Government of lndla/ WW Mlnlstry of Envlronment. Forest & Cllmate Change] mm. an 03' Emma 0?me mm Eastern Reglonal Offlce/ WWW AI3. Chandrasekharpurl 12/3, my Bhubaneswar - 751 023/ 311915?- 19112 m Telephone: 0674- 2301213, 2301248, 2302452, 2302453. Fax: 0674-2302432. E-mail: roez.bsr-mefi"am'c.in m 101-1014/18/éxfié #1615,” M 26.12.2018 far if, afr 011 $ W mm mm (W) 02:13:01 mm, aa 31‘}? W0 W3, 3% W 3433, sham :13, 313113131”, a-é m -110 0031 3-313: —fl__sk.smr666n1'c.1'n film: .- m mafia mam filfitc: $ Damn 301m aim-z 55131 31131 EFF W fir W a: ffifrawr a? W" it | aaa-‘r': m m cm mam—11-1 1015/10/1995-IA.II(M) dated 22.03.2018. 3461221 0343? 21—5— Qfim an?! a fiéar gar {-5 fit: 30 W am 12m 12.1 1.201%? mm minim fir mm fir 21%: | 311 Has-‘1 fir’ We trar fir ma qsr 3m 6’5 311323? 371131? 3?; W ‘5‘ | 3132011. WW .- “mu/M¢/\e\\x‘ S (tho DWI snag) sq WW "2:" " Qfifirfi: 0mg: men (111?? 1:3" fir), film? W man mag, tfrafiz 311211? 1331?, oaa‘r - 768 020, film: We, 30%20, shim anéér: ML—06nvt201mil.com, g__l_@L__menvtmcahoo.co.in 3m W 3-11? 341?} afif 31mm WI? 3; firm w 30 mm “00" Government of Indlal HRHW Ministry of Environment, Forest a. Climate Change] tram, an Ea“ smart;mathHam Eastern Reglonal Offlcel {31mm AI3. Chandrasekharpur/ Q13. Wm Bhubaneswar - 751 023/ W‘fi- out on Telephone: 0674- 2301213,2301248, 2302452, 2302453. Fax: 0674-2302432. E-mail: _~J_roez.bsr-me-anic.m' No. 101-1014/18/EPE Date: 26.12.2018 To Shri S. K. Srivastava Additional Director (S), Mmi'stry of Env1r'onment, Forest and Clim'ate Change, Indir'a Paryavarathawan, Jorbagh Road, Aliganj, New Delhi —— 110 003. E-mall': #sksmree66nicin Sub: Issuln'g of Certified Compliance Report m’ respect of Expansion of Kulda OCP from 10 MTPA to 14 MTPA of M/s Mahanadi Coalfields Lim'ited m' ML area of 634.205 ha located m' Tehsfl Him'gir', District Sundergarh (Odisha). Ref: M1m"stry’s EC letter No. ]-11015/10/1995-IA.II(M) dated 22.03.2018. The project site was mom’tored by the undersigned on dated 12.11.2018. Durm'g monitorm’g, Shri Neeraj Kalla, G.M. (Basundhara 8: Slr'mal Area), Shri R. K. jam‘, Project Officer (Kulda OCP), Shri Raji Joshua, Dy. Jager (Area Env. Manager), Miss Juma Sarkar, Asst. Manager (Env.), Shri Sujay Das, Asst. Manager (Env.) and other Officials were present. It has been mf’ormed that Kulda OCP has been m' operation sm'cle 2007-08 and earlier Enwr'onmental Clearance (EC) was accorded vide letter no. ]-11015/10/95-[A.II(M) dated 22.03.2018 for 10 MTPY coal production capacity withm' the 878.29 ha of mm'e lease area. However, the present EC has been superseded the previous EC and mm'e lease area has been reduced to 634.205 ha. An area of 227.89 ha of forest land m‘volved 1n‘ the mm'e lease area and Forest Clearance has been obtam’ed vide letter no. 8— 176/ 1997-FC dated 08.08.2007. The total mm'eable reserve present m' the project is 122.29 MT havm'g three numbers of seams with C to G (average G11) grade of coal. There are two no.5 of external OB dumps are present holding an area of 160.502 ha. External OB dump 1 is active and dump 2 is m'active. The current generated OB bem'g stored m' m' the m'ternal dumps. It has been mf'ormed that FY 2018-19 (tll'l Oct, 2018), 7.2 MT of Coal was produced. PAs have comph'ed or are m' process of complym'g the conditions (conditions wise compliance report enclosed) stipulated by the Muu"stry. In this context, mf'ormation/action plans have been sought on followm'g pom'ts. 1. As per the AAQ monitorm'g reports submitted, it has been observed that the concentrations of SPM, RPM, 502, NOx and PM“ were exceeded m' many occasions. It is required to take adequate measures at all the dust generating sources. 2. It is reqmr'ed to conduct the mom'torm'g of heavy metals such as Hg, As, Ni, Cd, Cr, etc, m' ambient air at least once m' Six' months and reports to be submitted along with six monthly compliance reports. 3. It has been observed that PAS are m' process of developm'g thick green belt of 75 m widths at the final boundary m' the downwm'd direction of the project site. It is requ1r'ed to develop thick green belt of 75 m width at the final boundary m‘ the down wm'd direction of the project site to mitigate/check the dust pollution. 4. It has been observed that PAs are in' Progress of stabilizln"'g active OB dumps with native grass species to prevent erosion and surface run off. The other overburden dumps are bem'g vegetated with native flora ( all gist are WW) (gs/LL” (SH. SURESH BAB‘U PAS‘UPULETI) as W “fia’VDeputy Director (5) 14 lOlS/lO/l995-IA.II(M) dated 22.03.2018 mm FER/Govt. of In (1 ia Page 1 0f 21 m {an}? m W"./Mln I. - )rest 5 cc {at am? m'r/Eastem in Office Mai/Bhubaneswar- 1:; i023- . .~' species. The excavated area being backfilled and afforested in line with the approved Min'e Closure Plan. However, it is required to submit the compliance status to Regional Office on six monthly basis. It has been mf‘ormed that PAS are followm’g zero water discharge norms, no water is discharged mm the nearby streams. Hence, no monitorm‘g of water quality of upstream and downstream of water bodies is being done. It is required to monitor the water quality of upstream and downstream of water bodies once in ix months and record of monitoring data shall be main'tam'ed and to be submitted to Regional Office, Bhubaneswar along with six monthly compliance reports. It is required to construct the catch/garland drains and reta1n1n"g wall of appropriate size all around the mine workin'g, coal heaps & OB dumps to prevent run offofwater and flow of sediments directly into the river and water bodies. It has been observed that conventional ETP along with 011' and grease trap by gravitational separation method has been provided for workshop and the waste water is directed Into the mm'e sump after treatment from the ETP. As per the mom'torin'g report submitted, the quality of effluent is withm' the prescribed hm'its. However, it is required to upgrade the ETP with state-of-art technologies for efficient treatInent of wastewater generated from mimn"g operations. it has been observed that, some of the workers operatm‘g HEMM, etc, does not have the ear plugs. It is required to provide and monitor the usage of proper PPE’S as per requirement of worker and work1n"g areas. It requlr'es un'mediate action. It has been mf'ormed that, no medical camps have been organized within' the last Six months. It is required to conduct regular medical camps at least once in Slx' months to ensure health and welfare of nearby Vill'ages. 10. It has been inf'ormed that efforts Will be made to reduce energy consumption by conservation, efficiency and use of renewable energy. 11. It has been mf'ormed that the entir'e excavated area, backfiiling, external OB dumpin'g (m‘cludin‘g top 5011') and afforestation plan is in conformity with the "during min'in'g and post minin"g" land—use pattern, which 15' an m’tegral part of the approved Munn"g Plan and the ElA/EMP submitted to this Ministry. However, it is' required to submit the progressive compliance status vis—a-vis the post muun"g land use pattern to Regional Office, Bhubaneswar on six monthly basis. 12. It is' required to provide the detailed un'plementation status of the commitments and recommendations made in the ElA/EMP report and also that during presentation to the EAC to Regional Office, Bhubaneswar with their' six monthly compliance reports, that are sent regularly. 13. It has been observed that PAs are in process of preparing action plan for un‘plementing EMP and env1r'onmental conditions. It is required to submit the action plan which is duly approved by competent authority for im'plementm’g EMP and env1r'onmental conditions and year wise progress of im'plementation status of action plan shall be reported to Regional Office along with the 5m Monthly Compliance Report. 14-. it is‘ reqmr'ed to provide the detailed report regarding the socio-economic development activities conducted in and around the mine. 15. It has been observed that the Digital Survey of entire lease hold area/core zone usm'g Satellite Remote Sensm'g survey has been carried out in' the year 2017 and the reports were uploaded on the company ‘Mfi (aft 13%?! an; wage-1m) (SH. SURESH BABU PASUPULETI) 3w firm. n'df/Deputy Director (5) W WW/G ' WI, ,7.” 5.7, 7 4-1.9" dated 22.03.2018 Page 2 of 21 T4: 1: 1' ’ rw'dr‘t/Eastem Regional Office ,HdflWI/Bhubaneswar- 751023 website (h_L—____—__p_—_______p_______p_fitt://www.mahanadicoal.in/Environment/ df/MCL more Smcm Re ort 2017. d . However, it is required to submit the same to Regional Office, Bhubaneswar.
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