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YOUNG SON San Benito To For Valley Federation Women s Clever P1 a le t I Valley Students Tag Day Of y 1 At — — Be Host Is Clubs To 1 At Needy Have Fall Meeting Presented On I U. of T. Zone Meet Planned In Raymondoille December 8 Program

Club women of the will will be served at the noon A meeting of the Ca neron-Wil- wjman'i In Valley hour, Mrs. Every organization assemble in Fannie D. Putegnat wan Ralph Green'.ee of Mereades has Zone of the Methodiat Raymondville, Tuesday, this arrangement making it un- lacy County the city will participate in a hostess the tag day December 8, for the regular fall necessary for to leave th« to Learners club Tueg- been entertaining a number of his Missionary Society lias been an- guests next Saturday, Dec. 5, the proceeds meeting of the ftio Grande Valley budding daring the entire day. d; .* and the program aaa m keep- friends with a house during nounced lor Tuesday. Dec. 2 at San of which will be used for the Federation of Womens clubs. For Opens 9:30 a. m. :ng with the . Benito. Mrs. J. B. Corn of Harlin- needy. , the Thanksgiving holidays. The the first time in its the The session will at. i Mrs. S. C. Tucker as This was decided on at a history, morning open leader 1 gen is chairman and she will pre- plan members of the party drove to the Federation is meeting m Raymond- promptly at 9.30 o clock, according As roll call tlie members gave side at the all day session. Follow- meeting held at the chamber of Valley Wednesday afternoon, and ville. Hostess clubs are the Parent- to Mrs. Homer E. Smith, president, Thanksgiving quotations or toasts ing is the program: they are return.ng to the university commerce Friday afternoon as the Teacher Associations and the Wo- who stated that the day will be and the one outstanding ans y:4«> a. m.—Prelude. this afternoon. A number of enter- best solution for immediate relief. man s club of that city. All meetings known as Music Club's Day. It has given by Mrs. Mae Brutche. an 10:00 a. m.—' I Love Thy Church,** tainments have been given in honor | are scheduled to be held in the been Mrs. Smith's plan since the original rhyme on the king of the devotional, by Mrs. corns. Any woman will be welcome, who of Mr. Greenlee s guests, among high school building where lunch beginning of her administration last day. the American turkey gobbler. Welcome by San Benito. will kindly lend her assistance on j which was a dinner at the resi- spring, to f .ress the /ork of some Mr J. C. George harked back to Response by Port Isabel. that and * dence of Mr. ami Mrs. Walden day added information department at each meeting of the ! 1821 giving the history- of e first the Business session. G. Greenlee and a dance at may be secured the Federation. In with this pol- , Thanksgiving as relating to the Special mud La Feria. by calling keeping Mercedes Country club i nursday, by music and dramatic present day customs. Round table chamber of commerce or any of the icy the depart- * motor to discussion on “Lead- A clever was trip Mier, Mexico, yes- club or Bridge Party ment of the Federation, under the playlet, staged, the ing the Standard of Excellency” in presidents members. terday and a dance at the club WWW of Mrs. John Ashton scene being laid in an old lad es cilarge of Mrs. N. G. Chatteile of chairmanship house in Mercedes last night. of Mercedes, will present the en- ; home and it portrayed so human- The members of the in- Los Fresnos. Mrs. C. W. Colgm will the party Compliments tertainment features of the program ly cantankerous dispositions of clude of represent Brownsville in the discus- older Louie Aiken San Marcos. A Valley-wide chorus will be one of many person*, whether men and Van sion. or women, after Mary Williams Roberta PERSONALS the features of the program. Music they have no “What We Need to Know" Mrs. Helen by — Decanter of Austin; Glass- t| clubs of the Valley have been ask- responiBbtiit:i*s in life except ».j cock of Mercedes; Elizabeth Co»- E. R. Mann of Donna, district sec- Houseguestsl think of themselves. ed to present one number each and of Joe ! retary for Brownsville district. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Saltier of fiill San Benito: Kelly the Edinburg Music and Dramatic Mesdame.s Tucker. Geo. P*en. Butler, of Bryan; Charlie McDou- Report of auxihar;. *,:i Bible and Weslaco were guests during the Mae Brutche nnj C* W. j Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bcvil were* club will present a one-act play. Gotfce and Pollard. of missions studies. Mrs. J. B. Parks past week of Mrs. Battler's gall Claude Jr., j parents, hosts Frida, evening at an infor- Mrs. Adams Speaker played the leading parts. in charge. Mr. and J. A. Austin and Robert and Ralph Mrs. Wigington. mal to During the business ses sion. M ss WWW bridge party introducing Among the special guests on this Greenlee Mercedes. Misses Aiken. 11:45 a Works Elsa Walther of m.—Missionary their friends George McGuire and occasion will be Mrs. Alex Adams of ga>* the report of Glasscock and are mem- Under Unified Plan of the Church George McGuire and H. S Better- the federation Cowgill. H. S. Betters wort': of Amarillo who San Antonio, an club city of clubs |ud — outstanding bers of the Zeta Tau Alpha soror- Mrs. E. W, McKenna. Harlingen. sworth of Amarillo left Saturday Mrs Vo’nev Taylor some of have been guests in the home of j woman of the state, who is to be ■} ity, Misses Williams and Van De- 12:00 noon- Plate lunch. following a several day's visit in high lights of state convr?. the formers brother Haskell Mc- the speaker of the day. Mrs. Adams the Jm vanter are members ol PI Beta Phi ! 1:15 p. in.- Devotional. Primer*. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Haskell at Lubbock Guire and Mrs. McGuire. is the new president of the Fifth dis- sorority, and Butler, McDougaLl. Poster display. Mrs. Cox. McGuire, the former's brother. Be- TTie organization voted to con- George Bridge games ended in high score trict, Texas Federation and was Folard and Greenlee are members Harlingen si pervteor. fore returning to Amarillo, the two ; tribute towards the supnvrt of the going to Mrs. Ned Boggan and con- i for the past two years chairman of cf Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Missionary Societies in Foreign will visit in other Texas points. local Y. W. C A. • • • Rotation to Miss Dorothy Shuckman. the Fine Arts of the Fields- Mrs. W. H. Trimble. Browns- * * * Department • • • The hostess served hot chocolate i State Federation. Other state of- Edward Hall, of San Betuio. spent ville. Miss Ella Evans of New Philadel- and cakes to her guests. ficers also we expected to be pres- m Houston. Music the Glee Club of San Ohio has : .-ived to be the Thanksgiving by phia. f The personnel included Mr. and ent. / William Horn, of McAllen, ha.s Benito. guest this winter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Haskell McGuire. ?.ir. and Mrs. Clubs of the Valley Federation Missionary been friends in Waco for Our School. Miss V. L. Conrad. visiting , Georgia Swan- H. N. Johmon. Mr. and • • • Mrs. Ned who have not sent in dues are urged the Thanksgiving holidays. >0". Pharr Institute. 9 9 9 Boggan, Misses Shuckman and to do so at once in order that their Report of committees. Mr. and Mrs. W 8. Tucker and Marjorie Rcil. the honorces and the credentials may be sent without Will More of Brownsville and Benediction. two children of Wellsville. N. Y.! Speak Dorothy hosts. • • • delay. Dues are to be mailed to Mrs Florence Hoskins of Harlingen havs returned to Brownsville to • • • E. P. Congdor. Mission acting re- were members of a party motorinc make their home after a two years' Announcement to Bryan for tne Texas-A. A*. M absence. cording secretary. Here has Sunday • • • been made by Mrs. Smith that game Thursday. Mis Catherine Are only the ten cent per capita Is due ». Morton of Brownsville, who ha.s | Appointee Mr and Mrs. Walter Grellman Talks at this time, the Educational Loan 28,- been Miss More* guest during th*- mere here on a visit with their aunt, BAN BENITO, Nov. Miss Em- j fund amount being due in March holidays, was a member ot the Mrs. Susie Bullock this past meek ma Leechman of Atlanta, ua. who Is is payable at any time. Clubs are u party. Known They think so highly of the Valley Featured the guest for several day* of Mrs. • • • urged to send a full delegation and that they intend to return after the Frank Robertson In San Benito will as many visitors as possible to the deliver Jimmv Pace of Brownsville ha- first of the year and locate here. an address on Home Mis- been spending the Thanksgiving Nat iona • • • A t Service Raymondville meeting sion! at the Baptist ohurch m vacation in San Benito. R. C. Uy Mrs. Marvin McAskiU. Edinburg, Brownsville at U a. m. Miss Mr and Mrs. C. C. Mr. Sunday Holm's Lamberth. —— Dodson and Gene Newsome, of San —Photograph by program chairman, is completing Leechman is a foreign Is the adorable and Mrs. C. E. Lamberth and da ugh- missionary. for Russell MeChesney Harwood, baby son of Mr. and j Two minute talks were given by final details of the program which She will leave Benito, visited Pace in Austin Announcement of the ter Ora Lee. and Mrs Ava Prosser Tuesday for visits in appoint- and Mrs. Wallace Harwood of Palm Courts. He is only 13 months old the following at the sunrise Thanks- 1 will *w> for in a several days prior to the hohdavs, ment of and ~ila mere ready publication Alice. Corpus Christi and the Blanco Miss Chari Ormond Wil- is daughter Lee. guests the three drove San Benito and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Russell MeChesney, pioneer Val- giving service conducted by the few suction. and to liams ol D. of Mr and Mrs. John A Reed days. The free will offering Washington, C., former residents. young people «f the Pnotattant m m m last Wednesday. l'resident of the ley in Pharr. which is to be taken goes toward Nation*! Educa- Thursday churches at Ionia Alta: Miss Jua- tion • • • the Texas pledge of $40,000 for for- Association, as representative Sr. Herman Melcher and Pe'.ix Mc- nita Booryc. Presbyterian; Eleno eign missions. >n the Women's Joint Congressional Dr. and Mrs H C. Sample and drove to the Val- Garza, Mexican Presbyterian; Mrs. Donald ot Pharr Committee for Dr. Amorette Bledsoe mere in Mer-; Miss] Robertson is president of the National Feder- Srta Thanksgiving Melcher Virgie Russell, Methodist; ley for the holidays. ation of Business cedes afternoon in at- j the 5th district of W M D. which and Professional Unites Saturday Mexican transferred to the university from Beautiful J Sielia Cavazos. Epworth includes. the omen s Ceremony tendance a clinic Corpus Christi, Clubs has been made at and meeting Valley the Edinburg Junior college this, by League; MSas Ruby McMinn. Naz- and Blanco. Mrs. Geiiite MacDonald .Bowman of of the Lower Rio Grande Valley Dinner Hosts tail, and is a first year law student. ! arene; Wajme Gobble. Christian; Miss Richmond. the Osteopathic Association. Leechman wiU also speak at mem- Virginia, president. E. W. Anderson. Volunteers He was recently elected as a Miss Miss Pollard And C. Captain the ail day of the Williams, who just retired Huntley • • • meeting Valley ber of the McLauren Law society. of America and David Joost, Bap- J roni the Dr and Mrs. P Stahlman W. M. U.’s at the Baptist church • • • Chairmanship of the Edu- Harry At Feria tist. La San ction Committee of the of Clarion. Pa mho have been in in Benito Monday. The meet? Commons of Mer- Federation, HARLINGEN, Nbv. 2*.—Ttie Campbell. Julia Traxler. Ada Reid A meeting will be held in Jan- Catheryne s an in the the the fern- have re-I mg opens the Week of Prayer ser-' Glrnn. expert legislative field, Methodist church was brilliant with Aiderdice, the city past days, uary to toward cedes visited her brother, J followed junior brides- formulate plans vices to be observed this raining m both politics and the turned to th-nr home. The Stahl- coming who is a at A: A' M. this and flowers in honor of the maids. and Jean making the Thanksgiving service an ! LA FERIA. Nov. 28 Mr. and junior upport of lights Mary Jo McClen- mans spent winter before last in the week. for the Texas-A. A* M. gamw j; suffrage having contrib- annual affair and also for an in- Mrs. John Coleman entertained at • • • year, ut'd to tier marriage of two of Harlingen's popu- don. cousins of the bride. The is a equipment and effi- Valley. beautiful home on the Thursday. Miss Commons j • • • spirational program and cooper- their country iency. During I he lar members of the set Sat- bridesmaids wore frocks junior at the university, having campaign for younger knely long ation work. Santa Maria highway with a boun- I ederal suffrage she served as luffor-McMurray transferred from Westmoreland chair- in-day night. The altar was massed of Empire fashion. In rose, green, The service was oper.?d with bugle tiful Thanksgiving dinner. The home nan for the ratification of the college, in San Antonio, this fall. with fern and palms, with a profus- ! orchid and gold colors, w ith long calls by a boy scout. After a pro- was made more attractive with a Nuptial Rites science. Nineteenth Amendment in Tennes- Dinner She is majoring in library ; ion of and Party gram of songs and stones, an old- profusion of Valley roses and other • • ee. As a white and yellow chrysanthe- puffed lace sleeves They carri- • county superintendent of j fashioned •‘pounding' of canned cut flowers. The fortunate guests Are Solemnized ■ * nook in Tennessee, from 1914 mums. A beautiful setting for the ed arm bouquets of yellow chrysan- Mary Lee Kern of Mercedes has to goods was for the Volunteers at this lovely affair were: Mr. and 9-2. -**he was gSwe© DONNA. Nov. 28 been spending Thanksgiving with influential in secur- impressive ceremony was read by themums. On of American. C'^t. E. W. Anderson Mrs. Walter Brunner and daughter DeWitt Mr- ng mucli Thursday of Dallas and important af- Murrsy Mrs Minette her parent*. legislation Rev. Herbert McDermott, pastor of The matron of honor. Mrs. Roy E- was present ar.« told a story of the Mrs. Howard and Albert Brunner of • r • ecting the school M. Huffor of system of Ten- the Presbyterian church of Donna. first Houston. Mrs. Chas M Coleman. Donna were married ie see. For reddiie, sister of the bride was, love- Thanksgiving. of attended the past nine she » • • here Thursday morning. Mr. Mc- Bill Ciolberg Pharr j years He yas accompanied by Rev Leslie Augusta. Kansas; John Coleman. been fir’d of the Na- | ly in a long of blue in Empire is editor of The the Texas-A. A- M. game at Bryan secretary Boone, pastor of the Methodist Delightful Sylvia. Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. W. Murray Semi-Week- lonal Education mode. She ly Farm News, Thursday. Association, with church and Rev. Flynn J. Long of carried yellow chrysan- M. Coleman and cl.-: en of published by the A • • • penal charge of legislative H. Belo work, the Presbyterian church of this city. themums on her aim. Then the tiny Is Brownsville; Mrs. r. E. Yauch Corporation. Dallas, and < Jose Romero mas host Frank Sublett of San Benito has md has built up a Thursday ; Reception writer of the page feature editorial strong organ- A a the strains of the flower in a Garber. OkJa. a sister of Mrs. W. ration for the Lohengren girl, Joan Teddlle, night at a beautifully appointed in each been spending tne Thanksgr.mg purpose of promot- March Mr. Mrs. C. Sunday issue of the Dallas played by Mrs. M. A. Deakins. of dinner in Matamoros. Low bomls of M. Coleman and and holidays at home. Sublet t is a iir the passage of the education charming old fashioned dress Morning News, illustrated with tialf- softly i>ealed tlirough the church, bronze B. Ford. Thelma and Jennie Wren in the School of Business Jill which seeks to create a his best Dean chrysanthemums and roses To Be Given senior Fed- the bridal entered. man, Merrill, Okla. L. R. Beddoes of La Feria. page picture by John Knott. News < party The ushers, formed table and with * and Admmi tration, and is a candidate •ral department of education with adornment cartoonist. Mrs. Is Messrs. Dick Chriss, James P. Ow- She carried a basket of flowers Afternoon callers were Dr. and McMurray well He a J i in the the dainty nut cups and hand paint -! for a degree in June. is j secretary president's cab- i known throufl ut the Valley and ingB. cousin of the bride, Orville which she strewed in the ed cards a Mrs Bowers. Sylvia Kansas, Mr. member of Kappa Sigma fratern- 1 net. pathwav place provided pretty among membe-s of the Texas Press Huntley, cousin of the groom and i to the altar. Entering next was the for the dinner By Auxiliary and Mrs. Harry Hetrick and daugh- As setting ity- representative of the National i party. Association throughout the state • * a C. Teddlie, brother-in-law of ters and Joe Hetrick of San Juan. Roy , lovely bride. Miss Josephine Pollard, Covers mere laid for Mrs. Ethel >deration of Business and Profes- Mrs. McMuttay Is owner of the the bride, entered and took their on the arm her The Presbyterian Womens Aux- Overnight Guest visit- » sional leaning of father. Neal Fry, Mrs. Lillian Rabb. Misses Donna Harold Lea veil of McAllen Women's clubs on the Wo- at News, which she edited and places at the altar. The four brides- Dr. A. J. Pollard, whom she was Maud iliary is to entertain a reception: Mrs D. L. Allen spent Monday ed brother. David, who ts on nen's Joint Congressional by Stevens. Frederica Kleiber. seven his commit- maids. Misses Ellen afternoon in the church with Coleman. published years. She recently Press, i er. Miss Waldron. Ida given in marriage. Claire Thompson and Lillie Monday Mrs John the Pi aft ot the Fort Worth Williams will work for the Mae, • • • leased the to j The parlors and will have as their paper Messrs Onstot < groom, Charles and Neuman: Messrs. Gil guests,! "i during the holidays. Ijeavell is in teceptance of protocols which will Huntley, Fernandez. and Terrell. his bst man. Dean Okla. Jr the church federation members. An the School of law. and experts to : urther the entrance of the Merrill, Robert Dalzell. Baldmin Steg- After a short United affair of this type is given on trip Mr and Mrs next He S States Into the City, a life long friend and college man. Arthur Neale, Ralph Tobin thej receive a L.l B. degree year. j permanent court of the with1 McMurray will make their home !n i mate, awaited her and the host. fifth Monday an month, San Benito Is a member ot Delta Sigma Phi nternational for coming- Dallas. Justice; the educa- Reservations • The was a • • the different women’s church aux- i ton bill, and for the bride attired m gown • • • fraternity. infancy and iliaries as • • • of rich white In a taking part hostesses. i naternity bill, all of wh h have creamy satin. close with Semi Annual Mechanics J. H Bat sell, H. H J. F. Straw of Mercedes has been i >cen endorsed by the Federation. fitting model, long lace Meet Education To Committee For Banker and Ralph Buell compose Opens sleeves and Her tram was In Houston during the holidays.,: 5he will also co-operate with the yoke. long of Meet < )f the refreshment committee and the Shaw is a sophomore in the uni- Vomen's Joint exquisite lace in orange blos- Lodges lie Club ;1 Congressional com- has as Topic som patterns and her was of decoration committee its Mrs verrity this year, having transferred (t mttce m persuad1 ; the Classifica- cap In Donna Soon William Coleman will be an wore members. Mesdamcs Grider Perkins. Week from Rice in tl>* fail, t ion Board for Named Battenburg heirloom. She Prayer leader of a urogram on University government cm- Party Ernst BMuc0*Wt i white Robert and Maurice Pipkin. at the He is majoring in mechanical on- j uoyees to raise the slippers and carried an arm The semi-annual of the meeting of the classification • meeting The will be at BrownF^Bw t bouquet of white guests greeted the Week of Prayer services In the Studv club gineering. i nurses, social workers and dieti- chrysanthemums. Valley Rebekah and Oddfellow at :he home of • • • door the officers. of the lans from The D. A R will During the ceremony, Mrs. Dea- by auxiliary Womens Missionary Union A. Outlaw sub-professional to pro- Valley chapter lodges of the Valley will b*« held i • • • Ttiuradav. A ponebr of Weslaco and i entertain Dec, 4 kms the First Baptist church will begin Mon- teacher Zeda Langford essional f#.itus. Friday, at the played softly. Preceding Tuesday in Donna, with morr.mg. will relate the »tm of of ! • • • club a ceremony. Mrs day with an all day meeting of the Mary Catherine Bowe Edcoucn Country with benefit bridge Hubert Herren. sang ofternoon <*nd evening session:* Mrs. Monroe Early Education and Mrs Cote- to Ich Liebe Dtch. Valiev W. M. U.'s in San Benito. man drove to the Vailev for the Thanks- party which members, guests Mrs. H. M. Dace The degree teams of both lodges will present Present Day Mis* is T. A. and in the are ex- a violin Ave The topic for the week is foreign Education. giving holidays. Langford Delegates visitors Valley played solo. Maria. Mrs. m ill compete At 7 30 p. m a mem- Hostess To % senior in the School of Bustoe's ( tended a cordial invitation. Deakms was for both missions. Offerings will go as Lot- • • • o accompanist orial service will be held in recog- hav transferrer: I Give Reservations s tie Moon Administration, ing Reports may be phoned in The bride mother. Mrs. A. J. Pol- nition of ]iast state presidents of Club offerings to Friday Mrs. R. E. L. Mew- M. E. from John Tarletou colk e, Steph* the following ladies: Mrs. C M. lard. and the groom's aunt, Mrs. H. the The Mrs Laura entertained Tuesday night. Wentz, Ir. \ EI Jardtn A. assembly. morning pro- Monroe three ago. Miss Bowe ! P-T. will meet Fri- Cash, San Benito: Mrs. F. L. Cnau- P. each wore beautiful shaw of San Benito and recently fnville. years lav Huntley, gram mill begin at 9 30 the Friday Bric%c club last week afternoon to hear • • Arrive* ts a sophomore In the university, reports of dick. Mercedes: Mrs. S R. Jen- modish black satin , that were • returned from China where she was Saturday he State with two tables playing contract. and is in educa- Convention of P-T. A.’s nings, Mrs. H. H. a will g'lve an illustrated Mr and Mrs Milton E Wen?* majoring physical ( Harlingen: Kid- very elegant. Robert O'Bryan. Boy Newman The awards for high and second missionary', unch was held in San j i ion. Antonio der. San Juan: Mrs Fred N after the lecture on that country. The public announce the birth a son, Mil- ■eccntlv. Immediately marriage and Anthony Gomez of Browns- high score were given to Mrs. Har- Delegates f.om El Jax- Gantner. McAllen; Mrs. W. Weav- rites is invited. ton Edward. Jr. b^rrt Saturday »n were over, the bridal party and ville have been spending the holi- hert Davenport and Miss Elsa cordially were Mrs J. w 1 momlne at Mercs The Berry and er, Donna and Brownsville. Mrs. guests went to the Pollard home days at home. W'alther. The week of prayer will continue Hoenifal urs. C. L. Hunter. A social hour R. A. Porter, Mrs Harbert Daven- for a charming reception. to Friday, inclusive. baby we’ghed eight pounds i ml folio wthe business • • • Fashion session. port and Mrs. Ben Freudensteln, Hostesses were Mrs Pollard. Mrs. H P Huntley and Col- G. A Knapp Book Review Flapper FannySays; of Houston. The table was beauti- a— u »eat ©rr j fully appointed, the cake U Splendid Calendar For The occupying th oplace of honor. Re- Social Week i freshments were served Thanksgiving ——- buffet style. -- ■■ ■ J Item Mrs. T. S Herren cut the first Program piece Self Culture club met the pas* Monday club with Mrs. of cake after whieh j Harold Grav. Miss Paul Hull week in the home of Mrs. C. C. The served the remainder. Presbyterian Auxiliary will Wednesday Study club with Mrs At Methodist Church Stewart in Media Luna. A splen- ’** a host to the church federation in J. L. Kowalski. At * prettily decorated table rest- did review of Magnificent Obces* the afternoon at 3:30 o'clock Mrs. G. Bowman is hostess to El ed the punch bow! large Serving sion” by Lloyd Douglass was given Mrs Harry Hollowell will en- Jardin Social club. were Misses evei at 8 in society Heigths Peggy Ewing Elizabeth Tuesday ng o'clock, commute* and the pastor ar.i hi$ by Mrs. H L. Yates as part of the tertain the Altar Self Culture club at the Summers and Mrs. FTiilen Dr. and Mrs. Society of the home of Gilbert spite of the stormy weather, about wife. Sterling Fisher. program for the afternoon. The Sacred Heart church. Mrs. V. L. Conrad. of Brownsville, assisted bv the For entertainment there mas a one hundred members of the club voted to give $5 to the Y. W Mrs. Lawrence of Fir|t Brady will enter- pupils Miss Pollard's studio of song by Mrs. Thomas H. Sweeney, C. A. This week Mrs. V. L. Conrad Tuesday tain the music. Methodist church enjoyed a delight- Wednesday bridge club. two negro spirituals by Mrs. Gordon will be hostess. Just Brownsville Travel club with Sew club members with Mrs. Immediately after Me reception. ful social hour !n the basement of Street, both accompanied by Mrs. • • • Mrs. W. H. Gibson at home of Mrs. Duff Howard. Mr and Mrs Humlev left for their the church. Henry Snow at Uhe piano. Jimmie W. R. Mrs. Jones. J. B. Lawrence hoetesa to honeymoon tourney. The bride The occasion was planned and Friend of Fort Brown gave two Brownsville Girls Beth El Sisterhood meeting at Lucky 13 Bridge club donned a handsome dress of brown carried out by the church com- songs and an imitation of barn- Masonic Temple at 3 o'clock. wool crepe, trimmed in Snanish I mittee on which Visit In McAllen Thursday I tile entertainment, of yard noises. The pastor and Rev. Mrs. Frank Brown will have as 'and brown sailor hav brown sport Mrs. E. T. Yates is chairman, the C. E Bludworth. pastor of the Mer- i Misses Belva Jean McCollough and 'Ter guestmerbers of the Mardt Original Thursday Bridge club tweed coat, with al! accessories other members being Mr*. Suns | cedes Methodist church contributed Rosita Ceyanes of Brownsville spent club. ■ bridge will meet with Mrs. O K Mason j matching. Haney, Mrs. C C Tew. Mrs T. A.! brief talks, and Mrs. C. S. B'uo- Thanksgiving and the week-end I earner? i dub at the home of Brownsville Study club with Mrs They will be a*, home at. lfW4 F Outlaw. Mrs. J. H. Dilu and Mrs. worth gave a reading. The presence with Misses Tennessee Alcorn and Mr: Harbert T. Davenport. A Outlaw. Program on educa- Tyler, after Dec. R She will resume H B. Jeffrey. of these young poople. the pastor Elizabeth Campbell in McAllen All day semi-annual or tion. meeting teaching January 1st. The reception room was tastefully and his wife front Mercedes, was While there they were entertained the Rebekahs Senior • • • ; and Odd Fellow and Junior high P.-T. decorated with yellow chrysanthe- especially enjoyed and appre* tsted. with a dinner by R. E. Alcorn, of lodces of the Valley at Donna to A. at the high school at 4 o’clock. mums. ferns and citrus fruits, and drove from Mprcedes and add- Donna. ' They — t at -1—I begin 9:30 a. m. ! TO SPEND WINTER two American As the ed to the charm of the jl— Friday large flags. greatly oc-1 • • • Mrs H. B Dyer of Morganfield. guests arrived they m^ere received m casion. Miss Sophia Kowalski, daugh- Ctm o*? As '/ THE ALL-IMPORTANT mesh Wednesday El Jardin Junior Music Culture Kentuckv. arrived last week for a the entrance hall by Mrs. Willie A. After the program pumpkin pie ter of Mr. and Mrs. B L. Kowalski now comes in a great Cameron and W’illacr countv dub with Mrs. stocking C. L. Hunter. ; visit with her sister. Mrs. W B George, Mrs. V. L Conrad and Mrs. with whipped cream and coffee is spending the Thanksgiving holi- of weaves. One of the tzone of the Methodist at as,_ variety Missionary Benefit bridge Country club (Craaon and Mr Cragon. expecting C. C. Stewart. Entering the re- were served, during and after which days with her parents She is at- is the new "chenille societya at San Benito. Lieut Thomas most striking meeting Barlow chapter D to spend the winter Mr and Mrs. ception room, they were greeted by the comnany gave themselves to tending school at the of the » Lady Athletic girls are sometime* acro- dotted hose hiusuaied. I Wednesday Tournament bridge A. R. hostesses. own a the polka" Ityer grove ua Wiison tract, i members of the entertainment conversation and serial fellowship, t Lake in San Antonio. t hatti'.

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