuting th is AA'ur w-ith iL-i itm ost enMgy, addition'tO'the fan I Iji >aiit iii4 hestIB«t ini'C1ltibl««, f'***t*>l ” {- "• Mswhews. and the claim I Prfis>iier > handed in a statement to the | d Ji-! 2s. and then ilepaited by ttaid tin ''itlorio. AVIien feat ui ing 5tax LinileH and . tfie Topical tim e of Ihe Iday- and in hfeeiug th a t it i* not e:idcd until the Rtat =™pWrted tmppoi hy (7apteiti| Brandreth Gibbs. | that; he had been in thto Army 14 i D A N G E R O f S CVCLING. the bov gotMk'ihie in ShropAhire other child- thp hand* of a mi-, t i t m r th eir aortjA, Budget of tbe AVor d's latest evepts' re|i' Iiower of, the mfglit.v in hroM n (or all -time*. rdfit. Tlie milk HMr;'Aln';.'tliejws:______saidl tharp weyo 125 m en a t ' n m n tl« and was a t th e fijont iJix weeks obert AJau' s was charged with riding ren, were .nffdeijed The tem lls he (Jointid : ind llnfr* by aarM i'^iK ft tSb ten itnriuoi. ' - THE iANSAYEB" ATI T im KINBM-t t-hat!;thter arrogant dreo” of universal Su<(ed 'within an atciti if it ■oHIIII III i flouH■ iHaiiitl^ fie iiospiivl and 80 __ when he whs invalided to si lo*n!i»l in T;oii. icle in!a dangerous manner at the top out. niisht hbife been yeis-Iserimis for Hai- r|i ' PALACi;,. ■ ■ doihtnipn is .shattered for 'i)iid: AA’c Jew* >mdlth nal: eXemu io{ fithuut ill e lim it, don.i rhere he met a man iiaiied Kina whom Sainif,’-street and Uigli-stres-t.—luspfc; tings andi.otHi if place*. I— Dr, C ulhiine gn'e THB EVANGEIJST ’’ AT TH id le ill I many: cases is olti)i a w . iliJrria Air A eric-in r have hiid a terrible expor i n ce of German sellers’ own cows. oiilitr ninniiMcfxfnri iid.io jo'ine thu Voi'in brt iW bail t jTiKhf in Cb^ltn«»forrtChelmsford' llaol. HaoT. H(e told .Adama. R.!$.1’.C..A., said there was altra forniiit eyiden ]b as to exsifiinirg'the chili. HALL. " T h e J of Teats,’’ i fi • metrosdrai niilitariem’* evil'iiui.illty aid eflects. for be­ Itolicrt Henry Pat «ddc i 32, m . Geor- luibftiai 1i|f* knew of n place irficrc Hiriire was and a] ’bus at ttie Junelion and a lot The throat wfi t sus|>iciou*, ifad cii clo'ser ex i- ost klif»p ______^...... where wlieric...... it , disimoed of. King rn the hill at 18 dr 30 miles mi hour, Ui let fever. 1 H f filled lip tlfi. neeestery for u place: in Hk- townJ was crowded iduitnc the lightfiil lifamme him bdin secured, of niiti-Semitism are the m iktrs of the pre­ toi action. Yestc; nf tliii iiu-ii .yllo m'uiiid wsh "Sir. .before tli** ", llirtB* Itaim wa:I supported bP jMrMts.laMifx. cpficldI'pttcld slidIk lid |didldidf rot not act it him—'f heci nso h» I a over a'dog. There was ii biiv, standi for the admifibin of the; .'Jiild to the Eant- first imrt of this week for one of tIe]no.st principa being a g'M : nttracHoaij; sent; war.( We; realise tlibt. til CO the days of I™, tor whUmI he did l yHi i Ijbeirtheir ri^electrical lric a l 1 itatJri of Hastiuas. l^e sta.veil nt thej hpns» the hOck stop of the bicycle a- »:eU toriuro. ; Iwl liis opinion, (i w».s extremely reulis ic productior* ever put oh. inFtlcd k ' ’ A FMlefii S• ta r ’’ - or thn • “ Ujis • fid' our {mighty Egyptian opprnenr there, never Work. was .pssiM]; {for iRarrispn dutir fat St. T..eoiiBrds.i {-He wjas shoit nf iriohey aifd “ An -Aniorican's Home.’’ It wits i;t | ivevjr u> «iip ...... im s who was ridiiig it.—Fined 3s. and dmigerons thef tlie.ehild shlnnld be in public . t’f “hI AibtOr’s Life.*’ -fi tfuri was a time when so u'ufmrilleled nn oppor­ ‘broad.- I'biiditioniil •xenipHoh w ithbut time 1 took the JeFellert on the simr of thenVompiit. lojved to Mondtiv to pay.] wav leally w'ondcri ul. and is stufed |U>! have,',1 Chevaiiii! ;t give* the gPH t actor q sp: I'l'P 'V f/.rciJa of .Ilia limit, and to join the yblMtiWiri. ! ) He knew h'o had a retsird ai ninst hipi. hut places.—Mr. llenyimont. D lle r 'if the- defei- tost . J to ctiiii plfte. tunity ofired itself for rite li r g human ity ot aiin and' iiiii^tfdg dunt. called : >y the Town IClei kt Isold th it 20.000 d id o tp o uilitT of displaj in ; hia, talent. i the pioeti ixiteht influence t y ill that ever lii iBertic Thurtow, l ( a M (or genleral sor-1 h o p ^ the {Bench]would ^not ti ke nn.v acepiint TAXJ DRIVER FINED. For to-dav (Satiirdayi the eWef filfin is. iiifull of intwn it niid.delij liti , . 'ifii'i , attainiat le tly ai Nathan. Negus pleaded not guilty to drtv (ieiendant w|i«' staying w ifli li im. togeth »r th e aw beset itj: [AVe are equally mini Ifni of the fact treat him ns Icniepi entiUfd " .Ah I'ne Eiiecteil lloiuancd. I t is O ther tujet Will V i. Question 1.^ |1 the ‘ln ishir_ aas sent hajek ^ o h ^ iteai- lag a motor car in a dangerous manner with three efi Mren. in'HiiBliendeu-rond. Tie qu ite u delightful picture and 'ii »u th a t wP are' citixens of a;t .Empire ■within . hin IP to. J liijy Harry,!‘21 year* old. ,wi,4 ill, and taken {to Coiirn . , (lilfamo). *’ Bi Ili A'ah D ua whoso ImMdarics ke have In'cd in peace and :b r falii fr«*atr<1 an a- »V'***H pr and I’.t*; (’urtis Miid he snw defendant com bv the Usual large ruuge1*0 of Pthiedy, feduiedy). and P« the Oaeette. liiliir Ilin' , ail frsm Eiiirt-parade toward* Higli-*trect wit the doctor.! t .After copiinrJl roiu thel Hocti r. M uddle' amity, where' frci'pomSn i s aidwt sense it l^ftn bu^iiM'M, and ;»H rifforta to sail it had sonti lo the front w‘lu»r© he v ouhl h»» put in and ipteivst wliitdi ha.s Ion long made] the The naffement {have seflured two eg^lj- ■»*r rp.l I dev doiied the I sor'd] niid hff . would de-ire a taxicab - He was driving very fast, and lie ,took hPif I'iggwtre and Ifft the honse. He H a ll one ours; where the frait.* of . list ice. and- toler­ w4lliw brother h td gonift to III© W ar, tion of 'tile Piibii'- lent i|irdj|jra4m*w for nefit jctek. tlie ance'hayd been out iiortipn 'tr many a liupp.v ar i I im kfeB nollxibg bftterw iH© wonldv’athrr g|o hack nearly collided with two CoriHiraliou men went .in kenre 1 of her. mi« it ni^d hei^ dptaile A tluroiigbly pleijaant .entertaifimefitj may i imm rirr ffid ni>i>|h.Hnt. helped fiU wife to run her attractim fffr the first hfijf being dayf tthd^iiow that Ehgliii.l is embarked niiprcB ii!cy..«a fiu.sines.J w'!)irh w i» cb>po!Ute->-C4>iiditionnl aiidi t ul'i than stav in prisob. T|lie ,iJoKHtrv ]» ishing. barrow s.-and also W'itli a bor.se iind (he- Po«t 4'>R "e. The chi ilwas Wrnppnl he re led ' upon to-diiy as always. Answer "i ai: a i: visualiaatiinivi*naliod Dead? ungrudgingly give her of o ir I best. Jew- and j; . wouh never■r regljet if if they e(et him bff.off. He a i hour.! iVhen told he would l» re|ioited thoneht. tWe I s>st thinv sp' could do wajJIto chief line will hej a picture entifleit doubt (Hfe kiioklla well kiKern to all. to he ftraiRlitforwird, and honour, Negus said; “ Do as you likev I ifas on my liot- !h ’V: ncheleea-road,' pastry ahia jagain. .... , " tnai gear.’’ There were two passengers in :H» d'd i.t for tliB Arthur Jonee. lore Nniieham. owing photo ir aphyi i* wonder™ 1. The keynotj lain, i;t in 1» F H ein e r wa* bemm itteil fur, trial at the the’ taxi.—Defendant said it was impoa* hie sake of the c ild .’’—P r. lolDke. in giving t lie ncgie;t of her hu?b.iiid, throws in found nniteiieorly ip ,tlu. it, and. if needs be, to die ft ir t. , liiThe hotie W>ok. hi uit______matoij. ahil cotafectioner. eni' Im. when and confidence that ever: tying compafiWo E *>(') place, i s '■ next Quarjtar Sejuions on Oelolier 20tli. td make Kbe cub go 20 miles an hour.—All ert decision of ' le'Bench ySpmr ’ed upon the witli Rfx Allen. Mrs. Nuneham gfit| I jnstiii sidiWly. isho f in A l ije i» rained. I niiiat pla.ml Ilf Mr. H. '}; ^oimau, apblied for swain and .'ngelo Grsi corroborated.—Fiped with human reason and- v-i h the laws .of Memption on dimeidiaijcrouhcia. 'The em. «erion«np8s| i I t,be ^ offenifiej 'rheT did lo t UMitor accident and receives su elnres Jodj tennst bo dea 1. Having Oiii life, ttd know bow Ini av cb|'Mpen atjd I aether* might the lands of a street .evangelist, T his hiaO'iifi, on ,, : Siddely deci to kiH bl. nature hg* been effected by 1 1 aa a nation t< ifflt lii;-... .Jin fact!til OToyer alas appealfd.-ptr.; F. W. Morgan OF W OMANhobD T CHIMNEA' BI.AZE. f>r hi* m e« thefexigenciies'Qf -wai; i: behoves us f tepresentM tjic paitiua.—M r; Ilo liia n said* have been oisrressed Iw dr|feiddai it’s conduct in tirenther's irime lias gone abroad hot lallii in a trance, am by a »nifl it ii,^ini ty ilot*.. IM aria-ltvte. fo r allowing her chinincy tif be taking h©r|iiii©«'tcHl rhHH train. Her c< h- marvciloud 'siicccsa in influenciUi; tbb poorer led awii- se* other* like hii, add Ouf I prayers to o u r de«4;i Therefore, 0 .am p'rut'll^...... hjis busing, had hem dttahliished nearly 100 claan-s. Coh.seqiicntly w'hen i str ke . t* ( j b thi^ eotfmn Day Pt .Atoneiieat we appptnc ml L'lK SliijC" ^>rv sioung woman must recognise that o i fire in Milward-road, was fimsl 5s. itiirt , ong* ton Vom wbat]] it| were tr great difncultlM. a finds thai A|»f d tTidi>l n illi Rtix the firm suiiplied: 350 snOpS; If was linbi* threatened at the factory at rlnil lone the ’Throne of 5fercy in prgger and su''wlicn4 , {t do that ntany would be closed. thbi ilielihooir bf a hanp.v marriage is on FORTY-BlX LIGHTING CASEN. fflirtiilfi b^.iSli a liearv pena' own lo ** no worse tha t ithery. ’The plct- ^ ifieyi I Hie S ederirk Arthur Brayv; Central Hotel.— but tiikincj i i,to eops-iderui line long io Numham’shushnnd i* a director, tlje Evnft tiire d-’nictfinr the life oi The fM tion,,to dIaim the benedict’ Hi I (fid that mid result iii hardship t|o a ^antb hdwe >d WcUltivlstinR robust regular! healtl , gcliat is sent for tn quiet th e wo '.ketp. {Mrs. W omu ’’ a n d ‘"The J; arm s agi nm ier drople.—{Tfib man! said fie- hfid to ^ j, „ 4 Ijf,t ill-health accounts for many of the I id Jt2 '2s.', nev to nhtwft the charg^. Bench woi:ld t bt\the Af * II nntJnf' ,enlv fin© llipri 2»* {Nuiicham hn* retim ed to her h laiiijiidi and lena’’ are particularly fi; . and ; tell divine jcHalletige I to tJ -_ u m , loTi P his lent*. Slid lyis m bther had lo ro I bitte' tragedies of matrimuny. ..Vgem, it the llvangeiist m.’’T and i P I N Q to ti c, incident. 5lr*. Nunehiimjhad iti4 cowiepi * ■will h* most at »nj in*. aPd im need thajt wonliof epurage n*e.tirat Thbmof|Bit«, 40, fi rmer and dairyman.— eumilexion,' bridbt eyes ami vivacit.r. , WHO COUGH. term 'd her husband th at «hn '!iad ilipiied "Th«i '(trefer Strafed” i nii "T M Sm«l uniT«rtel| cnaiL : l.et fho iAm I .1 .''ndition I hxeinptiof Vitbout timls limit. , 'i’hsre is however, no nce|d for pflle. deli- w-hiln shopping. ” hus the aeeda of jtlalouty courageibe our faith ip the midc-d j i i the Rfiiir at Mcfi Qaickly .Tdhu {Anil’s iSkftrh Bq* k No; sj and Kritioh (IVilUatf Jeropson, ‘ d i , po*l***l fo:’ general: tie girls! trtj di pair. lt( is indeed y?. sre lown. Hex Allen tries to ssva iiattete Path I flaaefte ■S'lD ahw ’ >e h«wn. out courage with (henl wil 1 i-eiral 4i \ i rft lorking pliioihier, etle., wnii claimed: idin'mic.ic. ilerppderpohdeivt Rirl<^th|at thw i rtW e i8 OttrMl By bv upbruidihg NiiOeham for neglet t |n* his Cfn 'Tturside-i the pri iri ail ph^ture s'uceeiM and gloT.'-j, |!T Mv little Alice had wbocp tiimi' the scale ii 5fr*. .Nunehim’ ’ayour. " Bu )t ling Wej*t.“ a D ’o.) art Bfates, (■fc I ’ -otectiloBlL i Allfied.' fButeell,,40,. garrisbn dui m*i*l«oa . 'i-*5ljr*no"ifoman- Fb> no syi can piM»es« fit d 'j cough Soi |l.v th a t *h* onld neither The itn-atnefS of a>ul displayed 1-y t t i !ETan>- be *h*vrn, and the comed eg ndudo "T ror(n.-;bi|i l)i ilder and dHtoruto^ had ’notl heen and Ithitin rearmefiiarm jov{of her- untc^n riesii red nor sleeT) i,t., I f H help* of tbiili geii*; ; does Fhat ao tearful su( pli a fon of~ in*. D id 1": th”! Swim’' eP I "'Cnred hli^l flowf thixjughxJuRli hertier vein*,vei|n*. and it i*i< in which did gofid; but la*t I got Veco’i his rife muld have aOcomplisied. A'eli rf- , i">d.vj tja take :nis place.TrCOn- " Op a Coffes Trlantatteii “ wifi b i of in V * Pm , II wim gMi Hopal ifixeteption. _kln* new. gdoa blood, ajid thu» helping L ightning jigh Cure. I after a few dtse;: gean'-e i» of man. b u t forgive nesi is -the inteiHil. .( aw* nrp-raiin< ean * rn d e i k (jneorge G ilbert. 38. H a ^ ld fro ad , th 4 firl \rho.e ktrenjth ami good 1 oik* ate *he'got riAi 1 . -At the eijd of three weiki privilege of He.ivin. _ . B I-dirH l ioiii, bub In M* ^ Otlier pietnre* will be: " T i e BjiftlOr reliel Ml rt; fhiji nonut*. HvtP : I , mej ! 11*?)'irsCryi y'* B; njiarkit gardener, and aeeds- faili ig that Dr. AVilliams’ pink I^f« are to sh« wa« cp' iletel-y Cnrejd;' FfAni sail hfi was a la ryie employer >f Igbottr. *pcei*xfnj. Tbefe are tihouifind* hcnltli.v. Trn»t ,o’s fo c i; coughs, colds feom •d.v), “ The ndian’s Namw Ewtaneff lutly ' m there (AYesteriv drama). '' Strafing t le K JOW jTO| SA-VT. B m y ii<» wkI had many; obllgiitjons. , If called'jiip it ‘ lipi y wojmen (ho admit t<) nstlihin. 1 chiti*. infiUi *aj eatiirrh, i.nf f H»f! have hfion to P rie t^ 1*. 3d., ifnt (com !^t) ■ an amn ling picture in t'ro parts: ;ra tB 8» Mil' d u . i^f (he-01 H«»ld li Doost pmhihle that tiu ------.enrichib'itint pilU ------I , , whonping git.' '"Th" Winning Ifnnch ’’ (comed;').:P4un>oht id mi far wtir a? ^o'lld hdve to be Passwl for thieni whett ill-ntelth _threatened the r futiiro. lifimorge Cheater. Blackmore, manifgcr AVnllU 3s. e v e ry ifh ‘re. r-iv iVu^ abroad.- 'nnditional fixenxptioh So to tho«e«e wfiowho anffer »y, the nd , rice i» :faneanelur KnKConcert night, Party,caretaker. was 8 Mimmoncd. Roberteonker- for’ a G ra(hic (news from everywhert). githfiiiu H tm begin u...... (lie only fl' - I ^ T('HEF-.-r t .vear if' the conditions were the si mei be held, and' t gift* will Sistfir's Sin ” (drama), a story ol hiie*; I iixipj r lOj-een, St. lamBard. , title of a haipful booklet ;i fared free fa> all Gordon.!di’he devoutly ho|>ed they would not be, Service wjiH the at ;TIie Ernest Kent llatdii. Old Ixmdon-itouil. distributed im oD g th e hoepitaU ro intereat with a fijie ending. " $he i|et .cS.: IM'Isnn d(ity abroad. Cunditioualtioual J I wfio arm a (KMlicard to H intp Dept 4»( Rol- tniild take all possible precautioi s.— 'T h e LitMij f[! imi An*. I Idjourned for; a fortnight. wounded s61 her*. Prirs” itomedr), iMfmpDiol nthout lim it. I ttorfi-tia"a^dtact, Lpndon' ■d .B2 2*. ice Caroline-place. C2 ‘2s. illiam Chester; “Buteland.s.*’ Brred e. arid -Nlicc Chester, occupier. — When liain Cheater wa.* cautioned the reply tras: is a pitr vou men harri’t something bet- td do: '’- ^ r .'J . AV.'Plummet',.coxswain of tfe Eifefwatjii contiborated the police evl- .e._T w o previous don victions.— .1 lire ster ftiied JB3 91a No order against (Vil

    “f p i p p p w j l •i it-r a

    'Vrii.- h a s t ™ LEO NAT^PS OB^> B B V E l S A T E 1 tPA Y . O CTTO BEK 7> 191

    hi^jp-’! T h e re &r« m &|iy 'H' Iktn ilA I b AO^t! ad not loqk the matted Ul a bM ad- d them/)lv«4 ulidt r \hih ,le s ; uo>l t itiided ffiann _ ubhilt a aurplim. •liey u tw^Uin^ but bj LAU»|b OUR ROLL OF HONOUR f Koul are in *] 'ho q uffttion w a w lia t b and i o i n i g Iti .facw it i«is ho t 1k i«u wbtt i ^nilly un|d<‘r*lt>jil. to- ' i' * - vciueiU. K :l»i tv, be ihn town, and yot th e y wore 4lu IbbliDglover T huiHti I hilt t ho i(pendndl(i|i iflre A im foit tho w’in to r U y e * i h«re adrift P *"* »» J»! unti 'ilj'trif t will wficonj* t)^e ' easoti. In A igust he niigiit live thonaht ■ '1" tb«i Idftjv •r un«i t.iko Lianv«t li utlor?a oj i*r\»y- I be ina.xiintiiii hml I m vh inentU>iio«Uiuti?iu j,* If your tomi'iuiii- moh; ihwn «ltd not .MV' t ( li«*ir opinio \ be the If thiri* <» tomnlBata In jour llann» or I am*' ML < k to! T. Tln*r liml a r i- j-Pin^ aadj aeadlet, if visitors fit U if ffiiiMin *r un*i m ight ) r ^ W H A T Ts B E I N G D 3 N E E L S E W H t R E ... tnomiac Wred and !m*v tiol ex|>*M t a *•1111 fla jiG a t* 4. r iifTa'.rS this. If yj wr. foot to tliej t r o n n ^ * U fii iarinbl!(.n the vfnter. ^ ort* t'! ■«lo no th in g t M Iv.'io U li' u,*u^U liii } i i.\#«*pt a Iv e it 1 lu‘i lov. n. 1(• fearcfl | tlicv If you tired, Weak and dlfpr^ed. tj.'tt;, tilou, it niu»*i auvuy> I hi* 'lul- otild do| no 1. AVIu h tfi lo u n eit luk II lioiu* lb n b ljn iii; toin- » K*'C to Hits t \ Up JM*oplf* At] b- II they ciini4:' quality i(Tl W w iipt r.in . and yon | iihd ftiuSt i<‘t W.UoJit*, w i-icji q iii NOTED jijo poison o ' RheumaUs" (M'*-fi*'(|. wi) \ ll lh**v would (MiVyi Atsocaat re e d the on.- art* lo im fd U it iU * * iU:ait)i e|»nlre ihan MiUoO.lM) iniM>U Z **v*»r J. wo4*k |w!ii-ri ( t iin iii^ . iV f t m i' .ito.-i' hu\> li* • wallied twV men tv ipleto Itheir *'TRE l E N I ' i I't.v'jlia.ib'ljioiu lu'M* gwneial tig irotilto iri'ho-lrai i ciMe-,- ..jivi' realise >tiU r h^'v i.'«ium'i!|<|r .1, tVYilin*! sat it was tjnfair I V-.-iy. tpc«7 contitta «[ the juice* *• -(“ti ijtsflf fh:rou;h 1,'ck* o qoiiip.ifri ?|l« gs iW ith ot li town.s filioro A i.ctdMes ind lrinf.» certain 'LjipIIIM UtUuaiIpliuai!iij; and j n a i i y liel'l b.idj Ji !i ■ ■ I b*i lM*htr;!. ' He i Isuti, 1 lefnncihe cd»t. uuWii, uu* otHc'lally vbUfliHl l,vr. UuMiglit II mvv] t to I'conofip o\-om! »o a op h ’» c >ui|se V\ ■k«>Vei>-Tglll : A j les.s- man iM Tiiak:i an ' H a j| EjjS Ue* 3>, a t S^ilviiii;9 A- f<‘ciatioii III con leot I >.», b r pps , h 'b < Ourtv;,; III S iiiton t oUiheUl Iwu^ht 'tiniuti-.i mull 'Vo of It. ai *1 \ he t fir|>ere.- llani l.Oiuj O r t ion ( '(tiiMiliiU *ir atTajrs in j - i- - ' y yHit 3.^. iii’.iU^si ijii thrvo weti ?|lu'i;ld run C h leii-W-tiL'tvt L'71 ^ub.scribf•d till recM'ipllv hftd i i f e i ; r : L ! : te r rta}:/rcm r:*ktr, ctji'iutiK. A l..tn dsliiru A;».HOCiat b<‘eu g,«iiig .Ilomla t'i:j7 6s. T monov. Whcfii •y co u l i I li lioubl|pnK*- ti l Mil l«':>woiitii Adno^iaijon, < 'oil m iji’. s^UpperfOil e Enterfrtin. l>afrh‘‘^**e w o rk ou me 11 Is ( 'bh s .a 1111 n« ill to dem-ifid Coats; C)ii^ Dressfes, do?its I 111 Uu* ^ilIua.‘ p uce! fi*)hv th ji|imn« nt .4 i ‘ nitti*** I 'Ul>M;ni;itioii...... f 72...... fhcilurti.. -„ja)i iiiint to idns w it' ' c f iMdolC' t1 'riniv h.id ; I- ■ . i ' a sur|di, t h ' n. IVuit it) flc ija m a(i5 3|Ci,:'‘anN ,iiU Mii-'-i'! payiiiuute*, bo it remt* |ilK.*ren!.l I h- re|i>*>nabb*. h*»pe i iMMl muib* l>y lijf' v p ie to w liom t it* term *, : i ’* t;Oubii j!i no w i*i‘ In* ;ijij»lu*d I 'ni»*-c —. thin;- UUe llu* wi •r. l*hi year- tln-re \\ a h* arc _H.n ih a e y h a v e a n - w f A N O T H E R jDON ’pa\*o.sj4f X I'll;, fi) U livir" I •'■‘pijn.'ibinty, and :>oi> t he 1*^1 . I kmuo \v t'vCrv to.Uv T b o pr-kVt IS .liiv _ pn*--p< -*''nn Hu-s-r h/r nui-jikitl .iT-r it they M 1. B E N MEAO OWS. .‘ofnent -, .-Hi clo^Tiprising oriijiT al t.i iiwj, bf» i'.*»nn| iMt hi h o ' nr-n ny e. v'rii tlrU*"; t tn11 ‘.•iud to this ;K.s'ie by ripp U', H'hitSi ih y Ijiiji noiT im pli-h- l f milt) y fou.i i;. M-'-vii'i'' u M odern tray ttajU t speakyi 2 Iso copies ..of i ^ i.nrkii i . lj|'•n.ijfl.-. a 11 hi> i« a l uilh liavd*ri r.U-. phs tVcUiarly i»y ilioj-,* reside ohivM^'tl t he if roiG«tn in ; IlfilKlilf o1 in • [fhai iv.T- *\ tltfy Ur.v; liu ' H*-t. It uli*» is K'lm n* Hrgnn'e^b'-. t h e n e w 0 a h [ i a ^ e i-e tho d i|rtii u r n ‘i.lia ; |.\h-. j Me* >w.- Imn-clf sfv_.|fhid' _ 111 .' e i.de.ivWir 1 bv liio OViun I GVjmniiH* !k 1 thr*>,w o ut ( t'oiio^i with tlJeIk **. 11 actings C or iw>riA *m t leir reyorr. Vi-irc*i;; ’* !• m:iny *wero | ; 5 er, and Bpiitle ?SuliiWiayL I II ^SepteiuN’r", rJllj, wlivii m hr. ] p h‘-*'ttt '*.*) pie.st.ion wa? w hether jit wa^i j Mfe|[wa-ij, ap.jN finb'd ; Towii CiL’jiki tiic ■ jii ir.-ilH wound now in t lie jP t . .I'cbn |[fii‘sp.Tt,il, Ibdnios-bile-g iiviens’ Hnst'hgs -;i • lit f.n* the |.w ll ihA t the j uiiu il dtHitdi^fl to ji i\«* N!fi. M cadow j U.*wO in :olourings, a l sd »ar*rdiebl- rivute r (1 •i.'.Aij. I.' y U K iV e I Ml a U' G-e ii.ndi'of tlic A^u.-nal P;;*- arnl lit w h *i : and Black,! iii g -I hb t W .O y CH r>. T lii- iH'ritHl and thi f >|lr. ai> d M r- . \V: .1. iK n * 20. ! ‘ mm uineV-v? a«b \V< th e ii’ <|int,v to PIKM'-t them “Thlpv liHfl got [ u r ~vTr tlio •iMsU<*uld it II »l be discnb^td n 'M'|.*teiniver •- n|rradv the pi'* . fT*'le.'f ipli *.»n.| !‘*Hi IVvicad*', KilS* i do MfU tb>l.udy t;)ir w r -oas4*n. .ni liuit «!evoto alt ! ij^pging from .I'ft'. ■* M. yib jch wen W itli III a re nonw d i an 11, HaMin- nj;" H'itll ‘,!?lh. , at Ne»ii I* <’l]utP''H AVplielW Ill d M l' .b'mn-*i.n. ’a v n 'o iK r'' iko‘ir eiicTiryx the -liiumHr .(i»‘«x*n. i w liirli i nlid! M r J A lc.ul wr is* free to jn r*u^ biM tf.;< ha ^icorgo .fa!nie...n; t 'ne‘ro ’> Ih u a l AVi nn.‘v Ib'giniej t. '\f*)uitl jC4‘ry la !y i;ik<* car i ifsi'U.; 'Hiey ' m m . w * »Y*y», •-.•i-i - ' -Muhjii I w ork iintramcllod IIpy c u iU Silvi'flnll St p.ii JT1 !io'-i.*»‘ al at II inmnchiiTH. X.-phev ,.»f'Mr. and M ijoUb! bbt m 1 V.4* > g<>o 1*1. i;pr jvliji w'ati.l'Hl tMil, '•ring up- T l'C / th e t). i Id. aitvibing ‘ at geberons ti|i*I'iilineni. .1 am ie*-jn. i n - r o friend *if .1 .? m nu VaviJlcVi •roa*l, SiV ve rh ill hr-t j l UH njI'tj>)iv ii«ls the wi ei* inlv4‘,‘iH agit.i- slow in h ‘*-pit M c.AsuAkmiis ' ' 'f, 1"V. , —Serjeeaut 1 ulH-bi nig'. <• an 'IbvJ**.*- '\t n-n TV r..r.*-. W-ofid.'# r t he t h I rd ti n . ^ilieine; 1 II l*ractii.i i»-<“4*lvef!. b ut he ar il an |»''.U»N ‘ and iroiii wha |I know riling a speciality, c I I in r * ft t!u> Mx| Ilf ^ fs. !fu g**. .>p ‘-’»igfi •b! \*;d'.oy, S j. ly«*on ird-. i>*rsmg lih liliat wdubij n^i Ik* an_v g 4’*Mi- f- 1 hey <(id not I m ti kvlf aui certain 1 rt would i'4-, TbhU them 1 liclc H - ' '..'’■iiunl • e W a r . ibrirtliiT V. AwuiMt b-!. ■ V ')W in liospitiil •at Ijiidl'-w . SiUj Clio t^iWii liing i-i advi ICA,.P T A I X iC A IM E D i;.\ . it. Ho enn nt Ipast Ih* w in te r eo.-i ti, nnd (et- tho .Mr.'ji'tiid . i n . V. n»iel-y«id.\\'....i If d l. Ilii-ttnu'r- P. ...«Ml e-l ,’n’^por 11 ]:■> .in fo r if g*. assortm ent alvi^ays IVa is-itrel; to;aip is^ that tjho'toVnsi>ei)pio *dK‘*^ni>e 1 er- w !ip were i t e , ANQlINQ FESTIVAL H W h ii* '. lb r> \V( I **•! S»*pt*i:iK.rr-21't. .Nfiw luKVilal at \ ‘*wva'tl ,i| bifjek tin** ra.tci i W ablen.' \ «: 'Ut. ! |)r-rp. t- Rd ■ of !(»utui e s gen'tleiiien. a tj-uc and Mt*>m*i»j- tf tow M I e-^ful. ! Th*^re rn o N C S o n io f M^rs; Quo‘»n • d. Ile-t iig'. lu 1 . . |*ri\ .*tjr. I*, r . 1’ •Id. U n ya l AV)iy- h w b>.«ii; kill..;! u act Knii ■ \ It; lit)]flit iditiiien win. hus reiih f Air. iiml V icM . I ’Imr* iv.t-v.t- litaiipiniiiw h in * 'r.ilt nnial ofjiige, *-111 ‘ tl; ■oiv -rf .Mh'? u ld le ii ii Inablp hs-fislar CO.c thiis iiphoM'in if tiio E la rg e ly - lit ; in iw a g ^ , ■ Leonid ■d- b*'ii " ' A lal'iiv. I ■•-.I k ih rf>a'i. St. Ia'*'i i« I I d -('o n M i r d Th-i-ev. Ih .y a l •M ooUerT i-itiip*-.. W.riutu iiom*y j Wiilib pMBtl, oa f fjB o d e Jv VV 1- a . b:tw IradithMt of bi|>- fa m ily . Am i i i I# re- vliiClii h<>uM distn!*u.t«4! tlie toS'ti. T*i i ‘> I? I V . VtW tb«V a ! the ?>;t»*fhii M\ 1-1. 1 >ey^rn idiwe*- a s h il't att »oiling a ^ m-dc I *-i*mr;> exeeui.eil in .24 hours. -d (. \Vh] irn ;V ‘i ■.-(I m the war. i in*m**nt jlie-may In* certain tiiat t le kvlude b* tiii:4ar*IIy 111.* ne an- hcluing them a-r«B B lil'a U'-bcoI-. KV.*: o k '.' V tt.fc- ti*- \> ;iftad his'health has impioved Aviardrvl the u ): *■(» iTv gair.'iMMv *'pim*sa au«l pros- hi<|fci I-iI t tha> MlCtC-^ «*i a n d dent; uxij'njr fre tc rii' biUn;. Age , \n old I.f tl*r U'l.T W h f » o ^vn *•' tb- late Ihlw llUit tfie; ^ E iiw T r i ft', p*ui|it d vTit *' il* .1 lU iblev'-lnml , ivp}N»rt ur.ity fCC lik e abb.MuKiii-•H th . e ' K ■ f- .b*hn !-* ,b**it !t*»Vov. .'u d r 'b 'io ' }.?n| the t! -ira c411 to tlu Ha.r 111 '191* -M inte line Ijnlsoy. 'll > 'tre^tv Hast* ^ winter soaxin sliadqs, . 4!l/j8.' | . *1 Ulem *ai ly c T*jor<*o. K i l lr bi- ItArdiiurlb'- ot^ \ugoyt 'un.. v.M'*. nao'lj *2S I ’firm er! Ua-tihk* .'U liU 'h tl H « n eii-d*! b c*ujaoiiii*Moi ■ivood. ar jjn iindcr'btiidiiu: lb : .rsg* wlotUd I SUGGESTEID GEMER a L i H O L.t'0 / ,1 w a- till- . J' diet .U) n lot thcliu. n i k -lO nth . ™ t . , , 'Vkr, and vJ.isr irdlcotvH i I FC'R HAS' INGS. years in the • !*d if a g b t An old U V 4>f the ITnst,»ni*N 'V o khou-e. . Sun ilor'inii )tlia !tu m t> . -idlT.. n a**L’> jit'Jittr •>e fiope t>>' Ir-'fidfit till* b‘i t tli«‘ .late III m f la'l'-ey. A ll .*■*.lint- • •-treel. Ha-tir D uring the coming Winter, S m a r f in k of ji^apiaia: I ft for tie r4te»tai imei'* A,propo4 (|ie >iift*<'stion Iiy ‘‘ .A Jli* p a B e r” I T hd il bw ll: gale the ^iirex of i1('ald«n ' V in cent 8 < t. ♦hu Ml bi e o f lUrif rorre: IHindei^ro colnmi :* of thU im ip itt _..J-nld.Ti-. Tfic May ;■ p. b’Tui.inho UM« it in oe s f.iMtralic n Im p h a l , kilUd tjieri* ^l| I ho iidH v. ; in.expensi\ e C A . ;?itniljar ifi ch aracter to. •jforlflo ' l.'VVtiMtJ IVllJi fr.bi m id !xi a g4'n"*tall jiiV?. I'l; hei rj»* 3-J iiK-ni'h” ,pre~eni| (hlUipuli in M ait.iiai^ *' jfsl fo r tb I'ietiefit <»f th e s)lhp Hfl* v o h p the rrtoiT arid ; uionf* w b ‘in. b* ' 1.1‘e ] timpL f nilKdljtfi I J U I abo\;e, will be tie is int4'i*vsiiiig ' t<» note I the garment iUi(^trjUed f ill the 1 tJifl|t th e 4-ig\i:] w£ai list .ilB u r , . i.’Eiiv.Si'l r r< of a d*** ira of I’rrath* aiul the Simp A>si(dajit%’ TOWN GPUNGIL MEETING. c - IH X I d rgttn 'a id . tl t (V n iK illo r V.. leading (ejiture. ivi. S lw ;oar o ' Pro- Hm>rbeiii4utli aix* ap|K»alip;^ Ito the iloat and Skirt as Illustrated. m fhe_t of.the; SmiiA h tii old them t iikt il b iiic( of H Ixtirctts ■ei v,d1 u inolK-e uo ■S'3 -lal bvivdd I d’ * glm l Uy; Thai toUrit to p M xlaitii 1Ii|e last • iafile^', hut -u 3 i« jt»r c;-n wi uld I il • ‘ii td III 1.1. *4 g u in e a s.' . Wisi . _ »ecallul ' eon.i aiiticiiMiion f tb*-t* who fn 'the cn ij'icnt ino iiU i a I ofildu}. I ■■'If therb I ail been .ieuteiiniri t nan i.Jtbj'aJ jlix ..i are |!,itl«’V '•> ' I^cw Boiviing Green to W ait for Peace.— W inter Bafe|c ( l for I ly I' p-f-ed ijUL-iea.-**. \ K i NT. Uhl i sho round n r**iib-^d .'I t • fju*l«»l lue a ,' a ll, tl ■Ciogs Enlarged ; True and Ealsc Econom y.— W ar Bonus m ; ilm hkin Ifjjk *1 i a b w n Ucee,-*;> H *- *' ^ w n.h n injul- I’V wer- iv 'd ;in lojipit 1- doii T mirtic i«*ntly;tar*g ubscFiidt'-WilA*'..' A U lum g li Augi-JL ilic n . I d lo'ki- iiw|cia'!i ?nt [out''lo''’hi' jf'toii-t si»f«k td enU'i**s'‘f l**‘.v « o iiol. (oi* Poor Teachers, '■ t illOW . ♦t i*^ ^rly^ v e t. t«j| ^ UAllJW AV ORPHAN FliND. 4-ah.v] fl l i v op- , - , , j J f b f ^ 'V ■:'SWli<4- lijU-nexi’ Ajiyiine^dh.y:Aine5dhy Hljfuh a nt| num- -at. Si I pd.'od'jih d nNt .-’O lii POT & SO ;*11), in S e IdcKfi Ml '(:iiplailjT;> T-. Tiei nkrtii II' ber ! lla. (ilngtily i-omy in .Irt * i.\ N>r said liie he i 1 tl eldojft heard ' 111: '>-ib7ho(,pit,it ti«viieg7 i«-vji 1 0 he tCnA •»ei*uro...... |M!^ IlMlillt i ' A IOi'p I Iliff n rtiun*. il 1- ji«li>pt*'*i tlio e-ffiiM led (■ Lpomlilute witi ;li • nW en ill 104*11*11 t[o^tT;i!T' .VT MX. LLU A A l e.s. f Ih M u h fr ,U lUlNcdU4*.d.N>n id**U*“. 4..1' lip agreed tJiat »tjt,notj(-wi..u'.uritieil it MiPrbfs'reyb;* • 1 w* T4f eo«i*J w>i.- heb! at . 11 ‘.ir.’i i-t-r wi ck. ai^.tin.'V jiii t iitfrn.fte of JttiUL «,> ; {Amongst U\e fir; le r*iwn Il.tU i » l-*v dM v’ " lU4.*l j* Vll |ue.-Ueii.M ltp .ll- ' ’ nil they' won hi the colebr^lkd lh ‘'ailiioUK!»t luxai. I in* i\ 4 rc I In* - .{ bilvil ill* , III , * \pjf I ffitDin ai iw r iy <»f i. ll[ 1 t;1ie| , v«‘jy . . . •. ^5>rtliy1 •- : - <»bjc<*t — Si*'*'* uieiiib r- j*r**'ei it m y liot g’d itilw ere Ui.y Ml fill'to -pt h)i ifiiough A i f W ILLI vjVL i VtigiciM w iio are •'•'inijil^^ 'K a ll t!m*4' heji^piii; Hi*vNiKi«nal I niou of KailWaymcn M iinem* f \hh*i man H 1C- J I’; Hr' ‘Jp,*'*. IMVolviltg ;i net t*.\|K*iluliljuv dui^iig itjin I » in.ike LAtili1 11. boa -iif/-c>c pnHiii 'I'he .nh|irc. t h». Si fflE COLliitNAD ST.1 LEONARI •ON^SEA. h ho tu'Cimcil 1 ■f pvt- __ Aippliciiilous for enky b.rm* have n*-|uit\-Ma’ ■ • 4l uiH’illo r ‘*-1 j jii'*. ■ the ihvvlu*' * y u m !L a J « 4.2v o f in-oblcv piir- W wiHt*'!“ I *.w*r nu’ .-tieiit oil ml: t In* Ik Ite If iu ls Vjvuhrh'-. ,SW. lib. F..v;.;i ,!■ •s ihiei!f. rcitcitviNi : torn plin-e# «- fjir av a j JVM**i niiiii > 1 1*4'I ijc k t’ts fv r jUK* iih h lia l e o m e n to Im \v -loll. 11. II. U . n r* mat I*rial 1V- liii iia-cti wAt lioui nu.thcr I ho iMJcr hlk. 't hat wa- i l»l lUClplCj 11 w; »iin|l.c I ou b e p i -m ; i.d .diiyl |AFh/u * leste.i,- lattdiil . etc., J . P . , l l . AV M ttyli 1 !i iiiiaiid ef tlmr'lurid. un<] or Momlay *!.!. - .U W - •V.' t lic-t<*r Ihvi' h.i 1 Ui g. oii il ihcv M* tl* i ittk’e t-h‘ A n d a t M oi| n t Pleasant, Tnnbn|dge W ells;* T e l e p h o n e i\ s y. rn ty>i .ill. ilic.'ib^ : PVi 'Tj ; ; bnfdonMle-s tl ** griat m n lh fd “ f ltcmkii- Held. , U Establikhcd : S3(). hig !Uri' Uo>t*j t'o m le rl H a ll, Ht. L as**- SH* 'll w n k . t *, ir B a ll. W . j On* Ma\4«i nt«*y**tl liat the rciHirl o |<-4* h** iie i’ll I 1 if liiiaiiiijr-,. ■i|l conie T rmnihi, i'* d t! e -iir- band |a ri'h e *IitV* us lay ua.<4 itiili**! w itli an cn tluisiu stjic audi- K. Niniillugc Ib x k i l\ VaalH- t.ii*} 1 iii.f ii'f < !t»m lint t «-t- 1.* l*-i 4.'i\ »*d. si i)»*iv eeii em- Ibavii- a Totm Jin j? .neigl iH m rJ.'w I -*^nd ddin-r: f.huuj; and -6 I >' Abe iliffi-) Win. 8 i I^ti,' Of E-Tiic. rilhiTs G. ill 1. W A. M a itl •w • .1. K**hu*. t.'-oii.ii-MUef M .iniuncU 'M .ii .*m*Icd. Ad-ip! tin c . ; 'r!i«*y. hi ti» b»*.» v’ at Hie K idoW, ! iq- jV > it.40!».;)W' ;H.. ' im d ; P iiv e r, lb l^iiton«i |l*aih-s,aie> Kast.-| , A, C <; Gut*'. V**Uii« il.U»r K. < \ >(a\’p r (.X b h 'rm au to yi, F AV. J . IV lh io ? . ' blip )r. i -p* ak in g to th-iA , i«*w n j r- bogctliyr *h [ cut ' 1 ttll)p,0Ut tiegs,-! ' 1 liavc livch icry.ice (V.lfH*.- 1||| Ul. .1.1'.. .1,1 f c] ' tv»aT >ft ofiier pboes dll J.lb l, arid ’(ifc Mis-Cfi H'ufehings tr^po pre IV. ( . G I i l s w A , 11 -.jr« yc inckt ly,';iV|h.'iii-.d a ul.'ihe ll'o : nait^r of EroU'ing; in -tuH-iirijail 111i til; JVlbalu, .1.!’.. W . .1 I..1 rf.*unl*' ■‘Ihm sIi i ftU. - fla(*'. and -ht-wi:*|- ,»n ' i-.m t 4nt« iifi^l M.rJ H . l>jtck (c h u trn W o ) athl -> iiu-oiiit* dr.\i|' ■ *» a ! Necnflu* le nUUmiei i .Jcl .ill Ih ell Siilis- Ijroirt, |tor| isi) •ifiout-S,. ^ domriiltNt han H.vaiyppi>|-L »() lllliill ti. j;. Kwriti T. •'H-d. 11. A T*i w . I r*im . w lii4 !i li.ii! ii,- !.*• •du. ieil * xce*- large ifutiiber of iraUwavnieu, A iiflijihtfu) {(imj! iwid iivi Mlg hO VlT' t* -t jolt o f bonip .Th *y wori Aold that tho TH iL SHARE List. !K-r*i *I h i iiav!. c illi.-tci) in'piiifivi^.'->Oi^iir M ead-. \. Sf lekbi ul. 1. ):. Ian liricftuf, j )H udituj'«* .V y inajl^vtr- «7i : MAYORALTY. edm erl waj- Sivei* b y ti|io W a llU 2 vi-«*iiHn I’ll *i e -w .1- ' -j*init III ! IP <»f. .i'l wa<4 4)|i!y i*. 2 d .i iftin whai m ust :P,H |L1 MAN Ei pu l ■■nuTilo fn fiiv.i Um i^-oostjlry S t il i . \ m ack G . «. A. -1. Sain-oli-•...... - ' ■ • '• * • I Cbuvvrt jUnyty. I ij S m ith . li-t' till Lj>un*hiv-s Ih.' I’ier an I .toui'ce •atiW ripUtiiiK ulo • uiiiiiii; Iti wi iilc r )h and lie ' t< I ; 1 he th e p lig h t 4if t hp.-jv tpHchor)v T i e itj- OoapiMd br Mck ' -omI, Mcrua B a rirttjnipl>ejjirial ell \ i . DERilAN HUTCillNGS TO iBE tp e d e l t i iReiiian. ?]l(ltrrt , ivi Hiu utklrcNs dn ** Tno ilailn^ari'Orphan ijiixiohie, r. kV. 'A t f*rsra»). itj; th w ith th e ! w vre ii.>i, ,dl iwcd fan- Hr lilt' C '( iimtt,e:)|. alltYVi-oil K E -E U :r CUtre Volt; ,fi;d Lilaaei aat Uieiikte*. vj>. r**‘(ana h (lipi riw iiit'; ■iet e. Tif.ji «*.*k ji^r-glii. I icot*. and tl V otu ht tv 1 )0 vjgiidt ' i f ; M.ilhard-teBd,' lliasj W »r«*k ivL*ert«>a bUi|Ki, HafttL^sa:***: F i i i r!.'* H h »-uk! l if wa«jf*’uro cyel^'otip recog- |T ri ‘lerk T\ hijahlo im i'-in fl it i,uiglit the- !>on H i* hoped tho I .sp|npe ii-met y I.;B. and ,.‘?-C;l ’iili-iUnon-l 4if... 'll y. riw...... m io litHiriil’...... dotikH<..... fro 01 tli; bis4*! t4^lt:h♦'^^i A t X fston] it's moetinki of the Codtieil in AM«mb>T Rooin tod Aitodt . ^ *o ll ea, 1fltei i !ph 'Ute' ipneuimoui M w *l Artihfir niitCm . fiiiid for+ 11W! S< linn* >f lljw k wufj a deserving (one. 1 Such a i riry large • n u : G U N M M \ K St Ht» U . •* huge Ij'imhcr *»i; j*i>4.;*l iK»m wham iinpi* iJtfrUy'ft " B !" ribuco ^...... veryrile iiB aimiirs'Wtill for tl o 1 Hli| ililti-r iM“*»ph* w'e i \ a'-lsjiii- a fte r Ml uifiii y* yci r& g^vtilota tliAft Jll a CpmmittoA he Sriecial iCommtttee iappoin- in d i. iltd ii. .tijguil i2 olihJi (tat le H i g Wtt-H a reiljt ■lit ' llaNttiip|.j Cioinc ; M r. .1: Mvti *r V\ icht. -».l’. ll.u) 1 *» by l{ik*-l». .iimI n itn rcii-e ,jti lh«* BaycCtr'* B t ^ A ” : £lbtr«t, <4 fall* ■ | ^ H i t e V •nil I't li putpIxjT,!' i IiPii f Vi6| um nicr ’louljd I m V vk. t4*d to con* ivr thip brought up Br&LiU m! ritMj }0 pel c4Qk. Mtsiiinanuiii U to LU .4 le ler __ J r hie 'Cidid 'tv fiOW. It -I , , Inick fh.y lkjH five j*4)metliintf Jik e 500 lo the I tim ih o .ir IrOnl I all, ulilt loll, o h thi* ‘U wag* '. " liu h CiUija* I t;.’*'?. .U72 .lout l^er vri 1 Iw fiiji, nm| i 1 pliT (iful. go4,til in\e.-f}n A!ouri*dHc 0 ‘li i>o and d that Ihcir 'rpport The t)epuH-Mttyor W**«t OtH i ptr coat. H m :ria 3 i I 1 0 ? ;t*S Itljif Tith Itne dteped iTRtf: rail wsiyiDpil had b (ed w h ite i oitlg their jpioposilion * r the Mfl.wtr. w If ke in <*vm- M N 'M 'in h tiin g up fhe l.i;»ud.-fan'd. lie nirt CipMtl ar.41 (aYinttf* Btntc ; ‘ S me-nuth .coii-i I li^ llliiier- I t i.lwy midci I »Ofl l{h«l; !>V a toc/hr ir a lit y P e rrin ) WH^ in th’eiohair] ■ ^ W t o W dte '«( .V'lji th at .voiir'h.t >bah 1 dutv,'fei\ipg wive hildt»*ii XI that fliCT lidimeiitarv t rfir*7 <*t M r.H Mma r W right s lung taliHNl tha i tli*-y wyre M. jn-M hed. US' H4*tJnjf4»:C6<6fc iiioa S p « e^Oi. Slock •1 to O ...... M PEriTIORiFOiR ' mnmitte** w A- In r •-jioii.silih* tt‘Hcl!Pl*H itlobai*. 1 rnm a T h o rop>f annouyic<*d th a t 'the Cotnpaittee |loMT4trs> tod! rt t. L«oltfd« Um H ptr e ■ M •ailirri, ’ llte p jta l. ( liijw; T- T|i' .0011 Ui w>ilv appn be rei'iMHi ti'^y th e y hO r\ivo." -liPw ii !>y t lu',>.tM p lU '. liV; e.vpenditun • ^ W O U N D E D f O L D I E R S . t Vf./iihh'. bi’ J icy |«*0uhl Ills tlipy wot \ > voted difforontly. unaniii louftly lei'onimenppd that Ald^mnn 'IC o ar^ cd '* ;ock' . J ...... lu gns 'U th .riini|lafrni!d .H-.j i a ijiijrd ' bloT 1(U< orgiiiised thejeorure pt th a t evenitig. ' * - I'INANTIAE m 10 i n next A liiti’li w.i- put i intdii tlnd r min*!*! f um bel of Iilorm afi H a]I ?uid t im prSi'ijv-^il invhlvocha H u tc h ng!t invithd'^tb|4ccepfe riffice for aho- H ^ ie ct; andi L XiWnardt U 4 par R)r .to;; in^ 1 .lilul i sytepathil c. .iil-vre?* , ,, (T*ue«lSY:> t^ 'T S Hill Im coi ^*nxd>!le Bills total’ iivg ii<, ::M %ere reeom* ■^liwceks ill the wiiiK-r , ; CoareeWd ji !ock .J.', 111 I ho tiri C70 ll week. H trs-tbev walijlit cduld. iiiit re 10-. a wi*l‘kw pfk ddtir tir Hi: tht* >V’a r. intl he Ihcr VI a r. miisa.; «ftd ; ^ZiCofi^nU «. Om S Jin n d ,Ihimiia i :Hxl fellow m ' (t'cry va,T,, al-. iK iu i ,e\»*r, th e y wrrd| «l< iig e1a*e| eiit work. meraAi^ for ».t\ im lU.'^rairi' I. h.j*), laken EM'.Tu;;. ;l 11 m ot*• tlu in 4? Piliri—tulmiMipn. tat kl«v onf' iul frer.vihint nmnl>*r bi-,n|g II tc ,\ u- hi imt unil tak)d ;!wKy T>o>pU '*Hfniiig T lie adopt on of the report hr tookroos .i.w.s....je...... * '«y* il ll.'- " 1 ling, andf one O f the imaitUsst T h ‘v ’ w*»r«J not pja’ticUjlj-....Iirly well .paid. . and. p n :i \ l u ’ iib I I Ul> , GS. •i 4 iciit tu pay ■ I jiv wag i the H atid ioi* Cpiiiil-' aL 4ph i.j t l lie*., ‘ guiiit»al cMiint, 4 n lily r iK.Hom. lit)] oailt get iioU mvj. derma^ Uu.l|lhin: * ervices during the past im4!' m , tl ink II ii'inlluchce was f o r tW to prov ido tlk*ir ".Wes and cl ildrcn, h<> It. LtdiiaxM O 4 n« i £ ® h l tings Ih**r !ia*i been re<; civ< fl. am i it h.id 1m cn V ejry 11; mg h.4‘ ' Xiinmitive. , yiim'iil,. I'oiiimit;!''^'' ! i Ilf up /vum-illor tjgau a.-kvhl Iietlic there year, - ; lock I nod. IH p e n d , men away fro. o r some tlwIIJ- idMVid luive a rig h t ttuxl tiuio. Miij t in t wiiwiij - ---- ^--- . . . L l . t e AL_ was locbrnir **nde that tl y. *li«t ii*)t liad iu‘v4*?*.'itut(.'4t an im i -u.-** «*r e\|»em lii Itie t ’ounjA' iim re i r*» any vUicr Cl sOb. • I . Boti«S I w as d u ly i»M'onded nn d adopted BMtiafit tnd Hfiliriei' |S)«etr1o.TTUM |i4. ptr Ip o n tl , su d 1 _bad__heiird: th lie had been trlcti :£)«oti!i4i Ttft [ ■* P « i» n o f o t te r g if U ' haa 1M*‘il(. tiom-d but t ml iiiider (lie « i i*ciiilLi**lam.K'A the *Uff*‘i**vl fKmi tin* riiinin. ,( 4*mmiltce iii oiiMer said tjb but tl.v \Ti; es f ’o lu n iiU re had Tlwfc Alay|i iiig jciilled into t^e Oun- I e^Bt Com. PTPf. S..k4e...e....r7iTlL.,-. M tO llA ml led' I .im do-x-u greaj ain-i.cc-r. etarp'Al ill IHtm, w Ih jii tjlir.r support G u u iicil WAiiild »!»*ph.red 1** ii| io p f t hcni 114 nuitiiig the rcceipi.s tfu* le kinter ut e.of till' plsy iuX. inti'd the Ixijmi < II. 1 Hiiv. il. C lfin ib ri . , oudlv chiK»red; In an*ept- RWitine* Pin, CmnpUT- ...... {.— 17/4 4 © ^ Cbm) I IT brill rcjrreti .a n d thara Is room for.moro, a# t!® Er-Ml'-r II a sot utithie cost-olf sonidtliing like jLlbU. ten HritliiiiM Coit4ji«_• lxnxkpr«cn«Bt Sodi^ri ^.kwSU to £ l t ' ■ ■ ■ ho ajildlL'ra I II, ■ ImHor. a lA*nii>«*rMri fvi rilviur*!*, lait I* a' longer wi?ek. 'ih .it wa*- .t ridi«;u!ou.^Iy kii|4 know tliai I’vl p1 (j-iiiii- riic motion cu ripd th e F’liiu l w h ich , ill OrdJ .,...1....-.;-- 14/1 M 14A Hliral iropor iyill I>o lH*ruHl llhaiii is iih I if they w* —.nbmiU4**. niuvii: g, tIjHi adopt ion. I.roni tin* I'icr 4"ii*Ddon CitT I-r-il ^ M-duiuji Bsak ...... 'h i . "71 Cl |iia ih'.f t h u ii .i'lOAlOO. O w itiK iU> tho g r is t incroaso ‘ ui** frf>iiiinit lee done their wxn'kN Hum! figiir«*>. n*ilv ithstauding tho !l L^«dGa and S wtii W«»toni Bonk ... 111 to m Aa»vmtd r dtooni on lh|'. ]iIonila|y uiirh|l,. said the lb* lia« -aid the iic ip I v MI in IIIi Ik T ' W .1 ked ilt> be r^nsimlinnted. He said that LoodooL Brick «o„ todl Sovtii Oooat aiway Ttiji Mayor (JlikdiuiMI t'.j;ltiitcliiiit«. J.T' in flicU*t t<» IIHH’t tlie Uier t'omp iny nN-offni**ing wlcather, wen* a> t*dluh : M on day, \ \ Up* Mu:*k*a rl* I ul hi - I N G J O T T NGS cleajrly inderatood that ne'xt ( t i f p r i v a t e . . SAI.AI.I,. look afbT the orphaii Ichildren atidi brin^: ANGL IVf'Trd ! I m u»m 'l-r ' - Maainna'iiio: iliF coii‘“ ’ jp»Jia tiik iijf rloas th a t th e y •t«A try in g , to <)o miclUjiug lu 9fi.; 'rueMiay. .td I-.; d iik p ’ Uip *vdui i.AU**- oralty slio.ld 1» jn tThe bands nf At-pclr IVii'rr Coirjany iDnpirppd ...il.,,., ’ 90A 4o it * h'!'Poiugliii_ f’fA*||| ,«f tjliio Kch. them up pro|»orly ;Cop»t lutarly X13, WO W r an-* 'Brae“ racJoal Iqal intoiMtinto)Mt in t iIrNlioii o; uffiiirs. help tho tow II. . ■ ’ III.: TiMir-.«la>. ill IS... . 'I'hi* ^hell^‘I'*^, 4 oiiiVcil willj \ Sv hat the C.)jiiscrvltives.isuppn*lGa OmtiT; And W^MtsUiMter B ook l$i to U| yindon F»tii»|i >t. lohiof Mr. I I I I : Ithereforo th e y rW>iild see Mu\y| lu.uch going 1*4 tiring .4 V4-iy h, I'M!)*. Ro©^ ©ad C4l IS/- M SO^- I Baldslcw- Lida M an CC. . a9. . Hlial a lf tifl jloii. Sofivta x 'rho rciHirt WKf» x»e«!lde»l, au*l adopted lul-iunu* re iiir n d you 11 w a- 4*11 i i o f . t ’.*.^ Si*. L E t J N :U !| .S .SEA ' AM4laj:;RS. Iiavl V us pi iijjrved. “ ' BM k I ...... v4P^..w_i>H_4o,3^^ ^ to 3H ! Tii> >A. pin©ji.,.m sll. of Elf- a ir ftb'ppurt wos nocMled. mg tin* winter, itiid tlieri* would never,' fisstinpS. y.Sw) died ,ai . . . , IMiliiarT (ha___la------fa ia [opniiiiiilopoiiimr.J. r __ uu t>o^uo ajh .^'lU'OCKH- U iH . . • 1 IT 'Jt> LIVK IN Mimtn I \v .u*th<*r ;tl w iiiii-r Btydi*,„ . , - ...... , - 11/510 ll/i I laiirant.laiirknt. iu 1 11anamld-placH-ijiloWavi. lam ld ’ ' - ' p ia c - ;,«> . Mr. ]'li<«.uudjenc4* bhowod ^heir appijoci oi'i asion to r th Ihtitil ftHvgo a peridi* han*j' l•r|_Ro^ iv, Fr4tfptM0t }E>4 4o 1^ : I>'eri !el, jHaspjl.Ti {Dowfi C *® H ihehester. a. i* o xW 'llent c*m cert ibjr tb o ir v goi . The T’ubli' Henltli it*um liitl H* retjorted Ih o r. urigler.** h a v Hxi»crier O' disap- , 0*PB’> Hot*j| ...— 4dr- m 454 : I..■ ;l*h ■■■ h j‘, ■Hoti- n u ■"TrMujiin-rtf *1 ;tti. A ir . 'G . p. Miice. L u s t >ear fhe.v ■;*tiiimtiHl -El a 'W*l( goodj thjjit •k dw iilt’il fo fu TO a w hand. >1H Si plim ber }21hh. •bsi.b'i n t T ill*, F O r i ' 4 o U i5 d E B S 0 IJ)IERS. Itrtliti..V4 hon'rf.T.. '.in Ihd 'Tlh-Jrfoid iVilUfEe- U e**e artjates lia v e b^ejn cxtoUe< ( >fe,^ , had___ I k* til rttudered fit foi liubUtttion. 1.1 1... I.l-..v1. ... fl.a 1 i-i - miNc l)oou |KX*r Tlu* stro ng w ini'and rviigli an ' 'ieh-Crtmnleafen'. a 3 la r ;|lii liost o f In, lit would ho likely lo tak a. *!tt> . 'D ie a\ wintkT k \ \ Vanted to goj ih‘cuVi-1* (> u r c b ja t d‘ Ah TVediicSdaS' o< ciiidon.s^ am i it 14 oni.i and- rvH'omtiM^nded! th a t tho d o ng onler lie wfator Im d rai*)i d h*) HAS o f bi; fi|^h, b ut X i , .at the att«< i J thia va nturo t .ntitl si*ux>ti tii'ket.i^. and th ' nlu^t 1k * r4*ckb)j did ii4it> li ) ings off hi- |> lie iuillut.:^ MA^ UR ?ECEi:yE3 CHEQUE f 1>e iiso . Srill be hell at the. Suffrage Olub. Rareiloclt- lidle.'J sbOfit ■ ' • i theiiteu■ I. Bitotarv : and ore riviicity tbaii eVe*. Every LuSlNt; ORD EH won tukou; i lind noj Kpecrimeii'* !h«^'»' lioeii .ati'ib«i aalpn i in«> «.ou,f<.r i .i jj vat lufiivtit in. H o l>e|ie\ed im ue *ea*«vii iii-kets cUi o f t h o (Ei ifo tta iiim e iits i.[oiumil.l4'|p wiftf read. tead; nexjt'Tliiirsilay. at 5.15J whicji w illjia heing.|pr»!(ent. in cl^ ..,[iig the npeet-s, CY»iuputi> Alid a t ilW u it ft'"® . irecv.eiL wdiich g a v e i g ^ l h|»ort .^^liinjBe.' The I’nUi.c. ifeaUh iVnimilttee reeora- be «>ld th k »:w in tcr tiiuii last. T w 4,l a'hli.tjlut .ipc(rdi*ncy r o n m iiit w . linded. Tho T ill I w-ee : the 5|Iayor Alderman.G. Hutch liddressedil y Atise GeraMini The &iiqi|ied joflicOrsl. 'hifC meU'Of fbn i. ilie f audience weijo not Hai|is& .to- jihe 1^-ii . - J go. hrtfce a g a in im vei! i)Ut -•*' •••<“into memle«l tJiul. a elusing-order he I nude fo r 8ltn, musiciuiis were h-ked i >r 1mm*iiu *k* «ir' tluj .ude^ni ip Tr04* wds asl'tu uk'd in ifln* IH ig th J fvhori while iURs, ,1 .1 ’;) Te^silved :U liter from Mr. Wil- p reset JP (liticai: positiou 3 |W id r-te Btind. cjamotii^Nj loudly for ijidre. deeper water, iml flije Kiuer^T^ hitir X. which . . . jpj . . . iTNf MAGUrRATE$,ANII i t H E ^ .All Saints'-.-lrect, w.bich was uiii't lor buinau e,e.v*i!y o f m ak in g llie Hau*l liearj t c*f the ill U >ion,. it viia. o n ly a ito rU iig h t lium M el ‘roy Mdutbi hi. staying' at ; the Woi rage,' fam llv floTsl Mr.; tit'o. Blttcknioro wna gr w itU ,n o t ,yet . L M S If r iiIS G 0 1 D E R habitat km. .Xdoptod,: s>lu*ltersJ 'I’he two met W4.iulide] .inf g u ^ n■^lml^r^,l Imvi Ever., field ilo tvl. enofe ling a ch eq u e fo r ;E50 regi- uwb applau se t|or lii^ c lia ra c te etche*^ fe r e ; t r a Smfora fo r,the wounded'______ahd;____, in­, j SISfTERfiOOD . FESTIVA A' ■ harres* Trom inther watinuic aiit jitli r tlir At iriluii 1 »K I’itOl.EUM LH KaN K. g reat difiereiKM'a ant! h was glail to'hoiii s;d. |i K»ii ed tliait **mb^KMly 1 me inshore, j . . ' : 1.. ^ 5 , _>*ntiil tc|ouiff'vilh rlbtensIfS m peetiilly of the railwdT porter. w h ich WH.*f feetivjal by the M ount P ' it Sisterhood lO Bice l-coihmis- f ^ F l lit t i i a ; iuiiiy.|Li lun Mil VI III *rhe i*ei*enIII rui*ixii^ G miu ittee r^oom- to say that-liny tliut t ley Would lie able the rd u i yo Comiiiitieo Htuf g Bout unKlcrij ha|VeJluul yariuUe 1 lek whcii valid sofdi rs 1 British i)nd Colonial). noV in i,^e Gffibek \'<*ry uiiproprfiilte- nni]|jber, and drew forth Busting* a id .4t. tebni'rds, to be ' distribated ■' '-‘v ■ is annoupi ed for next M< a t 8 p.m. jhocnl. . M ^ u tuoxiiiiu^ 01 utuoii,,' ii-.j ifyoi|ii M r . James- have Mr. Jiertrain ,Len is. thei leader. b;|ta frau io jttl had I m c iLble to got dul. Those Juciiy eiouRli to igloned offlcei-s, cei ’ a jan^li ,frt)in tbf railway;:uec4 in tbh meiiklpd tlia j a n yjpidiyhM ok ift*1K»rt w h ich [Thei epeaik; -r will bo Miaa rker-Brown, of UBTjr nt t'ha *>roccvil nt l(l»t M iHi ;‘h ah v Holtiugswoitil ’ l(or t-i li to Ktoro The town dught to epi igralulati* itself | (lUiu silU'f the liait tueotin;^ loy hin (jtriko the silver whiting baw likd heavy to tllc dii|erent: hoapil nis in proportion to , Mr^.iihd Mf h il!. the 11 ajniiw • of patient Ipecial hyihns wiil be sung, and f l k i f f i . ® [ out and a good objeejt bonetite^ dvut { lasia now o) hdsjpiiaU aifh. And tliei ro; fto vlnto uitty G A .V u : t *k t : n c e lierfonuer.slull the ye; r round at u cOd of muney^ s Mtiu h e regard* 1 i l bers out one] day during thelwreek hud u la visit to his-htime game lice^nceij u wi»o^ aiui u m litar.v bund at JW) li .’ ■t l-ervery mixed bag, P»g. jI vtfnsistingvtinsisting; oB three dubs. counti t r Xf j , lAR DAT.—Oil is annieeraare,.; r d iirk and J-ou iy M r. Boniluce wa.>* hrante I n n o m y.i. ' ' ; w ere g*>irig t iiuve .iTED.. ■travk tliv rv [)iu a n an oth er bi; fo r promi»*e|i ill ||Aohe|nia-r< ad uu the usual I ^ w k . He iuiiti< iputed th a t the cost tk ih o tor.: . . ulk*r liud bo* \ u ver dur whiting, tihr^ limekerel, one rteiger eel, O cteber 4 I1 , Mr.. A lbert S« mi ina. EnglaatTi \ greatest riiwid.i-.' ((eors*. oO eudvra lit I ’vdifrt ( v u r t i ESPERANTO. tvrn w . j tulcpuyt‘i>*.;iof the AVii iter Urchestra vbi ld muiiUi(i f dd liiidoubtedU all inc eh soil buiKi wo weever, cnc sjmull plaice, a crab, several inist, and Mr. VW){lUaan Murdock, ’ a .11 give a recital E Mills, ,n d of V the jr t 10 Auvi 'uiid * tiireii.- luijvif lio W L lN C ' -” **^ *^‘ mord-tlianj.iSpO. E ro m 1911-12 to m tv ivviiTf ' * m u sic W'uu : h*» u I o,e acveiitu- lout whiting, and a dogfish. iBven then -DIlRSi GRAVES.- th e Maaohis^ \ v X l| SVGGdiSTtlD ADnrTlO^^AL H alt; S t ] «onards, a t 3 ti’cli . Seats may- 1 st* 'fr . W. fidite-place. » najiiHlv: I on II Huhditk of I I Id tins avhrir. <*Vtat f the Urchesthi______v as ble. li a*l[it*ved thoro v fu ld .b c aij inc reuse .hev were iipt sati; fie*!, but ligd to Ering . in', the f U R B K N .Vl,?fi99 a year. To pii JEKtMt us the cost .for be b ^ k e d with Mr. Val itt. 35, PeT s» 7 P t-.U ,.-on...... ard. ., wntai iias on a di i; back. 1 cafOP liL lj»T7nfOURAW>. o f ly vlivap, Tlii-y luul u.uUe ii- 2 0 tnetntne^nl *r* i b ut :ho hud IjKCU old th a t lie ‘-eiid’ to'fcMit. I ' r ' B B L Q ] N AVOlINDED SQLDIEBS.-Thf ji'codrsb'SW^f ll»e^|i’>^ tra in Lil ivthigrm la k»i)criiilit lata! S im ivU j rie vviv. couaiilvivd jlie i fuuuii]iinvat|«n K'-ivvd 1 rom | ruiuiviiiciiU «itli tliv Pier t'orniianv tb tnilkv Ij the ohtb-' '.'the."Ba»- lMli'i*iatop(ivd iK'ud in r tracks on cxiuld |ii1KI ' »1 avo them . they !n>iO tlio ex- A h- nieiflioiied...... la** week,. tUe Hpii,I Seerc: J n t,‘ou luil Committeis.^i^tel'day Belgian ;stee* Combii' hare arranguim d - I'lik ja ro utit.iii I m m iliUo, 1,0>)U mbtoju kiei the ChainuitTi ijnil (.Vriihii b*o I'h ’ 'l]"g ( b n g j Bor- •aunt run oiir„ niiieh ;*l livt! 1)0 <{< r«fr^‘.r.r M*‘* vvvn.iiiorv <-o«.v and vomtoibii ile tra ’tW p lejg rau d a i>urto iiigM nnd S t J I.e lardij i>peii Boifling Tourmt- October ariliad in Xloiail. Nnitur, , I )i*.vj»ei*led d » t in ci snm o e?*tis eUitiezit.i i»oc la iKouiarc- 1 , 1 1 - . .* n J. tliiiii luM yi a r. lie a iiti( i|inteof. the u-if of ti e M041I det! »qldier taking purl rina. - _ ithe. . . 'eputi , _ t). who .is Chairman S' t. at tho Royal irtcert H alt in 'NURflE'. • Am, tl)« Ipwii in dtirkiivs . nient ,oii|tIi|~ ,ubje. t et tb,. i t i t i m o u ot an ,,ot nnly iron, tin- 1-i.r Imt from t?v .Ald4rii iai Hocking xii inat.,, from of tliji* ii?it «;i*li(...... /incirii— : - rix*. iiml f he j .rss, aiivoiie ivilliiig to h dp in'^tliiK jlrection. He oriir tlititli.*j bburiil u r iil of soldiOrs and isail- coiieert • beinjr hebl tbo patronage •L m1x > the vciuimhnicatiion . K'cn ;'Tftom “thi i V-T'r""''' , » -bite elk,(jul t. le tte r thei lujiid the ■ la Bow»w, «ui.|mv|uiEi3p tin*\ uiuiirm gc i I;I agiidon de tlu ci entrepreiiiu, liu tiel l>plia 11)1 ^bo-be w ill, of the Ml ir (A lderm an G. : itchingw.-* •^ingw, JJ.P.l, . " ' • i aojSoialiiii^nt ijo.id am t lioihtMitbik iiiontris hiolitris ,bi n^ieblecoir kaj hiUlecon da SfK'retury «l the. Ha-ting^ and Jic t t c r >v»iul I !>») tin* ch(it)('o•e :T*fjif tl ll eiii li|iviiig a will aW 'b e pleased Ifi heaV fr< ■ I' of The ttohd T fifty-wiv h^'ii.'i- jht 4 1. t^Htuicis < |,Q ^nle the i.ouiicil wooM not iW n-t go4»d jl'in le iiig prizes o.«al w as fo rm tho AVar fiigees- Committfsi 1i an d ththe e Bel;', w^th he li{ if-l>erunU): kaj Tftani. gi |»uvdH < ebove funk^ H'atepa or.**' .V«x»cjalion ml .-**4»M»n, If. ]i lieV t.ufervd ifor the iiig io Help pert^YW lly . o r [In* I veal wjnii formally received, and tb© John o f 3 r,^.mu,vudvd rMiininf; a band of LVj men v,t|, a eoudu.'l, r. jioople i4j bo gianl Clu The artistes will ' V ' l l S ’ r*i ,4 '.ov n il : U, Iia v in g ri^ ft id to o3ii>ting pru|K*r mprincr a -sid,.«inter or subMrriptbui.- anW tbiH < bj in ton |w^a*s there shbuld « include Mdlle j t e s f Ji|un ,I Ju m c l iql.x till- i iidi gi I <)ovvis jA'komenvi )u la Wrun dc Tai .-Ojiditionf.. timt jUderiimn <’hi-Nfvrlield iiu -v.hI an ame) .1- soasoo ndijng lo corii- *rd on each igrave, and altimktely D e V riat soprano (first pritH 'Jerusniem al 111 w^ cii ] % r the further yvn:iider Iti*m 'A bp pii-urt*t ft i*» hopedUbat ireiribersTnU Chn'Serratoire __ iwser ihas yfork^ 'in the. f lUidaiiiejnio* ' Ij .1 1 1... m a tte r l-> , i , „ t tl.e t o nm il t-as in reply.. I n th e ir e n try ^ ll in tlfco cep ljo uf th© yrkvfs. ] <>f Kriumel 1 . Madame Delu the ikell-known Miss T heh •- “ l>rU«im|c 11 a re T ra n s la tio n t-ri deferre*! the drdamriuH T !it( Mi^vdi' ■d ho 1 ou djpin his n i t ’ llalace'' B fig aA .. il rieh4ly 6 f 4U jqitolnii'! .1 ;it*ros:*jlIi. loH ot ; b f : opinion tbat ftie |•rovi-■l(ln of Mill er fait h i t*» C mucilhir-.K*...... Simply wit! be ,Th« Cduucil apprhjv^d of th© proposalj and 'cellist; onsicnr Delune, . iiiBist (let prizs “ St. Johh| A- r.\< rv nic. I't T h o A!hv >r nivvi?<| t hi I [ S m i Vljllv had i'sooo ifjtef '.ttie. vrar,. i t :u .m raTlK-HillAlt lopt on s cj<|;*«i n e x t’W ^ tn e s d u y . uiittc; t,un considerati* aj an*r re'pT^ri. ,._,.,;...„,4 nd: ! 1 'went ta ny irighl . - I was K«,i vd"’the >eaC Ijefore .llje AVar, I;(Itai rviiubLes as M i*els), am Monsieur Mareclia: baritone (oP -■■'WarHhSr-. ; to l>ei| V count m a n y r**uH;-‘ tiiH e^^-^r k-.IjinKsI+.nKn-IevP^^^^ ...... wanlOd h<; town to tollijw|itp the sueeess of IXiii't forge,* fl ^ Hub , I where all, ad ia Com- tch Ipjhts ii^n, pituiii ximo lof cxj»endwl ill pr*iviijing a Vd m m rr- ^"1 then mentioned wa^ " visiletl the ifvurking «»f ithi enterpriw*. any jnon uvaihlld**. He* diil jibt' wli than ia fair sliiirc' of s; tors. Tl.:.... knew HiV-SIThjGS N VfE^. RAlEjW J)Y-COMpA|i LibrnriatL .Alderman C'hester field i-iii1 1 iment<\l the . l‘J and tick' * obtained.xwrsstSiT^g o( *.aMr. a . A^4W*4oca , s^y, ! I —s*' dretsinga l*k*- All yor ha,: pii * liudi Ho well demounthiUsl the irtM|tieubtUiy ,oy W ould get, iiii e x tra 2 eruntoJ aii[| when it: is ■|oi - 1-heM* me a . On August 4th they weyo ^4!'ii)g th a t , Y « jird iii Committee had be- has s-ink-e ., ..^ «fY.L. I«B. .Tj.T T h e rejK rt w iU jnpdptevl The in**tor boa^iro npetitibn Urboght n -good tier fo C lu l. If-i'-s Bd" se „.ned' hon e, aa WM* 'b'ut ul.-si1 iW W ef their iieiyU- linco' mufTO a.bto i,o'rc*s.iimc itsj a c >ivi^y i t ^ 'i D ia l th e y would'; Imv able ; (y gief a ll t |Hsip]|> liml stated to hliii Ip iat: t hey o u ld be fore t lien rerded to! Mr, Tharle, ^.((yrousjoper it obj otn wh?ch t r i b u t e T O T O E; iN A M KN' I- Ol FlCCTit. entry >fr. D. Edd:' pro>*ed H elwinner with Imdcrgotie a ■V'f-'*;] .'I'ho th Imvti tnj Iniild u|p the work |aHi|jin 'f rom if he w lm ittvl to r AJ»8 a w eek., jieHe runcon-ideroil t onlyjitoo g ad to come lliiftiiiiis til* Ik tUon. bv;the London. iaar<); TIi« Maj'or M’xt nWivoiJ ■th^t tin* Iteaely at i f they IKi suiealile fish. So :eml gf^d muckerel were Coast Railway Com- th e .|a; now ivalesting at SI. '* e ISb|I aui ihii Magi?' foumlalioti. ift all th^' ouj^l t*> 1)0 linked to p the* weighed iib IT e vhiting[, as II^hI fieason, *t>b* 4*iuim)Vt'.ug Ujic iJ^ T!he*tinin had iirriv***! when they kI ioU Brigljjtuii til), nnisieal d le Ibrljs-isfivisl jjTio) liany, in reference To! a pamphlet whmli it Seerdtarv 'and t Vm: Diittc*© <5f tho I y : M*eri» tu be located n4pn-rdad, St. LiK>- .>t be doiK V 'Uh»>ut In ti Cbait'man. . .Enougli.*' ‘ laot the r.nlertainmeut a year, as ugaiiisi Jal aostines. In was I tef >sed should' be distributed' by, the ’^ iw liit g T)iiTnubQen|L | fo r yheij* M'rviyc.s. The ipi* imn1*i. c' J ' I ' ' 4 ERO ibt-n inHict.^it. Vlnju iifitiee make an effort, and si'|* if the; iiiun}^ p Bci s iiioiivv Wi! ost lo tiroyiile iin Oompiny sUggteting-suitabln eites in Has­ .HOW ev'ent had (proveu a, niost ■ ij.xifij ‘ I nsHEit to tli4» h i Menil>erft are reqiUffler th e'en fert^in irien t of ^..irM Bftaoos; V.4»Itlr M njm iingloti ise?*ondc it|hM anil {tli.i '■ivloria H al Riim-gate, ! which tories ; i ' i -••SASTlI+Ni eatudjto JUm* raty^'Jm had done u great di'Uiof gi an ormuiiMital chuiriuan, ( sailer*i nt tho coupe jlion to te l^ld in con­ p ony S'S! to boom sui'ahle sites for the erec- ; oil' Td«» .'UCr.- t ICONS exiTeiiditrire. Ikm'u u m * tfierc was mi us il 'k'allm: ilo a U r a c lio i o viiitor.sJ. Islok nection with thi S k An|(Hnr [TleHtiral on 'Wh iteatM louldliif^^ fi 1^.-iiriinf'ENl ufid dcvoletl somo tfirii* wc|ek,s bf tinie fo tho at tltp ir IKi st H ill L if t . tio n _<|f; gpiumercial tijnildings._ -The,matter 'tv tvwn Work. Mr. Brigden' the x*<*rptury.j work**d in«'onu. When the sheltjere wer«\ to lie t did not imy.; Iiut HnHting*^ a"d-iSt. Lononlrds^era! on Tuesday a TOiiiiit i iV^AiFi tire*f>[it i- Mipjr .w_,. 1 he i^- (hev .iioiild not think of had teen before the Biectricity Committee,. ■w! '■wet'-kj like a nigger and d d vet-vtblnir wJtliih bis ' !’]"'* Uiry «eiv- t..|d tli.if fli(|v «onb j bj-i iijr; dciiig 11 way ilitli it. afternoon. tIrtolHr* 1 th. , ^ Buena aah. 4-***l'lil 1c p t ;k‘4iUfp iHiK'o W‘itb Oth ; t h ficr. ‘ ' Ul a 'e r v I irg*? ineoijie. ai The '^ot ng was as lollovs :^l*|Or the and t:i#y hite directed-(llat tlie Borough Em hefo died: a power fo r some m oi^tlis^iu eiiMir©'MK*(*e7..«i, Not much bontiuc j hns bee'r possible this BHEUMATI II while, fight- gincot u.r d tlio ICjeclricul Engineer df'otay. rabv it i- wo,rt.l,|tr j.n t U 'i(. *ul4*'l by ..i'»0(k liml to get thint thev ajiieifdmen. tl4). Alder. en Mitplifil and hu En-ctjricul Engineer “houid I 8 ioeipiteil. ifo woltev , J i'h c iomirjiU i |vhs iju ito » niodel ng jitf tlm th a n k s lev •wore jjoing’ tr. 1 lepiit.v-Muyor, The C luncil agreed 'th a t the two Engi­ leesaasr of sttS j In' this yi »i . the Bweie A ld erm a n Che^'.terield f^Gi'oijdovl, am i sahl me. .tH; wook: liad a lr r a d y !u>^n j-.ilde< I-ari«mlx); Kveritt. lived, g^at^lurcd bv T.oirrnd. aomoit of ‘tel.! (inlv -on hut, n«‘vc t.heh‘» ^ Jle hoped tin hether tli' present was the lim e t( nvalid and other neceseitous Isdire « fteled is ad Aha gte'ie. tlw tn to we :-^pt Jsi « i)i ir offit en<«l.yeaf. They lew', he e< iilfl not b rin ji b iih s e lf'to s'iy but it ie nnt oftf« (Jm t n q>erch je wetghed will bs Ji'Id at ChrisI Church Parish Boom, found gra'ie^iSger who, }5gMlii-r, liiit I 'n i'li , b Ukot iiiiiit lirivifi; a ll a p p n u l« I y Im bud done, and> be was. D n riu c the a v in te r tliev- w-iuL, ,'Soteriawe*. ygutijles lo iiut liglijl iif^ until tliey RIOR Sgt.M lEi GikKIllEK. in now, Sorne fe’i/"'(year* i—g*j tome------‘ — good ■* St. Lcnhi rds, next Ti esday and. Wednesday, took.-then. ■to .iwhat. ia ■n--* the .vommon l Il i T );liQ claimixl il an hoilou to stipiport. lisinii pviT .CI.fllKJ for the fciiterfaijiiil!i, fi*sh -were ta^^n n e q f B od ia' ' iRHAt*'. end ssnaottltr comflaialls, the iremsrk itav, u^iil Ju an y iilii l.lf -iiii- bv I h-i i Iv I i iiig ni*b 1 convey- -M0I7NT PLEA SA llT CG-NGEEGATiO-N'- *T hihU « ■ ve treat ; J iteAs, ope h,*w ancep'i'dtn I. C. BetUui|(i-K wl rp (wisf frosi thhas [raoUiig tiru lv H - iriu g linlits.lj 'J|l ■■liKli|iiiig bji' Wty l lXTl . v I t iR lt ivis.[CREASED. aloli'nli* Thl''«*}*^ l)e used for jinvIhK .erefiehi G H T L I X R ALlST-S.lf-fTo-morror 'j the harvest Ihanksgliy- bestnj'ibnfl. efo how. m ore wtilT and lotlfers of the I k>w paint whioh to-day i.'^uturdilvi i>l ji.iii. lo-iAor- _ _ . . ; Thei fia ...siuKvnCounvil iiT1(1 v.,»mC-mmitfee iiiii^w uuii.bud ssiM.iiis-i---.considered ,| , , . s-T./e'ent . . .- proposal - ' . l la:, r <•> ■ |oi Square ing s< rv take pUoe at Mount Pleastnt Cfard en I i u I .I kk' h d u ly eats and inosssant .Ssfiering. ; topi Ib w )it i« ill b- .V.W. M 5.511; I'lKMilay, Cill^tratfed f onble Streencid matte;, pt tiU < ««.irability ,* ee{i(f land at Ustaiy BsU'i &s i I'one . 'of Outjl ' wten *B (larjii-i e, 4.19 p.m.^' if her of tin Oprlie.stia, at a cojiduetor...... and 18- ,I an,.. se rvic s elections will-lie given from the dvsas is- a psirwoMi Onijuirl .«}.' At{tar that d will t fmldalltl iiistru m e n talistsi .lit a cosp nop to exi.—od -ktW ; | | ^ p l ; * ‘t'; from tin* Entertainments fi Cr^iiif ilb r rertin.s m cveil: ca n ta a ■ The Angi-l w tlio Harvest."' . . t l he inf ihte t h a t thevi t|oo had m d them Uiat JrnR wa* deep r^rat the [sad intelliijei ce; Uiat Scout nUIIK iNARVILLJ ex ! ^ il t ^ U l j r o fur, tfio, i^j- at be jiauril per week be vajri^ iko a td lulniit of thw j-cheme adopted >5- theJCodiivtl atitlie B^ae: C^iaa- hoiaej but r our Heh master 'Bateman of the Lonilonj Scottish, is c o : ; c : T FOB ST. piin Heme HOI CiMKogi C|| 31 »t, bi-iiig i.l number o instfunieMali ihcrwa^c*^ f n long THE P( CKET w eek ly co *t £75, , 'iorK»d the>would. There was no rec th e.w m e > 1 1 achool teacliers who liiive bwn and;' The Non -. wilrraited Officjrs’ Conference lisMtoilb a n d aAits Ira )Mn~ the m«\ tb e l^ilieriefi iat fintejost T h e M a ror mfivit*)I |the :id*Urtion o f,th e ro- dntion fro-n the KTitcrtuinmcntsT*on[tiiit t in tliejemploy of the fial iivution | Committee of tin ,SI Dunstan’s Hostel for Soldiers and s it - 1, disfffocwful thnfl .tntkOtlgA 11 lu tla bell emepij tl I i k j e t will be held on Wedaeaday. „ ina how to run th tm '*—ate invited from B lind, SoLTSWS to-day - _ «i DWd and a nppAtted 0 )i{ 'je il iitens.jhe The I- inancfl Cunm inee have litui under sent no oflicinl r^|)ort on the matter, j lasti have been made te ^url»' teachers, pro- ,rh such a delightful „ ' ohF oufn; i K i i e « F coneiderat ion tlje f n a n cia l a» pc< t uf the re- iiy'of effrrt and- eronoinv of money Tid^ijthatot the total snl.iry payable,ptiyable. jiloes;'notjdoes; not Troop and Patrol Le iders. No prise will be coh ea-t |s lust January, :when pot hp with that ai ate Ids fratn Hie jf iM wish- te| ! « ais* th u a to “ m J»n i afftl, presented. ' p u say longer. A praetieaV beet of i>< 1 Jijneiw irtta •fid the (Mnaihei OrisjiaiinaJ oommendi.tion of lie Council jn Cdnimittee rnrf!es«Iay, fk-. tsopn Miss .Ada "Thornewell (contralto), V - the ‘ g re a t ground l k the inforr mtioiij of the Cdunc il that the csti- ‘wnoniy |iii the nation, there wpre|i elf rJ 8 eUMe. bl t be wa.s ustohi.sliW tojfiite tlpit it tober Tub. ; “I he Tdiist'at 'BKlii Vista (by Mr.T.ui s Brown peiibrl. Mr. Ernest'Little- ISMy'.-cit'r thaoa^oHf B food i t i» 4 n b ' kind pormissioii of 1 Ir. gnd Mrs. Gixxlfellow) aoana ea tiat the ii"ce«iiar' B E S T 0 A & c o k e . B L O i CK FUEL, m uietl im o m e f|or Ihc lim f-y *ar ending iVnii im*mbiT** of the ('o u tic il nre-i*'iit. lind lim|.>;l)bvn refused to gri)n( llicse fciicbers the wood ( il. Mr. Ernest Whitfield (Violinist) , only Ijfa itio giadjte , Septem lie •. h4> l»ei*ii ex(*•ecde >p.—Moudny- lae aohedri ,, ^ can bj aaU ing in a net Ai^yiiigidf -^547 of which some rnitte** tl aII, l I4 nvlie; ; . tVs. seigiaw a m cil S I lunlaiifs, |ru«jiaid4| fhei(| 4 t|| They^***'7.* |hnotipmont of 1 liev bad a-ked for, and thev miitil |m) iuitis- 't.iuiiw, b ut it his\8aggebtidii their suliirjtlarjes; had and Fox Patro s, •m. Tiie^ay—Kangaroo, give 111 ai'oount of ;lie work of the Blinded the cxpei^diture of over m in iie d i< not leyon^d tfaf : 17, KiasV«a4Mi. St. XiabBards. ' ‘-‘■‘■■■“T of “ j ^ , 00t bn-- the et'reeui . .. t*Uf-. I fie.1 w ith th a t. . ■ J T lieen ‘ )aise I '■to -fc52. leos thijir- iiivirhnce Jiay. Wolf, and Lio|i i.m. !^WWne«ilBy — No Soldi* and, Snilor* , ; ^1- ffonstan's illue- B e l l & J T l s j t t IPED C ^ , 3C IE TY .,, ^ hody. TJ diema ii The oilin4of*, tfie estimated .inoon) • X798. leaving nington (seemed to lia\o IntelV ilriilisfeir^l y e a r ttavi ig .the bonw^, bi|t the others did forenoo. . 8 p.m. Tlfiirsday-T-Mandi y Patrols. he iiui r the direct patronage uu*! presence dre , 'iTiti < n fckings. -8 pa oAoiii hen it il auL J charge »f fsl upon the rates. TTie Coun- Ills alfecfton from t|ie Council to thei iiat cjn. not' get it liecause j thdir saliiries had 7 p m..; .Ambii am Leoture.l 8 ip.ni.i by Mr. of th J , ayor. Rose solng S ought T p.ntl finstruo M King Bros.' Eibraries. Hastings, and trireoon C l" M *

    ’*J5- .1,1 : j ¥ |£ ' f : ^ T I I ^ G S m I t P S ISERYE Be V tl RDAYe O rrO B ER Te 1916^ I oniair—DO sh ill MODERN HASTINGS rHE S IT U A ttO N S V . C ^ T - ea thatl * pAFa^ea. . TRAMiS. 8 ITUATI i> VACJ ST. LEONAj^DS-ON-SE Sea drfi deftnoM i n . ■ fHE l-S vtTQURSS. ‘^mruiRTip lea and ballHMM ad T* Ifnal •• uf»-u: \M n m Hm- Mikiififl olid RbW.to 8T9V ur ^ 11^ . . maid. . by tile ttni I Tr«znira)i wah.._ inf, fr^licf WUb T* 1^400 tOF«|U(lU>10 BRUi; with tlto cotrcifpont^- - ■■ iT. ■ ‘ • RIO freqvant. and unia.>^vpt( J. :.& "K S S !5’ dii for the relief iu n d s [»pt» it», iHi i..:..* ; Bi. Laasasdi. Qu obMOto^i* bOltE BEMINISCBNdis AMP CHiMoibS. -werel occaaiODallr ra is J** ■ d I *• ' ' •♦pled |r m i "i IS^AIS £1 iifIflA 'wottuaT^ui-,- 'HMugBOUn Tw. iii Thk Blacklai^ eJ m which) wha WpfdlyPilfly T >c nunib Ir peMtfDc^iu #«vl« Pk , coou (e Costal Swisr !• m falcwL'*^!t,l! rtdHi t y i i IrCiUtfvtCi tfitifeju I awafuiiaais r w x t r p . ' [B t Be.s. F|. McJldows, E x-Tows- b u iM -j belDd developed, w anr roached j>« | meauaeana n«54; • fata I kill. ‘ ptMtntlti 3tei" of u hidaoua and dangi nn e tunnel____ under _ _ the 3 » ^j. FrULi>. toiai. |r. nsijr lu-.uic.. fatmilf of Shi m » \ f dlODRTt? OROk . to point out kvhat , municipal and p riv a te cn- olrstlructioit------to! . the ((-affic . bu _ ----sth « rFropLj rnui. T lu ho 0 * 0 . ^UitrTGARDF^NBR'linfitifil bouffi*--Ml*. r«r^ I t dt. H^lto'R Pi i fr d m to r xvUll lik g:|ud no; ext.i houhdueee,ees, with th'e '^ pe^K u K that ‘-~hn f'— - 23. iSRAl PARADEI ff»r»r H?.ra»-—Ai'Fty A..(U)uk. Hurhs^-.w), Ud*.»« Rotomooco 420.— tfiftoa MsbRrtRc A • HMBti Sjeea/a/ Mv Municipal Career w-as begun at M!«. 8 ; hea|Vy sees the liaeeim ent 1 of thk hou lO N A to s. B- _ I n R d O srv r^ flooded to A depth of s«nral ,fm . i>MMr»«Al wjM»' :MA^O» rsil>%ri5ioeo f f n e e Bank-buildings (now oceupieo by Messra. to ttoUi < __ hoszto: t*woe hi . 12/1 Davenport .'ones and Qlenister and Mr. The parade, at AVljila Rock (fuijmii ■fl of ai(D ^‘r,*N A . rJtfa^c. . Rm] 4 r l^ Ala otice lti) Advert sirs; m s tv ftORIRl Rod moiaRii,“ 4jRtst'J3. Henry Ward) in August, 1871 when, al- thel aite of the prntci t: Falbsi...... aa rioirtnore M ’1 Kxprfv# ** .OBI . ls-;w?*. , i. if;i ~* Iflbodoa. ■! ^ ^ PELHAM RCADE. 1 I , i • .. ' -.or------. ' . I 'i I . :. v515,B?8bTt"13(TrD^ BuiraRfiraSriRT tbough only in my>arl>- articled clerk, da.vs, than IM feet wide,|Bi d : 1 i>roiulnent| featnre W n r ’oSmto bn [the opposite side waA the ie|(euelx-« wine HASTlNClS. ,REPAID ADVRRTISKMESTS. rttl 1 as "MAR JH. tMRCAMnt Ortot'ilWl; l.was railed upon to perform the dutWi;iK) TED,’ “ io LCT,! tad FOR SA JB.-J stc.L an able -Apply far as my Ibcn] limited cap.scitics would and spirit vniilt.r alid former hrewerT beloiig- ,'H iS hej Wffiwia* FIRST CI-A! | vEKLY Wk sTc'd. 's ;'f AitfcB,' .ittRoer^’l R»l Ts*CMMB4|c._ APE i-v t'tTr«r|. i*c:t3s allow) of AiSistaht Town Clerk in place of itigl to the la te G .jG , Gra.T tGdiincilloit Dr. rSPApERS lot ONE CHARSE O.Vt fr«rj with coed! ^ 'KltOAtill rriMMM7ruii !f ««cjiinc,' IK El R.tST/W «■ jjr LEOSAKtiS (ksei/prtK 'lAHteb.' ('A'tTtKS^.lbrlFir'KiTir Fan, . relinquish the port on account of ill-behifh. • the Palui-e Hotel nOn |M auds., ;jl'lterk vJao no ' SOL'T, , F.if(VijK'MA> 'idl^iobTFiiSi. ll ' U < k T 1 cirtv.|OV and ,Ban>ni |^6>d «ae.» suitai.t being clerk to Mr. Hide, who still retaiiiod strenuously and pdfsildently) .( nd t! aijn hot • he forra •tiou p F W a r tia tis > AlstfiOcittUoiis 6L ) Mrs cheertiU f'otc. icnj ot*b kf^p aad Att*- the office oF R egistrar. Mr. Wood in hia Ut all sui-o th a t tliA t jen meintiers of the Free for H a -1 i RC p rriodR. oa :«ppUcaiioa to Apwr 'V. Mssilnks, New (faltett, tiaallasiv.] H.r.s •• iO m r O IlilfrliiRpw, ,T.r.> floe. V{*RtE&7 PhRhMKt* Ictr f«nu. with Tim oirtftn roiw 'MrfLCiAUFf Eorkroc'u. - Kb ami iV«cnt \f pmit ol uo6«r Ck. i ^rtWrtRil; fQiwt ti* «X!>fncbot>d. roURblc. Rodl RD RRily I T K 'E winM fippvr to n fi-'.m No. 3 4 Havelock-rond, where uiy father P.K.Ai's. which arn 1 jaw so mufti lippfciciated presjd -W-5iX'Srt HT UDC EAH^OTP nm i M. Elliott': father) practised us under the The very menliph /if uiixed IjallijDg would the Jfc.atir mil AVijur S»viaj?s i < Vmn- .AifivertlsWimtM ti bo imerted rhitric-- eiTaiigemert.s then prevailing my father aa liiivo ciiu.sed a te(-|-i de .slio<-k.;!| I ^pCri cioili b« ffiM' to ih« PutUhblos loi taar NrHI|o* I'.trn*, Ct«>Kbun<*.. —<•7 llssttnas. _ eillok \V V e rrih K i l*i»r( v kundky. ' Dniprm. f!n 'PLl Tc.wu Ciei r had to provide h is own office The AVotkhousqi V tis on thq/eael ] (dde of Idlcl (Tbf n Clje t|Un first pMt 00 lANtloOlAirDY'^MAH (eMnlvV •bj^ved mAnYlb' . 11, - A?PllE!*j’ AJdorHenalen J?.I?. W. Mit-.Mjt- •pllM Rtlircrti smeoti •(« •t tl • Oflfiet to},jA.«> RttfiMl ti,» lyo pw^rpvnr tktft,: woih 11k i . I. ♦. 9. Ji\ V udi-ommodatinQ and staff. ’ Cackic-sti-eet. nowt r A-n« nied'Fredeijifkiroad. ■ chelj. .1(1 .. "and,^,C. H. Bim GoluhmUorH J . N ihe ahokje pAi F R E E OF CHARC E, rURODt d eouatrr uttiwo, Rcd^ tiKp. in cod. Apc’ejr, to Thp only other rpoiu (a small oneijpn Ihe None of the foil (whig w.-h«»ls. had been" I t:pca. OoUilns. j.1 P., IV a . G. Gr«> . el-P.. H. G rono^ Forwardm uoH aa r 1c« of bd per wfjek rftnra* -SR to v:»i2«R xeqbijreu.->j PD'T Mr. HI«"clrrnif” tan: exit gro'iad floor of .No. 8 , HauV-biiildiiigc was cv- built : Sandowii,! ("live Vale/Jl’riorvl Road, dbl^> hSA heeo prvpliid by th« Advertteek Ewhnr»t. fjcVijc- ~07r 'HuRse TofTij H. Siimlso'T1. J .r . I. E. Mn^\inliifftiinIngtiin. ■ iTemrinITemnn . >f.X« BiW,. 'f of ciipieil oy tho fwo Rato Coll'cctoip for flic Mjount Pleasant. jT< (vet Roiidj jAVc: t S t. ,Leo- H ill J1 A«1 'r.”..»?i':enti mint bt -WRITTEN P U l Pfllifim ^ .P .: I t . M.Uif.r'5. .r,P. ^ 0 «!,{«' ul[ the paper bolr, or otb^wi liill. • ^ E.i,stci-n a n i Ceiitrul districla. (The office of iiards. Silverhillj HdlliiigtonJ! St. i Helen’s Mestrs.i. c . r f io, A. Rhi km»n[ TJ*, iH i v wiU l»R tnhei foe their coroBct ~ MUAliM W AlO tranl^ f iicM - | HASTING! the Rate. IdllK-lor for the Western (listrtet Christ Church, Hbli-'Trinity.) AH 'kiiits, St. W - v r SITUATIONS VACANT-FEMALE. ■wl throR t i i i m •XlD.-rAplir | n^w batilia, Blackmla 11, H. Ilnilor, G. ll. Buif<*r\k<>GhjP rbe K cHm r< A^vrrtVfln ft .drawn tif Oi« I fooowinc - lUiti DffifinI Caitb'.Mirfta. 'ipieialJiat: was at Xo. 1, M arina, how- ocyupied by .Mr. MaryTin-tUe-Custld. St. Mary )S(u'r-5f-tne-Sca. O. Busw It Ofice R«cuUrkoiBs;-"-L»ttev« or p ' -nJ* I . , J S S o b , OkKEIlALT'x}^''in lRtt0j*i~jrG>i| «Rr£e^ ApplJ.dRC tbe-ftrst fl^r w-86 Ihe.t'onimitlcc-roohr. ntid Bill...... there were niln Arbus bbk(i‘hinj|j...... t'sikbl lisn- iadlfs. I >f ir.* for ditj>o«4l initcj^utiiy for hhOieA; etponoson sot ncoRMfry.-cCiui BL XaROMI a spare office, and on the second the .ifh'ceo' Dicnts iiiid lnrgc pri vtit; sebodin, such as that Votschrr coptct >ost 'frea "0 0 -Rcrip p«r wf : "U itR Jt,, MAiioO,_]gl._L»./aRDdR.: : - o7 “HWiiLdllliil nags, ;! 'T 10 F ‘I A.Vor; Iiriofly 'c\pt;iincv. E. r. Aru:iiis(.iiOwtjtncc(tlio|--i- ing! via to - tiU rV lio extra • • 0 0 0 0 'ttCNisnAC; coot’ioj;; '.tw^ id fumlly; IW'^try Office i nd 'Eniptoyintgot- A*.. I'jcy; kdx*«rtfjft- bweuui&tj^^. pond : itofejrpai^ ' a t, valRt pocil .._ ».ltotpRr*R Btofttry. consisted of thej lute Mr. James Wilson and dent in UexUilli, th? Rev. 0.i\\ . Tbttiliilmm. fdrilliinh local \V.i r .St*vin^v, Af^vMx^iuIionK ■ ^ —«7 .-Jrwantoi!. •iprftnia' Mr. .Walter Fikld. (he prcwiit Suiijrinten- Mr. John Stew a |-t,, ;kifrs. Ibiff, and others, harced jdoubte tka rate* lo .tjrjrcR if||r 'private IlRtCu’wi'Tco.. !liaRsinoAa "IfjrtLqUIti Blai :ki m il T ijidy f[.croiw>niy> the. »4v«rti»!^eiUj .that tbtfg __nSiL fwiSri artiueut, all the BCcoiinto being kept a t'(h e The Elastiugs Pjtjr v/aiw'l cnjo.)(iiig 1 period of jo[ji[ncy*i. jir,* fiViH io« h tho [counl ry fdrass fiv'7k ft tbi t oi R Rei;I&t'rV Oifici nr Cqpbyment A p ^ 0 ^QC Hp ft A*C*oo^ted"'f<« '^l5d7^D2i“*l^fNWU^ { “ IfiOi Peplemb«T].. — . and - fictolier.. . las, fl 'ir thiin ka pla 3 LsX.fcini;; muliil kApt;! . ___ .. « : - ,w lo fREoWy; Un^ «-» fSank by the Borpug’o Trc.isurcr, the Into lirosDci-ity. crowlij.. d's kink jli th e tlim m er tfl'i lit HriGo d<*mons^rKlioird<*mons^r lion Infliif ei:ouoiti|r. keory^Obce. BaroRn'i# . ; SoQlh Gaov«. Tiiobr ^ 4^ TH AR. !m due'to'’MV>f.irs. Skinner for Imdiitg Fr.-i'nk B ennetts ' '-ho down to Ih- lastldoniied llaiidperform unyC s,: which iwero under the dU;r^^I^AppI/ Appir a 'c i ford.. tuRtispiu . f-o7 gilneis. |vv«'F.pt T^ry di roroiiij in Kfrinv#* 1871. tora to coDA fy 1 10 wouaded on VTiyluiid | Pttbrubi4ci Oftco: 14. CLAREMONT HASpHGS ALL- - CLASin______of" . . ajekvANTs'^wsatod lirdnoia a swallow toited coat ami fnllcd shirf). ■ dircctioTi of the.)jti itH .'M btrioit (Mr. Vnl h^r<* haid sp^nt a m>nth. iThn From i Re,’:*Ltr, MuMao-rd.. Rvutlbduro^.uro^. Cofitoi-.'Cook CcN>kfi*eoerR;e, "* Ri~ i . i ii.ll. M iiiriotfa fiithen. )iti 1 lb hear his) songs Sw. H 3 H d ih iit. qui«t «oo4 r s 1 __1 [ 'nio raontbl.vl t'oiincil rrieelitigs wqre held V «l nniteif ii fto^nk " ha\f Pa >.utmR»d». How«maid*Mtlenemb. Yotie« Y< C^i: bi. Dim TuraRT*# llill, WAR ILTIES. in the Oh Tow.ti-Hall. High-street, olid here which liei-iiinc sdeh it'a -oiirklH f< r tho War. In onn croiil nitvj A .nhbh fifltlltKST^ vsBtevl tm prirstv t.utlir; tu, IIO M ’ITAl, O F .-^T. .ion Tmpor»r|i "S < a ; ^(ciljlity, within the next: few year.- siii h hiirning piles- 'There was nolTl Ci-.lre, thh few] tht-alricnl T*>.i nc“ 1 Iior*»'wBs lint a Mf '.pin pjljioc nf t»!|l.r.r ^<|kia,-.i'civod. vasaai Uta'! in.—Apslr 8V, ur.xli"Ml..td., 1 Taui'r. .LetdbRT, Rlx • lifts are Br4 to‘lullv ii‘ k!ion lodged fr<'im perfornm nres bethg givlcn bitlur-iiT the M i'-i- SttUATIONS VACANT--ILAV-|LA,D|5. .' ! ^4ein,ihut in l*!ii'IhikI! «»fi r ». PATtUifOU: j tbo RUiRirt RS)() vith t'lirw lm ii; Cliii.rch Harvest the cite fiT the;lo'WT-,wn lliill.-the (tcuifisi- .(now I’ublic) Ilal : qr- llli Mqrktp Hjill terjaii n c a t Iwnre pa^ koij with po^tplo.' APPRitftTICS to -Iraro Mot'Ft' -•n4|"T*-!m |*u- AI#o n ^ Itor too IdbiRtTi i gfict ift »o i.nnolirncc \ i.it:it'upi'iin______-Atfrrd 1 ivoU NuritcjAi; ?*lmirp. Mi'S. V’oocihar|i6i r iii.rr;m; ttAd* cirmsa it,rdLiril . i. iloaclsmg 7s '8. 9.1...... W. Br*(A*...... Pkuf...... - hive ------VRuoarKiii... /.v jotinir ]o«Ln| Miioncer, Tb« ChoDUffito, 17) tion of Iho Voifk Moteiand iiiijoiriing bouse (f icorgea-trevd). ] t’e a r e s qfl'tlie (brmrr were h rlp th 4 two thing-;xve*ro rjU UMifiit.—Ahliljr^ .C4sabg..ai^ tfiitfifftft dHltoOffi or ifBnuRg mrUr1 ii«4»tta4«it i ^ ____J I t««t t««t lien Viijcent.i P^rptjljiro Beginienl. Str5 . Hornimaii.j Hearsfiild. VUlr the nnuUarvisitR of itljc Tiortniin Rceda, with Kaiitnici*- killed in action, n,e w U.s d6 ' cara for .sireci improvebieul piirpbsc.s, jiiid the Ti "iof Mr .Trmngcoi *nl> llor the erei-liou ot llijr' Ruths finite bsibpply; of mom'y. ^1 «t ' Wlyship vo v|( trfuuJ*' an a Cb«ii}h4|.~A ^ E. Ut»!. kRpt.w M)ii ;of Mif. (3. \Valden t'iii- e*t i>.‘livu 1. Mi|*> • Uriver. C»up.>j at While Bocki were determined. Tbc lower The RotbI t'oncbrt Uh|II wasFn it m i l t . There (•brim«i. jr.l ^Vult<* le.ot-k. UanUli -^.7 s'eil.l sttrallon-: i ______«~Ol4 rdi» oF the tlenujin jaspteifi Bo'pivialun Tscfl|hc7 ewenm WrK*. cf_ netttm 2 h o u i Captaiii ”\Y wden Vinjiioiil Will ivin- f4iiU‘hinii<>n, iXtr#!| iialor. Mr's. \h ru h n m ^ «ejl6 ihicsaa )uu:h to ioarii Pithe: ipifulffilivoff pood to«dto«EliDRS. XURk* »tl URRlRl: Tixtatre, i-.err tiiatjon, .1)0 only other bciug'at Xorman- omnibuses (c.xi-cj)i siiii ll hotel rcl iclnij tb and r4i_adj|M tit. 1 mi 9 Si-h >ol iaiwl I’.'uibroko Ch im e!|lor jJinajt Knffland w«h kpeiKHnjj I ----- «|is«" - to aiiart.—applr UasaiiT. Ui:'er ‘ bp Id or ont;. twtnaom.-~’Appif•oto—Appi. pmoaXtr,______RTRoInci. TTcfltT ’v.O '.l ! Ir. VViiMjn CrifMi'. Mol nw, Mr.«. Toad. from the Hasting) f taCion). nq triimk. no miHio to Gertaany> on<' millihn. They aad _Fiaaatla, Fu'i.(w-wh^t. BaxhilL- ,. —07h ^ to ffiix...... o*etcRli. ....XVjanfttl^plDRR.18.^-“—m^^-s- 8t. iRci • - Camb^:idgi ."Ink) Ig boiionr- in I lie .Maids air ^muim*rlirUl«, >t, Pafai'r’s. taxiciilis, no inoiqr ,;h ir-aTbitn's. Thijre was, dftrrtot#;— for TRUor f.piis. 1 c »1 Udi<^ at (;ri'.)y's Inn, and ^ .All Ihe ordinary I'ommillee meeting" (with lie erl i)ji iheiir ^blyency. hnt tlifj «rcnmuinfj*vl . •iiTcHx«a.-M x7l.a D virivoj' , 'Qbop etdestethiiiliad 'HEOlfrfRT f<* J ?5i»l<|5low. Hfifvo.vt rc:a>l«anatfds.|.Bai tji<» Missoa IMooiu^eld, Mrp. Str*dftWL» iBunk-bitildicgii. The exception was the riages, ' i I . ' ■ . ec in isuth ii forrr th at it wnW i?ol •PV v'vHtid, •.TiRn; trod d~4^|~Kret tn«Rj . KoriRA 'fu F th tafi oiiPiWR t. . ! He|i|eeciyo>d •maji Isioii in I lie sei-oml ». r 3ii^s Bjlfjsj L£4 4«1. i l .1 Hhiily. --.I WiUm. H^uti JirfiMimsiil., ' yiaiQf Cteeks; 'sad „ .lOtad for Londf'fi «n ffiVy fv>r «aHRhlR \Varer I'oniuilftee. for the niembairsliiii of TramwiBys or] no'(ram'waj-s 'ppcipHy pn h* ut ijrted lor^ the inirro>'*s 4 ^ war. qhr _whics asd 8(. LsuoaiS, aed: BexkfD tctoi rd4 jr ifiw: dRUr ' month of the 'Var and > 10 6 pponioted to the the F-ront LiueJ ha ie been 4 n ii)rx*o cjf hitter “flin r t’K .d^eWf; 1 * p.iu.' sitaour: samwoas v s^ eisa toed sltastl m i |Ood ' ra ni jo: Captaii i i n Peieiiibetlj Iftjl. L'nplnin which Itei'c was as keen a com)>^tiiion aa elcriuifii !.l.v j Hurt ; oal-no'lly plCartcrt e4tip!y .!Air>4e( lUX'it. iird ‘|dsnowledges t.lid follow-ingi , '•MTOHiUTCKB«8.^\ e 8 S.i-iV» i'fSa', 6 •tnmg'L.I& •"’Toniiiir l:at ooOktetlD^ lood, RRrrReto blvRf t«B« Red ahjp of the Watch Committee, and the ruling >hovihl vife do w hout thcmFinovv lia s any- an cqiinc|11or hody <*TOr her ,H ]■•o■Js^dlt' T'jven tho 1 tq l^iRiry OflML, 57s BoMrtoOiHit. toppetite iSMt'ni ihis Spicifi. Xlj Miss Wild, .’>s.; M r. Marketi. if till I'.nglati wolilrt till with) • HOTcLBV.-IsA'T Y^ik.; H , ^ . • • . . T ' IS) pu! •I. liixjwii. Tikis (ohmiitter iiirl i>lmi>St in­ • ironccjtl opp^i cnt j. I'vf 'Irani: eh thh Vront lid iV- oijly vv(H Id; indney lie sav i»i;. RCo«l Wv-itfif.. -Jit* Joiul. {l-dn- UUf Bti. -. Mr.-. .Siill'vill., beef; Mr.-. ;iatKii|inon. (•AftMAlor^)yxt*nI^Oh#l!!s 'Cni*riY«I~?r^ii F'tR • Tm Tn variably at w-hat were then known] as Mar­ wnkt !>eyxmvini »d Ih »t if they iApp^ cr wjitf J CR0SE‘‘fil'6Y'^iratiS:3. ~___ s ^ u r (rUilM ►itaitlon*. I'tl ,vtl B^v. SboU^^^Sfp\v^*itj| Vicar of Kra- lin V Wajer-a-pt-fcs (at the top of W aterwdrks- urjulnc ftoijuct!i ill; r nio)re nee »tUi £i.-c< cLreocm : ytxs nibi'; \ f to wUbofvbi-y.^ r-oJb fRIUtl frould have to 1)0 r|i.c()ntiqu»d1 "d <*n ■:pnaneiAl i K.'thTr.~A ta ih haliill rcyeived-uoti*arct*i SUSSEX SOtiPlBRS C'O.VRK TE AND roadiv in i* rribiu certainly not moro than 13 Whei is-ove-'they ivouUl Ui —lUr*'‘ ■ ■ a>- ...... AiiJilav tha th .1 would'll)1 ) lin a< ■vnntpRi; going.., ( V uiakiel 11 iremen Ions Iffort lo cHiftl Hin^'. H4r4LVi 0 bcciisloiuedito jnmpilinjf op to w-qs fh'ir dp^riunity to ■tnLljwl) Ififir 6^u. .IS. s^tfKolflvrd.. .HA*!iC)gev ' . y?ya.-to. UoohiRa-rtt.. Tlumatoad. J [ - h iho. S.ltit ljsit ie iiim, - lie X , nOw tii K ing's : rugo. Mi rtord I end juk , . , . -iss 'tVeiabsn’., M-. < ullit leave to the imagitiaiioh. ; , a tram and bciAg cin ieyrd to our dev> tinatioD' ITkdc], invl !vvi. refrainidi-' fr<: b u rin c tln\T - tlUffl'dR' CLERK vaatffVlHTTf ioR I TcoT^KvOKNbIrAL ktufci^ iioiiiued^ itnr iih?p. .BgpTJjfts’ ' f : :cg. ^e Hokpillnt, l^ndon, uijld is doin* -weil M r.. RaaHhvil Mis.'. Fkv'.-liirig hits foosl fipirtt MJ,rougl(i was divided into tivo Wardsi a m ile Or moro ava;- for id wjith dibpatch set fif(w (toodslfor export iliou Ito other eouii. p«rtBi»ity iRartk. tii* bu*-.n*iis.-^.\TO hy f stifr, tflTiaa 8T4TUD kindly sent -iW.cigaretlcto. v ho The Conporalion «)bs?-tcd of six ,Mdefmeh and igeuernlly Bpejki ng) i-qn fort thjat I. for ttios.; . iVhatoyor money they TrK.lsci}lftAL '’t ’si-JtU.' wp ~i5157T5s Ilrth ajfo. i'lhe riey.j Shollet 'Ne»-- lliiih ever wolyoipe. MippltPs of ■ <-ol *ct cd __ ■ )7; 85. ift tbpL o7b WAHTCD, elde.sl ijon, [Oaptniii. .•>; 1 '. Scwmiin. is c ysvei.te^ *’ ba\rl f .lVen of! t'l (tre.-f lelidiwice.ivAnld hejrccetvcd EfCTcrTnfes: prrrw lotor "iw XfpT*«s sin .. ■Ihe Slainding Commit lees. Slunicipat Elections uontinuani-e of!lh< t^w nlr^ nawdrA** ^vings"*^vings* work l>wn lak^u *»rR-yto fb4 Li|tboi*i;isi)io Pnctlo< API r M4DRi.W» LOOK tiTKNSRAL rmI'rott^’niOaartuaii-U'afirw* iP hospital, itavingj b«!b sent home'ill, lent teeently.l Tlicse eollct-led with an outburst o jenerat indignntion. u|> v.|tH wondprful i»iit'bu‘iiafl‘nu They nfr<*iclcIr Ila man, were loughf 0(1 strictly political lines, and at ••ObR^ytdt HffintittRffi. iy_ ; duiiRd Mr Roul] ooaotnr!aid oomforv bcl««RR “![)■ te5 M-.ugi ose. IhajljAinie the Confervative parly w as just Nona of the!fol) >w ing holplsiwas in exis- oi'irnni!>atioh fpr tho wQik, anjl of all '-“irtsFi ;GtABi.K iVab’.' a’binu'.H, '>a” Xpr^0(; Rood ontiitci inl; -Mrs. HuwLirs,’ 33; ” The gaining jlhe ascendancy (for ma'ny yearn p«- toiicel! Albujiy. laliice, Alpiandrii, Evers- C#ntr« nfmiU«p'. ]fer liftlTifkhip^ T^*' R->- -Atip!,T Mrs^SRI. “ ObRRTTRtUC ) , cAkT'Lah}it? rn'cinjurod___ _ L’ri'fui _ lla^...... I. mi!td~R3y...... _! PRIV.ATK ifTr.LJ A.M it. bMITH. MomR m n I field. Edinburgh; 11 the) Other bUnd, tho p k 4h1 n n (lC3PI:0TAfluPl OTMLit LAO «Ent4vi. c nant*r,' to hoxMR-par.oor aad nRodie«ork.--A Idicaa MIMbp Tho death bos Irti'Cumd nr .Vetlcv of Rri. ifiutrtiw , - kijtBly held liy the I.iiieralsl which wais sig- A .« lo Rjaiplain fho ^>f XVar 51. l*«rRUMj«td.. |8 L L^’toRfdP. URStod s 1 4 <-->lh»-tions-. I M aidfr .l.-tck hnl.EVUl,Mcd |in theW.V ,V>,follr w-ing .November hi-' Ilia following weI1-]knoen (and Ip one or two in- tiorjj*. Htwi- tK« ovbix^riunitioR ofF^n*a l*^ r4TJiJlT-Ut^fw!{ S'lM «aj , Errikjid o7 .-ta^e W. A. fftnirjt. Il--val |s'jiis.>eS Regiment. Id. i li'or auulion cnililojcra. jn’i Mr; fkij- n»3U^—Applr Kin* Btof , 1-. SL . LfHfc- jicOOK RDtl I l30U«KMlUD' RRrtVd.- Apily w ith riu- tteOlRM, ■.na.i .ti; IS-, .election of a, Con-iekvatiyc’ Mayor (tho lata stuu'acm celcbrtftevf) bouses;bAvcIdisanneared. Nmnll h< p^l tni t«.ko phtH Ib iicuIXTM. ,.He n a i w o im ^d bn ^■pfem|}ier 3 rd, and diid flu .on fUAr.y. r ' . . - c 7 : lI»T«, to Th« Mauoo, picUMCSRl UltofR Hor- .Mqermaii Cr. A. I’hhcriiej and three C'onserra- i-ie., .S-sah (tliif onfb fanioui coaching house), tiic I'd <*nnipu fin Hininsi cxtrnvu ritril. tffiRlr, Staff#. 06R LoodoR'tf on!ft'ptemboV iTIli. tbo fuaornl lakiug place T.cl.ler.s liiivi lecn ' recoilfd' f 0111 : -rr-gt.: ~tff BdnsirrTifis 6tl 'iTlirqmwjrf trvj' .Aldermeii. y.-ltere ill 1871] aj. present a t uiy first in idrk'xS. Sho samlttlfd th.il Ihcn Ifi*. pRr(wft*k; yiwsWA tf 1 1 dI)Dk OtfftkRAL iMRstoL imlBiai* ifyf- iDStll tfiAitiri t act. ’Uisjt Monday] at. Iliiiliiios-;!' He was a son IJillis. fR.S.V) tocporal* UiU>s, W; ; iicno.. Walt#. pui*ehtr,t MutfyatR.ft„ Dotrr c;i l»aw.y; A18. Apviy Mik ditto, i«U l-una, WVUi^. jof iMr. W'm. iBmiitli, of Bribe, and leave- and; T. .Hea now- living, Jfr. E. Eugenie, Witlij (liejlliel i ll-i'iiled jP rinee Im perlul. (Sovijriircnt, b»j* U th'rc hW W n, cri] J7 6 wanttel'^w kaoh^Jer ccatlemiH'ffi ia^toHSeat; lltvw^v-A ■ 'itidipj. 'Re ■boiOd bavc -b'li'l If ill the service tii-ilerly R. t'ni-genf ;.'!)rivcr V I- rej lunn,; Brjadjiam, ■ J.]P. *(w 10 in the long roll of stayed, after t ight frbn Phr« in 18701, in »l|)o Mltn{f ioo m uch < 11 tlunr jofn. i» iv« , qnirtd.“-L\ppljr turlmetn -i. \V«Iktfl)< Towamtil-aft^s llelit. >otaftni^)R RiitUtiou: X&~Us ,C*'XU.» T«tt* WAMti iunl beclt at the ll. ))aiia. Jla(.vt>o*J beginning in 1588. has the proud dis- Id rr (dll the eiltc o ' hkli tl e retnoining part lilcttor thnb Micr.riinif - t^ liUlci, n** wjw llh<' l)0T4r._,r_. • Oi ] hftojo H€K». r ■ j-_ \ ~o? privttM. l ^ r H“4 I’riYatips Hlackfaril, T>. Iwi'.v, .A of being be' only recipient] of - of the Pulm-ej no c ^ staiidsl and dnxon: (of , the ffrliDcan \V|ar. When many Wer ~WAHTiK07^<• mnr ArPRENTfcE [}lp i! nu.u i t ;. ceived a ltd ter,from L»ncc-C.«rporal Sii -rtton (,\pplttUflci) '^WAN.ffir H.'AP lor f.®t#*’woikT ’.y dujrftitoHft ~^G^t»ASU wAfilti tub Bliassey and Sir .U... Kay ShutUewortb (how 'Thc(-e were ver - lew- ho^ dinc-houses, and" tb ro iu h o u l llhc xSouth Con.xt. 11. W>lhn> d.., H-Se.\1Cj». 0O| ooitkl^;; pkoRaat. tl nve to umioiiiice of the .Essex ' RHin>e.iit ifnrmi rly ij explained tlinli . ’' J ■ J • ■ IIRIR 7. ^vertE y td.. Cox. 18. Icltcd Qiiuife. Rifle Royal SiiSBex)i nskin-g if the fto-ircx te w ...... who.. both Ptcrs'i. to w-IicsiB annual uddresseA their no flat-. .There vi-is] no sivuLirniig bath, hut \?.j ifcTntoi*hJ luc'M-fN. 18 r'-Rra. «i:4 WANTil M pstitients niways eagerly looked forward Imi and cold 4ea i .-a,(er ha (lip wreto ihtainablo hw inl‘rk wnk organisation for the connfii’ ireM.—- )pplr, <3- Fox. B«*.. <4n'JXDw4„ MDtUI-—*1 _ oal, llastirigs. and Tvei-e in . bis pattajion had been for rotten of Ki-iti Slurtey, .xnd Su's-M'X, (ollow-e(l, gi,v&!ir cSSicrgSagjiKiseitP ;«iir«m3 ihe f..B.'jatd SlC.T?.. Bci!iil!-«n- b.v the ilastmg.V people'; How wo ark siip- W-qrld fhmed Sunbeam ." . wibiclji was at the I’cHiara 1 liij lis •-rhl-re I lie PalaeettO EURiU (faLiRdi lUrR]l1KrtllBi& I at,Birkenhead, and which Earl'Bra»sey| P ieinre PaUiid riier(t (opiiosito ibid Victoria Jieadv heetlbc^h itccomulisheld.riifcomplishc - He-aokuow-ledjH'...... ft?'*. Itssliiia;., 12. pRiRdR. UfitiitDtu . . . tidti oii| Aujrast! 24tn,; drafted from ihe-Koy»l Suesef ipfo ot hei- Hotel). . ' ] __ it WAS lucccflcrarr pc|t>pl« \jho l>njtl - i j . ’ • w w m Settei: n ■eivibd by his widow from Agra Begiments,, witjliout iu-iimailun to thiiti — h Government as a luispital ship, bad jus i]hot WANTSD. hp'V .T OUtirfo )«i'r3 p tDif ifRWWJ ■ c6p'kdf5dlRSt^'''teJ''ir1$Ka“ .'!ii •Gk'iea. RSh^ lns.-jirn | n IiLunehod. [To lie .CO icjlhdeii b'ext (vf^h.j lx*" 11 ih rk in i * 1 high nr(*».Mirc'to enjoy jtle .ll,rf.: Tl- tl. PvX*(. ••). t' Ai. ftfiw ItctiserulounHsid subtiii. tuuHvUutcir 1 mif>- ; is wiftih the deepest i-egrct that I eff.-yd from (bO ifecn thomseho.-. he. ddst hol| -t>l ‘ pood ttfRrROri^ atoRYUlt. ; tTRSM CM. £ }[ .-j-ApiiIf LMi’ m w n r . Is j o llVl The Mcralicrs for Em>f Sussex (the bounty e allUrdc-l by a vIsit to; a'eoas]) triwii. none. __ . ^___ loao. jyiJffitjxatft. IvLhtUo ^ ine.—,vp|)jr j-on: jlhaL jO’ifTirhufband died at explain. I am dedred by the i^mmi tee to •J 7m l?iR , - j. ■ j,«i •'^)7h thyn only compri.seil two Divisions) were Mr. qiid |e did not think it was ejtlravag'aiic^ ^ W'AHteBr".\ePBr,NTlcfc ,ra»!s l|Ab'??' feS. ivtRt-T&s' R8^ - N n H t r Stafioi HOspitpl, R«waJ P inili. on- -state, that Suksex men who are lratvjfcrr«pj jiiei}' .spend moi ey on a hol idn V-lMio; ^ n*ni ~ : tNuMnium m •iridj iplnnK*! jia ^st » l h 1 em afraid Itf'is a bard blow frt«n of the Battaliono nf the Royal B. Gregory and Mr. Montagu Scott- jjmliei - pi. 1. T?t^ t-'i. 5l,. flDherf^t r.;-ljtoUDCA. --ifa •xpenuii'W lii iu)5^). ritul ao. il to M«BRjRr. M U.i' a f r ,. . _ - . he latp .Alderman C. U.'Oausden waa CORBI'SPONDEr^qE. ( Hettl hear.); Money investod ne war snvinrs 'litmniRXiuEail T«* Cl*. ntcnt«« ,Lui.» It}. Dii| UowfOR.ctl.* DRftli ■ you. ant I ttuly kv nPAtljise. ■ 1 nlwaya Reyimrbt, or who’are sor'-iiig in bejindncT snve,l )jnd earning iuterjv-t. ~VJ7CS • *” If 17, te Ofw. UMStimjii. ‘ i_ —o7 ifd hiin good W ll" in Overy way, ,al- opieroOiei uuita. itupt inform me of their Mayor, anil offiuialA were us foIlbw- r-rRecor- ;vv;out. tr-eiDfAi 1 . Fj! taJlv .Hofftly__ : ; t» . rmXDsaor lit- o E R A L dcii-,-.E. .11. Murstl: County iC ourt Judge icenit l(te finendiiig V ill lie of III tOKT'Hi-ai- I #mtdb!e|> ipptr IT. j. ffioxc. iss. ) (aifbi n e­ EBUi'l Iftnuli. <8Q.-Av,> willing, :|l:0 ^e{o!f| th e am artest ___Bddrress'js. aiabilg the number bt ineij fixun At pr iiifiHvkCu liaflRRF. Lir‘ ,, >Ult DA^. ^ wav . in ly . 1 1 . . 3 d., am! vvlicu ilict Hiirin,;< tisM. . ^rROneklide. UesLit!: lld nicest ewni-of- .a n y ; m>d: F tiossc.y in tbeii- Company (ari as tlip caae {Fumar: Resjatrar. .Afr. ]VV’., B. A'oung; __~ foFpi'(ll MTUATIONS VAGAN ficinf; RRrIf lUimrrR: ;wo«hiac p«it t*«I. •>1•* URmainfv aths. an I had !rd tUajt ho had been pro].pbrtioD to the r.iiiulver nam oJ. If this is he Juiticea, F. ,A.> I.anglium) Borongh Sur­ He q foni.** Cptot .BN«ibrc; coot;,*; krpt; iodr!] pulled him tlr.- I am c-er- know about (nem, and consenuentl.t they Of S t .Idhn -.. , . „ : 'Mr. Briswcll, ~ ~ T w ; a U O m P will rem ain vHthoiit emokOh llrom Tim 'barica .Vsumrten-. ISuperintendent of;Police, In ictily l< i t Tl i ihtta » WoHt. —dU fsniilr: «c-4loiui)>l« liaStei, (KRfWwcyxl. Irom I ‘ C *i epm pany M jir# jtheir toM, and mount prev-iouil.i acknowledgi d. £270 9». Milint '.sh said thill.the,m dveraent h :d o *kiuti-id., leittiou. ruiic)!. r _ S - ^ i h i you in you* than iu qiieslion has had 1 1) 0 0 ciairettbs W] M. QleniaW (Vho was also Captain of : Mr |k aod ^ n 'aR id';§IS1 Al?t ft*T llto tajR-TA, -• rf' ■■ i deabEV-«.vmpatlii< the r|re Brigadalj Inspectoiri of Kuisaiices,' lOd.: .'lr». 'Sli ;W: c(vs; ed, ijtt'I: prW’i«d» of sale IxT-n tak p in soab:d,j, plncyi'.plnccii At BcaUi!! p'lirt-ikciTt.—AppJy pRrto|ij*{Jf. BOMtttDD-Rtoe TOM'BkitdnAC'idiFd'Oiiar III i \ t b veoteS WAWTi „ K aorrppr.—Beiie' B,,yjolirs tn lly . J i; 3 . forwardfxl to him from the Elxpont .Drpart- iu ; ,lp| n cvuUojtuI,1>«. [ 1.UUI* 111 *• chUdWr Wm. (f.. Inskipp. Tnpkipjl); SuiM...... rintenahnt...... ______of Bo(o»g’’____ of copies of (sailors aiiii Soldie s' Prajer, heavly Jik of i\ur KiViu;: m.-rU*l>tf.Mitf, itsUSC__ •6 t« ( ikI rate. J.K*. \i A. 11. Dax-fa tStrcichbr Bcareri, ana Private Cemetery. Edwin Field (latHei-of the present »vv'nJ'puri'!^"M, at Hrishtou..'Hovc, FIT. 15, IPiiiaiM. HU;-i4 N.1V. 1 ^ lolal to date, £27! Ilf, Id,;.'i ■' ■ 1,« work w-as progre.'iinfl.. Bowkw, Astitoia wahF i PfiM lA TE - i D. SAIAI.L. K. Fuller. p,0(lO to a Bmltalibn of tbel Roywl Super uteudent); Road and General jltispec- ■TOBi' ptbUs, Slid Sett A^aiu itii«.—WsataS. i» ,« rr is tqr V'm. ’Winter: Water Manager, j HeurJ- ti. R. Bl'fTTRRAVORTIH. Sam«.»n mpvcd li ri*-ol«tion ---- „ .itb MuTSiAriuuiiaiH®; !f>ou: aR. f i t the Ken. ilussex, and; li.OiJA to th e Roval BnmiHiMw. Hiin. 'I'reasurqr, Flag .Days S.)l.l:7s;itAn ni tttwX-kaep.i--S-F: e* UrDiRD# lo O, ,B. Mtiim. iH< X«)owm.;_ , ____ ;-0l4_ luXay of Smokes t o C|.S,M. ~ Betts. Sprav; there ivo, no Puhlic '.^nalyHt 'the '{foripetiOn o f a f c n ti- a l 'Committoo 'Uttitcu; new ! ______vU ant■ son of Mr.'. c mmittee. HastitigsJund .St. I.oonii|d6, He orated p ouApatiyf^.!«3ioif...Yoi*iiS L«*i- VI bi, ; »it4t OUl.*e> _.t 8 ^ 1 .;Mairyi■ Davis,I Corporal] Oilea.iLahce. I A" lomething in tbe nature of a i coinci- faHiveh, .till To do lumilii^ OROtod ' fbt iF^URTflffi, . »7 I may inenrion that during my official 89. tVellington liare..' H astihgi. it lie iii.-cc'sit ji of economy, and of Ictviing a Font). 100*1 *1 todlftblR; RiRt« C’tol l; Uorporal Card, Gunner Straifoord, Beaman paiUi'iilsia. -r.x. OlNKTRl'' 0111^ . Jp^^^■Tlce. Afilri kion with the borough 1 vvas associated 'Govern iiipnt all the -mpney tlliey could rl.j^ Hiritlngit. 0/ 'in C* I, 'W irtchestor, Itngspn, Sc«iyi|Tab fbhtrs F. • C!. '«• oand - S. . J . . Tfilcher, ' ! ' ■ • ©14U with- full j>n^re'''Bol>i.niK>n,l>nrere'''BoW.PlK>n, Jellery, aaf d Crlt(enden., lhr«« Clerks of the, PeaceJ three StGGEsrrED E R .\L UO Li 3AV FOB bibly spa FBAI9T risisrBXTto AWermijin Mitcbell eeeonded. and a* Clu, .Mvattutei r««a( Ic deibfibi 4 1 '.*b«!Tl 'ord Tillage FriyatesVrivates Awiiin,Anatin, J. G. Beney.Ben' Bishop. E. sh edronera, three, Modit-al Officers of m -N O P . T ' -■ -• ('ommittoe Said thi V. .tie*;, ui*;! luia LuoR-Mto of ,-unnell, Glaaier, T. Gasaon. P ionect J . K. , aqjd^tlireo lieads of Police, and w-ae Sin,—May I Lttentioh toltlio fact that man of l|i« lEducation . . lift Ii._ . . itiCnSqitilO .T i5 ?r5 had al»-a|ks had a rule against eollecjjbn KI'XR j'SM'Clti «#Dt#y/'otieV", —Apptf *kiroa R» A^^TffTAjNT In ik y W .a; mPRt h% bOlDRi RRl UUe' mlanoe at tho Paiuo. nod A/Bomhc; Goddaid. led - m the promotion of throe local shop HMiistanta FhixL'tbwn lia RbiR XQ toifr* pRiticttlaifR tbe Uiuuitoi.. vfiiciaJ holiday ce Eaater. ] tlicil- Kclipob?, but I hip w-a6 a- very Lodp*. tit. HafUrto^ flael},. . ' CRk. military and E. GEnTRUDE ADAMS. Hon. he thonglit a groat deal ecu QROiIBR' , ...... 'ENrSboit'^ ''UfAWitip; iooT ing fhe officOra. 15, EversSeldrplace, !>t. Leonards. Woodhams wa« Chairman of the We did not niilal'n-when asced to give inatier,' ijnd ptod nUJK« tkadA.—Ap8';5 K. ooper* CcoiWP 'fSlfiOK vuiitd m l^ fifiltl: ] d> < of Gnardians, and F. C. Inskipp (Mr. uu a day at W itinu aiifl agair at .tilgust be imtie. ' He eiiggcoteci th at for orgniiis.ati< :rtli>rD4w TSl«U^I. tiSWW^ CT lor r«arfi Def’Rniu^. — Applr fiaetttt Brw.. Bjtiiadi.jBttmi D rfli^ i^ id men o f th e tlie~l tordugli shbuld shPuld ^'>e splitbpUt up into]t( M7 Band, HAvSTlNGSlAND ST. IJJOIIAUDSlWAB; [Inskipp’s father) Clerk. although we w< s :iot ihH(i«(: HE rtKBdfianBR '.-Wl koo Hjoiwe, ilffia; it Siitcr] lolUngton. U ' : ■ and have worktdjwell and k ly through of Aroiiolnyl_____ ,people - . were not omng’ neatly . ; <0iRfI. QgR' rouae LApY loir ______Cb klififi*1% CiMlfir- nonscommis) fund? ] i -onl.—Sprty CS-WW*. a tor*.. ‘TioWi!, riolbiof nppRrtrarttt:,' mPM Iirr* b tm ne tf to Apply itU i^rtlcttUto iP tbx —d>Tb W ard. 7»; -Jd.t 8 t. Mary Magd ilen Ward, ,813 the rateable value. £181,(WO; th e dent From E aster t(h Chris long time] Chiuvottb. rKliit. FWiMt. ■■ ^-Jbsi^fxsrs .iriBj sail la d famtlv deeire therp was a great deal more economy j»iw 'ORABBllVt^WRi^r R. yooAiT^’^ illto !■ 10 6 ,; Loiter |9t. Mhry’aW aid, X7 la. 73.; sxim ately); £110,000; the to tal Tate: wqthoiit a brw !:, Iwquld be ai “HAT ____ rUo rd Apomtirc.; oatdocu.->A: V . PelluuB. 38. 'uadxl dicTS in •e tHe ks for jhr kind on, amOittrstf them thi.n was aUperent. [ I t fs* u l vasdirtiiaind.—w. vasMlirtiiaind.—w. T. at i l&UcdnpM. . ___ them jiq rlioir great Upper St; Ilary’K Ward. £ 6 17ii. t Miae JoWere, oximately) 3s. 8d. in tbe £, exclusive o graceful act i' >t|t«iusd the] :'UaO«Dl*-tMoiw«Li_8L (8d.); the death rate (approximately) oplnioDs of tie n and w-nsTtbe duty of reside ate to welcome vislttjrs ^nnd Boebefi viti ‘J*. Cd- 1 Mra. H. Gilliat'Smith, St. dUNIOR CTCRs^. xiuIr or 1 itod^in" RD , R.vKlW Onsd-jtttuaRt aaaii 1 ,0 0 0 . • if in favour, 1 holiday witll ohttrful faces. (Hear; hear.) WAN.. im $5G K r*" Mary XU||dfl*i> Ward, .K ; St. Heleu'a ^ ^ ...... _ ‘heartily Inlp- M ]|>*RlC Agtnt'R- i&aSk He HRt« W ‘ ~~o31 GAZETTED. Ward. Ta. I iJd.: Lower ^ St. Marv'a strength of the Police Force was S'-’. for at least! 0 1 18 sev-evst ydiiiicrtlor Dr. Ora;- also] ~~4JP MAID; I Mmmt. kegt.- STi UfON'i ot.tier ioimi piotiled.'^ilnd ^m arkadT lhat if'th e G o v e n ^ e lt ~DirBstt W«el. Sl. to oaid., aXcHe," Cteorge! Ward. £S34i_7d. : Holy Tri|nHy, w ird. j H JueL he borne in mind that no]parte of vRatM for 'SmuNMto irark ptRDtivP 1 JF te ll In [Tur-r*'*. II f certainij iqlj:' thi'li due \ the female did Uet en edamplii in ecljnomy the people I H a h tuok, K,J.. —Or tSAIi'tBO, |v OllUTlorSow'^ rTi^ aniric HjilU.igl in]hf]Mrs; and of the 1 2 x. id.r-'St. 'Peter's'H ard. |C2li Us. ld .;S t. Bollingt^, Silverhill. or Ore wtsre then uanin. till .ttei dinnw.. . aofi ffiqfibcd I«m «]«.- assistants i|or be <^plend|d wg jthej- have of .Enelknd] should est the Goveniment in rina’.Rl -07 Ihte Mr..'S'. JL ,8 . ||2 | Btanhope-place, Leonard* M' jB7 8s.; iw-ithjn the borough, 'fhese auburbajw cre not tv f jViMy--rn. T reim rer'. __^e tovernmant of 6 t. Leonards, which cither a.whiti ' Ikyrchiof pr w, M th at ^ ^ork] op*A, » le y . lo T-^ieUa Bowser « e a until 1872 under separate Oomnliexionete, : h o th e r tlin darj al iExecUHile Fommittee:^ Mrs. Lewis,: Sirs, ^ ik k i wRfiRR txma two ifitferifle tcIiiM i I .ppointm' intj b f ' personk paepii ^^iFi4jyHb.TVraT OUIr aginted t. x S 'lo gmy-'---- ?Sg ^Woodtedc.' Appfr A.N., u id . tl a. Hbi Sinter of th[ SEBBrAM RELIEF FUND, was fin a transition state, the transler not wouldJdisttni the jWhit few yards Tn'mu'unev. Aldermeki Mitchell, Mr. iPeto, fiffM* of E«UtR A ^V r ROd -Al FfMaute. SuMix. JtotTr -^TOttkB? nclod* trdep of thi of S(. John of Sib .—Meiiy thanks to Anoit and Ur. T. E. being completed until 1875. | , ] a i v a j f f indl t| avotd a ision whiijh: Mu. A .jA dim s. CoWOeillor 6 amson. Cojan -n. •bottU b# aiUR h t liture Rtatiaf pIptRRldfifi RSPCI [w ~OhOp"pBHl H ijacrpfiakhttTfift lit. in; i L S r * , S 2 ^“ Tim water sup^y Of HastiUgs wSs derived caeRii w$4m MdottRd, to H u m t i i i ^ 8 u t dp? JMoa 21. *to|W so-m „ CoD; feruMilw in ' Se. 6d. Tot : Swbian Relief Fund. AU help mav eometin use' ptrioui. n.vcquenc' lor Oroome, Mr. Bahnistec. and CouUeillor asd C ».> & ttiR OflcRRt IMiuI PnweaJSeaw ih* « [ Mijie T lelcla ila^ workeil in this urgently rratiited. from Hartin's Works (before referred to): The Corporttu in are eboat Ito ut a whit* Di! G rhr. ]. ’■ r L tfrUL Wetted. II 1 ^ T)0 i fRfiRR.->*MlRi HtfiRde WAHTItg nwwSBT lat pt John Amhniai le for nfarly fif- IR E N E KUIK vBDLLOCK. Bueksboie. Sbomdan, and Clive Vale Rcser- hand of j^int! n itiPd lapep-pokt and 1 vaj . ()n the (notion ofl Counoillor Dr. Gr»v; doom: TNml RBd 8 rm t^ Ie BfiD. - *®^vr aCWKRAI, -te w an.ll Toira and consisted, lo s large extent, of '*"o b n i9 a:l icnyICnifANT] tuutr: bet^ I yeaia, nnd i «of after the war 6 , BoIme#|lale-gardens. Bietinge. -lure to thinki tu'a t m y HU| iou will he ■a lieoHjy ypte of thabks was nceorHed[Ix(idy Api^y Hunt* !fs Tal* Me WRfiRR.-»l|. OoPblflbrofi’td..____ to ntu lera ntoira, out went I ikhie in one of tbe hi| surfkee water. 6t. lieonards bad a separate equally vitluii|>ld if acted 11 and. will, Nejtt Bower and Mr.lMelnlosh for th *"To IMTOI riRit-Vamed. a . QIRL wiak4*‘lo]4pji ^XaT) ul.6 «tjmJ -6ioH555nBt ■eritowto. M »r p.| She then wettt to anpmy fnim West Hill tanks and works at .. saving msny nasty tfikocM dud NertR • Kmad.>'Asi If WA . bari CariHoal italt in (Stel lie the mUaiisf of er; dromecr «•'(! to Mayor fo r presidir Cartfttt.. Kwtini^ QttRtfilR*t4.. Hiffitinpi ^ -0> priTfif R . -j- , : ' tee ntol. Antv m Tb* l e a ai d was In] chi . au'Aid Post ob M M E MEN N BEDE D. BollingtoU. These (vere tbp property of tbe especially | if pm pla; -wjill (la t* on tilisjir ' *dv Notjt Bower and the Mayor resp 01 — — ^m sTiam si sr X G S S S S n . (fi6o5 W^tR. IRlil^Rfi pMitDie.1* T. ^ R«ai llwa; station a kcteii ,ee Com. late! -tlfried Burton (Mr.- \.K, H . B urton’s proper sidd.'triiidb is not. the lea; i im' rten t, an] the liieeting leijmimited. Rfid^o^y^—Apoir >v. WWW V /h m tm ” Off ». BfR* ^O ll LedgUtfW. I l»nd a».- nanflant'lfor, ninaleMifl ,alf months.; Thqt tS T H E TINGS LfiCAL TRIBUNAL r), aitd were acquired by tbo Corpora- - V N6. I TOW N tXTUNCTL TAKES WA^TIO' Jou kir WAITEIL itt teeiD__^ . "vkANTaBdajTSvpSnB ' M pRsSottrsiete. rm . S -,t, wounded mep ffuimed through t! 'T O O LEN IES’T? in 1875. i ! 48, Net^tt-iimd. j r ACTION. ' 'iRd.—TJ ^r-Ptr iadUftbmylx HottL a\ ■*! iki' |r«».' l i i/taUbn niid :ajl weret wiiiUt hltmdreda ablic’ Gardena were represented by !5t. '"WA* Vtroax^kAif RR~P «irtfijrk'--Jtp] *y find UVS. in edmmitiee Councilor Clcnietat Hill iuiiy^ BtroQ ^ ____ yottat. "A5k. “ October [o f tJ>S. ! It, I was )!ilr whet ahf me very ill that one letters .ilefcandra Park to t^e end df the uppermost WA tof^«.-4-Apt^ Koitli. L-Al Several SttqL ■nd-' poe; rde ac- SibtP.—A*,—As! JO VO 11 iwPreilkind eno; lUh to ineert duced the Uuestion, hnd explifined thUl it n Book-^pti.^Arp;r F. B^(*r, I §1 lefiaifiidfc ;in-i Bofserireluiiiied! >i|Eie and naa since ciiaing tlM Hastings Lra-al .Tribunal of being -L, - ' ^ The remainder my lettepf' caUicj; fettepti' tin g o( the RxeKuti.ve Committee ihi" tIOM. . .of the present Alexandra Ifark oonsisjted of to the AIHIAAC WQ fissnSTsss- pnd^rfton > a dangerduai 'I'Btioii. from which too lenient I lin its djMiieioUsI, .nnd of abobir fact-that mi ny ' tilddiws wcH ,rniiw it] was desired:that the Corr - y a t n s . RT1ciBe5rToi5rT l«T3i UU: ffictf ebfiiill ,fsll nutknlu. *hq.lis no|w convaF— dt St; Leonards. class favbUritieni Soma offthe wTitora Ipake nursery and m arket gardetos. fteldei a i ^ Naa-. fippiT Ha mm ‘fi(m» Mttte C., A a m i Nila .7 lyood. all privait* propjerty. St. being used, a . il ' iUna for Mil sHouldFform a central UsMhtiatioD. 3yotssi ^ ' - a K6w» « *11 o — - II pecial -enee'to alleg^ sbeltenhjg of fit posters .to|i'*ic{ of hillsT I itted a resolution thajt j such a n rnaar fitef MrUoralion offices, _.tnards'(kurdans, then known as the Sub- should like' I p w x fm fR ' s n.':.*hwa. tJO. acriptionl^rdens, the East ajnd W est Hillaj, tb* aerriiiaa mlUfoifmed. 1 .I'.i'.'l *n»k o MitabM maa, __ Ota h ff. U R H E R O E S I^CWlTtoT elyi we cannot publish th t l e ^ i . o# S&. C afto • ( r Batopayera' Cbuifclllqf Dr. Gray Mepnded- ^ - - wiijNe. i , ■] bu|.wa' Ml with them in bpr Leadig ' ^ k l e and th* white Book Gardsiaa (atj that tim* ); Ut. ta OedlO . ...Jtur* fleliia) were ala* piirivatd property, Aetociaiiop) jvljo , many honse Thi« wat* xm&nimdusly to* . , -WifXNTas, or ofitr 'l !.-v*Pplr, BTIM ION METBODS to-day. agents St. So have ^his isolri^ lb At m ^b»rthlp of thOr'Muni- dsttre Pte'iT: «te«tew*9. MIMr ,rU . —07 and the site of the \vest lla(-iiPa Gardens was d irty b J li OreMO. SJ, *«fl MBSIBER RECEIYB8 THE topector Wm.‘' Winter4 whd livM in a oot- DRJDOEL i thOthje C o rp . o ^ w io n oiftcttU^.,of the •Mid (la a5(i» so* *•(»«•( Monday I ter Mato'to ' the' {Hnll, Borough Acetountents’ D eM rt- VI). 1»r;« 1*4 Co., 75. 1 _ ti^ near,;the-entrance to (he St. Andrew’s _to.,- m ' ^ 8.- fUtiei ■'Wt! - i ago ped the.' eztenaisu tof the Lopdon Gardena, was a bit of a bumburiet. Part of " MEN NEBS OF: nndTEdneation Offieae. TfiH W hj d a k . :-nl. •iw ; rord Odin t t f .hwi ^ tnt(j(M. ^ * p a . W-014 JA I liiii relianrslian i1 bero]hero] die the s B oepital) ScilKoI nf Medicine for his duty coneieted in {superintending the The Towjn Clerk ohdortook to call Anair-A|g‘| u o^ Filotr-n.. WirtiQi..' la pital. from veoa uved while {fight- "Women; tffer visiting ti rious depiirtments Sib ,—I be immh ig for thq appointm ent of officers- "ianM iti^^raribH '--ffikirir* WMare of the ornamental dUckr, etc. On iged if voU gu^^jliuaijr.—Awh Mm- h’fdDB., ' m m I at t!he-frontl i . ladies . intoreeljcvl H er .Maj iiy reached the Maude du Croa .oifo occasion a Committ^ (Ueeting was held would alloe through medium, of leaM.-Aselr ^ o i r aisad bia frieiidi I ,y.,: NftO ,F Hit, young eoldiei organic obemistry laborah i'.ry. w-hei‘fe she was inl a building in tbe Gurtleiis. "Light re­ j-pur peper, thank! the s'.. ribers to the e a 6 t S u s s e x h o s p i t a l .- tvedk'lend- Mk iioo" riteaijiri RPOktSf. lOSpltwl t l t ^ would look .after received ;bt Sir Arthur atd Ladv du Cros. vhO|' placed oon tril vnw T ur Wewirf^. m r vutM V ot n onUNu ko»<*..tiiM freshments ’* were on the -table, and my above fnPd. iiUoiis ill Hie Ing.’B ^, SeptemberCases admit let,. B; even: ox. or . ___r. •utun* s* . wiicRR. flie.. bouNnisid kept.—Asoir io Ma idly inteieet ral^en father inquired of IF inter; (perhaps rather boxes a t jth' i eftnbliehmlsnt. of| ifr. C. Lane, lumber ih Hospital, 75; number 'if o((t- Doottas, DoBMt Ui ;bm. T l-oujjg^f le of the flpwers lo M t. B. " ViMue* nMi BUll* inSudiciously) to whst account; these were of Haatii Jand St., Lej>tiaiils. My Assoeiii. latient aftendente^ 451. Th* Coiimittce wiidTai T"MAN for Wii fip mwkn 1 Bfi^ O ISL WMlod to Ink. otera. 1B8Ift^Bvfisfi| '' iKlNW ~' dSt ffom tjia and sent to bis charged. His reply waa*" Djacka' food, sir." tion app .nto exceedingli r e very greet ekhowrledge with thanksilhe follqwrog *ub- *«tt n a M UMfBl in SKIM imftmWe \ (oQi; WodBMdw. ritomoo* pffj I ttw r oolites, ni .iostf Uia I witi detailsW help w-c hat' lieceired. ! It uas that Am.T: tftoA opDortnenr men. -A il oibM dn . 1 3*. week.—AOnlr M* PttiulL There was no Gorernm<|nt; auditor in those ablbtl lueity icriptiotie and donations; .H. Stoakjes, Jt; Is.; Nrtc tell. “ |r#< • H»R«n*R*^ , —Ofb .b, BotihSFl hisj fu n ‘rbl. more uatfep' ti- 'to b e sent.; Muieou Kernahan. 5s.; Captain iK ckirds, ieterr a d hje EeM omIcal and Mu Wt INTII #imRrt Mrd '"UAh'FiiS^^CbDK. oritlqm' •toM AH vi jm. la toojh'i J pon , i .siHng The main sewerage Pf the borough had Dcnltjop; !of * monthlv sut iriptiou -(i-lll El 1*. r.tVlhchel»Ba (J-'h^clt* E3 6s. fd. Bftaok^ firm: I sad toMe- ..Will* A-1*. Mt- : afje)-,. the,* iladj' I to find ■kve. ftw )W- , tffiRRRi, tnhvRntftjr btjen carried out, but thelSewaga Clarifitmtiott ^be veiy|thfi and , JET eoim;r: C ObRRtTRC whi, am. ifeirtuslln they ♦ho Ivorks weie not in existynre, and tha Mirage :%%-L Secrot.arj: G1BL8 TIME.—A p iibHc il iBTTMtoT ok ih»m- lo V tffi< at the East End was dUgliarged into the wea 'Mea o f isUx Aseocigtioii. ting is annourjeed to be held the ptedM i|$h 'BSflSSTi jr: . and { left wi'tii the (necting #n|il two pm*, or PfiHteb Iffie M iew* w rSr> Me u d eidtecmticljl. I flrt* ntoer'to the shore than[ at; present (theout- C i r - ‘ 'irk-SvenUe. Fit jhley, N. toys!bIIC' Co T****'*-, B all , 0 1) Wednesday nejlt lat 4mrtft»*iiur itta' Sfi. iiiftA Ifhis is Ihow- w- 1 ti it o u r beroas, Oiie jhai fpll (having been- quite reoUntly ; entirely re- liree^ ,a*A#vl4knVo’clock le*in #Km theiafternoou. I'Meei in ejdvbcitela Id:. [HMilim.. I _ fell nSTvOTETT] itt» r been hmiiert tbe re jand tw o m ore prill taiwMvo oOBStructed).. i , I j 1 lie claeseti of the Gtrls’ W ar Time C ub "W M tiP d IRi ThlRMmtMll aBNasAL or M e«M: two ,U‘ ■ r . on The streets were lighted by means of what leens and] Best R oo^; The Countess Bi bRfunair. m ptvm.bfoR. ilaStf rta< a e ttk i Uine tonw^, itfamoMi MM. is 1 hi ! disguat vo*fM In w w te taej*! I* ilMtehle pise I. NMtortor, Bma- i _ii)ou c.-irt ims Would in these r nota. •Iifiifi X or IRAL would 'bwb; and if as yean gio on Ajre hifUy hee RiviUg aeirvic* at t. CTemenf* dhiim p*xt K’tssiic h the wlieiw they ditd they will have no tion at: the ride the rood which there had will ^ the ^cU* uMtretozid« fi •oea r e Pot been time dnying the day*t* clear away, on Sundaiy Rot. dear o f 6 t. Barni ha. i, jB e x - tbrialier... _.. ead etffiw f t f i- 'E T J o a o ^ .diffioultyiin flit Wui«R, ROd ‘imt IkNIX ft ~lttHiidMATr T' by Girefal in the aumnnr the Ptreete were 'watered hllF Thc oollectiqWa rill b* on tenhr: s tm* , If the>r triintriin' the ground'I know ^ nod ebRrtdfir ftoB ^ kOilOrntr- With Ma water, and often after rainfall be- b e h a lf . 1 and Clioir-Ftai d*. I Tlie % i i root Pl.1* DMdjl nuHe vrri srel pleiity o t r esfideKts Ml O liBtt. Tbrfia Btldtn , ftvSef. Ytftti ivnifi ikma exceedingly sticky-, to the Mrioui detri Tlietikiigtvitig wiV be [ continued oi) Sithday, iNAiklM AU ’m Sw T here, vvhL (rt only Ijc^ too glad toibear tbejlSth] iiist. j . set PM- WAt -ran, * «tio4 .gkg Eu: c.vpense Ilc “ ' : " Spripgfielijl "Falo-roaiJ, at, .Leonard!jeonordk. IjV' truotor, the house refuse be(n)t deposited in lantern lecture mi Rod Croa* 'Mori; dn a - hW sAX ii OiHmlmaaac- 2 ^ ' S . nrions brickyarfla in and near .tha town. Railway] Station ' n France," liiqu' Itokto., BnKBr oS. ’ j ..., B tim ii trttOKS SOOIETF. Owtituting not only eyeeoreai but more or lograph* of the work :umd igit Ourgfatieful than A a re du e for tlie follow, Hinfalodi; R |O R d . p» ar* to ll* *1 own, acdjM r. ri-M-Two pall ration stockings.jfl Ha,.- lee* Mrloue nuMnncto-, There wet* no Infec- EstabliOlMd o|r*ir 45 years. ion* Dim sM HPrtrftola. no Lift».J?* H«fer- * TJ>ndon Senttish. w ill *ii’g tel aad^nig: two • socks. 3 vests, * ■ inea Ubrary o*yio*te»m. a e jm ^ lay*. free, but eiMce ; e-»tf, MU. iU ^ e c tn o bail TBONE to r th e hUiiU >Ae ' -u- - Is.) Offi ).‘X "t4 "W ”ia' .# 3 S^aSuSSSShSS^ JU ahulaaee F ohdi. IR'li'flftl'f’i («*r. • n s lun. H o t s i a x iy MAN 4,-u u A Awflii^bi ' ' - and Wld*-!*.— Appii. M r c»i uar^.

    tr/ 'tUctCknr:^ »jk; c'lfc* "'HbDSC ^XRiLbiJ <>7 foian tlTUD*; i _ bouif^ 6u Hilijti't Pa !•?...... --nr^riFi tiim ; Vrjii _ilTAC~’»*ktid Bt* V/AltlTfiO. l|»n rA R ^ n lH f. |44i ■'U' rkm«Q »tn<». .i;n;,-:'AM4r.-A. rv.-»; «hirIlu2«hd-« I pion T«-ia»«j»£r4 • ’ ^ m- ' « n ' ' rtmKKti. rcn, »jAKTKli,"iji* PT» No1Jin£r|rAnLOUll^ S ltfT r» 'trUu; Chr *■’ ' ““ d{rt:;C' and " '>tth iis'i TX*^.u >

    w> H te o . k rv:it. A IjAfI .Ji-w.DATtla I n' .V <’;.r:AT ^ i S'.-'A •iifiicar N- fill' Thi-ijr.. . I'A.K-li K/ J-.r *I>d ijr.Vik. ■WiTcHtittij]Aii>"»v f i r iPiparii'-jparii'f .---- lAiuafr—ly- louj; rt VVD‘T- W M .fa«^e. rU., Yoribrldiff iihTfeO, >l«ji*cmt io|j& . ujtmiona,», *'p>rui. -tarTrs am ^rt4#ii; :?ir>i ^dvn raitatt.f Wlttl.T- cJs-iFfiul .f’oo'sj^mif applicapon ,tb ;Arn< W .■ 5fy4;it*ka, Now Ikijti-itai, Hi \t>7 - ’rfiii.- :*T., 41^ '* forjHa-j* ' I uA'kt ir.L'>wL..''Ha ■y/, IH'TESr FO REM A k ijf riljnu. wiilb aI l l I n e r r 'IfhV Mavop-1 Ahh r lU »!! t*! : by pftsi of uqder 2s. 6h •cknow- pnitniKl-i mnrt' !>• <-jr't**:;ApcM. lojioM TN 'i ;. HAsitM. piy-iil d. and prrs<'tu inclnd’vl: liuUy i ^h» cost nf so', doiQC is I utlej ■' inj ‘tl» . abfwa .• dji-t;,, ?'v. 'r»'f '*'•"<.••1 •ft'r Ht^rkrfyniw 1 «*ut cilh*h \V. I’orrins < rv jm iy - M n A i ' . ^ l'. l*»'.r capd^h must f *fnt to tb^ rublisluns 40 l im'; i, Ihapffs, n^Mtwpt; H do of fint >1 ■ on:.^brsdsy. '. 1 ■ W klitio ; KANDY MA-N I nUn fio&‘ '"kAANTLe tVdrto-' Idh j ''J‘A« n t’lcrk Ald^dnHtm _ W . M 'n!1fw. to' tiMve-lis^fiisnlw( am ■ Mrriv^ uMrnd t«> r**«w, t.of. 1*0 , Uab; ttfilua. K'[- t rout' emiottr hivtuto, ac*! 'ivlft V t't* . ^ ("olluisl ,1 ,P., I>rAi C». C5 rH M. f»rfK^«[!< N* frtrwafHM unWw i t<» nt M Jnr ^51 ■ eh>o(‘t>» arnli: ataMi U t«i, KtrhnW^'. HL'rfX- '"HUR8C P. *ioryj K- f ill Touft ■ b* WUlTtlFS* ■ LAI >fLY 00 MU,. ” 'M, f ivihani. tl.P.: Dr , ■■ .) t.'.A ut pfifW- "sjy. or, othhfwt’ rtsponu- Ht. Helen's ■ ^ W s k Ho t s*rAj. ,C. C« tnkea (tor Vheir .'‘r-'rr^f. rftKn. SITUATIONS VACANT-FEMALE r|i>t ^^ hurcSi, Hjt)l Trinit>r,r-7U :^ninls, St. 'kijiiftn. H. Bni h r. H. U. Uni i»*r A *«|t ■.v-jnr-thc'CiJr'tlc. . M a ry S ta r-of-tfho-Sca, itiikut ll. H . ( B.intiist •r, A. ViihlvMtd. Fovt;; 0*ce I eenU'*'^ *—L«t«ri or par| ib ■ d-lrr»?M Ul>Ob',(nSNEnALt «;aa'|iii' tail ii*i^;1 't. MatHjf'w' *■ -- ftrtitiovc oam«», or to a ^IhriilUin nartfc oi*ta V/iiat.lo- b-Aiuo.—-Vppiy 'HuBSkfiVta \ (lhc?rlin-<* ” • «i S»oi •> . 'I. « '*Uvw|-l ’rhuh*rd., bl. I,*eotia:i uiiftl r'-i^uirc’: Iw < «raraniar o na-'j,»ud, ^ )ln cxlvteno©. HjTiamr. ja»-e not to bo tjik'rfi jat F'-nte 1 :us, vie ., iil&ck i U>. iu | euucy, iiti-l' o IL al* » at Ioaco scat to tb« fti turned tetter “A U S E F U L ' Wifil.inc' i lie g G i r l -ihVoiiOi s*ar:oi;>. Apply ih rn * w c r c m nunrou:;s,GnarAA )ts Hud lnr»:p \ t*i' to h iifji ns that- Mayer lirir ov. K. <’. i ‘J in? «iJ'Avr v>Ui <* ni+re rosi- i-alh'tl t«» ttA its'l*. I iQOOO.'CSNCRAL; jiiU'd .(i4t-Vii^| tiro i l f.iiflj;yT . UvciA.'^nt; g w l t in Ucsliilh. b^f-j |{evpd». \V. Tbtiohhaui, in rig hx’a l \Va irv. arid ; IkmpIoTinfnt Hdwr-T*. •kj s^?- ion.’i.'--, AS® cbj»fced-<‘kub!c. thi.'ratr* :c* f(ir pfi'Sle U h ' ftv;.'-lLu;tnA>. } f - only advertisoi eat: . .R v u t * ~ ty F E )lIb » ; i;c;.e:4 fxia;! ‘•np«iil'-*:-ll'lp; 4vm?Cillibi« Ai'Ph 1! ■^ftt in .earb i^rvwemcn it. iNaci.K _. . ;• •_.. ;.•" • . rcu?t a cie.i'-j ti-ora tr« adweiu? thftf tht AS rp^oy r pf'Tiod <»r jn rn o vs” np the 'o^|utf:v]^ a/^d^tfiven \% that p i ft Rejlstry ►r tiiplo>'»ent 7"ciiokiileNEn'AL v[rtt*d 1 I n .• , til '»V. « lofkipb tp t|bo i*m m cr OHUjA. *' a ft/' Xiw ; Eougsf'ti’iHMaindRid ftirpt; r^l i i u l r f!<*mon.''r.-jiion; o f fr'jiLnjjn TcJ. Anrijr - 15.. r»mj|'jiii*o|rU.. > U n n - r [fAr ^^nd nc Ijo n n e t K lv Ho .’’.oxvi 10 d \iid p(»rvw Vf.:/ \ or>i/lilVor(*iil in Frniu*'- ^ b Jis b ^ 0«c«-l 14. CLAREMONT, 4 L L OLASiCSTf.tl t „ c V « u u ..-<1 on U c.lii.v.p rrctif*n of th f I M r. Va.l:i i . H >vh< Td- sho hud ! j^ h t m Av IH ihlhU ll'a or \l»o M ir k H u ll tor “. A /ibpRENIICE rp o E N l » rM t.'i lf*Mi M-H'.' atid ffn > I*’ 8 rukfc* h*' W a r t a \ thing vtvv o.'-si*nt h»Vt U'.JLMit'- A'>f Mir t . 'r-u^Ll— tlvlN ./ _ ■ w ith A n lof^it.it»vN?ip;ilv of in n. jind /i» unnH "“HpFnEtnicE. i>j-2misc Ywiur icitfficvr-TCr"ni i]r' Wepa. lito ' in*lrcl*». qujkt^j Fiupply of m oiK'y H i t hu lyship ijfittn-ur v i i Cl4**iO'**i. ;A; l:. u-f. a i \> m v HrK'i Acre determined, 'rhe TIliP i?OTnl ( V»ncopt t. T h ere of iniunco Hi'd 1ht‘ oMorni'-i -• n kVkijv.*, p-.M'k', lUstbif *|^SYKN |IC C vjiuievl; Oft ptiMlM'.kftl T*C4Ul«X lAriUH liTfRffSjAfiif wanlcdTltipwiit p a rt of tHi^ ii^ii’ildiiiK Mas' the ^ht^f ^%4roiHo p iftu ro djatiiR link.s no ditiirk at;d/|Uot. TV ere Mur, lieiFsd in tV'eir veney: thf* «• runinihh lUTCHEf 8 ■'■I!; liAtl .s-n.-ilod • Obob aM^ShL l__ REOI9 icy car-, '[■'.♦viriH, 8?. • 1 Ui'HttUV. U'.- ''ffttV-- -jHi ^ \ Olio nol ah lc ext eptioin Mere hr Id at jNo- ■>, ver, a lai-j we tli|h;of. th«' chjiutrv ua to\ji laigr miftida. ,,,Rot»«*P«rK>'iuatndft. Kank-b'jiidins-< ‘rin* ex« rptir»nj v a*, fh riaffcs*. " iii'e-jt-^d ill s.uvh t>»rm H»al i< «^yuki lOY 'vj"t.r irpr«.ljiip of TnilDWHyk nr ‘n* tra m w a y ?. e«|pts |ly on -••s o(. A*ar. Ii£iu'r. — . H-ysctsif; Il *^lns» »M Ft. Xeosaj h** f.»r Vlu’ purp 1 ■ 'roy“ %4*M V. Inch h.611' la^eii a com petii ion aP F ro n t ljinp-.'|h ;p lx*o©. H isonri-n of liitter eUfjiie*iHy and e x ire ly p ‘‘.id^d ■ «Mibtr7;- Aumtta«* ▼mdUaeatvi. rRlsVlrMilK^ t»K \V\17 I. N O . 1 Aw*'r. 4 ^ 0'.dp»w:i Haflgtry Mas di? plajed « rccehl yeiiTh for tn nil her- iontrovep?v: on kr* ral O.ifru4io!v>j h jt whu( **sN .nohiy, »ndj'*n id it AVH ««-toni'*hiu;7 , '1 ib. Abkno * rUe loUodiin^.: SofcHEiiS.' '■*1 n itri.’r'i;-t.AI 11 a| tarrvl aoao«hn be viuted loTi* cMurSdri-otl r 'von llio tllle W'tmep‘.t f rti?:!iiPd WOUl-isSfltt V Ntllb HOT’.LS/ ■ d-'t I h‘ txinvincnH ^hut i^f t.tioy f'T.uhl by any h lit Ho* m illin • AAoV.hJ bo frji dip- ‘ c^r<^3, Ift-ii; 'tti . '■.at: ff&Gsl 'xofarl V. nuTvirei pr-»dju*-Hon f«f Mivlhing m ore , llv cl. J f ; ~ ’ . . :iuar- e.f Km-- ijcl* ■*t«M' cl vfxy nir»- sjivortft. t£»[{ai'.U4'c bt-y. ro a d ’. ro o ^ «r r t .iin lr not Dior* lliiin la v/>Nld hdvi* fQ ho Ii.wcottHn(M**d on fiUHnriH) ! >VliHn tljc W a t H- e.ve*- H**‘.v AVOuVtl liij eWsiford,. Kfi \i ^WEC'NMAVb fur 1 iib lii a- iiH o S K X A ) \ A \ \ n < > < t lA ! '} ' vri; ;(A> LiirUt refrcshuiienw v e r e :r«jUiid>. and U / fio nrtr^ne hjld enough ; fH'e a great iKirnie u 1!-: il'A'O ’t*f|e.L ,t:; . • tfti .m:t^-|f»r *>jwrilionh XIL —1 tuid iiiirlnei-' U. u."*. ^ ' r < ’ — ■*---- **• ev<»rv inem her Kr.v to way th a t t u o u ld■ ■■!! ilie atj ai:nf,[. , j ' ' --o7- lrcnH*u Ai^AUkt. TuiTVtH LA5 m il » I hr triwn ? AVo *c rrehf hres of! li* hi), and [ tlipnf out of the w o rM <» t onim ori A'. ...V. Id-'t'-v . >l>^y aiid: " rt.*b i»x Lasj.* : . . iphcd’-wai; U, l&> - I I., JiftellC'aes,. ; , -i ■ • .-«o7;,' avir hcrotrif* so hc ihlonicd to jniapincr on to i aMsTth^ir opjK»itinnty > .pisl-n'hlT'h ___I " y v ftNifestNeni,. [ Piun)dif4»3{[I.. JUNIOR r K fkf IT 'Wifle 'Wij^ tram and l>*’in, nvo.'fd to otir do* tiiiation frtdjk'. ' ‘ am i• Hv» fru e i in• ing from h'.iVinc .i»If ,i^ObK*QENBRAL wailt|r4 uuxuifilptrlf. mt M« ; Ofttef r.itje 16 Paiitismihufftl. -i! lied intojtno ivard?. .milo <»r more a f o r . Id. w i i h dit>n«trh ,-ei j^>orls f' r <*xpo,rt tin!i f't.hcr pfcrtvmur \< T f;j^-vx>.c4i^ .—ato iihy- cd of tils Aldermen iin.d fgeuernlly bpt^ingi comfortj th it I. (or tries,’ Whatevo m-ney h^'y r j u ? i N on e o f if he dfol lintels \ ae in exif- 01 gnnifation for t|u‘ \vo: I. Mn-l fir'fbof r H ftkSPKC A » L ^ i f fVg:.T"D.- •* bcine; man kfpti—.Vuitiop HW»L’^«bi TcWo. pro- fence: Ali>unTi ‘olaco. .\lexan|dr4 Evere- Cuirrat <‘omm I i iv . *»r ladVftliip ’ fb :>■ -A|.fl - ‘'0S4rr«?r *' < .'llii»tins»v. i*v |rAN' Lan> ,rct-toraiu!*'iwl' t»*| -— r r : ''nnt*r[ i<> A 'iur>nMi p4;:ott£ .n»d :nL4't'?a;?'ik. the l.ri>fjral>i w h »*h H'aj« rig- Teli. Edihjbnrgp. tVie olh c %nd. the p o '|ortuniti'''R off*in'*nu t ■ v[ - |A>-’ KrTAiwl toHr.«injK iS’o'omlbor ,I ti3 -i"Ar.pl> Kiri; Urev. I COOK '*c4 noi.-'si.iLMb .• tv a ." .X on-ervatjvo Mayc~ ( ' t l i e l a l o •tuiiacer celcbrijile|!| limwies 'have Ior‘*. 5*h}[' hoDOfl try t^k^: pHTt Lvul^Tf'. fto Alairvu, ^i?iiu- .» <51V» I lU !k A,». . Thori*cj| uivi tiiree'Cojnsefvu tr... f f>-.\anj .. ^thcijoiij^ ^ fumonA cOnepin houses, forthconi!i>; Aain pit iLiptiri'^t .rxtrn; Hitdl, L*^k, StafD. I i 0n >-eptemNfe i i i h . H> al takin;: plar'e T.'i !iaH(,’ iv’nn ie c e n f I roll! : S 'r g l. t ( r e ::-tgd~LAns tivp Aldoime^i vjicrc in ilBTK I t y first' •' in fh'*,.'- i*«. x p r w 'k ; Dffciiwt} - 'WdU€r. f. COO'K'CCNE nA C rS v n S l; 'll liil'-il.aw flo n d a Ml H** y a- a U ii’isi iH.S'.i'i ( ‘ H i ,, \V. mi *x.., Ddtf luiMij; TI_**VA ,XIS. MI)|. i t)! the mf p>ors th ru ‘io n ifu lining g tliA M nyor’' D in n er. ^ «ritic)',v.|hcre. he Eftiprcis* r\ tr. 4*.iV i>n H — p art o f ■ - - I.' i t M r. W a t S m 'M i, of iiiX.d leave- ;i had T. Ili'a d l.auce-i or}Tor ils HiinHu-n.-J.i M ik.______• . ; I . I ■ ' • 'h'’ CCMJIKil, OJi|\ liow liviiv M r. i:. INigonie,- AHth JI m e Im perial, f44«run>«‘nt. b h tin re hed iM’rn orr4»tl« TT/TiUoft } [I' Aiu 'T ’Hjivnnx ’ ndow,; *n ho at.- I rior^-lowd, H a — S i i Pt *v«> :Vpd ’VV.x»UTii- : ■I- n . |■■s|h -,i. 11.1 r-ittl: rc4 » • sivwl T i'lcic^ i»> rCOllk^ Si-Vt Hradi jim, J. i-wiso lu. t h' Ung [roll of ufler thi'ii pi^h.t; from Pi in I^TOi li^H'mlttig toil nitjfh thoir lurn. it A-j ■ .U rtfr M ill! I Finr^ b.‘. in. the H*.rvici* l.tr.rlorly 1?. .^uttgl■nl : D riv t r I . 1 us-».it.--U, ft’rrwl:—-.Xf 1. V.> r«!.. ■ ,To * a* u; I -vt., rnaf' xub.o MUuiit;ou; Ma.M^js. iKKjiiii ing iw ir»$^ h u ? th * pr^M id.di^ P ie r .tbn the n itf wli’ii-h tjih TTcmniiiitig purl b ?tiv r than, ^lK r.d.ing too litHo, a** A\*Cis - .5 I no ycaiTi. >) %l nnMith, iilhd lad'bceu ill the I'riM itci M!a*'V tr )«> ; Sin*' I'.tt.U '.:. iiti-l Hopper (IM X r IratOx i.e. JD..' iTiUa, jfl.. rachnilgic W.'li*, r ! ’ iT* ' r for thc;lWruR!i ^'oro-Mr. T. ycur* proprietors nft Hit* work and goOi|l OMlTn Q r v M ( c ii e.’. II h-" u-t fr-jio l.eiiu’^ l’' lvu-.tLStn'o.u->n T'hel 5Fomi>p| WANTC ..VP'VT 'fW'JpWf.f BuTn«t<^. CAPARLL GENERAL «.tuI*sI f6r;ciw**jT Bi*ft;r »y oim bpfiJ l>ijr I'. J. Kn.f ^huttl^worlb uion" 'I’hciv Wcr>: few hourrling-ho und iroughout tfi* S,r)Uth (.XpRbitlsr , -kiy**;n p.«uMJut. i/vt. It i» frilU >-;;i •.llihal \ e h:ivo U» tH'novn*-e t,f (!ip K-^i s Ifefriuient ‘1< liiotU nil ' fhe II. . H 'Airigp..___ _ Fo o i{f If) 'vlu»*i.o a h n u iil udt re.'-sb-*' th e ir no flut'. 'rher0 vv J no Hwjuniiuif h#th. hut M ji.M . W . M clnto^h who ^xjdniuod t ItftM —r>.J., 7. >:Uvi;rll li" .im ith IliflctiiiaM Id r 'd KoraJ Suy>ex):ii?l;ui4 if Hu* sox t- lb , r'vVXN t ijj M AN"’'i6 f--r h tHuents u|nat>; eajrHy"‘ltsa 1 Her V^ath? were OAtuinnhl is.iwork "US I'giinU.'xi op for the f P-^v M iJw a r ronr!. Mej*ol’Jtn;>. and »>prot J i i Iciji ,']h>i tnlim i ■: had l^en forpetten I'cddKlMousEKCCpkn . vorld famed ■•** tjuhhoum.'V Mhiyh Hus :»t th»' I ’c lh a ’ii i His *;rvlijcre t|ie P a ia ce ftn r k r ijt , S u i r^^T . A lid f^U' vx, f*»11owf th(> la,B. a SAI.n.. .BexhiH-m- hv the. Ha>rju^ . u'o g,rr snp* at Hirkohhond. and n hU h.Earl Mra.->c.'’ I’'ftu’D r4« enHvj nn*J t he rfovfl I urc intF’irst.in » partivuhir'- #.f what Ihud i' w A w ri8 3. V. J6 xitiT-, Trne'iMCtffhj’;. lo.tiHi' I f * , from tilfiitVi pn iin o n ia, ;aV •E.iw'al ltio>od lo know o& tho h I k i ' l» U fs i.f m *n !l«o - :i-4 Dr. Kurn* hn« fHontly goncjou*l>i jirefontC'lf enti 1 to(o tthe In S t.’ lacbn (cjppj^itc I ho -Viftotia I SHuy Ho a “ knowlr* jlS. ,l*in> r» Biik'I.tGU. i PiiVdi, llhdiii: Anjrul^tJ 2otu. •Irafte'!. f rtuii he 'Uo> h 1 S i;‘ OS. into otitoy .LitfJ )uv"' UjeillHV, __ j ui't . J ’ - ,| lr.it h wi«:^ ' 'or y^'oplw »b/> 1 '' COOK.QSNERAL, ■I..-r.i:. Jn .'f 1 \ !■ ..iv - d, ' ny , ,hlsi w'idow flora Aura K rg iinen uAth<»ut inHmVi oil to that iiov-priinraht opjoy. .. *;». fievK iM.iMiiiu.. 11 iiu*^ rtatas sr- If 1* llie rlopp'at lojirl ihal, I oS.-T-f .frbui I'rjo m'^h l|jfm .‘ OK lie d'.-' not It'* .- .'ittfiT ! «{. .Utk-i. f '.rr M«-|ii}l(ej-s foi* Laj Sii.s<..x fih e co tiniv )»ansr<^‘ ntVor ly.l by « .sit, to a rpai-l ts. irr’tp * F*xlr.\’» ag.iiM' WANTfC^'All’bRrKrrtTr r ffi) U- fF*)’ bAXHrER.-y .m,/ IIAIIV ftp S(;a»ipi U o iip ita l I' miH'i i I Pindi, on sta*e, that Shftsrx men, "\i jue li-fl-ivslfernsj jf'v o|t j* ImiH* cf* ■ 'sfa.1.1 (tOklll tirouu'f.vl «nd Mj-.j .Moiitag‘11 ndiciout'ly spend ino aXpcowiK’* ;if aJijJ. ,f.o.ll «*;. 1 atn afrijrt if it a Irani Mow lrc»ui MPT of the H a H a lh »ll^ of the iV'.to*!’ a\ ' k i - ' r ->f V . '.A■ni lni4)rt)M»t>‘*iai Tva C'?. r*n-i ... loite LVlflrrm iiii !♦..■( I J . i .iiiin'en e**-- C0RRIs:>P0NDENC n t’ftr. li<*i»r;) donrv in r ; 14 HiT 1 4 to Nr fnr yotl>.ine 1 trilly ayninatlii.r. I oUviivt Su,:M‘X Be^pnaeiit, V ho ‘ bcrviikg in WA'^tED; 0 I7 l Or*, iU'UKm. y,|-. iniiil ii^ re'lii* tot-low ;--RcL-i.r- kou Vl. l>r mo!u y s;h m d ojuhnug i^jlci: it o th e r' iiniTft imifl inforni me of I 'theifi "C uI i K.GENERAL a lound. 'Hiin n RfHMl fo lljv ill >vt'fy ivay., al- Vt. pri\r''r.' 1 1 < .d'.. \vhou ; tho > « ■ J :■ ' ■ -iow.r,.- ^ CrAi^ckl-iU.. INxIiU •nd nicoft l••^n or tBr* 4'oTnpafiy, and I S uW k in eVonpeny t r 4k> tU« caee i p of t he Bi||h Vforshipftil . tho] Peul'C. Gi-o S ,—I ht l>ehul vmiUl Ih' f-iunil vnluabl I wM.-st wiion Hu> COOK QCNERAl^V m ahonild-f Ii|ln! his infiuclicp w is alaa'w fordlic mu; tk*> nn r th e ir h<^mc H|ddros*esv| wiieu tiic Mii.vpi* and ^ l-’lu;! Day,* Conuailtce 1 Miailo'wM 0 -liicr, F.l T lc e h u ^ : C le rk (o Ilfsing iHi'Anr Avould I u ?n lL»in L'mV (odd. If^d lTpyo awi i,1 frdniFrdni .\i;.\i;) u for bouiy th e y Vr’ill Rift*. frpiJi r»|nd in ht’g' to aekn oW lc f| w-ilh lliahlhanks the receipt rtONS VACAIIi: T«yUf: euarly fil'uipt 1 Ibif ilualbwf, (-’. A. i«*!iBhai|i:: wrougli Siir- d( urcM thai as-viriat Hb >.hould h r 'fo r mnnthp. W«)l I had hentd fhal ho had hccii prAportiioD trjj he nnmhcr nu 1. If this trt of the toUuuihg ^ iilifA-riplions- -...... , ___ n aid of the waAitsi ftinl.” iLpp'f I ILexljlJj. TP o|r, ’FFui.T ^flilrew-*:!;! B<>roui;ll.Ik iro u s ll Trfii*urf>r, '‘r['w'liprF'—in ''••Hwl , f.htoric.'v c! to ho*pi(;>I. I ahi afraiid the oltpiate inu-f ndt dmir, it| ^ impos ■ihle lor U.** to uork of the Bi itidi Kp4■ C^oas>“ ■ ijs a!1 nd the Ordcr ’ dOdK OENTliAlT xUliei ' l-r UJ. Item iepill.Afji'f!j;t al Offivfjr nf Tlpalth, ; »ps, and in* Hint ions. Wl'lH’Ji «U'J iMMitikoitb}:: have, .millerl him do-iri ureatly. I ain oyr know ab o ut i lir m . and ronlsi«^iiently they Ill St. .loha ; AB8I8TAN jior G.'C'Og’jy^ir Wiiotlot- 4 ...... -l oe A ^^dPD ■} rtup^r^iitendcnt ot Police. 11 i^nlv loA[r. thisw n . . • • • \ I*, r '. > II. rulTirf,g)-id* (Azuiiri la IhiMO t a i n C ’ Co npany will ]exr*f th eir loan, and nil! romkin a ifh<»u* amokph fre-m n«. TI m* A.\motiiU m oii^t preiy i.ri ioii|,ly acknbw-ledgef;-w-le £270 O.-. [| rhrt nirtrojnlf'n^ OtkbiiKtd. Smlcus “ M. .G lc U iiiW Dvhol v.as ul?4» fW foiH kfr. Midntvis .-said H oil'" •R*' r r fi^ rsT ' for ili^ will deeply ayjnpathhn with you in you» m«o in i'T|l " flOoVekUanAL F'ire* ir d Biti I* Ini-'pcvtc.r o f 'n tnkov up in Hcn.‘ RobArtijUU •$,. rreat aOrroW'.—Boiiev« lode, youn* truly, A .forwardi^I lo him from the E.xfM>rt jHcpart- Sold iers' \ ith. , ■0':t'b*;|j rvifilUbtAltirfl ’I) >V|n C. IiifkipR; SufvHnfondcjijt of Borough of .copiel. of ihli-B' and! Soldierk' Preyer, avly o »ta frkinMft* ft. T3rW(te. C • ip 'd'o ■ . " m ent, niKl <>ird‘*r fo** I.OiHr i[«c=h. to r ’VH.tvr pci- .Ml.-J R. ,M lion!), C t'lii^fery, EHitin Fielfi rfuthn eff tho pfercnt - 2nd donitioiw. 44Jit 11s, 3d.: |wi *ji pundin . a»;d. 1 U ’yrIli’Aii. TTo\r. . 1 infTf ?f|8 wlTaiVl **«otk7~H*'3' rcHvM. M<«. t-'r). l-MriURiti^ Hi A^ I K Dhm;B oar rh and leliil to ikile, ' I<. Id. riuteij.*.!grc5 :inej. T lilN T ii .T. t). SMAT.I,. ,rr. FiiHer.- O.jDOO to .1 BV tal >D of thd Kovijil .1 G . IM I "I.'K■•.RWOF'r ■qX'r p II-- s , iwt \ti\ Enffin^re. IAN aiii ML-'y'i-crlf i.rrK ! J- 'Treasurer. I'T.-ig D av*! : ♦ Wr f'*rmM<»bn O f .1 r - n f ia l <~viiira>t'cc( 'o r U-. tar T ______■ •inctoin !Fifl Ni, T/indoR fleffiment. of Mr.; B^i.xef* o f T I MiK'kCS to ; • ‘ S.M.s Betts, Sy|r|iy; tkeroi"::/ no Public .Analt*j. , ■r . 1- .!(;■„ nm ittee. R i.tfnigj' and tjit. - I,coo»-,rds. H e o ra trd 'ip-.n in. ift ijo.tutmiiie: -•* r ■ ■ Klfords, BaWsloW.j RIS.M. Harry Davju. Corpor* I tjilca. Lunre- '«»rtiethihg in the !iat»ire W u ccin^i- atwri-Afra. Ptnall. 33, Vv;ellington !-quare. R asliug. H fk -conoir .'7 "ind of, len-lliPf ' he '!;m urvit » Mnfjiisibso: a'tu n?x. »t tJie Oorporal t’aTr^. Ginmcr Srj^tford, l|^»tmin den :c; t ma|7!u}ention .that during mi' official DflAPEflV. -Yoaiia krairv _ ri r^ernm nut » il the u3-jney'.they-.t-OxiId. p*s- :J parti'. olAs^. 'f.X, * Obaftfver OJBce. — f'ppVpJL IL N*o> it C am p . 'Winif^eN^fr,i Stdkfr* F. f», aiu J. ribliM', vo i icoiion i?iish the hproiigh I wa> •jjsocis'ited T ;, .. : ewu 1 V O ll Akit'i three l“’lerk> bt the |*eaet% three SV Ui'.KSiTED GKNERAI; UOLll'AY yiVih spjiro ■’.V V ^ m! TiCa K io ~bAjLY “RA’iO’ rrotrnfd. ic* . ,, , _ .t e r 2ath. a a« 'buried, n itb tjiU T>rivere Rodiiiisoo,. detfery. nil Grit tend.^'. itcl-cH *ri-on>l.ed, and .ts C iT nUfi^O, S., 45ft. G^'irc'wrt.e iltfttliwl-. 1‘iivH icn .1. . ^__ ' ■ .‘ . - ^ u . Cl- u r.fhra’^d ■ on XVnd u«jid!»j-L I'u n iiH l, t lla iif 'r , r. Ga> PiooM :- J., 1;. Hpi^lthw «nd three hc^ds of Pt»liie, iiul'waa , Sitt.--jJ!ny -I c:el;l allehlidn ft f h ? fie 'l'l Irat. in *»f 1>lucation rhop aist.ctarit* rtii^ town ha'C had ii'> h id hI w j*y« ha^ ru le Bga-iust cq llb clio IS SHkiut^k o*rr''im|rii'' f '•ffwJ—lAppV t.V J R . - A ■ i open, ID i'aine. and A /nottibr. Godd.ird. coiiji'erned io the prbmution‘ tbruo local rh a iw ifa , a r y r y I ©rn ^ilteipjiinp*^ tFi' ofliciaJ holiday slihce Euster. tln>ir' *».ThI‘•Monodj [iind nir?! of jh<| ^ u*d - l>e spilit up ,inte riA.STl.\'G.« A Nl) ST. LEO.\AR.I)!i W A R \ R . In s k ib 'h fa th e r) C:lcrk. 1 ulihough we ‘|w-e I nql matcrniny bonetitliiig t lip boroXlgh fiRV.-D••vijlfiV A T T io£c-.tTi'p--iaia- |)« litioi Beirimant. .in4...... the Heui|ii>»intal-...... BnnH , , h a v e !n o w ;iVf tho follow i ng'sunib for our ■*l ‘ ;o**ononiy pcd^lo w pr© not doin' ■S^'i uaut attd cAnTaArie«: luiid,-' B|id Hollingljoii. and ha»e wopk; w-ell an d 1- ’ y through cut. •pplr C‘'-)pttf*4 6;orw». T no) T*t. fwi«*x. eS* the“’ie llfffieen.ffffieen; IVuffniUi Ofpeen-. noiK-omiriiij- oM--- I ■ . trying kijimmers oti record. K a t tliryj shn iild do. Re thonght jhci . Hoitse-to.lioiisoI collectioils: SL ' Helen ho . population -was lapproximatclr one of' tho-nio*i '“Ti li sir*8nTiiirre«iSovT)( ^i»*|don*|d dlR'. dIR'-'"■ rt. and Tpiai of the Regiment. ^ •voT AVnrd. 7*. id .; St, V ary Mug liileu Wwrti, j;i2 j600; the rateable valiio. £1SI,|W0; the debt] From Bastep to OhriMmna. - is. _a long time r p"t> fh* ■*(>rlb, ('«tll*le T*;*;!*, Uspli I b n ana' ' .Mli’.aad- Sr.rt. A. S n i l l and fa ro ilv deeiriB and L thinkj it would be n jreBt deal more econol "H n rdKg»rn-ij=3Viiiua. s« to rt ipraii.;yt': fheir giiKjept thanV.a for the kind JOs.; Lower !>f. MaV.v'p \Vi 111. £7 I Is. Td.; (ijii.proTimaUly). .tllil.nOfi: the total rotes without a bhesl. t iCre was a > wi lundi <1 M il1^,le r| is ] the Majyor] nklaineU the Iipin tbi n WHS upi>aitent! *t* un t wSso*- autt,»uuiFs£--)V.' . T; S liov.n ha' heni in tlieir great i t'i*Pfr SI. Mailv’it IVurd. JEB its.: Mies Joacri,, (af proximatelyi 3*. 8d. in Ihc JSj, exclusive of graceful act! ii- o 1! amongst arm 'at.liy princiiMil Hrad^smrii and af resident'* to w.eU'onie v UaaieoyI M-rQ.. S*. L*-4oeftr<)ft. ^ I r-fl 2e- M .: Hri.. H. l.-illiHt 'Smith, ■ J21: SI. ^ to r Ifid.l; the deatth rate |a^prqfimatcly]| opin tons of I th !*!s the d u ly 'IW rTutr.' ^ o c la im i djene a l h o lid ay etUt icjTi; cW«w?.--- . -w- r --• b h itih: m t k laM Sir! IP. A. S. Hil)., 12. Ptfnbo(ierplane Leonand.;.,Wii[nI. £2:1 P». 3d[i -ditl4. JET Ri.; iibin the bhrough. Thcte suburhn weye not G f SB* 'OdortdV^Prt hi, A)q9y.■ . .ca ll f!t.tl.f -1 f-r -.J-Ji.-- .-..IT...... worked. l a l l l w ^ died iinHl lli?97. . i ! xomple- "s re A'AllTfiT~aM4 ...... 4|1 I }o i« l a libralric^ I'he ponulatibn. ^ according to the .last M, NAGER. The retolul Ion h a i n^ been put ai d. lor m:Uu(7 4^rti( -• hAp * xiUr • —Rock.Tbo ■ [LDIEBS. coukse . , :n«us asil) wias iS .'sno. The re*ent rate)* ).. 62' Oro*Tei»OT*rf 4508.900!; ^ u n c i l l o r lem ent Hill was dcetel 1 on. inmnrTTOTCinssi ___jdr Ktnxho 1T« ___ . ejufh glle value is 4412,0p0. the d PEDESTRIAN!!! AND . D.VRK n 'i g h /t s financial year lecretary. on the motion of Coune llo • ^ liO- ml9 'Oft; eOCk-SA cuMihIftr i«et: « on 8 «tt^ tiDifS' B p i jiuah. Engl: ■a’ ataff. W ard. "•^e total rates for thje present S i r !—N ow- Uii|t the dark ligh s ar^ upon I sd warn-—8.< OtUfticll Stelr. W , Mary Magda I *n W ard . __ _ 7d.; bower St. e (epprorim altelyl Ss., excliijsive o f -watejr ,us may I Diaki ja suggbstiob foi what it is ihBfon. poopd'd by •''ouneillor « ms inJ [. ^ _ . el3» incart H i' ltdd i t p v hM i 'R F O R M T. JOHjN NUE#i:j M a ry AVurd. t l IS*. .Sd,: M i , Jowers, 41 Id, ilnbw reduce^ from Isi Id- to Is The averagb 1 w o rth ? I t is. t ijat som e Wrhiee a i tid e frboulH jThe whole of those pre.*ent w ere.ap ioi .. lEMgkfcn.-tVas it*37"*in*5 IDoiaj^ bhotsA^ktr ’ Soriaty I w ith p-iwer fiy e wv it.; ioldidra. Itia Ma « « tr th e ,KJb r has been araeioukllT J P . S U 5 G . dia.th ratn is almut 14 per Lthei. be atUched] to the left! side of the breaKt, 'Genera!! Cnbipilttee the WovklictW“. * 9 ^ * ti in .’rhe govenuqjent pf St. Leonards, w ______'I'he following were ppointed as a pr iVi; ion- (G^Mj It «:mtd'>or’:i3Q«-. t:h« patsyna .__ t> Biirnifir' hi* y« appfo-raappfo-ral of the 1 ' lo u . Tiffeaaurar. cither a while landkeri'hiet] 01; lk>w,.,rf> th a t “ * ' V tCK:^.______-i--" 1: ExecntiTc Ccnami*|tee; Mr*.-Liw-ii, dr*. « « . r r a int■ o f M ink Id ■■ j Tlieltla Bowrtir, ' 1 (1.* u n til IfiJS uliidjer separate CommieMoner*. 1 persons paskini oo.ch: pthen in ill* dark. IIT...... TMAko.fVlHS'T. - -.Jft'itr ;F«l icliinr>. .Udei-iTiMi .M itc h e ll, M r I etO. aju) thiVfequencco. Kfttftift Ofllt-ftift*- rtom Martin's■ k -Works'^beforo ' t e ' referred to', the trail.] ltcki« Po|wirPi l>a ujarked in the urgently required. , . 'fh« Corpora^ on nto to put h w hite Dir. G ra y , 1 LO W ;^ ix N r L^fft'C50>2 iickshoie. ^hqrnde^.iqrndefi, and Clir^ Vale Rcsejr; band! of p;iipt >H<»n C o u n c illo r , I ra,T, 0 lunf, , am at <1 « Ambnln-. RiriBade Ifor u e a rlr pf- „ ' .IFENF. 'KIRK'.BllLLOCK. B on 11 it I ariip-Jioat and 1 von* jOn the in q r*«k!r. wftM «ad p«rmi^! Jra. [on? e iir Min a; Btii^ ye lw soon g W er the w a r 6 . HoltiiCMal<^'gfirri^n9.t. IjlaHtiDgs, r.iirs, aijd consulins^^ed, to a i i ^ e extent, of ■t.ufe to th in k th n t my,-*, slhpaH-y vote Of Miaiik« was accord- -d ■ Bidt' Ait Hunters lAdL, a) lotliatlyiitoira,dti« went aelai D'lnio in piio of «be pig mrface wjiter 1 /ronnrdsI uatl a v ie p a ra fe ^lUnllv. valuab ili jit-lilulfvtfN l,, n‘pcm, and tr ill NSott B o w e r ind, Mr,! Mclii.lo'i.losh fol- t leii ad- B u rc H B R i^ Ma|e«!h , >UaU ill Eagi|nd. Sbp then wwnij to iijippj.v from West Ifill tanks! and works ^t ^ivjn» ni| ay|u nasiy jarj to the M a y o r fm- fo r pre-fipre-fid ng. I' b kftft bud; xsprt^ -ft touacL-^Att 1I7 ill 'hart:■itoiw III E n il V t l le mooP* 8 d-tesscB. iiPfl -*t... Hkutiafir ^ ” • MORE MEN NEEDED. allihstonT] Thc.CAI, IRIBINAL thcr), and wers acquired by tho CorpOrh- TOW N f o i .V'CUi. TAXL) A M T g o rjSSier i\ AlTllB..' . M •fa. Saatk mmnded IpiriI pii.sswl Ihroujtli tpid TOO L E M l ;x ,T' tion in. 1975.- J 'J 48i Nelson-n ACtriOIS'. ’a4. ' 4iT Pl5f Urtinf»ui2b ■ UrtrtJ ?t Kii*: Bm *.' Lib|ri-arid nfidjall>%A ' mtt -wei^VAktA [ftl#g d.,t whilst buna reds of Public iOjartfchis jwere reprraented' by St At ycsterdiy’* uieetiiig of tile Towr _ Co liiljil > n IiT a o , rtislas' MAN of i|lr. I DiatfT. % ■ 'wlene dohei ., 'i. Luring the past fortnight we H .Andrew's: Gardens |(the eaatwn part of IU« B b 1 .1 " iv l. asn*. Qassn', re reoeived B M I ’T Y ' sHui|>;] jviN noivs. in Comraittea Councillor (.tlcment ;H 1 | i i It|o- V k*TXD.- awi'Tlei’* n'll ! mei ] “ of the £eh ouly whepi* In-, liev.ume very ill tp p t several nrionwmoiis letters and H«leard*}ae- A lexandrh Park loithe end of thh uppcrniost t|liBl Ht) a nd) and G( Genlsing ' 'I Gardens, r'fhe remainder S i*,—As yoi were jkiiud! eno igh to inaerf. duced the question, kud explaim ' ‘ ■itStpti.rTArr r F, sejr ret uroid homo pnd ha* sinoe eiising Ih f ifostings Local Trlbunal of being mv- • lefteit Mlling I -a*tjentlin lo the meeting- of | the Mxmuilivo C'oniifiil|l*lan that. 4 dangprpi « operatio n, fm m -Hliiich too lenient )n it* decision *, and of showing tho pyeaeht Alexandra Park consisted of fact that maij (• em pty; shop rih. Kiwr^-f^s W AINEDi ' ' i . ■ dirty bills! t < oved. 6 r I. dreary l-aste. " ! cipal .Association should be restricts to i ai ■‘‘‘■^AHTBO. m a n . la*Ui ',e re w ire d th e f^I owing lettek on Tue*- BORODfJH AIEMBER RECElfVES THE Inspector Mim, W inter, who lived in a' oCt- 4. f LINDIUDOE. hers of thejCorpotarion and ofScials.^' ^ • V lb •bop 4i^ CEEN.—On Monday Ter Mfijesty the tage near |the entrance to the St. .Andrew's Towr! Hall.! Borough Accountants W •ad Co . 75. iR,T~llon»e' fetrl peek* -Ago a voung !ueen opennl the extens ion of Jtbe' London .M E N O F ment and Education Offices. 7 sX n t c o , T A X fS K t Gardens. Was a bit of a bumo^itt. Partlof [:i'SSExj’‘ BRLfeONEBS OF 4v o'Ford lot tsai , itralilaD hero d ' at the Bochahan loyal PrasIHospitalI School of Mwiicine for The Tow n! Glerk undertook-to calp a fn* Dti»»i 4' his duty I consisted in supermtending fh* IIVAB " mv.—Sroir -Mir,;li.ll. d a UjleH.. FI|-, p u* from wotijii rerieived w'hlle flijlit- fomen. -Aitor visiting various Jiopnrtrarnt* velfare oil the, ornamentul ducks, etc. Dh Si*,—I iho ,d be fnuoh abliged if ycju ing fori the pppointiilenl of officer* — 16. f-fttfPEtflTOi Urtc-..'!' die fro n E i«ral ladies inteteiitwl ler Sfajesty reached the “ Maude] du Clro* ’* -me .occasion 'a Committee rneefing was hMd would nlldw tbroiigIi| tlio medium' -if ,,___nntt fttftU truiw, *«♦, Addiim. 4>. Motto*. Bt. --- ijj- rt-i young toldi ii promiged bi* ffienda organic chemistry Riborafory. wlUrd she was ill a hiiildind in the tVurdkns. "Light Ire- yopr pnpet, thankink the sah“criljer» lo'tli-loM le EASir SlfSfSEX MOK1iITAL.—>V cck' i-i-uiliil Ilia Ibby would look after received.by Sir .Arthur and L.vill ‘dii Cro«," jyA N TglL SOpa tlensisl p. n-PPISF-B. IroshineTitls''] were on the tnlde, and my abOte fund, lo plaoeit. oeli e^ntrei hiiij5“.: jCaplain liiyk ' ' ANTED. «B»tt Miw •# : rRAyRLLER. ^ u tila n, - t]pr-' v U iH n g iili'i -aioieterr a feW da.rs T h e rodi. in _ sewerage,------of ,i«,^t he borough Ihad ' Donatiops, , a mopthl r subscriptioii w. ill 1*. i Winylieiseu ('hurcl|, £ 3 .5i. Rrpok- oW Ann; «*•, Stid lo ln a. Wbi;-,UbK'-, i|h»';eihe'^e IdimaiIddia* ni. to und the grave, been______carried - oiit, but ' the " Sewageage ClarificatjonClarificatj bd very tp^kfull;_ jlly re^ivad. R e H a b b . land (!;hiir<]h. 4 4 Sy- .M- aJ s4t ** qtiftftrrftf] ‘ lai, Ejottl Eyeny’.rally they fo n mvo-digger -who WWorks o rks were jpnot t in exij*tenc4,existf ..,,, and the i>ew|ige _ __ T . GOViER lien, Sccretarv. GIRLS IN WlAIl TIMLV-J I ubltc 1 matjeulpr I 'J' itiok ijieiu to w-hai oa.liad Hie t-omimon ANTED, ^tWvvl'OARr at the East lliid was discharaed into the4ea •>ien oIf f jSuijSl Sex .Xssodiat on. meeting i» anuonitced ,, , to be hbl al 'th e ,„Cftn *ud! two p.W*. grMi wi . pad BiTM pap: , with the. remark :ul le f L i ib nearer to the shore than at present (the Out­ C ices stria trit . Park-avifnu«, Fi idiloy, N Royal (.‘oruiert Hall on Wedneiidti n S s L a t ?m **m&4: tlm* for int^rt^owi roD thoai,rapklBf' how WW 1 t our herons, one bn* fa ll h a v iiig lieen- q u ite r e c f t t ly e n tire ly i-e- three o’clocloin the afternoon,i in 4I fhratld allow op iiir Over Sea Heroee to WRKWiii quite obshlele pattern. .Ill the gas for the fP tU n g ^ Jf The Betj-. ( W. Dopglali,'o.ni Rector of Chn at| Cox. 'Th* meeting will be fcllpwer by. lea a F MTUATIONS VACAN ■ pe* pl«i.»iid iiChtpS^Bife b t- h id to reyt 1 'pauper grave.'’ supply ofjtbr town was ron|iufactured at the Church, 8t, Leonards. 4.15, and a short conference. ^ Lpoi[ riifiking i onqnirlefc at ' one of our wBi thi praacher Idstj I ' . _____ E T t (; ' la-pniiluli Coonp'anyi'. w irks adioining^een's-road ) the {Sunday nigh; at St. % ind lew;* B e ;...... TWO ( AFK ICH.VNTANTS. >11 next “ ' uh i ll lor* hel informed me that they ixhill, kNVI LL. mil* Cftaa >' works ai jGl.i ne Gap not hiiving been oxlah- vestV fttIL teetij^ ICPL-t T where ^gaw**7 hUMtO bM -oth*OlHCj, JJilVthe 4 R» etT v.w • W ednesday two Cafe Chantants ,will hi 1 Iheld k K T A n *iai m A'._ , IfU iU ■ I B l'i V' other flhoicfe {b u t to b u ry o u r H eroes lishedi. Jand the reaqltint odours, at- B Aoo lised SO ronnx a- C y c In g Ja a b , -giMa i INtS Grosley Doigla* (ftp Becta-Designate of ■ai the Ofknd Hotel Restaurant, a 8.1 5 la n d Ifut:*!. \Vitb»r4*B , ' Ifautid Soi i! friehlcji]) in th i* w 'aj. H e said if tbougb repu ed hy some td he " health -giv­ Winchelsda) was the ipriest-iuebazge. I j 4.30. Collections will be taken en belialf of >4 i y HU sdies ol[jei.tiicl to this kina of burial 'e'ARvkR'iiSonaT E opottow, - t t ing.’' wTre aiything Ifut pfeaoant. The Bey.y. II.1 1 . L.t,. Sandtrs,sanKisri. ha' ing accepted a thed R cd X?i-o*s D e r c t, 17, Eventfiald placj I ton wUase *n4 tuosi f n v t t isiig ‘ V i ; , Ijadn’t - thev jliouglrt of it before, and There was no woodpaving, and after heavy c.nraCT ntkr IiheOeld.1 !h*aeld. Mr.,Mr. jJ. I. >1].M . E. Ghuhb (Thuht The artist** will heSud* Mrs. A. W i 'ketn j ISM " (jfiic. t/cks*^.a. «»d I - j iKjiigh rhe gTWn4 ' | ; ■ . : ' rainfalls the road* on tb<> Front Lin* land bean apjpiain'led as .Ifty iReadei' during Mia* PauUon. MisS K. Brooke isB:; ’k r r j . ■(SfiVil'SlA'H wuei-d-toliin 'N6 .»‘ Sir. to meiit eoem* disgraceful tb.vt i lOtIcfifth And flria$.~BtMHe ’AQSlI COiALS ekewherc were a sea of mnd, which was gra- interval df yresh appoint|men' and Mi«* Thorne.. .V.R.C.M.. with lis li M aud (tUHtXe______- ______; __. ivision Ml.Mcin molie by the Town th'ius.l | | ' ' dually n-mo red by a small army of fiiod Mr. Fynm is. of K nsifigtonj, , a frequlsni Chaseraore as accompani*!. . . , P»ARM If.ri'-ie* n> griint|land a r rhe cemetery", *0 boat* r i i l u ’p scrapeiw and slush carta, and unless i-ara risitnfr Id td t' town, has] pre< anted a eilkeir ST. CLEMENT'fl HARVE'JT FUStllTAL . t'.tmrh it ttM»t4p; the clip tliA’totKblir uud«rfttoni^ ft!) faris^ w irk I-I hi wrlieiv they are.)lu rled th'iy will have no not been time during the. day to clear airay; on Sunday. R e v . -D. M p rtlo c k , '-iertr o f S t . B a r r aha. 'Bex, luitobn* bA7: Attd • fttniir tftc Idiflimiltj in finding jiijiit. b y ^ e f u l In the summer ,the etriiefa were watered hill, win preu<-h. The .collectionslections will 1bt- on ib9t«l trntfft •nlMii*y of r esidoula came eki eedjngiy sticky, to the serious; detri. PHII/HAI JfCNIC TET Y . - T h U m I* - Thanksgiving will bo <-ontinucdin lied cii Sii;Sfindny, ; h«tf who woliid yWy le’ Ow glad toiHeur II reasiM nihl 'kAfini ‘# 6fi'El3Eir ^^ut Min'order. TM THEM! o'clock. I to ko*V ftinn>;«'Arcf)aM«prj terv -wall only 19 acres in extent. Theraiwac .llb n n y H otel. neiJi h'ntiiTday. Or obe ";l|4th. wtitft thc.tuua^.l St. Jaaimirds. si ruotorf. tha house refuse being depositeld in pliuanta foi exemption ut Su-biton was M r lahteirn 1 lu re oiJ R-i*i Croy* Tl'oin jbii a ai»«l war bonn*.».Vppl]r various brickyard* in nj(d near the tpwn, R. GoswjCu iu rd , for *ral year* orga list Railwav-.-^tation iji France." 3fn|n,v itnioiie oAnfiltUfiA.. PNhr.R iiAS'D) URlTLSH|nEl)!aiO^!j! s o c i r t v . tv « » f» 5t*i. rmubed. coni^itubng not onl.v cveyoteB hnt more or of St. Mu n inret'a. \Vc»liiiinster, formcrl:■ photograph* of the wo.'k iimon: St llit is l) Msiior.-’ nileMHix. aratcful tbauks are-due for the follow. Havelock Rond troops ap()i to lie abewTi. and M t. E -ic 'oiiiten. loss set^ua nuteances. , There_ were no ftfec- H astings, le state<| thay he fiad been ;ia tttd ' |LQOK«R WsaUd'tot Two wsiTji fiyiration ilocktngs. S pairs tale, no Lifts, no Rafar- for garrison duty abroad. was mentioned of f t e T4n then. be _ nounced for fto British Red Tlinse imd St U taij in wotki 43 Is.; o9iartoolgn.«t totitn ml*, C fttt 1 dtanw.of ^ 1 d. f<«rl Mtra thft'iUfihUityiot UP hutde. John Asibnlance iFunds. ■ ( « t , W . S i r

    li i V 'i , j RDA ;t u b b i g-AiyriiyCyg A dir.l.ai-. ^ ^ij^urs^ U )?? - l)Js!l^jfeliV.llixt< SAT I l i £ ! 9 I 6 * !: Oili# paynjBDt inolaiilos 4 Papjei’i thi^ Paper will liHn yii^:.;:;6 0 flDv;vllE^^ For I R*tes seel Page 7 ; B - a v l ‘ ““ IE0U3.' I li-il- I APARTMENTS TO LET. HOUSES AND BUSINESSES T O L E T LICENSED HOUSES ITO LET. PD4 K f 9 8 B S . GIBB1B 4|t]) S P C H I S t E R MISOELLA HRM. FRED SMlfBt. AND FOR i SALE. Ts a l e , AND Wi^NTED. (jliefUterel Stock Bxi__ .... TTIAUUBOBK PBALXB 'il'HiMA H66M."k y b R O O M t, nudi iUro«>^tA M RpffTOifSrHnoii^ ijdUlir* votcii. ln e ^ |ti< |u to M t. bcLioo;i tlT« xmttutnn >liooi MKMRB. G lN S B lt otod ULEBUTE bI for ^1<* anyi >&. UoraX-rf.. J ^:4iv;xhury- .. ^ ______-** 169. QtrK£N.‘S BOAD. I ailSTmaf; Hfabb* itf -rL L? or I- : t*4,e; iwt» t/llu-*. 1hrp4 br : I udXMiLLi-y'.xi'.i. •ETBOFKT u thtoegh feiiaai »t 1 the inoinnat:—39 > Fein*, llog|mL nt 3fl*.; I N o . s m s SSSKTS' S J J ji J t* ’ t]« wltWfr.-*il72, Q ««M 'w d., l HBMtiny«. vU e a d y OASIL—(toed Fna**i glvOo lor lO'^efH, ki.vJifJL t*(;ullery, i Hrifij-mn: iCMilp uihI ibeuiT; ta'JM up ipieodid tte 9 done, naoex good M laproTRueoi ilbmoir et 17; iM <1 Cutoue de "T»lMHlriRtT-fl BwiaLa l-r.alii.nd.M luiA »t i|«-i wr -J** tIflHAHOBr-i)f«winf^Too«a uldi Bodriximr'nrft f Atl^talloil ; ijA-fJ .,rax.liy ; liJ H.ilJuJ,. —Apply 7. E fit jbirwetf: fj4« for ue* end npir .I'd bottlal f«m i . e l Itfa.: SI H aetiign Fiftrn n t 9Ch.a B15g llMtUgM week (iflati:iMiT*terra*...... *i.n»a*5^ . fur iu»)».r*CeI» |K0W ^ R UenL*'., — ^:i ChlidT*n> — ------Ca«wtff O l4m u> ..idirioT C ijbftdi pw iiivturiuri firfcpklj', witii ni- lU ai'MItlM nortlAM if MHdU I 4S. W eiau *iun*eq.a I14«f totn*. *od fioUMj Lin«a. r*r«sl* f*laa * ^ - 0 I«n-‘n'K. S;. Lifolurd* I • . It* Ttioatlou nWout ; brewery 1 1 aid ndWnofl ’^xtloik if Ue«[fl»eru u IV m oeat. OokTerieI Stock at HOrltai UtUefty Tueniie 4 4 Company l oM ofi two todien; cwrloBl rnto(e:**««-— tpqtxitbd.—Ajpp^y Al:irxt Wnid. b •U Aseat, XW!«wfnt4eL, • i w Stoehn and tihm ea honghi a&il ioid dw Londoa f^CSttalALL u'na'^IOCKp^T S.~Tl>«! tam ed .e**Li* dUi- i. A u H a n V' It u s IH E s 7 1 :inx.', Fxup.orrue Mtad'iK. 7«. hUeltEMtgfJrd.. cu; —<,7 Nwneatoa, —cMh t H e ^ l Ulan OiUussoc . Cois*, tlX*L; ... Awhibrda *te tVliU Call CD ILeeelpI of P^cK^d. w iJ', n.«uitipnt t'r -h- popiuir. bl.frr.—At' ■:y J . KiiiC, >'a>urx. L e ig e^ jy B tee Oib»>.1.; C .n .c . Vlntoiu-rbU. ______w f c i i e ^ cth'-m vi''; IvAcoul; lb,i nod vij; «r«r7 tt.v!iXort { IMORANT AND CO., 'Let.' doing exciRiat " b : WTF U in r^ irT e a tm 'a ite to ex«peww otUer* AO^tAK^. m odotniw .--^-U in-tr jM iiir-idlL •. •t;I_’ ,^ * 2 1 - ' c o U n t r V B » S HOUSE to i ' l«j hijy h e: faTuariiJ, nad *L1 h*^ g ^ d TSFTU ‘ A XIXTJ (, SEA ROAO. IBEXHtLL. trodr:: M:«dJtni px>\ pooiT t itden; under pepuler' JMESSRS. CHENNELLS. d E R A N D I. ' TUNBRlbcE WetiLS^—OLxaiorfaVk 'BEil^:. S|Alt^s-t) a r e f u l i j rntviT: QUin...... *■hoinm. ,- jlaolo/taoiO/^ AkxniuirXkxnik^m l*nrk.*-Ai>piT>* IStM R*^ CHBHMSiTCirPV'Eil S A E L A W irv . “F O R S T E R , !* • CoU-X’lor aaU r . t. ROLLCSTDN. M.P. Ti rd;w; UOUShX. IpKfiuuw: > rduraai. Boxhi UoteNl'iibkl G(Nhi l*ubt Kauu". besfle j m n . . btiv. tur ^jle Bt .he mument;-,"jeiM...... _ -UDi* bo* b per kitvoM o ni nod fly ,, At &7,&7. »1b l MplpqVud..MpUaVi._._^. Ha»t(u,.‘K.___ .^,. ___ ol4 d twite. lo r rVf rate* anU .lor j i^e- rp*n' to] parebaaw t<^ any ac>nr. • ee^. ir.p. 338 i/fids;ogsjliPprebeuutirfw. i:ppr, Ktinrkrt town- £730: Oapttel Mtlk I>fUiQtuia d:ttu, aud £likt$ 31 ip>'r ceui. CuaTertptl ditto, «xea ptuoii or ebafacauint ,ef •hT islH B . t J R. H.\KDl,:N”lind Cu.. Auctit“of«ik k Keiim). faiti pnee*. pin. T*re riieaee.. e p ;■ Jfe U ittirU.r UaA^nc*. i ■ • ;• ;___ __ rM TU tw kA R . I Fvno.' Boot*.' Blankm*. ▼Mti nod U m tvrr ikowo floor; Miii! iuo4?rAip.*-'Mr«. l^ute AftDtib,i7. C.amfloor, ila»:;bs*. Ijqtm ilic ti/.lbwi ko^. flTs ro(|i bbhiiwiinled r ll>0 Hnatirk* Cioetiuit de Ltixe Prof, at 1^.; ^'|a2•oa•rd., Haituifli.__ Ti > . ~iu;t%^’t lid «N»»ity It tfunfa*'^: a rare op|p^> Ordihnry at IL. Ul.: tV r ^iliueu ai I UtS. fttid Uu<.'nOP nod Ljoue ) nnvtyi: m:^A .€|C^‘, Ith a t.—.\pp l'hvnsel> . Dyer, innd How: at A3|.-Omi'Lt f38, Hutnflcx^k-l•tdj7' Haari n,v. teS *tati mbx« only write I i>«pi. Co., ruhltt^han. Pn-eton;. ,-l ; - . . ^ • lo 7 r try offleo i “vam— ■ I ~ I^tt#vtO^kJQltU.liMB ' ren t; j6ii: . • ■ ! • - ] ' (;a'|t!rjnv. « iV .b . ;. ■• ■. tk-4 pcyrilitena. c,tu ■>. It^paMoJ," OiedtuFtL OAVIRS iEnkELU F.R.AA. 9. dtnwiiik'-trboiu bloox a. «»V4 vookiAf bkid nttendoiOi.'-.- W, KORMAM ROAO, 8 t. IjWfuardi>on Sfa.—llciifaJc a i« a i e t y T h e a t r e , i. -A 5 -n N 10. II. Tcmultl l>nTU;; k( 8|oethwntnr»i !■ 1-07 Shop; reut xfa|6. 1 1 e te c ; tii>H:hinDt.rcocu*;! lie. id.—Fntchnrd,! ke HOUiSESI; ETC TO LET AND WANTED. FOR SALE, 10 lult}1->p«id All 5 p j x DPht.'...... PieleT«De.‘—MinsJO rM , 5,. yd*ikdalea*td.t nsuaiea^.,_M Stu t- Locutnxdn.Li«cu)nx- ‘ i o'uoVl CottMwe. ianktrtoa. Kent. 1 1 oil ShartM in Baxter- (L u b u '.^ , ilirCcai-IOSotw to Blix 63, ... . —H»6e \XrAllDROBBs’ luiUCAl^H E A l^ H .. UOBDU.Vr-lTlr i K ~>UinrfflOOK WBLllJl.^up«ri fret; 4 e r offer; — il» t- r«*’a LK1T.OFD WEARING AJI'AJlrH vo imhs •T* ""Ma r V’jl-RO. \Tcet Hi}r«"'lliMi-un^. t'olmr' )ar*an._4,_?Cewffatr-rd., ai. Ltpnaxdf. _,el4 TO LCTJT ROf.)|MS, of--*(ialetTi' n^ut. 04.: no Ttuf £ ih FrvNfhoM. je9W .-Bca«n. 1 1 , l**T*lockj-«i, AJCTION ROOMS. 13, acilptioaL-rrK ONl^t ONK AIM M r . I . WATSOM •luVlTWO Ajpply 11|, Clnraiee^d.'^ODecnuty ar« p;cp«r«Bi to TRinr,<»liMONr; r OH ui T .TUltk: tin5».____;______" I • . OV M OTOlT|BARAQ^"iTrf.*t,aiT p A R A Q tea of EUdi«rt«eaei. FGU.N direct to HorUnb T lL a. BattSe fjuad. r SEALED! ( >RD1 i ! S ! ' to LtT,]ii'il>l0 r - r |lf d 6 sfI, 00 ftWOfoor, w»tb tier of t;ap>: 1 5tfA*,**, wyteiT. and ofecin*' .Ifbt- laid on per 'oent. i>er ananiH Tiy'/fijinli. t.i*x b' i(t. Irui'TiWt IMid anU oiliar rffui'tD>. AUraiivei luj&Ue 't-n gOiMi* .ui Order* by pg*t iprciopily attended tj 1 4 Q a a ■ '• P m i H i i S a f a %%iUns^trK>nf i uulciftM *~BMALL I iujimJiM pert M. I.«f Ualf-je«r»y. -^AtJp.y 1 1, k c4i«Jn]UiM^ isoacer, 17. tlbvc I. .. . ______--ArpJJr . -'ii'cPj u r. *, n©l»(vrt' V 'i d purr Hnk«.—t-l Wriite *p;'li to Llb-wir. Um nerii «• ■ ■ ■ II . ■ chjieo:; eoiMrt.. Jl5!r|‘in.nL : : I • m^nth « t lAMt: »pxy mr^V-etoj ball). PA'letie i^k-rd.. fiatliririL ' ‘ fi-39_ IL'idtinga. Pteirti ■LUeben, lue iodkir. nire cAidAti: il(w# ttam a:i roHi ^ u b ? (eE- '-oo KYe I'Ji :*fOhY" PRV*M'F5f5t in Imt. MkM “ T s -titrn fiT l'wlliiL«d'hooHy;Il'frtlTMa6iioa» nnJ . t , n i|, fnr Minnml W eiet. Bitoad C l‘ L eN T *i.r U njoit I tVu u\ 'VunW of. Jewel BftnUAIN LINE twif Mer e llBlvbi r >V nRk'n* aod •(•kMMlwt. taa faaea raaiod Tuwf; nc«> iTwmn; utT'kipir; [teniiM-ibwierntm,- mnrto; wimd Irh .-A d d r^re H , 411. • Obeeiv»i ” Dffl leiv, Watrh-<*. J'liti-r and ■’UM ifl'' *u. 8t ^ laxvaret'A-rd. S t Leeaerd*. ♦a ef <.vu%bl* ?rr»p«rt7 ecd>B*t«r Fawn- I i .i T:>e « aaiu MISCELLANEOUS ^ARTICLES- WA i • it^WI io f ' iImrifb lo me ik« (ffii P .8.M .O . Ha fa ik«r«lw« bK-\e:*, 4&, Lo’idoa rd Rt. f .aloiijrdi v-h >] bumdxe paj4i.^l/ep^- l - u ibato> " i., _ ■ -] _ • -M • ■ "|3TAINFs~ANb~C0^~ “ t4. Iiur*-: t 'j i . TO UeT,1>u!n»ljif3"APARTKl^^ «i Ur',0:«» i' iie-] ■■.si--'- . u rernprtem fe .prrterAe lor oorreclmf optica) JefccH of ilia er« f 7, ST. LfCANARDS ROAO, ! Al)n|UM H MILl.rNEltri ^liiinte Mr s . QObOAlliO giTfla high a t pn.^ ‘Q l r I ' V i ! '■ •:•p i Bs-r».»iu, or nhoro Vft4moisn,i n e s r . to CiPtM4or I'lW . Autiuiiu . . . .Aiirt Li'.•ft-<^ff NV'?ai 'J w h i r BEXHILL.0N-SE{1 C A R R I A G E S CARTr^.i BATHCHAIR 8 * F O R S A L E . -tkiii*’ a ' i'y-.‘,ul P; ..untom: lOokKik, •ttendnuee.^-^Rk; i»cdon>rd., . l i v e ! S T O C K , c a t t l e . E T C V^'.t uu*i i> ‘t H«w. I JO ifcc*i-,ets».iC«s; IV||'*1 Lih.en[-i-K«4icp,^-M-fa»r'. 'A*.h5!v;U, Leonardo. I - ___ | - ' -’! L ' ~ AGENTS fni nil eV'ti'.ab.s I-utpishfd ta d Uofui^Ui' E T C 'l, F O R SALE AljlD WANTED.I “() l r F l .\ t ! p.Mt Air'*. Ufa- •>!». .UcKll«il I'. pn*LHk:.. . _ . . Ueo . (. iLOMi *ii|d M r s . MEDHUNST tni* Cad;<«'. [> Y w E n a4 fat' to V(^t, Uorotycprij.; I t>so fittM witbl UULRI'a.h t« ibR' [> euitoMe lennait.r- (ii)di fu ti* . Teic;reUL>; * i*xopcr-.v, R»|i) 'BUflja u i , pvlir UnrA'.j mtat 13. cODC.UCin. - tu t* ^rjt U‘XhW. n P itf’ifa l i rii 'IfaBtihipfa 1 1 V tifr** l*T.#l rf4 ijc»Ws *''*t..itiV i**iutn' ituaifli Q u r V ' l \ I ’ Apidy Aitblor MtLe. 20, Tonewd. rkt, bt. l«yVnordo. lelepooue No; 340: 1 1 tu ): Karni; ___ L- •- .!.'•• htifl, II huTHle. clin^t'infa I fatuMin;:. oiitl tdiahie. no h o L o o w A Y 8 c o n ^ 'JIT*, Qii*jC!i>Td., iHi-W^ _____ “ ____ r ______' ' ______^B B '^U Q A a m aa f V ^ rI’O U l’4” to^?^.'^Je. \« th ml •>»* AT uipatfatfLctcxy: a'.irj»:5hi. CkwiifiL,*.—ii. U -il/ L ! ' e low ien:.nl, 1 * iomlnrfnbiw I uiSiebK'i ahjbug. <4ii?rt inolere, jhliAttUi,'i qmi-t ff ' . ISsHy to drU^-i . ^i-r.'t.'iidbhBtttJ. • l;p:*.iKiU J'luoa . - ... Cuuifain»ii./a. , , ilfti-l' . b!il>. . I i ■ i.' •■ • . r. • ; 1 ’ ' ■ (fedlnrllv tioM o<'>i»i.liLiG':' p ^*k' l;'L, 19 )reuxun, or. kali: e;ecUio U»bt.—i.ip; Sy nui lienuahed knee*; £13.—H;i wVtu'e, Ibycaiui’ 'lead jAifd w:A >prct; oeulrai: CinaiaM'M : 'winter. n . tv ickh*ui-MV-. 'B eihijj. ; _ _]_ . j —tvHI | O.n.a Ix’dcK The GrteSr .‘4^ i iJoTaTvU.-. -. -•i-m-, ■ ■ ntA ov~ M oillSY t-K.-nu ! r a i 7 ; . T u ' ? ; y-.' *.' •■ i' _ _ I aOLUi: f ffom f*.. ul. .V large t4};ictiou of Ar'li any L'ondmruji:'. <.*.■! Muail. qiiABt.t ' very muderMe ifor per aaachcy.—MtkU rbcrnold*. I'il Dud i l l LBT, nii>a Rcven-icKwawi KOCBC, eeAr atatioi ■UlLOKR'BER'B CBrkiUC»rllill II.\N D T » rC K .. £»•echAbl* ElarlT II. .1, HOn-sfah.t> IW.J LJ alw*yt ill ’fcb'«k. ' " ' . ' ^ITuj^TidNs v a c * n t - f e m A|l e . I : SIITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. | tey-rd. • ’ '___ ' 4' •'' and otmV : I ceveralcaveral nmre.mere, rmt any Irmle ; diun'mriai-LBnii otlWri prerlnTto u:i. ,;faTdiiD, sxwfXihouM, cS mnui loed.—Kunp, Horn VdUmfr*., ttv'.'b*- S'.ld'ojajng lt£» .fah'cir5-.l ;»cm? i ;l m ATi r HBLDOWAYS OTF CR_____ CORNER. . .HI. rtl' <4, • tn-rd.;- bt; L'ouarj&v: i' “ r o T i w fadoic («1 ocztfui J TfK* not)Mr^, uu tr.c.! II«MUtur|t. ' l l ' : O' light adnarf»tK oubeunoubaun CCan an; caeip.—«StUrke:kkell*. Lnurtia!>tiv^ be •*en-ot work »:iy tiruv.-ii.JlM.n Ull| ntoifai. wh'jh ter. ^fixiiduand: Ilaudetui, jrJft.''' bill. ■ f>ik.’ furtaaebed .%t., k ^n .u 'ie d 7o.; ef., TTaatimipw . . ___’ ^ _ _ ___ -^07^ h b y T LAOH.t-rifUY*.-:» i Nv p u ;^ Mp uOLHAAl jCo itinutd (ram jPafla '1 fR A l^ B O ”’ tVOMAN '~K; •irtiaV friilt»‘.!rT_«n»l totfrifr. 4'owc»ii*i HOI. Htjjtci ■ rvniiuteur^ Traydrobit, I u*Y^nrUon'r >o uu^tery or DritMik gnrdea; ptJont;i cup’e booineM: boa d I<>d5iufa». ISi*. iid. 2a. b»d:’'.>"ma. iciioldtu; water 'Aid on; urt- M*olnted. -geddim, f I f f f L C l'r ’ tor S«>e, i|lot'' stroo*. in rooq” "re* ' f o r ' s a l c ,'H i':., k. ANftiopm; U.'L f|' top Wv'id:c’ k:A|. ne> sir-K, £' Sutv; b'iiutlfiu I’Mirt fij’l iiaift. La iwomark-plj. Hardingoi Iquentitr Rorie’t Manure.—Apply. J. coufidenie. to ■X Nuv lO0,«^, •• Gbatr^fr! JOftfoe, fioiH B j Oh ^ i o n t;'] n o r k n : eb.n i4» work huikoiwMn nil ud RuTfriwU CoifaJD.’!.). buw^ji. i ce I patr. . .\k*0 ' r -'iiii-'j lu u p j aliiuw*. M 'w.i or.jy 31a, tinaw, U«wUl-; 'j^jiair'”'':' '■'j- i?i»r :)inr. Irttal ■(.Allied. W nte M .B .,r60t, '‘OuwrvFrr TWBTcoEloHatTyTt nuSSoinikv KljtlMjt. iutit me cSbayinr.i 32i!l. B'*xhi.l-rd... St. I^elyor-juirik. ___ .... ■ i |b* R CORNER/ ."'“Mu I * 1 V-.LfJ; a. iT la W IjlU Roiik. T d L E t." <■ utniphed.- noB.tPfawCifDl "nt es» BAii.Y.Cio.tU. M;-.T.i :7 A il '.HOLpO^WAYS QTb I '.;.T ' ■ ■ ■■ ui UjM-.-.. Haptaos^. ■ . —o?] of food forden;'to L»t, 3e: ims: •'at •tiitobSe kWeriy 'T T o i r s x L ^ , ’,4^ tlTau *,*rlxinoi“«' • P.o S y .Ip'': 3 |t; ‘briwii'ilji* ' T cT irH . 4y. .fa#;*":;!-* 5>' 'M ' ‘ y I• with . icbu'hiit'j*. twr> v^»ptioii. taroA bedi^ome lotllr’’ • Apiily H J. i.id’-i-u. l>r..kUjKjs \ I Y i-n* r laiifaii'’. let W AtiTBD. >r y f ^ r .^^ojoeti. pent in' Sww^ TobaiCtv coQpU or Wtdc.w; aca|oid« rAnniAGF. r-od rood 11 ft'n. J^^ar • »Tr*v.' • Alaat l*ony ; *■[•:!,n;:. 41 *e.' M. |^,t. ,.\ \ u ;a fftiBkAL*: Ifc widbw fvt poenpaDy tpP'lT i.lkfA. Stfj. ••|StMa>cX.„ rab rru i i . » > peik len-l tiwme. —V L., 191,! •• o te errer ** lOftjlje, Ilutohissiur. i 't Pai'iiton-i'i., ‘‘'i-jLj'v o» p-s#n.- T,0'>»MfV.!!rf'0.i»n'l-foi. Q u'toV rds. U»fa. V'lfl .-.':->Vr;t+, aiUi ndi per • i*to^TTi no wper.^eane.—tv., ii, Keiiaiworth-fd., .h», 1 H-h-.V lUrn#*#!.—A pply 1 id -.fl.-r IH1'J 'jp|»tlteRtr,Xil6<'KH^-.t - p-4 ■ I : hj .-" • Offlie. Jy»wW. ■ . f iff: yiarde. FOR SALE. Ml'*!./. ■M.MCit;. »»• i .rarjU il-J “ V / A H I fcO. f lit S : d e u V * I'.i •tiTii- ’9X.W‘ L-l;tiP ■ ■ 7i lie Ah Lnst, yeoiuuxU- ■ ______■ ! • --oTi .'sjfaii-r in^iLMy ^ a 1|i T li. LONG CLOTHCi W B lLLS.-l iuiiaol.f'd i AI>»ARTM1t:NT; TO LLET, i [/if‘jn:uiiiM, tCk. M. weefa.T is.t,iweve. eM .auil cootirar-t i-r rr • a)> .L'i'ttUo'.Yi rit-.T;dwi. 1«'V tom D'.i c.'». •* Mito-*r»*r” lU n .-. -;n Wmnhn, Tijto or Three T U N B R ibO B ’ inon^M IloifSK,- ( Jr*dj to itrnm ^ !,'>nd(«-rd.;. FOROR SAL c . Inr ul I’nnv TllCHAfP.. fltt^d’^axTh .*<1. fb'lr n.; unC lu l't PT h e AR*5‘r°‘f4 vlKiie tyre*. . ^^fxrthfng•hfng r«m- hwreeN* — Ji M tin *iiU t V., •h 51!V M * a , . T M oil. teir, ‘WANTED, I rut.- BEAcW l^fa:-ak ttO R K n wc«k.— LiV . «(. 8tuu«fl«ld*zd.. Ilnntincfe. *•• tir j ujee io*m>. UDfuinlai'.oili r uy M'. -C'ltijc, Auuuu, nitd Co.. 1<1. <>ruid pnrnde. hrsktvL‘V|, ^mb>i. cimlmu*. cue] mblter r-AfE^. .* ,• 1 ■ o t\ , ^trucl*; ^ppiot: in CLo.'ld .oatre.. o.*oL- ta ie , O ’SHUKC.I jot.iLti'ia. and .|pu»«; plet' rrt< 4 iL iw >. 41* from Nottt rlwUi.; r-Ps*:*- -•. p;JU-.s |A-\t .-.Olfai -07i Jir O R SALE, ,-i 0.1 ii k I»*yf p o s y !3.?. qui"*! 0:^4 WM F A P C n iV d*Wr M*' ; f'.T .‘''•if*. UI ri-ji- CARCTAK^BSt l e r i f f c b , m MUuitinn M lIOUaEKCEPER; i : - . ’ 1-0? TO LCT, .«•[ h'»ni*ot'lIOGSr. a;-.d bbop. 47. HisU to ride a*«l »i:iVb: lu al t>L chO'^izea I dH< by U«ly anw: laoij^tr.—W. ' luildfofd-n _ _ _ 7 .OfflcA. ” ■J T :,u> Hit " It i’.iprr .p- WANTED, 1 ► lunft C C V l o .vn >*RnOK- •itid. I ihoiouttfly dotiwwticared. • nkntwauer. ■ to le Orr.: •k'ubie>|ma\eil; good c-prniog for OeuAnd dnd price re*i|on«blc.—Apr' F . n ,l 43. W cdtox-rt BcxhiU. CA-'i; :.i, *l«i T N ^ “ M UNICIRAL jk ua*M pr n u ^ n e r workutar inniL~>H.C.. U7, '* Ub»rrr YMr BE k«4rKo UoT’ LMdeVU ROtIMS lo L -t, Htih C7b 77 lUrf.■.« vrHli,*, it»u’a lin i^ at« \\ ii'U ii., OfaS, ■ 0-*= a. .,, _ , , , n't. «t hlBAlwSSl ithout ott'.n4hbn>'4-: I< » lenuo foriiwiniiT : oUn 4::0!2rer, Coat Hujkb«m>i: 1'>w te.n: ran i>e eefa any time—Ap ».y cnn. ki :)p/T a** aO*. P«r *' tli c:toie. M l.'t ‘ Iver ” Unotinj!*. «.7 21. hsrvaat,. C<*?tu:(it ViL*. Vii'tonjo-ar., Ore, ilaetir ,i It ! • • --. 0‘- 'tittl I filter, ae* tre e. coofi|n(ui^ of brvo bhsfitrtnrti ihamu. ^^tl! w a n t e d *~QRAZING Ila- nV-mu rj'"' «YXTijr ir/flef, H-iatinji*. Vf ANTED 1 WANTBb. iQ •o»}t pnFnte fioiulr,' HitontTon^ ik HAU S TC LET AIND I .'. ' 1 ■ r \ i l A P IR O N Atifi M E T A L8 h;Ni «ln*| . lw»a>-)i9T.»< «»t< J ns cldorty Jvcy. t o d liBdromi; ti o imtltatan »«.mi .•‘tMicir.. *nd ' I „ ■ » ■ : ____ _ “ I t HeiMUimpt">U Hdt-*.*?. >ni.. ! v ‘mi4 :*:-^rh/|l' tit'T ; • c'iiUtnWo'n • i'* «t. Birn-.si)\V. (jM-.Mtlii.itl iJ*-. jinor-^Dr i i|.[ I ak u«x-ikd It NDBR-UUDflCMAlD; not b««a uiit Mfore: Site 14|> wriLMINOtON ROAD,'" Klrlii«"i>.eroaJ.-IUH;s|l'.( r ' ■■ "Dijisanincc'S. i-^- ib>T 1 1 riK»p«.~B.C|. 048. 4'ori'wrJ' Off.p»>, Hfct.an4*.! .—«»7 Tr n.Vl.L for MvaWr.ca GRASS KEEP ’ Zen Js*'-p TOot 1a»' ah^'Ut (;..uT:i t^^ T ; •' • Irvx V 4H ;. swiirian to \i* the trao ki'.its r*®p- 'i awitapsr • . »-ti7| ‘T?TfllNUlfHISHB'6.—i LdTiTtieer*jot:;lns "Uif cluwiv*; plM ^iiitir rito sted : ten duautea from traiks. «n*l * f Nil .lieM-ri ag. ltr?3in' l.linvcns £2 2* |ir»a‘*.ic; T-ib'» nad r-ifa-. in flMdoe ct are; «;utr< U—" Vealun, • .•• Oueerror I Ofl; vievie) tertii*.—f •*(<• V lAcd 0 mnUu, iw'.; Carpet Lvn'-jviuu. l i u ^ < WARDHOBUI nJ W A lltS b . Pf»t M Chlldied'p NL’R ^ ; nr Molh(‘ri« h e ; .No, 1.—^, 1C iJayie, 15, V\elkfi0 oa-td.. Ujtetfa^ a.cfaU:.i>:. H('7. appl- d\ iatlalo* * wll vv»n, L eU te AgnitH. .4. BUUOEt I < k. ■. 1' ■ I-!'.-ri ..- ■• '.-■ B-fiiiit. r • ^ •' as7. . "MdnSE.- f T.;: b all lor IV.djlu ■ _ : .l-totl! Ml:; • '.»n r-fie’ ^ : Hatp*'*; , 1 .. i] •ip : two yotrn' refersoee; wnyep jCM: 6 t. I>nonrrlp, .....___ H sr* H(.*tliiB>. Te;^ . n » ffu«HUNib. / ru ltOUj2s.r.faiirijt.r-!|. ■ . Oantei Imyr ■1 I ' '■■■ } <*■'. r.'.' , : iIfOLni4 ^ umutly.-rUuu^t, 19. BurTr>j4v L.eoe4.iriia. £99 CASH.!-r- Kuah-Jd. n a a n ' sna-baaeiornt liD^LtlTT ^ a Cl tJ f luet, Ae^ibo* Rcoma. eoxti. ny L U5ES7" BLOUSES, , h iji . x 'i i - t ,■ I'i.f,'’ - ■■ ■■' pen vork:| rbree en'a. - 6d.|: <%ron - and I quiirt- r(.om*. sentanc iLSO; SHORTHORN HI OS V ' (d, Marti:;-, -iuhI iiilk 1 kJlwi'Y*.. i:om ‘L’J 'inr- QU other lodftiM or t:, i-'--.’ *- SCHOLASTJO, f>nOFE^S10NAL ETC. ofiine*. bathi ;h. a n d ' n.): itwilanre £399 can h« |:c-n«eic>>^-m.r;'uwwt 11. - to . (>np- I'wntraU 4* .ww^kly.—J, I’orilajod-fUta, rorijiJ>d-x>l . Dea LIVE STOCK, CATTLE. ETC.. V/ANTEO. BRV IK m T Q.ud iyr.l-j.; l b ''! ' v l [•kuv'iw'n New.»atl'by'l'-ll- O F L E A S E . Sikim *y . tcfbili: laot place four yeoxa.-^l}.B.. 3. BrUt HiU, Dt'X- i t , \Co«-k;T! " tV«V!>fu(»j«b^ Ciy^rAOK ; f s a ., wa* W. O L lc-lU N ’ TH-fi m : fNEb my^< m{ y - |f tali asr ' id4W.' -Giaraobui' unen-. \ r _____^__ __ ' _ hfanf r‘u'»a*‘ uro ir> »u>87, Uuoeri'* ?m.,i pi «rtjwife| .‘V;- . J ^ ' • ! ; . pj •TP, Mtat-a>u — I'ntchard. 3. FroepoiH-rottBstM, lalandvr 41; F E R R E T S if*t:t(idi, I.W J arfaP ll’l ’. cuinn. >nufal:; IttMaou.- •■ -I ' ; 'A ~ U lfP U A in S H l6 bR A W IN Q -R O dM ; Di»iits K'oin tv luterabio. i- . MOtOR :AR5, BiqYCLES, e t c . 1 fajp L « V «i'' Ltoinv-ri* >-k ererytliingi indhii [w Ml ybl|i9b 13?, wte jT* reels 2iituotiai> in ‘bffloe': and tiirr* or Imtr 1 if'irortnvi, imtJiniiun, e tc j: ( rafirit rea4lr ejinJii—Refer li^/nd«:‘ti • rru n l.j aiwi V iv tiM ii. pia«iiD f[l Tfr’ niAr au-t j •‘XbK ;»xto:'f A” *bdPiH*3l id iNMV’R'-Mu^ M .> PDfintt, £S69, •!( ft*^i.r off'ir. • To'bo S od, w ih . immAdtal'* Hank - AWglmro'. f - rr-^l I’arin. A^Hnrd. K-' iil. < m II iMrKjft a a lb i';• jijr T. ft*ntA |ic*> ili lowiepce ot nhort^aad, typr»nt4BS> nml booL-kerpinr. J a tn try t Kood cociunf and eltODdanoe iiiohided t f .iljm to W. WILLtS, j:. jp.lN EM A '-.v;[H -E' OfU l U ie ia l IM' lnt'> tc Lwitifl jdo i M t. ** Ob»MTw ** OCSnf.^Hnwtinco. —oil * ^ 4»i‘n. I r- pofal of I:*. TiV.iis;rt*lii r«erfiuiilnj; ACGUMliLATO JtS CHAHOetU Le'eiUi,} ADdi pc|;nip: FBRRCT4. ts<:o, aM .SfMr.a i 'l ’^.A'.iiihfiilid: Futui > It* 'th«v4u^tri‘ il- [• ']'7|'! ____ Ik. tjOlAK, rate#, texeaj. or «etTat^ lo pay .-’•Apply to llcufrjdevpii b,U «\-F. j . .|F*ri«.’Drt. into.. •• i-J; |,;.t:- “ IU N 6 Girt. teiU IwtTUiy, d ^ tw3osM*, tYf|> r«,/.pt;9n-r«an*i«.'b-itbrooui, «*udan ; ict ij, A«[i i-:|ike t-r lionftbr., t». h 'b ft.. iH!*>il ixrt'M ,. .''rf»-d*T. B R ^ r VHT u .thankiTig’ i^cobcfiHI: M onutftontol Scul]itor/ ■|l VH r|M .:< Tf.«Y« bAI ___ I v ^ Timi-u, >«iuuv I ; fiji wini'kl. bo utifun'lo>- *fi !'i£kt^ UtMti mw- I’jm fAiiXt, or esrbuijJnU* ^ r Situnbjon na. Mutber'a or. Uekfnf HSl«Pl: dMeapaged; or WIDOW/ ILndr’"w'a a l ISEtl S l'n iN fJ ItOOM V—. ; ' —L ; i - - •.! “ -tt r* '• L~ KOAD. iiArtriNVi tVJ.RNiefl& l-f. d O. f niup; AM'iv Owp.or|.’7f, M a'tra .1 .lamrarda. ' ^ A kJAriulL (It f~0«nt-~ai| #AOjX.4ili*jaiL = tie^at ; [W^ K ■StAition.->- • f Nn^f^tenid. L.. 61. M llvard x4., - ■ --o7i to cue ladXi no chlk! mi: iMe of it» xiliry; py»ticin. 7. LuitrUi-eroi.. Ilnstu b« CrAbbtrO Ivlli.'eW) taijc’tk» idMlKYt'Uk H tT.. liiTBCDtikalui|.FH.aa l».a*.4..~ Cyr).B>[ , . , ipVndbi- e ^ ^ lic ii •, O.-rermoa *ud lO.-uj'.p.'leto . LARCC. S10ICK on, M ARBLE A ^ID stoNC T«>.|IAY.|^vTi :rri w U - : ■-rt- >'lidMfjr O tw rik , Il'bo <>iaz|pc. iTiunfteld.■ Hoe«x.- ,0. atkk' •Ahjiid: ' Au eij'-*:^lrlfaj;r Par t. r '.t- I APARTMENTS WANTED, to Let. wnTjv uinUars; deluktxu. p >nti4 fa e and aLCafac'lwsim & ------L’ai^prtoi: d m a u r: New aad.--nh.oi: 4 m B U A C iriB D 14 d\ deiMfMtr. • '• -- -B. Uutt-•■ ivlLahui^h...... - 1101*4, tM.I L t& m irT ti»c A:M>Ute'r ^uii«ll HOL'SL want<^. riea: bhoiehllu. u*rO*. . j __ .1 ■*^1 ' flIiatuiJi. ba;t«. aiui i" Kv V L"l«. XI*o Hontab'it- Cuztl Jly nti’*Nl with pl4 MlTi»T liF. C L E A H E n Ksai ueatipi.- ? MiQ :>. tot!'« ■ m V mirror, *ud •».«l -;*rl «iiln m im :re; U'.nti* T; i:’in.'.--'.l I'lti Csmp.—M>t< iK.. (r.Aiap Croft, Cli^ritrti’h;ij' Itoireir o I. : • I .- B4:« & w A .n allfletr^foiu i?>'40,XlpO In |ni r.'-E.M^a.., ifitaKlj ilOOMH; centtnl. xiewx wnA and bead, with nttak- ' '■ ’ ' lucd^J.- -Ar?!y K. nu l.«-t ;to furiug , :cgerk-up or with hou«e. mute UMoevnoto ie*>4 tn sl of thtf to-|»*iu* Can* lfomineni poaitloa «mi in* TRUMBULL, t: liD'. 131S. <4W.ioc .»ini». lioni, d fuch- tifdiwY, iid.urbrtTU. J5i __ isoor Optician.*’ M Qt'c obit* iikc«4. tpare viwi^nrM (>>•:. Ti;n; »• Aah'i't.SJ ,<21 36i|Rtie^ 6. ^uokii'dE. YorU. WS4tHiT Two or~Thie»s tooS'')oca.ityi ffoand~i~Bonable tpxiua for pennaneMy. lehtill; tatikn uioderato.—3J FelLuncxor iamp*. R o taa •ociyleaie he.wl J wJet fiijL*>.-rFrai:)r Dtriiv .1 Co., .4*hf«xd.i' I *-Cl ^ kbr",‘'^ t^ ri3 ‘'e»-> ■••erkn'-*''flc«> an J0|41? L’^tib-r ard lluiikiry; nJi, children: twu ferrantw.— tn u aide *u0. t«i MILK F R U I T . E T C IMtjftr tocrUti Id pnute luall/ • O p rjp ja .** A '* Ohnrfrer " OfBoe, H a itin fi >—oT iie p i. , ___.______; w:th ^eneibtox 4 t ^ -srh-^t until ly it , apeedometeTr. [clock, •dx« “A r‘r*..w~^i^?rik ijy. i'-i: v^<4 ixiudit^ J eltoep,—llc u r n .C-Iaunca, tMBkf, B m MnJ „ J -!. •• ^a-rd ; h t •J Lurdr. . n I C rt£> P WOOD ,~lor.^*~qu i'.iy I'^ildinv iP.ct*r-H‘r i f l o T for foirtirtflbt. one AineW*. one double ^TOABBTelsiotMCE <»x f^nfl. wiili br«M FORD. 1913. tv| (•eoater, bo.v i*t re-^r, r h a » i* rebentty ^*;e. if irt. t^ioli; n^p;, l_»li h'?: PXJvt-: dOora.i WiLAl r rlMWm iiMk.M|Kmtu. facki T ^ u d : ifte- bedremu*, kitcnea, aouUery.—Appiy ti., Orchard C'»tb {e, FOW H O U S E S , i.'x. pA.: bteh«, Carehgjire frTr.'* L}% fitud iri*H; I 0*8At^ Lcmnart. ___.„jtlpr-roaai: eloee ere: eoolnnr* iltUe •UBmilW,deeired, m4U i gtUMIJ< ILone. nUlteble iito indie* enyjayed id MllUiDgtC'b', iF ol< ^a^__ ' __ ___ ot I OTtkZhAbM. Btep:: —Hide. .4*: ivnI, iX-^ fl-xxiai. iquiirlviLu: U tx.: -lU KKlrr^tor teona.—Kob.na, Little M uor» nflar P a v t i v ^ ^ work dnhak ihf t 6pnnv3eld*7 i*f»e. Vvardifa - ■ *oxiM tend. I*5«r en inve.id . WXN^BOJ...... in Uaaiinca...... ------St,'*Xeon*x4e, riUti Lwhltd;. t*. Csvca : ot tiu n i fV^r : lire niuuiho t:lU,-*-J FURINITbRC foX .^faV Ut B fls ie u t*#Iy*le.i'luis^ lattd peopV preferred: rent-nnn; •*pleiinritly *itu*ted, Jiscnr ncn.—Nunc. 17, • i ' l ?**•* Car* octtfaiUy in *U c k . .. i - raxitiHili'AV?i " l i PM iL N i lip o21b cmwii. I*urn'.«|}wvd HOUSh; or Flat, winter months; m a X w b dre^atrai'T. 1V312 L.p., ucmplete euuip* U.U.U.. ass, Jdunduu-M^.. 0 :k. Ha«ti: . L twciii 13 and ouu- ,1 1 . (.rautolupfaF rdu: Ikx- O ttre . ffpiirrl-R^- HAr«/>wdoW. B. Alh[hen rrd••rd. . I; renti—W:ird. i JO, I'eroiMM'if-rd,, M. Leonard*. I - h»:. v f •-■■:■ I •. l-'-.lTli ■ -!' ! i i - ■'.W rli; !:• >r'->'1>j,Ii'vMl>' ■Hlfb m ent :izk£ti n r* ‘ utaM ri: ppaclal acrefn, b o M i»nd <*otei ; na-i O A S“ ltT O V lC . leutt ia bnr own. how e. litu a te in i* quiet ’and p'.oacant el'-’ctTii) hori •ml In biiidike' tfiewe to g<4td'j r*l*4;—Ap; If J . .H. Biiit:>:i'J PORI lALC. HjXiiVouMi I -MK VAU-.T.-. D^veni hniuot lor *4 ifarnilv, :&«t t;<» fur from Mho |M6 oer, mwd foi demonatrauou: ono of -the K*r|tu;__Ht)lhiH?tHii! Kt. Lf-tan t\%. —ol4 I I t IT K»tv'; 'isjn;.»iu.—N\ r.t . '532, •• Obi4::'iix ” lO « i Ml'-- .AiMijHUr 66. leeeUty. iply Slutaa. a. M ouat lN*aeaPt*ax«a.. i ^ a t i n ^ dna: K’lw rent: colmI xrenuJaenti iaatist.-’-iieM , pon* I rrx tl- xomtrtrtwbiH care on Lire rcad i well 1 . ■ ' ' i. hr4b; lOUr-^ J.^il '1--- I' -ii- qloUNTRY APARTMENTS TO LET. ___ i_____^ ___ _ ■ i'i _ : ‘ t ■ _ ^ em eriest "H fiT ia.'.tiuee ;ax;;r.-atiUi tH.c^ Creke eh>. four iuulHi.A;| ___ liona. B fck'A)-. Sq j^ x . ^ ■___iX".I tnuwi’iupj urM ,ri ing epiendid Twulte; £«£i yrri&aa* ^ ilFORlrABLB kOMB for Paying '(mutAi; or an prU.e a*._ui. s'«h.-H5’.i:|‘.*»ur Iraratu J-kexh;.l.« —oib FOR; flALB. b r.-' rt Aki NT.IS BOOTS. iexlT*l b;w* vt* ’ :> ; . Wa KiT F o ^ tiAiiu:n« or Partafrohib*'^ Dw- FORD TQURINO CARS, 4orup'.e(« w;ttU bLOObcrieKttomb«,” 66,1 6t. baviotiU rd.. Bt 6M RRCIAL VAN^ aim-*}* in vt,” HO, FORD CO U iehvl.. ScL-lioi U d „ Lfawesl, tr k tak sn eian d ‘\Sho.f«aie _.j lewr.>. ' «ad a e h ^ l TWtlbC.. O bacn’‘r ”j OfElc^ ^___ ' 'w* ItC*. . dANUARV*HAfCHCb I Liitlit; rt-,:P 4 r^~"cOCKElM^l ,ii ‘6 and 198^K«i*}vl : • i. ■ tjl3Vp b id mtdeemU.—Hildex.iTba Haten. Tnstetdeo. BatU fri .Silo* unry niat:nc.*|jlt.!bU-liotilon-rd.^BvxUill.^—<*ib i f .,?W ixifl^ieiL—Write U A ftim i i‘i r ! 't u s n ) i » E iparixia axid' gntieralj I icr die* ~]w ANTED; Kurlrelied^ HOUSK, r/>Qlaiiuziff1 flto ASK ibr turli|ailaTA of N« d| unU .S'ciaiJiam l jMoloi C e n t r a l C i c i u r e ______.' . ■ —oil pceei; worksd by preennt proprietor, for over *J0 } eatu; 10 FOnrsALff." Hand SKWir MACHINE. Wi l.fC ua Mt b‘'«lr'**‘Juri,. 1* 0 <*r thxc»' •Jltiaa-rfxunt: Ma-iU*lcn;i c*.* ;- ioTinx,. n K a a . m a s t tS^faUrd APAtaT|kEI«tSi mod.raiu priaolpalpriaoipal M009tttb*eaiattb*eaiat ur>^tucAet town; fatiod raaooqa fu,fi eo.Up*. <-r! Tlciuity 3-r«’ferrc4l; ri-nt tlrr*e tn four p u m R. Jc PH I LP oIt , E . j . 1-hillj.it.: E . j . ‘PhlljKit. Bt. Ht. wanted. —Frcwij, Si._KiJi: IneoaarU*. —o7 I .. texOM; htfb ettuataohr Wpdhanrt dkitriH.—B^s —AQdxeht Ifl3»l6. ‘iG ^ r r e r ] ' omi;c> IluytingL Sh !*:u. faiu»r-.!t'> .wor: l iirit 4ti. take A‘J; }a>i> (#^«>AV-M-;X.-t. Y«li.;-Wr^efaKU;, jl 8 . J | ^ . *L‘l nfm',. ' >Se:ul : Ifaxrtk ualxs t<> Cheniiei-O'. Dfieri itid l»j ]»• G<>orre'*ei. latirerburv, 91, High-et.. UariilgnlC- 1'0<> 199 MtLK.iiiYMilk wanted, a'-feral *r-«:. New l^iTkj i n - i V I .*x. *'7: lubtt- W--lViito D;L., 6181 Hoie t i b n i f e Soaitx Eipiwm*' Oflioe,wwmm* ««Lep asBi ta . ^ ow,«,6ei ”X 3f6v ofM* cotofurubV^lK^MTT'lo...... anx»fE*V' _ . hdiall Cautributy. T il. 271. Ruiuesutv*. i .SOltiPTORSfiAWB^sS i ■- whji. J9. Udic’loc'k'ruad, ^IluetiDfaWv fanner * ‘Thaukeii Uainca, Hu*:tli T.' ___' -—i, “l" ’ ,\iiA i...... iuymant toewrda hcarj! anfl help with dfincetu' »>itivn Arawtiod. . *1100 “ / C H Y K ^ICH EtiitR’s irilfAWTHr. BttxR^SPVlkTHMfBr'ii^' SSw n a flat* ■' ... •• Ohearret ■ OlR'c, r iB E u^.'i -Th’-^t rR«Ai*t tab"'8 AFES. ’ milimf^cturrd 11 aid*i«(ocld m t e i . pm a Abcfeiow; ,in-d«uMcied. d^w referenoea. UL.li.L., M IL K .- A b n u t 10 fa*.d PYf Q :tch New Mi.k for E*tiU >lli»h€d e v e r a r y . I ' ■' it- • olBiaT a x ie w e w ife i gant bethy oc L e i Puralahed.^ ilgetinge -.>7 from' •» .; r'r^' i, tph-mbd >^Liea at m cdcratc: (xMt ;j .32^ A- rtx n \ doSitered Bidlejl B'-xhill fr«m loeal tarru,— nf tlj^fe *•«.!<■* }jav<^ heTtt '*<; I in :Ha*iiiuDii end dbdxire WlUftSAe '*rttu I'.U- - ^ U b. A h e rt, IlMrtzaL te ll NUR8 B 40a V*ran«[y f<-r lniJto F., Id, •* ObefaiTe: Dflicc. :hx].U'!.__.; -H?7bJ 8. .CUreiiiCntw. H^tiutr* b r 'llr L r Cuiuina, ^jife 0ra r-(;Ry.K»i- - -.i ; V ‘ ▼loion; aUfii y hom e: K a, o a l): few re« . . ■llLllMy,____ ,'ll^rtinfcd fatitw It* jaadj teaUmotueto. i.in:ple IS wrmld A H de; fliief elnnclt. • ohMiful io'KlariU«;-6t.: W nstd)^, St. Lie'M da. ••■o/ M i l k .—Arv-«uiJietjatKj New M H 4IK fpT Sole; ' liUO, A-k. (4 ' The Sculptors & Mas tXT . Berete. Uiurr. 33. ^ V»:i- • . ^ • o l^ . *»*: or Makmg ar* •• -jtutn^ IhilrfY. S I ’ ■ T _ » i M V IH A______a m i r je|v^ ia lir^ Soum of qinat a -isk fo r o u r 198. .'V*jindd«. Ba«1bour.ne_ £0. ^pBERTSON 8 T R E E |T , APARTMENTS TO |LET. la plaaaaot] caiifhbotirhocd, at nnderat* "MIORE than fSOiOW u*5 Jvaisw o^ ^^ 'K T U 1^ l> fav.iei ifxmty E R T A D V I C E SpifT.-'-t^otaining jftiniu* ►ACt*. Vvli'yJ' Ihe.'anM Tt^ aEHU NE CARGAiNS: 'on*' I u f e e '^ 'n a i f ^ C5i liil FtilV l.*i tern*.—J a* Uceet, «.o. ;jki lloluit.:Fi«aaant^t . Ha*. BXP h M t i n q s , Baga W picdoua*. more Ovi>*. -I'n^k u . 2d.: le.r* i^anidjk* ‘ami; ^ du*? Clothln,’.-' L »mi. 'lilnukOi limAAH anil lillVlM^liuAM u > Lm . F r e e , o f C h a r g e . ! -'P ^or«*. Nortbiam.. •., •m *7x ■' Loc'i^ m'* to «4ect frijn. haii] tbe price of co: ! 8 S r , fot lb* msMr Aprl» JJ-. "Ot»ni ~ W in riu « lR BBO- fbalwnyr. com* hip, dniab A x n AX afl BisxHirx- iitinriTox, . IMTCR watrttil'' 'fox' i < a»uiVs“ |t i . full ^^rkrt art in I uyiag. quiliity, H O V ^ . T Acd ■BtlW l!. ______1 - ■■ " ■ forkably • ftiroiahe,!, (Lx Iftdy,, i p r lt^ te heuAC, re B ox F.C., ^‘ Obm^Tor^» OAee, Gfl BexhilL ' o2b O l^lV HATR pftfmkoorftly i"£M K ak liR C w .. laTD' 'c l i o s ^ ant^^l're rolnr supply, any original ooIout b f rnint, liantoon'a llau Bgi-J. SiMttl- ' (Inantity; beet pxioea mu 9^, Loadon-rd., Beetoxer: it iato not a dye, bui I by natural meanp lloirpAY7 DcrroBt: 5 5 , 1 H I STREIT, »t. Ltonarde.. • iwitorati re: cbniaina sothinL linjutiotai, and te . BOARD AND iRESfOENCE WAt^YED; 66,n i l * M * T r e i r . SOMA { n o Iitote nroken bpid V^ca.b i^ e a .. to .thd 8 rowth and beauty th e hair. Ifl botti* t f f e t h a larrfafieis- D o i i t h e . G r e a t COOkiDf “ 6 & 7 , B A N BUILDINGS. or 3 dox. : wo paduA neakage absolutely i*. ed. ;(t Otitoge 3d. eirind. lofacturw : G. V ' * oqUo* ^ A r O and Lodwin* near impofeibte: prioeo, 41d.n]A- 3>i. Oblaiu- H e 't $p «ialiat. lleOding ^ _ lid by Chemiai^ for UORUH BrfabicB R. Lil«.r ^■~n; wood dad raawacuiUjm-^AdcTeitt BlH______TH fl.IflAllhlAOi^. DEATHS. , A . th r Vlmw* fam' in J Cboilort, bly-(»nil.>aa T n o t ___ ablo ot F. J. Far*one. Lfd.^ ,t. Hgaiing*w Biertiag ; U. C. Edwaf6». 1 QueenV T^KOTICT!K O n ci^ are obaeged S*. Id. ‘?r |. OM lu tck w . m aWM Soot, n it Itexai. " thw m ,” flot. Bexh ul. • j —o7h Ih..;, a . ol 'BMbirtta. or ' iiruiakbiaFU lTCY'S f.Ti'«T Safaoaie a"’*"'”nna {r\ ’.asccu:’Mtcti :£atl s . Id vaofed, F*cireto. KAiii fCRih Autumn lllfl tS L B BOOT ami ed. foe additloBat Uv*. iW iim TfTMUn im fln muusw wMidri m u a 4aalRMY)(l - cCna~teaiect- Mice. GuiiMa P idi.—LiTeiiM.4 k Co.. Ttii«hridge Weibu -c31 log f 61* n od eoto*. aU- .. . 0 V> lit ■nee r this headinr rntrti he \ rrpeid. ply 19. Tower-rd., Sea Sand; Staw T3CTIiroEEtiB53Cr ■-M-I l-H.. WO, ‘t ObMTTM -}j o ito .* llMtiOifc o l ', B ^ . ‘,ne and ‘ coarse o b t m j a e i i j a i py^^et*eoae Ltd.\^14. Aid '-L L,L!-' r''J?!'0.1 M ftt. Ltoaord*. . j Feet, ' m, m C^. Haito 8p«nt Ga* L i^ . ^ tnJlM ^M M :UML' .Jaui.r, Icaae, StaatoTB^ P/areiW bnij, M ja e tJ a M M « d IT : i,ii;„ii •a t ItmtUaaeti « %^Som mfal*iUt«!ttM*; 1 ctirtt.l! f UL l e t s to r S B e f 1916 I batobeil. aple'ndid P. . ie . . t;-ai __r_ 4 XiOttmii all H n # ol winter toying «tra;n. e Wyand'ine, Light SlM^x, A pthto it* Smokotoea CofL * Ooke. and Opke i? ^ 2 ia " iu M*t« 1« n . f« toth.-aA j,: SU, f OhMirn'i OlBca Uw- H O U S E S A N D BUSINESSES W ANTm. m o t o r CARS, BICYCLES, ET , i u to any railwiay 'M if a iii 3A„ ‘‘l»: ill'.'-: fa. Bit- r. •S&i .. tu im eud Buff Otptnjitona. , 7a; 6d.: 1915 hatchod. from Mo.. a ip p lM the. ttUck ;L oilHEtoLiEI tllWA ■■'T i -0 7 -: it ratea.-^nm re Itop sr and Son. Oostrac i •' Giri.-rnm«ct .;TKL*ft-. -T;Ob* a iil my last eoepon’* btccuw, fioia 3a. each.—Mhnofer. at lowt, jBU tTHS. 1 S R A «ia W U t . IH A in - ib , m im U I nlurnlntMd HOtlHE. intii V I4 V 6 U lor Si^ci' g o ^ Cftnm neatly hrw. Bogholmo; Iluxted. ' _■ : o6e Lanedo rna-rdi,,: Ea<4 Croydof . >Phooe t53 I'.o. ( ;i t ' nom,, tuloc aca. ghrtlen. in o r HaiMniPs; moderato it M iuitab:«| adam au •Apply JtiiMu G rant, Taiegra u*: ^ A ttr ^ ic a . ■ Ct oydon.” ia buafaaa.r-B.,_r rTHBufaASo HifADBiirt IXLE’ TLA^iriS iSfBafa. B U R R a-O n Oeboter 2nd. 1914.1 ilig-toad, Sft 1 _ L HOUSESl AND UjliSi NESSES TO LET gruoitiWfi(»^r flat.—State paritfetiUre, xnte*. W ** *'Yjr*fli^ , 8 t . ____ o7 “ R o n iTOoicrrw'Tr* ■ to; iiss E t ’ Leonantoon- a. to thd wile jot; vM»we^ Oor ioral Gurr f n e S A t £~ , Ti: U . P«r 1.000.-lS|pl: J. 0»niweil and Son. AND FOR f SALt. "i Tlie N’fy'k. Laieham. SttttnoA fa -ls-T O - Btepoey. spec Emeter, P areombe MU^ . 6na^_' alStbe Fowler. tioU H eic h__ f^ i, i ^ b _ n a - w 4to I Royal Engii ha (netI Burt},.ia; ^utfUtjcr. ctitBiarlabiai ' ■ L X« 1 na petrol: ban lirtt man wit h 430.— P a U i; ' t o ^ o u l;:t'RY r ’ v f a "b | « I ko -T o 1. *1, from, the i inirslri H'OlS: SfaoiaSatt] i^B N IiM IN a Co., I SlLvirTR WE^ibtNG ■■:■-, .'jp li?': :K, i n e m a pBSBmftmTHcruster .M FLATs.-WiJx-roiJinod 5 t = Id. tomtr; ; Kxpfeaa rOfftoe. Lews*. o6a *, * rd .-ciip iu ) 4ft, toedwoOd cheffoniar. ^ fwaiiw, xar m gardMMi(UdfaM. tiata ' Tl. m i t l r iscIifalM. Tlitw- of Noveniber,'IT, an ex(^;fx^ llun for I’onltry, with ipito} ' tR E E - K A Y , ■Fcsn* giod, MMiiii ^ _____ U gV uL isy iauy •» nec at thei F* -Tenfla' trerr inoderaia.-^ ' xniripx b*ok. in «f(lendid coaditik^ thtonsboai, jOn OcioW r tofai. 1 ^ , j at* Bjoly Trinity BEsimHEsssBri i k m , , io- valinodn roomed P tv *. It.. 4a.. .M t tnm f..U ‘mlBniai^ walk >Unu)ci.L f l a t s t o l e t . and Reeidenci. : Cburvh, Hai^j be*, brjthtf EijvL Oanoai fleodiXton, Jobs I «QVttn| —Apply Stipbaa Tr;:ifar, % Llphlortano-idJ, : E5 1^ FoweU. Ltd.. itTBigh-etM ’ IL. Wateou and AccRon and - &— tate Otfee*. osUy rery g«tod Kinguribaad erwing mBohlijt«J|with Jose*, oulir jii:is-o ? i;tt'II ol of the! the: Irtelrtelj-m of H im- ! 'llORM.M?. no.'.ll.■ e t I.KiiJ na laajr -or c m lia _A “ f L A t^ of ttidtoTfuotM to “L etvin '.!Ui:ward-rti.j; j 6*. ifteM. SuaiwXj . . r ' ' •; ' ^ oto aeeca tim » . t o . ^lary IKirito. aldigj daug fler 04 M a s W o o i- g c b i , £ S ' t r tor ifia.{ with erder aad 'WSHtABTcmcKEI ! for fattiQ g; atop ^e fc* and Ni elies4Mkee if TeouSied.—** B./* garden: healUiy locahly; land and eea tuw*.'—47, B ato and „ iMtoded. le i O ftobet: oUflyiMih w^Bkly* fai Iniher top. .mabominy writing ial4e. 4 * '® i , l 5 2 ‘.i!9*4 ^luid DtfmrDWMd > 14 5?'^» F-aa t CUff ItoityJ FoSktotoii*,_ - I ■ Royal rtuoa Keglnienr- too- -bo^cv ' •ot : of Ceotrt -A > ■ ' —M.»:•.•“ - BexhilL ^w-rA. Haating*. M d t s ^ i man dbe tor i: if ly n t o n ot I .. 6d.—Note tbe B^iras Ptooe Step 1 AxeroH. of » Uirte, Hasriin^ - - 2ifl fa to. CiUxtou I ROtrSlS to b. Lot ot BoM rrlai e; I I_ 4f6“ Extra Piofli i\nm •erne w unitor of hew >Mi>e;iTAatV.PUiiliiTH|io ______Amilt In Uu TtraMtM AnsUt §1 it^oont^nM FL a T, 347^eia !n*xd., I W i ' “ liriNQS^ Sn>ondhaadT FURNISHINO ' Aiouott, 33 ygiii**—R .I- P . ______* vwtkij't—UooeebeBa 37* M»pklee*x e f. ______j a roan*. ecuKarj-, bathxooni; .l|. 3d. Wzite I fm aad. rtfatioaa six mootha ww* nmdrt liy one pouttrt'kMPer who Qum i i' i> -thA M'fi ma»h. •BNVON.,.. iOR.-^n October . .. 191,6 ni Uelciie, STEVENS AND SON, wfckJr Indltpijve.—Api ?jr Geotgo Fryer, 43, Ei^iiHono* toU Bcatoda, L on Cyeia nv»r >w be sV bmgaiti price* Gire Itod»k»w-fow(l “ ics*. WIHiaiu fStovcu Bepyeiiv ; ' ' . iie S3K 5t, BlAaft xbaaL i—c7 Packets 3d., 6d.. i*.—StMesii on, Ltd., 4. X o rih e t, Laetoi. may jtatt what. yOu dni. iltpdllJf’ABLB Froik SmiNO-BOS] SBA 'itO A n. ■ ■ I ido Hoatitiga^. ___ . ______■ ■ . ’ ■ ' '. ■; . ^ r>3e yotxrJ#arIieatt : '■'T-;''- / -"W toM A>4-’)' (1. «fat nfiiiM r.am, LIbL U p u d iM d. FtM. Ttia W. 'V’ MobBRH >L A fr^l-O D ntoi^ 115; How uiuei- ^ S » « v — tkST'BcRTcry'V in.j rhfap the m n laa*e”^tvp ln*i< flRUTTBMOi: , —On Sepictober 131 >fa PjiJfricSr aad Son. •to r Engineer*.' tl awL'bai>t. $yL Bag o» K A K S ^?)? D ~ !a K \i: fHuwiex 'ijfoutot). Craftt-odeo, df 27n. Sil-|(mofit«l-roed, : le fasuuj*. I fa»«id ! • . • . f -.it'iiTir daarfdn’ Bejjilll. • !^t5b . ■ " tab xd.; fottxl roOBMA senate eenUery. garden; 7« 9d.' hjtna ode wre«k. 3d^ “1 u “ffW ^TrifllcTT] Y eStiYi=«sj- iholu»ivw;l tisadiar, 6*.r>Ap|K7 Fxytx, 4L kldtm i F I oaaat* ______direc^. attopliiw W Vontj ” iomb titto of irrinoa'. N,ur»ir 75 rooiv.' ' Ts;-te4 W4 Ha SL b sIfTlWrW^ r ' 'aat W a riR » B B tfW S to Lfa, packet Kaiawood .: Poutuy Spice plkiii 113 h«MM one C R A iQ .-0 i SSihb^r.at 3. BdxdeM^i M ■ d c j r Uad atm ll ftoMi dtu jp a- n » M .—B. Kfaiip. id, UwlilMA ■ ______i'^14 t o . ilo io r c ie 'lk p o t, tCn- they*, aoeaptalfle. WiMa Ton b n w ’t t< .jO, ' toorgetoirec^ H antt-'"i' nuto'.w^'. .•‘.I ,, » i. week; Used together, ^liey uisually < oaffiitt..— llooUttg*. CrsXgb widoF of J . in b«v Un. 'M i and m * la d . ot T C f T O H r _ f l a t , 41. Eiphiasioa»-iff.i; Draper and Oo.. SedleaqOixd a-rd, 8ai marde. o71 wto^J ____k hig chap- -, TOTj-il h ir. -IconipiL^__ ?fnd _year. laxge ro&DS, aetiUci y ; 9ia weekly toidflsif* ateo DATIDSONI in parlMl Aon Utlpa, a. A lit' .. iirifooto Fonuida'j in . n«rr ioMil on i adi an# gwii'riiei -.aiHl ;t: cptui AmiBUt 7$ FOttbT* with . Sni iwottT^ woe"*^ d 5,944 ■ iiw e ' O B tV __ •uteufiin S iiiJ 1916. .t OoofaVu*;f ; b w ir a ir r; rooow, BW' o a o w i kltt, ^6* Banf>rd... BL_. ______four bfldy Inaivt oh harin^ [airtwa'a Naneir infaiada. ];BR4 TOGS^._^<^t«MpMd cmnMtlliaft itoii egs«t (THlue JC33 17a [ ■ J than , t5 .; pulteM withoni of Oomforii Sd. Si l l t v all aM iiW s, StMimii e.4 Seilly. toll*. ,b«rt ^tfco daiSp - tUdtMS - li t ------1^ -IL I HBwIpofc- izT, bsU room r tin ----- bd. - wwsktr. _• bfalrw^d hi Akin D oIy^ *on H ii Dfalrfaw, Root J4 "a4 ' (4 ** . inotooerid.. M»7 EarawQod in' U moni) W-. If.—Qornweli. poet frpra. Tlntriaito* [twwiniat,tSwinliiL Bwidiiw. la bia»Ja«iat Apfliy d tg f F n rea. *X ol5e Coitiige, . . tot. * c t th e beat, n iii* ffa-td.. Riwinm- l a e ta a n w i ooaldltlofa Beediraan. }Ugli<#l.. Ufl ifllS U H lF S IiM S T p T ^ ^ '. Dttoi* MortoT' pELvifl.-st] —KW h o o t L V _ - rwali HBu5iS::3H3i» ' 36W i. m s. « the SfiHy I-<’a m b o At a b l v . . . . iRHlfiiiB' ‘Skb,4l pUod Iw .as > u .i| Irtsiia Flatii, 1 6*., Urpe cnrdcha. incitauva; M ^TO it tc h l I-L—R « ]U n [ kind* to lldtor'C^clca d in mU tb^ priucitjrtiKoKbitila. Asyton*. and Albort'diobo iguardi. ktto of l._Le inardA^-Sfie, o r JIM rogai td 'li Hopee*,-L.Rop^'ixom — ^frci zi^f uana^, 13 tniaute' w i^ g litorituti^r iotoo Jtod Gnaw andiSl. Jibs Am< daSiiy^-lOYrd d only MOD oglJanM Doha, Adelaide naAICYda toheniig. , ffanenri oviKhkaftng] Sl E . T O L E I AND tH . tt picfemdonel o r .1 —App^ ^tepbep“• Fr^er. ~ “ ElphinaUaw-xm, H ju^n|ia. ______o tt : aafiiuafei .free; a F A R M S F O R ^. p atters Ftw«.| nooka. H-it##. Aprcnti. ITap*. ^ road, fliNtir . to .‘'hi*- 'fStU!' year. berBtere'rt.;^'St; Btuaiber ef| StenMilaad . . always .il litock.— I^ A N T E D . J ^e*vf*,' Ciifto CriUto I ete. * Wo speci aUto' to ilAK.—On Oil 'Ll ,vn». .St.' TyOtfa ' d i i t t A a •bottoo* ‘ O n tflta .^ -B u n t^ Brba., t-U . Trixflty-a L». -. narto'OSH8c:i, j' •‘Driediii^-• T»-A'. l->KiTl!0 iTCIVINMToifl t a Lat. tor-eJW M fc.tw t ASMy E h I b n Y Mil <»aUin.d «»MI, F*------^ Foxba’a U< tiyola Depot. itlbed;, Jpaator >ni% »U4j dan,;ht#*r cf oubiidt'a ''O RA STfl'^A tiM , 61 MutV Oiiaiard»T,^e«tii 1k'U»o the Into ;R *ua5uailo Mrib;*n,‘" —o7 pracficaYy [new, ____ _ dltfARx Iwdng a>to ' i'.w1 rg r t twine. 4a. 6d.; yeep*. Fu«14^ earrioo nA S^'Lecx niaon.” Oioodeeiq^d,. BLII^wds. J _ rc-r— to ealM taent.—#1 pply Leneya hroct Supply Table W.itei*. loud. 450 p er'annam fu p .w te ; nine afrto-«tond, houw:. Ibnah Cburuk t-Iii.-‘Piit i. it- itw n iffTiiiigff and bmltU^*' 4400.—Tii4’^bit end Cof; )Uana Agento; .dOecriiitioo of. R ope'O oi on Mbniimr ; Twojnap.. . ■ H,- . " I__ a«l>«it, ------^ ■dSSSaJr^b P L X rn & a Aios pox L of ^ I x i l L to 14k, i w a r x E led.— 8. ftomell-. . 1 ^ >oiref. •ttna R O rB L. Oetoher ' et . Macda}<«-terraM. -I- fair, dtUoaia Itdr lad For panteolaia and k y ayPiy 3. w tltow ^. Beghpir—»7b Oautyilmir. ______o7 aan aad attaaU ______. ______I’C l 'd S O g . ■Eo o n d h a n ■ O Y C L n . Sale:-One < UlSnWn. liinSfiSSi^iou** tfX®ANlt'^ARLi Sn~auit lor br girt; aonuiu: low teneut rig itlveluatU h.—Aup1i| >ol6 Agent*, sew.'ii m i Mitor maeoek'A* i|ieeo**-^:d^ Maarinmuif :"fo7 i- ■ TlOljiN '.-tNH I'l.Xr-iOiOifli:- -A ■ T L oj aad e-lr k liehta and sobSiexy.—Apply A. B1 e to 114; ain 46.-BI001C DQvor. oT DyVe -and Gallaway. BWitMffiTufa r w T s ^ a faifattu tofanlia: - «.l» I 60# L ioTToTSI tc5ira'"$i ee^EesuS fuT j Cn ana. Phlllii wtuoa d tnai. fitlid4l**.aat vithw(a%. onu a-AA,..^ Caiada.i- . -'-- Park*td.. il------sood U* ?C L E ; I make,;" no WAHTBO. to Mat, 2iUX>U> B a t -----r - _____. socid n p d t ? "E n S T acr#^, two tO: three irum Loodun Irish Damaek '* Tabicariotha. r bikned wlf< Kao«: ' i:-^ilLLBERT-;; ) hogwi or i laohufTri AIm> BboD, slOMd n o is f to thi Nrar; rexr -FL AT io ES’.TIo: Booth View. Cioft-^» ^ ailknga;' nflibu pVppir D.D.. I’a Fann, WtiatiiiigtoB, ■1*0' rtattoa, unaoltefl, , ewar Oct^TiTth; tea. ... Lionsxde.___ AppIf'Dcr--'' '■ ------a rttti^ o ^ three be^rooma. kitehen and: MdUerr, B attle Uoating*-—**‘ Farm,*' Expreow f Lewes. -long, I Jo v n n . Kk H S k t a o c ^ n SiiTerbin. I. I ol5e . Ito. idTULfth ib ^ hd* ' ubto: anproval ~ Idriag rnttnorr of! AI motlm'. Man •foi-'.'- Vi a n ? t a aRKItMK U M BO c o ARX1 A 8). S*D«_, ■ ^ 7 •to ,; 10a; Id. lnc:tiaila—F. TV. Weetoa. 2A 8 t Wsilen’i Aon flmrib... who -jaatod aw ay;'. . ■ M u m A - " R f a “ w 'Am t i , gold Secob Modern 8TE.4M fTRAO WAHTiO, to Rent] haoe, [enitoinahto amull ..W./30.I' “ ■ vaflee, HacUnito- -B aA B M IR i , to 'b e r£ Hastiaia. ■■______dfiMcriptibn Its end wa* ]I* i^'*4-Lottto Hable. _ T«|d. ■ •' CoyemofU. luK FABH. 18 to 20 acres, little wo< knd. wltniti :utto' fuawtflnj .iria^Uj ‘ l))R!DO<: M 8«l«! elcctrie : F LATft eett^ntsiiiedr Catoie UiU-nL. ; mvh.—Box : *:6tl**SX ] •’I Ofltoe, ‘-natfriws iind'h*^^'^ WELFARE|.--tn ajfEiketlocete. irememk of m r (W« I W ' l l l i a Im : ■-vM I Mceptioa^ . uilea o f pood eea*i5‘V CA-y rar-j-l; ■ b ^ , iu^fttiUan. br! M uir iSir ia'^Ba*- : I t ; .Valuer, Hastinga. 'Lw l e i t ■ t .• BtcfaB,owfen* ;tw '.. b| » _____8; Irom" f t f i m 'Cea/jjaw M p u p to fa tefeeweea.— ■seianeag; ' UM-i' .it;x» C" nir .jat ii«aa Aaaaulii^ aafa-Jadr h u iat d«Ur _ 07 >LAY« to Let ! IIJ BagonaHa^d.. lOL L •sal- ,: fine .. IfBs^Bhow H e SeLi owner Robftttobridgt! Fair, :9d by red wei ' a’ong right -liDNiirtT.’ Ofl „ l.-W rtta D„ a«. irataMaia Walk. BaBampL, nscw rvALiii-pi lU i tpT 8akh ciORe an lery, l^dfCxi.______!*• __ fla; ond. D ?b,J - irf L--p<*td., 4 X to: btskkf aa)e.-Wo]d!e|*a. 8 t aide.* -lutonnaa* will. lewarded J»y *" ' ^ m ia o . Vow C fafai».;j|f..r.r ttofrtiar wfant' --“U'uiv ’’Tr atidotkcb |BBe-■R«Hd(^DCO.'. on floor*, tihx4e lobm* an d acul lecjr. a t 6*. 6*L—J, H . Ifc aieer, 39, q k n a 1 Tree. Ldinberhutoi plairixhth e tto . CnrtaliifL n s r conMoim iwo ' .... -room a' - ttuwe bnd StT hlarye-tar. Haatiafla > ; Ol4 JAXWI llLSI h.p. tier, all on. ne Caiubri#vo-i D.. Hufftinga, V iil Mutchhkg eight ... ■iiV Dyer, sad CHiUawiy. K, a&mnt'id., CIlye OAIMLB b.p. __ BtngTde. fotnv«aier, two ___ . , .ja h qui * ftcA fleoi A iA lTlSw ft,CT^ i o m \ HastinvY. Brown abd TV' bu yewa u l ^ . • \ ■ 1 ; 'I' • ' • o7 .. MALE. tc4 •cri hood. eleeuis. . ... __nUag,: ftve d etaouble wire LO IT, oti pctolMW Stll. KiMli l*ARCEl.. ebbtaintng of ipneebiiloB.VFeltob**. Opathalmlo Qpti emett Bcdmnt mii bstiae* per m i a i bergain.-fWOrdtMrto. 8L LnaartU. ndoa^ St. Laotorifc _ • • . \ r 1045 ^ , •i W S iS a i iH ibop ‘ Ir low tenM.—TJe ’ 3 S i -RIOHUcAtt' MaalDia. .lU lyw ■ft«m*'d photograpb of 'tviJ little ht*y#*.p-F|iider; vrtK., be gnitable *‘m . IBS, 14-16 h.p;. lia d a u M to body, ovex- rewanWd o« brittginfl ;*toc to Siwiui Upp*. r Vrimi'ri».T’liyfi&LA$J8|©,^be^ ffi iBt| . t o l a u . — ■VEMPIILB I fooine. 1 kitchen; a u l bktbroom, flttod itt Itoodkra haol iiToMment to r Iffre work.-<>Wc«dleyV,Wi^dleyV, aprii Q u i s E x : S o l d i e r ! ,’‘:u 5 B F C 6 G :" _ -A- flr*t<4lMg ~ tobliab* style'and apeciallr aiepted for one^or orntpeato, M ^ U iU . Ht. tdConaidL . ' . ■ - - •. [ j • _ eto-M.. >wiih ; Ppocjii!' iwki apridfl oto WEST llpRWQOD ORiMiltORlUM. O n Mil .. rooiaa 8 L |i Ateto. of flight T“ brtins■ *’ ’ ’ ia ■‘hoIYnt«^too: rb. and t t o J ^ ______JielProt*: to m MVBIB. a ^ am lnbirit S3 ard M Fareaaerrd.. aad L katltoea- 8 L- bNAI ^I!0 1 1 1 , U twownt^r, fttor-cjliiMkr ■“LOfr, on TYSaa^TW lin^ ttotwtonTLoidJaerPi^Tiid fTaailini I fb* W bt C- L et OB let.. st, Leonard*; te at £36. inclosiTO of aU oif golnjpa— y to tilt for theTa^*.—FeHon'a. 7 f « t adiaillia Fieeiiees, 1 ettgii^f. model. _ _ J o a » y per;f"ct, Inlly. Mwuotiel. la^dy’ABtjioirSilk KANDriAQ, containing : »i*S lA Londtoi-rd.. iRffa Leoaai AND ( ’OMFORt |s IBa 111 i Ataoflh* Apply ei 1. Ciimbiid le-td.. IIa*tinps_ ■miH * » w puree. VaaRy cum. jiand article* CKBltiT fONS AT' MOTE i t . ’ 3S RATE8. ' ^ R & o k I m Z BM W , I t m ight ^ roou^ body.j -Woxin^g. Bt : toobard*,: iiaU tdr'lni )7 Bl^tM'-rsaDn. or BedBltiliir-ioMs, M toadun optloaol “ ON^v! 5*.~Wcoklyj Inrlnjdve.-^Sioe ] up., fonr-cyl two eeater. of a peiwonal vatoei- ,yoae tetuililng aame to ■ 16. t m ------OST ; O D f e N PIOCBSS. •. -'R-ip. w _i to eoiimti&icete. Gafqoe op- *^OllCAGjirU I9tii shodeU i be rcwaif'-" —oT. nfadtr.u totmo; (onr iblmit«* m b .—S, Ltotoxiot. i-aol . H r. ihree* fa-bod . roaoaa.' large acttllety. r ’^ „ fitted 8 epaeyr wbeeL tyreA Sm her hood. Hiovftlock'rA, yard, itw t redecorat td.—.^ P ly Leator’a. K ail i t , jHoo- wiad;«A.M| MXi ».A« tm,4Wi» • tl»i mMWAivs llaxto ■ ewnvi*#tin, \Muw x behind, tcoently ~VBCC6W~«S6 , XEKlN^O^. X35C M It :ELLANE0US ARTtCIfaE^W AHl F o i , fCR HM ADplr tq 6KTS. SOCKS. > '~M M Tfli«br='0:;u, tiwlSiobir^APARTBICVTS', t> r fa 1 >A> E d - :\if vguijin:., ab<*P (dr v tb tw : mwA ooofclwti seed e t t> n U d .| not lc49. tiPCa. ____’ E ' ...... r e p a i h t^ -W on lor*a. Si. iB s a iA i. . to'- beach. ThUfRhiT: ta-i id.-37. J a >n^td Bexhill. -THI ( O t m fapuTAK MOi r n AY M k P i & l ohfactod tp;i odih iMooduie.—*li4 Pdfaio. S7, O t m - 1 —o7b. M, X “ MV !K>lri Z.O. Bufa-td., IlMtinau I < ^«T r e * *A l k , isAi&T' SCSI W ..iion. 46 RBWA1IO#-L : h t . |^ p t m n ^ mET. iT O ir R d o to s, ^ E u iS o o tr dmlr-—Ap ilT ftltBST" O t » « w o ’ I'arlodioal ^ A ltlM I. ^ KVnUfal AfAirriilENTl. MU|SICAL| IJ«STl|tUMENTS ETC. beriteen a ^ n and ^olock. wail Ixfag irem - - __ Itoron- - . - _ aaai-BWii M ofhuo-*: I )«>;»>. ploMB, pailtion: wuo, "|f*WlY( aSB «“nW T lj5i5t'G .ta;^. ------. T«W lfW fa''faOIYrflM 5rp5Kl5L lacin. aiTT^w . *hljre-rd.a B n h ili, to I iksi, thM Iran to Icndo^rd., O ver a M i l l I 4 i i .ND, - f lSil: t rr?». OWIM mlgurrti;: ’«o«yl St. Loonerd*. or wallL f t o n . Grand pan de. PLV SE . aad h lr efflictj. sobdg aant in lor bwtliroHar highly i w M ; ' tnodtiieie; Ouuoywtde. ing-room floor; tlrwe *liariou* men*. oo«iie|1w ory. v s w m i r 'CTlfc^ ffb . ali .ptloM r brid gcai-flogef :• oarl^Fer >a. Hinae r 11 Welhngton-rd. ■—W itfaP'O .. SM.1 “ OboDTtfa " omro. HnWln.it.-07l eoctnlnlmr 410 or 411 I goW bad oiler piooey.-fApriy H a l t IT l i • • ' •^oSt ■ jbathiootn.„ kitrihoB^ itleriric l e ^ c lightl:pbt and gaa; aje in iim ori boerja, lad an repair* t fin * ^ Rt. Itomianl* % Rob nlm af-iooau.l t b m l>o* ♦ftiirfour.—.—.TWatrlor«cdna.« 1 Watrior-edno.. 8t. l#eonatdt. l#eonatdi. i . j j o7 . 8<»^hoW| 96. nrii»d-i Traw riiiaar^' iiortebla Woli-farnkhiad APi^BT* 6 6 inatrnma&ia: <^l^ Mffwm boBMiL-H. BUaer.ifiaaer; a Bovac> s f [ r ^ F ¥urnlt5te or H. W i O i R i n K M . ItENTBrtbiM n I Mbfa flea aUHoiit every cmBlertt itonr; lln. M. nctT. •• flta ■ LE’fnOCROSl—iThnrmin^y'"^^ . . 1 iSE2 m mooth-id. For U R T O l a l r e a d y j : iiiir r ■aaadlBC, t lactndlb. pt»i., liofab si.no. B., 4T, BaiDcrbitboid.. . . V any aurphi* good best; priem lood oootrtat. Mt< jne. wpwld aazir bnalaoB TMOciWt FLAT:nia»Y»^«C'*F^^®‘ three bedroome. bat aT>Ttjrt>Traiffir"i^ 6 L-<^^ Li! .i^ l i aB fb Si . Leona d i .F ; : ■ GARDEN, ETC. tor ai ■ -Yatuefa wa aud aoa. lat'oi&i;. tonu modnatc.- Ntghtingaieb A Bt. Aadr^oi-sq. !rof>k«r, Wectrlc ligh : take II gttiBca* |IM; pLanbia, Zamsaooa, B., bL W!nii4r, aad .. — glHft.. ltd flri Ill th e port* » W (M Ta p -. ~F0lSl|H '*il nii'^i^CiiiuriiiSai iT^Hafea.—^ e - uhopa, . lu^.—W...... ,_ . L . . > , Oh*«T«t- - - ** Ogee, riaatiilix ^ Btoni isei 1 fload, Q u nnfs oad. flt.’dtirT* -j IhI P a tN B « m d a 10,m MiMffa iB dlw a AjbW i., IJA eABBA&<^ >iA R T Stion^’ auttfi|im<*()wa :< PhifieQ non t > give |b « 8 in ti»* rSflriei Cull or wni* G K in i:*. iri: H -alafniaA ^r td4b4«i>t in. and mutdiar Hmue. in Loouidtlnwl Uant^ t rC F S’OlifTAIM*ll ^ C X r , one floor7 efic rii _ 5 7 B i I., Anl>mfa<.. - 9 MaA—Ha-tiA.^ U iaw Market, Early lUlitf* htorly Otfvuluii:* Flower, ox Brev|4 and ; L,..Haatia|m. ' . i » h v . n i ’. -'tsl.- nunat losw , tacliu|C'tBtnl ClicM tilMnd, T on Unlli Sfartnin bad p rto a .^A p p Ir » Ifa n o a ' n d Lsea cUcMMot, bath; moderate rent: also ,h a r c^, <4, a^diaiK ' fat UaauittaL QaatlalK T t U f i , o ^ ? 9 .XiUu-tniAi: 'T . L ;5»‘.Ait! ‘- ino«»r 4b. U iln n . Hi. LDonard4»n.8«n Bpiing, Gd. per lA. . gaillicrwh irith or^tr.—t%cw. auted by nnutl r c^rpmlcrT ebout .iriiieto. 13.1 LVKiUrii lo»l. t n mtmrt/% fas. ciMiaD: uwdtnto.—U n. Wilwa, kentt^—Bixeli abd iOo.; 45. N orm aiw ^ 8 iittxpWt'A, K togV Fa) Yurt 0dliio ?lo a, Pill borough. ■ order.—Writ G.. ^ ,|‘ Obtorver '• im c t U, Dtwilubito-trt. ^ —— ______■ t> ttija «1U bnppf to iW M id II!>u- ______■ ___ Ol^AI.-eA'l hr iK^r every aaoLtehce vnjti*. fe41 FfiCRRI npU tedi one ,' and one i ■2 IE = , r : oltce- . 111 go. - ■ LAfcOR Front BfaDROOSL .ult t n or. tbro. Soonc ”^r?Tu|t7'W'Wr riMiMnrn ntr ithrdfiihtolFLAT. FLAT, on bfg!bh ffS p ^^ w Ddii'nd[ ltSiwe|thre« M.. [earw m M ou Corice, n t > F it Hooe, any quaPulj; nowhet a too MdUB la bnUmui p M to Qaota'n-ni nad Hnaortall-- [TTRvpi«nori‘. konr.:^4iw i"’i>T™i rvUnmiji. plate. Unex'tt three oro r^ ^ nuNttha;x M u A jw^k. id r |. : B a i __ : ■' •■ LAWN MfaweR,. T H n T fend' flre-lrou^ Im o t “F W n W T of welhbo^lt 8]IhoMalwith dwltliaii*botiK«. ijil M . nnd - - * —2 6 - poitmaaitaa.—<»aU . gei Boltl , —o7 lothin too a u to l ■— Ugge; -irboio 7 1 It. Btoant- HnnttbB*.' ' -kiM —.VZ,/?* ObeorTer v Office. BexUB t WjW-nBJI^wr - ... by------Hotojea*- w slim t — ib ap'.en- aiwd tor or acod, ISex- liA N C l ^^3agrB5ll^;^teii^aHYn^a^^^^ ^ u t at tia Btflftnifliig t 4tl|> per ennam. To o9r< on Ittniie' —S k ^ e ttf if5:f,unhbad‘'Lower PIXT, fiO ft pWSioBA ffM ittlisTlwrpet Tiiy buy . ..;ly 41.1091 Mortgage ! ii d^tred.'— dld .eooditicsi brlee 41^ worth donbl^Apply 13. DOW. lUtoltoll Ou:< Jrox ■iCkling nod cooking, 8*. BW. I noofaeflar. 8L L« s n i llMminl: .•>. orltlor. i.nd •mr^jeoamdonott no d iito MS* oe td .t iflpT loonwi end *ctiU*Ty; gag hpraitM Llnto^ n a.. 1 neilnf a. .>.| ■'■ | . ; . qT ^ •fa— - bflSb wiaLeadoi B o^ Tunbrkew We:K . 07 bta>hcl: *ln^l> fawHoual' , . _ zxec; 1' itolee, to . bitohcl. -™ iinsiinfiH iiw . iKeoi iuon w^ttoacL w HI I , ;Jiys5ocrA ''' nM ndnoo; In td. wMblS'—Applr IfaBWtinl Obfafabi* Tw^ile*. ran t ^ fid. inoInaiTe^—Apply' "HMAIW “by 7ciiHW upright, Uiohord. t‘Wk{ actio helf'buabet dcliTeied [ft| Spring C«bbag«ytktu PIOAto, 6d. atau ^n g or . .iell< oak. bah. larch., bto^h. Bos. Hnotlaf . i ______^ -i«M PMJT EA II^A B L e i KoIm m ibr {d':lp^fr'''oid'^' r:p~hinefoD*-Th.. Tle*Mng^j_ . ______O A B P B U K -T K in w ' -i-i ; N.t' k- n AVI eetehlM ceMi txa bcKika labown: be6t jpuailion in toflf j_...... a«j» b- h- ^t ^ I t 7U Bd TOiiinrinbto olEar per 100. titooka, Wto ex*. l^aaitoJTsif^iTb*M I Wiirfnwfc Scotobi f lt; eatat* < v a tto pltoae T»TOr»(ii:B07^5Be5wry5SdSa^ tow n: ihdfongbly ~U M #I>W||I»M«D:|P l AY to W : tgy -nr- - T i n inL'* BtxblU . . —o7h Canterbury Bella, Cerj Pinke, llpirat promptly aMaoded o.f-BoK atai - D P H O ] 9 tQ ■*l 5»«UU‘ U« i- t:i r t .1- M So bn L«ti oiarr bniaa oonton: nod nadioni., ■ U L ebnth- iDultie conr •ennfiyT in a pH vati honoe: rwbt 9a. 6d; i>e ? wtog is- '. - ^ ^ 2 5 : 8/p,«.,' ut Ti. -litt yy __ .t lea^ w tsi 4S I: k. fixture*, , wiU. eto.4 m t iT a x f e ' T ofi bi^t-rtNes |Sie|»db«^ hiutnn*,- Ceraatitun. C nthemtim# ,] t e d ium, Lupin*. M etohanto Hid*l oaani 8aig A M g to , nnlSbbanibood i r«wii|hl»4d toom or bad: and fatUnr-noui !Iw ;7tA ooW TS. arwthwatoe-rd.. St. L«ma*k -Wi7 M TMently taken jin exu, L'hlox. Futgtrbuenoi*. I, otrong plekiw.' WM. - (fMwpu, « . ■iHMiinniy w M Jum wt Hon. •st.'MaMn, and tranut 4 U ti 1y takii gr. .4 L 4 7 ; ^ I r wants i*t Tory M L 4: ___ . Jl*o® ■:Mr for dkm aL—M.G.. i, .Cnst!e«t,i T O g o w v ronWioieat,------)rie c^ -8 BbrmHBBe > n d Wean.. 50. jriaon-«t. 100 a**orie«h~W. P«i| nod .Boa*. 1. >ui«i ft., siiverhii:. Hj h d e r i u r C rsi aiMfaaU,-ApplT U n IMad. 3A Kiliuod.',! Ttm- M flac;. I 3trieU cht UdO&h oa.«;.' - .! .11 ______new FLATR to Let; a l 455 IncloatTe eeeh; ej •» d f 6j nid« SL 8 l Itoamartbi-rd^ ;hilL io59 St. Locnartto. A4r«rto*r wkhl to Aehfo*^ ____I , • ____. I- t i l - and evyrr cottTatd»;. reni FLATS 'W ANTED. rlaj^iin, ■ ______,T ie5&^, ~ ^K ito~HifD'oiN’o' #C/(SYi; Qufcl rTfa4*ntort-n, Any (iuaatiiy boiL. p a r a u a n c ,.—Tbo Htiblandn. Wo'.Ubi;)’’n. w £ . B. Ttauga*. LeuceWa y « i n, Cttj^rcaav. O ■ ite'.y; W ritVi for A S T L E > i-o? a*VM>«; «hblGk poeltlon, nW ift“FcrrffHc . . teceotlr toirien^n #x- 1 pif»ent ;gr*t _C< pitat and, pal part of KwMniar. trrau n«l«at<.—A4dt.w tot oranfalia; 19 xooraaj difk Ntui H«li. N~iin» uj;{v..'U. Mnytetp BRV itoio light. inwrtlJ. ______u— —______o7 tp. Oftfa* n -9f Good Secoj SONS, Vlur. C.MW HlttM-. Haatiim- '. ■ ■ To? i a i r s a r____ a ifaM wfak BTi^ ior Bqoara - tetiofi; iifa^ W I fftMlCnttaBl rT L A T T aaqmrale •wt i: igie Biticlea pui IMA.— I t 7. ^pMx K aM eeal'nenr " r ANP 3XRB< ’ iSVjriiAL'ROeMB <0 tat, r>rni«liidreTnaSiiShidr « _____ ,____ •M ettea Hill ioeari.T Dlletoratra’a aaloatto—Bm L. ... UNDjatTAKI R3, :■..[ •: . ■■ M daidla Ma nfafar Aar.-App’r IM t BIU Cnttwr, l•4l^^«^■ Itoa OfaMt. !;« 'flottlttxat. ' w a i T l N r i fd.. neifa C.tat< 0 «CT«. 71. It4 « * ll 8i. l,e u a n ^ ! DOMESTIC ri^W i A N D C O lR D S . OttoentorC, Hartlngj 9W 9W RB UuM ‘ GOMl? mUn Bill, BnsblU, to* ol AaabaisFid;______±oiTb Hbwl ImISiL -'iU « P E R ^ N A t # M B B i r f i m m l [QX]lA U ij A *f in g -b ~ B aNNY BITTINdlROOM'ud BrdrooSirSSaTaodr. n m m i i5 L ” p l R r pure : white 1.011 iailt3r, »irii r Mb; fo#>d prices QUEEN'S Rc| E li, and ^ to ifat. (niafabfal: taad .ad ,o4 riw ai iaraUd not imbr *)to, hwe'y to *. to. IM. ci34h.—- - Ouabattoni- ^ s fA B L iiri ABAUL p / i r t ^ e r s h i p . Orifimaiar n i ion# Id oftof, oainii. ate. )I^UWD riO A D , abjoetad to—47. Bt. MUirVln. 'IlifalaSi,: [-o7 OfvheatTa. i« t e i ; to, cotn- 8L: Heton’d . Park r# nioao.;' ^ h B tto 58; 79, and t o c i l V E V A L B MK1-T4 •~BT. LRBNAROBfaitMBA. '-^'OofataoM.U'BKMiY. JHahIf. jof. part "wW wTiitSBr fitly "’and'^^eo^d'af ^iaTi'Uap^ Goi’1 "Chfiatie^rd., njniFiofl:=^atori XFOTi^V tfalA m laar ..faJL Ktotoan-rd.. 8k - B i ^ O Q S l :i j l 1 t;''''K iG ijn' TIBB-ltOO»L aan lAaiab aad ata.^R sbln SS.T War- rd.. Haatiaga; x4nt nio^*ia..fa ktipg emne fninUpTe. ta c lf^ an excapli^tl I ' :y .eas h-attuff l.atorfa «nii *Me reartug i Telo, iitT- A o n i a a . Ba. L a o u id a, ■ ■ ■■ ' ’ ■ tkm apha»E5— dA!>'«l8r ■ coterer. aat. hciatoai. -wiahea- to n T w e a p Iy T i pb«a**uni. eovAt*d «(r, n»«U. yy .fort ‘ *• * V9U * i ptieei '"•T; lllHA'kibK;PV„ ______t v g k . with [view to optaiig a Miart agrbwlve rftb raporto. t^A^gnpany t ooa]; «oldiam long. 97 ianlie* wd i ac t^ it ML oi ^ffer.-- '^'IdTBto Ail 8 L t aattabla tor iara»<'.' btlA 'itu , nadidoiafortabioi aou !tatioa. ; m garden r B4Fidkt

    r :