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COPYRIGHT,THE 1883, BY THK SPOKTIKO LIFE PUBLISHIXO Co. SPORTING ENTKRID ATLIFE. POST OFFIOB AT PHILADELPHIA AS BBCOHD CLASH MATTBB. VOLUME 2. NUMBERS. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, DECEMBER 12, 1883. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. and San Roy were taken up at night, and the beat was tindocldud. Dewitt C. Anhby'n Toodlen and .Jamon Qulg- On the 7th the Derby was continued, with the LATE NEWS. Iny'n Watch. Anhby putn up $100 agalnnt. THE WHEEL THE SPORTING LIFE. following result*: In the third Merlon Rush (Had- (julglny'n $SO, and will run ToodhtH agnhiMt PUBLISHED WEEKIA stone beat Sun Koy and Porter beat Katie M.; In Watch a 200 yard race, Toodlen to receive the fourth series Hush Gladstone beat Porter and Sporting Matters fathered by Telegraph IS yards start, at Pastime Park, on ThurH- Matters of Intercut to Derotces of the AT won first prize; In the tilth scries San Koy beat Fur Our Kcmloro. day, Jan. 3d, IhM, thn winner to take the lull Porter and won second prize; In the sixth series Kate receipts. The full amount, of money was Silent Steed. Ko. 202 South Ninth Street, Philada. Paul (Gladstone beat Porter and won third prl«e. placed Intiie hands of Mr. l-'ied. A. llancker, who The result of the trial for tho pointer ipeclal '-up was chosen permanent stake-holder, tho referee AND has not been received as we go to press. [Below will he found the Intent njporrtnr/ ntwi tip and pistol flrer to be appointed on the day of the AUreatBlcyolo Tournament tor Philadelphia, to Nundtty iitornini/, f/nthered by trlfi/rapti, race. Projected. No. 23 Park Bow, New York. Itoblns laland Club Field Trial*. correnpundmttn, and reporter*, nil urim nr- Fred ll»nck«r'«di>Klk« and 1). C. Ashby's dn« rired ton lute for proper departmental da»»!Jl- (Ion. Asbby will run a 100 yards race, puppy swenp- Philadelphia In to have a grand bicycle (DR. WILLIAM MORH1SON, lieu York Agent.) The Second Annual Fluid TrlalH of the takes rules to Kovern, at'Pastime Park, about 4 tournament next June. Arrangements are Robins Island Club wero held on Nov. 20th cation,] r. M. to-day. already being made to make It one ufthn FOREIGN OFFICE : and l!Ut. Tbe attendance wan good, and greatest tournaments In the history of the weather flue and remarkably warm for KNL'HK AM) NFELL. bicycling. Five thousand dollars In prlzex Ho. 1 Scott's Yard, Cannon St., London, K. C. thu season. In the. all-aged stakes the first A NKW BA8K HALL AMSOCIATION. (F. H. GRIFFITH, Reiidcnt Correspondent.) will tto given, which will undoubtedly bring. prize wan won by L. Waterbur.v'H Hotter, A. I'agett and C. Karrowelongh Content for out the best talent In America and Europe. Maida; second pri/.c by L. Wiitcrbnry's St. K*ml-Professional Club. Form an Amiiigiimunts are being mad'i to have it tlon with Headquarter* In Vunncntown. »'tnO— The (lame I'nflnlshed,' TERMS. Two doll»ri and fifty o«nt« a year, Ives; third pri/.<> by AV. II. IJickinson'n H|M<rlal race between ICoblnson, of Kngland, strictly In advance. Single copies, live cent*. pointer, Don. In the It race stakes L>. H. I'rrr.stifKii, I'a., Dec. H. A mooting of It wan raining In torrents when ' Ibert and Kra/.ier of America, fora medal valm-d Pontage free In tho United S Hi ten. Fleets' J'rlnc.o Hal and Waterbury'n Malda t«-n delegates from clubs In Western Penn Pagett and C. liarrowrlough divented them- nt five hiiinlred dollars, and the champion SPECIAL AltiTICLES on Hunting, Flshlmr, worn awarded thu ptl/.i>. In tho l>erhy, afror nelvenofthelr coatn to play a mulch for $li()0 ship of the world. The tournament will last UUIIK, Tackle, Rowing, HUTHO Uaolng, Huso Hull, a ti» between A. S. Uwan's Irish Hotter, sylvania and Kastern Ohio wan held Thurs three days. Allah' in He trunk will bo built, »ml kindred lubjeoti aru Invited. If uHod will be Dnlny, and l>r. ttpulr'H Utittor, lien. Arthur, day afternoon, at thn Ht. Charles Hotel. at the great Yorkshire game of knurr and for the occasion, and will tie the best that paid fur. the latter dog won. Among those In attendance wern the follow npell In tbo New Hunting Park, Philadel can possibly bemade. The programme will bo OOKKESPONDENCEon npnrtlnn toplci, from any phia, on Saturday, Pewinber Hth. The game rcudy In a few weeks and will be duly , lection of tbe (Jlty, State or country, solicited. ing well-known admirers of the Na announced. COMMUNICATIONS. Mivnuncrlpt Intended for Note*. tional game: Thomas F. Dorney and Is merely one, of bat und ball, with the ex publication should bo written un one mdu of the Tho Southern Stales rield Trials, glr«n by the ception that tho ball or knurr In sprung from piper only, and must bu accompanied by the New Orleans <»un <'luh, will commence at Can K. W. Johnson, Jr., of Voiingntown; a small ground trap and while In the air Is Wheol Nutm. writer'* nunio and address, not necessarily for ton, Mlsn., on Monday, December 10. The entrle* H. It. Post, of New Brighton; L. H. Idir- hatted, the game being called by scores, million, (int., has a mayor who li a bicyclist Inr imblicatlon, but an a private guarantee (>f good closed December V. ban and Horace (i. Miller, of New <'an- Mr, !>. A. T'orrester. with, and all communication*, upon any sub- P.nlrle*. for the Now Orleans bench show closed tle, and W. J. Ileetnn, of Kant Liberty. An or one for every twenty yards the knurr jKt, or for any department, iuu»t be addressed Is driven. The betting opened at fl,' to $10 on J. W. Wilson, the "lloiton Flyer," has taken December 10. The show li to bo held l>eoembcr IH, orKiiulxatloii was ull'ecteil by the election of Barrowcloiigh, but after a few rises had been unto himself the title of the champion star rider FKANCIH C. HICUTKK, IV, VII and 21. .Mm-li Interest han beon illsplayed. Horace (i. Miller, of New (!antle, president; played, ll was evident that Pagclt was a much of the world. The Lit Orouso Dale inat^h will c^oiuinenco W. J. Ihieinn, of the Liberty Stars, vice- heller bUycr than his opponent. At the third rise There are at present three clubs In Philadelphia, Managing Editor THK SPOUTING Li»«, IKic. ioth at (Irand .lunnllon, Tenn. president; H. It. Pusl of New Hrlgtiton, Paifottdrove the Knurr overthe fcncn.or upwards of the Star (with Ino mombnrs), ttie Quaker city ami No. -An S. Ninth St., Philada., Pa. The (lllroy, C'al., livid trials have been post Mil yards,anil was lust and hail to play another. At the Philadelphia, which last mentioned organiza treasurer, and I''. W. Johnson, of Voiingn tho close of the game only fourteen rises hud tion li the oldest. poned to IXo. Uit. town. secretary, ll, wan decided to limit the been played on account or darkness and the M. It.. I. McKcc, of thn Wanderers' Club, To iDVKKTISINO HATES. Nonparlol type me»- membership of the association to tell, JHIN- match will beIn concluded on Monday at the same ronto, made the longest trip In one day yet recorded lure, IS HnoH to an Inch, 16 cent* per line fur CUICKKT. slbly eight clubs; the IImil dor-Moil In the place when the remaining in rises will be played in the provlncrs. fin rode from Toronto to llnlle- well and every Insertion. matter to be lutt to a hoard of directors, consi*tlng out. Pagelt now leads by 14, which makes II vllle, 116 miles, In It) hours. Lord llarrl*' Circular on the Lawi of of the presidents of the various club organizations almost Impossible for him io lose. The following iDVEIlTISKMENTS and letters of Correspon embraced In the Association. Tho board will meet Is a summary of the game. There seems to he a growing Inclination among dents, to Insure Inscrllon, should lie mailed so an Urloket. sometime before the 1st of Jan. to adopt n const! A.Piignlt u u II 7 s II 10 H 10 III u 7 III 0. Total sonic of the ncwerrlders to Introduce Into bicycling; toreach us by 0 r. M., Saturilay, aa thin paper TMl'* L(fe Hayn that Ih" Kitntlnh captain tullon, by-laws and championship fchcdule. The I'^fi: average- S 1U 14. curtain feminine adornments, snob as rows of rib rules of the American Association were adopted C. Hiirrowcloiigh n u 7 10 7 u u n u H 8 s 0 0. bon upon their handle bars, Ike., that are better f$*PBBSS EVERV SATURDAY KVEN1NCJ. han jiiHt addrunncd a circular to tho xccrii- with necessary changes to bo mudo hereafter. The Tolal-ll!;aver»ge 7 i:i-14, omitted tliiin copied. tarlcM of all tliu drnt-rlanH cmintlxH on th« Initiation fee was made flfli, ami the guarantee to Marrlnglon, surveyor, certifies that thu hlnyola- visiting clutis In chanqilonsliipgaiiM-M #6n, rain or track laid out by him Nov. 'i», at the New Knulanil ill I'lttcki, Draft*, Money Orden ant Htmlllancil subject of unfair or doubtful bowling and tho shine. Clubs from Voiingntown,New Brighton,New Two Hounds Between Hunday Ncliool M«n. Manufacturers and Mechanics' llulUllng. Iloston, wut tie made payable to the order of undue width of bats. ilin lordnhlp ankn If Cnslle, Franklin and Kast Liberty (Liberty Starsi NK.WAIIK, ()hlo, Doc.