Rcommcrrial Tenter That the Stale Department of Health One of Mr»

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Rcommcrrial Tenter That the Stale Department of Health One of Mr» ÜT| j h PAGE SIXTEEN llll (.< »M M IIitl \|. t.K \UFK \l\|> SOI III lllltI.IN Iti A II- W r i ir iS S D A Y , A P 1 U L 16, 1959 to $400 to each house merely because the as dead a» ,1ml., birds There is little ilntilit Mother» ( lull Elects Final plins w w t made for the l»oroiigh Ium noi hrejtght it» building code rCommcrrial Tenter that the Stale Department of Health one of Mr». Alfred Hollstein celebratmn of their 20th anniver­ up to date. sary on M ay 14tji. w hen the * N » « i l t u a n i c r S k c t i k w the«e day» will order the communities to Intliv ¡dually the $30(1 in $400 d.M^n't Mrs. Alfred Hollstein w an r t * j ioup will go By ch artered Bus, 1 Rslah/isW 1931 h -k up with tile county »ewer sy»leni. leaving fmm in front of th® I sound like too nutrii. W hrn 100 home!« «r- elected president of the I ynd- ¥ ' * * • ' "•»<»*«"**1 I — a - T K (h, «(Urial nrwvpipri of # h 1 1 r a t C l i / B m e o t i n « Kj ai'kli.i c hix)l at 5:JI0 p.m., for I.y ndliur.t and North Arlington Imve M others’ at a ■ ¡ii'olw d. the filili Im-coiiic* siaeablc. just pul in a sewer di-posal plant tlitit cn-l l a i d h i '1 liuisd;iv at '.he lit m e t.f . Pntrn • M ur‘hv't, ne.-'r Yonkej-a, ■ LYNDHURST NOME OF CHAMPIONS M . - i- . w n Neuntunn, m ! - t . i v . w'.iere they w ill have din­ more than $>00.000. The communities had a e n u e ner. ' PnhMrknj rv»rt I1iiir«liit b> I'bc l. >.iih Item* I l.eadrr Printing Company Use The County's Facilities a perfect^right to j< in up with the Pa»»aic ; • t a , , K • r ,r 7 — -- ■I 151 R idge KiunI. Lyndhurst, N. J. 1 Vl.-phone GEnrya 8-87004701 Official* of Carlstadt. Fj k I R utlier- V alley Sewerage sy»tein which now lake« tl»*- (t'nnn^ year are, M rs. V ictor CMiaile« ;; F<> if of R ive r- ford and Moonaehie are exploring the pos- off the flow from the wet »ides of their A M it tiro vice president; M rs. dr avenue, e-i? r'aincd at lunch­ 1 V Utoar —,.....— J o h n S a t in o W illiam J. Vavrik. secretary; and eon Brd,.e on Mt.nday for Mrs. tfibilitie* of entahlinhin|r a tri-borough m ri.m m iin ilic * . T he ere c tio n of a |>«n>i|>inc »»Wwi'aa Hy, hnwtafr J. lHaiMTT i,iv.-riuu,„ Mgr. Sami bl C Pinson . M is G eorge AlBerdinR, treasurer. f "uis M F iv ie r of Rutherford, erage di»po*al plant. -tation n.nld hate made tin- l*a—air \ alley A contriBution was vot**d to M-*v ronrr>d t^i«* er. of Island claas matter April 7,1938 at the Post Office of Rutherford, N. J.. Moonaehie, nein* septic tank*, up ti... lissk-up |M»»»ihlf. | he 'roiiimuiiiiie» iliiln i 1 ‘ m - RitrBaru 5ofl, !d FundHeights, Mis. and Mrs. Ralph I.eeocfue O o r^ f Duff sjMjkt* on <nd Mr«, l-xtwurd M onday, of ________________ »»»wlrr t h r An of March 3. 187*# j m ,w ' will putpm in¡n sewM*wi*r er lin«*»line a n d m ay join d e ig n ttK .N«;w they h a te a »y-tcHi t%liii'li 1 i n - o . " l.yndhurst. pour» hundred, of thousand. ,,f »all ’ll» of liAwrlpihw <2.50 Per Yw , ten ccnts p m c o r r -arlstadt and Hutberford in a disposal : Plant fur Ilir parts of their b. roughs we»t fluid into the Meadow laud» every day. l.yndhttr.i. N. J. April 16. 1959 o f Ito iile 17. It > iln»anitary. Suine day it Hi|| |„. " W T n — ------------------ The communities fat luoinetitoii!« called lin»afe. The iuveslinciil made lit In Lyndhurst Lockawanna's Ultimatum d e cisio n . l.ymlhur»t and N.-rlli v, ill A Good Question Every possibility should be considérai down the «Irain. f A b before a final decision is made. Fullest *»*At p red icted in T h e L e a d e r new v The winter just past was remarkable In all our Situili Bergen comniiiniiie.» The New Leader Is » ■» — » 1»last week the time is fast approach- for the lark of snow. study must be given the possibility for tliey are talking of relialiilil jliiij! ili,- i n w f c ™ South Bergen will be without rail hooking the new sewer lines up with that meadow land-. At the same time they talk This gave considerable relief to muni­ service. of the Bergen (.ounty Sewer Authority. of polluting hundred, of acres of valuable Page Auto Refinishers cipal budgets. Officials don't know at the It is notable that Teterbtiro, also put­ anna announced it is tossing in lami with sewerage plants. beginning uf the year how much snow re­ ting in sewerage linp^, is joining the county Carlstadt. East Rutherford and M mm- Collision Specialist — m~ -J®d set up a whole list of count* moval will cost. They put in an average set-u p . achie will Im- making a most serious error j f i which inunt be taken to post­ «uni and hope for the best. If the snow is il*1« the evil day. The sewerage disposal plants now used if they do not weigh ino.t judiciou»U the Auto Painting heavy they need emergency appropriation*. in Caristadt. East Rutherford and Ruther- possibilities of the Bergen County Si-w.-r If it is light they get by with some to spare. — Erie aay« it doesn't intend to wind up ford and in Arlington and Lyndhurst. are A u th o rity . Radiator Service its Nm nuter service. Meanwhile every Last winter they got by with nearly all to spare. dnjr U la trying harder and harder to end all 1 will gel anyw here Tin re is this Welding • el « f i t , j m iKh to Be said legislators who But we wonder how many municipal 1 need a KtifT Bill sik-1* as that to m,„ ^oate palliative» may lie prepared. officials used the weather break to help | W eop UM-in straight aren't likel> 24-Hour Towing Service Somehow ■ semblance of service may be their community prepare for the winter* I 1«» Be good legislators under any circum stances W l.at w e ne d are that have plenty of snow by using their un­ ; n*.t saints But puBl.c ofR lals w ith W E 9-1771 _ But the signs are tuuniitakable: the spent money for the purchase of snow- i Built-in consc lenees. v\ ith taste rtllrnadi are tick indeed. Without major fighting equipment - • • or did they use it ; a n d a sense of decency— puBlic Nite: WE 3-0789 for other purposes? officials Bitten vi ith th e sense of •urgery they will never recover. There urgency for staying strong l»\ (For Towing Only) dfaaa’t appear to be a physician in the rcnvaining clean at the tup ' It is false budgeting to spend money ffUfP? Therefore, how can we hope? No Towiig Charge If We Reptir Year Car appropriated for one purpose on another. Mike Supko in the Passaic -.•.„Thin* don’t look batter for the rail- The snow-less winter gave officials a won­ Herald New s Saturday toyed in­ terestedly w ith proposition Jon. > worse. The St. Lawrence derful chance to buy some equipment which HACKENSACK—Politics is - leadership problems. m ay Be the RepuBlican guBerna­ Page Auto Refinishers Seaway nay well be the final blow against their men could use in the winters to come dirty game. Cynics still laugh torial candidate w hile Jack Bre Nineteen are reeking election “We Make The Impossible Look Clay" lb* eastern railroads. It threatens their - - - without depending upon private con­ over the Democratic trick pulled to tfte rtve-me.nBer Passaic B o a rd slin m ay Be the candidate on the in the last guBernatorial election. Democratic side M ike proBaBU freight potential. tracto rs. Commissioners May 1*. A 617 PAGE AVENUE, LYNDHUftST, N. J. V if Speakers hitting the heavily field of that size should help the listened to the applause handed Negro districts In Newark and Breslin w hen he served as m aster W h at are We to do? incumBents no end. (Across from St. Michael's Hall) ether placti were instructed to j of cerem ooits at the Bergen Do - For one thing: State Highway Com­ Drunkometer Test re fe r to Mai ForBes, the RepuBli- 1 A thing railed * The Community moiratic dinner in N ew ark the Ed. “Sharkey" Strlmack, Prop. can candidate, as Mistuh ForBus j other night missioner Palmer had better get busy put- K xplorer” made its appearan?« ir\ Me^ii-trate Horace R. Bocle Jr. ha» — theVeBy tiokmg him somehow j one of the towns recently and * > » *** bridge over the Hackensack with the hated Southern g o v er­ ruled that the re*ult* of a drunkometer promptly drew a squawk from River.
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