To Hotel and I

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To Hotel and I *.* i/j»te t ft ^ ^ . ’T E l T | e - i OCT 7 , 1 9 1 B . •} THBEE HALFPENCE ■1 .-lb. who SKEO AUSE m ' m - i:? C L A S S O F Postcard vnll ^biinii c s . Vaa to your dcl e e r . K oticea. lEd uffiational. i L a d i e s ' E stablishm ents . G r i ^t i S t . , f o H N ; * E M u s i c a l S o c i e t y ‘W o r k i n g i ^ U I L D k l lE U E . t 'l S A I S for tlifr AiU rn't Oratnno, M^ndt^acOhii’a EXHO h j t h ROCSE SCHOOt. I8 E ,” ar»>, 1»«W1 la Uw F O R G llU 4 i A N D KniptiROABTEN.S IK^.CHE'RCH. ‘t u A i S A L i k t.'-V'' 'V' MOftS'DAYii, at 8.0 p.m. /EtMiOU't'H PLAcS!*' HASTlXct tiekdiBAetAtk VALID AND OTHRU NTXT:SBIT( US RoQDd ih ijicral K ^ N aticvi at niodttnit«> t«?F. i OoiirfcA oj Slad of Nev Membcra.. wi: held in ,ltt6i4rtitiicit Fr-oclt .cORters cmii.sT cml I P A IU B H BOOM. m U ubhU. nuhnc4A Dcti:,C>ki Ai».*iitA Dtaffinn?. PffitniiD^ft T t i:.'iU A Y VEDNESOAY. OOTOBER Me- ffir ON^*nl api}*•»'* C«{hlrr;ofwCffiDjbnofw Loca!*, t > i B ^ F A _ nd lllh . GD&at» <fi PTFCtlitorf. NitevUriroik, Bitd AitoCi::si« B u a iJ X Po b tt^ I Ftoin to 8 E tch Dty. f'l ^atcr. M o d ia , VrinteMI MISS - IIAYEURST. UfibfliikL T Mni-lc, .umnwi'^ - - ELSU i U HAYliUnST.’ et eet«a‘- OUNt ri.E.tS\NT SISTERHOOD. jv r is s io x T|o<b-dtov t OAdk ChiUtc&i Httlf-prii X S a ita tt THE-, Afe~N D AX ■ K 8 C H 0 O L v e E ^ T h a n k s g ] VING Vd O X K O AD . vU l ta^a rlaca l e m e i i tlna M iles, d e c e a s e d ^ J a t . aCHOUL POR QIEX3. M O tD .V O C lO B E ft 9to.. ^mSBSB WATIIOOTB. lUlA 1 W e are i con(»nti|ati|ig ‘ out m «ff of K m IM i ead Picoffa i|ir«nant. )>o tlip !. 'tiite 2*.!iid o r Iil £lrd Viis- ▼Wila; ProfMitb Bpeol fX-M lSS| |PARK.E^ BROWN, toria, dUapti'r .J, intituleid “ A e t to jCoarVuest. raC^«rastUaled B«* b s; lurthrii aineml ti)ic Law of rufjerty and pVepAiAfif' AIN iakedea, with Preiaratloei for Pe^lio :8PEm LitTfM N^ iriU be ^aod to e V ifia vtU bo to TclioVie T ru ift'CSft CRubnoca CoUcce Of Ptw c9t«i4 aaxit t4 the jiruui:|d«d eoUU ria In otti Wca^ biazpttal*. a, Aaweutf OTICE IS I SilEBX' GIV N j t h a t . a l l OR -Aapltc itkm. * >,Tt Ci-pilHbr, am other iKirsonj r>tAft/vn A nA ioA SM VFV^ftTOft* • UftL SlSn.RS . w K j/ ro M E . h a v in g onJiTf' J T b iD f^ r. ISeptaiaber tWL robiUa.of Tb* Risbt Woialuam! tba Di bts, Cliim s, r Demambi:Uemamuii M* gainstl in s t thtbe e fir Ltt;;o B Retcuroeo Ouiuiuitt<e, Kilut.. of EST U EI.; ,|c_________ l e m e .;n t i :5 ^e i -m i l e s . tw B«^Haa Club, ia tbo la c of -JOSi ;Boli^Ji iu. JiUad. St. I .ooBarUsKm. FISHKRMBNIi C H U R C H w 6 r I V, in thiV Coim t rjof Sussex (vli 0 d ie d o n UYI' >21 C Q L L B B O N C E R T H a l l 29tli d4y of J d r , 191G. a n d IV hose W i l l irsunic 6 'HANKsdiyikc S e r v i c e p lectric«| ffindl E O B D O L iR OIBL-S And . KIKDER- tv : , jjp o r e d 'i bj- T|( innnd lirnry IlArdcaatle, g i n e e r s , D«, W i| b . l v \ A on 8 CK i !i .\Y. OCTOBEU Mb. ^ T K K . 5 4, XTBLLIXOTOK SQtrjUIi:. |b ATPIU iAY>, OCTOB3ER ItoL Bi 3 pA. ♦it' Executor. tlie:r sib n a m e d , in - P r ln e l- Slatlnn, " ^ in .; ; K j . J . W .. E- Cbill.b. b'ttll K 841# rilO IIIIA H BCLB^’ BATBGATE. K E V . M. I R eg i- Probate Div aibu of Ria OMAI Barrtua . i t ' 3 JB p;:m.: Karewlkl Sonm a AaSSjBMUfY L. BATBOATbi. vbo red eiwl B w o m d , 3a. Sd.^ I ■. V. S A K H E R a ijestj-'ii .. Cji|aft of Joytlec, o n t ile 30(11 m.. (sclQdre of EotcfUiBiaeut Tex. ^ S m W t f a U y (ABS S a le . reh ^ tw a -|m BeekUot Puptla. Tbe A:i BatotjA (Ibinr irtll . Oder fbo M Reg. E . d:ir of AiijjU t, Is arc hereby rrbuired to iliuMi Buolced at M ow a K ie s Broa.. Urtrea. A.ILC.O., I|)iahit Room for. Day Cotxden. - >tc A‘ aud' St. Levaaida; ot of Mr. Diat«r. the orsi-, e vd iKirtielllars, (n nriting, of h yr Debt*, Mjatr-fu U lfU Of Fnutft. VetneUw. lo ,|b«* preaentod I Pw|mAac.i<li .Staff, of S<|fGO Po lly; Oaaliled T«XM ^ftn. iR o ^ * Hi! LeauaiAi. to-tbo'dD'dl'^M* H i*p itaU ITiirb Streei, uiuy l>e bn/ugut aims, nr ileiuiniii to 'US. the miqessigned, ' at 8.M. ^ Caniast* at 4.45. to too Caurrli on Satuio-iy tr preeetil^ at the a^K-o; Solicitors to tl said K.xccutor. on of be- VieikiBy Boott:— ' p B re the EijjUteen 111 Day* of Nov i W r , 1916, SneS-StAffeB^creat McM id Noticiti Li 'll feby^: Given Itqt at the _Ue'Nekruutt. ^ il.ii.8. ar J L C e rt., A rt p ir iit io ii <'f .th : time the sn d I Executor PLEASANT CONG r e c a t i o n a l c h u r c h . tu ls r i:oi^53-aadM . raA«8 SINfilftM O -* ; l i t a -Alim 11 prnceoij to Id tribute the A ssifts of the L' rtM .: A,B.C. L-B A.3I. P i e r L i E o n a r d s . HASTINGS. ^ id Te'stat ■IS iuj ug the purtic'j entitled W L O t>]I4 n x «4 u aM PIAXOPOKTB Usk Walxkn XWlil'a-.Ac , Mb, and dmibe tb* week at ..K . evetn , hill iird -only, to th e D eb t# , M O N D A Y , rO B E K HANKSGIVING R L C e _ - [OK - M*.^ ix rc tb r' Btc':#;RaAoa,| X«.]S;’iL l L Mati&ooe VV>, ]’boi*lar. SatunUt »i 3. a « « H a r v e s t a im . , iViiil neipiHnds-vif: ahich he ih alt then BEVLE. mtUlwl- J -JOnJlid kadAUsU. LEOI JS lC A Ji ly n h a d ^ that die will not bb iRT] P.MVift.-j'M- B B V T. H I M O.” S e r i t c e s 11 ■ •* T H! V lido I'l.r I U. or lany part orcof, IKS [Jimeiiel itkfo; i,r E k tm iiiv Cbzirne Speciabtiea. Popolax S Artiat«r. 8CNKAV. Sth OCTOBER . U . .t.w.. -p.m. s tr ib u lc d lo a b y pri'eon or peril n * o f W'hnHO prs] fraftoB, for 6tir.' CcmfoereiAl,. •nfU:niH!>G TO ri'K«. 3A to a^. 'r-toa war tax: CIIIIJ> IIKN ’S .SLRVICK. offer a n y liirhi 'd u l d 'e«m to ride ftiiU ’ A»««rUi. Ooiceie. 1YI4 ; 114 ICAa^MlafteSft K Y A l lin^.i,,^. -PUi ...n Opra E r e r f Day. ^ . n i:v . 11, CtXH'EU, M.A. ebt, Cliiiil luand hoi .shiill nut then WE 5.' Mbooirto) I 191»; H i VPH4 (tar»te. 100 uL HH ROLLEIL SKATING RINK. Open Daily irktiOM Tbe Fopula; lYe hud i| O t i s and jum p an . c e p d ' irtunity to [sbootA^'ln tb- foClowiaa Z x aiHA.llioaA: Ceat* M -titoal. i.. - . A t Iho I JdC'iS^rnfr. S<I'r:lir*bi* 1b. llbrTcftl U iile c l th s tth . imy of Oetfiber, L MMiF.i ItotyAl ilrewinc Soe:ti; . •,'<.ls)F**f ,b£ Piw- U(.}aTi? Can I t h Ie A N c r x OF THE H^ltVl^T.” d o t o Row. W e hi Ttoanl. 1L. A.M- A M 1L( iiRd-3.oa4''D COlVA! ' C . 'J I . !m ,\ dlEU AND S0> il-trained for iVfM!ee< jrfc. P iia e l«l«t t'e y & frorttofM M-ADkl d<U' «f;iV 'UDjblMe^ft ai>jji.im4T:ou; Ah 7. N e iv iiu o re 1 jinvoln’s Im ii la in d o n , hcHTses and a, staff :d reliable i |;'H E N T !J IMIlWkWt. H.tST.Ifl(;:>. E x c u u tu r.
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