Government of lndla/ WW Mlnlstry of Envlronment. Forest & Cllmate Change] mm. an 03' Emma 0?me mm Eastern Reglonal Offlce/ WWW AI3. Chandrasekharpurl 12/3, my - 751 023/ 311915?- 19112 m

Telephone: 0674- 2301213, 2301248, 2302452, 2302453. Fax: 0674-2302432. E-mail: roez.bsr-mefi"am' m 101-1014/18/éxfié #1615,” M 26.12.2018

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Government of Indlal HRHW Ministry of Environment, Forest a. Climate Change] tram, an Ea“ smart;mathHam Eastern Reglonal Offlcel {31mm AI3. Chandrasekharpur/ Q13. Wm Bhubaneswar - 751 023/ W‘fi- out on

Telephone: 0674- 2301213,2301248, 2302452, 2302453. Fax: 0674-2302432. E-mail: _~J_roez.bsr-me-anic.m'

No. 101-1014/18/EPE Date: 26.12.2018

To Shri S. K. Srivastava Additional Director (S), Mmi'stry of Env1r'onment, Forest and Clim'ate Change, Indir'a Paryavarathawan, Jorbagh Road, Aliganj, New —— 110 003. E-mall': #sksmree66nicin

Sub: Issuln'g of Certified Compliance Report m’ respect of Expansion of Kulda OCP from 10 MTPA to 14 MTPA of M/s Mahanadi Coalfields Lim'ited m' ML area of 634.205 ha located m' Tehsfl Him'gir', District Sundergarh ().

Ref: M1m"stry’s EC letter No. ]-11015/10/1995-IA.II(M) dated 22.03.2018.

The project site was mom’tored by the undersigned on dated 12.11.2018. Durm'g monitorm’g, Shri Neeraj Kalla, G.M. (Basundhara 8: Slr'mal Area), Shri R. K. jam‘, Project Officer (Kulda OCP), Shri Raji Joshua, Dy. Jager (Area Env. Manager), Miss Juma Sarkar, Asst. Manager (Env.), Shri Sujay Das, Asst. Manager (Env.) and other Officials were present. It has been mf’ormed that Kulda OCP has been m' operation sm'cle 2007-08 and earlier Enwr'onmental Clearance (EC) was accorded vide letter no. ]-11015/10/95-[A.II(M) dated 22.03.2018 for 10 MTPY coal production capacity withm' the 878.29 ha of mm'e lease area. However, the present EC has been superseded the previous EC and mm'e lease area has been reduced to 634.205 ha. An area of 227.89 ha of forest land m‘volved 1n‘ the mm'e lease area and Forest Clearance has been obtam’ed vide letter no. 8— 176/ 1997-FC dated 08.08.2007. The total mm'eable reserve present m' the project is 122.29 MT havm'g three numbers of seams with C to G (average G11) grade of coal. There are two no.5 of external OB dumps are present holding an area of 160.502 ha. External OB dump 1 is active and dump 2 is m'active. The current generated OB bem'g stored m' m' the m'ternal dumps. It has been mf'ormed that FY 2018-19 (tll'l Oct, 2018), 7.2 MT of Coal was produced. PAs have comph'ed or are m' process of complym'g the conditions (conditions wise compliance report enclosed) stipulated by the Muu"stry. In this context, mf'ormation/action plans have been sought on followm'g pom'ts.

1. As per the AAQ monitorm'g reports submitted, it has been observed that the concentrations of SPM, RPM, 502, NOx and PM“ were exceeded m' many occasions. It is required to take adequate measures at all the dust generating sources.

2. It is reqmr'ed to conduct the mom'torm'g of heavy metals such as Hg, As, Ni, Cd, Cr, etc, m' ambient air at least once m' Six' months and reports to be submitted along with six monthly compliance reports.

3. It has been observed that PAS are m' process of developm'g thick green belt of 75 m widths at the final boundary m' the downwm'd direction of the project site. It is requ1r'ed to develop thick green belt of 75 m width at the final boundary m‘ the down wm'd direction of the project site to mitigate/check the dust pollution.

4. It has been observed that PAs are in' Progress of stabilizln"'g active OB dumps with native grass species to prevent erosion and surface run off. The other overburden dumps are bem'g vegetated with native flora ( all gist are WW) (gs/LL” (SH. SURESH BAB‘U PAS‘UPULETI) as W “fia’VDeputy Director (5) 14 lOlS/lO/l995-IA.II(M) dated 22.03.2018 mm FER/Govt. of In (1 ia Page 1 0f 21 m {an}? m W"./Mln I. - )rest 5 cc {at am? m'r/Eastem in Office Mai/Bhubaneswar- 1:; i023- . .~' species. The excavated area being backfilled and afforested in line with the approved Min'e Closure Plan. However, it is required to submit the compliance status to Regional Office on six monthly basis.

It has been mf‘ormed that PAS are followm’g zero water discharge norms, no water is discharged mm the nearby streams. Hence, no monitorm‘g of water quality of upstream and downstream of water bodies is being done. It is required to monitor the water quality of upstream and downstream of water bodies once in ix months and record of monitoring data shall be main'tam'ed and to be submitted to Regional Office, Bhubaneswar along with six monthly compliance reports.

It is required to construct the catch/garland drains and reta1n1n"g wall of appropriate size all around the mine workin'g, coal heaps & OB dumps to prevent run offofwater and flow of sediments directly into the river and water bodies.

It has been observed that conventional ETP along with 011' and grease trap by gravitational separation method has been provided for workshop and the waste water is directed Into the mm'e sump after treatment from the ETP. As per the mom'torin'g report submitted, the quality of effluent is withm' the prescribed hm'its. However, it is required to upgrade the ETP with state-of-art technologies for efficient treatInent of wastewater generated from mimn"g operations.

it has been observed that, some of the workers operatm‘g HEMM, etc, does not have the ear plugs. It is required to provide and monitor the usage of proper PPE’S as per requirement of worker and work1n"g areas. It requlr'es un'mediate action.

It has been mf'ormed that, no medical camps have been organized within' the last Six months. It is required to conduct regular medical camps at least once in Slx' months to ensure health and welfare of nearby Vill'ages.

10. It has been inf'ormed that efforts Will be made to reduce energy consumption by conservation, efficiency and use of renewable energy.

11. It has been mf'ormed that the entir'e excavated area, backfiiling, external OB dumpin'g (m‘cludin‘g top 5011') and afforestation plan is in conformity with the "during min'in'g and post minin"g" land—use pattern, which 15' an m’tegral part of the approved Munn"g Plan and the ElA/EMP submitted to this Ministry. However, it is' required to submit the progressive compliance status vis—a-vis the post muun"g land use pattern to Regional Office, Bhubaneswar on six monthly basis.

12. It is' required to provide the detailed un'plementation status of the commitments and recommendations made in the ElA/EMP report and also that during presentation to the EAC to Regional Office, Bhubaneswar with their' six monthly compliance reports, that are sent regularly.

13. It has been observed that PAs are in process of preparing action plan for un‘plementing EMP and env1r'onmental conditions. It is required to submit the action plan which is duly approved by competent authority for im'plementm’g EMP and env1r'onmental conditions and year wise progress of im'plementation status of action plan shall be reported to Regional Office along with the 5m Monthly Compliance Report.

14-. it is‘ reqmr'ed to provide the detailed report regarding the socio-economic development activities conducted in and around the mine.

15. It has been observed that the Digital Survey of entire lease hold area/core zone usm'g Satellite Remote Sensm'g survey has been carried out in' the year 2017 and the reports were uploaded on the company ‘Mfi (aft 13%?! an; wage-1m) (SH. SURESH BABU PASUPULETI) 3w firm. n'df/Deputy Director (5) W WW/G ' WI, ,7.” 5.7, 7 4-1.9" dated 22.03.2018 Page 2 of 21 T4: 1: 1' ’ rw'dr‘t/Eastem Regional Office ,HdflWI/Bhubaneswar- 751023 website (h_L—____—__p_—______p______p_fitt:// df/MCL more Smcm Re ort 2017. d . However, it is required to submit the same to Regional Office, Bhubaneswar.

Status of com o liance S - eelfi'c Conditions: - The project proponent shall collect It has been informed that PAs have conducted one season base and analyze one season base line data line data generation for environmental parameters, during for environmental parameters, April-June, 2018 has been done by M/s CMPDI. preferably during April—June, 2018, and submit for consideration of the EAC before 315‘ December, 2018. The project proponent shall submit PAS have assured to submit details regarding action taken on the details regarding action taken on diff'erent observations of the Regional Office before 31‘t different observations of the Regional December, 2018. for the Committee to examine adequacy and Office before 31“ December, 2018, for efficacy of the pollution control measures and its impact on the Committee to examine adequacy ambient all' quality and to make recommendations for and efficacy of the pollution control continuance of the project thereafter. measures and its impact on ambient air quality and to make recommendations for continuance of the project thereafter. To control the production of dust at It has been observed that PAS are in process of controlhn'g dust source, the crusher and in_pit belt enu'ssions by water sprinklin'g at CHP area and transportation conveyors shall be provided with mist roads/haul roads. There are two circuits present in the CHP unit where each circuit has a crusher, belt conveyor and a bunker. It has type sprinklers. been informed that about 6 sprinklers on the ramp and 7 sprinkl'ers 1n' and around the CHP circuit were provided. The crusher is provided with 12 mist type nozzles/spunkl‘ers, the belt conveyor with 5 numbers and the bunker with 10 nos. of mist nozzles. Therefore, a total number ofS4 mist type nozzles are present in the complete CHP unit. However, during monitoring, CHP is not in operational. It has been informed that the CHP is not in' operation since December, 2017 but the sprinkling process is maintained on regular basis. The photographs of the CHP area are as follows.-


(SH. _SURESH BABU SUPULETI) a": flaw “ii/Deputy Director (S) m W/Govt. of qqfam Hard av WWW-in. of Env. Forest 8 CC 3.." 2:7"? W‘b'Eastern Regional Office ’ 4m" hu anesw 1 1'1 low/1033979551.012A3,II(M)- dated 22.03.2018 Page 3 of 21

Mitigative measures to be undertaken As stated earlier, it has been brved that PAs are in' process of to control dust and other fugitive controlling dust emissions by water sprm'kling at CHP area and emissions all along the roads by transportation roads/haul roads. It has been mf'ormed that 3 no.5 providing sufficient numbers of water of 8 kl, 8 kl and 4— kl tankers are coverm’g a distance of 6 km sprinklers. Adequate corrective outside the mm'e premises to abate dust pollution, 3 no.s of 28 measures shall be undertaken to kl water tankers, 2 nos. of 20 kl tankers and a 11 kl were control dust emissions as presented engaged for suppressm'g dust m'side the mine premises. A total before the Committee, which would number of 91 fixed sprmkl'ers are provided at locations such as include mechanized sweeping, water near weigh bridges, on the external CT road. near office sprinkling/ mist spraying on haul building, etc. The CHP is provided with 6 spnnkl'ers on the roads and loading sites, long range ramp and 7 sprmkl'ers 1n‘ and around the CHP um't. A total misting/fogging arrangement, wind number of S4- mist type nozzles are present 111' the complete barrier wall and vertical greenery CHP unit. Three instant water showenn'g systems are also In" system, green belt, dust suppression operation to abate dust suspension. However, as per the AAQ arrangement at railway siding etc. monitorm'g reports submitted, it has been observed that the concentrations of SPM, RPM, 502, NO.\' and PMLS were exceeded m' many occasions. It is required to m'crease the frequency of the water sprlnld'in'g at all the dust generating sources. Persons ofnearby villages hall be given It has been informed that nearby Villagers are being given training on livelihood and skill tram'ln'g on dillerent aspects such as landscaping, agriculture. development to make them construction and scaffolding works, etc. under various contracts to m'crease their work eflicienc . To ensure health and welfare ofnearby It has been informed that, no camps have been orgamz'ed within' villages, regular medical camps shall the last six months. It is requtr'ed to conduct regular medical be organized at least once in six camps at least once in six months to ensure health and welfare months." of nearb Vill'aes. Thick green belt of 75 in width at the It has been observed that PAS are in process ofdevelopm‘g thick green final boundary in the down wind belt of 75 m widths at the final boundary in’ the downwm'd direction belt of 75 m direction of the project site shall be of the project site. It is required to develop thick green width at the final boundary in the down Wind direction ofthe project developed to mitigate/ check the dust site to mitigate/check the dust pollution. It has been mf'ormed that pollution. around 25000 plants have been planted in the safety zone over an area of 10 ha. thus taking the total plants count 10 159000 in‘ the safety

zone . A third party assessment of EC It has been assured that PAs w111' take up the third party compliance shall be undertaken once assessment of the EC compliances once in 3 years. in 03 ear throu h aenc like '- - - 311W (SH. firfi .SWURESH BABU PASUP)ULETI) 3w flax-5 “fia’lDeputy Director m «mam.,4mgy_1a/,m§-11§.(il(M) dated 22.03.2018 quit: Page 4 of 21 "’ n’ '13 “'1 WWW/Min. of Env. Forest Ta? 4m” & CC _ Wvl/Eastern Reglonal' W/Bhubaneswar- Office' 7 —51.023 H I — ICFRI/NEERl/IIT or any other expert

Mining shall be carried out under It has been mf'ormed that the mmm"g is bem'g carried out under strict adherence to provisions of the strict adherence to provisions of the Mm‘es Act 1952 and Mines Act 1952 and subordinate subordinate legislations made there-under as applicable. legislations made thereunder as a licable. No change in mining method i.e. CC to It has been observed that there is no change in’ technology and UG, calendar programme and scope of scope of work from current one without approval of Mim"stry. work shall be made without obtaining The mine is being done by Shovel Dumper technology for prior approval of the Ministry of excavation of Overburden whereas in Coal it is usm'g Surface Environment, Forest and Climate Min'er with Pay loader 8: Tipper combin'ation. As per the coal Change (MoEF&CC). production details provided, no change in’ the calendar plan m'cludin‘g quantum of mineral coal and waste being produced. The details are as follows.- (m)Coal OB 8t Reject 2mm on, 2018) Mining hall be carried out as per the It has been mf'ormed that the m1nin"g haslbeen carried out as per approved mining plan (including the approved minin"g plan (in'cludm'g Mln'e Closure Plan) abiding Mine Closure Plan) abiding by mining by mmm"g laws related to coal mmm"g and the relevant c1r'culars laws related to coal mining and the issued by Directorate General Min'es Safety (DGMS). relevant circulars issued by Directorate General Mines Safety

iv. No mining shall be carried out in forest It has been mf'ormed that no mmin"g has been carried out in" land without obtaining Forestry forest land without obtainin"g Forestry Clearance as per Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 Clearance as per Forest (Conservation) and also adhering to The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Act, 1980 and also adhering to The Forest Rights) Act, 2006 read with provisions of Indian Forest Scheduled Tribes and Other Act, 1927. Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 read with provisions of Indian Forest Act, 1927. 4.1 ) Land reclamation and water conservation: Digital Survey of entire lease hold It has been observed that the Digital Survey of entire lease hold area/core zone using Satellite Remote area/core zone usm‘g Satellite Remote Sensm'g survey has been Sensing survey shall be carried out at carried out m' the year 2017 and the reports were uploaded on least once in three years for the company website monitoring land use pattern and (_p_—______p______htt:/ / Env1r‘onment/ df/ MCL mor report in 1:50,000 scale shall be _____p____pd_i)eSmcm Reort 2017.. However, it is reqmr'ed to submit submitted to Ministry of Environment, the same to Regional Office, Bhubaneswar. Forest and Climate Change/ Regional Office R0 . The surface drainage plan including The surface drainage plan including surface water conservation plan surface water conservation plan for for the area of influence affected by the said mmm"g operations, the area of influence affected by the considering the presence of river/rivulet/pond/lake, etc., has been prepared and un'plemented by the project proponent vide plan no. said minin operations, considering _. _.v I MCL/BGA/KOCP/SURV-07 dated 16/08/2008. Embankment has . ‘ “EH' BABU PASUPULETI) 3w firm. a3 lDeputy Director (8} W W-ifi thftaalalAmM) dated 22.03.2018 Page 5 of 21 W". 7"?" 11a 57, . Wrong/tin. of Env. Forest 8 CC m“. w 11:1 W/Eastem Regional Office WBhubaneswar- 75102:} the presence of been constructed at Basundhara area on the banks of Basundhara river/rivulet/pond/lake etc, shall be nallah to prevent sudden rush of water. prepared and implemented by the project proponent. The surface drainage plan and/or any diversion of natural water courses shall be as per the approved Mining Plan/EIA/EMP report and with due approval of the concerned State/G01 Authority. The construction of embankment to prevent any danger against in rush of surface water into the mine should be as per the approved Mining Plan and as - er the - ermission of DGMS. The final mine void depth should It has been observed that the mm'e has not reached its final void preferably be as per the approved area. PAs have assured to comply the condition. Mine Closure Plan, and in case it exceeds 40 m, adequate engineering interventions shall be provided for. sustenance of aquatic life therein. The remaining area shall be backfilled and covered with thick and alive top soil. Post mining land be rendered usable for agricultural/ forestry purposes and shall be handed over to the respective state government as specified in the guidelines for Preparation of Mine Closure Plan issued by the Ministry of Coal dated 27‘h August, 2009 and subsequent amendments. The entire excavated area, backfilling, It has been mf'ormed that the entire excavated area, bacLfillm"g, eXtel'"31 OB dumping (including to? external OB dumping (including top 5011') and afforestation plan 5011) and afforesmtion Plan Shall be in is in conformity with the "durin'g muun"g and post mirun"g" land- Conformity With the "during use pattern, which is an integral part of the approved Mmm"g - - u n t ' ' H mmmg / P05 m_lnlng land-use Plan and the EIA/EMP submitted to this Muu"stry. However, it pattern, which is an integral part ofthe is required to submit the progressive compliance status v15'-a-vis approved Mining Plan and the the post minm'g land use pattern to Regional Office, ElA/EMP submitted to this Ministry. Bhubaneswar on six monthly basis. Progressive compliance status vis-a-vis the post mining land use pattern shall be submitted to the Ministry of Environment. Forest and Climate Change/ Regional Office on six monthly bases.

(93"? am inW) (8‘? SURESH BABU PASUPULETI) 34 11mm “air/Deputy Director (8) mm Want/Govt. of India mm a? qa' Gm tGIWII'MI'n. of Env. Forest 8 CC 171‘? $131?!” m'r’m/Eastern Regional Office W‘UBhubaneswar- 751023 ]-11015/10/1995-IA.II(M) dated 22.03.2018 Page 6 of 21 Earlier, this Office has observed that, OB of Kulda OCP has

been dumped in the adjacent Garjanbahal OCP. Dunn'g present monitoring, it has been observed that, PAS are m' process of relocating the OB present in' Garlanbahal OCP to the m'temal OB clumps of Kulda OCP. The photographs are as follows:

The top soil shall temporarily be stored It has been mf'ormed that, about 7000 cu.m of top sofl has been at earmarked site(s) only and shall not stacked separately. Legumes have been planted on the top sofl be kept unutilized for long. The top dump so as to mam'tam' the fertil'ity of the 5011'. The top 5011' soil shall be used for land reclamation stored w11'l subsequently be used for reclamation of back filled and plantation purposes. Active OB OB Dumps. It has been observed that PAS are m' progress of dumps shall be stabilized with native stabil'izm'g active OB dumps with native grass species to prevent grass species to prevent erosion and erosion and surface run off. The other overburden dumps are surface run off. The other overburden bem'g vegetated with native flora species. The excavated area dumps shall be vegetated with native bem'g backfilled and afforested 111' line with the approved Mm'e flora species. The excavated area shall Closure Plan. However, it is required to submit the compliance be backfilled and afforested in line status to Regional Office on Slx' monthly basis. with the approved Mine Closure Plan Monitoring and management of rehabilitated areas shall continue until the vegetation becomes self— sustaining. Compliance status shall be of submitted to the Ministry Environment Forest and Climate Change/ Regional Office on six monthly basis.

'. Transportation of coal, to the extent It has been observed that transportation ofcoal 1's permitted only permitted by road, shall be carried out after ensurin'g proper tarpaulin' coverage. However, as per the by covered trucks/ conveyors. AAQ mom‘toring reports submitted, it has been observed that Effective control measures such as the concentrations of SPM, RPM, 502, NOx and PM“ were regular water/ mist sprinkling/ rain exceeded 111' many occasions. It is required to increase the gun etc shall be carried out in critical frequency of the water sprmklm"g at all the dust generatin'g

areas prone to air pollution (with SOUI'CCS . higher values of PM,o/PM2_;)Osuch as haul road, loading/unloading and transfer points. Fugitive dust emissions from all sources shall be controlled " - ' argument) (SH. SURESH BABU PASUPULETI) as W: “fiEleeputy Director (S) m. WIGIIMJOYHMS-IAJKM) dated 22.03.2018 Page 7 of 21 Wis?" TM as an. Harm/Min. of Env. Forest 6 CC Ten” a'rm‘ man/E’astem Regional Office WWI/Bhubaneswar- 751023 regularly. It shall be ensured that the

Ambient Air Quality parameters conform to the norms prescribed by the Central/ State Pollution Control Board.

Greenbelt consisting of 3-tier plantation It has been observed that PAS are in process of developing greenbelt of width not less than 7.5 m shall be consisting of 3-tier plantation of width not less than 7.5 In all along developed all along the mine lease area in the mine lease area in a phased manner. PAs are also m' progress of a phased manner. The green belt developing green belt comprising a mix" ofnative species all along the comprising a mix of native species shall be major approach/coal transportation roads. It has been observed that, developed all along the major 10 ha plantation (25000 plants) has been done in 2018-19 by DFO approach/coal transportation roads. Sundargarh. It has been informed that, about 320 trees have been planted by departmental resources during 2018-19. Plantation of 1100 seedlings have been done through seed balls. 2000 plants have been propagated and grown in Kulda Nursery located witlun' the mm'ing lease in the year 2018-19. 1,72,500 number of trees have been planted in the safety zone and other areas covering 68.47 ha. It is required to develop the greenbelt consisting of 3-tier plantation of width not less than 7.5 In all along the mine lease area m' a phased manner. The green belt comprism’g a mix' of native species to be developed all along the major approach/coal transportation roads. It

requires immediate action. The transportation of coal shall be carried It has been informed that the transportation of coal is bem'g carried

out as per the provisions and route out as per the provisions and route proposed m' the approved Muu"ng proposed in the approved Mining Plan. Plan. Transportation of the coal through the exisun‘g road passm‘g Transportation of the coal through the through any village has been avoided. Special corridors have been existing road passing through any village constructed thus bypassing the neighboring villages.

shall be avoided. In case, it is proposed to construct a 'bypass' road, it should be so constructed so that the impact of sound, dust and accidents could be appropriately It has been informed that the vehicles are allowed to run after the Vehicular emissions shall be kept under submission of PUC certificates, the records ofwhich are duly mam'tam‘ed. control and regularly monitored. All the

vehicles engaged in mining and allied activities shall operate only after

obtaining 'PUC certificate from the authorized ollution testin centres.

Coal stock pile/crusher/feeder and As stated earlier, it has been observed that PAS are in process of breaker material transfer points shall controlling dust emissions by water sprlem"‘g at CHP area and invariably be provided with dust transportation roads/haul roads. There are two Clr'cuits present

suppression system. Belt conveyors shall in the CHP unit where each Cir‘cm‘t has a crusher, belt conveyor be fully covered to avoid air borne dust. and a bunker. It has been inf'ormed that about 6 sprmkl'ers on Side cladding all along the conveyor the ramp and 7 sprm'lders m‘ and around the CH? c1r'cuit were gantry should be made to avoid air borne provided. The crusher is' provided with 12 mls't type dust. Drills shall be wet operated or fitted nozzles/sprm‘klers, the belt conveyor with 5 numbers and the with dust extractors. bunker with 10 nos. of mist nozzles. Therefore, a total number ‘ fl.1 of 54- mis't type nozzles are present in the complete CHP unit. However, dunn' monitorm‘ , CHP is‘ not m' o erational. It has lsflu')‘ --lr‘-. III-"r.n, - 'SH. ‘SURESH BABU PASUPULETI) 311 W “id/Deputy Director (8) W. W-.6%§7-1‘0‘/lIEQ§I-IA.II(M) dated 22.03.2018 Page 8 of 21 mm an a in. was .Ihn of Env. Forest 8 CC {if im‘ W'aslern Regional Office W‘Bhubaneswar. 751023 been inf'ormed that the CHP is not in operation sm'ce December, 2017 but the sprinklin"g process is mam'tam'ed on regular basis. The Drill‘s are wet operated. The surface mln'ers are provided' with wet arran ements as well.

Coal handling plant shall be operated As stated earlier, it has been observed that PAS are m' process of with effective control measures viz. controlling dust emissions by water sprinkl'm'g at CHP area and bag filters/water or 'mist sprinkling transportation roads/haul roads. There are two Cir'cuits present system etc. to check fugitive emissions 1n' the CHP um't where each Circuit has a crusher, belt conveyor from crushing operations, conveyor and a bunker. It has been mf'ormed that about 6 sprinklers on system, transfer points, etc. the ramp and 7 sprmkl'ers 1n' and around the Cl-lP Cir'cuit were provided. The crusher is provided with 12 mist type nozzles/sprmkl'ers, the belt conveyor with 5 numbers and the bunker with 10 nos. of mist nozzles. Therefore, a total number of 54 mist type nozzles are present 111' the complete CHP unit. However, durin'g mom'torm'g, CHP is not in' operational. It has been mf'ormed that the CHP is not m' operation sm'ce December, 2017 but the sprlnkl‘in'g process is mam'tam'ed on regular basis. The Dril'ls are wet operated. The surface min'ers are provided' with wet arranements as well.

Ground water. excluding mine water, It has been mf'ormed that ground water, excludm‘g mine water, shall not be used for mining is not bem‘g used for m1nln"g operations. It has been mf’ormed operations. Rainwater harvesting shall that PAS are m' process of developing remam' water system for be implemented for conservation and the project. The proposal for the construction of rain'water augmentation of ground water harvestin'g structure for the collection and controlled discharge

resources. of run off generated from external dump area has been 1ru"tiated by the civfl department and which is currently under consideration. Catch/garland drains and siltation It has been observed that PAS have constructed catch/garland ponds of appropriate size shall be dram's at most of the places of the mm’e workin'g, coal heaps & constructed around the mine working, OB dumps to prevent run off of water and flow of sediments coal heaps & OB dumps to prevent run dir'ectly into the river and water bodies. The total runoff generated over the OB Dump off of water and flow of sediments 81 coal stock is collected back m' directly into the river and water the mine sump Inside the mm'e which acts as setthn'g ponds. It bodies. Further, dump material shall has been inf'ormed that about 4.8 km long Garland drain' with be properly consolidated/ compacted 06 check dams have been constructed all along the mine and accumulation ofwater over dumps boundary. A garland drain' of 1000 m has been constructed to shall be avoided by providing channeliz'e runoff from the dump to groundwater recharge pit.

adequate channels for flow of sill into The dram's have been desilted before and after the monsoons.

the drains. The drains/ ponds so This water is reused for dust suppression ofmine road, and fire— constructed shall be regularly de- fighting of coal stock yards. The drain's are bem‘g regularly de- silted particularly before onset of sflted and maintained. Plantation has been done over an area of monsoon and maintained properly. 10 ha by the D.F.O. It has been mf'ormed that the proposal for Sump capacity should provide construction of retainm"g wall has been 1m"tiated by the project adequate retention period to allow proponent vide hl‘e no.388 dated 14/ 08/ 2018. It is required to proper settling of silt material. The construct the catch/garland drains and retamm"g wall of water so collected in the sump shall be appropriate Siz’e all around the mm'e workm'g, coal heaps 8: QB utilized for dust suppression measures dumps to prevent run off of water and flow of sediments belt development. directly mm the river and water bodies. and green

Dimension of the retaining wall

anm a...WMeputy o Director (S) W W 9f 7 iDGI'eIAJKM) dated 22.03.2018 Page 9 of 21 7 _ 7i, _ 4Wm, ofEnv. Forest 8 9!. 371Wm 3P.mzz/,Easte CC m Regional Off‘ Bhubaneswar- 751023 we dumps within the mine to check run- offand siltation should be based on the rainfall data. The plantation of native species 'to be made between toe of the dump and adjacent /water bodies. field/ habitation 1x'. Industrial waste water generated from It has been observed that conventional ETP along with 011' and CHP, workshop and other waste grease trap by gravitational separation method has been water, shall be properly collected and provided for workshop and the waste water is directed mm the treated so as to conform to the mm'e sump after treatment from the ETP. The ETP is' being

standards prescribed under the maintained properly for treatment of wastewater by Environment (Protection) Act. 1986 gravitational settlm'g process. As per the monitoring report and the Rules made there under. and as submitted, the quality of effluent is with in' the prescribed

amended from time to lime Oil and lim‘its. However, it is required to upgrade the ETP with state— grease trap shall be in tailed and of-art technologies for efficient treatment of wastewater

maintained fully functional with generated from m1nin"g operations. The photographs of ETP effluents discharge adhering to the m'stalled at the project is as follows: norms. Sewage treatment plant of adequate capacity shall be in. tailed for treatment of domestic waste.

Adequate groundwater recharge As stated earlier, the proposal for rain'water harvesting measures shall be taken up for structure is in' progress. It has been mf'ormed that, drmLin"‘g augmentation of ground water. The water is being supplied to the nearby Villages at stipulated t1m'es. project authorities shall meet water 18.83 lakhs have been spent for the supply of drmkm"g water to requirement of, nearby village(s) in the nearby Villages. case the village wells go dry due to dewaterin of mine. 4.1 d Illumination, noise 8: vibration Adequate illumination shall be It has been observed that adequate illumination bein'g ensured m' all ensured in all mine locations (as per mine locations (as per DGMS standards) and mom‘tored weekly. The DGMS standards) and monitored report on the same will be submitted to this muu“stry & its RO on 51x‘— weekly. The report on the same shall monthly basis. The illumination report has been submitted along with be submitted to this ministry & its R0 six monthly compliance report. on six month] basis. Adequate measures shall be taken for It has been inf‘ormed that adequate measures are being taken to control the noise pollution. Adequate awareness programs have also control of noise levels below 85 dB(A) m the work environment. Workers been held to create awareness among the personnel. As per noise monitoring report submitted by PAS, the noise levels are witl'nn' the engaged in blasting and drilling rescribed limits. However, it has been observed that, some of the (SH. SUREHB PASUP 3'; Maw- .. 6370 0% ULETI) 111m me§;”§V_/nf’§§9'a§!§i.11(M) dated 22.03.2018 Page 10 of21 minim anm.mi 3 v “Wu/M‘in . of Env. F crest 8 CC fl -_ 33mm "awfnstern Regional Office m4lnL L, _

workers operating HEMM, etc. does not have the ear plugs. It is'

shall be provided with personal requir'ed to provide and monitor the usage of proper PPE's as per

protective equipments (PPE) like ear requirement of worker and working areas. It reqiur'es imm’ediate action. plugs/muffs in conformity with the prescribed norms and guidelines in this regard. Adequate awareness for users to be conducted. programme Progress in usage ofsuch accessories to be monitored.

Controlled blasting techniques shall It has been observed that controlled blastm'g with safety be practiced in order to mitigate precautions is bem'g carried through Nonel tubes durm'g ground vibrations and fly rocks as per daytim'e only.

the guidelines prescribed by the DGMS. The noise level survey shall be carried It has been m'formed that adequate measures are bem‘g taken to

out as per Complied the prescribed control the noise pollution. Adequate awareness programs have also guidelines to assess noise exposure of been held to create awareness among the personnel. As per noise the workmen at vulnerable points in mom’toring report submitted by PAS, the noise levels are within the some of the mine premises, and report in this prescribed limits. However, it has been observed that,

the workers operatm'g HEMM, etc. does not have the ear plugs. regard shall be submitted to the Ministry/ RO on six monthly basis. It is required to provide and mom’tor the usage of proper PPE’s as per requirement of worker and working areas. It requires im'mediate action. 4.1 e Occu - ational health & safe It has been mf'ormed that about 221 dust masks have also been The project proponent shall undertake distributed durm'g the Period April" 2018-September, 2018. occupational health survey for initial Persons are provided with DGMS approved dust masks and and periodical medical examination of provided with adequate tramm"g regularly and at every 5 years the workers engaged in the project m'terval. Occupational health surveill'ance is bem'g regularly and maintain records accordingly as done. Im'tial medical exam and periodical medical exams are provisions of the Mines Rules, per the conducted at regular m'tervals by doctors trained as per 1955 and DGMS circulars. Besides gin'delin'es. Initial medical examination of 202 personnel and regular periodic health check-up. 20% periodical medical examm'ation of 20 personnel were carried of the workers identified from out period April' —— September, 20 18. workforce engaged in active mining operations shall be subjected to health check-up for occupational diseases and hearing impairment, if any. The project proponent shall undertake occupational health survey for initial and periodical medical examination of the workers engaged in the project and maintain records accordingly as per the provisions of the Mines Rules, 1955 and DGMS circulars. Besides regular periodic health check-up, 20% Eyfi

of the workers identified from ( a?! at» am WW) workforce engaged in active mining (SH. ‘SURESH BABU P‘ASUPULE l) 312 firms: “arr/Deputy Director ‘I - erations shall be sub'ected to health ‘ " - .. ov.o ndia mm in Its an, Min. of Env. Forest 8 CC ‘fifi £1372! arz.’1raw’Eastern Regional Office Wyatt/Bhubaneflg-flftdflfl J-l 1015/10/1995—IA.II(M) dated 22.03.2018

check-up for occupational diseases

and hearin im - airment, if an .

Personnel (including outsourcing It has been inf'ormed that about 221 dust masks have also been employees) working in dusty areas distributed during the period April' 2018-September, 2018. shall wear protective respiratory Persons are provided with DGMS approved dust masks and

devices and shall also be provided with provided with adequate tralmn"g regularly and at every 5 years

adequate training and information on m'terval.

safe and health as - ects. Skill training as per safety norms It has been m'formed that skill trauu"ng as per safety norms

specified by DGMS shall be provided spec1f1'ed by DGMS being provided to all workmen m'cludm'g

to all workmen including the the outsourcm‘g employees to ensure high safety standard in

outsourcing employees to ensure high mm'es. safety standard in mines.

Ecos stem and biodiversi conservation

The project proponent shall take all It has been mf'ormed that all precautionary measures Will be

precautionary measures during taken during min'm'g operation for conservation and protection mining operation for conservation and of endangered flora/fauna, if any, spotted/reported 111' the protection of endangered flora/ fauna, study area.

if any, spotted/ reported in the study area. The action plan in this regard, if any, shall be prepared and

implemented in consultation with the State Forest and Wildlife De - artment. 4.1 1 Public hearin, R&R and CSR Implementation of the action plan on the It has been observed that PAs are in progress of un'plementm‘g the issue raised during the public hearing issues raised dunn'g public hearing and as informed the details are as shall be ensured. The project proponent follows: 5]. Issue raised by Action to be taken shall undertake all the tasks/measures as by MCL No the public per the action plan submitted with budgetary provisions during the public I POHUtiO“ due . 3 tankers of capacity 8 kl, 8 kl and 4 kl are to coal dust (Air hearing. Land oustees shall be covering a distance of 6 km outside the mine Pollution) compensated as per the norms laid down premises to abate dust suppression, 3 nos. of 28

in the R&R policy of the company/State Id water tankers. 2 nos. 0 f 20 kl tankers and a 12 Id does the work of suppressing dust lm‘side Government/Central Government, as the mine premises. A total number of 91 fixed applicable. sprinklers are provided at lomtions such as near weighbridges, on the external CT road, near office building, etc. to suppre$ dust 2. A total number of <) I fixed sprinklers are provided at locations such as near weighbridges, on the external CT road, near office building, etc. to suppress dust. There are two circuits present in' the CHP unit where each circuit has a crusher. belt conveyor and a bunker. The crusher is provided with 12 mist type nozzles/sprinklers, the belt conveyor with 5 numbers and the bunker with IO nos. of of 54- mist nozzles. Therefore, a total number mist type nozzles are present in the complete WWW) (SH. _SURE BABU PASUPULETI) Cl-lP unit. 03 nos. Instant water shower 5 stem has been

mm HER/Govt. of India W" 7?, as" an. HEW/Mn of Env Forest 8 CC 1174' am?. ’5/‘1qu95uiwmeM) dated 22.03.2013 Page 12 onI Bhuhmwswar- 751023

set up at the exit of the mine. Apart from this tyre wash system is also being set up at the exit of the mine for. prevention of coal dust bein‘g transferred to public roads. 4. Sardega - Barpali Railway Siding has been completed and is to be commissioned in‘ the month of Feb 2018. Out of 15 MT ofcoal, 10 MT of coal will be dispatched through this siding and remaining 4 MT w1l‘l be dispatched to JSPL by Pipe conveyor and only 1 MT of coal will be dispatched-through road sale in covered tippers. 5. Plantation has been done over an area of 10 ha in 20018-19 and it is proposed to carry out plantation over an area of 9.13 ha in" 2019- 2020. Water Zero discharge is being maintam‘ed by the mine. Pollution However, an ETP and OGT is functioning as per the requirement and the water is bem'g recycled for industrial use. Drinking water Drinking water supply is being done for 09 supply peripheral villages during the summer (90 days). Apart from that work of drm‘king water supply to barpali, Kushara etc is being taken up with district administration on deposit basis under CSR. As per requirement MCL is supplym’g drinking water to all the nearby villages in' consultation with district admim‘stration. Employment MCL is providing employment to all the land

for unemployed looser as per recommendations of the Hon’ble youth Claim Commission setup by the Supreme Court of India. So far MCL Basundhara has already provided employment to 308 numbers of persons against Kulda OCP and will be providing the balance employment to 30 numbers as per recommendations of the claim‘ commiss‘ion. The R&R policy of MCL is m' accordance with the R&R policy of Govt. of Odisha 2006, which is one of the best R&R olicy of India.

It has been informed that the land oustees bem'g compensated as per the norms laid down in the R&R olicy of the Odisha State Government.

The project proponent shall ensure the It has been informed that PAS have ensured the expenditure towards socio- economic development in" and around the mine, in every financial year in expenditure towards socio-economic pursuance of the corporate social responsibility policy as per the prov15'ions development in and around the mine, in under Section 135 of the companies Act, 2013. As per the mf‘ormation every financial year in pursuance of the provided, an amount ofRs. 1 10.37 LaLh's were _spent on various activities of corporate social responsibility policy as CSR. However, it is required to provide the detailed report regarding the

per the provisions under Section 135 of the socio-economic development activities conducted m‘ and around the mine.

corn anies Act, 2013.

It has been observed that PAs are in" progress of followm'g the The project proponent shall follow the mitigation measures provided in‘ this Mmi'su'y’s OM No. 2- mitigation measures provided in this 110135712014-IA.H (M) dated 29‘h October, 2014, titled Impact ofmimn"g Ministry’s OM No. Z—110135712014-IA.II activities on habitations issues related to the mmin"g projects wherein" (M) dated 29‘ll October, 2014, titled Impact habitan'ons and Villages are the part of mm‘e lease areas or habitations and .of mining activities on habitations issues v1ll'a es are surrounded by the mine lease areas'. sin "I" ..—.. . -u (SH. SURESH BABU PASUPULETI) at: fiéwa: “38”lDeputy Director (8) W.m. Pfdysmii M dated 22.03.2013 Page 13 of 21 “lam EFT Q3 Jpn. of Env. Forest &( CC) 1137 am“ W'e/Eastern Regional Office WBhubaneswar- 751023

related to the mining projects wherein habitations and villages are the part of mine lease areas or habitations and villages

are surrounded b the mine lease areas’.

It has been The project proponent shall make Ln'formed that there is no grazm‘g land is in'volved in core zone.

necessary alternative arrangements, if grazing land is involved in core zone, in consultation with the State Government to provide alternate areas for livestock grazing. Ifany. In this context, the project proponent shall implement the directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court with regard to land.

The Company shall have a well laid down It has been informed that the company has well down environment CIL Corporate Envxr'onment Policy 2012, which states that environment policy duly approved by policy i.e. “Coal India Limited (CIL) is committed to protect the environment through Board of Directors. The environment prevention, mitigation f0pollution, proper disposal and reyccling f0 wastes, policy should prescribe for standard conservation fobio-diversiyt and bringing awareness among all itsstakeholders operating procedures to have proper the best for continual improvement in environmental pefrormances following checks and balances and to bring into practices. "and has been approved by Board of Directors. The company

focus any also review the non-compliance of env1r‘onmental conditions are

infringements/deviation/ violation of the regular intervals. environmental or forest norms/conditions. Also, the company shall have a defined system of reporting of non-com‘pliances /violations of environmental norms to the Board of Directors and/or shareholders/stakeholders.

The hierarchical system or It has been observed that the hierarchical system or Admm'istrative

Administrative Order of the company Order of the company to deal with env1r'onmental issues and for

to deal with environmental issues and ensuring compliance with the envn‘onmental clearance conditions has been displayed on website of the Company for ensuring compliance with the (__p__—_____g_g___jpghtt:// structure 2017.‘ environmental conditions should be and displayed on website of the Company. _j_—___—_—p__htt):/ / Environment/Clearences comlianc es.htm).

A separate environmental It has been observed that a separated envxr'onment management cell

management cell both at the project has been established in Project as well as area and head quarter level. At the project the Environment Cell is headed by Project Officer and and company headquarter, level. with has an Assistant manager (Env.) with specialized qualification in‘ suitable qualified personnel shall be Environment. In Area the cell is headed by General Manager of the set—up under the control of a Senior Area along with Stall Officer (Env.). Staff Officer (Civil). Area

Executive, who will report directly to Finance Manager Etc. At Hq. level, the cell is headed by G.M. (Env.) reporting to Dir'ector (Tech, P&P). the Head ofthe Or anization.

Action plan for implementing EMP It has been observed that PAS are in process of preparing action plan for Im'plementin'g EMP and env1r‘onmental conditions. It is required and environmental conditions shall be to submit the action plan which is duly approved by competent prepared and shall be duly approved authority for nn'plementm'g EMP and env1r'onmental conditions and

b competent authority. The year wise ear wise ro ess of im‘lementau‘on status of action lan shall be

(SHm'S—L'R.E.SH*3'? pm BABU PSUPULETI) 7:18”[Deputy Director (3% m. WWOMMJA. M) dated 22.03.2018 Page 14 of21 W 7w j-. Q3 5!. . WWW/,Min. of Env. Forest 8 CC T4: will} T=fil‘élme/Eastern Regional Office .WaI/Bhubanpswar. 7:1n'n

funds earmarked for environmental reported to Regional Office along with the Six' Monthly Compliance Report. It has been inf‘ormed that a separate account (ESCROW) has protection measures shall be kept in been maintained for progressive and final mine closure activities. The separate account and not to be year wise funds earmarked for environmental protection measures

diverted for any other purpose. Year are duly kept m' separate account and are not diverted for any other

wise progress of implementation of purpose.

action plan shall be reported to the Ministry/Regional Office along with the Six Monthl Com - liance Re . ort. V. Self-environmental audit shall be It has been mf'ormed that self-env1r'onmental audit is bem'g carried out by Headquarters of MCL for verification of Form-V data. It has been conducted annually. Every three m'formed that, PAs are in process of conducting third party years third party environmental audit env1r'onmental audit for every three years. shall be carried out. i Statuto Obliations

The environmental clearance shall be It has been mf‘ormed that the PAs will strictly follow the orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, Hon’ble High Court, Hon’ble NGT and any other subject to orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court of Law from time to time, and as applicable to the project. Court of India Hon’ble High Court, NGT and any other Court of law from time to

time, and as a o - licable to the - ro'ect. This environmental clearance shall be It has been inf'ormed that the Wildlife Clearance is not applicable to project. subject to obtaining wildlife clearance, if applicable, from the Standing Committee ofNational Board for Wildlife. It has been observed that the PAS have obtained Consent to The project proponent shall obtain Establish/Operate under the Air' Act, 1981 and the Water Act, 1974 from Consent to Establish/ Operate under the the concerned State Pollution Control Board. The details are as follows: Air Act, 1981 and the Water Act, 1974 from Consent—To-Operate vide letter no. 3803/ lND-l-CON-SIZS dated the concerned State Pollution Control 29.03.2018/Consent Order No. 2288 and Consent~To-Establish' vide letter

Board. no. 3485/IND—ll-NOC-6156 dated 26.03.2018.

The project proponent shall obtain the It has been in'formed that PAs are in‘ process of obtainm"g necessary approval from CGWA and submitted application vide letter no. necessary permission from the Central MCL/PO/KOCP/ENVT. /2018-19/4-7 dated 28.09.2018. It is Ground water Authority (CGWA). required to submit the copy of CGWA approval to Regional Oiffce,

Bhubaneswar after granting. ' Monitorin ofProject Adequate ambient air quality It has been observed that PAs are monitoring ambient air' quah'ty

monitoring stations shall be at five locations viz. , Al-South of external OB dump, A2-

established in the core zone as well as External CT road, A3-West of workm'g face, A4-South of

in the buffer zone for monitoring of working face and AS-North of CHP. It has been mf'ormed that

pollutants, namely PM"), PM“, 50; and three locations are for residential areas which are based on NOx. Location of the stations shall be env1r'onmentally & ecologically sensitive location criteria and

decided based on the meteorological were Selected m' consultation with State Pollution Control

data, topographical features and Board. SPM, RPM, 502, NOx and PM” are bem'g mom'torin'g

environmentally and ecologically for every days of frequency at each location of the AAQ station.

sensitive targets in consultation with As per the NAAQS, the prescribed standards for the PM“ is 60

the State Pollution Control Board. g/m3 and as per CTO, the prescribed standards for SPM, RPM, !\ Online ambient air quality monitoring 802, NOx are 500, 250, 120,120 respectively. As per the AAQ

l stations ma also be installed in monitorin' reorts submitted, it has been observed that the

(at? 13331311 sugar?!) (SH. ‘SUREJSH BABU PASUPULETI) 3w W "Eli/Deputy Director (8) WIWGCNOHSflflih‘XJKM) dated 22.03.2018 Page 15 of21 mm” infra , warm-Min. of Env. Forest 8 CC gen am? WWrEaStem Regional Office war/Bhubaneswar- 751023 addition to the regular monitoring concentrations of SPM, RPM, 802, NOx and PM” were stations as per the requirement and/ or exceeded In many occasions. It is required to m‘crease the in consultation with the SPCB. frequency of the water sprmklm"g at all the dust generatm'g Monitoring of heavy metals such as sources. Hg, As, Ni, Cd, Cr, etc, to be carried It has been observed that PAS have not submitted the monitorm'g reports of heavy metals such as Hg, As, Ni, Cd, Cr, etc, along out at least once in six months. with six monthly compliance reports. It is required to conduct the monitoring of heavy metals such as Hg, As, Ni, Cd, Cr, etc, at least once in Six' months and reports to be submitted along with sxx' monthly compliance reports. PAs are in process of installing online ambient air quality monitoring stations in' the project and in this regard, work order has been issued to M/s CMPDIL vide letter no. MCL/ENVT/2018/874-8 dated 05.02.2018. The Ambient Air Quality monitoring As stated above, it has been observed that PAs are mom'torm'g in the core zone shall be carried out to ambient air' quality at five locations viz., Al-South of external ensure the Coal Industry Standards OB dump, A2—External CT road, A3-West of working face,

notified vide GSR 742 dated A4-South of workm'g face and AS—North of CHP. It has been 25.9.2000 and as amended from time to mf'ormed that there locations are for residential areas which are

time by the Central Pollution Control based on env1r'onmentally 8: ecologically sensitive location Board. Data on ambient air quality criteria and were selected in consultation with State Pollution and heavy metals such as Hg, As, Ni, Control Board. SPM, RPM, 802, NOx and PM“ are bem'g Cd, Cr and other monitoring data monitorm'g for every days of frequency at each location of the shall be regularly reported to the AAQ station. As per the NAAQS, the prescribed standards for Ministry/ Regional Office and to the CPCB/SPCB. the PM” is 60 g/m3 and as per CTO, the prescribed standards for SPM, RPM, 802, NOx are 500, 250, 120,120 respectively. As per the AAQ monitorm'g reports submitted, it has been observed that the concentrations of SPM, RPM, 802, NOx and PM” were exceeded 111' many occasions. It is reqtur'ed to m'crease the frequency of the water spru1Lhn"'g at all the dust generatm'g sources. It has been observed that PAs have not submitted the monitoring reports of heavy metals such as Hg, As, Ni, Cd, Cr, etc, along with Six' monthly compliance reports. It is required to conduct the monitoring of heavy metals such as Hg, As, Ni, Cd, Cr, etc, at least once in Six' months and reports to be submitted along with sxx' monthly compliance reports. PAs are in process of installing onhn'e ambient air quality monitoring stations in the project and in' this regard, work order has been issued to M/s CMPDIL vide letter no. MCL/ENVT/2018/8748 dated 05.02.2018. The effluent discharge (mine waste It has been observed that the effluent discharge is bem'g monitored at regular intervals as per Coal Industry Standards vide GSR 742 (E) water. workshop effluent) shall be dated 25 .9.2000. As per the monitored data submitted for the period monitored in terms of the parameters April-September, 2018, the concentrations were withm' the notified under the Coal Industry prescribed llm'its. Standards vide GSR 742 (E) dated 25.9.2000 and as amended from time to lime by the Central Pollution Control Board. ' The monitoring data shall be uploaded It has been observed that the monitorm'g data being uploaded on the company’s website on the company's website and (htt - ://www.mahanadicoal.m'/Environment/ Clearences com D lian

(SH. SURFSH BABU PSUPULETI) "eta-"lDeputy 3*? firm, Director (SI) 1;;Ira ayammmlaafirm. l(M) dated 22.03.2018 Page 16 of 21 mam *4 Ea Ff. . warm/M‘in. of Env. Forest £1 CC Ti." «'{Im‘ simian/Eastern Regional Office W/Bhubaneswar. 75m”

displayed at the Project Site at a ces.htrn) and being displayed at the project site through electronic board. suitable location. The circular No. ]- 20012/1/20061AJI dated 27.05.2009 issued by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change shall also be referred, in this reard for its com - liance. Regular monitoring of ground water It has been observed that PAs are monitorm’g ground water level and quality regularly by M/s CMPDIL at requu'ed interval. The ground level and quality shall be carried cut in water level is being measured at two dug wells at the required and around the mine lease area by frequency. The qualities of these well waters are also monitored establishing a network of existing monthly. Four nos. of piezometers are also in' operation near the

wells and constructing new project. The ground water level and quality monitorm'g reports are piezometers during the mining bem'g submitted along with s1x' monthly compliance reports.

operations. The monitoring of ground water levels shall be carried out four times a year i.e. pre-monsoon, monsoon. post-monsoon and winter. The ground water quality shall be monitored once a year. and the data thus collected shall be sent regularly to Ministry of Environment. Forest and

Climate Chan e/ Re ional Office.

vi. It has been informed that PAs are followm‘g zero water discharge Monitoring of water quality upstream norms, no water is discharged mm and downstream of water bodies shall the nearby streams. Hence, no monitoring is done. It is required to monitor the water quality of be carried out once in ix months and upstream and downstream of water bodies once in” 1x‘ months and of monitoring data shall be record record ofmonitoring data shall be main‘tam'ed and to be subrru’tted to

maintained and submitted to the Regional Office, Bhubaneswar along with Six‘ monthly compliance Ministry of Environment, Forest and reports.

Climate Chan e/Reional Office.

As per vu". The project proponent shall submit the records, PAS are regularly submitting the snx‘ monthly reports on the status of the implementation of the stipulated six monthly reports on the status of environmental conditions along with monitored data to Regional the implementation of the stipulated Office, Bhubaneswar. The latest Slx' monthly compliance report for environmental conditions to the the period April-September, 2018 has been submitted vide letter no. Ministry of Environment, Forest and MCL/PO/KOCP/ENVT/2018-19/53 dated 01.12.2018. Climate Change/ Regional Office. For half yearly monitoring reports. the

data should be monitored for the period of April to September and October to March of the financial

with. The Regional Office of this Ministry The condition is being complied shall monitor compliance of the stipulated conditions. The project authorities should extend full 5A(“’a cooperation to the officer (S) of the ( 81'? 133141 311W) Regional Office by furnishing the (SH. SURESH BABU PASUPULETI) uisite 3'? we. 'r- |-=. v ' - r we. WflGovt. of India mar In qa an. warm/Min. of Env. Forest 8 cc 1a? m" WIEastem Reg‘ Q7561“ 21 J-11015/10/1995-IA.II(M) dated 22.03.2018 WWI/Bhubaneswar- 73,1963

data/ information/monitoring re a orts. Mis'cellaneous

Efforts ‘should be made to reduce It has been informed that efforts will be made to reduce energy consumption by conservation, efficiency and use of renewable energy consumption by conservation, energy. efficiency improvements and use of renewable energy.

The project authorities shall inform to The condition being complied with

the Regional Office regarding

commencement of minin o - erations. A copy of the environmental clearance It has been mf'ormed that the copy of the env1r'onmental

shall be marked to concerned clearance has been sent to the concerned State Pollution Panchayat. A copy of the same shall Control Board, Regional Office, District Industry Sector and

also be sent to the concerned State Collector's Office/Tahsfldar Office for mf'ormation m' public

Pollution Control, Board. Regional domaln' withm' 30 days. The consignment numbers are as

Office. District Industry Sector and follows: Collector's Office/Tahsildar Office for information In public domain within 1. State Pollution Control Board: R08125600831N 2. The Collector's Office: R08125599SSIN 30 days. 3. The Sarpanch, Balm'ga: R081255984SIN 4. District lndustr Officer: R0812559964IN

The EC shall be uploaded on the It has been observed that the EC has been uploaded m' the company’s website — under the drop down menu envu'onment and forest. company’s website. The compliance status of the stipulated EC conditions shall also be uploaded by the project authorities on their website and updated at least once every six months so as to bring the same in . ublic domain. The project authorities shall advertise at The project proponent has advertised in two local newspapers namely New Indian Express on 04.04.2018 and the Samaja on 04.04.2018. least in two local newspapers widely circulated, one of which shall be in the vernacular language of the locality concerned, within 7 days of the issue of this clearance, informing that the project has been accorded environmental clearance and a copy of the same is available with the State Pollution Control Board and also at website of the Minist The environmental statement for each It has been inf'ormed that the envu'omnental statement for each

financial year ending 31 March in Form- fmancial year endm'g 31‘t March m' Form—V is beln'g submitted

V is mandated to be submitted by the to State Pollution Control Board. The env1r‘onmental statement project proponent for the concerned State also uploaded on company website (_tp______——___ht:/ / Pollution Control Board as prescribed Environment/Clearences co _p_—__mliances.htm). It has been observed that PAS have submitted under the Environment (Protection) the latest six monthly compliance reports to the Regional Rules, 1986, as amended subsequently. Office, Bhubaneswar. shall also be uploaded on the Company's ' “ ' h' ) (SH. _SURESH BABU PASUPULETI) an firm. “ii/Deputy Director (8) . “m. pfimn M d t d22.03.2018 Page 18 of 21 WW FF Q3 nv. Forest 8(a)) a e 1a? a‘m’q mfm/Eastem Regional Office what/B‘nubaneswar- 751023

website along with as the status of compliance of EC conditions and shall be sent to the respective Regional Offices of the MoEF&CC by e-mail. Concerns raised dun'ng public hearing.

V11 The above conditions will be enforced The condition being complied with. inter-alia, under the provisions of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974, the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 along with their amendments and Rules and any other orders passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India/high Courts and any other Court of Law relatin to the sub'ect matter.

The Proponent shall abide by all the It has been observed that Pas are In process of complyln'g all the commitments and recommendations made in the ElA/EMP report commitments and recommendations and also that durm'g presentation to the EAC. It is reqmr'ed to provide made in the EIA/EMP report and also the detailed im'plementation status of the commitments and that during presentation to the EAC. recommendations made in the EIA/EMP report and also that durm'g

All the commitments made on the presentation to the EAC to Regional Office,- Bhubaneswar.

issues raised during public hearing shall also be implemented in letter and S I irit.

It has been observed that the PAs have obtained Consent to The proponent shall obtain all

Establish/Operate under the Air” Act, 1981 and the Water Act, 1974 from necessary clearances/approvals that the concerned State Pollution Control Board. The details are as follows: may be required before the start ofthe Consent-To-Operate vide letter no. 3803/IND-l-CON-SIZS dated project. The Ministry or any other 29.03.2018/Consent Order No. 2288 and Consent-To-Establish' vide letter competent authority may stipulate any no. 3485/lND—ll-NOC-6156 dated 26.03.2018. It has been inf‘ormed further condition for environmental that PAS are in process of obtaining necessary approval from CGWA

protection. The Ministry or any other and submitted application vide letter no. MCL/PO/KOCP/ENVT./2018-19/47 dated 28.09.2018. competent authority may stipulate any It is required to submit the copy of CGWA approval to Regional Office, further condition for environmental Bhubaneswar after granting. - rotection. Any appeal against this environmental It has been informed that, no appeals have been ram‘ed agam'st the clearance. clearance shall lie with the National Green Tribunal, if preferred. Within a period of 30 days as prescribed under Section 16 of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010. It has been mf'ormed thatthe condition Will be complied, 11" any ill'egal minm“g The coal company/project proponent is raised. shall be liable to pay the compensation against the illegal mining, if any, and as /-‘&VL

raised by the respective State ( W 3121mm ) Governments at an - oint oftime, in terms - flaw, - - ' - A I ' I an flaws “Elf/Deputy Director (8) m HRH. WmGovt. of India v: aqua 5m. wan/Min of 8 CC ]-11015/10/199S-IA.II(M) dated 22.03.2018 1a? ama- WEasternpfiggguoWnagFlQOfffeéice mat/Bhubaneswar- 751023

of the orders dated 2“d August, 2017 of Hon’ble Supreme Court in WP (Civil) No. 114/2014 in the matter of ‘Common Cause Vs Union of India 8; Others’. The project proponent, without prejudice The condition bem’g complied with. to this environmental clearance, shall be bound _to comply with any other interpretation of the orders of Hon’ble Su - reme Court also, in due course oftime. This environmental clearance supersedes The condition being complied with. the earlier one granted vide letter No. J- 11015/10/199S-IA.II(M) dated 24‘h December, 2002 for a ca - acit 10 MTPA. Conclusion: The PAS have complied or are in process of complying the conditions (conditions wise compliance report enclosed) stipulated by the Ministry. In this context, mf'ormation/action plans have been sought on following pom'ts. 1. As per the AAQ monitoring reports submitted, it has been observed that the concentrations of SPM, RPM, 802, NOx and PM” were exceeded In many occasions. It is reqmr'ed to take adequate measures at all the dust generating sources.

It is required to conduct the monitoring of heavy metals such as Hg, As, Ni, Cd, Cr, etc, m' ambient air' at least once In six months and reports to be submitted along with six monthly compliance reports.

It has been observed that PAs are m' process of developing thick green belt of 75 m widths at the final boundary in the downwind dir'ection of the project site. It is required to develop thick green belt of75 m width at the final boundary in the down wind direction of the project site to mitigate/check the dust pollution.

It has been observed that PAS are in progress of stabilizing active OB dumps with native grass species to prevent erosion and surface run off. The other overburden dumps are being vegetated with native flora species. The excavated area bem'g backfilled and afforested 111' line with the approved Min'e Closure Plan. However, it is required to submit the compliance status to Regional Office on six monthly basis.

It has been mf‘ormed that PAs are followm‘g zero water discharge norms, no water is discharged mm the nearby streams. Hence, no monitoring of water quality of upstream and downstream of water bodies is being done. It is required to monitor the water quality of upstream and downstream of water bodies once 1n‘ ix months and record ofmom'torin'g data shall be maintained and to be submitted to Regional Office, Bhubaneswar along with Six‘ monthly compliance reports.

It is required to construct the catch/garland dram‘s and retainin"g wall of appropriate size all around the mm'e working, coal heaps & OB dumps to prevent run off of water and flow of sediments dir'ectly mm the river and water bodies.

It has been observed that conventional ETP along with Oil and grease trap by gravitational separation method has been provided for workshop and the waste water is directed into the mine sump after treatment from the ETP. As per the monitorm'g report submitted, the quality of effluent is within‘ the prescribed lim'its. However, it is requlr'ed to upgrade the ET? with state—of-art technologies for efficient treatment of wastewater generated from minin"g operations.

it has been observed that, some of the workers operating HEMM, etc, does not have the ear plugs. It is required to provide and monitor the usage of proper PPE’s as per requirement of worker and workm'g areas. It requires im'mediate action.

It has been mf'ormed that, no medical camps have been organized withm‘ the last Six' months. It is required to conduct regular medical camps at least once in six months to ensure health and welfare of nearby Vlll'ages. ( ' at?! an; W‘) (SH. _SURESH BABU PASUPULETI) at; flew “EH/Deputy Director (1A8) m mmm/dflyntflgS— .lI(M) dated 22.03.2018 Page 20 of 21 We. a? 113' as. WWW/Min. of Env. Forest 8 CC Teri m" WV“ ' astern Regional Office mmfirnr if in ihanncuinn 7:1“97 10. It has been mf'ormed that efforts w1ll' be made to reduce energy consumption by conservation, efficiency and use of renewable energy. 11. It has been mf'ormed that the entire excavated area, backfilhn'g, external OB dumpm'g (m'cludm'g top 5011') and afforestation plan is in conformity with the "durm'g mmm"g and post m1nm"g" land-use pattern, which is an m'tegral part of the approved M1nm"g Plan and the EIA/EMP submitted to this Muu"stry. However, it is reqmr'ed to submit the progressive compliance status vis-a-vis the post mmm"g land use pattern to Regional Office, Bhubaneswar on Six' monthly basis. 12. It is required to provide the detailed un'plementation status of the commitments and recommendations made m' the EIA/ EMP report and also that durm'g presentation to the EAC to Regional Office, Bhubaneswar. 13. It has been observed that PAs are m' process ofpreparin'g action plan for lm'plementm‘g EMP and envxr'onmental conditions. It is reqmr'ed to submit the action plan which is duly approved by competent authority for implementing EMP and env1r'onmental conditions and year wise progress ofnn'plementation status ofaction plan shall be reported to Regional Office along with the Six Monthly Compliance Report.

14-. it is requir'ed to provide the detailed report regarding the socio-economic development activities conducted m' and around the mine. . It has been observed that the Digital Survey of entire lease hold area/core zone usm'g Satellite Remote Sensm'g

survey has been carried out 111' the year 2017 and the reports were uploaded on the company website (_]')__—___—p—_——p____]flhtt:/ / df/MCL more Smcm Re ort 2017. d . However, it is

required to submit the same to Regional Office, Bhubaneswar.

Recommendations: This' project can be put up in the followm‘g tick-marked category of compliance status. 0 Compliance status could not be judged as the project was shut down durm'g the site visit. O No non-compliances detected. No any further action is required.

0 Minor non-compliances detected (not ofimmediate danger to health &safety of the people Letter issued to project authoritiesfor taking corrective measures. Serious non-compliances detected. Show-Cause Notice may be issued to project authorities.

(tho gmr mg) 3w fian- "ea"

Copy to : The Chief General Manager (CP&P), M/s Mahanadi Coalfields Lun'ited, PO — Jagruti V1h'ar, Burla, Sambalpur — 768 020, Odisha.E-ma11':, g___@_y____menvtmcl' for mf'ormation and necessary action.

l/‘Zg’JALE\LlL?‘ 3w fifiafifi “30"

( Sfi 131‘?! W W) (SH. SURESH BABU PASUPULETI) 3!? 1512313 “if/Deputy Director (S) W “Glam/Govt. of India swim: a: 152’ an. umau/M‘in. of Env. Forest 8 CC 1137 $153?! mien/Eastern Regional Office WET/Bhubaneswar 751023

Page 21 of 21 J-l 1015/10/1995-IA.II(M) dated 22.03.2018