United Nations Security Council Official Records

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United Nations Security Council Official Records UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS NEW YORK CONTENTS Page Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/2534). 1 Adoptionoftheagenda................................................. 1 The situation in Cyprus: Letter dated 30 April 1984 from the Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/16514). 1 SlPV.2534 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters com- bined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. Documents of the Security Council (symbol S/. .) are normally published in quarterly Supplements of the Ojjkial Records of the Security Council. The date of the document indicates the supplement in which it appears or in which information about it is given. The resolutions of the Security Council, numbered in accordance with a system adopted in 1964, are published in yearly volumes of Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council. The new system, which has been applied retroactively to resolutions adopted before 1 January 1965, became fully operative on that date. 2534th MEETING Held in New York on Friday, 4 May 1984, at 3.30 p.m. President: Mr. Oleg A. TROYANOVSKY / I have received a letter from the representative of Al- (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). geria in which he requests to be invited to participate in the discussion of the item on the Council’s agenda. In Present: The representatives of the following States: conformity with the usual practice, I propose, with the China, Egypt, France, India, Malta, Netherlands, consent of the Council, to invite that representative to Nicaragua, Pakistan, Peru, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist participate in the discussion without the right to vote, in Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United accordance with the relevant provisions of the Charter Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United and rule 37 of the provisional rules of procedure. States of America, Upper Volta, Zimbabwe. At the invitation of the President, Mr. Sahnoun Provisional agenda (SIAgenda12534) (Algeria) took the place reserved for him at the side of the Council chamber. 1. Adoption of the agenda 3. The PRESIDENT [interpretation from Russian]: 2. The situation in Cyprus: The Security Council will now resume its consideration Letter dated 30 April 1984 from the Permanent of the item on its agenda. The first speaker is the rep- Representative of Cyprus to the United Na- resentative of Sri Lanka. I invite him to take a place at tions addressed to the President of the Secu- the Council table and to make his statement. rity Council (S/16514) 4. Mr. WIJEWARDANE (Sri Lanka): I wish to thank The meeting was called to order at 4.20 p.m. you, Sir, and the other members of the Council for affording my delegation an opportunity to address the Adoption of the agenda Council on the situation in Cyprus. I also wish to con- gratulate you on your assumption of the presidency for The agenda was adopted. the month of May. We are confident that, with your mature judgement, experience and well-known diplo- The situation in Cyprus: matic skill, y&u will be able to guide the Council to a Letter dated 30 April 1984 from the Permanent Repre- speedy and satisfactory conclusion of this debate. May sentative of Cyprus to the United Nations addressed I also take this opportunity to express our appreciation to the President of the Sectirity Council (S/16514) td Mr. Kravtts of the Ukrainiafl Soviet Socialist Re- pubiic for the able nianner lil which he conducted the 1. The PRESIDENT [ihterpretation from Russiaiz]: Cotmcil’s tiork during the mdnth of April. In accordance with the decjsidfis taken at the previous meetings on this iteni (253Zst to 2533rd ri?eetitigs] 5. The situation in Cyprus has engaged the attention I invite the tepresehtatities of Cyprus, Greece &fid of the United Nations for fwo decades. During the past Turkey to take places at the Ctiuncil table; I invite the 20 Leafs this issue has been brought before the Council, representatives ;of Afghaiiistan, Afitigua and Barbuda, BSwell as the Gexi&al Assenibly, on numerous occa- Australia, Ecuadoi-, Sri Lanka, the Syrian Arab R& sions. The deteriorating situation in that country neces- pubiic and kugosiivia to take the places ieserved for sitated the reconveriifig of the thirty-seventh session of thein at the side of the Cotincil chamber. the General Assembly in, hay of last year, and within six months the Security Council had to be convened as At the irivitation of the President, Mr. Zacovou (Cy- a result of the decision taken by the Turkish Cypriot prus), Mr. Dountas (Greece) ahd Mr. Kirca (Turkey) side to declare uirilateral independence. took places at the Cotincil tab!e: Mr. Za~t~(AfghanL- tan), Mr. Jacobs (Antigua andBarbtida), Mr. Woolcott 6. SeCuiity Council resolution 186 (1964), adopted in (Australia), Mr. Albornoz (Ecuador), Mr. Wijeirjardane Match i964, dealt with the problem of the situation in (Sri Lanka), Mr. AIAAtassi (Syriati Arab Republic) and Cyprus. The third preambular paragraph of that resolu- Mr. Golob (Yugoslavia) took the places reserved for tion made reference to the cardinal principles enshrined them at the side of the Councii chamber. in Article 2 of the Charter of the United Nations. Since then the Security Council and the General Assembly 2. The PRESIDENT [interpretation from Russian]: have adopted resolutions on the subject, including I should like to inform members of the Council that Council resolution 365 (1974) and Assembly resolution 1 3212 (XXIX). In paragraph 1 of the latter the Assembly the Turkish Cypriot side than the Minister for Foreign “Calls upon all States to respect the sovereignty, inde- Affairs issued a statement, which the Sri Lanka delega- pendence, territorial integrity and non-alignment of the tion quoted in the Council on 18 November 1983. In that Republic of Cyprus and to refrain from all acts and statement the Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka said that interventions directed against it”, and in paragraph 2 it the “illegal and unilateral declaration of indepen- “Urges the speedy withdrawal of all foreign armed dence . is a regrettable setback to the efforts being forces and foreign military presence and personnel made to achieve a peaceful, unified and stable Cyprus from the Republic of Cyprus, and the cessation of all through the efforts of the Government of Cyprus, the foreign interference in its affairs”. Regrettably, these United Nations and the Non-Aligned Movement” [see resolutions remain unimplemented to date, except in so 2499th meeting, para. 271. He further stated that Sri far as they led to the revival of intercommunal dialogue. ‘Lanka would not extend any form of recognition to that entity. ‘. 7. In 1974, when Cyprus was invaded and occupied, the international community believed that what 12. Cyprus has come before the Security Council happened in Cyprus was an aberration in international once again because it is the principal organ of the relations and only a temporary phenomenon. However, United Nations which is responsible for the mainte- throughout the ensuing decade this belief has continued nance of international peace and security. The Council even when certain ominous developments took place in should not be complacent merely because there is no Cyprus, such as the unilateral announcement of Feb- violence or bloodshed in Cyprus at present. It has to ruary 1975 which declared that the occupied part of take into consideration the fact that the armed interven- Cyprus would become “the Turkish Federated State of tion against Cyprus took place 10 years ago and that the Cyprus”. occupation of that country has continued since then. 8. As we are aware, the Security Council and the 13. In his report of 1 May; the Secretary-General has General Assembly have recommended the continua- emphasized the importance of maintaining a continuing tion of intercommunal talks and have entrusted the process of communication and negotiation and unin- Secretary-General with the responsibility of pursuing terrupted deployment of the United Nations Peace- his mission of good offices. However, the international keeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP). The delegation community, to its dismay, finds the situation in Cyprus of Sri Lanka wholeheartedly supports this position. It is continuing to deteriorate. Regrettably, while the Sec- my delegation’s fervent hope that the Security Council, retary-General was making every attempt to fulfil his having taken into consideration the report of the Secre- mandate, the Turkish Cypriot side, on the other hand, tary-General and the statements made before the Coun- was continuing its strategy of working against the reso- cil, will decide on appropriate measures that would lutions of the Security Council. arrest the deteriorating situation in Cyprus. It is also 9. Having declared unilateral independence in No- our hope that the Council will give a fresh mandate to vember last year, which was declared legally invalid the Secretary-General to intensify his mission of good by the Security Council, the Turkish Cypriot side has offices and call on all parties concerned to give their taken other steps, such as announcing its intention to wholehearted co-operation to him, which is essential to adopt a flag of its own in March this year and holding finding a just and lasting solution to the problem of “constitutional referendum” and “elections” in Cyprus. August and November 1984,‘respectively, as indicated in the Secretary-General’s report [S/Z6529]. The situa- 14. In addition to any their decisions the Council may tion has been further aggravated by the decision to wish to make, it should also examine the most effective exchange ambassadors. We have to bear in mind that all ways of implementing its previous resolutions on the these activities were set in motion by the Turkish Cyp- subject, preferably within a given time-frame.
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