SPORTS. THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, . 1). C, SATI KDAY, SPORTS. A-11 '.Washington State Eleven Confident: Star’s Bowling Prizes Still Wide Open Girl’s Calf Fails Abell Reported' STRAIGHT OFF THE TEE

SLEEP, TITLE - NOT LOSING To Cow Athlete COLLEGE QUINTETS “Out” at Virginia, By WALTER R. McCALLUM FISCHER’S 614 NOT George W. McCarter although the course will be quite new, i SYDNEY, Australia (/P).—Be- CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., De- of the Indian Spring Golf Club under the rearrangement program now t cause he wrote his autograph on the cember 27.—Following the third STILL IN DISPUTE Golf Committee is fore- being planned. ITS COACH ASSERTS a Whatever Indian Spring LIKELY TO TONIGHT does. or. pretty girl GAMES straight season In which HIGH calf of passenger the Uni- BE a on IN handed gent. CHAIRMAN Time does not of Virginia Congressional, the older clubs which the liner homeward bound from Lon- versity foot ball team lag for him, for he literally takes time have held tournaments in the past, like failed Unique Washington, Hollingbery Leaves No Room -1 don, a member of the victorious Georgia Tech to Oppose Ben I has to win half the contests Situation Arises. as by the forelock and has his decision Woodmont, Chevy Chase Al’s 178 Game Sets Record, Australian cricket team, which re- on its schedule, the athletic council made for him and Columbia, will continue to stage by his fellow members their invitation events. cently toured England, has been rep- of the institution has, it is reported, Genaro and Wolgast Put months before for Alibi if Alabama rimanded by the body in control of Franklin—Gallaudet Host a decision is to be an- More Stars on Tonight. International cricket. asked the resignation of Earl C. nounced. public links golfer goes on Abell, head gridiron coach. and on, though the weather . . Captures Game. Members of the team had pledged on Listless Draw. Just now McCarter is asking the YOUR even Halley to Southeastern. Abell has refused to make a state- members may be cold and the day may be Gets Hand. themselves not to sign autographs in of the big club out on the Christmas. any circumstances, as authograph ment and James G. Driver, director Colesville Pike to ballot on the question Something more than 200 athletics, has not been By playets went over the at ' of located. the courses East BY PAUL ZIMMERMAN, hunters had become a positive night- Associated Press. of Whether the club shall hold an invi- mare to previous teams. COUPLE of college games are It has been reported that follow- YORK, December 27.—A tation tournament in 1931, Potomac Park on Christmas day, and BY R. D. THOMAS. Associated Press Sports Writer. ing a meeting of the athletic council and the nearly that number used the Rock There is no secret concerning the scheduled on District courts situation unique in the annals answers are rolling in. On the result of entrants who identity of the offending player, be- of the university Saturday, the v of the vote will hinge the question Creek Park layout. Yesterday, in a Calif., December tonight. coaching committee of has arisen from the of drizzling rain, there were > the young lady proudly dis- conferred with whether Indian Spring will ask for a a score of have yet to roll in The 27. Coach Orin “Babe” cause A Benjamin Franklin Univer- Abell until well into Sunday morn- attempt golfers out at Rock Creek Park, playing played NEWfiasco which was an to tournament her souvenir. date at the meeting said that annual over soggy fairways, and the “oily bolds” Evening Star’s Yuletide PASADENA,Hollingbery today burned sity will make a bid for recognition ing. It is concessions were settle the flyweight title dispute be- of the District Golf Association in HUNDREDS offered the coach to cancel his con- March still continue their Winter tournament. tournament Coli-* in the college whirl against Georgia Wolgast and Frankie next year. In putting the ques- at the every bridge of alibi behind tract but all were declined. tween Midget tion squarely up to the A gent named Emeigh, whose first Tech in the Tech High School gym, appointed members, seum were somewhat elated to- Washington Abell was to succeed Genaro. McCarter is following the of Guy name is not disclosed, has won the himself and the State coach, lead first flight of day starting at 8:30 o’clock. Earl Neale as signing a three- Genaro still Is recognized as cham- Mason, chairman of the Congressional the current event for the over the turn of events on team which meets Alabama in the year contract to tutor foot ball Golf “oily bolds” by beating another gent A preliminary contest is planned. It and pion by the National Boxing Associa- Committee, who adopted the same opening night. A number of New Year day classic here. :EAST IS FAVORED base ball. method of ascertaining the sentiments named Posson (first name also deleted) will bring together Census Enumerators During the season just closed Vir- tion, arbiter of champions for 26 of his fellow by a single hole, after Posson had beat- dangerous contenders took their Not that the Cougars ever expected golfers regarding the Con- and Stewart’s Photographers at 7:30 ginia won four games and lost six. States, while Wolgast still is privileged gressional invitation tourney last year. en Schrader 5 up in the semi-final. turns, and none was able to get a th?y would need to resort to explana- o’clock. The Cavaliers routed in the The word is getting were to wear the crown in and around that both you, Mr. Modem Golfer, tions, nothing except victory annual Thanksgiving day game the Indian Spring Congressional ever score that would dishearten any for Is A preliminary contest Is planned. with meeting of and gutta TO WEST North Carolina. It was I've fourth . For the event will be passed up next year as HAVEtried to hit the old perch a moderately ambitious pin shooter. gone I DEFEAT contemplated. Their mentor has Gallaudet Southeastern and Univer- straight year the Tarheels de- these, two title claimants produced only they were this year, leaving blank dates golf ball, or the Haskell Flier, with out way possible have which your A1 Fischer, former national single* of his to destroy all sity will have it out on the Kendall feated Virginia on the grid. a dull 15-round draw. on the tournament calendar where two golfing predecessors of three avenues of retreat, should defeat come. of the most popular decades ago played the game? champion, got in the one big punch of Needs a Win Today to Even Green hardwood at 8 o’clock. There A half-hearted exhibition, which events of the sea- If you have not, you can ‘1 am not losing any sleep,” he said son have been in past years. Reasons find these the night when he finished his set with will be a curtain-raiser between Gon- produced only rare spurt* of interest- given for the old balls in the golf shop of J. Monro this “over the or cancellation of the two with a game of 178, a record for the morning, physical Annual Charity Series zaga and the Gallaudet Reserves. ing fighting, failed to strengthen the tournaments are similar. Both clubs Hunter, the Indian Spring professional, mental condition of my players. Their have announced they believe who has saved from the mists of time, 3-year-old tournament. His five-game claim of either of the little fellows, in spend- some total of 614 likely has been shaken by pre- Georgia Tech will be opening its ing their own money for their own samples of these old-time golf isn’t to place him confidence not at 3 Games All. season against Ben Franklin. DEMPSEY GRABBING while a record of the cheers and booes members, balls. But be sure to take along a high among the prize winners, but there Follow- of 6,000 which in other words, spreading the vailing- odds reported in favor of ing this game emitted by the crowd money driver with an inlay face, for a few was more than ordinary satisfaction for the Golden Tornado will paid $20,000 into Madison Square which would be available for an Alabama." engage Arundel Boat Club in Balti-” the invitation tournament around buy whacks at the “gutty” will ruin the A1 in the creditable performance, for it By Garden office night was strong- to conditions, said, will make the Associated Press. more Monday, Knights of Columbus box last prizes for purely ordinary wooden-faced driver. was in the nature of a comeback. The Weather he ly on the side of the expressions of club affairs. But sample becoming FRANCISCO, December 27.—A at , N. Y., Tuesday; Man- the what of the members of Congressional Hunter has a each of the ex-singles champion of the National no difference. “My team is hattan College at New York, Thurs- AS disapproval. About one-fourth of “gutty,” the first rubber-cored ball, and Duckpm Bowling Congress virtually MONEY and Indian Spring who play in Western team of all-stars faced REFEREE the is audience left before the finish. thoroughly acclimated. This weather day; Rider College at Trenton, N. J.. invitation tournaments of other clubs a ball with a liquid core, with which he abandoned the sport last year and ha* the same we had to cope with when a team of Eastern topnotchers in Not until the last three rounds did was winning medals as an amateur 25 bowled little this season. , Friday, and Temple University at Wolgast and show any signs and have no chance to return the practice opened last Fall.” SANKezar Stadium today in the sixth next Saturday. Genaro hospitality? years and more ago. What men they Fischer’s big gam? strikingly demon* warming up pass receiv- So Busy That He Has to Use of their best form, as they fought a Constant of annual renewal of San Francisco’s grid- Thereafter the Yellow Jackets will Manor is to hold an lnyitation must have been in those days, to strated the uncertainty of duckplns. ers and senders in previous sessions confine play to Southern Conference defensive battle. After a warning by knock that solid gutta percha ball Although hitting the sticks quite well iron charity classic. Proceeds of the Patsy Haley, the veteran tourney next Fall. That has been de- more as creates the belief Washinfton State may opponents, meeting Airplanes Referee upon by than 150 yards. in the two strings immediately precede Tide game go to the Shriners’ 14 rivals. in Order to Genaro made a gallant attempt to start cided the club Golf Commit- shower a barrage over the Crimson Crippled Chil- Ben Franklin has beaten Bliss and tee, which has announced a program ing, his scores were only 97 and 99. A January 1. dren’s Strayer far a fight in the closing rounds and Wol- spare in the first frame of the final Hospital. in games so this season. met him on about even terms of holding the annual invitation event Coach Wallace Wade also contem- Georgia Tech has a big squad, in- Keep Engagements. gast every two years in order that got him started on a sensational streak. workout, in order to The Easterners had the opportunity despite a closed left eye. Wolgast was interest To compile big plates a morning of balancing their cluding plenty of seasoned material. espe- in the event may be maintained at the ESPEY HAS ELEVENTH the score he made nine allow his team to take a peek Notge record of wins and exceedingly cautious at the start, marks, including a double-header at losses. For the first three years the Among the Georgia contingent will the right-hand peak. And Bannockburn probably will and Dame’s stars of 1929 and 1930 in action be Bill Perkins, who stands 6 feet By the Associated Press. cially after he ran into hold its Fall single strike. The lone flat box was the victorious, year, * Western eleven was while YORK, wallop in the second round that closed invitation event next SUCCESSIVE 600 SET at a charity game. the Easterners have won the last 4 inches and weighs 180 pounds. Per- December 27.—Jack fourth. The Tide also worked on passes yes- two kins played both his eye, and Genaro seemed to have games. center and forward Dempsey has stepped back into lost a lot of stamina in his 10 years In winning over Oscar Hlser’s Hyatts- will find several terday. Then the Southern gentlemen Pre-game speculation last season. vllle team last night by 241 pins at the more stars snapped through a dummy scrimmage favored the the limelight of heavyweight of millingand could not set the pace. TONIOHTbanging away, notably among East. Bill Tate, guard; Roy McArthur, exhibition uninspiring end of the first five-game block. Nation- w hich caused their coach to feel that at ‘ center or forward; Tom Jones, forward; NEWboxing—but not as a fighter. The was so Stribling Rated them one of the most colorful of Announced starting line-ups: that even the officials could not agree al Pale Drys, minus their junior status last they had shaken off the effects of Ted Raines, center, and Ed Sullivan, The former champion, although criti- with the advent of Howard Campbell, all—Joe Toomey. The pinboys on drives their cross country jaunt. He has been East. Positions. West. on how to award the points for a de- Nos. 9 and 10, where Toomey is sched- P. Baker. Northw'n.L.E.McKallip, Ore. State guard, are others with the Yellow cizing the current crop of heavyweights judge, Harold Barnes, As Leading Heavy shot their second successive 3,000 total. giving his kickers overtime duty both Lubratovich, Wisc’n L.T.Broadstone, Nebr’ka Jackets who cision. One uled, are in for an exciting time. When Doyle, are 6 feet or more. Genaro, Tommy The score was 3,023 to 2,782. on punting and place kicking, with Colgate L.G. .Beckett, Members of squad, because “the one that ought to fight picked the other. Joe cuts loose with his famous smoke Slano. Fordham CAtkins. Tex. Christian the Ben Franklin Sheridan, voted for Wolgast, while Eddie Espey, lead-off roller for the . John “Hurry” Cain holding the top Nort'n.R.G all former each other don’t,” YORK, December 27 OP).— ball the man in the pit is a bad risk Woodworth. Koch. Baylor schoolboy players here, are again refused to say Haley gave it up bad job Pale Drys. bids fair to establish some honors. Van Bibber, Purd'e R.T.Speidel, Olympic Cl. Lester and Milton Singman, Referee as a W. (Young) Stribling of At- for life insurance. probably Gantenbeln. Wis'n..RE.P. Wilson. Oly’pic C. Dick yes or no in reply to questions concern- and called it a draw. According to the NEW L. kind of “600” record. His 625 last Alabama will not work out Pittsburgh.Q Keefer, Pete Loftus, John lanta put E. Baker, J. Wilson, Baylor Sherman, ing Associated Press score sheet. Genaro’s is the leading heavyweight night, with games of 133, 121, 120, 98 Not so as a few years ago; Sunday, but will on the finishing Bruder. Northwe’n.L.H.Shelley. Texas Unlv. Jack Understein, a return to the ring when he came world, 143, formidable Colgate Charles Proctor. John closing spurt gave slight margin. boxer of the in the collective and was his eleventh straight “600” but still dangerous, particularly touches Monday and Tuesday between Hart, R. H Mills, Oklahoma Hurley, Max Ryan, Fred Finley back to New York after a long absence. him a opinion of 70 leading boxing critics, and on sight-seeing excursions. Macaluso, Colgate...F Bausch, Kansas and He was awarded six rounds to Wol- set. the Coliseum drives, is Perce Ellett, Eastern Ray Johnson. Dempsey Is concerned principally with whose rating of the 10 leading Campbell, veteran captain of the While the ticket sale picked up sharp- . alternates: Ends—Bates. Western gast’s five. Four were called even. 1 scheduled tonight on Nos. 1 and 2. El- ’ Maryland: Rosenzweig, heavyweights published by the King Pin team, contributed Christmas, Carnegie Tech: Ely, two businesses now, Genaro weighed 111 pounds, Wol- was a 614 set. lett has rolled some mighty scores ly after it is doubtful if the Iowa; Vincent, Yale. Guards—Linehan. Yale; Gallaudet will be opening its home promoting fights New York Sun. The second block will be rolled next at 85,000 seats for the game will be com- Selby, Ohio State. Center—Berner. Syracuse. against acting "guest gast 111%. ' the Coliseum. Quarterback—Fogarty. Brown. season Southeastern. The and as referee,” and his Jack Sharkey was ranked second, Tuesday at Lucky Strike. pletely sold out. Halfbacks— Blues figure they have a Wheeler, Michigan; Brockmeyer, Minnesota. line chance present former only a few percentage points below sparkling of exceptional Fullback—Gardner, to chalk up their visit has to do with the A 585 set that belles his None them sport aver- Villanova. first win after losing Stribling, with Max Schmeling, rec- average was shot last night in the ages, but no group Western alternates: Ends—Ebding, St. their opening two to Haverford task. Soon after his arrival he was GRIDDER WEDS CO-ED of bowlers has more Mary's; Long. Southern Methodist. Tackles matches ognized heavyweight champion, third. annual John Blick "Dub” Tournament ginger and genuine sport spirit than —Bogue, Stanford; Christensen. Oregon. and Drexel. closeted with William F. Carey for a Stribling. who was given first rank at Convention Hall by Larson Swain, the Western Union folk, who pre- frenchTc?tossers Guards—Colbert. Oregon: Greenberg, Ne- Southeastern In its game will lone to date conference that was understood to con- lowa Wesleyan Student Is Bride of by 35 of the critics, made the most who took the lead over 13 other con- dominate among braska. Center—Tassi, Santa Clara. Quar- bewed to Columbus University in tonight's shooters: terback—Doyle, St. Mary’s. Halfbacks— a cern a possible hook-up for a heavy- progress during the year, gaining 335 testants. About 40 will be in the delegation. GOOD START Clark. Stanford; Kltzmiller, Oregon. Full- close battle. Reedquist of Hawkeyes. points. Sharkey was given 18 first- Swain had the “hot hand” twice, in MAKE A back —Lange, Baker. weight battle at Miami, but no an- place Officials: Referee—Herb Dana. Nebraska. DES MOINES, lowa, December 27 ballots, and Schmeling 10. the first and fourth games, shooting 138 was remindful of old times at the Umpire—Bob Evans. Mtlliuen. Head lines- nouncement was forthcoming. (,IP). —Lawrence A,. Reedquist. 23, a star Three of last year’s first 10—Scott, and 147. ITthe Palace and Grand Central alleys man—Joe Llpp, Chicago. Field fudge— WILDCAT Harry Tommy Fitzpatrick, NOT DEPRESSED Looking heavier than ever and with on 1928-29 University of lowa Von Porat and Paulino—failed to Francois M. Sommerkamp shot a 539 when Krauss, Ray Chapin. Defeat Staunton Collegians—Stew- Utah. end the year, a lot of excess flesh around his jowls, foot ball teams, and Miss Frances Herr- finish “in the money” this their to place second. Eddie Howser and Arthur Urban lined art and Census Quintets Win Grid Receipts at Northwestern XJ. Dempsey dodged to the customary ques- mann, 22, both of Ottumwa, were mar- places being taken by Camera, the The annual elimination tournament, up on the same drives. A large volume tion as to whether he would fight again ried last night. man-mountain from Italy, who was heretofore run by King Pin No. 1, got could be written about the achieve- Close Games. PRELIMINARY LISTED Exceed Last Season’s. with “you never can tell." Reedquist is a senior at the State ranked fourth; Baer and Risko. under way last night at the Columbia. ments of that quartet, but it wouldn't He spoke volubly on his experiences University, while his wife has been at- The ratings were Stribling, 647 (of Freeburg taking a lead with a set of include much about last night’s per- CHICAGO, December 27 (JP). —The a possible 700); Sharkey, 611; 619. Day Boston depression and profits as a “flying referee.” His tending lowa Wesleyan College. was next with 548, formances. * business hasn’t caught up Schmeling, 548; Camera, 351; Grif- Young placed got away promising The Howard A. French A. C. cagers, TO EAGLES’ CONTEST with foot engagements are so numerous that he while with 578. Krauss to a start ball receipts at Northwestern has to use airplanes fiths, 273; Godfrey, 206; Campolo, The tourney will be continued on the with a game of 123 but it was only a the only District court men to defeat University. to get from one to Loughran, ' 167; 160; Baer, 145, and Columbia mapleways next Monday at flash of the prowess of old of the man the Skinker Eagles last year, are look- The Wildcats, in games, another. And they are so remunerative five home that he would give up BASKET BALL RESULTS Risko, 94. 8 o’clock. who once was king of the duckpin world ing forward to another tip-top basket Skinker Team’s First Game of drew 194,000 spectators with receipts of have to 30 en- gagements and about SIOO,OOO in fees and a prince in the realm of tenpins, ball season. 8376,000, it was announced today. The Harry’s set was 504. In making their debut, the Frenchles Season Tomorrow Will average attendance if he should agree to help the Madison Columbus Council, of C., of Brook- Be was above that of Square K. It was a struggle for Chapin all took on a tough foe last night in Har- 1929, when the receipts were $427,308 Garden management promote a lyn, 26; Georgetown, 21. the Staunton Collegians and Against Detroit Miami bout in February. The business way, the big fellow’s slanting curve rison Day’s Clowns. and the attendance 219,000 for six Rice Institute, 36; Illinois Wes- lacking much of the won, 32 to 26. games at home. also has other advantages in addition to leyan, 27. Scores in Star Tournament “stuff" that en- got going early the customary stipend of $2,500 or abled him to shoot two consecutive Hie French quint in Rochester, 38; Toledo, 36 (pro.). ¦ Virginia more. league sets of 434 in the days when any the game, holding the team A game between Stewart Photog- Brooklyn, 26; Chicago, 22. score better than 400 was without a field goal in the first half. raphers and the Venman Club of Balti- "You never have to get sewed up Brigham Young, 58; John Carroll, 27. James Clark 105 111 133 130 88-^-556 Arthur Urban 91 139 106 138 103—567 a Sensation*. more afterward,” Jack explained. "It’s nice Al Fischer 134 106 97 99 178—614 Harry Krauss 135 101 107 bO 91—504 Ray’s 458 for five strings last night was has been arranged as a prelim- EX-IRISH FAVORITES California, 28; University of Ne- E. M. Walker 103 102 114 98 J. E. Meredith 84 81 109 93 81—447 the poorest Stewart Bros. Photographers and to stay in a ring without being punched Ralph Ready 83—497 Dlngleman... score he ever turned in. 1 inary to the basket ball game between vada, 21. 93 124 108 89 92—511 O. O. 88 93 95 75 ...—350 Urban got hot in the gamd Census Enumerators each was victo- the Bkinker Eagles and the Detroit around. Os course, there is a lot of John Mitchell 95 81 98 L 9 90—453 P. M. Appell 107 130 109 106 104—556 second rious night the Silver Spring bother connected with it, too. You J. A. Shambora 108 114 88 86 80—476 A. H. lord 93 124 116 97 91—520 and shot 139 and again in the fourth, last in Clowns tomorrow afternoon in the Sil- OVER ALL-STAR TEAM Irwin Simon 84 95 98 98 93—466 A. G. Hamer 79 100 120 91 104—494 when he gathered High School gym. The Stewarts downed have to be taken around and be Intro- Megaw 128, but his total of ver Spring National Guard Armory. E. E. Waller 94 86 114 104 103—501 W. E. 110 92 130 100 87—519 567 was worthless. the St. Martins, 21-17, and Census beat The curtain-raiser will start at 2 duced everywhere and you stay up half FIGHTS LAST NIGHT Ray Chapin 95 110 93 94 88—458 L. C. Kirsch 92 100 89 93 87—461 Renrocs, 18-14. o'clock, game the night being entertained. It’s tough Ed Howser 104 103 132 118 128—583 K. Spillman 102 100 100 £2 76—470 with the main scheduled 40,000 Expected to See J. R. Alcorn 85 113 94 66 84—462 H. A. Nett 107 146 95 111 110—569 Howser, for a bowler who has been on to go on an hour later, Charity on me because you know I always liked S. Hanna 97 101 93 115 98—504 A. Povich 118 96 122 13 1 95—562 scoring at least two By the the mapleways as little as he in recent With each player Kenny, to hit the hay early.” Associated Press. H. Lovett 83 101 107 106 96—483 George Beall 99 94 106 83 88—470 over Buster who smokes a trick Kay Nugent 150—529 years, was a distinct surprise. His set field goals. Petworth Juniors won cigar, Foot Ball Game Today Dempsey had a few additions NEW YORK.—Midget Wolgast, Phil- J. O. Barnes 113 96 99 100 98—506 88 109 98 119 last night, 32 to 8. and various other members of to Joe Overend 106 103 106 108 112—535 A. W. Allen 96 128 99 95 96—514 of 583, with a top gam? of 132, would St. Martins the Detroit team will with make to the suggested program of adelphia, and , New 87 116 104 109 108—524 I. Hattie 94 89 85 105 120—493 entertain at . a York, (15); Dave Cox have been creditable to any bowler. funny stuff. from Michigan February bout between Jack Sharkey drew Kid Francis, Italy, L. Silverberz 98 118 112 115 122—565 C. Bett 92 105 110 124 95—526 Heurich Brewers will make their de- The team outpointed Jimmy George Bhoemaker.. 84 97 99 68 92—460 Claude Ringer 97 89 109 129 109—533 * is reported have plenty and Young Stribling to clear up the Irish Slavin, New but next Monday on the Peck Memorial to of entertain- York (8); Lew Feldman, New York, H. L. Leslie 95 94 141 101 89—520 George Picxett 110 92 127 112 122—563 Another veteran who showed to" ing stuff, and is also reported plenty muddled heavyweight championship out- Jack Gordon. 98 107 116 102 123—546 H. W. Wolstennolme 95 93 119 104 128—539 advantage was Pop Michaud, court, clashing with Montrose A. C. By the Associated PreA pointed Spain one of the good ih the matter of playing basket situation. He proposed adding Primo Vidal Gregorio* (8). P. H. Gordon 95 102 100 94 98—489 Richard La 8111e... 94 107 111 96 109—517 original duckpin shooters, whose set The Heurichs are casting for games. LOS ANGELES. December 27.—F00t Tom Walker 108 98 108 121 90 -525 E. B. smith 125 95 114 112 109—555 1600, be- ball. ball Camera in a three-way elimination AKRON, Ohio.—Gorilla Jones, Akron, Michaud 100 121 120 117—571 G. E. Major 102 88 84 81 95—450 was 571. Call Manager Brooks at West stars collected from the South, series, Joe 113 Dorsch, o’clock, or North 1328 Jakie Goldblatt, former crack Tech Middle West the winner to meet max Schmel- knocked out Clyde Chastain, Dallas, Chet Llndstrom 110 109 106 121 129—575 L. M. Jr.. 78 90 82 84 88—422 , tween 8 and 5 and Far West today will High basketer, has Just been added to ing for the title, and added that he Tex, (4). Robert Tyler 104 106 94 91 98—493 C. C. Pox 113 92 101 88 72—466 Nobody was close to Fischer, the next after 6 o’clock. attempt to turn the admittedly difficult F. R. Frost 95 106 112 104 98—515 W .A. Hallett 89 96 102 8b 94—467 best score being Bowser’s the Eagles’ roster, it has been an- trick of would like to make a bid of his own to J. D O’Mera 76 89 85 93 111—454 T. J. Dusterhoff 109 101 115 97 94—516 583. Next defeating an all-Notre Dame Montgomery were easily nounced by Manager Peacock. hold the series In Chicago. E. Mayo 128 105 97 133 117—580 F. .... 97 141 103 98 127—566 came C. M. Mears and C. F. Haverty, Mount Vernon Junior* Bemie aggregation. Frank Baum 89 102 96 129 92—508 C. C. McDevltt 107 91 91 95 91—475 each with 579; by snappy E. B. B. JuHe Radlce, erstwhile University of 116—507 Chet Lindstrom, 575; disposed of the While their head mentor, Knute HOCKEY RESULTS Earl Weimar 89 92 127 120 71-499 T. P. Howard 96 93 96 107 Michaud, 571, and G. H. Warthen, quint night, 40 to 20 : Maryland athlete, is another addition Rockne, R. L. King 120 94 94 106 102—516 Ollie Pacini 97 114 118 95 97—521 570. last will be absent, this collection 112 140 124 105—581 Joseph P-eschl 101 102 121 127 112—563 to the Birds this season. of 1929 former Fats Morrison 100 Montgomery, Motor Co. tossers desire Old Eagle mainstays again at hand Ramblers, performing OPENS HOCKEY INVASION A Beavers 93 100 117 141 114—565 O. B. Bruton 117 101 98 94 95—505 a Book of Hawkins under the of “Rock’s” assist- , 1; Windsor, 1. Albert Seeley 99 87 105 120 113—624 H. White 80 108 89 111 121—609 FloydWashington games with teams in the 135-145-pound Include Jack Faber, Duke Allen, Joe direction F. A. Palmer 94 92 89 105 89—469 bowler, was far above ant coach, “Hunk” Anderson, is favored Henngsmlth average a Call Georgia 3431-J. Sweeney, Dick Streeks and Ralph Ben- to win the St. Mary College Will Play Six W. 116 93 103 100 109—521 the with set of 566 but class. charity contest expected to B. LaMarr 98 99 88 84 94—463 he stood out in the pack for another nie and Burt Thompson. attract well over E. E. Miller 102 128 95 79 105—509 * won over Mercu- 40,000 persons. Games on Foreign Binks, 112 97—536 reason. Monty wore rubbers! Army Headquarters The Rambler backfleld has Paul Ontrich 133 97 97 all the Saxty ... 92 102—517 If fry, 44 to 25. requisites. CHICAGO, Lawrence 98 116 109 any other bowler in this city ever Jack Elder will furnish the December 27 (/P).—St. Star List Tonight Bill Bell 98 106 90 94 113—501 performed thus shod none of the Tourney Joe Mulroe 108 89 112 123 109—541 old- speed, Joe Savoldl the driving power, Mary College of Winona, Minn., will timers present MIDWESTERN Carideo open six-game hockey L. J. Bacon 90 90 90 90 102—462 could recall him. SQUAD Frank the kicking and strategy a invasion of for- O. E. Franklin 93 95 85 85 101—459 easternltossers ahead and Marty Brill what blocking a sturdy eign fields tonight, meeting the Cook E. H. Dailey 96 92 88 84 94—454 Helena Kohler went to the front line County 6:30 P.M. Tom Hughes 95 103 78 86 110—472 i$ and Carideo fail to deliver. American Legion sextet in the 103 89 90-492 the women’s division with a set of 309. ‘ A L. Kleisath 101 ill in Winning GIVEN NO SURCEASE For the All-Stars Russ Chicago Stadium. Alley Have Little Trouble Saunders, for- Alley 1. Alley 9. . I*. James H. Quinn... 95 C 2 101 79 95—452 She alone beat 300. Her score isn’t mer Southern California line crasher, The Minnesota club will meet Wind- P. C. Ellett. B. F. Setterfleld. Leo Collins. R C. Lawrenson... 95 91 94 105 113-498 likely to gain a prize. Over Boys’ Club Five. and “Pest” Welsh, Purdue’s former sor, Ontario; Tech, Yale University J. J. Vandershaff. H. W. Wolstenholme. Noble Vlers. Jr. W. M. Robey 84 91 95 91 85—436 quarterback and Alley 2. Alley 10. Alley 19. A. C. Warthen 92 113 97 88 90—480 Zuppke Drive* Charity Gridders as wizard, are in line for the the Providence, R. 1., A. C., finishing Eugene Rainey 129 93 115 94—541 Jack Ferrall, manager of the Agricul* High’s basket ball quint had t up F. P. Isasas. joe Toomey. John Moore. 110 Eastern brunt of the ball carrying. with an appearance in Madison Square J. B. Robertson. Johnson. Ed Mooney. Edw Miaruder..:.. 93 106 124 92 117-532 tural Interbureau League and without trouble defeating a Boys’ Club C. T. Clifton dark 79 84 124 106 100—493 4 little ! Though Preparing for Begu- Probable starting line-up: Garden, New York, against the Cres- Alley Alley 20. superior as a student of the game, combination. 35 to 17. last night in the AlleyH a 11. B. C. Riggs 91 115 95 77 83—461 .All N. Dame. Positions. All-Stars. cent A. C. t H Niih. Frank P. GllstraP. Noble Viers. tr. Harry Wagner 116 90 99 122 95—522 looked over the bunch of poor scores, club gymnasium. end.Carraway (Purdue) R. H. Green. C. A. Goodman. Henry Ehlers. David Warthen 98 95 334 96 , lar Contest. Twomey L*JJ 90—483 and in view of them made a surprising Against second team Lett (Qa. T.) *' H. M. Millard 96 90 32 97 the scholastics’ 1 * tackle.Maree 106—481 prediction. quint did well, but was no > fS*®* Left ruard .Shaw (S. Calif.) Alley s. Russefl ci’ Muth. H. A. Tolson 89 106 103 86 98—480 the club K h ‘ * Fierce Center. Wentworth (Wash.) j.’EMcGolrick.I*'1 Garland Wolfe. Richard Price 102 107 103 91 98—501 "The score that wins this tourna- match for the regulars. By the Associated Press. r Bht (Fla.) B A flaker S. R. Anderson 86 109 107 112 96—510 ment,” he, „ g guard.. .Steele G. U. said “will be M*Ls** Right PLAYS 108—507 better than Piling up a 21-to-5 lead in the first ' | DALLAS, Tex., December 27. McMannon tackle.Pickard (Ala.) QUINTET A T j.Tot*’ Jerry George Hartshorne.. 103 101 92 108 680.” first-stringers were X?*r, Rleht e "d Maffett (Ga.) B We akfey George Rever, Jr.... 93 115 115 92 91—506 half the Eastern : The husky athletes from Midwestern Quarterback.Welch (Purdue) W. E. Mill*. J. Oraham. Anderson. H. Garnett 89 84 94 107 97—471 out, the club team wfii. Left Alley 25. Rainey 108 94 98—501 taken but after 1 colleges who came South to meet a halfbk.Saunders (8.C.) CRESCENTS TONIGHT Alley 6. Alley 15. . J. P. 95 106 Harry B. Halley, Coliseum manager, (S.C.) 80 83 100 90—453 spurted in the third quarter to make : team of Southwest Conference all- halfback.Anslt «. H. G. Kinsey 100 came in for many compliments only Savoldl Pullback Price (Utah) & Carveja?.’ Wr'/ R. Y. StUDP. 98 107 95 103 92—495 not the score 22 to 16 they again took the ! stars In the Dixie classic, a charity 3. Mulllnix 128 96 107 104 87—522 on the condition of the drives and equip- (Texas). y A y pire—Bill Um- U 150 "’ J. O. Cardin 106 90 114 99 110—519 his _ . event, here New Year day, are finding Lopez (California). ment, but general handling of the floor. Head lines- Hoyas Open Competition on Trip Joe R Amato. O R* Hurlbut. O. E. Kettering 94 95 109 120 101—519 - " - Lew Dorsch. Noonan. Kane and Lieb were East- little play time. t h e O.F.Pts. for contests he uses at A T 85 102 101 89—468 G.F.Pts. , N. Shoop 91 . BROOKLYN, N. Y., December 27. W Cady.7 Thomaajftyder. C. Gene Rainey brought in his gang tr.n » ( 4 19 Orcaerio, f... 0 0 0 Urbana. Miller and Wilson to Serve as Line Rose*OrVsaet RelleyfR* H. F. Thomas. N. Hill 92 92 106 111 106—507 Ftaeran. I..!: 1 0 2 M. Pmnella, t. 1 0 2 He sent his proteges through a gruel- 1 Georgetown University’s basket ball Mrs* L.'Bhipp. R.- A. R. Wise 76 85 83 92 77—413 from Kensington and the suburbanites Agnes ... , Lleb. i 2 3 9 Panella, {.... 1 O 2 ing workout at Fair Park Stadium and Plebe Tutors. team, which opened a Manhattan Fleishall. 10 Alley 19. William Culling 125 89 87 100 86—487 had a lively time, but couldn’t score Hale, t 1 0 2 Fisher, t..... 0 X 1 by bowing Brooklyn G. V. Vail 94 97 76 104 90—461 Ferguson, f.. 3 0 6 yesterday, drilling them in offensive Island invasion to £ P. I. Beckey 101 94 81 85 92—453 heavily. Gene was best, with 541, flash- * Noonan, c.... 3 6 12 * gfife* S Bruder, e Oil ANNAPOLIS, Md., December Knights of Columbus, 21 to 26, last Mable*Mallet. J. A. Johnson 89 98 106 81 117—491 ing in the Davis. C 0 0 0 plays, featuring a smashing running gar 27.—Ed- second string with a score Zola. g 0 0 0 Douahertr, c. 0 11 attack, and removing any impressions (Rip) Miller, varsity line coach, and 1 night, will also appear here tonight, en- LiTan'oßGen. Ty*son. V. A. Zann 97 91 98 98 106—490 of 129. 1 Lassie, « °i Johnny J. T L. A. White 96 111 84 96 110—497 Waters, g 01 } Wilson, plebe tutor, will again . gaging Crescent A. C. Alley 3. Cohen. J. Heckman. g Oil from their minds that they faced H. R. W. A. Parks 100 96 112 89 95—492 - Courtney, g.. 011 £,arlc. a next season serve on the foot ball In the late going last night the L. Van Horn 84 98 96—494 Bayllas. g ... Cole, g 1 0 2 picnic. Navy Hoyas, McDufy Alley I*. Alley 21. A. 103 103 ’ 0 0 0 *• Hook, g...... 000 Stilla - Wright. Jackson. D. C. Jones 97 108 110 91 117—523 0 0 0 While all the Midwest squad of 23 coaching staff. who entered the second half on the Mary Rogers. r F. A. , Waters RnJera j. H. N. D. Guerrler. F. W. Connick 91 104 105 81 100—481 ROLL “BLIND PIG” EVENT hand, of All the other grid tutors probably will short end of a 15-9 score, rallied strong- caU. Connick 115 105 83 93—494 U II 35 6 3 17 was on the crew Southwest Al'ey 4. Alley 14. Alley 22. E. H. 98 Totals T0ta15..... representatives be former Navy players. ly, but a couple of long shots shortly w C. X. Moran 91 104 88 93 92—463 ¦ ¦ • " ¦ remained incomplete, W. F. R. A. Ford. by a *T T O’Brien. E. B. Hilley 93 103 106 93 85—480 Mixed only 16 members going through their before the end of the game George Audrey*.veTin H »• ° * ™*heU Weekly Doubles Tourney If forward, I Costello. ’ H. J. Goebel 107 101 111 98 94—511 first workout at the Southern Metho- Garvey, produced the Casey Roger Simpson 104 109 89 95 75—472 Listed RECALL HOCKEY PLAYERS STAGG HAS GRANDDAUGHTER. win. Garvey led both teams in scoring, 5 ' R- v- Broadhurst. G O’Neal. Samuel Bennett 92 107 95 91 90—475 at Arcadia. dist University Stadium under direc- ¦ Violet^B Tomey McDonough. wT Harry CHICAGO, chalking up points. Capt. Shea, Virginia J A Berli Damico. Dawson 118 115 92 74 98—495 tion of Coaches Morley Jennings of December 27 UP).—Amos i 8 Bill Ruppe* t'- - H. M. Patterson.... 99 100 86 101 102—488 The Arcadia again will sponsor the guard, e ton - A y Stagg, ’ points high for • Miller and Adama Rejoin Black Baylor University and Fred Thomsen Alonzo the “grand old man of with 6 was B. Michael. J. F. Pettit 76 97 80 111 99—463 weekly mixed doubles “blind pig” « C* W^K^nt.. D. H. Crowell event of Arkansas University. the University of Chicago athletics,” is l Georgetown. J. M Sebotka. * J Koontz. 11l 98 102 100 111—522 tonight at 8 o’clock. of Chicago. a , Line-ups; Ola'shaw. W. J. Fisher 103 104 95 86 90—477 Hawks The Southwest team will not be : grandfather for the second time. The - Alley 17. Alley 25. C. M. Mears 109 95 128 112 134—579 The event, for which a mixed -Alley 7. j Reynolds. doubled December 27 (/P).—The complete until arrival of Buddy Hack- new arrival, a daughter, was bom toi Georgetown (21). Col. K. C. (26). w. G. W. McCambrldte. W. C. Williams 106 107 96 113 92—524 tournament was substituted last Satur- - D. CHICAGO. University Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo G.F.Pts. G.F.Pts. LSweeney. J Brocator. J. Yerkes. E. P. Springer 96 90 89 97 85—457 day, will continue throughout Black Hawks of the National man, half back from the of Stagg, Jr., Chrlst- ' King, 1 3 S Androwskie, 1 3 5 I. C. F. Haverty 97 111 142 98—579 the sea- Chicago , mas eve. t f 131 Hockey League have recalled Earl Miller Florida, and several stars who plan to Bozek, t 113 Garvey, f 3 2 8 i Alley 8. Mr. Romero 105 97 94 94 93—485 son. play game gcalzl, f 113 Ryan, c 3 0 6 t J. W. Ayres. E. A. Weiss 113 101 102 108 The entrance fee and Stewie Adams from the London in a Pacific Coast and re- ( A. Revlere. 110—534 is $1.60 per persons by airplane. Dillon, c 12 4 McDonnell, g. 3 0 6 T. s. golem... 106 96 91 101 84—478 games. Club of the International League. turn to Dallas Shea, g 2 2 6 Smith, g 0 11 J. C. Holsberg 11l 116 112 88 132—558 including return, Doc McHale, 0 0 0 Dugan, g 0 0 0 > 9:80 P.M. Roy Voorhees 104 108 114 103 81—5ir The men’s weekly sweepstakes at the In the Hawks sent J. Feeney 91 104 114 92 103—504 and Eddie Vokes, a pair of Alley 1. Alley ». Columbia also is on the bowlers’ pro- Romnes 20 Years Ago Total* ~6 ~9 21 Totals 10 "6 26 I Alley 18. O. H. Warthen 121 112 118 98 121—570 gram tonight. youngsters, on option to the Tecumsehs. TO PLAY IN ALEXANDRIA Carl Letvln. J. H. Wild. Lafayette Price. Charles Davidson.. 95 118 100 106 94—513 and Adams will rsturn for Sun- (In The Star.) B. Lavender. Richard Palmer. J. Kaufmann. Leo Day 105 96 91 82 87—461 Miller O. Lavender. W. R. Light. D. Domdera. Donald Smith 89 91 102 110 98—490 day’s match with the Toronto Maple Staunton Collegians Will CHICAGO REGAINS ACE Alley 2. * Alley 10. Alley 19. H. M00re.... 78 98 107 106 88—475 Oppose * Hughes, J. Palmer. H. P. Williams. G. H. Thayer. A. J. Reynolds 87 106 111 123 97—524 WILDCAT BASKETER ILL Leafs. Tom veteran pitcher, will T. C. Railroad Basketers Tonight. return year Washington C. M. Brown. D. E. Kulp. W. Lindberg. Shaw 88 102 91 98 104—483 next to the Fisk Back in as Maroon 1 Norman Arey. W. F. Wolf. Theo Bleber. N. C. Damon 90 104 98 146 108—546 bas* ball club, after a year Line-up J. Marsden 98 118 89 Team i OPPOSES EXTEA-POINT TEY. ALEXANDRIA Va., December 27. in a minor Alley 3. Alley 11. Alley 20. 98 102—505 Pneumonia Bobs of Marshall Frank Summers will bring his Staun- league. Meets Bradley College. William Co*. C. W. Humphreys. J. P. Morrisi. CHICAGO, December 27 (/P). —Abol- J. Ed Grlllo, The Star’s sports edi- B. W. Pearson, sr. H. E. Ridgeley. Sam Hogan. Women. as Alabama Game Nears. ton Collegiates here tonight for a game — Pearson, f jshment the try for point after touch- tor, CHICAGO, December 27 (JP). B. W. Jr. E. B. Donaldson. Reece Hair. Mrs. Eugene Rainey . of with the Richmond, Fredericksburg & notes that of the 30-odd players 84 98 75—257 EVANSTON, 111., vigorously Strengthened by of Capt. Alley 4. Alley 12. Alley 21. Miss 84 85 88 257 December 27 (A*).—• -4 down will be recommended ; on the reserve list of the Washington the return R. Albin. M. S. John McLaughlin. Mrs. Rabbitt Thlstlethwaitc, ball Potomac Railroad Co. team in Armory the University of Chi- E. Donaldson. M. Rabbitt 85 74 69-228 Northwestern will be without the serw« by Glenn head foot HaU at 8:30. team In 1907, Tom Hughes alone re- Marshall Fish, Tim Dodson. F. P. Donaldson. L. O. Eisemann. O. Emge 81 85 96—264 ices of Frank Marshall, veteran guard, University of Wisconsin, at , mains. Hughes cago basket ball team will get its second Elwood Ricker. W. P. Donaldson. E. G. Rees. I*na W Miller at the Alpha Delta Omega Fraternity will Barring and Cy 1 84 82 96—262 when it meets Alabama in an inter- meeting the American Foot Ball Falkenberg, also a pitcher, test of the season tonight, meeting 1 Alley 5. Alley 14. Allay 22. Mrs. J O. Cardin . 86 92 103—281 the of play Eldbrooke Church of Washington all mem- Bauman. W. Donaldson. D. Lowe. R. A. Moran..... S 3 86 91—280 sectional basket ball game New Yea? - Association, opening at New bers of the Bradley College. W. O. Coaches’ In the preliminary at 7:30. -1 1907 Nationals have . Donoghue. O. B. Kneipp. J. A. Donaldson. Helen Greenwood 77 88 83—248 eve at Evanston. Monday. dropped out of fast company. Fish is regarded as the individual star . A. A. P. Helena Kohler 102 111 96—309 York tG. Brill. A. Schultz. T. Connor. Mamie Brashearg Marshall is in a hospital today suffer- squad. Alley Alley 15. Alley 82 87 100—269 Company E of Fort Humphreys, Va., Members of the 1907 team includ- of the 6. 23. Reva Banks., 84 81 104—269 ing from pneumonia. Iroquois ed; Warner and Heydon, F. Legamore. W. H. Gateley. J. E. Brown. .. Bess 90 96 108—294 » hyattsville. defeated the A. C., 54 to 12. catchers; Kirk , at Patten, Kltson, C. N. Miller. T. F. Moore. J. R. Hoffman. Elsie 76 GAME here last night at Armory HaU. Hughes and Falken- W. J. Knelling. W. E. Doherty. H. L. Morgan. Rnmero ....T7..J00 87—263 J Md., berg, pitchers; Hickman, SHORE IS ELIMINATED. Maxine JMeming 82 105—272 HYATTSVILLE, December 27. Atz, Ander- Alley 7. Alley 16. AUey 24. Kitty Choate 79 78—242 Plans for a banquet to celebrate their son, Schlafly, Cross, 27.—Frank 89*. A picked team from the Prince Georges Perrine, Altlaer, NEW YORK, December M. H. Raspberry. Charles L. Warner. C. E. Ridgeway. C. C. McDevltt 76 T. 7 1 73—220 || II League will successful quest for the District and Nill and Charley Shore, District of Columbia junior ten- ¦ W. L. Martin. T. W. Gleason. W. H. Hayghe. Anna E. McOolrick !. 88 *5 74—247 PINEHURST Country Basket. Ball meet l Jones. , Burgess. Edgar Dorman. Emily E 98—264 Wattlington's Finest on the Na- Northern Virginia Junior foot baU title ) Though it finished seventh last nis champion, was eliminated In the W. H. Miltner. F. T. Clark 82 It to be Esther Colvin 70 * I. a quint announced junior Alley 8. Alley 17. Alley 25. m 88—251 Armory floor here tonight are now being made by the Virginiai season the Washington team was second round of the national In- G. H M. Crymes. E. W. Robbins, Isabl* Heffner 82 10* 95—283 tional Guard Lauck. W. sr. 97 83—257 Indoor » Following the game there Juniors. The feast will be held Friday t about 500 per cent stronger than the door tournament yesterday, going down R A. J E W. Robbins, Elizabeth Creel 77 1 Golf Course | , .at o’clock. McPherson. Weisbach. Jr. 1 8. Healey. R. Minna Menhorn 95 93 183—272 night at the home of Julian . that . Sidney of New Greiats U. Gordon. S} wtriba a dance under the auspices of Coach i club Joe Cantillon took hold of .before . hf. Mildred Mage* 83 106' H9—280 York^ simian tnv * +* __ _—^—i—> . . J* ijgsal* iWhiteettcmi to tho Eterisc at _ M