'•<»>»' - ’ ' . a ' « tUmJROAY,-FEBRUARY 18, 1961 Average Daily Net Frees Ron The Westher For toe W edt Ended Foraeast ef V. S. Waatoev 1 dlmubratfr Ettttting Ifmilb Deo.lLlieo Olonto, eori tealgM. Law la tie teens. Tuesday elaady, n RockviUe^Vernon^ Traders Her^ 13,314 oping la afternoon or ova About Town Heard Along M a in Street Maniber ef toe Audit ■Ibly beginning M>aaaiir V ■ > With Bargains Buraaa of drealatlon Manche»ter-^A Cky Charm A jbm urn MiMiH AmdoHSoma o f Mmneho$toi^a Sido StrmoU, Too Ice Capades ..... - • ‘ -I -r -r i b m oC tlM AJMilonB^Iitblai AubUm t win tak* pl>c« tonlcht Don’t TeU Dr. Spoek < >up school days was brought into For Giant Sale VOL. LXXX, NO. 119 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCH^TER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1961 (Otoaatftod Advertlring on Page 10) PRICE FIVEd i m at • at the ttaflan Home .on L«on> Neoaosity is the mother of in- & budget mscusBiaa. Startol%ate erd St. The ceremony will be pre- vention, according to an old adage. Tile superintendent of schools fOerttoata trass FHo 0*s) eadad Iqr o potlw* Bt •:«>. Mothers can he InvenUve oreatares had been answering eaa rapld- InRecShowl too. flre question after anoBier on iHsasiaa advonuiaa with aaiy a X SOotar flas waa presented by Oh* wUe of • MamdMster doctor budget matters and when thia 1 mark of injuiT to ua or oiur pro-, ICra OKlore White, patriotle la- recently made green bean bags in question was asked hs sttamptad Estoao, an tatoiprstivo bkatar.| eloua cargo."no," n# ■tmetor of the VTW AtixlUaTy, to the a h m cC atrog, and gave one of to'hold it tor snothar time by say­ fom otly with the leo Oapadi Our muakota rang out with do* Brownie Troop 1* of TalcotteUle the stuffed toys to her husband’s ing, *Tou will havt to give ms h : flaaeo -during tlM 34 hour Jounuy. Tbiinday afternoon. Anna Marie wUl ho the toatuMd pottonnor. office eecretaiy for her two-year- .min dwek on that question and an loo riiow sdisduied to be hold | j to pwtoot toeoo meriAaiidiso jm l- Six Lumumba Aides Hale accepted the flas for old son. ^ ^ . ru hava it put on the agenda to^ ueo for odr towna’e folk, said Fred txtMp. and flas etiquette booWeU Much to the MObarrassment of Oiir next r^nilar board meettog.” at Heniy Paric Sunday a t 3 p.m. Naariff, driver of the stageeoai^ warn diatrihnM. the Burae.AW— her little hoy---- amaa-n—s» ter-MM The chairman of the board re­ CurroBUy a protoSaloaai inatzue- A Herald rmortar aoddentty rifled of the frog and wouldn’t go plied, T m eorry but this board tor at the Springfield OoUaeum.l came acroas a Uat of wWta ele­ Miaa Karen Gustafson of Green* anyarhara near It. can't posribty giva you a rain phant Items that bad dropped from wish, conn., has been named to 'The doclor'a wffa who mada the Estelle will present some of her| check on that question; In this Students in skating performances. the oouh. the dean's Ust a t aanmons College gift Itam la chuckling about tha in­ kind of weather we’U have to give S im r^ts for one dollar; eight in Boston where ahe-*ls a sopho­ genious Use to which the nurse has you a snow check.** Also featurad in the womram.l cent automobiles; braided rugs for more. She U the daus»ter of the put tha unwelccmie preaw t which is sponsored by the Roekvtna 23 cento; teniiia racqueU -for OT late CHlfoid A. Gustafson of Green- Tha nurse ffnda the frog- a use­ Handy Batemnto Recreation Commission, are Don cents; gtrla* nylons two for |1; wldi. and the niece of Mrs. John ful deterrent to her todmer’s in­ Long before the day of ice boKeo, Brennan, of 107 Prospect St., and Cashmera coats for 383. Ratrinson, Harry Gustafson and clination to get into thlnga and help refrigeimtors and freeaers, coon Ruth Arendt, former Lake Placid Wagons and men of tha mar* Paul Guatafscm. all of Manchester. himaeU. She has stored the frog dance champton, who are now tryfolk uaed to depend on nature momben of the Skating C3ub of chant army era caniptog at Cen-- in the refrigerator with the result to keep dairy , products and meat ter Spring OTalley Eorge) Park (X>P Offers ‘Positive Alternative’ Robert Matt director of iwb- t ^ youngster doesn’t open It any Bolton. Mrs. Arendt Inatiucts at| more. Another time, she propped chilled in the aprlnghouee. the Bolton club. prior to their march Into tha Executions Ucity tor Colts Manufacturins Co., John F. Devanney, owner of PragnSs RaMrtt . .An'almost oompletod exterior of the future Stop * Shop aapermazltet portloa of Towns’s center cn Tuesday- ^pfll apeak to members of the Man­ the tng in a doorway so she could Another professional, Carol the n^ahopptog center to bo Imtod at oomer of Broad S t and Vf. T^ka is abo^ hm work unmcUested in the kitchen. H^Mand Park Market, recently O’Hara, wUl perform. She and The Chamber's Mereiiaat trad­ chester avltan anb when they resorted to rature, too. When the Jarvis ers win host their -families to­ meet Tuesday noon at WiUle'a The latest repository of the frog- Brennan are scheduled to do a | An Kennedy Seeks $5,7 Billion unit in A ftbaen food storage morrow afternobn at the "Valley, Build Now gle U the bread box. The young­ duet. Stop Steak House. He will talk about ster hasn’t scattersd crumbs in counter went on the frits, he jiM The ice show, to be held Weather Form” log cabin with an "Old the "C»lt<5” and will have a dis­ knocked loose giant Icicles from permitting, will be the first one tn New Bnidand” Weenie Itoast play of flreanns. weeks. B-R-R-RAVE, HUH? day by Miss Basel L. Andenon, and trucking prior to his joining tween ttw houn of 8 and 6. all around tha cavea of the build­ more than 10 yean. Thera will be | Thoao hardy aoula, Maine winter UN C r isis Boperler Servlos ing and packed them around the local office manager, who said that the Aircraft as a machinist Hs For Aid to Education Plans no admission chaige. fishermen, havo Inaugurated what The Bast Hartford Art League Aside from haring a soggy frosen food packages. Mrs. Hhllenbeek wiH also coottous la a mining mariOine opantor in I ___ _ will meet at Sunset Ridge Club­ n. **"**??.,?? ****** .... may go into the records as the to bs In charge of prafeeslacial and package of garbage sitting on the Bunny .^»A>wued ftj* iciest quest tor aatanon and trout in By O. K. HODENFIELD ^Chairman John M. Bailey in a«> House Speaker Sam Rayburn, United Nations, N.Y., Feb. house Thursday at 8 p.m. to see a dnainboard for a period of 34 or Tlmy Talk About Women teacher placement reride at 35 Wastpood St WATTS Aimounce San Francisco rally speech that D-Tex., haa made it clear he 20 (IP) — Secretary-general danonatraUon by Frank K. Wal­ torow e ^ ^ ^ la a p p r a i^ MooariMSf Lake, aaya the New Mra. Hallenheck. vriio has beoi have two dauiditen. (AP Ednestioa Writer) 38 hours, there la nothing so an­ A woman in a Manchester busi­ NortheaM England CoOncU in Boston, the Republican position will be doesn't favor federal contributions Dag Hammarskjold an­ lace on printmaking from wood noying as having a garbage can ness office this week complained with the office since 1868, is a Cknmnittee Head* Washington, Feb, 20 (JP)— one of "bitter and grudging” op­ to teachers’ salaries. Kennedy blocks. to A village of some 50 fiah huto nmduate of Croaby High School in BHQB DmiNBNDS nounced in the U.N. Security ' jammed to the top with btmdles to her male superior (they really Vaterbuty and attendM SUdmora President Kennedy today pro­ position. himself haa opposed in the past from the previoua week. are, you know) that an o ^ r had to *”* **** ** Moosehead before Sun Ufe Assurance Co, of Cana-1 Manchester Watea wUl meet Congrressional RepubUcans look aid to parochial schools. Senate Council today that six asso­ The Service Bureau for Wom­ h*** ■*“ <»» ffot under way. Three CMlege. posed a $5.7 billion aid-to-edu- Unless it’s calling the garbage not been tiled and she had no way conjuBcUon with thp Sport Oen ^ blanketing 33 Inches To fU sn interviewer vacancy da wUl increase dividends to policy-1 Hieeday evening *L toe Ita lto cation program designed to on aid to education as an issue Democrats have been squabbling ciates of the slain Congo lead­ en’s Organisations will hold its ooUector long distance and having of checking the date of the order. ter. holdera in 1961 for toe 13to con-1 American Club on BjdrMge S t that will test the ability of their er Patrice Lumumba had been •eoohd meeting of its education of ice with travel on the lake re­ left by Mrs. RaUenbeck. Robert A. set “a new standard of excel­ over the formula for distributing a cUckety in your ear and then: "Well, let’a see, "the b m rumi­ M o ^ s of ]ast year’s college Charron of Baltic has been trans­ ■ecutive year, Charlie J. Vanlwrightog wiU be from 7 to I. Informal coalition with Conserva­ federal funds to the states. executed in secessionist KasAl aeries Thursday from 10:15 a.m.
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