UPPSALA UNIVERSITET Västergarn Boat Rivets in Context

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UPPSALA UNIVERSITET Västergarn Boat Rivets in Context UPPSALA UNIVERSITET Institutionen fö r arkeologi och antik historia Västergarn Boat Rivets in Context Case study : The Missing Boatyard Richard Koehler MA thesis 30 credits in Archaeology Spring term 2020 Supervisor: Christoph Kilger Campus Gotland 1 Abstract Koehler, Richard (2020). Västergarn Boat Rivets in Context, Case study: The Missing Boatyard Koehler, Richard (2020). Skeppsnitar och båtvarv i Västergarn. En kontextuell fallstudie Gotland has a rich material cultural heritage from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages thanks to the island's strategic location in the middle of the Baltic Sea; especially true for the Viking Age when Gotlanders had extensive trade contacts with the east dating from the mid 12th century and Gotland’s economy was dominated by such contacts. This essay deals with Gotland's maritime infrastructure and its development between about 1100 and 1400 based on a case study of boat rivets from the medieval settlement of Västergarn. The study focus is on Västergarn’s emergence as a maritime community on Gotland's west coast, and if Västergarn had the opportunity to decide its own economy, i.e., to control its’ external contacts and internal trade with the rest of Gotland? What role did maritime traffic play in Västergarn economy? Is it possible to draw conclusions about site maritime organization and infrastructure based on the extensive rivet material? What supply chains with the surrounding area may have existed that made such activity possible? What professional skills and knowledge were in place? In the analytical part of the dissertation a classification system for Västergarn's rivet material is established and discussed in comparison with other literature on boat building technology from the rest of Scandinavia, in particular the Baltic Sea area. Results of the study indicate the existence of a boatyard mainly for the repair of clinker-built vessels. Further conclusions about how shipping, especially after clinker-built vessels were replaced by cogs, affected Västergarn's economy and its’ further existence as a port, however, is not established. Gotland har ett rikt materiellt kulturarv från stenåldern till medeltiden tack vare öns strategiska läge i mitten av Östersjön. Särskild är detta tydlig för vikingatiden då gotlänningarna hade handelskontakter österut. Sedan mitten av 1100-talet dominerades den gotländska ekonomin av kontakterna med tyska handelsförbund vilket också får nedslag i de materiella källorna. Denna uppsats behandlar Gotlands maritima infrastruktur och dess utveckling mellan ca. 1100 och 1400 utifrån en fallstudie av båtnitar från den medeltida bosättningen Västergarn. Syftet är att studera framväxten av Västergarn som ett maritimt samhälle vid Gotlands västkust och hur Västergarn utvecklades som en hamn. Hade Västergarn möjlighet att bestämma 2 över sin egen ekonomi, dvs att kontrollera de externa kontakterna och interna handeln mot övriga Gotland? Vilken roll spelade skeppstrafiken och användningen av skepp för Västergarn´s ekonomi? Går det att dra slutsatser utifrån det omfattande nitmaterial om platsens maritima organisation och infrastruktur? Vilka försörjningskedjor med omlandet kan ha existerat som möjliggjorde en sådan verksamhet? Vilka professionella färdigheter och kunskaper fanns på plats? I avhandlingens analytiska del etableras och diskuteras ett klassifikationssystem för Västergarn´s nitmaterial och jämförs med annan litteratur om båtbyggningsteknik från övriga Skandinavien, i synnerhet Östersjöområdet. Resultat av studien tyder på existensen av ett båtvarv huvudsakligen för reparation av klinkbyggda skepp. Vidaregående slutsatser om hur sjöfarten särskild efter att klinkbyggda skepp ersattes av koggar påverkade Västergarns ekonomi och vidare existens som hamn går däremot inte att dra. Key words: marine craft, boatyard, WBS, supply-chain, Knärr, Cog, boat, ship, maritime community, interdisciplinary 3 Acknowledgments I am indebted to many people for their generous support with this thesis, but especially my supervisor Christoph Kilger with special thanks for his professional guidance and endless patience with my attempt to transition from an engineering/construction background to academic writing. It is truly a project in progress To Paul Wallin, his guidance and support with my special problem courses allowing me time and space to accomplish extra research on boat rivet artifacts. Thanks to academic colleague Dan Carlsson and excerpts from his book, Vikingatidens Västergarn, to my better understanding of the Kronholmen landscape and cog wreckage there. Also to Johan Rönnby for his paper, ”Kuggmaren 1: The first cog find in the Stockholm archipelago”, offering me great insight on cog construction and thoughts on profiling cog reality at Västergarn. Rube Edberg’s, The Wrecks under our Feet, is a truly inspirational document with clear landscape connection to Västergarn, and it is with my sincere appreciation for his generous gift, one well absorbed. To Erika Sandström and her 2016 summer class on Medieval Rural and Urban Gotland, the foundations material still very much in use. The Vikingeskibsmuseet in Denmark for generous material backing on the Gokstad boat, with special thanks to Tríona Sørensen and Allan Kristoffersen for personal support and interest. With cross-Baltic appreciation to Edvards Puciriuss in Estonia for his open-access sharing details of the Haapsalu boat design and creation. My colleague, Anton Uvelius, and our lab discussions on artifact analysis during dark December days and nights. But mostly and primarily it is with deep thanks to my wife, Inga-Märit, without whose love and total support this thesis would have never materialized. Dedicated to Inga-Märit 4 Content 1. Introduction 1.1. Introduction and Research Overview …………………………7 1.2. Research Aim……………………. …………………..………......8 1.3 Research Questions…………...……………………………….....9 1.4 Research Method and Theory….……………………… ……….10 1.5 Source Material and Criticism…... …………………………….11 1.6 Terminology……………………………..…………………………12 1.7 Thesis Layout…………………………………………. …………..13 1.8 Gotland and Västergarn………………………………………….13 2. Ships, Boats and Vessel Services 2.1 Västergarn’s Maritime Landscape ……………… ….………..16 2.1.2 Introduction and Overview……………………………..……..16 2.1.3 The Knärr Classification…………………..…….……… ..… 17 2.1.4 Gokstad Small Boat Classification……………………..……20 2.1.5 The Haapsalu Boat…..…………………………………………21 2.1.6 The Cog……………………………………………………23 2.1.7 The Boatyards…………………….……………………….…… 25 2.1.8 WBS…………..………………………………………………..…25 2.1.9 Adjacent Shipyards……………………………………….…….27 2.3 Chapter Summary…………………………………………………32 3. Maritime Artefact Classification…………………….….33 3.1 Iron Boat Rivets in Context………………..………………….…33 3.2 Rivet and Rove Design……………………………………………34 5 . 3.3 Tracking Mass Material……………………………………………37 3.3.1 Iron Artefacts - Classification Across Context…..……………37 3.3.2 Deformed and Incomplete Rivet Profiles…..………………… 37 3.4 Cross-Sectional Shaft Profiles…………………………………….39 3.6 The Classification Dilemma…………………………………….....42 3.8 Discussion of Source Material……………………………….…....45 3.9 Artefact Inventory & Distribution……………………………..….46 3.10 Chapter Summary………………………….………………...48 4.0 Landing Places and Harbours……………………………49 4.1 Landscape Overview…………………….………………………….49 4.1.2 Västergarn as Special Economic Zone……………………..….50 4.2 Discussion: Landing Place and Harbour………………… …….51 4.2.1 Landing Place.…………………………………………….…..…..52 4.2.2 Harbour……………………………………………………….……53 4.3 Chapter Summary………………………………………………..….55 5.0 Summary and Conclusions………………………..….…57 6.0 Discussion and Recommendations……………………..….59 Bibliography…………………………………………………..……..…62 Appendix A Västergarn Artefacts……………………………. ……69 Appendix B Scandinavian Cargo Boats…………………… ……...70 Appendix C Rivet Inventory A………………………….……… ……..71 Appendix D Rivet Inventory B.…………………………… ….……..72 Appendix E WBS…………………………….……………. …….73 Appendix F Small Boat Specifications……………………… .…74 Appendix G Shoreline Elevation Chart……………………… ….…75 Appendix H Peace Zone & Boat Building..…….…………….. ..….76 6 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction and Research Overview The mixed Scandinavian economies over the Viking and Middle Ages were greatly sustained by seaborne trade, as was true for the economy of Gotland over this time period. The realisation of this external trading and exchange process was thoroughly dependent on a very defined, if informal, supporting logistical system of ports, harbours and landing sites; an array of maritime facilities that were often more of a concept in principle than functional reality. Evidence supporting a Gotland maritime network is mixed. While there is ample archeological evidence of trade goods as exports and imports in an exchange process around the Baltic Sea area and eastward into Russia, consensus is lacking on Gotlandic trade zone composition or of boat building facilities that supplied the marine craft. The perhaps unintentional result of such generalization is that trade, as a subject, is thought of purely in terms as a “physical product exchange” process that largely took place in a vacuum with minimal outward or inward influence on natural and human environments. To illustrate further, the terms “trade” and/or “trading” in a Viking Age context are frequently characterized in popular literature by a seemingly singular focus on the physical objects of trade such as hack-silver, foreign coins and jewellery, to name a few common examples, while allowing little attention to the process of trade beyond the trade goods. Important collateral effects of trade modus
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