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Torrance Herald 48 THE TORRANCE HERALD NOVEMBER I, 1963 REACH MORE HOMES BY FAR! •- ONLY THE HERALD COVERS TORRANCE WITH AUDITED CIRCULATION!! >;Automotive * Automotive_____i* Automotive)____ Automotive Automotive j Automotive Automotive ; Automotive I Automotive AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES ' AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES Pe* Sal* 190 For $ ! 190 For StU 190 For Sil« 190 For Sole 190 For Sal* 190 For Sale 190 For Sole 190 For Sol* 190 SCOTT ROBINSON PONTIAC tTHE CAR OF THE YEAR - - - - - - THE FABULOUS -I TRY SITTING IN A 1963 PONTIAC TEMPEST YOU WON'T WANT TO GET OUT PONTIAC SALES ARE AT AN ALL TIME HIGH - ORDER YOURS TODAY!! '62 CORVAIR '61 PONTIAC '61 PONTIAC TEMPEST '58 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE '60 CHEVROLET IMPALA '59 FORD G A LAX IE MONZA COUPE BONNEVILLE HDTP. SED. OIL HARDTOP. « DOOR POWDER BLUE CONVERTIBLE HARDTOP SEDAN. ARCTIC WHITE ARCTIC WHITE WITH MAROON LEATH. BLUE LEATHfF.TTE INTERIOR. V-S, WITH MATCHING INTERIOR TRIM. OR WITH CONTRASTING INTERIOR TRIM. HONDO*** MAROON WITH BLACK ERETTE INTERIOR. HVDROMATIC. AUTOMATIC SHIFT. POWER STEERING. IQINAL INSIDE AND OUT. GLEAMING A CREAM POLAR WHITE WITH NED CRUISOMATIC. POWER STEERING AND LEATHERETTE BjCKET iEAT*. «- ROWER STEERING AND BRAKES. RADIO. HEATER. WHlTEWALL* LOCAL PUFF. INTERIOR «-WAV TRIM. HAS AUTOMATIC BRAKES, RADIO, HEATER, WHITE- SPEED TRANSMISSION. BIO ENOINE. SEAT. RADIO. HEATER. 4 BRAND NEW ONE OWNER AUTOMOilCt POSITIVE. SHIFT. POWER STEEPING. RADIO AND WALLS AND AIR CONDITIONING. A RADIO. MEATtR. WHITE WALLS. LOCAL WHITE WALL TIRES AND FACTORY AIR LY LIKE NEW HEATER. WHITEWALLS AND BRAND 1 OWNER REAL NICE ONE. AUTOMOBILE WITH 1.000 CONDITIONING. COMPARE THIS FOR NEW WHITE CUSTOM TOP. TOO NEW ACTUAL MILES A *TKAi_ • QUALITY AND PRICE. $995 TO BE CALLED USED. S2195 $2995 '2095 '1995 '1395 '59 BUICK INVICTA '61 PLYMOUTH '59 PONTIAC '59 BUICK '57 PONTIAC HARDTOP COUPE FURY HARDTOP COUPE CATALINA HARDTOP '59 OLDSMOBILE "88" LE SABRE HDTP. SEDAN STARCHIEF CUSTOM LIOHT CPE. BEIOC WITH MATCHING INTEHI- HVDROMATIC. PCWfR STEERING. ROW. HOLIDAY COUPE HVDRAMATIC. ROW- OOLD OR MIST WITH MATCHING INTERIOR HARDTOP SEDAN. POLAR WHITE WITH BRAND NEW WHITE WALL TINES AND TRIM AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION. ER BRAKES. HAOiO. HEATER AND EM STEERING AND BRAKES, WHITE. TRIM. OVNAFLOW. POWER STEERING. FULL LEATHERETTE INTERIOR TRIM. FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING ORIOI ROWER STEERING. ROWER BRAKES. WHITE WALL TIRES. LOCAL t OWNER WALLS AND FACTORY AIR CONDITION RADIO. HEATER. WHITE WALL TIRES HVDRAMATIC. RADIO. HEATER AND NAL INSIDE AND OUT SHOWROOM RADIO HEATER. WHITE WALL TIRES AUTOMOBILE WITH 11,000 ACTUAL I N<». MEAL NICE. THiS WEEKEND COMPLETELY AND AIR CONDITIONING IMMACULATE MILES LIKE BRAND NIW. ORIGINAL THROUGHOUT. WHITE WALL TIRES. PERFECT AUTO­ FRESH. ONLY ONLY . MOBILE. '1995 '1995 '1895 '1895 '1895 '895 ' EVERY USED CAR CARRIES OUR FREE 12 MONTHS OR 12,000 MILE WARRANTY GET YOUR SHARE OF SAVINGS AT THE ANNUAL FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALE AT 20340 Hawthorne Blvd. NEW CARS FR 1-3521 - USED CARS FR 1-3525 Open Sundays — YOU! TORRANCE NEW PONTIAC DEALER — CLEAN SALE ON ALL USED CARS BIG SAVINGS HURRY : CAR 1957 CHRYSLER SHOP! NEW YORKER HARDTOP. O"i « " ' * II QQ Powar aalrai. Fully nuippad. SAVE HOC. ' « CORNER 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA SPORT COUPE. On* *w«tr. Powar tatraa. 'IKQQ WHERE ALL SHOPPERS BUY Fu"y tquipp**. SAVE |»i. ..... I »»» 1 Stotion Wogon 1952 CHEVROLET V'^^NI- I SoU ! « do«r. automatic, Me. Top* in tranaparuticn. 'I Oil ONE ONLY. .......... ...... ............... ••» NEW CAR TRADE-INS! Plymouth $8»b 1955 DODGE St«l>. W«..n. 1 « « (.PASSENGER WAGON. '1QQ ^BBMHT- Jjfflmil^^H^IHI^BI^BHtt III *i«t.i I'ow.r All aiiuai including pow«r. ONLY . ..... •»•• I960 VALIANT 1956 OLDSMOBILE 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-Door Sedon 4-Door Hardtop 4 doer, automatic. radio. hutar, tuton*. at*. 'R40 ,.,..„„ ,_„.,. NtM whiu wall lirat. ONLY . .... ... «" 'M Ford $109* I cy ( tHUUrul' 1953 CHEVROLET Guess its price within $1.000 and win » door. automatic, tie. t| JA *"*" ir.n.n.ixiun A STEAL. ONLY ........ •*• will."n IK« 1958 MERCURY a free trip to your dealer's 1957 FORD V-8 1955 PONTIAC *t> Slwdtbaktr $89$ BUSINESS COUPE. 'AQQ 4-Door Hardtop Slick aUrtl. ONLY ........ ........ » —7|rg|£-~ I $4225? $5225? $6225? $8225? $9225? If you guessed $5225 or more don't Kn.> .lull Ic-al i 1957 CHRYSLER Automatic tran radio, huttr Only I (eel bad.The Volvo PI 800 sells for $4225* even though it gives you many of the 59 ford . 4 dear, automatic, radla. haator, p«w«r II**""! 'RQQ $1»95 SAVE MOO. ONLY . *"»' I features that come on $10,000 cars. As Road & Track niuga/ine put it. "The f«..l,,<,r .tation vafun All $449 ^ lillr- Kn-ll" )i"«l*r. AMI"- AND MANY MORE AT IP1800 is a very civilised louring car for people who want to travel rapidly in • I style, a Gran Turisrno 1955 CHEVROLET 1956 FORD car of the type much in the news these days-but at a price '60 Plymouth $1095 2- Door I that many people who cannot allord a Ferrari or Aston Martin I t\\ 8ian'l»r.l trainnnlilon Sedan 2-Door Sedan will be able to CARL'S MOTOR CO., INC. <,l . tlicl. M.k. t. t «> ind ur fOf- 4 door talinn I pay." va|un. Priced ictllfiit %ianiva>t<iion. (If yuu mused by more than $1,000, cheat a little and come in anywuy. now for IBM Awlheriitd Factory Dealer [We'll give you the keys to a PI800 and you can check it out for yourself.) Imperial Chrytltr - Plymouth Valiant 5295 $349 MANY, MANY NICE 1200 AVAION, WIIMINGTON TE 5-3131 CARS. READY TO CO! Open Ever.mgt 'Til 9 1958 OLDSMOBILE '98' I960 FALCON Ttrmt to Suit Anyone I 4- Door Hardtop 4 Door Hardtop. Full powar. 4- Door Sedan '61 Mercedes '60 Rambler I4t>. N*. KJ' t«. 10,1.y I : , Beni Whynotsee MODEL, »W LIKE NEW $999 5999 Walnut > trill. iMtif y. vary rlwB $995 la rioll-nl 1959 DODGE 1960 FALCON WHITTLESEY MOTOR^M -uiliuut. You ^MOTORS HAWTHORNE 2-Door Sedan Station Wagon 2084 TORRANCE BLVD. $3695 PLYMOUTH tk. No. 4S4 SM now. Only , ol Crovtnt Full Price II IK- IX>WN 120th ft Hawthorn* 'j Downtown TorroncB •1 YKAI'.S Tu I'AT Foreign f«ra HAWTHORNI J1049 S1249 * CIXWDD ilWDAYS Robin Motors FA 8-6212 OS 9-2321 11212 So, Pacific Coast Hwy., $0, REDONDO BEACH, FR.C-2::1. 'M I'HEVROLwr. B.I Air con CHAS. SODERSTROM FORD vartibli Automatic iruumla S '58 ion. radlu Plymouth 1959 FORD WAGON 16th & Pacific SAN PEDRO TE 2-5315 ! Station Wagon v I. ot«idrl». radio. v CLEAN '55 VOKO 1 door. Kadlo, IIMUI CLOSED SUNDAYS . K" -«ifr Oood ««>ni'iiiy. autuiuKtu- trttii>iul»«l<'li »3»l other >h pa mnka payments KA 8-7JII8 month and a&mm<i contract call Mr. Jam,.. l yfr i $599 ba.alli*. fill M "\-iry. Kl $1045 6» RAMBI.KH I'untum iiaiioi TE 1-545U __ 'M rOKD J-d(x,r a * anon Auluinkllc tranunU- del'> era. I fno uthe S;HAWTHORNE M FORD FWrlana 2 door Auto- ,&» DODCH Club Sr.laii 8p..t- »» CHKVIIOI.KT Iim.ala Stick 'i>7 fllKVRULKT li. I Air "hard- >ii>» radlu. lioalvr $19 and toy 5 lu i-huoaa from. tiS.OO til 18 per munih and auuma mail,- i»«>iiKiit». For ilrtalU - ii-alo licalai tit and! delivnit ami uuk« payiucnu. For de- cuntrac-t bttlmu... Call Mr. At ORTALI tall Mr. Janira. FR ]-M(M. H nu uthrr ta«li |u> , S ;9 and niaka payiwiiti. Terry. TK 1-545K Call Mr. | PLYMOUTH nikk " i.aM.ifnn r^or dataila lit <>'< i»-r muiiili and tMum* Kur Urlaila call Mr. Jam«», UuU mil Mr Jain.a. Kit a-»40« 120th i Hawthorn* rail 11 Kl< ^ <t4'M> ,.-IHI,,.I bulniu-r Call Mr. KH l-MOti TOR 8al». Private party. 1K59 ' 0 CHEVROLET liupala Bport RAMBLER i:i..1 SI'HITK Wlilta with hlark TI-M > TK 1-5459 Coupa. H9 and nmk« inlcrlur MR DAN MORGAN Clif\ HtaUiiu WUKOII f owei pay-, liralnl. Finale IW VALIANT 4-d.H>r menu Fur >l.-taila call Mr 20*11 |»lly Kit 3d31 U1I W. ZZ6TH 8t«lan. Kli.l. uood rublier all white \ HAWTHORNE Hawthoina Blvd 5» CHKVItohKT KlatiMii W«E , ' ">"! "<"»>mv. llfal u i c « Hlth bin.- interior 11.45)1 Iti&U Jauicj KH li-MUo &» Kl, l-AMIKO utick rmliu I»M IIOHIiAN IMu« 4 KiuuM Iliiil, i. 4 Uunr aill"- ,ar. $29 ii.-li " 4 |iu»M>ii««r «l COnVAIH stallun OS 9-252! Fft 1-1^44 hmtrr. uvH-drlte. f:l* and S>luii t<i|> liood | man- iran.iia ,K.M »3» and .-anti i>ay 113.S3 |»T luonlli Kully -Miuipiied. t:w >nidlll»n tl 000 or b«»l offer. make paynirnla and innk^ »5S CIIKVK01.KJ' 2-doui far riotallal and taaum* tuiotract balanc*. i paym*nU. For dMail* call and make "i.'l "yi^iamSa.">R°i-»i(i(" :<7U-1UT *ftw t. ' i«H Mr. Jauiaa. »H 3-«4iM. Call Mr. Tarry, Tl 1-64M I Mr payme t* l*or Jajnea. KR 1-MM. UiU call Mr. Jut * m J-»4m,.
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