... , " ... 2118 CH.A.ILEY. SUSSEX. (KELLY's Hlencowe and has three stained windows : there are 200 SCHOOLS:- sittings, and at the north entrance to the churchyard is a Industrial (for boys), average number, 66; Henry James lych gate. Tllere is also an iron mission room on the South Glover, superintendent common. Thompsett's charity, of £x3 7s. yearly, derived National (mixed), built with master's residence attached in from a cottage and land, left in 1770, by Thomas Thomp r853, for 150 boys & girls & so infants; average attend sett, of Chailey, is for education. On the Green is a village ance, u8 boys & girls & 40 infants; Felix I<'. Britten, reading room, supplied with newspapers and a bagatelle master; Mrs. Annie Britten, mistress; Miss Ada Lunt, table. The Chailey Industrial School for boys on the North infants' mistress common, an institution under the management of the Brigh CARRmRS TO:- ton and Preston School Board, has occupied since 1875 the BRIGHTON-William Allcorn, on wed. returning from the old buildings of the workhouse, which had been transfered in 'Unicorn' on thurs. ; Arthur King, from Newick, thurs. 1873 to new buildings at East Chiltington. The Chailey Hor returning from ' Druid's Head' on fri ticultural Society holds an exhibition yearly. A market for LEWES-William Allcorn, every tues. & sat. returning same fat and store stock, called theNewick and Chailey cattle mar days ; Allred Coppard, on tues. thurs. & sat. returning ket, is held here every other Monday at the" King's Head," same days and is superintended by Mr. J. A. Sanders, auctioneer, of RAILWAY STATION (Newick & Chailey).-George Henry Felling Bridge House, Lindfield; sales commence at 11.30 Gillham.
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