TODAY AS ALWAYS U.S. Experts Doubt Nikita Quitting Soon
1f " i"W ) A'vsnga Dafly Not i ^ ^ Tka Wyfcy ^_____^ THURSDAY, AfRIL ‘Wti IMS roe Hie Week Kai jianrlr^at^r lEitimitts ll^raUt dqpHltS. U6S Flair and eooi taadgkt wHh Srari sauce, tossed salad, lYenoh bread 13,974 la ra ta l aaeHsaa.,Lasr S64H> SaH w •2^ School Menus and butter, mOk, pears. Reception Sunday t h r mesHy soaay "'aad a Httia it Town Wadnasday: Hamburg gravy, k ilfep MDd^ wannsr. High 66-66. maahed potato, buttwad greaa For New Pastor Moroc^kesfer— City • / ytOage Charm .......... Mild Aotton OM public aehool menus for the beans, bread and butter, ndUt iMidara will tev* a pottuck gelatin with topping. - week of April 38 through May 8 ■Rm Rev. Bdward. J. Reardon, ^ WaddaU S ch o o l wMli Thursday: Frankfurt on roll, po (EIGHTBBN PAGES) BIANCHESTER, CONN„ FRUIAY, APRIL 26, 1968 (Oaaattled AdvsriMag aa Fhge 1#) Northwaat Nelgliborbood. will be aa followa: paator oif S t Jamee’ Cburoh, will TOL. LXXXIL MO. 176 PRICE CBNYB tato ehlps^ buttered peas and car be gueet of honor l^unday at a ----- •" -*ea at • pjn. and aup- Monday for all schoola except rots, mUk, chocolate cake. ■ervad at 6:30. M ro, "Get Acquainted” tea and reoep- high aehool: Chicken vegetanla Friday: Baked f'lrii aticka, ______________ la ohalnnan o f tlia soup, peanut butter and Jelly Uon from 3:30 to 5:30 pm . at the «VMit. nioaa planning to attand. maahed potato, cabbage-pinei^Ie aehool auditorium. * ^ 0 Holy sandwich, vegetable atieks, milk, aalad, bread and butter, milk, Ice Name Society and Ladiee of S t Mariani Says > ara ramlndad to bring taMo aUvar mixed fruit State News •ad cup and aauear.
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