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r o Bushwalking C it Club newsletter Canberra Bushwalking Club Inc GPO Box 160 Canberra ACT 2601 Volume: 49 www.canberrabushwalkingclub.org Number: 9 October 2013 GENERAL MEETING 8 pm Wednesday 16 October 2013 In this issue 2 Canberra Bushwalking Kakadu Club Committee Presenters: Cynthia Burton & Linda Groom 2 President’s prattle 2 Walks Waffle Cynthia Burton and Linda Groom will give a presentation on the Club’s recent trip to Kakadu - a large and diverse national park and an amazing 3 Training Trifles place to bushwalk with its beautiful creeks and waterfalls, magnificent rock 3 Serenity among the rocks formations, cool rainforests and ancient history. 3 Membership matters 4 AGM 2012–13 reports Auditorium (not the usual hall), President’s report Hughes Baptist Church, 5 Walks Secretary’s report 5 Treasurer’s report 32–34 Groom Street, Hughes 5 Spring is here (Note change of venue: Please ONLY use the front main 6 AGM outcomes 2012-13 entrance) 6 Bulletin Board 7 Activity program Also some leaders of walks in the current and next 11 CBC Xmas Party month will be on hand with maps to answer your 12 Feeling literary? questions and show you walk routes etc 12 Wednesday walks

Important dates

16 October General meeting 23 October Committee meeting 23 October Submissions close for November it 1 December Xmas party g ro F e re o b ro r o C

Committee reports Committee reports

Canberra Bushwalking Club Committee President’s Training Serenity among the President: Linda Groom prattle Trifles Tom Gosling rocks [email protected] 6281 4917 lthough soaking rains t the AGM on 18th September, John Evans described ommittee members are often Aduring the week made Treasurer: Julie Anne Clegg Phil Starr’s great contribution to the Club during his Caway. For safety reasons, it is for some slightly rough going A critically important that walk lead- [email protected] two years as president. I would like to add my personal by car, the views of Palerang ers direct their pre- and post-trip Mountain were superb on 0402 118 359 thanks to Phil for seeing me through my first year on the Committee and for being such a wise and diplomatic details to check.in@canberrabush- Saturday 21 September when walkingclub.org Walks Secretary: Lorraine Tomlins leader. He has set a very high standard for me to live up to! , rather than to the two parties of 10 walked to Check-In Officer’s personal email [email protected] Serenity Rocks in Tallaganda A warm welcome to Lorraine Tomlins, who returns to the address. A number of committee State Forest. 6248 0456 or 0434 078 496 Committee after many years absence. Lorraine’s extensive members monitor the generic check. walking experience will make her a very knowledgeable in@... email address. The walk was organised by General Secretary: Gabrielle Wright Walks Secretary. I’m very grateful that Julie Anne, Tim and Stan Marks, who came to say A hugely successful annual NavEx, [email protected] Gabrielle, Roger, John, Nathan, Quentin, Alison, David hullo at the usual meeting spot and Keith have agreed to continue on the Committee. conducted by Rob and Jenny Hors- on Captain’s Flat Road at 8.30 6281 2275 field, has concluded. It comprised but unfortunately couldn’t The 2013/2014 Committee has already set to work. Mem- 7 sessions, culminating in an over- Membership Secretary: Roger Edwards participate further due to his bers can now add their emergency contact details to their night trip to Sentry Box Mountain temporary hip problem. Stan [email protected] profiles (CBC home page -> Your membership -> Edit in the southern ACT. There were handed leadership over to 6288 7863 or 0406 378 217 Profile) and I encourage you to add this information ‘just 60 attendances across the sessions. Linda Groom and myself. in case’. The Committee, using Alison Milton’s expertise, If you are into GPSr and PCs, the Training and Safety Officer: John Evans has also started work on her great suggestion that the Club training notes for session 7 are After Forbes Creek, the road was a leisurely lunch in the sun, looking [email protected] have a promotional brochure. available on the Club web site, Training and Safety Button, Train- rain-damaged, particularly on the out towards Palerang. 6288 7235 or 0417 436 877 It’s the Committee’s job to keep all the Club’s structures ing Notes tab, item 37. Watch for hairpin bend as it enters the forest working so that you can experience safe and enjoyable and deeper into the forest. To save From the south, Palerang has less Conservation Officer: Nathan Holt the annual NavEx in the Activity of the familiar double hump shape walking and other bush activities. Please reward our program next year, along with Jeff a couple of kilometres of fire trail [email protected] efforts by joining walks. Whether you are enclosed by bashing, the cars went further you see from Kings Highway, Bennett’s training day in the first with a more symmetrical Fuji-like 0414 628 429 Monga rainforest or gazing at blue distances from the quarter of 2014. than on previous walks Stan has summit of Jagungal, you will feel a sense of achievement led, parking not far from Mulloon silhouette. In the rain-cleaned air, it Web Manager: David Briese and privilege. Your walk leader gets a message Creek. was sharply defined.

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e r to the Check-In Officer that your o




Linda Groom r o [email protected] C Fortunately Linda had emailed Lunch over we returned to the President trip’s return has been delayed by cars by 3.30 pm and headed home, 6286 3479 24 hours. Who should be informed? everyone to bring sandals, as the creek bed is quite pebbly and the grateful that the earlier rains had Editor: Alison Milton Who is your emergency contact? given way to a beautiful day. On the See President’s prattle for further creek was flowing strongly. The [email protected] mildly calf-numbing crossing was return walk I learned that the word Walks Waffle details. “gullible” has been apparently been 6254 0578(h) or 6289 2717(w)) followed by a few kilometres of fire CBC “Stretch Your Legs” events deleted from the Oxford Dictionary. t’s great to see the weather warming up and the days trail, leading to a footpad, which Assistant Walks Secretary: Keith Thomas are reaching new heights. To date, winds uphill through increasingly Distance was an easy 12 kilometres. getting longer. This means daylight saving will be start- Many thanks to Stan for his leader- [email protected] I 201 different members have walked pretty forest. ing soon (6 October) and the current activity program has with 38 different leaders. Seventy- ship in absentia, and to Linda for 6230 1081 or 0421 607 667 some walks in the afternoon/evening to take advantage of six trigs have been ‘bagged’. The beginning of the track follows leading the way. the extra light. So check out the program and remember a watercourse and was swampy Social Secretary: Quentin Moran that you can always contact the leader if you will have Cheers and happy feet. underfoot. It then leads through a [email protected] difficulty getting to the starting point of a walk that has tract of eucalypt that has regener-

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o John Evans b o


r o 6288 9840 a drive yourself designation. It is a wonderful time to be C ated from clear felling many years Membership enjoying the bush made even more attractive with spring Training and Safety Officer ago to extract oil – the trees are uni- Publisher: Tim Wright wild flowers. formly spindly having resprouted matters

g from stumps. o r

Lorraine Tomlins F


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[email protected] r

o C 6281 2275 Walks Secretary The kilometre or so Please ensure that you keep the before Serenity Rocks Membership Secretary informed All members of the Committee can be contacted Notice of Motion: results is extremely pretty of any changes to your email in one email to The amendments to the Club’s Constitution and Standing with some outstand- address. ingly tall trees and a [email protected] orders as published in the August it were moved and New members: Jackie Bestek, accepted with the exception of Section 6.2 of the Stand- fern-covered gully. CHECK IN: Ring Keith Thomas on 6230 1081 Cassie Chien, Sue Colwell, Darren ing orders. A small change in wording was moved and The parties reached the top within minutes Robinson, Jamie Smith, Fisher WEB SITE: www.canberrabushwalkingclub.org accepted so that 6.2 now reads ‘The Club’s ‘Guidelines for Zhang Leaders’ are to be provided to Club activity leaders. Club of each other, and set- tled onto the rocks for

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leaders are to be advised that they are expected to take the e

e Roger Edwards r o




r o guidelines into consideration in conducting their activities.’ C g o r F

e Membership Secretary e r o b o r r



Page 2 – Canberra Bushwalking Club it October 2013 Canberra Bushwalking Club it October 2013 – page 3 g ro F e re o b ro r o C

Annual General Meeting reports Annual General Meeting reports • All other Club documents have individual because the continuing has taken on Janet’s role during her task of editing in a creative, tactful been reviewed and updated where success of our great Club has been, long overseas absence, John Evans and always professional way. AGM 2012–13 reports necessary. is, and always will be a team effort. as the Tuesday walks co-ordinator and mastermind of Stretch Your Alison Milton, would you like to • We have undertaken a review of step up and receive your award.

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e Phillip Starr r o




r o President’s report the Club’s insurance cover and C Legs and John Thwaite as the Outgoing President organiser of the Club’s broom

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o costs. b Linda Groom o



o C clearing day. The Club is also very Outgoing Walks Secretary have much pleasure in presenting Your committee has again been very • Social activities included our grateful to Rob and Jenny Horsfield I my President’s Report to the 53rd busy this year. In addition to the Christmas party, barbecues and Walks Secretary’s who have run the very effective CBC Annual General Meeting. management of our walks program general meetings. report navigation training program again committee members have overseen • All members now have access to this year. Thank you for the opportunity to the following areas: represent you over the last two ‘The Bushwalker’ magazine and nother excellent year of Club Treasurer’s report the Bushwalking NSW newsletter We also like to encourage new years. Although there was some Numerous environmental and con- Aactivities! We enjoyed over leaders with a bottle of wine. This The Club made a profit in the 2013 initial hesitancy on my part I am servation submissions have been via a link on our website. 1400 days of walking, thanks to • The twentieth consecutive annual years’ new leaders are Cynthia year of nearly $4,000. If we were pleased for the opportunity and made to governments and other 51 great leaders who organised it Coppock, Barb Vaschina and Eric in business then we might consider feel enriched by the experience. My bodies. Most important of these broom clearing exercise was all. As well as the usual locations held at Cotter Hut. This was well Glass. Congratulations, and thanks this a good (if perhaps meagre) enjoyment has been made possible is our ongoing contribution to the walking in the ACT and NSW, the to everyone who has contributed to result. But the Club is not in busi- for the very reasons that allow debate on shooting in national reported in the media and gave Club went to Victoria, Tasmania, our Club good exposure. another year of great walking. ness and I believe that a profit is our Club to enjoy its continuing parks. South , Kakadu and New not in the best interest of members. success. Among those reasons are • Once again we were represented Zealand. Greg Buckley award our dedicated and hard working • Navigation courses continue to All the money that the Club controls be successfully run with good on the CANwalk display at the his year saw the start of the This award is in memory of Greg committee members, walk leaders, Multicultural Festival. There comes from members (except a very frequent walk participants, regular member participation. TStretch Your Legs Program, Buckley who died on a Club trip measly amount from book sales). were a great number of enquiries which encourages people to walk to Nepal in 1990. Before his death, attendees at general meetings and • First aid subsidies continue to be from the many passers-by and the The Club should attempt to make a the overall good camaraderie at all offered and accepted. with more than 20 different leaders Greg was an active walker, Com- small surplus or even a deficit. The opportunity was taken to promote and to climb more than 40 ACT mittee member and walk leader and levels. • Our newsletter is constantly the activities of our Club. Club is not saving for retirement, trigs. So far, there have been 38 dif- his death came as a great shock to members are better off putting evolving and continues to be a • We again successfully contributed his fellow walkers. The main function of our Club is great asset of our Club. ferent leaders for walkers to choose money into their own retirement obviously to provide opportunities to the Canberra and Region from. One walker has already The first Greg Buckley award was plans. for us to enjoy each other’s com- • The online facilities to renew Heritage Festival program. walked with 20 different leaders and pany out in the bush. Our Walks Club membership and to update presented to Alan Vidler in 1991 and The Club has nearly $30,000 in • We contributed to Sportenary several others are not far behind. the register of names of recipients of Secretary will cover this aspect of details are working well. activities promoted by ACT Sport the bank, and if we include other Club activities in her report but I • Our website continues to improve The aim of the second part of the the award is a star-studded list. This Club assets then the total is nearly and Recreation Services. Stretch Your Legs program is to year, the criteria for the award were take this opportunity to congratulate and would be the envy of most • We facilitated walks for the $34,000. all our walk leaders on a successful other clubs. climb 40 ACT trigs, and so far broadened with the approval of a Canberra Women’s Adventure 196 people have participated and general meeting. Having for many The Committee proposes using the year of interesting and varied walks. • Our Facebook page continues to Group. No matter what type or level of walk walked to 76 different trigs. years been based on contribution to large investments the Club controls enhance our online presence and • This year we have linked with the walks program, the award now to buy and replace equipment you enjoy you will find that you attracts much interest. Naturally a great walking year is are well catered for by our walks CANwalk (an association of recognises contribution to the Club as necessary. The aim is not to • A majority of members voting at only possible with great leaders as a whole. fritter away the savings collected program. Canberra walking groups) to and it’s my pleasure to continue the the June General Meeting agreed provide Floriade Early Morning over a number of years, but to use Undoubtedly the major issue con- that ‘Future Greg Buckley Awards CBC tradition of presenting a bottle This year’s awardee certainly has those resources in achieving Club Walks. of wine to those who have led five made a significant contribution to fronting us during the year was the will be decided on the awardee’s • Again this year our Club gained objectives. threat of recreational hunting in contribution to the Club as a or more walks this year: the Club as a whole. With a keen eye exposure through photographs of for the beauties of the landscape, National Parks. The safety of our whole. Not necessarily just the CBC walks and comments by your Stan Marks members and the protection of flora walking program’. Subsequently this person has certain favourite president in both the Canberra John Evans places, such as the Monga rain and fauna were matters taken seri- this decision has been recognised Times and the Chronicle. ously by your committee. While our by your committee and recorded Jeff Bennetts forests. This person is one of the Spring voice was only one of many raised in the committee minutes. All in all we have enjoyed substan- Ian Wright Club’s most talented photographers, having recorded the different moods is here in objection to this ill-considered • A full explanation and history of tial exposure this year thanks to the Jenny Horsfield proposal we are proud that we have willingness of members to promote of the country of Club walks in the Greg Buckley Award is now Rob Horsfield many beautiful photos. If it were his year, the Club joined the been part of a successful campaign. available on our web site. our Club in a variety of ways. It is now apparent that hunting will Mike Morriss not for this person, none of us would THeart Foundation’s early morn- • We now have recommended Due in no small way to all the Lorraine Tomlins know which walks were on when. ing guided walks through Floriade, be restricted to professional shoot- guidelines to follow when above activities we have again seen ers embedded with NPWS feral This person has served as a Com- with several Club leaders volunteer- nominating a person for a substantial increase in member- Nathan Holt ing to lead walks. A great opportu- eradication groups and they will Honorary Life Membership. ship. Our membership is currently Phil Starr mittee member since 2006, when be following scientifically proven she became co-editor of it with nity to see the floral display without These guidelines were followed hovering around the 360 mark. Of Eric Glass the crowds. practices. The Game Council has course not all of these members are Tom Gosling, and since 2007 has in the election of George Carter Edwina Yee been eradicated because they paid to Honorary Life Membership still regular walkers but it is pleas- edited it to an outstanding standard, too little attention to safety of the earlier this year. ing that so many have maintained Janet Edstein producing a publication that is the public. Amateur shooters, young envy of other Clubs. The Club has • New Club documents have been an interest in our Club and its Roger Edwards people, bows, black powder and activities. benefited immensely from seven free ranging unskilled shooters are prepared to further enhance our There is also wine for the dedicated years of consistent, professional all now prohibited from shooting in great attention to safety. Your committee is very grateful for people who make special contribu- work from this dedicated Commit- National Parks. • Updates to the Constitution and member assistance and participation tions to the walks program – Janet tee member who has encouraged Standing Resolutions will be put in all Club activities. Again this year Edstein as the Wednesday Walks contributions from a huge range of to tonight’s meeting. I have purposely not singled out any Co-ordinator, Barrie Ridgway who g Club members and dealt with the o r F

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Page 4 – Canberra Bushwalking Club it October 2013 Canberra Bushwalking Club it October 2013 – page 5 g ro F e re o b ro r o C

AGM outcomes Activity program AGM outcomes 2012–13 Bulletin Board Activity program Part A: The Bulletin Board is for members to advertise (at no Arrange for your Club-related activities to be included in the program with cost) goods for sale, private trips or other personal Lorraine Tomlins (Walks Secretary) The following motions were proposed and carried bushwalking-related matters. The Club is not involved Ph: 6248 0456 or 0434 078 496, Email: [email protected], Post: 17 Forbes Street, Turner without dissent at the AGM: in, takes no responsibility for, and does not endorse, the activities or goods advertised here. Hence, if peo- Treasurer’s report and motions ple participate in any activities advertised here, they Information for participants (a) that the Club adopt the Financial Statements for do so as private individuals, not as members of the Distance and difficulty Transport 2012–2013 as published in the September 2013 it; Club, and will not be covered by the Club’s insurance. Distance: Costs are 37¢/km/car, divided equally among all participants. This (S) Short - under 12 km/day amount may be varied at the discretion of the leader, depending on the condition of the roads and other factors. The figures given (b) that the Club adopt the Budgeted Receipts and Notices for the Bulletin board should be emailed (M) Medium - 12-20 km/day are for the car as a whole and then, at the discretion of the leader, Payments 2012–2013 as published in the September (L) Long - over 20 km/day to the Walks Secretary: walksec@canberrabush- an estimate or range per person. Park admission and camping 2013 it; walkingclub.org Note: In calculating distance, 1 km is added for every 100 metres fees are additional costs which leaders should list separately. climbed. (c) That the subscription rate for the 2013–2014 year New Zealand Duty of care Terrain: be set at $20 per member for an electronic delivery There are still some vacancies for a series of 2–5 day Every person taking part in a CBC activity acknowledges that (E) Easy - fire trail, tracks, beaches etc of the newsletter or $50 for a posted newsletter; tramps on the South Island in February–March next he/she does so voluntarily and that he/she may be exposed to (M) Medium - bush tracks, alpine areas, some scrub risks that could lead to injury, illness or death, or to loss of, or (d) that the transport rate be maintained at 37 c per year. Food, utensils, clothing and sleeping bag must (R) Rough - much scrub, steep climbs, rock scrambles damage to property. Each person is required to sign the Club’s kilometre, from the date of the 2013 Annual General be carried but we will not need tents as we will stay (W) Wet - compulsory swims, many river crossings ‘Acknowledgement of Risks’ form. Visitors are welcome to join Meeting, such rate being half the rate per kilometre in huts. Walks will be of medium standard, on tracks (X) Exploratory trips. However walkers are strongly encouraged to join the Club allowed by the Commissioner for Taxation for or poled routes. Tramps going ahead are Rees–Dart, after a maximum of three trips. western Copland (as far as Douglas Rock), and Lake Booking work-related expenses for an ordinary motor car Contact the leader early rather than late. Book by Thursday For further information see: www.canberrabushwalkingclub.org with an engine capacity of 1,601 to 2,600 cc, for Angelus, but other options can be added afterwards. 2.00 pm for the following weekend (both one-day and multi-day You can find descriptions on the NZ Department of walks) so the leader has time to arrange transport. Check-in after walks the preceding financial year. Before a trip leaders are to email or phone through the names of their Conservation website or I can send you links. Contact Check with the leader about: Part B: The following Committee members were X party, and by 10 am the day after their trip report their safe return or Jeff Bennetts 0418 662 870 or jcmbenn@ozemail. Xthe need to carry water, tents/fly, maps, etc trip cancellation, to the Check-in Officer, Keith Thomas (check.in@ elected for 2013–14: com.au ASAP. XXappropriate clothing, footwear X canberrabushwalkingclub.org, 6230 1081 or 0421 607 667 leave Xany precautions you might need to take for severe weather message if no answer). The Check-in Officer or the Walks Secretary President: Linda Groom Walking in Southern Patagonia changes. (6248 0456 or 0434 078 496), not the Police or other bodies, should Treasurer: Julie Ann Clegg This trip now has sufficient expressions of interest Ask about anything you’re unsure of, especially if you are new to be the first point of contact for worried relatives if you are late in and will be going ahead in February 2014. Leader: our Club. returning. General Secretary: Gabrielle Wright Gerald Dodgson 0438 119 803 (m), 6249 6690 (h) or Walks Secretary: Lorraine Tomlins [email protected] Equipment hire Map scale is 1:25,000 unless otherwise stated Editor: Alison Milton Great Ocean Walk November 2013. The walk will be led by Barry Keeley Take advantage of the excellent gear that the Club has Membership Secretary: Roger Edwards and organised by George Hill. We will camp at a available for hire before lashing out on your own equip- Book by Thursday 2:00 pm for the Training and Safety Officer: John Evans central point near Cape Otway and shuttle to the start ment. The Equipment Officer is Rob Horsfield, who can following weekend so the leader has time of each day’s walk, which has a distance of 103 km be contacted on 6231 4535(h) or to borrow the northside to arrange transport Conservation Officer: Nathan Holt over six days. This has the advantage of not having to PLB, Keith Thomas, 6230 1081 or 0421 607 667. Publisher: Tim Wright carry big packs for the full distance. Accommodation The equipment available and current rates per weekend/ Saturday 12 October: Canberra Centenary will be in basic shared cabins with relatively civilised week are set out below. Hirers are responsible for col- Trail (Duffy to Federation Stone)/Worn Assistant Walks Secretary: Keith Thomas cooking and sleeping facilities. You will need to be lecting and returning the equipment. The hiring charge Boot Bash – L/E reasonably fit to complete the walk successfully. Social Secretary: Quentin Moran (but not the deposit) is waived for members who are ‘first The Canberra Centenary Trail is due to be opened in This walk is now fully booked with a waiting list. The time’ weekend walkers. October. There is more information at http://www.tams. contact is [email protected] Web Manager: David Briese A deposit of $20 is required and part or all of this will be act.gov.au/parks-recreation/recreational_activities/ 29 December 2013 – 1 January 2014: Walking refunded, depending on the condition of the items upon canberra_centenary_trail. Let’s get an early look at it by return and whether they are returned late. in the from a lodge at walking it in 3 non-contiguous days. This walk is one of the 2013 CBC Worn Boot Bash walks. Side trips to Charlottes Pass Item w.e./week Narrabundah, Cooleman, Arawang, Wanniassa, YA 90 At this time of the year you will be walking through a Olympus two person tent $15 / $40 and Davidson trigs. Around 50 km and some climbs. superb carpet of wild flowers. If this appeals to you Christmas Macpac Microlight one person tent $15 / $40 contact me at the BEGINNING OF NOVEMBER for Some walking in the dark will be involved. Walkers can join and leave the walk wherever they like, but will have party further information and to book your accommodation Snow tent $15 / $40 at a self-catering lodge for the three nights. 3 season bag, mat and liner $10 / $25 to arrange their own transport. At least 35 km and 3 hills to qualify for WBB. Maps: Canberra, Tuggeranong. Sunday 1 December 2013, 6 pm Accommodation Cost: non-members of the lodge Assorted packs $5 / $15 – $61 per person a night; a couple $84 a night. Trangia and fuel bottle $5 / $15 Leader: John Evans 0417 436 877, john@johnevans. id.au Transport: drive yourself/car shuttle or pickup. at the home of Janet & Paul Edstein Transport and park entry costs will depend on the Snow shoes/poles $10 / $25 Further details at www.johnevans.id.au 9 Gamor Street, Waramanga numbers wishing to walk. It will be up to those CBC Snow sleeping bag, mat and liner $15 / $40 members at the lodge to get together each day to Personal locator beacon – nil (see website for conditions) Saturday 12 October: morning: Botanic plan, lead and participate in one or more of the many we provide: barbeques GPS – nil (see website for conditions of use) Gardens and Black Mountain – S/E you provide: food, drinks, fine walks in this area. Contact Doug Wright 6281 A walk of about 2.5 hours through the Botanic Gardens, 4148 Check you have ALL the bits and pieces you need plates, utensils, fold-up chairs when collecting and returning gear. and around and over Black Mountain. Includes a steep climb. All on walking tracks, though some parts of the tracks have loose stones and steep and uneven surfaces.

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Activity program Activity program Bring a drink and a snack. Meet at the bus shelter in Saturday 19 October: Canberra Centenary NP, with an option to do an afternoon circuit without 9 km, ascents and descents of ~500 metres. 1 hour 10 the Botanic Gardens car park, ready for a 9.30 am start. Trail (Hall to Duffy)/Worn Boot Bash – L/E packs to the Shoalhaven River. On Sunday, a short min drive from on bitumen. Map: Monga. Part of the CBC contribution to the Sportenary program. The Canberra Centenary Trail is due to be opened in optional climb (100 m up, 0.5 km) to a knoll; back to Leader: Linda Groom [email protected] 6281 4917. Map: Black Mountain Nature Reserve .http://www. October. There is more information at http://www.tams. the cars, probably before 2 pm. Apart from the optional Transport: ~ $60 per car. Limit: 12. tams.act.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0016/13246/ knoll, gradients are gentle. There is 3 km of fire trail and act.gov.au/parks-recreation/recreational_activities/ Monday evening, 4 November: Mt Taylor – cnpmapblackmountain.pdf Leader: Linda Groom canberra_centenary_trail. Let’s get an early look at it the rest is off track – tussocky grass and fairly light scrub, [email protected], 6281 4917; bookings appreciated by walking it in 3 non-contiguous days. This walk is and some logs to climb over. There is rock hopping and S/E This is the first of a series of walks of around 2 hours but not essential. Transport: drive yourself – remember one of the 2013 CBC Worn Boot Bash walks. Side trips thicker scrub on the side trips. 7 km to the campsite and on Monday and Thursday evenings during daylight to bring change for the parking. to Percival trig, Gossan Hill, Black Mountain, Dairy a further 10 km in the optional afternoon circuit. Suit saving, starting at 6.30 pm. In Stan’s absence they will Farmers Hill (these 3 not trigs on the list, but hills), walkers with experience of several CBC day walks who Saturday 12th October: Booroomba Rocks – be shared by a number of leaders. Meet at 6.30 pm on Narrabundah trig. Around 50 km and some climbs. Some wish to try an overnight walk. Drive is about 2 hours from Sulwood Drive opposite Mannheim St, Kambah, for a S/E walking in the dark involved. Walkers can join and leave Queanbeyan. Map: Snowball Leader: Linda Groom. A walk of about 3 to 3.5 hours from the Honeysuckle walk around and up Mt Taylor for views across Canberra the walk wherever they like, but will have to arrange Transport: $80 per car. Limit: 12 Creek car park to Booroomba Rocks and return. Total and the Brindabellas. Bring a torch this time as sunset their own transport. At least 35 km and 3 hills to qualify distance about 11 to 12 kms with about a 200 metre Sunday 27 October: Canberra Centenary has only reached as late as 7.37 pm. No need to book. for WBB. Maps: Hall, Canberra. Leader: John Evans climb to the rocks which provide spectacular views back Map: Mount Taylor Nature Reserve www.tams.act.gov. 0417 436 877, [email protected] Transport: drive Trail (Hall to Federation Stone)/Worn Boot towards Canberra. We will enjoy our lunch break from au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/390593/cnpmapmttaylor. yourself/car shuttle or pickup. Further details at www. Bash – L/E here. All on track and flat except for the climb to the pdf Leader: Jeff Bennetts 0418 662870 or jcmbenn@ johnevans.id.au The Canberra Centenary Trail is due to be opened in rocks. Meet at Kambah shops at 8.30 am for car pooling. October. There is more information at http://www.tams. ozemail.com.au Transport: drive yourself. Anyone needing a lift to Kambah shops contact me and Sunday 20 October–Saturday 2 November: act.gov.au/parks-recreation/recreational_activities/ Tuesday 5 November: De Salis Knobs Ridge, I will try to organise it. Map: Corin Dam. Leader: Blue Mountains – M/E–L/E–M canberra_centenary_trail. Let’s get an early look at it by Bob Lynch [email protected] 0412746532. Up to two weeks of day walks in the Blue Mountains. walking it in 3 non-contiguous days. This walk is one of – L/R Part X Following an early start from the Orroral Tracking Transport: ~ $10 per person. Limit: 16. See September it for details. You can stay for all or the 2013 CBC Worn Boot Bash walks. Includes One Tree Station site, we will walk 10 km on tracks to near Cotter part of the period and do not need to walk every day. trig. Side trips to Oak and Old Joe trigs. Includes Majura Sunday evening 13 October: Lake side walk Gap. We will then spend most of the day off-track Bookings close Sat 12 Oct. Maps: Katoomba, Mt Wilson, trig. Includes Mt Ainslie (not a trig on the list, but a hill). exploring the maze of granite outcrops, hidden in thick – S/E Jenolan, Jamison, Rock Hill, Ben Bullen, Cullen Bullen, Participate in the Centenary Trail opening. Around 50 km From Yarralumla Bay, the walk will follow informal forest and scrub on De Salis Knobs Ridge. Another 10 Mt Morgan, Hampton. Leader: Jeff Bennetts, 0418 662 and some climbs. Some walking in the dark involved – tracks which meander past tranquil corners of the lake. It km track walk back to the cars will make this a long 870 (m) [email protected] Transport: depends this walk will start after the CCT opening, around 10 am. will return through the bushland and meadows of Stirling day. Minimum Distance: 28 km with 500 metres of on which walks you do, and numbers travelling at the A very late finish. Walkers can join and leave the walk Park, past the hut sites of workers who built the Hotel ascent. Maps: Rendezvous Creek, Corin Dam. Leader: same time; it is 600 km there and back not counting day wherever they like, but will have to arrange their own Canberra. About 5 kilometres on tracks or grassland. Ian Wright 6286 1473, [email protected] travel. The Club’s standard transport cost rules will apply. transport. At least 35 km and 3 hills to qualify for WBB. Meet at the parking area next to the Elizabeth McKay Transport: ~95 km return. Limit: 8. Accommodation costs: see http://www.bmtp.com.au/b- Maps: Canberra, Hall, Bedulluck. Leader: John Evans Aquatic Centre, Alexandrina Drive, on the eastern side of accommodation.html Limit: 12 at any one time. 0417 436 877, [email protected] Transport: drive Thursday evening 7 November: Black Mt Hat Yarralumla Bay for a 2 pm start. No need to book. Map: yourself/car shuttle or pickup. Further details at www. Canberra. Leaders: Linda Groom [email protected] Tuesday 22 October: Southern drive to Band – S/E johnevans.id.au Meet 6.30, park at end of Frith St near electricity sub- and Peter Conroy. Transport: drive yourself . McCormack–Fitz–Boboyan–Wrights Hill – Tuesday 29 October: McKeahnie Trig – station. Some distance from the top, there is a track Tuesday 15 October: Bag Mt Clear trig – L/R, M/M around the mountain with 360 degree views. No need Drive the Boboyan Road to the southern border of the M/R,ptX ptX This is one trig we can ‘bag’ without touching it. to book. Map: www.tams.act.gov.au/__data/assets/ Walk the fire trail from the Mt Clear camping ground car ACT, with walks to: McCormack trig from Smiths Road pdf_file/0005/386222/Black_Mountain_Self-guided_ (3.2 km), Fitz trig (0.7 km), Boboyan trig via the Yerrabi McKeahnie trig sits atop a large granite tor and it is park to Long Flat, visiting an old stockyard, Sam Aboud’s thought that ladders made from saplings were used when Walk.pdf Leader: Phillip Starr 6161 3835(h), 0419 281 dunny and a sheep-break of drop log fencing. Off-track Walking Track (3.3 km), and Wrights Hill trig off-track 096(m), [email protected] Transport: drive up the border and back via the Grassy Creek FT (6.3 km). it was constructed in 1896. We first lull ourselves into a to join the Mt Clear FT at Top Flats. Follow the FT up to false sense of ease with a 4 km walk to Square Rock, then yourself. Mt Clear, stopping to view the occasional border marker. Around 13 km and 600 m climb. Maps: Williamsdale, Michelago, , . Leader: John Evans a 2.6 km leg through very dense pea regrowth to the trig. Saturday 9 November: Monga Forest Return to near SH1524, then drop 300 m off-track to We visit a probable indigenous stone arrangement on the Chalkers Chimney. Exit via leads through open forest 0417 436 877, [email protected] Transport: ~$15 revisited – Painting and/or photography – per person. Further details at www.johnevans.id.au way, if it can be found in the regrowth. Just for fun we’ll S/E to Naas Creek. Around 23 km and 800 m climb. Maps: return down an arm of Kangaroo Creek, dropping 400 m Colinton, . Leader: John Evans 0417 436 877, Wednesday 23 October: Wednesday Walk A short walk into Monga N.P. where soft light seeps into to the Corin Road (this leg unknown to me). Around 11 lush rainforest, inspiring your brushes and your cameras. [email protected] Transport: ~$12 per person. Medium/hard walk for fit and experienced walkers; km and 400 m climb. Map: Corin Dam Leader: John Limit: 8. Further details at www.johnevans.id.au may include off-track walking and rock scrambling. Hopefully the waratahs will be in bloom. Map: Monga Evans 0417 436 877, [email protected] Transport: Leader: Alison Milton 6254 0578(h), 6289 2717(w), Wednesday 16 October: Wednesday Walk Leader: Henry Hatch for NPA [email protected]. ~$10 per person (car shuttle required). Limit: 8. Further au 6290 1138. [email protected] Transport: ~$88 per car, Medium/hard walk for fit and experienced walkers; may details at www.johnevans.id.au $22–$29 per person. include off-track walking and rock scrambling. Leader: Wednesday 30 October: Wednesday Walk John Ellis for BBC [email protected] 6241 2658. COMMITTEE MEETING Saturday 9 November: Hospital Creek Wednesday 23 October 2013, 8 pm Medium/hard walk for fit and experienced walkers; may include off-track walking and rock scrambling. Waterfall – S/R at the home of Linda Groom A pleasant round from the car park on the Old Boboyan Wednesday 16 October 2013, 8 pm Leader: Barrie Ridgway for NPA [email protected]. 96 Strickland Crescent, Deakin ACT 2600 Road. Maps: Rendezvous Creek, Yaouk. Leaders: Jenny MONTHLY MEETING au 6287 3633. Kakadu & Rob Horsfield 6231 4535(h). Transport: $40 per car. Submissions close for Saturday 2 November: Bells Creek Falls – Presenters: November it Saturday 9 November: Old codger’s birthday Cynthia Burton & Linda Groom M/R/ part X 23 October 2013 A circuit in the east of the Majors Creek State jaunt – Border Markers from Yaouk Gap to Auditorium: Hughes Baptist Church Conservation Area that includes park-like forested Mt Scabby – L/R/X A long drive to the S of the ACT then NW to Rowleys 32–34 Groom Street, Hughes 26–27 October: Wambagugga Creek – S/M ridges, a creek that may have rainforest, a waterfall in with M/R option a spectacular granite setting, and views of the Araluen Hut. Walk up Yaouk Trail to Yaouk gap, then SE along On Saturday, walk half a day with packs to a spacious Valley. Also some prickly scrub, very steep loose the ACT–NSW border on the crest of the Scabby Range grassy campsite beside Wambagugga Creek in the Deua slopes, and challenging boulder scrambling. Approx searching for border markers. Champagne lunch on Mt

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Page 8 – Canberra Bushwalking Club it October 2013 Canberra Bushwalking Club it October 2013 – page 9 g ro F e re o b ro r o C

Activity program Bulletin board . Steep and scrubby 600 m descent. Entry via 11–~19 November: Australian Alps Walking 4 km. Map: Hall also see cbrwalks.blogspot.com.au/ Sunday 1 December: Booroomba Rocks – expensive, sharable, consumable birthday gift. Around Track (Kiandra to Tharwa) – M/M–M/L search/label/Oak%20Hill for more info. Leader: Roger S/E 14 km and 700 m climb. Maps: Rendezvous Creek Looking for walkers interested in joining me for a 10 Edwards [email protected] Transport: drive Park cars at the Honeysuckle Creek Campgrounds at and Yaouk Leader: John Evans 0417 436 877, john@ days full pack hiking along the AAWT. Approx walking yourself. Note I will be away till about 1 November, if 1100 m and from there walk along the attractive and johnevans.id.au Transport: ~$35 per person. Limit: distance each day will be 14 to 20 km. Will have a day booking before this suggest send SMS message to 0406 well-defined track to the foot track leading to Booroomba strictly 8 Further details at www.johnevans.id.au plus stop at Blue Waterholes area. Car shuffles involved 378 217. Limit: 8. Rocks 1372 m. From here a steady climb to the top where and option to join or leave group at Blue Waterholes. the views will be spectacular. Enjoy lunch and return to (8) 9–10 November: Bingi Dreaming Track – Wednesday 20 November 2013, 8 pm Experienced full pack walkers only. Joint activity the cars about mid-afternoon. Around 10 kms + 370 m M/E with Shoalhaven Bushwalkers. Maps: http://www. MONTHLY MEETING climb. This is a joint activity walk with the Brindabella The Bingi Dreaming Track follows part of the Dreaming australianalps.environment.gov.au/walktrack/map-guide. Flinders Ranges Bushwalking Club. Please book ahead, and meet at track used by the Brinja–Yuin people. It passes through html Leader: Paul Ellis 6258 1949, borstal@shoalhaven. Presenters: Cynthia Breheny & Di Thomson Kambah Shops by 8.30 am, parking opposite the petrol a variety of plant communities from eucalyptus net.au Transport: tba. Limit: 8. station and from there transport will be arranged. Map: forests to heathlands. We will be car camping at the Auditorium: Hughes Baptist Church Corin Dam. Leader: Janet Edstein janet.edstein@gmail. Beachcomber Holiday Park Potato Point. The 16 km Tuesday 12 November: Booths Hill – M/R 32–34 Groom Street, Hughes com Transport: $10 per person. (5–6 hours walking) Sat walk commences from the A scrub bash up to the top of Mt Booth. About 700 Congo campground and follows the Dreaming track to metres of climbing and 6 km of scrub. Afterwards a short Tuross Head. Along most of the track there is the choice drive and walk to Boboyan Trig and Fitz Trig. Maps: CBC Xmas Party of walking on beaches or along the track where we will Michelago, Yaouk. Leader: Roger Edwards 6288 7863 Thursday evening, 21 November: Bullen encounter spectacular headlands, rock formations and [email protected] Note I will be away till Range – S/E Sunday, 1 December 2013 beautiful secluded beaches. Sunday is a shorter walk of about 1 November, if booking before this suggest send Meet at 6.30 pm at the Cotter Reserve, in the car park on about 3 hours from Potato Point to Dalmeny (about 7 SMS message to 0406 378 217. Transport: about $45.00 the left after crossing the Cotter River Bridge. We will 6.00 pm km all on beach). Maps: Moruya, Narooma, Bodalla. per car. Limit: 8. walk along the Bullen Range Fire Trail with views to the at the home of Janet and Paul Edstein Leader: Barry Keeley 6241 3447, barry.keeley@ , Canberra and the Brindabellas. grapevine.com.au Transport: ~ $50, Accommodation: Thursday evening 14 November: Red Hill – No need to book. Map: Cotter (but it is not required). 19 Gamor Street, Waramanga $17 per night. S/E Leader: Jeff Bennetts 0418 662 870, jcmbenn@ozemail. Meet at 6.30 in the car park on Red Hill, near the com.au Transport: drive yourself. BYO everything (BBQ provided) 9–10 November: Tuross River and Ridges – restaurant. We will walk along the ridge to Hindmarsh (22)23–24 November: Blue Waterholes – S/R M/R/W Drive and back again. No need to book. Map: www. Tuesday 10 December: Uriarra Hill, Mt From the junction of the Tuross River and Woila Creek, tams.act.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/390592/ Car camp with day trips: Murrays Cave, Clark Gorge, walk downstream ~5 kms to camp at a lovely pool. Cave Creek waterfall (bring swimmers), mine workings, Dowling, & Blundell Trig – M/E cnpmapredhill.pdf Leader: Phillip Starr 6161 3835(h), A walk mainly along fire trails to Uriarra Hill and then Next day, climb 500 metres to a view point to the east Coolamine Homestead. Maps: Rules Point, Peppercorn. 0419 281 096(m), [email protected] Mt Dowling. Start is from near Blue Range Hut. About of Jillicambra Mtn, descend a long ridge heading north Leaders: Jenny & Rob Horsfield 6231 4535. Transport: Transport: drive yourself. 600 m of climbing, expect a few blackberry bushes to and return to the Tuross via an attractive rain-forested ~$200 per vehicle. get through. Afterwards drive another 6 km to near the side creek, then upstream to the cars. This trip combines Saturday 16 November: Tidbinbilla Peak trig Saturday 23 November: Rendezvous with Reid Pinch arboretum and bag Blundell Trig, which is a beautiful river with superb ridge top views across bag – L/R not on Mt Blundell Hill. Map: Cotter Dam. Leader: the Tuross to the mountains above Woila Creek. The From the Mountain Creek car park in TNR, stroll up the members of the Border Bushwalking Club Roger Edwards 6288 7863, [email protected]. walking is off-track and rough with steep ascents and Camel Back FT to Camels Hump. A possible extension – M/M We will walk along the Australian Alps Walking Track au Note I will be away till about 1 November, if booking descents on loose ground, and will involve several river to Pierce trig. Return along the crest of the Range and from Namadgi Visitor Centre until we meet the Albury before this suggest send SMS message to 0406 378 217. crossings – boots are not suitable unless you are prepared in via the old radio transmitter. Climb via Johns Peak (a group walking the AAWT from Dead Horse Gap to Transport: $36.00 per car. Limit: 8. to get them wet. Forester-type AWDs are advisable for little exposure) and SH1491 to Tidbinbilla Peak. Exit via Tharwa. I anticipate that we will meet them somewhere the descent to the Tuross. Map: Belowra. Leader: Meg SH1556 and thick regrowth down a handy spur to re-join between Bushfold Flats and the Booroomba Rocks car 27–29 December: Mount Jagungal – M/M McKone 6254 5902(h), [email protected] the fire trail. Around 13 km+3 km and 760 m+some park. After walking back with them to the Namadgi A three day pack walk in the northern-central part Transport: ~336 kms return, ~$125 per car, ~$31–$42 climb. Map: Tidbinbilla. Leader: John Evans 0417 436 Visitor Centre we will provide transport to the YHA of , to the isolated 2061 m per person. Limit: 8. 877, [email protected] Transport: ~$6 per person. Jagungal which has extensive views to the Kosciuszko Limit: 8. Further details at www.johnevans.id.au Hostel in Akuna Street in the city. Further details in the November newsletter but if you are interested in assisting area in one direction and Namadgi in the other. About Sunday 10 November: Nadgigomar Nature 4/5 on track; most of the rest is alpine or sub-alpine Reserve – S/M Saturday 16 November: Rocky Waterholes with transport for the Albury bushwalkers please let me and Ahearn Lookouts – M/E know ASAP. Map: Williamsdale. Leader: Phillip Starr walking. Some major ascents but the pace will be This 10 km walk through gently undulating open moderate. In via Toolong Range and out via Farm Ridge eucalypt forest in a little-visited nature reserve, will A two hour highway drive to Mittagong then about 6161 3835(h), 0419 281 096(m), phillipstarr1945@ 25 minutes on back roads. This 15 km walk is all on gmail.com Transport: tba. and the Tumut River. Map: Khancoban 1:50,000 or include climbing Sunset Mountain and Mayfield, a total Toolong Range, Jagungal. Leader: Jeff Bennetts 0418 of less than 300 m ascent. Possibility of wild flowers. tracks to some grand cliff top lookouts over the Nattai Gorge in the southernmost part of the Greater Blue Tuesday 26 November: Kosciuszko NP – 662 870(m), [email protected], please book Map: Oallen. Leader: Cynthia Breheny 6247 6857, by 22 December. Transport: ~380 km, $140 per car, [email protected] Transport: ~$70 per car, from Mountains. There are undulations but no major climbs. Burrungubugge Hut Ruin – M/M–R From Locked gate on the Island Bend FT, follow IBFT $35–$50 per person. Limit: 8. Spotlight in Queanbeyan. Limit: 12. Map: Hilltop. Leader: Jeff Bennetts 0418 662 870 m [email protected]. Transport: ~450 km return, to . Follow direction of the track marked on the Kalkite Mountain map to Hut – from a Saturday 4–Sunday 12 January 2013: Monday evening, 11 November – Cooleman $160 per car, at least $40 per person. Limit: 12. Northern Kosciuszko National Park car Ridge – S/E recent report the track is over grown. About 11 km and Meet at the car park on Namatjira Drive just on the Sunday 17 November: Walk to Waterfall on 300 m, a mixture of FT and off track. If time allows, camp – M/M (overall) From a camp by the cars at Three Mile Dam, we will Kambah side of Fisher near the speed limit sign. Great Snowy Flats Creek– M/R visit the weir on the – add 4 km and do a number of day walks over the next week. Options views along the ridge. No bookings, just turn up at 6.30 The approach is via Stockyard Spur from Corin Dam. 100 m. Leader: Max Smith [email protected] include: Manjar and Black Jack Mountains; Fifteen Mile pm. Map: www.tams.act.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_ Map: Corin Dam Leaders: Jenny & Rob Horsfield 6231 Maps: Kalkite Mountain and Geehi. Transport: ~$140 Ridge; Buddong Falls; Blue Waterholes and Cave Creek; file/0007/390589/cnpmapcooleman.pdf Leader: Phillip 4535(h) Transport: 90 km return, $36 per car. per car Limit: 8. Ravine; Yarrangobilly Caves area; Landers Falls and Big Starr 6161 3835(h), 0419 281 096(m), phillipstarr1945@ Talbingo Mountain; and Tabletop and/or Four Mile Hut. gmail.com Transport: drive yourself. Monday night 18 November: Oak Hill – S/E A ramble around the boundary of the Mulligans Flat COMMITTEE MEETING Maps: TBA. Leader: Jeff Bennetts 0418 662 870(m), Nature Reserve along the ACT/NSW border and up to Wednesday 27 November 2013 [email protected], please book by 31 December. Oak Hill trig (798 m). Walk distance: 6 km. May also Transport: TBA. Limit: 12. walk up Old Joe afterwards if it is a good night, extra g o r F

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Page 10 – Canberra Bushwalking Club it October 2013 Canberra Bushwalking Club it October 2013 – page 11 Feeling literary? Membership fees 2013/14 Item Single Have you had a great experience on a Club walk? Been Hard copy it $50 moved to write about it, either in prose or verse? Felt the Electronic it $20 urge to see your name in print? Or even just taken some great photo shots that you would like to share. The Club welcomes contributions from members so why not write about an interesting experience on a walk or just an enjoyable walk. Alternatively, send in a photo or two with a Wednesday walks short paragraph about it/them. Medium walks (M/M, M/M–R, L/E–M) are conducted The closing date for each issue of it is the date of the 4th every Wednesday. Walks are conducted in turn by Wednesday of every month. Handwritten and posted mate- leaders from the CBC, Brindabella Bushwalking rial is acceptable, but email is preferred. We also welcome Club and National Parks Association (ACT). Details photographs, preferably as separately scanned items or about destination and meeting place are emailed to digital images. We can scan original photographs. Contact: those on the Wednesday Walkers email list. Contact Ph 6254 0578, [email protected] Janet Edstein [email protected] to get your Post: 20 O’Sullivan Street, HIGGINS, ACT 2615 name on the email list. Janet coordinates the CBC’s Alison Milton, Editor contribution to these walks.

If undeliverable return to PRINT POSTAGE GPO Box 160, Canberra ACT 2601 POST PAID PP 248831/0047 AUSTRALIA Print Post Approved PP248831/00047 it

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October 2013

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