\\911 THIS WEEK IN TEXAS Volume 9, Number 17 July 15-21. 1983

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\1DQ ___ ~(ONTENTS

At Fitness Excbunge we help you Two ll"uys: I'irst: We tailor a program to meet your special needs and supervise you on our double lines of NAUTILUS equipment.

Our fitness centers also include SunTana sun systems, free weights, sauna, jacuzzi, juices, great music and much more, all in a clean, comfortable facility. 11 TWTNEWS _ Second: Buy one year now and get your second year free. 21 COMMENTSen. Cranston at S.Ws NOW, Austin Gay Wedding _ THAT'S 2 YEARS FOR THE PRICE OF :1: Public Forum 25 PERSPECTIVE _ 29 BOOKSHave Your Way With Me by Hollie Hollis_ter

From Violent Men, by Daniel Curzon Reviewed by Dovid Fields 36 SHOWBIZ _ Lonl Anderson, Dennis Quaid . by Weldon Grahame 39 ENTERTAINMENT - TEXAS _ "Baby June Pointer, The Court Players by Rob Clark 47 FEATURE _

53 AHOTTEAGood Man Is Hard to Find by Jim Boone_

59 SPORTSName Dropper, Tattle Tole, Can We Talk? . by Chuck_

62 SNAPSHOTSWarren Paine 32nd Annual Coors Invitational Tournament by CherylChamberl_ain Austin's 4th of July Picnic Photographsby Scott Taylor 67 STARSCOPE _ Expect Anything by Weldon Grohame 77 CLASSIFIED _ Want Ads and Notices 87 CALENDAR _ Special One-Time Only & Non-Profit Community Events HURRY, FINAL DAYS: 89 THE GUIDE _ COVERTexas Business / Club Directory _ HOURS: ;\W:"lDAY-FRIDAY 6A;\1-10P;\1 SATURDAY lOA,\1-BP;\1 SU:"lDAY:"lOO:"l-6P;\I ;\ffi;\1BERSHIP RECIPROCAL BETWEE:"l DALLAS A:"lD HOUSTO:"l Jerry MacLaughlin and Dan Van Houtan Photographed by ScottTaylor

TWT (ThIS Week in Texasl is published weekly by Asylum Enterpnses, Ine .. at 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006; phone: (7131 527-9111 Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization In articles or advertising in TWT is 110tto be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of {§Jrnrrnesrs said person or organization. Subscription rates: $60 per year, $40 per half-year. Rates cover cost of first-class postage Back issues DAI.LAS 1I0[TS'l'ON available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders First-class postage paid at Houston, Texas Copyright © 1983 by Mon- trose Ventures, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, 2615 Oak Lawn 3307 Richmond copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute at Maple ~XCIH~ at Buffalo Speedway 526-1220 •NAUTILUS FOR MEN 524-9932 TWT JULY 15 - 21, 1983 PAGE 7 THE SAN ANTONIO

SATURDAY, JULY 16 CRUISE The cruise-boat on wheels from Houston docks at the Galleon in San Antonio. Join Bruce and some of his closest SUNDAY, JULY 17 friends from Houston The Galleon serves a for Happy Hour. "Host Brunch" from noon to 3pm with a breakfast cuisine and Bloody Marys.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 ~ HOUSTON- VIDEO VARIETY.". /' ~ A special Beauty NIGHT -9PM / & The Beast Show .. with guest Charlie welcoming the troops home from San Antonio. Showtime, 9pm.

HOUSTON • 2303 RICHMOND- (713) 522-7616 SAN ANT9NIO • 330 SAN PEDRO- (512) 225-2353 \WI \\011 THIS WEEK IN TEXAS Weekly Circulation: 20.000 _----_NEWS_ HOME OFFICE 2205 Montrose Longstaff's application for citizen- Houston. Texas 77006 NEW DGA (713) 527-9111 ship was rejected in 1979because of his lifestyle. Yet Elton John continued to DALLAS OFFICE BOARD MEMBERS 3409 Oak Lawn, Suite 206 DALLAS - Buck Massey, Steve pass through U.S. Customs, as recent- Dallas, Texas 75219 Weast and Melodie Alexander are the ly as earlier this year, (214) 521-0622 newest members of the Dallas Gay Alli- The government, by applying the rule PUBLISHER/.EDITORChuck Patrick ance (DGA) board of directors as a re- against Longstaff but not against John, FEATURESEDITOR Blose DiStefano sult of elections held during the June indicates that if one is rich and famous, TEXAS ENTERTAINMENTEDITOR Rob Clark homosexuality is a flaw that money can NATIONAL SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jock Varsl general membership meeting, Dialogue NEWS EDITOR Chuck Patrick reported. overcome, Obviously, the homosexual- SPORTSEDITOR Cheryl Chamberlain Alan Ross and Tom Hartfield were re- ity exclusion clause is selectively en- ASSISTANTTO THEEDITORSDennis Walker forced. POETRYEDITOR Art Tomaszewski elected to the board. Those board mem- In recent weeks, TWT NEWS has seen CONTRIBUTING EDITORS bers whose seats are up for election in Jim Boone, Susan Collins. Harry Deutsch. a flurry of developments revolving David Fields. Weldon Grahame. Christopher Hart. December 1983 are Bill Nelson, John Paul Herrero. Hollie Hollister. Harold Hove, Thomas, Michael Burnett, Tony Anthony around the long-standing drive to end George Klein, Dean Malone. and Dave Jones, the policy to exclude foreign lesbians Joseph Michael. vt.: Quigley and gay men from entering America. ADVERTISING ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow Past DGA president Don Baker was ASSISTANTAD ART DIRECTOR Thom Bisping recently named as one of ten people Senator Alan Cranston (D-California), GRAPHIC ARTISTS who made the greatest difference for who is running for the 1984presidential Fronk White. Fred Hinton. Cherokee nomination, has introduced a bill to TYPOGRAPHERSw.J. Quigley. Leslie Holmes ', gay rights in 1982, the Dialogue story STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS Eli Gukich, continued, strike the offending language. Bills have Scott Taylor. Greg Havican. AI Macoreno. in fact been introduced in both Houses Jim Hamilton, J. Robert Araya. Tom Davis. Writing in the New York Native, jour- Carl Neil, Oscar Mendiola. Blose DiStefano, nalist Larry Bush wrote: "Head of the of Congress to repeal the provision of Michael Galatis. Hollie Hollister Dallas Gay Alliance, Baker was in the the 1952 Immigration Act, which is the ACCOUNTING Doug Felix foundation for anti-gay exclusion, RECEPTIONISTTracey Springer news for two major accomplishments this year, He was the plaintiff in the case It is not right of Longstaff, who emi- SALES grated from Great Britain in 1965to be- EXECUTIVESALESMANAGER in which a federal court struck down Jim Veteto Texas' sodomy law, setting forth aU,S. come an entity in the American econ- Advertising rates are available on request by tele- constitutional argument not seen pre- omy, to be forced into protracted court phoning the salesperson in your nearest city. from vlously, and his organization was the proceedings to defend his interests, 10am-5pm. weekdays. while Elton John is given the customary DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS, host for the National Gay Leadership Friday, one week prior to publication. Conference last August [1982] in which warm welcome granted to famous and AUSTIN gays from around the country touched popular foreign homosexuals, The Scott Taylor . . (512) 926-0253 Philadelphia Enquirer opined . Joy Cherin .441-3678 bases with each other." DALLAS Richard Rogers. . (214) 521-0622 AUSTIN COUPLE FORTWORTH ELTON JOHN AND Jerry Cassidy. . (817) 335-0742 WED IN CHURCH HOU,sTON RICHARD LONGSTAFF Scot Roberts (713) 527-9111 AUSTIN - The fact that two men SAN ANTONIO DALLAS - What do singer Elton should get married by a pastor of the Alan Gellman. . (512) 734-3233 JOhn and local clothier Richard Long- Jim Hamilton 734-8216 Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) Now,OpenTi staff, of the Union Jack, have in com- CLASSIFIED DIRECTORS is no longer news in these more liberal Houston-Cheryl Chamberlain mon? Both are immigrants to America 4AM-FRI & SAT times. It happens every week some- Houston Assistant-Leslie Holmes from Great Britain, both share similar Dallas-Chuck North where in America, 706 E. 6th lifestyles, and both are active par- ASYLUM ENTERPRISES, INC. 54 But the fact that two men got married The Corporation Austin, Texas ticipants in the American economy. But PRESIDENTJames D. Cagle in a Methodist church in this city is the similarity stops there, TWT NEWS has VICE-PRESIDENT/TREASURERCharles M. Patrick (512) 47S-00tig news-especially when TWT NEWS con- SECRETARYJim D. Chappell observed, siders that only a month previously, over

PAGE 10 TWT JULY 15 - 21. 1983 lWl JULY 15 - 21, 1983 PAGE 11 Memorial weekend, a few miles away in seen in attendance at Sunday services, san Antonio, the United Methodist an inside source told TWT NEWS. Church held its Southwest Texas Con- The ceremony was permitted at St. ference and banned homosexuals from Luke's, Rev. Wade said, because "gays serving in the hierarchy. are just as much a part of the family of And the entire situation became even God as anyone else." more ironic when it was learned that "We got married for two reasons," TroyStokes-that controversial Metho- Richardson said. "First, our love foreach dist from Austin-arranged it all. other, and secondly, we thought it was Therefore, when Dr. Philip Richard- important to present a positive alter- son,45, and his lover and business part- native role model for the gay com- ner of over three years, nurse Michael munity." Jones, 29, of Austin, were wed on the 4th of July at 5:00pm at St. Luke's ANGROGYNY KEEPS Methodist Church, new religious ground was broken. Even Rev. Wade of St. AMARILLO BUSY Luke's was in attendance at both the AMARI LLO - Androgyny, Gay Com- ceremony and rehearsal. After the wed- munity Services (GCS) of Amarillo has ding, Wade expressed his appreciation been keeping this city's gays busy this for "the worshipfulness of the cere- summer with a wide variety of activities. mony." Summer in the Panhandle has been very Some members of the church's regu- eventful. larcongregation came to the ceremony, The next summer event will be the which attracted a gathering of 240 peo- second annual Canyon Capers, to be ple."There was a broad mix of both gay held in Palo Duro Canyon this Sunday, andnon-gay in attendance," Rev. Louis July 17. This outing will be held in the de Spain, associate pastor of MCCA, Cottonwood Picnic Area, and will begin told TWT NEWS. De Spain, who officiated at 2:00pm.The picnic area is located just at the ceremony, explained to TWT NEWS west of Water Crossing NO.3. Hot dogs that it was not a wedding in the strict and soft drinks will be provided, and sense of the word, but "what MCCA everyone is asked to bring their favorite calls a Holy Union of same-sex cou- picnic food. ples." July 28 will find the board of directors When asked why the couple had cho- meeting at 7:00pm for a short meeting. sen to be married at St. Luke's rather Following that meeting will be the first than MCCA, Richardson, who was rais- meeting of next year's 1984 Gay Pride edasa Methodist, explained that a large Amarillo Committee. This meeting, to be church was needed to accommodate held on the patio of Maggie's Disco, will the gathering. "Actually, it was Troy be an organizational meeting, with of- StOkes who arranged it all," he said. ficers will be elected. Stokes, not unaccustomed to orches- During this year's second annual Gay trating the unusual in the Methodist Pride Week, held June 26-July 3, events Church, has been involved in a 12-year included the annual Volleyball Shootout struggle with his own United Methodist on July 2. Also on that evening, there ChurCh over its anti-gay doctrine and was an awards banquet at Maggie's to was most vocal at the recent San An- present the winners their trophies. tonio conference. On July 3, there was a city-wide pic- . Contrary to a news article in the Aus- nic held in Ellwood Park. This was the tin American Statesman, most of St. fifth year for this gay pride event, and ~uke'sc?ngregation was not upset over was sponsored by Maggie's Disco, Take e service. Only a few dissidents have Five, Papillon and Gopher's, Robert beenoutspoken. Ironically, those most Schroeder, directorof Androgyny, GCS, PPOsedwere the ones who are least informed TWT NEWS.

PAGE 13 CRANSTON'S BID of people-including women. ton's explanation about new factors. "but that happened with Kennedy. When he criticized President Rea- "Gays have come out of the closet; There was a time when you couldn't FOR PRESIDENCY gan's opposition to the Equal Rights bankers and business people and labor elect a divorcee, but that happened with WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Amendment, Cranston's popularity leaders, citizens of all walks of life have Reagan. Breakthroughs are being Alan Cranston (D-California) has lately soared. Texas Governor Mark White emerged and have stated that they are made. been campaigning heavily on the gay also in attendance at the River Walk gay and lesbian. They say we want our "Discrimination is slowly eroding .... trail. He recently spoke to over 400 at speech, rose to the occasion and ap- rights. What they are seeking are the It is playing less a part in our country. a Gertrude Stein Democratic Club ban- plauded in obvious support of Cran- repeal of laws that discriminated The great thing is that, officially, our quet, saying that he was "the only can- ston's message. against them, and that's all. Equal op- country is against discrimination. The didate for the presidency with a clear- Recently, Cranston also appeared on portunity, and nothing more than that." government is now plainly on record cut, positive record on gay rights." ABC-TV's news program, Nightline, Koppel then asked political adviser against it. The civil rights act is broad- The latest WashingtonPostlABC-TV moderated by Ted Koppel, saying, "Any Jim Foster, also a guest on Nightline, ening the opportunities for all people. News poll shows Cranston as the Dem- form of discrimination against any "Then it's simply a human rights posi- But, there are still some barriers to be ocratic front-runner for the 1984 presi- group of people is folly, tragic, unwise tion that more candidates are taking?" broken down," Cranston concluded. dency, far ahead of second-place con- and uncivilized." "I expect before 1984you're going to tender, John Glenn. He followed those powerful words by see more [candidates] willing to take WESTHEIMER'COLONY Cranston has not only found great explaining that research has found that that position," Foster replied. "In 1980, support in the gay community, but has the gay vote is not strictly ltberal Dern- John Anderson took that position, and ELECTS OFFICERS also made large in-roads into the wom- ocrat. "That's a myth," he stated. "We Reagan also said he opposed discrimi- HOUSTO~ - The Westheimer Col- en's movement. His appearance in San have found the gay vote is far more nation on that basis." ony Art Association, sponsors of the Antonio at last week's NOW convention moderate." Cranston noted that with "When do you think we will reach the semi-annual spring and fall Westheimer was greeted with thunderous applause. the gay vote, the sympathy vote comes point when gay rights will no longer be Art Festival, has held their yearly elec- In his keynote address, Cranston again from friends and family. an issue?" Koppel queried. tion, TWT NEWS learned. underlined his philosophy that it is When asked by Koppel, "What's "There was a time when you couldn't New officers for the coming year are wrong to discriminate against any group changed?" TWT NEWS recorded Crans- elect a Catholic," Cranston answered, Michael Groves, president; Guiseppi

T- _.... .•.. .•.. - ..•.•- .... 1419 RICHMONn G~e-SS03• Houno. Catania, vice-president; Alton Marshall, to this Canadian city to join approx- treasurer; Cynthia Owens, secretary; imately 1,000 members and friends the and Jay Hollyfield and John Daniel, week of July 11-17to join the oldest and members-at-Iarge. Branding Iron 5th Anniversary largest Christian organization minister- In accepting the office of president, ing to lesbians and gays for the 11th Groves announced the formation of new Friday, July 15th 9:00pm-Midnight-Registration Party Bienniel General Conference of the committees for membership, constitu- ROUND-UP (on the Patio) Universal Fellowship of MCC. MCC re- tion and by-laws, hospitality, Art Festi- Saturday, July 16th 10:00am Texas Riders-ROUND-UP cently made headlines by its application val, and allocations. to [oin the National Council of Churches 11:30am-Conductors (Memphis)-ROUND-UP The Westheimer Colony Association 1:00pm-Texas Motorcycle Club-Sundance Kids of Christ in the U.S. recently moved into its new quarters in The controversial application will be 6:00pm-Midnight-Executive Inn the Liberty Bank Building, 1001 West- 6:DOpm-Silver Spurs the subject of a special media briefing heimer, Suite 187. For further informa- on Friday, July 15, by the co-directors 7:00pm-Dinner tion on this year's upcoming fall festival, 9:00pm-Awards Ceremony of MCC's Department of Ecumenical Re- which has officially been given the lations. The conference theme is "Many 10:00pm-Sundance Cattle Co. Club "green light," call (713) 521-0133. 10:00pm-Dance Gifts, One Spirit." Midnight-Colt 45's-ROUND-UP The Fellowship, a world-wide Chris- tian Church founded in 1968by Rev.Troy 1:OOpm-Dallas Motorcycle Club-Hidden Door GAY BIBLE STUDY Sunday, July 17th D. Perry, will open its General Con- 2:00pm-Texas Conference of Club's Meeting IN BRAZOS VALLEY ference XI next Monday, July 11, at the Executive Inn COLLEGE STATION -- Lambda University of Toronto. The conference 3:00pm-Farewell Party Christian Fellowship of the Brazos will feature two speakers, Dr.Virginia R. Branding Iron-ROUND-UP Valley continues to meet Tuesday even- Mollenkott, who is a noted Evangelical ings at 7:30pm, on the last week of each Christian feminist, and George Hislop, month. A guest minister is invited to who is one of the founders of the gayl conduct communion and a sermon. lesbian movement in Canada and a reci- Topics pertinent to the gay lifestyle pient of the MCC's Human Rights Award have been highlighted as the Bible for 1983. Study group has continued to explore MCC is an international Fellowship the passages in the new and old with congregations in 11 countries. Testaments that deal with homosexual- "This is the first time our General Con- ity and the way the original texts and ference will be held outside the United translations have bene interpreted and States," spokesperson R. Adam De- changed with time. The group has also Baugh explained to TWTNEWS.The con- studied other topics that can have an ference is designed to bring together effect on the lives of those in the group. Christians from not only the U.S. and The service was held at the College Sta- Canada, but also from Great Britain, tion Community Center on Jersey. Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, Mex- ~ Lambda Christian Fellowship'S Bible ico and other countries, many of whom Study Group is open to anyone of any are noted activists for gay rights in their faith. For information, call (409) home country. 846-2106. Music is always an important part of MCC worship. Danny Ray of Dallas, as Music Director, has held auditions for -lIP MCC 11TH NAT'L choirs, soloists and instrumentalists CONFERENCE who will take part in the Conference. Member Dallas Tavern Guild "Forthe first time in MCC history, there 3912-14 CEDAR SPRINGS • DALLAS TORONTO -- Many Texans belong- will be a Conference orchestra at the " ing to various Metropolitan Community Home of the Branding Iron Saturday night Ordination service and ChurCh (MCC) chapters, including Sunday morning's closing worship, MCCA (Austin), MCCR (Houston), along with the traditional General Con- MCCD(Dallas), Agape MCC (Ft. Worth) ference massed choir," DeBaugh told and MCCSA(SanAntonio), are traveling TWTNEWS. ,1,1I" ~7~------~~~ TWT JULY 15 - 21. 1983 TWT JULY 15 - 21. 1983 PAGE 17 JAC9UES DESSANGE HAIR DESIGN



PAGE 18 TWT JULY 15 • 21. --1983 ("'''},r~ ~ a (O~ENT In this column, readers exchange ideas with other readers and with our editor in a public forum. Address all letters to: Comment, TWT, Montrose Ventures Building, 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006.All letters become the property of TWT and must be signed (if you don't wish your name printed, please specify). And PLEASE keep your letters short.

Atheist Float Banned everyone's right to get their ideas or goals Dear TWT: across in their own manner-as long as it We, the Gay Pride Week Committee and does not violate our rules, is done in a Parade Director, would like to inform the tasteful manner, and is not done in a way gay community of our actions regarding which other groups are openly attacked, the American Gay Atheist Unit in the ridiculed or seriously offended. recent parade. This organization has been Larry Bagneris officially banned from the parade for a Parade Director period of four years. This was an Houston, -Texas unanimous decision on the part of the parade committee. We base this decision on three points. Gay Pride Always Costs 1) Before the parade, Larry Bagneris, Dear TWT: parade director, instructed the Gay In the issue of TWT [Vol. 9, No. 15] Atheists not to use the blow-up doll in a immediately following Gay Pride Week, a sexual manner. These instructions were letter in TWT COMMENT from Lakey Eastmore not adhered to. In a large public endeavor contained statements more acceptable in such as the parade, the final decision Moscow than Houston. I quote Eastmore: must rest with the director and (s)he must "Why is this turning into a commercial be able to trust the participants to carry venture? out the final decision. If this is not done, "What was so horrible about just having unnecessary incidents, such as the booing a parade, and a rally in the park? Who of the Gay Atheists' float, will result: asked us, anyway, where we wanted the embarrassing the community and rally? overshadowing the positive effects of the "You had a meeting to decide where to parade. hold the rally? Fine; how many voices 2) The Gay Atheist unit was not only in does it take to represent the gay poor taste but terribly offensive to a large community? What are we being charged and important segment of our community. for something we should all be given?" It is regrettable that the American Gay The "you" who had a meeting is GPC, Atheists chose not only to ignore our of which I am a member and which has theme-Unity Through Diversity-but to sponsored the rally and financed it since use the parade to openly insult other its inception. Yes, I said financed it. These organizations and individuals. Their float rallies do cost money. So do the parades; clearly displayed the fact that they have ask anyone who has placed a unit in one. separated themselves from the diversity To my knowledge-and as a member of within the gay community. It also showed both GPC and the Gay Pride Week that our unity obviously means very little Committee I should know-there is to them. nothing commerical in Gay Pride Week or 3) The manner in which they used the the rally. A small percentage of the gay oou during the parade was clearly against community spends many hours-and the long-standing rules of the parade contributes thousands of dollars to committee. We do not allow nudity, much underwrite the week in order to pull it off less simulated acts. The parade is not a and try to see that it breaks even Sexshow on wheels! financially. We would also like the community to Anyone who wants hislher voice heard realize that we do not object to the goals should join the GPC (the annual Orbeliefs of any organization. It is membership fee is $15-very small

PAGE 21 compared to the benefits the community being "nicket-and-dlrned" any further. We gets from the organization) and attend the would love to be able to produce a free meetings of the Gay Pride Week extravaganza for the community. In fact, Committee (they start six months before the free rally at Spotts Park in 1982 cost in Gay Pride Week each year). excess of $14,000. CONGRATULATIONS I personally could never feel that I A successful Summit event next year TO THE should be given anything that happened guarantees the GPC will be able to expand BRANDING IRON CLUB between June 16 and June 26. The gay its activities for the benefit of the entire community has been very good to me, and gay community. OF DALLAS I have tried to repay it thoroughly. I Larry Bagneris, ON THEIR 5TH ANNIVERSARY appreciate having been named grand President, GPC marshal of the parade; I just hope that I Houston, Texas MONDAYS: earned the honor. T-SHIRT NIGHT Walter Strickler Dear TWT: Houston, Texas HAPPY HOUR PRICES WITH BARN T-SHIRT ... Lakey Eastmore poses some fundamental questions about the TUESDAYS: STEAK NIGHT 7PM Dear TWT: GPCelebration .... The Gay Political Caucus (GPC) would Lakey, if they let me-a consistent ~ THURSDAYS: CLUB COLOR NIGHT like to respond to various published opponent and derider of the GPC-cast remarks appearing in the gay press my vote against the rally location, I think "{Jr,t HOME OF THE MUSTANG CLUB OF HOUSTON ~ regarding the GPCelebration '83 held at we may assume that you ignored your the Summit June 26. opportunity to do the same and to ~ THE SUNDANCE CATTLE COMPANY ~ The caucus was a body voted to hold discover that you and I held a minority ~* AND THE MONTROSE COUNTRY CLOGGERS the annual rally at the Summit for various opinion. I cast my vote against the reasons. Vandalism and harassment Summit because I was afraid that it was • ~ OPEN: 7AM MON-SAT occurring during and after the traditional too ambitious a project. I have been given Spotts Park rally were the prime to understand that sadly they did not 710 PACIFIC. HOUSTON. TEXAS 77006 (713) 528-9427 considerations. make the money that they had hoped for The caucus decided on an admission this year; but I was impressed enough cost of $9.65 to cover the expenses with the evening that I will vote "yes" next incurred at the Summit. We also hoped to year for a similar approach, and I hope raise the monies necessary to help fund that through improved publicity and public caucus activities as we come into a very relations there will be enough people dlI(idtown£ Spa difficult election season. As had been interested in supporting the GPC or in has just opened reported in the press, we made no money driving their BMWs out for a night of tlrst- on the event. Although we covered all in Dallas rate entertainment to make a success of expenses for the event, we still assumed a the evening. Help us celebrate! debt stemming from loans made to help I suggest that you may have mistaken Get in for sponsor GPCelebration '83. the GPW planning committee for the We feel that the decision made to hold Texas Department of Human Resources. ~ YJ'l-icE on rwEdnE1-day in the celebration at the Summit was a good Where is it written across the sky that the one. We have produced a professional gay brothers and sisters of Houston owe Goth dlou1-ton and :Da[[a1- [ocation1- event that can be expanded and used in you a rally, either in the Summit or the future years to bring the community closer park? What did you do to deserve it? If Check out (among other things) the together at the conclusion of Gay Pride some people in this community had not finest in weight equipment, the Week. We are proud that the GPC has the worked hard enough to be able to afford Cleanest and friendliest facilities leadership necessary to make such an their Mercedes and BMWs, and still have Texas has to offer. event happen, and we are confident that enough money left over to undervvrite the the event will be even better and more expenses of our Gay Pride Week, you Dallas sUccessful next year. would not have had a parade to 2509 Gaston • (214) 821-8989 GPC is an all-volunteer organization that party-crash, depends solely on the generosity of the You are worried about showing the Houston community. Unfortunately, in a city of over straight world our "unity"? Why don't you 3100 fannin • (713) 522-2379 1.5 million people, the community's ability pitch in and show your gay brothers and [:1 ~osupport such a large gay organization sisters some of this "unity" by supporting aSbeen severely strained. GPC members their efforts. It takes other things than We are also located in Los Angeles, New Orleans and Denver ~eallzedthat only a project as large as the money. bummlt could provide a sound financial Open 24 hours • 7 days a week Steven Cuniberti aSeand prevent the community from Houston, Texas 'I.IJI, ~ ,..~.--- PAGE 23 PAGE 22 ~

co l"- E L ~I"- o, PERSPECTIVE 0 N C> C\J co co .9 c 0 E'E ' s: 'a. a, "'0 00 C"l " .en " CD <1l ~o Q.; >, -

::; "0'" E' CO :s cO .8 iilo (/)C> X .r:~ O>~ C ::J >. a.i o~"O '" en :5 c , >,::J -, I e ",(/) "0 FACT:Bell Telephone renders the most important, write it. C C 0 0 What does this boil down to? Bell may ~ :2 efficient telephone service in the world, fn io c FICTION: Ma Bell cares about your genuinely care about harassment calls, Q) (1) 0 a. safety. but the human error exists even within fn io 0 this multi-million dollar company. The o (/) I a: "'0> Forthe past two months, my lover and human error was either mine or theirs; I have received many annoying and I can't remember what I was supposed ~c: to do; I was scared by these calls and, (/) (1) downright frightening phone calls. Hav- »N C\~ ing had enough, we decided to have a for obvious reasons, scared to have a ~ 0 trace put on our phone line in an effort trace put on my line. 0>0 ~ to trap this lunatic. Getting this service Lesbians are especially prey to these \ calls; most of us must mask any sem- ~ (1) • , on your phone is a first-year lesson in e E blance of being gay at our place of work, (") ci persuasion. Bell has many rules and io and often are requested to go to straight o CD 0 regulations you must follow-good, be- \C q> c:? bars with people we work with to further CD cause without these rules we would all N .9 be prey to violations of our constitu- enforce our covers. We meet many peo- io 'E ple, and our well-meaning friends from E ' tional rights. c ' a. work will, without exception, try to fix 0 "'0 My bitch with this system is its inef- s: 00 o, c:?0 ficiency. Out-of-town harassment calls us up with dates. More often, our names and phone numbers are given out with- -0 ~>,o- cannot be traced to an actual phone > out enough discretion. Hence, we get "'"0 E' number; they can however identify the en :; cO calls from men who want to date us. Do call as having originated out of the o iilg you see it coming? (/) " Houston service areas. Secondly, there a: .r:~ (") Ol~ areno written instructions as to what the Rejection is an ugly thing, and it ::J >. u:; customer is to do to help Bell help you. brings us back to gay people not being C\J o~"O '" :5 C accepted. And that is what we gay a.i >,::J All information given to the customer is OJ ",(/) oral, and we all know what happens to writers are trying to help with. All of us <1l "0 C hope that some day within our lifetimes 0 oral instructions. :> :2 I know I am going to get into trouble we will all feel comfortable enough to .r::. c Q) by writing this, but I feel the need to in- say to a stranger, "I'm not interested in ~ a. 0 form my sisters and brothers as to what dating you-I'm gay," or "Right case, to do with Bell if one requires this servo wrong gender!" I have taken to saying, ice. WRITE IT DOWN!!! You won't be "Sorry, I'm taken!" This works some- receiving any information sheets from times, more often than not. Unless, of ,~ ~ Bell, so if anything you are told seems course, some grunting Neanderthal per-

PAGE 25 TWT JULY 15 - 21, 1983 TWT JULY 15 - 21. 1983 PAGE 24 sistS. In which case RUN, don't walk. calls come with regularity, contact the Back to Bell. In my last conversation police and the phone company. The with the rep, I said (in summary), "There police (there are some good ones, after is really not too much you can do to stop all) will be glad to put out an alert slip theSecalls unless they come with radi- and make sure they "swing by" more cal frequency, right?" RIGHT, the calls often than usual. My substation even cannot be traced unless they come with knocked on my door for a couple of days more frequency than any of us would to make sure everything was okay. And care to put up with. yes, I suppose Bell tried. Though I wish Honestly, with all the advantages I had known ALL the procedures, be- available now with computers, one cause I feel this idiot will call AGAIN, would think a simple act like logging and has. calls wouldn't be too hard. In any self- One last note: If you receive this type defense course (mine was fencing), you of harassment, you are able to sue the aretaught that preparedness is the best person if you can collect evidence; Bell defense. And so are the teachings in to- will help you in this matter; so will any day's world-be prepared for attacks attorney, especially those listed in this and you will have a better chance of periodical. Crisis Hotline has a tremen- fending someone off. Use discretion dous listening ear, if you can get through with whom you give your phone number to them, and don't forget that Houston to, and you will be less likely to receive has its very own Gay Switchboard. unwanted calls. When you receive a Above aU, don't feel alone or in some suspicious call, abruptly hang up. If the way guilty about obscene calls-you masher persists, blow your handy rape have done nothing to force jerks to be whistle into the mouthpiece. Should the jerks. You are not alone! \\II?






Curzon has written dark, fatalistic books From Violent Men, by Daniel Curzon; 248 pp.; (novels)before (Something You Do in the fiction; IGNA, 511 Capp Street, San Francisco, California 94110; softcover, $8.95. Dark, 1979),and From Violent Men is no exception. To be fair, he has also writ- ~ ~ Reviewed by David Fields ten The Joyful Blue Book of Gracious Gay Etiquette, a satire of etiquette ~ ~ It has been almost five years since the books, but his novel here is its opposite assassination of Harvey Milk, gay rnern- in spirit. berof the San Francisco Board of Super- As he admits in the forward, "This ~b..Up ,~ visors, and George Moscone, mayor of book is a work of the imagination," but San Francisco. Many are or should be it reads more as adocu-drama. He picks aware of the importance of these peo- and chooses, out of the facts, parts to ple and the treatment of their killer. The include in the novel, and lists his com- OPEN 8PM MONDAY documented, non-fiction account of ments, observations and opinions, with THRU SATURDAY these events had been recorded in the a great deal of anger and bitterness 7PM SUNDAY austlft• book The Mayor of Castro Street, The through his characters. Life and Times of Harvey Milk, by Ran- One example is a potshot he takes at 705 RED RIVER AUSTIN 478-6806 dy Shilts, in 1982_ lesbians in San Francisco who were pre- Only now are we getting the fictional sent at the walkout from a performance treatments of this subject in books and by a female impersonator. He portrays plays, in 1983_One such book is From the "Lesbian Caucus" as a petty group Violent Men by Daniel Curzon. Daniel of people unwilling to aid a kidnapped

PAGE 28 TWT JULY 15 - 21. 1983 TWT JULY 15 - 21. 1983 PAGE 29 city supervisor by raising funds demand- ing to incite a provocative, enraged, ed by the kidnappers. vicious response very similar to Dan Dianne Feinstein, Harry Britt, the gay White's actions. supervisor now in San Francisco, Dan Curzon is very pessimistic and nega- White and his wife have fictional coun- tive, exhibiting emotional excess with terparts-Mayor Miller, Desmond his characters. At the end of each Rhodes, Brad Short and Debra Ellen chapter, he has a vignette that illustrates Short, respectively. But Desmond a fact from gay history, an example of Rhodes, a supposedly responsible a child having his penis cut off by his politician, acts with others in a plot to father because the eight-year-old was kill Brad Short while he is still in prison. masturbating, a queer-bashing episode, Other fanatics end up kidnapping him the now-homophobic Little Richard for his role in "leading rich gays allied preaching against gays and, a man- with the police department in an econ- hating feminist sociology professor, etc. omic assault against our poor Hispanics Curzon has this thing about "happy" How long has it been and blacks." gay books and he talks about it in Some- since you talked about The book becomes a political tract thing You Do in the Dark. He also men- where you stayed, with gruesome murders in graphic de- tions it in the vignette at the end of instead of just tail, and the only murders that take place Chapter 29.The customer in a gay book- how many tricks you had? in the whole book areof gays. That state- store, "Unhappy in his own life, he ment of fact can lead to many interpreta- doesn't like what he reads.... " So Cur- tions but it stands alone here. Curzon zon gives us "reality" in his books, even "Ask about our has written a novel where the situation Summer Midweek Discount" if the spirit of the book is fatalistic, aside in San Francisco has degenerated to from the facts. fanatical factions killing innocent peo- I think this is what Curzon fails to un- ple indiscriminately. derstand, and so his books will continue 'llrsutinv If this book's purpose is to entertain, to discourage and darken, without hope enlighten, rouse others to action or pro- or an optimistic spirit. What he could !jutsb CifoustJ voke thought, From Violent Men fails on havedone was to inform and inspire, en- French Quarter all points. I don't know what Daniel Cur- couraging a positive, thoughtful, rational zon is trying to do but he is being very attitude, disposing with the hatred and 708 Rue des Ursulines cavalier with his novel. It seems he is try- New Orleans, LA 70116 bitterness that some have felt or would ing to incite gays to action with his end- continue to feel that flow from this (504) 525-8509 ing to the book, but he seems to be try- event. ,\v,

TRULY SPECIAL BREAKFAST SPECIAL Good Anytime IN'IlllNA.'IDAL Offer Expires Aug. 15, 1983 BX1SI "1IIU.IJSe $1.99 1lEST!U1WT Includes your choice of 4 great kinds of PANCAKES Strawberry International, Buttermilk, Pecan or Blueberry OPEN24 HOURS PLUS One Egg &. Bacon or Sausage. Save $1.

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PAGE 30 TWT JULY 15 - 21. 1983 TWT JULY 15 - 21. 1983 PAGE 31 ....•.•...... ----_ .._-.:-.-.-.-.-.:--






u ;:.<;O:OO:O':6.a ..():,!~9'.:~r\-~ .,f? o'o9oo.oo'~~'<:::>'d·o.~,\),.P. ,".o,~, R~{i~~o~~~~F~l.rtln~'J~•~. I{{J;~·!~~!~~~~~~\)O;~~~fi~·. ;f'-~'?6,:"'.~~~?'N c)ndirr iU}J70I~~'l..i.c). o'o,"'!' ,!~.\..~~oCOQ.O.CI•• KING~WOODArARTMENT~ ',<:5: 'a-.-'-"O,-,( < ,J' t,O ". "" _.00" ", \, .:'\,") " . & 9'".0 ~~~O'O~C:YO ';0) NOW OFFERING 6 MONTHS FREEWARNER AMEX CABLE WITH CHOICE OF MOVIE CHANNEL c.~> .;),'~CI~,N. 'l' .'< a.- '-~'a.' , ";'" .: ;.1" I".", '-i.~ ~~J.I..-. " ~~~a"8~ I!"' ~ 'J'.'ltl\, ;·~:c.c'S•••·~~.,5·\ it.... S'-;.~..:)I,~::;.··",-~: 0"'"'o:I(~'''':.~'0S~n,~,' " 'o"o,·(),,'\Ci<"'c'ao.< 0 ')':,;,' 'r:> ,'Q',,)' '() '0 Q .• c,.vq. /,' ALL APARTMENTS COMPLETELY RENOVATED ~h,t-'?:·o.;.f'?i.<>,i!J2:J·.<.JIAi)I,I~ It'.'" '\;,fn~,'lt~I~'1~1~~~.,~;~C(i'()'ftf))O~7;to:,9~~ O)f- c', v. '-..1. r\1"">."<>OO Q~".',Sl.v.O,o· '-"C\ t'., <:) Q. '·.~""o"",o."Cf ... >0 ()?«;o. o·oa '('-.-,c, e : :,', '"1-"": .;. • ''''00 ' •. ;""',,' '0 ~ ?<'v, :.0 •. o.o .• ~·,(f:nv·':-t'.O.",. TWO POOLS • SECURITY ""'0' '0' o"0"\)''')'' ' •• ().o~·,) '~' .. " •.•' .f.). "· •. ",~,,o.,,'.ou<>· ·0 .•...•..•0 J'i:¥.' .'.Cl,;'\). ,0 .. .C'c:.':\..':!"O~O;-:"'O'~:"·"V":'>~ :o"'-o:-,s"·"""'<>·'r\O'~:o. o 0'0 0 ..1'"'\0,0... '~::-c-.··o,CO?')" ('). (' . ("\'('\r-SO':-J." ..;~ , ' '(:;',

PAGE 32 TUJT JULY 15, 21. 1983 PAGE 33 -e :D Gl ~'" -0"'0 -.J C • 0-< 11<:: cO ...•....."Cl rn ....•.0"3 n ("'J;:01l o~O """I 0> _. <; ::::s """I .;:; 0 ::::s :r ro 0 ro _.::;.; -.J •.•• o ("'J (t:r ..,..,,...,.... 0 '-0' ro =..e!. c 0> (Ii ro -::Sto ("'J 0> C/l0ro V,.J - -co ro ...••...•. C/l ~ co~o zr C'...... """1;:0 cO' C/l'< 0 :r C/l ,.J ro """I~ O):s. >< C 0 Vi' ~ ~ C:r 0> •...•.f~ c;:, ::t.~ 0..C· 0> I I """I::::s •...•.•...•. ~ •...•. ::::sro"-'C.J ..,..,C/l::::S ~=~ ro '-:r"""l •...•...> ~ 0..::::S ro -"""I ("'J 0 •...•. » 6~ U1 III!P! (1);0 0)(") • . n ro d g.sn q 0> 2. 0> ~ ~ g. """I Q) ~ ,on U1:>-l 0> 0.. C ro ....•.E. "Cl ~C/l::::s ("'J <: _. '< U1 q- cn§i O)~ =ro :rC/l"""l 0..0<::::S 0 0> U1 C/l C/l ro ro ro _. < 0> 3 0 C/l c3 0 ~ o s O •...•.ro 'V < 0 0 f" """I -'"""1 """I _. ro"'" _. 0> - •.•• - 0.. :t =E 51 " ~ S. a ro 3 ~::::s 8" ~ _. ~ 0) """I...... """I _. 0 ro '< a 0 ~ 0...... ::::s _. _."""1 _. 3 ,..,..0- 3 0> ::::s0> ro 0 ro ro OJ '"' 0> 0> 0..("'J"Cl -0"""1 ::::sor ::::s~ ro -::::s ~ ro ::!. < """I'< """0..,..,X ("'J ro C ~ r: C'. 0-' ro ~ O>:r"""l """Ioo>ro o:r("'J("'J ,,~("'J ro o •."""IC'·oe..•.0 ..,..,.-o· ... _ 0"""1"""I:::!1~C/lro~ _~0C/l0. ..,.., c:r::::s -::::Srn ..c:lro=Eo>("'J o(/)::+ """I ro 0 ::::s0> 0 "Cl"""l :rg.~ ~ or:r 0.. 3 "Cl::::S::::s ro C/l •...•.0> 0 ~ ("'J..,..,co ~ ro 11 •...•. 4, C'. 0> = C ("'J ro ::i" 0> _. 0> """I :r ro3::::S~"""I O>-ro"""lro C/lo>ro Q.c 0..0'::::s 5go..~C/l ~o~;:O or C/l """I ~ ro::::s _.::::s 0> ro _. c •...•.0 0> < _'f,",::::S C/l 3 .- C/l C/l _. c ro ::::s"-' _. ("'J C/l o ::::s::::sC/l co ro ::::s"Cl _. 0-· ::::so.. •...•. ~·CO"""lo.. ~o> --< E 0- •...•. _.0 =E ::::s --< 0> =E ::::S::S. 0> """I 0 0.. C/l -c~ in ro !2

Happy Hour-Monday-Friday 7am-lpm & Spm-7pm Monday-Bowlers Night Out Bowlers get Happy Hour Prices & sa¢ Schnapps Tuesday- Tit Tuesday Happy Hour Prices & sa¢ Schnapps for those who Bare it. Wednesday-Club Night Happy Hour Prices when you wear your Club Colors Thursday-Jocks Night Happy Hour with sa¢ Schnapps (with any Team shirt) Friday-Western Night Hat & Boots will get you 7S¢ Well Drinks & Beer at the Back Bar Saturday-Dallas' Original & Best Saturday Beer Bust lpm-Spm then 2S¢ Draft Spm-7pm Leather Night for our Brothers in Leather 7S¢ Well Drinks & Beer at the Back Bar Sunday-Dallas' Best Beer Bust is Now Dallas' Longest Beer Bust Now All Day/All Night Noon-2am-14 Beer Bust Hours

Home Dallas Motorcycle Club Try Our New Laundry Mat Member Dallas Tavern Guild Drop-off & Folding Service Available 5025 Bowser • Dallas • 526-9211 "Never go home dirty again" don't forget when in Corpus to come see us \\OIj ~ SHOWBIZ ...- by Weldon Grahame

LONI ANDE~SON SYLVIA K~ISTEL Some of us have a lot of faith in her- I saved the best for last. Is there any I mean, she simply is the only blonde actress in the world today who has the bombshell left. If you were a fan of TV's potential to go as far as Sylvia Kristel? WKRP in Cincinnati, you know that Ms. After witnessing her work in the Em- Anderson can act. If you also saw her manuelle films, and in Airport '79- The Jayne Mansfield, you know that she has Concorde, Private Lessons (which has potential greatness in her: with a little grossed over $50,000,000 worldwide), Parker Stevenson in Stroker Ace. Bess Armstrong eoo Dennis Quaid in Jaws 3-0. luck and the knocking of opportunity and the recent Lady Chatterly's Lover, this girl could ascend to the mythic I am convinced that she could possibly Jack Varsi, our regular SHOWBIZ columnist, is on vacation this week. TWT approached several heights of a Mamie Van Doren or even people about writing the column during his absence and, after even the janitor's wife had turn- surpass even the legnedary Allison ed us down, we relied once again on semi-regular contributor Weldon Grahame, who also is Diana Dors. But never mind the future. Hayes. * In her latest film, Private responsible for this week's STARSCOPE (on page 67). Don't say your weren't warned. For now, she is aligned with Burt Rey- School, Ms. Kristel once again has a nolds and is seen to good advantage in Who's Who, Who's New & Who's Hot supporting role, but, of course, for many the new Straker Ace where she portrays of us she is the only reason to see the Talk about mid-summer madness-I Variety and ran screaming from the Pembroke Feeney, a somewhat naive movie. As the sex education teacher, have to do everything around here! First building. public relations executive. "Naive" cer- Miss ReginaCopuletta, she is at first shy they ask me to sub for their astrologer, Since I always welcome an opportun- tainly doesn't describe her in real life. and blushing-later (with an uncanny then they hit rt'e with this column. By ity to practice my typing, I thought it Of her sex symbol image, Ms. Anderson chameleon-like dexterity) she blooms in- the way, don't believe all that rigmarole might be nice to devote this week's col- recently had this to say: "There's no to the sensual love goddess we have about that Varsi character being on umn to some of the more alluring per- scientific data that indicates peroxide come to expect. vacation- I was here the day he came sonalities turning up on divine celluloid dissolves the brain." (This insightful and •For a serious assessment of Nathan Juran's brilliant At- these days. revealing comment put me in mind of tack of the SOFt. Woman-undoubtedly Allison Hayes' finest across the words "Sharon Hugueny" in role to date-see the June 1983 issue of Film Comment, in Albert Zugsmith's 1960 auteur master- which it is also revealed that Paul Morrissey (of Flesh, Trash PARKE~ STEVENSON DENNIS QUAID piece Sex Kittens Go To College, in and Heat fame), hopes to remake this 1958 classic. Not to be taken lightly. He has some A native of Houston, this 28-year-old which Mamie Van Doren stunningly por- Sylvia Kristel absorbed in her work with Frank Alet- of the spiritual otherworldliness of Brett actor always seems new and fresh on trayed a stripper inadvertently placed in ter in Private Lessons, as predecessor Allison 50 Ft. Halsey (although Mr. Stevenson is a bit the screen-a quality shared by all the control of a college science depart- Woman Hayes (inset) looks on approvingly. more blow-dried), and could become a screen Love Gods from Valentino to Ty ment.) major star if presented with the proper Hardin. Quaid, as sexual icon, easily out- scripts. You may remember him from distances this Gere fellow who has sud- The Hardy Boys TV series of a few years denly taken over all the magazine covers back and, if your memory serves you (for about five years now). But Quaid is well, you may remember the ethereal so much more than a set of intense bed- and fleetingly exotic quality he lent to room eyes and tight buns-he is also 1972's underrated A Separate Peace a fine actor and improves with each film. (which, I seem to recall, was about tree In Jaws 3-~ he plays the son of the climbing). In Straker Ace he plays a character that Roy Scheider played in NASCAR auto racer-in real life he is the first two films, and the role required the holder of an international racing that he learn such skills as scuba-diving, license and has been an avid racer for jet-skiing and underwater welding. over three years. Quaid is hot. Later this year he will be seen starring as astronaut Gordon Cooper in the film version of The Right Stuff, and then he will turn up in a sel-f thriller called Oreamscape.

PAGE 36 \1!lII - ~NTERTA • TEXAS by Aob Clark

FLASHDANCE - Viola Wills, who shot her to "stardom," was never intend- hit the dance circuit a few years ago ed to be released as a single. It was only with her rendition of "If You Could Read supposed to be a demo-tape. Obviously, My Mind," will give two performances it ended up being more. In the future for (11:00pm and 1:00am) at the First An· Vicki is a Broadway show with Richard nual Marquee Ball to be held at the Of- Gere and a cable-cast variety show call- ficers Club in Houston on Friday, ed The Musical Magic Show, which she August 5. Tickets for this "open bar" will host party are $20 with all profits benefiting the KS/AIDS Foundation of Houston. For further information, call (713) 520·5206.

c~~\ co~ ~~~ \..oo~ \>- ~~~ <:o\>-\{.. \>- ~~~ \>-

Viola Wills

Following in her big sisters' foot- steps, "Baby" June Pointer will give a Sunday, July 17 show at Numbers in Houston, where the three Pointer Sis- ters recently performed. She has quite Vicki Sue Robinson with her manager, Mickey Havens. an act to follow! Break a leg, girl. Remember that "neat-o" song that If you haven't heard already, the semi, came out years ago called "Turn The sometimes, quite often legendary duo, Beat Around"? Well, the lady who made Simon and Garfunkel (I wonder why it a hit performed it and other tunes at Paul got top billing) will perform at the The Saint in Dallas. That lady was, of Astrodome on Wednesday, August 17, course, Vicki Sue Robinson. Vicki tells and the Cottonbowl on Thursday, us she started her singing career at 16, August 18.Call your local Ticketmaster, whenshe performed in the musical Hair. 402 LOVETT-HOUSTON Rainbow or Ticketron location for ticket 527-9866 The previously mentioned song, which information.

JULY 15 • 21. 1983 PAGE 38 TWT JULY 15 • 21. 1983 TWT PAGE 39 Watch for a TWT "chat" in the future The Keyboard in Houston has talent with Austinite Harry Wingfield, pictured night every Wednesday night with a $50 here on the patio of the popular Dirty first prize. After six weeks of these semi- Sally's where he performs every Satur- finals, the winners of all six shows will day afternoon. Harry is the singer and compete for the grand prize, which is a author of what has become known as trip for two to Jamaica. Stop by and, "the TWT song." All right. Anyone else catch these Roxie Starr emceed shows. out there want to know how to get their THEATRE - Main Street Theatre in picture and name into TWT? Houston has announced that it will ate close its 1982-83season with the frothy French' comedy, Mademoiselle Col- ombe, by Jean Anouilh. The play will open on Friday, July 29 at 8:00pm. Fol- lowing opening night, Mademoiselle Colombe will play at 8:00pm, Thursday, through Saturday, and at 3:30pm on Sunday afternoons through August 27. Call (713)524-6706for information.

Harry Wingfield Giving performances in Dallas and Houston also will be that lookin'-good- gorgeous man, Kenny Loggins. He will be in Starfest at Park Central in Dallas on July 15, at Astroworld in Houston on July 16, and then to Fort Worth at Billy Bob's. Call Ticketron locations for fur- ther information.

Anthony Quinn and his "object of affection,"

Anthony Quinn will star in the all-new production of Zorba, the rousing musi- cal adventure, with book by Joseph Stein. As the final offering in the highly-

PAGE 41 acclaimed Houston Grand Opera, Pace is in store for you at A Place in the Sun in Theatrical and All ied Stars Series, Zorba Houston on Wednesday night, July 20, will be presented at Jones Hall in Hous- King Henry VIII and all his Court Players ton on Wednesday, August 24 throuqh ' will be at Fairview and Stanford to lead SPECTACULAR September 4. The musical will open on you in merry dance, regale you with Broadway after leaving Houston. sono and drama. IEWTHIIGS Zorba, the tale of one man's robust Those who saw the Court Players at passion for living life to the fullest, won the recent poolside gala, "Men and popularity first as Nikos Kazantzaki's Women Together," at the Tropicana ARE HAPPEIIIG novel in 1953, followed in 1965 by the Swim Club, can vouch for the fun and film version, Zorba The Greek, directed authenticity of this energetic troupe of by Cacoyannis and starring Anthony Tudors. They've also been the stars of AT Quinn and Lila Kedrova, and then as a the Texas Renaissance Festival for nine • Broadway musical which opened at the years, and have been featured on na- DI5m~§~ DALLAS All Adult North Bachman Con- venience

A spectacular reconstruction 3-Strip Recreation/Social of the original. a-nour Technicolor print. roadshow version, presented In Center featuring musical and dramatic Clnemascope sequences unseen with 4-Track for nearly 30 years Stereophonic Saunas . Sound. Jf{ Jf{ Planned Socials Nominated for With 5 Academy Awards. special Including Academy Plush Carpets Best Actress (Judy Garlandl. guests Spacious Interiors Best Actor IJames Mason I "'",Stom"gJACKCARSON Larle Closets CHARLES BICKFORD Elroy Forbes as King Henry VIII Screen Ptayby MOSS HART SelecledSongs: Musk by HAROLD ARLEN 12-Month Leases L",,,b, IRA GERSHWIN Imperial Theatre in 1968. tional television shows. MuslcaJDlreclionby RAY HEINDORF The story centers on Zorba, the Greek Because this show is such a "biggie," Prod,,,db, SIDNEY LUFT Dlrected by GEORGE CUKOR EFF, 1 & 2 COLORBYTECHNICOLOR~C::I"...... scoPl STEREOPHONIC SOUNO peasant who strikes up an acquain- it required two precedent-breaking in- :N~,::~r::=~A~T~.".~~~Qs~?:~m~~;m:~=tance with Nikos, a shy student. Intent novations for A Place in the Sun, which Bedrooms Proceeds vvill benefit the preservation on teaching the young man the joy of has always held its programs on Tues- activities of the Academy Foundation. "seizing the moment," Zorba joins his day night at Bracielynn Books, 704 Fair- friend on a ramble of experiences view. First, this program is on a Wednes- SATURDAY.JULY 30,1983.8:00 P.M. 361-9421 SUNDAY, JULY 31,1983.8:00 P.M. throughout Greece, day because so many Court Players, in- $26, $21, $16 Tickets for Zorba are now on sale and cluding his majesty Elroy Forbes, have SPECTACULAR THE MAJESTICTHEATRE available at all Ticketron, Ticketmaster, Montrose Symphonic Band practice on SAVINGS 1925 ELM ST.• DALLAS, TEXAS Joske's, and Houston Ticket Center. To Tuesdays. Second, it's outdoors-in the TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW AT ALL RAINBOW· TICKETMASTER OUTLETS INCLUDING RAINBOW Chargeby phone, call (713)526-1709, parking lot across from the bookstore- BRING THIS AD TICKET CENTER (THE CORNER SHOPPING CENTER) AND ALL MAJOR SEARS STORES. 373-8000. HOLDING COURT - A rollicking to give the courtiers (and you) more outdoor romp through the Renaissance room to kick up their heels. ,\IJI,

TW' ... - PAGE 43

Q) - .-J::l 0- co • co _ C ~ tn~ > Q).- CUQ3!::Q)-Q)e 1\1 e 'cco • oa}cn- •.. g- o a. '- .0 .E: Q) U Q)CO ••• cog-g>'?E ~ Q)-Q)'l'et.J::l .':E ~C!lCJ)~""'o~ coctnco-oc. .cOQ).cc ••.. Q) OZ E(/) co'~(/) .c:. ~ •• ••• • •• £ •• o o E •• e: :a .2 -; t: oc- 08 .. UI e: ~ l- e: o Ui :J >- ~ • o I Q; -; •• :! 0 l!! (!) N co en,... @ •~" by Jim Boone lovers, and ourselves. Beyond that is an ... you always get the other kind. And individual consciousness. Relation- Q) when you think you've found your mis- ships are easily placed out of perspec- m~"- I ~ ~ ter, that big hunk gives you a big hug tive if we do not remain alert and aware. - (.) - 3:-0 ~ be:- ~ and calls you sister! Damn! Acquaintances are called friends-plac- -~ ;;::: 'uQ) Q) I would love to see that word (sister) ing that relationship on a level that does •... .- •.. > >Q) tn -OQ) '':U disappear from the gay vocabulary. How not exist, and closing doors to close en- & tn J:! >; -0 -0 'E :l ••...J::luCOQ)-OQ) often have you heard or said, "I know counters of the best kind. How do you coCO--OCQ)tn -uco Oc him too well," or "I can't do that with introduce Joe as your acquaintance? tn c. co .- .- tn ~cg.~~:gg 5 a sister." We have created a word to use You don't, you introduce him as Joe. a OC'J'?:JC'Q) in place of friend that has the connota- -T"""OOO~t Too many people think of making love ~Q5:c.c92::J tion of a relative-hence incest. Come and having sex as the same thing. Mak- 0> CO-q-.= co 0 On! IoC::C\I«(/)O ing love is everything that leads up to • ••••• We have many acquaintances (close sex, and the two do not always have to a~dotherwise), a few friends, "fuck bud- happen at the same time. There are dies" (an endangered species), tricks, times when you want to hug, hold, kiss

t----lU ~~~~~------~----~--~--~~~------~~~ T JULY15 • 21, 1983 Illustration by Dennis Walker PAGE47 and cuddle. There is nothing wrong with you've got something to build on. that, and a lot right with it. There are also Your lover will become your best times when you just want to have sex- friend, if the relationship is a good one. hot, climb on and go, sex. There is Neither party should set out to change '-Q~1~:~~- J 4 '\; ,':, •.~ •• ~~"';'" -:» , ~"'" ~" ''''' '. ,~ ..~."" nothing wrong with that either. Then the other. If you are not comfortable there are the times when, while making with someone as they are, don't con- love, two people reach a point of such sider entering into a lover relationship arousal that sex becomes a beautiful with them. If the relationship is right, part of that love making. Terrific! you will be attracted to the person, not Many people believe you had better the person's ... keep quiet when you encounter some- If you rushed home and got your one who revs up your motor. If there is clothes, etc., and are all settled in, it's 651/ARLINGTON a mutual racing of the engines, hit the time to face a few facts together. Other 1851 W. DIVISION road, do it all night long, with all the guys will be attracted to you and you will 275·9138 gusto you can muster, for there is still be attracted to other guys. Don't PICK UP YOUR TWT EVERY FRIDAY always the chance you'll talk, get to make casual flirtations a big stress point DANCE LESSONS, MONDAY 8PM know and like each other-often the in your relationship. If someone flirts (BEGINNERS & ADVANCED) kiss of death to good sex. A belief like with your lover-so what! If he flirts INSTRUCTOR: WENDELL that can cause you to miss a lot. back-so what! We all love to flirt. It's A word or a look is far more exciting part of our nature. 651/FT. WORTH than a grope. The way you put some- Now, what happens when a flirtation 651 S. JENNINGS thing can be far more moving than progresses to heated physical contact 332·0745 where you put something. Learn to ask on the old Sealy Posturepedic? Just SUNDAYS someone out so you can get to know what you make of it. If your relationship FREE BEER 12 NOON TILL them-not get them in bed immediate- is right and good, having sex with some- AND STEAK OUT, SPM ly. It's nice to delay and build up to one one else should not be the one factor COME ALONG INN of the friendliest things two people can that brings it to an end. If it does, then S. JENNINGS @ PENNSYLVANIA do. it was built on sex alone and would end 332·0720 What about the BIG relationship that eventually anyway. BATHROOM FACILITIES NOW everyone "wants, needs, must have, Some lovers agree that each will, AVAILABLE ON THE PARKING LOT would be nice-but isn't a must"? There from time to time, have sex with others, are a lot of people out there who have but they will not let the other know LUMBER COMPANY lovers,and others who will have any day when, or any of the details. Others go 700 S. JENNINGS now.AltbDugh most relationships begin to the baths together and search out a on a physical level,they should progress third party, or split up and have a few far beyond that before a good trick be- close encounters of their own. This is comes your lover. Good sex is good sex. one of many good ways to keep a If that's all there is, just keep enjoying momentary desire for someone else it until one or both of you decides it's from building up inside until it becomes time to look for some new stuff. a big thing, and not the passing fancy A new relationship should be given it actually is. time to grow and strengthen before two Sometimes lovers should not live to- people move in together. Get to know gether at all. Anyone who has lived each other's feelings about a relation- alone for many years, and likes it, may ship-that should tell you a lot. Too eventually have trouble in a live-with often, two people meet, have sex, and relationship. You can both have the joy one of them rushes home to get his and interaction of a relationship, but not Clothes,etc., before the heat of the mo- the invasion of privacy that could even- ment has a chance to cool down. If you tually cause a breakup. Whether you live give it a chance to cool down and it apart or together, each should enjoy the doesn't-it's good. If you are separated feeling of personal freedom. ;;-living in different cities-and still Lovers can, and do, stay together ave strong feelings for each other- after the fireworks stage of their rela- rwr--m-L-Y-1S--.-21-,-19-e-3------P-AG-E-4-9 tionship is past. Each does his own need me, but we both want it (a relation- determine if he is capable of holding up time to time, the experience and some- thing (sexually), but always respects the ship) very much." That is the ideal situa- his side of a relationship. Don't forget, times strength of age to grow as a per- other's feelings. There is no reason to tion. Believe it will happen-create it. he has already once proven he couldn't. son. Age needs, from time to time, youth break up just because you are not hav- There are a lot of people who say they And he still has doubts? Careful. If there as an energy, teaching and growth ing sex any longer, if every other aspect need to be needed. As long as they is still something there, check it out. source. As one gets older it is easy to of your relationship is good for you both. believe it and advertise it, they wi II allow Just be sure it's not a one-way street and get bored with young people, because Sure, this is rare. It takes rare, special themselves to be used-over and over try to keep a clear head. Not easily ac- of their limited experience. Therefore, people who care for each other very again. complished at this point, but most these relationships are usually ever- much and value the relationship they Speaking of songs, remember this necessary. changing. Some people forty and over have over physical desire. one-"When he went away, that was a When a relationship fizzles, particu- prefer relationships with those over If you want someone who does not rainy day; but if he comes back, the day larly if it is not a mutual decision, the thirty-five, because there is far less bull- want you, of if you are dating someone is fine, the sun will shine .... " Get off one who is left may feel the hurt is not shit thinking taking place in those who you want to become lovers with, that riverboat and think about this one worth going through it again, and start heads, conversation more stimulating, and they don't, respect their feelings for a long time! Now, your lover had building up walls. Well, it was worth it! and affection can be expressed without and let go, or don't push it. Otherwise doubts about your relationship and took Everytime someone causes those anxiety attacks. So whatever stage you you will hurt yourself, the other person, off. Maybe he was still hung-up on the juices to flow, those nerve endings to are in, keep the doors open and mix it and make it impossible for you to have man who done him wrong-dumb ass. tingle, it's the greatest high in the world. up out there! any kind of friendly relationship. Now, But you still love him and compare him People are too "afraid of being hurt." No matter how we meet people-at if someone is sending you messages- to everyone you meet. Then you start When love goes wrong, it just goes the gym, bar, baths, work, classifieds, verbal or otherwise, you must respond seeing each other occasionally and you wrong. Easeon down the road. Life isn't at a party, through friends, in the twin- and let them know how you feel. Just are ready for a rematch. He still isn't easy, but it is wonderful. kling of an eye, or the bleep of a com- be sure you are certain how you feel be- sure. At this point you had better take Age has nothing to do with anything puter, keep it up. Never stop. Be your- fore you respond. it nice and easy. If you get hurt again, in a relationship. People, and how they self. Be open. Be loving. Say yes. Go There is a lot to be learned from the it will be self-inflicted. Look closely at relate and interact with each other, is bump in the night. Ring those bells. Say song ... "I don't need you, you don't the person you are dealing with and what it's all about. Youth needs, from yes-why not-so what-yes! "II" WII

i HOT TEA by Chuck HOUSTON HOTlINE - Rich's opened to throngs of first-nighters last Thursday as the eagerly awaited massive dance/cruise bar held its opening night party with dj's J.D. Arnold and Kerry Jaggers keeping the amps pumping with wall-to-wall sight, sound and electricity ... Houston was impressed! HOT TEA has also been hearing and experiencing good vibrations from the new Texas Renegades Club which recently opened on Westheimer ... A good looking mix of men in a cozy atmosphere has gulped forth. WET TEA - At Trammps in Galveston on June 29, the contestants stripped TATTlE TALE - The AIDS Action Line down and faced the water for the island's of Dallas is now 24 hours daily, thanks to wet underwear contest. After toweling Oak Lawn Business Services ... Big off, the winners were declared (i-r): Jimmy Spaulding will descend the steep, second runner-up, John; the winner, narrow staircase from the Snake Pit dj Dallas; and first runner-up, Phil. booth in Dallas to journey to Austin next Obviously the contestants were drip-dried Monday to be the guest dj at Dirty Sally's by Chris and Steve, the owners, prior to free beer night ... In Houston at the the snap of the CRUISE CAMERA. Keyboard's talent night, Jim and Denise walked off with the $200 prize by FORT WORTH TEA - You'll never wowing the crowd with their live singing guess who showed up at the Other Place of "Making Love Alone" ... Not to be grand closing last Sunday night right outdone, a trip to Jamaica will be the before 2am! Waylon Flowers and Jiffy- next talent night grand prize, the not Madame-came by in a surprise visit devastating managerette, Roxie Starr told to give the final blessing on the OP after HOT TEA ... Look for Houston's red-hot six glorious years. The new Other Place, Ripcord to rip up a Denver club this fall. which has been three months under continual construction, will grand open next Thursday, July 21. "We'll have double the light show," owner, TJ told HOT TEA. "Y'a!l come," says Big Mama who adds, "the new place will still be called the Other Place." COUP OF WEEK - For the first time in the history of HOT TEA, a coup can be reported! On the 4th of July, things at Charlotte's got hotter than a firecracker as the cowboys came beck to reclaim their club from the "twinkles." Suddenly, even kikker Wayne Kampshroeder was in QUEST/ON OF WEEK - How well do the dj booth pumping out C&W as ace dj you know your San Antonio bar owners J.D. Arnold had exited for Rich's. Now, and Alamo celebrities hiding behind one week later, Miss Charlotte is no these designer gowns? Clue-they were longer tied up out back; but Miss Bonnie the cast of a recent benefit at the 2015 15 still standing guard protecting the Club which raised over a grand. CRUISE cowboy fortress from a counter attack. CAMERA photo by Oscar Mendiola. CAN WE TALK - Showgirl grease has it that Miss Gay Texas, Tasha Kohl, may move to Houston to take up residence at the Copa ... Now that is good news, girlfriend! Houston's Jim's Gym and the Tropicana Swim Club have teamed up to EAGLE~~) offer dual memberships so everyone can .o, swim and sun! NAME DROPPER - Houstonian Mark Ambrosy won Mr. Leather Louisiana in LEATHERS BIG EVENT - In Dallas at the Big New Orleans on the 4th of July, Charlie Event gay pride picnic held in the Saint's reported to HOT TEA ... Jim Hurst has AND parking lot, city councilman (I) Paul been promoted to manager of Dirty Fielding of district 2 took time out to Sally's of Houston ... Peaches and clown around in the Snake Pit booth. Company guest star this Sunday night at Meanwhile, in the center ring of the Houston's Ranch, show director, Mama circus (see below) over $5,000 was raised lo reported to HOT TEA ... Loveable for OLCC's AIDS Action Project at Tugboat Terry Railey has cruised past Pollack's toilet toss booth staff by the another birthday ... TWT'Sare now available each Friday in Houston at 1- HOP, the International House of Pancakes at 2808 Richmond, thanks to manager Jerry Thompson ... And sexy Terry Lazarus (see CRUISE CAMERA photo below), a 30-year-old Capricorn PRESENTS (42-30-10"), is the new happy hour daytime bartender at Houston's Different THE HUN Drum. Photo by rwrs Greg Havican. JULY 15, 16, 17 AN EXHIBITION OF 1983 HUN DRAWINGS AT THE DRUM 1732 WESTHEIMER HOUSTON1TEXAS

Hidden Door. CRUISE CAMERA photos by TWT'sRobert Araya, whose mother Teresa (see below) from Costa Rica, got caught 4) in the kissing booth by local carpenter and well wisher, Tom. "Thanks to all of HOUSTON'S HOTTEST BAR my son's friends for a wonderful time HAPPY HOUR 11AM-7PM and warm welcome in Dallas," Mrs. OPEN DAILY FROM 11AM Araya told HOT TEA. AFTER HOURS: THUR, FRI & SAT HILL COUNTRY TEA - Ric Sigman SUNDAY BEER BUST 3-9PM and Bret Klien have joined the staff at DRESS CODE AFTER 9PM Chris and Preston's Back Street Basics in WE SUPPORT KS/AIDS Austin where four teams including the 1732 WESTHEIMER Hill Country Leathermen and The HOUSTON, 52B-B528 Crossing compete in volleyball each Sunday ... At the Crossing's third annual Chili Cook-off last Sunday, Penny and Jenell were judged the winners with Harriet and Lee cooking up the runner- TWT JULY 15·21.1983 PAGE 54 up pat of chili while Frank Rath wan the shawmanship award ... Look far same COUNTRY big remadeling at Mr. Peepers and Texas KIKKIN" #1 bookstores, HOT TEA has learned ... Daa Dah Dayz is set to. dazzle and daze IN THE the Boathouse the last weekend in July , .. Across the street at Pizzaz, the 4th of HEAT OF July weekend Outback grand opening THE CITY! 't ,WED SATURDAY NIGH1 - STEAK JULY 16_ ~~ NITE MONTROSE ,~ ! 7PM COUNTRY ~o~. 1:/ CLOGGERs .~j LIVE PERFORMANC~;

MUSTANG"tr "/«:;:,. J( h (see photo) attracted a healthy Hill BAND""" ;'\~."'" fl./::: Cauntry crowd far the long awaited / WED- " - ~ . THERE revitalizatian ... Granny kicked off her SUN / IS A BIT 31st annual Christmas in July benefits in / the Hill Country last weekend by raising / ,~". ~" il OF COUNTRY $5,200 at the Crossing in Austin and ~ THURSDAY J~/'IN ALL OF US $4,000 at the Crew in San Antonio where JULY 21 ' • • • Daug "Miss Kitty" Richardsan (see CLOGGERS SPAGHETTI / /IN HOUSTON IT IS below) lit up the stage ... Also, in gay " SUPPER BENE~"'.,' AT THE BRB lh,

SA, Sunset Baulevard reopens its remadeled stylish disco. this weekend ... Also.this weekend, Ab and his Rebel Outlaws unleash their good ol' country music an stage at the grand opening of Ab's awn new club, the Westernaire ... Banham Exchange celebrates its second anniversary next Thursday ... Look for a bus load of Haustanians to. set sail an the good ship Gallean dawn 1-10 this weekend far a Night in 01' San Antonio , , , And, cangratulatians to. Papa joe, Vince and all of Papa's bays an last TUesday's club grand apening! CRUISE CAMERA photos by Scott Taylor and Jim PAGE 57 Hamiltan. '\II" ~ ,- SPORTS ~Nn"dJM71P;'H17 by Cheryl Chamberlain

Friday-Rebels vs Rangerettes, 2-0; Land- mark Lettes vs Hot Shots, 2-0; Southerners vs SiIverStreaks, 5-3;Galveston vs Austin A's, 1-7; Comets vs Lakers, 2-0; Bees vs Eagles, 1-2; Pekin Lettes vs Sundowners, 0-1; Gems vs Blue Jays, 1-7; and Pride vs San Antonio WT's, 4-0. Saturday-Galveston vs Rebels, 0-13; Landmark Lettes vs Lakers, 4-1;Southerners vs San Antonio WT's, 4-2; Sundowners vs Rangerettes, 0-2; Blue Jays vs Comets, 0-1; Silver Streaks vs Bees, 1-3; Austin A's vs Pekin Lettes, 0-8; Hot Shots vs Gems, 2-6; Eagles vs Pride, 3-4; Galveston vs Sundown- ers, 1-2; Lakers vs Blue Jays, 3-1; Southern- ers vs Bees, 0-1; Rebels vs Austin A's, 6-0; ~:~~>" Comets vs Hot Shots, 8-4;San Antonio WT's vs Eagles, 0-6; Pekin Lettes vs Rangerettes, Gems of Houston make forced out at third base. 2-1; Landmark Lettes vs Gems, 6-0; Pride vs TWT SPORTS photos by Greg Havican Silver Streaks, 2-0; Rebels vs Sundowners, 3-0; Hot Shots vs Blue Jays, 7-6; Eagles vs WARREN PAINE FINALS Southerners, 1-2;Austin A's vs Rangerettes, HOUSTON - The most prestigious and 0-1; Gems vs Lakers 1-2; Bees vs Pride, 1-0; impressive women's sporting event of the Galveston vs Pekin Lettes, 0-1; Comets vs yearwas held July 8-10at Memorial Park.This LandmarkJ.flttes. 1-0;and San Antonio WT's tournament, co-sponsored by the Metro vs Silver.-a Streaks, 5-10. Houston Softball Umpires Association and Houston's Coors Distributors, is one of the largest of its kind and draws players and spectators from across the U.S. In nearly three days of continuous play, Houston witnessed some of the most spec- tacularwomen athletes in the nation. Follow- ing are the scores from Friday through Sun- day's games.

Sunday-Austin A's vs Sundowners, 1-8; Lakers vs Hot Shots, 3-1; Silver Streaks vs Eagles, 4-5;Rebels vs Pekin Lettes, 0-2;Com- ets vs Gems, 7-0;San Antonio WT's vs Bees, 0-7;Galveston vs Rangerettes, 0-5; Blue Jays vs Landmark Lettes, 1-2;and Southerners vs Pride, 0-2. In the first play-off game on Sunday, held at Memorial Park's Field 1, the "Showcase '",,~ Diamond," the Houston Comets took an early lead in the first five minutes of the first inn- ing with a 2-0 score. Pekin changed pitchers in the bottom of the first, and the score after one full inning of play was Comets 6-Pekin O.

PAGE 59 ~ZCX) At the bottom of the third, the Comets con- plained. To make this possible, it was neces- .:x;OCX) tinued with a fiery pace and finished the inn- sary to elect a new coordinator/bookkeeper, ::JtJifB ing with the score unchanged at 6-0. Rae Sloan. ~~cO Both teams fought hard into the bottom NON With the changes in the bike club's status, _XUl of the fourth when two runs added to the it was decided that the club should change g LAFITTE'S score for the Comets, ending that inning of its name. But to what? Thus, there will be a o saao EVERHART play with 8-0. At the top of the sixth, with "Name That Bike Club" contest, open to the E-

PAGE 60 TWT JULY 15 - 21. 1983 TWT JULY 15 - 21. 1983 \\II? PAGE 61



"We welcome Houston \ I; " I , Friends coming to meet . ( .! .. I 1 our San Antonio Friends!" U. /\ . I ~ j .,.<,['-.. .\"..1t.' """'",- ~ ,~t,... .: , f: :,';" .l.... ;,\~,

ltii¥As¥", ~~~ .'...., , .•.•,.••. • SADENAT ,JULY 23~ •...,'. .il4..·.···~''.'.··,.."··'..'.·,":".·'~,,"·~·:··".·.·.•,..l.~;-•r' KA YE . . >U.~ <, THE SHOW


Ab's WESTERNAIRE If this is your license plate number, and you have a TWT bumper sticker on your vehicle, con- - tact your nearest TWT office before 12pm, Monday JULY 18 to claim your cash. If there is no winner by noon each Monday, the jackpot builds another $25 per week. 622 ROOSEVELT (512) 532-0015 ~~~ ~ ---;~~S:21.~8:3------PAGE 72 TWT JULY 15 .. 21, ]98l TUn JULY 15 - 21, 1983 PAGE 73 2 NOW SHOWING • LEFT HANDED AND HOT HOUSE



PAGE 75 \1!W _---CLASSiFIED TWT Classified rates: Per word-.50rt; Centering-.75rt; AI/ caps-$1.00; Screened ads-$5.00; Bold type-double price; and special placements by request. Because of high demand for special placement, space may be reserved on an altemate issue basis only (that is, no advertiser may have the same special placement for two or more consecutive issues). Due to high demand, reservations for special placement should be made far in advance. Visit or mail to TWT Classified: 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006, (713) 527-9111, or 3409 Oak Lawn, Suite 206, Dal/as, Texas 75219, (214) 521-0622_ No ads accepted by pnone: Ad copy and payment must reach TWT office by 12 noon the Monday preceding publication. Ads cannot be ac- cepted after dead-line_ TWT places ad in proper category. Include area code in telephone number. TWT not respon- sible for errors after first insertion. Acceptability of ad content subject to the discretion of TWT. All ads must be paid for in advance. All Texas checks must include Texas Driver's License number. Out-of-state ads must be paid by money order or cashier's check; not a personal check. No exceptions. Thank you. Dallas. Oak Lawn, unique floor plans with WIB fireplaces, some with lofts and vaulted ceilings. Covered parking, near bus, shops, restaurants. Houston. MontroselRiver Oaks area 1 & 2 bdrm. Start $315 per month. Special people will feel at apts. Excellent location, small complex, starting a\ home. $50 oft first month's rent. Cedar Tree Apts., ,$250to $390. For appointment call (713)529-7916or.l. (214)522-1261. p29-2060. . ..., Dallas. Cedar Chalet-leases starting at $340. 1 & 2 Montrose. Nice one bedroom, one bath condo, all bedrooms, utilities paid. Pool & laundry. We accept appliances, mirrored wall, central airlheat, pool, small pets. Adult complex. (214) 526-4401, 4400 assigned parking, $355+. (713)629-4880. Cedar Springs. Super location. Houston. Memorial Park area: Brand spanking new 'Houston. Large 2 bedroom apartmellt ill historic: 2 bedroom townhouse. Georgian style, saltillo tile, !building. No lease, $350/month plus deposit, billsl ceiling fans, 2 car garage, Jenn-Aire range, burglar Hardwoods, controlled entry, central airlheat, high) alarm, all appliances included, $795 per month + peilings, sunroom. Check out 3704 Travis and call utilities. Langston Ltd., (713)526-2111. ,(713)528-5218. Houston. MONTROSE, 2 BDRM. in small, quiet, Galveston. Quaint little cottage for rent. 1'12blocks adult complex. Security, parking, recent carpet) from seawall. Sleeps 6. $65 per day. Call after 6pm, large bath and closets. No pets. Lease, deposit! (713)957-3964. $345 + bills. 509 West Main. (713)527-9131. Dallas. BRANDYWINE APTS. Dal/as. Luxury condo, lower Greenville, 1 bedroom, ALL UTILITIES PAID full appliances, WID, $385 + deposit. (214) Elite, all adult complex in peaceful setting. One 823-8012. minute oft tollway on bus line. Also within easy ac- Houston. Montrose: Drew at Mason, one bedroom cess to Stemmons, Harry Hines, Downtown, major apartment, central air, small complex, $325. (713) medical centers. On-site management and 523-8286,880-4800. maintenance provided. Also pool and laundry facilities. Open weekends. (214)522-8360. Houston. Montrose: Michigan at Windsor, two bedroom apartment, excellent condition, small Houston. MontroselRicelMedical. Near S.W. complex, ceiling fans, central heat/air, $425. (713) Beautiful, small complex. Large 2-2V, studio apart- 523-8286,880-4800. ment. French windows, skylight, patio; also, large 1 bedroom, patio, pool, laundry. Quiet, secure. Bills Houston. Unfurn. 1 bdrm. Montrose area. Conve- paid. (713)523-5028. nient, quiet street. Formal dining room, studylsolarium, carpet, share garden patio plus Houston. MONTROSE. Nice eft., 1 & 2 bdrms. Bills washer/dryer. $400/mo. plus lights. Need dep. + paid. $275-up.(713)523-4403. references. Call for appt. (713)523-0790or 339-2801. Houston. Heights: 2807 Beauchamp, super efficien- Houston. BeliaireiWilcrest, 2-2 condo. Custom cy apartment, very near DowntownlMontrose, pool, features, quiet area, extra clean, $525. (713) sauna, $235. (713)523-8286,880-4800. 933-6060 evenings: Houston. Heights: 2810 Beauchamp, super one bedroom apartment, almost 1,000 sq. ft., pool, Houston. Heights. 2810 Beauchamp, large two bedroom, 1'12bath apartment, central airlheat, pool, sauna, central airlheat, $360. (713) 523-8286, sauna, $425. (713)523-8286,880-4800. 880-4800. Houston. Montrose. For rent, exceptional 1 bdrm. Houston. Garage apt. for rent, swimming pool, washerldryer, 1 bdrm. garage. Call John after 4pm, carriage house, AlC, WID, private. Call (713) (713)521-3699. 520-8197for appointment. Houston. 'Houston. Hyde Park, close to everything, studio ACKER-BLUM & ASSOCIATES REALTORS, INC. apt., all bills paid, small pet considered. (713) LEASING DIVISION 529-5281. "We handle ALL areas of leasing your property" Houston. Large, sunny one bedroom near Montrose Listing, Advertising, Showing, Pre-Screening with living, dining and sunroomloffice, full bath, and Consummation with walk-in closet, wood floors, oft-street parking, Call Roland Broussard, (713) 52()..9898 with security lights, $395 + deposit. (713)526-0604.

TWT JULY 15 - 21, 1983 PAGE 77 Galveston. Looking for traveling companion from Dallas. BRITISH PSYCHIC "JENNIFER," will be in Amsterdam to Rome to share rental car, expenses Dallas Thursday the 21st thru Sunday the 23rd. Will and hotels from August 12·26. Call (409) 763-2556. see a limited number of clients. For appointment Houston. Are you in 20's? Less than 150 Ibs? Like please call (409) 231·4414. brown complexion? Danny, after 8pm, (713) Houston. Tired of the tried and blue? Try our 468-1712. T.S.T. & co. escorts, they're fresh and new. Call G.E.M.S., (713) Houston. G/F, 22, reasonably sane, mature, in· 520-6337. telligent lesbian wishes to meet same. I'm sincere, Texas. DANIEL R. MARCHIONA, please contact MOVERS honest and love women's music and Katherine your COSTUME DESIGNER at P.O. Box 14207, Arl· Hepburn movies. Bonnie, P.O. Box 732, LaPorte, ington, TX 76013-0380. 77571. Houston. MOVEMASTERS moved to 1925 Houston. Ron-Best wishes for a happy birthday. Westheimer. Packing supplies outlet coming July WORKING Hopefully I will be able to help you celebrate 32 18. more. Love, Steve. Houston. Responsible gay male (40) seeks 20's gay HARD Houston. Gay videocassettes (over 30 titles). Both bodybuilder with above average definition for formats. Sell, rent, trade. Cheap. (713) 526·9112. model/occasional companion. Experience not re- TO PLEASE Houston. Chamber players present a public recital quired. Superior quality properly compensated. Wednesday, July 27, 1983, 8:30pm, First Unitarian Leave message anytime, (713) 525-1033 or write Church. Works of Kodaly, Beethoven and Schubert. Dennis, Box 501404, Houston, 77250. Admission $6. Call (713) 529·4703. Your attendance Houston. Thanx to all our customers who helped us HOUSTON will keep us coming back. grow to our 1925 Westheimer address. Burton & the Houston. GfW/M prof., 32, 5'7", 140 Ibs., masculine, Crew. stable, straight appearance. Enjoy travel, music, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES cooking, home life. Looking for man 25·40 with qe------nuine interest in possible relationship. Guy, (713) Houston. Aviation company looking for working 778-1512 783·8997. partner. (713) 370-3004. Dallas. MODEUESCORT. Young college student, TRAVEL 5'9", 150 Ibs., brown/hazel. Doug, (214) 351·1765 San Francisco. Bed-breakfast. Choice of 50 private after 5. homes. Bed·By·The-Bay, 1155 Bosworth, 94131. ALL GAY Dallas. Young masseur working way thru college. (415) 334-7262. Don, (214) 252·4731 until 1Opm. Glen Rose. EL RANCHO VISTA-Bed & breakfast Texas. GAY INTRODUCTIONS is available now and a whole lot more. Fun in the country for lovers throughout Texas. After a successful start in Dallas and friends and the single man. We are not your our confidential services will also be offered to the usual overnight stopover. P.O. Box 245, Glen Rose, men of Houston, Austin and San Antonio. If you're TX 76043, (817) 897-4982. bored with the bars and want to meet new friends, Florida. KEY WEST-SEA ISLE-Rooms and write today to learn how to subscribe to G.1. (Gay ln- suites with all amenities. Solar pool, jacuzzi, troductions) monthly. P.O. Box 57347, Dallas, TX weights, nude sundeck, breakfast, weekend 75207. cocktail parties, parking. 915T Windsor Lane, Key SUMMER T-DANCE DallaslFt. Worth. Square dancers: W/M seeking West, Florida. Call toll free for brochure, rates, and small group, partner, buddies, to share good times. reservations-(800)-327-4837. Ed, P.O. Box 5114, Arlington, TX 76011 San Francisco. Condominium accommoda- EVERY SUNDAY AT 4PM Houston. For cable TV in Montrose, call Woody at tions-daily, weekly, monthly. 44 units in your ,------~~- ...•, (713) 522·9825. favorite locations. Other cities available also. Suite San Francisco, 116 Hancock Street, San Francisco, Houston. G/B/M, attractive, 29, 160, financially CA 94114. (415) 552-7526. stable, matured individual. Seeks industrious, straight acting man, 30 to 45. Do you desire to build Dallas. Dallas Guest House-a great place to stay a good life with someone who feels as you do? in a great city. (214) 526-8134. FREE BEER Tired of the bar flies and their unfulfilling ernp- tiness? The world can be ours if you believe in OBITUARY yourself, us, and God. Must have a medium income Houston. FREE HOT DOGS or better. No fats, heavy dopers, or prejudices. Will Charles R. (Chuck) Graham answer all serious inquiries. (713) 774·6337, after Sept. 21, 1945-June 29, 1983 8pm, Barry. Today, the road all runners come. FREE SOFT DRINKS Houston. A·BUGMAN wants really good photos of Shoulder·high we bring you home. our parade entry. Call Jerry Wayne Smith, (713) And set you at your threshold down. 228·4626. ' Townsman of a stiller town. FOLLOWED BY SUNDAY SHOW Smart lad, to slip betimes away Texas. Attractive G/W/M, 40, 6'5", 215. From fields where glory does not stay. Schoolteacher/farmer/rancher. Masculine, sincere, And early though the laurel grows, nice. Loves outdoors, country music, and country It withers quicker than the rose. living. Looking for a masculine man to come share Housman It with me. Send letter, picture to Box 16, Ottine, Texas 78658. PUBLIC SERVICE Dallas. Electrolysis for Men. Permanent hair Conroe. Lambda Society. Call Jan at (409) 756-0354 removal. Free consultation. (214) 528·0759. or Ray at 756-4097, 7 days a week. HoustonlDallaslFt. WorthlAustinlSan Antonio. Ft. Worth. Find love, peace & joy in worship ser· TUESDAY, JULY 19 vices of Agape MCC-Sunday, 11am & 7pm at 4615 We listen to YOU because we're here to please Southeast Loop 820. (817) 535-5002. "THE CHURCH GRANNY'S 31ST ANNAUL CHRISTMAS IN JULy~ YOU. TexEscort, new-(713) 524·9511-new. ---- -"" LOVE IS BUILDING." '\II.f

TLIJT JULY 15 • 21, 1983 TWT JULY 15 • 21, 1983 PAGE 85 PAGE 84 ------\ijg .-CALENDAR FRIDAY - JULY 15 (AU) LGPW: Women's campout (DA) MCCD: Prayer service, 7:15p (Ha) ch, of Pentecostal Unity: Service, 7:30p (Ha) FUC: Lambda Alanon meeting SATURDAY - JULY 16 UNICORN (AU) LGPW: Women's campout (Ha) Catholic St. Cntr: Dignity mtg, 7p EXPERIENCES (Ha) CBC: VD screening, sp-ta UNLIMITED (Ha) Chapel of the Woodlands: Services, 7:30p (Ha) Choices: Lesbian Mother mtg., 6:30p (Ha) Lambda Bike Club: Mtg" 3p, 210 Fairview #1 SUNDAY - JULY 17 (AB) EMCC: Services, 6p New, Unique, Exciting (AU) MCCA: Services, 11:30a (DA) FUC: Meeting, 2p Vacation and Recreational (DA) Gayline: Meeting, 7:30p (DA) MCCD: Services, 11a & 7:15p Concept (DA) UCC: Services, 11a; 7:30p (FIN) Agape MCC: Services, 11a & 7p • Exotic Locations (GA) MCCG: Services, 11a (Ha) Bering UMC: Services, 10:5Oa • Freedom of Lifestyle (Ha) Ch. of Pentecostal Unity: Services, 11a (Ha) Ch, of Christ: Services, 12:30p (Ha) Ch, of Good Shepherd: Services, 1p LIBERTY BANK BUILDING (Ha) CCF: Services, 10:45a (Ha) comm, Gospel Ctr.: Meeting, 2:30p SUITE 160 (Ha) Family & Friends of Gays: Meeting, 2p (Ha) Frontrunners: Meet Memorial Park, 10a HOUSTON • (713) 522-3799 (Ha) FUC: Services, 11:15a (Ha) MCCR: Services, 10:45a & 7:15p (Ha) Mont. Ch, of Christ: Services, 12:30p (l+O) New Freedom Ch.: Services, 10a (Ha) Universalist Gay Caucus: Meeting (SA) Dignity: Mass, 5p (SA) MCCSA: Services, 11a, 7p MONDAY - JULY 18 (AU) Lambda: Men's Rap Group, 8p (FIN) Dignity: Meeting (Ha) Bering Ch.: Montrose singers tryouts, 7p (Ha) CCF: Bible study, 7:15p (Ha) MCCR: Alanon mtg, 8p (Ha) Mont. Ooun, Ctr.: AIDS support group, 6:30p TUESDAY - JULY 19 (CS) Lambda Christian: Meeting, 7:30p (DA) DGA: Political Action Comm. meeting, 7:30p (DA) MCC: Oak Lawn Band rehearsal, 7p (DA) Pegasus: Meeting, 8p \~l-1047 (Ha) Bering ch: Mont. sym. Band rehearsal, 7:30p (Ha) Lutheran's Concemed: Meeting WEDNESDAY - JULY 20 (AB) EMCC: Bible, Study (676-2482) (AU) MCC: Services, 7:30p (CS) Comm. Center: Altemative mtg., 7:30p (DA) DGA: Membership meeting, 9p (DA) MCC: Services, 7:15p (FIN) Agape MCC: Bible Study, 7:30p (GA) MCC: Gay rap, 7:30p (Ha) CCF: Services, 7:15p (Ha) GPC: Meeting, 7:30p (Ha) MCCR: Services, 7:30p; Alanon mtg, 8p .-~ (Ha) New Freedom Ch.: Prayer/Share time, 4:30p THURSDAY - JULY 21 MOVEMASTERS (AU) LGPW: Women's Lambda, potluck, 6:30p; hauling, too Robin Tyler concert, 8:30p (DA) MCCD: Orchestra rehearsal, 7:15p (713) 521-3155 (Ha) Catch-One: VD screening, 9p-1a (Ha) Gay Hispanic Caucus: Meeting See our ad weekly in the classified, (Ha) Texas Bay Area Gays: Meeting ,,\II;

PAGE 86 TWT JULY 15 - 21, 1983 TWT JULY 15 - 21, 1983 PAGE 87 \\(!II ____ THE GUIDE

ABILENE CHURCH (Area Code: 915) BEAUMONT CLUBS (Area Code: 409) Exodus MCC 4th & Walnut/P.O. 2473 .. 676-2482 Copa . . 304 Orleans 832-4206 ABILENE CLUB (Area Code: 915) BEAUMONT COUNSELING (Area Code: 409) Walnut SI. PUb 4th & Walnut. .. 677-2522 Institute of Mental Devel. .... 2182 Eastex Fwy ..... 899-2390 AMARILLO CHURCH (Area Code: 806) COLLEGE STATION ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES MCC P.O.1276179105 373.£239 (Area Code: 409) AMARILLO CLUBS (Area Code: 806) Alternative P.O.8109177844 846-2106 Papillion 401 Taylor...... 374-1342 Gay Student Services...... 84&8022 Take Five 323 West 10th 372·9240 Lambda Christian Fellowship of Brazos Valley ... 846-2106 AMARILLO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 806) Projecl Rainbow . . . . .846-2106 AA (24-hours) . . 373-6025 COLLEGE STATION CLUB (Area Code: 409) Crisis Intervention. . 376-4251 Astraptes 8()5.CWelborn Rd. . .. 6~ Gay Community Services P.O.2324179105. CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH (Area Code: 512) ARLINGTON CLUB (Area Code: 817) Unitarian Church 3125 Home Rd . 651/Arlington 1651 W. Division 275-9136 CORPUS CHRISTI CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Tarrant County Mining Co 735 N. Collins 265-8448 Bunkhouse. . .. 5945 Williams @ Airline. . . . .993.£921 ARLINGTON ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 817) Hidden Door...... 1003 Morgan Ave...... 882'()183 Tarrant County Gay Alliance. . 926-3521 Jolly Jack II 413 Peoples...... 881-9049 UTA Comm. Serv. Cntr. (psychiatric hel~) 273-2165 Spanish Galleon .. 517 N. Chaparral .882.()510 AUSTIN ADULT BOOKSTORES (Area Code: 512) Zodiac 617 S. Staples . . . . .883-7753 Austin 6 521 Thompson 385-5328 CORPUS CHRISTI ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES Fortress 505 E. 6th .472·1452 (Area Code: 512) Mr. Peepers 213 E. 6th. . 478-0243 Alpha Plasma Center...... 3105 Ayers SI. 883-2640 Stallion Bookstore 706 E. 6th 473.()069 Gay Alcoholics Anon .... 3125 Home Rd.... 882'()7091937-1361 Stud's. . 1-35& Braker Ln.. . . 834-2911 DALLAS ATIORNEYS (Area Code: 214) Texas No.1 News Stand. .1910 Guadalupe 472'()o10 Day,KimK 1309Main#1112 742-2281 Wild Bill's. . . 613 W 29th . . 477.()457 Koss, Gregory 4503 Lemmon . .5594760 AUSTIN BATH (Area Code: 512) Kowalski, John. .3131 Turtle Creek #222 526-9699 Club Austin 308 W 16th 476-7986 Stewart & Solomon 3720 N. Hall #603 . . . .526-6034 AUSTIN BUSINESSESISERVICES (Area Code: 512) Sullivan, Bob 327-5463 Eagle Leather. . 705 Red River . Wolff, Rhett D 706 Main #300 742-3707 Hair Replacement Tech. ..706 W. MLK Blvd. #8 477-1492 DALLAS BATH (Area Code: 214) Men at Work (domestic serv.) . . 444-8960 Club Dallas. . 2616 Swiss 821-1990 Mr. Video 213 E.6th...... 478-0243 Midtowne Spa 2509 Gaston 821-8989 Taylor, Scott (photography) 926.()253 DALLAS BUSINESSESISERVICES (Area Code: 214) Video Barn 708 E. 6th .473.()069 A Better Car Rental 3704 Maple 526-8496 Wax Attack Records 609 E. 7th. . 473-8313 Araya, Robert (photography) 521-6284 CONGRATULATIONS AUSTIN CHURCH (Area Code: 512) B&W Liquors. . . . .4044 Cedar Springs. . .526-5820 MCCA PO. 18961178760 443-3332 Capital Apartments . . 5284560 ANGELIQU AUSTIN CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Discovery Apts. . .2911 Clydedale .. 361-9421 Back Street Basics 611 E. 7th 477-3391 Eagle Leathers. . .3912 Cedar Springs 5284620 DIOR Boat House. . 407 Colorado. . 474-9887 .4025 Maple Ave 5284620 Chances. . 900 Red River. . 472-8273 ... 4117 Maple Ave 5284620 Dirty Sally's Apartment ..... 2828 Rio Grande 478-8782 EuroTan. . . .4012 Cedar Springs 522-5810 Pizazz. . 404 Colorado...... 474-7003 Foster, Timothy (CPA) 3409 Oak Lawn #211 5266009 Private Cellar 709 E. 6th 477'()367 Gaspipe...... 4012 Maple...... 526-5982 The Crossing 611 Red River. . 476-3611 Gene Cloud (contracting) 522·1307 Round Up Saloon 705 Red River 47&<3800 Hair Revue 2525 Wycliff 522-6481 AUSTIN ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 512) High Voltage. . 4008 Cedar Springs. .522·5600 AI·Anon-Lambda 5518 Burnet Rd 451·3071 Jartran Truck Rental 3704 Maple 526-8496 Alcoholics Anon.-Lambda 5518 Burnet Rd 451-3071 Jim Richardson & Assoc. (real estate) 3615 N. Hall ..... American Gay Atheists PO. 8844178712.. at Lee Park . . 521·3000 Austin Lambda 302 W. 15th 478-8653 Kingswood Apartments 2727 Kings Rd. . 526-2690 Austin VD Screening & Clinic 15 Waller. . .460-8555 Linda's Surplus Store 4323 Maple 526-6601 Brighter Day Counseling Ctr...... 451·2255 Little John's Carpet Care Co. .3409 Oak Lawn #206 .526-9737 Dignity/Austin PO. 7471 441-2241 Lobo Bookshop 4008"C" Cedar Springs 522·1132 Gayline . PO. 8559178712 . 477-6699 Memorabilias 3908 Cedar Springs 522-6601 Gay Nurses Alliance. . .2206 Newfieldl78703 . Memorabilias Boutique, Etc 3109 Reagan 521-8217 Gay Student Assocation ..... PO. 275, UT Union Bldg .... Men At Work (domestic service) 579-1153 ...... ZIP78712 441·3678 Mountain Oak (carpentry) .... 4333 Bowser #43 .521·9270 Hotiine-MH/MR(24hrs) . . .472-HELP Oak Lawn Records. . .3610 Congress #121 ..... 521.()350 Law Students for Human Rights. . UT Law School Off the Street. 3921 Cedar Springs...... 521·9051 ...... 727 E. 26thl78705 ..... R.J. Productions...... 824-3533 Lesbian/Gay Alcohol & Drug Abuse Collective .... 302W 15th Roommates of America 458-7227 ...... 478-8653 Royal Limousine 3409 Oak Lawn #206 . . .522-3290 Lesbian/Gay Political Caucus .. PO. 822f78767 ... 474-2717 Season Air (AlC, elec., plumb.) .... Metro-261.Q335 Unit 5095 Lesbian/Gay Speakers Group ..... 302 W 15th. . .. 478-8653 S.O.S. Bonding 3409 Oak Lawn #206. . 526-4944 Republican Alternative Committee for Texas . Sun States Management (leasing) -. . .521-4373 ...... P.O.225178767 472·2020 Tapelenders 3910 Cedar Springs. . . .528-8344 Texas Rep. Alternative Comm. . . PO. 1077 453-5028 TL Construction...... 2505 Throckmorton 521·9723 BEAUMONT CHURCHES (Area Code: 409) Tonsori um ...... 2900 Henderson ...... 823-1410 Golden Triangle Church of Christian Faith. . . TWT Magazine. . .3409 Oak Lawn #206 521.()622 ...... 6950 College Unit G . 755.Q861 Union Jack 3918 Cedar Springs 528-9604 Trinity...... Rte. 81P.O.510/77630 835-88781883-8855 VW Records. . .3906 Cedar Springs 522-3470

PAGE 88 TUJT JULY 15 - 21. 1983 TWT JULY 15 - 21. 1983 PAGE 89 Wycliff Terrace Apts Wycliff & Toll Rd.. . .522.

AUSfIN6~ 521 THOMPSON, OFF HWY. 183 1DN(9QIUM 1 Mile South of Montopolis r. AUSTIN, TEXAS 24 HOUR Superlative Haircutting ADULT THEATER COMPLEX At your fingertips ... VIDEO TAPE engineered ha ircuts that RENTALS & SALES should cut your pr irnpinq time in half. Contemporary LARGEST SELECTION cuts in a relaxed atmosphere LOWEST PRICES with the best in New and Used is what we're about. Gay Video 2900 N. Henderson LARGE SELECTION D,'Ia, &>~G( OF GAY LITERATURE TELEPHONE THEATER '~'~ FOR INFORMATION (512) 385-5328 ~

PAGE 90 TWT JULY 15 • 21. 1983 TWT JULY 15 • 21. 1983 PAGE 91 r=::" """ HOUSTON ACCOMMODATION (Area Code: 713) Emergency 24-hr. towing. . . . 957-4094 HOUSTON CHURCHES (Area Code: 713) Memorial Park Motel 50 Waugh 861·1311 Francisco's Hair 901 Richmond 523.()438 Aytz Chayirn 868-8997 HOUSTON ADULTNIDEO BOOKSTORES (Area Code: 713) Gino Velleti (clothes) 608 Westheimer 520-9986 Bering Memorial UMC. . 1440 Harold...... 526-1017 Asylum. .1201 Richmond .. Greetings Plus. . .1411 Westheimer . . 63(}{)188 Chapel of the Woodlands 7500 Pinemont #503 460-1712 Ballpark 1830W. Alabama . Hairliners 710 Hawthorne "A" . .520-7730 Church of Christ 1700 Montrose 777-9286 Cinema Southeast. . ... 2730 S. Richey. Hair Plus by Don 2017 Westheimer 526-HAIR Church of Christian Faith 217 Fairview @ Taft 529-8005 Mangum Road News 3837 Mangum. . 95&2991 Havican, Greg (photography) 522-9389 Community Gospel Center. .. 1700 Montrose 5230018 Stadium 4629 W. 34th . .683-1886 Hou-Tex (glass service) 2610 Bissonnet. 520.()740 First Unitarian Church 5210 Fannin 526-1571 Studz News 1132W. Alabama . Jay Hamburger Photography 1817State .. 869.()869 MCCR. . 1919 Decatur 861-9149 KIM K. DAY Talk of the Town I 8228 Gulf Fwy. 1-45$@ Howard/Belfort exit Kwik·Kopy 3317 Montrose 522-1896 New Freedom Christian Church .... 912 W. 11th. .591-1342 Talk of the Town II 4121145N @ Crosstimbers . Leatherworks .. 4307 Montrose 529.()12O Presbytery of New Covenant (Pres. Ctr.) .41 Oakdale. 526-2585 Talk of the Town III 3519 Bellaire Limousines d'Elegance ...... 52~2 HOUSTON CLUBS (Area Code: 713) West hollow Books. . .. 13990Westheimer 558-5133 Mediterranean Villas (condo) . .5625 Bissonet . .868-4440 Bacchus 523 Lovett. .523-3396 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR HOUSTON ADULT THEATRES (Area Code: 713) Men At Work (domestics) 526-1110 Baja's. . 402 Lovett 527-9866 ATLAW French Quarter 3201 Louisiana 527'()782 Montrose Ventures, Inc. . .2205 Montrose 527.()886 Barn 710 Pacific 528-9427 Talk of the Town 8228 Gulf Fwy . Movemasters 1925Westheimer 521-3155 Brazos River Bottom...... 2400 Brazos. . 528-9192 HOUSTON ATTORNEY (Area Code: 713) Neartown Business Serv. (bookkeeping). 3815 Montrose #104. Briar Patch . . 2294 Holcombe 665-9678 O'Kane, Patricia 3212 Smith #102 . . .. 526-7911 ...... 529-3838 Catch One 4915 Martin Luther King Blvd 641-2521 HOUSTON BATHS/GYM (Area Code: 713) Oh Boy Boots 912Westheimer 524-7859 Charlotte's ...... 911 W. Drew 526-8840 Club Houston. . 2205 Fannin . . .. 6594998 Park Liquor Wholesale 3207 Montrose 523-0427 Chicken Coop 535 Westheimer . . . .526-2240 Midtowne Spa. . 3100 Fannin @ Elgin 522-2379 Personal Taxi Service...... 521-1008 Copa 2631 Richmond 528-2259 2306 Club . . .. 2306 Genesee ...... 5~BB235 pHOTography; Eli Gukich 523.()315 Double R Saloon 5731 Kirby 521-1444 HOUSTON BUSINESSES/SERVICES Plant House 812 Westheimer 529-6050 Dirty Sally's 220 Avondale 529-7525 (Area Code: 713) . Record Rack. .3109 S. Shepherd. . 524-3802 Drum 1732Westheimer ...... •..... 528-8528 A·Bugman Pest Control ..... P.O.30102177249 2284626 RMS Automotive 1759Westheimer . . .529-5655 EJJ's 1213 Richmond...... • .. ..527-9071 Academy 2030 Westheimer 526-0929 R.w. Key & Lock Co.. . 1612Westheimer 526-2657 Exile 1011 Bell. . 659-0453 Allen Edwards (custom bulloer) 868-5888 24-hour emergency .522-1615 Galleon 2303 Richmond 522-7616 DA VIS BUILDING, Suite 1112 Basic Brothers Clothing 1220Westheimer 522-1626 Single Services (I & dlc) ..... 1615Westheimer 524-9560 JR's 608 Pacific , 521-2519 Courtyard Galleries 2138 W. Alabama .524<1511 Spec's Unlimited. .4709 Richmond 961-9705 Just Marion & Lynn's 817 Fairview 528-9110 1309 MAIN STREET DCC Printing. . 3232 Fannin...... 528-3232 Speedy Printing 5400 Bellaire 667-7417 Keyboard...... 3012 Milam 52BB988 Downbeat Records 2111 Richmond.. . 52:J.S348 TROPHIES by Single Services .. 1615 Westheimer .. 524-9560 Kindred Spirits 5245 Buffalo Speedway 665-9756 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202 Eagle Leathers. . . 1625 Richmond 526-1490 T.S.T. & Co. (movers) 778-1512 Mary's. . .. 1022Westheimer . . 528-8851 . 1022Westheimer . .. . 522.()651 TWT Magazine. . .. 2205 Montrose. . .. 527-9111 Memorial Park Lounge .. 50 Waugh Dr. . 869-0521 tel. (214) 742-2281 .1732 Westheimer 526-1490 TWT Graphics (Art Design, Typesetting) 527-9111 Midnite Sun 534 Westheimer 526-7519 Erotic Cabaret. . 1222Westheimer . . . .. 528-4565 Unicorn Experiences Unlimited. . 522-3799 Montrose Mining Co. . 805 Pacific 529-7488 Eurotan 3701 Montrose 529-5100 Union Jack 1212Westheimer 528-9600 Numbers 300 Westheimer .526-6551 Fairview Liquor 1006 Fairview. . .. 524-1245 Wilde & Stein Books 802 Westheimer 529-7014 Officers Club. . 2700 Albany...... 523-4084 Fleet Auto & Truck Serv 512 W. 23rd 880-1164 Yellow Cab 236-1111 Outlaws, The 1419 Richmond ...•..... 5288903 " ~


PAGE 92 TWT JULY 15 • 21, 1983 TWT JULY 15 - 21, 1983 PAGE 93 Pink Elephant. . 1218 Leeland . . 659-0040 Dial·A-Gay-Atheist ...... 457-6660 Lone Star Classic '83 (Pat) 524-5311 Ranch . . . 6620% S. Main...... 528-8730 Diana Foundation 2700 Masonl77006 524-5791 Lutherans Concerned for Gay People ,. . .453-1143 LITTLE JOHNS Rascals . . .2702 Kirby ...... 524<>272 Dignity (Catholic gays) PO. 66621177266 528-78-44 ...... or 521.Q883 Rich's 2401 San Jacinto 650Q769 Episcopal Integrity Houston. . . . PO. 66008 526-D555 Montrose Art Alliance 521-2461 Ripcord. . .. 521·2792 Family & Friends of Gays (Houston) 464-6663 Montrose Business Guild P.O. 66973 #1029 529-8-490 CARPET CARE & CO. Risky Business. . . . 2700 Albany. . .528-3611 Family & Friends of Gays (Spring hotline). . .353-4792 Montrose Chorale 1022 Westheimer...... 527-9454 Texas Renegades 1318 Westheimer 521-3475 Family Connection (youth shelter) 523-6825 Montrose Clinic 104 Westheimer 528-5531 Twins 535 Westheimer @ Stanford. . 52OD244 Fast Release Emergency Defense (FRED) 528-8969 Montrose Country Cloggers ...... 458-8861 Venture-N...... 2923 S. Main...... 522'()()()() Gay Adventist (SDA Kinship) PO. 92104177206 Montrose Guest Recovery House 759-9339 Wild Bill's Corral Jackson @ Grant .522-7361 Gay Archives of Texas 802 Westheimer ..... 529-7014 Montrose Singers 791-9496/749-2832 HOUSTON COUNSELING (Area Code: 713) Gay Asian Club 2615 Waugh #124177006 Montrose Sports Assoc. . . Jim Reagan, Director . Hewes, Ted, M.S.W. (psychotherapy) . . . .. 527-9090 Gay Hispanic Caucus. ..2722 Newman St #12 .... 52HXl37 P.O. 22272177227 622-3304 Institute of Mental Devel. .... 3400 Montrose ..... 523{)760 Gay Men w/Straight Wives. . . .772-6424 Monday Bowling. . Steve 499-9036 Montrose Counseling Ctr. (psychotherapy & alcoholism treat- Gay Nurses Alliance 68().9486 Mixed Bowling Richard 644-5479 ment) 900 Lovett #203 529-0037 Gay Political Caucus (mail add: P.O. 66664, Houston 77266) Racquetball...... John. . 4374599 HOUSTON DOCTORSIDENTISTS (Area Code: 713) (meeting at) 4600 Main #217 521-1000 Softball .. Jerry ...... •.... 523{)413 Fraternali, Paul, DDS No.6 Chelsea PI...... 523-7432 Gay Pride Week '83 Committee Info (John). . .520-5214 Volleyball Rey. . 721-6546 Jackson, R Mark, O.D. (optometrist) . . . 661-9666 Gay Pride Week Parade Committee 521-9295 Women's Softball Martha 728-9371 Smith, Bruce w., DDS 4410 Montrose 5294364 Gay Rights A.C.LU PO. 66644177006 . Montrose Symphonic Band 1022 Westheimer 527-9454 STEAM CLEAN YOUR 1 BEDROOM Strauss, Gerald z., MD. .12 Oak Tower, #1330 877-8805 Gay Rights National Lobby 521-0196 Montrose Tennis Club Jim 527-9178 HOUSTON FITNESS CENTERS (Area Code: 713) Gay Switchboard PO. 3624 . . 529-3211 Mustang Club, Inc PO. 66074177006 . APARTMENT -$25.00 Fitness Exchange 3307 Richmond .524-9932 GreenspoinVFM 1960 Friends 821-9681 Operation Documentation 521-1000 Jim's Gym 607 Westheimer . . .. 528-5467 He & She Productions 65Q.1oo7 Paz y Liberacion PO. 600063177260 523-9001 OFFER GOOD THRU 7-22-83; NOT VALID HOUSTON ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 713) Homophile Interfaith Alliance 729 Manor. . .. 523-6969 Rice Gay/Les. Support Group ... P.O. 1892 (Univ.) 524-0724 A Capella Chorus (Church of Christ Gays) . .777-9266 Houston Area Gay & Lesbian Engineers & Scientists 528-7386 Texas Bay Area Gays .... PO. 861,(Clear Lake) 332-3737 FOR COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS ACLU 1236 W. Gray. . 524-5925 Houston Community Clowns 862-8314 Texas Gay Conference .. 106 Avondale . . .. .869-7231 AIDS Foundation .524-AIDS Houston Data Professionals 523-6922 Texas Human Rights Found. 1915 Commonwealth. 522-2824 American Gay Atheists PO. 66711177266 Houston Health Dept 1115 N. McGregor 2224201 Unitarian Gay Caucus 5210 Fannin 520-9767 "A Growing Part of Dallas" American Leathermen . . .. 528-6528 Houston KSiAIDS Foundation 524-AIDS Weslayan Fellowship (Meth). ..1222 Eastwood. ' 864&l99 Astro Rainbow Alliance for the Deaf...... 520-9451 (voice) Houston North Professionals P.O. 3640 Humblel77336821-7126 HOUSTON RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 713) 3409 Oak Lawn, Suite 206 . 520-0552 (TTY) Integrity Houston PO. 66008 526-D555 Baja's...... 402 Lovett 527-9866 BWMT(Black & White Men Together) . Interact PO. 16041177022 529-7014 Chapultepec (Mexican) . . .813 Richmond 522-2365 3317 Montrose #1142 . . 529-3211 Kaposi's Sarcoma Comm .... PO. 1155-3317 Montrose Frankie's Hamburgers ..... 926 Westheimer .. 529-7896 Dallas, Texas 75219 CHE. . P.O. 3045177253 68().3346 Lambda Alanon . . 521-9772 Gyro Gyros Sandwich Shoppe .. 1536 Westheimer .. 528-4655 Colt 45's. . . .. 528-9192 Lambda Bicycle Club. .5294975 House of Pies 3112 Kirby 528-3616 526-9737 Conroe Area Gay Women 756-0354 Lambda Center For Alcoholics. .1214 Joanne .... 521-9772 House of Pies 6142 Westheimer 782-1290 Court of the Single Star ..... PO. 3554177001 .757-7003 Lesbian/Gay People in Medicine .. 104 Westheimer .. 68().9486 Matt Garner BBQ 136 W. Gray 527-8488 Crisis Hotline. . . 228-1505 Lesbian/Gay Resource Serv. UofH .. PO. 309177004 .. 749-1253 Rascal's 2702 Kirby 524<>272

• §ino ~

'575'FINE__MEN'S5772.- - CLOTHING,;- FRIDAY, JULY 22 LM~S~A~ 10PM MISS GAY ABILENE f1et4t WITH e I~ ~~S~ SPECIAL e tit aU, e • • .~

PAGE 94 TWT JULY 15 - 21. 1983 TWT JULY 15 - 21. 1983 PAGE 95 Spanish Flower 3921 N. Main 869-1706 Tim's Coffee Shop 1525Westheimer 529-2289 Texas School of Floral Design ... 3106 West Ave.... 341·5114 Friends, Etc 7115 Blanco Rd.#114-31Efi8216 .. Tropicana Club 2114 Peckham 526-D964 The Unicorn Cards &Gifts .... 4104 McCullough. .824-6204 Gay Services Healthline PO. 12706178212 222-1810 HOUSTON THEATRE (Area Code: 713) Video World 1802 N. Main. . . . 736-9927 Gay Switchboard 733-7300 GreenWay III Hwy 59 at Bllo. Spdwy . .626-3339 SAN ANTONIO CHURCHES (Area Code: 512) Helpline (Drug Abuse Central) 225-4066 River Oaks 2009 W. Gray 524-2175 Church of Christ. 734-5415 Integrity PO. 15006i78212 227-1550 Windmill Dinner Theatre. 390 Town & Country Blvd.. 464-7655 MCCSA 107 S. Pine. . 271-7353 Lambda AA 1312Wyoming 271-3643 LONGVIEW CHURCH (Area Code: 214) SAN ANTONIO CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Las MujeresiWomen's Center ... 802 E. Mistletoe 736-6478 Faith Community Church .... 1116 S. Mobberly. ..757·7338 A Step Above 828 San Pedro 224-6542 Lesbian & Gay People in Medicine. 1015W. Woodlawnl78201 . LUBBOCK CLUB (Area Code: 806) Ab's Westernaire 622 Roosevelt 532-0015 Mission City Chorale 2503 Jacksor-xeuer #113 . Papillon 1204 Broadway 763-7729 Barracks 828 San Pedro 224-6542 .342-4198/737·1947 LUBBOCK ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 806) Bonham Exchange 411 Bonham 271·3811 Parents & Friends of Gays 511 E. Park 222·1810 Dignity/Lubbock. . PO. 5460 763<3111 Broadway Cabaret 240 Broadway. . 224-7002 Professional Assoc. of San Antonio (PASA) PO. 5992178201 Integrity. . 839-2809 Cahoots ...... 435 McCarty ...... 344-9257 Runaways (Youth Service Project) ...... 299-7680 CORPUS CHRISTI'S ORIGINAL Lubbock Gay Alliance. . P.O.64746179464 . Club Atlantis. . . 321 Navarro 225-9468 SAGA PO. 12063/78212 733-83151349-7996 GAY-OWNED AND OPERATED DISCO MCC 2802 42nd SUP.O. 64574 792·5354 Crew 309 W. Market ...... 223-0333 San Antonio Chamber of Commerce (referrals). . .227-8181 MIDLAND/ODESSA CHURCH (Area Code: 915)'· EI Jardin .. . 106 Navarro 223-7177 San Antonio Free Clinic .... 1138W. Woodlawn .... 733-0383 617 SOUTH STAPLES MCC Rt. 7, PO. 427179701 687·5447 Faces 119EIMio 341-4302 ...... or 732-4861 ODESSA BUSINESS (Area Code: 915) Galleon. . .330 San Pedro. . . 225-2353 San Antonio Plasma Services .112 Auditorium Cir.. 223-2956 CORPuS CHRISTI. TEXAS883-7753 P.S. (cards & gifts) 3608 N. Dixie 368-9458 LJ.'s 3503 West Ave 341·9359 The Bridge (youth shelter) .... 806 Wilson Blvd..... 734-9532 ODESSA CLUB (Area Code: 915) Madam Arthurs 807 N. St. Mary's 225-9678 V.D. Testing (Healthline)...... 222·1810 The Capri 6401 Andrews Hwy ~799 Papa's/Vince's . . . 509 San Pedro 223-1047 SAN ANTONIO RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 512) SAN ANGELO CLUB (Area Code: 915) Raw Power & Light Co. . .2315 San Pedro 734-3399 Daisy Tea-Boom 2525 Jackson-Keller . . .349-1000 Phase III 2226 Sherwood Way. . 942·9168 San Pedro Mining Co. . 826 San Pedro 223-0243 Patrick Grant's Circles 107 W. Locust 733-5237 MON. SAN ANTONIO BATHS (Area Code: 512) Snuffy's Saloon. . . .. 820 San Pedro 224-7739 TEMPLE/KILLEEN CHURCH (Area Code: 512) Club San Antonio 1802 N. Main 735-2467 Sunset Boulevard 1430 N. Main 225-8654 MCC. . P.O.1112 471·5931 CLOSED Executive Health Club. .723 Ave. B . .225-8807 2015 Place 2015 San Pedro 733-3385 TEXAS ORGANIZATIONS SAN ANTONIO BUSINESSES (Area Code: 512) Talk of the Town 3530 Broadway. . . .. 826-9729 Lesbian/Gay Dem. ofTexas (Austin) .. PO. 822 .. (512)478-8653 American Male (hair Replacement) 3438 N. SI. Mary's 736-9678 SAN ANTONIO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 512) Texas Lesbian/Gay Student Organ. Coalition . TUES. Bexar Florist. .112 Mission. . .. 271·3643 Alcohol Counseling & Detox MHMR ... 421 6th St 225-4227 PO. 275, UT Union BldgR8712 441-3678 Erotic Leather 6726 San Pedro 822-3744 Alpha Plasma Center. . . 302S. Aores 224-1749 Texas Gay Task Force (Dallas) (214)827-2957 $1 NIGHT-$I BAR DRINKS-$I COVER First Star News 6724 San Pedro 826-9057 Church Theatre 1150 S. Alamo 224-4085 Texas Gay Task Force (Denton-Newsletter & Pubs Office) Kevin Wagner Unique Cards/Gifts .. 1801 N. Main .. 733-3555 Crisis Hotline. . . 227-43571736-1876 PO. A·K, 76201 (817)387-8216 WED. Mendiola·Hamilton Photography ... 1814 McCullough #3 . Dignity (Gay Catholics) 310 Gardinal78201 .735-7191 Texas Gay Task Force (Houston-State Headquarters) NOR-I BAR DRINKS, BEER ...... 734-8216 Drug Abuse MHMR 3721A S. Presa st 533-9156 P.O.86282177006 (713)529-70141522·1659 Rawhide Leather Co @ The Barracks .... coming soon Eleanor Roosevelt Demo. Club. . . PO. 12197 733-8368 Texas Representative Alter. Comm PO. 1077 ... 453-5028· CALL DRINKS ALL NIGHT LONG Sound of Music 208 E. Houston 222·1821 Family Services Assoc 230 Pereida 226-3391 WACO CLUB (Area Code: 817) Forward Found., Inc. (community education) 222·9575 Jay·Tees . . . . . 500 N. 5th 753-9189 NO COVER .2307 SW Military 92~995 ------~\~? THUR.

FREE BAR DRINKS 8-IOPM $3 COVER UNTIL IOPM HIPPY HOLLOW fRI. HIPPY HOLLOW LAKE TRAVIS Copyright 1983 by Asylum Enterprises. This map Take Hwy 2222; NO COVER BEFORE loPM WITH may not be reproduced wholly or in part without left to Commanche Trail; HAPPy HOUR 8-IOPM express written permission from the publisher. right to Hippy Hollow ALL DRINKS NOR-I \WI SAT. HAPPy HOUR 8- IOPM ALL DRINKS 2·FOR-I WITH $3 COVER