A ©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd
©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd Alaska Heritage Museum 155 Alaska State Troopers 372 Alaska Hwy 71-2, 287, 304-7, 376, Alaska Tribal Cache 249 433 379, 420 Alaska Vistas 95 Alaska Indian Arts Center 135 Alaska Wild Berry Park 161 Alaska Islands & Ocean Visitor Alaska Zoo 160 Center 241 Alaska-Canada Military Hwy, see Alaska king crabs 326, 335 Alaska Hwy Alaska Marine Highway 20, 40, 44, Alaskan Brewing Company 129 118, 149, 336 Alava Bay 54 Alaska Marine Highway ferry 7, 8, albatross 408 18, 336, 7 Albert Loop Trail 183 Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Alcan, the 71-2, 287, 304-7, 376, Refuge 392 379, 420 A Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Aleut People 326, 350, 376, 388 AB Mountain 146 350, 380 Aleutian Islands 7, 343-8, 378, 7 Abercrombie, Captain WR 194, 314 Alaska Native Heritage Center 13, accommodations 346 accommodations 17, 410-11, see also 155, 175, 386, 13 individual regions Alaska Native Medical 156 food 347 B&Bs 410 Alaska Natives 13, 47, 375, 385-90, hiking 346 cabins 31, 79, 97, 83 395, 387, 390 paddling 346 camping 21, 30-2, 411 Alaska Indian Arts Center 135 Aleutian Range 391 caravan parks 411 Alaska Native Heritage Center 13, Aleutian WWII Visitor Center 345 children, with 43-4 155, 175, 386, 13, 169, 388 Alone in the Wilderness 372 hostels 411 Aleut People 326, 350, 376, 388 Alpine Historical Park 313 hotels 411 Alutiiq People 214-55, 388 Alpine Ridge Trail 253-4 motels 411 art & crafts 13, 87, 135, 386-8, 13, Alutiiq Museum & Archaeological Repository 327 wilderness cabins 42, 46, 79, 109, 385, 386 121, 205,
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