\\911 THIS WEEK IN TEXAS Volume 9, Number 17 July 15-21. 1983 .•... .., Pool-Side Sales Office FOR IT NOW OPEN Saturdays {1 Sundays Hlam-fipm (YOU CAN BRING YOUR SUIT) Regular Office Hours Monday-Friday Lpm..lOpm • Luxurious 1 Bedroom Condos 2401 SAN .JACINTO • HOUSTON • 650-0769 from $36,500 • No Cash down NOW OPEN NIGHTLY, TUESDAY-SUNDAY • VVest Loop Location • Mortgage payment under $400 I II I • $900 closing cost moves you in [j'''.;.:::fHADE~.-;'!,:'"•J...•,,.'-"I~j ILH NY 2 MciLHENNY AFTER HOURS z E ~I~ Friday and Saturday ~: ..--:- •.~_~ Mediterraqeaq Villas of o:::i 10¢ DRINK' NIGHT s 1 ~ ~ e BREMOND ij of Wednesdays. 9pm- am <G:JU[ A Development of Gulf Houston Properties , W+E T-DANCE + BEER BUST ~ s Sundays,4pm-2am JDO"O[ 5625 Bissonnet Houston 666 ..4440 WESTEHIMER/ELGIN,-- __ -, 11 II I I I r OFF STREET PARKING TWT JULY 15 ' 21. 1983 PAGE 3 \1DQ ___ ~(ONTENTS At Fitness Excbunge we help you Two ll"uys: I'irst: We tailor a program to meet your special needs and supervise you on our double lines of NAUTILUS equipment. Our fitness centers also include SunTana sun systems, free weights, sauna, jacuzzi, juices, great music and much more, all in a clean, comfortable facility. 11 TWTNEWS _ Second: Buy one year now and get your second year free. 21 COMMENTSen. Cranston at S.Ws NOW, Austin Gay Wedding _ THAT'S 2 YEARS FOR THE PRICE OF :1: Public Forum 25 PERSPECTIVE _ 29 BOOKSHave Your Way With Me by Hollie Hollis_ter From Violent Men, by Daniel Curzon Reviewed by Dovid Fields 36 SHOWBIZ _ Lonl Anderson, Dennis Quaid . by Weldon Grahame 39 ENTERTAINMENT - TEXAS _ "Baby June Pointer, The Court Players by Rob Clark 47 FEATURE _ 53 AHOTTEAGood Man Is Hard to Find by Jim Boone_ 59 SPORTSName Dropper, Tattle Tole, Can We Talk? . by Chuck_ 62 SNAPSHOTSWarren Paine 32nd Annual Coors Invitational Tournament by CherylChamberl_ain Austin's 4th of July Picnic Photographsby Scott Taylor 67 STARSCOPE _ Expect Anything by Weldon Grohame 77 CLASSIFIED _ Want Ads and Notices 87 CALENDAR _ Special One-Time Only & Non-Profit Community Events HURRY, FINAL DAYS: 89 THE GUIDE _ COVERTexas Business / Club Directory _ HOURS: ;\W:"lDAY-FRIDAY 6A;\1-10P;\1 SATURDAY lOA,\1-BP;\1 SU:"lDAY:"lOO:"l-6P;\I ;\ffi;\1BERSHIP RECIPROCAL BETWEE:"l DALLAS A:"lD HOUSTO:"l Jerry MacLaughlin and Dan Van Houtan Photographed by ScottTaylor TWT (ThIS Week in Texasl is published weekly by Asylum Enterpnses, Ine .. at 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006; phone: (7131 527-9111 Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization In articles or advertising in TWT is 110tto be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of {§Jrnrrnesrs said person or organization. Subscription rates: $60 per year, $40 per half-year. Rates cover cost of first-class postage Back issues DAI.LAS 1I0[TS'l'ON available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders First-class postage paid at Houston, Texas Copyright © 1983 by Mon- trose Ventures, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, 2615 Oak Lawn 3307 Richmond copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute at Maple ~XCIH~ at Buffalo Speedway 526-1220 •NAUTILUS FOR MEN 524-9932 TWT JULY 15 - 21, 1983 PAGE 7 THE SAN ANTONIO SATURDAY, JULY 16 CRUISE The cruise-boat on wheels from Houston docks at the Galleon in San Antonio. Join Bruce and some of his closest SUNDAY, JULY 17 friends from Houston The Galleon serves a for Happy Hour. "Host Brunch" from noon to 3pm with a breakfast cuisine and Bloody Marys. WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 ~ HOUSTON- VIDEO VARIETY.". /' ~ A special Beauty NIGHT -9PM / & The Beast Show .. with guest Charlie welcoming the troops home from San Antonio. Showtime, 9pm. HOUSTON • 2303 RICHMOND- (713) 522-7616 SAN ANT9NIO • 330 SAN PEDRO- (512) 225-2353 \WI \\011 THIS WEEK IN TEXAS Weekly Circulation: 20.000 ----_NEWS HOME OFFICE __ 2205 Montrose Longstaff's application for citizen- Houston. Texas 77006 NEW DGA (713) 527-9111 ship was rejected in 1979because of his lifestyle. Yet Elton John continued to DALLAS OFFICE BOARD MEMBERS 3409 Oak Lawn, Suite 206 DALLAS - Buck Massey, Steve pass through U.S. Customs, as recent- Dallas, Texas 75219 Weast and Melodie Alexander are the ly as earlier this year, (214) 521-0622 newest members of the Dallas Gay Alli- The government, by applying the rule PUBLISHER/.EDITORChuck Patrick ance (DGA) board of directors as a re- against Longstaff but not against John, FEATURESEDITOR Blose DiStefano sult of elections held during the June indicates that if one is rich and famous, TEXAS ENTERTAINMENTEDITOR Rob Clark homosexuality is a flaw that money can NATIONAL SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jock Varsl general membership meeting, Dialogue NEWS EDITOR Chuck Patrick reported. overcome, Obviously, the homosexual- SPORTSEDITOR Cheryl Chamberlain Alan Ross and Tom Hartfield were re- ity exclusion clause is selectively en- ASSISTANTTO THEEDITORSDennis Walker forced. POETRYEDITOR Art Tomaszewski elected to the board. Those board mem- In recent weeks, TWT NEWS has seen CONTRIBUTING EDITORS bers whose seats are up for election in Jim Boone, Susan Collins. Harry Deutsch. a flurry of developments revolving David Fields. Weldon Grahame. Christopher Hart. December 1983 are Bill Nelson, John Paul Herrero. Hollie Hollister. Harold Hove, Thomas, Michael Burnett, Tony Anthony around the long-standing drive to end George Klein, Dean Malone. and Dave Jones, the policy to exclude foreign lesbians Joseph Michael. vt.: Quigley and gay men from entering America. ADVERTISING ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow Past DGA president Don Baker was ASSISTANTAD ART DIRECTOR Thom Bisping recently named as one of ten people Senator Alan Cranston (D-California), GRAPHIC ARTISTS who made the greatest difference for who is running for the 1984presidential Fronk White. Fred Hinton. Cherokee nomination, has introduced a bill to TYPOGRAPHERSw.J. Quigley. Leslie Holmes ', gay rights in 1982, the Dialogue story STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS Eli Gukich, continued, strike the offending language. Bills have Scott Taylor. Greg Havican. AI Macoreno. in fact been introduced in both Houses Jim Hamilton, J. Robert Araya. Tom Davis. Writing in the New York Native, jour- Carl Neil, Oscar Mendiola. Blose DiStefano, nalist Larry Bush wrote: "Head of the of Congress to repeal the provision of Michael Galatis. Hollie Hollister Dallas Gay Alliance, Baker was in the the 1952 Immigration Act, which is the ACCOUNTING Doug Felix foundation for anti-gay exclusion, RECEPTIONISTTracey Springer news for two major accomplishments this year, He was the plaintiff in the case It is not right of Longstaff, who emi- SALES grated from Great Britain in 1965to be- EXECUTIVESALESMANAGER in which a federal court struck down Jim Veteto Texas' sodomy law, setting forth aU,S. come an entity in the American econ- Advertising rates are available on request by tele- constitutional argument not seen pre- omy, to be forced into protracted court phoning the salesperson in your nearest city. from vlously, and his organization was the proceedings to defend his interests, 10am-5pm. weekdays. while Elton John is given the customary DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS, host for the National Gay Leadership Friday, one week prior to publication. Conference last August [1982] in which warm welcome granted to famous and AUSTIN gays from around the country touched popular foreign homosexuals, The Scott Taylor . (512) 926-0253 Philadelphia Enquirer opined . Joy Cherin .441-3678 bases with each other." DALLAS Richard Rogers. (214) 521-0622 AUSTIN COUPLE FORTWORTH ELTON JOHN AND Jerry Cassidy. (817) 335-0742 WED IN CHURCH HOU,sTON RICHARD LONGSTAFF Scot Roberts (713) 527-9111 AUSTIN - The fact that two men SAN ANTONIO DALLAS - What do singer Elton should get married by a pastor of the Alan Gellman. (512) 734-3233 JOhn and local clothier Richard Long- Jim Hamilton 734-8216 Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) Now,OpenTi staff, of the Union Jack, have in com- CLASSIFIED DIRECTORS is no longer news in these more liberal Houston-Cheryl Chamberlain mon? Both are immigrants to America 4AM-FRI & SAT times. It happens every week some- Houston Assistant-Leslie Holmes from Great Britain, both share similar Dallas-Chuck North where in America, 706 E. 6th lifestyles, and both are active par- ASYLUM ENTERPRISES, INC. 54 But the fact that two men got married The Corporation Austin, Texas ticipants in the American economy. But PRESIDENTJames D. Cagle in a Methodist church in this city is the similarity stops there, TWT NEWS has VICE-PRESIDENT/TREASURERCharles M. Patrick (512) 47S-00tig news-especially when TWT NEWS con- SECRETARYJim D. Chappell observed, siders that only a month previously, over PAGE 10 TWT JULY 15 - 21. 1983 lWl JULY 15 - 21, 1983 PAGE 11 Memorial weekend, a few miles away in seen in attendance at Sunday services, san Antonio, the United Methodist an inside source told TWT NEWS. Church held its Southwest Texas Con- The ceremony was permitted at St. ference and banned homosexuals from Luke's, Rev. Wade said, because "gays serving in the hierarchy. are just as much a part of the family of And the entire situation became even God as anyone else." more ironic when it was learned that "We got married for two reasons," TroyStokes-that controversial Metho- Richardson said. "First, our love foreach dist from Austin-arranged it all. other, and secondly, we thought it was Therefore, when Dr. Philip Richard- important to present a positive alter- son,45, and his lover and business part- native role model for the gay com- ner of over three years, nurse Michael munity." Jones, 29, of Austin, were wed on the 4th of July at 5:00pm at St.
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