Games-based Learning in Computer within software engineering and, in Science, Software Engineering and particular, attempted to identify what Information Systems Education empirical evidence exists within this Thomas Hainey literature to support this approach.
[email protected] Connolly, Stansfield and Hainey (2009) School of Computing then examined the literature in 2008 to University of the West of Scotland produce an evaluation framework for GBL and discovered additional games. Abstract In this paper the definition of a game will be briefly discussed and a diagram Computer games have captured the will be presented to illiustrate the interest of educationalists as they play an relationship between games, simulations, important role in the leisure activities of and games-based learning. We then children and adults. A longitudinal provide a detailed description of seven study into game playing habits and games found in the two literature motivations at university level has searches and will briefly critique the shown that UWS students spend an associated empirical evidence. We will average of 7.6 hours a week playing conclude with a discussion on empirical computer games. Computer games are evidence in the field of GBL. considered to be highly engaging and incorporate extremely compelling 2. Defining a game features. There is however a dearth of empirical evidence supporting the Providing a universally accepted approach. In this paper seven relatively definition of ‘game’ is a difficult mature computer games are described to process. There is no consensus on what teach computer science, software a ‘game’ is in the academic literature as engineering and IS concepts.