Appendix G Correspondence from Highways Department
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Appendix G Correspondence from Highways Department, Retrofittino of Noise Barriers on Fanling Highway .f' ., t L'l tar Inl ffiE{ã HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT ÈgTÊËEÈ MAJOR WOBKS PßOJECT MANAGEMENT OFFTCE fr iÉ /Lútt'irt il.e. ryjíi 8s $, î"t)c E¡'8(nïáåf t&7'r& 3, 5Er6lF, HO MAN TIN GOVERNMENT=' OFF|CES. 88 CHUNG HAU STREET, HOMANTIN, KOWLOON, HONG KONG ãËtfiËour Ref : (558X) in HMW SOsTWLtTtl *ÉËlt Your Bef :795471HO7-8992 1E ÊÉTel :2162s614 19 Ma¡ch 2007 Hyder-An:p-Black & Veatch Joint Venture c/o Hyder Consulting Limited 47lF Hopewell Centre 183 Queen's Road East Wan Chai Hong Kong y (Attn: Ivfr Terence Chan) lt t"7 Dear Sirs, 7 6805TH - RetroÍitting of Noise Barriers on Fanling llighway @ast Rail Fanling Station ûo Wo Eing Road) Interface with Widming of Tolo HighwayÆanling Ilighway Þetween Island House Interchange and f'anlius I refer to your above referenced letter dated 5.3.2M7 on the above subject. My reply using the numbering in your above lette¡ is as follows:- l. Design for the captioned noise barrier retrofit project is scheduled to commence after the appointment of consultaJrt for the captioned noise barrier retrofit project while construction is tontatively scheduled to sta¡t in 2009 for cornpletion in around 2O1 1; 2. I enclose drawing no. HMVr/6805TH-cL000l & CS000l showing rhe general layout plan and typical section for lhe captioned noise barier retrolit project; 3. Detailed design of noise ba¡riers and foundations wilI be available towards the end ofthe design stage; and 4. Temporary traffic management scheme will be designed by the consultant for the captioned noise barrier retrofit project during the Encl. cc CEllVfW2-l (Attn: MrKM Cheung)-w.le HABVJV- OAP (Attn: MrEric Chan)-ile HABVIV - BV (Aun: Mr pK Iæç) - ile HãHËß #É*Ë#ËfrffiÉFF EX fSï il¡o (5x¡ESx)ffi4A CYC!E IRACK PROPOSED CA¡II ILEVEREO NOISE BÂRRIERS (5+3MI aãfr TYPE A E)( I51 INC FOOfPÂfH ffiËÊÉÉfiffiËFËH #,thfrãfrnfr (3x)FUC ÀI,IENITY ÂRE PROPDSED VERTICAL NOISE EARRIERS (3M) IYPE C N.lf;trEåFffi (CRC EAST RÄIL 91ffiffi¡-e SECTION A - A fl ¡lj ã S droY¡ng t¡fle It Éf designed il I drom I Al 5 A droying no. l¿ øl sco¡e K;ü,P00N 22/O2/O1 PT,K.CHEN 22/02/01 HMll6805ïH-CS0001 zrÉH #€ kÉtÅãfrFffi tr!ffi ã^WÉtffi ËFHfi ËrË - øEE 0llcnMilc tr tU checkod ü ¡t opproved (ç) RETROFITTING^*Fffi OF NOISE BARRIERS ON FANLING HIGHWAY fiEIt'Ef COPYRI6HT RESERVED (EAST t(,c,HUNG 22/02/01 c,lr,cHov 22/02/07 RAIL FANLING STATION TO I{O HING ROAD) ADVANCE COPY lAt HIGHTAYS BF _ - TYPICAL SECTION ÈxfË!rÐd gË MAJoR lloRl(s PRoJECT M¡NACEIiaENT oFFICE ltÌ iãiä-IäiË' 4?D x 297 ^3 .