Republic of the Philippines Department of Education *t Region VII, Central Visayas Behold.,, L DTVISION OF BOIIOL City of Tagbilaran BOHOL August 7.2019 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 3GZ s.2019 TWO-DAY WORKSHOP OF DEPID PERSONNEL AS PROTOCOL OFFICERS TO: AssistantSchoolsDivisionSuperintendents Chiefs. CID/SGOD Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors/Acting PSDSs Elementary and Secondary School Heads 1. Relative to the hosting of the 2019 Meetiag of High Officials for Basic Education of SEAMEO Mcmber and Associate Member Countries, this ofEce shall conduct a two-day workshop on Protocol and Social Graces on August 13-14, 2A19. Yenue of the workshop will be posted later at DepEd Bohol website. (List of participants to this activity is attached to this Memo) 2. Board and lodging is charged to DepEd Central Office fund. Travel and other incidental expenses incurred by the participants relative to &e conduct ofthis activity is chargeable against Division MOOE for division personnel and School MOOE for school participants subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 4. Immediate djssemination and compliance of this Memorandum is eojoined. *,8 CI.,u $ C,^&,( NIMFA D. BONGO, Ed.D., CESO V Schools Division Superintendent Tels. 411-4938, 501-7550; Telefax (038) 501-7537; Email:
[email protected] LIST OF PARTICIPAIITS FOR TWO.DAY WORKSHCP OF PROTOCOL OFFIC[RS August L3-L4,2019 @ BoholTropics Resort 1I Pablitc Viilalon 2'1 fu'larichel Garcia, Dimiao 2 Dr. Josephine Eronico 33 Vibeth Luga, Panglao 3 Dr. Grace lt4endez J+ Donabel Datahan, Sikatuna 4 Dr. Felix Galacio ?q Elvie Jaboniilo, Maribojoc q Dr.