'•<»>»' - ’ ' .

a ' « tUmJROAY,-FEBRUARY 18, 1961 Average Daily Net Frees Ron The Westher For toe W edt Ended Foraeast ef V. S. Waatoev 1 dlmubratfr Ettttting Ifmilb Deo.lLlieo Olonto, eori tealgM. Law la tie teens. Tuesday elaady, n RockviUe^Vernon^ Traders Her^ 13,314 oping la afternoon or ova About Town Heard Along M a in Street Maniber ef toe Audit ■Ibly beginning M>aaaiir V ■ > With Bargains Buraaa of drealatlon Manche»ter-^A Cky Charm A jbm urn MiMiH AmdoHSoma o f Mmneho$toi^a Sido StrmoU, Too Ice Capades ..... - • ‘ -I -r -r i b m oC tlM AJMilonB^Iitblai AubUm t win tak* pl>c« tonlcht Don’t TeU Dr. Spoek < >up school days was brought into For Giant Sale VOL. LXXX, NO. 119 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCH^TER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1961 (Otoaatftod Advertlring on Page 10) PRICE FIVEd i m at • at the ttaflan Home .on L«on> Neoaosity is the mother of in- & budget mscusBiaa. Startol%ate erd St. The ceremony will be pre- vention, according to an old adage. Tile superintendent of schools fOerttoata trass FHo 0*s) eadad Iqr o potlw* Bt •:«>. Mothers can he InvenUve oreatares had been answering eaa rapld- InRecShowl too. flre question after anoBier on iHsasiaa advonuiaa with aaiy a X SOotar flas waa presented by Oh* wUe of • MamdMster doctor budget matters and when thia 1 mark of injuiT to ua or oiur pro-, ICra OKlore White, patriotle la- recently made green bean bags in question was asked hs sttamptad Estoao, an tatoiprstivo bkatar.| eloua cargo."no," n# ■tmetor of the VTW AtixlUaTy, to the a h m cC atrog, and gave one of to'hold it tor snothar time by say­ fom otly with the leo Oapadi Our muakota rang out with do* Brownie Troop 1* of TalcotteUle the stuffed toys to her husband’s ing, *Tou will havt to give ms h : flaaeo -during tlM 34 hour Jounuy. Tbiinday afternoon. Anna Marie wUl ho the toatuMd pottonnor. office eecretaiy for her two-year- .min dwek on that question and an loo riiow sdisduied to be hold | j to pwtoot toeoo meriAaiidiso jm l- Six Lumumba Aides Hale accepted the flas for old son. ^ ^ . ru hava it put on the agenda to^ ueo for odr towna’e folk, said Fred txtMp. and flas etiquette booWeU Much to the MObarrassment of Oiir next r^nilar board meettog.” at Heniy Paric Sunday a t 3 p.m. Naariff, driver of the stageeoai^ warn diatrihnM. the Burae.AW— her little hoy---- amaa-n—s» ter- MM The chairman of the board re­ CurroBUy a protoSaloaai inatzue- A Herald rmortar aoddentty rifled of the frog and wouldn’t go plied, T m eorry but this board tor at the Springfield OoUaeum.l came acroas a Uat of wWta ele­ Miaa Karen Gustafson of Green* anyarhara near It. can't posribty giva you a rain phant Items that bad dropped from wish, conn., has been named to 'The doclor'a wffa who mada the Estelle will present some of her| check on that question; In this Students in skating performances. the oouh. the dean's Ust a t aanmons College gift Itam la chuckling about tha in­ kind of weather we’U have to give S im r^ts for one dollar; eight in Boston where ahe-*ls a sopho­ genious Use to which the nurse has you a snow check.** Also featurad in the womram.l cent automobiles; braided rugs for more. She U the daus»ter of the put tha unwelccmie preaw t which is sponsored by the Roekvtna 23 cento; teniiia racqueU -for OT late CHlfoid A. Gustafson of Green- Tha nurse ffnda the frog- a use­ Handy Batemnto Recreation Commission, are Don cents; gtrla* nylons two for |1; wldi. and the niece of Mrs. John ful deterrent to her todmer’s in­ Long before the day of ice boKeo, Brennan, of 107 Prospect St., and Cashmera coats for 383. Ratrinson, Harry Gustafson and clination to get into thlnga and help refrigeimtors and freeaers, coon Ruth Arendt, former Lake Placid Wagons and men of tha mar* Paul Guatafscm. all of Manchester. himaeU. She has stored the frog dance champton, who are now tryfolk uaed to depend on nature momben of the Skating C3ub of chant army era caniptog at Cen-- in the refrigerator with the result to keep dairy , products and meat ter Spring OTalley Eorge) Park (X>P Offers ‘Positive Alternative’ Robert Matt director of iwb- t ^ youngster doesn’t open It any Bolton. Mrs. Arendt Inatiucts at| more. Another time, she propped chilled in the aprlnghouee. the Bolton club. prior to their march Into tha Executions Ucity tor Colts Manufacturins Co., John F. Devanney, owner of PragnSs RaMrtt . .An'almost oompletod exterior of the future Stop * Shop aapermazltet portloa of Towns’s center cn Tuesday- ^pfll apeak to members of the Man­ the tng in a doorway so she could Another professional, Carol the n^ahopptog center to bo Imtod at oomer of Broad S t and Vf. T^ka is abo^ hm work unmcUested in the kitchen. H^Mand Park Market, recently O’Hara, wUl perform. She and The Chamber's Mereiiaat trad­ chester avltan anb when they resorted to rature, too. When the Jarvis ers win host their -families to­ meet Tuesday noon at WiUle'a The latest repository of the frog- Brennan are scheduled to do a | An Kennedy Seeks $5,7 Billion unit in A ftbaen food storage morrow afternobn at the "Valley, Build Now gle U the bread box. The young­ duet. Stop Steak House. He will talk about ster hasn’t scattersd crumbs in counter went on the frits, he jiM The ice show, to be held Weather Form” log cabin with an "Old the "C»lt<5” and will have a dis­ knocked loose giant Icicles from permitting, will be the first one tn New Bnidand” Weenie Itoast play of flreanns. weeks. B-R-R-RAVE, HUH? day by Miss Basel L. Andenon, and trucking prior to his joining tween ttw houn of 8 and 6. all around tha cavea of the build­ more than 10 yean. Thera will be | Thoao hardy aoula, Maine winter UN C r isis Boperler Servlos ing and packed them around the local office manager, who said that the Aircraft as a machinist Hs For Aid to Education Plans no admission chaige. fishermen, havo Inaugurated what The Bast Hartford Art League Aside from haring a soggy frosen food packages. Mrs. Hhllenbeek wiH also coottous la a mining mariOine opantor in I ___ _ will meet at Sunset Ridge Club­ n. **"**??.,?? ****** .... may go into the records as the to bs In charge of prafeeslacial and package of garbage sitting on the Bunny .^»A>wued ftj* iciest quest tor aatanon and trout in By O. K. HODENFIELD ^Chairman John M. Bailey in a«> House Speaker Sam Rayburn, United Nations, N.Y., Feb. house Thursday at 8 p.m. to see a dnainboard for a period of 34 or Tlmy Talk About Women teacher placement reride at 35 Wastpood St WATTS Aimounce San Francisco rally speech that D-Tex., haa made it clear he 20 (IP) — Secretary-general danonatraUon by Frank K. Wal­ torow e ^ ^ ^ la a p p r a i^ MooariMSf Lake, aaya the New Mra. Hallenheck. vriio has beoi have two dauiditen. (AP Ednestioa Writer) 38 hours, there la nothing so an­ A woman in a Manchester busi­ NortheaM England CoOncU in Boston, the Republican position will be doesn't favor federal contributions Dag Hammarskjold an­ lace on printmaking from wood noying as having a garbage can ness office this week complained with the office since 1868, is a Cknmnittee Head* Washington, Feb, 20 (JP)— one of "bitter and grudging” op­ to teachers’ salaries. Kennedy blocks. to A village of some 50 fiah huto nmduate of Croaby High School in BHQB DmiNBNDS nounced in the U.N. Security ' jammed to the top with btmdles to her male superior (they really Vaterbuty and attendM SUdmora President Kennedy today pro­ position. himself haa opposed in the past from the previoua week. are, you know) that an o ^ r had to *”* **** ** Moosehead before Sun Ufe Assurance Co, of Cana-1 Manchester Watea wUl meet Congrressional RepubUcans look aid to parochial schools. Senate Council today that six asso­ The Service Bureau for Wom­ h*** ■*“ <»» ffot under way. Three CMlege. posed a $5.7 billion aid-to-edu- Unless it’s calling the garbage not been tiled and she had no way conjuBcUon with thp Sport Oen ^ blanketing 33 Inches To fU sn interviewer vacancy da wUl increase dividends to policy-1 Hieeday evening *L toe Ita lto cation program designed to on aid to education as an issue Democrats have been squabbling ciates of the slain Congo lead­ en’s Organisations will hold its ooUector long distance and having of checking the date of the order. ter. holdera in 1961 for toe 13to con-1 American Club on BjdrMge S t that will test the ability of their er Patrice Lumumba had been •eoohd meeting of its education of ice with travel on the lake re­ left by Mrs. RaUenbeck. Robert A. set “a new standard of excel­ over the formula for distributing a cUckety in your ear and then: "Well, let’a see, "the b m rumi­ M o ^ s of ]ast year’s college Charron of Baltic has been trans­ ■ecutive year, Charlie J. Vanlwrightog wiU be from 7 to I. Informal coalition with Conserva­ federal funds to the states. executed in secessionist KasAl aeries Thursday from 10:15 a.m. "Newington and Mancheeter nated. "That order came in the day tourntoent games are to be stricted to gas-powered snowmo­ Deueen,^ dlatrict snpervleor e< Men-1 New committee chairmen for lence in education” available tive Southern Democrats to cut to 8:15 pm. at CenOnel HIU Hall biles and snowshoes. ferred from the WlUlm.antlc dffioe Dirksen is offering for the Re­ Province. customers of the ssnitatlwi divi­ after the night Sarah and I went to shown. to Manchester.. cbestorcfflce, announced tola week, the year are: Mrs. George Whidt- to all who are willing and the sire and scope of Kennedy’s publicans a 4-year, 31 billion ed­ Hammarskjold’s deolaration in Hartford. Dr. John H. Neimeyer, sion of ConnecUcut Carting Co.— the third concert at UConn.. . . or Manchester’s winter fisherman Van Deuaen, after attending toe (ejdt, 'waye and means; Mra. Stole domestic programs. president of Bank Street CoUege Charron, a graduate of Windham able to pursue it.” ucation proposal. Federal assist­ touched off a storm of protests, at the sound of the tone, leave your waa it the second concert? The con­ games scheduled to be held at thelfuch as *’'*** i**w,***' Blgfa Schoifi, joined the conqiany*B annual meeting in Mon- Mtolcuoci. rules. and regulatians; In a special message to Con­ Outnumbbered roughly 2-1 by ance, to’be matched by the states, and the 11-natlon body adjourned of EducsUon. and Mrs. Betty Tlp- name and telephone number. We certs are on Monday night, so try school this afternoon have been tewted to taiow that one f la ^ treal, Feb. 14, arid that about »41,- Bedford and Mrs, John tnn professor of education at Wil- State Employment Service to 1988. gress, the Preaident called for: Democrats In Congress, the Re­ would be limited to classroom con­ to permit consultations among; toe wlU caU you ...” the date for the last Tuesday In postponed. moved a seven by ten foot From 1960 through 1982 he was * P b v d a ^ Wright recordera: Mrs. 1— 3-year program of out­publicans know they are likely to struction. limantle State College, will discuss January or the first Tuesday in Levitt tours the country for house onto the lake, complete with shocked delegates. sergeant serving with the U.S. Ma­ ta 1981^—38.00tf,000 more Uiiwodora Zimmer, official waigh- right grants to the states for use have only minor Influence on the Avoiding complicated formulas, Hie Soviet Union quickly blamed teacher training. More IWrty, Lam Work February.” the Converse Rubber Co. He holds bunks, cook stove, gas Il^ ts , cook- rine C oi^. tlian In 1980. | Robert SotUe,' publicity; in building classrooms and/or final form of such legislation as the Dirksen measure would pro­ When the woman replied that s record of 499 consecutive free tag utensils bedding and a week’s the Secietary-general for toe near A publicity chairman of a Man­ „ , Mrs. Peter Sadloekl, refreeh- raising teachers' salaries. It would that to extend the payment of un­ vide for matching of funds on the political killings. H ^ a m M. BroneiU, son of Mr. chester women’s club called The this waa a lesa than desirable filing throws. I supply of food. nWA WINS 880 BRIEFS I njwite. provide an average of 319.75 for and Mrs. WnUam B. BroneiU of 35 employment insurance benefits ratio of the number of children The adjournment was propceed Herald the other day to have a aystom, the boas reminded her that Name Is Chaagsd Richard F. McKeon of 94 George Ralmer of East Hart- Also, Mrs. Charles Yurkahot end each child in average daily at­ and to increase the 31 an hour under the age of 14 in each state Ariiland St., has been named to the meeting noUce Inserted in the most 'women are known / Hie RockvUle T^ui^ DMnocrats TRANSFERS tendance in public elementary and by Liberian Delegate George Pod- dean’s Ust st the University of Wedgewood Dr., administrative ford has joined toe Berrowa end I icre. Charles MoUer, eunridne; minimum wage. bears to the number of children of more and backed by chief U. & About Town” column. everything with . . tbal are now the RoekvUle-Vernon Wendell H. Cheney, a Man­ fiscal management officer In the WaUace Real Eatato Firm of West Mias Margaret LeBnc, secret pal; secondary schools the first year, But the school aid bill may be that age in the natidn. Connectleut A 1958 graduate of She strwmed the fact that the have been aftor my aecond Toung Democrats. Hie dedaion { cheeter native now reaidtog at .460 increasing to an average of 324.22 Deteg;ate Adlai E. Stevenson. A Manchester High School, he Is a State Welfare Department, was Hartfmxl.and wUl handle reriden- Ufr,. cari Thomaa historian; Mn. different story because Dem­ Kennedy said he will ask Con­ meeUng of Aslsii-African nationa business session of the meeting .nancy . . . or was it during the was made to a meettog. this week. Mato St., Shrewsbury, Maas., has awarded 350 for a suggesUmi on tiri sales in Manchester, RockvUle, xUen Parris, chaiUrin; Mrs. Floyd the third year. Total cost: 32.3 siqdiomare majoring in llnancs. first?" The club Is backing the consoUda-1 been named to the position of ocrat's can't agree among them­ gress at a later date to amend and was called to consider possible ac­ would be very brief. improvement of State servicea this Vernon, South Windsor, East Hart- Boy and Mrs. Lebero Fracchia, billion. selves how far to go ta this tion. It would have to be, we agreed, A Non. tion drive to town. grinding wheel field spectolist by week. f ^ a ^ other towns east of toe Uostoases; and Mra. Grover Mltch- 2— A 5-yeau- program of college after hearing her explain that the Dr. Potter to Speak Norton Co. of Worceeter. scholarships, averaging 3?00 each field. (Continued on Page Seven) RAJE8HWAB DAYAL Hammarskjold said hs had re­ Hie award, presented at the ConnecUcut River. , - ell, photography, white riephants you’re tplktag about?” Mary Jane Tedford, 6, of 25 Put­ ceived confirmation of toe eley- theme erf the social after the busi­ Dr. Rockwell Hannon Potter,! IBs new position win take him State Office BuUdtog to Hartford, John P. Vffet, executive vice "Now just where are the with an additional 3350 to ooUeges ness session would be the club’s, dean emeritus, of Hartford Semi­ to the District Offlee of Norton was for an idea providing savings nam S t, asks Creighton Shoor, merchant trader, while i^ le U e Blagg, 8. of 112 P l ^ St, dtoplays and universities for each scholar­ inge from his special raprasento* anniversary and the February holi­ nary, and a prominent Congrega­ to Teterboro, N.J. ]>rarident of the Manchester en interested grin. Scene was during Chamber of Commerce's retailers "weenie roast” Sunday ship winner enrolled. There would tlve in The Congo, Indian diplomat BO Y SCOUT and more effective utilisation of Chamber of Omnmerce, arid per­ at Center S p ri^ (VaUey Forge) Park during a luU in retailers battle with rival (Hessian) compet- ourt Bars Review Rajeshwar Dayal, who preriouily days. tional churchman to the State, A graduate of Bryant College, available funds by procedural sons who suffer from artoritto and be 25,000 scholarships the first WE HAVE DAILY Just linecrin’s birthday, St Val­ will' speak at the - third annual I Cheney joined Norton to 1951 to Itora. (Hen^d photo by Pinto). 'year, 37,500 the second, and 50,000 had reported feats for the eafaty Notes and News changes to the State Welfare De­ other ailments shoiild not expect to I ..... I——...... 7 III I ^ ' ■ Bank Fraud Figure entine’s Day, Washington’s birth­ men’s Communion breakfast at public raiationa and was manag­ thereafter. Total coat: 3577.5 mil­ 3f School Bus Law of the pro-Lumumba group. partment’s Aid to Dependent Chil­ obtain any reUef through adding SAVE ON lion. OOlVEtYTOTHE day, and the group’s anniversary Union Congregational Church ing editor of '*1116 Niwton Spirit,” dren Program. sea water to their diets. Several The slain men were among seven celebration "rolled into one,” the On Feb. 10 IVoop 37, spon­ Sunday at 7 ajn. employe publication. In 1968, he firms around toe country have ad­ Furloughed—Without Pay 8—Continuation of the 10-year- Washington, Feb. 20 (J*) — The transferred earlier this month to chairman said. sored by S t Mary's Bldsoapal His topic will be "The Bust was transferred to sales and later PAW 25-YEAB BIEN vertised sea water as being bene- RCA VICTOR Traders Save old program of long-term, low-in­ Siqireme Court today refused to Kasai Province by Congo Preaidsnt Church, held its annual family ness of the Church.” The service served as supervisor of recruiting terest loans to coUeges and univer­ review a decision upholding a Con­ Held in Stock Probe Joseph Kasavubu. Lumumba him­ BOLTON Eight Manchester men have be­ ficri to penons suffering from sities for dormitory construction, self was slain after being trans­ IneuSkieat FUwdsf banquet In Neil Hall at the Ohurch. and breakfast is open to all men prior to taking a sales training artbriUs, cancer, diabetes and other necticut law that permits towns to At a recent budget workshop come members of Pratt A Whitney Bargain Items at a rate of 3250 mlUlon a year for ferred to Katanga Promco by Mrs. Dorothy Brown headed the of the church. The breakfast will oourse last fall. Aircraft’s Quarter Century Club.. conditions. Wlet said that, accord-- TV or RADIO spend public funds on transporta­ Sioux City, Iowa, Feb. 20 (JP>—» u . S. Commissioner W. M. Fork- meeting of the Manchester Board food committee, whidi Induded be served by members of the Cheney la ths son of Mr. and 60,000 to Be Idled five years. Total cost: 31.3 bil­ tion of parochial school pupils. Kasavubu. Carl McAlUster joined PAWA to tag to toe National Bettor Business PifeM As Low lion. Harold E. Klstner Jr., 35, depo.sed er dismissed the charge on Jan. 25 AREA of Kdueatlon the questim of make Mrs. Edna Christensen, Mrs. Women’s Guild. Mrs. Neal A. Cheney of 89 Brook­ Bureau, such claims are unsup­ The. decision, waa given by the after a preliminary hearing on Hammarskjold protested vig­ field S t 1936 as a milltog machine operator. For Giant Sale 4—Establishment of a similar Connecticut Supreme Court of. Er­ president of the Northern Bi- orously against toe latest slay* Eunice Bernard, Mrs. Muriel Today he is general foreman of ported. SsrvkoH i^t lottor loan program for the construction grovmds of insufficient evidence. Auden, Mrs. Julie Andeiaon, Mrs. Vernon and Taleottvllle Bam Is I Married to the former Eltaa- rors. It was appealed'to the High ochemloal Corp. of Sheldon, and That charge was the outgrowth Inge, He eeid the action wee "fau- Area four. 'A Barre, Vt., native, Hie State of Connecticut, its of coUege classrooms, Ubraries, Tribimal by members of a group mUiottag and corroding to the D orot^ Hust and Mrs. Emily handled fay Ib e Herald’a Book- beth Brawn Teasdale, daughter of McAllister lives with his wife, agencies, ciUea and towns fioated By Airlines Strike A hand of Heerieas—rival oom- laboratories and other academic two employes of the company of the embezzlement Which closed known as Citizens for toe Con­ United Nationa.” LENOX for Flowers XMck. vUIe Bnreaa. 6 West Main g t, tele- Mr. and Mra. William Teasdale of Marion, and their two chUdren At 33,350,000 worth of long-term bond Potterton's petltera —who escaped from Old faculties, at the rate of 3300 mil were arrested by federal authori­ the Sheldon bank. Mrs. Buttilce' - William Hunt was toastmaster. phone TReiAoBt 5-8188. Woodland S t, the couple have two ISO center. BA, Cor. Clniteil necticut Constitution. ties today. Geiger, 58, former cashier at the The Becretory-generel gave no For AU Oeeaakma. Iffs 148 Campfield Rd. issues during January 1981 to fl- Newgate rason, attacked the lion a year for five years. Total The Supreme Court said toe PHARMACY Be introduced Don Warner, dis­ ' children. Charles (Thsdbum, a native of nsnoe various pubUc projscts, it to New York, Feb. 20 (/H — Alr^direcUy Involved ta too walkout cost: 91-S biUioiu Kistner, Robert Smith and Ml' bank, was sentenced to 15 years details, hut said on olds of Al­ trict field scout executive, who Barton, Vt, joined the Aircraft as Merchant Traders of the Conti­ case involved no substantial fed- chael Biderman were named in an in prison last Friday after pleading bert Kalonji, prealdaHt e( ^ Gdba's AWARD WINNER reported by The Weekly Bmd lines c « i|h t in too widest wUdeast apt of work—-witoKWt,i^.->.__ nental Amy' at toeta 'C-e-KteX/ -JY821. Rd.; Holly Matthews, Coventry; sent a tedriUcal paper "Dqalgn of Open All Day gor frills. I believe its simplicity The agent said that on the night Bulletins THE SALVATION ARMY badge to Ebul Christensen and Leonard Sandstrom, 87 Concora Alrcrafters imder the monthly Springs native and former news­ Experiments" during the 48to. an- hing a layoff of from 6,000 to 7,000 Ight have toe eventual A truce is ’ expected to c< and its austerity commend it." company. Smith waa a stock salee- Safety merit badge, to --William suggestion awards program. paperman for nine years. Is a pipe­ employes as a result of the walk­ iping out their union, soon, abcordtag to a Conttaei man. of Jan. 18, when Mrs. Geiger was Rd.; Mies Anne Moore, Talcott- nual meeting of toe Techniel Dirksm said he is offering toe Fire Damages arrested, she handed him some of from the AP Wires Auden. viUe; Mrs. Dorothy Vrey, 42 Lton- fitter in the test area at the East soda tion of toe Pulp and Paper SUNDAY out. This includes half the lines’ spent two days in New merchant spokesman. measure as port of a-^.campaign Attorney Frank Margolin of The Wolf patrol 'w as congrat­ SPECIAL AGENT Hartford plant Jim and hla wife, 7.000 workers in Miami. negotiating by tele- "We can’t hold these valued Sioux City said Mrs. Klstner the checks written by Klstner and more Dr.; Mary Krause, 78 West Industry Feb. 20-23 at toe Hotel Pan American Worid Airways. for the RepubUcans* to come up Truck’s Cargo his wife. ulated by Clinton Hendrickson, St.; Barbara Taylor, 871 Center Gilbert F. Saas has lieen Clara, Uve At 404 N. Mato S t The Commodore tn New York City. with a "poritive alternative” to all called him today and said Deputy JOHNSON'S PLANE ORASHEB SUNDAY SCHOOL scoutmaster, for winning the ap- couple have two chUdren. Trans! World Airlines, 'National (Continued on '^ g e ^ o ) (Continued on nige Twelve) U.S. Marshal Robert Daly had ar­ Informed sources here said that S t; Jeffrsy and Maiy O'Coln, 91 pointed special agent for the Pru- AlrUnes and American Airlines said of Kennedy’s proposals rather Austin, Tex,, Feb. 30 (JR —• Flrat-Ald-O-Ree and the senior Louis J. Tack, a former weaver, than merely opposing everything Union, Feb. 20 W —- A tire rested her husband. He was be­ two other persons were named in "Reaching andTeaehing for ChrUt" Prospect S t, Rockville; Louis Ljgntlal Iiuurance'Co. In the Man- joined PAWA with the engine they would begin furloughing a to- of a tractor-trailer truck on the the indictment with Kistner. Their Vice Preiildent Lyndon B. JMm- crew was thanked for their first Pag^oU, Birch M t Rd^Mrs. Jose-1 chester-Vemon area, the Democratic Prraident sug­ ing: taken to Sioux City from his son’s luxurious prhwto plane Visit A BIHe-Geatered Oiaaa This Week aid instructions to the troop. packing department and today is ^ l of close to 60,000 If the strike Wilbur Cross Highway burst into Sheldon home. arrests were expected momen­ Ohrlstlaa PMIowalilp Awaltbig Tm phtoe Longworthy,- WllltaMuitlc; announcement made this 4MA1 N IW run oil wasn't ended today. gests. was found smsshed tod» in a DIaeover Hie Warmth Of The Eagle patrol was ciM by Donna Loverto, 7 Allan D r^V er- ^ ^ j j lo^j, Ouidobono, dtvlrion to assembly. He and his srlfe, Csth' ATLANTIC From 4 to 13 Weeks This is in Une with the assertion flames today and damaged about Kistner, dismissed as Northern tarily. Ml MAIN STREET erine, Uve at 25 Knox St ^ OlVliOPMINTf The layoffs would affect about half the cargo ta the trailer. State president Ust month, was accused The grand jury recessed last postnre near his ranch wito the •:S8 AJM. the Sooutmaater for its -winter nra; *^vl^Hartwen. 98 ^ u ^ ^f the Prudential branch FURNACE OIL 30.000 employes at Trans World, of GOP National Chairman Thurs­ pilot and oo-pilot dead. Hiey- tent campout. Winter Woodsman Frank J. Oburski, a native of Aetomotte Delivery ton B. Morton on a New York Police said. in January of aiding and abetting Friday after returning one secret rV- *" Manchester. sUted that the same number at American, The driver, Herbert Baker, 84, a 32 million embezzlement at the indictment. It is to be reconvened were the. only ones nhoord ths- . >tos were then presented to Henry Schenectady, N. Y.,, waa a formeb LT.YVOOD CO. about 15,000 at Pan Aiherican and television program with Sen. Ken- qroft which vsnlshed last n l^t , i*eck, Gary Heard and Lewis Ban­ meat packer befora joining the 10,000 .Jobless in State neth B. Keating, R-N.Y., yester­ of 119 W. 137th St., New York Sheldon National Bank. April 14. on n 85-mlle flight from Austin m S i n ^ S ” m accident Aircraft aa a machine operator. PlMNie i n t>1129 about 8,500 at NationaL City, escaped injury. The truck Is ning. Western Airlines, toe sixth ma-: day that his party is going to have to the Johnson ranch. Johnson, Tha Troop has bad two oold- Hartford; Terrance Reaviel, 65 T O ^ he is third shift foreman of •more or less mlddle-of-the owned by the J. A. Garvey. Trans­ himself, was at his roach home Ckinway Rd.; David Norton, Broad ■eml-pfoductlon and Uves at 68 jor carrier hit- by ths walkout, portation Co., Dorchester, Mass. wsaUier campouts, one a t Otis Brook; Mrs. Sandra Bayhton, feh^h S ^ is a foimer owner of adopted a wait-and-see attitude on road” substitute for all of Ken­ near Johnsoi. City and eondneted reservoir, near Lee, Maas., to Oc­ Campfield Rd. with his ('sUfe, Re­ Baker told Statc-Po'Rce he stop­ Would End Welfare Departments an all-night search for toe miss­ East Hartford: Mrs. Caroltoe 1 an egg bustaess hew. gina, and three chUdren. ' the furloughs. Get Extra Compensation I;nedy’s proposals. tober, and one at Camp Johnson, The furlough would have the Ihis contrasted with the pre­ ped at a service statign. because ing Convair 40. The two-engiao PRESCRIPTIONS Bolton, to January. Over 60 per Krieski, 96 Starkweather St.; An-1 Marrteff to the former M aril^ Andrew Donae was born in he thought one of the trailer tires craft crashed in rugged hOl thony Kubaaek, 184 Oakland s€; Jones of ^ toira. the raum ^ve Courlx, Swltxerland, and came to effect of throwing thousands not diction of Democratic National cent of the scouts participated at By TOE a s s o c ia t e d PRESS ^statement by Lt. Oov. Anthony had gone flat. As the truck halt­ country during pea-soup weather. Mrs. JuUa Schwarty, Hebron^ three chUdren, Steven 13. Edward the United States at an early age. ed, he said, a right rear tire began both of these outings, gaining ADMITTED TODAY: Mm. Elea- H . and Laura 9. They live at 580 Some 10,000 joblese Connecticut Amentano of Hartford, Senate Social Worker Says State TEL skills and having fun. Another He Joined to PAWA aa a patotor CENTER workers will become eUgiblO for Majority Leader Louis I. Glad­ burning and flames spread to the CARACAS REVOLT CBUMDEO outing is planned for the weekend nor Crockett. 4 West St I Vernon S t to the preservation sectloa of the extra tmemployment compenaation trailer. BIRTHS YESTERDAY; A ^ , producing machine shop and waa Laos King Cuts stone of Bridgeport, and House News Tidbits Caracas, Venezuela, Feh. 20 for Feb. 24-28 at Camp Johnson, to Mr. and Mrs. Altonse Miller, . GETS PROMOTION benefits imder an order by Gov. Minority Leader William T. Shea{ State Police said Baker was (J>—A peonut-slzqd mlHtuy up­ M l 9-9814 for all first claaa scouts and high­ promoted to foreman there to MOTOR SALES John N. Denipsoy- of Meriden. hauling general freight. They gave rising was crashed today 108 Grand Ave., RockvUle; a son Mrs. Marilyn D. HaUenbeck 1940. He and hla wife Uve at 18 CuUed from AP Wires Could Run Town Relief er, the younger boys spending the to- Mr. and Mrs. Myron Schaffer, Baker Rd., Vernon, has been pro- 834 CENTER STREET Alignment for The workers will be eligible for / "Unemployment is a high pri-| no estimate of the financial loss. the national guard eirfond who day at camp for hiking and ad- 19 Nike Circle; a daughter to Mr. moted to supervising interviewer in Dudley S t The couple have one additional joblesa pay for four to ority matter with Democratic leg- led it was captured, the gov­ vancement work. and Mrs. Howard Gorman, 231 the Manchester^ cffice of the Cm- married daughter and one son in 13 weeks, if they have exhausted Isiatora," they said. "One out of India’s Prime Minister Nehru Hartford, Feb. 20 (/P)—The statetran8ferred to categorical aasist- ernment announced. No oasnnl- their present benefits. Stamp of Greatness PINE PHARMACY Bank S t: a son to Mr. and Mra. necticut State Employment Service coUege. Bounds Regime every 16 Connecticut workers is I tells Parliament he has received Beverly Hills, Ciallf., Feb.^ .20 could take over the entire coat ance programs and (2) the state ties were reported. The |dettara M i CENTER STREET—CORNER OF ADAMS at 808 Mato St. John ^ Krompegal has had careers Dempsey, acting under a 1959 now. without a job.” reports that bad epidemic Is and, administration of general as­ picked up its share of federal were foiled In an attempt to Armando Darna, 104 Walnut St. ... repair’-- state Igiw, declared Saturday that VP}—Democratic National Chair­ DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: The announcement wa# made to- ta textiles, automopUe Vientiane, Laos, Feh.- 20 (A1 — They said "we must do whatever I raging in many parts of Tibet man John M. Bailey of Connecti­ sistance (town relief) welfare pro­ matching funds under the kell- seize the capital’s military acad­ substantia unemployment exists ta possibly can be done to provide] Four members of Prime Min­ Mills amendment to the Social Se­ emy. But four of them ancceed- Public Records Mra. BomUgaU Farris, Hebron; \ King Savang Vathana haa pro- the state. cut says of President John F. Keri- gram without raising taxes. Mra. Ethel James, Eiwt Hartford; V^almed a policy of nonalignment our state's economy.” ' ister John Chang’s Democratic nedy and the late Franklin D. Roo­ This theory was explained at a curity Act (Medical aid to the ed In capturing radio ateiUon Irene Palamar, 82 Diane Dr.; Wil­ The law allovra the Governor to At toe same time they said Re­ party officially form Conservative legislative conference on welfare aged). Rhumbos temporarily and de­ 2 fbr Premier Boun Oum’s western- Warrantee Deeds call for toe extra benefits If the sevelt "Each was out from the Under the first category, he said, 'J. A. McCarthy Inc., to Robert liam Blackwell, 111 Baldwin Rd.; THE backed government and aaked three publican leaders should "abandon I ommsltioB party named “New ■tamp of greatness." problems today by President Her­ claring the armed forces bad Michael RUey,'~Eaat Hartford; neutralist nelghhor nations to send ratio of unemployed to employed the attitude the Indifference to| Democratic” party... About half bert Hyman of the C^mnecticut the state could pick up about 31-8 taken over the nation. The array T. - and Clara T. Aghew, property VACATION SPECIAL ^emuMCHILDREN) rises above 8 per cent for at least Addressing a banquet.In Roose­ million in federal funds, according THE ARMY AND NAYY off S. Lakewood Circle. Mrs. Kathleen Hyland, 142 HoIUw- a commission to confirm that Laos eightBl^t of 10 consecutive Mtoks.. toe hotels and other places that velt's honor Saturday night, Bailey Chapter, National Association of hurried out a statement reiter­ ter St.; Fred Moultrie, Glaston­ wants to Uve ln jieaoe. (Continned on Pegs Two) take ta lodgers in New HampriUre Social Workers. to a recent report by Dr. Verle ating Its *Hnn decision to sup­ Erwin M. and Blanche Ungar to TOe State Labor Depiiifftment put said both men looked upon the Lewis, former professor at the Miglio F. and Charlotte CarllU, bury; Mra. Lena BoUeau, Stafford WaH DifRey’t AFRICAN UOT - The S4-year-oId monarch read a total unemployment ta Connecti­ recreation and resort areas refuse presidency as "a window and not The all-day conference at the port and maintain” Preaident Springs; Mrs. Constance Pets, 488 Connecticut General Auditorium University of Connecticut School Rornukt Betancourt’s gesreru- property off COnetance Dr. Bee ttto award wtening true adventure apeotaele of toe life of declaration yesterday that could cut, including those ineligible for to serve some people because of a .wall facing the needs of the peo­ of Social Work. Extonelon of Leaae WetoereU S t: Mrs. Elaine Long- open the way for a new interna­ jobless compensation, at 87,000. ieolor, race or creed. State’s ad- ple.” He added: in Bloomfield is sponsored by the ment. feUow, ThompsonvUle; OWtdys ^ J n n i ^ tun color. ALSO CARTOONS, tional approach toward ending toe visory committee on civil rights ConnecUcut Child Welfare As­ Under the second category, he Norman and Lea O. Specter to sored by too Lute JtoUor Muemim. ConnecUcut. thus becomes toe Labor to Ask "I can say that John F. Ken­ Urdang Textile Co., extenrion of Pranckus. South Wtadaor; Mrs- Hdps kM p your 8-year-md internal struggle, ta fourth state to order into effect ■ays. nedy today is horioring the riiem- sociation and the Connecticut Con­ said, the state is already entitled RIGHTS ACT UPHELD BINGO leeae to commence Jan. 1, 1982, for Marian Hawver, 97 Overlook Dr.; which the United States hacks emergency companeetion mess- Bodies of 25 victims of last ory of Franklin Delano Roosevelt ference of Social Work. . to 33.8 million aa Its share of the Washington, Feb. SO (dV-The AND ■pace in building at 175 Pine S t Mr*. Beatrice Brawn. 850 Center mNIMy, FEB. 20 at 1:M PJL burnor ^oon as It Boun and toe Communists support uree. The otoen a n Vermont, Urgent Action week’s crash of Boeing jetliner not only by words but by aggres­ Hyman's remarks, prepared for matching funds for medical care Supreme Ooiirt, IntorpMtfng. a S t; M n. Veronica Devaitaey. a rebel faction based on toe of the aged. Idaho and nitaola. will be flown to United States sive, alert and humanitarian lead­ delivery this afternoon, also in­ Other speakers Included State 90-year-old statute enacted as a DANOnn EVERY SATURDAY NIOHT South Lyme; John Ertomann, 29 htertt your henriui Plaines des Jarrea and the pro- Under toe law, tha extra bene­ for further attempts at identtfleo- ership." cluded criticism of the amount of weapon against the Kn Bux. FrankUn St., RockvUle; Walter Maeelwtler High SehtoL MHeilen Oommunlst Patoet Lao guerrillas. On Jobless Aid 8 O'CLOCK fits are to he dletributod for half tlon... Defense Department of relief granted to Individual fam­ (Continued on Page five) Klon, held today a Ohicoge fam-' Grange Notes Umberfleld, Wapptag; Mra. AMce a d u l t s 50c—CHILDREN S6e RT-98 is toe most oompletaly ! Tbs king said Laos would honor toe period for sriilch toe jobleee flclal tells House Armed Servicea ilies by some towns. ily can sue city police ta fed­ Driiry and daughter, 61H VUlage effective fuel oU additive in ose International agreements into worker waa originally entitled. Miami Beach, Fla., Feb. 30 i/P)— Committee Kennedy admlnistrs' $2.5^ Million for Yale He said toat a poll conducted in eral court for entertag their St:, Rockville; M n. Barbara Kent today Thia belpa your oil vdiich it has 'Yreely entered,” pre- New Haven, , Feb. 20 OP)—Mr. aportmeat without a worraat Those who were eligible Initially Organized Labor’s high command tion may propoM some addiUone and Mrs. Henry Ford II have do­ the East showed that the average .ng of Man­ and dauikter, 79 Mill S t; M ». burner deiivw mote deen, dF qumab^ including continued ac- for a maximum of 28 weeks of joN. is exected to' demand today that to 8173 million military oonetrne* family of four needs 3410 a month Midnight Curfews and pushing them orouni. The chester Grange members Shirley zevotock and Son. An­ ' pendabit heat You let pre* oeptaaee of toe U. 8. millions to st less compensation will reesive an Congress put' an emergency label nated 32.5 million to Yale to es­ to live. In 118 towns In Connecti­ High Court’s nuenliusas) rmHag ftaanco the Laotian army. lion authorization request sub tablish five fully-endowed science shown slides on "Project Echo” by dover; Mra. Frances Reiser and m iuo aarvioe, too. AU dariguad additional. IS weeks. Benefits on President Kennedy’s proposals mitted by HUsenhower administra­ cut, he said, the averan grant is On Under 16s Gain on ths feder^ (XvU RIgMe ’Ae8 a member of the Southern New son, 88 Benton S t; Mra. Mary RILL ROUDRIRAU to inake home hasting easy. The Mng elao took a swipe at reaohed a maximum of 345 a week to give extra relief to the unem' professorships. less than 3100 under toe general of 1911 oveituraed tawwr eeurta Orcutt and eon, Coventry. Communist help fOr the Leftist tion... Japanese newspapers say All but nine'of the 3500,000 en­ Etogland Telephone Co. plus dependency allowances. ployed. six persons died because of delays ossiatance program which had held that J ames Metis, rebels of Cept. lEong Lo. He called To collect the extra beneflte, toe Hie winter seesione of the AFL- dowments will be known as toe Hartford, Feb. 20 (/P) — Per­ roe end his feuiUy eeedd etilytv Please Note! Members are reminded of a Specializing tn ' on all countriei to renounce inter­ in getting medical asclstanoe a Henry Ford II science, professor' A bill sponsored by the social missive legislation allowing Con­ faahion show at GoodwlU Orange CefmdlBvfar 1^ ) jobleas workers m int apply at Clb executive council opened here result of natlonwids doctor workers group, now before the sue ta etato eeurta. vention even ta toe form of aid if State Labor Department offices. amid concern over toe laggtog ships. At to.e request of Mr, and necticut communities to establish Hall tonight at 8 o'clock. it: nae not been eanctimed hy-in- ■trike. Mrs. Ford, the fifth will be named dm eral AlBBffibty, would abolish curfews for children under 16 years Paat Master and Mrs. James However, ke must lie willing to so* economy and on -Idle woricer total town welfare departments and URGES M wedding anniversa^ Feb. 35 with fered. The union chiefs eeid that unless midnight picked up some support PresMeut Keutisdy WE ARE - King Savang eeld he iQ>proved Hie department said it was i^teai designed to intercept eu- New York financier and friend of sistance to toe state to adminis­ and waa unopposed at a hearing NOT an open houae from 3 p.m. to -5 UPHOLSTERY w iioR Tinffi-w ttoun Oum'a government because fast old la forthtoming tbs reces­ peraonlc aircraft . . . Newspaper ter, he explained. posed still atisthse- p.m. at their home, 80 CooUdge echeduUim epeclal hours this week sion could turn into a deep depres' the Ford family. today before the General Laws Social Security tozas Intends, to eeek harmony end —^from 3 p,m. to 4:80 p.m.—to Ford was g;raduated from Yale ■ Hyman said that the cost of gen­ Committee of the Legislature. S t W t G l Y E ^ . ^ ^ racoBclUetion o f' all - fellow eral Bssiatanee In the 1960-60 fiscal more liberal The Orange’s next meeUng will CLEANINr.' S«Fordfn handle toe distribution of the ex­ ta a weekend statement that con- hae offe^..Alger- in 1940. The bill waa supported by Reps. ceato wed to eztetid GOING OUT QF BUSINESS ciUeena In justice and ta,)>oace and dltions ta their half-idle industry Nationalists rebels torse con- Announcement of tha Ford gift year, 38.8 million, was shared be March 1, First and second de­ GREEN STAMPS tra fUnda. The offices will remain equally by toe state and towns. Leon ,J. Dwlazdowskl, Griswold ■ flitllimiT grees will be oonferrsd. D rr RECORDS Cmnpetltlon—.Sports Car iitende. to adopt a policy of non- opm oh George Washtagtoii'e have already reached toe depree- *® ***??“**l? ***?*^,J!!*' was made at toe University’s an­ Democrat, and Edward Connell, dent eetit 9» 1 u L M i J • 1 / ' ' _v, * ' alignment, noninterference ' and birthday, Wedneeday. ' . slon stage. ^ ^ | gotloUons . . . Two Toronto Tele- nual midwinter alumni day meet­ If toe etate. took over the entire We Are Simply Eluninating The Word' coet of toe program, including ad- Colchester Democrat, who meto'' tion to raelH '^Inoorpwsted’’ From Our Business Nune. or La r g e c h o ic e- g t e r e o Rsd h i-f iLe u t y Hava year earharetor and Igalttoa good nelg^iterllneaa.” All toe money will coma i As r f lr a t order of bustaeris, toe I****^^**" *»?P****^ **! ly Saturday. talned it would be a at«p toward M O IlARTY “Wo hope that Cembodia, Bur­ toe State Unemployment 'APL*CIO..oonaell was due to voioel Hej^eod B ram MemorW Award ^ ra n k O. H. Williams, national minietratiqn, the money now pro­ lowering . juvenile delinquency gram. bekMed by aa expart^aring V ma and Malaya will form a com* bensation fund, RiocluU saliti »;fiamand that Ubnoreae hy.tfss torn Dmoajira^ lagialan action on Itamedy’s |1 J bUUon R^tatioM C^nc^ttee have Ww ta- grams, said gifts and epmmit- welfare programs for which feder­ MANCHESTER repair and aervloe. M eanbnlirt EwdnelTa V>ral al matching funde ere available. tlori by 10'per cant of the elscton Garne/s throatane ho coo-and aapiree only toik tended the OnMUerf for tomporary eld ] tlaa for idled work- formed by Swiss sources toat they 'ments have reach^' 332,767,000 of a town to force toe leglelmtlve .BenilW’s Typowritor Servleo Pottertoii'S aad Spwte Oar Salas and ■arfl to poaoe,** the kUg eeld, addrees' lo eeae toi en and toetr- ident children. would prafiir that F^resident Ken­ since it begfji last October. He eaid about 35.6 million in fed­ ANSWERING SERVICE . in V'. f • ! f • ; M l 3-5U 5 I’e unenudoyedi nedy not aame Earl K.sT. Bmlto eral funde era .available If (1) more | ZJ*n JEmOt Middle Xplu. 180 C ait^ Stridt Corner o f Chnrdi Street .(OenMimed oa Page Uve) general ueUtonce cosee were .(OMUmie4 Fag* Five). .. '9 1 8 MDSDIiS TURNPIKE EAST—BD 6-5194 Ml 9-84H Ml.3lie««w». (Oaotomii ear.lRiito " ’ praise'oame toV (Ooatiaued on Eage Xhree) to Switzeriiaff. akmemmmmsmmmmmmmsmmmik .V h i


with UanthM Fries la appear ban tributing to tha dieln on UB. dol­ mat aeaaoa la AMa. Tha eoalraet Fnriopi^ied—Witfiout Pay Labor to Ask lar and grid leaerves. was ahpMd baftna her Haw T M O il Tha Kennedy blU would raise dabut which wha senMUenal to tha the minimum wage tor thoa* now aatant that "UHT devoted eeoerel Urgent Action covered from 31 to 31B5 an hour pafee to her, and tha Maw Tork 60,000 to Be Idled In tim e yearly stepa; It also would «THE WAY IMNai aoelahned bar la flowtaf b l a c k m a g ic The Baby Has bring more workeia under th* pro­ Dsnns. w m M M v n m On Jo^ss Aid tection of th* Uw, but with some Sinca Hartford wUl bo diaap- tor Attrai BhMnra Umitationa and exceptions. I HEARD FT’ loiatad in not haarlsf Formlehbil. Reuther contended the minimum DpaV beltov* _ (Oonttaral from Faff* One) should be Jumped immediately to IS/lagtnovo tadeifl is now tryfaif to anranfo By Airlines Strike atotonwdt that tha,hand to t i t i l ^ • 00 for him . to sinp hers oppoaita Been Named 31.25 an hour and That tha ad­ bj^John Gruber thM tha ayt. Thia to t n » o(Hy Ths leaolutloa was said to point ministration bill does not go far Oorathy Klratan ht April. Know- (Oaattowad Irma Faga Oaa) ’yen •S a e him to aUer your Inf Frank. I expect he will some­ by Vnitad. tha fodua of the tavoR to tha wrong direction. The BAR ■'?W» out that If the natlon’a regular un­ enough in providing coverage for f 2 addltii___lonal ■ woriMT*. Factory AMthorIzed how enfineer this appearance, even phone with the Bnglnaeni’ Ihtlon by flight toigtneeiB. thilureaa happen 'to * employment oompenaaUon syatom if he Im to fix up aomo sort of All of United’s anglnaara are 7 2 Reuther waa unable to be prea- and tha atmek oartlsrs. Morteexon, Feral Sae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruo* A. was adsquat* there would be no ent and hto testimony was present­ double swap as happowd with tha QoMberg left yaetorday after pUot-tratobd and aeina bekMg to w C t* te d a. ainktoff Miortenaon, 78 High S t, RoekvUla. She waa bom Feb. 18 at neod to take apecial bolstering Haztfond’a OoniMctleiit O p m[•that ' dty. Oy to Hartford Sunday ^ the Kagineere’ and the plidU' ftV. ed- by Jacob Clajrmi^ adminlatrs- a ^ tn H artford “ M et” union leadiw In Washtngtim aald adton tha d"***ny ouna mwn with RockvlUa City Bo^ltaL Her maternal naxdparento are Mir. and stops as was needed In the 1958 AmotimaoB. hm Jnit don»» Mtnv m om lnf. John Alexander, whom I man­ Union r - which iea't the eaee with He b a d _ ^ Mrs. Bernard Wheeler, Berlin, N. H. HCr paternal grandparents live director of the Ihduatrial Union Sunday nlfht. thair mtmbara had ahmrtly re­ recession and again now. Department of the AFL-CIO. Tork'a fasMua IfctrepoUtui O pm ia, probably tha outatandbif jected hie plea that they return the tlx atrikebouad airltnaa hepbig to Mt two trump tlf.V are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mortonaon, Berlin, N. H. She baa a a food tun. I auppoM this quali- PandoUT wouldn't buy that American tenor today among the u S m w . u W ^ as though he'd brother, Dana Patrick. 21 months; and n sister, Kim Ann, 8. Tha ^ppraiaal of the union chiefs, The statemimt said "W* now He felt., and Juatifiably too, that to work while their problem was Thua Unltod’a engineera arc not face the future with another reces­ Ow Frank Fandom, local imprei- ir afaifeia. He la definitely Investigated. on atrika gat onto ono. Btill, thava waa al- with one month gone by since Ken­ a n n u a l hia tenOr would be too exhauated sion. It mljht be said that America SALE aiio, for aome aort of award in ttae on hia way up, and haa already Goldberg aald ha would start Among other major domaatle m tha ehaaoa for a spot ol Nadeau, Elto Denlia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. nedy’s Inaugumtlon, Is that hia Bov litHWtf* to do hia beat in Hartford, under been heard here, appearing In Nadeau, Plnney St, Ellington. She was bom Feb. 7 at RookvUIs recommendatlona ao far are a atep ■uffera a liellyache’ becauae she the circumatancee. So a comp co­ again today, by asaklng a masting airMnes not caught in tha atrlks in n New Tork'a “Met” can “TTaviata” last year with Con­ with mambers of tha National M*> ara BraittS, Capital. Delta and Con- ____took tha oponliig ^ toad City Hospital. Her maternal grandmother la Mrs. Camille In the right direction but don't haa turned out more good* than fa t in troolila at tinea and thia in Uw waa reached. The Met hed necticut Opera. tihental. Thaaa airlines op m ta with tha aea and.ntumad%a ton Tharieault, Notre Dame, Dulac, Qua.. Canada. Her paternal meet imion goala, Thia contrasU her people can buy back...Con­ John Alexander on tap, end ho diation B o«d who hava bsan try>‘ gress must recognise that there troobta arow over loainf a tenor ing to raaolvs tha dlm t*. mainly on a ahort-hop basis and ol dhtoHmUa Wast took tha aoa Kannady ia going too.far. are still over 20 million worken Starts Today, February 20 Georg* Meany, A F L < 30 piwa- uas a great many twin-eadtae • • • • • I don't know who the tenor araa, formenee In Hertford. H e b ro n idant, said in Miami laat ni|^t that planea which don't retjulre fUght far took e< anytotoff hattar to dm qpkdea* he wtmld bo Bmltod to one Arthur J. Goldberg, new aecre- who are not covered by the Fair or what happened, hut in any As it standa now, tha “ Mot” la there waa nothing the federation engineers. ttwaaeiadrthatBMithhadantha trump trtek,yaad too contract Honmlok, gcaniter lynnA daughtep of Mr. and Mis. John A taiy of labor in the Kennedy cab­ Labor Standards A ct” He said an event, 'a tenor canceled. Panl sendinf a tenor to Hertford, and could do to help settle the strika Mgb earda for hia ^Nh* w ow [ atUlM aafa avan it Wost Homnick, 148 Park S t She waa bom Feb. 9 at Manchester Me­ inet, la due here tomorrow to con­ Immediate 31.25 hourly minimum Jaretaki, castinf director for the Hartford la aendinf a tenor to New School Boards All tha imaffactsd airlines, plus oC oaa rmtottap. bad atartod tolth tha dObbloton morial HoapitaL Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mr*. fer with the AFL-CIO council. He would pump 1.2 billion “high veloc­ BIG SAVINGS Meany said he had tried several foreign alrllnea operatsd la and out Raymond Fohw, 106 Chestnut S t Her paternal grandparents are la expected to adviae hia former New York ori^niBatiori, atarted Yorh. In thia way, both perfonn- times to aolva rival Job rights rer toon tha aaeend dtomoad ouean-tan. ity” dollar* into the economy. kwkinf for a aubatltute, only to of the eountry. wars swamped with doimy'a fuaen and lad a Alas for poor South. BMt dis- Mr. and (Mrs, John J. Homnick, Simsbury. She has a auter, Cath­ luiion coUeaguea to keep their In presenting the. Chamber view ancaa are nade poeelWe. and near­ Discuss Budgets clalma of the pllota and fUght en- with requests from stranded travel diH^ that Dino Fonnjchlni waa the ly T,0M> people will be happy In- tramp to too aoo. Woot dripped eardod a diamond, and doolarer arine Mary, 20 month*. shlrU on until Kennedy has had a that the minimum wage should only tenor available who knew gfneera unions but was unable to era for reaervatloaa. thetonjof apadea on this trick, and Mw too tote tott ho had boon flum- • • • • * ch a n ce^ develop hia poUtical posi­ stay where It Is, Schmidt was Join­ DURING THIS ONCE-A-YEAR EVEN'fi atead about S.S00. A special meetinf of the Hebron do BO. One alrUaa spokesman esti­ the role In the proper lanfuafa. AU of which foaa to prava that tha ettem waa maglA mOxod. Now lyoat w8* euro to get Enis, Brenda Bias, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Helradhel S. ElUa tion InWaahlngtbn. ed by Eugene B. Sydnor Jr. of A call to Formlchinl’a manafer Board of education waa held last Ironically, tha only nonstop mated that traval plana of about torO.trump trloka. Jr., 8 Christopher Dr., Rockville. i She waa bom Feb. 11 at Rock- Goldberg formerly waa a spe­ the ChnnacUent Opera ie on lU ek at tha elamentary school for transcontinental service being a e t u r jn v Richmond, Va., president of th* that thia aubatltute waa 75,000 had been intMtuptod aa o f , .Nouto douldMild affordaltotd to h lose ona ItoSty Qneetlin vlUo Cite Efo^tal. Her maternal grandparents ato Mr. and Mrs. cial counsel for the AFL-dO and Southern Department Stores, Inc. toea, and offera etnferi of the dianiaaion o f the lB61-d3 school maintained by a.TJ.S. airline waa last night Vfilbur Ubby, West Paris, Maine. Her paternal grandparents ara apparently out, ^ ce he waa en* very hl(heat caliber. Fomlchinl Is budfet A meatinf of the Rsfion- trump trlek, but not tara. I f West Partner opera vrtth ora notrunp attorney tor many of the federa­ sydnor aald if the minimum fafod for Hartford on the 11th had-:tha donUetoa quata-ton o l (16 to 16 polnto) and tha next Mr. and Mra. HeraChel ElUa Sr., Canton, Maine. She has two tion’s unions, including the Steel- wage waa extended to cover em­ in hie flrat eeaaon here In America, al board tonifht will also take up brothers, Craig, 8, and Bruce, 4; and a sister, Cheryl, 6. and 13tb. The upabot araa a tele* and ia meatinf with treat eucoeaa thia subject and attempt to oooM mtolM, South ebuld inako too reat player .Mda two ehiba Ton hold: workem. ployes in his 32 stores, the firm 3 A V E ON THIS MAGNIFICENT phone conference between the From 4 to IS Weeks « f to* trloka by toadtog not too mitd*--Si Heart—8 7 8; Diamond That organization’s executive would have to buy more low coat foUowtaif hia debut in New Yoik to a decision. Mag of apadoa Thia play would -^109 6 « 2; au b-A S 4 8 What Browne, Karen MariA daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William H. “Met” and the Connecticut Opera a few months i^ . An increaaa over Iasi year's board urged Kennedy in a reeolU' Imiwrts, mark up prices 6 to 10 Aaan, haaded re^ectively by Ru­ giva doelaier.aoly aa unimportant d oy ou a a y t Browne Jr., 188 Union St, RockvlUa She was bom Feb. 11 at Uon to adopt a broader program, per cent, and lay off 30 to 40 of the * MAGNAVOX STEREO THEATRE_____ Pandolfl knW o f the tanoria budget is expectad, due to aevsral Answer: Paa#. Tou may bm t RockvUle City Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and dolph Binf and Frank Pandolfl. factoia, inctudinf changes in sal­ nvwtrtoh, ho aaw. including a cut in the present 40- firm’s 789 employes. ahUltias in Italy, and en fafsd him Dot what If W ilt had toe atogto- two cluha If tha opponanta atoy Mrs. Arthur Parson, Braintree, Maas. Her paternal grandparenU hour woric week, to spread avaU- The “Mat” found that For- ary schedules, additional taachara, 10,000 Jobless in State are Mr. and Mrs. WllUam Browne Sr., RockvUle. Her maternal Schmidt gave similar layoff and 0 O America's favorite Home Entertainment Center —tpirtiii waa rebearainf on the for Hartford, as soon as It tan ton o f jpadeeT Than amat toare, but yon hava vary Uttla to able work opportimities and get price markup figures for a number known that the young abifep was and a poaaibla aaalatant principal. wmdd ovaatually get tsnr trump oontrihttto to the dafonar against great-grandmother Is Mra. Archibald Paieoiu, Quincy, MSsa. 11th in Hartford and would ainf Bnronn.ent at tha Ragional SoixMd • te • • G the economy rolling forward of laundries, hotels and retail com lnf to thia country. He raaUy trleka with toe queen and nlne« da- two of a major m lt If you bid or again.. ^ stores he said had figured what Big 332 tq. Ii. TV...Stereophonic Nigh ndclitp OB the ITth. They anfgeated that keeps trade of ataifers evarywbete, ia estim ate at VK next fall. Wamn, Jeffny Boy, atm of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. War­ he Qy to New Toilc efter the re- toaton w eentraet doubla, you win probabqr fst too *The resolution ssld steel Indus­ they would have to do If brought Antematic Phonograph...FM and AM Radio and likes to get fresh voice* when Behearaala Goattnaa Get Extra Compensation Tto avoid tola fata. South cooked high or inflnanea your panwr to ren, Klbbe Rd., ElUngton. He was bom Feb. 10 at RockvlUe try employment has dropped be­ hearael, ainf Saturday nlfht In Rehaaraala o f the full cast of City Hospital. Hli maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. under coverage of a 31,25 mini­ he can. tm .a “aafity play.” He croesed to dMikyi a TuetfaWt oontrMt. low 400,000 for the first time since mum wage. AU-in-ona baantifnl fnrnitnra pieca For sxampta, DoroUm Klratan. "Ih a Mikado," continiM la the (Ooattnaad Faga Oaal em or to invoka a 1856 tta dummy with the quean of (Cepyrigbt 1991, Oernral Fsatares Chailes 0>rkum, BUIerica, Mass. Her paternal grandmother is the depression year o f 1938. RaU- bandroom of RHAM High School. law to Laos King Guto Mrs. Hudson Warren, Chelmsford, Mass. He baa two brothers, a standby at tha “Mst,'^ sanf her ItKmal Jobl hoaita and tod too Jaek of spedae Carp-) road unions stmilariy said In a PRITCHARD RITES SET * Big 24-ln. high quality chassis with famous very first “Mimi" in Hartf<^ a Horace SeUera ia playing for tha tha unamployment problem which Th* Bridgeport a Frederick, A and Douglas Charles, 19 months; and a slater, Susan declaration hero several days ago Magnavox chromatic optical filter. U and V event, which the Podhnn Flayers led tha Marie, 5. New Britain, Feb. 20 (67 — Fu- I role ibe will repeat here in April, reaultod last week in a solid Re­ state in Jobless ctoima KiaL.8,7Slt AM^fait for • • • • • their Industry employment has neral servioes will be held tomor-i tuning. Belch! hope to present early in March. followed by Hartford, 8,308, a BouBtWindisor sagged to 700,000, lowest such fig ­ b;' the way. Where the “Met" la publican vote against a resolution Jones, Bruce Jon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Jonas, 84 row for Richard E. Pritchard, re-1 * "Feather Touch” diamond pickup tracks at incUnad to a n n f a only establUhed No definite date has been aet aa New Haven, 6AT1. Next an ure since 1890. tired president and chairman''off iiWaHiatu-aaet yet The production will alao be urging support of tha Douglas Bounds Regiiiiie Park PI., RockvUle. He was bom Feb. 10 at RockvUle City Hos­ 1/10 ounce pressure. No needle or record ainfm, Fandoln backs bis Judf- Waterbury, 6,224: New RMtoin, pital. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. the Stanley Works. Pritchard | wear—they can now “last a lifetime.” • tllw a ,. ment on new yoieaa Hia JUdfment presented In Hartford, It is re­ depreaaad areas blU.” 3,500; Meriden, 3,183; Danbury, Washington, Feb. 20 (67—The ported. Jones, RockvUle. He haa a brother, Bfichael, 17i: and three sis­ died yesterday at the age of has basa axoaadhu^ aound. Tha RapufcUcans pushed through 2,602; Stamford, 2,596; Bristol, « I Faga Dm ) Kennedy administration’s biU to after a long Illness. He retired in I * Magnavox aut(»natic record player with inaeu .- Voters to Consider ters, Sharon, 11, Claudia, 8%, and Denise, 4%. ba.v.arakMiew, mcUantally, he nP>«d • contract resolution urging congressional 2,406; Ty»rtocton, 2,285; Norwich, 4 4 • 4 • raise the minimum wage got more 1055 after 41 years with the com-1 true pitch. No wow or flutter—splays all Maarheater Kveaiaf Herald Ha- 2,206; Middletonvn, 2,136; N or­ lag Boua Oum, hia oahtawt mln- bricks.from both sides of the fence pany. bma eofreapeadaat,- Suaaa B. support o f a aio-called anti-plrat- Roden, BnseeO Andrew, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roden, q>eeds and sisea. walk, 1,833; Mancbeeter, 1,7661 iatan and tonii^ dlpleaate.iath- 38 Nassau Circle, Bast Hartford. He was bora Feb. 10 at Man­ today—from those who think it Tbadlatea,' tiilK»kaai AOadamy S- Ing amendment to the Douglas New London, 1,701; Danielaon, 1,- arad at hia patoM In Ifiaitftbng. goes too far and those who think bill. They contended such an chester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. S454. 744; Anaonia, 1,637; Thompson- “Thia comnitaaion wputd have $22,540 in Spending and Mrs. Floyd Putnam, 68 Birch SL His paternal grandparents it doesn’t go far enough. amendment was needed to pro­ vllte. 1,439; and WiUJmantlc. L - an Iti lalielbn toe danetmtlng of Aa the House Labor subcom­ HfMJlUP FAIR HUNTKD tect Joba In Connsetlcut are Mrs. MUdred Goss, Windsor, and Arthur Roden, Waterbury. RANGE A $625,00 vohi*.. .Sava $10(MK> •fOWOHLY 104. all foraiga intorvantlon, Tbn Items are on the agenda toif to leaet at the b ^ atoool tovd. He has a brother, Richard Jr., 6%. mittee arranged to resume hear­ Derby, Feb. 20 [JPi—^The search The Governor said he will con­ or Indirect open c • • • • • ings on the measure, this testi­ F V ■ r':« * C- f'' fi '■ T M :!!, haa widened for two teenafera fer with offlciala of the State Si toeelal town meeting to be b*ld They point out that moat of the *6creen sizes are diagonal meaturt Th* number of unen^loymcnt widdkvraw tmp«il th* kingiam'e rmmlning lain* reaervoira of nat­ Fuller, Tereea Ann-Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ful­ mony waa released in advance: rUEL OIL in mahogany Hjrtiord Ro.ici who held up a aervice station at­ Development Oommiaaion today claims ia Maneheater droppad U independence, integrity and nau- tomorrow at'8 pm . at Fniswoith ler, 325 Highland St. She waa bom Feb. 11 at Manchester Me­ From Walter P. Reuther, presl' tendant laat night and drove off in on the present and future atatua ural reaouroea in the world are lo­ • ind Pin. jf, per cent during tha week ended trallty.” Memorial High School. cated In South Ahiarioa, where morial HospitaL Her maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. dent of the United Auto Workers GASOLINE a stolen car. Police aald tha teen­ of the atate’a development. Thia is Feb. ' 18 from 1,800 (prafrieus The UB. State Department wal- Anpropriatkms totalliur I22J140 Clarence LaChapeUe, Vernon. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and the AFL-CIO’s Industrial in- h St, r C inn. ager* forced John Bear, 16, Sey­ on* of a stries of meetings with SpahiSh and aUed tonguea are week) to 1,766. Tha daereaae la the oomad the raonaieh's declaration, to bo sought Include: 38,500 for moat oonunonly sp To Telj Ihe ’Truth AN HFC BILL-PAYER LOAN may do it Bring in • Ovalated 8-inch speaker front projected -aJaal treatment for peoriaala now ed by Harold Stotoon is aubmit- Sooth Windsor oorrespondent El- 8:80 Astaire Tims (C) 10. 33. : S a w availablo to all saflerers. Laotian base and alrporC toe kept SMtre O. BuraluHii, tolephoae Early Show (In prosre**) 10. 30 Surftlde Six 8. 40. I your unpaid biils, arrange a Biii-Payer Loan and sound under the 1904 Geneva aoootds Ung to the board of education wU Flrat Shoe (in progrea*) i 23 Ducxpln howling Fun inform alien and detalla el a Watkins^ Warehouse Flooded; aatdMR 4-6inL 8:3S Oovem or'e Foot Guard Dog let us pay them for you... even maii checks to which ended tha Indochina War. lia distributed among those at­ Big S Theater (In procreia) ,:V • The biggest clearest' picture in ALL TV M day trial plan from Canam tending the PTA OouncU-sponsor- Woody Woodpecker Show the people you owe, no oxtra chancre. Or. ask Pork Chops Co., Dept, m - o Roekport, Mass. Tha United Statoa haa a lB2-man BOY PALLS TO DEATH Al Mann Newa 9:00 Danny ’Thomas Show 8. taak force of military men in civil- ed meeting, according to a school Clartoon Ptaynooae 9:80 Andy GiitflUi Show 8. for o%sh and pay the MONTIarPAVNLINT 60 IBOUU Damages'Estintated at$10j000 Ian clothes In Lao* to train gov- news reletojB. Newington, Feb. 20 (67—A 18- Jungle Jim Streets at Danger I Rescue 8 Dante 10. 33. bills yourself. Either 89 It U anunant toreao In the uae of Panellsta will include Robert yanr-old boy fell 120 feet to hU Modem Digest Adventures In Paradise (C) AwoO Pmmh tWM* HOW OHLY Bruce Watkins, general manager American military aqulpmtat sup­ death down an embankment I Weather, News * Sport* A ' 8. 40. I way,you have only one An aetlmated 110.000 worth Seraflno. foreign language con- Two Faces West 10:00 Million Dollar Movla 3 6.72 3 727 u a o6 118.46 One of Watkliw Broo. furfilturo ot 988 plied them. aultont for the stole; Stuart Cole­ Saturday. Michael. Michand, 488 Henneasy 8 bedding and furniture merchan­ Hobaon Ave:, died of multiple I Channel 8 Newa low monthly paymei)t 13.07 14.18 19.74 36.55 •asioMl ineasia* dise was lost early Saturday morn­ Main St. said water gudied into A t a nawa contorenct oallad to man, challrman ot WaUlngford’s Club House Ths Barbara Stanwyck Show 19.25 2a91 2927 54:48 the warehouse when a lirga under­ amplify the king’s statement. fore%n language committee and fractures, said Medical Examiner Compass 22. to HFC. Drop in or Low ing at a Watkins Bnto,..warehouae Vlnbent O^Neill. Police aald young Robin Hood Adventures in Paradise 30.83 33.61 47.56 89.47 ground water main, used to feed Slsoiik Na Champa saak, nitailstor a teacher from the achobl syatom I HunUey-Brlnklsv 10. 10:80 June Allyeon Show phone for helpful, un­ 36.41 39.74 56.48 106.80 on Foreet St, when a broken water ICchaud slipped while roll^ a San Francisco Beat the warebouB# qirlnkler ayatem delegate to Prims Bbuh Oum'a of­ of that town; and two other out- Douglas Edwards derstanding service. Price! main flooded 3,000 cubic feet of broke at a coiq^llfig. The loas t fice and a former envoy to the rock down tha Incllna Into BalTs ) After Dinner Movie Peter Gunn 8, 40. floor space with from alx to eight of-town teacher*: Miss UUian News Ie Weather Berle Jackpot 33. covered by inauranca. United Nations, aald the state­ Quany. 11:10 Newa ^ inches of water. Adams of Cromwell and Mrs. People’! (%oice It was reported that the watar ment aignlfled a domestic policy Bmlly Peel of Glastonbury. Newa and Weather World’s Best Movies The warehouae to In one of the old Phil Silvers Show News. Sports A Weather . 8, came into the building with such of Hipexaement and national ree- The meeting la open to the pub­ 11:16 Jack Paar Show (C) ' 10. OUTSTANDING BUYS IN STEREO AS YOU LIKE IT Cheney mlUa. force that large cartons eontSinini: Newa a Weaeber Floodliw waa first discovered by onotUatlon baaed on respect tor lic. MUlion Dollar Movie Suspense Tlieater ' UfqjHaraMS to trap n li b sveUie 4X dUgasg heavy furniture had been awep : th* bonstltution. STANLEY WARNER Father Knows Best Feature 40 Thoniaa Morrow, ahipping clerk, from the rear to the tnatijsf the Recommendations of the com­ Death Valley Days Premiere Asked whether auto a policy of 1 ABC Newa ^ 11:35 News 16 OZ. ^ 9 1 about 9:30 Saturday momuig, when warehouse. mittee have, already been submit­ liA C A K O M water was.aeen letodng from under appeasement meant a halt of the ted to School Superintendent Merle W. Mass. HIghUghta 11:80 Jack Paar Show (C) lOUSEHOLD FINANCE • All-in-one Stereo-Radio Phonograph AM lo ts A ' ff 1* Full stie mattreeaee, valued planned government offensive a r :li4 l2 » l Sports------Camera _ 1:00 Late News the mein front loading dome. B. Woodmanaee for scrutiny be­ News PKG.J/ I fi to Vtotoi TMIIIIII 15.000. were loot along with ocea> against tea r a ^ in to* Plalne 1I Cheyenne I. 10. and ■lonal and upholstered furniture, it fore the next board of education BIATINEES TUE8. and WED, The AmericanaAmerican* Newt and Sign Off ELBOWS des Jarroa, he teidlsd: meeting. SEE SATURDAY’S TV WEEK FOB COMPLETE USTENO to hc¥9 yM f was reported. Doors Open At UstO AN . MANCHimR fHOPMIW PARKAM • Four Magnavox speakers with heavy “I didn’t My^that At any rate Mrs. Jane Lutx and Mrs. Leona Shewn At U>89 and 2i06 Twln-elsed bedding, stacked on due to the rain in the past few magnets racks five feet above the floor, Kugler, both teachers in the school 6:18 add 8U5 ' 382 Middle Turnpike West 2 days there were no changM In th* system here, on Feb. 15 observed wae not damaged. • Feather-touch diamond stylus—^records military situaUon.^ the teaching of French and Span­ t i i ’ ' Radio 2nd Ftoor-Mhchell 3-2738 Watkins’ has re-ordered new bed­ SUouk said there yet had been and needle wear are nil When balancing your monthly ding during the weekend It .Was ish to grades 3-6 at Glastontary GKATEST (Thig UgUog Inclndet only those news broadcuto of 10 or 16-mlniite Hosr: 10 b 4 Mos., Tsis., Ilwn.—II to I W*f., Fit—t JO to Hns Sat 17 O Z., no “ clear and preclae aaauranoe” elementary achools. > FRUIT bodect it’* arent to have the pi*, reported. that Cambodlx. Burma and Ms' ADVENTURE^ length. Some atstiong carry other short newaessts). • Beautiful cabinets—record storage CANS miom paysMat eonvenicnce Hart. WUUam Lucey, Cheney plant en­ French will probably be the tan­ WDBO-1868 A 9:06 What’* Tour Opinion lays would agree to serve on a 10:06 Nightbeat fatd mato avaQahte to it* prop, gineer. arrang^ for the use of peace commission, "hut we hope nage chosen for study hero, text- STORY •:00 New* ^ COCKTAIL ly because an ample supply of 8:10 Art Johnaon Show 11:80 Starlight Serenade arty inauraaec poiicyholden. Tte apace in the Cheney Clock Mill to they Win do so out of friehdtoip.*’ 8:06 Raynor Shines 1:00 Sign on put undamaged merehandlae He added that tha government French toachtrs can be obtaliMd. 1:00 New*, Slj^O ff WFOP—1414 Hartford Premium Payayent Piaa Saturday. Sixteen men, recniitod Itony authorities beBeve eventual­ THEM * 6:00 Today in Hartford HOW OHLY allow* you to lamp an your prep. iuq>ee tee oommlsston would re­ 6:00 Paul Harvey 7:00 hob Scott * 2 4 8 from WaUtina service depMt- main permanently in Laos. ly Spanish diould be taught here. ALL! 8:80 Bound Stage _ 9:00 Ray Som4n FRXSH CALIFORNIA ’,Oi 1:00 Del Raycee Show DOUBLE WORLD arty inanraae* premhimt toeethtf menta, DuiAe* Bhiptee* and the Asked whether the new foreign 7:00 IMward P, Korgan . wiftr—iM* and pay thia aum in ainak moodily Chambers Moving and Storage 7:16 Sound Stage Jir* ICEBERG LETTUCE 2 Criap Heada poUcy of neutiallty would mean 8:80 Night Flii^t S:0U Financial New* initattment*. Call nt today for mora Ckx, moved the merchandlae not reduction of U.B: military aid, w a 13:00 Sign o n 4:06 Showcase and New* Same Instrument with phono, now only $188.00 ' damaged by water. ■UlflSBBBEIBBIBlIltei 7:UU Fulton Lewt* Jr ' Slaouk aald this might be a eahject 7:16 g e n in g Devotion* GREEN STAMPS detail! oa thia budieMMiog plaa. ThiM portable blower heatem 4:00 News and Weather nUBSM FUHHDA tor conauliatlons between the two n s N E irs 6:30 Strictly Sports 7:90 Showcase and New* 2 were ihatMled Saturday afternoon govenmenta but evaded a direct ■■sicinniranRRPiinnB 6:80 Suppenlme Serenade 7:35 ’The Reviewing Stand and have been running since In la Wonderful Wonder! Oelerl 6:46 Three Star Extra 8:06 The World Today ESCAROLE 2 Lba. snawer. 7:06 Conversation Piece 8:80 Showcase and News an effort to dry but the floor and “ * n I 11:00 Miulq Beyond the Star* and N*w* WEDNESDAY Slaouk said Cbmbodla had not Ttouutii tag 7:80 World New* get businesa baNc to normal. Mor­ S WOBUM I Msamneranr' 7:46 Radlb Moscow 13:06 Newal RovndqP' nlESH WEaTEBN yet re^ed to a propoaal that Gen. ir Q vixn^? I 13:16 Slgn-OR Outstanding Bjuys In Magnavox T V row aald today. MbNaily A Son, Phoumi Nosavan, the government *iie«:U I AU 8:06 Fops Concert SPCaALS FOR TUESDAY and YYEOfUBSDAY lobal contractor, atppUed the military chief, visit Phnom Penh ★ mrARm WKDMBSDAT A Good In Botii Onr Maaoheoter and East Hartford Store* 24"* TV CONSOLE, remot* control, diorry finish...... : . . •. Rag. $445.00 $349X0 CARROTS 2 CMlo Bag* heatora, he aald. to have talks with the dapoacd nfutrehst premier, Prince Sou * OPEH ALL DAT WASHINOTON’S BIRTHDAY * 24"* TV CONSOLE, romota control, mahogany finWi...... Rog. $369.50 $249iK) vanna PhoumA vitho Is a refuges Science Shrinks Files Damage Oaims tbera. 21"* TV CONSOLE, Early A Lo-boy, chorry finish...... Rog. $355.00 52V9.W He said tha questkm of toe lo- PARK , '^ 2 3 2 2 3 SUGED 21" TV CONSOLE with cottorf, wahwt fiiNsh . . . .it h ...... Rog. $364.50 2H M kueben Plen gaU^ of Bonn oum’s regtono ia i TOP New Way Without Surgery YOUR Asked by Pair matter of th* past snd the govern' BOILED HAM L b. 79c 21" TV CONSOLE with costors, mahogany finish...... Rog. $364*50 $2444)0 ment is now making poHtleal opto- EXnU t *XOr T1NXEE8'* CHOICE ClainuT fo r rqilaoemant of a pair Stops Itch—Relieves Pain AbuTO mro one of » Kuid. ^ Says: Ings to bring about rsconcUtatlon, Nw Twk, N. T. (SeasU) - For th* of ayegiaassa and a hydraulic sys­ startlag wlto elsmsnts clossat to so therongb that infforara mad* tem were received laat week in tha first tim* *d*ne* has found s n*w astonishing stetemante Ilk* “ PU«* It, to sehieva nattoasl unity stop haalinc anbstane* with th* aiton- bxvt e*o**d to b* n probluni” CABBAGE L bs. 1 9 c a^^maaM MMada Ram offloe of Oenmal Manager Rich' by ■to^ ard Miartin. iahibv shility to shrink hamor- Th* soerot to s n*4r htaling anb- rhoid*, itep'itehteg, and ralUv* etanM (Blo-Dyn**)—dtoeovaiy ot 974 MAIN ST. Miaa teabell* A Dunn, 1065 t wotid-famott* r***areh Inititnte. FREE PARKING Tostod, Ad|ustod. DoNvorod, Guaramood and Sorvleod NXptolT CMtOHNrtiC Main S t, notlfiad the tosvn that pain - withrat nrcmry. MANCHESTER HMNE. FKO. WWI Vets, Ladies In oas* after css*, whll* gantly This ■nbiteneo to now avsilabl* NEXT TO STORE By Our Own Mochonics SUNSHINE 0HEEZ4T 175 aha had suffered cuts on her head nltevlng pain, aetnal ndnetion ^ anpporitery or o(stnM«( form Mislioii wolli. (Hydramotie and had brokan her eyegtoieee GRAND OPERA Eaat Canter Tomorrow STtniiiB—One Perfonwuiee 0aly>'4:15 P J i (ahrinkaix) took plsc*. wider th* nun* Frapsratten 'H*. 1150 BURNSIDE AVE—EAST HARTFORD Fomou* for Sotvico Sinco 1431 Jan. 80 in a fall on an icy akto- Install Officers Most amasinf ofaU-rasiiIls were At nU drag oonntet*. StTMt end DyMRewK Oily gm- walk at Main St and Locust St e (H*EN TO 9 WED., THURS„ FRl e EHLER'S SPICES She aakod payment of fiM tor too DIRECT EXCLUSIVE FACTORY DEALER P b on e hIm GJd. ports mod.” (ff ’mtsMOMf niwenlMflnni e ( MiiD,. i t M l S-1126 **nSuuld A. T^ord, 23 Cbm cheator and aissmtoera to tta atoto IL TROVATORE ON YOUR BUILDING field R A asked payment o f fl2.< 'iH Ox. alto^ the tnstailatiM of ofBosia. With ENEG BfASGBESnn«- PROBLEMS! WHOLE ANISE SEEDS 17e for ropalrs to the hydfauUo aye- Of Manohsatar B a n r a ^ Vatorsna etm and Ohonw of the Eeme Op«n CONSULT US tom tor his car which ha claimed of World War X e f l ^ and la- PAUL D0D6E WH hrokon' after the ear went Pins TReae Moetonl Gemet (-0 THYME LEAVES 1 Os. 15c diea’ auxfllan, at Mm V iW Homa Ovartnie: Stnpw' “ Tha Btaw Dnnxhff’ Ohi Into an “unguarded end un­ yesterday aftortMon. marked” hole ,on Adame St Fbh. Seindieelto '“ D iftaM ti PONTIAC, UHL lAiyorHdNU A TuHdnstoftaB- ■wMaMMaMaeaBiiaaBtai^^ ROSSETTO Whpi* Block Pepper *'A Ox. 33c 14, taeded graatlnra ftam Ka ' and Itam ts T. Mtewray, 2i ♦LIS KAOHiOPiBBA CONSTRUCTION COMPANf S78 MAIN STREET xiMBDnNM iim r< ref iMuInlMr Opamt ' Tbwa Jtowd of DlidBton. MANOHEmnER’S lAM BSTaad OUUE8T BADIO, TV, BEOOBQ aaJ APPUAJfOB H O # ^ E U G POWDER H oa. Danbury. Fto. 29 -'*•* fi- . ' mansglwg editor of toe Drabdiy. ■veatng Hows Tin a Bo mod la .T tieatro EeWtoettil u 6 ls6xgtotol Danbury Hoopttal Friday to 7T.

i ^ 'n"’, _


ers and Omar Shrine Club of Man-: MlUen of ThompsonviUs, with whom she made her homo, and Ed­ Would End Welfare DepartmenU COngmgaUOMd Chareh win Beost qCnUam J. DeOonatar, Chester; the Rockville Lodge of IlM Six Lumumba Aides Slain, StateNews Obituary Elks, the board of tnutees o f BU- ward Comber of Manchester; two Ihesglit fer IM sy Bolion tonight at 3 In tha pariok n om . Ington CongreMtional Church, and daughters, Mn. Henry Peaslnl of Tba : Rhg^tiiiBto ChMr w U rt- Manchester and Mrs. Oscar H la kaama at T. The Ladtoa IftoTn By Wemer Pupils treasuKr of toe Republican Town 1 ^ Dag TeUs Security Council Committee. Nleener of South Hadley, Mass.; Social W orker Say s State SchoolVote lent Society wfll held a work maetr ______Slta —ki. Blltaw J- tlr« Roundup He ia survived by his wife, Mrs. two half-brotoelis, Harold Sankey If wo halt toort Ing tcxnerrow a tl3:3C p m .c t the, Iverscn Dies The fimt In n aartoa of fha ao)S- hait^xathieen a , (Ooettaned from Fsga Om ) Stanleyville Interior Mlnletar Catherine Hutchinson Urquhart; and Fred Sankey of Manchester; of It. a n t thoaa who wonld nelly Bar XMet of ns toa word • m - cinireh. maea reeitato gtvan by toe puiw Raadrit Ridhlem » Dunn, N a ^ two half-sisters. Miss Louise Brun­ th e Rod Oram BtoedraobOe to at Christophe Gbenye, sent to Kivu (Oonttaoed fran Page' One) end proaaoto the dnem render^ la one of the le « ptesMuit OpenlintHO pupile of.tha Wemer Studio, Fred- B. .FaratalL Marilyn J. three mm named Musungu, Blm- by GlxMiga to reptaoe Keahamura, At Conference ner of Norwich and Mrs. Frank Could Run Town Relief Kda ta our voeahnMiy. t t anr* Uhltod Mathodtat Ghurob today B. Wemer, Xmeat C. John- Susan rFaltoam.^aTU Iff Jmt gOea and Yangarx, Yeomans of Manchester; and five t n m 1:45 to 3:15 pan. WaOc-ln sad Mm, lAuiae Retsknagri, already wsf In toa same UJt. Four Yale nttedale—toe alumni ■ta iieftat, JnoniltatiaB, faUnra. Tha polla win ba ajpm until • KMOt inmrleia A. IhltoAm. Pa- drag Stevenaon said: camp to escape errset by Keeha- boaM’a highest award—were pre- grandchildren. doioqm tnatmetonk wad^ bald yaatarday Funeral servioee wUl bo held I Funeral eervlcee will be held (Conttaoed (ram Fage O il) beginning, ft would Most of tha iisat heroes of Ua-. o’jBiodc toAty at the Conamnlty tog year Ohntga ‘"My govemmmt wants to ex- mura. A U.N. apokesman said ■anted for, “outatanding service to ooll, O.FM., Pattereon, NJ., as We fta ll'^ the machine .vote on ob- attamoon ta toa ohapal of toe preee ita shock, revulelan end ta- anarchy prevailed throughout Wednesday at 3 pm. at South Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Hol­ deacon, and the Rev. Prancatlus taty hava jaeed the dwlee betwaaa . Wbnantoa Deede: BUen J. South Methodlat Church. Tharocu S3BAXR AntMAM BIHHE the unlversit/' to Mrs: Mabel Welfare CommlsSiofMV tMtaOXI talntng preUmlnety plaae f6r a G ot dljmatlon at tole happening.’’ Kivu. Brady Garvan, a trustee of toe M etl^lst Church for Harold Ar- mes Funeral Home, 400 Main S t Holetrom, 0 ;F N ., Brookline, aurwnder on the one hand, end al- Banreod to Andrair AneaMI. was daeoratod wito patam and tlow- Stevmeon said toe lataat deval- 'Die Rev. C. . Arthur Bradley, pas­ Mess., ae sub-deaoon. .The Rev. Shapiro, who discussed praipteHd in toe department of our Junior high eehoM. Boitm Oonter Rd.; ara. A varied prognxn ef 30 num- niaworth, MAtaa, Wh. » (*>r hnsMitots There were elso unconfirmed Yale Art Gallery Aasoclatae; Rob-: toiu^Iversen, 64, of 64. Thomaa] budget for hie department; mem* moat taevltahle death oa tha other. Air Foroa Capt Walter B. Ow w ^ opmmta emphaelaed toe necessity rumors of a deal brewing between tor of Enfield Congregational Fabian Joyce, O.F.M., PltUfleld, of food. We are beghe- Many ef them era t M t heroes at at tha laf- lea to Andrew An- raa areaented. Delivery ert J. H. Kiphuto, retired Yale Dr., secretary-treasurer and gen­ bars o f toe special commission So ahnoot aa a diapirate laat arandum aura Raymond B. Oeapor. Tha next recital In themrieewUl ■r, Norwalk, Oenn.. woe * a p « w for urgent and effective action. Gen. Victor Lundula, toe Btanley- ewtexnlng coach and physical ed­ Church, will officiate. Burial will N.H., -was master of oeremoniee. itudy toe problem of revMoit ef UstocT haeanas they dtram dwOh water righto through her ta good omxBtlm today taoomrtaf Omar Loutfl, delegate for the vUIe army chief, and Gen. Mobutu, eral manager of toe East Hsrtford I be in toe family plot in Fairvlew Seated In the sanctuary were ; to gtoe toad away to al- rather than surrandar to tha madarstor; IP s. Fatdr Maananai, proMity an Bolton Oenter Rd. he hrid at the aaiae ptaoe, Sunday ucation miector; Carl Van Vech- Aircraft Crsdit Union. laws pertaining to toe State WeU I t n . Augmd Mndnar, Mia. VIneant M arA 13; at W 3 , whan another from an ayo injury, ha auttom United Arab Republic, aald the head of the anny In LoopoIdvUle. ten, author, photographer and Cemetery, West Hartford. - toe Rt. Rev. Megr. J 1 umaiiHefiaiilewi aa a tonanla or die! fighter S a t u i^ . The pUot o f tta our organisation.’’ control of. the army In Oriental Heihart Thoms, professor emeri­ home tomorrow from 3 to 5 and 7 o f Franciscan Missionaries. Mrs. Tot, In a uaifne way, avecy In- maabtaa tmidora; Mia. Brneat Aa- aad Dnlay-Aan Diinock o f Mor- ed. ence in Providence, R.I. He -was I partment for ■■■lag tha burden of onr own Those who participated yeetar- 3131B Voodoo landed tha ontt "Htetory wiU Judge Mr. Kam- Provtiiee, the stronghold ot the Lu> tus of obstetrics and gynecology to 9 p.m. Ralph Maccarone waa organist State takeover of town reUst dtvMual teoM toie oholee deny. ptawan aad Mm. Chailoa Lnthrop, (ISMcn& attending 'a meeting ef the north­ and soloist. abundmoa. to Short, we ehata the ehackera; Mm. Fladailea Raid and day warn M ^ Ann MoKhmay, ■MUy a t Dow A ir lyurea Base. PBBSOBtPTION PBAaUAOY vubu and hla aaeoclatee whose mumblat rpitme. at Yale. east district directors of the was “unalterably oppoeed" by FleSt ______#MClUil^ Funeral services were to be held set up by toe etato, but>fav«red a to God win coae Joy, peaee, eatia- 'BririmraiUMr Taps Stotod Cheney lAbnuy. ueam enua from Peter B. Sahadl, 45, Bristol, jorie Coppel of Ellington; a broth­ this afternoon at 2:30 at too Iky- St, were held Saturday afternoon bill now before Lbe Geberal Aeeem* ______aaO adwr raadta matt A taps recording ^ Dr. WllUam Cheater Langtry, deputo dl- 3B rest o f MaJ. Gen. Joseph Mobutu, — 250th Birthday smd Anthony Maasa, 45, Derby. er, Alton Urquhart of Seymour; lor and Modeen Funeral Home, in the chapel o f Emanuel Lutheran bly which would allow towns that When A ‘Ja^Tmant* Is Bad factlon and power. For, paiadoxi- Meyer, psychietriat at toe Itatver- chief of state of Keaavutai’e armed te Tbe XaiiclMater Biaalim HeraM. cally, surrender to God is "the vic­ raetm' of pUhUc wmim, eaM toe Both were Indict^ with three four sisters, Mrs. Ethel Hatheway 233 Waaljlngton St, Hartford, fol­ Ctourch. want to admlntatar both geoifnl President Kennedy hea foster­ ■ity of QUifomie, entitled "Com­ Orlando AnnulU Oonstmctlon Co. forcee, and Moiae Tshombe, presi­ Arthur J. Vinton haa been named other men' lost April on chargee I of Seymour, Mrs. Myrtle Goad of lowed by services at St George The Rev. C. Henry Anderson, assistance and categorical m new* f Dteplar adraiHatea doatac boon: tory that overcomes the world." munist Brain Washing Technique" dent of Katanga province. I'TMr Roadair—1 p.m. Friday. ed a most pleeeing tmpreeelrtn o f Carlton Daley. Pastor began clearing snow from the site general chairman of the 200th an­ o f trying to sell 28,500 shares of I Shelton, and Col. Lucy Urquhart Greek Orthodox Ctourch, Hart­ pastor, officiated and Q. Albert grams. The latter are admnta* ^ Fw Tbcaday—1 p.m. Rondly. win be beard at toe meeting of the The Seeretary-generaFs announ­ land Miss Mina Urquhart both of a oartaln etyle of operathm tor hie United Methodist Church, Bolton Friday end imoovarlim some o f the niversary celebration of the fotmd- Texas Building Co. stock. ford. The Rev. Nicholas Terezakis Pearson waa organist. tered almost wholly by the etata. . J||Dr Wcdaeaday—1 p.m. TPcadap. B oly Name Society o f S t MAnrioe wCrk done bi Novamher. cement came aa toe council re­ Ing of the town of Coventry. The The Socurities and Exchange |Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Burial was in East (tometery. I f properly handled, local Ftenaradar—1 pja- Vadaaaday. adminietratlan. As he repeatedly waa to officiate, and burial was far Friday—1 b.bl Tharaday. Sa-PAT SUSPENSION church tonight et 8 o’clock. All Some c t the fbotlnga for toe sumed debate on The Congo program will be held this year. Vin­ Ctommisalon' reported the Texas Funeral services will be held to be in Cedar HIU Cemetery, Bearers were Ralph Swanson, Er- mlnistraUon would not tnefoeis Balufday—I p.m. M lay. tana It hlmeelf. the proeew la- men of the perish ere invited to north wing wero pourM In No­ crisla after a weekend recess. The ton’s appointment was made by the firm was without assets. I Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Bffiing- Hartford. land Johnson, Lennart Johnson, overall welfare costs,” be sakLfJhst CteacHIad daaAtoa; 10:10 a.m aadb Hertford^ FSb. 20 (P>—A 30-day oUtmA public was admitted to the gal­ Iton Congregational Ctourch. The and Durward Miller. at pubU^tha aaeapi Satarday— volves obtaining nnd weighing all aiMpenslan h u been’ directed vember by AanuiU before an er­ Board of Selectmen. Of the remaining defendants, would be reduced by ellmtaatoig ' A»BL. Maas arill be celebrated at S t ror hi toe hendliig prooedum was leries for toe first time since First Selectman Richard M. Michael Serra, 20, Meriden, and I Rev. Wayne Sandau, pastor, will Mrs. Etoaaor E. Crockett overlapping that now exists in to* tha known and proapectfra fu ­ againat toe Guys and Dolls Rea- I officiate. Burial will be in ElUng- Maurice Church tomorrow at 3 Recovered. W<»k waa balteg un- laat week’s bloody rioting, but toe Gallnat has extended an invitation Frederick Hesse, New York City, Mrs. Eleanor E. Crockett 50, of Jeinee Joseph O’Toole Jr. work of local welfare departatenta SCendAy, FWjmaiy 30 ton in a situation, and then taurant, 610 Poet Rd., Westport, cm . visitors were carefully screened |ton Center Om etery. I The funeral of James Joseph and the state department. by the State Uquor Control Cbm- IB the error could be contacted by to all civic and soclsil oiganlzations are etlU awaiting trial. 4 West St., died yesterday at Man-1 randdng; whet the PreeMmt calle Tha Women’s AuxUtary of Bol­ « apaeial act paaaed by toe state and there were no disturbances. In town to Join him and Vinton at The fifth defendant, Guy E. Pat­ Friends may call at toe Burke O’Toede Jr. 62 S. Adams St., was T im t D n u i O f miasioB for "tndecent entertain­ I Funeral Home, 70 Prospect St., Chester Memorial Hospital after a at the' John F. Tierney Fu- a ‘’pidcramt’* ment'’ on toe ptemleee. The com- ton Vehmteor Fire Departmoit legtttotnre. The Aslan-African noup haa an organization meeting at 8 p.m. ton, Fort Worth, Tex., was placed short illness. She w a ...... on probation for ope year after Rockville, tomorrow from 3 to 6 *“ >'*1 Home. 219 W. Center St, IB hla appeanaeo We ere now hegtaatag to haoe mission also announced Betorday arm meet tonight at 8 o’clodt at CSerk ef toe works for tlio been backing a .new Congo peace tomorrow at Coventry Grammar Sgt. Walter Crockett.rockeU, staUoned at [ morning, foUowed by a solemn Weekend Deixths the firrtiouM. project will be Thoxma Monehan, plan sponsored by toe United Arab School. Plans will be formulated l>leading guilty to violation o f the land 7 to 9 p.m. Camp Irwin, Bantow, Calif. Ifattaial Bidnatrtol ■eme Indication o f how, ones andi It had euspended the liquor permit Omar Shrine Club -will meet at high Mass at Church of the As- of Mrs. Warren V. GoeaaUn, per- The Advisory Council of Bolton town bnlldtng Inspector. Republic, Ceylcm and Liberia. for the celebration of the founding j Securities and Exchange Commis­ She waa bom Sept 27, 1910, in . Board at WaaMagtoa, a Jadgmant h u been roads, the A spokesman for Guinea aald o f toe town in 1711. The town was sion Fraud Act. He entered his Is p.m. tomorrow at the funeral sumpUon. By THE ASSOCIATED IMMIII mittae of toe reetaonnt, for 30 Marlborough, and lived in Man­ Ths Rev. Joseph Farrell was Jfenady ooea acoia piwood for Frwddant adberae to It. days. In addltloB, the conmlaelan after the council meeting: "We are Incorporated in the spring of 1712. plea in California. home to pay Its respects. chester for 20 years. She waa iem- Austin, Minn. — Cedric A d a ^ for strengthening the reaoluUmi. celebrant, assisted by toe Rev. 58, widely known Minnesota jpdo goal of aeoBOHilo gnartli, eon* Arid the firat Indtcatlon ia that, ■uapended the permit ot toe D m t Mies Fireman Sought jdoyed as a clerk-cashier at toe Francis T. BuUer as deaccm and '^MBtrattog oa ngioali for tlw wlMB tha Judgment happens to be Liquor Store, Now Haven, tor five Unless something Is done there will The fourth annual Fireman Con­ 5 , 1 0 0 T a k e E xam * I'ormer Popular Market on Main Muper columnist and' radio atal be more killings.*’ test of the Coventry Volunteer Fire S t for several years. the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Harold F, Daley elovlslon oonwimit«tor»-died %!« a mistake, the Proeldaat holde to daja fm- aelUiig Uquor to a minor New London, Feb. 20 (P)—Some I G ordon T od d Dies, of Wilson aa sub-deacon. Paul and faumg vo add toa ntall 'sales Referring toKesavubu. he asked. Association Inc. of South Cov­ Saturday of a heart attack. Adam* jtti >dty, arUdi wtMId oponto at a It firmly end obetbiately. Later *Te this the government 'the United 5,100 young Americans are taking Chetelat we. orgmdet «.d rj^olst had conducted toe daily and 8m^ tax to Uquor prices. ZENITH’S entry, Is being sponsored by toe lo­ are two sons, Donald Chapman of Interment was in a vault at St ^*VglMr rata, aad propoohig; aa an on, perhaps, wa toaO haaa oppor­ States is supporting?’’ cal firemen. WUUam Dittrich of the United States Coast Guard Harold A. Iv Active in Sports South Windsor and Thomas Crock­ day column, "In TUe (fotner," for Academy entrance testa today James’ Cemetery. Bearers were ;;;jBe«Btlpa to tbo croatlon of more tunities to witness an equal ten­ EXTENDED RANGE In announcing toe new elayltax. Perkins (Jomer, president of the ett of Manchester; two Inotoen, 1 Rnwi« the Minneapolis Star for 25 yean, Read Herald Adm Hammarskjold said; aad tomorrow at 129 exandnation drew Wlllgooe, chief engineer and Gordon J. Todd, 45, of 182 Mc- . Martin J. 0 ’To<^e, association, is general chaliman. William C^pman and Lawrence James B. O’Tolde, James Sweeney, and had been assoclatod with ^aad modoni prodacUoa capacity, acity on hla part when some Judg­ HIGH FIDELITY "I bring tola news to toe know! oenters' throughout toe world. one of toe founders of toe com­ I Kee St., territorial manager of (Jhapmon, boto of South Windsor; WCX30 Radio.and TV. He may be contacted for details. Neary 5,200 applications were Francis Long and Benjamin Rou­ <«4Har tax Bonreoolowa Horn goeam- ment adilch seems right comes Have You Met? edge of the council with revtat and Any singls giri between toe p l y - ^ , the Quaker - Oats Co., who was ac- four sisters, Mrs. Luther F Chiosgo—Casiper W , OonM, M ; ■MBt for IraatMoa under attack. H E A R I N G A l shock.’ ’ received at Coast Guard head- Mr. Iversen was firat secretary I tive in sports, boy scouting and of East Hartford, M n. Clyde Jbhn- leau. ' I ■ "F or the (U.N.) organliatian It­ ages o f 18 and 21 yean may enter widely known imtent attorney ■Ad ^ Xa ♦ariritiy awri fttim Ceera ta er the contest quarters in Washington, D. C., for of the credit union and had been pTA activities .in Manchester, died son of Wapping, Mrs. Fred Schnei­ U.S. commissioner o f patenta thtm The taatanca In which he can self,’’ he added, "It la humiliating toe examination. a member of its board of directors Saturday in Bellevue Hospital, Domenloo Rossi The local winner will be eligible der of E2Ung;ton and Mrs. Donald Funeral services for Domenico 1945 to 1047, died SuAday o f % *!‘y t V t Praoldmt BSmo4y io not be wrong la that of the mipolnt- -UVINO SOUND" and. corroding to be confronted with Although the number to be since its organization in'1935. Two prew York City, Murray of South Windsor; and five ^^Mty qiaakbig aa aa iatenigwt ■uch acta wherever they happen, to enter the Miss Fireman of East­ Rossi of North Coventry were held heart ailment. He also served '*» ment of that family friend. Bari HIAmNOMOa ern (tonnecticut contest later. offered appointments has not years later, he resigned his PAW An enthusiastic supponter of grandchildren. chairman of the Patent (tompen- naa ia hla owa right, hot but this reaction ia reinforced been determined, 223 were sworn poeition to devote fuU tone to the sports, Mr. Todd had attended toe Funeral arrangements will be Saturday at toe W. P. Qolsh Fu­ Smith, former amhaaaador to when the organization has also to First Aid Oourse Set neral Home, 225 Main S t The Rev. satioh Board of the Atomic "alao aa oao who haa tbo aaaoda- Cube, M emhaeeednr to Bwltaer- A first aid course will be con­ in as cadets last July. credit imion, becoming ita secre- Manchester-Wethersfield baaket- announced later by Holmes Funer­ ergy Commiasion. He w w bom hi recognise Ita poweriesaness In toe Deadline for 1981 appUcaUons | tary-treosurer and general man- ball game at Manchester High al Home, 400 Main St. Percy M. Spurrier of South Meth­ "•^thxb aoaidltatloa aad haddag dif laad. This h u been eritldaed, hi face of policies coldly disregarding ducted by toe Co-ventry Volunteer odist Church officiated. C h ^ g o . Fire Association Inc. with Hans v fu Jan. 10. The entrance test are ager. During his 26-year asaocia- School on Friday evening, -''a whola crew oC profeaetoaal this country, on two grounds, the QUINN'S Its efforts and toe. principles on tion, the East Hartford Aircraft I He was bom in North Adams, Mrs. Louise Collins Sellew Burial was in East Cemetery. Waahlngton^Lee G. Mbler. 68, Hansen, accredited instructor. In machine graded and those who biographer of Eknle Pyle end fo^ . aonawnlata 87S MAIN ST. which they must be based." obtain a qualifying score are in­ Credit Union became toe largest Mass., June 5, 1915. He was oc- Honorary bearers, replanting toe first that It la too pereonal an i^ Hanunarskjold called toe coun- charge. I Mrs. Louise Collins Sellew, 49, Italian American Club and toe mer naanaging editor o f the Wash­ *1. Tat, for an tide, aoeh a Um of PHARMACY P b o n s M I 8-41SI|S terviewed. The commandant of alrcraft federal credit union in toe tlve ^In sports at Drury High potetment, tha second that Smith, WALTERR. cU’e attention to Dayal’a original The first two-hour oleae will be wife of Rdbert H. Sellew of 57 Fubinese Society, were Paul Ot- ington ■ Daily News gnd Berippe .;,toBc aad pmpoeltlaa aowda to aa held at' 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at toe Coast Guard makes the final country. . School there, graduating to 1933. la CWba, played baU too wall with report expressing fedrs for toe Mr. Iversen was a founder, di- He Joined the Quaker Oats Co. In Starkweather 8L, ffied this mom- Uone. Louise Andlslo, John Andisio, Howard AUtanoe, died Selnidey aahne aa laaar o( RART1NOTON JR. the South Coventry firehouse. decision on appointments. ing at her home after a short Ul-|s.«„u ni»n« i Ai.«i»ndm Moreno of pneumonia. He won neticnal 1 lUeta. This crlttdam In this safety o f the pro-LumU'mba group rector and past president of the i 94q as a retail salesman. He ad- Frank DlBna,j'Xlessandib Moreno, and toen disclosed that he had re­ Subsequent lessons wUl be given The corps of cadets at toe New ness. prominence for his book, "TIm > T i yoaiB ago. whM « a looked for* eoantry hu been noticed In '164 East Oenter Street London academy averages about Connecticut Credit Union League; I vanced In 1949 to Jobbing salea- Joseph Naretto, and Louis Mira^ ^ ward to aa Bfeacheetor, Oona. ceived a new message tole morn­ each Wednesday, same time and She was bom in Westfield, gUo. Ehnls Pyle Story," an aooount of Swltaertaad, and addad to mlagtr- place. The course wUl run about 800. The 4-year oourse leads vlce president of toe Connecticut man for the territory of western Moss., Aug. 23, 1911, and lived In toe faniM reporter and war cor* , m t-4664 STRING HAS COMI TO ing. to a bachelor of science degree Centi^ Federal rouonu Oedit Union; uiuuu, • a | massaenusensMassachusetts anaand Vermont, vermoni, anaand Active bearers were Antonio ^ baaed OB' taga thar% with the renllt tost tlja "I have to Inform t' e Security 13 weeks. Anymw 16 years of age bachelor of science degree Manchester for the past eight Peracchio, Stefano Rossi, Russell roqMndent. iblUldSttCS; and over ia, ellglUs. Further de­ and nnmmiairtAn as enslgn In the 'Olractor of the O edit Union Na- was promoted last year to terri- SwiM govamment h u been eey- Bars is one of your nelghbom, Coimcll," he said, "that I have nnaat Riiars I tlonol Association; member of toe tory manager. yean. Storr, Louis 'Varca, John Bigotto Delray Beaob, Fla.—Joba CUf* Iha Teaaona for that dieaiii e t an tadepeadant huelneeamaa in this morning received a cable from tails may be had by contacting (toast Guard. She was a member of Becond and John Buschaglla. ing, u plelnly u It can without About 215 prospective cadets National Credit-^ Union Manage-1 Mr. Todd received the firm' ton Hosktoa, 78, eecreta^^treM- 'SB yeara axo were ahnirrt toe special representative inform­ Hansen. ment Conference’s steering com-1 "Quaker of. the Year" national Congregational Church. urer of the Wall Street Journal open Insult, that tt does not want yoUr community, engaged In a PENNY SAVER ing me that ‘toe so-called minister Cooper to were scheduled to take toe exam- Besides her husband, she 1s 7 * 1 ^ "We had, 6am i s m o m i . hlgbly-devidoped modem serv­ mittee, and a member of toe ad-1 award in 1958 for his "outstand- for 22 yean, died Friday after a Smith of Justice of South Kasai haa Juat Theunee T. Cooper of Rt 44A Inatlcm at the (toast Guard Acade­ survived by cousins in Westfield, long iUneee. He lived In New York trying to oad a depraai 0«r Rocks Aro W it h confirmed that Finant, Fataki, has been named Janitor of the my today and tomorrow. ■vlsory board of the First Man-jing record In the fields of mer- Midnight Curfews If Fraaldut Kennedy keqie in- ice that ia helping many fam­ chestor office of toe Hartford Na-1 chandising, selling and public ra­ Mass. tmtU his retirement In 1950. .'aad .hnild ouraetrea proapartty by Yangara, Miizungu, Blengesa and North Coventry Cooperative Nora Burial will be at toe (x>nvenlence elating, in aptte of toe hints ily, buelneea aad profenrionel tional Bank and Trust Co. lations. Minneapolis—J. E. Ratner, 60; ^4/taiem tehldi to Nuxuzl have been executed’." ery and Kindergarten for toe bal­ of the family. There will be no I On U nder 16s Gain director of advertlelng for floor BwHisirlatijt h u been throwing At people to plen nail control tbalr Dayal’e report threatened U. S ance of toe school year. The Dental Health Survey He was the recipient of a ho had lived In Manchester for •^oeaboray of nunofed seorcltya Wo Hartford, Feb. 20 (JPt — riome-| 'Brother’s Keeper Award" pre- 12 years. Mr. Todd was a past calling hours. and mixed products for General him by Ita delay In approvlhg flaancaa offlclantly. Bo can efforts to vrin council recognition claeaee are held In the basement Friends are asked to omit (Contoined from Page One) Tkad acg auoooadad hi ddliv i SPRING for Premier Joseph Reo, named by bound, chronically 111 people gene­ sOnted In 1957 by the Hartford president of the Verplanck School Mills, Inc., died Friday of a heart Smith, Bwitserland will probably show you too one sure way to classroom at Sectmd Congrega­ rally are eager to get, and al-1 (toapter of toe Coimectlout Credit IPTA, and was active in the Man- flowers. attack. He was bom In Chicago. t^thaa oaehig aoma of our deprea* Kasavubu to head a new Central tional Church. accept him In toe end; And so far gnarantao youraelf toe thiiiga most always need, dental care at Union League for "outatanding I cheater Little League, serving The Holmes Funeral Home, 400 body of the town to vote upon the Bryan, Tex.—Dr. Thomas (Xto aloe palna. Congo government In Leopoldville. The parent-members of toe Main St., is in charge of funeral curfew question. Walton, 77, president o f Texea there hu been no sign of any yon value most—Confidence in It threw a cloud over laat week’s school meet at 8:16 p.m. to­ home. meritorious. work in toe develop- often as a umpire, and in *" Thaa war caaia along, and or- These are two tentative find­ ment of credit unions." toe Boy Scouts. He formerly arrangements. . The curfew would result In toe AAM College from 1925 UntU weakening on toe part of the toe future, education for your suggestion of the UJf. Conciliation morrow at the home of Mrs. War­ imposition of a |60 penalty on a tt!4ored ua to produce for aurvtval, Commission In The Congo that ings of a research project -going Mr. Iversen was endorsed by coached teams in the 1943, died Saturday after an ili- President. Having reached a children, ownership of your ren Swartz on Swamp Rd. William E. Hunnlford parent or guardian of a child found nesa of a heart ailment for several ..ao matter what tto coat FOB ALL THE FAIOLT S5S BtAIN ST—MI S4741 : MuKlmtor md Other Lesdliif Oltleg Heo’s regime became toe basis for nayeib Reheano on in Greater HeriXord under toe RepubUcan Town (tommitteo West Side Rec Junior and Inter­ "Judgmut,” he Is still holding to home, control of your huataess, in August 1060 as a candidate for mediate leagues. He was a gov- William El Hunnlford, 62, of on the street after midnight. months. He was bom on an Bast ' ‘' At the beghmlng of the war, oiur .a broad government of national Coventry Players’ meeting to­ 352,000, 2-year grant from the Na­ Owiazdowskl said that with both it, even though everybody aeeme carifree retirement or extend­ tional Institute of Health. toe Manchester Board of Direc- ernor and past president of the 441 Center St., died yeeterday at Texas Faun. >dd Jr.^sta- JCpisoopal Clhurch. H e. was also a. of the board of B. Seagnm stead of obstinacy. They looked for toese proposals toe Dear Departed," at dejartment. ' East Hartford Kiwanis Club and Uoned at Sheppard Force member of Manchester Lodge of trouble. Midnight . was chosen and Sons. ^jdl toougbt we had leaned. Thia play, "The Dear Depmrtod, rather than 11 p.m: as toe second 'waa that cun ought to be, by to take toe form of amendments to its' March meeting. Rehearalng Also working on the study la C h a m b e r o f -Oonunerce, East Hart- Raze. Texas, **><1 a sl^ r, Mrs. Masons, and a member and past a Congo peace resolution spon­ for toe presentation under the di­ grand tall cedar of- Nutmeg For­ movie at most theaters doesn’t BODY FOUND IN BIVEK a m y. hutlnct and c^iaclty *«d 466 MAIN ST-oBrifk Church Just North of Center toe department’s chronic disease ford TTMCA, and South Methodist | get out imtil 11:15 p.m. Middletown, Feb. 20 (ff)—A body A Touch Of May sored by Ceylon, Liberia and the rection of Zolton Fouerman, direc­ control section, imder Dr. Henry Church In Manchester. He was The * Simmons Funeral Home In est, Tall Cedars of Lebanon. power, an eecnoray o f abundance. United Arab Reimblic with broad tor, ere: Richard G. Jodry, Mrs. North Adams Is in charge of Survivors are his wife, Mrs. found In toe ConnecUent Rtvet Eisenberg. also a member of the Naval Re- RECORD mOH FOB DATO Saturday has been Identified by po> I!lha theory wee that the great According to toe weather pro- Asian-African support. John Dinsmore, Mrs. Raymond Dr. Erlenbach said some 200 serve, funeral arrangements which are Ethel Smith Hunnlford; two sons, Windsor Locks, Feb. 20 Of) — lice as that of Andrew Laraon^ TO, .jradaetlve power are had dlaeov< feeelonele, yesterday’s wamto Any pro-HsurnnanSkJold amend­ Matola, WUUam A. Smith, all of chronically ill peraems have been Survivors Include bis wife, Mrs. Ir complete. William R. Hunnlford, a student ment was considered certain to town, and Perley Griswold and his at Miami University in Elorida, The temperature rose to an un­ of 284 Church S t, Hartford. FD-. .'toad we paaaeaaed for the purpoeee came to ue etrmlght from the Pa- ^ n to date. They,ranged In age tAicUe Ewing Iversen, two daugh- seasonable 69 yesterday, a new lice said yesterday Larson ligd die by Soviet veto, however. The daughter, Janice, of Mansfield. from 20 to 88 years, and all are tera, Mrs. Donald B. Caldwell of Jared B. Tennant and Allan S. Hunnlford of 'Man­ ^ war should ba ] dfle. Coast, travallng u teat toe U.S. delegation reportedly believed ' Hebron—Funeral services for chester; a sister, Mrs. Grace high tor the date, the U.S. Weath­ been missing since Dec.' 5: n ey living in private dwellings. Later, Ellington, and Mrs. Allan F. Frel- er Bureau reports. It bettered by said death waa the result of drown­ '■|fcamte1ed into tha purpoeee of winter terrain It passed over had 4 the Russians w o:^ veto any reso­ Bfaaobeeter Evening Herald patlents in private nimsing or con-1 hgjt jr. of Manchester, and four Jared B. Tennant, life long resi­ Alden of Hartf<»d; and several ^eeee. If only wa could wald our* BO time to cool tt down. Hile is lution to expand toe power of the O ov en ^ correspondent, F . PanUne dent of this town, were to be held nieces and nephews. two degrees, toe mark set in 1949. ing. IS YOUR little, teleplwne PI 8-83SL valescent homes will be seen. grandc^dren. this afternoon at St. Peter’s ^ is- artvas to that vlalan—of aa aooa< a rare oecurranoe. Any abnomel UJf. In The Omgo end that toe He added that there were 1231 The Rev. Lawrence F. Almond Fimeral services will be held majority of toe council should et copal Church with the Rev. 'Gor­ Wednesday at 2 p.m. at St. Mary’s OOigr of ahundance wa would for* warmth at tola tons of year of toese seen so far between toe will officiate at services at South don W. Weeman officiating. Burial least endorse Hammatakjold’s ages o f 20 and 65. It was this] Eb>isoopal Church. Burial will be in , rntltmt haira done wRh eneh tbinga would normally coma up frpm toe Methodist Church Wednesday at 2 was to be in St Peter’s Cemetery. continued authority as a rebuff to About Town group which held the most prom- p.m. Burial will be In Cedar Hill Etost (tometery. 3aa kllUng little piga, plowliig crops South, and ba burdened with Mr. Tennant died Thursday at EYlends may call at the Wat- BEAUTY SALON toe Ruasien demand for hla re- Ise for what might be called home cemetery, Hartford. Windham Memorial Hospital in jnader, or letting f a o t ^ epaee and much more humidity. But toe air, BDOVal. Anderson Shea Post, VFW, wUl rehabilitative dentistry. Friends may call at the New- WilUmantio at the age of 79. He kins-^WOst ElinertU Home, 142 E. Jdinman hands stand hU^ We ware yaoterday, w u ’llke that of May. The Asian-African resolution, meet tonight at 8 at toe poet home. Dr. Erlenbach said "These and Center St., tomorrow from 2:30 to kirk and Whitney Funeral Home, was bom In Hebron May 11, 1881 4:30 and 7 to 9 p.m. i Tou may hava ndtleed, too, ■ubmltted Friday, urged that the toe older patients had a large 318 Bumalde Ave., East Hartford, A painter by trade, he was also rjgeing to keep the throttle open. United Nations use force If nec­ Ttoe Rt. Rev. Megr. Terrenoe backlog of accumulated dental that whtra tha night melt had Washing dith«s LISTED HERE? tonight and tomorrow from 7 to 9 employed by the New Haven Dairy MANCHESTER . * to the oqwrlence that fOllcwad, essary to head off civil war In P. McMahon, executive editor of needs. They needed every kind of p.m. (to. at its Amston branch for a Harry W. Hodges npa failed in the eama department turned toe mg of mart a few feet, is nosy today... The Congo; that all Belgian mili­ The CatooUc Transcript, wUl be dental work dotie, such as ex-| Manchester Lodge of Masons | number of ysM . He organized Harra W. Hodges, 66, of Marble­ iShi which, ao far eg wa Can obaerra, toe lawn thus uncovered w u tary personnel and political ad­ guest speaker tonight at 8 at a tractions, fiUings. partly or full conduct a memorial service at Tennant’s orchestra which fur head, Mass., was killed in an auto unusuelly bright and green, u if Albert 8 Beauty Studio Kay Beguty l^on who cares how visers leave there and that all meeting of St. Bridget’s Rosary dentures, or repairs on them," home tomorrow at nlshed music for dances In toe accident yesterday at South Weare, l^Ptasldeat K ^ e d y aad hlf advte- Society in the church hall. There toe funeral N. H. He was toe father of Mrs. it were euggesUng that laWn- Vernon Circle, Vernon 35 Main S t—MI 9-6933 countries deny transit to non-U.N. He ahn said that those doing I 7:30 p.m. aresu He was a vestryman of St. 3wa aeem to ba telling today. In MI 3-5277 mllltiuy men headed for The wUl be a Rosary and Benediction the study found patients happy Peter’s E]:d8Copal Church and a Edward J. Kaveckas of Kelly Rd., ;2Bnr IS yaan experienca after mowers ought to be sharpened. Congo. No reference was mads to at 7:80 preceding the program. with toe Idea they might get| member of Woodmen of the World. South Windsor, a proofreader at th e Herald. ‘jWorM War H, are soon discover And, If you opened a window, march comes in? -HamniBxskJold personally in hopes Members are reminded to bring help. He Is survived by two sons, Ran­ Allure Beauty Salon LuJon Salon of Beauty trading stampe and cookbook dall C, Teniianfof East Hartford, Mr. Hodges died at the scene of ^ ttitf when wa ran open throttle, you may have .heard toe full song 81 Bari Center S t tha Russiane would not veto the Accident Total* the two car head-on collision on Rt. 2 878H Middle Turnpike projects. Death Qaims and Jared B. Tennant Jr. of Co­ *wa merely plied up production for of the aong qiarrow, exulting in tesolution. MI 3-0109 MI 3-1939 A Soylet raeotution before the Hartford, Feb. 20 m — T he lumbia; three daughters, Mrs. 114. An 18-year-old New Hampshire ^krhUk wo aeemed able to dfvlae everything. State Motor Vehicle Deportment’s Thomas Badore of Amston, Mrs. youth, driver of the second car, oouncil calls for diamiasal of Bu* Strike lAtom * daily record .of automobile ac­ was also killed. His passenger, an­ distribution or uae. toevitably, Tbese things were, primarily, Hammarskjold as "a participant Bridgeport, Feb. 20 (i^ — Union Ross Urquhart William Adams of East Hartford, toe gifts of a swift rueh of warm Ann Campbell’s Salon The Magic Mirror cidents as of last midnight and the and Mrs. Ambrose A. Roy of WU- other youth. Is in critical c<»iditlon !]n a aertea of reoeaeioiie, are eloeed 843 Main St.—MI 9-7404 In and organiser o f’ Lumumba’s workers o f toe (tonnecticut RaU- totals on the same date last year: at a hospltaj in Grasmere. air from toe Pacifie. • 537 Mein S t - M I 3-7484 Blow hot or cold. A properly insulated house keeps thill winds out In killing. It demands punlaliment of Ellington — State Rep. Ross V. limantic; a brother, Chester W. throttle dow^ Now President way A Lighting Co. wUl meet this 10AA 1QA1 Tennant of Unlonvllle; 11 grand A restaurant-owner In Marble­ But If, amid such lovely dle- Belgium ta toe same oonneotion. week to discuss a strike dexdline. Urquhart, 60, of Main S t, died head, Mr. Hodgee was returning aato'^ua to open the winter and blocks sun's sizzling rays in summer. Sgyings on hoating disainnaina of anti-Lumumba Con- Accidents ....4,810 4,879 (Est.) suddenly at his home yesterday children and 13 great-grandchil­ tracUone,- you. also lotted at toe Beauty Box The meetings were ceUed yester­ KlUed ...... 28 22 home after checking his summer I again, V^wida as wo can, 361 Center St.—M l 9-70tt Pine Acre Beauty Salon gideae troope and the close out of day after the collapse of negotla- morning. dren. place at South Sutton. f i » and his advisera'ato ftiD of calendiur. you found It 19 days costs will pay dividends for the life o f j/our house. the UJ7; Congo operation wltoin a Injured ...... 2,748 2,699 (Est).| He retired in 1953 from toe State 465 Hartford Road tione between manegemeht and Mrs. Edith A. FOwell He was a member of the Marble­ which may tnaptra ua to Into P^hiary, and only four so*s homo hoating ' MI 9-7897 month. union rep'resetnatlves Saturday. Police with the rank of captain, head Lo^e of Maqons. A veteran The Bemity Nook In still another proposal, Presi­ Fluoridation Lo*e* after 30 years’ service. He was at- Mrs. Edith Anne Fowell, 61 Sun I aad help finance the doing waeka aad a day from the formal Select Bslssm-Wopl blanket insulstion with alurhinum reflectivA The principal obstacle blockhig set Rd., Newington, sister of Mrs, of World War T, he had also been advent of a eeason called spring. * owr w ovi 953 Mein S t—M l 3-8011 dent Kwame Nknimah of Ghana a eettlenwpt concenu wages. 1 Jewett City, Feb. 20 (flv-Fluori- f tached to the State Fire Marshal’s i Manchester a member of the Veterans of For­ messaged Hammarskjold Satur­ About 550 bus driven, mechan­ nation Of this communlt/e water office at toe time of his reUrement HosI eign Wars. that economy of abundance Time w u paaaing, believe It or Schultz Beauty Salon day that a new all-African- UN; supply was. overwhelmingly reject- and y;as deputy state firs marshal.; died yesterday at Middlesex Hos You get premium quality Billie's Beauty Salon lintta or with asphalt-impregnated liners. Choice o f two thicknsssts. ics and other employes of toe line pltal, Middletown. He was bom Dec. 17, 1895 In of us hoped for at the end not, even during all those weeks MobilWt with jtT-M. . . the 983 Main St.—MI 3-8951 ' command should take over The have been working under terms of ed in a test vote Saturday. Of 6,- He began his state police career Salem, Mo. In addition to M n. 33 Depot Square—MI 3-7973 CDiq^>, free political prisonen, dis­ She was the -widow of John (3. J f^O rid War n , aa a real fulfil- when we were frosan Immovable. most completely effoetiva fuel an old contract that expired last OpO eligible voters, 1,041 balloted, at toe Danielson Troop and was Fowell. Kaveckas, he is survived by his Dear Holman-Baker: toM t of tha American dream ai»A oil additiva in UM today. Aad The W . G. GIsnney Co. will tell you the thicknesses and typos o f in* arm Congoleee troope and convene September. agataat fluoridation and 24 sup­ put in charge o f toe troop in 1927. Also surviving, besides her sis­ wife, Mrs. Edith Gale Hodges, two T>arliament—end- that ell foreii ported IL the vote'waa only a sons and another daughter, all of American destiny, will still not yen got pnmium oorvleo. Au­ Felice Beauty Sakm Weldon Beauty Studio Should the woricen strike, they He'was transferred to headquar­ ter, are a daughter of Newington, 85 ain ton S t—MI 3-6837 99 Bast Center S t sulation best for your house. They'll adviis on application and loaii diplomata 'ehould get out -while t would disrupt bus service for 70,- sampling oflopinion and carried no ters, in 1941. three sons out of state, and six MarUehead; a, sister in Tennessee; Ever tell a bedding manufacturer how m guaranteed by any arbitrary tomatic daUverim . . , a bal- Africans put 'Die Congo In order. legal weight. and three grandchildren. anoed paymont plan and many MI 8-5009 000 daUy rides In Bridgeport, Rep. Urquhart moved to Elling­ grandchildren. much you enjoy the bedding he makes? ia our producUon ci^im - Regardleae of the attitude toe Funeral services will be held eth* axMi derigned to maha you a stapisr— frae. Britain, Watarbury and Norwalk ton from Manchester when he-had Funeral serirlces 'will bo held Hundreds have sent testimonials to Holman* Zhodnetlca beoomea dlaaater Harriett’s Beauty Sakm UN. takee to' this, Kasavubu, ■Dd vicinity. Extended Foreca*t lived at 111 Concord Rd. He leased Wednesday at l p.m. at to* Chad­ homa heetiag raSlt euy- Tshombe and South Kasai Presl Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the New­ wick Elmeral Home in New Lon­ Baker of Boston, Mass. Many of them had I It la for uae. Abundance bs' 139 Center S t - M l 3-8114 The union membership mratings Windsor Locks, Feu. Zm i/P) the former county home in Vernon kirk and Whitney Funeral Homo, dent Albert Kalonji were certain wiU be held in New Britain today, and has operated it os Vernon 776 Farmington Ave., West Hart­ don, N. H. Burial will be in Old suffered lack of sleep because of back ailments mataly suliplus unleaa It la ■ to reject Nknsmah'o plan. The U.S. Weather Bureau at Brad­ Main St. Cemetery, New London. Center Norwalk pjoA Bridgeport tomor­ ley Field issued this 6-day forecast Haven (fonvalaacent home under ford. Burial will be In United before selecting HolmM-Baker Musfso-Pedic , ' iwnanmpMon. Mobiihgat ■M3 While toe report of the deporta­ row. end in Waterbury Wedneeday. the management of his son, Rosa Church (Jemetery, Woodstodc, MOTOR SALIS tion o f poUtloal prisoners firom for Connectiput today; or Verto-Rest Bedding, Others had chosen ; Whets la the theory,- where are Tnoeratures, Tuesday through V. Urquhart Jr. (Canada. OpM AM, to S p.m. LeopoldvlUe toreatsned cbenoee of OPPOBB SKVr FOB PEApINO' The^e WUl be no calUng hours this custom-crafted bedding because • prapoaala, tor making poaaible SS4 Center S U -M l 3-UWl UN. zecognlUon tor the Heo gov­ Satutday, iara expected to average Last fall be was elected to the Fnnerals DM and conatnaptlon of at WeahlsBtea. Feb. M m -A yna- 8 or.more defreea above normal. General Assembly and has been before the service; they wantrf to keep their backs healthy ernment, toe Communlst-reoog- Jerlty *t the ShxxM sad Senalqi Contributions may be made to that nMoant of production nlxed Lumumblat regime in Stan­ A t . this time normal mean tem- serving on the Public Health and ... others just wanted the best aave -dlghMI • etatsmeat eppoe- penttur»- ln tob Hartford Area is Safety, CiUes and Boroughs, an^ charity In her memory. Mn. Matilda Barrett ’ im ek wh a n abondy oapaMaT _G 0 lin E T E leyville apparently was in daagSr lag UJI. lAqdadttoa o f Bed aStaa The funeral o f Mia. Matilda sleep money can buy. 09EN FRIDAY of falling to plecea as a result of M deg]degrees and ranges from a usual 1 Claims committees. He served In a Whether you have back ailmenta or not, ty to pcoducs la no eRIENSTAMRS Ill 1 i Or eeathig Bed Chiaa . la ‘the daily Jiigii.of 40 to a low of 19. At liaison capacity between toe State Mrs. JoUa Comber MOIen Barrett ot Newton, Mess., and The beauty shops iietod individusl rivalries now that Lu- Catted NaOMai, Xhta formerly ot liuKchestor, was hSld I toattoB marie la tha mumba'e unifying Influence ws« NSW Bavm the normal range Is]Police Department nnd toe leg- M n . Julia Comber MUlen, 6 Con- why don’t you see... and actually try ... noaoiBy, The gnaatloit AUTOUTIG above have donated to BooMat today tV' :%480 td.33 and at Bridgeport 38 to 23. j islature, and had Introduced eev- lln Dr., Thompson-vlUe, a former Saturday morning at the John F. Musco-Peefo or Verto-Rest bedding at removed. " , ... tee 0« O « i (a ' It tW Manchester resident for 80 yean, Tlemey Elineral Home, , 219 W. to tfa with what wa cm TlM U N . command ta Leopold­ artmisekiti of Oen Mlld TuqfMtty amd Wednesday, a] era! bills for the department, Watkins tomorrow ? MOliMTY 3M.N.1IIAINi bit cooler -ThUiaday, and mild] Mr. Urquhart was bom Feb. 2, died this morning at Manchester Cutter SL, followed- by a solemn id If thia latter qnaa- TRMKIIISSION the children’s services N.lKAlNAliiBBT. JUNOTON BRANCH. ville announced that Anlcet Kaah- to Ifee IWted NattsM)" w ^ high .Maim of requiem at St. Costs only $89.50, each fEtaMheator, ^ BotaL Route 33 amura, left-leaning Lumumbtst a jl^ toward the end of the peri- 1901, In Boston, toe son of the Meihortal Hospital after a Short ■ot naawtoid. toa thrat- loMtaas eiredtated Hw etatenuat late John and Mina Ciarlson Urqu- Ubiets* James' Church. to assure yourself of p e rf^ rest. of Manchester the sum TRcBMXit 5-3318 boss of Kivu Porfom^oe, h^ mwBheia «t Oeagreee. LMed M The Rev, Antonina Barrett, pm^panana wO Bm p ro­ BROTHERS Preokpltatloa may total under bart. She moved to 'niompsonvi]le live SERVICE taken retugo' la a UN. 8Wip to —dessMa w en 54 BeiMitBXi u d yesrs igo. She was a member of OTM., Plttaflekl, N.K., eon of t t e d no matter how of.., 1475. ■scape arrest by parttaaa* of ^ Bgfvgg^Btgltvog i ^ t l flbnogl H Inch ooooRlng as rain Wednes- He was a member of both the 41 Yam PspapdaWa Sarvlea** Scottish and York Rites Bodies of Bnfleld (3ongregstional Chtuch. Mra. Barrett, we« oelebrantjae- Ml 3-5135 Oixenga, the pro-Cotamunlit emaly by parW, l4s D«Boerata d ^ and again toward the end of ■tatod by the Rev. Anthony O’Drta- bead the Staal«nil* a sd 1Y4 BapdMiiMta, tto* pettod.-' 1 Sphinx Temple ot Slirin* fiui^ving are two Kxu; Irving M i a U t a M w W . • ff A l»« vt nfian.


Avondal* Rd.; Barbara HM- Ington; Robert Viar% 99 S t John Kennedy Seeks $5.7 Bittion Tow n^ M iano S t : M rs Bessie Barluu’, 810 Hack- ihatack St; .Mlchaai Schwartiiw, PLEASE>«OP EARLYI 'Storrs; Mrs. Annie Gagnon, 226 For A id to Education Plans M a y R e su m e Woodbrldge Stj Mrs. Pauline Sto- A ll Conneetkut^^ate First Nationot Stor«s larczuk, 155 eepwood Dr.; Janice Boltoa Voting Skm McKuslck, 122 Grova St» Rock- Garhage Pact vUle; Mrs. Gloria O zut 82 Coleman WILL BE CLOSED AJ^O AY WEDNESDAY^ FEBRUARY 2 2 tiM Mktlonat IM m Im W- A t the height of a lunch time Rd.; Miss Joanna James, Coventry; M ra V irglnU Keeney, 695 Keeney WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY pcatlon Act of 1008. Ttio aot au- rush today, only 821 persons A re-lnatatsment of the garbage had voted in the Bolton referen­ contract between the Connecticut St; Miss Rachel Vtdcsnnan, 62 tho colleco itudent loan dum on whether to plan a Jun­ Carting C a and the town may be Pari St.; Dolph Ericoon, 2 Carter pragnMn aiM empnulaM tmprovod ior high school. Moderator in the offing, depending on what St.; MerrUl Colton, 1848 Tolland Raymond E. Cooper said this offer might be made by the com­ Tpke.; Louis Paggioli, RFDl, Man­ liutruotlon in idenco, mathemat­ chester; Mrs. M a rn ro t ZSnuatls. was the tally at 12:49 p.m.. pany oometime today. ics and. modem foreign langnagea. 19 Birch St; Mrs. EUle Brown, 82 There are more than 1,900 vot­ Saturday, a meeting between Scarborough Rd.; Mrs. Monica He glao said hie administration ers eligible to cast their ballots Oeneral Manager Richard Martin 1 Thompson, 915 Main St.; Ralph will review the government’s cur-' In the S-^uestion referendum. and Mictael Mlano, owner of the The polls will close at 8 p.m. QUlglcy, 80 Foley S t ; Mrs. Eleanor tent programs in vocational ed­ company, was held to discuss a Lew is Bolton fid., Vernon; Mrs ucation. poasible patching of the breek that Michaellna Haraburda, 186 Oak dividuals cannot afford the hene- occurred last week. S t; Mrs. Evelyn Esposito, 27 The President’s message made Martin broke the 887,000 con­ BO motion o f federal aid to Im­ fits of higher education. Too many Brainard.St.; Winthrop DanleUon, academic ihsUtutione cannot af­ tract, charging the company with 187 Olcott S t ; Earl Cleveland. pact^ areas—districts overcrowd­ broach of contract for failure to ed hecause of, nearby military ford the coat of, or find room tor, Hendee Rd.; Miss Burbara Burke, Installations. Xn administration the growing number of students n,ake two coUectlons a week. 17 Eldrldge St; Sam Yules, 01 spBUlings, Andover; BY FRANK O’NEAI. nual business meeting of Covenant John Lahda. 472 Keeney S t; Mrs. 8866 the third. Congregational Church yesterday Rlchsud White, Gardner, Maas.; Gerald Arsenault, Gardner, Maiss.; Eleanor Rich and daughter. H ie task force, headed by Fred­ afternoon. Richard Hough, Gardner, Mass; Ridge St.; Mra. Barbara Hubbard erick li. Hovde, president of Pur­ A t the morning service, the pas­ Paul Moore, Gairdner, Mass.; Mrs. and aon Kingsbury Ave., Rock­ due University, called for 830 for tor, the Rev. K. EJnar Rack, an­ ' €OM6omr Hilary Demarest, Ellington; John vUle. each pupil in average daily attend nounced that 814,779 was received SHANK SECTION Strickland, Vernon; Guy Psu-ent, DISCHARGED TO D A Y: Mrs, ance, plus 820 per pupU in aUtes In 1960 by the churCh, and 84,037 Stafford Springs; John liShda, 472 BYancea Hunt, 61 Overland St. \m j. COVER below 70 per cent of the national was distributed to missions. average Income, plus 820 per pupil Keeney St; lux. Doris Chamber- Mra. Helen Tofeldt, 70 Mather St. - m m a f Three new members were rC' lain, Hebron; Charles Bander- Robert Perron, 48 Essex St.; An­ Ready-to-Eat - ANOlH OSe to cities over 300,000 population. ceived on recommendation of the The first year cost was put at 81.8 burgh. 69 S. Hawthorne St.; Henry thony Kubaaek, 134 Oakland St WUSMIIU. board of deacons and upon com­ Fowler, Glastonbury;, Mlchell Ma- Mrs. Barbara Karvells" Wapping billion. pletion of the course required for heu, Crystal L a ^ . Rockville Dale Robbina, 177 Spruce St. Cut From Small Young Porkers BE FULL OF The Senate bill passed last year church membership. called for an average of 820 per George Gordon, Tolland Ave. ifvsems-1 TRAOTOB-’TRAILER STOLEN pupil, with a first-year cost of The constitution was revised to Rockville; Mrs. Joseph Kralik, |9& mUllon. Include head counselors of youth Coventry; Nicholas Gurske, 95 Stratford, Feb. 20 W V -A 832.000 During tho first year, the groups and the chairman of the Irving St. tlieft haa been reported at Hen amount o f money made available music commlttes on tha church ADMITTED SUNDAY: Ross kins Transportation Co., 144 Ben under the administration program board. The board of trustees recom'- Krechko, Tolland; WUUam Hust, ton S t PoUce aaid a tractor-trail for each pupil in average daily mended a raise in the pastor’s pay, 87 Arcellina Dr.i Richard Baker, cr, valued at 814,000, and electrical BUTT SECTION which wias approved imanlmously. equipment In the truck, valued at gotfTcovWfO attendance would range from a 859 BidweU S t ; Frank Pisch, 277 MAYBE itiinimum of 816 in nine states Many church officera were to- Hackmatack St.; Almet Sullivan, 818,000, were stolen. lfneRIOlUM$.TRM^ >WE‘D and the District of Columbia to a elected. New officers are as follows: Coventry; Mrs. Frances Hunt 81 dAMSffMO9,aWBA0K^ high of 829.67 in Mississippt Henry Ask, vice chairman; Mrs. Overland S t ; Stanley Majewski, BETTER Patterson Chaffin, secretary; Mra. The formula for allotting the 99 North St.; Albert Brylowe Don't Nngloet Slipping N O T Ronald Gocht, secretary; Stafford Springs; Miss Osrol Mac- fede^ money la based on the Wendell Blther, William Craiwford, BISCDVER state’s total personal income per Neil, 4 ayde Rd.; Mrs. TiUie She;^ Carl Johnson, and Robert Widham, toff, 119 WThlte 8^,; Mrs. Flora FALSE 1EETH T H IS each child in average diily at­ trustees; Joseph Clark, deacon; Do fKlM teeth drop, eUp or wobble PLACE tendance compared with the na­ Jourdain, Blast Hartford; Mrs. Bla­ when you talk, eat. latisb or enaeaa? Mrs. Georgs Poole and Mrs. K. ther McLean, Stafford Springs Don't be annoyed and ambarraeaad tional figiwes. EJnar Rask, deaconesses. Mra. Gertrude Matthews, 171 N by eueta bandlcapa. FA8TBKTH, an 'the states would be expected to Also, Fred Hutt, head usher; R(m- alkaline (non-acldl powder to eprtn- Elm St.; Mrs. Adeline Riley, 112 'Horn 1 eonvinen Mom yeu*ra lo intoUigont nnd you up their own efforts and ald Gocht, senior usher; Mrs. Ken­ kle on your platee, keepe teeth Oliver Rd.; Frank Murphy, 11 Oak more annlxeet. tofee confident feel­ and tall hor you think tho man should run tho hemsl" contributions, Kennedy said. An neth Nelson, mamber of the nqusic ing of McuSity and addad comfort. READY-TO-COOK - EVISCERATED administration spokesman said committee;- Miii. Henry ^Jtoaiien, St, RockvUle; Kim GaUpo, W ll No gummy, gooey, paetytaete or feel- those states which did not would Ilmantic; Michael Wennergren, 90 ' Ing. Oet PABTiaRB today at drug Mrs. Charles Roble, and Mra. Nor­ countem artrywhere. be pmialized by the withholding man Smith, delegates to the Man­ Oxord St; Mrs. Vllma Young. BY ROUSON of federal funds. chester Council of Churches r Miss Coventry; Walter and Frederick "In accordance with^ the clear Ellen Johnson, auditor; M r. and PeUg, 94- Lenox St.; Girard Adam, YOUNG YOUNG piohibtion of the CoMtitiition,’’ Mrs. Albert Toungstron delegates 137 Edgerton St; Paul Mongim, ■I AUCffM Kennedy said, ‘ho elementary or to the fourth district of the Con- 69 Green Manor Rd.; Mrs. Olga TOMS HENS secondary school ftmds are al' ;regatlonsI conference; Mr. and Spak, Ellington; Brian Kentfuld, located for constructing church drs. HJalmar Csfi^on, alternates, 64 South S t, Rockville; Mra. NORTH END NEWS 18 to 22 LBS 10 to 14 LBS sohools of paying church school Social Group No, 3 was in charge Nancy Evans, 46 Earl S t ; Mrs. teachers’ ealaiies.’’ He also said of a coffee hour during recess of the Ruth Rogowsld, Wapping; Susan liiilhl oil llir that children attending church meeting. Members of the group are Grenon, Andover; William Doer­ schools will not be counted in de­ Miss Ellen Johnson, cmalrman ing. Hast Hartford; Ruth Hen- 4 TO 8 IBS LB termining the funds each state Mrs. JMm Esk, Mrs. Esther Birgo, rickson, 48 Judith Dr.; Miss Diana ( raclo r llarrrl BELTSVILLE 4 3 < shall receive. Mrs. Anna Snow, Miss Amy Olson, Spalding, VUlllmantic: John lul- However, the section dealing Mra. Viola lAmdquIet. Mrs. Gtmda iano, 207 Spruce St.; David Wiley, OCIAN SFIAY CtANMMY SAUCI Dslidous with Ham or Turkey 2 160Z CANS S fc with college scholarahlpa and loana Anderson, and Mrs. Agnes Birge. 79 Nilee Dr. WUte elephant s a l e! B. C. BY JOHNNY HART to collages made no distinction ADMITTED TODAY: Rudolph Whoopee and H u r r a .y U bstwsen public and private instl- Eckert South WlndaiSr, Keith's Variety la well pre­ W H ITI'S > No End 6-OZ EVeRTRf’ WAU4Nd> HMRB TAKE ME TP tuUons. We-Two Couples BIRTHS SATURDAY: Twin pared. W e have a 10c tabic, sons to Mr. and Mrs. John Jezew- 39c table and 99c table. A l­ Piscsf • All Center Slicsi PKG' CM YpUR h in d u e f r s , COMB* TthlR LEADER.! The Kennedy prc^xisal would SpJCED BOILED HAM 65< leave it to the individual states to skl, 31 Chestnut St., RockvUle: a though the quanttty is lim­ oLe ooHN ? ^ n i.-V i.i- Ltitherwed Guests 'sM a cp f. determine how the money should daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Larry ited, you may purchase CVCK be divided between conitruction Hawley, 217 N. Elm St many items at these give­ 2 LB CAN 1 -8 9 Couples of the We.Two Club of BIRTH S S U N D A Y : A aon to Mr. away prices. Many original­ INMtVR MtlarteSe ly sold for aa much as 83.59 JAKA CANNED HAM However, he did sUpulate ‘‘ten eoncordla Lutheran Cliurch were and Mrs. Peter Demarest, Elling­ each. Sale starts at 9:00 a.m' PLAIN OR WITH CHIVES REAP! per cent of the funds allocated to guests of the Lutherweds of Eman­ ton: a .daughter to Mr. and Mrs. MILDLY CURED , uel Lutheran Church at a potluck so come early for first each atata . . . is to be used to help Michael Capello Jr., Elm Hill Rd., Friday at Emanuel Lutheran Vernon; a aon to Mr. and Mrs. choice. meet the imique problems of each Church. 59< Cottage Cheese u2S< atate’s ‘areaa of special education Joseph Cardini. 35 Morse Rd.; a • • • • Sliced BacoEi in After the dinner, the Rev. C. need’ — depress^ areas, slum aon to Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Poulin, Don't forget the dates, SKINLISS • "BIG 2" LENTEN FAVORITE Henry Anderson, pastor of Eman­ 278 Vermm St.; a daughter to Mr. neighborhoods and others.’’ uel Lutheran Church, led devotions March 2nd and 3rd, when LB A n atoinlstratlon spokesman and Mrs. Tedford Tribou, 45 E. the Girl Scout Troop No. 26 ■ | smd installed the followrlng new.of- Middle Tpke.; a aon to Mr. and BAG 9 8 Cream Cheese u 63* said, “W a belisve thU is a new fleers of the Lutherweds: will present "H i Jinks at FRVinkfurts Mrs. John De Marche, 288 Oak St.; concept, covering many possible Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Benson, Hollister” at the Robertson a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Mah- tisea residents; Mr. and Mrs. Charles School. A special added at­ lon Cooley, EUlngton. “N ew York,ilDr Instance, might lodeman Jr., vice presidents; Mr. traction awaits you. Washington's MORTY MBBKLE BY DICK CAVALL BIRTHS TODAY: A daughter to Produce Specials! use it in slumalbSh, other states gand Mra. Norman Gerhart, treasur • • • • BObB ARB VAIN/ might use it for rural education, era; and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. George Saverse, High UNFORTUNATBLV, Manor TraUor Park, RockviUe; a Other exceptional "George Birthday Specialsl BOV9 ARE BOORISH EO O n«nCAL, for the chUdren of migrant work­ Doolittle, secretaries. m dUSTPUTTy son to Mr. and Mrs. Allan W U- Washington" buys; UNCOUTH AND BOWTEROU9ANP r HEC-CO, ^ IN THGRHANOSi. ers, for retarded children, or for The couples of Concordia Church ■<1) A new supply of fine programs for the gifted students. showed several film strips about liams, Wapping. GRAPEFRUIT DISCHARGED S A T U R D A Y : finished hardwood folding REPUusn/er. "The state education authorities the life o f ,Christ. Dabrat Shimanski, 227 Union St.; chairs, valued at 85.95, we’re are thus giVeh a chance to exer A hymn sing is scheduled for the retailing them at 83.29. FLORIDA CHERRY PIE Mra. Victoria Simmons, South cise their imaginations.*’ next meeting of the LcUtherweds on , (2) Brand new 3-legged DOZEN March 17 at 8 p.m. In Luther Hall. Windsor; Miss Joyce Lido, 44 Full of Refreshing Juiqr Flavor * T 'Iho spokesman said the "special footstools— a real buy .at 89 ■‘"H... areas projects" would be subject 81.99. With an Appetizing to tho approval of the U.S. Of- (3) Super weave clothes- BCHS PASCAL- AlMNO 2 2 9 c Cherry Filling .fice of Education. basket, beyond comparison Colery EACH nor I H e also emphasized that the at our low price of 8t.'19. - S A V I c cawLU OR CHICORY Its 2 5 c 4 "special area" funds cannot THE UMVeRSlTY COHNKTICUT (4) For the duration of Escarole 2 . . "I.— this sale— all our models 49 used in support of private sdhobls T E X A t ICH elitabUshed to avoid integration of (planes, boats, animals) re­ Broccoli 2 9 c Pnstnts duced 25%. the public schools. H e said they n O R ID A IB 7c S A V I « c could be used, however, for gome (5) All chlldcen's panties Cabbago With Tasty Cherry Icing programs in connection wjth de­ —originally 49c, now only 29c pair. FLORIDA U 17c segregation, such as project to The World Renowned Poppors Cherry Loaf Cake» 29* CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER raise the reading .level of Negro • • • • students up to that of the white Biggest White Elephant in iroONTMNSIV.. ._r nnumsiD t w necnmir Light, Tender Donuts S A V I 4c T AB NOVAKS? CM IMF» I students. the North End— the Rail­ PAIM HOUSI FROZIN - LARGE The federal a^blantalps for col­ road StaUon. Where it it? 8-INCH CHERRY FILLID lege students would range upward QUARTEnO ITALIANO Right acroae the street from C H ER R Y PIE EACH 49< Donuts S% 31* to 81.000 each, depending on need. Keith’s Variety. The Town apparently won’t buy it and aaiiL ’'to all younjg ^niong, with­ WMhMsAay, Fih. A 1911 the N H R R won’t sell it. re­ out regard to aex, race, oread or gardless of how badly they . A T « i l « BM. color, aolOly on the. basia of their heed money! Isn’t It a ridic­ ablUty-HM deteitnined on a oiam- ulous situation ? North End SPECIAL THIS WEEK petltlva baala- and thair financial merchanta are crying for VON Oib NEHDEN RECITAL HA^ parking apace so that you need." TO SAVE YOU CASH! (the public) won’t have to Tn>a adminlttiaUaB apokeamah Stem, OnisMtteat go round and round the said the federal govenunaot would parks dicing for a parking Rich and Full Bodied "polfM’* the lasts to maks sure Prognun 1-LB BA G they a n M r and equitable, place. 'U e Parking Authori­ that they are fair and egiil ty h a e ^ e money, but the 3-LB BAG 1.77 Justtoalinbirl Of It. now kespe i QlOM w a t ^ Kybo Coffee


THE \SecondRanihed Teamin State.« Ridiculous! Herald Angle Trailing through, the fint four^yleM. The former dumpion. a fti^ Por the 18 gameq aqe,,bowlad in Reigning as queen of thet boxes of the third game ;when tt missing a three-pin -spare in the head-to-head competitton, . Mrs. 9,. Indians Draw Hillhouse Silk City women’s duckpin iqipeared she might be eliminated eight box, battled back into oon- Simmons bad a 1,652 pinfall tor a EARL Y 06T tenuon with a .stiike and osvOh H0k2 average. Mrs, VUtner' bowlers for 1961 will be Mary in three straight, Mrs. Vlttner ral­ By FRANK CLINE • The TtwUeite wiU make their fimtAhad been out of town over Tourney Ticket Simmons, former National lied for. spares in the fifth an4 ftU in the ninth box to tiaU by but knocked over 1.7SS pins in the 17 New Haven Arena weekend, this morning over games she rolled for a 104,15 three string champion. eighth boxes to pull out a 101-05 sticks, 102-89, with m e •Oonaril Higb In Wait Bfirtitocd fbr. For a cliib which didn’t Saturday night when they face wbt.-^nother 101 in the fourth ftmme to go. rmrk. Miss Molntodh'a average S u n d a y a Univa^wof Hartford baake^i I qualify until the final idght perennially powerful New Haven "FcKfiish isn’ t i t ” rsHMnded toe Sale Wednesday new champion defeated Shii> was 108 on 1,404 pinfall in 13 Mi^ovlich Near&Mark game by Mrs. Vittner was good But, with the championship Free schedule and my family gtoe. tof the regular Beason^ and HillbouM. CkMChed by cany Sam Indians' mentor. "But it may turn ley VitUter, three gamee to two. games while Uira. Ostrander took Bender, toe Acads have won more out to be a break for us. We In their beat of five final hc^>to- enough to even the championship within her grasp, Mrs. Simmons had to put up with ms all day. I KJl’^IS S d ^h eS ^^?^** had to go into overtim to TiAceto for toe Mencbeefer match at two games apiece when wouldn’t let go. Her clutdi strike part in nine games, had a 871 total New York, Feb. 20 (flV-There’a not juft one but; two *«d- wamly welcomed their presence State and New Engtand duunpkm- don’t have to bother with any of head match In the ninth annual pinfall and a 96.7 average. the ball gama bn tha beautiful triumph at that, C!rach Elgin toe teams down at tha bottom of va Hillhouse game Satarday Women’s Town Duckpin Bowling Mrs. Simmons slipped to an 88, her and 19-fill In the 10th frame while hot races ae the season-goes into iU and rm sure they did mint $s I shlps than any other school in lowest score in the championship her fOe bad to settle for an eight Because o f tllneqs on the part of w e ll.. .Church la always a must court. SmaU crowd for a cIom I Zaturaky and his young band the state. Iflllhouse hss wqlked the ladder. If you’re going to get night at toe New Haven Arena Tournament held Saturday night last month, and, they bothiinvo ve the same teams. game, Ocach' Roy. Spear's sm ^ y I gf Indian basketeers find toem- anywhere in mie< of these tourna- wUl be oa aalo WeAuedw af­ at the T lanes. rolloff. box, enabled Mrs. Simmons to win Kay PontlcelU, presentation of with ine and my famUy and we off with toe state title 10 tinws the final game by a convincing trophies was made by John Dor­ The Toronto Maple Leafs, bope-^ arrived Iq plenty of time before driUed "hem#’ team defeating Suf-1 aeiveg tn (ome pretty lofty epm- aiMl on six occasions have matts, you eventuaUy wlU have to ternoon between 2 and 5. Aboat After taking the first two games Both contenders went all out in ful. J of breaking the virtual mi monop- pany as they await toeir first sp- beat Bome of the real good teams. L006 tickets wlU boavafioMe to Mrs, Vlttner, a former champion the final game and bowled their 24-pin maqrin. mer o f Am Recreation Oommlsslnn In laat, nlght’a other gam a tha Mass started.. .Light lunch and folk...... " ■ claimed toe New England crown. To reach the finals, Mrs. Sim- Rose Bean, who won hlg^ slngla oly on the top placeslACM M0fltT6U*tMont laat-place Boston Bruins bouncsd pearanoe in the 39th annual Con- The Indians vs. Hillhouse game So we might ss weU start right both shidente and adnite. herself, the new queen »sw. her beat totals of the five game set. eld for the past then to tob outdoors for fresh sir mons eliminated Ruth McIntosh honors for her 137'game' in me book from a 5-1 Saturday, lost to and a ride into the country. .Rare- T h n r a d a y nectlcut InterscholasUc Athletic is slated for 7:30 Saturday. In the out with Hilihouae.” The ticket sale win take place rival battle back to equaiiae the After two 10 boxes by each bowl­ gfive years, hitvo slippedDetroit back and tied Into Chicago 2>-2 on a Conference’s Cfiass A Tournament. Had Zaturaky coached Man­ er, Mrs. Simmons went ahead 29- two straight in their semi-final qualifying round last week, was in lyudo 1 attend toe movies hut I Frequsnt caller >t the desk, dur nightcap at 9, Wbaver, which ouat- In tlM lobby o f flie Ugh sebeei match by taking the third and the hospital and was not preacmt a tie with the Ganadlens tor the late goal by (Tharlle Buma ing a break from hla insurance bus­ ed Manchester Isst winter, will chester teams evef met Hillhouse auditorium. No phone orders fourth games of the playoff. Three 27 in the third box. match in the afternoon. Scores league lead, ^ d Toronto’i high- laecepted an invite from Jack San' Based on its stunning upost of were 104-108 and 183-106, both in to receive her trophy. It rvui be Montreal’s two victories ra^ tbs sto at tbe Strand and viewed Swiss iness. U tbm Conrsn. the fins previoiudy undefeated and top meet the winner of the playdown in toe tournament before? will be token. sticks in front in the ninth box of Mrs. Simmons maintained her presented to her at the hoqpital storing Frank Mahovlioh la carry­ Hatotant’s string to four straight c o a ^ of Green Manor's baakstbaU game between Bristol Eastern and "No," came toe reply, “we’ve the fifth and final game of the two pin edge as both came up with Mrs. Simmons favor. ing on his personal race to beat the FamUy Robinson, a fine * family ranked Wettieisfleld, along with x High school pupils wishing to Winner Had llta A ^age some time this week. and 6-1-1 stoce Jaoquaa Plante re­ movie.. .Night home at the ranch in the Farmington VsUty new weird set of rules for rating Notre Dame of Bridgeport met and lost to Wilbur Cross in obtain sente on ehartered buses match, Mrs. Simmons came 10 boxes in the fourth frame. Mrs. one-eedson goal ntting record League. NaturaUy, toe main dis­ previous tournaments. But this Mra Vlttner had to go three Semi-final Matches turned to the goal tending job. De­ (house) and to viewing teevee. Is teams adopted only this year, the "WcU, bow does tt feel to be the may do so at too seme tisM they, m rou^ with a strike and 10 fill to Vittner rallied to wrest the lead made by Maurice Richard for the troit tte4 the score thrice to too cussion was about basketball, and | suddenly find themoelves NO. 2 team in the atate,” the will be toe first time we’ve faced pnrehaae their game tickets. win the covered crown in a flourish away from her rival by neatly pro­ games before ousting defending Shirley Vittner (2) 97-106-129. (Canadlena Candid Camera losing its appeal first tivo periods—tiM stcondtims with too much talk from .ArtoW then teto bowUng « » d ,fln s lly ^ b ^ | ^ team in a writer asked (k»ach Zaturaky, who Hillhouse at the Arena.” o f glory. ducing a strike and 10 fill in the champion Ruth Ostrander in their Ruth Ostrander (1) 101-102-98: In both cases it looks as If on Gordie Howe’s 500th NHL goal. baU .. BlU Orowtejrley of the B o e t» | jq tgp W eto- fifth box for a 50-48 lead. semi-final test. Mrs. Ostrander theto’d be a photo finish. Godfray and skits by Dorothy Col­ Mrs. Simmons took an early lead The Canadlena’ deciding goals Red Sea reports all ta ast fw toe ersfleld. It’s ridiculous, of course, in the first game and remained Strike on Spare won the opening game 101-97 but Mary Simmons (2) 104-183. The Leafa as much as six points lins -and AUen Funt? Pm sure start of (^ruig training in Arisena, Trailing by 10 pins at the mid­ Mrs. Vittner came back to take ahead not long ago, fell.back Into both were a bit on toe freakish viswers get a bigger bang out of as even tbe moot ardent Indians’ | ahead throughout to triumph. 107* Ruth McIntosh (0) 103-106. side. JsnrBbliveau got credit for Scottsdale the preeeaeon base U supporter should be willing to ad­ •Wethersfield, ISew Canaan, Su BasiPs Tops' 07. After leading through the mid* point in the game Mrs. Simmons the next two, 106-102 and 128-98. a tie when they could get only an toe reactions of people who 'visit the red hose, "w e won’* . f l ^ 1:^ , went ahead to stay with a strike The latter was runner-up in the Finals even break in their weekend games, one when a shot hy Bernle Oeof- talking mail boxes, etc. mit But since that’s toe way toe I die boxes of the second game, Mrs. Mary Simmons (3) 107-103-95- frlon bounced off Ids leg into the nor seventh or eighth," n u report­ ear^ have been dealt that’s the Simmons fell behind after eight on top of a spare in the sixth and finals a year ago. winning 5-2 from the (Chicago ed. "Ws feel that we are deflidtely seventh boxes followed by a nine 88-131 Black Hawks Saturday but drop- net Then to the final minute, with Monday way toe Indiana will play them bmces as Mrs. Vittner connected In the rolloff for third place. Shirley Vittner (2) 97-95-101- Detroit goaUe Hank.Baasen on tha a flret division ctub.” • • Also from with UMt hop* toat they can slip Tournaments Start Tuesday for a spare and five fill. One pin fill on the alike. At the end of sev­ Miss McIntosh defeated Mrs. Os­ p ^ a 4-2 decision to the New Utter arrived from the of 15.^iS.abaU front, Jackte FarreU of I irer“ ufora' toiS 101-107. ' York Rangers Sunday! The Cana- bench, a wild pass by Leo Labtoe behind after nine boxes. Mrs. Sim* en frames of the all-important trander three straight games, went the length of the ice Into toe the weinerachnltsel and snitsel ala I the , htfidlng toumameBt flrina is over mons puUed out the second game fifth game. Mrs. Simmons held a bcores, all in Miss McIntosh’s Third Place diena, bidding fo r their fifth I7HL holatein, MUwaukee, the lender 1 down the home front whUe other ' Wflllimrfnrd 'Fph 20 (IP)— ♦Warde; 9, Notre Dame (West Ha-A (Bridgeport) vs. Prison Esstemat Ruth McIntosh (3) 95-101-113. lonship in six seasons, wal- empty n et Face HUlhouse Satarday waiungiora, reu. .' Niles, Whelan kiokrf hte^to'^^B^'hSSt to praii^naryjas.the top-ranking teams in CLASS B-1, New (hmaan; 2, in one season, set by the now-re­ Rangers broks a 2-2 tie on second k w of hu wth w Braves I . • ^,1, ^ Tbdford and Benny I playdown games acheduled tomor- their ‘ respective classes for er Thursday, Wetoersflsld vs. w ill. . ; tired Richard in 1944-45. At least period goals by Earl Ingarfleld and offloe^..Red Hadden waa a vtri- W mghL Oooaldering their 11-7 Abbott Tech)- 8, James Memorial; Notre Dams (West Haven) and ' ■ ...... " ...... Get 200 Totals Williams Accepts Bid, tob state sdioolboy basketbaU 4, Cheshire; 6, Southington; 0, Norwich vs. toe Wilby-HaU wto' twice more last night he .threaded Pat Hannlgan 59 ssconds apart tournament Platovtlle; 7, East Haven; 8, Ly­ ner, his way through the Ranger de­ and then held on to win. At that "WlH*j‘oe M lSS! I *»ne«ag abfflty ct ioeephl^er as I It seems that’ toe old rating sye- The tournament begins tmnor- fense with expert stick handling goalie 'Worsley had to make 44 man Hall; 9, W ilcox; 10, Water­ WUUmanUc, Feb. 20 tff> — I wril as his intarast in sports, pat-1 tem would make far more sense row. Other Cfiass A first round gamss but had to hurry his shots and saves, 24 to toe first'period. glo play W s seaaon, etock brok- j tvywHnr .. It waa ba^to I than the new one which imrealis- ford; 11, Glastonbury; 42, St. are: Dave Volk, a Baltimore, Md., er Russ Priskwaldo asked during In announcing pairings and rat­ Thomas Aquinas; 13, Norto Ha­ (Herald photo by Pinto) cabbie, won the Elaatem Duck­ failed to beat Gump Worsley. He Glenn Hall, Chlcago’a netnitoder, I toe West SideRec at night for a tleally designkiea Manchester Friday — Cross va Crosby and Green Manor’s has 11 more games t » get the flve also ihade 44 saves as his team­ on office visit I replied, "Yes, in ings among toe state’e high school ven; 14, Newington; 15, E. O. Qtampimi ^nunons, Rotmer-Up Vittner pin Bowling Classic yester­ Cross May Pass Play I make-up voUsyball match, this time I tha No. 2 team in toe state. Wards vs. Falrfield-Basslck win­ mates played raggedly. The Hawks the (Md Timers’ Day game next basketbaU teams Saturday, toe Smith; 16, Berlin. day wwith a 12-game total of goals he needs—a fact that dims I the Latvteng winning, 84. Tbef ner; 1,766. the. lustre of his feats a trifle. got the lewl twice but couldn’t hold svnmer 'at Yankee Stadium.” , ,. I Avans brothers. Big John and Vis, CTAC seeded Wethersfield first to CLASS C-1. St. BasU's; 2, Wind­ Richard made his mark in a 50- ft snd Burns' tytog goal came at Peter Martello, who has retired toe Class A (Big Schools) cate­ sor Locks; 3. Avon; 4, Tbomaston; Saturday ------Manchester va The cmooth-roUing lefthand­ Boston. Feb. 20 OP)__ Wil-'fIf **er Utere was one, hasAplayoff with teams from™ N ^ were toirific, with exoeUent aet- game season; Mahovlioh hss 70. 18:17 of toe loat piriod. as a baseball coach, ala (Tasey the brothers spiked one bell gory, New Canaan High first to 5, LaSalette; 6, TourteUotte; 7, HUlhouse snd Weaver vs. Notre er, who has established six na­ been the big gun. Yoric, Pennsylvania and New Jer­ Dame (Bridgeport) — Bristo Victors, 78-64 iam s has ieuioepted a basket sey. Stengel, but i^t because of reach- i X r ' another to rril up polnte. As I Cnass B (Medium-Sized Schools), Griswold; 8, Wilton; 9, Durham; Hawks Need Victory tional duckpin records this In fact Foley’s 38 pointa against ing the age of 71. stopped to aarv-1,MUlt, the leagu* has Ughrhtenedi and St. Baall's Prep of Stamford, 10, Morgan; 11, Masuk; 12, Bloom­ winner. season, finished 83 pins ahead lall tournament invitation but Connecticut marked the first time Yale remains the only Ivy of his nearest competitor, Jim the studious habits of the red- since Niagara he’d been held un­ League team within hailing dis­ ice toe office typewriters. The for-|up conslderab^ and it sboifid be a| firat in toe Class C (Small field; 13, St. Antoony’s; 14, Ba­ Tuesday, Feb. 28 — Hartford With all five starters hitting in double figuM i, MaaehSir Posten of New Britain. der 40. Jackie bad scored 43 in tance of pace-setting Princeton mer local man coached eeverallraea to tbe wire during tbe flnal | Schools). con; 15, Portland: 16. Wamogo; PubUc va Bulkeley and Staples va 1 eriB Green Manors trimmed Newington for the second tima lot Holy Cross players—led chamjdonahlp Rockville haaeball I month .. Before the action I talked The Class A finals will be held 17, Litchfield; 18, Old Saybrook; Stratford-Hamden winner. Volk closed with a total of by Jack (The Shot) Foley— the 106-95 conquest of Dsirtmohth, off its 76-61 triu m ^ at Dart­ 1;his season. The score of their Farmington Valley LeaqpM For Western Honors mouth. Yale’s 6-8 sopbomora Desperation Putt teems in recent seaaonr.. .Motored|with Arthur Shorts, a regular vlew- March 9; The Class B, March 7; 19, Newtown, and 20, Plainfield. Quarter-flnai games wlU be 839 yeaterday on games of 176, may cost the Crusaders a bid. 40 va. Quantloo Marines (98-87) SteiTOen Gculding scored 21 points to St. Thomas Seminary in thelqr of basrUng action at the Rec and toe Oass C, March 6. Playdowns will be held to the played Thursday, March 2 and game last night at Verplanck School was 78-64 in the Mandr- 118, 158, 182 and 117. He and 41 vs. Rhode IMand (96-72). afternoon where toe Rev. Thomas I lanes and ha remarked how much men’t favor. It was Grran Man-d scored 927 Friday. Rhode Ifland haa clinched a tie Foley dmtotless is *ioong the while Captain John Dowd held Teams qualifl^ for considera­ Classes A and C to reduce the Friday. March 3, wito ssml-flnal New York, Feb. 26 {ffV—Frustrated by the lowly New York for the Yankee Conference cham­ Campion was hla college cagers I ha had ncXed the decline In interm tion by winning at least 60 per number of teams to each to 16. games Saturday, March 4, and oriz eighth win in 10 starta this First prize was worth nation's top 10 major college play­ league scoring ace Georgs Ram- winter. men’s hoops Knickerbodcers, the St. Louis Hawks can back into the pionship and ia expected to be that minig to ■ 16, Gives Hill Victory whip MltcheH Junior CtoUege. and entousteam In toe sport at ^ ] cent of games played this season. Class A playdown games wiU be Monday, March 6. The finals wlU screens or drive-tos. gl.OM. Posten, with 1,683, re­ ers in scoring average now with “P building .. Hettdd Simmons of the | Windaor Locks, which had gone Western Division championship of the National Basketball clrcult’a representative in the a 25.6 mark. SOndered by a Strep There were two bright spots, Father Ckunplon was one o f the The ratings are as follows: held Tuesday and Wednesday. be played Thursday, March 9. Ed Staron (17) ceived 1500. Others in the Eaatem NCAA Regionals. best—If not toe finest—basketball Rec staff waa huay handling CLASS A-1, Wethersfield; 2, Games Tuesday are WUby vs. Class B First round games are: into yesterday’* action deadlocked Association tonight. prize Uzt: infection end injuries in the early namely Dale Oomey and Bob Father and Son Bowling Touma- with Green Manor for second Czlazowlcs '(16) were Tha Loe Angeles Lakers, *ooly Tomy Halnshon paced the win­ Jerry Maloney, Springfield, The tourney trip la a dubious going. Foley first hit his stride in Haines, bt (Connecticut’s loss to Tucson, Arig., Feb. 20 (/P>—A 27-foot desperation pntt good player ever to p«ffotii( wttfi toe Manchester; 3, Hartford Public; Hall at Cientral Connecticut State Wednesday — New (Canaan vs. Newington. honor in view of the fact the first Saints. Honm later than expected ment while Ronnie Daigle Was do- OoUege; Fairfield Prep vs. Bassick Wilcox at Branford, Cheshire vs< place in the standings, also tri­ team with a chance of tyiqg the ners with 25 pointa. Dolph Mass., who also bowla out of the previous 103-85 victory over Holy Cross. The two sophomores for a birdie on the third hole yesterday gave Dave Hill of li« hla usual efficient job In toe 4, WUbur C f^ :^ 8 ;^ o r w lc h : 6, umphed defeating Bloomfield, BI­ Gieca Haam (It) Hawks, 'meet the Syracuse Na- Schayes had 23 for the Nats: round opponent wiU be St Bona- Connectiout back on Jan. 7 (31 led'tbe Husikles in scoring. Oomey and tho evening sohedule had to be Weaver; 7, Staples: 8, Andrew at Staples; and Notre Dame St. Thomas Aquinas at FlainvlUe, . . B Manchester, 1,672; Sandy venture, the No. 2 power in the Jackson, Mich., victory in the sadden death playoff for top altered...I managed to make a small gym, always a center of ac­ Lyman HaU vs. Berlin at Southing­ SS. As no report was made on the BuUnia ...... 6 tiaaalB in Morgantown, W. Va. A Bsttre far PIsyMfe NUea, Manchester, 1,663; Har­ points). picked up 22 points and Haiiiea tivity. outcome of league leading Sims­ Kohan ...... 0 Nsd victory a ^ the Havdm are nation,. Rbo^ wasted no time getting scored 20. money in the $20,000 Tucson (xolf Tournament. 9:15 voUeytmll match, Watkins ton, James Memorial at Glaston­ 7 The Royala ovartocdc Loe An- old Noyes, Charlestown, R. I., Former U.S. Open Ctoomp^- bury’s game wito Middletown, it Boiand 1 New England’s hottest club. back to the business of breaking Central Connecticut’a victory agSinat the Li.tviahs, one of toe bury, East Haven vs. E. O. Smith hi. gties late In the ganw on a hot 1,6I»; John Murawskl, New Tommy Bolt and Oallfornia rookie F r id s y at toe University of Connecticut is not known how the two second Fortin ...:. Tha Hawks could have gotten Britain, 1,648; MU(e Paluck, Central Connecticut (15-2), won OoaiMcticut's 10-year hcdd on tbe over Bridgeport (now 7-12) was Jay Hebert, eo-Ieadcr at toe beat sate o f the aeason. Thanks to Welcomed caller, via toe phone, Keeney ..... I4 scoring streak by Win WUfong. Buddy Sullivan quietly headed for tape and elastie gnards, Watkins IPolice & Fire and Merchants and Southington vs. Norto Haven place clubs stand in toeir obase Pinto,Shea ...... Dan .... 0 , home mear yesterday, but they Windsor look s, 1,636; Ed Ste­ its 12th straight by beating Yankee crown, bating Maine, 76- put together after the intermiB- half-way mark, waa in a group of Cincinnati, in last place in the Bridgeport, 89-77, Saturday night. toe clubhouse as toe 2S-yearK>Id fl've with 272. The others were held together, four of the six tola n.m. was (3ene Moriarty, at Central Connecticut State Col of the front runners. Moriarty ...... S droqppad a 123-100 declaion to the Western Division, ts Just two vens, Meriden, 1,633; Pete 66. That gave the Rams a 7-1 con­ slon. Bridgeport led at the half, Hill leaped for joy. It was his first squire of Pocomoonahine Lake in lege. Turning to a flnq team effort, Pinto. Dom ...... 2 Knlcke, who bold down last place Sgro, East Haven, 1,630; B oi The Blue DevUs have proved so ference marie and tts remaining 38-31, but the Blue Devils, led by Dave Marr, Mason Rudol|d), Marty players nursing injured legs. games back of second-place Loe potent It seems no more than a PGA victory. FUrgol, Jack Cuplt and Gary Alexander, Mainy during the hunt­ \Gain Finals in Rec Tourney Thursday Abbott Tech vi toe Manormen led from start to IS Totala ...... M In tho lOastem DlvlMon. St. Louis Angelea In the tense battle for the Tbaky, Bridgeport, 1,629, and games are at home against Masea- Captain Clem Sldlosky, pulled ing and fiehlag esoson and a local Harry Peters, Brlatol, 1,629. formality if the NAIA inaista on The putt that wasn’t meant to Player. This brought them $885 Tuesday Waterford at Southern Connecti­ finish in their repeat wto oyer HewlasiM (M) doesn’t play again until tomor­ thm playoff apota ctausetts and Connecticut ahead after three quarters and resident Hearing of a local man cut, and PlainviUe v a Newington Newington. The victors rolled to B r w A ' row mght. when they entertain A field o f 251 bowlers com- holding a regional playoS to deter­ Connecticut and Maine are 6-3 atayed in front from then p, who bowls out March 16 in New York. Falrflel Seven of tbe top current money H ie Southwest Bulldogrs from Kind ...... 1 1-3 3 During the fourth quarter, and tho fast break. for the night vrith 20 pointa Hill also had something to jump laten became my wife . . Speaking marked from County Stadium, on Tuesday, March 7. open. The Manormen went into 15 ...... as MO 14 irmnirf In seven previous meet­ of the City of VUlage Charm. qualified for the Regional NCAA leaders passed up the Tucson Hartford eliminated Slye of East Score ToUIa at half, 634$ Manor. Bob Butter of Fairfield (14-3) about a few minutes eam r whra of 21 years ago, on St ValenUne’e . Totala ...... 12 749 i l Class O playdown games wiU be 'the last period holding a 19-point ings bsfore yesterday. In fact, they Mike Farmer was knocked uncon- Upp had a 1,612 pinfall worth SmaU CoUege competlUon u Trl- Boimoed Back event, giving some of. the new- Milwaukee from CB.—Charlie H i^ord, 20-8, to gain toe finals. Commanlty Y (21) bulge, 63-44, and stayed com­ adoua in a oollision with the Lak­ Providence bounced back to plopped in 31 points in his team’s his 15-foot putt dropped for — Day; 'Vic Moiem recalled that we Bloaefield. “Who’s that? she ask­ F PU. played aa foUowa: had lost JtHt three gamee at home 860. Whelan’s 200 game State League champion. eagle three on the par-flve, 510- comen a better Chanee-for a coah had a hUxzard that hight How| Ponce A Fire team outplayed the fortably ahead the rrat of the way. CLOSE TO CENTURT all aaaaon while running up 25 ers’ Ray Felix and was ho^Ufai- helped sparic him to a 1,563 down DePaul, 81-77. They acoeptod vital win over Assumption. Be­ payoff. ed. “I never met hint’! In addition (Community Y to win, 81-21. Sott ...... 4 3-0 10 Tuesday — St. Anthony’s vs. At-large Berth sides winning their way to a tour­ yard ISto hole. This gave him a weU I recall, snow being flve to SulOtB ...... 0 (Ml 0 Litchfield at Simsbury and Port­ Buzz Keeney led the Manormen Syraoise, N. Y, ( d P ) — riis IR Il vtetoctea Ised overnight. The 6-11 Felix was ■core which earned him 829.60. NIT bide the some day a few to a peraonal note toifoontente in­ In toe Junior competition, the Lombardo ...... 3 0-3 ft with 17 points. Others to double bounced and on the way out got Wiliiame’ athletic councU de­ wedu back just after MomfUe ney, the . gave As­ five-under-par 85 for toe round eight feet in drifts tn many places cluded a box seat tidket for toe Brown ...... • 0 04) 0 land va. Newtown at Branford. football season should see Cosell But the Knlcks appeared rm- Scores o f local roUera who cided to accept an at-large berth and a 72-hole total of 269J' around town . . Jim Herdic visited Mercliante downed Branford, 43- figures were Dave Boland (15), Ben Sohwartzwalder of Byraeuss Impramrd and led all the way. It in % scrap with a sp e(^ tor and. were not among the money State became the first clhb en­ sumption the Worcester team’s Fields to Conquer - . .. , .April 1 game at Ounty Stadium, ::auudi ...... 0 0-2 0 Wednesday—Wamogo va Plain- had to'be calmed by his mates.' in the NCAA SmaU CoUege North- tered. DePaul had beaten NTT- first home loss of the season. Pressure on Others 37. The Meriden WUdeats out- Anmio ...... 1 1-4 3 field and Bacon vs. Old Saybrook Frank Butkiis' (15), Jim Moriarty go over the 100 marie to vfetortsa also was the Hawks’ worst home winners included Walt Berth- rsast section whUe a student dem­ I if’’’.* ifllwaukle-ln too year, of 1958. scored, outplayed and outfought Oatrout ...... 0 (M) 0 (12) and Dan Pinto (11). He needs just two more wtos. St defeat of the aeason. Willie Naulis “One guy hit me on the head old 1,538, Paul Oorrenti 1,532, bmmd Dayton and NCAA selectee A 62-62 tie with four minutes It alao put the pressure on nine 1 Someone was kind enough to toir- HoRan ...... 0 ^2 3 at Wesleyan. onstration outside whipped enthu- to go resulted in a 70-68 win over others still on the course if they Istoe Placid, N. Y., Feb. 20 (ff)— department I left the building and toe local Y Juniors, 71-38. Cufltrr ...... 0 Oh 0 CHass C first round games are: Keeney, Boland and Butkus 15 seatons, which Includes 12 bOM led the Knicks with 24 pointa, and another guy eat up there spit­ Maurice Correnti 1,531, Bob alaam to a fever pitch for an Louisville. Jim Hadnot aoored 24 Eugenio Monti, toe.world’s cham­ ward Charlie a clipping of a col­ were all strong off the boards for and ton s nt Muhlenberg, Bsa SSB ting at me,’’ complained Felix.-/ points and Johnny Egan 21 for Wesleyan (7-8) for Bowdohi'. at were to tie him. At the start of InepeCted his new car. I 'was con umn on Hal Goodnough and on toe Winners to both divisions will Total! ...... 5-16 21 Friday—St. Basil’s vs. Durham while , Bob Pettit bad 26 for the Clouam 1,444, Ed Kovls 1,440, affirmative reply. pion bobeledder, fecla there are few meet in toe finals Saturday at the . 8 at Lyman Hall, LaSalette vs. St. the victors. Iteny of the Manor- a 98-41-2 record. Hawksi cuff Hagan had only Joe Genovesi 1,488, Carl Boling Providence. Brunswick, Maine. Bowdoin had the flnal round, Hill had been to fused, not knowing which way tt back waa The Herald feature, You The Bchool turned down a simi­ tbe Weamen down 39-31 at the a three-'way tie for ninth. i fields left to conquer and today was headed and with more doors Y. M.rldni WUdl»U (71) Anthony’s — Litchfield winner at alght, and that hurt the Hawks. 1,439 and Jack Vlttner 1,862. lar bid a year ago though it partic­ But the big lift came from Tim indicated he'U let someone else Should Know, with Mrs. Brett the Hockey «t ■ Glance Moynahan’s 18 points. Tim, the half. B

too YankMa^ira su were sold for this particular Regional. town, N. Y. Sid Keener, director FTascatore of Duffee went for at toe halfway mark with Jay double crown and tois time he tbe Amerlm L«ag^ sea^ to g^ne than toe gym could accomo- Marques H aynes, winners while Joe Caputa and ComminUy (SB) debris by rvay of protesting a call Hershey 3, (^ ebec 0. bany, N. Y., by edging Siena, 40- on Moynahan, not even a men- made it by the slimmest of mar­ Richard Bottoro scored all of Slye’a Pta. The remainder of toe Class C in favor of the Celtics. Syracuse Rochester 5, Providence 2. of the hall, la collecting memen­ 39. The score was tied eight Uon.” nothing as ills team waa thumped Hebert and held a etreke. advan­ New York. Bernle played baaebaU 2gte, which didn’t help matters above, will bring his Norria ...... 0 (W) 0 games wiU be played at the Uni­ Coach Alex llannum was thrown Eastern League toes of Musial’s career for an ex­ times and the lead changed hands Fairfield dawned Assumption, 91-65 by ()uinnipiac at^New Haven. tage going into toe final round. gins — three-tenths of a second. with Moriartya lost summer . . sny . , . Good nows was learned Harlem Magicians to points with four apiece. (Mle ...... 4 Final Tuesday night of the'regular route home, word toat Man- Led by John Minney, Danny 0 versity of Connecticut. (Juarter- out at the «id of the melee. Haddonfleld 3, New Haven 2. hibit in the sports shrine. 10. Siena tried a staU for the 82-76, Saturday night for the The victory put the Qiiliis with­ Bolt missed a 10-foot putt for a East Hartford tonight to Short! ...... final games will be held ^esday, birdie on toe first extra hole by ochootooy haaketbaU s e o M a n d | d ,„tg r m gh had uprot Wethers­ Lodge and Tom Fitzgerald, PoUoe M r^vr.v;.v;.v.v;;. i final three minutes trying for the Greyhounds’ first home k»s of the in one game of tbe Southern New Kelley Winner play the Marco Polos at Feb. 28, and Wednesday, Mio State Class A Tournament McKensic ...... 0 March 3 and toe final Monday, Holy Cross (16-4), claiming a lyn POIy, 89-73, in a road game. B(dt went for victory on toe sec­ to hear Andy RobusteUi, a PTA 8 :30.. Yesterday the Ma­ Midgets only to have toe Y bounce one Ektftern Small OoUegfe^NCAA ond hole with a 20-foot chip shot veteran Johnny KeUey o f Groton, weaker at a nearby achooi. back to toe third period to knot the March 6, 98-89 victory over Connecticut as Ck>nn., trudged through Mush and Saturday gicians attracted sellout its latest aimlevement, haa receiv­ from the apron that rimmed toe Speaking o f RobusteUi, a. fellow Thanks__ to Norm Vittner, word score. Minney scoring five of his cup and hung on toe lip. He had to water, to vdn tbe third annual crowds in Stamford and pointa In the final period, paced ed "feelers” from the NIT. The Cherry Tree Marathon In 2 hours, called a^asked If I toou^t Andy I *McAHsteririM‘ stagte giune' to FIXTURE SALE Waterbury. Besides LIGHT school administration traditionally settle for a par four on toe 450- would cotoe and speak for $------. I Northern Coimecticut Duckpin his team to victory. Gary Gdtt (10) American VoBeyball Tightens yard No. 2 hole. So did Hill and 25 minutes, 2 7 seconds yestepday. told him for that money tbe New Haynes, a dribbling was high for toe Y with Tom we didn't ttll h«r the answer H U R R Y t tiM not allowed the team to a^ He finished the 26-mUe, 885-yard League play was reported. Later, HURRY! peair on tho program the open­ Sullivan. The end.came on toe next Yoiik Giant player would fly 19 Edito Correnti, one of toe town’s w h i z, ex-Globetrotters Lombardo and Joe Amaio playing Special green. course more than seven minutes well. ing Thursday because it would With Five Quhs in Flag Race ahead of Gordon McKenzie of toe tWa w ay,. best female ptoqere, phoned with with the pros are Sam keep the athletes. away from the Sc&red AU the Way toe same information on toe ex- The Merchants took a 12-8 lead claasrooma too long. “I waa scared aU toe way,” HlU New York Athletic Club who was Wednegday crilent one game total, a new aU- Wheeler and Josh Grid­ to toe opening period against GOLOMAL PULL DOWN $13.91 1000 One month remains In the Rec^Gus Grinders ...... 11 19 .367 admitted. *T figured Tommy would second. BUi Smith' Boston was Some mornings toe phone rings er. The Marcos have won Branford with Carl Hohenthal The NTT haa gone along, giving third in 2:89.17. time record for a local woman... the Crusaders a bye. Volleyball Leagues and the race to Clarke’s tIns— ...... 9 21 .300 win. He’d just blrdied two in a row at least 25 times, particularly dur­ Busy a.m. but I had a free their last 20 games. paving the way. Frank Drago Irapt N o . 500 M — ^Brass or Copper. Man. Auto Parts .... 6 , 24 .200 to tie me and I thought be waa in the smooth passing Branford {Tro­ But factions now have arisen the American League looks like It ing toe busy portion of the a.m.— afternoon to just sit around the Reg. $17.50...... TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS complaining bitterly on this point will go right down to the wire Week’s schedule: Tues. 8:45 St toe best position. I was nervous, Weekend Fl^ts 7 ^ to 9:80—and this was one of home front, .N6on viaitora wore Maachciter Merckaali (U> jans to toe game as he was bril­ Holy Ooss may wind up the loser. again, as haa been the case in toe Mary's vs. Clarke’s; Wed. 8 but perhaps he was too.” toose days. CaUers wanted- to Bob Middoon and BUI Stevenson B F Pta. liant on his jump shot. The Tro­ In any event, tho sohool would Ouurles Slfford, perennial nS' New York—Dick Tiger, 158 8/4, know, among other things, toe of Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars, HcHale . 6 04 12 jans actuaUy outplayed the wta' past four seasons. Watkins, ds- berty vs. Bye; 8:45 (jus’s va Auto Nigeria, stopped Gene (Ace) Arm­ Gallather 0 (M) 0 PORCH W AU LIGHT SQUARE KOROOM lUce to convince (he doubters over fendtog champions and league lead­ Parts. tional Negro champ, started the amount of snow to Maine, Joe XM-1 who stop]^ to say heUo to my Esan . . 1 (W) 2 ners buC lacked toe necessary the next two weeks by beating final round only a stroke behind strong, 168 1/2, Elizabeth, N J„ 9. Maggio’s address, as wsll as his kmi Rsad, recuperating from a L,aGac« . 3 ,V7 9 height to control toe boards. ers, suffered a 3-0 shutout admin­ Sullivan. He watched seven putts Dortmund, Germany — Dick Hohenthal 5 (MB 16 N o . 60 0 . $ 1 . 6 9 FIXTURE Fairfield, BosUm Ibiiverelty, Bos­ istered by toe Latvians last week, first w ife's name, UOonn’s basket- broken arm. .WUUmantie Teaoh- n 0 Hohenthal (16) and Chris McHale 2 stop nothin two inches of the cap Richardson, 2M i/2, Wales, out­ Huhne .. 0-0 ton College and Providence in or­ Salt Lake City, Utah—Young bajl coach to 1921, year Babe Ruth era CoUege waa toe destination at Kin^I 2 (M) 4 (12) were high for totf Merchants Reg. $1.90. after toe twef teams had battled Jack Johnaon, 242, W est Jordan, to give him a 72 and a tie with Art pointed Hans^ Kalbfell, 210 8/4, N o . 1269. $ 1 - 9 8 der-big Older. three, nights earlier with Watkins hit 60 home runs, as well as numer- night, an extremely foggy night Herdio ...... 0 04) 0 wWle Drago led toe Trojans with Utah, outpointed WilUe Beaman- Wall Jr. at nlne-under-par 271. Geimony. 15 (Retained Euro­ oua others. Several of toe.mtto on I for travel but my eon Dean acted Dwyer ...... 0 Oh 0 Reg. $2.49. Since losing 86-73 to Niagara, .winning, 2-1 The Mato St. entry Pitkin ...... 0 Oh u 22. another NIT candidate. Holy Odsa off, 206 1/2, Milwaukee, 10. Each got $1,150. - pean Heavyweight Title), toe other end of the wife, no doubt as a co-pUot and we managed to (jutplaying toe local team ta now leads toe West Sides by four ■ - • 17 9-27 43 haa won five in a row, averaging games in toe loss column and only one-part of a friendly wager, even stay on toe road. .S top^ at every department, Meriden romp­ RATHROOM W AU disagree with answers which coma Thm J—'s 008 0 Oh 0 Frank Kopcha played best for toe .49 toe Latvtana. A sweep by either Y but were no match for toe Reg. $3.90. * 3 30-MINUTE FREE Totala ...... 16 7-11 37 smooth working Meriden tram club would be. a deal to the other 9VER MAKES GRADE Score at )iaU. MerchanUi IS-IS. INSTALLATION to thla big match. PUU DOWN nXTURI Five teams stlU have a shot at toe pennant with only the Teach­ Boston (F) — Tht parsnte of Brass or Copptr. .w an t (VRm , first Negro to play ta CEIUNG FIXTURE ers out of the running. OF MANCHESTER uIm hod finM iond infomration MUFFLERS Following are the American toe National Hookey Leepte, No. J 2474. * 1 4 * * traveled front Fredericton, N. B., '______BatoMfi N o . 1529. $ 4 .95 Reg. $19.95. YOUR AUTOMATIC ALL League standings. to Montreal to eee toeir Aon play. We asked, “Wliat is the most important reason why MAKES W . L. P ot w e a r $.nn Reg. $5.95. FUEL OIL OflM la a left Wtoger for the Bos­ Dad joined the Bantly Fuel Oil Club? Her answer . . . Watkina ...... 20 7 .741 ton prutoa SIGN DELIVERY CONTRACT NOW West Sides ...... 19 11 .683 RafiSl^q^ts ■jR.-Maacheq^ ' ' * CORNER DURANT 8T. “Dady changed to Bantly because the Latvian ...... ! . ...1 8 12 .600 other oil company left us cold. I mean, we WROUGHT IRON C iv ita n ...... 16 11 .593 URGER QUARTERS TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS! ran out of oil one Saturday night and they H AU CEILING UGHT And Receive At Absolutely No Extro Cost SAVE Correntl's ...... 18 17 .433 T ea cb era ...... 7 28 .283 PLENTY OP-PRONT AND REAR PARKING! said they couldn’’t deliver any more till Brass or Chrome. W4ak's Schedule; Mon. 6 Wat­ Sunday— which they didn’t until about N o .»5 0 4 . $ 1 . 6 9 P o st and 1,000 Triple "S" Blue Trading Stamps* kins va. Correnti’g, 8:45 Latvians AUTO GLASS INSTALLED SEAT COVERS noon. Mommy didn’t like it ’cause they Reg. $1.90. Lantern. Special, » 1 6 •Stamps Iseoed upon ps^meat of fin t fuel delivery. ------va West Sides. Tues., 8 Clvitans vs. had a party and everybody froze.” Teachera GLASS FURNITURE TOPS MONTHLY OR BUDGET PAYMENTS Tim Donovan’s-Liberty Mutual Degree Day Deliveries is one Of the reasons why folks hold a three point lead over the MIRRORS tPirapioM md Door) NEW BIKE DEPT. East Sides to toe National League join the Bantly Fuel Oil Club. Why don’t you? Phone MANCHESTER PLUMIINe B eatbig 24-JBattr We repair all makes. Yon with St Mary’s seven games be­ ^ PICTURE FRAMING liG typos) MI 9-4595 or TR 5-327.1 . . . now. , . ( hind to third place. eaa see jrsnr. oM bike as a "Our RsputaUoa .’3 SpeeialiMU Burner ttado-lB. The Mutuala defending cham­ DELCO-HRAT and SUPPLY CO. WINDOW oiM PLATE GLASS Is Your Assunaes” S b te B l9 3 S Service pions, are ready to move up a F. T. BUSH Ob. Prss. aa step to another year by joining BOLAND toe American L«ajpM. 06MnU.(7r0R8> w e h a v e i n s t o c k •TP ITS BARDWARS WR HAVR IT* TR/PLfW, The National standim : OIL COMPANY W. L. m . MBDICliilE CAMNETSlMd SHOWER DOORS Vn MAIN BTRRRT--MARUIMriRR m CENTER STREET TEL. MI3-S320 Uberty Mutual...... 89 1 .967 OPEN SAtURDAXS-^OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS %rOR£Sh BANTLTOIL CO.m. W i Q w s a i M m Boat Sides ...... ,,,,2 6 4 A67 681 MAIN ST.—3 0 84771 BROTHERS ESriCHATBS GLADLY GIVEN S t Mary's ...... 22 S .788 STREET— an S-61S8 T la i MAIN STRUT MANCHESTER. CONN ^ j 'Vi&* fc’ii*


Apkrtmsttlvi—JPIgtip-T' HonSdal For S ate .... 72| R ockville-V em O ll Roekvill0-Vtmon Hoosehold ScrriCM HoosahoM Gooda 61 ROLLDfO PARK — The buy eC One-Way Ban Teneragiits 6S buya, Six roome, i% balbe, dar- H4,9M HntehlnMa buUti $970,550 in Projects Offeitd 13-A NORMANS n ^ t w $nd rtar, flrtgiaoe. Tajepayers Bureau □ 'aVAVATATAWATa i D FOUR ROOlil flat, Mcond floor, nice n6l|hboriiood>-tor lOM tlua Lifted Today HAROLD A SONS, Rubblah remov­ H9iuirMMa«*fM9oirr BUYS OUT furnace, hot water and fsrags. $16,000.^. J. Crockett, Realtor, Adds New Issues CLASSIFIED al. caUara. and attlca cleaned. AduIU preferred. Ml 94)40. M it- u n , ^ssa.™s:e|7Va#io/ia/ Red Cross Aahea, papers, all rubblah. Harold hOOIENatM1MH.tt Choloe ovwratodted merehaadlse CWFB CODr-S bedrooms, MU ebad With thrae excepUons, Man­ Listed by Manager Hoar. Ml MOM. IDflCltnWM- Of Oqedwta's FUmlture WarehouN. SIX ROOM duplex, cU fttmaoe, ge>- dormer. 2 fuU baths, oU steam The Vernon Taaqmyere’ Bureau, chester’s two-week one-way rege. SniaU 'fomily or eduHe pre- BEAUTIFUL 6 ROOM which has started the circulation g ^ Y fW IS a Holland wtodow heat, comMnattons, $10,800. Ken travel reitrictktos on town A Uit of capital toipnvwWBte COMPLETE fe rr^ . MI 8-4481. RANCH Oftrinsky, |tealtor, SQ l-HIO. Ready to Fill Void ot a petition calling tor a change to roafia was lifted today by,Po­ ^ADVERTISING shades snade to meaMra. AU S R O d t OUTFITS government to the Vernon Fire 12th Circuit totaling $970,850 has hs6njH*> metal venetlaa bllnda at a new AT 8AVINOS OF FOUR ROOM duplex, eutometla. 2 full baths, buUt-lne. firqpUxw, lice Chief James Reardon. pared by Ganaral MOnagsr InaM- AvAOeble hot water oil heat, knotty pine rce* DBLUXS tP U T level. hatha. 7 District, has added other Issues to These exceptions are on Eld- tow price. Keys made whOe you ld% to 60% gaa heat, on bus Una. reatlbn room, garage, 2 sons heat­ rooma, buUMn ranga, magBifloant[ The American National Red Tsxt of Lotter Its ceU for support. ard Martin, along wlUi a hot 6C CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS wait. Marlow's. Starch 1. Bex H, Herald. Crbos organisation wUl aoMure the ridge end Maple Sts., where available funds to snabls Ote The BoUyvrood-4S weekly ing system, oombmafion windOfwa In a prepared riatement today, motorists may only go west­ G>urt Ca^es 8:18 AJL to 4;S0 PJL , and doora, 2 week’s .occupaaey( continuetlbn of Red Croaa serv- Dear FaUew Red O rou Work­ the bureau has gone on record op- board of directors to undsrtaks WBAVUtQ o( Burne. moth aolee tM Vatue-4388 ers:— ^ bound from Clinton S t to them “ without. levying addlUonsl end tom cloUdng, hoelerT nme. The Countess | 4 weekly Basincsr-Lodatlons elty water and city aewenyw- 11®«8 1** the Nathan Bala chapter poetog the renovations to the Tal- Spruce St, and on Forest St, Must bs sold, owner tranaferra^ AVAILABLE area after, and If, the Nathan It is with astonishment and dis­ cottvllle School until the Town ot MANCHESTER SESSION taxes or borrowing mom moaagRi’* COPY CLOSING TIME FOR C L ^IF IE D bendbece repelled, Upper ee- «696 value-4S8S For Rent 64 Vernon hag "full title to ownership which is still one-way from The list of improvamantl oatls M^IMT »*• nc*DA» AJt—8ATCBDAT • AJt plecementa, umbrellea repaired, th e Aristocrat—15 weekly Tha flneat materials utlUsad for Hale board of directors resigns In Mato St to Chestnut St Edward A. Conklin 26, of 16 CHARLES LESPERANCE this repair fre« ranch. In exceUent e body Friday may that we, loafn of your mass to the building and the lot It la on." for an expendltuss of $235,000 Mr men'e shirt coUere revereed and 1796 value-g488 LARGE ONE-room alr4)cnditloned rerignatlens M eaoers end dlrec- At the seme time, the bureau of­ Reardon also said that some Bralnard PI., waa fmed $100 for a public works paraga and Mkh* replaced. Marlow’a Uttle Mend* MI 9-7620 neighborhood, thU Uke new home Clyde MacDonald, area repre- driving while his license was under Free Storag^free delivery cfflca. 100% Mala S t location. hos a sweeping view of dlotant aentetive for the nationel orgen- to n of the Red Croaa Chapter fered congratulations to the Rock- no parking signs still remain way, refuse and garbage collaa- PLEASE READ YOUR AD Ing Shop. Marlow'a 887 Main S t NEW CUSTOM buUt 8% room vUle-Vernon Taxpayers’ Assocle- on some of Manchester’s side suspension. Uon, cemetery,- park and roerOtr «r “WMt A*«- • » t«lM* • * « ^ . One Weric Only hUls. Uvtoig room, fireplace. Large IsaUon, said today hla' main Job which serves Um Rockville eree. James Egidio, 31, of Southington, TM ranch with basement garage, kitchen, buUt-ins, ntlmerous cam- at present to to arrange for the Uon Inc. tor bringing to the etten- streets. tlon ottlcoo. aMiMoa. TiM advMtlMr riMoU imi4 Ms M Uw riA S I DAT IT -A mdvmcscoo MM *104 At our warehouse STORE FOR rent oh Spnioa S t We ere astonished because you Other than these exceptions, was fined $27 for speeding. BniMinx-ContnictiBf 14 Pine and Forest Sts. Reasonable and parkU» In the beautiful paneled kitchen, on bus nets, siseable dining area. Adapt- temporary continuance of the tlcm of the Board of Education an Also, $462,060 tor storm serwon, Xm Sa ud «KPO«T SBBOBS l» Ms»r» 7HW 81.08 IMIM* mu. line. Builder Ohariaa PonficelU, have chosen to teks this step de­ organisation known as "America's the flow of traffic in town Is Charles Warback, 62, of Crystal Mrving among other streets. For-, tta . T te HsraM Is nspoMlMs fsr omIt OMK taoonsol w MUttod sttviirgrtw , or Hartford Rd. rear. CaU MI ;-8n9. W Spnioa aMe 2 Or $ bodrooina dining room aervlce under a manager er other Lake Rd., RockvUle. was fined $21 A. A. DION. INC. Roofing, skUng, Manchester, Conn. Ml 9-0644. and den. ^ e bath. Walk-in. base- official untU a permanent eolu- spite its obvloue conaequenees to Future Inc.," which studies school hack to normal and, barring ter, Woodbridge, Harlan, Leonard, MJ sdswUsMSMt aai ttai oaly tm Ike• painting. Carpentry. Alteratlans Ott-IMLCTlWr, St. textbooks for subversive material another' major snowstorm, will for passing to a no passing zone. Summit Broad, Dale, Buniham, aasd" f»—iTiwi B rron srklBk d* M t iaMW the tnetae et BUSINESS AND home location aa ment. Itecreafion room, flreplece. tlon te forthpbmiiig. the community you have volun­ Howard Works. 67 of 46 Cone and addittona. Ceilings. Workman­ HAhTTBaHtir^ Open daU; 9-9 Sat, tin T SMALL STORE for rent. Ideal for Lavatory. Garage, Hot water heat. He said, however, ha did not "This Is a step to the right dlrec stay that way. Dover Rd., Henry St., and Can- 2 |f5 l,£ 5 w « e e t wto w t he ew reiM hy •hmhe geMT ship guaranteed. SM Autumn St. IFVIT/ 9-2888 heavily traveled road. Six room teered to serve. We ere dismayed tlon," the bureau statement says, St„ was fined $18 for failure to barber, shoemaker or any amw Cape, garage and breeteway. Very Storms, screens. Reasonably thhik an offer by the Hartford pass to the left. gress S t t MI M860. business. Reaamiahle rent. 186 W. priced. chapter to take over would work because, with your rcsignatlona, “ and may we say we wlU be tak- Also, $43,500 for property pur­ TORO SNOW Hound power handle good poseibillUes, Tongren, Brok' Ing action carrying a big stick in Robert J. McKinney, 61, of Bol­ BIDWEIX ROME Improvement at . new low price. Self-propelled Middle ’Turnpike. CaU MI 0-8208 er, MI $-6821. at present due to the curroit feel­ nins compiunlties will be leff with­ Weekend Crashes ton Center Rd., Bolton, waa found chase and improvement tocludtog ™“„”S? S S S d"“ Dial Ml 3-2711 after 2. H. B. GRADY, Broker out essential Red Croat services. the near future." i $30,000 for a refuse and garbap Co. Alteratlona. additions, ga­ model. Msriow’s, Inc.. 88T Main, ing between tha two. Cheirmen Legion Auxiliary Notes guilty of disregarding a atop sign rages. itooOng and aiding experts. BOLTON, CONN.-For sale, ranch Henry E. Mooberry of the Hert­ We, tha volunteer workers of the' and was fined $15. disposal area purchase, and $18,- MI 9-8221. MI 8-8009 The American Legion AuxlUary Bring 3 Arrests 500 for a recreation park adja­ Aluminum clapboards a specialty. Houses For Rent 65 house 5 rooms, furnished or un­ ford Chapter reportedly has said towns and branches within the plans to hold a grocery social to­ A charge of driving without a Aotomobilcs for Solo 4 Unexcelled workmanship. Easy FIVE ROOMS ot furniture. Can be furnished, boMment garage. SECLUDED, running brook, SOO I the resignation of Nathan Hale di­ Hartford Chapter, earnestly urge license against James Brozowskl, cent to a housing project for tha Lost and Found morrow at 7:45 p.m. In the. GAR Four accidents In Manchester elderly on W. Center St. budget terms. Ml M4M or TR seen in the evening any time. 88 FOR LEASE—5 room ranch one- Please cell owner MI $-7S84, Box foot frontage, trees city sswar, rectors does not concern the Hart- you to reconsider your resignations ri>oms. 24, of 42 Florence St., waa nolled. lies OLDSMOBILE Super » . auto­ M109. Chestnut S t, Mrs. HOphner, MI car garage, four years old, $188 $3, Carpenter Road. 10 room ranch, S baths, etc.. Men- ford Chapter. He la also reported over the weekend resulted to two Ten cases were continued: Also, $100,000 for equlpmsnt t/)ST—White mother ol and ask that you continue to hold On Wednesday, the unit will hold under which are listed $30,(H)0 far ToSsry between WiUiams Street matic transmission, S-door hard­ per month.^References required. chekter. Ckriton W. Hutchins, MI to have said, however, "Hartford your positions of public trust so a meeting at 8 p.m. at -the Legion persons suffering minor injuries Until Thursday, Donald Rey­ top, new snow tires. Good condi- CARPENTRY repairs, roofing, rec MANCHESTER 9-51$2. wUl be glad to handle Red Cross end three being arrested. Hurt nolds, 22, of Hartford, charged accounting, collecting and assess­ •nd ^ Bridget’s CSiurch on ^ room, aluminum siding, doors and Philbrick .^gency, Tel. MI 9-8484, residents of Rockville, Vernon, Ell­ Home on West St. The meeting Wednesday. SenUmental value. MI Uon, 8680. MI M308. Owner giving away $2,600 worth services In the Nathan Hale eree ington, Tolland, Coventry, Somers, has been termed important. were Kimberly Dlmpson, 4 months, vrtth larceny. ing; $20,000 for pUbUo works de­ windows. No Job too small. Ehtcel- WHITE CALORIC gas and oil Of improvements with this im- BOLTON if the national Red Cross re­ of Portland, Maine, who suffered Until next Monday for court partment radios; $20,000 for tha »-78»l.______' IMS MERCURY Monterey, new lent references. Ejl Stasiak, PI range, good cmidition. MI 9-1488. I Stafford, Union and WilUngton will Jaycee Survey Nears End Courses and Classen 27 Hdp Wanted—Mate 36 Boats and Accessories 46 Business Property For Sale 70 maculete 4 finished $ room c%)s, quests . It.” not be denied the nseessery and Im­ a, bruised forehead; and Milton trial, John Hayea, 38, of 122 Lake disposal area; and $30,000 tor ftIUND—Sum o t money viclnl^ motor, good rubber, new trans- 2-7864. dormers, tamUy size kitchen, plas­ IN-Law or Income Special In another development today The last stage of an extensive Morrison, 28, of Twin Hills Dr„ St., charged with failure to pass aerial survey and photogrammst- mii^on. MI MOBS. U.S. CIVIL SERVICE testo! Men- experienced tool and gauge L pa portant services they have a right community survey by the Rock­ Glensrood St. Owner may claim-by CLEAR THE DECK SALE 21" TV OONSOLETTE exceUent tered walls, fireplace, deluxe 10 branch chairmen within the to expect from the Nathan Hale Coventry, who received cuts to his to the r l ^ t ; Fred Lea, 32, of 111 ric maps. IdentUylng and paying for ad. MI women, 18-82. Start high aa |M makers. Must have 8 yearn of ex­ ment property which bring in ex­ heated rec room, new aluminum ville Junior (Chamber of Commerce mouth. Both were taken to Man­ Eldrldge St„ charged with breach Also, $150,000 for idteraUans Rooring—Siding 16 New 1960 15 foot MEYI boat with condition. MI 8-8209. ceUent return. Real estate Invest- iriS**loadf 1 ****VloniHartford cnapier chapter losueu issued an en uj open»=ji Chapter. It is our considered opin­ is nearing an end and the results •« ae. ____ IMl PONTIAC, S-door, 6 cylinder, week. Preparatory tndnlng untU perience or more. Please a p ^ at Bidings, emeaite drive, well Iimd- Ni ■ chester Memorial Hospital by po- of peace: and David V. Samuels, and additions to the municipal appointed. Tliouaanda of Jobs E A 8 Gaga Company, MltcheU i 85 h.p. Johnson electric starting ELBCrROMASTEJt 4 burner kitoh menta take precedence over aU acaped A-zone lot, shade trees, “ng them to i^o.wl^_r_ their administration and operation of urday. Uce cruisers where they were building. huUt iq> roofs, gutter and conduc­ open. Etoperience usually unneces­ Drive, * moUnr and throttle controls. Price en stove, good condition, $18. MI others. J. D, Realty, 470 Main St., slde firemece, located near school, treated and discharged. with failure to yield the right of In a preface to the directors,- female. CaU Lee Fracchla, Dog sary. EllElE Information on Jobs, $898. 3-4426. MI'k-5129. church, bus and ehoppfhg. Reduced room, 2-cer detached garage. your Chapter is so Insurmountable The Jaycee organization at the Warien, MI »S5»4. ______DE CORMIER MOTORS tor work; roof chimney repalra. 2—Almost completed separate 8%, - , . as to Justify the abandonment of time will list whet it determines Morriaon was charged with fail­ way. General Manager Martin wrote: R.\y Hagenow, Ml 9-72U; Ray salaries, requirements. Write TO­ REPORTER tor Immediate sale. Only $14,900. ure to pass to the left Others ar­ Until March 6, John Line, 45, of It is not intended to be a typical SAYS: DAY giving phone. Lincoln Serv­ McIn t o s h b o a t c o . room home, basement garage, would move to w d provide the those services. We appeal to you to are the five greatest needs of the fo u n d —Large Ught brown dog, Jackson. Ml 8-8325 with some daUy or weekly news- Houses For Sate 72 LAWRENCE F. FIANO la m workeixm. sendee, which Is "eseentlal." rested were James C. Murray, 21, 33 Birch St„ charged with Intoxl capital improvement budget pro- ice, Pekin 20, Illinois. 52 Oak S t MI 9-3102 Masical liistraments'’ 53 continue to serve your Chapter community, then ask the public, caUon; Adeline Skiff of Warehouse male. Call Lee FracaUa, Dog War. “THESE FINE CARS ARE SURE COUGHLIN ROOFINO Oo. - AU p a ^ r experiance.. Please ^>ply Realtor MLS 2—Two wooded acres of lend, Indl- The n NethM Halo offldels en- until a solution to your problems via questionnaire, which one it of 98 Strickland St., charged with graimmed over a period of years. den, MI 8-SS94.______- TO PLEASE FUSSY YOU. BANK 4 CAROL DRIVE - Rockville, $18,- MI 8-2766 vldual driveways, privacy, nice Inounced-their decision lest week to can be found. feels is most important. reckless driving; and Harold E. Point, charged with operating a "These projects are needed now TERMS OF COURSE." types of roofs and rout repairing, by giving fuU details of education WANTEU>—8 foot pram or dingy, YOUR PIANO tuned electronlcaUy. 650. 5 room ranch, large living resign in a body because of en Im- Moon, 35, of 43 Pearl St, charged motor vehicle with obscured vi­ as much as they will be required fo u n d —Black male mongrel pup- specialising In Twenty Year Bond­ Bonds—Stocks Mortgages. 31 Paul P. Fiano MI $-0488 residential nelf^borhood. Ae active members of the Hart­ Areas surveyed so far Include and experience In writing Person­ reasonable. MI 9-8824. Appointments being made for room, cabinet kitchen, S bed­ Ed Crawford MI 9-44i0 4-Reduhed to $28,800. ptxae reached In negotiations with medical and health facilities, so­ with driving whUe under the to' sion and with faUure to pass to in the future. l»y Call Le4 Fracchla, Dog War­ 1957 Plymouth Station Wagon ed Roofs. QUl Ml 8-7707. nel Manager, Herald, New Britain, Euurcb and AprU. ward Music rooms, 1H% m o r^ g e can be the Hartford chapter for a “Just ford Chapter Branches, we assure the left; Irwin Lakln, 39, of Sharon, IF YOUR BANK won’t Usten, we you that we ahaU do everything cial agencies, service organiza­ fluence of liquor or drugs. The Town Planning Commis­ den, MI M5M. ______One owner. wiU. Money avaUable in any Conn. Company, 99 Summer. MI 3-2094. assumed. Marion E. Robertson, THAWING OUT SPECIALS LAWRENCE F. FIANO shars” of funds. tions, housing needs, planning, zon­ The Kimberly baby waa a paS' Mass., charged with speeding; and sion, after completion of the com­ Open evenings fill 9 p.m. Broker. MI 8-6958. within Hnir power to help bring Julie Kogon, 42, of New Haven, fo u n d —Black, white and brown Only $345 Down Roofing and Chimneys 16-A amount for first or second mort­ Bonding Materials 47 Realtor MLS Nathan Hale officers have wantj about a speedy end amicable solu­ ing, taxation. Industry, agriculture, aenger In a car being driven by prehensive survey being made for female pop. Cill Lee Fracchla, gages. Terms to suit yoUr need*. MEAT CUTTER Andover—$ room cape, detached ed e return of those funds con­ recreation and population. Louise B. Durgln of 458 W. Mid charged with three counts of frau­ it by the Planning and Develop­ ROOFING—Specialising repairing (X.EAN, USED lumber for aale, as­ $12,600—SIX room cape, full base­ garage, oh Route $. vproximately MI 3-2766 tion of the problems which con­ dulently Issuing a 'Check, nine Dog Warden, MI 8-85M. 1960 Pontiac 4-door Sedan Consolidate your bills to single Prefer aelf-aervice super market Wearing Apparel—Fan 57 ment, combination wlndowa and Paul P. Fiano MI 8-0458 tributed at Hartford businesses front you. Wi -rincerely believe Besides conducting the commun­ die Tpke., which police said was ment Associates of Cambridgs, Catalina. Practically new—Save a roofs of aU kinds, new roofs, gut­ montlriy payments J. D. Really, experience. 5-day 40-hour week, sorted rises, hardwood flooring. one acre lot. A steal at $18,900. \ n Bulin I and foctorlea by personnel from ity survey, the Jaycees have given struck from the rear by a car be counts of payment of less than Mass., will have the basis 6n ter work, chimneys cleaned, re­ Window sash and doors complete doora, amerite drive, shade trees, Bolton—Exclusive 6 room ranch Ed Crawford that a continuance or prolongation IXIST—targe gray canvas Insulat­ bundle on this fine car. 470 Main St. MI 8-8129. hoUdays, vacation and insurance PERSIAN LAMB fur coat also 12, 30 days occupancy. Marion EL I Nathan Hale area, which com- of the present unfortunate pvibllc- support to the present consolida­ Ing driven by Murray. The accident minimum wage or overtime wage, which to anticipate needs of the ed cover. Contact Briar Farm Ice paired. Aluminum siding. 80 benefita. Please apply in person 10 windows, plumUng and heating en one acre, 3 years old, custom BOLTON LAKE—Oozy year'round prises eight towns In Tolland tion drive and have offered to four counts of failure to make pro­ Only $696 Down suppUes, assorted pipes and soU good condition, $25. Lady’s white Robertaon, Broker. MI S4S95S. built for the diBCrimlnating, on Ity attendant upon your resigne- occurred at 3:20 Saturday after­ future and prepare a typical cap­ Oeam JA 8-8735, Or PI t-W0«. years’ experience. Free estimates. FIRST AND second mortgages. We a.m.-4 p.m. figure ice skates, aise 6, $4. MI 5 room bungalow, 8 bedrooms, en-1 County, with headquarters In give the consolidation study group noon on Main St., south ot Oak S t per weekly payment of wagea, 62 ital improvement budget pro­ CaU Howley, MI 8;83ei, MI 3-0783. also buy mortgages, terms to suit pipes. Open daYy 1:80 UU dark, MANCHESTER — T room Cape, Route 86, additional land available, tlons and the public airing of your whatever assistance is possible to counts of working minors or wom­ 1958 Buick 4-door Hardtop FOOD KING Saturday 8-4. Choman House 9-5524. $28,000, closed porch, aurprieingly RockvUle. problems can only result in a seri Morrison was Injured and ar­ grammed for several years to the A showpiece In mint condition. .^ n o w e r. Prompt service. No ap- Hartford Rd. and Pine St. '' family room, modem kitetaen, S clous. Large ehaded lot, lu e privl- Nathan Hale Chairmen Wlhthrop keeping residents abreast of con­ rested as the result of his car en excessive hours, three counts of pnisal diarge. E, C. SoUmene, Wreckiiw yard at Stock Place oft bedrooms, rec room, garage. Good Bolton—6 room cape, beauUfuUy oua disservice to everyone who hea ■future.” Annonneenents Only $595 Down Heating and Plumbing 17 Manchester Nortb Bilaln 8t. CaU Ml 9-2892. landscm d lot, owner going West, legea. Additional lot -4tveifeh1e. W. Ferniworth and Vice Chair given of hie time, hla money and solidation affairs. itrlklng a parked car op Spruce Improper employment of labor on Items not Included to the list, Bnd(er. MI 94)800. Wanted—^To Buy 58 lot with treea. One block to $8,500. Evenings Mr. Bolea, MI men Mrs. Harry H. Lugg were Sehmalz Reheads ZBA S t, owned by Robert Wldham, 61, Sunday, and four counts of failure achools, shopping and bus, $16,900. priced for quick sale, $18,900. his personal efforts to advance the Martin pointed out, wero perma­ nOOMB TAXES prepared in yoor 1956 Rambler Cross-Country PLUMBING AND heating - re­ YOUR BEST b u y IS AT Coventry—On 44A. 8 room modi­ 9-9888. Warren E. Howland, Reel- not In the city this morning for causae served by the Red Cross. WlUiam A. Sehmalz has been jf 32 Benton St., at 10:10 Satur­ to obtain a certificate of age. nent or seml-permanenl paving or Or by appointment. Bxper* modeling Installationa. repalra WE BUY, SELL or trade antique Philbrick Agency, MI 9-84641 tor, MI 3-1108. comment on the letter. elected chairmen of the RockvUle day night. Both cars were heav­ Until March 13, Edgar J. Sellers. construction or reconstruction af Irnmad tax w o ^ M boor aervica. Wagon Business Opportunities 32 NATIONAL and used furniture, china, glass, fied colonial, one acre lot, de­ ' Victor E. Swenson, a member of We further ask that.'Siaving re­ ily damaged and had to be towed 36, of Rt. 6, Andover, charged standard transmisaian, radio, AU work guaranteed 28 years ex MANCHESTER ~ Oolonlal. 6 spa­ tached garage. Was $18,900, i considered your resignations, you Zoning Board of Appeals for a walks and curbs which, he said, Can MI MT31. perlence. 24-hour service. CaU FOR LEASE or sale—Drive-In res­ ESTIMATOR Framing, Truckloads $95 Per M* aUver, picture frames and old duemed to $18,900 for limited time. the chapter executive board, said second term for the year 1961. away. with carrying a revolver or pistol should be included to annual budg­ heater. Very clean. Eton VanCamp, Ml 8-4748. colna, old doUs .and gubs, bobby cious rooms, isige Uvtng room Leta For Sate 7 3 1 he could make no comment be edviss us of your final decision In Moon waa arrested shortly after without a permit, for a pre-sen Fp.rigitai. INCOME taxes pro taurant In Vernon. For Informa- iPing-Ponig Thbles $11.98 Each with fireplace, family sue file For the professional in Vernon. this matter. We ere determined Ban Date Set ets. Only $245 Down coUectlons, attic contents or whole cause he had not seen the letter The annual Policemen’s Ball of 1 o'clock yesterday morning as the tence investigation; and Edgar E. Also excluded were street con­ pared with yoor savings in mind. ti(m caU TR 5-2980. Pref, Beech PaneUng 29c 8q. F t estates. Furniture Repair Service, kitchen porch, one-car gerage, This beautmil 0 room ca|>e ranch TWO B ZONE lots with city end was not sure of the degree that no single community within Tools and Parts Pref. Birch Paneling 25e 8q. Ft. large lot 86x260, 110,900. PhUMck with the latest improvements, com­ the state, no matter how email, the RoclT’iUe Police Department result of hla car striking a parked Sellers, 18, of Rt. 6, Andover, nections with the relocated Rt. 9, fUMonablo rataa. CaU Ml »S>M. 1959 Fiat 4-dbor Sedan Radio-TV Repair Talcottvllle, Conn. Tel. MI 8-7449. water Union St Manebrstor of authority represented in the has 'been set for May IS at the car belonging to Joseph Skinner, charged with carrying a revolver development of Globe Hollow and Model 1200. Like new. FuUy Natural Cedar Shakes $8.96 Per Sq, Agency. Ml e-8464. mercially zoned on Rt. 83 Includes $2,850 each. MI 1-8418. branch chairmen as a group. ■hall be left wltoout the vital serv­ Services 18 Help Wanted—Female 35 I No. 1 Common Oak Flooring a 18x30 Bxrlmming pool in addiUon ices which the Red Croaa provides iPoIiah American ClUzens’ Club. 53, of'llO Tanner St., on Princeton or pistol without a permit, for a Lewie Farm recreation areas, and equipped. MANCHESTER — New T room ...... - ' ...... — '■ MacDonald said the branch St. north of Henry St. Damage r^ o rt by the domestic relations street Improvements other than niOOME TAX PREPARED. MI RADIO-TV REPAIRS, ally make - $164 P er M' Rooms Without Board 59 to a new 4 room ranch with $1,800 UVE, ^ -lin E invest in Florid^ | chairmen, either singly or collec- in times of emergency and disas­ Thie year, police announce, MOOS. Only $195 Down REHUABLE woman for housework ARROW TOOL CO. I Disappearing Stairways $21.96 Eto. ranch, 2 tireplacea, 2 full baths, yearly Income. All situated on ter. If you perelat in your resolU' there wlU be printed a ball pro­ to both cars waa alight. officer. storm drains. cars, amplifiers, phonographs and and chUd care, EYidays only, MI 11x10" White Pine Sheri 2-csr garage, large kitchen with acres of beautiful landscape, *^*"*’"* tlvely, have a strong voice In the gram to contain advertising. Pa­ Cars being driven by Ludmilla "The Saulters Swimming Pool 1956 Rambler 4-door Hardtop changers. Over 47 years total ex 9-6980. 36 Mill St. HEhtTED ROOMS free parking, month: Froe colorful brochure. policy of any chapter. tlon to resign from your duties end K. Smiltnleks of 31 Union S t and INOOME TAX retnma prepared by $85 lPer M heat, light, hot water furnished buiU-in oven and rang^ formal priced right. Write San Carlos Park, Ft. Myers, positions in the Nathan Hale Chap­ trolman Robert KjeUqulst has for which an appropriation has fecraer internal revenue agent in Loaded and immaculate. perlence.' 80 days guarantee on aU 18’ Knotty Pine Paneling 12c Sq. Et. dining room. Lot 100x200. $20,900. The open letter, published in full by Raymond E. Stewart Jr., 18. of been made and Uie purchase of work. Potfortdn’a. Ml 8-4837. WANTEU> —Woman for general Wethersfield > JA 9-2507 Scranton Motel, MI 94)828. Florida. In The Herald, urges the Nathan ter, we will feel obligated aa active been named to head the new com­ Zoners W ill Hear your home or by i^ipointment. Only $245 Down Mahogany Paneling l$o Sq. Ft. Philbrick Agency. Ml 9-8464. J. D. REALTY members of this national organiza­ mittee to aolicit advertising. 158 Birch S t, collided on Spruce Union Pond for which an appro­ Also, small bualneas services. Ml houaekeeping work. CaU Oak CASH 'N CUtRRY CLEAN, comfortable room for 470 MAIN ST. MI $-5129 Hale officials to reconsider their St., north of Pearl S t, at 3:40 Sat­ priation hearing hs« been s^ed- RADIO-TV REPAIR, any make, Lodge Motel, MI 8-4878 for ap­ SIX ROOM home In A-1 condition. decision to resign, saying the res­ tion to take any and all necessary Other committee cheirmen lue 1957 Rambler 4-door Sedan free pickup and deUveiy on smaU Visit our display room on waU young lady, household privileges, and iqsprorriate stepa to Insure Clartoice Neff, publicity emmnit' urday afternoon. Police aald the 9 Bids Tonight uled are not included to the listing pointment. near shopping. Ml S-0426. Present owner spent over $7,600 MANCHSSTER-Colenlal. 3 large Suburban For Sale ignation will deprive the Tolland accident resulted when the Smllt- of projects. The funds for them 8EE THE new Electrolux (R) vac Fully equipped. Very sharp. We radios, j^onographs. Hours 6-10 paneling and kitchen cabinets. on mew boUer, new ceilings, mod- that reridents of the RockvUle eree tee; Richard Bennett, decorations have two of thes« fine cars. p.m. H A E Radio and TV, MI AUTO BODY MAN or experienced bedrooms, large shaded lot, eX' ■ _ _ . . 1 County communities of services committee; Robert Ahner, ticket nicks car skidded on wet pave­ Nine applications for exceptions have been excluded from the sum- unm cleaner, fully automatic, also SALESLADY—If you enjoy selling FURNISHED light housekeeping emizlhg kitchen, etc. One-car ga­ ceUent location many extra (ea TO SETTLE Mtate roasonab^ which are essentlaL will continue to receive Red Cross ment. msLry of funds available for -other Only $245 Down 9-5882. MI S-1479. women's apparel and want full­ helper. Apply In peraon^ Roy {NATIONAL LUMBER, INC. priced 8 room houra, main high- deplores the services. We stand reedy to offer oomnilttee. to zoning rules 'wlU be presented guaranteed factory rebuilt clean­ Motors, Inc., Route 83, Talcott- 881 STATE ST. room with electric refrigerator, rage, deep lot. $16,900. Philbrick tores. Outstandbg value. Aaklni: projects.”' ers. Electrolux authorised sales time work with special discount middle-aged ladles preferred. MI Ageiicy, Bu 9-8404. • $20,600. Vernon—new Capes en«l these services even if It means ex­ Honorary chairman of the baU before a Zoning Board of Appeals 1957 Ford 2-door Sedan PHILCO RECOMMENDED service privUeges and exceUent working vUle, i NORTH BAVE3I. Conn. tending our efforts over the many ie Gapt. Peter J. Dowgiewicz. Sgt. (ZBA) public hearing tonight at Separate listings of proJeeU and and service, MI S-63M, on Hi-Fi’s, radios, televlsiona. also CHestnut 8-2147 8-6888. Ranches, $12,490 end $13,990. For summaries of available.funds will standard Shift, one owner. Sharp condiUcma, contact Saul Levine ACrUAL JOBS In U.S., Europe, SIX ROOM CAPE, breezeway and deteila or appointment, cell Rob­ CUl Ml s-ms WMk ttn. I TlS^Sii.d. d.Mrmo, fr«m miles that eeparate your communl Leater Bartlett end Det. George 8 at the Municipal Building. INCOME TAX preparation, busl- throughout, t guaranteed service on aU other Etoshions, 787 Main St. at nice, garage, fuU shed dormer, 2 fuU ties from our own. Trapp ere acting as advisors. be prepared for the water depart­ makes. Shop our special do-it- South. America. Write E i^ o y - REASONABLE Large modem ert Wolverton, Broker. MI 3-1914. towns surrounding Hartford finish' Among the requests are two ment, sewer department, fire de­ liees and Individual. Raymond Only $245 Down ment Information Center, Room Diamonda—W a tch er - twin bedroom. Privaterate Mth, park- baths, w.ooded lot, easy walking Sincerely, Polloe 'Arreet - News Tidbits concerning variances. R-ose Derry Girard, MI 8-6008. yourself department featuring dla- CLERK distance to schools, bus, and shop­ W M itM i-itadEM t. partment, parking meter and dog coimt prices. Opra evenings and 474, 789 Boylsfam St., Boston 16, Ing, private entrance, convenient MANCHESTER — A large family (The letter is signed by Carl E. RockvUle Petrobnen Leonard of 9 Oole S t Residence Zone A, license departments, wrote Martin. 1953 Willys Station Wagon Jewelry , . 48 ly located in residential area. ping. Don’t miss this outstanding would enjoy owning this one acre Burke end Lawrence Bresnahan ar­ Colled from.AP. Wires requests a variance to have TAX PROBUaCS are my tuslneM Saturdays. SatelUte Electronics Interesting general office work. value, $18,000. Philbrick Agency, Involved, if the Nathan Hale board P ratt for the Avon Branch, Eugene __T______j :______"Nothing, of course. Is shown an year 'round. If you need as Runs Uke new—Economy plus. Service, 168 School S t, Manches­ LEONARD W. YOST. Jewelers — Ideal for working couple or will farm, 0% rooms, large kitchen, 2- nenfmefiUZi 1 did. h» fact resign. rested Harry F. Merritt, 23, of 92 south sideyard which will be less here for the Eighth School and I Only $145 Down Must be good typist . Permanent JOBS: O gb My. All trades. So. rent single. References required. MI 9-8484. car garage attached. summer ^raooaiuea | resignation deadline is Fri Dionne for the Ctenton Branch W. Main St., last .night and than regulations allow. August Mstance with your return or rec ter. MI 8-1786 or JA 8-1669. poslUon. Liberal benefits. 40-hour Repairs, adjusts watches em rt- aerrice. Joseph Roaeetto, broker, Mrs. Edward S. White, Enfield; UtUlties District, the Manchester erd keepbv^ caU MI M168 from 8 America The Islands, USA. Reaaonable prices. Om u Tues- MI 8-6013: $14,000-6 ROOM Cape, 4 finished, p ^ h , guoUne tank end pump. charged him with intoxication, Hilda Garston, 96-foot fishing Zeppa, 738 Birch Mt. Rd., is re­ Water Co. or the Metropolitan Dis­ week. Ideal for Etourt .Hartford or Chance to travel, etc. For Infor­ Rouse In exceUent condition. Onlj Phone MI 9 5 ta . Harley J. Brook, Glastonbury; breach of peace and resisting ar­ vessel out of New Bedford, rips to 8 for income tax and bookkeep­ 1955 Mercury Station Wagon CONNIE'S TV and Radio uervlce, Manchester resident. CaU BU through Saturday, Thursday COMFORTABLE room for lady or full abed dormer, plastered walls, ______Nowhere in the letter la there questing a variance to use dwell­ trict of Hartford County Which 8 passenger—Very clean through­ avaUable all hours. Satisfaction mation mrUe Dept. 88T National, evenings. 129 Spruce St. Ml 9-4387. $750 down. Less than $100 per Kenneth D. Davis, Granby; Frank rest her keel on submerged object In ing for temporary housing In ing service for individuals and 9-2717. Noble A Weatbrook Manu­ gentleman. References required. hot Water heat, amesite drive, month. Priced at $11,900. Warren SELLING? BuylngT Trading? No I alluelon to whet Nethen Hale offl- serve parts of Manchester,” con­ out. guaranteed. CaU MI 9-1818. 1020 Broad, Newarit, New Jersey. *%% mortgage, good condition matter what your needs may be, claim is .the m ^ im e , the N. Sollitfo, New Hartford; Mrs. According to police reports, Mer­ thick fog and sinks two miles off Rural Zone. facturing Oo., Eadt Hartford. CaU before 2:30. MI 8-4826. E. Howland. Realtor, MI $-1108. W. Stanley Hunt. Simsbury; Royce ritt left the Market Square Ctofe Blizzards Bay Lighthouse but her cluded Martin. Only $195 Down WANTED—Men with tree cUmb- and location. Philbrick Agency, Mitten can fit them like a glove. teUure of the H a r t f ^ chapter to A second request for special The list of available funds to rfos t WOMAN WANTED to Uv« In for Fuel , and Feed 49-A ROCKVILLE—24 Grove St. Single MI 9-8464. Free inspection upon request Oril turn over si^lclent fu n ^ D. McAUster, Suffield; Mra about 9:15, crossed th^street to a 13-man crew escapes into dories exertion to erect group dwrilings finance the projects without rais­ from Feb. 18-88. Stait 8 a.m., re­ MORTENSEN TV SpeclaUsed RCA ing experience. Pbone MI 8-7587. 6 ROOM HOME George J. Fiona, TeriffviUe; and parking lot and got into a car. and rows ashore . . . Swedish ac­ 1956 Ford Victoria Hardtop two weeks to care for new bom I DRY OAK WOOD, cut fireplace and light housekeeping room, $10 week- the EUewortb Mitten Agency, “ted by resldenU of the Nathan will ba. asked by Nets Johnson at ing taxes or borrowing money in­ turn aan|e day by 7 p.m. Modem televlaiai, service. Ml 8-4641. infant and two year old glrL Baby H. F. Sweet. ly. Inquire first Door, apartment MANCHESTER—New 3 bedroom ExceUent condition, gerage, com' Hale area. Peter E. Grennis, Windsor.) The car was not his, police said, tor Max 'Von Sydow to portray McKee St, between High and They come no nicer anywhere. ■tove lengths, $10 per load deUv- Reeltore, MI S-6880. and Merritt became Involved in a cluded $133,352 In the bond ac­ Md tnstructtoos. Cheap rentals. Oiily $245 Down due April 1. MI 9-6279. 0. TR 5-9594. ______ranch with garage. Also, 6 room Mnetion windows and doors, let JoBUS Christ to forthcoming Summer Sts. counts for older elementary schotUs For reservation can MI 8-5118. qred. PI 2-7886. Colonial. Hot water heat, ceramic floor has large U'ving room with fight with the owner. Burke and movie, "Hie Greatest Story Ever Six other applications concern Millinery Dressmaking 19 Situations Wanted— ATTRACnVELT furnished room baths, fireplaces, full basements. ftnplaeo, dining room and modern Bresnahan were called to the scene Told’’ . . . President Kennedy re­ and ming Junior High School; (AXJL) AUTOMOBILB Legal As- 1956 Ford 4-door Sedan SELLING? ic. rk rk. extension of permission requests. $240,329 for appropriations made HEMMING AND alteration work. CLERK Female 3 8 1 Garden—^Farm— Dairy for. gentleman, with kitchen pritfi- MI 8-4860. kitchen. 2nd floor bee 3 large bed' Why gembleT CaU in a firm that d lX JLIOj? i./W 116rS and broke up the fray. turns from -overnight stay at se­ sociaUoB, Special Representative. Fully equipped—Sharp. legee, private entrance, parking. nom a with plenty of closets, Ule Police Arrests Merritt was booked later in the cluded Virginia estate to begin or scheduled to be made, but which CUfford w. Barnett. 28 Otis St.. Only $195 Down CaU Mrs. WlUiam AbraiUs, 10 Interesting poalUen for woman WOULD UKE to clean officea Frodnets 50 PRINCETON ST.—7 room colonial has stood tha test of time. Just caU -ri* i i. . YALE ALUMNI ELECT have corresponding purposes such Robin Road, any time. Inquire 169 Maple St. hath and shower. Priced below on the Crockett Agency for capable f i n e c l D V C O U T t evening and was released under second month in White Hopse. Mandiester, Conn. Tel. MI 8-7424. with some typing experience and nlghta, near Maln-Peari Sts. M l| with 4 bedromns, 1% baths, large F.H.A. appraisal. $100 bond fof court appearance Oliver Powers says he wants New Haven, Feb. 20 (iP)—Henry as snow removal, the Center St. SpeciaUslng In Rambler, The aptitude for fl^ re work. Must be 941090, 6-10 p.m. GREEN MOUNTAIN pototoea, 60 NICE LARGE room, private en­ Hiring room with fireplace, hot a eel stance end advice without ob-> •' Robert F. Curran end John M. Lee Jr. of the University 6t Dela­ storm sewer; and codification and KNITTED DREISSES shortened, lb. bag, $1.80: also 10 lb. and 16 Ugafion. CaU MI 8-1877. We are, , . ,, March 7. United States to seek Inunedlate Success Car and Fine Used Cars. hemming and alterations done. High School graduate. Pleasant trance, excellent location. Refer­ water heat, one-car garage. By ap­ 2-FAMILY 6 and $ du]Uex In good Cannon, both 16, of East Hartford, In Vernon Saturday night, two ware's Music Department has been printing of the town charter. working conditions, complete bene­ HOUSEKEEPER or housekeeper Ib. bags. Miller, 150 Spencer S t condition. Close to school and bus. members of Mulfipls Listing. 1 Flffht dog ovmers ro ^ U y ar- were arrest^ end charged at 11 release of his son. Panels' Gary Also, $17,214 in the capital im­ Pcrsom to Call Mrs. Monty,. 18 Moore St. end companion for one adult. MI ences required. MI 9-4666. 21 pointment only. PhUbrick Agency, ' rested by Dog Warden Lee motorists were Involved in a minor Powers, U2 pilot now Imprisoned elected president of the Alumni DE CORMIER MOTOR fit program. Apply Church St. MI 9-8464. Good investment. ^ . .IVacchle on charges of . allowing o’clock Saturday morning with un­ accident on the Talcottvllle flat. Association ot the Yale School of provement reserve fund; $29,684 9-116$. lawfully discharging firearms. In Russia... Workmen swarm ▼ACUUM CLEANERS repaired in SALES. INC. Household Goods 51 WISH SOMEOra to kan^: yew their d ^ to roam were presented There was no injury or arrest. over decks and through holds of Music. He succeeds William Dole left unallocated to school building my own home shop. Forty years Manchester’s Own Rsmbler Dealer Moving—^Tracking— First National Stores. Inc. STENOGRAPHER, clerk, typist, MANCHESTER — Lovely 6 room CHARLES W. LATHROP reel estate? ObU me at Ml 9 ^ m the Mandiester session of the They posted bonds of $25 each for Ctolef Constable Edmund F. Dwy­ of the Music funds, $98,561 for estimated col­ factory oqwrlence. AU makes, Park and Oakland Ave. Apartments—Flats— finished Cape,-^ 4 bedrooms, city AGENCY, INC. appearance in the Manchester ses­ er said the wet roads caused one aupercarrier Kitty Hawk to Cam­ Departm'bnt. lection of back taxes; arid $13,000 At Our New Location 285 Broad St. . ______Storage 20 experienced, five hours daily. 9-3.1 BEFORE YOU buy a new vacuum utUities, recreation room, $18,000. fOT prompt end^ccurteons aervlce. jath Circuit Court thU morning. den, N. J., preparing her for first low rates, free estimates, free East Hartford Box G, Herald. cleaner anywhere — get Marlow’s Tenements 63 MI 9-0384 MI S-7856 Joseph Barth, Broker. | wuilem Tally, 22, of 41 Wad- sion of the 13th Circuit Court on car to skid as the other wasi turn­ for estimated Interest and lien pickup and deUveiy. Mr. Miller, MI 8-1465 ManeUeiWrj'AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local Tongren, Broker, Ml 3-6321. March 9. ing into a drive. It was raining sea trial... Secretary of State fees. *17113 sum is already $14,000 discount prices first. Featuring MANCHESTER—6 room Cape buUt IF YOU WANT to aeU your pn»- ^ Dean Rusk refuses to sign re­ 3A 2-1471. moving, packing storage. Low RELIABLE WOMAN to babyrit, PART-TIME office work, Hoover, Lewyt Hamilton Beach OENEXAL RENTAL agency. J. D. SIX ROOM cape finished, breeze­ They were discovered shooting heavily at the time. Complete it Easily according to Paul Cervlnl, collec­ rate on tong distance inovea to ienced In etenogreidiy, and Simbeam. Filter bags for aU Realty 470 Main Street, Ml by AnealdI, fuU shed dormer, Rus- arty and Um# U of tha esaence. !*-**'*'„'?,**'• **?i“ **?t **?*"»7 In the Manchester town dump by Hospital Notes strictive covenant normally re­ tor of taxes. ELECTROLUX Bales and Service, Monday-Friday, 7-8, one child. Call way, garage, fireplace,' hot water co aluminum storms, beautiful please caU, title office for speedy *5,?**?*^^*®’J * ’ ®* quired with purchase of home in Auto Drlvlnc School 7-A 48 states. Personalised service. MI MI 3-4303. general office dutiea. makes. Marlow’s, 861 Main. Call S-S139. oil heat, exceUent condiUon police along with a 14-year-old boy Admitted Friday: Mary Blelec- bonded representative, Alfred 3-8187, CH 7-1433. Herald. recreation room, ovaralze garage, and efficient eervlce. Wo buy and! Circle; John Oltaver, 47, who was not Identified. The juve­ kl, Hartford Tpke.; Frederick Washington’s Spring Valley sub­ AmeU, 2M Henry 8t. TeL MI LARSON’S Oonneeficut’s first U Ml 9-6321, ROCKVILLE — See us tor youi throughMit, bus line, 80 days oc­ nice let. Reduced to $15,900 for aeU. J. D. Rkalty, MI $5139. of 107 Cam brige St.; Carl J. Two-Faced Kitten! DAY WORKEX one day a week. cupancy. Priced at only $15,800. Sdiwars, 40, of M7 E. Center St.; nile was turned over to his par­ Fries, 140 Prospect St. division; 24M50. censed driving school trained. — MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ ~ SEE OUR grand selection of metal apartment! 8% rooms, heat, ap- quick Bale. BasUy financed. J. D. ents. President Kennedy committed Certified and approved la now of' Must nrovlde own transportation. pUances, parking, $90 monthly; Charles Lesperance, MI 9-7020. I J'7620. morteage. 582 Woodbridge St. MI BIRTHS SUNDAY: A son to diplomat that Braden was fired as chairs for rent, 94)752. No experience necessary but she frosen, SOo dot. H PaequalM 246 8% rooms, kitchenette, dinette, ambassador to Argentina by for­ MORTLOCR’S Manchester’s lead ALBERT’S FEB. SALE! MANCHESTER — 6 room older 9-8730. oateto to this Court (or elloirence. It la I **“■> were also nolled. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hinds. OLDEE CARS mechanics epo- must be able to type and be fairly Avery Street, WapiUiig. 1, 2 or 8 YEARS TO PAY! bedroom, Uvlng room, tile bath, Democrats Study Burke Rd.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. mer President Harry S. Truman Ing driving school. Three skilled ai^llances furnished. $65 per home in exceUent repair at $9,500. ROLUNO PARX-51 Bretton Rd. ORDERED;: That the 14th day of after being accused of helping cials, fixit yourself cars, always REiNTAlB—Floor san.dera, edgers, START YOUR 3-famUy duplex with garages con­ March, last at (our o’etoek, aftatnoon, I Thomas Archer, West WilUngton. a good selection. Look behind our courteous tnatmetors. CSass room Painting—Papering 21 good at figures. Call MI 3-2741, month, newly decorated. Ml bedroom ranch, radiant oil heat at .the Probata Office in the Munlclpai I nra • t Discharged Friday: Helen Kun- Latin American Communists . . inatmeuona for 16, 17 year olda. hahd senders, weUpaper ateamer MONTHLY PAYMENTS 8-1869, .TR 5-8485. veniently located. Good buy at screened back porch, garage, ex­ Biridlng in aatd Mancheater, be and H a r i e t l f J o m m i t t P f t Redistricting Bill office. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. Telephone Mr. MortlocK, Dtmetor INTERIOR PAmriNG, decorating, equipment, floor poUihera, vac­ IN APRIL $18,600. Both wUl finance >well. the aame la aaalsned lor a hearins on VauiAAlAlsuc-C/ kel, 5 McKnlght Circle: Mra. Bev­ EMght Negro sudents jailed in cellent condiUon, $18,400. Keh-sOe the allowance of aald admtBlatration erly Mortenaon and daughter, 75 Rock Hill, S.C., sit-in demonstra e e d a ca r of Driver EMucatlon. MI 9-78M. ceilings, floors, paperbatiglng. MICHAELS JEWELERS uums. C. J. Morrison Paint Store, NEW FIRST floor, five room The Elsie Meyer Agency, Real­ M and had your credit 8 ROOMS FURNITURE trinaky. Realtor, MI 8-5189. account with aald eatate. aaeertainment To Seek Pastor Ted Cummings. Democratic High St.; Mra. Margaret Browne tlon placed on bread and water in turned down? Short on down pay­ Steaming off wallpaper. Clean 880 Center St. $9.36 M ONim Y apulm ent,' buUt-ln . oven and tors, MI 0-5524, Ml 8-6980, of heira and order of dlatrllMiUon. and town riiairman, wUl attend a spe­ ment? Bankrupt? Repossession? workmanship. Free estimates. No 958 Main St. ranges $125. MI 3-3578. thia Couri dIrecta that notice of the and daughter, 135 Union St.; Rog­ solitary confinement for what Garage—Service—Storage 10 TOOL AND equipment rentals. BRAND N ^ NOW UNDER construction—5 room BOLTON time and place aaalsned (or said hear- cial meeting tonight to East Hart­ er Sonler, 35 River St.; Frank prison officials call sit-down suid Don’t give up! See Honest Doug­ Job too small. John VerfaiUe, Ml tns bo riven to aU peraona known to Gmrion Fogg, Junior warden of ford, to discusa .with other Dem­ las, get the lowdown on the low­ 8-2521. Bales and service AP Equipment, Bedroom, Living Room Dinette, TO RENT—4 room heated apart' ranch, hot water oil heat, filed On two acrea of country living. te intereated theNin to appear and te S t Mary’sI Epls Episcopal ■ Church,“ was Slisz, Wilson Lane; Jennie Van refusal to work. Center St.. MI 0-2062. Rugs, Lamps, Tables ment. Apply Edward J. Holl, Ml bath, garage, city ufiliUes, $10,800, ocrats two proposed redistricting Oudenhove, 92 Windsor Ave.: est down and smallest payments 1400 SQ. FT. WALK-IN basement, WANTED—Dental aaalstent. Neat, Immaculate 7 room home large by a pariah meeting bills before the state legislature anywhere Not a small loan or EXTERIOR AND Interior painting And Other Accessories 8-6117. Charles Lesperance, MI 9-7630. kitchen, 2-car garage, outside fire' tnw order In some newipaper havinff d I ..Awf^aajkma* ^ _____iIa^* Mary Waicunas, Abbot Rd., El­ suitable for storage. MI 9-9959. and paperiianglng. Wallpaper Efficient, experience preferred. WALLPAPER SALE—FuUy trim EVERYTHING $322 ctrculation in oaid District, at least five I yMterdty to appoint a committee which would affect Manchester. lington; John ThomM, 40 Charter' finance company plan, Douglas Replies confidential. Phone MI place, view, beautiful flower keda, days before the day of aald tearing. I i t nine members to seek a Motors, 333 Main St. books. Guaranteed workmanohlp. med, plaatlc coated, many 1961 TWO ROOMS, heat, stove and re­ ■hade trees, one acre of garden and by malllns on or before February) rector. The bills would change the Rd. Public Records Reasonable rates. Fully insured. 3-8778. Do not caU Wednesday. patterns tO' choose from. C. J. 8 ROOMS FURNITURE frigerator. CaU MI 8-2785 before ■pace. Ideal for growing fomlly, grouping to towns ao that Mah' Discharged Saturday: An­ 1953 MERCURY, 4-door, radio, Business Services Offered 13 Fast and courteous serrice. Leo Morrieoo Paint Store, 886 Center $10.18 MONTHLY S. thla^j^e^ j!” %tchle!*^ Ml.. 'followed a vote by Chester would no longer be to the HAS AVON ceUed lately? If not, St. privacy, outride hobblee. Retired Kntriiton St. 'Mancheater. Copn.';' Rich-1 the parish after the 11 o’clock wor toinette Smith, 109 Union St. Warrantee Deeds heaterr automatic power brakei, CHAIN SAW work — Trees cut, J. Pelletier. Ml 0-8326. there may be an opporttmity to BRAND NEW SEPTIC TANKS owners moving to Plorida. Reduced aM w, Jaenen, 23 Oottase I *klp service to accept the rerigna- aame district with East Hartford, Oscar Peterson, 13 Talcott Ave. good condition, $198. MI 94)016. FOR RENT-Two room apartment. a Democratic etronghold. Harry A. and Lulu M. Kelley KeaMnable rates. CaU PI 3-7868 PAINTINQ AND paperhanging, earn needed money serving others SNOW BLOWERS-Umlted supply Westingholue ilefrigeratori Uvlng Heat, hot water, parking, Tel. MI AND to $14,800. aaelieaterl'con^; HoAda^! I ^®®rinn ^ the Rev.Rev Alfred T.L. WUII.m.WUllame Mrs. Nancy Anselmo atnd daugh­ to James and Mary C. Murphy, between 1:30-4:80 or any time Room, Bedroom, Dinette, Huge, Mancheater Republicans have ter, Scott Dr., Vernon: Faith 1950 OLDSMOBILE club coupe, Good clean workmans]anshlp at rea with popular Avon CoemeUca, of push type $99.95. Used 7 h.p. 8-3068. LAWRENCE F. FIANO rorudown. Co. Armagh. No. Ireland:.lTwith n g ret snd appreciation' for property at 21 Stone St. automatic drive. Very good condi­ Saturday or Sunday. sonable rates 8b years in Man fragrances and gift sets in your Bolens tractors in good abepe. Lampa, Tables and Many More PHUCQED SEWERS >®«ff eervlce." The rector’s already voiced approval of both Shattuck, Hartford. Peter J. and Julia S. Vendrillo Acceesories Newtown, Hamilton, Co« Armaali, no, I ____ bills. , Discharged Sunday; Carolyn tion. Perfect for teen-ager. Please COMPLETE REPAIRS - By Stu­ Chester. Raymond Fiske. Ml neighborhood. Call today for ap­ Seles and service. Capitol Equip­ Realtor MLS ireliu^: JUrmood J. wnmm. ciow. I offared for reaaona of to Leonard J. and Grace E. Ven- call MI 9-3041. 9-0287. pointment in your home at your ment Oo., $8 Main St., Mi 8-7958. EVERYTHING $3$S [ dupli MaehliiB ClMHed mont Are.: Albany. N. Y.; Ruth E. I health, was read by the clerk, Wy- The meeting tonight has been Knoep, 112 West St.; James Ly 2683 art R. Wolcott on aut'^mafic SuUlvan Ave,, wepping. MI 4-1948. MI 3-2766 VTinn. MS 2t.,,po*t»toim. vUle Peabody. called by state central commit­ man, Vernon: Raymond Peltier, drllio, property off W. High St. washers dryers, and electric convenience, BU 9-4022. Septto Tanka, Dry WeUs^ Sewer Pa.: Charles 8. Cadman lit. D ^thyl -n,- u k . Attachment 1949 PONTIAC, '2-door, good mn- EXTERIOR and Interior painting. SNOW BLOWER-Toro power hen-1 S ROOMS FURNITURE Paul P. Fiano MI 3-046$ Cadmaa. Jeann Cadman. aad Catherine I g r a n ^ the Rev. teeman James Fitzgerald, and will Mato S t, Ellington; Jacob Loeta aing condition, good tires, $78. S9 ranges. Ml 94W78 Ceilings refinished, rapernanglng. die, two years old, priced for Im­ $14.74 MONTHLY PORTER sraB B T —5 room, second lines Installed—Cellar Water' Ed Crawford MI 0-4410 Cadman. all of 1416 Parle Ave. 8.E., I Mr. Willlama* request for hie fam- Selco Distributors Inc., against proofing Done. be held to him office at the East Cher, Mato St., Ellington. ^m ice St. SUP OOVEiRS expertly made, sofa Wallpaper booka Etofimates given Help Wanted—Male 36 mediate sela. MI 8-0681. BRAND NEW floor, apartment, redecorated, ott Uy *® remain In the rectory untU Hartford Town HaU at 7:30. Anton Brown Jr., for $900 dam­ Fhlly covered by insurance. Cali fumece, garage, $100. MI 9-6229, FORTBR STREET area, t room ages, attachment of property oft and two chairs, $87, plilus material. SACRIFICB-$% h.p. tractor with ^ ^ ^ n t i a 'w .i S 'c S d m ^ another reridenCe to liWS EORD V-8, standard shift, MI 9-U64 after 8. Edward R. Price. Ml O-IOOS. ABLE- tALERT—APT- 9-6. eolaqtgl. 2 briba, waU-waU carpet, 81.. Vidifo^. Rhode laleiri; Ruth MSncheeter, or untU a succeeeor is Overbrook Dr. radio, heater. Good running con- $0" enow blower, cuUvator end | ?*"*■£. McKinney bros. garage, private yurd, treee, VatUne, 4147 ------Romatne, ---- HellywMd, I named. IKE mpkOVED V Workers Seeking AMBITIOUS I sickle bar, exceUent condition. big Room, Dinette, Diabes, kugs< ROCKVILLE—14 Laurel St. Well CalifomU. Film Sprtogs, Calif., Feb. 30 Marriage license fiifioii. MEdford 3-2693. COSMA APPUANCB Service—Re Lamps. Tables, Blankets snd ‘ $«wtragB Disposal Co. |l7,900. Carlton W. Hutohlns. MI Dale Allen (SiurchiU of 59 W. Electrical Servlets' M If you have these quaUtles, we $190. 81 W. Middle Turnpike. heated 3% room furnished apart'^ 9-5182. 'JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. (g'l — Bx-Prealdent Dwight D. pairs all makes refrigsratofs, I More Deluxb Acceaaoriea. ment. Inquire second floor front, ito-in PsMi st.—la S-8S08 Cave-in Cause Middle Tpke. and Carole Ann Lame freezers, washing machines, dry­ would like to talk to you. We have AT A COURT OF PROWATR hMd Eisenhower’s cold Is improved. of 43 Tanner St., Feb. 24, South Neat as a pin and so wearable. FREE ESTIMATES—Prompt serv- an opening for a young men to be WHEEL CHAIR, hoq>lUl bed with EVERYTHWO $444 Mrsv Johnson. fU,900 — SEVEN room Oolciilal, 4 at. MiinehesteK wllhin aad for the I Legal Notice It kept him shed much of. last Legal Notice ers ranges, oU and gas burners tee- on all typea of electrical wlr- guard raUs. Figuriima, like nety. iXsIriet of Manchester, on the 14th dsy | Men from the Town Water and Methodist Church. Brief-sleeved daytimer that goes Wide awake on one qlda; asleep Ml 94)888. All work guaranteed trained as a aalea repreaenUtlve FOUR ROOM I ,ent. half of bedrooms, nice lot, tress, esatrsl- of Februaiw. A.D. 19«. ‘ week. But he was able to leave his together 1-2-3! A half size special. on the other; this two-faced kit­ UlOTAnON OKDEB ^ Ltcenaed and insured. WUstm for the Manchester area. ExceUent |MIS48-8419. Price Includes DeUvery, Set Up, ly looafsd. Csrlton W. Hutchins, Present Hon. John J. WalleK, Judge, _ UMlTAnON OBDEB ranted home at a nearby resort Sewer Department and from the AT A COURT OF PROBATE held SNOW PLOWING- - Drivewi EHectricel Co., Manchester, MI Service, Ouerentee, Immediate De­ duplex cabinet itehen, automatic . Ceclle 8add Oraat tote o t,..AT.A COURT OF PMBATE keM Eighth District are trying to find No. 8198 with Patt-O-Rama is ten is a perfect pillow or pajama starting salary, commission and heat, i^ve and refrigerator, other Ml951k2. Manchester,letester, wlttato end tor the yesterday to attend church serv­ .POLICE NAB 17 in sizes 12 1-2, 14 1-2, 16 1-2, bag for the .child’s bed. MeamqjUr. within and tor the parking areas. 24 hour aervlce. 0-4817 Glastonbury, WE 8-7876. bontM. Company vahlcle furnished SlfTICTAHKS Menehester m "aid ri«triet. deceased. I ij, ices with Mrs. Elsenhower at the the cause of a cave-to on W. Mld- New Britain, Feb. 20 (/P)— on the 141h day 8-1848. Phone For Appointment conveniences, $S6. Odl MI 9-4466 GLEANNTO and OreTAlXBD Upon aroHcetion, of'Mllee W. Orsnt. ZNMrlet Mof ManeMancheater. ea the Uth day dl« Tpke. which began Friday. 18 1-2, 20 1-2, 22 1-2, 24 1-2, Pattern No. 2688 has bot-ina and all expenses paid, AU employe tuner, BB , mojtol plane with GREEN MANOR — 4 bedroom exenitor. nrayiny (or suthorltr to »*1! ot Fehiuary,___JSry, IMl. ItSl. Palm Desert Community Church. Seventeen men were arrested on 26 1-2. Bust 33 to 47. Size 14 1-2, J- Wallett, Judge, benefita, such as vacation with pay, SAMUEL ALBERT, Etfd. CB 7-0$tt After 6 p.m. ranch, bsMboard oil heat, garage.tner»«in rtei Vijtnte'''mri)roiiaH« Present H Hon.i John J. WaUeU, Judge. Chester Langtiy, deputy director gaihbling charges yesterday after transfer; full sewing and fltiish- .^Iriele ef,. John StaEey ObrenAy Courses and Classes 27 .00 engine. 9-61801 _ ™ .1 ... Betato of Andrew R. Watson, late ot His sAdes'sald he hoped to re­ of public works said the cave-ln 35 bust, 5% yards of 35-inch. insurance, etc. BtooeUent oppo s? Sea It Day Or Night THREE ROOM heated imartment. • simvERS disposal, lots ot trooa, oerner. ‘ “ ' ” ’ sume golfing this week. police said they disrupted gamb­ ing directions. Jolia atenln Obrenukl late of Honsehold Services Reasonable. Ken Omneky, Real­ ORTIEPEd - That the toreaninh at*. rijC«l>e»t«r to.luUd District, deceased, oppqelte 23 W. Middle Tpke. might To o;^er, send 35c to coins to: Ta order, send 35c In ootos te: to District, deceased. INTRODUdNO new two year day tty for advanoemeut. For tnta bet' FEDDBR8 BOTTLE type water No Obligation! ufiUUes included. 105 B l ^ S t, BtAOHINB OLBANED nllcettan te heard end determined at I On motion of CbriaUna 8. Watson ot ling activities at the Hardware Sue Burnett; TTte Manchester Eve­ Stanley KraJewsU of Offered 13-A electronics techniciana program, ter then average position, apply at qooler, no piping necessary. $75; „ _____ first floor. Can be seen, between tor MI 25189, , the Ptntete- office •« Manchester in seid I said ■ * etoer “ * exocutriz. )ie caused by a break in a 13-toch O ty Social Club. Three local and Anne Cabot, Manchester Evsiflag If you have no means o t trans- tM^cf,._on tiio 27th dsv of Feimary. Ttat six niMthB. (ifrom YALE BETS 110.209 ■ewer line owned by the town, a ning Herald, 1150 AVE. OF Herald, 1150 AVE. OT AI09iH||^ S a M tiro t t ^ t alz months from "Learn By Doing,'] at Connect!- 882 MAIN STREET 5-8 p.m. cialy. ' , • INSTALUTION ^D. jri toi^^^rit^"ly^the.for^|{to ^ day of.m NewoHaven, Feb. 20 UP) — Ths three state police detectlvea forced AMERICAS, NEW YORK 26, N. ^ Mih day of February, m i. be and DllbK’S WEATHERSTRIP Cofo cut’s oldest electronics achool |U,90fr-4eARaE 2 n om raadi, ___si itoMed~for break to a sewer line qwned by the CAS, NEW YORK 22. W.Y. ' J" psny doors and windows, custom M anchester A—L—B—E -'Jl—T—’- 8 r SK^IAUST . lvte*to*4Silto« School ot Msdiotos district, or by erosion of the road their way into the club by batter­ Y. the seme ate limited and allowed for Spring term starta March 18. Also Globe sUclim machine,! 'iHREB or^ fonr rqoni flmished flpeplaoe. fihnnlmmi, gtorma, at- nemns tatoreetod In te«__ e^te^___ ^ c r ^ Will which to bring in ing down a door. ’ For Ist-claos msHtog sM O o which to briag^ worii guaranteed. CaO coUect WU- $l6o. Can he seen at Jack’s Ooffoel 4S-45 KLLJV S t., BARTFORD apartment,' one' block from . Main terited k«ng«. $ 2 M aaontoea the oMdeaqr ^ saM appileatinn ... nald estate, and announced today the receipt of bed caused by the thaw. For Ist-class mailing add lOo tor each pattern. Print MfisSK AO* Umanfie. HA S-U96. evening servlciiig courses, twice HXPERIENCBD meat cutter, good the_____ time_____ and_ plaee_____ of_____ haarbur____ foeroen.___ I______s ^ ezeeutolz___ to jreeted------to rive puMie for each pattern. Print name, ad­ aaida^^«nto to'dheS^ weekly. New England Technical 81x9, 68 B. Center St. MI 9-SOTS. OPEN wiohers 'rnL 4 p. m . S t, aU utUlUea fltfiflslMd.' OeU 4%% morlJ^. mM^. by iraVltahlae a conv of thto order In I eofiee to tte ereriton to Wite to 210,000 from the Avalon Founda­ Sand and gravel hava boon dfoss with sone and Patthra Sflttb* WOTklng conditions, good wagss, [tridiiL MI 25122. by peSlIehlne a cooy of thie nrf(er In | ;°eriment unfuni' Ihe day of sSM hear’ .. to antear ’ if I some newspaper aaviag a eireulaUon in 1829, that Praaldent-elect Andrew Basie Fashlfsi, Spring and Sum­ Hava you th# *9S A>Mg2'9ip; __ vapapar haring a circulation in WAMTBD-I ____ J s b d s - a ^ ' FOUR ROOMS of tunlture, one DRAINABEOO. ther oee canoa at — ttana end eto ea lsa id probMa dlMrlet wUbin ton dayn eountiy’s 86 rasdlesl sclibols, rs- tatotog saaaiF teviiF 4MIIM.2M I eoinmlssta& year tdd, leaving town. Must sell. iabed, oecoitd floor, $77 e^mooth, and be heard retottoe telo. and make I from me date of tide order aad return celviv spsclal grants from tbs The populatlcm o t Ethiopia Is 22 Jackson climbed over a wall and mer '61 haa a wealth of aewtog aU^U tles flindshed. .C$11' .!^X ideas; gift pattern coupon. 25o. fret pattanuf Oa^ >06 R ddffi .K% .1!fSS«Sg?“m!S“r45S in psnos. toss JOHNSON m otor, U b.p.. Uke* Perfeot for newoomara Or jMWly> M IM 1 4 3 Herald Advs. mlUioo. aatend through a sub-basement .iwrSlRead Herald Advs. M a laBtrsat, sS l ICaadMster. new. CaU MI 4-OIM after * p.m. weds. CaU MI $-1740 after 6.


rI laiiflaMp Clreio oC tha 8al*a- UoB Army wUl maat tanlcU at Traders Save About Town 7:48 at tha church, lira. Jclan1 Ro- : manowla wUl ha hoitaaa. XlM ICaryAnne Amuon. Bargain Items danghtar of Xr. and M n. Arnold lir. and Mrs. Harbert J. I*» and a gett, Keeney D r, Boltim. haim re­ •a|iliainora at the Univerat^ of turned home after a fiv e weak v a ­ For Giant Sale racwiUy wma eteotad cation In Florida. __I Ttih- «dialnnan - ■ of* ■—her aoror lo ro n ty . r. Keneflck ia a graduate of C. Smith standard typewriter for women'a gift boxea. AB women of ed to bring a serving of dessert for an exchange dessert after the St. Anselms COUege, Manchester, 87.99; pearl earrings for one cent; the church are Invited to attend. N.H., Loyola Unlveraity and Chi­ m eeting. and 29 cent wool gloves were men­ S cago College of. Dental Surgery. tioned on the net The executive committee of Manchester Lodge of Elks placed He ia a dentist In East Hartford. These dark days of the vanish Nutmeg Fbrext. TaU Cedara of The wedding is planned for ing patriot army who withstanding T/»hanon, wffl Acet tonight at 7:30 third in the Eaatem Connecticut Elks ritualistic competition. The June 17. great periods of cold, snow, fog to make plana for ladles’ night on and rain at their Valley Forge en­ X a r c h ll. Norwich Lodge won top honors for the second consecutive year; Wil- campment, are historical pasrings Umantic placed second, and Rock­ Fine Arts Group for the coming values to be' cap­ The Stein Club wUl hold a V ^ - ville, aevenUi. tured by area cltlxane during enttne dance Saturday at the VFW Chooses Officers ''Dad’s” birthday, General Gorman Post Hmne. Dick Stocks and his Worshipful Brother Walter C. said today. Hl-Utea win provide music for Waddell, assisted by the Fellow- iTatiHry from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. A craft Club and past mastera, will M rs. E lizabeth Humphries, 213 ‘'buffet win be served at 10:30 pm. conduct the Master Mason degree Wells St., was elected president of at a meeting of Manchester Lodge the Manchester Fine Art Associa­ Program Planned Stephen Adams, son of Mr. and of Masons tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. tion at a meeting Friday evening Ifra MerrUl H. Adams. 80 Grand­ at the Maaonlc Temple. at Whiton Memorial auditorium. On Family Lifel view St, win participate In the Other new officers are Mrs. Nora Addy Drake, vice president; Messish Festival on the campus of The Koran (Surah 1-12) will be Mrs. Rita Kenway, ncording sec­ That They May Know and I Bethany OoUege, Undsborg, Kan., G row ,” a prognun about Christian the topic of discussion at a meet­ retary; Miss Grace' Tedford and where he le a freshman majoring ing of the Great Booki Group family Ufe, wiU bo presented by In eommercial art. The chorus, of Miss Mary Tedford, corresponding Wednesday at 8 p.m. at Whiton L i­ secretaries; Carl A. Carlson, treas­ the Ann Judson Circle at a m eet­ which Adams la a baas member, brary. ing of the Women's Mission Socie­ win alng the Measihh on Palm urer. Those named to committees are ty of Community Baptist Church Sunday afternoon and Easter Sun­ tomorrow at 8 pjn. in FeUowshlp Man's clubs of TOmple Beth Sho- Mrs. Eleanor Vlbbert, Mn. Nora day evening, and the Bacb St. lom. South Mathodlat Church and HaU of the church. Matthew Paesian on Good Friday. Drakkjmd Mrs. Vivianne Leaper- Covenant Congregational Church ance, program; and Carl A. O tfl Mrs. Herbert Cross, Mn. John I Shorrock, Mn. Thomas Burton, win observe Brotheriiood Week to- son, Theodora Drake, Stuart Che­ n i^ t at 8:30 in the Temple vestry. ney, EUmore T. Humphries, Her­ Mn. NeUsn Smith, Mn. WiUlam Ringroae and Mn. Lawrence Os­ Dean Alice Cooke Brown of the bert Finley, and Howard Vibbert, Unlveraity of Hartford wlU dlscusa borne win take part. Mn. Wil­ hanging of plcturea. acta of brotherhood during the A revision of bylaws was ap­ liam Park WiU be guest soloist, ac­ Liggitt Sptdal companied by Mrs. Stuart Fergu-| a v U W ar. proved, admitting to membership son. The Women's Beneflt Associa­ those who do not live In Manches' Mn. John. R Neubert, acting I tion win meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. ter. president, wiU conduct a buelness Mrs. Ethel Ivy Armstrong at Odd FeUowa HaU. New officere at meeting. Vice presidenta will re­ Manchester gave a lecture on win conduct the meeting. Refresh' port on activlUea of their divi-1 water color and oil painting of menta w ill be served. slons. flowers, and displayed about 20 of M n. WUUam Staley wlU lead I her prize winning pictures on the a devotional period, and a brief akit| stage. for a love gift eervice 'will be pre­ . Chosen as pictures of the month Town Democrats sented by Mn. Frank Carpenter I To Olvi You were “New ^gland Gold,” in oils A Vary and Mn. XUlery Keith. w Meet Wednesday by M n. Drake, and “Vermont Su­ jgpfreahmenta wlU be served by B a itv a U a gar House” in oils by M n. 'Vlbbert: 'jinbnben of the Barbara Gifford | Memben’ pictures will be displayed flado (Hr A N A IIO M A IX T The Democratic Town Commit­ at the Manchester Ss'vlnga Bank, C ircle. ADVEETISED GU3AB tee win meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. the Mary Cheney Librsiry and WHKB BEfXR POB 18e la the Municipal Building to make Whiton Memorial Library^ committee appointments. Refreshments were served by Chairman Ted Cbmminge said B at. M-75. M n. Gertrude Neumann aa host- Box 50. ^ls the committee w ill also hear a re- AUTO 7 9 port from him on the proposed re- 7 f b r S8« lO D Y ■d PaBatsWaa dhitrictlng biUs whleh a:^ before OLLirS the statet legislature;li a report from Walter N. Lecherc's committee on ★ WELDING U 88En DRUB the audit of town comnUttee ATLANTIC -AAllTORODYaiM books; and a rep ort on the teati-r PARKADE monlal dinner for former chairman FURNACE OIL FENDER REPAIRS Steve Cavagnaro. AotoiMtle Oellvwy ★ COMFLEn CAR L. T. WOOD CO. Phono m s-tm PAINTING LAOqUER and ENAMEL TEL. H I 9-8088 CUSTOM SHOE REPAIRING IN MANCHESTER 281 ADAMS ST. FOR OVER 40 YEARS RUG and WE USE ONLY THE fTNBST GRADE MATERIALS OBTAINABLE UPHOLSTERY LECLERC SAM YULTES CLEANING FUNERAL HOME ^ ’’SHOE BEPADBINO OP THE BETTER KIND” TEL. Ml 9-1752 Open Moadaye AO Day—dosed Wednesday Attenwoae FUNERAL n OAK ST— SAME SHIE AS WATKINS BROS. or SERVICE Ml 3-5747 W A L T E R N . LE C LE R C , Garner's D irector M (MUSUOI I) ■>! Call Ml 9-5869 QUALITY \\ I (tUc SUiiiiif 23 Main Street. Manchester or LOW. LOW MHX PRICES! PILGRIM GET READY MILLS M I 9-3888 GET SE T... 8AUE8BOOM EVERY DAY NOON to 9 PJW. HOURS SATURDAY 19 AJ(. to 8PJL CHENEY HALL, 177 HARTFORD RD„ NEKT TO KPfCWl GO!

Basic to winning any kind of race is getting MANCHESTER o ff to a good start! When UBLIC MARKE it conies to winidng 8 0 3 - 8 0 5 MAIN STRElT financial success, this Specials Tues. and Wed. usually means formukt!^ LEAN CENTER OUT ing a good, practical plan for systematic saving, at Manchester's oldest >Pork Chops>77 financial institution. UCAN SHOULDER CUT P Then keep saving regu­ larly, '

Pork Chops’ SS'^ » A A

imrtUT t.lt.UtOT Cherry PieS'T4!Pj 3l7o Jinmt.Mm.. SIwAiftKMr BRANCH OPFICB—BOUTE 81. COVENTRY

■ '4 .LJdi

FEB. IS dim FEB. 24 O H A N M U iS

viawio ■¥»■» w m iK — a i x B tu a ro ■aw atvifcp. a^. x d i o m w s o w # o o ..- Brennan at art for a living, Wo^ life Prepared Boone started. Boone immediately enUat- cd in the Navy. He i^ n t f w years in the Fnolfla aa an aviaikm ordnance man, odthig aa a e i^ W ork Is His Life For Role of Paladjn gunner in a tbrlledct anumh^ Ho Sonahieni hhna«f todry to be altve "H0*s as strong aa a~bul^ * Bar OHAKUB8 X. UUkYT fane tbat kepe my ectingr equtpment after being totpodoed on the ^ menkber of the produetien staff RiMwCd B oo ««, t(rt» portrmys Jkt -from------getting------ruaty. rior Intrepid, bombed pn the » - says about Brennan, the aw'awrtorlally rtegent genUe- vnm a l ^ y diadain like that o t teiprloe, and kamUBaaSd on tbs Newspaper time Oscar winner who wUI be 87 aMw «Bd tlie' fierce, peraiatent, Paladin for a bartender who would HUKMXd^e Hollywood—(N B A )—The next luly. haul rMliir gaijflghter nladtat in water hia inserted .champagne, Happily married now. be wasn’t alon" of doing nothing— thatls what A t 87, Brennan could be taking keepa'WMter Brennan going. thk ■*na.Ta Travel** aeriee Richard Boone acorna thoea' who so______haOky------on two»«---■ previous WA» dknm* atten«ts ainmsawtmttfl Ufa easy. He has 18 grandehUdran. laetnrfiagr evenlnga, 0:SO>10:00 think an actor doean’t have to act Boone desoribed Ms first inarriagC A n alarm dock eet f 0r 6 ; y ^ . He owns a 11,000-oore ra n A In “ TV) baa been moat when be plays in a western. Boone > to Jane Hcgvor, a painter, in 19i7 every weekday for the last throe Oregon where be Meeds fancy pcmaredfor the role, has the credenUala for expounding _ '•* three-year . _____ I battle up and a half years sddom catehea wbito face cattle. "Hbi blearthn rented eat that Paladin the subject In addition to starriv** |oiM dowfi the Paetfie Coast." Hia aa ba colla them, inrtude all t ^ la a maa wtio geta into as Paladin in *!Have Gun-WI aeoond mairlago Ihated only om monay heTl ever need and a good cr 0M 2 TU ROSES, year. Tbo preaent M rt. Boon# ia i/wuhibl*, itsorttd o w Mk afii Travel" whichiincl^tglly , is’ in wife to whom he has been married "AnyoM watchea the pco- ita fourth season, Boone has ap­ the fornwr Cletre Medloon. For­ for M years. tong InOng bMotin. Kraae aaiat knoar that It demanda a peared in sdch demanding starring tunately, C9alra has aimrted a He says, Tm a lucky g «y " ^ . yride raage of acttag ebUitv-- rifiea as'^thooe ottered by "Play­ calming Influence on hie rebCUione But whan memben of I^ fM ^ •m aady. pathoa, tragedy— ^ house 90", "H m U B . Steel HOac" nature. iy talk about Brennan retiring he’s SStttaaanrthlng that can be aaked and Broadway, where he played •n must say. a n o a p t "^ samU like a bun, too: atuWiom. eC a a aster. It’a & demanding role. Abraham linooln in ‘T he R ivah ^'. pMbtema that arise, we have never Five years ago he want .10 w e m Recently, he was hobt with hia son, fought in the homo os I did in nqr without working. Peter, on a special televiaian show- previous marriogee,’’ Boone "And it slmoot killed ne,^ hs ing of "The vinaard of OaT*. ymiWMi, “Riit I must admit ttiat says. "O f course you have to act if thti fightfng nature of mine still you’re in a weatem," Boone says, up outside the houae oc- (Co •Md on I Peas) "if you’re an actor. I f you’re an op- ortuniat, you might be able to, get ‘Tlieie’a no gueaUon that my by for a while, but not for kmg. real life experiences helped me *T put Into my work on *Have immeasurably in poctaiying Pal­ //; f i I > n • f ' dun-Will Traver aa much integrl- adin,” Boone says. "How else tLtCTRONICS ty , and I meet the dem ent Made would I ever be able to take the on the on the same level, o n l do on ponkhmant I do in ehnost every FLOWER MOSAIC TIU ASHTRAY. LAGORflTORiES Broadway. N o matter what medi­ episode. When you see me wallow- w ceramic tiles bonded um an actor is working in, he has If lg in the mud wraetUng wMh 111 base, fich modem a reaponalblUty.' I f he accepte a some deaperado, dirtied from head F.ASl I1 0 N5 U 277 BROAD Job, he must do the best he can in to toe, U’e reaUy me. A t the same that Job." time, my portrayal would certain­ Bofore "Paladin", Richard ly be atteeted when I drew in the Grandpa McCoy ai^Mqp- He’s awake \'-ii IKOV\ -'I- 'Boone’s real life experiences ran Mgh faahkma o f the 1870a, the by 8:1S and breakfast at 7. A t 7:4S, I the gamut from rouidmeek in'an Prince Alberta with ruffled cuffia he ptrtcs up a metal lunrti box in i IB8T BtnrS eai oU field to a clerk in on offleb. Hn and friUy aMrta, if I wasn’t al­ the kitchen and,goes out the bedri was one time as unaucoeastOl a ways peiBonally intereated; in door to a driveway where hia sta-1 at STANEK’tt pMnter aa he was in hia attempts property at aH ttewa." tion wagon and chauffer are wait-1 as a writer. He held, the amateur outiHs may not be le- bur fOrnlm. aa gm rre bm light-heavyweight championaMp at Mtded as trtwBy masculine by He aetUaAdown in the hack a ^ I college end wab a part-time bar­ modern atondarda," Boone a d ^ , and OiNflM hia script to learn his I Royal tender. “but Pm sure tiiat they provided day's lines during the 48-minute I tiw men who wore them with a drive to the studio. The wagon I Ice Cream Co. psychological lift.” stops in front of Stage IS and gNOOBFOBATED If the man of today aaoma to IGnmdpa goes thrmigh the. door, | 87 Warren CE-RO 84888 prefar a Mas slcggst wardrobo, aaying: ‘‘Motnin| ’’. to the “ —— the teaaona may weU include con- Ib ^ c a s t a M crew. lEANdROXAT BRAVr Colorful ceramic, pour*, siderationa o f finance, as weH aa , changes expensive tweed fori [ravy only on om tld*, taste. overalls iiOUa drearing room andl Over otbw sido. UmB REALTY eO. "T te average cost of thoee i then pourahlmself a cup of coffee I RiauUfifOB«t--IN8YnKMUB gaudy models I wear in ‘Have Gun- from a big milk can. There’s a Will Travel’ le about 81,000 an sign over it reading: 1 30 Flovors Bualdijaflal ta ■trial outfit, mainly beeauee of the tailor­ "It Is Nice to Be Important bat ing detail t h ^ goas Into each one,” Mora Important to Bo Nice." I In 1 Gallons! Boone points out. Walter Brennan liutalled the) OaBteaB Ssrvlpe gbr sig^ hlmarif. Ovar R9 Team (Oonttanad an Page Ihiee) He walks aerdee the M g stage to ] Um sot to leheano tne day’s firstl JOHN L lENNEY ' M SB Oehter St^-RO S-BH* scene. Along the way he starts I U m i^ g the w ay Grandpa does andl e. LEROY NORRIS with Om “character’’ limp cornea ASSOCIATE Grandpa’s high voice — aeverai] levela above hia own. I ONE HOUR Within a few minutes after hia I Insurance of All K u i ^ arrival, the camera atarU rolUng.l HARTIINZIIW” i "The Real McCoys" ia in its Bonds ■ fourth year on televleion and ini HHMim ROARR tET. 1 Heer Oiy C lee*ig the firat-10 most popular ehowa. ' or fntomra hold cow 844 n 6. MAIN WEBBT r, plus will stonii rack A t M K. OMtW S *. PHONE m 8 8080 oning boinLr Ohaadh Oarheis, East Hartford 791 MAIM 8TEEBT SATURDAY PROGRAM PHOfNE la 04898 - 2 H o «r SM itS«nrlett mUlsa DaOnr Marla U ‘ ‘Arsenic and Old Loco , toS ori i^ ra o G.rooro... .S !!? **! |uua Robem DanJMo<*er ato T to Mstton’ s .P o h m „ „ « r a s I t YEASS Laadoe la ’TaxSoUector’’. “A PresenUUon of Now^’-- CartwrisU nelahW reluctaatly bates on ritat Issues. John M ** accepts a Job M tax uaeaor. McCattery la. m odm ipr. ^ then Iota his auSortty and money "Is FluoridaUoa of Public Dii— , MASSIFF RRHS M. ra Diarr Ing Water Debrri^oJT _2S!Sf*!3i ite n . as to Us bead., . ..^ M aro Mayor W. B..mwtsllM of lUO Atlaata. Oa.. and Mayor A J. HAS BEEN THE BIGHT D o n S w X v S t^ , XkonM Umr i i S Darts of Grand ^pids, MkiL _____ ' . r . Res Beaaow-ia-Vl^uoky O **!™ : Dooms Pentam Ttoalor _ M, PLACE TO GO FOB Com plete Auto Th. Maral "LttUnby of Broadway". Doris] Day. "The KUers". Burt gtVBBFTHINa TOO WA|V Repairing hopes win turn U s saoat hated caster. rlvaL . utia Pscfd PeU _ ^ m S ' w ^^SS&en VoUey Outlaw.* SiM Obaekaula 9 ntuHo IN ipfitclM d" Anthony Oeotae D«ia. **<<*“7 Plitir Of Tto Week A 4A « nnd Botaatlan ^bot star Qene "A ce" Armstrong r a SPORIW e GOODS —t' R o to r i t o Mattar of Oonsclmcp**. P a n ^ TIaeri In Ms entire career, .New PIASTIC WASTE RASXn. W i B c i n r md R o o d D o ^ RMa lolinM a Jersey’s clerer Ace A t ” - '—"* ' ooawict whoas. pac^patton h» a has lost mdy two.bouts; . ■ S-i? ' il design, attrictlvi S B rv ic B as-yearwdd erhna .baa not been ^ men he now tS M — - 1918 MAIN BTv—BO 8-1847 s for bath or bedroom. forll^ apr torcottea. ' „ finplM Middleweight Ou "HOOSB o r SPOBTS" . C d lM I3-B601 Pick ^^er of Nigaria. It — — • Banr^MItvaa aad Oq OtSuw todUterent tonight. wHh tom- la BehMitaiit ^ e g r o o q fc " strong, baring oorroclod the m ^ MlacMevena Juao ^ w w takes be inade In tto. two pravl- COOK'S SSit beeoese mairlago brokers oua boots, coming hade to tnte a S A V f i O N forUirirtatt^. . « decision and moring mto a lop seayicesrAiioii 1 t i l oSlLaofc" eery contendor positioB for a U to hml. ,COATS MANOBOESTEB (HOaEN Grant, RamonJ Masmy hb puonter a ooatest with Ugh OoinpUed by Btnniey ^Weston, SNOWS4HTS hcates of wlaiiliia a poppy. B u iu g niustrated Mngnsino. , ‘'• • S ! f c » : 5 'l£ » w a r 10:14 DIreroe Coort „ 9 islis------Mato-- —That - -Spars----- — IS^ JACKETS Lonely Roto." P ^ ^ Mews'A. Wealu S DRESSES The Widener vwwm retoras avnwMgaM toW Sitrerspaswwa C w a#ity, andwe— Ms Neo A . S ihreataas treatoo whan to learro StM Brad Davla Stow his wtta hss torn unTalthful to 8 n . M him. — n o lAwroano WantShaw A dO, SB R obtS 30% OFF saaaterday8S WrosU^ ^ „ Musical hour (ealurina Lawrence Mltchum,Tsb_Huater BeaeeBl Theolor W ^ and Us Ouunpasns Mosic ra m M l Lawr. |!ie RSdeereeeWW Alreatare J| Kal Far fftos ^ „ »• Mari-Mad's "SCRY T ir CEU O UIE S:M TV i^w a( the Meath S ‘ ^ e Magnificent Mstad MES 4 largo spongoi, ...SSKSeSS.- " ’The Liacola MurderTbae’.*. Bs- 691 Main 8t— M M 2M coldn, flm st quaTity, u !w WMrs*Best Merlm (Goal.) ;f BEE PABEINO nr.BEAE 1 ,2 rSaa Praaeltoe------Beat ibanL aaiiltaiy , Maal f or Sell n aB osleM a«w » It, windowi, woodwork, Mews ite., 4 for RH. BARRE GUILD Memeoi— --- Its m Osmlart AmarleaaS At Work \1&Bows sad Weattow PETS! S:M Knoar. MONUMENTS liOO Mr. * d _ ^ a PDPPIBS MiHisa BoOar Marls E.clu-.i.c TRIPLE REFINED a BIBOB 1b«a il • Bam M Mmaaait Hal ~ J S s ^ and OM Lace " N rt P m HIiw _ « TROPICAL FISH MRIaREiw BiileiwW iedftoaeb atlahtic Heating oils fir dapfftid lowii Mia. OooaiiR Ml • •• Now Btorlaeas i UtlUAMeKINNEY sSUrina^Snnond Bun* la 18 WOOOBBIDOB ST. , Case ” *ha. Wintry WICjM F T. WOOD CO. MANCMB8TBE SAPORm dIcUre wMtaa la nfUWihel MBRROElAt. OOMWANT plots ta Mow OP hw hoabandsl Tr-i'-phonp Mlfchcll 3-1129 10 84898 810 Oanidr S k -V a l. RO 0-TI9I W « M asdn eslnr soondlag 8e-|

SAFEn BATH HAT. Rub- allHivtr auction copgris mnta alipphiL 14* a 24* r V-

E A O B T H R E E MANCHESTER BVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, EBBRUARY 18, 1981 P A G E T W O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. OQNN., BATORPAY, fEBRUARY 18. 1961 Ii'I .'i ...... r.ii..; I iri i/4 a ...... '« n u A . • 4 m TUESDAY Tcfe»fefon PROGRAM F SUNDAY n ievision • 0 ( • 0 P « ___ _ Shirley f f f l 5 !!S r basahaj OVFJURKOfO Xenjou. player-aad «— — under* f-- J • s « ! aosM of tna wasoB iiaia’s koiaek nuSSr mlnea toe pU el^ a t toe I .0:0 I 0 Los AagMae Dodgen 1 / 1 1-1 o t / ■ AiWCO' OliAOT '''.M nil' M. Tbe Tbcntog . ^ , n . m ’ - I I d r i t i t • A i m ”Ol______Breadvey". BffTfB ftilTntfffI ~ tltiftiwi if o k n i t c b b • 0 ' (Meg BaroM Paanr “The n a - 1 :0 1 ,Oane«rap RM w 0 SSS-ofY8?’.'* I^ e ' Is a. / U C I K U N i c s HaMfliMidEW Stewart, g g c h ^ a r t M fiMl gC a EMA eapciui to ] jbetrtodi uMMurG. Admiral A Rwahhy I i t O P A T O tL S t>0] ildara'la Mrita Antonio - Bodoo.*' flInninK Douglaa ^ “Night of Decleloa”. OUmpee I \ 1 .■ \ 111 o •> \ 1 I ^ .V --1 I. \ M I BeamlUa. Rogera aad sS e S vium Md WaWbar LaM Haws K > ' toe naUon’e totore results la toe i \ I N I I! ■ 1 •' \ I I \ - I I, \ 11 I «)W TIto. IagrIlaM S ay _ . . ler aad Trigger Jr., with The J Haws S WenSm Oenenu reversing hie earUer de- UtM 1 , of tbo PtoMora. and neiaed ■ 1 :0 Weetora Xaas. HighHshto deksi n>ade oa a grim nlWt dur­ n ^ Ken Boon. WorM'a Champtew ing toe American Revolution. “AraentoaS «d.LaM'*. Obit oowboya will oofupeto la Rodeo W. P. QUISH 0 W H____DaDoy lh le a ------Xerta ■ 11 jxwteirie. aad ’ M agoaro dageera 7 :0 What la Tbe WeeM ‘Beyond The Poreef Bette a i m u n wm perform oa haraebaek. Msthlag Oaart ^^0000040 mSp Davie, Joaeito Oottoa. F in d e li U:U John BmlO) and Robert J)dler 8 0:0 D.S. Etore^^ ^ lllna aad Allen PUat. Hevie atoHaea the m lndora friend and Wa V ^ 0 ^ Xatty'e pnaday nmalee Teaag Shew 0 0 “Sandy to A U u i r '. Haa Grey ter Kathy, (Repeat). - ^ — 11:0 Jaek'P aar Shew m 3-4865 ie«» Uijr." Wlmn lln ^ Reave BlaSlea “Double Bdge.” Pmice officer an* 1 0 A* tha WariZ Taras iCoIor) M . Ml M iM «r n 1-«MI Hertmote da^raunlM oorera a plot agaioat our BaUoa*a IM way Palral to u Jt^ o n n m i to *’Caoaer"¥bm A ___ being a renMtte queen, be f t 0 n ^ e g a Bawl aaeurity while MreatigaUiig a fait> AH Star Playheass Brother.” XanbW XIoab Tcy- U :0 Wertd’? 5 ^ iecldea to make fbe dream come aad'rua aectdenL mformatlon game: with AI i 0 n S * a M _ ■' raaca toms his badge over to 0 0 Xmaeat ef XedUalieB tnio. Loddiin, tno/lmatfr. KjOainaaoo Jaa Harray Shaw Lucas- XcCaIn aad reverts to 1 0 Hews , . „ . . •- FOR EXPERT Maiwa IMiaa »bia«ar tt College va PUrielgh. SMcUnaao 0 : 0 oKSrTmr Umat ' ^ Make A Differenee. W here Yo« SaTel dnadtenesa. 1:10 Xemeate a t Oemtorl iadaabrr Oa rande M Univeraity. ' IT DOES (Color) 1 :0 Debla OaHs ^ Sawn BIMe latoMato «• Chet WaattoyBeaeiWag . 0 . mM toa*Ohaf0& g. 0 . - 0 Day hi Oaart •. e a q TOURAHIE PAIIfTS The Valiant Teara. **Out 3 the 10 Haase Puty _ , ft ProRt Sad AHgwHWit n :M Amettoaaa At,Weak W Beeky aad Bla nrl(5B A •Gr ’f t LereMa TaaW Thsal HlS^^hool Scrooge” DoW^and Pony Bergen gthrta filing her' •s0 DHSa. - ■ .i Baat“ The rapanese auoeeaaloD el •BRUSHES ‘‘“ sssuasrisr*^ „ ■eet The Preee _ JB rletorlea on teas and land. Bead to BejUny . Alfred mtchcock guwt ivpear ft WIm«I BdaocNm - "Hlatorr of Man. Hia. OrtoM. (Color) Oueet; Abraham Rlbl- •v( Beat Of Tha Peat 0 3f% ■nee guest on Perry Como’s Maroh Ml BROAD m . liU Tav Taiea InJVaahiagtoa f naed to polaoB the minds of el ghty WatM’a B a0 Kaytaa a Oreal Dcatotoaf , , TVer. . M I B-MIS WallpafMr Sapplf ItM Oaagrearfenal Vlewpalnt million Germans before and dan. "Caatle On TIm Hudson’*. John •‘‘•as.-KSssLe 0.0 MANOHEMIBB I d t Peteanillea big World War n . Qa r t jJd, Jtoh Kiaiidaa. •45 Maiii 9-0300 Frandera Of P aitt Pmale Are Penny “Countdown*'. 8 ^ e a of dramaa ^ 4 te High And The Klghty”. J e ta on Amerleaa conformity and Oreat Katie noon CMoaga U WayaerRobert Bto«*^ apatby, “Ibe Bitter Cap,** WbiilerbMs Prarao , - 0 WILLIS Gorage Loula as. Lomax. WaN Sleae* Preeeats UU« Hews A Wejrtheg f V.: greoMLUsirm WEDNESDAY Television PROGRAM People la The Rawa t “Amboeb' At Wagoe Gap”. (Fart 0:0 Koeaeat 0 K.dttaSea g Maichtitor OvSKEDY Specialty n . Peta P M u r. Kathleen Crotr* 1 :0 Hewa WBBBL AUONMBNT ■■§ lion d)ort story about a moron Tea Fla HewHag t t 'OBABB BBBVIOB who becomes a genlua. __ •:0 Oaaliaealal 0 . 0 l ItX Bfa 0 a o L Patar Laves Xa^ „ M* CoRvalMEMt TRUtY MUeiOUS OBNBBAA AUTO BBPAIB ^ ftta vShs €3M Peter Lind Bayes. Xary Bealy MltodMlt a m i^ M MAIN BK. MANC Otoe Oar SWto • IS ------■■mht Certain Age”. Saucy teen­ OsatlaeMi ager develops a crush on Peter l l R s Television la Odor wnea be directs her in toe local MaryH. oibim. PnaUen* CHICKCN MONDAY PROGRAM 0 0 Tswa orleg hiih echod play. _ „ 7 0 Davo Oarrsway ItoM eny ^ - - A U . U KaUiertaie M. CMMIn, Manager Papaya Thenlei bnrtesque eoatedlan of tha past **»^^LdwmrW 1 . Peggy Ann Gamer and Allmrt tS Oottam SA. Manelwater • rit Oeatlaenlal 0.'0 n f i Shew , and prores that faumor, like goU. SHERWIN-WIUJUR Odl Hewa. Woataar sad Sports Salmi In “Button In a Hayatadi . (Colorl “Pair wind To Jars**. la wbero ^ find l£ . Beseae 0 _ Harried coude in troum whm M l » -5 8 n ■ 0 TUa to Oar PnMi Kurray. Victor KCLaglea • 0 Andy OtWIih Shew 7:0 Wsather i : 0 Haws AWaathag . toe hmband u arrested for homi- Barto Shew _ Sheriff Andy TSylM H ade_____ wrmw. FMNTS i^OTiiBim 7 :0 “ — Aetlaa Theater 0 e OB droumataatlal evidence. Autmnatie Swrinklep aai TAKB BOMB BBBVIOB (Color) “Boado**. John Btoyne XHUsa D elte X ette _ U Ughtn0g Proteetion d :0I Tows'______Otter Admiral Hwahhy Shew ' S a S T * * n o rm s PBAMBS—ABIIOT MAIM 7:0 Braaktaat Tbm a.A0.0 "Beyoad The Forest”. Bette f:0 Dare Oarroway Tbday t : 0 Be Oar Oaeil "Ught Lady, Dntk Room”. Bunn, WALUPAFEB, Btt ■de Bap Biehatde ■ Davis. Joseph Cotton. M em ber ot Aaeoelatton eC Oen- Bto Tin TIa ard Duff. Oaate learns that a ■lU UaptalB Kaagaasa neotlmt Ohronto and Oonvalea- laeh aad laara 1 :0 Big Kaa Shew MMIdi^ ling Is opetattng mbls •MMAINCT. nX.MII DECI’S DRIVE-IN Ceattaeatal 1 :0 PeUx Tha Oat nlgb(itclob. *’** "jffieT fi*!lwoodertond''. .Gary | _____ Oellar Itovts . _ . J S eent Hoapitatau f i 0 WealhM •m i Weedy WaadPaehar Aare ta Paradtoe A 0 .-0 Cooper. Charlotte Beney ”Dedslaa Of Christopher make’ U :0 ItinrerWeathro A Sperlo A 10 m OBMTBB 8T^-M I S-MM 1t$> Pereeptl.a Gardner H c B » in **00)010 Alexia Smlto. Robert Douglaa WstM’a Beet Xevto • luneaa 0 Oarteoa Plaiwanae Butcher* Brawling aeadog brim 3E0»e» _ __ . ’“Romance On Tbe High 8 ^ ”. __ _^ ______’ tato ____ COIURN ft MIDDLEIROOK. hK. B e m ^ leeae Seheel Doris Day, Jack Carson (color) We tTgrep steamer ‘ ' ------Oaitoaa Ttaae 0. 8 B 0 Haws 2 7 :0 Bnahteal TtaM •:U Kadera Digeet TTby’s’lldme poitr s 0 declares INVESTMENTS ^Mtmmmwww 7 :0 Weatero Xaea. HIghlishIa 0 ews AWeatoro 0 FLDMBINO and ■ :0 Baa Sleliaria himself a competitor for the local •:•• ] Sasrito Caateia 0 ears. Sroito. Weatoer 0 HEATXNO FOR ECONOMICAL. ■ i0 Oaatoin Sangataa • : 0 w!at8i»* News A Saetto cargo a 0 jpoHenger trade. MB. oaraculi V. amNBON j b .. M an r e •sU < S ii0 Pmlate fOm . Two Pecea West 8lre0a Of Daager BBIBMINUV AND MBUPFOl. TBANSAOnONB OANDUED “ ’“ S g K S i 'S ? Larodo’’. WUlUiS OOMTRAOXOB PROMPT. EXPERT “Tou Only lir a Onee'* B aair • : 0 Mows A Weather Hbbmmit S **** x e a w B i ^ id e n . Mona Preemaa. . Pond^ Sytrla 80aey Aetlea n e a te r Jadrie Cooper la “The Apart­ ON A14. UXOBAim U nM l AND UNUmB>~«im>AL ITINDS 0 0 I Paar Shew 0 ment.” Chick who had vtotooa a t ew MAIN mmiaR *■** P® »-»»•• find five dtde^va dlv^ S msmt B»em ■ ■ luxurious hacHelor quarters I *»"V- sold by a department storo Service OaitoanTlma ^ A A 0. s comes disillusioned rrith bis ni bdare toe pordiasen attempt to J l 8 ?0 * e rle oe ofMhe-baao apartment when _ Sm I StOMf use them t m Alter DInaer K srle S nosy landlady keepa dropphig la ReaidcAtlal Ob AR McAm «f "Pepote". FaMIto Cairo naexpeetedly. n^Hate Ward Bond aad U 0 W aeU ’a . M Xavlea (seal.) I bb put Snrera • ------Slaawyek Shaw 0 . 0 Horton la ‘ -“Tho Beto PeariOT R ete-R eter TV. Rodfo 4 PhoBM 0 0 WnBea DsBar Korto ^ 0 Ion”.’..4 Aa h iMattorney orafr^ tadm W. H. England Lumber Co^ t t ‘M Story”. Xajor Adama deoldas_^to 'Declsloo a t CBriatepher Blake”. __ __ jw y wife Tha Plloa b .■rom abandon bia Job aa —MW-m aetw' ^ 1 8 Haws Sm viea WextKia______atnltb.. _____Robert Douglas. murderrjK to^m jet^jfl" 0 i la Older to reiaaia a t toe alda of at OaaefMt PhoBB Mi 9-4S37 **AT THE a t w i " i 8 5 2 8 ,o w r t A f i t too woman be baa giuwa to .love. liU Xi 00 Weather, laeal Haws I Kavia Diaaer to ftorvad 1 Havre a t thhKear had waather ad The Ptrt^ EINARL-LORENnai gew* aad Wenowr Joseph Cotton. The Peeale’e Chalee 0 :0 I- M _ m WHh JaM AHysaa t Open All Day Saturday Mpeaiing at Chliig Xel'a Gptoen Richard Boone PhoR* Ml 9-7412 Potteiton's Tea Aakad Per K 1 :0 W e e ^ Kase. gOgbllghts “TheheO^Paaliloned I______w__S_t ’, . Touag is toreateaed > Bte—Car. O tan k SA fl^avte Cnatera “ '*• T ?a ^MSweaeaewea The Prte* Is Blgh) 0 ' 0 tD6 woiKMtnii woriQ oc wito death. (ContfaiiMd from Faga One) , 1 0 f t e A m eitom 1A 0 :0 Hmahw^BlA^ } S S X o .a H DaiTyl Hickman and D , , XL0 Oaruos oo4tar la "On To Starring KOtsa Berle aa mMter •'VKhy, that’a half of Paladin’s ThaARSfiRA. T E S t S r ofeere^iaWea. Bob m tt of.DetoSlt 0.01 U 0 Richmond.*’ Ben (tonfleld ai 8 gfW£ter!r(Odto> shoot. a _ ___ fimai' Hadcan he^t. fM for a retOly big job." ' Oaptala -Cardiff to break him ’ Rogeanlea of Chicago. 0 the (M diagJ^ his. search from A 0 . rank rather than make Wm Wre Pater I _ A « A ■ out, A email town near LowaU, t 0 Haws Pay .Bepert aeeka oM la _ To illustrate a point, and aome- CHAMBERS ca U 0 I KOI ILtfa one of his men the laah for Ira- Craig tevens la A Kffl A n i A WandWt Oony IcoR ngarded an bounty Bunter Josh Randan. tlmM to confound an adversary. temtoing with a town g tii, Hair" Group of masked BaK Maaa. Bp0 wlonlal forebears In- ThiriM oa to BIgM U. M oving. t . 4A~ 0 OM «t BeBywoca’s inogt vanKtUe e. 0. Paladin, in almiwt every epleode Ohcyeaae - g. 0 , 0 trick or_ trnatara______can ehide two Vnlted States PraM wits. iS^oetures a t Oaeia 'had B arrid 0 0 It OeaM Tan *'0 ’ 0 Ty Hardin In “Tho BueU>f1er upon a maa. AS la jMlal ortB A8t(iaa,.i«bung to comedy oppoolte John Adama and John ^niney hag had a t htai tongue’a tip a tdaatt- _ .... _ * * to help one of the cWldron pons a gnn aad • *PIW***' *MSee to5‘T 5 to ’'.'^Ajiie ^ Sheridan | cal quotation. Aa an example, in _ . Per Tn m M kllla Wm. Naootte ValHay aa Iwr tdetrislon A dam a. “The Boys’' Portralto”. ^ e n : C^rleaahrreU campua artist deddes to do a por­ one eptaKKle, he indulges in a iprM Local o r A 0 . 0 1 1 0 Hewe. Weather aad Speele A 0 iHKhAnd Jr Urn fun4IUedJ!91|0-TV The moring a)iout of the Rev. trait of Ridcy. Oaaloimd Harriet 0 : 0 The WarK's Beat Kettos _ ■ Mr. Cony, a CongMoatlonal (dar^ I d t Ae .Mm WwM of quotations on the subject of 0 : 0 Men ■:0 Astaire Tims ^ ffunOy aitUAtlon getlaA BQghway Patrol ' are worried about Davtd'a roao- tile l8SS? (O)lor> Knsic and dance spoeial 'W g Boodle". B m l Ilyan. CHa gyman, gave Ida (AUdm achooMng AHStor Warttaat a tlon and decide to do aomething women, quoting Lamartine, Shel­ starring Pred Aaliure, with m inte a * iMiige Flaybo«0o atanfiiK NABotte The Ohiletepa ero about It. • . Pacee A 0. Chase, Count Basle.and HI. Band tat varlM 0 New nngland towns. ley and Thackeray, the latter to At HenMneWtto n iiy W b n y end WendeU Oorey." ' 1 0 fen Orele Harbor OeauBaad II the effect that "all men who avoid IRfULBR VAN 8BRVUM Knvle HHatiaeel . 8 with singer Joe WiRlaina. DarM ' Hews e B .WeeWer •’IF' C b r ^ 0 no new com er to oonjady. ^ When WendaU graduated from Jaa. H a m y lhaw TaUahaasee 700 “The Lone[sme Wol’olt ta Lendoa”. Gen- Rose and Hie Orchestra and the Hewa. Aperts. Wealhet high aclukd in BpringflelA Maw., ( ^ r ) female society have groaa taatea." 17 OAK ST. Hermes Pan Dancers (Repeat). U tU S^gntMse Theater Be rune tbe lAuali'.mAldttg (em ut Day lB _O e^ • : 0 Perry Ceau S l ^ M. 0 aid Kobr. Aartride Ms - A 0 7 t t Cross”. Burt taa took A saleaman'a Jot) in an ap> “Boy MeeU Girl”. (Part oiw of For A western bounty hunter to SM EL MIDDUD TFROL Tyonne De Carlo. fro m U a role v n th EavlA Freeley a three part love story). Stairtng be so erudite, tbe paradox would Troy Donahue In “Blade OrahlKe tn 'Tioviim. Tou" to Me |mp«- .Tdiimoe sto re. H e eonaldered law Perry Como, Anne Baacroft Jb»- MI S-8187 or B tf A OB T-14M Ml 3-A247 SMlal WHh n tty Bloasoma”. Sandy Winfield be­ Jack Pasr Skew as a caraar, wtiUa Ids mother my Durante and blues singer Ray be' aU. A e m ore unbelievable if th e All Star Playheaes comes Involved In the mysterious (Color) aonoUmt <3 Jeeae Jamw with Bob hoped he wot^d beobmo.a clergy­ t;0 Tha*ll&malr^ Charles. one portraying, the character were This I* The Aaawar slaying of a wealthy plantation Peatare 0 H ope in "AjUaa Jeeae Je m w ." Teaag Dr. Xy neter BIleaa I 1 :0 Tall Ctrele _ owner. 11:0 Jack Pear Shaw man. The theater became h0 des­ Meen'e budding ronumce Mth a not hlmwlf in real life aa erudite. Jan Karrsy Shew 0 'AU-Slar DaekplB llswilear It (Color) It wag while portraying a come* 1:0 SCTvg ^ to^eara . ■imC Oovemer*B Past Geaid Deg Shew 11:0 HHe Desk _ . dlan on Broadway, in Earner Rice’s tiny after he took, a gmaU roM in young attorney eulfera when a Undoubtedly,, it 0 Boone’s ver- How's This For (Color) lO safi^ ^ the SpiingSeld Repertory Flayers. gd(Mlggtiig siren tries to steal satiUty which haa stood him in Day la Oeavt 1 :0 n-.->nw T)t«»«->s ghsW II 11:0 Wertd’s Beal Xevtae “Dream Oiri" that he flrat jachleved him away. _ 1 0 Haase Patty _ “Good Old Burlesotte” . Danny tm t Hews ^ ^ Corey advanced to more impor­ Hawsllaa Eye _ •• Jl- M sued) good stead in his jiortrayal Lsrelta Veaav Theater ' aoctdenlallT runs into a great 1)0 Kemmris af Oeariert gtardom . • 0 naagar Aady . _ Although hU firat love 0 faroe, tant rotes, a^ing at nlgliL and adl- Xska Bsam S ^ O a f l r ‘The Stanhope Brand”. Grant of Paladin, a mercenary champion A Bargain? ALTERATIONS Bead to BeaNiy . A 0 . iug appUanow ^ di^. After a year WlUiama. CatUe baron henchmen 1 :0 The People’s Ohmee OoreyheUtvM an actor ghould paw Amerleaa BaadetaW A 0 thwart toe eHorts of inveirtlgatw of the Old West, who 0 called up­ to es, f), Mnlene he Joined the FederM theatar m J - Xovta ittPVBt ^ , fraev And often from (me fonn "Odd D w m la Paris' Gleg HacKensie's search for hia on to do an astonishing variety of Qaeas Per A Day oet touring New EMi Uiid. Alioe writer friends who disappeared things 0 the cause of Justice — 0 10 0 % For Tear OU TV 1:0 The Veidiet to Teen to enotber. H0 many dramatic mary L ean Rudy VaUea whUe resMrehlng toe cattle em- Prom Thtae Beet. fOR EXPERTMOTOR TUNE-UK XBlea include a homicide Mtective Hri0y, pretty brunette notrew with from <0Shing-acroM the desert on On Any Oenaeto. Ceeaeeilrel Baadslaad the group, became h0 bride, . •'* {Ks:*.^5^ed 0 . ’0 RBITRaB’S O T N A V n tp N onpoalte Loretta Touhg in "The Playhaais ■a camel to bargaining vdth ax Wlie Do Tm Traelf SoonTmrnr was -n rwidar per­ • 0 D m im to Xy Baetoeee Armenian vintaer for n0 daugh­ MANCHESTER 1:0 Bearer Aadr IS ffDBMKTBOD rO K Aoouaed." and Ida favorite,. "No P y eO et A Seeret «Nlgtat Sorvleo Our SpeeMHy* Kake lUaijrBeam Pj* ■Sail Songa." . w ith U A rnuret Sulli­ fo rm er in K e a ^ y ahowm. H 0 ter’s dowry on behalf of a bashful A 0 - 4 p m m n m p H o m break came portnytng Oartt ' *1 Wltooes; paneilatsOanjr **<>2SS- BiU Cullen. •"& Henry ***' t s x ^ - x s r van. He -wao-Nlde aedwm aa lA. Texan. Boao Oftwneald In -nm Cain Mutiny field, cynical newapgpennan. In JkOot'*. JMUglM " Xorgaa, Betsy Palmer, DRY CLEANERS "D raam ft^ He M g^ n Belly- XMTOea O’Hara Xyereon and gueeto. fUNWESIERTV ibaiT I - CourtBbutML"' « . 1 * 0 * 4 “ •oott Brady of "Shotgun Slade” • 0 Bdga Of littu JKME'S tsxaco weed «ont*^ w 3i H55weU0) I •Thet saw a algn oo a TV r « ^ truck • It CRMTRR RT,^-4a »-lM« •8 W tlli 8L—Ml 8.7264 1:0 fjeur oliaiDEL tm abornto theBev. auhfldy a d a i^ tathyieif to film Do i t 70vrielf--thon call us.


ifc* ia • oowM*, _ ■iWVeMne gSa^ 1 Geoe —. la " A Leaaoa In i Vloienoe. Elisgb sth vil F a b , 21 (/P)— Yibonibe call ' BKO SSV*a‘» A - ^ onsm ies todi m obilization € t A e ^SSrtdt me l Preatoo JfbO Katanfaiis i: SHOI* STANErs O'Cneapr. K ve iueton. ___ to CeaeabeL" r M b a r feud with t t i o n s . I 8 Thi]| was thi BAIMM raSeSiNewe Negi'o leader h Otot they are forced to cal ebon their slay. m-mm mobilisation.obiUa T MMlfMIUUPBB fly 99krea Seas . ^ - J4 * Auguat, when 1 mm i grid MaeMurray to *Tte m A ■bed atalled tot A i n o i Trench Coat''; BahhtoJ#'-«*fw henatre as he ii , taSed bjr • Of a U .N. vanj A A M . ahaiewy charaeUr. ' ceaslonbt provl Ojoeteuieeat fareeUeatoe B o m fiSt AJL «e 6 PJR. This time hit •:W R S ei£r?e Mrala M d Shaw M. nUdDAY NMliRR TILL SiS3 Security Coun U:W ^%kedfw. '■DeeWm OT( thortsing the IOotar> toSTSTThe NkA ------SATURDAY UNTIL NOON mend to use fo Story^’’. OancWer heUeree. he IM prevent civU w woa ImmimRynunuF irwnfrom rqgmims^e irleel . theI withdrawal i lilt WeeSm tfi ______itae to too underworld iX i'v A M n u lltM I eBimnale BHot Ness. t i ^ and poUUt P teae Pape 'th e moblUza lowe ItM fesr*flBlIhcni fli je M Paee The Wettea black aiid whl IS iM m Ufa Katy dncevera ■ mn. m m « News Oorreepondent Hotoward K aetreaa eUkrUai a t fiM T n a n ie r ----- moderator. Cont^thmatoitolt oppose any att the' iebato betwem_i(W aiter K NURMI I fe u Hooee aaeMarae Uwt «I m» ta not foreSA t^mc o eolT broke bat bee, nm away Reutoer. UAW,u * w , andena Dr.a>r. Bdwatd Boned within : A m m BOBV trm jichool.to etudy drama. I, a k A on M eoaetloB. y N. MUn iin-«a R-gm [aalto Caro tor toe Aped; M- b z a z n o v o n b r a n c h out the reaplut IfBskair >1, ^ SeSoPlCeLaae.' Coo OoUer a S nanced\ Throughrh ro^ SoSocial Becmdty^ Announcing UsW Tk* (taMlas LWM Jodc Oaynor eoetar to "R i m of T ie areueho Bbew n ...M went Ben4~ Reute' tt~ R B 6-9SU U t il Ham Pay » « PW« Rod Sky". Tflwuj^mr- — Starriae Oroucho Han la _ IM |y~yOa Hai«la yanaeanee on tbeToem‘where.hie brother waa lynched for Of s u n der be didn't-commit. < "Beyond The gbreot". BetW Meala CWeetimrd R e !. . Daele. Joseph Ootton.' ^ ^ . Redll^ Bo "Keep 'em BtaCBla Joanne Dm and J. -— . Mto* Rrale KsTacs' Take A Oaed (>aA K V - oowtar In "BIB The Candidate . A to 1:M Ae Wm W T o a e Panel eltow itoanbw B nie Koean r rateel The race of preetdenl of toe ^Longiohv? fa The Tk< l i f e Chamber of Commerce ia on—BIU O ft N artk l i f e M l Hootoo tlurowe hie Stetoon into . jaws naiamer ___ w an a toe rins and Hawkeye eooatera U M World's Beet Hsviea 'With waiboonet . „ ^ ------^Antoohy-IV etn ' AdVetne*'. e*. _ gVederIc Returns on •M Daaaa Reed Shew t. M. ** H' arch. ■ Oltola. de■ “HaySland iSrS.Oe Huebands reeaH asatnat Ufatoer- Bfp Mews neas and start a campalsn to pea- Hewei'dTWMtoer A W< Tent their wlree from loicias ar> _ .„ j. Sperto Weather m csiw w todiC aetletUes on them. U:U Jam Pear mww The r »M le ..-.lit. Co eferrinit Annie gbm feitoPtoe^avlto "Ihe Return Um g Jolm 8I1* ICarahatl Tboapaon eoHnars. Bol­ ,.w--em"Speak Of w..wuy.. Murder" Jmnoabtoj a t g ra r ST.... lywood arent tens Anoel^tM one J a e k P a a r Shaw r.” bAMd on further nitTentlRes Rg 7 m u S:W of Hie hoysineede PbenA^^leaaM (Color) of Uie ffuniMM chsrActerB e r y e d . and she Tolunteera to b e . toa tog Robert touis Btevennou iu Ualted-Natlc teadMr, The boy tatS set to bo 'Tream Ri Telewd," w ill be pmeeut- — The RUagiau 4:M f:W B M ^ ^ UiM kMa Dm* ed in eoler on NB&'TV’s "aUrtagr sure o f Warid's Beto Meelea (OsaPi) Tbmple flOiow” temorf cw firom 7 to today aim | "OeH nstrera injParle” Art UnUeiter and klaObn. J a £ J cawtor ta p r t m Bible Min”. Clr- S pjB. cn caumnM 30. Council ;a p ^ aearr U u ^ Bafar VaUeei, SSTetoeefO.^ James. Westerfleld, Tim CgCWto autheriidnir lh< nor abd 14-gafUM)U Tony B tig WBl uae forcerorCo i f n star hi this gaonal ateut the ol^ civil war ti T F R ID A Y PROGRAM pes-Iegped picatA a vahiaUt mag hefor Television and a brave hid Whs la Udnaped adoption oho o Han Of Aaaapelfa . H ia a aacoad aeaitih fo r hurled treas­ Katanga preaV ure. BrlthR hiigInaRIMan John Ocn- * * * * t a S S ^Um g iaJPaoe to The —had ro^tof Wtedow". toreatigatw'Bax Baa- nell wrota thhi abort'BOval la IM S Haadcrsftod Q o a lit jr la Oar PaMh \ calUnR fW w S tR Worto". Raadolpk Soott. dotah nneorem an iniriesto cm- for hia:.atepstm M lA aR . Z>avid Budget T «ra »—See bwnlnmrnl and weird murder Congo of .an I scheme when he la hind to pvo- Greeae w ill direct the T V rimy, poUUcal adi:^ ■>M So Oar Gnsaf wrlttoi hv Barney Slater. i m Dare Oarrewap Bln The Tin tod an actoM from a pree^. working bfain BARLOW'S sag m tk M g ^ “ Za .the siorg Uae. 36 gaacs have vinctol jiU i^ rOK TfOC BB8T IN TV * (SLr)**35ieate: S bS ^ R i& f f f elapead ataea ‘m eaauie M aitd.” I Best Of nw Peat leaUe_____ ,. One aicht lA a g idl’B thrSK ARi mm i Kaabee* Starring Jadde Ole John: Silver (Wastteflm) trldui wag 9-0,^wlth > ' t BOapfata5r*SSaSto Kaasaraa |I I Weetorr M awaA Spae M * e fi!8 a a l Shapas ^ M .M Jamie into giviiiK Mm the treasure on tb§ wtnnii I Peaiaro mm . 1 BeUad CUseJ Doors Rtehaid Itoaning In 'T h a , An- mapr then UdniH r the bog. On Mttor .oppooltj I Mews A Waatoee dent Art of Murter." SImme un- C di Ml 3-27S1 "Dimplee". Shirley Temple, coren a mutUer when he U re­ ~ ' I Hawkins’ ship, Jamls dia- o r a U t e : R ^ Prank Morgaa. tained by a doctor to fhid a bearb eovers they art headed for Treas­ targ-G4n£ral 1 iXMt A spm rroAL u v r 8PUmaS!U .2^ iy insured BgypUan etatnetto and lie replica. ure Island and that Ms father is dtroctionjot 1 A OTMWMR____ A ------nM9OTW0M------BRMBMIH Caitoea Time ehainsd in the hoi A F in a lly. re­ nbatataMi npf i Laeaay Tai I Dealh Pattoy Dapa The Odyssey of lUght SA 'Jet­ leased, Jim agrees to pitot the aUp Incur tha anj I I’aafale Si liner on a, routine ttana-AUantle to the island. Then he sacApsA OaiveeiHit Oaag. Ckerah. I I Hartiad ' Sfimirn DeRar M erle _ trip suddenly breitoa toa aouaf. fititted’'Y M ^ "OeeisioB Of Chrialapher B lake'. barrier, losing all contact with the with Jamls and the legal crew.lmt b y a m th T rr UiW'Oeaaw^e* Alexis Smith. Robert Douglas. world. . Uit crow and ]------not without a battle.-' s h o ^ m n Waatoer. fw ^ Hewe Boberl Tsyler In T b s ____ |A g This win bo Tony Haig’s third' fisws A Weatoer A s la iiH m ^ _ r a a «a "An Eye Par An Eye” . Detectire stanlnc role on "The Udneg Thm- eouricif’ fotaai t iU »^*^'J?HSSUbto Holbrook is rasnrtllMd when h e's ito Shea*'’ this aeasoa. H e ptevtoos- Viet reashiQqi Walter Brepnait n^M Toar M.N unable to contact aUtog'yoang eergeaat. Chris BaliarA g portragod the title role .bt fQjp- to the Ten Asked Per R liM Rawhide ■ MHBsa B ellg* Maple U UnC's ’TOm” and the hero in Congo within (Oaalta«a« I P a c e O M ) U * « I KriO' naming. Clint Bastwood ia . "Beyond the Poreet" Bette Dapie. Stevenson's "The Black Arrow." 'Tneldent on M Road Back”. U:M Rpawtteras Te Uiatorr dlamlasal of ItaU boas Oil niror earrylas a One of toe major nem etorlea o ' And ghorth **T1m taiurion of NOT woriclng la ! Oaart large sum of, money from Ih e the week as. repealed U-nationan boiv whet mekaa p e o ^ old. Tm ell for sale ef bis cattle herd la iedalia. m we cam eras Sag C—. Telly SavalSA who plagaths rale la arrested and dum ed with mts staUoned araund toe of 4 myatoeg mlHtotmlro in "Aca­ A frican reat ehoUahliig overir rule that aasra fel- steatlag. _ n m prlto News Correspondent ntrocitieg: and lowa miat rettie at SS.” Cronklte as andior mah. pulco, ” new gsrlM with R a ^ Tha- TtereTa aomathing elae that I Butne and Trqnae Lim e The Law Aad Hr. Jeaes A M ser and James Coburn on-NBC-TV Congo.: Tl koMa Breanaa going.. Ha aaya: _ . jetAak Clan." Clan's at- James Whitmore ta ''One Por (he starUar- Feb. 37, ia a goqnK man prompted by temjito to organtee toe Dap Iwiae- Money.” Laundry cperatsd by an who :1a prematurelg bald. When gesterdav tha *T was in moviea for M vm U.tMJ holdmeet wito diaapprorat from egconplct dlapenees bookie money and no ona p y tniieh attantlow _ mewStar) . «• H aU sMes. inatead of clean shirto. It i t T e llg grins and P a trice I auiu Nantoer Please A M. B Bat SuManM sagA ”Z was an hair w M vletlm:.’* oeuted Ih'Alti niA Now our ahow haa an aiidlanca U ;tt Tha ObUBbs U gh l 3 KKMiNI«B JJ n *b Hews. Weatoer -A gpeeto of 47 million pe^^ a^^Z can't go Ittot New* Pay ^ pwf Makp's rimiap Peaalu M Waeld's Beef Mepfes state ta Soul ISC My u m Hatgla . “ Housier Hermaa". . Holman ."Beyond The Poreag* after deporti angwhefa without l^ y ia coming kelps hfai ooudn enjoy their Dmru, Joseph Cotton tv to nie and aaging th ^ want to Mtoni KM** ■• ••' Partolan . hoUdsy hy outwitting Mews aag hello to old Orami^ McCiv- M Kalatp. toe eat. jotoer etotr~ Nawp A WeSIker MmL^iSSl"Man m BlBe” ^Robert WUeok » m fton jp M S « J* - . News Seerle. Weatoer f'-. ZtTa fantaatie and Z Iowa i t A few t m - ■ “ — P a l O Brian and Roger Parry In llsU peatore Plim_ . montha ago X waa on n plane Og- "The Oomebaek” . Bam gaa "Hold Bade The Dawn*'. Chartea Ing flam' Ndw ' York to toe An* J Junior r|aits night court and finds Bi^r. OllPla de HaptBanA ' s former law professor' a deiend- .Jack Past Bkew gaUai .W heii the pQot announced fsenaobetor*?ss ^5r ant charged with- hUng a U iM Award Tkeater oue aapaeted arrival time, he add' Jaw Mantap Shew ion dnnyc. MdW Jack Psar Skew i i i m t f i ItiM mie Desk ads ' isrs Ohallenjra M ifd f Werld'e H^t Msplae tdeaU * * B g OM wag. Grandpa MoOog t:M Haase Party u m News sad Weaflitoer ia Milner and Ml? Iftfg Msmeat at Me' iessvssSi^ harie in "Sleep on . illOl ItW Meineale Of C "An Md coot like me geta a MOk > !«• Tod and Bus m< ^ attnctire. fNTEimilSES, INC. out of thinga like that” frightened Angeles teen- ager who begel --- • - g l „ NBC-TV will present the Jane Xtla generally agreed that "The asylum from II______„ Powell speclsl on April 14.... Track Dealer B M KcOoga.” daaplte iU high ■a Tx Playbrnse M.M Kathy Nolaii of 'The' Real Uor Salesi^ServlDO and R aita fmttnga,. w ill have only one more Nanette Pabny and Wndell KSfYilSit Corey_ .. ..in — “NMette's ------, Teenwire Coys” waa ho^tMlitoA ..after 379 Harttard Rand gear of filming, maldng 4 total of Suitor." Nan naes female h oM rolled over hen on the set.. Manchester, Oean, flea OBaamui and 196 ahowa. The ____ _ Ba_. xy to switch a youiur man’s at- AaieHeaa i from heresK to Nancy. The ITR. Ooverpmant has pjro- Phsaiat MltahaO t-S4dd •oonomica c t telefilm rerun aen- M erle A l i Thr PHateUaee A to. M mixed that six of the seven As­ ing dlotate a idaximum around la Parla." Boa*. "The Big. Tycoon". When a prom­ mary IjiaA RUdy-VUlea. inent iMuematlat walka out of tronauts will appear on .. life 900 ahowa. ItM Bdev hie emdre to rub ehoul^re with M agt^e’s March 9 special on EXPERT But i f hla health continuea, r the eommon man. Pred PlineUne, NBC-'TV.. .Ralph Bdwarla wBl co- Brtnnan indloatea no one w ill IsM I^Mtlurs i. ' bU look-alike. Is d r a fts to im- him retiring to that ranch. “Taraen's Reeret „Treaaui«^ itoreniate Vthe execoUps at an nroduce a new series called ” Kg MECHANICS Jotony Walsnnmer, Maoreea 8m- fanpoHnnt .board meo(i«9^ Client la RmocenL” Zt*0 that "tenaion" o f not working. Itran GOMPtETC miMK THE COLONIAL OAK Barton D. PEARL SU OAR REPAIRS I i; N ! M i , J ( i ' ! I . J \ . : I I i lU i . V I Nil PACKAGESTORE bPENM GHnTiu.f DONALD A KNOFLA. I TRiGlDAIPE HEADQUARTEriS >33 TOL L A N D TW DR. M ANOHRRIR; OMiata DRLivRRT SBvnoD—«a A tm SALES and SERVICE SINCE 192,-

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