The Rebirth of Religion in Russia
View of the Holy of Holies of Russia, showing the high wall and lofty watch-towers which enclose it. Originally a fort, the Kremlin is now a museum, mausoleum, and treasure-house of things precious in Russian life and Russian religion. In no other equal area in the world ANNALS OF HISTORY is there crowded such an array of historic cathedrals THE REBIrtH OF RELIGION IN RUSSIA and monaster- ies, sacred relics, trophies of war, The Church Reorganized While Bolshevik Cannons sacerdotal robes, gold and silver Spread Destruction in the Nation’s vessels, precious Holy of Holies stones, pearls, and jewels to the value of millions of Y HOMAS HITTEMORE dollars, etc. B T W Note: The text, he Holy Kremlin of Moscow has During the bombardment a Chinese photographs, and Tbecome a Bolshevik fortress. From workman, looking on, was heard to captions of this ar- the 9th to the 16th of November, 1917, say, “The Russian is not good; bad ticle were originally published in National for more than seven days under a man; he shoots on his God.” Geographic 34:5 hurricane of fire, the city was stormed (November 1918): and finally carried by the Bolsheviks Outraged and despoiled, the Kremlin 378–401. in terrible fratricidal war. Since then is in bonds today, guarded by foreign the sacred citadel has been playing a mercenaries. The forty times forty new and ignominious role in the his- churches of the white stone city seem tory of Russia. to draw a little closer in answer to the trumpet calls of the Kremlin domes.
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